United States
       Environmental Protection
 For additional information:

 Call the Safe Drinking Water
 Hotline at 1 -800-426-4791; visit
 the EPA web site at
 or contact your primacy
 agency's drinking water

 See 40 CFR141.23 regarding
 lOCs; 40 CFR 141.24
 regarding VOCs and SOCs;
 and 40 CFR 141.26 regarding
The Standardized Monitoring  Framework:
A  Quick Reference  Guide
                                 Overview  of the  Framework
            The Standardized Monitoring Framework (SMF), promulgated in the
            Phase II Rule on January 30,1991 (56 FR 3526).
            To standardize, simplify, and consolidate monitoring requirements
            across contaminant groups. The SMF increases public health
            protection by simplifying monitoring plans and synchronizing
            monitoring schedules leading to increased compliance with
            monitoring requirements.
            The SMF reduces the variability within monitoring requirements for
            chemical and radiological contaminants across system sizes and
                                 Additional  Requirements
                                 The SMF outlined on these pages summarizes existing systems' ongoing federal
                                 monitoring requirements only. Primacy agencies have the flexibility to issue waivers,
                                 with EPA approval, which take into account regional and state specific
                                 characteristics and concerns. To determine exact monitoring requirements, the SMF
                                 must be used in conjunction with any EPA approved waiver and additional
                                 requirements as determined by the primacy agency.

                                 New water systems may have different and additional requirements as determined by
                                 the primacy agency.
 SMF  Benefits
                                 Implementation of the SMF results in
                                   Increased public health protection through monitoring consistency.
                                   A reduction in the complexity of water quality monitoring from a technical and
                                   managerial perspective for both primacy agencies and water systems.
                                   Equalizing of resource expenditures for monitoring and vulnerability
                                   Increased water system compliance with monitoring requirements.
                                 Regulated Contaminants   (Utilities  Covered
 Synthetic Organic
 Contaminants (SOCs)
 Volatile Organic
 Contaminants (VOCs)
Fifteen (15)
  (Nitrate, Nitrite, total
  Nitrate/Nitrite, and
  Asbestos are
  exceptions to SMF)
Fifty-One (51)
Four (4)
All PWSs
                                Office of Water (4606)   EPA 816-F-04-010   www.epa.gov/safewater
                                                            March 2004

              IOCS, SOCs, VOCs
                                       Second Cycle
                              1s1 Period    2nd Period    3rd Period     1st Period
                                                                                                 Third Cycle
                                                                                                      Period    3rd Period
             Ground water (Below MCL)
             Surface Water (Below MCL)
      Ground water and Surface Water (Above MCL)3
Reliably and Consistently
MCL for Groundwater Systems
Reliably and Consistently <. MCL for Surface Water Systems
> MCL or Not Reliably and Consistently
< Detect and No Waiver
Reliably and Consistently < MCL
  Detect or Not Reliably and Consistently < MCL
         Groundwater (Below Detection Limit)
< Detect, Vulnerability Assessment, and Waiver5
         Surface Water (Below Detection Limit)
< Detect, Vulnerability Assessment, and Waiver7
               Above Detection Limit
Reliably and Consistently < MCL
  Detect or Not Reliably and Consistently <. MCL

                                          STANDARDIZED MONITORING FRAMEWORK
                                                                                       Second Cycle
                                                                                   Third Cycle
                                                                           1st Period
3rd Period
1st Period
3rd Period

                              CWSs & NTNCWSs
         Surface Water with 4 Quarters of Results < 1/2 MCL9
         Groundwater Reliably and Consistently < MCL9
           1/2 MCL
         Reliably and Consistently < MCL
           1 /2 MC L or not Reliably and Consistently < MCL
        < Detection Limit
         > Detection Limit but * 1/2 MCL
        >1/2 MCL but s  MCL
No Waiver, Reliably and Consistently < MCL, or vulnerable to
asbestos contamination10





x I x | x

* = 1 sample at each entry point to distribution system
** = 2 quarterly samples at each EPTDS. Samples must be
taken during 1 calendar year during each 3-year compliance
**** = 4 quarterly samples at each EPTDS within time frame
designated by the primacy agency.
X = No sampling required unless required by the primacy
# = Systems must monitor at a frequency specified by the
primacy agency.
I = When allowed by the primacy agency, data collected
between June 2000 and December 8, 2003 may be
grandfathered to satisfy the initial monitoring requirements
due in 2004 for gross alpha, radium 226/228, and uranium.
                                                      'Until January 22, 2006 the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for arsenic is 50 ug/L; on January 23, 2006 the MCL for arsenic becomes 10 ug/L.
2Based on 3 rounds of monitoring at each EPTDS with all analytical results below the MCL. Waivers are not permitted under the current arsenic
requirements, however systems are eligible for arsenic waivers after January 23, 2006.	
3A system with a sampling point result above the MCL must collect quarterly samples, at that sampling point, until the system is determined by the
primacy agency to be reliably and consistently below the MCL.	______________________________
'Samples must be taken during the quarter which previously resulted in the highest analytical result. Systems can apply for a waiver after 3
consecutive annual sampling results are below the detection limit.         	
5Groundwater systems must update their vulnerability assessments during the time the waiver  is effective. Primacy agencies must re-confirm that
the system is non-vulnerable within 3 years of the initial determination  or the system must return to annual sampling	
6lf all monitoring results during initial quarterly monitoring are less than the detection limit, the system can take annual samples. If after a minimum
of 3 years of annual sampling with all analytical results less than the detection limit, the primacy agency can allow a system to take 1  sample
during each compliance period. Systems are also eligible lor a waiver.
'Primacy agencies must determine that a surface water system is non-vulnerable based on a vulnerability assessment during each compliance
period or; the system must return to annual sampling.	
slf all monitoring results during initial quarterly monitoring are less than the detection limit, the system can take annual samples. Systems are also
eligible for a waiver.	^	
^Samples must be taken during the  quarter which previously resulted in the highest analytical result	
'"Systems are required to monitor for asbestos during the first 3-year compliance period of each 9-year compliance cycle. A system vulnerable to
asbestos contamination due solely to corrosion of asbestos-cement pipe must take  1 sample at a tap served by that pipe. A system vulnerable to
asbestos contamination at the source must sample at each EPTDS.

