Resource List for Stormwater Management Programs
                                          May 2004
                                      EPA 833-F-04-003

This is a list of helpful resources for stormwater program managers. It is by no means a comprehensive
list as there are too many helpful materials produced by too many organizations.  This list is meant to
highlight EPA's tools and resources to get stormwater programs managers started on developing or
improving their programs.

This list is divided into six sections—general stormwater information, public education and outreach, illicit
discharge detection and elimination, construction site runoff control, post-construction site runoff control,
and pollution prevention/good housekeeping.

General Stormwater Information
       •     EPA Stormwater Website - This EPA website contains technical and regulatory information
            about the NPDES stormwater program. It is organized according to the three types of
            regulated stormwater discharges—construction activities, industrial activities, municipal
            separate storm sewer systems.
            www. e pa. g o v/n pd es/sto rmwate r

            2003 Construction General Permit - This 59-page document is EPA's new Construction
            General Permit (CGP).

            Construction General Permit - The website describes EPA's construction general permit
            and provides links to fact sheets and the new electronic notice of intent web site.
            www. e pa. g o v/n pd es/sto rmwate r/cg p

            Construction Industry Compliance Assistance Center - This website, developed by the
            National Center for Manufacturing Sciences, provides explanations of environmental rules
            for the construction industry. Also provided are links to detailed information, including state
            regulations and other resources.

            EnviroFacts Data Warehouse - EPA's one-stop resource for environmental topics.
            Includes advanced search capabilities for maps, reports and queries.

            EPA's Electronic Stormwater Notice of Intent (eNOI) Homepage - This online resource
            allows construction sites and Industrial facilities to apply for EPA's General Construction
            Permit (GCP) or Multi-Sector General  Permit (MSGP-2000) electronically.

            Fact Sheet on EPA's 2003 CGP  - This 38-page document describes EPA's CGP.

            Institutional Aspects of Urban Runoff Management: A Guide for Program
            Development and Implementation. This book by The Watershed Management Institute

contains a comprehensive review of the institutional frameworks behind successful urban
runoff management programs.  Includes summaries of 32 successful programs.

Menu of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Phase II - This EPA website contains
more than 100 fact sheets detailing BMPs for each minimum control measures.

Measurable Goals Guidance - EPA developed this website to help small MS4 communities
select measurable goals to evaluate their program.

Nonpoint Source News Notes - A periodic report on the condition of water-related
environment, the control of nonpoint water pollution and ecological management and
restoration of wetlands.

NPDES News - Use this website to sign up for EPA's NPDES News listserverto receive
updates on the EPA's NPDES program.

NPSINFO - Nonpoint Source Pollution Information listserve is a forum for open discussion of
nonpoint source pollution issues.  Participants exchange information on urban runoff,
hydrologic modification, technology and more. Sponsored by the EPA's Office of Wetlands,
Oceans and Watersheds.

Operation, Maintenance and Management  of Stormwater Management Systems -
Developed in cooperation with the EPA's Office of Water, this manual contains a
comprehensive review of the technical, educational and institutional elements needed to
build, maintain and operate a stormwater management system.

Stormwater: The Journal for Surface Water Quality Professionals - This online
publication features articles, interviews and news about water quality improvement and

Stormwater Authority - A comprehensive online source for relevant information, news,
events and education on stormwater.

Stormwater Case Study: Monroe County, New York - Monroe County enlists the aid of
volunteers to help monitor streams and large  water bodies.

Stormwater Control Operation and  Maintenance Model Ordinance - EPA developed this
web site to assist managers in developing their own ordinances.

Stormwater Phase II Final Rule Fact Sheet Series - EPA developed these fact sheets to
explain the Phase II rule, minimum control measures and permitting.

Storm Water Management for Construction Activities: Developing Pollution Prevention
Plans and Best Management Practices - This manual provides detailed guidance on the
development of storm water pollution  prevention plans (SWPPP) and identification of best

            management practices (BMPs) for construction activities. It provides technical assistance
            and support for all construction activities subject to pollution prevention requirements
            established under NPDES permits for storm water point source discharges. It includes a set
            of worksheets, a checklist, and a sample SWPPP (EPA 832-R-92-005).

            Stormwater Management - Center for Watershed Protection developed this website to
            provide managers with links to helpful manuals and other web sites.

            Stormwater Manager's Resource Center - This website has many resources for
            stormwater managers, including guidance documents, slide shows, model ordinances, and
            fact sheets.
            http ://www. sto rmwate

            Stormwater Phase II Fact Sheet Series - EPA developed this website to provide links to
            15 helpful fact sheets.

            Stormwater Practices for Cold Climates - The document, developed by the Center for
            Watershed Protection can be downloaded for free.

            International Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Database- This database,
            developed under a cooperative agreement between EPA and ASCE, provides access to
            BMP performance data for 200 BMP studies conducted over the past 15  years.

            Catching the Rain: a Great Lakes Resource Guide for Natural Stormwater
            Management- This report by American Rivers outlines natural stormwater management
            approaches appropriate for the great lakes region. It demonstrates alternative stormwater
            management techniques.

            UNH Stormwater Research  Center - The University of New Hampshire's online stormwater
            database contains factsheets, research materials, articles and links to other stormwater

            Watershed Academy Web: Online Training in Watershed Management - This online
            distance learning program offers self-paced training modules for a basic introduction to the
            watershed management field.

Public Education and Outreach
            After the Storm Video (EPA 840-V-04-001) - New 1/4 hour television program about
            watersheds co-produced by EPA and The Weather Channel premiered on Feb. 4, 2004.

            American Oceans Campaign - This website has helpful materials for educating the public,
            such as a video narrated by Ted Danson, links to stormwater resources in California, and a
            special report developed by AOC.

            City of Los Angeles Stormwater Program - This expansive site includes links to public
            outreach resources, industry BMPs, teacher workshops and educational  programs, and

much more.

Communicator's Guide for Federal, State, Regional, and Local Communicators - The
Federal Communicator's Network developed this guide to offer some general guidance to
improve the trust between government and the public by helping officials communicate
clearly to the public and by making government's message relevant.

Community Culture and the Environment: A Guide to Understanding a Sense of Place,
Nov. 2002 (EPA 842-B-01-003)
The Guide was developed by EPA and explores the concepts of community and culture and
provides tools for identifying, assessing,  and working cooperatively within the social
dynamics and local values connected to  environmental protection.

Earthwater Stencils - This site provides ideas for public involvement activities for
stormwater programs.

Enviroscapes - Website for manufacturer of realistic, three-dimensional models of
watersheds, landfills, wetlands and more. An effective demonstration tool for students
interested in learning about point sources and non point sources of water pollution.

Getting In Step: A Guide for Conducting Watershed Outreach Campaigns, (EPA 841-B-
03-002) - The Getting in Step watershed outreach guidebook provides some of the tools you
will need to develop and implement an effective watershed outreach plan. If you're a
watershed practitioner trained in the sciences, this manual will help you address public
perceptions, promote management activities, and inform or  motivate stakeholders.

Getting in Step: Engaging and Involving Stakeholders in Your Watershed - This
document, developed by EPA, provides the tools needed to effectively identify, engage, and
involve stakeholders throughout a watershed to restore and maintain healthy environmental

Kids, Students, Teachers - This EPA website provides  information and curricula on
educating a variety of age groups on the environment and water pollution.

Know Your Watershed - This website, developed by the Conservation Technology
Information Center, has a good list of helpful resources (including guidebooks) for watershed

Polluted Runoff (Non Point Source Pollution): Outreach - This EPA website contains
information and  links to a variety of non point source pollution documents, factsheets,
testimonials, videos and more.

Public Education and Outreach Menu  of BMPs - This website has links to 14 facts sheets
on different BMPs for educating the public.

            Public Involvement and Participation Menu of BMPs- This EPA website has links to 10
            fact sheets detailing ideas and activities n how to get the public involved.

            Stormwater Month Outreach Materials and Reference Documents - EPA has developed
            a set of materials that state or local governments can customize and use in their own
            stormwater outreach campaigns.
            www. e pa. g o v/n pd es/sto rmwate rmo nth

            Think Blue San Diego - This site provides an overview of San Diego's stormwater pollution
            prevention program Think Blue San Diego. Includes program objectives and organization.

            Volunteer Monitoring - Check out this EPA website to download helpful fact sheets and
            methods manuals, learn about upcoming events, and link to other helpful resources.

            Water Environment Federation for Students - Check out ths web page to download
            WEF's materials and curricula for educating various age groups.  Also provides information
            in Spanish.

Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
       •    Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination: A Guidance Manual for Program
            Development and Technical Assessments - This comprehensive manual outlines
            practical, low-cost and effective illicit discharge detection and identification techniques.

       •    Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Manual - The New England Interstate Water
            Pollution Control Commission developed this manual to provide an overview of the IDDE
            component of the Phase II regulations and practical information on various approaches
            municipalities can use to carry out the requirements of the regulations.

            Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Menu of BMPs- This EPA web site
            links to 8 fact sheets outlining various IDDE best management practices.

            Illicit Discharges Model Ordinances - EPA developed this website to assist managers in
            developing their own ordinances.

            Investigation of Inappropriate Pollutant Entries into Storm Drainage Systems: A
            User's Guide Information to allow the design and conduct of local investigations to identify
            the types and to estimate the magnitudes of non-stormwater entries into storm  drainage
            systems (EPA-600-R-92-238).

            Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) - EPA developed this website to  provide more
            information on SSOs, including fact sheets and an SSO toolbox.

Construction Site Runoff Control
            Best Management Practices for South Florida Urban Stormwater Management
            Systems - The South Florida Water Management District has prepared this document to

            increase public awareness about the management of urban stormwater runoff and how best
            management practices (BMPs) can be used to improve water quality.

            Construction Site Runoff Control Menu of BMPs - This EPA website links to 39 fact
            sheets outlining various IDDE best management practices.

            Erosion and Sediment Control Model Ordinances -  EPA developed this website to assist
            managers in developing their own ordinances.

            International Erosion Control Association - The International Erosion Control Association
            is a non-profit, member organization that provides education and resource information for
            professionals in the erosion and sediment control industry.

            International Stormwater Best Management Practices Database - This database
            provides access to BMP performance data for about 200 BMP studies conducted over the
            past 15 years.

            Kentucky Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Field Guide - Comprehensive guide
            to Kentucky's BMPs for erosion and sediment control for highway construction projects.

            Storm Water Management for Construction Activities:  Developing Pollution
            Prevention Plans and Best Management Practices - This manual provides detailed
            guidance on the development of storm water pollution prevention plans (SWPPP) and
            identification of best management practices (BMPs) for construction activities. It provides
            technical assistance and support for all construction activities subject to pollution prevention
            requirements established  under NPDES permits for storm water point source discharges. It
            includes a set of worksheets, a checklist, and a sample SWPPP (EPA 832-R-92-005).

Post-Construction Site Runoff Control
            Bioretention Applications. EPA Fact Sheet - Two case studies (in Largo, Maryland, and
            Tampa, Florida) demonstrate the potential to use low impact development practices in the
            design of new parking facilities and as retrofits for existing  parking facilities to reduce runoff
            volume and remove pollutants. Includes monitoring data.

            Green Roofs for Healthy Cities - This non-profit industry  association's website collects and
            publishes technical information on green roof products and services.

            Low Impact Development Center - The Low Impact Development Center strives to help
            communities use  proper site design techniques to protect their water resources.

            Low Impact Development Practices for Stormwater Management - This technical
            information resource sponsored by the housing industry discusses building products,
            materials, new technologies, business management and housing systems.

            Low-Impact Development Page - This page, developed by EPA, provides links to EPA

documents and other helpful organization's web sites.

Low Impact Development Integrated Management Practices Guide - Prince George's
County Maryland developed this manual to push the site design envelope to show how
stormwater controls can be integrated into a site in innovative ways. The practices are pure
concepts which are presented to provide the user with examples of what could  be done to
control stormwater.

Low Impact Development: Urban Design Tools - This site provides watershed managers
with tools and techniques for meeting regulatory and receiving water protection program
goals for urban retrofits, redevelopment projects and new development sites.

Natural Approaches to Stormwater Management - This book, produced by the Puget
Sound Action Team, showcases early examples of the efforts of planners, developers and
engineers to transition to low impact development.

Post Construction Controls Model Ordinance - EPA developed this website to assist
managers in developing their own ordinances.

Post-Construction Site Runoff Control Menu of BMPs - This EPA website links to 39
fact sheets outlining various structural and non-structural best management practices for
post-construction runoff control.

Puget Sound Online: Low Impact Development -  Sponsored by the Puget Sound Action
Team Partnership, this web page addresses issues and innovations in low impact

Smart Growth - This EPA site provides information  on various smart growth topics and EPA
funding sources, and links to other helpful web sites.

Smart Growth Online - Sponsored  by the Smart Growth Network, this site is a forum for
discussing smart growth BMPs, innovative policies, tools and ideas.

Smart Growth for Clean Water: Helping Communities Address the Water Quality
Impacts of Sprawl - This report from the National Association of Local Government
Environmental Professionals identifies five smart growth approaches, and profiles several
local partnerships that have reaped the economic and environmental benefits of these

Street Storage for Combined Sewer Surcharge Control: reducing the rate of runoff
entering combined sewer systems using street storage and catch basin modifications - Two
case studies in Illinois. October 2000. EPA-841-B-00-005C.

Street Storage System for Control of Combined Sewer Surcharge: Retrofitting

            Stormwater Storage into Combined Sewer Systems. EPA Report: EPA/600/R-00/065
            available in PDF. Also available through NTIS: NTIS NO: PB2000-107451.

            Vegetated Roof Cover: EPA Fact Sheet, EPA-841-B-00-005D. Case study in Philadelphia,
            Pennsylvania on vegetated roofs.  The study demonstrates the use of a vegetated roof to
            reduce runoff, conserve energy and improve community aesthetics. Includes design
            information and monitoring data.

Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping
            National Management Measures to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution from Urban
            This draft document contains information on the best available methods to economically
            reduce urban-generated surface and ground water pollution .

            Pollution Prevention and Good  Housekeeping Menu of BMPs - This EPA web site links
            to 31 fact sheets outlining various best management practices for pollution prevention and
            good housekeeping.

            Techniques for Tracking, Evaluating and Reporting the Implementation of Non Point
            Source Control Measures - This EPA guidance helps federal, state, regional and local
            environmental professionals track the implementation of BMPs used to control  urban non
            point source pollution.

Funding Sources
            An Internet Guide to Financing Stormwater Management - This site was designed to
            help communities find ways to fund Stormwater management  projects.

            Catalog of Federal Funding Sources for Watershed Protection - The Catalog of Federal
            Funding Sources for Watershed Protection Web site is a  searchable database of financial
            assistance sources (grants, loans, cost-sharing) available to fund a variety of watershed
            protection projects.

            State Revolving Fund - State Revolving Fund programs in each state and Puerto Rico are
            funded by EPA and operated like  banks. Assets are  used to make low- or no-interest loans.
