Wotershed Academy: provides on-
line and classroom training on
watershed topics, including a new
module on Growth and Water
Resources. A sustainable financing
module will be added this fall.
epa.gov/watertrain/. And be sure
to check out the Academy's new
monthly Watershed Webcasts!

Catalog of Federal Funding for
Watershed Protection: easy-to-
use, searchable Web site that pro-
vides information on 100 federal
programs offering financial assis-
tance. epa.gov/watershedfunding

National Finance Center's
Database of Funding Sources:
on-line, searchable directory offer-
ing information  on national, state,
and local funding opportunities in
EPA Regions 1 (CT, MA, AAE, NH,
RI, VT) and Region 10 (AK, ID>, OR,
WAV http://efc.boisestate.edu

PlanZFund: new watershed planning
tool by the Environmental Finance
Center at Boise State University
that helps organizations track
financial  data. http://sspa.boise
state.edu/efc/servi ces.htm

W.A.T.E.R.S.:  a powerful map-
ping tool that allows users to view
data from many EPA databases and
find geography-specific water qual-
ity information, epa.gov/waters

EPA's Targeted Watersheds
Program: awards capacity building
grants to support local watershed
efforts.  The program also sup-
ports model watershed projects.

STORET: EPA's repository for
water quality, biological, and physi-
cal data,  epa.gov/storet
            EPA's Wetlands Web Site: provides
            information to help protect, restore,
            and monitor wetlands. Highlights
            include: wetland types and functions;
            funding; Clean Water Act §404 regu-
            latory program; and Interagency
            Mitigation Action Plan.
            epa.gov/owow/wet lands/

            Nonpoint Source Web  Site: offers
            latest tools and information to help
            states and communities address pol-
            luted runoff,  including information on
            §319 program, best management prac-
            tices, model ordinances, monitoring
            and assessment, and low-impact devel-
            opment. epa.gov/owow/nps/

            NPDES Stormwater  Web Site: pro-
            vides tools, guidance, and menu of
            best management practices for munic-
            ipalities, construction sites, and indus-
            trial facilities. The site also includes
            outreach materials that may be down-
            loaded and reproduced for free.

            Total Maximum Daily Load  (TMDU
            Web Site: provides policy and techni-
            cal guidance to help practitioners use
            TMDLs to protect and restore water-
            sheds. epa.gov/owow/tmdl/
            BASINS: multi-purpose environmen-
            tal analysis system that integrates
            GIS, national watershed data, and
            environmental assessment and model-
            ing tools.
Watershed-Based Permitting  Web
Site: provides resources for stake-
holders, including case studies, policy
statements, and guidance documents.

Adopt Your Watershed: searchable,
on-line database of watershed  organi-
zations.  Enter a zip code and find
groups in your watershed!

 After the Storm: video
 program about watersheds
 co-produced by EPA and
 The Weather Channel.
 Available in VMS and Beta
 EPA 840-V-04-001 (VMS)
Water Quality Trading
Assessment Handbook:
helps determine if trading
can be used to make cost-
effective pollutant reduc-
tions that achieve water
quality standards.
epa.gov/owow/ water-
                            'Hot" Watershed  Publications  and Products
Getting in Step: A Guide for
Conducting Watershed
Outreach Campaigns: a hand-
book and companion video to
help local and state agencies
and watershed groups conduct
effective outreach campaigns.
epa.gov/owow/watershed/ out-
EPA 841-B-03-002 and
EPA-V-03-001 (video)
  Protecting Water Resources
  with Smart Growth: docu-
  ments 75 innovative
  approaches to help communi-
  ties protect water resources
  and achieve smart growth.
  EPA 231-R-04-002
Watershed Management
Lessons from the
National Estuary
Program:describes inno-
vative approaches to
watershed management
implemented by the 28
National Estuary
Community Culture and the
Environment:  A Guide to
Understanding a Sense of
Place: provides a process and
tools for conducting a commu-
nity assessment of watershed
social dynamics and describes
participatory processes for
watershed planning.
National Coastal
Condition Report II:
describes national
coastal resource condi-
tions based on monitor-
ing data from NOAA,
USGS and USFWS and
23 coastal states.
EPA  620-R-03-002
Watershed-Based National
Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES)
Permitting Implementation
(Guidance describes the con-
cept of and the process for
watershed-based permitting
under the NPDES permit
                             shedpermitting finalguid-
    EPA publications can be obtained for free A .   /
      by calling the National Service Center  '™^--''
     for Environmental Publications (NSCEP)
     toll-free at 1-800-490-9198 or by sending
     an email to: ncepimal@one.net. To search
          for other EPA publications, visit
     sf/. Use the Search feature on the left hand
     side bar to find publications by topic or title.
       For more watershed information, visit
                      Watershed Discussion Forum
                      This new on-line forum offers watershed practi-
                      tioners a platform to exchange innovative ideas
                      and solutions in real time cyberspace! Topics
                      include sustainable financing, smart growth, community involv-
                      ment, and  source water protection. Join today in these exciting
                      interactive discussions!

                      Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds
                                                           EPA 840-F-05-003
