United States
           Environmental Protection
For  additional  information
on the Stage 1 DBPR

Call the Safe Drinking Water
Hotline at 1 -800-426-4791; visit
the EPA web site at
www.epa.gov/safewater; or
contact your State drinking
water representative.

Additional material is available
at www.epa.gov/safewater/
Stage  1   Disinfectants  and  Disinfec-
tion  Byproducts Rule:  Laboratory
Quick Reference  Guide
                                 Overview of the  Rule
             Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (Stage 1 DBPR)
             63 FR 69390 - 69476, December 16, 1998, Vol. 63, No. 241

             Revisions to the Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (IESWTR), the Stage 1
             Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (Stage 1 DBPR), and Revisions to State Primacy
             Requirements to Implement the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Amendments
             66 FR 3770, January 16, 2001, Vol. 66, No. 29
             Improve public health protection by reducing exposure to disinfection byproducts. Some
             disinfectants and disinfection byproducts (DBPs) have been shown to cause cancer and
             reproductive effects in lab animals and are suspected to cause bladder cancer and reproductive
             effects in humans.
             The Stage 1 DBPR is the first of a staged set of rules that will reduce the allowable levels of
             DBPs in drinking water. The new rule establishes seven new standards and a treatment
             technique of enhanced coagulation or enhanced softening to further reduce DBP exposure. The
             rule is designed to limit capital investments and avoid major shifts in disinfection technologies
             until additional information is available on the occurrence and health effects of DBPs.
                                 Critical  Deadlines  and  Requirements
                                 January 1,2002
                                 January 1,2004
                   Surface water systems and ground water systems under the direct influence of
                   surface water (GWUDI) serving > 10,000 people must comply with the Stage 1
                   DBPR requirements.
                   Surface water systems and GWUDI serving < 10,000, and all ground water systems
                   must comply with the Stage 1 DBPR requirements.
Chlorine dioxide
DBP precursors
                                                  Surface and GWUDI serving > 10,000
                                                  Surface and GWUDI serving 500 - 9,999
                                                  Surface and GWUDI serving < 500
                                                  Ground water serving > 10,000
                                                  Ground water serving < 10,000
                  Ozone plants
                  Chlorine dioxide plants
                  All systems
                  Chlorine dioxide plants
                  Conventional filtration systems
                                                 1 /plant/quarter
                                                 1 /plant/year in month of warmest water
                                                 1 /plant/quarter
                                                 1/plant/year in month of warmest water
                                                                                  Monthly at entrance to distribution system
                                                  Daily at entrance to distribution system;
                                                  monthly in distribution system
Same location and frequency as Total
Coliform Rule sampling
                                                 Daily at entrance to distribution system
Monthly for total organic carbon and
alkalinity or the SUVA alternative
                                                 if an MCL is exceeded.
                                                 optional  Bromide monitoring - See Stage 1
' System must increase monitoring to 1 sample per plant per quarter
T Reduced Bromate monitoring may be available based on results of
Laboratory  Considerations
  Obtain certification (or state approval) to perform new analyses.
  Become familiar with new monitoring requirements.
  Prepare for increased number of samples (e.g., storage, supplies, staff).
  Schedule to accommodate large number of samples, holding times, and demands on instrumentation.


(Sum of:
                                                 EPA 502.2
                        EPA 524.2
                                                     Sodium thiosultate (immediately acidify to pH<2 with HCI, if VOCs are
                                                     included In analysis), OR ascorbic acid and immediate acidification to pH<2
                                                     with HCI. Samples must be dechlorlnated prior to acidification.
                                                                                                   14 days at 4«C
                                                                                               40-120 mL glass
                                                                                               w/Teflon-lined septum
                        EPA 551.1
                             Sodium sulfite or ammonium chloride with a phosphate buffer (pH = 4.5 -
                                                                      14 days at 4BC/14 days
                                                                      at <-10*C
                        60 mL glass vial
                        w/Teflon-llned septum
(Sum of:
monochloroacetic acid
dichloroacetic acid
trlchloroacetic acid
monobromoacetic acid
dibromoacetic acid)
                                                 EPA 552.1
                                                                              Ammonium chloride
                                                                                                                            28 days at 49C away
                                                                                                                            from light/48 hours
                                                                                                                           >100 mL amber glass
                                                                                                                           w/Teflon-lined septum
                         EPA 552.2
                                                     Ammonium chloride
                                                                                                   14 days at 4BCaway
                                                                                                   from light/7 days at 49C
                                                                                                   or 14 days at <-1 (PC
                                                                                               >50 mL amber glass
                                                                                               w/Teflon-lined septum
                                                                              Ammonium chloride
                                                                                                                            9 days at 4fiC/21 days at
                                                                                                                            40 - 60 mL glass vial
                                                                                                                            w/Teflon-lined septum
Bromate *
                                                 EPA 300.1
                                                                                                                                                    28 days
                                                                                                                                                    > 30 mL plastic or glass
Bromide +
                         EPA 300.0
                         EPA 300.1
                                                                                                                                                    28 days
                                                                                                                            > 30 mL plastic or glass
Chlorite +
(Daily at entrance to
distribution system)
                                                 SM 4500-CIO, E
                                                                                                                                                    >500 mL plastic or glass
                         EPA 300.0
                         EPA 300.1
                                                                                                   14 days at 4°C protected
                                                                                                   from light
                                                                                               > 30 mL opaque plastic
                                                                                               or glass
Chlorite *
(Monthly in distribution
EPA 300.0
EPA 300.1
                                                                       14 days at 4SC protected
                                                                       from light
                        > 30 mL opaque plastic
                        or glass
                                                 Free-4500-CI D, F, G, H
                                    4.0 as CL
                                                 Combined - 4500-CI D, F, G
                                                                                                                                                    > 500 mL plastic or glass
                                                 Total - 4500-CI D, E, F, G, I
Chi ora mines +
                                    4.0 as CL
                                                 4500-CI D, E, F, G, I
                                                                                                                                                    > 500 mL plastic or glass
Chlorine Dioxide +
                                    0.8 as CIO,
                         4500-CIO, D, E
                                                                                                                                                    > 500 mL plastic or glass
                                                 EPA 150.1, 150.2, 4500 H+B,
                                                 or ASTM D1293-95
                                                                                                                            > 500 mL plastic or glass
DBP Precursors +
Treatment Technique:
Enhanced coagulation/
enhanced softening to
improve removal of DBP
precursors for suface
water systems using
conventional filtration
treatment or lime
                                                 SM 5310 B, C and D for TOC
                                                 or DOC portion of SUVA
                             Acidify TOC samples to pH < 2.
                             Filter DOC sample through 0.45 urn pore diameter filter as soon as possible
                             after collection (< 48 hours) and then acidify same as TOC.
                                                                       28 days stored at 4%
                                                                       and protected from light
                        >100 mL amber glass
                        w/Teflon-lined septum
SM 5910 B for UVaM portion of
Filter through 0.45  urn pore diameter filter as soon as possible after
collection (< 48 hours).
< 48 hours stored at 49C
and protected from light
> 100 mL amber glass
w/Teflon-lined septum
                                                 ASTM D1067-92B or SM 2320
                                                 B or 1-1030-85 for alkalinity
                                                                       14 days stored at 4eC
                                                                       and protected from light
                                                                                                                            > 200 mL plastic or glass
1 - Note the sample volumes specified in this table are estimates. The actual sample container volumes should be specified by the laboratory(s) performing the analyses.
+ - Indicates the analysis must be performed by a party approved by the state.
* - Indicates the laboratory must be certified to analyze the sample.
