820K88118                         August,  1987

                                 Health Advisory
                             Office of Drinking Water
                       U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
        The  Health Advisory (HA) Program, sponsored by the Office  of  Drinking
   Water (ODW), provides information on the health effects,  analytical  method-
   ology and treatment technology that would be useful in dealing  with  the
   contamination of drinking water.  Health Advisories describe nonregulatory
   concentrations of drinking water contaminants at which adverse  health  effects
   would not be anticipated to occur over specific exposure durations.  Health
   Advisories contain a margin of safety to protect sensitive  members o£  the

        Health Advisories serve as informal technical guidance to  assist  Federal,
   State and local officials responsible for protecting public health when
   emergency spills or contamination situations occur.  They are not  to be
   construed as legally enforceable Federal standards.  The HAs are subject to
   change as new information becomes available.

        Health Advisories are developed for one-day,  ten-day,  longer-term
   (approximately 7 years, or 10% of an individual's  lifetime) and lifetime
   exposures based on data describing noncarcinogenic end points of toxicity.
   Health Advisories do not quantitatively incorporate any potential  carcinogenic
   risk  from such exposure.  For those substances that are known or probable
   human carcinogens, according to the Agency classification scheme (Group A or
   B), Lifetime HAs are not recommended.  The chemical concentration  values for
   Group A or B carcinogens are correlated with carcinogenic risk  estimates by
   employing a cancer potency (unit risk) value together with  assumptions for
   lifetime  exposure and the consumption of drinking  water.  The cancer unit
   risk  is usually derived from the linear multistage model with 95%  upper
   confidence limits.  This provides a low-dose estimate of  cancer risk to
   humans that is considered unlikely to pose a carcinogenic risk  in  excess
   of  the stated values.  Excess cancer risk estimates may also be calculated
   using the One-hit, Weibull, Logit or Probit models.  There  is no current
   understanding of the biological mechanisms involved in cancer to suggest that
   any one of these models is able to predict risk more accurately than another.
   Because each model is based on differing assumptions,  the estimates  that are
   derived can differ by several orders of magnitude.

                                                            August, 1987

    CAS No.   88-85-7

    Structural Formula
            DNBP, dinitro, dinoseb (BSI, ISO, WSSA); dinosebe (Prance); Basanite
            (BASF Wyandotte); Caldon, Chemox General, Chemox PE, Chemsect DNBP,
            DN-289 (product discontinued), Dinitro, Dinitro-3, Dinitro General,
            Dynamite (Drexel Chemical); Elgetol 318, Gebutox, Hel-Fire (Helena);
            Kiloseb, Nitropone C, Premerge 3(Agway), Sinox General (FMC Corp.);
            Subitex, Unicrop DNBP, Vertac Dinitro Weed Killer 5, Vertac General
            Heed Killer, Vertac Selective Weed Killer (Meister, 1984).
         0  Dinoseb is used as a herbicide, desiccant and dormant fruit spray
            (Meister, 1984).
                                            Dark amber crystals

                                            1.2647 (45°C)
                                            (262eC) 100 mmHg

                                            0.05 g/100 ml
Properties  (WSSA, 1983)

        Chemical Formula
        Molecular Weight
        Physical State (room temp.)
        Boiling Point
        Melting Point
        Density (°C)
        Vapor Pressure
        Specific Gravity
        Water Solubility
        Log Octanol/Water Partition
        Taste Threshold
        Odor Threshold
        Conversion Factor.

            Dinoseb has been found in 1 of 79 surface water samples analyzed  and
            in 21 of 819 ground water samples (STORET, 1987).  Samples were
            collected at 70 surface water locations and 814 ground water  locations.

     Dinoseb                                                     August, 1987

             and dinoseb was found in California,  Georgia and Ohio.  The 85th
             percentile of all non-zero samples was 1  ug/L in surface water and
             10 ug/L in ground water sources.   The maximum concentration found in
             surface water was 1  ug/L and in ground water it was 100 ug/L.

          0  Dinoseb has been found in New York ground water; typical positives
             were 1  to 5 ppb (Cohen et al.,  1986).

     Environmental Pate

          0  Dinoseb was stable to hydrolysis at pH 5, 7, and 9 at 25"C over a
             period  of 30 days (Dzialo, 1984).

          0  With natural sunlight on a California sandy loam soil, dinoseb had a
             half-life of 14 hours; with artificial light, it had a half-life of
             30 hours, indicating that dinoseb is subject to photolytic degradation
             {Dinoseb Task Force, 1985a).

          0  In water with natural sunlight, dinoseb had a half-life of 14-18
             days; with artificial light, it had a half-life of 42-58 days (Dinoseb
             Task Force, 1985b).

          0  With soil TLC plates, dinoseb was intermediate to very mobile in a
             silt loam,  sand, sandy loam and silty clay loam (Dinoseb Task Force,

          0  Soil adsorption studies gave a K

    Dinoseb                                                     August,  1987
            acid)-4,6-diaminophenol,  2-(2-butyric acid)-4,6-dinitrophenol, 2-sec-
            butyl-4-nitro-6-aminophenol,  2-sec-butyl-4-acetamido-6-nitrophenol and
            2-(3-butyric acid)-4,6-dinitrophenol (Ernst and Bar,  1964; Froslie and
            Karlog,  1970;  Bandal  and  Casida,  1972).
            In mice,  dinoseb is  excreted in both urine (20%)  and feces (30%)
            following oral  administration (specific means of  administration not
            specified) (Gibson and Rao,  1973).
       Short-term Exposure

         0  While minimal data are available concerning human toxicity, at least
            one death has been attributed to an accidental exposure of a farm worker
            to sprayed dinoseb and dinitro-ortho-cresol (Heyndrickx et al., 1964).

       Long-term Exposure

         0  No information was found in the available literature on the long-term
            health effects of dinoseb in humans.
       Short-term Exposure

         •  In rats and mice,  the acute oral LD5Q of dinoseb ranges from 20 to
            40 mg/kg (Bough et al.,  1965).

       Dermal/Ocular Effects

         0  In rats, the acute dermal toxicity of dinoseb ranges from 67 to
            134 mg/kg (Noakes  and Sanderson, 1969).

         0  No information was found in the available literature on the dermal
            or ocular effects  of dinoseb in animals.

       Long-term Exposure

         e  Hall et al. (1978) reported the results (abstract only) of a feeding
            study in male and  female rats.  Eight groups of rats, each group
            composed of 14 males and 14 females, were exposed to levels of 0, 50,
            100, 150, 200, 300, 400 or 500 ppm of dinoseb (80% pure) in the diet
            for 153 days, respectively.  Assuming that 1 ppm in the diet of rats
            is equivalent to 0.05 mg/kg/day (Lehman, 1959), these levels correspond
            to 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0 and 25.0 mg/kg/day.  Mortality
            was observed at 300 ppm (15 mg/kg/day) and above, and growth was
            depressed at all dose levels.  The LOAEL for this study was identified
            as 50 ppm (2.5 mg/kg/day), the lowest dose tested.

Dinoseb                                                     August, 1987

     0  In a 6-month dietary study by Spencer et al. (1948), groups of male
        rats were exposed to dinoseb (99% pure) at levels of 0 (30 animals),
        1.35,  2.7,  5.4 (20 animals)  and 13.5 mg/kg/day (10 animals).  Based
        on increased mortality at the highest dose and an increase in liver
        weight at intermediate doses, the NOAEL for dinoseb was identified as
        2.7 mg/kg/day.

     0  In a study submitted to EPA in support of the registration of dinoseb
        (Hazleton,  1977), four groups of rats (60/sex/dose) were exposed to
        dinoseb (purity not specified) in their diets for periods up to two
        years at dose levels of 0, 1, 3 and 10 mg/kg/day, respectively.
        Although no evidence of dose-related changes in histopathology,
        hematology, blood chemistry or certain other parameters were observed,
        a dose-related decrease in mean thyroid weight was observed in all
        treated males.  The LOAEL in this study was identified as 1 mg/kg/day.

   Reproductive Effects

     0  In a reproduction study by Linder et al. (1982), four groups of ten
        male rats each were exposed to dinoseb (97% pure) in the diet at
        levels of 0, 3.8, 9.1 or 15.6 mg/kg/day over an 11-week period,
        respectively.  In addition,  a group of five animals was exposed to
        22.2 mg/kg/day.  The fertility index was reduced to 0 at 22.2 mg/kg
        and to 10%  at 15.6 mg/kg/day; in neither case did the fertility index
        improve in  104 to 112 days following treatment.  A variety of other
        effects were seen at levels  of 9.1  mg/kg/day and higher,  including
        decreased weight of the seminal vesicles,  decreased sperm count and
        an increased incidence of abnormal  sperm.   The NOAEL for dinoseb in
        this study  was 3.8 mg/kg/day based  on a decrease in sperm count and
        other  effects at higher levels.

     0  In a 2-generation rat reproduction  study (Irvine, 1981),  four groups
        of rats (25/sex/dose) were exposed  to 0, 1,  3,  and 10 mg/kg/day of
        dinoseb in  the diet for 29 weeks.   Although no reproductive effects
        were observed in this study  per se,  a decrease in pup body weight was
        observed at day 21  post-parturition for all dose levels.   Thus, based
        on a compound-related depression in pup body weight at all dose
        levels, the LOAEL in this study was 1  mg/kg/day.

   Developmental Effects

     0  Although dinoseb has been reported  to be teratogenic (e.g.,  oligodactyly,
        imperforate anus, hydrocephalus,  etc.)  when administered  to mice
        intraperitoneally (Gibson,  1973), it was not teratogenic  when admini-
        stered orally to mice (Gibson,  1973;  Gibson  and Rao,  1973)  or rats
        (Spencer and Sing,  1982).

     0  Dinoseb (95% pure),  administered  to  pregnant rats in the  diet on
        days 6 through 15 of gestation, produced a  marked reduction  in  fetal
        survival at doses of 9.2  mg/kg/day  and  above but not at doses of
        6.9 mg/kg/day (NOAEL)  and  below  (Spencer and Sing,  1982).

   Dinoseb                                                      August,  1987

        0   Dinoseb  (purity  not  specified) was  without  effect in a study in which
           pregnant mice were orally  exposed to  a  single dose of 15 mg/kg/day
           (Chernoff and Kavlock,  1983).

        0   In  a developmental toxicity study by  Research and Consulting Company
           (1986),  four groups  of  16  Chinchilla  rabbits were exposed to dinoseb
           (98% pure) by oral gavage  at levels of  0, 1, 3  or 10 mg/kg/day from
           day 6  to 18 of gestation.  At  the highest dose  level dinoseb produced
           a statistically  significant increase  in malformations and/or anomalies
           when compared to the controls, with external, internal (body cavities
           and cephalic viscera) and  skeletal  defects  being  observed in 11/16
           litters  examined.  Neural  tube defects, the major developmental toxic
           effect,  included dyscrania associated with  hydrocephaly, scoliosis,
           kyphosis, malformed  or  fused caudal and sacral  vertebrae and
           encephalocele.   The  NOAEL  for  dinoseb in this study was identified as
           3.0 mg/kg/day, based on the occurrence  of neural  tube defects at the
           highest  dose level.

        0   In  a study by the Dinoseb  Task Force  (1986), developmental toxicity
           was observed in  Wistar/Han rats.  Groups of 25  rats received dinoseb
           (purity  96.1%) by gavage at levels  of 0, 1, 3 or  10 mg/kg/day from
           day 6  to 15 of gestation.  Developmental toxicity was observed at the
           high dose as evidenced  by  a slight  depression in  fetal body weight,
           increased incidence  of  absence of skeletal  ossification for a number
           of  sites and an  increase in the number  of supernumerary ribs.  Slight
           to  moderate decreases in body  weight  gain and food consumption was
           observed in dams at  the intermediate- and high-dose levels.  Based on
           the occurrence of developmental effects at  the  highest dose level, a
           NOAEL  of 3.0 mg/kg/day  was identified.


        0   With the exception of an increase in  DNA damage in bacteria (waters,
           et  al.,  1982), dinoseb  was not mutagenic in a number of organisms
           including Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces
           cerevisiae, Drosophila  melanogaster or  Bacillus subtilis (Simmon
           et  al.,  1977; Waters et al.,  1982;  Moriyta  et al., 1983).


        0   No  evidence of a carcinogenic  response  was  observed in a 2-year
           chronic  feeding  study in which dinoseb  was  administered to rats at
           levels as high as 10 mg/kg/day (Hazleton,  1977).


        Health Advisories  (HAs) are generally  determined  for one-day, ten-day,
   longer-term (approximately  7 years) and  lifetime exposures if adequate data
   are available  that  identify  a sensitive  noncarcinogenic end point of toxicity.
   The HAs for noncarcinogenic  toxicants  are derived using the following formula;

                 HA *  (NOAEL or LOAEL) x (BW)  =  	 mg/L  (	 ug/L)
                        (UF) x  (	 L/day)


     Over approximately the last 18 months, HEB/ODW has been
developing a Health Advisory (HA) for the herbicide Dinoseb.
Among other toxic endpoints, the Dinoseb HA notes that there is
a positive rabbit oral teratology study with a NOAEL of 3 mg/kg/day-
the basis of the proposed Ten-day HA value.

      Subsequent to the latest HEB revision of the Dinoseb HA, a
rabbit dermal teratology study and certain other studies became
available.  Both the rabbit dermal teratology study and the -
other studies are currently under Agency review.  However, the
rabbit dermal teratology is positive with a NOAEL of 1 mg/kg/day.
In addition, the same toxic effect, neural tube defects, was
observed in both the oral and dermal teratology studies.


     While no final decision concerning Dinoseb can be made until
all available data have undergone Agency review, the dermal
teratology raises certain issues of concern to ODW.  Specifically:

0 Exposure to both the embryo and fetus is determined by the
  mother's exposure.  Thus, in the case of a teratogen, woman of
  child bearing age are the group of principal interest.

0 In the case of an adult - i.e. woman of child bearing age - the
  HA values are based on the consumption of 2 liters of water per
  day by a 70-kg adult.

° Considerably more water is used to bathe (roughly 100 L/day)
  than is ingested (2 L/dayJT

0 Toxic amounts of Dinoseb can be readily absorbed dermally - i.e.,
  the dermal NOAEL of 1 mg/kg/day is less than the oral NOAEL of
  3 mg/kg/day.

0 Since bathing and other practices involve dermal exposure to
  drinking water contaminants, it is at least possible that the
  dermal absorption of Dinoseb may result in significant exposure.

     Until the issue of the dermal absorption of Dinoseb is
resolved, ODW believes the following procedure should be used to
allow for the positive dermal teratology study.


A. Interim

     Until such time as detailed data concerning the dermal
absorption of Dinoseb are available, it is suggested that, on an
interim basis, an HA value of 3.5 ug/L be used to evaluate all
exposure situations (e.g. One-day, Ten-day etc.) where significant
dermal exposure may be involved.  This conclusion is based on
the following analysis which suggests that a level of 3.5 ug
Dinoseb/L will offer adequate protection against both the oral
and dermal teratogenic potential of Dinoseb:
Oral and dermal HA


       1 mg/kg/day

             70 kg


         102 L/day
(1 mg/kg/day)(70 kg)

  (100)(102 L/day)
0.007 mg/L (7 ug/L)
tentative NOAEL in rabbit dermal teratogenic

assumed body weight of a woman of child
bearing age.

uncertainty factor, chosen in accordance with
NAS/ODW guidelines for use with a NOAEL from
an animal study.

possible volume of water from which all
Dinoseb is either absorbed dermally (100 L)
or ingested (2 L).  While this value is
possibly overly conservative, it provides
an interim worst case until such time as
Dinoseb dermal absorption studies (in
progress) are available.
     Normally, ODW uses a Relative Source Contribution (RSC) factor
of 20% when the actual RSC is unknown.  However, since it is at
least possible that the RSC may be of some magnitude (due to
dermal absorption), ODW has determined that it is appropriate to
use an RSC of 50% in this case.  Using an RSC of 50%, ODW recommends
that an HA value of 3.5 ug/L (7.0 ug/L x 50%) not be exceeded.

B. Final

     Any final conclusion must await the results of ongoing
Dinoseb dermal absorption studies.

Dinoseb                                                        August, 1987


        NOAEL or LOAEL * No- or Lowest-Observed-Adverse-Effect-Level
                         in mg/Jcg bw/day.

                    BW - assumed body weight of a child (10 kg) or
                         an adult (70 kg).

                    UF « uncertainty factor (10, 100 or 1,000), in
                         accordance with NAS/ODW guidelines.

             	 L/day = assumed daily water consumption of a child
                         (1 L/day) or an adult (2 L/day).

One-day Health Advisory

     No information was found in the available literature that was suitable
for determination of the One-day HA value.  It is therefore recommended that
the Ten-day HA value for a 10-kg child (0.3 mg/L, calculated below) be used
as a conservative estimate of the One-day HA value.

Ten-day Health Advisory

     The rabbit developmental toxicity. study (Research and Consulting Co.,
1986) in which dinoseb produced neural tube defects at doses greater than 3
mg/kg/day (NOAEL) was selected as the basis for determination of the Ten-day
HA.  While it is reasonable to base a Ten-day HA for the adult on a positive
developmental toxicity study, there is some question as to whether it is
appropriate to base the Ten-day HA for a 10-kg child on a such a study.
However, since this study is of appropriate duration and since the fetus may
be more sensitive than a 10-kg child, it was judged that, while it may be
overly conservative, it is reasonable to base the Ten-day HA for a 10-kg
child on such a study.

     Using a NOAEL of 3.0 mg/kg/day, the Ten-day HA for a 10-kg child is
calculated as follows:

         Ten-day HA = (3.0 mg/kg/day) (10 kg) = 0.3 mg/L  (300 ug/L)
                          (100) (1 L/day)


        3.0 mg/kg/day = NOAEL, based on the absence of teratogenic effects
                        in rabbits.

                10 kg = assumed body weight of a child.

                  100 = uncertainty factor; chosen in accordance with NAS/ODW
                        guidelines for use with a NOAEL from an animal study.

              1  L/day = assumed daily water consumption of a child.

Dinoseb                                                     August, 1987


Longer-term Health Advisory

     The Hall et al. (1978) 153-day dietary dinoseb study in rats was
originally selected to serve as the basis for determination of the Longer-
term HA (decreased growth was observed at all exposure levels with a LOAEL of
2.5 mg/kg/day).  Subsequently, however, a 2-generation reproduction study in
rats (Irvine, 1981) was identified with a LOAEL of 1 mg/kg/day (based on a
decrease in pup body weight at all dose levels).  Since a reproduction study
is of appropriate duration, the Irvine ( 1 981 ) study has been selected to serve
as the basis for determination of the Longer-term HA.

     Using a LOAEL of 1 mg/kg/day, the Longer-term HA for a 1 0-kg child is
calculated as follows:

       Longer-term HA - (1'° mg/kg/day) (10 kg) „ 0.010 mg/L (10 ug/L)
                           (1,000) (1 L/day)


        1.0 mg/kg/day * LOAEL, based on decreased pup body weight.

                1 0 kg « assumed body weight of a child .

                1,000 » uncertainty factor; chosen in accordance with NAS/ODW
                        guidelines for use with a LOAEL from an animal study.

              1 L/day » assumed daily water consumption of a child.

     The Longer-term HA for a 70-kg adult is calculated as follows:
       Longer-term HA = (UO ^Ag/day) (70 kg) . Oi035   /L (35   /L)
                          (1,000)  (2 L/day)


        1.0 mg/kg/day = LOAEL, based on decreased pup body weight.

                70 kg » assumed body weight of an adult.

                1,000 » uncertainty factor? chosen in accordance with NAS/ODW
                        guidelines for use with a LOAEL from an animal study.

              2 L/day » assumed daily water consumption of an adult.

Lifetime Health Advisory

     The Lifetime HA represents that portion of an individual's total exposure
that is attributed to drinking water and is considered protective of noncar-
cinogenic adverse health effects over a lifetime exposure.  The Lifetime HA
is derived in a three-step process.  Step 1 determines the Reference Dose
(RfD), formerly called the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI).  The RfD is an esti-
mate of a daily exposure to the human population that is likely to be without
appreciable risk of deleterious effects over a lifetime, and is derived from

Dinoseb' *-••"•• •---                                           August,  1987

 the  NOAEL  (or LOAEL), identified from a chronic  (or subchronic) study,  divided
 by an uncertainty factor(s).  From the RfD, a Drinking Water  Equivalent Level
 (OWEL) can be determined (Step 2).  A DWEL is a  medium-specific (i.e.,  drinking
 water) lifetime exposure level, assuming 100% exposure from that medium,  at
 which adverse, noncarcinogenic health effects would not be" expected  to  occur.
 The  DWEL is derived from the multiplication of the RfD by  the assumed body
 weight of an adult and divided by the assumed daily water  consumption of  an
 adult.  The Lifetime HA is determined in Step 3  by factoring  in other sources
 of exposure, the relative source contribution (RSC).  The  RSC from drinking
 water is based on actual exposure data or, if data are not available, a
 value of 20% is assumed for synthetic organic chemicals and a value  of  10%
 is assumed for inorganic chemicals.  If the contaminant is classified as  a
 Group A or B carcinogen, according to the Agency's classification scheme  of
 carcinogenic potential  (U.S. EPA, 1986), then caution should be exercised in
 assessing the risks associated with lifetime exposure to this chemical.

     The 2-year dietary rat study by Hazelton (1977) was selected to
 serve as the basis for determination of the Lifetime HA.   In  this study,  a
 compound-related decrease in mean thyroid weights was observed in all males
 (LOAEL « 1 mg/kg/day) treated with dinoseb (purity not specified).

     Using a LOAEL of 1 mg/kg/day, the Lifetime  HA for a 70 kg adult is
 calculated as follows:

 Step 1:  Determination of the Reference Dose (RfD)

                    RfD = (1 mg/kg/day) , 00001  nig/kg/day


        1 mg/kg/day = LOAEL, based on decreased  thyroid weight in male  rats
                      exposed to dinoseb via the diet for  up  to two  years.

              1,000 = uncertainty factor; chosen in accordance with  NAS/ODW
                      guidelines for use with a LOAEL from an animal study.

 Step 2:  Determination of the Drinking Water Equivalent Level (DWEL)

                DWEL = (0.001  mg/kg/day) (70 kg) = 0>035   /L
                               (2 L/day)


        0.001  mg/kg/day = RfD.

                  70 kg = assumed body weight of an adult.

                2 L/day = assumed daily water consumption of an adult.

Step 3:   Determination of the  Lifetime Health Advisory

            Lifetime HA = (0.035 mg/L)  (20%)  = 0.007 mg/L  (7 ug/L)

      Dinoseb                                                       August,  1987



              0.035 mg/L  »  DWEL.

                     20%  =  assumed  relative  source contribution from water.

      Evaluation of Carcinogenic  Potential

           0   No evidence of  carcinogenic!ty was  found in a 2-year dietary study
              in which  dinoseb  was  administered to rats at levels  as high as 10
              mg/kg/day (Hazleton Labs,  1977).

           0   The International Agency for Research on Cancer has  not evaluated the
              carcinogenic  potential  of  dinoseb.

           0   Applying  the  criteria described in  EPA's guidelines  for assessment
              of carcinogenic risk  (U.S.  EPA, 1986), dinoseb is classified in
              Group D:   not classified.   This group is for agents  with indadequate
              human and animal  evidence  of carcinogenicity.


           0   Tolerances  have been  established  for dinoseb (40 CFR 180.281)  at
              0.1 ppm on  a  wide variety  of agricultural commodities.

           0   The EPA RfD Workgroup approved a  0.001 mg/kg/day RfD for dinoseb.
              The EPA RfD Workgroup is an EPA wide group whose function is to
              ensure that consistent  RfD values are used throughout the EPA.


           0   Analysis  of dinoseb is  by  a gas chromatographic (GC) method applicable
              to the determination  of certain chlorinated acid pesticides in water
              samples  (U.S. EPA,  1985).   In  this  method, approximately 1 liter of
              sample is acidified.  The  compounds are extracted with ethyl ether
              using a separatory  funnel.  The derivatives are hydrolyzed with
              potassium hydroxide,  and extraneous organic material is removed by
              a solvent wash.  After  acidification, the acids are  extracted and
              converted to  their  methyl  esters  using diazomethane  as the derivatizing
              agent. Excess  reagent  is  removed,  and the esters are determined by
              electron  capture  GC.  The  method  detection limit has been estimated
              at 0.07 ug/L  for  dinoseb.


           0   The treatment technologies which  will remove dinoseb from water include
              activated carbon  and  ion exchange.   No data were found for the removal
              of dinoseb from drinking water by conventional treatment or by aeration.
              However,  limited  data suggest  that  aeration would not be effective in
              the removal of  dinoseb  from drinking water (ESE, 1984).

Dinoseb                                                       August, 1987

        Becker and Wilson (1978) reported on the treatment of a contaminated
        lake water with three activated carbon columns operated in series.
        The columns processed about 2 million gallons of lake water and
        achieved a 99.98 percent removal of dinoseb.  Weber and Gould (1966)
        performed successful isotherm tests using Columbia LC carbon, which
        is coconut based, and reported the following Langmuirian equilibrium

               Q = 444 mg dinojseb per g of carbon

             1/b - 1.39 mg/L

        Though the Langmuir equation provides a good fit over a broad
        concentration range, greater adsorption would probably be achieved at
        lower concentrations (less than 100 ug/L) than predicted by using
        these constants.

        Weber (1972) has classified dinoseb as an acidic pesticide; and such
        compounds have been readily adsorbed in large amounts by ion exchange
        resins.  Harris and Warren (1964) studied the adsorption of dinoseb
        from aqueous solution by anion exchanger (Amberlite* IRA-400) and a
        cation exchanger (Amberlite* IR-200).  The anion exchanger adsorbed
        dinoseb to less than detectable limits in solution.

    Dinoseb                                                       August, 1987



    Bandal, S.K.,  and J.E.  Casida.   1972.  Metabolism and photoalteration of
         2-sec-butyl-4,6-dinitrophenol (DNBP herbicide) and its isopropyl carbonate
         derivative (dinobuton acaricide).  J. Agr. Food Chem.  20:1235-1245.

    Becker, D.L. and Wilson,  S.C.   1978.   The use of activated carbon for the
         treatment of pesticides and pestididal wastes.  In  Carbon Adsorption
         Handbook (D.H.  Cheremisinoff and F. Ellerbusch, Eds.}.  Ann Arbor Science
         Publishers, Ann Arbor, MI.

    Bough, R.G., E.E. Cliffe and B.  Lessel.  1965.  Comparative toxicity and blood
         level studies on binapacryl and DNBP.  Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 7:353-360.

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