United States
Environmental Protection
Office Of Water
EPA 832-B-98-006
September 1998
Office Of Wastewafer Management
Catalog Of Publications


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United States
Environmental Protection
Office of Water
                          September J 998
                  Office of Wastewater Management
                         Office of Water
                 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                      Washington, DC  20460

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                          TABLE OF CONTENTS
 '  .    Office of Wastewater Management .................-..."	  Hi

    ,  Office of Water Organizational Chart ............................................  iv.

       Office of Wastewater Management Organizational Chart	>........;	 v

       Clean Water Act Overview ..:.	.	  vi

       How to Use this Catalog	........."................ vii

       Ordering Documents from WRC ......,'.	 vii

       Ordering Documents from NCEPI  . .1	 viii

       Ordering Documents from ERIC  ...;..................	 viii

       Ordering Documents from NTIS	'.'"..	......".......	viii


       Biosolids .....................	......,	.--.........1

       Construction Grants	 9

       Environmental Impact Statements  ..,	 13

       Federal Registers ,.......'.	•..........;.....	  ........  15

       Finance	•'.	'.'•.	,.;........... ;.......:......... 21

       Needs & Assessments	 32

       Operation & Maintenance •..;.....'.,....... '.........'.'.'.	 35

       Permitting Issues	 ~	:	 .... 41

       Pollution Prevention & Control	46

       Pretreatment	'.	51

       Small Communities	56
       Storm Water/Combined Sewer Overflows	60
       Treatment ........		....	,.......,,...'........,.	67
        ....  , :H •.;•'•.;'.':;../;':.	-:'">:'<;:;- '•'•••••'•'.'>";;,;,,.„; I'-  ••   •';.;..'•..•   ";:";.   ;." •   .•  .:  .  .  • •; '.,  i1"   -
       Water Conservation & Efficiency	88
       Water Quality & Standards		•	.90
       Miscellaneous	.'."		''.".'...'.... '...."..	'/....'  97

DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX.	 ^..............   ...:..... 	  101
          ;::"; ••	I


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Wastewater Management (OWM) oversees
a range of programs contributing to the well-being of our nation's waters and watersheds. Through its
programs and initiatives, OWM promotes compliance with the requirements of the Federal Water Pollution
Control Act, commonly referred to as the Clean Water Act, Activities include:
       Direction of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
       System (NPDES) Permit Program, .including storm water
       management, and control of combined sewer and sanitary sewer
       overflows.         "                       ,
       Oversight of a pretreatment program, emphasizing control and
       prevention of water pollution from industrial facilities.
       Management of the sludge (biosolids) permitting program,
       including promotion of the beneficial use of biosolids.
       Administration of the State Revolving Fund (SRF) and the Clean
       Water Act Section 106 and 104(b)(3) grant programs fqr _
       environmental infrastructure investment.  .                •
       Completion and clpseout of the wastewater Construction Grants
       Provision of technical advice and training to industries and
       municipalities, in an effort to improve compliance with
       wastewater regulatory requirements.
       Support of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
       environmental infrastructure program in the U.S.-Mexico border

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for Water

Office of

and Evaluation


A . •' „ 	 	

:' 	 m

Policy and
Management Office

Office of Science and

Budget and Program
Management Staff

Policy '
Communications Staff

Engineering and
Analysis Division

Health and Ecological
Criteria Division

Standards and Applied
Science Division

Office of Wetlands,
Oceans and

Budget and Program
Management Staff


Assessment and
Watersheds Division

Oceans and Coastal
Protection Division

Wetlands Division

Office of Ground
Water and Drinking

Management and
Evaluation Staff

Drinking Water
Standards Division

Ground Water
Protection Division


Technical Support

   James Home,
 Special Assistant
James Pendergast,
  Acting Director
Michael B, Cook,
 Alfred Lindsey,
 Deputy Director
Resources Management
  and Evaluation Staff
   Jane Ephremides,
                               Municipal Support
                                Michael Quigley,
  NPDES Program
• Pretreatment and
Multimedia Branch
                               • State Revolving
                                 Funds Branch
• Water Quality and
 Industrial Permits
                              Municipal Technology
               "Organization of the Municipal Support Division may change
                       to reflect consolidation and streamlining

                                                                  III 1
                                                 Clean Water Act Overview1
Jllllli Hip I	!!!li,iv	>,(	JJ..1.MII	,	JV Ikf,,.,	.'.	,	r.,3	, „,.,, 	 , ...	i,	,,		.„-	    "
                fQund thrQughout the Act, that apply to industrial and municipal dischargers.
            ,	iiiin'!:'" >	'.v	i!; "£ :'»*''	 • ijaii1; *;•••,"}:•'•'• •'•t:.."$.   ;"-",:  ;;;    "   i  .'  ••'
iMJTiijtfjijS! •,;-. ;KiWso'v?:^T^i^9iSjnM'l)JP?R.^^i!1)^ asia, *eFnni0'09y~f°rc'n9 sta^ute because of the rigorous demands placed
"'"' il":'"!iill"ii'l|:|""'1''	'	i>v': jjfo                         by it to a'cn'ieve'higher and' higher levels of pollution abatement Industries were
                grven uritjl July I!1977; to install "best practicable control technology" (BPT) to clean up waste discharges.
              :ETheCJeanVvfatej^dt required greater ppllutant cleanup than BPT by no laterthan March 31,1989, generally
L^WJJ,* j«| i:;|,,;,i:i.i g^'g^a^ging1	'^	|ndug|ry use {he »Dest available" 'technology"	(BAT) that"is""economically achievable.  In
              « addition to the BPT and BAj^nationaJ^stand^rcIs^.States are required to implement control strategies for so-
              ™(^lied'1lltoxTc'l:iot'spots'1'—'waters'expecteS ""to"remain .'pollutedbytoxic chemicals even after industrial
I ll'lli in'!!!!'! ri'lllll''!'''''.'.,,, l!:!',l'l!,,l!ll!'i „   '' 'ilil'41 ''lit ill"'," ,, |'!'':»' III,	, ,, "	 „ "U:;U\\\i\ ', n < i,'  ,ir  "i,	 n,'1! I'1 i,'1 i i,:,,, in,	L ,'". "i,, :• '«,', 'nliii'l'l, n1,,,! i ,ii' '':'	,	',   'i , i"1 .'nl1'"' " iV',*' '"il.hi  ', lir'.ii,, ill ',,  ', I'     i  '  	 '  •   i   „  ,  ,   i,

                        TQip Enyjiqrjrriental Protectipn Agency (EPA) issues regulations containing BPT and BAT effluent
                standards applicable to categories of industrial sources (such as iron and steel manufacturing, organic
                chemical manufacturing, petroleum refining, and others). Certain responsibilities are delegated to the States,
                and this Act, like other environmental laws, embodies a philosophy of Federal-State partnership in which
                the Federal government sets the agenda and standards for pollution abatement while States carry out day-
                to-day activities of implementation and enforcement. In addition, states are  responsible for establishing
                water quality standards, which consist of a designated use (recreation, water supply, industrial,  or other),
                plus a numerical or narrative statement identifying the maximum concentrations of various pollutants which
                would  not interfere with the designated use. These  standards serve as the backup to Federally set
                technology-based requirements, by indicating where additional pollution controls are needed to achieve the
                overall goals of the Act.
Ill   I I II   III I      II       I    I   III 111    III               II              I '„, n"  '  '  ,','•_•   .  ;.   I • ,   . ;.
                        While the Act imposes great technological demands, it also recognizes the need for comprehensive
                research on water quality problems. This is provided throughout the statute,  on topics including pollution
                in the Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay, in-place toxic pollutants in harbors and navigable waterways, and
                water pollution resulting from mine drainage. The Act provides support to train personnel who operate and
                maintain wastewater treatment facilities.
                        1United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, Office of Science and Technology
                1997 Catalog of Publications, September 1997.

                           ..-.-•.•'   >' •        • •      /        .   ..••'•"   .  • - *••• •

 General information

 Many publications in this catalog are distributed free of charge by the EPA's Office of Wastewater
 Management (OWM). The Office of Wastewater Management distributes documents through the EPA
 Office of Water Resource Center (WRC). The WRC distributes one free copy of each publication to each
 customer until supplies are depleted.

 When OWM's supply of a publication is depleted, requestors are referred to either the National Technical
 Information Service (NTIS) or the. Educational Resources information Center (ERIC). These clearinghouses
 provide copies of OWM publications for a fee.
                                             '  :   - .'  -  .     '            . '    ' f

 Catalog Organization

 This catalog divides the documents into fifteen broad subject sections: 1) Biosolids; 2) Construction Grants;
 3) Environmental Impact Statements; 4) Federal Registers; 5) Finance; 6) Needs & Assessments; 7)
 Operation and Maintenance; 8) Permitting Issues; 9) Pollution Prevention and Control; 10) Pretretment;
 11) Small Communities;  12)  Storm Water/Combined Sewer Overflows; M3)Treatment;  14) Water
 Conversation & Efficiency; 15) Water Quality & Standards; 16)Miscellaneous.

 The Office of Wastewater Management has assigned most documents a unique EPA number to assist in
 tracking the document. Documents without EPA numbers are tracked by title.

You may order EPA Office of Water documents from WRC the following ways:

       1)  Call the WRC voice mail request line at (202) 260-7786 and order the document by title
         and EPA number,                    "             •

       2)  Mail your request to:

             U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
             Office of Water Resource Center     '
            , RC-4100                      :
             401 MSt, SW   :        •       ;                             -
             Washington, DC 20460  :     ,
                                   ','•,'   .      "    •       ,      .      •         *
       3)  • Place your order via Internet:  waterpubs@epamail.epa.gov

       4)  Fax your request to WRC at (202) 260-0386.                  ,                 -

                                 OFFICE OF WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT
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              National Center for Environmental Publications & Information
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           Document Title
                                                                          EPA Number
                                                                        Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
                                                                        CaU WRC at (202) 260-7786
                                                                                                   Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
                                                                                                   Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
           Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge to
         	Methane, July 1975	, ,	

           Analytical Methods for the National Sewage Sludge Survey,
         	September 1990
                                                                          EPA#:  530/SW-159
                                                                          Not Available from EPA

                                                                          EPA'.#:  440/1-90-623
                                                                          Not Available from EPA
                i,!11, Application of Sewage Sludge to Cropland: Appraisal of
                  Potential Hazards of the Heavy Metals to Plants and Animals,
                  i.1'111 ..... i] ....... "" ...... '  '    ..... ......... '" ..... ""  ' ....... .........  •  ' ........ '" ..... " ...... '" ...... ij ••' • ....... "'  " •
                                                                   EPA #:  430/9-76-013  .
                                                                   Not Available from EPA
' ...... .if;!*'
11 '"'  '
      .'v ...... ', ..... ,11
        1 "1
I [ f ' 1 1 IIS '. | i|:
        • il; i
                                    ,  , ............ ,.  ,,.T ....... .,.,.,,,,, ............ ,„ ..... ,,, „,,
                                    s an^ Wastewater on Agricultural'tand:
                                                                  ' Not Available from EPA
             ,  iffiJJfPS 3?? Educational Guide, (JReprinted with permission
            of b'hio State fttivereity- Norm Central), March 1978
                  Beneficial Use of Sewage Sludge: Land Application

                  Biosolids, Recycling: Beneficial Technology foraBetter
                5«'Enyironment, June'1994   ' _"  i .......... ^"  '.'",'.'   '.',.!'   ' .....
                ;li;i:i+ ,!j: !l,', :l|li ;,'"  ,!:1,:"1',, -,' "Vifiu ." ' •- ..... i1 ', '    ll! ',:'''".+  i' : ',;;', j1" : i|:ii :"»'/ "i,,.. '.'„
                  Codisposalof 'Municipal Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge: An
                iiviiiAnalysisof&nstr^ts, January 1980
                                                                   EPA#:  440/5-91-012"

                                                                   EPA #:  832/R-94-009
                                                                   ...... ..... ','   , ,'  ,  " ....... !.
                                                                  '", :: '   '«>   >,",  '. '^ ,  iiiiiiiL,1'- ,  -i
                                                                   Not Available from EPA
           Comparative Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Compost    EPA#:  430/9-91-010
                           [[[ "''
                                                                   EPA,#:  600/2-8Z'021
                                                                   Not Available from EPA
                                                                   "•:",' V?, , "iii,T (  |.'' • :«(:.*': '  f
                                                                   i/,;1 ;ii i:"'1; ,''!!: ,;liii'1ii ', i.  i, ':!i,,' ...... i '^  J HI
                                                                   Not Available from EPA
                                                                   Not Available from EPA
                                                                   Not Available from EPA
                                                                   EPA#:  833/B-94-003
                                                                   EPA#:  430/9-91-007
                                                                          EPA#:  430/9-75:003
                                                                          Not Available from EPA

                                                                          Not Available from EPA
   Composting Municipal Sewage Sludge: A Technology
 i'ii Evaluation	-	
 ili!iii'|;( •••;;; .'	;, «;,<;!"' f •>,:'_  " Mlj  \ V  :"::" /',;,' i1 (•'•;' f • r  • ; ,,"1-	' i [..:•;; :.••••('.;.
 ||i. Composting Processes to Stabilize and Disinfect Municipal
 ll^cvvage Sludge, June 1981   	•

   Comprehensive Method for the Analysis of Volatile Organics
   on Soils, Sediments, and Sludges Part I: State-of-the-Art
   Review of Analytical Operations

   Comprehensive Sludge Study Relevant to Section 8002(g) of
   the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, October
	J979 ...'      	   .        .         .    .     .

   Continuous Emission Monitoring Guidance for Part 503
   Sewage Sludge Incinerators, June 1994

   Cooperative Testing of Municipal Sewage Sludges by the
   Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure and Compositional
 IiP Analysis, April 1991
»                                          '       	'.'...'

    :f;i' '.!'.;  liii Data Element Dictionary 198'8 Sewage-Sludge Use and
              Disposal: Questionnaire Data Base, October 1989
                                                                                                  ERIC#: W011

                                                                                                  NTIS#: PB93-236024
                                                                                                  ERIC#: W105

                                                                                                  NTIS#: PB-264015
                                                                                                  ERIC#: U038
                                                                                                  NTIS#:  PB-284824
                                                                                                  ERIC#:  T240

                                                                                                  ERIC#:  DA17










                                                                                                      NTIS#:  PB95-158135
                                                                                                      ERIC#:. W521

                                                                                                      NTIS#:  PB94-195013
                                                                                                      ERIC#:  W645

                                                                                                      NTIS#:  PB92-196419
                                                                                                      ERIC#:  N462
                                                                                               NTIS#: PB80-182900
                                                                                               .••.  -  :' v"   :"  r..'1' •.
                                                                                               NTIS#: PB90-107509
                                                                                               ERIC#: D419

Document Title
   EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
  Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
 CallNTIS at(800) 553-NTIS
 Design Seminar Handout: Sludge Treatment and Disposal 1977   Not Available from EPA
 Development of Risk Assessment Methodology for Municipal
 •Sludge Incineration,: October 1990

 Domestic Septage Regulatory Guidance: A Guide to the EPA
 503 Rule, September 1993         .      '
       '• •       ...      •      .           - •  •     '
 Effects of Sewage Sludge on the Cadmium and Zinc Content of
 Crops, February 1981

 Effects of Using Sewage Sludge on Agricultural and Disturbed

 Environmental Changes from Long-Term Land Application of
 Municipal Effluents, March 1978

 Environmental Regulations and Technology: Control of
 Pathogens in Municipal Wastewater Sludge, September 1989

 Environmental Regulations and Technology: Control of
 Pathogens and Vector Attraction in Sewage Sludge, December
 1992-                   • .  •  .  •    ,   •"•' '

• Environmental Regulations and Technology: Use and Disposal
 of Municipal Wastewater Sludge, March 1989

 Environmental Regulations and Technology: Use and Disposal
 of Municipal Wastewater Sludge, September 1984

 EPA Technology Transfer: Capsule Report - First Progress
 Report: Static Pile Composting of Wastewater Sludge, 1977

 EPA'S Policy Promoting the Beneficial Use of Sewage Sludge
,and the New Proposed Technical Sludge Regulations, June '
 1989            -

 Evaluation of Land Application Systems: Technical"Bulletin,
 September 1974             '

 Evaluation of Land Application Systems: Technical Bulletin,
 March 1975                     '•"••.     ...

 Evaluation of the Full-Scale Application of Anaerobic Sludge
 Digestion at the Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment Facility,
 Washington, DC: Final Report, 1981

 Guidance Document for Testing and Permitting Sewage Sludge
 Incinerators (Revised Draft Final Report)^ September 21,1990
  EPA #:  600/6-91-004
  EPA#:  832/B-92-005
  EPA#:  600/8-81-003
  Not Available from EPA

  EPA#:  600/2-83-113
  Not Available from EPA

  EPA#:  430/9-78-003
  Not Available from EPA

  EPA#:  625/10-89-006
  Not Available from EPA

  EPA#:  625/R-92-013
  EPA#:  625/10-90-007
  Not Available from EPA

  EPA #:  625/10-84-003'
  Not Available from EPA

  EPA#:  625/2-77-014
  Not Available,from EPA

  Not Available from EPA
  EPA#: 430/9-74-015
  Not Available from EPA

  EPA#: '430/9-75-001   .
  Not Available from EPA.

  EPA #: 600/2-81-105
  Not Available from EPA
  EPA#: 833/B-94-006
 NTIS#:  PB95-156469
 ERIC#:  W168

 NTIS#:  PB91-228114




W627 •

N281     .  ;

PB-284857  ..
W634   ,
 ERIC#:  W592
 ERIC#:  W591
 ERIC#:  W594
 NTIS#:  PB88-186754
 NTIS#:  PB95-157202
 ERIC#:  W598

 NT,IS#:  PB95-156608
 ERIC#:  U132
 NTIS#:  PB95-159505
 ERIC#:  W174  .

,NTIS#:  PB-257440
 ERIC#:  U073

 NTIS#:  PB81-219123
 ERIC#:  W182
 NTIS#:  PB94-119229
 ERIC#:  W263
                                                 Page 2

                                                                                                           ,!'• WHIP;  ' ''!'.., •  •,V';,1. -
 CaiJ ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NtIS at (800) 553-NTIS
                                                          EPA#:  505/8-90-001
Guidance for Writing Case-by Case Permit Requirements for
Municipal Sewage Sludge, May 1990

Guidance for Writing Case-by-Case Permit Requirements for
Municipal Sewage Sludge, September 1988, Draft

Guidance for Writing Case-by-Case Permits Requirements for
Municipal Sewage Sludge, December 19,1989

Guidance for Writing Permits for the Use or Disposal of
Sewage Sludge (Draft), March 1993

Guidance for Writing Permits for the Use or Disposal of
Sewage Sludge (Final Draft), September 1994

Guide to Regulations and Guidance for the Utilization and
Disposal ofMunicipal Sludge, September 1980

Guide to Septage Treatment and Disposal, September 1994       EPA #: 625/R-94-002
                                                          Not Available from EPA
                                                          Not Available from EPA
                                                          EPA#:  833/B-93-006
                                                          Not Available from EPA

                                                          Not Available from EPA
                                                          EPA#: 430/9-80-015
                                                          EPA#: 910/9-90-008
                                                          Not Available from EPA '
Guide to Soil Suitability and Site Selection for Beneficial Use
of Sewage Sludge, March 1990

A Guide to the Biosolids Risk Assessments for the EPA Part
503 Rule, September 1995

Guide to the Federal Part 503 Rule for the Use or Disposal of
Sewage Sludge, September 30,1993, Draft
         '>••'•• >ir^:, :  '•,'. ,  \f;•..•''',  |. ':• :.  '' i!-  ':,''•;:'•• •  ,-,i-;. . '•  -
Handbook: Septage Treatment and Disposal, October 1984       EPA #: 625/6-:
                                                          Not Available from EPA
  Health Effects of Land Application ofMunicipal Sludge,
  September 1985
            ;   ,  i;,,:!;!!! ' ;    ,    ';; ;;;,  ,,j  •  | ,  ::i >::,; v '; r ,  ,1  * ' ,,
  Health Effects of Land Treatment: Is It Really Safe? [Brochure]
  March 1980

  Heavy Metals and Toxic Organic Pollutants in Municipal Solid
  Waste-Composts: Research Results on Phytoavailability,
  Bioayailability, Fate, Etc

  Institutional Constraints and Public Acceptance Barriers to
  Utilization ofMunicipal Wastewater and Sludge for Land
  Reclamation and Bipmass Productions, July 1981

  Interim Report: Evaluation of the Advanced Ecologically
  Engineered System (AEES): "Living Machine" Wastewater
  Treatment Technology - Frederick, MD, September 1996
                                                        EPA#: 600/1-85-015
                                                        Not Available from EPA

                                                        EPA#: "832/R-80-i02
                                                        Not Available from EPA

                                                        Not Available from EPA
                                                        EPA#: 430/9-81-013
                                                        Not Available from EPA

                                                        EPA#: 832/B-96-002
                                                        Not Available from EPA
NTIS#  PB91-145508
ERIC#:  W126'

NTIS#:  PB95-157731
NTIS#:  PB95-159562
ERIC#:  W829

NTIS#:" PB93-217537
ERIC#:  W114

NTIS#:  PB95-157723
ERIC#:  W024

NTIS#:  PB81-108508
ERIC#:  U048








ERIC#:  R027

NTIS#:  PB94-155348
ERIC#:  W030

NTIS#:  PB83-128629
ERIC#:'  U051

ERIC#:  W342

Document Title
   EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561,
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
 Call EMC at (800) 276-0462
 Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Interim Sewage Sludge Permit Application Form and
 Memorandum, January 31,1994

 Land Application of Municipal Sewage Sludge for the
 Production of Fruits and Vegetables: A Statement of Federal
 Policy and Guidance 1981      .

 Land Application of Sewage Effluents and Sludges: Selected '
 Abstracts, June 1974

 Land Application of Sewage Sludge: A Guide for Land
 Appliers on the Requirements of the Federal Standards for the
 Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge, .40 CFR Part 503,
 December 1994

 Land Application of Wastewater in Australia: the Werribee
 Farm System, Melbourne, Victoria - Technical Report, May
 1975,     .         •   -v  ••'            ;       •

 Land Treatment and Reuse of Sewage Effluent by Irrigation: A
 Perspective for Hawaii, February 1978

 Manual for Composting Sewage Sludge by the Beltsville
 Aerated-Pile Method, May 1980

 National Sewage Sludge Program (Fact Sheet), August 1994

 National Sewage Sludge Program (Fact Sheet), March 9 1993

 National Sewage Sludge Program (Fact Sheet), August 1994

 National Sewage Sludge Survey - all 8 documents :

 National Sewage Sludge Survey Facility Analytical
 Questionnaire Response: Facility Use and Disposal Practices,
 October 1989

 National Sewage Sludge Survey Facility Analytical
 Questionnaire Response: Facility Characteristics, October 1989

 National Sewage Sludge Survey Facility Analytical Results:  -
 Volume 1, October 1989

 National Sewage Sludge Survey Facility. Analytical Results:
 Volume 2, October 1989
                1 '  ''   i                '  '
 National Sewage Sludge Survey Facility Analytical Results:
 Volume 3, October 1989             .
  Not Available from EPA
  EPA#:  832/R-97-9QO
  Not Available from EPA

  EPA•#:  660/2-74-042
  Not Available from EPA

  EPA;#:  831/B-93-002b
  EPA#: 430/9-75-017'
  Not Available from EPA
  EPA#: 430/9-78-005
  Not Available from EPA
  EPA#: 606/8-80-022
  Not Available from EPA

  EPA#: 833/F-94-015

  EPA#V 833/F-94-007"-.

  EPA#: 833/F-94-015

  Not Available from EPA

  Not Available from
  EPA    .   "
  '      /
  Not Available from
  Not Available from EPA
  Not Available from EPA
 NTIS#:  PB94-154200
 ERIC#:  W483   '_

 NTIS#:  PB95-157483,
 ERIC#:  W329 '
 NTIS#: PB-235386
 ERIC#: W330

 NTIS#: PB95-203626
 ERIC#: WA16
 NTIS#: PB-257454
 ERIC#: W043
 NTIS#: PB81-163677
 ERIC#: W331    ,

 NTIS#: PB80-199359
 EPJC#; W335

 ERIC#: W848

 NTIS#: PB95-157293
 ERIC#: W129

 ERIC#: WA29

 ERIC#: W421 '

 ERIC#: W418
NTIS#: PB95-122768
ERIC#: D417

ERIC#: W413 •"

ERIC#:' W414

. ,  1
ERIC#: W415
                                                 Page 4

 Document Title
   EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891^561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
 Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
 Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 National Sewage Sludge Survey Facility Analytical Results:
 Volume 4, October 1989
   '   11          i	Ill                        M'^.f' , :'"u'
 National Sewage Sludge Survey Facility Analytical Results:
 Volumes 1,2,3, and 4, October 1989

 Nomination Guidance: 1992 Beneficial Sewage Sludge Use
 Awards Program: For Operating Projects, Technology
 Development, Research, December 1991

 Nomination Guidance: 1993 Beneficial Sewage Sludge
 Biosolids Use Awards Program: For Operating Projects
 Technology Development Research, January 1993

 Nomination Guidance; 1994 Beneficial Use of Biosolids
 Awards Program: For Operating Projects, Technology
 Development and Research, January 1994

 Nomination Guidance: 1995 Beneficial Use of Biosolids      ;
 Awards Program: For Operating Projects, Technology
 Development, Research, and Public Acceptance, January 1995

 Nomination Guidance: 1996 Beneficial Use of Biosolids
 Awards Program: For Operating Projects, Technology
 Development, Research and Public Acceptance, January 1996

 Nomination Guidance: 1997 Beneficial Use of Biosolids
 Awards Program: For Operating Projects, Technology
 Development, Research and Public Acceptance, January 1997

 Nomination Guidance: Beneficial Sewage Sludge Use Awards
 Program for Operating Projects, Technology Development,
 Research, January 1990

 Nomination Quidance for the 1998 Beneficial Use of Biosolids
 Awards Program: For Operating Projects, Technology
 Development, Research and Public Acceptance, January 1998

 Parasites in Southern Sludges and Disinfection by Standard
 Sludge Treatment, September 1981

 Part 503 Implementation Guidance, October 1995
 Pathogen Risk Assessment Feasibility Study, November 1985

 Peer Review: Standards for the Disposal of Sewage Sludge -
 U.S. EPA Proposed Rule: 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503, February
  Not Available from EPA

 V  -,,i . ".•  ,'.-•  ;,' . '».;.;.;
  Not Available from EPA
  EPA#:  832/B-91-100
  Not Available from EPA
  EPA#:  832/B-93-001
  Not Available from EPA
  EPA#:  832/B-94-009
  Not Available from EPA
 ,,EPA#:  832/B-95-Q01
  Not Available from EPA

  EPA#:  832/B-96-001
  Not Available from EPA
  EPA#: 832/B-97-002
  Not Available from EPA
  EPA#:  832/B-90-100
  Not Available from EPA
  EPA#:   832/B-98-001
  Not Available from EPA
  EPA#:  600/2-81-166
  Not Available from EPA

  EPA#:  833/R-95-001
  EPA#:  600/6-88-003
  Not Available from EPA

  Not Available from EPA
ERIC#:  W416

NTIS#:  PB90-107491

NTIS#:  PB95-159042
ERIC#:  W081

NtlS#:  PB95-159034
ERIC#:  W380
NTIS#:  PB94-155611
ERIC#:  W298
NTIS#:  PB95-179438
ERIC#:  WA35
NTIS#:  PB95-159026
ERIC#:  W082
NTIS#:  PB98-133242
ERIC#:  G758
NTIS#:  PB82-102344
ERIC#:  WA40

NTIS#:  PB96-188081
ERIC#:  WB16

NTIS#:  PB88-191440
ERIC#:  W093

NTlS#:  PB91-168526
ERIC#:  W096

 Document Title
   EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
 Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
 Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Plain English Guide to the EPA Part 503 Biosolids Rule,
 September 1994                '

 Post Proposal Work Groups for the 40 CFR Part 503 Sewage
 Sludge Use and Disposal Regulations, January 3,1 1991
 [Memorandum]                     '

 POTW Expert Version 1.0: User Documentation - document
 and diskette, October 1990

 POTW Sludge Sampling and Analysis Guidance Document,
 August 1989   •   ,     •     .             '   '

 Preliminary Risk Assessment for Bacteria in Municipal Sewage
 Sludge Applied to Land, July 1991

 Preliminary Risk Assessment for Parasites in Municipal
 Sewage Sludge Applied to Land, March 1991

 Preliminary Risk Assessment for Pathogens in Landfilled
 Municipal Sewage Sludge, November 1993              '

 Preliminary Risk Assessment for Viruses in Municipal Sewage
 Sludge Applied to Land                                *•

 Preparing Sewage Sludge for Land Application or Surface
 Disposal: A Guide for Preparers of-Sewage Sludge on the
 Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Requirements of
 the Federal Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage
 Sludge, 40 CFR Part 503, August 1993

 Process Design Manual: Sludge Treatment and Disposal,
 October 1974

 Process Design Manual: Sludge Treatment and Disposal,
 September 1979                   .',•'".

 Programa Nacional de Lodos Residuales Cloacales, Agosto
 1994         •     •      •"•...-.-;

•• Project Summary: Emissions of Metals, Chromium and Nickel
 Species, and Organics from Municipal Wastewater Sludge '-
 Incinerators, May 1992              •

 Project Summary: Spreading Lagooned Sewage Sludge o'n  '
 Farm Land: A Case History - Abstract

 Publicaciones sobre el Uso y Elimination de Lodo Residual
 Cloacal y Biosolidps, Agosto 1994
  EPA#:  832/R-93-003
  Not Available from EPA
  EPA#:  625/1 l-90r001
  Not Available from EPA

  EPA#:  833/B-89-100
  EPA#:  600/6-91-006
  Not Available from EPA

  EPA#:  600/6-91-001
  EPA#: 600/R-94-110

  EPA#: 600/R-92-064

  EPA#:- 831/B-93-002a
  Not Available from EPA
  EPA#: 625/1-74-006 '
  Not Available from EPA

  EPA#: 625/1-79-^011  .
  Not Available from EPA

  EPA#: 833/F-94-016
 . EPA#: 600/SR-92-003
  Not Available from EPA
 . Not Available from EPA
  EPA#:  833/F-94-018
 NTIS#:- PB95-136693
 ERIC#: W855

 NTIS#: PB95-158754
 ERIC#: W651    .
 ERIC#: W133










NTIS#:  PB-259151
EPJC#:  W868  ,

ERIC#:  W869'
ERIC#:  WA47
ERIC#:  W397
NTIS#:  PB95-158580
ERIC#:  W893

ERIC#:  WA49
                                                  Page 6  '

Document Title EPA Number
.Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
Ml 1 i '1 1 h v i • • •• •
i i II i jl
i g III
Recycling Municipal Sludges and Effluents on Land, 1973
1 i ii
( 1 i 1 i In
Regulation of Municipal Sewage Sludge under the Clean Water
Act Section 503: A Model for Exposure and Risk Assessment
for Municipal Solid Waste-Compost
Revcgetating Strip-Mined Land With Municipal Sewage
Sludge: Westmoreland County Demonstration, 1980
Sampling Procedures and Protocols for the National Sewage
Sludge Survey
Seminar Publication: Composting of Municipal Wastewater
Sludges, August 1985
Sewage Sludge Entrenchment System for Use by Small
Municipalities, February 1978
Sewage Sludge or Biosolids Use or Disposal Documents, 1994
1 1 	 i. •
Sewage Sludge Use and Disposal Press Package, December 1
Sludge and the Land: the Role of Soil and Water Conservation
Districts in Land Application of Sewage Sludge: Final Report,
! " September 1982 	
' ! i II1 iiilil' i i ? '.•>.•-• 1! 	 	 •'• 	 :• .;> ' > 	 '••-••, Mi- >"'\ ',•:••.<.. ••.',.•;•:>
Sludge Compost Marketing and Distribution Regulatory
Requirements in the United States, December 1986
Sludge Incineration: Problems and Remedies, December 1986
Sludge Management (Memorandum), August 12 1992
Sludge Treatment and Disposal: Part I - Introduction and
Sludge Processing, May 1978
Sludge Treatment and Disposal: Sludge Disposal Volume 1,
October 1978
Sludge Treatment and Disposal: Sludge Treatment Volume 2,
October 1978
Sludge: Recycling for Agricultural Use, October 1982
i n i i ii in
Spreading Lagooned Sewage Sludge on Farm Land: A Case
i"'iir»Mi;'Si" • • "~ History
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/A-94-023
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/2-81-182
Not Available from EPA
EPA #: 440/1-89-024
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 625/4-85-014
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 66o/2-78-018
Not Available from EPA .
EPA#: 833/F-94-617
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/9-82-007
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 832/C-86-100
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 832/R-86-108
Not Availaable from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 625/4-78-012a
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 625/4-78-012b
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/9-82-008
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/2-82-019
Not Available from EPA
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800) S53-NTIS
'W914 _ • ii:' ^'^
W706 . '
WA52 " "'' ''" ''• "'
PB95-1 56360
 i   u.
NUN! ..... i ..... }',"' i1'"!
                                     Page 7

Document Title
   EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
                                                                                   Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
                                                                                  Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 State Sludge Management Program Guidance Manual, October
 1990               '  .  :      \         :,

 Status of the Proposed Technical Sludge Regulations: Impact
 on Beneficial Sludge Use, September 24,1989

 Summary'of 40 CFR Part 503: Standards for the Use or
 Disposal of Sewage S.ludge, March 8,1993

 Surface Disposal-of .Sewage Sludge: A Guide for
 Owners/Operators of Surface Disposal Facilities on the
 Monitoring, Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements of the
 Federal Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge,
 40 CFR Part 503, May 1994   '          '"

 THC Continuous Emission Monitoring Guidance for Part 503
 Sewage Sludge Incinerators, June 1'994           '

 Working to. Gain Public Acceptance of Sewage Sludge
 Composting and Use of Liquid and Dewatered Sludge on Land,
 March 1986    •   '•  '
  Not Available from EPA
  Not Available from EPA
  Not Available from EPA
  EPA#:  831/B-93-002c
  Not Available from EPA
  EPA#: 833/Br94-003
  Not Available from EPA
 NTIS#:  PB93-128122
 ERIC#:  W279

 NTIS#:  PB495-158234
 ERIG#:  WA55

 ERIC#:  W302
 NtIS#: PB94-217056
 ERIC#: W5'54
 NTIS#: PB94-195013
 ERIC#: W645


  Document Title
    EPA  Number
   Call IUCEPI at (513) 891-6561
   Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
  Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
1990 Construction Grants Strategy: Task IV:  Compliance
Strategy - Subtask D: Local Staffing and Training Requirements -
Yforfc Force Development Plan to Insure that Publicly Owned
Treatment Works are in Compliance with National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System Permits (Final Report), April 1981

Audit Guide: Construction Grant Final Audits (Draft), November
                                 ,|j«   , I,  ,     , K M  < . I.
Business Opportunities in the Construction Grants Program, 1980
Construction Management Evaluation and Project Management
Conference Manual, December 1983

Construction Project Safety: Course CG-600 Student Manual,
April 1989

Environment Midwest EPA's Construction Grants Program,
lune-July 1980

Federal Authorities Affecting the EPA Construction Grants
Program, February 1981

Federal Waste Water Treatment Facilities Construction Grant
Process, from A(bilene) to Z(anesville), March 1975

Guidance for Preparing A Facility Plan: Municipal Wastewater
Treatment Works Construction Grants Program, Revised May

Handbook of Procedures: Construction Grants Program for
            i	 .   ii ivuiniiT  ''• „ •   '!,«     "INI  i •,:,;   i' !"   w   i  ,  ,   ,
Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works - Transmittal
Memorandum: No. 77-1, December 1976
Handbook of Procedures: Construction Grants Program for
Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works - Transmittal
Memorandum: No. 78-1, December 1977
  i          '..''.   fiSt  i .  ,':. ',•' ", " .»>	: .:,'.  I ;:  i	'• •.•• ; :, v .' , .','
Handbook of Procedures: Construction Grants Program for
Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works - Transmittal
Memorandum: No^ 76^1, August 1976

Handbook of Procedures: Construction Grants Program for
Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works—Second Edition, 1980

Handbook of Procedures: Construction Grants Program for
Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works, February 1976
Not Available from EPA
NTIS#:  PB95-157178
ERIC#:  W006
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 430/9-8"l-020
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  832/B-83-103
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#:  832/R-75-100
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  430/9-76-015
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
ERIC#: R014
NTIS#:  PB84-167717
ERIC#:  N262

NTIS#:  PB95-156998
ERIC#:  W154

NTIS#:  PB95-156519
ERIC#:  W631

NTIS#:  PB95-156931
ERIC#:  W184

ERIC#:  R057
NTIS#:  PB85-119683
ERIC#:  N508

NTIS#:  PB-267589
ERIC#:  WA10
NTIS#:  PB-289695
ERIC#:  WA11
NTIS#:  PB-260649"
ERIC*:  WA09
NTIS#:  PB80-198617
NTIS#:  PB-257263
                                                   Page 9

  Document Title
    EPA Number
    Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
    Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
   Call ERIC at (SOB) 276-0462
 Internal Control Review Report oh the Municipal Wastewater      EPA#:  832/R-84-117
 Treatment Works Construction Grants Program, September 1984.   Not Available from EPA
                         ERIC#:  N272
Management of a Construction Project: A Guide for; Grantees,
April 1986
 EPA#:  832/B-86-100   „  NTIS#:  PB87-114013
 Not Available from EPA '   ERIC#:  U094
Management of a Construction Project: An Opportunity and a
Challenge, July 1986

Management of Construction Change Orders: A Guide for
Grantees, March  1983          '•-''.  :    ..,'':.
 EPA#: .832/R-86-105
 ERIC#:  R04Q
EPA#:  832/B-85-102      NTIS#:  PB83-211490
Not Available from EPA     ERIC#:  N323
Management of Environmental Protection Agency Project by
Local Grantee, July 1982                  ,
EPA#:  430/9-83-006 Not
Available from EPA -
 NTIS#:  PB83-26000Q
 ERIC#:  W332
Municipal Sludge Management: EPA Construction Grants
Program - An Overview of the Sludge Management Situation,
April 1976  . '   '    x        '                 ,'

Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants
Program: Supplement No 7

Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants
Program; Supplement No 8

Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants
Program: Supplement No 3, January 1977

Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants
Program: Supplement No 6                   .        :

Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants
Program: Supplement No 5, March 1978   •          _  .  ,.-

Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants
Program: Supplement No 4, July 1977

Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants
Program: Supplement No 2, November 1976

Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants
Program: Supplement No 1, August 1976

Past is Prologue: Looking Back, Looking Ahead at the United-
States Environmental Protection Agency's Construction Grants
Program, September 1983
EPA#:  430/9-76-009
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
 NTIS#:  PB466695
 ERIC#: > W063
 NTIS#: PB-296199
Not Available from EPA     NTIS#: PB-298697
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: MCD-02.1
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
 NTIS#: PB-298697
 ERIC#: W068

 NTISft PB-290177
 ERIC#: W069'

 NTIS#: . PB-289696
 ERIC#: W070

 NTIS#: PB-273029
 NTIS#: PB-261517
 EPJC#: W067

,NTIS#: PB-257262
 ERICfc W373  '

 NTIS#: PB95-158887
 ERIC#: W389
                                                 Page 10

 in, i<^':	4
it; J	 L; i C.
	i!1  iii I1,,:	pp.
 i,	ji,irv;i
 ii,;-	;i,|'|-:;  fi,;;.

I'i j. i ii;;!, IL I
I   ' '.ih  liinfl
( 1 111
Document Title
' f
EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Program Requirements Memoranda for Fiscal Year 1981:
Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants
Program, January 1981
I™  'II , 	 -'	;, i.  ,  •III!  '....''•,     i	   :  .  :
Program Requirements Memoranda: Municipal Wastewater
Treatment Works Construction Grants Program, January 1980

Program Requirements Memoranda: Municipal Wastewater
Treatment Works Construction Grants Program, August 1980

Program Requirements Memoranda: Municipal Wastewater
Treatment Works Construction Grants Program, June 1979

Program Requirements Memoranda: Municipal Wastewater
Treatment Works Construction Grants Program, December 1978

Project Acceleration Initiatives Work Book for Closing Out the
Construction Grants Program, January 1991

Regulation and Policy Matrices: A Guide to the Rules Governing
Grants Awarded Under the Construction Grants Program—Update
1990, August 1990

Regulation and Policy Matrices: A Guide to the Rules Governing
Grants Awarded Under the Construction Grants Program—Update
lp8,'Update/Attachrnent   '	"/'  i   "/''_'	

Regulation and Policy Matrices: A Guide to the Rules Governing
Grants Awarded Under the Construction Grants Program-Update
1987, September 1987

Regulation and Policy Matrices: A Guide to the Rules Governing
Grants Awarded Under the Construction Grants Program—Update
J.8.818, September 1988

Regulation and Policy Matrix: A Guide to the Rules Governing
grants Awarded under the Construction Grants Program,
December 1983 ."  '""'"	.'  '    '.	"„   ',  .'.'
                                   .                            .
               Regulation and Policy Matrices; A Guide to the Rules Governing
               grants Awarded UndeJ; the Construction Grants Program, April
               §85 •._":.  '  ;   ;'"";.  "''  ;"f"  "';!",  "  ".  ; \"  ;
               Regulation and Policy Matrices: A Guide to the Rules Governing
               Grants Awarded Under the Construction Grants Program—Update
               1985; September 1985
               Regulation and Policy Matrices: A Guide to the Rules Governing
               Grants Awarded Under the Construction Grants Program—Update
               1986, September 1986
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA

Not Availableirom EPA

EPA#:  26W-7062
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
                                                                       EPA#: 832/B-87-100
                                                                       Not Available from EPA
                                                                       EPA#:  832/B-88-100
                                                                       Not Available from EPA
                                                                       EPA#: 832/B-83-101
                                                                       Not Available from EPA
EPA#:  832/B-85-100
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#:  832/B-86-101
Not Available from EPA
                                                                                                NTIS#: PB81-199358
                                                                                                ERIC#: W877










                                                                                                NTIS#: PB91-143081
                         NTIS#:  PB89-208938
                         ERIC#:  N438

                         NTIS#:  PB89-114219
                         ERIC#:  N437

                         NTIS#:  PB84-234053
                         ERIC#:  N271
                                                                                 NTIS#:  PB85-244952
                                                                                 ERIC#:  N322
                                                                                 NTIS#:  PB86-113453
                                                                                 ERIC#:  N327
                                                                                 NTIS#:  PB87-110037
                                                                                 ERIC#:  N361

  Document Title
EPA Number
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Call WRC at (202)260-7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Regulation and Policy Matrices; A Guide to the Rules Governing   Not Available from EPA
Grants Awarded Under the Construction Grants Program—Update
1989, September 1989 :                      .         .
                    NTIS#:  PB90-216821
                    ERIC#:  N436  '   '••
                                            Page 12

                 Document Title
         EPA Number                Source
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561       Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786   •     Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
                 Environmental Impact Statement on Wastewater Treatment
                 Facilities: Boulder, Colorado (Draft) August 1977

                 Environmental Impact Statement: Metro Denver Sludge
                 Management Plan7Yolumel (Final), February 1978
               '•	   • "  ,  ; •"   ' •'•,   »	 »l  |,       " •   " "  , ^  i ,	   \ i'
                 Environmental Impact Statement: Metro Denver Sludge
                 Management Plan (Draft), May 1976

                 Envirqnmenjal Impact Statement: Metro Denver Sludge
                 Management Plan Summary (Draft), May 1976

                 Environmental Impact Statement: Organic Solids Reuse Plan
                 '- Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District, Dane County,
                 Wisconsin (Final), May 1977

                 Environmental Impact Statement: Patuxent Wastewater
                 Treatment Facilities: Ann Arundel County, Maryland (Final),
                 January 1983

                 Environmental Impact Statement: Proposed Revisions to
                 Ocean Dumping Criteria - Volume II (Final), 1977

                 Environmental Impact Statement: Proposed Sludge
                 Management Plan - Metropolitan District Commission,
                 Boston, Massachusetts (Draft), Volume I, February 1976

                 Environmental Impact Statement: Proposed Sludge
                 Management Plan - Metropolitan District Commission,
                 Boston, Massachusetts (Draft), Volume II, February 1976

                 Environmental Impact Statement: Rehabilitation of
                 Wastewater Facilities: Streatpr, Illinois (Final), February

                 Environmental Impact Statement: Sewage Treatment
                 Facilities for the South Bloomington and Lake Monroe
                 Service Areas - Bloomington, Indiana (Final), August 1976

                 Environmental Impact Statement: Sludge Disposal and Land
                 Reclamation in Fulton County, Illinois (Final), January 1981

                 Environmental Impact Statement: Sludge Management Study
                 -Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment Plant, Washington, D.C.
                 (Final), March 1990

               11	Environmental Impact Statement: Wastewater Treatment and
                 Discharge - Part I: Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District,
                 Dane County, Wisconsin (Draft), June 19?8
      Not Available from EPA

      EPA#:  908/5-78-OOla  .

      Not Available from EPA

      Not Available from EPA

      Not Available from EPA

      Not Available from EPA

      EPA#:  430/3-46-9000

      Not Available from EPA

      Not Available from EPA

      Not Available from EPA

      Not Available from EPA

      Not Available from EPA

      Not Available from EPA

      Not Available from EPA








NTIS#:  PB95-156576
ERIC#:  W427
NTIS#:  PB93-206548
ERIC#:  WA48

NTIS#:  PB95-156568
ERIC#:  W429
NTIS#:  PB95-156550
ERIC#:  W428
NTIS#:  PB95-156600
ERIC#:  W430
NTIS#:  PB-259665
ERIC#:  W817
NTIS#:  PB95-156592
ERIC#:  W431

NTIS#:  PB95-157376
ERIC#:  W432
NTIS#:  PB95-156584
ERIC#:  W433
                                                                 Page 13
Si,;  ,i-  '  ;:,::
Lli•<;!',ill;:	  it	1	
              ""lit!!] i,, .1 .  i

Document Title    \
        EPA Number               Source
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561      Call ERIC at (8001276-0462
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786       Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Environmental Impact Statement: Wastewater Treatment      EPA #:  906/9-81-003    ,  NtIS#: PB82-117029
 Facilities - Sludge Management System: Albuquerque, New                         ERIC#: W434
 Mexico (Supplemental Draft), September 1981                         .                     '
                                           Page 14

                FEDERAL REGISTERS
Document Title
                                                                            EPA Number
                                                                         ' Call NCEPI at (513) 891-656
                                                                          Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
                                                                                   Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
                                                                                   CaH NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
11	'  '-"i .f t Hi
                                                                          Not Available from EPA    ERIC#: W824
,!., i  «4i  .*•!',
   Federal Register: June 12,1984 - Municipal Sludge
   Management Policy; Notice (49 FR 24358)

   Federal Register: May 2,1989 - National Pollutant Discharge
   Elimination System Sewage Sludge Permit Regulations; State
   Sludge Management Program Requirements; Final Rule
   (54 FR 18716)

   Federal Register: July 24, 1990 - General Pretreatment and
   National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Regulations;
   Final Rule (55 FR 30082)

   Federal Register: November 16,1990 - National Pollutant
   Discharge Elimination System Permit Application Regulations
   for Storm Water Discharges; Final Rule (55 FR 47990)

   Federal Register: March 21,1991 - National Pollutant Discharge
   Elimination System Permit Application Regulations for Storm
   Water Discharges; Application Deadlines; Final Rule and
   Proposed Rule (56 FR 12098)

   Federal Register: August 16,1991 -NPDES General Permits
   and Reporting Requirements for Storm Water Discharges
   Associated with Industrial Activity (56 FJR. 40948)

   Federal Register: November 5,1991 -National Pollutant
   Discharge Elimination System Permit Application Regulations
   for Storm Water Discharges; Application Deadlines; Final Rule
   (56 FR 56548)   '['_	    "

   Federal Register: April 2,1992 - National Pollutant Discharge     EPA#:  833/Z-92-006
   Elimination System Application Deadlines, General Permit
   Requirements andReporting Requirements for Storm Water
   Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity; Final Rule
*	(57FR11394)	;.'.  .'.'   '     '!	,    	
                                                                          Not Available from EPA
                                                                          EPA#:  833/Z-90-101
                                                                          EPA#:  833/Z-90-100
                                                                          Not Available from EPA
                                                                          Not Available from EPA
                                                                          Not Available from EPA
                  Federal Register: September 9,1992 - Final NPDES General
                  Permits for Storm Water Discharges from Construction Sites;
                  Fact Sheet (57 FR 41176)

                  Federal Register: September 9,1992 - Final NPDES General
                  Permits for Storm Water Discharges from Construction .Sites;
                  Permit Language (57 FR 41209)
               ';/•;''?  •', "V ,,"'	:,:"!,;J!  ,';, •„,  ' ; "   ',  „;  j  '"I,  : .  ;'.•  ': .';,. .'; ,
                  Federal Register: September 9,1992 - Final NPDES General
                  Permits for Storm Water Discharges from Industrial Activity;
                  Fact Sheet (57 FR41236)
                                                          EPA#:  833/Z-92-002
                                                          EPA#:  833/Z-92-001
                                                          EPA#:  833/Z-92-004
                                                                                  NTIS#: PB95-156832
                                                                                  ERIC#: W022
                                                                                  ERIC#:  W271
                                                                                  NTIS#: PB93-226728
                                                                                  ERIC#: W143
                                                                                  NTIS#: PB94-152345 .
                                                                                  ERIC#: W292
                                                                                  NTIS#: PB94-152337
                                                                                  ERIC#: W290
                                                                                  NTIS#: PB94-155694
                                                                                  ERIC#: W481
                                                                                                  NTIS#: PB94-152311
                                                                                                  ERIC#: W288
                                                                                  ERIC#: W262
                                                                                  NTIS#: PB94-154168
                                                                                  ERIC#: W488

                                                                                  NTIS#: PB94-154184
                                                                                  ERIC#: W201
                                                                 Page 15

 Document Title
  EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) S91-6S6
CaU WRC at (202) 260-7786
 Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (?00) 5S3-NTIS
  Federal Register: September 9,1992 - Final NPDES General
  Permits for Siorm Water Discharges from Industrial Activity;
  Permit Language (57 FR 41297)          ',  .-•'_..'.

  Federal Register: September 9,1992 - National. Pollutant
  Discharge Elimination System, Request for Comment on
  Alternative'Approaches for Phase II for Storm Water Program
  (57 FR 41344)            '     '           '     '         ;

  Federal Register: September 25,1992-Final NPDES General
  Permits for Storm Water Discharges Associated with
  Construction Sites; Notice (57 FR 44412)   .

  Federal Register: September 25, 1992-Filial NPDES General
  Permits for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial
  Activity; Notice (Part IV) (57 FR 44438)

  Federal Register: December 18,1992 - National Pollutant
  Discharge Elimination System; Storm Water Discharges; Permit
  Issuance and Permit Compliance Deadlines for Phase I  ,     '
  Discharges; Final Rule (57 FR 60444)

  Federal Register: December 22,1992 - Proposed NPDES "
  General Permits for Produced Water and Produced Sand    ,
  Discharges from the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source
  Category to Coastal Waters in Louisiana and Texas (57 FR  .-
  60926)              '    ••"."'

  Federal Register: January 19, 1993 - Combined Sewer Overflow,
  Control Policy: Draft Guidance Availability (58 FR 4994)

  Federal Register: February 3,1993 - Proposed NPDES General
  Permits for Produced Water and Produced Sand Discharges from
  the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category to Coastal
  Waters in Louisiana and Texas (58 FR 6964)

  Federal Register: February 8, 1993 - National Pollutant
  Discharge Elimination System General Permit and Reporting
  Requirements for Discharges from Concentrated Animal
  Feeding Operations; Notice (58 FR7610)

  Federal Register: February 16,1993 -National Pollutant '-     ;
  Discharge Elimination System, Announcement of National .
  Meetings to Consider Options for Controlling Sources of
  Stormwater Pollution Under Section 402 (p) (6) of the Clean
  Water Act (58 FR 8595)
 EPA#: 833/Z-92-003
 EPA#: 833/Z-92-005
 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA
 NTIS#." PB94-154192
 ERICS:. W489
 NTIS#: PB94-152352
 ERIC#: W293
 NTIS#: PB94-152303
 ERIC#: W295
NTIS#: PB94-152295
ERIC#: W294
NTIS#: PB94-152360
-.Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA
                                                  Page 16

IK'1"' ' 1	!"'
                 FEDERAL REGISTERS
                 Document Title
                                                             EPA Number
                                                           Call NCEPI at (513) 891-656
                                                           Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
                   Federal Register: February 19,1993 - National Pollutant
                   Discharge Elimination System Sewage Sludge Permit
                   Regulations; State Sludge Management Program Requirements
                   (58 FR 9404)

                   Federal Register: April 14,1993 -NPDES General Permit for
                   Storm Water Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity
                   Located in Puerto Rico (58 FR 19427)
                                                            Not Available from EPA
                                                           Not Available from EPA
NTIS#; PB94-152329
ERIC#: W289
                   Federal Register: August 4,1993 - Proposed Modification of the
                   National Pollutant Discharge Eliminations System General
                   Pennit for the Western Portion of the Outer Continental Shelf
                   (OCS) of the Gulf of Mexico (GMG290000) (58 FR 41474)
               :	1:,  '•'•' : ;,f1.; • 	,'1'f  '  ';   '.  '"''. ..'. ;• "i"  !"  ' '.••",.  ;,  •/ '<   ',,'  ,. .,  '"'      • ..''•'.  '",•
                   Federal Register: November 19,1993 - Water Pollution Control,'   Not Availale from EPA
                   NPDES General Permits and Fact Sheets: Storm Water
                   Discharges From Industrial Activity (58 FR 61146)          .   .   '

                   Federal Register: April 19,1994 -Combined Sewer Overflow      EPA#: 830/2-94-001
                   (CSO) Control Policy; Notice

                   Federal Register: April 28,1994 - Final NPDES General Permits
                   for Non-Contact Cooling Water Discharges; ME, MA, NH:
                   Notice (59 FR 22048)

                   Federal Register: May 31,1994 - Final NPDES  General Permit
                   for Placer Mining in Alaska; Notice of a Final NPDES General

                   Federal Register: July 28,1994 - National Pollutant.Dis harge
                   Elimination System (NPDES) Preparation of Draft General
                   Pennit for the States of Maine, Massachusetts and New
                   Hampshire (59 FR 388465)

                   Federal Register: September 19, 1994 - Reissuance of the
                   National Pollutaant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
                   General Pennit for Petroleum Fuel Contaminated Ground/Storm
                   Waters in the State of Florida (59 FR 47862)

                   Federal Register: December  16,1994 - Reissuance of the         .Not Available from EPA
                   National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
                   General Permit for Dewatering and Petroleum Fuel
                   Contaminated Ground/Storm Waters in the State of Florida (59
               ';;";;  FR65041)
                                                                                    ERIC#: W473
                                                                                    NTIS#: PB95-156840
                                                                                    ERIC#: W605
                                                                                    NTIS#: PB95-159588
                                                                                    ERIC#: W822
                                                                  Page 17

 Document Title
  EPA Number
Can NCEPI at (513) 891-656
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
  Federal Register: January 9,1995 - Final NPDES General
  Permits for Produced Water and Produced Sand Discharges from
  the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category to Coastal  .
  Waters in Louisiana (LAG290000) and Texas (TXG290000) (60
  FR2387)      '

  Federal Register: April 7,1995 - Storm Water Phase II Direct
  Final Rule: Amendment to Requirements for National Pollutant •
  Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits for Storm
 . Water Discharges under Section 402(p)(6) of the Clean Water
  Act; Direct Final and Proposed Rule (60 PR 17950)

  Federal Register: May 24,1995 - Final NPDES General Permit
  for Offshore'Oil and Gas Operations on the Outer Continental  .
  Shelf (OCS) and State Waters of Alaska: Arctic NPDES General
  Permit (No. AKG2842200) (60 FR 27508)       '  •'  ...

  Federal Register: June 29, 1995 - National Pollutant Discharge
  Elimination System and Pretreatment Programs; State and Local
  Assistance Programs; Effluent Limitations Guidelines and
  Standards; Public Water Supply and Underground Injection
  Control Prograams: Removal of Legally Obsolete or Redundant
 'Rules; Final Rule (60 FR 33926)                 ,.    '

  Federal Register: August 7,  1995 - Storm Water Discharges;
  Amendment to Requirements for National Pollutant Discharge
  Elimination System Permits; Final Rule; Withdrawal of Direct
  Final Rule (60 FR 40230)           '

  Federal Register: September 29,1995 - Final National Pollutant
  Discharge Elimination System Storm Water Multi-Sector
  General Permit for Industrial Activities; Notice (60 FR 50804)
 Not Available from EPA
 EPM:. 83.3/Z-95-001
'NTIS#: PB95-159604
ERIC#: W823
 EPA#: 833/Z-95-002
 EPA#: 833/Z-95-003
NTIS#:  PB96-144597
ERIC#:  W926
                                                  Page 18

                • si'1
 Document Title
  EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-656
qall WRC at (202) 260-7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call r«TIS at (800) 553-NTIS
  Federal Register: October 25,1995 - Standards for the Use or
  Disposal of Sewage Sludge (60 FR 54764)

  Federal Register: December 6,1995 - National Pollutant
  Discharge Elimination System Permit Application Requirements
  for Publicly Owned Treatment Works and Other Treatment
  Works Treating Domestic Sewage Sludge; Proposed Rule (60

  Federal Register: March 4,1996 - National Pollutant Discharge
  Elimination System Permit Application Requirements for
  Publicly Owned Treatment Works and Other, Treatment Works
  Treating Domestic Sewage; Extension of Comment Period (61

  Federal Register: January 21,1997 - Proposal for Using
  Voluntary Environmental Management Systems in State Water
  Programs (62 FR 3036)

  Federal Register: March 20,1997 - Guidelines for Implementing
  the Hardship Grants Program for Rural Communities (62 FR

  Federal Register: June 2,1997 - Proposed Reissuance of NPDES
  General Permits for Stormwater Discharges from Construction
  Activities; Notice of Proposed NPDES General Permits (62 FR
                ,i i i|i,             ,,i        ,
  Federal Register: July 11,1997 - Proposed Modification of
  National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
  Storm Water Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial
  Activities; Proposal to Terminate the EPA NPDES Storm Water
  Baseline Industrial General Permit; Notice of Proposed
  Modifications of the NPDES Storm Water Multi-Sector General
  Permit for Industrial Activities and Proposal to Terminate the
  EPA Storm Water Baseline Industrial General Permit (62 FR

  Federal Register: October 22,1997 - Proposed Modification of
  National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
  Storm Water Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial
  Activities; Notice of Proposed Modification of NPDES General
  Permits; Notice of Interpretation (62 FR 54950)
                         NTIS#: PB96-13940
                         ERIC#: W930
 EPA#: 832/Z-97-001
 EPA#: 833/Z-97-001
EPA#: 833/Z-97-002
NTIS#: PB97-198980
EPA#: 833/Z-97-003
                                                 Page 19

 Document Title
  EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-656
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
 Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
' Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
  Federal Register: October 25,1995 - Standards for the Use or
  Disposal of Sewage Sludge (60 FR 54764)    '

  Federal Register: December 6,1995 - National Pollutant
  Discharge Elimination System-Permit Application Requirements
  for Publicly Owned Treatment Works and Other Treatment
  Works Treating Domestic Sewage Sludge; Proposed Rule (60
  FR62546    '.    •                                 ,

  Federal Register: March 4, 1996 - National Pollutant Discharge
  Elimination System Permit Application Requirements for
  Publicly Owned Treatment Works and Other Treatment Works
  Treating Domestic Sewage; Extension of Comment Period (61
  FR 8229)  .

  Federal Register: January 21,1997-Proposal for Using
  Voluntary Environmental Management Systems in State Water'
  Programs (62 FR 3036)

  Federal Register: January 9,1998 - National Pollutant Discharge';
  Elimination, System - Proposed Regulations for Revision of the
  Water Pollution Control Program Addressing Storm Water
  Discharges: Proposed Rule (63 FR 1536) phase II]

  Federal Register: February 17, 1998 - Reissuance of NPDES
  General Permits for Storm  Water Discharges from Construction
  Activities; Notice      .             .       •           '

  Federal Register: March 6,1998- Notice of Intent for
  Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activity
  (63 FR 11253)
                         NTIS#: PB96-13940
                         ERIC#: W930
 EPA#: 833/Z-98-001
 EPA#: 833/Z-98-002
   ;    833/Z-98-002a

 EPA#: 3510-09
                                                 Page 20

  Document Title
    EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
1990 Preliminary Draft Strategy for Municipal Wastewater
Treatment— Funding, January 1981
1^90 Preliminary Draft Strategy for Municipal Wastewater
Treatment- Compliance, January 1981
hl i'|;,l|; i, ',1 „,"„", , ' ' |! 'I |[ , , '" 	 ; ",,''' '
|996 Clean Water Needs Survey: Report to Congress,
September 1997
Accounting Guide for Construction Grants, October 1977
"( ..' '"" * • '• !i:: . "•' " • ":," '• '",'' '' '''''''. '
i. :,„ i,, '" , 'If ' ' " , ~. i .
Addendum to the Guidelines and Requirements for Applying for
Grants from the Indian Set Aside Program, March 1995
All You Need to Know About Sewage Treatment Construction
Grants: Federal Funds Available for Municipal Water Pollution
Control, August 1976
Alternative Financing Mechanisms for Environmental Programs:
State Capacity Task Force - The Alternative Financing Mechanisms
Team Report (Final Draft), August 1992
Alternative Funding Study - Water Quality Fees arid Debt Financing
Issues - Final Report to Congress, June 1996
Analysis of Construction Cost Experience for Wastewater Treatment
Plants: Technical Report, February 1976
,,r.,,!'.' i „ ,, " * 	 	 'i ,•'.,:'„.
Analysis of Construction Cost Experience for Wastewater Treatment
Plants: Construction Grants Program Information, February 1976
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About the U.S. EPA Clean
Water Set Aside Grant Program, January 1998
Appendices to Financial Management Trouble-Shooting: Handbook
BEN: A Model to Calculate the Economic Benefit of
Noncompliance - User's Manual, June 1990
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 832/R-97-003
EPA#: 832/B-77-104
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 832/R-76-100
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 832/R-96-001
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/9-76-002
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/9-76-002
EPA#:" 832/K-97-002
EPA#: 832/B-85-105
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA

NTIS#: PB95-1 58051
ERIC#: W009
NTlS#: PB95-158069
ERIC#: W008
NTIS#: PB98-133226
ERIC#: G741
NTIS#: PB95-157129
ERIC#: W501
',1 , '
NTIS#: PB95-207247
ERIC#: W983
NTIS#: PB95-157152
ERIC#: W504
NTIS#: PB95-207221
ERIC#: W985
NTIS#:' PB97-1 13740
ERIC#: W340
NTIS#: PB-257455
ERIC#: W148
NTIS#: PB95-157970
ERICf: W507
NTIS#: PB98-133218
ERIC#: G747
NTIS#: PB95-159570
ERIC#: W810
NTIS#: PB95-157103
ERIC#: W568
Building for Clean Water - Federal Grants Lend a Hand, August
1975  _.     .   .  	,(i

Building Support for Increasing User Fees, July 1989.

Vij,   !,    '      i, ''  *'"  lirlllil   i   , ,   	   !"     I1  !''  !' ''   ; '", ir- '"' ' ' '  ' '!
Catalog of Financial Support Sources for U.S. - Mexico Border
ll/ater Infrastructure, September 1996
EPA#: 832/K-75-100
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 430/9-89-006
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 832/B-96-008
ERIC#:  W513
NTIS#:  PB90-114448
ERIC#:  N471

NTIS#:  PB95-23240
EPJC#:  G064
                                                     Page 21
               .•:,.. .ail.i.'-I./:
                            "ll.;,,'l';:i ili .''iliv-ii '"-Ivi-  Wl'l^KJll:;1!!

  Document Title
    EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
 Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
 Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
Clarifying and Supplementing Requirements in the Initial Guidance
for State Revolving Funds, September 30, 1988 [Memorandum]   >

Clean Water Financing Update, My  1990
The Clean Water State Revolving Fund and the Clean Water  ,  •
Action Plan, March 1998

Clean Water State Revolving Fund: Financing America's
Environmental Infrastructure - A Report of Progress, January 1995
                     •    •      -!        ,.,.''.'-      '
Clean Water State Revolving Fund: Funding Framework, October
1996             '  ':      '-..       '

The Clean Water State Revolving Fund: Practical Approaches'
to Improving Pace - Hands on Approaches, September 1997

Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program, December 1996
Cleaning Up Polluted Runoff with the Clean Water State Revolving
Fund' '                      .'        ,          ,

Construction Costs for Municipal Wastewater Conveyance Systems:
1973-1979, January 1981  .                                 .

Construction Costs for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants:
1973-1977, January 1978

Construction Costs for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants:
1973-1978, April 1980    .              ,  ;

Construction Costs for Wastewater Conveyance Systems:
1973-1977, May 1978                     ,        '•'..-'.

Construction Grants 1982 (CG-82); Interim Final, July 1982
Construction Grants 1985 (CG-85), July 1984
Construction Grants Delegation and Overview Guidance, December
1983  ••-..,.

Construction Grants Process for State Agency Personnel: Videotape
Instructor Manual, May 1981                            ,

Construction Grants Process for State Agency Personnel: Student  -
Manual, May 1981   '             .                    '
 Not Available fixjm EPA .
i'Nbt Available from EPA
 EPA#:  :832/F-9:8-003 '
 EPA#:  832/R-95-001
 EPA#:  832/B-96-005
 EPA#:   832/R-97-064'.
 EPA#: 532/F-96-003
 EPA#:   832/F-98-001
 EPA#: 430/9-81-003
: Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 430/9-77-013
 Not Available from-EPA

 EPA #: 430/9-80-003
 EPA#:. 430/9-77-014
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 430/9-81-020
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#:, 430/9-84-004
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/B-83-102
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 430/1-81-024
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA #:'. 430/1-81-011
 Not Available from EPA
 NTIS#: PB95-157921
 ERIC#: W571   .

 NTIS#: PB95-156956
 ERIC#: W518
 NTIS#: PB95-232450
 ERI,C#: WA93

 NTIS#: PB97-120364
 ERIC#: W346

 NTIS#:  PB98-133275
 ERIC#: G748

 NTIS#: PB97-141493
 ERIC#: W391






 1   .'


,U053.  -.



 U069     .



                                                   Page 22

;!i '. "i	I'lr', fl!
               Mil ""'i:	
                Document Title
    EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
     . Source
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800) S53-NTIS
              Construction Grants Program Baseline Functions: Final Report, July

              Construction Grants Program for Municipal Wastewater Treatment
              Works: Handbook of Procedures, October 1984

              Construction Incentive Guidance [Brochure], May 1989
              Construction Incentive Program, September 1984

              Construction Inspection Guide, Volume 1, July 1976

              Construction Inspection Guide, Volume 2, July 1976

              Construction Inspection Guide, Volume 3, July 1976

              Construction Inspection Guide, Volumes 1,2, and 3, July 1976

              Contracting for Professional Services, February 1982

              Cost Digest: Cost Summaries of Selected Environmental Control
              Technologies, October 1984

              Cost-Effective Comparison of Land Application and Advanced
              Wastewater Treatment, November 1975

              Cost Effectiveness Analysis

                  111  '        •  •   "i1;1   '  '          ,„'      „ ' '         ,
              Cost of Land Treatment Systems, Revised November 1979
              Cost of Landspreading and Hauling Sludge from Municipal
              Wastewater Treatment Plants: Case Studies, October 1977

              Determining Wastewater Treatment Costs for Your Community,
              October 1979

              Determining Wastewater User Service Charge Rates: A Step-by-
              Step Manual, September 1992

              Developing Public/Private Partnerships: An Option for Wastewater
              Financing, October 1992

              Discussion Paper on Alternative Financing Mechanisms for State
              Water Programs, January  10,1989
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  430/9-84-003
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  430/9-89-005
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  832/R-84-100

EPA#:  430/9-76-005
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  430/9-76-005b
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  430/9-76-005c
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  430/9-82-005
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  600/8-84-010
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  430/9-75-016
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  830/R-82-100  :
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  430/9-75-003
EPA#:  530/SW-619
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  832/R-79-102
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  832/B-92-003
EPA#:  832/F-92-003
Not Available from EPA
NTIS#:  PB95-158127
ERIC#:  W577

NTIS#:  PB85-204543
ERIC#:  U086 "

NTIS#:  PB90-124058
ERIC#:  U502

ERIC#:  R017

ERIC#:  U032


NTIS#:  PB-275330

















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  Document Title
    EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260;7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
Do You Need Information About EPA Grant Projects?, (Pre-1978)    Not Available from EPA   '  EPJC#:  W020'
Effectiveness of the Innovative and Alternative Wastewater     •.
Treatment Technology Program: A Report to Congress, September
1989                           '•     -

EPA's Clean Water Act Indian, Set-Aside Grant Program,
November 1997  .   .-  '

"Evaluating Municipal Wastewater User Charge Systems: What You
Need to Know, September 1993

Environmental Assessment of Construction Grants Projects, January
1979                    -       ••   .'

Environmental Financial Advisory Board - Incentives:for       . ,
Environmental Investment: Changing Behavior and Building
Capital, August 9,1991

Environmental Financing Information Network: A Database and
Contact Service, 1992      .      ,

Environmental Investments: the Cost of A Clean Environment: A
Summary, December 1990            ',.   • ','• .

EPA State Revolving Fund Workshop: Headquarters-Washington,
D.C., July 25-26,1989      ,

Estimating Costs and Manpower Requirements for Conventional
Wastewater Treatment Facilities, October 19/1

Evaluating Municipal Wastewater User Service Charge Systems:
What You. Need to Know                        .     '  '    '  \

Federal Financial Assistance for Pollution Prevention and Control,
.1970 '     '•...'.-..

Federal Funding Sources for Small Community Wastewater
Systems, November, 1997     .     , .  '                   1

Financial Building Blocks—For Self-Sustaining Municipal
Wastewater Facilities [Brochure], 1980                  -

Financial Capability Guidebook, February 1983
 Financial Capability Summary Foldout: A Simplified Approach
 [Brochure], June 1984

 Financial Management Evaluation: Appendices, August 1989
 EPA#:  430/9-89-009
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#:  8327F-97-006.
 EPA#:  832/R-93-010
 EPA #:. 430/9-79-007  .
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#:  832/F-92-002
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#:  230-12-90-084
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-93-010

 EPA#: 832/R-70-100,
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#:  832/F-97-004

 EPA#: 832/R-80-101

 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-84-103

 Not Available from EPA
NTIS#:  PB90-160961
ERIC#:  U133
ERIC#:  G751
NTIS#:  PB96-137252
ERIC#:  WB03

NTIS#:  PB-299209  .
ERlb#:  W633

NTIS#:  PB95-156543
ERIC#:  W636
ERIC#:  R071
NTIS#:  PB91-153775
ERIC#:  W435

NTIS#:  PB95-157194
ERIC#:  W444

NTIS#:  PB-211132
NTIS#:  PB996-137252
ERIC#:  WB03

NTIS#:  PB80-182629
ERIC#:  N491
ERIC#:  R023

NTIS#:  PB84-218098
ERIC#:  U071

NTIS#:  PB95-156816
ERIC#:  R024

NTIS#:  PB91-201467
ERIC#:  .N492
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    EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
                                                                                      Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
                                                                                      Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Financial Management Evaluation Handbook: Wastewater Utility,
 December 30,1988

 Financial Management Evaluation: Handbook for Wastewater
 Utility, August 1989
 h'' •'  "••  "  'i    "•    "I; i'i'i'  • •.,  :       i    ",  i ,„•  j,_,   ,, , , ii   • , „
 Financial Management System for Publicly Owned Treatment
 Works (Accounting Options), June 1984

 Financial Management: For Publicly Owned Treatment Works
 [Brochure], February 1985

 Financing for the Next Generation: For the National Conference on
 Innovations in Financing Wastewater Facilities - 1986 New Orleans,
 November 18-20, November 1986 [Reprint of selected articles]

 Financing for the Next Generation: For the National .Conference on
 Innovations in Financing Wastewater Facilities - 1986 New Orleans,
 November 18-20, November 1986

 Financing Strong State Water Programs in New Ways: Proceedings
 of A National Workshop March 20-21,1989 Denver, Colorado,
 August 1989

 Funding of Expanded Uses Activities by State Revolving Fund
 Pjjpgrams: Examples and Program Recommendations, August 1990

 Funding Our Environmental Future: General Proceedings - Region 1
 Conference on Public-Private Partnerships and Alternative
 Financing Mechanisms: November 6-7,1989, Northampton, MA,
 December 1989

 Grants and Loans for Municipal Water Supply and Wastewater
Treatment Systems: Water Conservation Provisions-Final Report of
Task Force 11, July 30,1979

 Grants Information and Control System Directory - GIGS,
September 1994

Guidelines and Requirements for Applying for Grants from the
Indian Set-Aside Program, April 1989
 ;'•'. ',  '  •'   i. •  "I       ""     ,'   -;  I   '    '  .•'".•.•.
Guidelines for Implementing the Hardship Grants Program for Rural
Communities, March 1997
 :     "    '' , I-     ''ii;   "    .  ' " ,    •   !   , „ • '  '   .
Guidelines for Qverviewing Construction Grant Activities
Conducted under the In|eragency Agreement with the Corps of
Engineers, February 1984
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/K-89-100
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 430/9-84-005
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-85-101
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#:  430/9-90-006
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#:  832/B-94-011
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  430/9-88-010
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  833/97-001
Not Available from EPA
 NTIS#: PB95-156923
 ERIC#: W946

 NTIS#: PB91-206177
 ERIC#: N487

 NTIS#: PB85-121234
 ERIC#: U070

 ERIC#: R025
NTIS#:  PB95-156790
ERIC#:  W187
NTIS#:  PB95-159497
ERIC#:  U117
NTIS#:  PB95-156782
ERIC#:  W188
NTIS#:  PB90-272865
ERIC#:  N490

NTIS#:  PB91-222026*
ERIC#:  W023
NTIS#:  PB95-157798
ERIC#:  W192  -
NTIS#:  PB95-157046
ERIC#:  W826

NTIS#:  PB-195234
NTIS#:  PB95-157608
ERIC#:  U089
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  Document Title
    EPA Number
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Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
                                                                                       Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
                                                                                       Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 The Hardship Grants Program for Rural Communities [Draft],
 February 1997                      ,
 EPA#: .832/F-97-001
 The Hardship Grants Program for Rural Communities [Fact Sheet],    EPA,#: 832/F-96-002
 August 1996                                           .-      Not Available from EPA
 Initial Guidance for State Revolving Funds, January, 1988

 Less Costly Wastewatef Treatment For Your Town, Revised
 September 1983                                  .

 Looking at User Charges: A State Survey and Report, September
 1987        ;  ,                .              .
Not Available from EPA
EPA#:  832/K-83-100
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  430/9-87-008 ••
 NTIS#:  PB88-179296
 ERICS:  U120    :

 ERICS:  R095
 NTIS#:  PB88-149786
 ERIC#:  T290   ',
 Managing the Money: How EPA Assures Financial Integrity in the
 Federal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program,
 August 1986    •   .          '

 Managing Your Utility's Money: February, March, and April, 1992

 Managing Your Utility's Money: The Participant's Manual, 1991

 Managing Your Utility's Money: The Trainer's Manual, 1991
 Municipalities, Small Businesses, and Agriculture: The Challenge of
 Meeting Environmental Responsibilities, September 1988

 National Conference on Less Costly Wastewater Treatment Systems
 for Small Communities, 1977              ;

 Notes on EPA Symposium on Public-Private Partnerships,
 September 6,1988

 Onsite Assistance Report: A Representative List of State Success
 Stories Under the Clean Water Act Section 104(g)(l) Program,.
 March 1986

 Operating PVocedures for "Monitoring Construction Activities" at
 Projects Funded under the Environmental Protection Agency's
 Construction Grants Programs, September 1983

• Partners Rebuilding America: Public-Private Partnerships in
 Wastewater Finance, May 1993

 Paying for Cleaner Water: The State Funding Study/undated
EPA#:  832/K-76-100
Not Available from EPA
 ERIC#:  R094
Not Available from EPA     ERIC#:  R093
EPA#:  430/9-91-015
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  430/9-91-014
EPA#:  230/9-88-037
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  600/9-79-010
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#:.  832/B-83-104
Not Available from EPA
EPA#;  832/F-93-004
Not Available from EPA



. ERIC#:


. NTIS#:

N363  .




 NTIS#:  PB95-158960
 ERIC#:  T265  .
 NTIS#:  PB93-212033
 ERIC#:  W112      ,

 NTIS#:  PB95-158879
 ERIC#: .W094
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r.l •:•.'• ' , ill' ' • ' ':, | ,; . • .'
Document Title
>.:• ' • , ' ;JS '. , ' i - ' ••'•. ., '
in1' ' ' ' '•'# • ' ' ' r ' .." , • •
Paying for Progress: Perspectives on Financing Environmental
Protection, Fall 1990
• •',' ' . , ' . ' ,• f • • '•'.•..' 'i ' •.. " . ••
Planning and Financing Community Water and Sewer Systems in
Montana (Third Edition)
Preliminary Analysis of the Public Costs of Environmental
Protection: 1981-2000, May 1990
Prevention and Resolution of Contractor Claims: EPA Construction
Grant Program Guidance for Municipal Grants, March, 1985
Primer for Financial Analysis of Pollution Prevention Projects, April
EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRfc at (202) 260-7786
• : ' 	 , .I:'1'

EPA#: 20M-2004

Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 832/B-85-103
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/R-93-059

Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS

/ '

PB93-1 57758

Privatization of Public Facilities: Panacea or Pipe Dream?,
Reprinted May 1993

Proceedings from National Conferences on Shopping for Sewage
Treatment: How to Get the Best Bargain for Your Community or
Home (Draft), 1978

Proceedings of a Workshop on Low-Cost Wastewater Treatment,

Project Summary: Sale of Surplus Digester and Landfill Gas to
Publip Utilities, March 1984

Protecting Wetlands with the Clean Water State Revolving
Fund, September 1997

Public and Construction Grants: Building Together for Clean Water,
May 1977

Public-Private Partnerships (P3) Strategy, July 1989
Public-Private Partnerships Case Studies: Profiles of Success in
Providing Environmental Services, September 1989

Public-Private Partnerships for Environmental Facilities: A
Self-Help Guide for Local Governments, May 1990

Public-Private Partnerships Bulletin, Number 2, October 1988
Public-Private Partnerships Bulletin, Number 4, June 1989
Public-Private Partnerships Bulletin, Number 6, Summer 1990
EPA#:  832/A-93-001
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  600/S2-84-039
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  832/F-97-017
EPA#:  832/R-77-100
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#:  20M-2003
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
ERICfc  W672
NTIS#:  PB95-158705
ERIC#:  W680
ERIC#:  W673

NTIS#:  PB84-155555
ERIC#:  W891

ERIC#:  G746

ERIC#:  W902










                                                   Page 27

  Document Title
    EPA Number
 Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
 Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
 CaU ERIC at (800) 276-0462
 Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Public-Private Partnerships Bulletin, Number 7, Spring 1991

 Public-Private Partnerships Bulletin, Number 8, Winter 1'992
 Public-Private Partnerships Save Cities Millions: An Environmental
 Management Option [Brochure] August 1990

 Reducing the- Cost of Operating Municipal Wastewater Facilities,
 December 1985    .          ;      "       '•              ;

 Reference Guide: On State Financial Assistance Programs, February
 1988       .

 Renovated Wastewater as a Supplementary Source for Municipal
 Water Supply: Ah Economic Evaluation, October 1976

 Report on the Regional State Capacity Building 'Initiatives,
.September 22,1993, Draft

 Report to Congress: Industrial Cost Exclusion, March 1981
 Report to Congress: Industrial Cost Recovery - Supplemental
 Analysis and Recommendations, May 1980                  •

 Report to Congress: Industrial Cost Recovery - Volume I Executive
 Summary. December 1978

 Report to Congress: Industrial Cost Recovery --Volume II Detailed
 Methodology, Findings, Alternatives, and Recommendations,
 December 1978

 Report to Congress: Industrial Cost Recovery - Volume III Exhibits,
 Decembe 1978

 Report to Congress: Industrial Cost Recovery - Volume IV
 Transcripts of Public'Meetings (ICR Advisory Group), December
 1978   "

 Report to Congress: Industrial Cost Recovery - Volume V
 Transcripts of Public Meetings (Regional Public Meetings),
 December 1978

•Report to Congress: Industrial Cost Recovery—Volume VI •
 Transcripts of Public Meetings (Regional Public Meetings),
 December 1978                                     •   ,
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#:  830/F-90-001

 Not Available .from EPA
 EPA #:  430/9-88-004
-Not Available from EPA

 EPA#:  600/l;-76-033
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#:  832/B-81-103
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 832/R-78-101a
 Not Available from EPA

,EPA#: 832/R-78-101b
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 832/R-78-101C
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-78-lQld
 Not Available from EPA-
 EPAJ: 832/R-78-101e
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 832/R-78-101f
 Not Available from EPA
ERIC#: W910

NTIS#: PB95-158465
ERIC#: W909

ERIC#: R048
NTIS#:  PB95-158424
ERIC#:  U101

NTIS#:  PB88-179304
ERIC#:  U123  ,

NTIS#:  PB-262203
ERIC#:  W917

NTIS#:  PB95-158390
ERIC#;  W919       ^

NTIS#:  PB81-194375
ERIC#:  W975

NTIS#:  PB80-204746
ERIC#:  N275  .

NTIS#:  PB-292171
ERIC#:  W920

NTIS#:  PB-292172
ERIC#:  W687
NTIS#:  PB-292173
ERIC*:  W688  '

NTIS#:  PB-292174
EPJC#:  W689
NTIS#:  PB-292175
ERIC#:  W974
NTIS#:  PB-292176
ERIC#:  W690   .
                                                   Page 28

fl I'IL, I 'iB't'F.' Ji
                Document Title
    EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
               Report to Congress: Industrial Cost Recovery - Volume VII
               Transcripts of Public Meetings (Regional and Town Public
               Meetings), December 1978

               Report to Congress: Industrial Cost Recovery - Volumes I through
               VII, December 1978 .

               Report to Congress: Waste Water Treatment Contracting and Bid
               Shopping, June 1978

               Response to Congress on Privatization of Wastewater Facilities,
               July 1997
               ,1,,,,;' ; ' n    I),   	jilliil    , '              |l          ,
               Road to Financing: Assessing and Improving Your Community's
               Credit Worthiness, September 1992

               Rural Community Assistance Program (RACP) Help for
               Small Community Wastewater Projects, October 1997

               Saving Ourselves Brolce: The Future Expenses of Deferred
               Regulation, April 1979

               Sewer Access Rights Program: Upper Merion Township,
               Pennsylvania, January 1990

               SRF Financing for Small Communities [Brocnure] October 1991
 EPA#:  832/R-78-101g
 Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  832/R-78-102
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  832/R-97-001a

EPA#:  832/B-92-004

EPA#:  832/F-97-003
EPA#:  OPA76/9
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EPA#:  430/9-91-018B
NTIS#:  PB-292177
ERIC#:  W691

NTIS#:  PB-292170
NTIS#:  PB-288308
ERIC#:  U079
NTIS#:  PB93-124279
ERIC#:  N481
ERIC#:  W703
NTIS#:  PB95-156329
ERIC#:  W712

ERIC#:  R054
               SRF Initial Guidance for State Revolving Funds, January 1988
               ,!»ii    „            ," B;,       ,      	  i '     » , i,

               SRF Letter of Credit: How Is It Used in EPA'S State Revolving
               Fund Program, September 1988

               §RF Update, June 1988
               ; '-:      	   '      ' p       »           i              ' i,,
               State Alternative Financing Programs for Wastewater Treatment:
               Transition Towards Greater Self-Sufficiency in the 1980'S - Second
               Edition, January 1986

               State Match Options for the State Revolving Fund Program,
               February 1997

               State Revolving Fund (SRF) Interim Report to Congress: Financial
               Status and Operations of Water Pollution Control Revolving Funds,
               April 1991                 ,

               State Revolving Fund Management Manual, December 1988
Not Available from EPA
EPA#:  430/9-88-009
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
EPA#:  832/R-86-113
Not Available from EPA
EPA#:  832/B-97-003

EPA#:  430/9-91-004
Not Available from EPA
EPA#:  832/B-88-103
Not Available from EPA
NTIS#:  PB88-179296
EPJC#:  U120

NTIS#:  PB89-155527
ERIC#:  N449

NTIS#:  PB95-158267
ERIC#:  W722

NTIS#:  PB95-158259
ERIC#:  W723
NTIS#:  PB97-171425
ERIC#:  WB22

NTIS#:  PB91-191338
ERIC#:  N464
NTIS#:  PB95-156402
ERIC#:  N467
                                                                 Page 29

  Document Title
    EPA Number
 Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
 Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
       Source  ,
 Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
 Call NTIS at (800) S53-NTIS
State Revolving Fund Simulation Model - User Guide, May 1987      Not Available from EPA '
State Revolving Fund Training Course; 1987
 Not Available from EPA,
State Revolving Fund: Final Report to Congress - Financial Status
and Operations of Water Pollution Control Revolving Funds (Final),
September 1991

State Use of Alternative Financing Mechanisms in Environmental
Programs, June 1988

Successful State Cost Reduction Procedures for Municipal
Wastewater Treatment Facilities, June 1985 ,

Title IV: State Revolving Fund Program Final: Questions and
Answers,- Cumulative: Incorporates Previously Issued Sets 1,2 & 3
- Includes Cross-Index of Key Words and Phrases, July 1990

Touching All the Bases: A Financial Management Handbook for
Your Wastewater Treatment Project, September 1986

Touching-All the Bases: A Financial Management Handbook for
Your Wastewater Treatment Project, December 1985    •

Touching All the Bases: Financial Management for Your
Wastewater Treatment Project [Brochure] May 1989

Tcansmittal Memorandum 85-1:  Handbook of Procedures -
Construction Grants Program for Municipal Wastewater Treatment
Works, July 1985

Transmittal Memorandum 86-1:  Handbook of Procedures -
Construction Grants Program for Municipal Wastewater Treatment
Works, March 1986           '                    , ,

Transmittal Memorandum 87-1:  Handbook of Procedures -
Construction Grants Program for Municipal Wastewater Treatment
Works, April 1987

Transmittal Memorandum 89-1:  Handbook of Procedures -
Construction Grants Program for. Municipal Wastewater.Treatment
Works, July 1989                                 '

User Charge Guidance Manual for Publicly Owned Treatment
Works, June 1984   . ,  '                    :   • .

Utility Manager's Guide to Financial Planning, May 1984
 EPA#:  430/9,-91-008
 Not. Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA
 .Not Available from EPA
 EPA#:  8.32/R-90-103
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA #: 430/9-86-001
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#:  832/R-89-101
 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA
. Not Available from EPA
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 EPA#: 430/9-84-006
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
 NTIS#:  PB95-156394
 ERIC#:  U125     .

 NTIS#:  PB95-I58242

 NTIS#:  PB92-116078
 ERIC#:  N464
 NTIS#: PB95-156428
 ERIC#: W725'

 NTIS#: PB95-157392
 ERIC#: W936

 NTIS#: PB92-198662
 ERIC#: W941   -.
 NTIS#: PB87-124061
 ERIC#: U097

 NTIS#: PB95-159257'
 ERIC#: R059
NTIS#: PB85-236055
ERIC#: -U085
NTIS#: PB86-184819
ERIC*: U090
NTIS#: PB88-157417
ERIC#: U121  . /
NTIS#: PB89-226104
ERIC#: U131

NTIS#: PB84-240076
ERIC#: T206''

NTIS#: PB84-229319
,ERIC#: N261
                                                  :Page 30

 Document Title
    EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
.Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
Utility Manager's Guide to Water and Wastewater Budgeting,
September 1994

Water and Wastewater Manager's Guide for Staying Financially
Healthy, July 1989
 EPA#:  832/B-94-010
 EPA#:  430/9-89-004
NTIS#: PB95-136586
ERIC#: W771

NTIS#: PB90-114455
ERIC#: N472
                                                Page 31

Document Title
                                                         EPA Number
                                                      CaU NCPI at (513) 891-6561
                                                     Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
                             Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
                             Calll NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 1978 Needs Survey: Continuous Stormwater Pollution
 Simulation Users Manual, February 10,1979
 EPA#: 430/9-79-004
 Not Available from EPA
 NTIS#: PB-294445
 ERICtf: U161
 1978 Needs Survey: Conveyance and Treatment of .
 Municipal Wastewater: Summaries of Technical Data,
 February 10,1979

 1978 Needs Survey: Cost Methodology for Control of  .
 •Combined Sewer Overflow and Stormwater Discharge,
 February 10,1979

 1980 Needs Survey: Conveyance, Treatment, and Control of
 Municipal Wastewater, Combined Sewer Overflows, and
 Stormwater Runoff: Summaries of Technical Data, February
 10,1981             '..

 1980 Needs Survey: Cost Estimates of Construction of
 Publicly-Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities, February

 1982 Needs Survey: Conveyance, Treatment, and Control of
 Municipal Wastewater, Combined Sewer Overflows, and
 Stormwater Runoff: Summaries of Technical Data, June 15,

 1982 Needs Survey: Cost Estimates for Construction of
 Publicly-Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities, December
 31, 1982'    .              ,

 1984 Needs Survey: A Guide to Cogent 2, March 1984
 1984 Needs Survey: Data Tape and User's Manual

 1984 Needs Survey: Report to Congress-Assessment of
Needed Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities in
the United States, February 1985

 1984 Needs Survey: User's Manual, October 1983

J 986 Needs Survey: Report to Congress-Assessment of
Needed Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment-Facilities in
the United States, February 1987                 ,

1988 Needs Survey: Report to Congress-Assessment- of
Needed Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities in
the United States, February 1989
 EPA#: 430/9-79-002
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 430/9-79-003
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 430/9-81-008
 Not Available from EPA
EPA*: ,430/9-81-001  ,
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 430/9-83-002
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/9-82-009
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 430/9-84-011
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 430/9-87-001
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 430/9-89-001
 NTIS#: PB-300804
 ERIC#: W001
 NTIS#: PB-296604
 ERIC#: W002
 NTIS#: PB82-131533
 ERIC*:. U159
NTIS#:  PB81-193625
ERIC#:  U075
NTIS#: PB83-237362
ERIC#: N268      • '
NTIS#: PB83-148486
ERIC#: N267
NTIS#: PB95-158085
ERIC#: W003

NTIS#: PB85-172960

NTIS#: PB85-172682
ERIC#: K274 '  ! .   .
ERIC#: W004

NTIS#: .PB87-157251
ERIC#: N376   ,    ,
NTIS#: PB89-189633
ERIC#: U127      '>
                                                Page 32

 Document Title
    EPA Number
 Call NCPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
 Calll NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 1990 Needs Survey: Reportto Congress-Assessment of
 Needed Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities in
 the United States Including Federally Recognized Indian
 Tribes and Alaska Native Villages, November 1991

 1992Needs Survey: Reportto Congress, September 1993
  1996 Clean Water Needs Survey: Reportto Congress,
  September 1997

  Cost Estimates for Construction of Publicly Owned
  Wastewater Treatment Facilities:  Summaries of Technical
  Data - 1976 Needs Survey, February 10,1977

  Cost Estimates for Construction of Publicly-Owned
  Wastewater Treatment Facilities:  1976 Needs Survey,
  February 10,1977

  EPA and Municipal Wastewater Treatment 1972-1987 with
  Legislative Projections to 1994, October 15,1987

  Municipal Facility/Waterbody Computerized Information,
  October 1987

  Municipal Sector Study: Impacts  of Environmental
  Regulations on Municipalities, September 1988

  Municipal Sector Study: Impacts  of Environmental
  Regulations on Municipalities, May 1988, Draft

  National Accomplishments in Pollution Control:
  1970-1980-Some Case Histories, December 1980

  Removal of Drums of Hazardous Substances in Stump Gap
  Creek Area, West Point, Kentucky, August 1980

  Report to Congress: Indian Wastewater Treatment—Needs
  and Assistance, January 1989

  Research and Data Needs Committee: Water Supply and
  Wastewater Treatment Task Force of the Working Group on
  Small Community and Rural Development - Task Force
  Report 16 June 1980

  Sludge Management Planning in  the Boston Metropolitan
  Area: A Case Study, Final Report, January 1979

  Statistical Abstract of the Unsewered US Population
EPA#: 430/9-91-024
Not Available from EPA
EPA#:  832/R-93-002
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  832/R-97-003
EPA#: 430/9-76-011
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EPA#:  430/9-76-010
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EPA#:  832/B-87-101
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EPA#:  230/9-88-038
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EPA#:  430/9-80-013
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EPA#:  430/9-88-006
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 600/5-87-004
Not Available from EPA
NTIS#:  PB92-177666
ERIC#:  U134
NTIS#:  PB94-133899
ERIC#:  W284

NTIS#:  PB98-133226
ERIC#:  G741

NTIS#:  PB87-160073
ERIC#:  W579
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ERIC#:  W528














 NTIS#: PB-296552
 ERIC#: W715

 NTIS#: PB88-113352
 ERIC#: U114
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    EPA Number
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                                                                                Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
                                                                                 Calll NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Statistical Assessment of National Significant Industrial User
 Noncompliance: Final Report, June 1992
 EPA contract* 68-C8-0066

 Study of the Future Federal Role in Municipal Wastewater
 Treatment: Report to the Administrator, December 1984

 Summary: Environmental Plan for the Mexican-U.S. Borderv
 Area - First Stage (1992-1994), February 1992

 Unfinished Business: A Comparative Assessment of
 Environmental Problems - Overview Report, February 1987

 Unfinished Business: A Comparative Assessment of
 Environmental Problems - Appendix I: Report of the Cancer
 Risk Work Group, February 1987

 Unfinished Business: A Comparative Assessment of
 Environmental Problems - Appendix II: Non-Cancer Risk
 Work Group, February 1987

 Unfinished Business: A Comparative Assessment of
 Environmental Problems - Appendix III: Ecological Risk
 Work Group; February 1987

 Unfinished Business: A Comparative Assessment of
'Environmental Problems -Appendix IV: Welfare Risk Work
 Group, February 1987                     ,  ,
Not Available from EPA
EPA#; 832/R-84-119
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 230/2-87-025A
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 230/2-87-025B
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EPA#:  230/2-87-025C
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EPAf:  230/2-87-025D
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 230/2-87-025E ,
Not Available from EPA
ERIC#:  W726
NTIS#: PB85-164341'
ERIC#: T236

NTIS#: PB95-156352
ERIC#: W553

NTIS#: PB88-127048
NTIS#: PB88-127055
NTIS#: PB88-127Qi53
NTISS: PB88-127071
ERIC#: W763
NTIS#: PB88-127089
                                                Page 34

Document Title
    EPA Number
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Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Alternative Sewers — Operation and Maintenance: Special
 Evaluation Project, March 1989

 Analysis of Coprostanol, An Indicator of Fecal
 Contamination, March 1974

 Analysis of Operation and Maintenance Costs for Municipal
 Wastewater Treatment Systems, May 1978

 Aspects of State-Wide Emergency Response Programs for
 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities, March 1974
 Collecting Household Hazardous Wastes at Wastewater
 Treatment Plants: Case Studies, December 1990

 Considerations for Preparation of Operation and Maintenance
 Manuals, 1978

 Contract Operation and Maintenance: The Answer for Your
 Town?, January 1987

 Contract Operations, February 1982
 Control of Composting Odors, 1992 [Reprint]

 Control of Slug Loadings to POTWs: Guidance Manual,
 February 1991

 Cost-Effective Operation and Maintenance: Six Cities Save
 over One Million Dollars, November 1986

 Course Guides for Instructors - Book 6: Wastewater
 Treatment Plant Operations, March 1978

 Course Guides for Instructors - Book 7: Wastewater
 Treatment Plant Design, March 1978

 Course Guides for Instructors - Book 8: Government Systems
 for Environmental Control, March 1978

 Course on Troubleshooting Operation and Maintenance
 Problems in Wastewater Treatment Facilities: Course #179.2 -
 Trainee Notebook, December 1979

 Curriculum Guide: A Four Year Wastewater Technology
 Program Volume I, August 1976

 Curriculum Guide: A Four Year Wastewater Technology
 Program Volume II, August 1976
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 660/2-74-021
Not Available from EPA

EPA#; 430/9-77-015
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EPA#: 430/9-74-014
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 430/9-90-016
EPA#: 430/9-74-001
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 832/R-87-105
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 430/9-82-004
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 21W-4001
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EPA#: 832/R-86-112
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Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 430/1-77-002
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
NTIS#: PB95-157137

NTIS#i PB-235491

NTIS#: PB-283471
ERIC#: W561

NTIS#: PB-279551
ERIC#: U010

ERIC#: N475


















NTIS#: PB95-157327
ERIC#: N234

NTIS#: PB95-157830
ERIC#: N235
                                                 Page 35

Document Title
    EPA Number
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                                                                                Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
                                                                                Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
. .1 -1 . . . • : ' ' •*"
Decision-Making in Wastewater/Drinking Water
Management, 1991
Design Module:Small Alternative Wastewater Systems
Workshop: Management Plans and Implementation Issues
Design of 30 1 (h) Monitoring Programs for Municipal
Wastewater Discharges to Marine Waters, November 1982
Detection, Control, and Correction of Hydrogen Sulfide
Corrosion in Existing Wastewater Systems, September 199.2
Diagnostic Operational Modeling Programs for Municipal
Wastewater Treatment Plants: Users Manual, October 1982
Diagnostic Operational Modeling Programs for Municipal
Wastewater Treatment Plants: Field Evaluation and Process
Review Project Report, October 1982 '. ' .
Direct Environmental Factors at Municipal Wastewater
Treatment Works - Evaluation and Control of Site Aesthetics,
, Air Pollutants, Noise and Other Operation and Construction
Factors^ January 19,76 ; ; .
Emergency Planning for Municipal Wastewater Treatment
Facilities, February 1974 '

Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 830/R-81-102
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/9-82-010 '
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 832/R-92-001

:EPA#: 910/9-82-096
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 910/9-82-095
tibt Available from EPA

EPA#: 430/9-76-003
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 430/9-74-013 : "
Not Available from EPA

NTIS#: PB95-157822
ERIC#: W160
NTIS#: PB95-157863
. NTIS#: PB83-153809 '
. ER1C#: W145 ;
NTIS#: PB92-222892
ERIC#: N468
NTIS'#: PB83-214809
ERIC#: U063 , '
NTIS#: PB83-214791
ERIC#: U064 ,

,NTIS#: PB-257456
ERIC#: W621 .

' , *' • * ' ' '
,NTIS#: PB-256612
ERIC#:.IJ009 -...-. ,
Energy Conservation in Municipal, Wastewater Treatment,
March 1978 .         .        '          '

Energy in Municipal Wastewater Treatment: An Energy Audit
Procedure and Supporting Database: Final Report [Including
Appendices A B, and C], July 1986                   '. _.

Energy in Municipal Wastewater Treatment: An Energy Audit
Procedure and Supporting Database: Appendix A, July  1986

Energy in Municipal Wastewater Treatment: An Energy'Audit
Procedure and Supporting Database: Appendix B, July 1986

Energy in Municipal Wastewater Treatment: An Energy Audit
Procedure and Supporting Database: Appendix C, July 1986  .
                                                     EPA#: 430/9-77-011
                                                     Not Available from EPA

                                                     EPA#: 832/B-86-102
                                                     Not Available from EPA
                                                     EPA#: 832/B-86-103   ,
                                                     Not Available from EPA

                                                     EPA#: ,832/6-86-104
                                                     Not Available from EPA

                                                     EPA#: 832^8-86-105
                                                     Not Available from EPA
                           NTIS#: PB81-165391
                           ERICfc U037  -

                           ERIC#: W629
                           NTIS#:. PB87-194106
                           ERIC#: U103

                           NTIS#: PB87-194114
                           ERIC#: U104

                           NTIS#: PB87-194122
                           ERIC#: U105
 Energy in Municipal Wastewater Treatment: An Energy Audit  Not Available from EPA
 Procedure and Supporting Database: Final Report, July 1986        ..   ..      '•     •
 Energy Management Diagnostic, February 1982
EPA#: 430/9-82-002
Not Available from EPA
                                                                              NTIS#: PB87-194098
                                                                              ERIC#: U106   ,

                                                                              NTIS#: PB82-198219
                                                                              ERICS; U065
                                               Page 36

Document Title
    EPA Number
CaU NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202)260-7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Energy Requirements for Small Flow Wastewater Treatment
 Systems, April 1979

 Engineering Costs and Fees for Municipal Wastewater
 Treatment Works: An Estimating Technique for Design of
 Treatment Plants, July 1978

 Environmental Assessment Guidance Municipal Sewage
 Treatment Works Program, February 1977

 Estimating Laboratory Needs for Municipal Wastewater
 Treatment Facilities, June 1973

 Estimating Staffing and Cost Factors for Small Wastewater
 Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MOD: Part 1 - Staffing
 Guidelines for Conventional Municipal Wastewater Treatment
 Plants Less Than 1 MOD, June 1973

 Estimating Staffing and Costs Factors for Small Wastewater
 Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MOD: Part 2 - Estimating Costs
 of Package Wastewater Treatment Plants, June 1973
 Estimating Starling for Municipal Wastewater Treatment
 Facilities, March 1973

 Evaluation and Documentation of the Effects of Operation
 and Maintenance Practices on the Performance of Selected
 Biological Treatment Plants, 1982

 Evaluation of Operation and Maintenance Factors Limiting
 Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant Performance, July

 Evaluation of Operation and Maintenance Factors Limiting
 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Performance, June

 Evaluation of Operation and Maintenance Factors Limiting
 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Performance: Phase
 II, August 1980

 Evaluation of Sludge Management Systems: Evaluation
 Checklist and Supporting Commentary, February 1980

 Field Manual for Performance Evaluation and
 Troubleshooting at Municipal Wastewater Treatment
 Facilities, January 1978
EPA#: 832/R-79-100
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 906/9-78-003
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/9-74-002
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#:  832/R-73-100
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EPA#:  600/2-82-050
Not Available from EPA
EPA#:  60p/2-79-078
Not Available from EPA
EPA#:  600/2-79-034
Not Available from EPA
EPA#:  600/2-80-129
Not Available from EPA
EPA#:  430/9-80-001   '
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  430/9-78-001
Not Available from EPA
ERIC#: U043
ERIC#: W630
NTIS#: PB95-157087
ERIC#: W632

NTIS#: PB-256613
ERIC#: U006

NTIS#: PB-259512
ERIC#: W448
NTIS#: PB-259513
ERIC#: W447
NTIS#: PB-227321
ERIC#: U001

NTIS#: PB82-227513
ERIC#: W450
NTIS#: PB80-108947
ERIC#: W175
NTIS#: PB-300331
ERIC#: W177
NTIS#: PB81-112864
ERIC#: W176
NTIS#: PB81-108805
ERIC#: U044

NTIS#: PB-279448
ERIC#: U016
                                                 Page 37

Document Title'
. Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
 Call WBC at (202) 260-7786
                            Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
                            Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Handbook: Identification and Correction of Typical Design
 Deficiencies at Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities,
 April 1982

 Handbook: Improving POTW Performance Using the
. Composite Correction Program Approach, October 1984

 Hydrogen Sulfide Corrosion in Wastewater Collection and
 Treatment Systems: Report to Congress-Technical Report

 Hydrogen Sulfide Corrosion in Wastewater Collection and
 Treatment Systems: Report to Congress, September 1991

 Inspector's Guide for Evaluation^ Municipal Wastewater
 Treatment Plants, April 1980

 Institutional Aspects of Wastewater Management: the Boston
 Case Study - Final Report^ January 1,1979

 Instructions for Completion of Report on Operation arid
 Maintenance of Wastewater Treatment Plants, March 1974

 Interim Report: Evaluation of the Advanced Ecologically
 Engineered System (AEES): "Living Machine" Wastewater
 Treatment Technology -Frederick., MD, September ,1996

 Integrated Management Program for Wastewater Treatment
 Facilities (Draft)                        •...,'

 Maintenance Management Systems for Municipal Wastewaterv
 Facilities, October 1973

 Management of Small-to-Medium Sized Municipal
 Wastewater Treatment Plants, July 1979 .
 EPA#: 625/6-82-007  .
 Not Available fromEPA

 EPA#: 625/6-84-008
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 430/9-91-010
 EPA#: 430/9-r91-009

 EPA#: 430/9-79-010

 _Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/B-96-002
 Not Available from EPA

' Not Available from EPA
  ''        .  •       \

 EPA#: 430/9-74-004
EPA#: 430/9-79-013
Not Available from EPA
                             NTIS#: PB88-185087
                             ERIC#: W320  •(
 Manpower Planning for Wastewater Treatment Plants, 1972     Not Available from EPA
 Manpower Requirements for Waste Water Collection Systems
 in Cities and Towns up to 150,000 in Population, June 1973

 Manpower Requirements for Wastewater Collection Systems
 in Cities of 150,000 to 500,000 in Population, March 1974

 Manuals Related to Operation and Maintenance of   .
 Wastewater Treatment Facilities,. December 1975

 Manuals Related to Operation and Maintenance of
 Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Undated
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA





W321   -

N459 , •



WQ37 "

W038    •
                             ERIC#: W342
                            NTIS#: PB95-156881
                            ERIC#: W039
                            NTIS#: PB-256611
                            ERIC#: U007

                            NTIS#: PB80-132673
                            ERIC#: U022

                            NTIS#: PB-230179
                            ERIC#: W843

                            NTIS#: PB-227039
                            ERIC#: W334

                            NTIS#: PB95-157442
                            ERIC#: W047

                            NTIS#; PB95-157426
                            EPJC#: W360

                            NTIS#: PB95-157285
                           ' ERIC#: W361  '
                                                Page 38, •

Document Title
    EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WBC at (202) 260-7786
 Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
 Call NTIS at (800) S53-NTIS
 Manuals Related to Operation and Maintenance of
 Wastewater Treatment Facilities, October 1977

 Manuals Related to Operation and Maintenance of
 Wastewater Treatment Facilities, September 1976

 O&M Awards: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's
 National Operations and Maintenance Excellence Awards
 Program [Brochure] September 1986

 O&M Considerations in the Construction Grants Process:
 Participant Handbook, June 1981

 O&M - Making Wastewater Treatment Work in Your
 Community, May 1974

 Operation and Maintenance of Publicly-Owned Treatment
 Works (POTW's): Proceedings of the .EPA National
 Conference, December 1983

 Operation Maintenance and Management of Wastewater
 Treatment Facilities: A Bibliography of Technical
 Documents, May 1978

 Opcration/Maintenance/Management Program Requirements
 and Guidance for the Construction Grants Program : Fiscal
 Year 1982 (Draft), March 1981

 Operation of Conventional Wastewater Treatment Facilities in
 Cold Weather [Brochure] September 1986

 Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants: An Abstract of a
 Field Study Training Program, Undated

 Operations Manual: Anaerobic Sludge Digestion, February

 Operations Manual: Package Treatment Plants, April 1977
 Operations Manual: Sludge Handling and Conditioning,
 February 1978

 Operations Manual: Stabilization Ponds, August 1977
 Operator Training Programs, January 1983

 Planned Maintenance Management System for Municipal
 Wastewater Treatment Plants, November 1973
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 832/R-86-106
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/1-8-017
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/9-83-021
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#:  832/R-86-107
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 832/A-73-100
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 430/9-76-001
EPA#: 430/9-77-005
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 430/9-78-002
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 430/9-77-012
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 832/B-83-105
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 600/2-73-004
Not Available from EPA
 NTIS#: PB95-157434
 ERIC#: W359

 NTIS#: PB95-159489
 £RIC#: W362

 ERIC#: R043
 NTIS#: PB82-111725
 ERJC#: T137

 ERIC#: R096
 NTIS#: PB84-161405
 ERIC#: W089
 NTIS#: PB95-158945
 ERIC#: N270
 NTIS#: PB95-158952
• ERICS: W382
 ERIC#: R044








 ERIC#: W852
 NTIS#: PB-233111
 ERIC#: U023
                                                Page 39

 Document Title
    EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202)260-7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Plant Operations Priorities, October 5 1978
 Preliminary Report to Congress on Training for Operators of
 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants, March 1984

 Private Sector Provision of Operation and Maintenance
 Services to Publicly Owned Treatment Works: Final Report -
 Executive Summary, July 1980

 Process Design Manual: Upgrading Existing Wastewater
 Treatment Plants, October 1974

 Report to Congress on Training for Operators of Publicly
 Owned Wastewater Treatment Plants, February 1985

 Rotating Biological Contactors (RBCs): Checklist for a
 Trouble-Free Facility, May 1984 Revised              /

 Sidestreams in Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plants -  :.
 Problems and Remedies [Brochure] December 1985

 Start-up of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities,
 December 1973                             .    •

• Supplement to Federal Guidelines: Design, Operation and
 Maintenance of Wastewater Treatment Facilities (September
 1970) - Technical Bulletin No. D-71-1: Storage and handling
 Facilities for Chemicals in Utilized in Wastewater Treatment,
 October 15, 1971           '      .

 Supplement to Federal Guidelines: Design, Operation and
' Maintenance of Wastewater Treatment Facilities (September
 1970) - Technical Bulletin No. D-7'1-2: Use of Mercury in
 Wastewater Treatment Plant Equipment, October 15, 1971
                                      .       .  -     f
 Technical Report: Operation and Maintenance Costs for
 Municipal Wastewater Facilities, September 1981

 Wastewater Utility Recordkeeping, Reporting and
 Management Information Systems, July 1982       ,
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/Rr84-118
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#:' 625/1-71-004
 Not Available'from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 832/R-84-112
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 832/R-85-102
'EPA#: 430/9-74-008
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 832/B-70-101
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 832/B-70-102
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/9-81.-004
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 430/9-82-006
Not Available from EPA.
NTIS#: PB95rl58762
ERIC#: W647

NTIS#: PB84-170752
ERIC#: N505

NTIS#: PB95-158713
ERIC#: W670
NTIS#:  PB-259148
ERIC#:  W872

NTIS#:  PB86-174281
ERIC#:  N273

ERIC#:  R049
ERIC#:  R051
NTIS#:  PB-256614
ERIC#:  U008  :

ERIC#:  W740
ERIC#:  W741
NTIS#: PB81-249971
ERIC#: U056

NTIS#: PB83-109348
ERIG#; U067
                                                 Page 40

Document Title
   EPA Number
 Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
 Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800)553-NTIS
 Abstracts of Industrial NPDES Permits, Fifth Edition, October
 Abstracts of Industrial NPDES Permits, First Edition, July
 Agricultural Activities and Consolidated Permitting, July
 Analysis of Wastewater Discharge from Marine Sanitation
 Devices, April 171981
 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 122 to 133: National
 Pollutant Discharge Elimination System - Selected
 Regulations, Revised July 1994
 Enforcement Management System for the National Pollutant
 Discharge Elimination System, 1989
 EPA's National Hard Rock Mining Framework
 September 1997
 EPA's Role in Dredge and Fill Permits
 Feasibility Study for Public Access to PCS: Management
 Overview, Undated
 FY 1992 Administrative Enforcement Report
 Generalized Methodology for Conducting Industrial Toxicity
 Reduction Evaluations (TREs), April 1989
 Guidance for Developing Control Authority Enforcement
 Response Plans, September 1989
 Guidance for Evaluating the Adverse Impact of Cooling
 Water Intake Structures on the Aquatic Environment: Section
 316(b) P.L.92-500 (Draft), May 1977
 Guidance for NPDES Compliance Inspectors: Evaluating
 Sludge Treatment Processes, November 1991
 Guidance for NPDES Compliance Inspectors: Verifying
 Compliance with Sludge Requirements, November 1991
 Guidance Manual for Developing Best Management Practices.
 (BMP), October 1993
EPA#: OWEP 89-001
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: OWEP 83-02
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA'
EPA#: 440/2-81-013
Not Available frpm EPA
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  833/B-97-003

Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/2-88-070
Not.Available from EPA
EPA#: 832/B-89-102
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 833/B-93-004
NTIS#: PB93-207827
ERIC#: W807
NTIS#: PB95-157111
ERIC#: W121
ERIC#: W984
NTIS#: PB82-158072
ERIC#: W562
NTIS#: PB95-156527
ERIC#: W815
Available from WRC
ERIC#: W995
NTIS#: PB95-156865
ERIC#: W604
NTIS#: PB95-156774
ERIC#: W190
NTIS#: PB90-127366
ERIC#: W272
NTIS#: PB90-185083
ERIC#: W274
NTIS#: PB95-201778
NTIS#: PB95-157780
ERIC#: W264
NTIS#: PB94-125739
ERIC#: W265
NTIS#: PB94-178324
ERIC#: W498
                                                Page 41

Document Title
    EPA Number
 Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
 Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
        Source    ,,
 Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
 Call NTIS at (800)553-NTis
 Guidance Manual for POTWs to Calculate the Economic
 Benefit of Noncompliance, September 1990 ,,

 Guidance Manual for Preparation and Review of Removal
 Credit Applications, July 1985

 Guide for States on the Proposed Consolidated Permit
 Regulations, June 1979                   ,     '.-,...-

 Guide to the Consolidated Application Form (Draft), June
,1979  p",   '.,.';

 Guide to the Consolidated Application Form, May 1980

 .Guide to the Proposed Consolidated Permit Regulations, June
 1979    .                  '..    .   '

 Handbook: Hazardous Waste Incineration Measurement
 Guidance Manual—Volume III of the Hazardous Waste
 Incineration Series            ",.'  .. .•..•'.,

 Handbook: Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)
 Procedures for Hazardous Waste Incineration, January 1990

. In Situ Acute/Chronic Toxicological Monitoring of Industrial
 Effluents for the NPDES Biomonitoring Program Using Fish
 and Amphibian Embryo-Larval Stages as Test Organisms

 Interagency 3l6(a) Technical Guidance Manual and Guide for
 Thermal Effects Sections of Nuclear Facilities Environmental
 Impact Statements (Draft), May  1977    "..-••'-

 Interim Guidance for Performance-Based Reduction of ••
 NPDES Permit Monitoring Frequencies, April 1996      "''

 Interim NPDES Compliance Biomonitoring Inspection
 Manual, October 1979

 Interim Permitting Approach for Water-Quality Based
 Effluent Limitations in Storm Water Permits, September 1996

 Introduction to Water Quality-Based Toxics Control for the
 NPDES Program  •,                              ,   '

 National Municipal Policy and Strategy: for Construction
 Grants, NPDES Permits, and Enforcement.under the Clean'
 Water Act, October 1979
 EPA#: 833/B-93-007 ,

 EPA#: 833/B-85-200

 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA1

 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 625/6-89-021

 EPA#: 625/6-89-023

Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 833/B-96-001

Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 833/D-96-Q01

EPA#: 831/S-92-002

EPA#: 832/B-79-103
Not Available from EPA


. NTIS#:






 ERIC#: WA04
 NTIS#: PB90-182759
 ERIC#: W319
 NTIS#: PB91-145979
 ERIC*:; W322

 NTIS#: PB95-225645
 ERIC#: WA89
 NTIS#: PB95-225637





U045  •



                                                Page 42

Document Title
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
FY 1995 Operating Guidance and Enforcement Measures for
Strategic Targeted Activities for Results systems (STARS)
New Clean Water Act Civil Penalty Policy, February 1 1, 1986
NPDES and Sewage Sludge Program Authority: A Handbook
for Federally Recognized Indian Tribes, July 1994
NPDES Compliance Evaluation Inspection Manual, January
NPDES Compliance Flow Measurement Manual, September
1981 ,.
NPDES Compliance Inspection Manual, 1994
NPDES Compliance Inspection Manual, June 1984
NPDES Compliance Inspection Manual, May 1988
NPDES Compliance Monitoring Inspector Training:
Biomonitoring, August 1990
NPDES Compliance Monitoring Inspector 'Training:
Biomonitoring, June 1980
NPDES Compliance Monitoring Inspector Training:
Laboratory Analysis, August 1990
NPDES Compliance Monitoring Inspector Training:
Laboratory Analysis, June 1981
NPDES Compliance Monitoring Inspector Training: Legal
Issues, 1981
NPDES Compliance Monitoring Inspector Training: Legal
Issues, August 1990
NPDES Compliance Monitoring Inspector Training:
Overview, 1981
NPDES Compliance Monitoring Inspector Training:
Overview, August 1990
EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 833/B-94-004
EPA#: 831/R-81-100
. Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 832/B-81-102
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 300/B-94-014
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
. Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 833/B-90-103
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 833/B-90-102
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 833/B-90-100
Not Available from EPA
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800)553-NTIS
• ' ' .
NTIS#: PB95-159091
EPJC#: W077
NTIS#: PB95-159059
ERIC#: W355
NTIS#: PB94-203395
ERIC#: W608
NTIS#: PB81-171316
ERIC#: U049
NTIS#: PB82-131178
ERIC#: U050
NTIS#: PB95-200606
NTIS#: PB85-1 15897
ERIC#: U068
NTIS#: PB88-221098
ERIC#: U124
NTIS#: PB91-145854
ERIC#: W130
NTIS#: PB82-136367
ERIC#: T202
NTIS#: PB91-145870
ERIC#: W980
NTIS#: PB82-136383
ERIC#: T204
NTIS#: PB82-136359
ERIC#: T203
NTIS#: PB91-145680
ERIC#: W979
NTIS#: PB82-136342
ERIC#: T205
NTIS#: PB91-145672
ERJC#: W981
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Document Title
   EPA Number
 Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
 Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
 Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
 Call NTIS at (800)S53-NTIS
 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Inspector Training:
 Sampling, 1981

 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Inspector Training:
 Sampling, August 1990             -.    '•

 NPDES Compliance Sampling Inspection Manual, October
 1979         '                ,

 NPDES Industrial Permit Abstracts1993, October 1993
 NPDES Basic Permit Writers Course Manual, January 1997

 NPDES Permit Writer's Manual, December 1996

 NPDES Self-Monitoring System: User Guide, March 1985
 Onsite Assistance Program: Helping Small Wastewater   .  •
 Treatment Plants Achieve Permit Compliance, September
                       '        ' '
 OverView of Selected EPA Regulations and Guidance
 Affecting POTW Management, August 1989

 Performance Audit Inspection Report: Grand County Water
 and Sanitation District No 1, Grand County, Colorado. (Final)

 Permit Compliance System (PCS) QNCR Training Manual,
 December 27 1993            '

 Permit Compliance System: Public Access to PCS Data
 Products, May 1993         .  ' .  '

 Quality Assurance (QA) Manual for the Quarterly
 Noncompliance Report (QNCR), August 1989

 Recommended Format for Clean  Water Act Section 309
 Administrative Orders, July 30 1985 (Memorandum)

. Report of Audit: Consolidated Report of the National
 Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Enforcement
 Program - Audit Report No. E1H28-01-00200-010015422,
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  833/B-90-101
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA'

EPA#:  833/B-93-005

EPA#:  833/B-97-001
Not Available from EPA •

EPAfe  833/B-96-003

Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  20W-4003    ,
EPA#: 430/9-89-008
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 831/F-93-001
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
 NTIS*: PB82-136375
 ERIC#: T201

 NTIS#: PB95-157251
 ERIC#: W982 , '

 NTIS*: PB81-153215
 ERIC#: U042

 NTIS*: PB94-155629
 ERIC#: W486
 NTIS#: PB95-158994
 ERIC#: U082


• ERIC#:


 ERIC #:




 ERIC#: WA51
 NTIS#: PB95-158416
 ERIC#: W307,
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Document Title
   EPA Number
 Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
 Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800)553-NTIS
 Report of Audit: E1G8E9-05-0687-9100485 - Capping        Not Available from EPA
 Report on the Computation, Negotiation, Mitigation and
 Assessment of Penalties Under EPA Programs, September

 Report of the EPA/State Feedlot Workgroup, September 1993   Not Available from EPA
 Response to Congress on Privatization of Wastewater
 Facilitiess, July 1997

 Toward Cleaner Water: The New Permit Program to Control
 Water Pollution, January 1974

 Toxicity Identification Evaluation: Characterization of
 Chronically Toxic Effluents, Phase I, May 1992

 Training Manual for NPDES Permit Writers, March 1993
 Training Manual for NPDES Permit Writers, March 1986

 Training Manual for NPDES Permit Writers, May 1987

 U.S. EPA NPDES Basic Permit Writers' Course Workbook,
 March 1993

 U.S. EPA NPDES Basic Permit Writers' Course: Workbook,
 August 1981
EPA#: 832/R-97-001a

Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 600/6-91-005F

EPA#: 833/B-93-003
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 833/B-92-604
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
                          NTIS#: PB95-158408
                          ERIC#: W306
                          NTIS#: PB95-201752
                          ERIC#: W976
NTIS#: PB-256493

ERIC#: W413
NTIS#: PB93-217644
ERIC#: W140

NTIS#: PB95-159240

ERIC#: W752

NTIS#: PB93-185619
ERIC#:  W761

ERIC#: W760
                                                Page 45

Document Title
             EPA Number
       Call NCEPIat (513) 891-656i1       Call ERlfc at (800) 276-0462
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786        Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Enforcement Requirements: Case StudiesfFact Sheet]
 September 1993

 Environmental Pollution Control Alternatives: Centralized
 Waste Treatment Alternatives for-the Electroplating Industry,
 June 1981                   ...

 Environmental Pollution Control'Alternatives: Municipal, ,  '
 Wastewater, 1976

 Environmental Pollution Control Alternatives: Municipal;
 Wastewater, November 1979         '.  '•.               -

 Environmental Pollution Control Alternatives: Sludge Handling,
 Dewatering, and Disposal Alternatives for the Metal Finishing
 Industry, October 1982        "

 Facility Pollution Prevention Guide,'May 1992
 Guides to Pollution Prevention: Non-Agricultural Pesticide, July
 1993                      A  .

 Guides to Pollution Prevention: The Commercial Printing
 Industry, August 1990    ...

 Guides to Pollution Prevention: The Fabricated Metal Products
 Industry, July 1990 >              '    :     ,• '   ,

 Guides to Pollution Prevention: Wood Preserving Industry,
 November 1993                                 :

 Municipal Wastewater Management: Citizen's Guide,to Facility
 Planning, February 1979'                  -

 Municipal Wastewater Management: Public Involvement
' Activities Guide    .              /.'''.

 Pollution Prevention Begins With You, July 1990
 Pollution Prevention Case Studies Compendium, April 1992
 Pollution Prevention Information Exchange System (PIES):
 User Guide Version 2.1, November 1992

 Pollution Prevention.Opportunity Checklists: Case Studies,
 September 1993                      .   • '.
           EPA#: 832/F-93-007
           EPA#: 625/5-81-017
           Not Available from EPA
           EPA#: 625/5-76-0121
           •Not Available from-EPA

           EPA#: 625/5-79-012
           Not Available from EPA

           EPA#: 625/5-82-018
           Not Available from EPA
           EPA#: 600/R-92-088
           EPA#: 625/R-93-009
           EPA#: 625/7-90-008
           EPA#: 625/7-90-006
           Not Available from EPA

           EPA#: 625/R-94-014
           Npt Available from EPA

           EPA#: 430/9-79-006
           Not Available from EPA ,

           EPA#: 430/9-79-005
           Not Available from EPA

           EPA#: 20W.0001
           Not Available from EPA

           EPA*: 600/R-92-046
           EPA#: 600/R-92-213

           EPA#: 832/F-93-006
 ERIC#: W530
 NTIS#: PB95-157079
 ERIC#: W436  ,
 NTIS#: PB95-156709
 ERIC#: W437

 NTIS#: PB95-156691
 ERIC#: W438

 NTIS#: PB95-157004
 ERIC#: W439

' NTIS#:




' NTIS#:

W600     .



WA07  ,



 ERIC#: R046

 NTIS#: PB92-180165
 ERIC#: W649

 ERIC#: W390

 ERIC#: W543
                                                 Page 46

Document Title
             EPA Number                         Source
       Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561      Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786        Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Pollution Prevention Research Program, September 1992

 Pollution Prevention: 20 Years of Progress, 1990

 Preventing Pollution Through Efficient Water Use, July 1990

 Source Reduction Workshops: Case Studies, September 1993

 Source Reduction: An Integral Part of the MWPP Program
 [Brochure] May 1992

 State Match Options for the State Revolving Fund Program,
 February 1977

 Streamlining Administrative Requirements: Case Studies,
 September 1993
           EPA#: 600/R-92-189

           EPA#: 832/F-90-100
           Not Available from EPA

           EPA#: 20W-0002

           EPA#: 832/F-93-010

           EPA#: 832/F-92-001

           EPA#: 832/B-97-003

           EPA#: 832/F-93-008
 Toxics Minimization Task Force: Case Studies, September 1993   EPA#: 832/F-93-011
 Transforming Environmental Permitting and Compliance
 Policies to Promote Pollution Prevention: Removing Barriers
 and Providing Incentives to Foster Technology Innovation,
 Productivity, and Environmental Protection - Report and
 Recommendations of the Technology Innovation and Economics
 Committee, April 1993

 USA - USSR Working Group on the Prevention of Water
 Pollution from Municipal and Industrial Sources: Symposium on
 Physical/Chemical Treatment from Municipal and Industrial
 Sources, November 1975

 USA - USSR Working Group on the Prevention of Water
 Pollution from Municipal and Industrial Sources: Symposium on
 Advanced Treatment of Biologically Treated Effluents Including
 Nutrients Removal^ November 1979

 USA - USSR Working Group on the Prevention of Water
 Pollution from Municipal and Industrial Sources: Symposium on
 Physical-Mechanical Treatment of Waste Waters, 1977

 USA - USSR Working Group on the Prevention of Water
 Pollution from Municipal and Industrial Sources: Symposium on
 Intensification of Bio-chemical Treatment of Wastewaters,
 August 1976
           EPA#: 100/R-93-004
           Not Available from EPA
           EPA#: 832/B-75-102
           Not Available from EPA
           EPA#: 832/B-78-105
           Not Available from EPA
          Not Available from EPA
          EPA#: 832/B-75-101
          Not Available from EPA
 ERIC#: W650

 ERIC#: W648

 ERIC#: R047

 ERIC#: W549


 NTIS#: PB97-171425
 ERIC#: WB22

 ERIC#: W552

 ERIC#: W487

 NTIS#: PB95-157210
 ERIC#: W942
 NTIS#: PB-266702
 ERIC#: W767
,NTIS#: PB80-115801
 ERIC#: W944
 NTIS#: PB-274663
 ERIC#: W768
 NTIS#: PB-266703
 ERIC#: W765
                                                Page 47

 Document Title
             EPA Number
       Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561       Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786        Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
  USA - USSR Working Group on the Prevention of Water  ;,  •
  Pollution from Municipal and Industrial Sources: Symposium on
  Recycling Water Supply Systems and Reuse of Treated Water at
  Industrial Plants, April 1978

  USA - USSRWorking Group on the Prevention of Water '
  Pollution from Municipal and Industrial Sources: Symposium on
  Advanced Equipment and Facilities for Wastewater Treatment,
  May 1978   >'•''•','                    :

  Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessment Manual, July 1988
  This manual is superseded by "Facility Pollution Prevention
  Guide"                '

  Water-Related GISs (Geographic Information Systems) Along
  the United States-Mexico Border, July 1993            ,

  Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
  Advisory Groups - Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: Instructor

  Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
  Advisory Groups - Environmental Assessment: Citizen
,  Handbook    '

  Working for'Clean Water: An Information Program for
  Advisory Groups - Environmental Assessment: Instructor Guide

  Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for  ;
  Advisory Groups - Facility Planning in the Construction Grants
  Program: Instructor Guide                         '

  Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
  Advisory Groups - Facility Planning in the Construction Grants
  Program: Citizen Handbook                 .

  Working for Clean Water: An Information Program' for
  Advisory Groups - Industrial Pretreatment: Citizen Handbook

  Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
  Advisory Groups - Industrial Pretreatment: Instructor Guide  .

  Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
  Advisory Groups - Innovative and Alternative Technologies:
  Instructor Guide                                .

  Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
  Advisory Groups - Innovative and Alternative Technologies:
  Citizen Handbook
           EPA#: 832/B-77-106 '
           Not Available from EPA
           EPA#: 832/B-78-104, \
           Not Available from EPA
           EPA#: 625/7-88-003
           Not Available from EPA
           EPA#: 832/BT93-004

           Not Available from EPA

           Not Available from EPA

           Not Available from EPA

           Not Available from" EPA

           Not Available from EPA

           Not Available from EPA

           Not Available from EPA

           Not Available from ,EPA

           Not Available from EPA
 NTIS#: PB-289865
 ERIC#: W769
NTIS#: PB-290996
ERIC#: W766
NTIS#:  PB92-216985
ERIC#:. W423
NTIS#:  PB94-114857-
ERIC#:  W358

NTIS#:  PB95-156139
ERIC#:  W948
NTIS#: PB95-156238
ERIC#: W949
NTIS#: PB95-156188
ERIC#: W789

NTIS#: PB95-156196
ERIC#: W787
NTIS#: PB95-156071
ERIC#: W950
NTIS#: PB95-156246
ERIC#: W951

NTIS#: PB95-156105
ERIC#: W791

NTIS#; PB95-156253
ERIC#: W784
NTIS#: PB95-156147
ERIC#: W954
                                                 Page 48

Document Title
             EPA Number
       Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561       Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786        Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
 Advisory Groups - Land Treatment: Citizen Handbook

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
 Advisory Groups - Multiple Use: Citizen Handbook

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
 Advisory Groups - Multiple Use: Instructor Guide

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
 Advisory Groups - Municipal Wastewater Processes: Details -
 Citizen Handbook

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
 Advisory Groups - Municipal Wastewater Processes: Overview -
 Citizen Handbook

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
 Advisory Groups - Municipal Wastewater Processes: Instructor

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
 Advisory Groups - Nonpoint Source Pollution: Instructor Guide

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
 Advisory Groups - Nonpoint Source Pollution: Citizen

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
 Advisory Groups - Public Participation: Instructor Guide

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
 Advisory Groups - Public Participation: Citizen Handbook

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
 Advisory Groups - Roles of Advisory Groups: Citizen

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
 Advisory Groups - Urban Stormwater Runoff: Citizen

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
 Advisory Groups - Wastewater Facilities Operation and
 Management: Citizen Handbook
                 4        '      , ,   |. ' •  .•      '
 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
 Advisory Groups - Wastewater Facilities Operation and
 Management: Instructor Guide
           Not Available from EPA

           Not Available from EPA

           Not Available from EPA

           Not Available from EPA

           Not Available from EPA

           Not Available from EPA

           Not Available from EPA

           Not Available from EPA

           Not Available from EPA

           Not Available from EPA

           Not Available from EPA

           Not Available from EPA

           Not Available.from EPA

           Not Available from EPA
NTIS#: PB95-156162
ERIC#: W955

NTIS#: PB95-156154
ERIC#: W956

NTIS#: PB95-156121
ERIC#: W783

NTIS#: PB95-156170
ERIC#: W957
NTIS#: PB95-156014
ERIC#: W958
NTIS#:  PB95-156097
ERIC#:  W958
NTIS#: PB95-156089
ERIC#: W790

NTIS#: PB95-157236
ERIC#: W959
NtIS#:  PB95-156113
ERIC#:  W785

NTIS#:  PB95-157244
EPJC#:  W960

NTIS#:  PB95-156055
ERIC#:  W961
NTIS#: PB95-156212
ERIC#: W963
NTIS#: PB95-156220
ERIC#: W844
NTIS#: PB95-156287
ERIC#: W786
                                                Page 49

Document Title
                                                       EPA Number                        Source
                                                Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561   '  Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
                                          Call WRC at (202) 260-7786       Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
 Advisory Groups - Water Conservation and Reuse: Citizen

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
 Advisory Groups -#1: Citizen Handbooks

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for
 Advisory Groups - #2: Citizen Handbooks

 Xeriscape Landscaping: Preventing Pollution and Using
 Resources Efficiently, April 1993
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA

.Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 840/B-93-001
Not Available from EPA
NTIS#: PB95-156063
ERIC#: W964
NTIS#: PB95-156048
ERIC#: W952

NTIS#: PB95-156899,
ERIC#: W953'

NTIS#: PB93-210219
ERIC#: C105
                                            "Page 50

Document Title
       EPA Number                Source
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786     Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561        Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Action Checklist for POTWs: Assessing the Need to
 Modify Pretreatment: Programs in Response to DSS and
 Application and Use of the Regulatory Definition of
 Significant Noncompliance for Industrial Users, September
 9 1991 (Memorandum)

 CERCLA Site Discharges to POTWs Treatabiliry Manual,
 August 1990
 CERCLA Site Discharges to POTWs: CERCLA Site
 Sampling Program - Detailed Data Report, May 1990
 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 540/2-90-007
 EPA#: 540/2-90-008
 Not Available from EPA
NTIS#: PB95-159448
ERIC#: W808
NTIS#: PB95-201786
ERIC#: W986
NTIS#: PB91-921269
  Disk: PB91-507236
ERIC#: W570

NTIS#: PB91-921270
ERIC#: W515
 CERCLA Site Discharges to POTWs: Guidance Manual,
 August 1990

 Environmental Regulations and Technology: The
 Electroplating Industry, August 1980

 Environmental Regulations and Technology: The
 Electroplating Industry, September 1985

 Environmental Regulations and Technology: The National
 Pretreatment Program, July 1986

 Federal Guidelines: State and Local Pretreatment Programs
 Appendices 1-7 - Volume 2, January 1977

 Federal Guidelines: State and Local Pretreatment Programs
 Volume 1, January 1977

 Federal Guidelines: State and Local Pretreatment Programs
 Appendix 8 - Volume 3, January 1977

 Guidance for Conducting a Pretreatment Compliance
 Inspection (PCI), September 1991

 Guidance for Implementing RCRA Permit-by-Rule
 Requirements at POTWs, July 21,1987

 Guidance for Reporting and Evaluating POTW
 Noncompliance with Pretreatment Implementation
 Requirements, September 1987

 Guidance Manual for Conducting RCRA Facility
 Assessments at Publicly Owned Treatment Works,
 September 1987
 EPA#: 540/G-90-005
 EPA'#: 625/10-80-001
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 625/10-85-001
 EPA#: 625/10-86-005
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 430/9-76-017B
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 430/9-76-017A
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 430/9-76-017C
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 300/R-92-009
 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA
NTIS#: PB90-274531
ERIC#: W150

NTIS#: PB83-171835
ERIC#: W593
NTIS#: PB90-246521
ERIC#: W350

NTIS#: PB-266782
ERIC#: W185

NTIS#: PB-266781
ERIC#: U041

NTIS#: PB-266783
ERIC#: W186

NTIS#: PB94-120631
ERIC#: W273

NTIS#: PB95-157772
ERIC#: W827

NTIS#: PB95-157764"
ERIC#: W304
NTIS#: PB95-157715
ERIC*f: W830
                                                Page 51

Document Title
       EPA Number                Source
 Call WRC at (202) 260-7786     Call ERIC at (800) 2764462
CaUNCEPI at (513) 891-6561        Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Guidance Manual for Control of Slug Loadings to POTWs,
 September 1988

 Guidance Manual for POTW Pretreatment Program
 Development, October 1983 .

' Guidance Manual for Preventing Interference at POTWs,
 September 1987

 Guidance.Manual for the Identification of Hazardous
 Wastes Delivered to Publicly Owned Treatment Works by
 Truck, Rail, or Dedicated Pipe, June 1987

 Guidance Manual for the Use of Production Based
 Pretreatment Standards and the Combined Wastestream  ;
 Formula, September 1985

 Guidance Manual on the Development and Implementation
 of Local Discharge Limitations Under the Pretreatment.
 Program - November 1987          •

 Guidance Manual on the Development and Implementation
 of Local Discharge Limitations Under the Pretreatment
 Program - Volume 1, November 1987

 Guidance Manual on the Development and Implementation
 of Local Discharge Limitations Under the Pretreatment
• Program - Volume 2 - Appendices November 1987

 Guidance Manual on the Development and Implementation
 of Local Discharge Limitations Under the Pretreatment
 Program, December 1987                        •  '

 Guidance to POTWs for Enforcement of Categorical
 Standards, November 5 1984, Memorandum'

 Guidance to Protect POTW Workers from Toxic and
 Reactive Gases arid Vapors, June 1992   '

 Guide to Discharging CERCLA Aqueous Wastes to
, Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs), March 1991

 .Handbook for Monitoring Industrial Wastewater, August'
 1973        ''"'  '    .        '          V

 Hoja Informative de Tecnicas para Logar una Prevencion
 Efectiva de la Contamination, y Sobre el Reciclado y la
 Reutilizacion de Materiales - Descargas de Aguas
 Residuales: Industria de Acabdos Metalicos y Electroplastia
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA*.  833/B-83-100
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#:  833/B-87-201.
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#:  833/B-87-100.  .
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#:  833/B-85-201
 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 833/B-87-202
: Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 812/B-92-001
 Not Available .from EPA
 EPA#: 625/6-73-OQ2
 Not Available from EPA
            ' .   -  i
 Not Available from EPA
NTIS#: PB93-202745

NTIS#: PB93-186112
ERIC#: W639

NTIS#: PB92-117969
ERIC#: W106

NTIS#: PB92-149251
ERIC#: W202

NTIS#: PB92-232024
ERIC#: U095.

NTIS#: PB95-157707
ERIC#: W025
NTIS#: PB95-157707
ERIC#: W025
NTIS#: PB95-157699
ERIC#: W026

NTIS#: PB92-129188
ERIC#: W107
NTIS#: PB95-157673
ERIC#: W296

NTIS#: PB92-173-23&
ERIC#: W115

NTISS: PB91-921364
NTIS#: PB-259146

ERIC#: R072
                                               _ Page 52

Document Title
       EPA Number                Source
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786     Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561        Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Hoja Informative de Tecnicas para Logar una Prevencion
 Efectiva de la Contaminacion, y Sobre el Reciclado y la
 Reutilizacion de Materiales - Descargas de Aguas
 Residuales: Industria Farmaceutica

 Hoja Informative de Tecnicas para Logar una Prevencion
 Efectiva de la Contaminacion, y Sobre el Reciclado y la
 Reutilizacion de Materiales - Descargas de Aguas
 Residuales: Industria de Fotoprocesamiento

 Improving Industrial Pretrteatment: Success Factors
 Challenges and Project Ideas: Findings from EPA Site
 Visits to California, Indiana and Virginia, October 1996

 Industrial User Inspection and Sampling Manual for
 POTWs, April 1994

 Industrial User Inspection and Sampling Manual for
 POTWs (Diskette Version and Printed Appendices), April

 Industrial User Permitting Guidance Manual, September

 Industrial Waste and Pretreatment in the Buffalo Municipal
 System, January 1977

 Model Pretreatment Ordinance, June 1992
 Multijurisdictional Pretreatment Programs: Guidance
 Manual, June 1994

 Municipal Pretreatment Program Guidance Package,
 September 23 1980

 Nuestro Problerna: La Contaminacion del Agua - Nuestra
 Solucion: El Pretratamiento Industrial y la Prevencion de la

 Performance Measurement and the National Industrial
 Wastewater Pretreatment Program (Final Report), July 11

 PIPES Fact Sheet, March 1995

 Point Source Information Provision Exchange System
 (Brochure), November 1995
 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 832/R-96-007
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 831/B-94-001
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 833/R-89-001
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/2-77-018
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 833/B-92-003
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#- 833/B-94-005
 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 833/F-95-001

 Not Available from EPA
ERIC#: R074
ERIC#: R073
NTIS#: PB94-170271
ERIC#: W305

NTIS#: PB96-502646
ERIC#: W493
NTIS#: PB92-123017
ERIC#: W109

NTIS#: PB-264937
ERIC#: W034

NTIS#: PB93-506079G
(diskette) PB93-122414
ERIC#: W108

NTIS#: PB94-203544
ERIC#: W607

NTIS#: PB95-159190
ERIC#: W061

ERIC#: R075
NTIS#: PB95-158861
ERlC#: W098
                                                 Page 53

Document Title
       EPA Number               Source
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786     Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561       Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Point Source Information Provision and Exchange System  • Not Available from EPA
 (PIPES): User's Manual, February 1995

 POTW Toxics Management Handbook, November 1988     Not Available from EPA
 PRELIM Version 4.0 User's Guide: Documentation for the    EPA#:  21W-4003
 EPA Computer Program for Development of Local          Not Available from EPA
 Discharge Limitations Under the Pretreatment Program                        ,
 (Document and Diskette), May 1991   .  •
                              ERIC#: WA43
                              NTIS#: PB95-158747
                              ERIC#: W652

                              NTIS#: PB93-505980
                              (Document Only)
                              NTIS#: PB93-192748
                              (Document and  Disk)
                              ERIC#: W135
 Pretreatment Bulletin No.2, March 6 1987

 Pretreatment Bulletin No.3, November 6 1987

 Pretreatment Bulletin No.4, July 1 1988             .

 Pretreatment Bulletin No.6, June 1989  ,

 Pretreatment Bulletin No.7, January 1990

 Pretreatment Bulletin No.10, October 1991

 Pretreatment Compliance Inspection and Audit Manual for
 Approval Authorities, July 1986        "             "

 Pretreatment Implementation Review Task Force: Final
 Report to the Administrator, January 30,1985

 Pretreatment of Industrial Wastes: Joint Municipal and
 Industrial Seminar, 1978

 Procedures Manual for Reviewing a POTW Pretreatment
 Program Submission, October 1983

 RCRA Information on Hazardous Wastes for Publicly
 Owned Treatment Works, September 1985    .

 Report to Congress on the Discharge of Hazardous Wastes
 to Publicly Owned Treatment Works [Volume 1], February
 1986                                   .
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA

.Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 833/B-86-100

 Npt Available fromJEPA

 EPA#: 625/4-78-012
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 833/B-83-200
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 833/B-85-202
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 530/SW-86-004
 Not Available from EPA







-• NTIS#:.


W860  .


W862    -



  ERIC#: W662
  NTIS#: PB93-209880
  ERIC#: W137

  NTIS#: PB92-114396
  ERIC#: W351  '  •• '

  NTIS#: PB86-184017
  ERIC#: W922 .-'.-:
                                                 Page 54

Document Title
       EPA Number                Source
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786     Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561        Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Report to Congress on the Discharge of Hazardous Wastes
 to Publicly Owned Treatment Works (The Domestic
 Sewage Study): Volume 2 - Technical Appendices,
 February 1986

 Report to Congress on the National Pretreatment Program,
 May 21,1991

 Supplemental Manual on the Development and
 Implementation of Local Discharge Limitations under the
 Pretreatment Program: Residential and Commercial Toxic
 Pollutant Loadings and POTW Removal Efficiency
 Estimation, May 1991

 Trcatability Manual: Volume I - Treatability Data,
 September 1981 Revised

 Treatability Manual: Volume II - Industrial Descriptions,
 September 1981 Revised

 Treatability Manual: Volume III - Technologies for
 Control/Removal of Pollutants

 Treatability Manual: Volume IV - Cost Estimates, April
 1983 Revised
', .  •   '          ("' •     •   '''•'.'     I     :.  -
 Treatability Manual: Volume V - Summary, January 1983,
 Change 2

 U.S. EPA Pretreatment Compliance Monitoring and
 Enforcement System Version 3.0: User's Guide, Final,
 September 1992
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 505/2-91-001
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 21W-4004
 EPA#: 600/2-82-001A
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/2-82-001B
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/2-82-001C
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/2-82-001D
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/2/82-001E
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 831/F-92-001
NTIS#: PB95-157228
ERIC#: W692
NTIS#: PB91-228726
ERIC#: W694

NTIS#: PB93-209872
ERIC#: W113
ERIC#: W754

ERIC#: W755

ERlC#: W756


ERIC#: W753
NTIS#: PB94-118577
ERIC#: W269
                                                Page 55

     Document Title
          EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
        Call WRC at (202) 26077786
 Call ERICat (800) 2760462
Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Arizona Outreach Demonstration Project: Executive
 Summary, March 23, 19,90 '         ,        . •

 Cost Reduction and Self-Help Handbook, August 1986

 Damages and Threats Caused byHazardous Material Sites;
 January 1980

 Design Seminar Handout: Small Wastewater Treatment
 Facilities, January 1978   •        v     .

 Developing an Outreach Program for Small Communities,
 October 1987         '

 Do More with SCORE: Small-Community Outreach and
 Education Helps Solve Wastewater Problems, September

 Environmental Guidance for Very Small Communities,
 February 1992     ,        ,         .       .      '/

 Environmental Planning for Small Communities: A Guide for
 Local Decision-Makers, September 1994

 EPA Encourages Small Communities to Use Low Cost
 Wastewater Technologies, August'1987

 Everything You Wanted to Kn6w About Environmental
 Regulations but Were Afraid to Ask: A Guide for Very Small
 Communities, September 1991         ,

 Federal Funding Sources for Small Community Wastewater
 Systems, November 1997    ' -   ' .

 Financing Models for Environmental Protection: Helping
 Communities Meet their Environmental Goals* September
'1992              '  .        ,     '••'"•...'

 Generic Facilities Plan for a Small Community: Stabilization
 Pond and Oxidation Ditch, February 1981

 Generic Speech for Presentation on OMPC's Small-
 Community Outreach and Education (SCORE) Program
 (Memorandum), April 17,1989

 Guide to Federal Environmental Requirements for Small
 Governments, September 1993

 How to Apply for Federal Assistance for Rural Water/Sewer
 Development, 1980                         •  . . '
         Not Available from EPA

         EPA#: 832/B-86-106
         Not Available from EPA

        ,EPA#: 430/9-80-004
         Not Available from EPA

         Not Available from EPA
         EPA#: 832/R-87-106
         Not Available from EPA

         EPA#: 430/9-91-02.5
         Not Available from EPA
         EPA#: 91,0/9-92-003
         Not Available from EPA

         EPA#: 625/R-94-009
         Not Available from EPA
         Not Available from EPA
         EPA#: 832/F-97-004
         EPAi: 202/B-92-006
         EPA#: 430/9-81-007
         Not Available from EPA .

         Not Available from EPA
        EPA#: 270/K-93-001
        Not Available from EPA

        Not Available from EPA








uiie    •
      NTIS#:  PB92-196021
      ERIC#:  W637

      NTIS#:  PB97-141618
      ,ERIC#:  W818

      NTIS#:  PB95-157020
      ERIC#:  W597

      NTIS#:  PB95-156741
      ERIC#:  W599
      ERIC#:  W825
      NTIS#:  PB81-172710
      ERIC#:  U163

      NTIS#:  PB95-157806
      ERIC#:  W191'

      NTIS#:  PB95-157640
      ERIC#: ,W310

      NTIS#:  PB95^157590
      ERIC#:  W031
                                                Page 56

Document Title
Environmental Regulations and Technology: Autothermal
Thermophilicaerobic Digestion of Municipal Wastewater Sludge,
September 1990
EPA Policy on Land Treatment and the Clean Water Act of 1977,
October 1978
EPA'S Innovative and Alternative Wastewater Facilities
Technology Database: User's Manual, April 1 988
Evaluation and Demonstration of the Capillary Suction Sludge
Dewatering Device, March 1974
Evaluation of "Within Vessel" Sewage Sludge Composting
Systems in Europe (Draft), April 1979
Evaluation of Dewatering Devices for Producing High-Solids
Sludge Cake, August 1979
Evaluation of EPA'S EIS Program for Wastewater Treatment
Evaluation of Flow Equalization in Municipal Wastewater
Treatment, May 1979
Evaluation of Infiltration/Inflow Program - Final Report Draft,
July 1980
i 	 	 • , •
Evaluation of Infiltration/Inflow Program - Final Report Draft,
February 1981
Evaluation of Oxidation Ditches for Nutrient Removal,
September 1992
Evaluation of the Consideration Given to the Land Use and
Environmental Impacts of the Sacramento Regional Wastewater -
EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
EPA#: 625/10-90-007
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 670/2-74-017
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/2-79-088
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/2-79-123
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/2-79-096
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 832-R-92-003
Not Available from EPA
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
ERIC#: W590
NTIS#: PB95-156626
ERIC#: W538
NTIS#: PB95-156618
ERIC#: W445
NTIS#: PB-232358
ERIC#: W449
NTIS#: PB80-180847
ERIC#: W170
NTIS#: PB80-1 11503
ERIC#: W171
, NTIS#: PB95-156725
ERIC#: N488 '
NTIS#: PB80-139835
ERIC#: U024
NTIS#: PB95-200390
ERIC#: W173 ..
NTIS#: PB95-207213
NTIS#: PB92-222900
ERIC#: N470
NTIS#: PB95-157061
ERIC#: W179 "
 Management Program (Final Report), October 1975

 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Tertiary Filtration Processes in
 Removing Toxics & Conventional Pollutants, December 31,1987

 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Tertiary Filtration Processes in
 Removing Toxics & Conventional Pollutants, Draft Final Report,
 November 30,1987

 Evaluation of Oxygen-Enriched MSW/Sewage Sludge Co-
 Incineration Demonstration Program, September 1994

 Facilities Planning 1981: Municipal Wastewater Treatment,
 March 1981
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/R-94-145

EPA#: 430/9-81-002
Not Available from EPA
NTIS#: PB95-156766
ERIC#: 180W

NTIS#: PB95-159471
'ERIC#: W181

ERTC#: W999
NTIS#: PB81-200610
ERIC#: N258
                                                Page 72

 Document Title
 EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
   Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
  Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 .Fate of Organic Pollutants in A Wastewater Land Treatment
 System Using Lagoon Impoundment and Spray Irrigation,
 September 1983                                    .,

 Federal Guidelines: Design of Wastewater.Treatment Facilities,
 February 1976     :         "

 Federal Guidelines: Design, Operation and Maintenance of Waste
 Water Treatment Facilities, September 1970                  <

 Federal Guidelines: Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater
 Treatment Facilities, August 1974     ,

 Fort Deposit, Alabama: Constructed Wetland Treatment System
 Case History, September 1993

 Granular Activated Carbon Systems: Problems and Remedies
 Prochure] August 1984

 Guidance for Sewer System Evaluation, March 1974
 Guide'to Technical Resources for the Design of Land Disposal
 Facilities, December 1988                  ..',.'

 Guide to the Selection of Cost-Effective Wastewater Treatment"
 Systems, July 1975      :

 Handbook for Sewer System Evaluation and Rehabilitation,
 December 1975                        ,  ;        ',.'.;

 Handbook of Advanced Treatment Review Issues, June 1984
 Handbook: Retrofittihg POTWs for Phosphorus Removal in the
 Chesapeake Bay Drainage Basin, September 1987
                  i         .       '       -.    ••  .  .
 Handbook: Retrofitting POTWs, July 1989
 Handbook: Sewer System Infrastructure Analysis and
 Rehabilitation, October 1991

 Heat Treatment/Low Pressure Oxidation Systems: Design-and
 Operational Considerations, September 1985

 •History of Land Application as a Treatment Alternative, April '
 1979                          '

 How Wastwater Treatment Works.. .The Basics
 EPA#: 600/2-83-077
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/6-76-105
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/B-70-100
 Not Available from EPA

 EPM: MO-02
[Not Available from EPA

 EPA#:, 832/R-93-005n
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-84-104
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 520/9-74-018
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 625/6-88-018
 EPA#: 430/9-75-002
'Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 430/9-75-021
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 625/6-87-017

 EPA#: 625/6-89-020

 EPA#: 625/6-91-030

 EPA#: 430/9-85-001
.Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 430/9-79-012,

 ,EPA#: 833/F-98-002
 NTIS#: PB83-259853
 ERIC#: W183    '
•ERIC#: W969
 ERIC#: W967
 NTIS#: PB80-138365
 ERIC#: W968

 NTIS#: PB95-225975
 ERIC#: WA85     :

 ERIC#: R026
 NTIS#: PB95-157756
 ERIC#: N279

 ERIC#: W312
 NTIS#: PB-244417
 ERICf: W314

 NTIS#: PB-257457  ,
 ERIC#: N485

 NTIS#: PB86T114766
 ERIC#: T263

 ERIC#: W324
 NTIS#: PB90-182478
 ERIC#: W323 ,

 ERIC#: W326
 NTIS#: PB86-1-20003
 ERIC#: N328

 NTIS#: PB-298227
 ERIC#: U039
                                                 Page 73

     Document Title
          EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6361
        Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
 Call ERICat (800) 2760462
Call NTIS at (800) S53-NTIS
 How to Obtain Federal Grants to Build Municipal Wastewater
 Treatment Works, May 1976

 How to Obtain Federal Grants to Build Municipal Wastewater
 Treatment Works: Sec'ond Edition, January 1981

 How to Obtain Federal Grants to Build Municipal Wastewater
 Treatment Works (Revised Draft), February 1980

 How to Write A Public Notice: A Collection of Examples,
 December 1979

 Is Your Proposed Wastewater Project Too Costly? [Brochure]
 May 1984

 It's Your Choice: A Guidebook for Local Officials on Small
 Community Wastewater Management Options, September

 It's Your Choice: Small Community Wastewater Options
 [Brochure] April 1989

 Management of On-Site and Small Community Wastewater
 Systems: Interim Study Report, November 1979

 Management of On-Site and Small Community Wastewater
 Systems, July 1982

 Management of Small Waste Flows, September 1978
 Managing Small and Alternative Wastewater Systems: A
 Planning Manual, May 1983

 Model Facility Plan for A Small Community - Supplement to:
 Guidance for Preparing a Facility Plan Municipal Wastewater
 Treatment Works Construction Grants Program, September

 Model Facility Plan for Unsewered or Partially Sewered
 Communities (Draft), May 1981

 Model Plan of Study: Supplement to: Guidance for Preparing
 a Facility Plan Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works
 Construction Grants Program, March 1976

 National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and
 Technology: State and Local Program Committee - Draft
 Recommendations: Small Communities and Environmental
 Protection, July 1991
         Not Available from EPA
         Not Available from EPA
         Not Available from EPA
         EPA#: 832/B-79-102
         Not Available from EPA

         EPA#: 832/R-84-106
         Not Available from EPA

         EPA#: 430/9-87-006
         Not Available from EPA
         EPA#: 830/F-89-100

         EPA#: 600/D-79-100
         Not Available from EPA

         EPA#: 600/8-82-009
         Not Available from EPA

         EPA#: 600/2-78-173
         Not Available from EPA

         EPA#: 430/9-83-008
         Not Available from EPA

         EPA#: 430/9-76-014
         Not Available from EPA
         EPA#: 430/9-81-009
         Not Available from EPA

         EPA#: 430/9-76-004
         Not Available from EPA
        Not Available from EPA










      NTIS#:  PB88-163027
      ERIC#:  R035

      ERIC#:  U083
      NTIS#:  PB82-260829
      ERIC#:  U083

      NTIS#:  PB-286560
      ERIC#:  W333,  -

      NTIS#:  PB83-250530
      ERIC#:  U115

      NTIS#:  PB-257649
      ERIC#:  W058
      ERIC#:  W057
      NTIS#:  PB-257650
      ERIC#:  N510
      NTIS#:  PB95-159133
      ERIC#:  W073
                                                Page 57

     Document Title
          EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
        Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
 Call ERICat (800) 2760462
Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Needs and Problems in Sewage Treatment and Effluent
 Disposal Facing Small Communities: The Role of Wetland
 Treatment Alternatives, August 29,1990

 Outreach and Technical Assistance Programs: 1997
 Accomplishments Small Underserved Communities Team,
 June 1998
         Not Available from EPA
         EPA#: 832/Rr98-Q09
       NTIS#: PB95-159067
       ERIC#: W379
 Outreach: Small Community Outreach Guidance, March 1987 .  Not Available from EPA
 Planning Wastewater Management Facilities for Small
 Communities, August 1980

 Process Design Manual: Wastewater Treatment Facilities for
 Sewered Small Communities, October 1977         :    .

 Reaching Out to Help Small Communities Comply: Meeting
 the Clean Water Act Challenge, 1986

 Review and Analysis Of Issues - Small Community Outreach
 July 31,1987            ,       ,

 Rural Community Assistance Program (RCAP) Help for
 Small Community Wastewater Projects, October. 1997

 Seminars: Low-Cost Wastewater Collection for Small ,
 Communities, January 1993

 Small Community Water and Wastewater Systems, November
 15 1989, Draft

 Small Wastewater Systems - Alternative Systems for Small
 Communities and Rural Areas, May 1992

 Strategy for Small Alternative Wastewater Systems,
 December 1980

 Summary Report: Small Community Water and Wastewater
 Treatment,  September 1992

 U.S. EPA Training Seminar for Wastewater Alternatives for
 Small Communities On Site Alternatives, August 1978

 Value Engineering for Small Communities, March  1988
 Wastewater Technical Assistance: It Works in Tennesse
 .August 1988                         ,        ;
         EPA#: 6^00/8-80-030   ,
         Not Available from EPA.

         EPA#: 625/1-77-009 /
         Not Available from EPA

         Not Available from EPA
         EPA#: 832/K-87-100
         Not Available from EPA

         EPA#: 832/F-97-003.
        . Not Available from EPA

         Not Available from EPA
         EPA#: 830/F-92-001
         Not Available from EPA

         EPA#: 832/R-80-1Q7
         Not Available from EPA

         EPA#: 625/R-92-010
         Not Available from EPA

         Not Available from EPA
         EPA#: 430/9-87-011
         Not Available from EPA

         EPA#: 430/9-88-008
         Not Available from EPA
       NTIS#: PB95-158283
       ERIC#: W383

       NTIS#: PB81-111064
       ERIC#: W646

       NTIS#: PB-299711
       ERIC#: W873

       NTIS#: PB95-158440
       ERIC # W912
       ERIC#: W708
       NTIS#: PB95-158275
       ERIC#: W720

       ERIC#: • U139
       NTIS#: PB81-216426
       ERIC#: T266

       NTIS#: PB93-215606
       ERIC#: W411

       ERIC#: W770.
       NTIS#: PB88-184858
       ERIC#: U122

       NTIS#: PB95-156204
       ERIC#: W774
                                                Page 58

     Document Title
          EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6S61
       Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
Call ERICat (800) 2760462
Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Wastewater: Is Muskegon County's Solution Your Solution,
 August 1976

 Workshop Training Manual for Wastewater Treatment and
 Disposal for Small Communities, April 1981
         EPA#: 905/2-76-004
         Not Available from EPA

         Not Available from EPA
      NTIS#:  PB-270865
      ERIC#:  U003

      NTIS#:  PB95-156311
      ERIC#:  W802
                                              Page 59

Document Title
  EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-656
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
  Call ERIC at (800)276-0462
 CaU NTIS at (800) 5S3-NTIS
   Addendum to 1982 Needs Survey: Cost Estimates for Control
   of Combined Sewer Discharge to Marine Bays and Estuaries

   Additional Information for Completing Storm Water Group
   Applications, July 17,19.91

   Analysis of Implementing Permitting Activities for Storm
   Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity: Staff
   Analysis, July 1991    V

   Application Form i - General Information: Consolidated
   Permits Program                       >.'',:

   Application Form 2B - Application for Permit to Discharge
   Wastewater Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations and
   Aquatic Animal Production Facilities               "

   Application Form 2C - Wastewater Discharge Information:
   Consolidated Permits Program                   '       .

   Application Form 2D - New Sources and New Dischargers:
   Application for Permit to-Discharge Process Wastewater

   Application Form 2E - Facilities Which Do Not Discharge
   Process Wastewater

   Application Form 2F - Application for Permit to Discharge
   Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity

   Bibliography of Storm and Qombined Sewer Pollution Control
   and R&D Program Documents, 1995

   Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Control Policy.April 1994
   Combined Sewer Overflow Analysis Methodology, October
  > 1986

 :  Combined Sewer Overflow Control Policy, Draft, December 22
   1992 "..'.-"             .                -

   Combined Sewer Overflow Control Policy: A Consensus
   Solution to Improve Water Quality; April .1994 ,     .

   Combined Sewer Overflows: Guidance for Financial Capability1
   and Schedule Development, March 1997         .

   Combined, Sewer Overflows: Guidance for Funding Options,
   August 1995   /:              -                       :
 EPA#: 430/9-83-001   '
 Not Available from EPA

, Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 833/R-91-101
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 3510-01

 EPA#: 3510-02B
 WRC      .
 EPA#: 3510-02C

 EPA#: 3510-02D

 EPA#: 3510-02E

 EPM: 3510-02F

 EPA#." 600/9-90-032   .
 Not Available from EPA

 EPAf: 830/B-94-OD1
 Not Available frorn EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-86-111   s
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA*: 830/8-92-002
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/F-94-002^
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 8327B-97-004
 EPA#: 832/B-95-OQ7,
 NTIS#: PB95-157996
 ERIC#: W503

 NTIS#: PB94-102217
 ERIC#: W123
 ERIC#: W474

 ERIC#: W017

 ERIC#: W475

 ERICf: W476

 ERIC#: W477
. i
    .   i    i
 ERIC#: W478








 NTIS#: PB95-27461
 ERIC#: W312 ,
                                                 Page 60

Document Title
  EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-656
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
                                                                                Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
                                                                                Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
   Combined Sewer Overflows: Guidance for Long-Term Control
   Plan, September 1995

   Combined Sewer Overflows: Guidance for Monitoring and

   Combined Sewer Overflows: Guidance for Nine Minimum
   Controls, May 1995

   Combined Sewer Overflows: Guidance for Permit Writers,
   September 1995

   Combined Sewer Overflows: Screening and Ranking
   Guidance, August 1995

   Combined Sewer Overflows in Your Community
   Construction Site Stormwater Discharge Control: An Inventory
   of Current Practices, June 26,1991

   Discharge Monitoring Report [form]

   Effect of the Transportation Act of 1991 on Deadlines for
   Storm Water Permit Applications, June 1992
   Guidance for the Determination of Appropriate Methods for the
   Detection of Section 313 Water Priority Chemicals, April 1994

   Guidance for the Preparation of Discharge Monitoring Reports:
   Facilities Required to Report Semi-Annual Monitoring Results
   Under the NPDES Storm Water General Permits, April 1994

   Guidance Manual for the Preparation of NPDES Permit
   Applications for Storm Water Discharges Associated with
   Industrial Activity, April 1991

   Guidance Manual for the Preparation of Part 1 of the NPDES
   Permit Applications for Discharges from Municipal Separate
   Storm Sewer Systems, April 1991  .

   Guidance Manual for the Preparation of Part 2 of the NPDES
   Permit Applications for Discharges from Municipal Separate
   Storm Sewer Systems, November 1992

   Handbook: Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention and Control
   Planning, September 1993
 EPA#: 832/B-95-002
 EPA#: 832/B-97-004
 EPA#: 832/B-95-003
 EPA#: 832/B-95-008
 EPA#: 832/B-95-004
 EPA#: 832/F-93-003
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 833/R-91-100
EPA#: 3320-01

Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 833/B-94-001

EPA#: 833/B-93-002
EPA#: 505/8-91-002
EPA#:  505/8-91-003A
Not Available from EPA
EPA#:  833/B-92-002
Not Available'from EPA
E?A#:  625/R-93-004
 NTIS#:  PB96-109475
 ERIC#:  W152
NTIS#: PB95-242392
ERIC#: W573

NTIS#: PB96-138110
ERIC#: W924

NTIS#: PB96-109467
ERIC#: W575

ERIC#: W270
NTIS#: PB94-109006
ERIC#:  W479
ERIC#: W813 ,
NTIS#: PB94-177508
ERIC#: W497

NTIS#: PB95-157749
ERIC#: W193
NTIS#: PB92-199058
ERIC#: W127
NTIS#: PB92-114578
ERIC#: W128
NTIS#: PB94-144623
ERIC#: W327,
                                               Page 61

Document Title
  EPA Number
Can NCEPI at (SIS) 891-656
Call WRC at (2&2) 260-7786
 Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
 Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
   In-System Storage Controls for Reduction of Combined Sewer
   Overflow - Saginaw, Michigan: Technical Report, September
   1985               •           •'        '      "•

   In-System Storage Controls for Reduction of Combined Sewer
   Overflow - Saginaw, Michigan: Executive Summary,
   September 1985    '                         '

   Investigation of Inappropriate Pollutant Entries into Storm
   Drainage Systems: A User's Guide, January 1993

   List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities,
   September 1992 ,       '

   Manual of Practice Identification of Illicit Connections, Draft,
   September 1990        '
 EPA#: 905/2-85-001B
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 905/2-85-001A
 Not Available from EPA
NTIS#:  PB86-144458
ERIC#:  W838
NTIS#: PB86-144441
 EPA#: 600/R-92-238     NTIS#: PB93-131472
 Not Available from EPA ,  ERIC#: W490
 EPA#: 833/B-92-005
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 833/R-90-100
 Not Available from EPA
   Manual: Combined Sewer Overflow Control, September 1993    EPA#: 625/R-93-007.
   Methodology for the Study of Urban Storm Generated
   Pollution and Control, August 1976

   Municipal Wastewater Management Fact Sheets: Storm Water
   Best Management Practices, September 1993

   Municipal Wastewater Management Fact Sheets Storm Water
   Best Management Practics, September 1996

   1996 Clean Water Needs Survey: Report to Congress
 EPA#: 600/2-76-H5
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/F-93-013  ..'
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/F-96-001
 EPA#: 832/R-97-003 ,
NTIS#: PB95-200408

NTIS#: PB94-176534
ERIC*: W496

NTIS#: PB94-144649
ERIC#; W337

NTIS#: PB-258743
ERIC#: W049

NTIS#: PB94-151271
ERIC#: W297

NTIS#: PB98-133226
ERIC#: G741
   National Combined Sewer Overflow Control Strategy, August
   10 1989 [Memorandum]

  > National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System-(NPDES)  -
   Permit Application for Storm Water Discharges: Final
   Regulation-A Summary, 1991

   Natibnal Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (hlPDES)
   Storm Water Implementation Package: Proposed Rule and
   Draft General Permits - A Summary, July 1'991

  • Notice of Intent (NOI) for Storm Water Discharges Associated
   with Industrial Activity Under a NPDES General Permit

   Notice of Termination (NOT) of Coverage Under a NPDES
   General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with
   Industrial Activity             - '.   '.           ."-.•-
 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA
NTIS#: PB95-159125
ERIC#: W375

NTIS#: PB95-159083
ERIC#: W377
Not Available from EPA   NTIS#: PB95-159075
 EPA#: 3510-6
 EPA#: 3510-7
ERJC#: W484
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Document Title
  EPA Number
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  Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
 Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
NPDES Permit Application Workshop for Storm Water
Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity, July 28, 1992
NPDES Storm Water Program: Question and Answer
Document Volume 1, March 1992
NPDES Storm Water Program: Question and Answer
Document,:V"olume 2, July 1993
NPDES Storm Water Sampling Guidance Document, July 1992
Overview of the Storm Water Program, April 1992
Overview of the Storm Water Program, December 3 1 1991
Overview of the Storm Water Program, March 1993
Overview of the Storm Water Program, October 1993
Overview of the StormWater Program, June 1996
Policy for End of Moratorium for Storm Water Permitting —
October 1, 1994 (Memorandum), October 18 1994
Proceedings of Stormwater and Water Quality Model Users
Group Meeting: March 23-24, 1987 - Denver, Colorado,
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 833/F-93-002
EPA#: 833/F-93-002B
EPA#: 833/B-92-001
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 833/F-93-001
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 833/R-96-008
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/9-87-016
Not Available from EPA
NTIS#: PB95-159000
ERIC#: W381
NTIS#: PB93-223410
ERIC#: W141
NTIS#: PB94-109550
ERIC#: W275
NTIS#: PB92-227669
ERIC#: W131
NTIS#: PB95-158903
NTIS#: PB95-158911
NTIS#: PB93-234664
ERIC#: W491
NTIS#: PB95-159513
ERIC#: W542
NTIS#: PB96-203369
ERIC#: W343
NTIS#: PB95-159356
ERIC#: W856
NTIS#: PB88-125505
EPJC#: W682
   August 1987

   Proceedings: Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) Users
   Group Meeting - June 19-20,1980, December 1980

   Processes, Procedures and Methods to Control Pollution
   Resulting from All Construction Activity, October 1973

   Processes, Procedures and Methods to Control Pollution
   Resulting From Mining Activities

   Project Summary: Characterizing and Controlling Urban
   Runoff Through Street and Sewerage Cleaning, June 1985

   Project Summary: Investigation of Inappropriate Pollutant
   Entries Into Storm Drainage Systems: A User's Guide

   Project Summary: Stormwater Hydrological Characteristics of
   Porous and Conventional Paving Systems, February 1984
EPA#: 600/9-80-064  .
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 430/9-73-007
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 600/S2-85-038
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 600/SR-92-238
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 600/S2-83-106
Not Available from EPA
NTIS#: PB81-173858
ERIC#: W686

NTIS#": PB-257318
ERIC#: W875

NTIS#: PB-257297
ERIC#: W874

NTIS#: PB85-186500
ERIC#: W885

ERIC#: W398
NTIS#: PB95-158572
ERIC#: W894
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Document Title
  EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-656
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
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   Report on the EPA Storm Water Management, Volume 1,
   October 1992                          .  :

   Report to Congress on Control of Combined Sewer Overflow
   in the United States, October 1978

   Results of the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program: Volume III -
   Data Appendix, December 1983

   Results of the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program: Volume I -
   Final Report, December 1983 . .

   Sanitary Sewer Overflow Workshop - Final Report, Augusst

   Sediment and Erosion Control: An Inventory of Current
   Practices, April 20 1990, Draft         ,

   Selection Criteria for Mathematical Models Used in Exposure
   Assessments: Surface Water Models, July 1987

   Seminar Publication: Benefit Analysis for Combined Sewer
   Overflow Control, April  1979             .

   Seminars: Combined Sewer Overflow Control, July 1994
   Special Fund for Abatement of Combined Sewer Overflow
   Pollution in Marine Bays and Estuaries (the Marine CSO Fund)'
   - Guidance for the Preparation and Review of Applications,
   January 1984         ;                         ,
   Storm and Combined Sewer Overflow: An Overview of EPA'S
   Research Program, January 1990

   Storm and Combined Sewer Pollution Control Program: A
   Compilation of Significant References, May 1991     '. '.

   Storm and Combined Sewer Pollution Control Program: A
   Compilation of Significant References, June 1989

   Storm and Combined Sewer Pollution Control Program: A -
   Compilation of Significant References, May 1991

   Storm Water Discharges Potentially Addressed by Phase II of
  • the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Storm
   Water Program: Report to Congress (Draft), October 1993

   Storm Water Discharges Potentially Addressed by Phase II of,
   the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Storm
   Water Program: Report to Congress, March 1995
 EPA#: 830/R-92-001.
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 430/9-78-006
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA
 'EPA#:  832/R-95-007
;EPA#:  833/R-90-101
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#:  600/8-87-042
 EPA#: 625/4-79-013
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#:' 625/K-94-003
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/B-84-101
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 600/8-89-054
, Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/9-91-012
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from
 EPA#: 600/9-91-012   '
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from
 EPA#: 833/K-94-002
NTIS#: PB93-229805
ERIC#: W138

NTIS#: PB-291966
ERIC#: W921

NTIS#: PB84-185578
ERIC#: W700

NTIS#: PB84-185552
ERIC#: W70.1
NTIS#: PB93-223600
ERIC#: W278

NTIS#: PB88-139928
ERIC#: W400

NTIS#: PB86-202777
ERIC#: W704

,ERIC#: W707
NTIS#: PB84-178839
ERIC#; N266
NTIS#: PB90-187006
ERIC#:' W727  :, ..
 ERIC#:  W402
NTIS#:  PB92-114560
ERIC#:  W728

NTIS#:  PB95-158218
ERIC#:  W932
 NTIS#: PB95-225850
 ERIC#: WA90
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  EPA Number
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                                                                                Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
   StormWater Enforcement Strategy (Memorandum), January 12   Not Available from EPA
   1994                                      .
   Storm Water Fact Sheet, 1992

   Storm Water Fact Sheet, September 1994

   Storm Water General Permits Briefing, September 1992

   Storm Water Management for Construction Activities:
   Developing Pollution Prevention Plans and Best Management
   Practices, September 1992

   Storm Water Management for Construction Activities:
   Developing Pollution Prevention Plans and Best Management
   Practices Summary Guidance, October 1992

   Storm Water Management for Industrial Activities: Developing
   Pollution Prevention Plans and Best Management Practices,
   September 1992

   Storm Water Management for Industrial Activities: Developing
   Pollution Prevention Plans and Best Management Practices
   Summary Guidance, October. 1992

   Storm Water Management Model: Level I - Comparative
   Evaluation of Storage-Treatment and Other Management
   Practices, April 1977

   Storm Water Management Model: Level I - Preliminary
   Screening Procedures, October 1976

   Storm Water Multi-Sector General Permit Information
   Package, October 1995

   Storm Water Multi-Sector General Permit Press Package,
   November 10,1993

   Storm Water Permit Application Workshop, March 1991

   Storm Water Phase II Direct Final Rule (Summary), March

   Storm Water Program Fact Sheet, February 1993
  Stormwater Management Ordinances for Local Governments,
  December 1990
 EPA#: 832/F-92-004

 EPA#: 833/F-94-006

 EPA#: 833/E-93-001
 EPA#: 832/R-92-005
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 833/R-92-001
 EPA#: 832/R-92-006
 Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 833/R-92-002

EPA#: 600/2-77-083

EPA#: 600/2-76-275

Not Available from EPA


Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA

EPA#  833/F-93-003
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
                        NTIS#: PB95-159349
                        ERIC#: W933
 ERIC#: W729

 NTIS#: PB93-234656
 ERIC#: W204

 NTIS#: PB92-235951
 ERIC#: N482
NTIS#:  PB93-223550
ERIC#:  W139
NTIS#: PB92-235969
ERIC#: N477
NTIS#: PB94-133782
ERIC#: W492
NTIS#: PB-265571
ERIC#: W730

ERIC#: W732

NTIS#: PB95-156345


ERIC#: W354

NTIS#: PB95-159232
ERIC#: W934
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Document Title
  EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-656
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 Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
   Stormwater Pollution Abatement Technologies, September
   1994        ,

   Summaries ofCWA 104(b)(3) Grants: Maryland Model
   Construction General.Permit, April 1994          ' ,.

   Summaries of Storm Wafer Special Projects: Whole Effluent
   Toxicity of Storm Water Discharges from an Airport, June

   Urban Runoff and Stormwater Management Handbook, 1990

   Urban Runoff Management Information/Education Products

   Urban Storm Water Runoff and Ground Water Qualiiy

   Urban Stormwater Management and Technology: Case,
   Histories, August 1980

   Water Pollution Aspects of Street Surface Contaminants,
   November 1972         ,                   ,

   Water Quality Management Planning for Urban Runoff,
  „ December 1974, ,

   When It Rains, It Drains: What Everyone Should Know About
   Stormwater, August 1993
 EPA#: 600/R-94-129     ERJC#: W935
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 833/F-94-001
ERIC#: W308
 EPA#: 833/F-94-004     ERIC#: W737
 Not Available from EPA   ERIC#: W764
 EPA#: 833/K-93-001
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: .lOl/F-90-046  :
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/8-80-035
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: R2-72-081
 Not Available from EPA,

 EPA#: 440/9-75-004
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/F-93-002
 Not Available from EPA




W349  ,


NTIS#: PB-241689
ERIC#: W205
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 Document Title
 EPA Number
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   Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
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1990: A Strategy for Municipal
WastewaterTreatment-Workshops, November 1990
Activated Sludge Process Control Course

Activated sludge Quality and Process Balance (DSA and the
BLT vs. CSP Characteristics), Undated
Advanced Waste Treatment Performance Evaluation Summary
Report, undated-printed March 1985
Aerobic Biological Wastewater Treatment Facilities: Process
Control Manual
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from'EPA

Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/9-84-002
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/9-77-006
Not Available from EPA
NTIS#: PB95-158010
ERIC#: W005
NTIS#: PB95-1 56949
ERIC#: T179
NTIS#: PB95-1 58002
ERIC#: W502
NTIS#: PB85-174191
ERIC#: T238
NTIS#: PB-279474
ERIC#: U014
 Aerobic Biological Wastewater Treatment Facilities: Process
 Control Manual, March 1977

 Affluent Effluent: New Choices in Wastewater Treatment,
 September 1983

 Alkaline Treatment and Utilization of Municipal Wastewater
 Sludges: A Presentation to Water Pollution Control Department,
 USEPA, March 25 1987

 Alternative Sewer Studies, Completed September 1983
 Alternative Technology Application: Land Treatment Silviculture
 - A Practical Approach [Brochure]  September 1983

 Alternative Technology: Methane Recovery - An Energy
 Resource, [Brochure] September 1983

 Alternatives for Small Wastewater Treatment Systems: Cost
 Effectiveness Analysis: Volume 3, October 1977

 Alternatives for Small Wastewater Treatment Systems: On Site
 Disposal, Sewage Treatment and Disposal: Volume 1, October

 Alternatives for Small Wastewater Treatment Systems: On Site
 Disposal, Sewage Treatment and Disposal: Set of Volumes 1,2,
 and 3, October 1977

 Alternatives for Small Wastewater Treatment Systems: Pressure
 Sewers, Vacuum Sewers: Volume 2, October 1977

 Analysis of Performance Limiting Factors (PLFs) at Small
 Sewage Treatment Plants, April 1989
 EPA#: III/A-524-77
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-83-111
 Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/2-85-133
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 832/R-83-101
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 832/R-83-100
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 625/4-77-011
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 625/4-77-012A
Not Available from EPA
ERIC#:  W558
NTIS#: PB84-133966
ERIC#: N264

NTIS#: PB95-157988
ERIC#: W559
NTIS#: PB86-131224
ERIC#: N331

ERIC#: R004
ERIC#: R005
NTIS#: PB-299611
ERIC#: T190

NTIS#: PB-299609
ERIC#: T188
Not Available from EPA    NTIS#: PB-299608 SE
EPA#: 625/4-77-012B
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EPA#: 832/R-89-102
Not Available from EPA
NTIS#: PB89-193346
ERIC#: N461
                                                Page 67

 Document Title
 EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
   Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
   Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Applicability of Land Treatment of Wastewater in the Great
 Lakes Area Basin: Effectiveness of Sandy Soils at Muskegon
 County, Michigan, for Renovating Wastewater

 Applicability of Land Treatment of Wastewater in the Great
 Lakes Area Basin: Impact of Wastewater Division, Spray
 Irrigation on Water Quality in trie Muskegon County, Michigan
 Lakes,         -    ,                          '        .

 Approach.for Comparing Health'Risks of Wastewater Treatment
-Alternatives - A Limited Comparison of Health Risks Between
 Slow Rate Land Treatment and Activated Sludge Treatment and
 Discharge, September 19,79

 Aquaculture Systems for Wastewater Treatment - An Engineering
 Assessment, June 1980                       '    V

 Aquaculture Systems for Wastewater Treatment - Seminar
 Proceedings and Engineering Assessment, September 1979

 Aqueous-Phase Oxidation of Sludge Using the Vertical Reaction
 Vessel System, Completed September 1985  :

 Assessment of an Emerging Technology: Dual Digestion-
 [Brochure] September 1986

 Assessment of Cost & Effectiveness of Biological Dual Nutrient
 Removal Technologies in the Chesapeake Bay Drainage Basin,
 Volume I, October 1,988       ,                 •    .     ,

 Assessment of Cost & Effectiveness of Biological Dual Nutrient
 Removal Technplogies in the Chesapeake Bay Drainage Basin,
 Volume II, October 1988

 Assessment of Current Information on Overland Flow Treatment   .
 of Municipal Wastewater                       ,         '

 Assessment of Design Tradeoffs When Using Intrachannel
 Clarifiers, October 1986

 Assessment of I/A Facilities Seeking 100 Percent
 Modification/Replacement Funding - Case Histories, October

 Assessment of Single-Stage Trickling Filter Nitrification, January ,
 199"! (Contractor's Report)

 Assessment of Single-Stage Trickling Filter Nitrification, May  .
 1991      :      ••       ' "     .'•-•.-.:        "•'.••
 EPA#: 905/79-006-B
 Not Available from EPA
; EPA#: 905/9-79-006-A
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 43.0/9-79-009
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 430/9-80-007
.Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 430/9-80-006  .
 EPA#: 600/2-87-022
 Not Available from E'PA

 EPA#: 832/R-86-100
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
Not Available from 'EPA
EPA#: 430/9-80-002
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 600/J-87-286
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 600/J-87-998   ,
Not Available from EPA
 NTIS#:  PB-299657
 ERIC#:  W508
 NTIS#: PB-299602
 ERIC#: W509
 NTIS#: PB-298228
 NTIS#: PB81-156689
 ERIC#: -N269

 NTIS#: PB81-156705
 ERIC#: N318

 NTIS#: PB87-170320
 ERIC#: N392 .

 ERIC#: R012 •
 NTIS#: PB90-2'33917
 ERIC#: W56i5
 NTIS#: PB90-233925
 ERIC#: W149
 NTIS#: PB81-168403
-,ERIC#: U046  ,    ,

 NTIS#: PB88-185210
 ERIC#: W510

 NTIS#: PB95-157954
 ERIC#: W566
Not Available from EPA    ERICi:  W987
EPA#: 430/9-91-005
 NTIS#: PB91-206276
'ERIC#: N493
                                                 Page 68

 Document Title
 EPA Number
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Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
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  Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Assessment of the Biolac Technology, September 1990
 Assessment of Vortex Solid Separators for the Control and
 Treatment of Wet Weather Flow

 Benefits and Implementation Potential of Wastewater
 Aquaculture, May 1982  '

 Biological Phosphorus Removal: Problems and
 Remedies[Brochure] June 1986

 Biological Waste Treatment Using the Biolac System: A
 Technical Note, September 1986

 Cannon Beach: Wooded Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment,
 September 1993

 Carolina Bays: A Natural Wastewater Treatment Program,
 September 1993

 Centralized Treatment and Recovery: Case Studies, September

 Chemical Aids Manual for Wastewater Treatment Facilities
 Collecting Household Hazardous Wastes at Wastewater
 Treatment Plants, September 1989

 Comparison of Oxidation Ditch Plants to Competing Processes
 for Secondary & Advanced Treatment of Municipal Wastes,
 March 1978

 Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluation and Selected Management
 Issues, February 1982

 Computer-Assisted Procedure for the Design and Evaluation of
 Wastewater Treatment Systems: Users Guide, 1979

 Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment and Wildlife
 Habitat: 17 Case Studies, September 1993

 Converting Rock Trickling Filters to Plastic Media: Design &
 Performance, August 1980

 Demonstrated Approach for Improving Performance and
 Reliability of Biological Wastewater Treatment Plants, June 1979

 Demonstration of Sewer Relining by the Insituform Process,
 Northbrook, IL, October 1983
 EPA#:  430/9-90-013
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/B-96-006
 EPA#: 832/R-82-100
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-86-101
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/K-86-100
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-93-005c
 EPA#: 832/R-93-005a
 EPA#: 832/F-93-009
EPA#: 430/9-79-018
EPA#: 832/R-89-100
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 600/2-78-051
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/9-82-003
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 430/9-79-01
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 832/R-93-005
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 600/2-80-120
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 600/2-79-035
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 600/2-83-064
Not Available from EPA
 NTIS#: PB91-102095
 ERIC#: N457

 NTIS#: PB97-141550
 ERIC#: W385

 NTIS#: PB83-191601
 ERIC#: N314

 ERIC#: R013
NTIS#: PB95-157939
ERIC#: W569

NTIS#: PB95-225942

NTIS#: PB95-226148

ERIC#: W514
NTIS#: PBS 1-226826
ERIC#: U025

ERIC#: R015
NTIS#: PB-281380
ERIC#: W520






PBS 1-220964



                                                 Page 69

Document Title J
, - ' • . • ".'.'- ''
Des Plaines River Wetlands Project: Wetlands for River Water
Quality Improvement, September 1993
Design Criteria for Mechanical, Electric, and Fluid System and
Component Reliability, July 1974 - ,
Design Information on Rotating Biological Contractors, June
Design Information Report: Belt Filter Presses, May 1986
Design Information Report: Centrifuges, September 1986
Design Information Report: Recessed Filter Plate Process, June
Design Manual: Constructed Wetlands and Aquatic Plant Systems
for Municipal Wastewater Treatment
Design Manual: Dewatering Municipal Wastewater Sludges,
Octobe? 1982
Design Manual: Dewatering Municipal Wastewater Sludges,
September 1987
Design Manual: Fine Pore Aeration Systems, September 1989
Design Manual: Municipal Wastewater Disinfection, October
Design Manual: Municipal Wastewater Stabilization Ponds,
October 1983 \ ' -. /
Design Manuak'Odor and Corrosion Control in Sanitary
Sewerage Systems and Treatment Plants, October 1 985
Design Manual: Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal
Systems, October 1980
Design Manual: Phosphorous Removal, September 1987 ,
Design of Small Systems Wastewater Treatment Facilities: ••
Engineering and Design, September 1980 •
Design of Wastewater Treatment Facilities * Major Systems,
September 1978 . . ,
EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786

EPA#: 832/R-93-005q
EPA#: 430/9-74-001
Not Available from EPA
,EPA#: 600/2-84-106
. Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/M-86-011
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: .600/M-86-023
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/M-86-017 .
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 625/1-88-022
'Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 625/1-82-014
Not Available from E.PA
EPA#: 625/l-87rOl4
EPA#: 62'5/l-89-023
EPA#: 625/1-86-021
Not Available from EPA
. EPA#: 625/1-83-015
"Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 625/1-85-018
, EPA#: 625/1-80-012
EPA#: 625/1-87-001 ' .
- Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/9-79-008*
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800) 553-NT1S
NTIS#: PB95-225710
NTIStf: PB-227558
ERIC#: N454
NTIS#: PB84-199561
"ERIC#: T235 ,
NTIS#: PB86-223153
ERIC#: W583' •
NTIS#: PB87-107876
ERIC#: W584
NTIS#: PB86-221793
ERIC#: W585
ERIC#: N495 -
ERIC#: W977
ERIC#: W586
NTIS#: PB90-125204
ERIC#: N498 . ,'..-.
NTIS#: PB85-245991
ERIC#: N496
NTIS#: PB88-184023
ERIC#: W164
NTIS#: PB88-184031
ERIC#:-N497 ;
, NTIS#: PB83-219907 .
ERIC#: N484 '-'-.''
ERIC#: W587
NTIS#: PB95-157889 :
ERIC#: W166
NTIS#: PB95-157871
. ERIC#: W019
                        Page 70

 Document Title
 EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
  Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
  Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Design Report Submittal Requirements: Supplement to Federal
 Guidelines for Design, Operation, and Maintenance of Waste
 Water Treatment Facilities - Technical Bulletin, Undated

 Determination of Excessive/Nonexcessive Inflow Rates: Draft,
 May 1984

 Disinfection of Wastewater - Task Force Report, March 1976
 Disinfection with Ultraviolet Light-Design, Construct, and
 Operate for Success [Brochure] September 1986

 Economic Assessment of Wastewater Aquaculture Treatment
 Systems, December 1976

 Economical Residential Pressure Sewer System With No
 Effluent, December 1975

 Emerging Technologies: Alternative Wastewater Collective
 Systems - Practical Approaches

 Emerging Technology: Aquaculture—An Alternative Wastewater
 Treatment Approach [Brochure] July 1983

 Emerging Technology: Counter-Current Aeration - A Promising
 Process Modification [Brochure] July 1983

 Emerging Technology: Intermittent Sand Filtration — A Process
 Assessment [Brochure] June 1984

 Emerging Technology: Intrachannel Clarification — A Project
 Assessment [Brochure] June 1983

 Emerging Technology: Overland Flow - A Viable Land
 Treatment Option [Brochure] May 1982

 Emerging Technology: Sequencing Batch Reactors — A Project
 Assessment [Brochure] September 1983

 Emerging Technology: The Biological Aerated Filter - A
 Promising Biological Process, July 1983

 Emerging Technology: Vacuum-Assisted Sludge Dewatering
 Beds — An Alternative Approach [Brochure] November 1984

 Emerging Technology: Wetlands Treatment — A Practical
 Approach [Brochure] September 1983

 Emerging Technology Report: Preliminary Status of Airplane
 Deicing Fluid Recovery Systems, September 1995
 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 430/9-75-012
 EPA#: 832/R-86-102
 EPA#: 600/2-76-293
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/2-75-072
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-83-107
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-83-103
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-83-104
 EPA#: 832/R-84-101

 EPA#: 832/R-83-105

 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-83-106
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-83-102
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-84-102

 EPA#: 830/F-83-100

 EPA#: 832/B-95-005
NTIS#: PB95-157319
ERIC#: W167
NTIS#: PB95-156451
ERIC#: W617

ERIC#: U031

ERIC#: R018
NTIS#: PB-266179
ERIC#: W625

NTIS#: PB-266179
ERIC#: W625

ERIC#: R020
ERIC#: R007

ERIC#: R008

ERIC#: R009

ERIC#: R010

ERIC#: R070  ;

ERIC#: R011

ERIC#: R056

ERIC*': R021

ERIC#: R022

NTIS#: PB95-270724
ERIC#: WB10-
                                                 Page 71

Document Title
 EPA Number
tall NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
   Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
  Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Hydrograph Controlled Release Lagoons: An Update for a      ;
 Promising Technology [Brochure] May 1987

 Improving Design and Operation of Multiple-Hearth and Fluid
 Bed Sludge Incinerators, July 1985

 In-Vessel Composting: A Technology Assessment [Brochure]
 July 1987                                    '    .-'

 Incline Village General Improvement District Wetlands
 Enhancement Facility: A Total, Evaporative Constructed Wetland
 Treatment/Disposal System, September 1993

 Independent Physical-Chemical (IPC) Treatment of Municipal
 Wastewater: Design and Operations Feedback, July 1984

 Infiltration/Inflow:.!/! Analysis and Project Certification, May
 1985              ;

 Informational Briefing; Report to Congress on the Effectiveness
 of the Innovative and Alternative Wastewater f reatment
 Technology Program (Undated)

 Innovations in Sludge Drying Beds: A Practical Technology
 [Brochure] October 1987

 Innovative and Alternative Technology: A New Approach to an
 Old Problem [Brochure] March 1980                   <

 Innovative and Alternative (I/A) Technology:  Wastewater
 Treatment to Improve Water Quality and Reduce Costs
 [Brochure] August 1984                              .

 Innovative and Alternative Technology Assessment Manual,   ,
 February 1980            '

 Innovative and Alternative Technology Projects: 1985 Progress

 Innovative and Alternative Technology Projects: 1986 Progress
 Report                 ,   '•,,

 Innovative and Alternative Technology Projects: 1987 Progress
 Report, September 1987      '

 Innovative and Alternative Technology Projects: A Progress
 Report, 1983

 Innovative and Alternative Technology Projects: A Progress ,
 Report, 1984                                          .
 EPA#:  832/R-87-100
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#:  600/2-86-061
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#:  832/R-87-102'
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#:  832/R-93-005k
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/F-85-100
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 832/R-87-101

 EPA#: 832/R-80-103
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-84-105
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: '430/9-78-009
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 832/R-84-114
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
 ERIC#: R028
NTIS#: PB86-219367
ERIC#: N35.8'

ERIC#: R029
NTIS#: PB95-225735
ERIC#: WA82  .
NTIS#: PB95-157566
ERIC#: U080

NTIS#: PB85-231165
ERIC#: T270

NTIS#: PB95-157558
ERIC#: W035

NTIS#: PB95-157558
ERIC#: W035

ERIC#: R032
ERIC#: R031









T214   •

                                                 Page 74

Document Title
Innovative and Alternative Technology: Case Studies, January
Innovative Technology: Meeting the Challenge of the 80's,
September 1980
Instructional Resources Monograph Series: Activated Sludge,
September 1980
Instructional Resources Monograph Series: Anaerobic Digestion,
August 1981
Instructional Resources Monograph Series: Safety in Wastewater
Treatment Systems, June 1981
Intermittent Sand filters

Intrachannel Clarification: An Update [Brochure] September
Introduction to Toxicity Reduction at Publicly Owned Treatment
Works, September 1989
Investigation of Phosphorous Removal Mechanisms in Activated
Sludge Systems, November 1972
Irrigating with Municipal Effluent: A Socioeconomic Study of
Community Experiences, January 1982
Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve: Hillsboro, Oregon,
September 1993
Jacques Marsh: A Created Wetland in Northeastern Arizona,
September 1993
EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
EPA#: 430/9-81-010
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 832/K-80-101
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EPA#: 430/1-80-008
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/1-81-017
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/1-81-014
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 832/R-86-103
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 832/K-89-100
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: R2-72-031
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/2-82-009
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 832/R-93-005p
EPA#: 832/R-93-005m
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
NTIS#: PBS 1-246 126
ERIC#: W036
NTIS#: PB95-157541
ERIC#: U078
NTIS#: PB81-225930
ERIC#: N210
NTIS#: PB95-157533
ERIC#: N212
NTIS#: PB81-247728
ERIC#: N211
NTIS#: PB95-157517
ERIC#: W040
ERIC#: R033

NTIS#: PB95-157509
ERIC#: W041
NTIS#: PB82-180597
ERIC#: W042
NTIS#: PB95-225983
NTIS#: PB95-226130
 Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater Effluents, 3 Volume
 Set (Design Factors-I, Design Factors-II, Case' Histories), January

 Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater Effluents: Case
 Histories, January 1976

 Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater Effluents: Design

 Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater Effluents: Design
 Factors-I, January 1976

 Land Treatment of Wastewaters - A Better Alternative for Water
 Pollution Control? [Brochure] September 1978
Not Available from EPA    NTIS#: PB-259994
EPA#:  625/4-76-010C
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  625/4-76-010B
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  625/4-76-010A
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  832/R-78-100
Not Available from EPA
NTIS#: PB-259998
ERIC#: T183

NTIS#: PB-259996
ERIC#: T185

NTIS#: PB-259995
ERIC#: T184

ERIC#: R036
                                                Page 75,

 Document Title
 EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
  Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
  Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Land Treatment: Rapid Infiltration - Plan, Design and Construct
 for'Success [Brochure] June 1984

 Large Soil Absorption Systems: Design Suggestions for Success
 [Brochure] June 1986     '             '    '          ,-

 Lime Handling Systems: Problems arid Remedies [Brochure]
 Aurgust 1984                  ••'-.-.-               -

 Limriological Investigation of the Muskegon County, Michigan,
 Wastewater Storage Lagoons: Phase 1, September 1975

 Manual of Septic Tank Practice '    '
 Manual: Nitrogen Control, September 1993
 EPA#: 832/R-84-107
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-86-104
 EPA#:  832/R-84-108
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#:  600/3-75-009
 Not Available from EPA
I        ;
 EPA#:  430/9-75-009
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#:  625/R-93-010
 Manual: Wastewater Treatment/Disposal for Small Communities,   EPA#:  625/R-92-005
 September 1992   .       ,

 Methodology and Assumptions Used to Determine_Acceptable     Not Available from'EPA
 Staging Periods for Treatment Plant Capacity, November 1976,
                      J-        '     •       '                •',:'"•-
 Methods for Improvement of Trickling Filter Plant Performance:    EPA#:  600/2-77-012
 Part II~Chemical Addition, January 1977                      Not Available from EPA

 Microscreehs Applied to Wastewater Treatment fiond Effluent     Not Available from EPA

 Mt. View Project: A Community Success Story, September 1993    EPA#:  832/R-93-005f

 Multiple-Hearth and Fluid Bed Sludge Incinerators: Design and     EPA#:  430/9-85-002
 Operational Considerations, September  1985                    Not Available from EPA
 Municipal Management System, March 1980 ,
 Municipal Sewage Treatment: A Comparison of Alternatives,       Not Available from EPA
 February 1974; Final                                                 .

 Municipal Sludge Management: Environmental Factors, October  '  EPA#: 430/9-77-004
 1977                                        '            Not Available from EPA
 Municipal Technology Network News, March 1990
 Municipal Technology Network News, October 1990
, Not Available from EPA.
: Not Available from EPA
ERIC#: R037 -.-'•

ERIC#: R038

ERIC#: R039

NTIS#: PB-245631 ,

NTIS#: PB-216240
ERIC#: T191 ,

NTIS#: PB94-159412
ERIC#: W357       '

NTIS#: PB94-123841
ERIC#: W358       :

NTIS#: PB95-157418
ERIC#: W364



 Not Available from EPA    NTIS#:


       WA77   ,

       N362 ..'

                         ERIC#: W062


U036 ,


                                                Page 76

Document Title
  EPA Number
 Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
 Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
   Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
   Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Municipal Wastewater Aquaculture, June 1978
 Municipal Wastewater Conveyance and Treatment: Technological
 Progress and Emerging Issues 1988, September 1988

 Municipal Wastewater Disinfection: Protecting Aquatic Life and
 Human Health from the Impacts of Chlorination [Brochure]
 February 1991

 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge and Liquid
 Sidestreams, June 1976

 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Technology Fact Sheets
 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Technology Transfer Activities
 of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1988

 Natural System for Wastewater Reclamation and Resource
 Enhancement: Arcata, California, September 1993

 Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment in Cold Climates  .
 [Brochure] September 1987

 Natural Wetlands for Wastewater Polishing: Houghton Lake,
 Michigan, September 1993

 Nitrate Removal from Water by Ion Exchange - Executive
 Summary, November 1977

 Nitrification of Secondary Municipal Waste Effluents by Rotating
 Bio-Discs, June 1978
                                     ii,        /
 On-Site Operator Training Program: Success in Every Region!,
 August 1988

 Onsite Oversite, July  1990

 Onsite Oversite, May 1989

 Onsite Oversite, September 1988

 Onsite Wastewater Disposal Alternatives - A Methodology for
 Evaluation: A Case History in 208 Water Quality Management
 Planning, March 1978

 Onsite Wastewater Disposal Distribution Networks for
 Subsurface Soil Absorption Systems
 EPA#: 600/2-78-110
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-88-100
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/F-91-001
 EPA#: 430/9-76-007
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#:  600/D-88-032
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#:  832/R-93-005e
 EPA#:  832/R-87-1Q3
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#:  832/R-93-005b
 EPA#: 600/8-77-015
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/2-78-061
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/F-88-100
 Not Available from EPA

. Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 440/3-77-021
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 830/R-82-101
 Not Available from EPA
 NTIS#:  PB-284352
 ERIC#:  W064

 NTIS#:  PB89-143390
 ERIC#:  T292

 ERIC#:  R041
 NTIS#: PB-255769
 ERIC#: W065

 NTIS?: PB91-171371
 ERIC*: U157

 NTIS#: PB88-171426
 ERIC#: W066

 NTIS#: PB95-226007
 ERIC#: WA76

 ERIC#: R042
 ERIC#: WA73

' NTIS#:











                                                Page 77

 Document Title
 EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
   Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
   Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
. Operational Control Procedures for the Activated Sludge Process:
 Addendum No. 1 to the February 1975 Part IIIB Calculation
 Procedures for Step-Feed Process Responses, August 1975

 Operational Control Procedures for. the Activated Sludge Process:
 Appendix, March 1974   •  -    •               '

 Operational Control Procedures for the Activated Sludge Process:
 Part I - Observations, May 1974                            ;

 Operational Control Procedures for the Activated Sludge Process:
 Part II - Control Tests, May 1974

 Operational Control Procedures for the Activated Sludge Process:
 Part IIIA - Calculation Procedures, Rev. November 1975

 Operational Control Procedures for the Activated Sludge Process:
 Part IIIA - Calculation Procedures, December 1973

 Operational Control Procedures for the Activated Sludge Process:
 Part IIIB - Calculation Procedures for Step-Feed Processes,
 February 1975

 Overland Flow Treatment of Raw Wastewater With Enhanced
 Phosphorus Removal, June 1976       •'  ; .

 Overland Flow: A Decade 6f Progress, February 1984 '•
 Overland Flow: An Update—New Information Improves       '"
 Reliability [Brochure] October 1984

 Package Water Treatment Plants: Volume 1 - A Performance   .
 Evaluation, July 1980

 Package Water Treatment Plants: Volume 2 - A Cost Evaluation,
 July 1980                     .    '         ',,..••  '.•   '

 Phosphorus. Removal in Lagoon Treatment Systems, February
 1992                   '              ....-•

 Pintail Lake arid Redhead Marsh: Created Wetlands in Northern
 Arizona, September 1993

 Pollution Prevention Begins With You [Brochure]. July 1990
 Practical Technology: Composting - A Viable Method of
 Respurce Recovery [Brochure], June 1984

 Practical Technology: Hydrograph Controlled Release Lagoons -
 A Promising Modification [Brochure], July 1984
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: '330/9-74-OOld
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 330/9-74-OQla
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 330/9-74-OOlb
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 330/9-74-OOlc
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 330/9-74-OOlc
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 330/9-74-OOle
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#:' 600/2-76-131   .
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/B-84-100
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-84-109
 EPA#: 600/2-80-008a
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/2-80-008b
, Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 832/R.-93-005L
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#:  20W-0001
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-84-110
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-84-111
 NTIS#: PB95-158929
 ERIC#: N221

 NTIS#: PB-258593
 ERIC#: N222

 NTIS#: PB-286800 ,
 ERIC#: N219

 NTIS#: PB-286800  '
 ERIC#: N219

 ERICS: N220
-NTIS#: PB-231598
 ERIC#: W54.1

 NTIS#: PB-258268
 ERIC#: W540
 NTIS#: PB-257157 '
 ERIC#: W091

 NTIS#: PB85-233146
 ERIC#: T273

 ERIC#: R045
 NTIS#: PB81-110934
 ERIC#: W092

 NTIS#: PB81-102717
 ERIC#: W386

 NTIS#: PB95'-158838
 ERIC#: W099

 NTIS#: PB95-225991
 ERIC#: WA83

 ERIC#: R046
 ERIC#: R001
                                                  Page 78

 Document Title
 EPA Number
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Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
   Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
  Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Practical Technology: Land Application of Sludge-A Viable
 Alternative [Brochure], September 1983

 Practical Technology: Rapid Infiltration - A Viable Land
 Treatment Alternative [Brochure], September 1983

 Preliminary Assessment of Odor Emissions from the Bondi Island
 Wastewater Treatment Plant; Recommendations for Further
 Study, May 18 1990

 Preliminary Treatment Facilities: Design and Operational
 Considerations, September 1987

 Pressure and Vacuum Sewer Demonstration Project - Bend,
 Oregon, September 1978

 Prevention and Correction of Excessive Infiltration and Inflow
 Into Sewer Systems: A Manual of Practice, January 1971

 Primer for Wastewater Treatment, July 1980
 Primer on Wastewater Treatment, July 1976

 Proceedings of the US EPA Municipal Wastewater Treatment
 Technology Forum 1991, September 1991

 Proceedings of the US EPA Municipal Wastewater Treatment
 Technology Forum 1990, September 1990

 Proceedings of the US EPA Municipal Wastewater Treatment
 Technology Forum 1989, September 1989

 Proceedings: First International Conference on Fixed-Film
 Biological Processes - Kings Island, Ohio: April 20-23,1982 -
 Volume II

 Proceedings: First International Conference on Fixed-Film
 Biological Processes - Kings Island, Ohio: April 20:23,1982 -
 Volume I

 Proceedings: First International Conference on Fixed-Film
 Biological Processes - Kings Island, Ohio: April 20-23,1982 -
 Volume III

 Proceedings: First National Symposium/Workshop on Rotating
 Biological Contactor Technology - Held at Champion,
 Pennsylvania: February 4-6,1980 - Volume II
 EPA#: 832/R-83-108
 EPA#: 832/R-83-109
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 430/9-87-007
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/2-78-166
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 832/K-80-100
 ERIC#: R077
ERIC#: R002
NTIS#:  PB95-158739
ERIC#:  W657






 Not Available from EPA    ERIC#: W668

 EPA#: 430/9-91-020       NTIS#: PB92-116060
 Not Available from EPA    ERIC#: U129

 EPA#: 430/9-90-015       NTIS#: PB91-104265
 Not Available from EPA    ERIC#: W684

 Not Available from EPA    ERIC#: W683
EPA#: 600/9-83-023b
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/9-83-023a
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/9-83-023c
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/9-80-046b
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ERIC#: W677
ERIC#: W676
ERIC#: W675
NTIS#: PB81-124547
ERIC#: W679
                                                "Page 79

 Document Title
 EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
   Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
   Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Proceedings: First National Symposium/Workshop on Rotating
 Biological Contactor Technology - Held at Champion,
 Pennsylvania: February 4-6,1980 - Volume I            -

 Proceedings: Ninth United States-Japan Conference on Sewage
 Treatment Technology, May 1985

 Proceedings: Tenth United States-Japan Conference on Sewage
 Treatment and North Atlantic Treaty Organization 7 Committee
 on the Challenges of Modern Society Conference on Sewage
 Treatment Technology Volume I Part A Japanese Papers, July
 1986          .'-.;•                       ;

 Proceedings: Twelfth United States-Japan Conference on Sewage
 Treatment Technology: October 12-13,1989 - Cincinnati, Ohio,
 August 1990 •         :                     .          ,

 Process .Control Manual for Aerobic Biological Wastewater
 Treatment Facilities, March 1977

 Process Design Manual: Carbon Adsorption, October 1973 .
 Process Design Manual: Land Application of Municipal Sludge,
 October 1983                      '

 Process Design Manual: Land Treatment of Municipal
 Wastewater, October 1977                       ,

 Process Design Manual: Land Treatment of Municipal
 Wastewater, October 1981

 Process Design Manual: Land Treatment of Municipal
 Wastewater <•• Supplement on Rapid Infiltration and Overland
 Flow, October 1984

. Process Design Manual: Municipal Sludge Landfills, October-
 1978                  ...-.-•_                ,

 Process Design Manual: Nitrogen Control, October 1975
 Process Design Manual: On-Site Wastewater Treatment and
 Disposal   .               '       .            .

 Process Design Manual: Suspended Solids Removal, January
 1975    ;             '                 ••;•.'•

 Project Summary: Advanced Biological Treatment of Municipal
 Wastewater Through Aquaculture, March 1983      »
 EPA#:  600/9-80-046a
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#:  600/9-85-014
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#:  600/9-86-015A
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 600/9-90-036
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 430/9-77-006
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 625/1-73-002
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 625/1-83-016
 EPA#: 625/1-77-008
* Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 625/1-81-013
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 625/l-81-013a
 EPA#: 625/1-78-010
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 625/1-75-003
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 60Q/S2-83-007
 Not Available from EPA
 NTIS#: PB81-124539
 ERIC#: W678
 NTIS#: PB85-227379
 ERIC#: 681

 NTIS#: PB87-110623
 ERIC#: W863
 NTIS#: PB91-110031
 ERIC#: W864

-NTIS#: PB-279474
 ERIC#: U014 •

 NTIS#: PB-227157
 ERIC#: W865       ;

 NTIS#: PB90-187048
 ERIC#: N499

 NTIS#: PB-299655
 ERIC#: W392    ,

 NTIS#: PB88-189436
 ERIG#: W394

 NTIS#: PB88-189444
 ERIC#: W395
 NTIS#: PB-299675
 ERIC#: W866

 NTIS#: PB-259149
 ERIC#: W393

 NTIS#: PB83-219907
 ERIC#: D347

 NTIS#: PB-259147
 ERIC#: W871

 NTIS#: PB83-159319
 ERIC#: W546
                                                 Page 80

Document Title
 EPA Number
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   Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
  Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Project Summary: Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment and
 Disposal Systems on Severely Limited Sites, May 1987

 Project Summary: Bench-Scale Evaluation of Ammonia Removal
 from Wastewater by Steam Stripping, January 1992

 Project Summary: Emerging Technology Assessment of PhoStrip,
 A/O, and Bardenpho Processes for Biological Removal, March

 Project Summary: Land Treatability of Refinery and
 Petrochemical Sludges, November 1983

 Project Summary: Landfill Gas Production from Large Landfill
 Simulators, September 1984

 Project Summary: Movement of Bacteria Through Soil and
 Aquifer Sand, June 1991

 Project Summary: Optimization of Nitrogen Removal by Rapid
 Infiltration, April 1985

 Project Summary: Recommended Practices for Flow
 Measurements in Wastewater Treatment Plants, December 1984

 Project Summary: Reduction of Disinfection By-Product
 Precursors by Nanofiltration, April 1992

 Project Summary: Review of Current RBC Performance and
 Design Procedures, June 1985

 Project Summary: Selected Topics Related to Infiltration and
 Inflow in Sewer Systems, April 1985
                1 i:i"          ;     '    j       ,  '   "' "' '
 Project Summary:.Technology Assessment of Aquaculture
 Systems for Municipal Wastewater Treatment, October 1984

 Project Summary: Technology Assessment of Wetlands for
 Municipal Wastewater Treatment, November 1984

 Project Summary: Top-Feed Vacuum Filtration of Waste-
 Activated Sludge, August 1982

 Project Summary: Trickling Filter/Solids Contact Process: Full-
 Scale Studies, May 1986

 Project Summary: Ultraviolet Disinfection of a Secondary
 Effluent: Measurement of Dose and Effects of Filtration,
 December 1984

 Project Summary: Ultraviolet Disinfection of Wastewaters from
 Secondary Effluent and Combined Sewer Overflows, March 1986
 EPA#: 600/S2-86-116
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/S2-91-046
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/S2-85-008
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 600/S2-83-074
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/S2-84-141
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/S2-91-010
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/S2-85-016
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/S2-84-188
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/SR-92-023
 Not Available from EPA '

 EPA#: 600/S2-85-033
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/S2-85-020
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/S2-84-145
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/S2-84-154
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/S2-82-031
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/S2-86-046
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/S2-84-160  '
 Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/S2-86-005
Not Available from EPA
 NTIS#: PB95-140992
 ERIC#: W884

 ERIC#: W396
NTIS#:  PB85-165744
ERIC#:  W886
























NTIS#: PB95-158515
ERIC#: W900
                                                Page 81

Document Title
Project Summary: Wastewafer Treatment-Plant Instrumentation
• Handbook, November 1985 -..'.'••
Protecting Wetlands with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund,
September 1997 ,
Rainfall Induced Infiltration into Sewer Systems: Report to
Congress, July 1990
Reactivation of Granular Carbon in an Infrared Traveling Belt
Furnace, 1987, .•• ' -,'... /•
Recommendations from Value Engineering Studies in
Wastewater Treatment Works, September 1980
Recommended Practices for On-Line Measurement of Residual
Chlorine in Wastewaters
Renovation of Secondary Effluent for Reuse as a Water Resource,
February 1974 '
Report on the Use of Wetlands for Municipal Wastewater '
Treatment and Disposal, October 1987 •". • -...-".'.
Report to Congress: Municipal Wastewater Lagoon Study--
, Volume 1, Conclusions, November 1987 '•'.''
• Report to Congress: Municipal Wastewater Lagoon Study-
Volume 2, Database, November 1987 •
1 Residual Waste Best Management Practices: A Water Planner's
Guide to Land Disposal, August 1976 : ' " ." '
Response to Congress on Decentralized Wastewater Treatment
Systems, April 1997 '
Response to Congress on the AEES "Living Machine"
, Wastewater Treatment Technology, April 1997
EPA Number
Call NCEPl ait (513) 891-6561
Call \VRC at (202) 260-7786
EPA#: 600/S2-85-026
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 832/F-97-017 .
EPA#: 430/9-90-005
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/2-87-048
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/9-80-010
Not Available from EPA '
EPA#: 600/2-85-002
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 660/2-74-016
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/9-88-005
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 440/9-76-022
Not Available from EPA ,
' EPA#: 832/R-97-001b
EPA#: 832/R-97-002
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800) SS3-NTIS
NTIS#: PB95-158507 •
ERIC#: W901 '
ERIC#: G746
NTIS#: PB90-272022 >
ERIC#: N453
NTIS#: PB87-209466
'ERldf: N410'
NTIS#: .PB81-120941
NTIS#: PB85-i47478
ERIC#: N309
NTIS#: PB-234176 '
EPA#: W918 '
NTIS#: PB88-233481
ERIC#: N435 \
NTIS#: PB88T154307
ERIC#: N421
NTIS#: PB88-J54315 . .';"
ERIC#: N4221
NTIS#: PB-258849
ERIC#: W698 '_
NTIS#: PB97-188353
ERIC#: WB20 ,
NTIS#: PB97-17148
ERIC#: W344
 Response^ to Congress on Privatization of Wastewater Facilities,
 July 1997          ,         ."

 Return Sludge Flow Control, September 1973            >
 Reuse of Municipal Wastewater by Volunteer Freshwater
 Wetlands: Vermontville, Michigan, September 1993

 Review of Landspreading of Liquid Municipal Sewage Sludge,
 June 1975 '',    ...-'.          -  •        .'•-.'
EPA#: 832/R-97-001a

Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 832/R-93-005d

EPA#: 670/2-75-049
NotAvailable from EPA
NTIS#: PB-231599
ERIC#: N225

NTIS#: PB95-226155
ERIC#: WA75. •

NTIS#: PB-245271'
ERIC#: N280
                                              . Page 82

Document Title
Review of the Municipal Waste Water Treatment Works
Program, November 30 1974
Secondary Treatment of Municipal Ocean Discharges: Task Force
Report, April 1976
Selected Topics Related to Infiltration and Inflow in Sewer
Systems, April 1985
Seminar Publication: Municipal Wastewater Sludge Combustion
Technology, September 1985
Septage Management, Undated
Sequencing Batch Reactors for Nitrification and Nutrient
Removal, November 1991
Sequencing Batch Reactors for Nitrification and Nutrient
Removal, September 1992
Sewage Disposal by Evaporation-Transpiration, September 1978
Site Evaluation for Onsite Treatment and Disposal Systems
Sludge Handling and Disposal Practices at Selected Municipal
Wastewater Treatment Plants, April 1977
Small Alternative Wastewater Systems: Facility Planning
Small Alternative Wastewater Systems: Novel Alternatives -
EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
CaU WRC at (202) 260-7786
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/9-76-006
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/2-85-020
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 625/4-85-015
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 830/R-80-100
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 832/R-92-002
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/2-78-163
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 830/R-81-105
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/9-77-007
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 830/R-81-104
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 830/R-81-100
Not Available from EPA
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
NTIS#: PB95-158341
ERIC#: W702
NTIS#: PB95-156378
ERIC#: U077
NTIS#: PB85-177202
ERIC#: N296
NTIS#: PB88-186101
ERIC#: W705
NTIS#: PB95-156337
ERIC#: W709
NTIS#: PB95-1 58333
ERIC#: W710
NTIS#: PB92-232230
ERIC#: N476
NTIS#: PB-288588
ERIC#: W711
NTIS#: PB95-158325
ERIC#: W929
NTIS#: PB-272048
ERIC#: U160
NTIS#: PB95-156733
ERIC#: W821
NTIS#: PB95-158291
ERIC#: W719
 Small Diameter Gravity Effluent Collection - 1984 Update, May

 Start-up and Operation of Chemical Process Technologies in the
 Municipal Sector - the Carver-Greenfield Process for Sludge
 Drying, August 1989

 Status of Pressure Sewer Technology, 1976
 Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater
 Treatment: A Technology Assessment, July 1993

 Subsurface Soil Absorption of Wastewater Artificially Drained
EPA#: 830/R-84-100
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 430/9-89-007
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 832/R-93-008

EPA#: 830/R-81-106
Not Available from EPA
ERIC#: W721
NTIS#: PB90-161902
ERIC#: U137  .
NTIS#: PB95-158226
ERIC#: W550

NTIS#: PB94-107893
ERIC#: W146

                                               Page 83

 Document Title
 EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
  Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
  Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Subsurface Soil Absorption of Wastewater Mound Systems

 Summary of Design Information on Rotating Biological
 Contactors, September 1984
 Summary of the 1987 Carver Greenfield Sludge Drying
 Technology Workshop: Problems and Solutions

 Summary Report: Control and Treatment Technology for the
 Metal Finishing Industry - In-Plant Changes

 Summary Report: Control and Treatment Technology for the
 Metal Finishing Industry - Ion Exchange, June 1981

 Summary Report:, Fine Pore (Fine Bubble) Aeration Systems,
 October 1985

 Summary Report: In-Vessel Composting of Municipal
 Wastewater Sludge, September 1989

 Summary Report: Optimizing Water Treatment Plant
 Performance with the Composite Correction Program, March
 1990                                  '

 Summary Report: Sequencing Batch Reactors, O_ctober 1986
 .Summary Report: The Causes and Control of Activated Sludge
 Bulking and Foaming, July 1987

 Supercritical Fluid Regeneration of Activated Carbon for
 Adsorption of Pesticides, March 1980

 Survey of Facilities Osing Land Application of Wastewater, July •
 1973                       ..'.'•       '   '   ,

 Technical Assessment of Low-Pressure Pipe Wastewater Injection
 Systems              (  ...                     .

 Technical' Evaluation of the Vertical Loop Reactor Process
 Technology, November 1991   .-'-.-
 Technical Evaluation of the Vertical Loop Reactor Process
 Technology, September 1992

 technical Report: The Effects of Wastewater Treatment Facilities
 on Wetlands in the Midwest, September 1983

 Technology Assessment of Aquaculture Systems for Municipal  '
 Wastewater Treatment, 1983
 EPA#: 830/R-81-101
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 430/9-84-008
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 430/9-87-010
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 625/S-82-008
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 625/8-81-007
 EPA#: 625/8-85-010
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA*: 625/8-89-016
 EPA#: 625/8-90-017
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 625/8-86-011
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 625/8-87-012  ,
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/2-80-054
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 430/9-73-006
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/2-87-077
 Not Available from EPA
ERIC#:  W736
NTIS#: PB85-121226
ERIC*.:. U072

NTIS#: PB93-174506
ERIC#: W738

ERIC#: W405  .
ERIC#:  W406
NTJS#: PB92-150366
ERIC#: W407

ERIC#: W408
ERIC#: W409  '








Not Available from EPA    ERIC#:  WA64
 EPA#: 832/R-92-007   -

 EPA#: 905/3-83-002
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/2-84-145
 Not Available from EPA
NTIS#: PB93-122232
ERIC#: N479

NTIS#: PB84-127844
ERIC#: W746

NTIS#: PB95-158564
ERIC#: N287
                                                Page 84

Document Title
 EPA Number
CallNCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
  Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
  Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Technology Assessment of Fine Bubble Aerators, February 1982
 EPA#: 600/2-82-003
 Not Available from EPA
 Technology Assessment of Intermittent Sand Filters, April 1985    EPA#:  832/R-85-100
 Technology Assessment of Sequencing Batch Reactors, Undated

 Technology Evaluation Report: Alkaline Stabilization of Sewage
 Sludge, September 1990

 Tertiary Granular Filtration: Problems and Remedies [Brochure],
 August 1984

 Toxics Control at POTWs: Municipal Wastewater Treatment
 Technology Forum - Las Vegas, Nevada, March 29,30, and 31,

 Treatment Technology Briefs: Alternatives to Hazardous Waste
 Landfills, July 1986
                1 is         "         I  ;         "   • '
 Trickling Filter/Solids Contact Performance with Rock Filters at
 High Organic Loadings, October 1986

 Ultra Violet Disinfection: Special Evaluation Project, September

 Ultraviolet Disinfection of Wastewaters from Secondary Effluent
 and Combined Sewer Overflows
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 832/R-84-113
 Not Available from EPA
NTIS#:  PB82-237751
ERIC#:  W748

NTIS#:  PB85-232585
ERIC#:  T271

ERIC#:  N304

NTIS#:  PB95-159273
ERIC#:  W749

ERIC#:  R055
 Not Available from EPA    ERIC#: W750
 EPA#: 600/8-86-017
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
NTIS#: PB87-110680
ERIC#: W758

NTIS#: PB95-159299
ERIC#: W759
 Not Available from EPA    ERIC#: W762
 EPA#: 600/2-86-005
 Not Available from EPA
 Ultraviolet Disinfection Technology Assessment, September 1992   EPA#: 832/R-92-004
 Updated Summary of the Operational Control Procedures for the
 Activated Sludge Process, January 1978

 Upgrading Trickling Filters, June 1978
 USEPA Training Seminar for Wastewater Alternatives for Small
 Communities: On Site Alternatives, 1978

 USSR - USA Joint Committee on Cooperation in the Field of
 Environmental Protection: Symposium - Handling, Treatment and
 Disposal of Wastewater Sludge, May 1975

 Utilization of Municipal Wastewater and Sludge for Land
 Reclamation and Biomass Production: Symposium Proceedings
 and Engineering Assessment, 1980

 UV Disinfection Technology Assessment, September 1991
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/9-78-004
NTIS#: PB86-145182
ERIC#: N342

NTIS#: PB92-222868
ERIC#: N469

NTIS#: PB95-159323
ERIC#: N224

NTIS#: PB-286920
ERIC#: U040
Not Available from EPA    ERIC#: W770
EPA#: UNA 1.1
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/9-81-012
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
NTIS#: PB95-159521
ERIC#: W943
NTIS#: PB95-159547
ERIC#: W945
NTIS#: PB95-159539
ERIC#: W772
                                                Page 85

 Document Title
 EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
    Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
   Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
  Vacuum Assisted Sludge Dewatering Beds (VASDB): An Update
  [Brochure], December 1986

  Valley ofthe Drums: Bullitt County, Kentucky, August 1980
  Value Engineering for Wastewater Treatment Works [Brochure],
    September 1984

  Value Engineering for Wastewater Treatment Works, September
  1984                                           '

  Value Engineering Workbook for Construction Grant Projects,
  July 1976

  Value Engineering: Case Studies and Formats for Proposals and
  Reports - Supplement to .the Value Engineering Workbook for
  Construction Grants Project, June 1977

  Variable Grade Sewers - Special Evaluation Project, September
  1988                 :

  Wastewater Irrigation of Rice, May 1980
 Wastewater Management Utilizing Land Application for the
 Boston-Eastern Massachusetts Metropolitan Area: Technical Data
 - Volume V, Undated       ,

 Wastewater Sludge Utilization and Disposal Costs: Technical
 Report, September 1975

 Wastewater Stabilization Pond Linings, November 1978

 Wastewater Stabilization Ponds: A« Update'on Pathogen
 Removal [Brochure], August 1985
         \   • •  •  •                     \-
 Wastewater Stabilization Ponds: Nitrogen Removal [Brochure],
 March 1985

, Wastewater Treatment and Disposal: Total Containment Ponds .-
 Plan, Design, and Construct for Success [Brochure], March,1985

 Wastewater Treatment Facilities Planning in the Boston
 Metropolitan Area - A Case Study: Engineering Report - Final
 Report, January 1979 w             .

 Wastewater Treatment Ponds, March 1975       .     '
 EPA#: 832/R-86-109
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 430/9-80-014
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-84-114
 Not Available from EPA

' EPA#; 430/9-84-009
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 430/9-76-008
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 430/9-77-009
 ERIC#: R060
 NTIS#:  PB80-226194
 ERIC#:  W773

 ,ERIC#:  R061
 NTIS#:  PB85-135622
 ERICS:  U081

 NTIS#:  PB-258040
 ERIC#:  Ul'58

 NTIS#:  PB-277481  '
 ERIC#:  U035
 Not Available from EPA    ERIC#: WA67
 EPA#: 430/9-80-005
 Not Available from EPA
 NTIS#: PB80-196181
 .ERIC#: N334
NotAvaiiable'fromEPA    NTIS#: PB95-156303
EPA#: 430/9-75-015
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 832/R-85-104
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 832/R-85-103.
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 832/R-85-105
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/9-74-001
Not Available from EPA
 NTIS#: PB-257447

 NTIS#: PB95-156295
 ERIC#: U074

 ERIC#: R062
 ERIC#: R063

-ERIC#: R064

 NTIS#:' PB95-156022
 ERIOf: W775  .
                                                 Page 86

 Document Title
 EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
  Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
  Call NT1S at (800) 553-NTIS
 Wastewater Treatment Ponds: Supplement to Federal Guidelines •
 Design, Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Treatment
 Facilities, March 1974

 Wastewater Utility Management Manual (Draft), July 1981
 Water Reuse Via Dual Distribution Systems[Brochure], May '

 West Jackson County, Mississippi: Constructed Wetland
 Treatment System Case History, September 1993

 Wetland Treatment Systems: A Case History - The Lakeland
 Wetland Treatment System, September 1993

 Wetland Treatment Systems: A Case History - The Orlando
 Easterly Wetlands Reclamation Project, September 1993

 Wetlands as a Part of Reuse and Disposal: Las Gallinas Valley
 Sanitary District, September 1993

 Wetlands from Wastewater: The Hayward Marsh Expansion
 Project, September 1993

 Work Plan: Municipal Wastewater Treatment Technology
 Report, May 1988
 EPA#: 430/9-74-011       NTIS#: PB-259859
 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA    NTIS#: PB95-156030
                         ERIC#: W777
 EPA#: 832/R-85-106
 EPA#: 832/R-93-005o
 EPA#: 832/R-93-005J
 EPA#: 832/R-93-005i
 EPA#: 832/R-93-005h-
ERIC#: R065
NTIS#: PB95-225728

NTIS#: PB95-226163

NTIS#: PB95-227740

NTIS#: PB95-225967

NTIS#: PB95-227732
 Not Available from EPA    NTIS#: PB95-156279
                                                Page 87

Document Title
Alternative is Conservation, August 1980 •
Becoming a WAVE Partner, September 1994
Becoming a WAVE Supporter, February 1995
Case Studies in Residual Use and Energy Conservation at
Wastewater Treatment Plants, June 1995
Citizen's Guide to Community Water Conservation, 1989
Customer Incentives for Water Conservation: A Guide ,' • .
Designing a Water Conservation Program: An Annotated
Bibliography of Source Materials, September 1993
Directory of Federal Programs Related to Water Conservation
(Draft), November 1978
Easy Ways io Save Water Money and Energy at Home,
December 1980, Draft •
EPA Number
Call KCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WBC at (202) 260-7786
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 832/F-94-006
EPA#: 832/F-95-001
EPA#: 832/R-95-003
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 230/R-94-001
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 832/B-93-003
Not Available from EPA
Not Available fromEPA
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
' ." ' . \
NTIS#: -PB95-157145
ERIC#: U054
ERIC#: W013
ERIC#: W989
NTTS#: PB95-009216 ,
ERIC#: W516
NTIS#: PB94-161163
ERIC#: W480
NTIS#: PB94-1 11432
ERIC#: W495
NTIS#: PB95-1 57053
ERIC#: W622
NTIS#: PB95-156485
ERIC#: W624
 Effectiveness of Soil and Water Conservation Practices for
 Pollution Control, October 1979         .

 Effects of Water Conservation Induced Wastewater Flow
 Reduction: A Perspective, August 1980      '    .,

 Flow Reduction: Developing a Public Information Program,
 August 1982                 ,.  •  , •

 Flow Reduction: Methods, Analysis, Procedures, Examples,
 March 1981

 Guidelines for Water Reuse, August 1980
 Guides to Pollution Prevention: Municipal Pretreatment
 Programs, October 1993

 Introducing WAVE - Water Alliance for Voluntary Efficiency:
 Hotel Water Management for the 21st Century, September

 Local Ordinances for Water Efficiency (Filial Draft), March 31,

 Manual:,Guidelines for Water Reuse, September if992
EPA#:  600/3-79-106   ;
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  600/2-80-137
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  832/R-82-101
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  430/9-81-EOO
Not Available from EPA

EPA#;  600/8-80-036
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  625/R-93-006
EPA#: 832/F-94-003
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 625/R-92-004
ERIC#: W814

NTIS#: PB81-113425
ERIC#: W628

NTIS#: PB83-150508
ERIC#: W189

NTIS#: PB81-203713
ERIC#: U061  ,

ERIC#: W835

NTIS#: PB94-144631
ERIC#: W315 .

ERIC#: W840
NTIS#: PB95-157475
ERIC* W045

NTIS#: PB93-222180
ERIC#: W356 '  '
                                               Page 88

Document Title
     EPA Number
   Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
   Call VIRC at (202) 260-7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
 Measuring Pollution Prevention Progress Proceedings, April

 Most Commonly Asked Questions About U.S. EPA's
 Voluntary Water-Efficiency Program, September 1994

 Municipal Wastewater Reuse: Selected Readings on Water
 Reuse, September 1991

 Municipal Water Pollution Prevention Bibliography, April

 Municipal Water Pollution Prevention Program, March 1991
 Municipal Water Pollution Prevention Program: National
 MWPP Conference - Washington, DC, April 27-28,1993

 Proceedings: National Conference on Water Conservation and
 Municipal Wastewater Flow Reduction, November 28 and 29,
 1978 - Chicago, IL, August 1979

 Readings in Water Conservation, Undated
 Role of Conservation Districts and the Agricultural Community
 in Wastewater Land Treatment: Final Report, September 1981

 Saving Money with Home Water Conservation Devices, 1980
 Water Alliances for Voluntary Efficiency (WAVE) Program
 for Hotels and Motels, December 1992

 Water Alliances for Voluntary Efficiency: The WAVE

 Water Pollution Control: Twenty Five Years of Progress and
 Challenges for the New Millennium, June 1998

 Water Resource _Management: Ideas for Community Officials,
 March 1992

 WAVE-Saver Water Management Software, September 1994

 What is the MWPP Program?, April 199?

 Yes, You Can: Two Small Towns Show How to Save Money
 and Water [Brochure] April 1991
EPA#:  600/R-93-151
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  832/F-94-004
EPA#:  430/9-91-022

EPA#:  832/B-92-001
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  21W-7Q02
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  832/R-93-001
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  430/9-79-015
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  430/9-81-019
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  832/R-80-104
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  800/F-92-002
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  832/F-95-002

EPA#:  833/F-98-003
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  850/K-92-001
Not Available from EPA

EPA#:  832/F-94-005

EPA#:  831/S-92-001

EPA#:  21W-7004
 NTIS#: PB94-101516
 ERIC#: W363

 ERIC#: W059








 NTIS#: PB95-158432

 NITS*': PB82-134768
 ERIC#: U052

 ERIC#: R050
, NTIS#: PB95-194411
 ERIC#: C204

 ERIC#: W640
 ERIC#: W780

 ERIC#: W782

 ERIC#: W353

 ERIC#: R068
                                                Page 89

Document Title
    EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Gall WBC at (202) 260-7786
 Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
 Addendum to Handbook for Sampling and Sample
 Preservation,, August 1983

 Algae and Water Pollution, December 1977
 Alternative Waste Management Techniques for Best
 Practicable Waste Treatment, October, 1975

 Alternative Waste Management Techniques for Best
 Practicable Waste Treatment: Proposed for Public Comment,
 March 1974          '

 Analytical Procedures for Determining Organic Priority
 Pollutants in Municipal Sludges, March 1980

 Appendix I of the Assessment and Control of
 Bioconcentratable Contaminants in Surface Waters: Field
 Evaluation of Residue Prediction Procedures, 1993, Draft

 Assessment and Control of Bioconcentratable Contaminants
 in Surface Waters, Draft, March 1991

 Availability, Adequacy, & Comparability of Testing
 Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Established Under
 Section 304(h) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act:
 Report to Congress, September 1988

 Bachelor of Engineering Technology Curriculum in Water
 Quality Management: Course Guides, Undated

 Before andAfterCase Studies: Comparisons of Water
 Quality Following Municipal Treatment Plant           '
 Improvements, May 1984

 Biomonitoring for Control of Toxicity in Effluent
 Discharges to the Marine Environment, September 1989  ~

 Biomonitoring to Achieve Control of Toxic Effluents,
 September 1987                    .          .

 Compendium of State Water Quality Limits for Thermal
 Discharges and Mixing Zones, August 15,1990

 Control of Water Pollution from Cropland: Volume I - A
 Manual for Guideline Development, November 1975

 Control of Water Pollution from Cropland: Volume II - An
 Overview, June 1976
 EPA#: 600/4-83-039
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/9-77-036
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 430/9-75-013
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 600/2-80-030
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 833/R-93-002
 EPA#: 833/D-94-001
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/9-87-030
 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 430/9-83-007
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 625/8-89-015  .
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: .625/8-87-013
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 833/R-94-001
, Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/2-75-026A
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/2-75-026B.
 Not Available from EPA
 ERIC#: W809

 NTIS#: PB-287128
 ERIC#: WA95

 NTIS#: PB-257446
 ERIC#: U029

 NTIS#: PB-256502
 ERIC#: W506

 NTIS#: PB80-200793
 ERIC#: W563

 NTIS#: PB94-119237
 ERIC#: W257  .

 NTIS#: PB93-229813
 ERIC#: Gill

 NTIS#: PB89-152490
 ERIC#: W567
 NTIS#: PB95-157947
 ERIC#: U060

 NTIS#: PB84-201730
 ERICf: N259

 NTIS#: PB94-210226
 ERIC#: W512

 ERIC#: N466
 NTIS#: PB94-121001
 ERIC#: W258

 NTIS#: PB-249517
 ERIC#: WA96

• NTlS#: PB-277647 ,  '
 ERIC#: W155
                                                 Page 90

Document Title
   EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Municipal Wastewater
 Reuse: Water Quality Management Guidance, April 1975

 Draft Interim Guidance on Implementation of Section 402(o)
 Anti-backsliding Rules for Water Quality-Based Permits,
 September 1989

 Environmental Profiles and Hazard Indices for Constituents
 of Municipal Sludge: Copper, June 1985

 Environmental Profiles and Hazard Indices for Constituents
 of Municipal Sludge: Heptachlor, June 1985

 Environmental Profiles and Hazard Indices for Constituents
 of Municipal Sludge: Zinc, June 1985

 Environmental Profiles and Hazard Indices for Constituents
 of Municipal Sludge: Lindane, June 1985

 Environmental Profiles and Hazard Indices for Constituents
 of Municipal Sludge: Iron, June 1985

 Environmental Profiles and Hazard Indices for Constituents
 of Municipal Sludge: Chromium, June 1985

 Environmental Profiles and Hazard Indices for Constituents
 of Municipal Sludge: Nickel, June 1985

 Environmental profiles and Hazard Indices for Constituents
 of Municipal Sludge: Lead, June 1985

 EPA Manual for Organics Analysis Using Gas
 Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, March 1979

 Estimate of Effluent Limitations to be Expected from
 Properly Operated and Maintained Treatment Works

 Evaluation of Groundwater Impacts of Sewer Exfiltration -
 Preliminary Work Assignment for the Work Assignment
 "Evaluation of Groundwater Impacts of Sewer Exfiltration",
 January 1987

 Evaluation of Septic Tank System Effects on Ground Water
 Quality, June 1984

 Exposure and Risk Assessment for Trihalomethanes: Final
 Draft Report, 1980

 Fate and E.ffects of Pollutants on Aquatic Organisms and
 Ecosystems: Proceedings of USA-USSR Symposium,
 Athens, Georgia, October 19-21 1987, May 1988
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/8-79-006
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-80-106
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/2-84-107
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 600/9-88-001
NTIS#: PB-252932
ERIC#: W581

ERIC#: W994

















W537 '



NTIS#: PB84-244441
ERIC#: W178

NTIS#: PB88-242615
ERIC#: W601
                                                Page 91

Document Title •''••'.
Fate of Priority Pollutants in Publicly Owned Treatment
• Works: Final Report, Volume I, September 1982
Fate of Priority Pollutants in Publicly Owned Treatment
Works: Final Report, Volume II, September 1982 ."
Fate of Priority Pollutants in Publicly Owned Treatment
Works: Pilot Study
Final Guidance for Implementation of Requirements under
Section 304(1) of the Clean Water Act as Amended, March
Guide Manual on NPDES Regulations for Concentrated
Animal Feeding Operations; Final, December 1995
Guidelines for the Culture of Fathead Minnows Pimephales
Promelas for Use in Toxicity Tests, January 1987
Handbook for Analytical Qualify Control in Water and
Wastewater Laboratories, June 1972
Handbook: Stream Sampling for Waste Load Allocation
Applications, September 1986
Hazardous Materials Incidents Reported to US .
Environmental Protection Agency Regional Offices from
October, 1977 through September, 1979, January 1980
Health Guidelines for Water and Related Land Resources
Planning, Development, and Management, 1973
In-Process Pollution Abatement: Upgrading Poultry- .
Processing Facilities to Reduce Pollution, July 1973
Industrial Cost Recovery Systems, November 1976
Industrial Effluent Standards: A Major Step in Improving
, Water Quality, August 1980
Integrity of Water, 1975

Making Water and Sewer Programs Work: the White House
Rural Development Initiatives, December 1978
EPA Number
Call ISCEPI at (513) 891-6S6I
Call WRC at (202)260-7786
EPA#: 440/1-82-303
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 440/l-82-3Q3b
EPA#: 440/1-79-300
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 833/B-95-001 ,
EPA#: 600/3-87-001
Not Available from EPA ,
EPA#: 600/4-79-019
Not Available from EPAr
EPA#: 625/6-86-013
Not Available from EPA
EPA#: 430/9-79-019
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA

Not Available from EPA
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
i • • • ' • .
NTIS#.: PB83-122788
ERIC#: W603
NTIS#: PB83rl22796 ,
NTIS#: PB93-203974
NTIS#: PB95.156824
ERIC#: W606
NTIS#: PB96-144563
ERIC#: W947
NTIS#: PB87rl65247
NTIS#: PB-297451
ERIC#: W317
NTIS#: PB87-234753
ERIC#: D123
NTIS#: PB80-144637
ERIC#: W027 , ..-
ERIC#: W029
NTIS#: PB-255131
ERIC#: W033
NTIS#: PB-257651 •
NTIS#: PB95-159430 '
ERIC#: W839
NTIS#: PB-280238
•. ERICS: WA14
, NTIS#: PB-295232 •
ERIC#: W046
 Method for Chlorinated Phenoxy Acid Herbicides in
 Industrial Effluents, 1975

 Method forN-Aryl Carbamate and Urea Pesticides in
 Industrial Effluents, 1975
Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
ERIC#: WAI 9  -

Document Title
   EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
 Method for O-Aryl Carbamate Pesticides in Industrial
 Effluents, 1975

 Method for Organochlorine Solvents in Industrial Effluents,

 Method for Organophosphorous Pesticides in Industrial
 Effluents, 1975

 Method for Polychlorinated Biphenyls [PCB'S] in Industrial
 Effluents, 1975

 Methods for Aquatic Toxicity Identification Evaluations:
 Phase III - Toxicity Confirmation Procedures for Samples
 Exhibiting Acute & Chronic Toxicity, September 1993

 Methods for Aquatic Toxicity Identification Evaluations:
 Phase I - Toxicity Characterization Procedures, September

 Methods for Aquatic Toxicity Identification Evaluations:
 Phase II - Toxicity Identification Procedures for Samples
 Exhibiting Acute and Chronic Toxicity, September 1993

 Methods for Aquatic Toxicity Identification Evaluations:
 Phase II - Toxicity Characterization Procedures, February

 Methods for Aquatic Toxicity Identification Evaluations:
 Phase III - Toxicity Confirmation Procedures, February 1989

 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, 1974

 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes,
 Revised March 1983

 Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents and
 Receiving Waters to Freshwater and Marine Organisms:
 Fourth Edition, August 1993

 Methods for Organic Pesticides in Water and Wastewater,

 Methods for the Determination of Metals in Environmental
 Samples, June 1991

 Methods for the Determination of Metals in Environmental
 Samples: Supplement I, May 1994
 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 600/R-92-081
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 600/3-88-034
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 600/R-92-080
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 600/3-88-035
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 600/3-88-036
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 625/6-74-003
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/4-79-020
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/4-90-027F
 Not Available from EPA
Not Available from Epa
EPA#: 600/4-91-010
EPA#: 600/R-94-111
ERIC#:  WA21
ERIC#:  WA22
ERIC#:  WA23
ERIC#:  WA24
NTIS#: PB94-123833
ERIC#: W051
NTIS#: PB89-125934
ERIC#: W365

NTIS#: PB94-114907
ERIC#: W366
NTIS#: PB90-207005
ERIC#: W367
NTIS#: PB89-205611
ERJC#: W368

NTIS#: PB95-157400
ERIC#: W052

NTIS#: PB84-128677
ERIC#: W053

ERIC#: C104 '
NTIS#: PB-230316

NTIS#: PB91-231498
ERIC#: W369

NTIS#: PB95-125472
ERIC#: W844
                                                 Page 93

Document Title
   EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
 Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
 National Guidance for the Permitting, Monitoring, and
 Enforcement of Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations
 Set Below Analytical Detection/Quantitation Levels (Draft)
 March 22,1994

 Nitrogen in the Subsurface Environment, June 1975
 Part 125 - Criteria and Standards for the National Pollutant
 Discharge Elimination System, December 23,1992, Draft

 Part 125 - Criteria and Standards for the National Pollutant
 Discharge Elimination System, March"9, 1993, Draft

 Performance Evaluation at a Long-Term Food Processing
 Land Treatment Site, April 1990

 Permit Writer's Guide to Water Quality-Based Permitting for
 Toxic Pollutants, July 1987

 Pesticides in the Aquatic Environment, April 1972*
 POTWs and Water Quality: in Search of the Big Picture -
 Appendices, April 1988
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 660/3-75-030
 Not Available from EPA

, Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/1-90-006
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 440/4-87-005  '
 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA

 Not Available from EPA
 Practical Guide to Water Quality Studies of Streams, 1969     Not Available from EPA
 Proceedings: Seminar on the Significance of Fecal Coliform
 in Industrial Wastes - May 4-5,1972

 Processes, Coefficients, arid Models for Simulating Toxic
 Organics and Heavy Metals in Surface Waters, June 1987

 Production, Distribution, Use and Environmental Impact
 Potential of Selected Pesticides, 1975
                 \            -         • •        • - ,-
 Rates, Constants, and Kinetics Formulations in Surface
 Water Quality Modeling (Second Edition), June 1985 •

 Report on the Evaluation of Wastewater Discharges from  ,
 Raw Cane Sugar Mills on the Hilo-Hamakua Coast of the
 Island of Hawaii, 1989                        .

 Results of the Evaluation of Grbundwater Impacts of Sewer
 Exfiltration, Contract No 68-03-3431 Work Assignment No
 2-6, February 1989              •
Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 600/3-87-015
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 540/1-74-001
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 600/3-85-040
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 440/1-89-044
 Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA
 NTIS#: PB95-159109
 ERIC#: W075
 NTIS#: PB-263895
 ERIC#: W080:

 ERIC#: W387
^ NTIS#:



' NTIS#:






W653  ,

 NTIS#: PB-216065
 ERIC#: W685

 NTIS#: PB87-213880

 NTIS#: PB-238795
 ERIC#: W876,,

 NTIS#; PB85-245314'
 ERIC#: WA50

 ERIC#: W203
 NTIS#: PB95-158358
 ERIC#: W699
                                                 Page 94

 Document Title
   EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
 Review of Water Quality Standards, Permit Limitations, and
 Variances for Thermal Discharges at Power Plants, October

 Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of
 Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms:
 Second Edition, March 1989

 State Design Criteria for Wastewater Treatment Systems,
 September 1990

 Strategy for the Regulation of Discharge of PHDDs and
 PHDFs from Pulp and Paper Mills to Waters of the United
 States, May 21,1990 (Memorandum)

 Summary of Environmental Profiles and Hazard Indices for
 Constituents of Municipal Sludge: Methods and Results,
 July 1985

 Supplement to "Short-term Methods for Estimating the
 Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Surface Waters to
 Freshwater Organisms,  (EPA/600/4-89-001)

 Survival of Pathogens in Animal Manure Disposal, June

 Technical Support Document for Proposed Regulations
 under Section 304(d) (4) of the Clean Water Act, as
 Amended, August 1984

 Technical Support Document for Water Quality-Based
 Toxics Control, July 1985

 Technical Support Document for Water Quality-Based
 Toxics Control: Responsiveness Summary

 Technical Support Document for Water Quality-Based
 Toxics Control, September 1985

 Technical Support Document for Water Quality-Based
 Toxics Control [Second Printing], March 1991

 Test Method: Technical Addition to Methods for the
 Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, March 1984

 Test Methods: Methods for Organic Chemical Analysis of
 Municipal and Industrial Wastewater, July 1982
 EPA#: 831/R-92-001
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 600/4-89-001
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 430/9-90-014
 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 600/4-89-OOla
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 660/2-75-012
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 832/R-84-120
 Not Available from EPA
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 833/S-91-100
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 440/4-85-032
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 505/2-90-001
EPA#: 600/4-84-017
Not Available from EPA

EPA#: 600/4-82-057
Not Available from EPA
NTIS#:  PB94-125754
ERIC#:  W268

ERIC#:  WA54
NTIS#: PB91-125930
ERIC#: N480

ERIC#: W733
NTIS#: PB95-156436
ERIC#: W937'
NTIS#: PB90-145764
NTIS#: .PB-245005
ERIC#: W743

NTIS#: PB85-111391
ERIC#: W938
NTIS#: PB86-150067

NTIS#: PB94-133873
.ERIC#: W303

NTIS#: PB95-159281
ERIC#: W747

NTIS#: PB91-127415
ERIC#: D334

ERIC#: W939  '

ERIC#: W940
                                                 Page 95

  Document Title
   EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
  Validity of Ambient Toxicify Tests for Predicting Biological
 , impact, Ohio River, NearWheeling, West Virginia, March
  1986     .               .  -       ,             -

  Validity of Effluent and Ambient Toxicity Testing for
 ' Predicting Biological Impact on Five Mile Creek,
  Birmingham, Alabama, December 1985   *  .            .

 . Validity of Effluent and Ambient Toxicity Tests for
  Predicting Biological Impact, Naugatuck River, Waterbury,
  Connecticut, May 1986    -                     ;

  Validity of Effluent and Ambient Toxicity Tests for
  Predicting Biological Impact, Kanawha River, Charleston,
  West Virginia, July 1986

"( Validity of Effluent and Ambient Toxicity Tests for   '    .
 ' Predicting Biological Impact, Back River, Baltimore Harbor,
  Maryland, July 1986            .

  Water Quality Goals, Objectives, and Alternatives in the
  Boston Metropolitan Area -- A Case Study, February 1979

  Whole Effluent Policy (WET) Control Policy: Policy for the
  Development of Effluent Limitations in National Pollutant
  Discharge Elimination System Permits to Control Whole
  Effluent Toxicity for the Protection of Aquatic Life, July
  1994.                          '      •
 EPA#: 600/3-85-071
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 600/8-85-015
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 600/8-86-005
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#: 600/3-86-006
 Not Available from EPA
 EPA#:, 600/8-86-001
 Not Available from EPA
 Not Available from EPA

 EPA#: 833/B-94-002
 Not Available from EPA
ERIC#:  W416
NTIS#: PB86-151339
ERIC#: W417
,NTIS#: PB87T119517
ERIC#: W422
NTJS#: PB87-119509
ERIC#: W421

NTIS#: PB87-103719
ERIC#: W420
NTIS#: PB-296553
ERIC#: W779

NTIS# PB94-214673
ERIC#: W424
                                                   Page 96

Document Title
   EPA Number
CaU NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 1990: Strategy (Overview and Updates 1-5,7-8)
 ABEL: User's Manual, October 1991
 Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About the
 U.S. EPA Clean Water Indian Set-Aside Grant
 Program, January 1998

 Clean Water and the Cane Sugar Industry, April 1977
   Not Available from EPA

   EPA#: 21E-2005
   Not Available from EPA

   EPA#: 832/K-97-002
  Not Available from EPA
 Clean Water and the Rubber Processing Industry, April 1977    Not Available from EPA
 Clean Water...A Better Environment: Wastewater
 Management at EPA, July 1994

 Cost of Clean Air and Water Report to Congress: 1984, May

 Culturing Mysids (Mysidopsis bahia): Supplemental Report
 for Saltwater Video Training Tape, September 1990

 E.P.! The Environmental Protector! (Coloring Book)

 Educational Videos for Children About Our Precious Water
 Resources! [Brochure] September, 1991

 Environmental Effects of Schuylkill Oil Spill II [June 1972],
 December 1975
  EPA#: 830/F-94-001

  EPA#: 230/05-84-008
  Not Available from EPA

  EPA#: 505/8-90-006b
  Not Available from EPA

  Not Available from EPA

  EPA#: 430/9-91-016B
  EPA#:  430/9-75-019
  Not Available from EPA
 Environmental Enforcement: A Citizen's Guide, March 1990    Not Available from EPA
 Environmental Management Systems: An Implementation
 Guide for Small and Medium Sized Organizations - Final
 Report, November 1996

 Environmental Management Systems:Demonstration Project -
 Final Report, December 1996

 Environmental Softv/are Programs

 EPA Awards Recognize Excellence in Wastewater Treatment,
 October 1989
  Not Available from EPA

  Not Available from EPA

  Not Available from EPA

  Not Available from EPA
   NTIS#: PB95-157160
   ERIC#: W806

   NTIS#: PB92-230366
   ERIC#: W500

   NTIS#: PB98-133218
   ERIC#: G47
   NTIS#: PB95-157913
   ERIC#: W517

   NTIS#: PB95-157905
   ERIC#: W151

   ERIC#: WO 16
   NTIS#: PB84-237833
   ERIC#: W580

   NTIS#: PB95-157848
   ERIC#: W582

   ERIC#: W588

   ERIC#: R019
   NTIS#: PB-258412
   ERIC#: W996

   NTIS#: PB90-267402
   ERIC#: W635

   NTIS#: PB97-141501
   ERIC#: W441
   ERIC#: W455
   NTIS#:  PB95-156634.,
   ERIC#:  W596
                                               Page 97

Document Title
   EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786 ,
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800) 553-NTIS
 Fate and Effect Studies of Shell Oil Spill-December 1970,
 January 1972                '.....,'

 Glossary of Environmental Terms and Acronym List,
 December 1989

 Guidance on the Use of Section 504 of the Clean Water Act
 (the Emergency Powers Provision), July 30,1993,

 Illinois Central Gulf Train Derailment: Claxton, Kentucky,
 August 1980

 Municipal Support Division: Publications List, September

 Mysids (Mysidopsis bahia) Survival, Growth, and Fecundity
 Toxicity Test: Supplemental Report for Saltwater Video
 Training Tape, September 1990             '

 National Wastewater Management Excellence Awards
 Program, October 1993

 National Wastewater Management Excellence Awards
 Program, October 1994

 National Wastewater Management Excellence Awards
 Program, October 1989

 National Wastewater Management Excellence Awards
 Program, October 1990                -

 National Wastewater Management Excellence Awards
 Program, October 1991

' National Wastewater Management Excellence Awards
 Program, September 1992

 National Wastewater Management Excellence Awards
 Program, October 1993                 .
   Not Available from EPA
   EPA#: 19K-1002
   Not Available from EPA

   Not Available from EPA
   EPA#: 430/9-80-012 "
   Not Available, from EPA

   EPA#: 832/N-94-001
   Not Available from EPA

   EPA#: 505/8-90-006A
   Not Available from EPA
  Not Available from EPA
   EPA#: 832/K-94-001
   Not Available from EPA

   EPA#:, 832/R-89-103
   Not Available from EPA

   EPA#: 832/R-90-102
   Not Available from EPA

   Not Available from EPA
  EPA#: 832/R-92-008
  Not Available from EPA

  Not Available from EPA
 North Carolina's: Value Determination Program, March 1984   Not Available from EPA

 Office of Wastewater Enforcement and Compliance (OWEC):   EPA#:  830/K-93-001
 Primer, 1993                                    :      Not Available from EPA
 Office of Wastewater Enforcement and Compliance,
 September 1993
  EPA#: 800/F-93-002
   ERIC#: WA01
   NTIS#: PB93-158004
   ERIC#: W539

   NTIS#: PB95-157681
   ERICS: W197
   NTIS#: PB80-226186
   NTIS#: PB95-137717
   ERIC#: W846

   NTIS#: PB95-159158
   ERIC#: W072
   ERIC#: WA33

   ERIC#: WA34

   ERIC#: WA30

   ERIC#: WA31

   NTIS#: PB95-158846
   ERIC#: W378

   ERIC#: WA32

   ERIC#: WA33
   NTIS#: PB95-157269
   ERIC#: W849

   NTIS#: PB93-226736
   ERIC#: W142

   ERIC#: W256
                                                Page 98

Document Title
   EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800) 553-NfIS
 Office of Wastewater Enforcement and Compliance: Strategic
 Plan, January 1993

 Office of Wastewater Management: Primer, November 1994
 Oil Spill: Bahia Sucia, Puerto Rico - 18 March 1973:
 Environmental Effects, July 1975

 Plant Operations for Wastewater Facilities - Wastewater
 Technology: A Two-Year Post High School Instructional
 Program Volume II Part A, September 1975

 Plant Operations for Wastewater Facilities - Wastewater
 Technology: A Two Year Post High School Instructional
 Program Volume JJ Part B, September 1975

 Plant Operations for Wastewater Facilities - Wastewater
 Technology: A Two Year Post High School Instructional
 Program Volume JJ Part C, September 1975

 Plant Operations for Wastewater Facilities - Wastewater
 Technology: A Two Year Post High School Instructional
 Program Volume II PartD, September 1975

 Plant Operations for Wastewater Facilities - Wastewater
 Technology: A Two Year Post High School Instructional
 Program Volume H Part E, September 1975

 Program Implementation: A Four-Year Wastewater
 Technology Program, August 1976

 Research Outlook: 1983, February 1983
 Research Summary: Chesapeake Bay, May 1980
 Research Summary: Industrial Wastewater, June 1980
 Sewage Sludge Sampling Techniques (video, 20 minutes),
 March 1993
                  in                   i'
 Taxonomy of Ceriodaphnia (Crustacea: Cladocera) in U.S.
 Environmental Protection Agency Cultures, September 1986
   EPA#: 830/R-93-001
   Not Available from EPA

   EPA#: 830/K-94-001
   Not Available from EPA

   EPA#: 430/9-79-014
   Not Available from EPA

   Not Available from EPA
   Not Available from EPA
  Not Available from EPA
  Not Available from EPA
  Not Available from EPA
  Not Available from EPA
  EPA#: 600/9-83-002
  Not Available from EPA

  EPA#: 600/6-80-019
  Not Available from EPA

  EPA#: 600/6-80-026
  Not Available from EPA

  Not Available from EPA
  EPA#: 600/4-86-032
 Technical Assistance Directory (Revised), September 1993      EPA#: 600/K-93-006
   NTIS#: PB93-223204
   ERIC#: W132

   NTIS#: PB95-176442
   ERIC#: W850

   ERIC#: WA36
   NTIS#: PB95-158812
   ERIC#: N237
   NTIS#: PB95-158804
   ERIC#: N238
   NTIS#: PB95-158796
   ERIC#: N239
   NTIS#: PB95-158788
   ERO: N240

   NTIS#: PB95-158770
   ERIC#: N241

   NTIS#: PB95-158671

   NTIS#: PB83-172510
   ERIC#: W696

   NTIS#: PB95-158374
   ERIC#: W923

   NTIS#: PB95-158366
   ERIC#: W697

   ERIC#: WA53

   NTIS#: PB87-110508
   ERIC#: WA57   -

   ERIC#: W745
                                                Page 99

Document Title
   EPA Number
Call NCEPI at (513) 891-6561
Call WRC at (202) 260-7786
Call ERIC at (800) 276-0462
Call NTIS at (800) S53-NTIS
 Terms of Environment: Glossary, Abbreviations, and
 Acronyms, February 1993'                ,

 .Use of Airborne, Surface, and Borehole Geophysical
 Techniques at Contaminated Sites: A Reference Guide,
 September 1993

 Water from Water: Program 1 - Desalination (Video)
   EPA#: 175/B-93-001
   Not Available from EPA

   EPA#: 625/R-92-007
   EPA#: 832/V-94-900
   NTIS#: PB95-159265
   ERIC#: W555

   ERIC#: W415
 Water from Water: Program 2 - Recycling (Video)
   EPA#: 832/V-94-901
 Water from Water: Program 3 - What's It Worth? (Video)
   EPA#: 832/V-94-902
 Water from Water: Program 4 - What's It Worth? Part 2

 Working Together for a Cleaner Environment: Selected
 Resources to Help Improve EPA-Stakeholder Relations,
 September 1994                             .

 Youth and the Environment [Brochure] January 1991
 Youth and the Environment Training and Employment
 Program, April 1993
   EPA#: 832/V-94-902

   EPA#: 830/B-94-002
   Not Available from EPA
   EPA#: 21W-7001    ']
   Not Available from EPA

   EPA#: 832/F-93-001
   Not Available from EPA
   NTIS#: PB95-142063
   ERIC*: W965
   ERIC#: R069

   NTIS#: PB94-118569
         : W804
                                               Page 100  .

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
 ABEL: User's Manual 	'.	,	,	,.	,.  97

 Abstracts of Industrial NPDES Permits, Fifth Edition	  41

 Abstracts of Industrial NPDES Permits, First Edition	41

 Accounting Guide for Construction Grants	 9

 Action Checklist for POTWs: Assessing the Need to Modify Pretreatment Programs	51

 Activated Sludge Process Control Course	:..	67

 Activated Sludge Quality and Process Balance (DSA and the BLT vs. CSP Characteristics), Undated .'....	67

 Addendum to Handbook for Sampling and Sample Preservation	90

 Addendum to 1982 Needs Survey: Cost Estimates for Control of Combined Sewer Discharge to Marine Bays and Estuaries  .  60

 Addendum to the Guidelines and Requirements for Applying for Grants from the Indian Set Aside Program	21

 Additional Information for Completing Storm Water Group Applications	60

 Advanced Waste Treatment Performance Evaluation Summary Report	  67

 Aerobic Biological Wastewater Treatment Facilities: Process Control Manual	67

 Aerobic Biological Wastewater Treatment Facilities: Process Control Manual	j	  67

 Affluent Effluent: New Choices in Wastewater Treatment'	...'.	....	67

 Agricultural Activities and Consolidated Permitting	  41

 Algae and Water Pollution	'....-	  90

 Alkaline Treatment and Utilization of Municipal Wastewater Sludges	'.....	65

 All You Need to Know About Sewage Treatment Construction Grants: Federal Funds Available for Municipal Water Pollution
 Control	,.'	  9,21

 Alternative Financing Mechanisms for Environmental Programs: State Capacity Task Force - The Alternative Financing
Mechanisms Team Report (Final Draft)	'.	  21

 Alternative Funding Study - Water Quality Fees and Debt Financing Issues - Final Report to Congress 	•..   21

 Alternative is Conservation	>...  88

 Alternative Sewer Studies	'	  67

 Alternative Sewers — Operation and Maintenance: Special Evaluation Project	35
                                                   Page 101

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX

 Alternative Technology Application: Land Treatment Silviculture - A Practical Approach [Brochure]		............ 67

 Alternative Technology: Methane Recovery - An Energy Resource, [Brochure] .......	....;..;	 1..:.... 67

 Alternative Waste Management Techniques for Best Practicable Waste Treatment	 90

 Alternative Waste Management Techniques for Best Practicable Waste Treatment	.90

 Alternatives for Small Wastewater Treatment Systems: Cost Effectiveness Analysis: Volume 3	   67

 Alternatives for Small Wastewater Treatment Systems: On Site Disposal, Sewage Treatment and Disposal: Volume 1	67

 Alternatives for Small Wastewater Treatment Systems: On Site Disposal, Sewage Treatment and Disposal: Set of Volumes 1,2,
 and 3		,,.'..........		',				..,	'..'.'.. .1	67

 Alternatives for Small Wastewater Treatment Systems: Pressure Sewers, Vacuum Sewers: Volume 2  ::	'..-...	67

 Anaerobic Digestion'of Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge to Methane	........;.....:...,		..  1

 Analysis of Construction Cost Experience for Wastewater Treatment Plants: Construction-Grants Program Information ...   9,21

 Analysis of Coprostanol, An Indicator of Fecal Contamination				...,..	.,.....,...,... 35

 Analysis of Implementing Permitting Activities for Storm" Water Discharges Associated with industrial Activity:  ......... 60

 Analy sis of Operation and Maintenance Costs for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Systems  .......:...	...'...... 35

 Analysis of Performance Limiting Factors (PLFs) at Small Sewage Treatment Plants	67

 Analysis of Wastewater Discharge from Marine Sanitation Devices  .....................^	•.'..'.'..'.	..... 41

 Analytical Methods for the National Sewage Sludge Survey	;	...;..	 •.	  1

 Analytical Procedures for Determining Organic Priority Pollutants in Municipal Sludges ...-...'.  		 90

 Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About the U.S. EPA Clean Water Indian SetrAside Grant Program ...."....... "21,97

 Appendices to Financial Management Trouble-Shooting: Handbook		'....'	 21

: Appendix I of the Assessment and Control, of Bioconcentratable Contaminants in Surface Waters: Field Evaluation of Residue
 Prediction Procedures	'.....;.....	;	;  ..•	......	 90

 Applicability of Land Treatment of Wastewater in the Great Lakes Area Basin: Effectiveness of Sandy Soils at Muskegon
 County, Michigan, for Renovating Wastewater	,.	'.	'.	68

 Applicability of Land Treatment of Wastewater in the Great Lakes Area Basin: Impact of Wastewater Division, Spray Irrigation
 on Water Quality in the Muskegon County, Michigan Lakes	'.-...		..... 68

 Application and Use of the Regulatory Definition of Significant Noncompliance for Industrial Users (Memorandum)  ......, 51 .

 Application Form 1 - General Information: Consolidated Permits Program ......	•	............'..	',1....... 60
                                                   Page 102   '

                               DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
                   t          -,        i •           ,      .    .  -1" •,•'.'

 Application Form 2B - Application for Permit to Discharge Wastewater Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations and Aquatic
 Animal Production Facilities	,... 60
                                      „ i ^ ~           *         i '       ,       t
 Application Form 2C - Wastewater Discharge Information: Consolidated Permits Program 	60

 Application Form 2D - New Sources and New Dischargers: Application for Permit to Discharge Process Wastewater 	60

 Application Form 2E - Facilities Which Do Not Discharge Process Wastewater	,.. 60

 Application Form 2F - Application for Permit to Discharge Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity	60

 Application of Sewage Sludge to Cropland: Appraisal of Potential Hazards of the Heavy Metals to Plants and Animals	  1

 Application of Sludges and Wastewater on Agricultural Land: A Planning and Educational Guide	  1

 Approach for Comparing Health Risks of Wastewater Treatment Alternatives - A Limited Comparison of Health Risks Between
 Slow Rate Land Treatment and Activated Sludge Treatment and Discharge	68

 Aquaculture Systems for Wastewater Treatment - An Engineering Assessment	....	68

 Aquaculture Systems for Wastewater Treatment - Seminar Proceedings and Engineering Assessment	68

 Aqueous-Phase Oxidation of Sludge Using the Vertical Reaction Vessel System	,. 68

 Arizona Outreach Demonstration Project: Executive Summary	 56

 Aspects of State-Wide Emergency Response Programs for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities	35

 Assessment and Control of Bioconcentratable Contaminants in Surface Waters, Draft 	:	 89

 Assessment of an Emerging Technology: Dual Digestion [Brochure]	6

 Assessment of Cost & Effectiveness of Biological Dual Nutrient Removal Technologies in the Chesapeake Bay Drainage Basin,
 Volume I	'.			68

 Assessment of Cost & Effectiveness of Biological Dual Nutrient Removal Technologies in the Chesapeake Bay Drainage Basin,
 Volume II	,	,.'..."	..-:-.	,	68

 Assessment of Current Information on Overland Flow Treatment of Municipal Wastewater	 68

Assessment of Design Tradeoffs When Using Intrachannel Clarifiers  		'.	68

Assessment of I/A Facilities Seeking 100 Percent Modification/Replacement Funding-Case Histories		.. 68

Assessment of Single-Stage Trickling Filter Nitrification	"...-	68

Assessment of the Biolac Technology	,		....... 68

Assessment of Current Information on Overland Flow Treatment of Municipal Wastewater	 68
                                                  Page 103

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
 Assessment of Vortex Solid Separators for the Control and Treatment of Wet Weather Flow		.  68
 Audit Guide: Construction Grant Final Audits (Draft)	>....'	 9
 Availability, Adequacy, & Comparability of Testing Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants Established Under Section 304(h)
 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, Report to Congress	.....:	  68,89

•B.  r  •'•/.-•'•               •   '••    .    ".   ';.;.',••.•      .•'.'       •     .    .-•'  •••"

 Bachelor of Engineering Technology Curriculum in Water Quality Management: Course Guides		:.'...•	89
 Becoming a WAVE Partner	:.					..  88
 Becoming a WAVE Supporter		...".	,	  88
 Before and .After Case Studies: Comparisons of Water Quality Following Municipal Treatment Plant Improvements,...	89
 BEN: A Model to Calculate the Economic Benefit of Noncompliance - User's Manual.		21
 Beneficial Use of Sewage Sludge: Land Application	....;..			'.1
 Benefits and Implementation Potential of Wastewater Aquaculture '	  67
 Bibliography of Storm and Combined Sewer Pollution Control and R&D Program Documents	 '60
 Biological Phosphorus Removal: Problems and RehiediesfBrochure]	....".	'.. 69
 Biological Waste Treatment Using the Biolac System: A Technical Note	,..:.....	•...........	 69
 Biomonitoring for Control of Toxicity in Effluent Discharges to the Marine Environment	,	  89
 Biomonitoring to Achieve Control of Toxic Effluents ........................v	,		89
 Biosolids Recycling: Beneficial Technology for a Better Environment		...;......  1
 Building for Clean Water - Federal Grants Lend a Hand	..:..........		 21
 Building Support for'Increasing User Fees Application  •.'".	....'.	 21
 Business Opportunities in the Construction Grants Program [Brochure]	:	'...-	  10

 C.'.      '  .        "   .-   •.'  .  .:      ,".:. .:  -.'', .   -"•"•"   ;      _    •         ,      '  •-   .   •     .

 Cannon Beach: Wooded Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment ..'.:		•'...,..:.....'...........	  69:
 Carolina Bays: A Natural Wastewater Treatment Program  .:.•..._,	-69
 Case Studies'in Residual Use and Energy Conservation at Wastewater Treatment Plants	-	88
 Catalog of Financial Support Sources for US - Mexico Border Water Infrastructure.. 1...'.''.		'.'...	21

                                ,-•'..''     Pagel04          '.......   .             .         .    i '

                               DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
 Centralized Treatment and Recovery: Case Studies	69
 CERCLA Site Discharges to POTWs Treatability Manual 	"	:	  51
 CERCLA Site Discharges to POTWs: CERCLA Site Sampling Program - Detailed Data Report		51
«,          |        ,,||	 .                '!„,'•'         '   "« ,     j   .    -  • '             ,'              '
 CERCLA Site Discharges to POTWs: Guidance Manual	...51
 Chemical Aids Manual for Wastewater Treatment Facilities	  69
 Citizen's Guide to Community Water Conservation  	'.	  88
 Clarifying and Supplementing Requirements in the Initial Guidance for State Revolving Funds, September 30,1988
[Memorandum]	22
 Clean Water and the Cane Sugar Industry	97
 Clean Water and the Rubber Processing Industry	.	97
 Clean Water.. A Better Environment: Wastewater Management at EPA	,	—  97
 the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and the Clean Water Action Plan	.„			97
 Clean Water State Revolving Fund: Financing America's Environmental Infrastructure - A Report of Progress	22
 Clean Water State Revolving Fund: Funding Framework	.; 22
 The Clean Water State Revolving Fund: Practical Approaches to Improving Pace - Hands on Approaches	22
 Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program	:	:	22
 Cleaning Up Polluted Runoff with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund	,	  22
 C.ode of Federal Regulations Parts 122 to 133: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System	41
 Codisposal of Municipal Solid Waste and Sewage Sludge: An Analysis of Constraints	."•...  1
 Collecting Household Hazardous Wastes at Wastewater Treatment Plants: Case Studies	34
 Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Control Policy	,..		61
 Combined Sewer Overflow Analysis Methodology	;	.'	61
 Combined Sewer Overflow Control Policy: A Consensus Solution to Improve Water Quality 	61
 Combined Sewer Overflow Control Policy, Draft	61
 Combined Sewer Overflows: Guidance for Financial Capability and Schedule Development	'.	  61
 Combined Sewer Overflows:  Guidance for Funding Options	61
 Combined Sewer Overflows: Guidance for Long-Term Control Plan	61
 Combined Sewer Overflows: Guidance for Monitoring and Modeling	1	61
 Combined Sewer Overflows: Guidance for Nine Minimum Controls  	,	61
                                                 Page 105

                                 DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
'   Combined Sewer Overflows: Guidance-for Permit Writers	,	 j......  61
   Combined Sewer Overflows in Your Community	:	  61
   Combined Sewer Overflows: Screening and Ranking Guidance	.....;...	  61
   Comparison of Oxidation Ditch Plants to Competing Processes for Secondary & Advanced 	................:..  69
   Comparative Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Compost Characteristics ...:.....•		,. 1
   Compendium of State Water Quality Limits for Thermal Discharges and Mixing Zones	........:	....  89
   Composting Municipal Sewage Sludge: A Technology Evaluation	 1
   Composting Processes to Stabilize and Disinfect Municipal Sewage Sludge			 1
   Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluation and Selected Management Issues	••••-,	•	69
   Comprehensive Method for the Analysis of Volatile Organics on Soils, Sediments, and Sludges Part I	 1
   Comprehensive Sludge Study Relevant to Section 8002(g) of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976	 1
.   Computer-Assisted Procedure.for the Design and Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Systems: Users Guide .......'	69
   Considerations for Preparation of Operation and Maintenance Manuals	..'.'		.  35
   • ,           .           .           .      •         ,  ~   •               .       '          /          -  '     •  >
   Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment and Wildlife Habitat: 17 Case Studies		..	.......  69
   Construction Costs for Municipal Wastewater Conveyance Systems: 1973-1979.		-.'...-	 23
   Construction Costs for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants: 1973-1977. '.....		 23
   Construction Costs for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants: 1973-1978..	.	;		.23
   Construction Costs for Wastewater Conveyance Systems: 1973-1977				23
   Construction Grants 1982 (CG-82): Interim Final			,'.'	-...........  9,22
   Construction Grants 1985 (CG-85)	...'...		..............	•..  9,22
 ,  Construction Grants Delegation and Overview Guidance ..'_.	:.....		9
   Construction Grants Process for State Agency Personnel: Videotape Instructor Manual	  9'
   Construction Grants Program Baseline Functions: Final Report	  9
.   Construction Grarits Program for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works: Handbook of Procedures	  9
   Construction Grants Program - Management and Evaluation System, FY '82 Action Plans	.-	  9 .
   Construction Incentive Guidance [Brochure]	,.',...... i...',...,..............		 23
   Construction Incentive Program	  23
   Construction Inspection Guide, Volume 1	•		  23
      '                               -          ...   '  Page 106              '         •....'..-     :

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX

Construction Inspection Guide, Volume 2	  23
Construction Inspection Guide, Volume 3 	23
Construction Inspection Guide, Volumes 1,2, and 3	_....  24
Construction Management Evaluation and'Project Management Conference Manual		9
Construction Project Safety: Course CG-600 Student Manual	  10
Construction Site Stormwater Discharge Control: An Inventory of Current Practices  ....".	61
Continuous Emission Monitoring Guidance for Part 503 Sewage Sludge Incinerators	'.	  1
Considerations for Preparation of Operation and Maintenance Manuals	 35
Contract Operation and Maintenance: The Answer for Your Town?	 •.	 .35
Contract Operations	35
Contracting for Professional Services	:	  24
Control of Composting Odors [Reprint]  	".	 35
Control of Slug Loadings to POTWs: Guidance Manual	35
                   i"                .'                       '       /             'i               h
Control of Water Pollution from Cropland: Volume I - A Manual for Guideline Development	 89
Control of Water Pollution from Cropland: Volume II - An Overview	 89
Converting Rock Trickling Filters to Plastic Media: Design & Performance	69 .
Cooperative Testing of Municipal Sewage Sludges by the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure and Composition	  1
Cost Digest: Cost Summaries of Selected Environmental Control	 89
Cost-Effective Operation and Maintenance: Six Cities Save over One Million Dollars 	35
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Municipal Wastewater Reuse: Water Quality Management Guidance	 91
Cost Estimates for Construction of Publicly-Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities: 1976 Needs Survey	 33
Cost of Clean Air and Water Report to Congress	 97
Cost of Land Treatment Systems, Revised November 1979	  23
Cost of Landspreading and Hauling Sludge from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants: Case Studies	  23
Cost Reduction and Self-Help Handbook	.._.'.	:	56
Costs of Wastewater Treatment by Land Application: Technical Report	  1
i'1' ,        '   "       '	         ,        '  i '   ' '   ' '   . !         '       '            !      1              "
Course Guides for Instructors - Book 6: Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations	 35
                                                   Page 107

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX

 Course Guides for Instructors - Book 7: Wastewater Treatment Plant Design	35
 Course Guides for Instructors - Book 8: Government Systems for Environmental Control	'.....,. 35
 Course on Troubleshooting Operation and Maintenance Problems in Wastewater Treatment Facilities: Course #179.2 - Trainee
 Notebook	'.'.			;...;.......,;		...	-....,'	35
 Culturing Mysids (Mysidopsis bahia): Supplemental Report for Saltwater Video Training Tape	j	 97
 Curriculum Guide: A Four Year Wastewater Technology Program Volume I  . '.	"..,..._:	,	 35
 Curriculum Guide: A Four Year Wastewater Technology Program Volume II	 35
 Customer Incentives for Water Conservation: A Guide			:....	..	.,.........;'... 88
                                                 ',                                  '" S
 D              '             •  *  '         -'•   '.'..•''•                      ."   ''•   '•        •'       "

 Damages and Threats Caused by Hazardous Material Sites ....'.;	...:....	56
 Data Element Dictionary 1988 Sewage-Sludge Use and Disposal: Questionnaire Data Base		 1
 Decision-Making in Wastewater/Drinking Water Management  	;	.-	 36
 Demonstrated Approach for Improving Performance and Reliability of Biological Wastewater Treatment Plants  .,	 69
, Demonstration of Sewer Relining by the Insitufbrm Process, Northbrook, IL . 1	 k	 69
 Design Criteria for Mechanical, Electric, and Fluid System and Component Reliability	 70
• Design Information on Rotating Biological Contractors,	,	 70
 Design Information Report: Belt Filter Presses ...,			......'	 70
 Design Information Report: Centrifuges  .	..:	.........;	 70
 Design Information Report: Recessed Filter Plate Process  .'.	:',•.........,	 70
                                                           °       ...         .       **      -        -  •
 Design Manual: Constructed Wetlands and Aquatic Plant Systems for Municipal Wastewater Treatment		70
 • Design Manual: Dewatering Municipal Wastewater Sludges  .......,....:	......'	  36
 Design Manual: Fine Pore Aeration Systems '.	,	...-...;		......  70
• Design Manual: Municipal Wastewater Disinfection .				  70
' Design Manual: Municipal Wastewater Stabilization Pond	  70
 Design Manual: Odor and Corrosion Control in Sanitary Sewerage Systems and Treatment Plants .;...............,...  70
 Design Manual: Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal System	  70
 .Design Manual: Phosphorous Removal			  70
                                                   Page 108

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX

 Design Module:Small Alternative Wastewater Systems Workshop: Management Plans and Implementation Issues	 36

 Design of Small Systems Wastewater Treatment Facilities: Engineering and Design	 70

 Design of 301(h) Monitoring Programs for Municipal Wastewater Discharges to Marine Waters	 36

 Design of Wastewater Treatment Facilities - Major Systems Design Manual: Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal
 System	'.		 70

 Design Report Submittal Requirements: Supplement to Federal Guidelines for Design, Operation, and Maintenance of Waste
 Water Treatment Facilities-Technical Bulletin	....	.,	 71

 Design Seminar Handout: Sludge Treatment and Disposal	2

 Design Seminar Handout: Small Wastewater Treatment Facilities	'.	 56
                                        ,           ; , ' ,                    ,,                                      \
 Designing a Water Conservation Program: An Annotated Bibliography of Source Materials  	 88

 DCS Plalnes River Wetlands Project: Wetlands for River Water Quality Improvement	'..... 70

 Detection, Control, and Correction of Hydrogen Sulfide Corrosion in Existing Wastewater Systems	36

 Determination of Excessive/Nonexcessive Inflow Rates: Draft	 /	 70

 Determining Wastewater User Service Charge Rates: A Step-by-Step Manual	 23

 Developing an Outreach Program for Small Communities  	 56

 Developing Public/Private Partnerships: An Option for Wastewater Financing	,......'.'	 23

 Development of Risk Assessment Methodology for Municipal Sludge Incineration	2

 Diagnostic Operational Modeling Programs for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants: Field Evaluation and Process Review
 Project Report	36

 Diagnostic Operational Modeling Programs for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants: Users Manual	.36

 Direct Environmental Factors at Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works - Evaluation and Control of Site Aesthetics, Air
 Pollutants, Noise and Other Operation and Construction Factors	36

 Directory of Federal Programs Related to Water Conservation (Draft)	 88

 Discharge Monitoring Report [form]'	61

Discussion Paper on Alternative Financing Mechanisms for State Water Programs, January 10,1989	:	  23

 Disinfection of Wastewater - Task Force Report	71

Disinfection with Ultraviolet Light-Design, Construct, and Operate for Success [Brochure]	 71

Do More with SCORE: Small-Community Outreach and Education Helps Solve Wastewater Problems	 56

 Do You Need Information About EPA Grant Projects?, (Pre-1978)	  24
                                                   Page 109

                               DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
Domestic Septage Regulatory Guidance: A Guide to the EPA 503 Rule			 2
Draft Interim Guidance on Implementation of Section 402(o) Anti-backsliding Rules for Water Quality-Based Permits ..... 91
                     .  •    ,  -                     - . -        '                   •            •               .  -.' ' v
E   '    •   '  '"      •         '    '    '        "•'••••   "'      '  ••-.                  -  '       >       -

E.P.! The Environmental Protector! (Coloring Book) .........	...	,..	.•••••.	.... J.......	97   ,
Easy Ways to Save Water Money and Energy at Home (Draft)			..:...;..	'..-... 88
Economic Assessment of Wastewater Aquaculture Treatment Systems ...:..."..,	 71
Economical Residential Pressure Sewer System With No Effluent	 '................. 71
Educational Videos for Children About Our Precious Water Resources! [Brochure]  .:.....	 97
Effect of the Transportation Act of 1991 on Deadlines for Storm Water Permit Applications	.. i...	61
Effectiveness of Soil and Water Conservation Practices, for Pollution Control  ..	'.....	,	88
Effectiveness of the Innovative and Alternative Wastewater Treatment Technology Program: A Report to Congress .•	  22
Effects of Sewage Sludge on the Cadmium and Zinc Content of Crops	2
Effects of Using Sewage Sludge on Agricultural and Disturbed Lands ...		• - - -	 2
Effects of Water Conservation Induced Wastewater Flow Reduction: A Perspective	,...-.	 88
Emergency Planning for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities .:...		:.:..-	36
Emerging Technologies: Alternative Wastewater Collective Systems - Practical Approaches	i		._..._	 71
Emerging Technology: Aquaculture—An Alternative Wastewater Treatment Approach [Brochure]	 71
Emerging Technology: Counter-Current Aeration - A Promising Process Modification [Brochure]  ...:.............:... 71
Emerging Technology: Intermittent Sand Filtration — A Process Assessment [Brochure]	...,...;.......	71
Emerging Technology: Intrachannel Clarification — A Project Assessment [Brochure]	71
Emerging Technology: Overland Flow - A Viable Land Treatment Option [Brochure]	 71
Emerging Technology: Sequencing Batch Reactors — A Project Assessment [Brochure]	.........•.....'........ 71
Emerging Technology: The Biological Aerated Filter - A Promising Biological Process	 71
Emerging Technology: Vacuum-Assisted Sludge Dewatering Beds—An Alternative Approach [Brochure]	71
Emerging Technology: Wetlands Treatment—A Practical Approach [Brochure]  ....	-.,....	'	.,'..... 71
Emerging Technology Report: Preliminary Status of Airplane Deicing Fluid Recovery Systems	:...... 71

          ,                     .             '    Page 110                                  .               ,   '

                               DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX

                                                                         , Xj,

Energy Conservation in Municipal Wastewater Treatment				36

Energy in Municipal Wastewater Treatment: An Energy Audit Procedure and Supporting Database: Final Report  	36

Energy in Municipal Wastewater Treatment: An Energy Audit Procedure and Supporting Database: Appendix A	 36

Energy in Municipal Wastewater Treatment: An Energy Audit Procedure and Supporting Database: Appendix B	36

Energy in Municipal Wastewater Treatment: An Energy Audit Procedure and Supporting Database: Appendix C	36

Energy in Municipal Wastewater Treatment: An Energy Audit Procedure and Supporting Database: Final Report  	36

Energy Management Diagnostic	36

Energy Requirements for Small Flow Wastewater Treatment Systems	37

Enforcement Management System for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System 	41

Enforcement Requirements: Case StudiesjTFact Sheet]	'	 46

Engineering Costs and Fees for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works: An Estimating Technique for Design of Treatment
Plants	•.	37

Environment Midwest; EPA's Construction Grants Program, June-July 1980	  10

Environmental Assessment Guidance Municipal Sewage Treatment Works Program	37

Environmental Assessment of Construction Grants Projects 		  37

Environmental Changes from Long-Term Land Application of Municipal Effluents	2

Environmental Effects of Schuylkill Oil Spill II	 97

Environmental Enforcement: A Citizen's Guide	."		97

Environmental Guidance for Very Small Communities	s	 56

Environmental Impact Statement on Wastewater Treatment Facilities: Boulder, Colorado (Draft)	 13

Environmental Impact Statement: Alternative Waste Treatment Systems for Rural Lake Projects - Case Study Number 5:,
Ottertail County Board of Commissioners - Ottertail County, Minnesota (Draft)	 13

Environmental Impact Statement: Metro Denver Sludge Management Plan, Volume 1 (Final)	'	 13

Environmental Impact Statement: Metro Denver Sludge Management Plan (Draft)	 13

Environmental Impact Statement: Metro Denver Sludge Management Plan Summary (Draft)	 13

Environmental Impact Statement: Organic Solids Reuse Plan - Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District, Dane County,
WI (Final))	'.	 - 13

Environmental Impact Statement: Patuxent Wastewater Treatment Facilities: Anne Arundel County, MD (Final)	 13
                                                  Page 111

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX

.Environmental Impact Statement: Proposed Revisions to Ocean Dumping Criteria - Volume II (Final)  ........ .^......... 13

Environmental Impact Statement: Proposed Sludge Management Plan - Metropolitan District Commission, Boston,
MA, Volume I (Draft) 		.".-.„;.'		,13

Environmental Impact Statement: Proposed.Sludge Management Plan - Metropolitan District Commission, Boston,         ~
MA, Volume II (Draft))	,	...;....:...	 13

Environmental Impact Statement: Rehabilitation of Wastewater Facilities: Streator, IL (Final) ..:	 r. 13

Environmental Impact Statement: Sewage Treatment Facilities for the South Bloomington and Lake Monroe Service Areas -
Bloomington, IN (Final))					;.:...:.>. 13

Environmental Impact Statement: Sludge Disposal and Land Reclamation in Fulton County, IL (Final)	 13

Environmental Impact Statement: Sludge Management Study - Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment Plant, Washington, D.C.
(Final)	....:.....:...	':.. v.........	............-.	:,..'		.	,...:.... is

Environmental Impact Statement: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge - Part I: Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District, Dane
County, WI (Draft)	•:'..,..'......	;	.-...'...	 13

Environmental Impact Statement: 'Wastewater Treatment Facilities - Sludge Management System: Albuquerque, NM	 14

Environmental Management Systems: An Implementation Guide for Small and Medium Sized Organizations	'. 97

Environmental Management Systems: Demonstration Project				. I........	:... 97

Environmental Planning for Small Communities: A Guide for Local Decision-Makers ...'..'.	".	56

Environmental Pollution Control Alternatives: Centralized Waste Treatment Alternatives for the Electroplating Industry.... 46
                                   . .                  -' i          ,                    •
Environmental Pollution Control Alternatives: Municipal Wastewater	'	•.	46

Environmental Pollution Control Alternatives: Sludge Handling, Dewatering, and Disposal Alternatives for the Metal Finishing
Industry	:..:..	 ...'-46
                                          /      -         -             '        - -    .        -  •  ,    .
Environmental Profiles and Hazard Indices for Constituents of Municipal Sludge: Chromium  .......'	.'... 91

Environmental Profiles and Hazard Indices for Constituents of Municipal Sludge: Copper	;	: 91

Environmental Profiles and Hazard Indices for Constituents of Municipal Sludge: Heptachlor	....*.	 91

Environmental Profiles and Hazard Indices for Constituents of Municipal Sludge: Iron 	\	91

Environmental Profiles and Hazard Indices for Constituents-of Municipal Sludge: Lead ........—	'...... 91

Environmental Profiles and Hazard Indices for Constituents of Municipal Sludge: Lindane	 91

Environmental Profiles and Hazard Indices for Constituents of Municipal Sludge: Nickel	91

Environmental Profiles and Hazard Indices for Constituents of Municipal Sludge: Zinc	:-.'..'.•	. 91

Environmental Regulations and Technology: Autothermal Thermophilic aerobic Digestion of Municipal Wastewater Sludge   72
                                                   Page 112

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX

 Environmental Regulations and Technology: Control of Pathogens in Municipal Wastewater Sludge  		.	2

 Environmental Regulations and Technology: Use and Disposal of Municipal Wastewater Sludge 	 2

 Environmental Regulations and Technology: Control of Pathogens and Vector Attraction in Sewage Sludge  	2

 Environmental Regulations and Technology: The Electroplating Industry	51

 Environmental Regulations and Technology: The National Pretreatment Program	  51

 Environmental Software Programs	•	  97

 EPA and Municipal Wastewater Treatment 1972-1987 with Legislative Projections to 1994	'	33

 EPA Awards Recognize Excellence in Wastewater Treatment	:	  97

 EPA Encourages Small Communities to Use Low Cost Wastewater Technologies  	  56

 EPA Manual for Organics Analysis Using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry	...-	91

 EPA Policy on Land Treatment and the Clean Water Act of 1977 ...		72

 EPA State Revolving Fund Workshop: Headquarters-Washington, D.C., July 25-26,  1989	 ...  91

 EPA Technology Transfer: Capsule Report - First Progress Report: Static Pile Composting of Wastewater Sludge	2

 EPA's Clean Water Act Indian Set-Aside Grant Program 		  91.

 EPA'S Innovative and Alternative Wastewater Facilities Technology Database: User's Manual	  70

 EPA's National Hard Rock Mining Framework	•„	40

 EPA's Policy Promoting the Beneficial Use of Sewage Sludge and the New Proposed Technical Sludge Regulations	2

 Estimate of Effluent Limitations to be Expected from Properly Operated and  Maintained Treatment Works 	 90

  n                                     '                '                       '
Estimating Costs and Manpower Requirements for Conventional Wastewater Treatment Facilities	  70

Estimating Laboratory Needs for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities	 37

Estimating Staffing and Cost Factors  for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD: Part 1 - Staffing Guidelines for

Conventional Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1  MGD	37

Estimating Staffing and Costs Factors for Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Less Than 1 MGD: Part 2 - Estimating Costs of

Package Wastewater Treatment Plants	 37

Estimating Staffing for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities	 37

 Evaluating Municipal Wastewater User Charge Systems: What You Need to Know	 37

Evaluation and Demonstration of the Capillary Suction Sludge Dewatering Device	  72
                                                  Page 113

                                DOCUMENT  TITLE INDEX
 Evaluation and Documentation of the Effects of Operation and Maintenance Practices on the Performance of Selected Biological
 Treatment Plants' ,.:	;	,...,....'.	• •	;	>........  37

 Evaluation of Dewatering Devices for Producing High-Solids Sludge Cake	'..-..	 • 72
                             " -    -      -               N                   '            •              '    ,
 Evaluation of EPAsEIS Program for Wastewater Treatment Facilities.		~....	  72

 Evaluation of Flow Equalization in Municipal Wastewater Treatment		.,.'.	  72

 Evaluation of Groundwater Impacts of Sewer Exfiltration - Preliminary Work Assignment fpr the Work Assignment "Evaluation
 of Groundwater Impacts of Sewer Exfiltration		91

 Evaluation of Infiltration/Inflow Program - Final Report (Draft)  ...,	;	... .1	'.....!		72

 Evaluation of Land Application Systems: Technical Bulletin	2

 Evaluation of Land Application Systems: Technical Bulletin .....		,.'..'.	  2

 Evaluation of Operation and Maintenance Factors Limiting Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant Performance	37

 Evaluation of Operation and Maintenance Factors Limiting Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Performance: Phase II  ..  37

 Evaluation of Oxidation Ditches for Nutrient Removal	.			.....;..	......  72

 Evaluation of Oxygen-Enriched MSW/Sewage Sludge Co-Incineration Demonstration Program, September 1994	,72 '

•Evaluation of Septic Tank System Effects on Ground Water Quality ......'..	.....			  91

 Evaluation of Sludge Management Systems: Evaluation Checklist and Supporting Commentary ,.....;...	37

 Evaluation of the Consideration Given to the Land Use and Environmental Impacts of the Sacramento Regional Wastewater
 Management Program (Final Report)	......'	..;...,	.......;...  72

 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Tertiary Filtration Processes in Removing Toxics & Conventional Pollutants .,	72

 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Tertiary Filtration Processes in Removing Toxics & Conventional Pollutants
 (Final Report)	'.	'....-....'..'...'.	72

 Evaluation of the Full-Scale Application-of Anaerobic Sludge Digestion at the Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment Facility,
 Washington, D.C		.	.....  2

 Evaluation of Wet Weather Design Standards for Controlling Pollution from Combined Sewer Overflows	61

 Evaluation of "Within Vessel" Sewage Sludge Composting Systems in Europe (Draft)	'.	.. 72

 Everything You Wanted to Know About Environmental Regulations but Were Afraid to Ask:"A Guide for Very Small
 Communities	.............*.........."	,	...'.....			56

 Exposure arid Risk Assessment for Trihalomethanes: Final Draft-Report  ..................	....................  91
                                                    Page 114

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
Facilities Planning 1981: Municipal Wastewater Treatment		72

Facility Pollution Prevention Guide	;	46

Fate and Effect Studies of Shell Oil Spill-December 1970	'.	  97
                  1 , !' i   '   '       ,   „  '  [               ...      ••'...
Fate and Effects of Pollutants on Aquatic Organisms and Ecosystems: Proceedings of USA-USSR Symposium, Athens, Georgia,
October 19-21,1987	"..'.."........'.'	".'	91

Fate of Organic Pollutants in A Wastewater Land Treatment System Using Lagoon Impoundment and Spray Irrigation   	73

Fate of Priority Pollutants in Publicly Owned Treatment Works: Final Report, Volume I	  92

Fate of Priority Pollutants in Publicly Owned Treatment Works:" Final Report, Volume II	  92

Fate of Priority Pollutants in Publicly Owned Treatment Works: Pilot Study		92

Feasibility Study for Public Access to PCS: Management Overview	,	41

Federal Authorities Affecting the EPA Construction Grants Program			  10

Federal Financial Assistance for Pollution Prevention and Control	24

Federal Funding Sources for Small Community Wastewater Systems			,	   .  24,56

Federal Guidelines: Design of Wastewater Treatment Facilities	73

Federal Guidelines: Design, Operation and Maintenance of Waste Water Treatment Facilities, September 1970	73
 ij         ''  "    '  '»'     ' •                      '  ,      '       <     '    *    ''    :     '     '     °     '  '
Federal Guidelines: Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Treatment Facilities, August 1974	73

Federal Guidelines: State and Local Pretreatment Programs Appendices 1-7 - Volume 2, January 1977	51

Federal Guidelines: State and Local Pretreatment Programs Volume 1, January 1977.	  51

Federal Guidelines: State and Local Pretreatment Programs Appendix 8 - Volume 3, January 1977	,	  51

Federal Register: June 12,1984 - Municipal Sludge Management Policy; Notice (49 FR 24358)	  15

Federal Register: May 2,1989 - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Sewage Sludge Permit Regulations; State
Management Program Requirements, Final Rule (54 FR 18716)  	  15

Federal Register: July 24,1990 - General Pretreatment and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Regulations; Final
Rule (55 FR 30082)	  15

Federal Register: November 16,199.0 - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Application Regulations for
Storm Water Discharges; Final Rule (55 FR 47990)	  15

Federal Register: March 21, 1991 - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Application Regulations for Storm
Water Discharges, Application Deadlines; Final Rule and Proposed Rule (56 FR 12098)	   15

                                                   Page 115

                                DOCUMENT TITLE  INDEX
 Federal Register: August 16, 1991 - NPDES General Permits and Reporting Requirements for Storm Water Discharges
 Associated with Industrial Activity (56 FR 40948)	.....,:.......	.'.-.........:„.,. 15

 Federal Register: November 5,1991 - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Application Regulations for
 Storm Water Discharges; Application Deadlines; Final Rule (56 FR 56548) ... .„...-...'.......	.......,:... 15

 Federal Register: April 2,1992 - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Application Deadlines, General Permit
, Requirements and Reporting Requirements for Storm Water'Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity; Final Rule
 (57 FR  11394)	.:...-	.'.	..'..'..':.-.	 .>.....:	 15

 Federal Register: September 9,1992 - Final NPDES General Permits for Storm Water Discharges from Construction Sites; Fact
 Sheet (57 FR41176)  ....,.............'..:..;.;	..'"..'.................'.,..... v	 :15 ;

 Federal Register: September 9, 1992 - Final NPDES General Permits for Storm Water Discharges from Construction Sites;
 Permit Language (57 FR 41209)  ........ .,„....,.............A		:..:.........;;	•.'.•	 15

 Federal Register: September 9,1992 - Final NPDES General Permits for Storm Water Discharges from Industrial Activity; Fact
 Sheet(57FR41236)  ..:	;..'	'. .:V..".'.	:.-.'.........". -.v	,..	 .V.... 15

 Federal Register: September^, 1992 - Final NPDES General Permits for Storm Water Discharges from Industrial Activity;
 Permit Language (57 FR 41297)	.1	....:...	..,,.../... 15

 Federal  Register: September 9,1992 - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, Request for Comment oh Alternative
 Approaches for Phase II for Storm Water Program (57 FR 41344)	. .^.\............................... 16

 Federal  Register: September 25,1992- Final NPDES General Permits for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction
 Sites; Notice (57 FR 44412)	.'..'..	.'	................::.'........ 16

 Federal  Register: September 25, 1992-,Final NPDES General Permits for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial
 Activity; Notice (Part IV) (57 FR.44438)  ..............-,..........................i.......	,	 16

 Federal  Register: December 18, 1992 - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System;,Storm Water Discharges; Permit   -
 Issuance and Permit Compliance Deadlines for Phase I Discharges; Final Rule (57 FR 60444)		'..., 16

 Federal  Register: December 22,1992 - Proposed NPDES General Permits for Produced Water and Produced Sand Discharges
 from the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category to Coastal Waters in Louisiana and Texas  (57 FR 60926)  •..'......, 16

 Federal  Register: January 19,1993 - Combined Sewer Overflew Control Policy: Draft Guidance Availability (58 FR 4994)  . 16

 Federal  Register: February-3,1993 - Proposed NPDES General Permits for Produced Water and Produced Sand Discharges from
 the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category to Coastal Waters in Louisiana and Texas (58 FR 6964a)	 16

 Federal  Register: February 8,1993 - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Permit and Reporting'..
 Requirements for Discharges from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations; Notice  (58 FR7610)	'	.-.. 16

 Federal  Register: February 16,1993 - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, Announcement of National Meetings to,
 Consider Options for Controlling  Sources of Stormwater Pollution Under Section 402 (p) (6) of the Clean Water Act
 (58FR8595) .,...,..:..,.....,.....,.,.............,	:...:.	.'	./. 17

 Federal  Register: February 19,1993 ? National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Sewage Sludge Permit Regulations;
 State Sludge Management Program Requirements (58 FR 9404)	 17
                                                    Page 116  '

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
 Federal Register: April 14,1993 - NPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity
 Located in Puerto Rico (58 FR 19427)  		  17

 Federal Register: August 4,1993 - Proposed Modification of the National Pollutant Discharge Eliminations System General
 Permit for the Western Portion of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) of the Gulf of Mexico (GMG290000) (58 FR 41474) ..  17

 Federal Register: November 19,1993 - Water Pollution Control, NPDES General Permits and Fact Sheets: Storm Water
 Discharges From Industrial Activity (58 FR 61146)	  17

 Federal Register: April 19,1994 - Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Control Policy; Notice	  17

 Federal Register:, April 28, 1994 - Final NPDES General Permits for Non-Contact Cooling Water Discharges; ME, MA, NH:
 Notice (59 FR 22048)	  17

 Federal Register: May 31,1994 - Final NPDES General Permit for Placer Mining in Alaska; Notice of a Final NPDES General
 Permit	,	  17

 Federal Register July 28,1994 - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Preparation of Draft General
 Permit for the States of Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampshire (59 FR 388465)	  17

 Federal Register: September 19,1994 - Reissuance of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General
 Permit for Petroleum Fuel Contaminated Ground/Storm Waters in the State of Florida (59 FR 47862)	  17
                   l!"            "                    .              ' •             '       i
 Federal Register: December 16,1994 - Reissuance of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General
 Permit for Dewatering and Petroleum Fuel Contaminated Ground/Storm Waters in the State of Florida (59 FR 65041)  	.17

 Federal Register: January 9,1995 - Final NPDES General Permits for Produced Water and Produces Sand Discharges from the
 Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category to Coastal Waters in Louisiana (LAG290000) and Texas (TXG290000)	.17

 Federal Register: April 7, 1995 - Storm Water Phase II Direct Final Rule: Amendment to Requirements'for National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits for Storm Water Discharges under Section 402(p)(6) of the Clean Water Act:
Direct Final and Proposed Rule (60 FR 17950)	  18

Federal Register: May 24,1995 - Final NPDES General Permit for Offshore Oil and Gas Operations on the Outer Continental
 Shelf (OCS) and State Waters of Alaska: Arctic NPDES General Permit (No. AKG2842200) (60 FR 275080		18

Federal Register: June 29,1995 - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System and Pretreatment Programs; State and Local
Assistance Programs; Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards; Public Water Supply and Underground Injection Control
Programs: Removal of Legally Obsolete or Redundant Rules; Final Rule (60 FR 33926)	  18

Federal Register: August 7, 1995 - Storm Water Discharges: Amendment to Requirements for National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System Permits: Final Rule; Withdrawal of Direct Final Rule (60 FR 40230)	  18

Federal Register: September 29,1995 - Final National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Storm Water Multi-Sector
General Permit for Industrial Activities, Notice (60FR 50804)	  18

Federal Register: October 25,1995 - Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge (60 FR 54764)	  18

Federal Register: December 6,1995 - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Application Requirements for
Publicly Owned Treatment Works and Other Treatment Works Treating Domestic Sewage; Proposed Rule (60 FR62546) ...  18
                                                   Page 117

                               DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
Federal Register: March 4,1996 - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Application Requirements for
Publicly Owned Treatment Works and Other Treatment Works. Treating Domestic Sewage; Extension of Comment Period (61
FR8229)  	.	,	:....'	/	,,.	'.-...:.....  18

Federal Register: January 21,1997 - Proposal for Using Voluntary Environmental Management Systems in State Water
Programs (62 FR 3036)  .............. 1.....	  18

Federal Register: March 20,1997 - Guidelines for Implementing the Hardship Grants Program for Rural Communities (62 FR
13522)	'....	..... .18

Federal Register: June 2, 1997 - Proposed Reissuance of NPDES General Permits for Stormwater Discharges from Construction
Activities; Notice'of Proposed NPDES General Permits' (62 FR 29786)	  18

Federal Register: July 11,1997 - Proposed Modification of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Storm
Water Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial Activities; Proposal to Terminate the EPA NPDES Storm Water Baseline
Industrial General Permit; Notice of Proposed Modifications of the NPDES Storm Water Multi-Sector General Permit for
Industrial Activities and Proposal to Terminate the EPA Storm Water Baseline Industrial General Permit (62 FR 37447) ....  19

Federal Register: October 22,1997 - Proposed Modification of National Pollutant .Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
Storm Water Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial Activities; Notice of Proposed Modification of NPDES General Permits;
Notice of Interpretation (62 FR 54950)	;:			'.	  19
                                       '         -                  ^       ','''•            ''
Federal Register: January 9,1998 - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System - Proposed Regulations for Revision of the
Water Pollution Control Program Addressing Storm Water Discharges: Proposed Rule (63 FR 1536) [Phase II]	  19

Federal Register: February 17,1998 - Reissuance of NPDES General Permits for Storm Wafer Discharges from Construction   .
Activities; Notice		.				•,....  19

Federal Register: March 6, 1998 - Notice of Intent for Stormwater Discharges Associated with.Construction Activity (63 FR
11253)	•„..		...,..;.;.:,	'.	.-,	.........:.....  19

Federal Waste Water Treatment Facilities Construction Grant Process from A(bilene) to Z(anesville) [Brochure]	  10

Field Manual for Performance Evaluation and Troubleshooting at Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities		 37

Final Guidance for Implementation of Requirements under Section 304(1) of the Clean Water Act as Amended .;	92

Financial Capability.Guidebook.....		'.	    24

Financial Capability Summary Foldout: A Simplified Approach [Brochure]	 24

Financial Management Evaluation: Appendices	 25

Financial Management Evaluation Handbook: Wastewater Utility		.-...		 25

Financial Management System for Publicly Owned Treatment Works (Accounting Options)	.-.	 25

Financial Management: For Publicly Owned Treatment Works [Brochure]	;. 25

Financing for the Next Generation: For the National Conference on Innovations in Financing Wastewater Facilities - 1986 New
Orleans, November 18-20,1986			 25

Financing Models for Environmental Protection: Helping Communities Meet their Environmental Goals .'....		56

Flow Reduction: Developing a Public Information Program	........;.....,....	-..'...'	 88
                                                   Page 118

                               DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
                   INI        ,      '     i     \ "''„'''.'          '«',"",           -,.

 Flow Reduction: Methods, Analysis, Procedures, Examples		88

 Fort Deposit, Alabama: Constructed Wetland Treatment System Case History	,	  73
 Funding of Expanded Uses Activities by State Revolving Fund Programs: Examples and Program Recommendations	25
 Funding Our Environmental Future: General Proceedings - Region 1 Conference on Public-Private Partnerships and Alternative
 Financing Mechanisms: November 6-7,1989, Northampton, MA	  25

 FY 1992 Administrative Enforcement Report	41
 Generalized Methodology for Conducting Industrial Toxicity Reduction Evaluations (TREs)  	41

 Generic Facilities Plan for a Small Community: Stabilization Pond and Oxidation Ditch	 56

 Generic Speech for Presentation on OMPC's Small-Community' Outreach and Education Program (Memorandum) 	56
                   '.i                 .  I  '     ':   "        '   . .     .         ', '    | '
 Glossary of Environmental Terms and Acronym List	,.,	 97

Grants and Loans for Municipal Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment Systems: Water Conservation Provisions—Final
Report of Task Force 11, July 30,1979	  25

Grants Information and Control System Directory - GICS	  25

Granular Activated Carbon Systems: Problems and Remedies [Brochure]	 73

Guidance Document for Testing and Permitting Sewage Sludge Incinerators	2

Guidance for Conducting a Pretreatment Compliance Inspection (PCI) 	 51

Guidance for Developing Control Authority Enforcement Response Plans	41

Guidance for Evaluating the Adverse Impact of Cooling Water Intake Structures on the Aquatic Environment: Section .316(b)
P,L. 92-500 (Draft)	„......'.,....	 41

Guidance for Implementing RCRA Permit-by-Rule Requirements at POTWs	 51

Guidance for NPDES Compliance Inspectors: Evaluating Sludge Treatment Processes	41

Guidance for NPDES Compliance Inspectors: Verifying Compliance with Sludge Requirements	•... 41

Guidance for Preparing A Facility Plan: Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program.	51

Guidance for Reporting and Evaluating POTW Noncompliance with Pretreatment implementation Requirements 	51

Guidance for Sewer System Evaluation		73

Guidance for the Determination of Appropriate Methods for the Detection of Section 313 Water Priority Chemicals 	61

Guidance for the Preparation of Discharge Monitoring Reports: Facilities Required to Report Semi-Annual Monitoring Results
Under the NPDES Storm Water General Permits, April 1994 Rev	 61

                                '   •  ' . i           Page 119

                               DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
 Guidance for Writing Case-by Case Permit Requirements for Municipal Sewage Sludge	 1........  3
 Guidance for Writing permits for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge (Final Draft)		.-.'.'	,:.  3
 Guidance Manual for Conducting RCRA Facility Assessments at Publicly Owned Treatment Works	,......'	 51
 Guidance Manual for Control of Slug Loadings to POTWs			 53
 Guidance Manual for.Developing Best Management Practices (BMP)	41
 Guidance Manual for POTW Pretreatment Program Development ........	...........	.'..:	 52
 Guidance Manual for POTWs to Calculate the Economic Benefit of Noncompliance  ..-.	.:..		'... 42
 Guidance Manual for Preparation and Review of Removal Credit Applications		v.......		......'.. 42-'
 Guidance Manual for Preventing Interference at POTWs ......	:	'...'........... 42
   . y                             •                           •           '          '                     '
 Guidance Manual for the Identification of Hazardous Wastes Delivered to Publicly Owned Treatment Works by Truck, Rail, or
 Dedicated Pipe ...'	:.,...	 61
                                                •'                          .'"'-•/'
 Guidance Manual for the Preparation of NPDES Permit Applications for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial
 Activity			 61
 Guidance Manual for the Preparation of Part 1 of the NPDES Permit Applications for Discharges from Municipal separate Storm
 Sewer Systems, April 1991	,.	.....,.,............. 61
 Guidance Manual for the Preparation of Part 2 of the NPDES Permit Applications for Discharges from Municipal Separate
 Storm Sewer Systems, November 1992f	.-		....	.:.		61
 Guidance Manual for the Use of Production Based Pretreatment Standards and the Combined Wastestream Formula ,	 52
 Guidance Manual on the Development and Implementation of Local Discharge Limitations Under the Pretreatment Program - 52
 Guidance Manual on the Development and Implementation of Local Discharge Limitations Under the Pretreatment Volume 1 52
 Guidance Manual on the Development and Implementation of Local Discharge Limitations Under the Pretreatment Program -
 Volume 2 - Appendices	.'	...:...:...	........ 52
 Guidance Manual on the Development and Implementation of Local Discharge Limitations Under the Pretreatment Program  52
 Guidance on the Use of Section 504 of the Clean Water Act (the Emergency Powers Provision) , • 1..................... 98
. Guidance to POTWs for Enforcement of Categorical Standards, November 5 1984,' Memorandum .'.	.--.••	 $2
 Guidance to Protect POTW Workers from Toxic and Reactive Gases and Vapors	...		-52
 Guide for States on the Proposed Consolidated Permit Regulations	........	 41
 Guide Manual on NPDES Regulations for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations; Final	....:... 91
 Guide to Discharging CERCLA Aqueous Wastes to Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs). v	 52
 Guide to Federal Environmental Requirements for Small Governments	- 56
 Guide to Regulations and Guidance for the Utilization and Disposal of Municipal Sludge 	—	  3

                                                   Page 120                    ' '.

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX

 Guide to Scptage Treatment and Disposal	;	•.	3
 Guide to Soil Suitability and Site Selection for Beneficial Use of Sewage Sludge	 3
 Guide to Technical Resources for the Design of Land Disposal Facilities  	•.	 73
 Guide to the Biosolids Risk Assessments for the EPA Part 503 Rule	 3
 Guide to the Consolidated Application Form (Draft)	42
 Guide to the Consolidated Application Form	,	42
 Guide to the Federal Part 503 Rule for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge (Draft)		3
 Guide to the Proposed Consolidated Permit Regulations	'.	42
 Guide to the Selection of Cost-Effective Wastewater Treatment Systems	,	 73
Guidelines and Requirements for Applying for Grants from the Indian Set-Aside Program	   25
Guidelines for Implementing the Hardship Grants Program for Rural Communities, March 1997	25
Guidelines for Over viewing Construction Grant Activities Conducted under the Interagency Agreement with the Corps of
 Engineers, February 1984.	i.._'._._._	'.".	25
                    ,':               ...          '       "                   ,         : '    '                '
Guidelines for Water Reuse	..,	.-		.:. 88
Guidelines for the Culture of Fathead Minnows Pimephales Promelas for Use in Toxicity Tests	,	92
Guides to Pollution Prevention: Non-Agricultural Pesticide	'	46
Guides to Pollution Prevention: The Commercial Printing Industry	46
Guides to Pollution Prevention: The Fabricated Metal Products Industry	'.'.	46
Guides to Pollution Prevention: Wood Preserving Industry ....-	46
Guides to Pollution Prevention: Municipal Pretreatment Programs	•	 88
                                                    Page 121

                               DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
Handbook for Analytical Quality Control in Water and Wastewater Laboratories		. 92

Handbook, for Monitoring Industrial Waste-water	•  71

Handbook for Sewer System Evaluation and Rehabilitation	'...,	...-.."	.......:................ 71

Handbook: Hazardous Waste Incineration Measurement Guidance Manual—Volume HI of the Hazardous Waste Incineration
Series  :.:.,...',......:.:.....'.	;	.....	,, 42

Handbook: Identification and Correction of Typical Design Deficiencies at Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities ..... 38

Handbook: Improving POTW Performance Using the Composite Correction Program Approach ..>.....	 38

Handbook of Advanced Treatment Review Issues		....;.:—	".	.'. ...•.-•	• 73

Handbook of Procedures:  Construction Grants Program for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works - Transmittal
Memorandum: No. 76-1, August 1976	.'...:..	.'....... 9

Handbook of Procedures:  Construction Grants Program for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works - Transmittal
Memorandum: No.'77-l, December 1976	'.	A ..........		.'..".-.'	9

Handbook of Procedures:  Construction Grants Program for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works - Transmittal
Memorandum: No. 78-1, December 1977 .........		'.'....-.	':.."...	.'...,. 9
Handbook of Procedures: Construction Grants Program for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works :.,...	 9

Handbook: Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Procqdures'for Hazardous Waste Incineration	42

Handbook: Retrofitting POTWs.......-...':...:'.	I........:^......:..........	 73 •

Handbook: Retrofitting POTWs for Phosphorus Removal in the Chesapeake Bay Drainage Basin ;..'......-...,.".'.'.	.. 73

Handbook: Septage Treatment and Disposal	........:..	 r		3

Handbook: Sewer System Infrastructure Analysis and Rehabilitation	,. -.	'..		:'... 73

Handbook: Stream Sampling for Waste Load Allocation Applications			 92

Handbook: Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention and Control Planning .......... •.	..'.....	:......	62

The Hardship Grants Program for Rural Communities [Draft], February 1997 ......:....'.	 .....	......  26

The Hardship Grants Program for Rural Communities [Fact Sheet], August 1996 ,	.'. .•		...... ,-*..  26

Hazardous Materials Incidents Reported to US Environmental Protection Agency Regional Offices from 10/ 1977 -9/1979 ., 92,

Health Effects of Land Application of Municipal Sludge s............ ^ ........*,........'.	 3

Health Effects of Land Treatment: Is It Really Safe? [Brochure]	,.	,.....;.	;..... 3

Health Guidelines for Water and Related Land Resources Planning, Development, and Management.	92

          '  - ,.            .        ' '   '  .       •    Page 122       '•'     '.  •    '  ,    -    .       '    '..•""'•'

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
 Heat Treatment/Low Pressure Oxidation Systems: Design and Operational Considerations	 73
 Heavy Metals and Toxic Organic Pollutants in Municipal Solid Waste-Composts	3
 History of Land Application as a Treatment Alternative	•„	,..	,... 73
 Hoja Informative de Tecnicas para Logar una Prevencion Efectiva de la Contamination, y Sobre el Reciclado y la Reutilizacion
 de Materiales - Descargas de Aguas Residuales: Industria de Acabdos Metalicos y Electroplastia	  52
 Hoja Informative de Tecnicas para Logar una Prevencion Efectiva de la Contamination, y Sobre el Reciclado y la Reutilizacion
 de Materiales - Descargas de Aguas Residuales: Industria Farmaceutica	  52'
 Hoja Informative de Tecnicas para Logar una Prevencion Efectiva de la Contamination, y Sobre el Reciclado y la Reutilizacion
 de Materiales - Descargas de Aguas Residuales: Industria de Fotoprocesamiento	  52
 How to Apply for Federal Assistance for Rural Water/Sewer Development	.. 56
 How to Obtain Federal Grants to Build Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works	.. 57
 How to Obtain Federal Grants to Build Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works (Revised Draft), February 1980	5-7
 How to Write A Public Notice: A Collection of Examples	'.	'.-	57
 How Wastewater Treatment Works.. .The Basics	,		 74
Hydrogen Sulfide Corrosion in Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems: Report to Congress	  38
Hydrogen Sulfide Corrosion in Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems: Report to Congress-Technical Report  ....  38
Hydrography Controlled Release Lagoons: An Update for a Promising Technology [Brochure]	74

I  ,               "'               ' "'  '   '       .    ,   .             •       '  ".'     •  ,

Illinois Central Gulf Train Derailment: Claxton, Kentucky	,		98
Improving Design and Operation of Multiple-Hearth and Fluid Bed Sludge Incinerators  			'.	74
Improving Industrial Pretreatment: Success Factors Challenges and Project Ideas: Findings from EPA Site Visits to California,
Indiana and Virginia	53
Incline Village General Improvement District Wetlands Enhancement Facility: A Total Evaporative Constructed Wetland
Treatment/Disposal System	74
Independent Physical-Chemical (IPC) Treatment of Municipal Wastewater: Design and Operations Feedback 	 74
Industrial Cost Recovery Systems	  92
Industrial Effluent Standards: A Major Step in Improving Water Quality	•	92
Industrial User Inspection and Sampling Manual for POTWs	  53
                                                   Page 123

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX

Industrial User Inspection and Sampling Manual for POTWs (Diskette Version and Printed Appendices)  ..:	53

Industrial User Permitting Guidance Manual					,.  53
                                                     y         -    • " •              .    "
Industrial Waste and Pretreatinent in the Buffalo Municipal System		;		'•.	  53

Infiltration/Iriflow: I/I Analysis and Project Certification	..'	  74.

Informational Briefing: Report to Congress on the Effectiveness of the Innovative and Alternative Wastewater Treatment
Technology Program			,.-..."	;•..  74

Initial Guidance for State Revolving Funds..		11	  26

Innovations in Sludge Drying Beds: A Practical Technology [Brochure]  .....;	..:....'	  74

Innovative and Alternative Technology: A New Approach to an Old Problem [Brochure]  		74

Innovative and Alternative (I/A) Technology: Wastewater Treatment to Improve Water Quality and Reduce Costs	74

Innovative and Alternative Technology Assessment Manual		..,	'..  74

Innovative and Alternative Technology Projects: 1985 Progress Report..-.	.					..  74

•Innovative and Alternative Technology Projects: 1986 Progress Report		....'.		74

Innovative and Alternative Technology Projects: 1987 Progress Report ........:	..'.	  74

Innovative .and Alternative Technology Projects: A Progress Report		:.  74

Innovative and Alternative Technology: Case Studies			.'...•	74

Innovative Technology: Meeting the Challenge of the 80's ......:.	-.  74,

In-Process Pollution Abatement: Upgrading Poultry-Processing Facilities to Reduce Pollution		..  92

In Situ Acute/Chronic Toxicological Monitoring of Industrial Effluents for the NPDES Biomonitoring Program Using Fish and
Amphibian Embryo-Larval Stages as Test Organisms	!.......			  42

Inspector's Guide for Evaluation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants	-....'	38

Institutional Aspects of Wastewater Management: the Boston Case Study - Final  Report  ......*	..38

Institutional Constraints and Public Acceptance Barriers to Utilization of Municipal Wastewater and Sludge for Land
Reclamation and Biomass Productions	,-...'.:		  3

Instructional Resources Monograph Series: Activated Sludge	'.	  75

Instructional Resources Monograph Series: Anaerobic Digestion ........;	:	_..  75

Instructional Resources Monograph Series: Safety in Wastewater Treatment Systems	;..".:'	  75

Instructions for Completion of Report on Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Treatment Plants	  38

In-System Storage Controls for Reduction of Combined Sewer Overflow - Saginaw,' Michigan: Executive Summary	61

               '  ,   .                                Page 124                                          '

                               DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
                                      i               '' i,,                  •

 In-System Storage Controls for Reduction of Combined Sewer Overflow - Saginaw, Michigan: Technical Report	  61
          -  ,      >;   ,         ,'.;'  I .'••.'.•    L       •       •     !    ;                     '  '•  .
 In-Vessel Composting: A Technology Assessment [Brochure]	  74

 Integrated Management Program for Wastewater Treatment Facilities (Draft)	38

 Integrity of Water, 1975	'.'.		92

 Interagency 316{a) Technical Guidance Manual and Guide for Thermal Effects Sections of Nuclear Facilities Environmental
 Impact Statements (Draft)			....	'..'	  42'

 Interim Guidance for Performance-Based Reduction of NPDES Permit Monitoring Frequencies  	  42

 Interim NPDES Compliance Biomonitoring inspection Manual	  42
 ;      •           '*• •        .    •       i  '  .      • i  ''.-,.•       .  .' •     :  '                  .         \
 Interim Permitting Approach for Water-Quality Based Effluent Limitations in Storm Water Permits	42

 Interim Report: Evaluation of the Advanced Ecologically Engineered System (AEES): "Living Machine"	 3

 Interim Sewage Sludge Permit Application Form and Memorandum	4

 Intermittent Sand Filters			75

 Internal Control Review Report on the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program	  10

 Intrachannel Clarification: An Update [Brochure]	  75

 Introducing WAVE - Water Alliance for Voluntary Efficiency: Hotel Water Management for the 21st Century	88

 Introduction to Toxicity Reduction at Publicly Owned Treatment Works	  75

 Introduction to Water Quality-Based Toxics Control for the NPDES Program			42

 Investigation of Inappropriate Pollutant Entries into Storm Drainage Systems: A User's Guide	-. 62

 Investigation of Phosphorous Removal Mechanisms in Activated Sludge Systems	 75

 Irrigating with Municipal Effluent: A Socioeconomic Study of Community Experiences, January 1982	 75

 Is Your Proposed Wastewater Project Too Costly? [Brochure]	57

 It's Your Choice: A Guidebook for Local Officials on Small Community Wastewater Management Options .... '.	 57

It's Your Choice: Small Community Wastewater Options [Brochure]	 57
                                                  Page 125

                               DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve: Hillsboro, Oregon	,.......  75

                                  .'"  .                    '   .     '  '  V  '           '     "
Jacques Marsh: A Created Wetland in Northeastern Arizona  '.	.'.........,..	^.............  75

L   '.-   '".•'..'•  V                  .          •  ....•  "••''•..   •'  •     .            .      '    -

Land Application of Municipal Sewage Sludge for the Production of Fruits and Vegetables: A Statement . -.	 4

Land Application of Sewage Effluents and Sludges: Selected Abstracts ...'	.	.. .•-.''.	'......	 4

Land Application of Sewage Sludge: A Guide for Land Appliers  :	..'....•	,'.	4

Land Application of Wastewater in Australia: the Werribee Farm System, Melbourne, Victoria - Technical Report ..'-..•	4

Land Treatment and Reuse of Sewage Effluent by Irrigation: A Perspective for Hawaii  .	.'.	'...... 4

Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater Effluents, 3 Volume Set (Design Factprs-I, Design Factors-II...",...'.	75

Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater Effluents: Case Histories			  75

Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater Effluents: Design Factors-I	;.	75

Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater Effluents: Design Factors-II	75

Land Treatment of Wastewaters-A Better Alternative for Water Pollution Control? [Brochure]  ......		:........  75

Land Treatment: Rapid Infiltration - Plan, Design and Construct for Success [Brochure]	  76

Large Soil Absorption Systems: Design Suggestions for Success [Brochure] .'.'...:	... .>	  76

Less Costly Wastewater Treatment For Your Town, Revised	:.-...'	.......   76

Lime Handling Systems: Problems and Remedies [Brochure]	.76

Limnological Investigation of the Muskegon County, Michigan, Wastewater Storage Lagoons: Phase 1	  76;

List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities	,	:.	62

Local Ordinances for Water Efficiency (Final Draft)		:..	.....:....			...88

Looking at User Charges: A State Survey and Report	'.  88
                                                  Page 126

                               DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
 Maintenance Management Systems for Municipal Wastewater Facilities	.-	38
 Making Water and Sewer Programs Work: the White House Rural Development Initiatives	  92
 Management of a Construction Project: A Guide for Grantees .	   10
 Management of a Construction Project: An Opportunity and a Challenge	   10
 Management of Construction Change Orders: A Guide for  Grantees	   10
 Management of Environmental Protection Agency Project by  Local Grantee ...'.-	   11
 Management of On-Site and Small Community Wastewater Systems	57
 Management of On-Site and Small Community Wastewater Systems: Interim Study Report	  57
 1 ' „'    ,          • !,,1'"'                   '          • '         •        •' '   |r •     ;
 Management of Small-to-Medium Sized Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants	38
 Management of Small Waste Flows, September 1978	57
 Managing Small and Alternative Wastewater Systems: A Planning Manual	....".	  57
Managing the Money: How EPA Assures Financial Integrity in the Federal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants
Program	  		  26
Managing Your Utility's Money: February, March, and April,  1992	.-	  26
Managing Your Utility's Money: The Participant's Manual, 1991	  26
Managing Your Utility's Money: The Trainer's Manual, 1991	  26
 Manpower Planning for Wastewater Treatment Plants  			  38
 Manpower Requirements for Wastewater Collection Systems in Cities and Towns up to 150,000 in Population,	38
                 V,','  ,      "      '..   ,        , '  v  ' ,   ',.)'  .''.,..     . ;',     !        -        '      ' ' '
 Manpower Requirements for Wastewater Collection Systems hi Cities of 150,000 to 500,000 in Population.	38
Manual: Combined Sewer Overflow Control	62
                   .fUi: "        '"                 ,  ,       "  '           , •                    ,/''.,
Manual for Composting Sewage Sludge by the Beltsville Aerated-Pile Method	4
Manual: Guidelines for Water Reuse   			88
Manual: Nitrogen Control	  76
Manual of Practice Identification of Illicit Connections (Draft)	  62
Manual of Septic Tank Practice	....			  76
Manual: Wastewater Treatment/Disposal for Small Communities	  76
Manuals Related to Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Treatment Facilities	38
                                                 Page 127

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX

 Manuals Related to Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Treatment Facilities'	>..'	...:... 39

 Measuring Pollution Prevention Progress Proceedings	-.	.'....'.'..,....:		89

 Method for Chlorinated Phenoxy Acid Herbicides in Industrial Effluents 	'.....	'......		• • 92

, Method for N-Aryl. Carbamate and Urea Pesticides in Industrial Effluents	..........'...	92

 Method for O-Aryl Carbamate Pesticides in Industrial Effluents  	...../...!	•....	 93

 Method for Organochlorine Solvents in Industrial Effluents				.. 93

 Method for Org'anophosphorous Pesticides in Industrial Effluents	 93

 Method for Polychlorinated Biphenyls [PCB'S] in Industrial Effluents	,			93

 Methodology and Assumptions Used to Determine Acceptable Staging Periods for Treatment Plant Capacity (Draft) ....... 76

 Methodology for the Study ofUrban Storm Generated Pollution and Control		. 62

 .Methods for Aquatic, Toxicity Identification Evaluations: Phase III - Toxicity Confirmation Procedures for Samples Exhibiting
 Acute & Chronic Toxicity  ....		;		........'... 93

 Methods for Aquatic Toxicity Identification Evaluations: Phase I - Toxicity Characterization Procedures	 93

 Methods for Aquatic Toxicity Identification Evaluations: Phase II - Toxicity Identification Procedures for Samples Exhibiting
 Acute and Chronic Toxicity	,	 93

 Methods for Aquatic Toxicity Identification Evaluations: Phase II - Toxicity Characterization Procedures		. 93

 Methods for Aqiiatic Toxicity Identification Evaluations: Phase III - Toxicity Confirmation Procedures	93

 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes '-.'					.93

 Methods for Improvement of Trickling Filter Plant Performance: Part II—Chemical Addition	.....".	76

 Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater and Marine Organisms  ....... 93

 Methods for Organic Pesticides in Water and Wastewater	93

 Methods for the Determination of Metals in Environmental Samples	...............' 93

 Methods for the Determination of Metals in Environmental Samples: Supplement I	 93

 Microscreens Applied to Wastewater Treatment Pond Effluent  		76

 Model Facility Plan for A Small .Community - Supplement to: Guidance for Preparing a Facility Plan Municipal Wastewater
 Treatment Works Construction Grants Program 	,	'.'	 57

 Model Facility Plan for Unsewered or Partially Sewered Communities (Draft)	'.'..'.	'...... 57

 Model Plan of Study: Supplement to: Guidance for Preparing a Facility Plan Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works         .
 Construction Grants Program, March 1976 .. •.		.	......... 57
                                                    Page 128

                               DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX

Model Pretreatment Ordinance	!	 57

Most Commonly Asked Questions About U.S. EPA's Voluntary Water-Efficiency Program	 89

Mt. View Project: A Community Success Story 	 76

Muitijurisdictional Pretreatment Programs: Guidance Manual	53

Multiple-Hearth and Fluid Bed Sludge Incinerators: Design and Operational Considerations	76

Municipal Facility/Waterbody Computerized Information	33

Municipal Management System, March 1980	.'•	76

Municipal Pretreatment Program Guidance Package	 53

Municipal Sector Study: Impacts of Environmental Regulations on Municipalities	, 33

Municipal Sector Study: Impacts of Environmental Regulations on Municipalities (Draft)	 33

Municipal Sewage Treatment: A Comparison of Alternatives (Final)	 76

Municipal Sludge Management: Environmental Factors	'	.".... 76

Municipal Sludge Management: EPA Construction Grants Program - An Overview of the. Sludge Management	 12

Municipal Support Division: Publications List	.'.	98

Municipal Technology Network News, March 1990	 76
         '         'iii                 ,           ','''','               T        '                    i

Municipal Technology Network News, October 1990	'	 76

Municipal Wastewater Aquaculture	•	77

Municipal Wastewater Conveyance and Treatment: Technological Progress and Emerging Issues	 77

Municipal Wastewater Disinfection: Protecting Aquatic Life and Human Health from the Impacts of Chlorination ..'	77

Municipal Wastewater Management: Citizen's Guide to Facility Planning	"".	 46

Municipal Wastewater Management Fact Sheets Storm Water Best Management Practice	62
 1                 i',1    "      "      ,          „             ' '      i       .,,'..,          /ll            ;

Municipal Wastewater Management: Public Involvement Activities Guide	46

Municipal Wastewater Reuse: Selected Readings on Water Reuse	 89

Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge and Liquid Sidestreams	 77

Municipal Wastewater Treatment Technology Fact Sheets	77

Municipal Wastewater Treatment Technology Transfer-Activities of the U.S. EPA		77
                                                  Page 129

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction'Grants Program: Supplement No 1	  10
'Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program: SupplementNo 2 . .•	  10
 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program: Supplement No 3	,.  10
 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program: Supplement No 4	.,...,....	  10
. Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program: Supplement-No 5			;.........  1Q
 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program: Supplement No 6 ,'.	....'..	  10
 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program: Supplement No 7	  10
 Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program: Supplement No 8	  10
 Municipal Water Pollution Prevention Bibliography	:		  89
 Municipal Water Pollution Prevention Program		.		.'.....;...	...'....	89
 Municipal Water Pollution Prevention Program: National MWPP Conference - Washington, DC, April 27-28, 1993 .......  89
 Municipalities, Small Businesses, and Agriculture: The Challenge of Meeting Environmental Responsibilities 	  26
 My'sids (Mysidopsis bahia) Survival, Grpwth, and Fecundity Toxicity Test: Supplemental Report for Saltwater Video Training
 Tape			,		'.		  98

 N    .,  •       '._   ' ,      '     •-'    .,..      •••,-..;••'  .'••_-. .    ,     .           ".      \ ...•  '
                 '"'•'-'                   '                     -r              • ''        ,            •      .
 1978 Needs Survey: Continuous StormWater Pollution  Simulation Users Manual	-.'..,		.. .32
 ,1978 Needs Survey: Conveyance and Treatment of Municipal Wastewater: Summaries of Technical Data	  32
 1978 Needs Survey: Cost Methodology for Control qf Combined Sewer Overflow and Stormwater Discharge	  32
 1980 Needs Survey: Conveyance, Treatment, and Control of Municipal Wastewater, Combined Sewer Overflows, and • ~
 Stormwater Runoff : Summaries of Technical Data	....:....	'-.	  32
 1982 Needs Survey: Conveyance^ Treatment, and Control of Municipal Wastewater, Combined Sewer Overflows, and
 Stormwater Runoff: Summaries of Technical Data		..;	  32
 1984 Needs Survey: A Guide to Cogent 2	,		.		.........;..'...'		  32
 1984 Needs Survey: Data Tape and User's Manual  ...			,	:...:....		  32
 1984 Needs Survey: Report to Congress—Assessment of Needed Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities in the United
 States, February 1985		/..,.....	'."	....'.  32
 1984 Needs Survey: User's Manual		'.'.;		...,.'	,32
 1986 Needs Survey: Report to Congress—Assessment of Needed Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities in the United
 States		:../....	;.	."..:..	  32
 1988 Needs Survey: Report to Congress—Assessment of Needed Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities in the United
 States	;......,	.		 .•	.;	-...'.;	./...,  32

                                                   Page 130           ,   '

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
 1990 Construction Grants Strategy: Task IV: Compliance Strategy - Subtask D	32

 1990 Needs Survey: Report to Congress-Assessment of Needed Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities in the United
 States Including Federally Recognized Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages	  32

 1990 Preliminary Draft Strategy for Municipal Wastewater Treatment - Compliance	  32

 1990 Preliminary Draft Strategy for Municipal Wastewater Treatment—Funding	.32"

 1990: A Strategy for Municipal Wastewater Treatment-Workshops	 63

 1990: Strategy (Overview and Updates 1-5, 7-8)			 97

 1996 Clean Water Needs Survey: Report to Congress	 62

 National Accomplishments in Pollution Control: 1970-1980-Some Case Histories	33

 National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology: State and Local Program Committee (Draft)
 Recommendations: Small Communities and Environmental Protection	 57

 National Combined Sewer Overflow Control Strategy [Memorandum]   	 62

 National Conference on Less Costly Wastewater Treatment Systems for Small Communities 	  57

 National Guidance for the Permitting, Monitoring, and Enforcement of Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations Set Below
 Analytical Detection/Quantitation Levels (Draft)	..•	  ... 	94

 National Municipal Policy and Strategy: for Construction Grants, NPDES Permits, and Enforcement under the Clean Water Act,
 	,	:	;	...42
                  1 :ii   '.  .  .    i  •  '•.  i .  '         i;i;      '•...':• •'•'..;      i
 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) Permit Application for Storm Water Discharges: Final Regulation -
 A Summary 			62

 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) Storm Water Implementation Package: Proposed Rule and Draft
 General Permits - A Summary, July 1991	;	  	62

 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) FY 1995 Operating Guidance and Enforcement Measures for
 Strategic Targeted Activities for Results systems (STARS)	43
!''' '       ' ,         i- :    '      „ ' .' '  * '"  i,       '  '   '       '. ''     , ' x    -         "I
 National Sewage Sludge Program (Fact Sheet)	.4

 National Sewage Sludge Survey - all 8 documents	4

 National Sewage Sludge Survey Facility Analytical Questionnaire Response: Facility Characteristics	4

 National Sewage Sludge Survey Facility Analytical Questionnaire Response: Facility Use and Disposal Practices  	4

 National Sewage Sludge Survey Facility Analytical Results: Volume 1	 4
                   ,!lu            ,    ,  • '        1.1                     ,  '  . ,'           '              : ' •
 National Sewage Sludge Survey Facility Analytical Results: Volume 2	4
                  ''iHl' "     '.'      , I      " I,               ,',,.'.,      ,       •
 National Sewage Sludge Survey Facility Analytical Results: Volume 3	4
                                                   Page 131

                               DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
National Sewage Sludge Survey Facility Analytical Results: Volume 4	.....'	'....• 5

National Sewage Sludge Survey Facility Analytical Results: Volumes 1,2,3, and 4 •.	 5

National Wastewater Management Excellence Awards Program, October 1989 .,	:	.98

National Wastewater Management Excellence Awards Program, October 199Q	.',	 98

National Wastewater Management Excellence Awards Program, October 1991	....„......:.. 98

National Wastewater Management Excellence Awards Program, September 1992	98

National Wastewater Management Excellence Awards Program, October 1993	.......		................^. 98

National Wastewater Management Excellence Awards Program, October 1994 .		 98

Natural System for Wastewater Reclamation and Resource Enhancement: Arcata, California .,	:	'.... 77

Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment in Cold Climates [Brochure]	.'..,... 77

Natural Wetlands for Wastewater Polishing: Houghton Lake, Michigan	.77

Needs and Problems in Sewage Treatment and Effluent Disposal Facing Small  Communities: The Role of Wetland Treatment
Alternatives  :....-'		...-.		......../.		:	:.,...;	'... 58

New Clean Water Act Civil Penalty Policy, February 11,1986 [Memorandum]		...:..		43

Nitrate Removal from Water by Ion Exchange - Executive Summary..-..".;...	.		77

Nitrification of Secondary Municipal Waste Effluents by Rotating Bio-Discs .......		'.	'...-.  77
                •              \                  • '               '-.'•'                     /••;•''-•
Nitrogen in the Subsurface Environment .'.	 ..^.	.....:.,			  94

Nomination Guidance: 1990 Beneficial Sewage Sludge Use Awards Program for Operating Projects, Technology Development,
Research	^.,	'.....			5
       '                        f       •                                      ' •                 . •
Nomination Guidance: 1992 Beneficial Sewage Sludge Use Awards Program: For Operating Projects, Technology Development,
Research	.:.....	.^..''...		5

Nomination Guidance: 1993 Beneficial Sewage Sludge Biosolids Use Awards Program: For Operating Projects Technology
Development Research	:.	'...  .\	5

Nomination Guidance: 1994 Beneficial Use of Biosolids Awards Program: For Operating Projects, Technology Development
and Research  '.	.:',..."...	5

Nomination Guidance: 1995 Beneficial Use of Biosolids Awards Program: For Operating Projects, Technology Development,
Research!, and Public Acceptance	,			5

Nomination Guidance: 1996 Beneficial Use of Biosolids Awards Program: For Operating Projects, Technology Development, -'
Research and Public Acceptance			 5

Nomination Guidance: 1997 Beneficial Use of Biosolids Awards Program: For Operating Projects, Technology Development,
Research and Public Acceptance		'  '.	:	 5
                                                  .Page 132

                              DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX

"Nomination Guidance for the 1998 Beneficial Use of Biosolids Awards Program: For Operating Projects, Technology
Development, Research and Public Acceptance, January 1998	:"	;	 5

North Carolina's: Value Determination Program	 	 98

Notes on EPA Symposium on Public-Private Partnerships	  26

Notice of Intent (NOI) for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity Under a NPDES General Permit .... 62

Notice of Termination (NOT) of Coverage Under a NPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with
Industrial Activity	63

NPDES and Sewage Sludge Program Authority: A Handbook for Federally Recognized Indian Tribes	43

NPDES Basic Permit Writers Course Manual, January 1997	 44

NPDES Compliance Evaluation Inspection Manual		•	:	43

NPDES Compliance Flow Measurement Manual	".	43

NPDES Compliance inspection Manual	"	43

NPDES Compliance Monitoring Inspector Training: Biomonitoring	 43

NPDES Compliance Monitoring Inspector Training: Laboratory Analysis  	-	'43

NPDES Compliance Monitoring Inspector Training: Legal Issues				.	43

NPDES Compliance Monitoring Inspector Training: Overview  	.43

NPDES Compliance Monitoring Inspector Training: Sampling	44

NPDES Compliance Sampling Inspection Manual	 44

NPDES Industrial Permit Abstracts	,		44

NPDES Permit Application Workshop for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity  	 63

NPDES Permit Writer's Manual	44

NPDES Self-Monitoring System: User Guide	 44

NPDES Storm Water Program: Question and Answer Document, Volume 1	63
 „                 ;                   |,            ,            '        /       , .                  '
NPDES Storm Water Program: Question and Answer Document, Volume 2	 63

NPDES Storm Water Sampling Guidance  Document	  	 63

Nuestro Problema: La Contamination del Agua - Nuestra Solution: El Pretratamiento Industrial y la Prevencion de la
Contaminacion	„.	,	"	 53
                                                Page 133

                                 DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
  O&M Awards: U.S. EPA National Operations and Maintenance Excellence Awards Program [Brochure]	39

  O&M Considerations in the Construction Grants Process: Participant Handbook	 39

  O&M - Making Wastewater Treatment Work in Your Community  ...	...:—	'•••;-	;	 39
                                                     •                                     '                    t
  Office of Wastewater Enforcement and Compliance (OWEC): Primer			.........	.. 98

  Office of Wastewater Enforcement and Compliance ..',	,			,	98

  Office'of Wastewater Enforcement and Compliance: Strategic Plan	 99

  Office of Wastewater Management: Primer	:'...•	.....:	99

  Oil Spill: Bahia Sucia, Puerto Rico -18 March 1973Environmental Effects 	•.	99

  Onsite Assistance Program: Helping Small Wastewater Treatment Plants Achieve Permit Compliance	...'........ 44

,  Onsite Assistance Report: A Representative List of State Success Stories Under the Clean Water Act	  26

  On-Site,Operator Training Program: Success in Every Region!		;	-.			77

  Onsite Oversite, September 1988 ..''..'	'..'.	..:.........,	77

  Onsite Oversite, May J989	:	77

  Onsite Oversite, July 1990	:...-.		:••-,-•		--	•  	••• -	•'.	'•• -77

  Onsite Wastewater Disposal Alternatives - A Methodology ,for Evaluation: A Case History in 208 Water Quality Management
  Planning	.,	,',...'	..•.			•... 77

  Onsite Wastewater Disposal Distribution Networks for Subsurface Soil Absorption Systems	'...."..,... 77

  Operating Procedures for "Monitoring Construction Activities" at Projects Funded under the Environmental Protection
 Agency's Construction Grants Programs	,.;	'.*..	.'	  26

  Operation and Maintenance of Publicly-Owned Treatment Works (POTW's): Proceedings of the EPA National Conference  . 39

  Operation Maintenance and Management of Wastewater Treatment Facilities: A Bibliography of Technical Documents 	39

  Operation/Maintenance/Management Program Requirements and Guidance for the Construction Grants Program : Fiscal Year
, 1982 (Draft)	'.'....'.	'..'.'..	......''	 39

  Operation of Conventional Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Cold Weather [Brochure]	 39

'  Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants: An Abstract of a Field Study Training Program	'... 39

  Operational Control Procedures for the Activated Sludge Process: Addendum No.l to the February 1975,Part IIIB Calculation
,  Procedures for Step-Feed Process Responses	••....,	.:.	...'.. 78

  Operational Control Procedures for the Activated Sludge Process: Appendix ...:	*	78

                              .                     Page 134                         '          ..'.'-'

                               DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
Operational Control Procedures for the Activated Sludge Process: Part I - Observations	  78

Operational Control Procedures for the Activated Sludge Process: Part II - Control Tests	78

Operational Control Procedures for the Activated Sludge Process: Part IIIA - Calculation Procedures	  78

Operational Control Procedures for the Activated Sludge Process: Part IIIB - Calculation Procedures for Step-Feed Processes. .78

Operations Manual: Anaerobic Sludge Digestion	39

Operations Manual: Package Treatment Plants	39

Operations Manual: Sludge Handling and Conditioning	39

Operations Manual: Stabilization Ponds	;	  39

Operator Training Programs	'	,	  39

Outreach and Technical Assistance Programs: 1997 Accomplishments Small Underserved Communities Team  	,58

Outreach: Small Community Outreach Guidance	  58

Overland Flow: A Decade of Progress		78

Overland Flow: An Update-New Information Improves Reliability [Brochure]	78

Overland Flow Treatment of Raw Wastewater With Enhanced Phosphorus Removal	  78

Overview of Selected EPA Regulations and Guidance Affecting POTW Management ...	44

Overview of the Storm Water Program, December 31,1991	63

Overview of the Storm Water Program, April 1992			63

Overview of the Storm Water Program, March 1993	.. 63

Overview of the Storm Water Program, October 1993	'.	63

Overview of the Stormwater Program, June 1996	63


Package Water Treatment Plants: Volume 1 - A Performance Evaluation  	 78

Package Water Treatment Plants: Volume 2 - A CostEvaluaf ion	78

Parasites in Southern Sludges and Disinfection by Standard Sludge Treatment	:	5

Part 125 - Criteria and Standards for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (Draft)	94

''':    '       '  '  ,"':      ,        '•',   ! .       ', '.Page 135

                                 DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
   Part 503 Implementation Guidance			  5

   Partners Rebuilding America: Public-Private Partnerships in Wastewater Finance	  26

   Past is Prologue: Looking Back, Looking Ahead at the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Construction Grants
   Program	:	,.. T	i...............;..'..... 10

   Pathogen Risk Assessment Feasibility Study .	...	.		   ..	;		......  5

,   Paying for Cleaner Water: The State Funding Study,	•.,..-.			;	  ...  26

   Paying for Progress: Perspectives on Financing Environmental Protection	......;	.'.		;  27

   Peer Review: Standards for the Disposal of Sewage Sludge-U.S. EPA Proposed Rule: 40 CFR Parts 257 and 503	  5

 {  Performance Audit Inspection Report: Grand County Water and Sanitation District No 1, Grand County, Colorado (Final)  ... 44

   Performance Evaluation at aLong-Term Food Processing Land Treatment Site  	-.....":..			 94

   Performance Measurement and the National Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Program (Final Report) ....'.'.........	53

   Permit Compliance System (PCS) QNCR Training Manual		...-.•	;...		44

   Permit Compliance System: Public Access to PCS Data Products		'...'.:	 44
                              ' -       '       -        /           ,                  ' - .   '     ••.',*'
   Permit Writer's Guide to Water Quality-Based Permitting for Toxic Pollutants ....	.'....	.......		 94

   Pesticides in the Aquatic Environment	.'...'.'	.,.	 94

   Phosphorus Removal in Lagoon Treatment Systems .......	....		.\.	78

   Pintail Lake and Redhead Marsh: Created Wetlands in Northern Arizona ..'.	........,........;	,..-....	78

   PIPES Fact Sheet	,.....'.	^.	..'.	:...;."	.'	..	.53

  Plain English Guide to the EPA Part 503 Biosolids Rule ...			........,.  6

  Planned Maintenance Management System for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants ............	........'.	 39

  Planning and Financing Community Water and Sewer Systems in Montana (Third Edition)  ..'.'.'	'.'....'.. 27 ,

  Planning Wastewater Management Facilities for Small Communities	..........:..	.	,.'.	  58

  Plant Operations for Wastewater Facilities - Wastewater Technology: A Two-Year Post High School Instructional Program
  Volume II Part A  .......:......	....-.'.		...,'.	 .\	...;..	.....:.-		99

  Plant Operations for Wastewater Facilities - Wastewater Technology: A Two Year Post High School Instructional Program      ;
  Volume II Part B	;.....:.	;		  99

  Plant Operations for Wastewater Facilities - Wastewater Technology: A Two Year Post High School Instructional Program
  VolumeIIPartC	;..............................	;.....	•	  99

  Plant Operations for Wastewater Facilities - Wastewater Technology: A Two Year Post High School Instructional Program
  Volume II Part D  ..,	.=	....:'.......		......... 99

        -.'.-'...•                              Page 136         '

                               DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
Plant Operations for Wastewater Facilities - Wastewater Technology: A Two Year Post High School Instructional Program
VolumeIIPartE	••••••	.'.	 - -  99

Plant Operations Priorities	•	'...40

Point Source Information Provision Exchange System (Brochure)	••	  54

Point Source Information Provision and Exchange System (PlPES): User's Manual	:	  53

Policy for End of Moratorium for Storm Water Permitting - October 1,1994 (Memorandum)	63

Pollution Prevention Begins With You	• • •	78

Pollution Prevention Begins With You [Brochure]		'.	46

Pollution Prevention Case Studies Compendium			46

Pollution Prevention Information Exchange System (PIES): User Guide Version 2.1	46

Pollution Prevention Opportunity Checklists: Case Studies	46
 ,," » ,ii        , "    ' ':  ' i             " ": '                                    :,
Pollution Prevention Research Program			47

Pollution Prevention: 20 Years of Progress	47

Post Proposal Work Groups for the 40 CFR Part 503 Sewage Sludge Use and Disposal Regulations [Memorandum] 	 6
                                                  1                                            S    '
POTW Expert Version 1.0: User Documentation - Document and Diskette	6

POTW Sludge Sampling and Analysis Guidance Document			6

POTW Toxics Management Handbook	54

POTWs and Water Quality: in Search of the Big Picture - Appendices 	  94

Practical Guide to Water Quality Studies of Streams	  94

Practical Technology: Composting - A Viable Method of Resource Recovery [Brochure]	  78

Practical Technology: Hydrograph Controlled Release Lagoons - A Promising Modification [Brochure]		  78

Practical Technology: Land Application of Sludge~A Viable Alternative [Brochure]	  79

Practical Technology: Rapid Infiltration - A Viable Land Treatment Alternative [Brochure]	  79

PRELIM Versipn 4.0 User's Guide: Documentation for the EPA Computer Program for Development of Local Discharge
Limitations Under the Pretreatment Program (Document and Diskette)	 -	• • •  54

Preliminary Analysis of the Public Costs of Environmental Protection: 1981-2000	27

Preliminary Assessment of Odor Emissions from the Bondi Island Wastewater Treatment Plant; Recommendations for Further
Study	:....:....  79
Preliminary Report to Congress on Training for Operators of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants

                                       i           Page 137

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX

 Preliminary Risk Assessment for Bacteria in Municipal Sewage Sludge Applied to Land	6
 Preliminary Risk Assessment for Pathogens in Landfilled Municipal Sewage. Sludge		.	...	... .6
 Preliminary Risk Assessment for Viruses in Municipal Sewage Sludge Applied to Land	,...-.	 6
 Preliminary Treatment Facilities: Design and Operational Considerations	..'.'."	      '.79
 Preparing Sewage Sludge for Land Application or Surface Disposal: A Guide for Preparers of Sewage Sludge  ..	'...... 6
 Pressure and Vacuum Sewer Demonstration Project - Bend, Oregon  :	  	:		79
 ' Pretreatment Bulletin No.2, March 6 1987 	'..'...'	 /	.!.....              54
 Pretreatment Bulletin No.3, November 6 1987 -.'	•	'.	..„...;	•..:„.      ".      54
 Pretreatment Bulletin No.4, July 1  1988  	'.	'.	;       .......... 54
 Pretreatment Bulletin No.6, June 1989  	,.'..	'.'..,	'......	.......		..'. 	54
 Pretreatment Bulletin No.7, January 1990		„'..."	 54
 Pretreatment Bulletin No. 10, October 1991 ......	,.	[.		^... 54
 Pretreatment Compliance Inspection and Audit Manual for Approval Authorities	54
 Pretreatment Implementation Review Task Force: Final Report to the Administrator'	!........	  54
 Pretreatment of Industrial Wastes: Joint Municipal and Industrial Seminar	'	  54
 Preventing Pollution Through Efficient Water Use	;'.			47
 Prevention and Correction of Excessive Infiltration and Inflow Into Sewer Systems: A Manual of Practice	  79
 Prevention and Resolution of Contractor  Claims: EPA Construction Grant Program Guidance for Municipal Grants	27
 Primer for Financial Analysis of Pollution Prevention Projects..;....	;	:.. 27
 Primer for Wastewater Treatment, July 1980		'...''.'....		  ...,'......  79
 Primer on Wastewater Treatment, July 1976  ...		.'....'.	1.'.. i..........  79
 Private Sector Provision of Operation and Maintenance Services to Publicly Owned Treatment Works: Final Report - Executive
 Summary		........            .                      40
Privatization of Public Facilities: Panacea or Pipe Dream?.	.....;...	'......  27
 Procedures Manual for Reviewing a POTW Pretreatment Program Submission		>..'.			   55.
Proceedings from National Conferences on Shopping for Sewage Treatment: How to Get the Best Bargain for Your Community or
Home (Draft).	....':	.............,............,;..			.27
Proceedings of a Workshop on Low-Cost Wastewater Treatment	;	 /	 27
                                                   Page 138

                               DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX

Proceedings of Stormwater and Water Quality Model Users Group Meeting: March 23-24,1987 - Denver, Colorado	63

Proceedings of the US EPA Municipal Wastewater Treatment Technology Forum, September 1989  	  79

Proceedings of the US EPA Municipal Wastewater Treatment Technology Forum, September 1990	79

Proceedings of the US EPA Municipal Wastewater Treatment Technology Forum, September 1991  	  79

Proceedings: First International Conference on Fixed-Film Biological Processes-Kings Island, Ohio: April 20-23, 1982 -
Volume I	  79

Proceedings: First International Conference on Fixed-Film Biological Processes-Kings Island, Ohio: April 20-23, 1982 -
Volume II	  79

Proceedings: First International Conference on Fixed-Film Biological Processes-Kings Island, Ohio: April 20-23, 1982 -
Volume HI	'...	,..'.	79

Proceedings: First National Symposium/Workshop on Rotating Biological Contractor Technology - Held at Champion,
Pennsylvania: February 4-6,1980 - Volume I	79
  J1'                 •           .             I                   '                 !        ''
Proceedings: First National Symposium/Workshop on Rotating Biological. Contractor Technology - Held at Champion,
Pennsylvania: February 4-6,1980 - Volume II	  79

Proceedings: National Conference on Water Conservation and Municipal Wastewater Flow Reduction, November 28 and 29,
1978-Chicago,IL	89

Proceedings: Ninth United States-Japan Conference on'Sewage Treatment Technology, May 1985	  80
Proceedings: Seminar on the Significance of Fecal Coliform in Industrial Wastes - May 4-5,1972	  94

Proceedings: Stormwater Management Model  (SWMM) Users Group Meeting - June 19-20,1980	  63

Proceedings: Tenth United States-Japan Conference on Sewage Treatment and North Atlantic Treaty Organization / Committee
On the Challenges of Modern Society Conference on Sewage Treatment Technology Volume I	  80

Proceedings: Twelfth United States-Japan Conference on Sewage Treatment Technology: October 12-13, 1989 - Cincinnati,
Ohio	........:	  80

Process Control Manual for Aerobic Biological Wastewater Treatment Facilities	  80

Process Design Manual: Carbon Adsorption	80

Process Design Manual: Land Application of Municipal Sludge	  80

Process Design Manual: Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater	  80

Process Design Manual: Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater	  80

Process Design Manual: Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater - Supplement on Rapid Infiltration and Overland Flow ..  80

Process Design Manual: Municipal Sludge Landfills	  80

Process Design Manual: Nitrogen Control	  80
                                                   Page 139

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
 Process Design Manual: On-Site Wastewater Treatment and Disposal	-...'....		;	80

 Process Design Manual: Sludge Treatment and Disposal	.'.	.......	.,,..;		  	6

 Process Design Manual: Suspended Solids Removal........		. .V	80

 Process Design Manual: Upgrading Existing Wastewater Treatment Plants		•'.	:.  40

 Process Design Manual: Wastewater Treatment Facilities for Sewered Small Communities	58

 Processes, Coefficients, and Models for Simulating Toxic Organics and Heavy Metals in Surface Waters .............	94

 Processes, Procedures and Methods to Control Pollution Resulting from All Construction Activity	63

 Processes, Procedures and Methods to Control Pollution Resulting From Mining Activities		.....'	,.  63

 Production, Distribution, Use and Environmental Impact Potential of Selected Pesticides ............'.	.. 1		  94

 Program Implementation: A Four-Year Wastewater Technology Program	;.'.  99

 Program Requirements Memoranda for Fiscal Year 1981: Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants
 Program	.x	  12

. Program Requirements Memoranda: Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works Construction Grants Program  .:	  12

 Programa Nacional de Lodos Residuales Cloacales	'		.;.,......	;	6

 Project Acceleration Initiatives Work Book for Closing Out the Construction Grants Program .	,.,	  12

 Project Summary: Advanced Biological Treatment of Municipal Wastewater Through Aquaculture	.80

 Project Summary: Characterizing and Controlling Urban Runoff Through Street and Sewerage Cleaning	60

 Project Summary: Emissions of Metals, Chromium and Nickel  Species, and Organics from Municipal Wastewater Sludge   .
 Incinerators	'.-'... ."•	/.	  6

 Project Summary: Investigation of Inappropriate Pollutant Entries Into Storm Drainage Systems: A User's Guide ..........  60

 Project Summary: Land Treatability of Refinery and Petrochemical Sludges..;		.'.	  81

 Project Summary:.Emerging Technology Assessment of PhoStrip, A/O, and Bardenpho Processes for Biological Removal  ..  82

 Project Summary: Land Treatability of Refinery and Petrochemical Sludges	'.		.  82

 Project Summary: Landfill Gas Production from Large Landfill Simulators	-...'.		82

 Project Summary: Movement of Bacteria Through Soil and Aquifer Sand			  82

 Project Summary: Optimization of Nitrogen Removal by Rapid Infiltration	,	  82

 Project Summary: Recommended Practices for Flow Measurements in Wastewater Treatment Plants	  82

 Project Summary: Reduction of Disinfection By-Product Precursors by Nanofiltration	82

                                         '           Page 140" '                                   ,.'•-•'.-

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
                          i,              ,                 ...           i 'i                   j
                          ;  •     II  ,     i                   '      ',.-.    !    ,    ,   I '  \              "  •            °L
Project Summary: Review of Current RBC Performance and Design Procedures	 82
Project Summary: Selected Topics Related to Infiltration and Inflow in Sewer Systems	 82
Project Summary: Spreading Lagooned Sewage Sludge on Farm Land: A Case History - Abstract	6
Project Summary: StormwaterHydrological Characteristics of Porous and Conventional Paving Systems	 64
Project Summary: Technology Assessment of Aquaculture Systems for Municipal Wastewater Treatment 	 82
Project Summary: Technology Assessment of Wetlands for Municipal Wastewater Treatment	 82
Project Summary: Top-Feed Vacuum Filtration of Waste-Activated Sludge	82
           ,        *        "      •  . •:•  i   .  ,  •' ,    '•    '      ••."•.     .•',•'
Project Summary: Trickling Filter/Solids Contact Process: Full-Scale Studies	•	82
Project Summary: Ultraviolet Disinfection of a Secondary Effluent: Measurement of Dose and Effects of Filtration ..'.	82
Project Summary: Ultraviolet Disinfection of Wastewaters from Secondary Effluent and Combined Sewer Overflows	 82
Project Summary: Wastewater Treatment Plant Instrumentation Handbook .......'.	82
Protecting Wetlands with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund	82
Public and Construction Grants - Building Together for Clean Water [Brochure] 	27
Public and Construction Grants: Building Together for Clean Water	 12,27
Public-Private Partnerships (P3) Strategy	27
Public-Private Partnerships Case Studies: Profiles of Success in Providing Environmental Services	27
Public-Private Partnerships for Environmental Facilities: A Self-Help Guide for Local Governments	27
Public-Private Partnerships Bulletin, Number 2			27
Public-Private Partnerships Bulletin, Number 4	:	27
Public-Private Partnerships Bulletin, Number 6	27
Public-Private Partnerships Bulletin, Number 7	:	28
Public-Private: Partnerships Bulletin, Number 8	28
Public-Private Partnerships Save Cities Millions: An Environmental Management Option [Brochure]	28
Publicaciones sobre el Uso y Eliminacion de Lodo Residual Cloacal y Biosolidos	6


Quality Assurance (QA) Manual for the Quarterly Noncompliance Report (QNCR)	44
                                                    Page 141

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
 Rainfall Induced Infiltration into Sewer Systems: Report to Congress		.'.	.'.	.... 82
                                                   • f              •             ~         -•'".,"
 Rates, Constants, and Kinetics Formulations in Surface Water Quality Modeling		.........	94
                      t        >        •                         .          _       _             " ',  ;.....,>'
 RCRA Information, on Hazardous Wastes for Publicly Owned Treatment Works ..:.........-..	.:..,..	54

 Reaching Out to Help Small Communities Comply: Meeting the Clean .Water Act Challenge ...'-..,	58

 Reactivation'of Granular Carbon in an Infrared Traveling Belt Furnace .....	. .^................... ^	.<...: 82

 Readings in Water Conservation	.,		.......	......... 89

 Recommended Format for Clean Water Act Section 309 Administrative Orders (Memorandum) ,.  	...........	44

 Recycling Municipal Sludges and Effluents on. Land  ...	.....	'....	.."...'	.	..:	6

 Recommendations from Value Engineering Studies in Wastewater Treatment Works .........	7'		-.;-.... 82

 Recommended Practices for On-Lme Measurement of Residual Chlorine in Wastewaters	•.'...:.	 82

 Reducing the Cost of Operating Municipal Wastewater Facilities..-.	'...		28

 Reference Guide: On State Financial Assistance Programs.	;			  ...... 28

 Regulation of Municipal Sewage Sludge under the Clean Water Act Section 503: A Model for Exposure	7

 Regulation and Policy Matrix: A Guide to the Rules Governing Grants Awarded under the Construction Grants Program,
 December 1983	,..........!	                           13

 Regulation and Policy Matrices: A Guide to the Rules Governing Grants Awarded Under the Construction Grants Program-
 Update 1985 ..:........:	;					_ t		.13

 Regulation and Policy Matrices; A Guide to the Rules Governing.Grants Awarded Under the Construction Grants Program,
 April 1985	:.;		.'.........	_.:......,.				 13

 Regulation and Policy Matrices: A Guide to the Rules Governing Grants Awarded Under the Construction Grants Program-
 Update 1986	.'.........	...		          ......            13

 Regulation'and Policy Matrices: A Guide to the Rules Governing Grants Awarded Under the Construction Grants Program-
 Update 1987, September 1987 .		•'............		;......	 13

 Regulation and Poliey Matrices: A Guide to the Rules Governing Grants Awarded Under the Construction Grants Program--
 Update 1988	I	;	 ...V......;	.' 13

Regulation and Policy Matrices: A Guide to the Rules Governing Grants Awarded Under the  Construction Grants Program--
Update 1988, Update/Attachment  ...,''.	".',.;,			  13

Regulation and Policy Matrices; A Guide to the Rules Governing Grants Awarded Under the  Construction Grants Program-
Update 1989	..:.	;........:...:..;.'.:.;-.	.•.".'...'...'	'.....;.-.'.  13
                                                  Page 142

                               DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX

Regulation and Policy Matrices: A Guide to the Rules Governing Grants Awarded Under the Construction Grants Program-
Update 1990	....:.........	•:	..:...  is
                                      i   ' '  '  , "    ,,.         '    .'. ,' '' '  ' ' '  '',      '!   ,'  '
Removal of Drums of Hazardous Substances in Stump Gap Creek Area, West Point, Kentucky	33
Renovated Wastewater as a Supplementary Source for Municipal Water Supply: An Economic Evaluation	28
Renovation of Secondary Effluent for Reuse as a Water Resource....:	'....,	82
Report of Audit: Capping Report on the Computation, Negotiation, Mitigation and Assessment of Penalties Under EPA
Programs  	•	45
Report of Audit: Consolidated Report of the NPDES Permit Enforcement Program	44
Report of the EPA/State Feedlot Workgroup	  45
Report on the EPA Storm Water Management, Volume 1	,	64
Report on the Evaluation of Wastewater Discharges from Raw Cane Sugar Mills on the Hilo-Hamakua Coast of the Island of
Hawaii	,.....'.,...	 '.	  94
Report on the Regional State Capacity Building Initiatives, September 22,1993, Draft	'	28
Report on the Use of Wetlands for Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Disposal	  82
Report to Congress on Control of Combined Sewer Overflow in the United States	64
Report to Congress: Indian Wastewater Treatment—Needs and Assistance..:	33
Report to Congress: Industrial Cost Exclusion	28
Report to Congress: Industrial Cost Recovery - Supplemental Analysis and Recommendations	  28
Report to Congress: industrial Cost Recovery - Volume I Executive Summary	;	28
Report to Congress: Industrial Cost Recovery - Volume II Detailed Methodology	  28
Report to Congress: Industrial Cost Recovery - Volume III Exhibits	'....,	28
Report to Congress: Industrial Cost Recovery - Volume IV Transcripts of Public Meetings (ICR.Advisory Group)	28
Report to Congress: industrial Cost Recovery - Volume V Transcripts of Public Meetings	28
Report to Congress: Industrial Cost Recovery—Volume VI Transcripts of Public Meetings	;	  28
Report to Congress: Industrial Cost Recovery - Volume VII Transcripts of Public Meetings		  29
Report to Congress: Industrial Cost Recovery - Volumes I through VII	29
                                                        i                                   e            "~
Report to Congress: Municipal Wastewater Lagoon Study—Volume 1, Conclusions	!	 82
                                   ',       f       : ' -  ,  '        ' '        '.:     '    ','','        .
Report to Congress: Municipal Wastewater Lagoon Study—Volume 2, Database	•  82
Report to Congress ori Control of Combined Sewer Overflow in the United States	64
Report to Congress on the Discharge of Hazardous Wastes to Publicly Owned Treatment Works [Volume 1]	54
                                                   Page 143

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX

 Report to Congress on the Discharge of Hazardous Wastes to Publicly Owned Treatment Works (The Domestic Sewage Study):  '
 Volume 2 - Technical Appendices	'.....-	;	54

 Report to Congress on the National Pretreatment Program 		'.	 54

 Report to Congress on Training for Operators of Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Plants	  	„.;.:.. 39

 Report to Congress: Waste Water Treatment Contracting and Bid Shopping			29

 Research and Data Needs Committee: Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment Task Force of the Working Group on Small
 Community and Rural Development - Task Force.Report		.........	....	'.... 36

 Research Outlook: 1933	;.'.	;	...	 99

 Research Summary: Chesapeake Bay	.'.... 99
                                               •             '             •
 Research Summary: Industrial Wastewater	'.	,		'.....	........	..:		99

 Residual Waste Best Management Practices: A Water Planner's Guide to Land Disposal	82

1 Response to Congress on Privatization of Wastewater Facilities	'.	.....'	-.:	.........'....., 45

 Response to Congress on Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems	;	•—-.'.,..		82

 Response to Congress on Privatization of Wastewater Facilities		;	82

 Response to Congress on the AEES "Living Machine" Wastewater Treatment Technology	 82

 Results of the Evaluation of Groundwater Impacts of Sewer Exfiltration	,. 94 ,

 Results of the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program: Volume I - Final Report  	-....'	 64

 Results of the Nationwide tfrban Runoff Program: Volume III - Data Appendix .....'			64

 Return Sludge Flow, Control  ..:...			....,..,.	'.•	'. .,. 82

 Reuse of Municipal Wastewater by Volunteer Freshwater Wetlands: Vermontville, Michigan	,		82

 Revegetating Strip-Mined Land With Municipal Sewage Sludge: Westmoreland County Demonstration ..........	; 7

 Review and Analysis of Issues - Small Community Outreach	''.	.	 58

 Review of Landspreading of Liquid Municipal Sewage Sludge	 •.-.-.;	 82

 Review of the Municipal Waste Water Treatment Works Program		:.-		........:	83

 Review of Water Quality Standards, Permit Limitations., and Variances for Thermal Discharges at Power Plants		95

 Road to Financing: Assessing and Improving Your Community's Credit Worthiness		 29

 Role of Conservation Districts and the Agricultural Community in Wastewater Land Treatment: Final Report .'.....'...,., 89

 Rotating Biological Contractors (RBCs): Checklist for a Trouble-Free Facility ....		!	40
                                                   Page 144

                               DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
                                                      i                 *
Rural Community Assistance Program (RCAP) Help for Small Community Wastewater Projects 	....'.	  29,5$


Sampling Procedures and Protocols for the National Sewage Sludge Survey			  7
Sanitary Sewer Overflow Workshop - Final Report 	.-	61
Saving Money with Home Water Conservation Devices	89
Saving Ourselves Broke: The Future Expenses of Deferred Regulation	29
Secondary Treatment of Municipal Ocean Discharges: Task Force Report	83
Sediment and Erosion Control: An Inventory of Current Practices (Draft)	•	64
Selected Topics Related to Infiltration and Inflow in Sewer Systems	83
 Selection Criteria for Mathematical Models Used in Exposure Assessments: Surface Water Models		64
Seminar Publication: Benefit Analysis for Combined Sewer Overflow Control	64
Seminar Publication: Composting of Municipal Wastewater Sludges	7
Seminar Publication: Municipal Wastewater Sludge Combustion Technology	."	  83
Seminars: Combined Sewer Overflow Control 		'	 64
Seminars: Low-Cost Wastewater Collection for Small Communities	'.	58
Septage Management	83
Sequencing Batch Reactors for Nitrification and Nutrient Removal, November 1991	. 83
                                              *                               ,           ,•              '
Sequencing Batch Reactors for Nitrification and Nutrient Removal, September 1992	"...	83
Sewage Disposal by Evaporation-Transpiration, September 1978	83
Sewage Sludge Entrenchment System for Use by Small Municipalities	7
Sewage Sludge or Biosolids Use or Disposal Documents	7
Sewage Sludge Sampling Techniques (video, 20 minutes)	99
Sewage Sludge Use and Disposal Press Package	7
Sewer Access Rights Program: Upper Merion Township, Pennsylvania	29
Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms	95
Sidestreams in Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plants - Problems and Remedies [Brochure]	40

                                                  Page 145

                               DOCUMENT TITLE  INDEX

 Site Evaluation for Onsite Treatment and Disposal Systems			•	...;	  83
 Sludge and the Land: the Role of Soil and Water Conservation Districts in Land Application of Sewage Sludge	  7
 Sludge Compost Marketing and Distribution Regulatory Requirements in the United States	7
 Sludge Handling and Disposal Practices at Selected MunicipalWastewater Treatment Plants ...	  83
 Sludge Incineration: Problems and Remedies  ........	7
 Sludge Management (Memorandum) ....'....-...	.....'	.'.	  7
 Sludge Management Planning in the Boston Metropolitan Area: A Case Study, FinalReport............................ .33
 Sludge: Recycling for Agricultural Use	:	7
 Sludge Treatment and Disposal: Part I-Introduction and Sludge Processing ..-.	:...,	  7
 Sludge Treatment and Disposal: Sludge Disposal Volume 1 •...	  7
 Sludge Treatment and Disposal: Sludge Treatment Volume 2	7
 Small Alternative Wastewater Systems: Facility Planning Workshops	 83
 Small Alternative Wastewater Systems: Novel Alternatives - Workshops	83
 Small Community Water and Wastewater Systems (Draft)	';	,.. /•		... 58
 Small Diameter Gravity Effluent Collection - 1984 Update	...;	 83
 Small Wastewater Systems - Alternative Systems for Small Communities and Rural Areas	'.... 58
 Source Reduction: An Integral Part of the MWPP Program [Brochure]  ......		.....,.„..	'..47
 Source Reduction Workshops: Case Studies	;'..			 47
 Special Fund for Abatement of Combined Sewer Overflow Pollution in Marine Bays and Estuaries (the Marine CSO Fund) -
 Guidance for the Preparation arid Review of Applications  	'.		.:	 64
 Spreading Lagooned Sewage Sludge on Farm Land: A Case History	'..'...	'....  7
SRF Financing for Small Communities [Brochure]	..;	;		:	29
SRF Initial Guidance for State Revolving Funds...-.		'.,..-.,.		..:......... 29
SRF Letter of Credit: How Is It Used in EPA'S State Revolving'Fund.Program	...		 29
SRF Update	,	,..'	 -		29
 Start-up and Operation of Chemical Process Technologies in the Municipal Sector - the CarverTGreenfield Process for Sludge
Drying .-...'	:..		 83
 Start-up of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities ....;	40
                                                   Page 146

                               DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
State Alternative Financing Programs for Wastewater Treatment: Transition Towards Greater Self-Sufficiency in the 198Q'S -
Second Edition			-	:... 29

State Design Criteria for Wastewater Treatment Systems			95

State Match Options for the State Revolving Fund Program	'	  29,47

State Revolving Fund (SRF) Interim Report to Congress: Financial Status and Operations of Water Pollution Control Revolving
Funds	:.	 29

State Revolving Fund Management Manual	29

State Revolving Fund Simulation Model - User Guide	.29

State Revolving Fund: Final Report to Congress-Financial Status and Operations of Water Pollution Control Revolving Funds. 29

State Revolving Fund Training Course	,	.29

State Sludge Management Program Guidance Manual	 8

Statistical Abstract of the Unsewered US Population 	33

Statistical Assessment of National Significant Industrial User Noncompliance: Final Report	34

Status of Pressure Sewer Technology 	."		 83

Status of the Proposed Technical Sludge Regulations: Impact on Beneficial Sludge Use	 8

Storm and Combined Sewer Overflow: An Overview of EPA'S Research Program	.-	64

Storm and Combined Sewer Pollution Control Program: A Compilation of Significant References	64

Storm Water Discharges Potentially Addressed by Phase II of the National Pollutant  Discharge Elimination System Storm Water
Program: Report to Congress (Draft)	•.	64

Storm Water Discharges Potentially Addressed by Phase II of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Storm Water
Program: Report to Congress		• • 64

Storm Water Enforcement Strategy (Memorandum)	 65

Storm Water Fact Sheet			,	65

Storm Water General Permits Briefing  	—	65

Storm Water Management for Construction Activities: Developing Pollution Prevention Plans and Best Management Practices
Storm Water Management for Construction Activities: Developing Pollution Prevention Plans and Best Management Practices
Summary Guidance  			....'..	65

' ;''"',,         ,     ,i /'I           „     , /,      '   '  :  ,  i              , '        '    I'    ,    '  '                 ,
Storm Water Management for Industrial Activities: Developing Pollution Prevention Plans and Best Management Practices.. .65

Storm Water Management for Industrial Activities: Developing Pollution Prevention Plans and Best Management Practices
Summary Guidance	-,	•	65

                                              ,     Page 147

                               DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
Storm Water Management Model: Level I - Comparative Evaluation of Storage-Treatment and Other Management Practices. .65
                                       ,       '                             i

Storm Water Management Model: Level I - Preliminary Screening Procedures	 65

Storm Water Multi-Sector General Permit Information Package	 ..... 65

Storm Water Multi-Sector General Permit Press Package	'.	,	.-»,	65

Storm Water Permit Application Workshop	.'.	:	.'	 65

Storm Water Phase II Direct Final Rule (Summary) ......	'..-••	'...'..:. 65

Storm Water Program Fact Sheet		............	65

Stormwater Management Ordinances for Local Governments.....			...... 66

Stormwater Pollution Abatement Technologies	>...'.!/	:•...,	 66

Strategy for Small Alternative Wastewater Systems .......,.-.	 ...,„....		 58

Strategy for the Regulation of Discharge of PHDDs and PHDFs from Pulp and Paper Mills to Waters of the United States

(Memorandum)		.•		..;	;	95

Streamlining Administrative Requirements: Case Studies	;......;	 47

Study of the Future Federal Role in Municipal Wastewater Treatment: Report to the Administrator	34

Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment: A Technology Assessment	'....; 83

Subsurface Soil Absorption of Wastewater Artificially Drained -Systems	'••-.-	•	'.-'• •'• ^3

Subsurface Soil Absorption of Wastewater Mound Systems	,		..... 83

Successful State, Cost Reduction Procedures for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities ....-	:	30

Summaries of CWA 104(b)(3) Grants: Maryland Model Construction General Permit '........	66

Summaries of Storm Water Special Proj ects: Whole Effluent Toxicity of Storm Water Discharges from an Airport  	66

Summary: Environmental Plan for the Mexican-U.S. Border Area - First Stage (1992-1994)	.'..:... .34

Summary of Design Information on Rotating Biological Contractors	83

Summary of Environmental Profiles and Hazard Indices for Constituents of Municipal Sludge:- Methods and Results	 95

Summary of 40 CFR Part 503: Standards for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge			;... 8

Summary of the 1987 Carver Greenfield Sludge Drying Technology Workshop: Problems and Solutions	 84

Summary Report: Control and Treatment Technology for the Metal Finishing Industry - In-Plant Changes	84

Summary Report: Fine PoVe (Fine Bubble) Aeration Systems	:......	;			84
                                                  Page 148

                               DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
Summary Report: In-Vessel Composting of Municipal Wastewater Sludge	  84

Summary Report: Optimizing Water Treatment Plant Performance with the Composite Correction Program	  84
•:    '     ,     ,   "i'l ,      . •    ,!,'    '.  |  ,  ; :    '. <   '•''•,.'   ,  " .   '  .  ''  ' ,; ''    '   . .
Summary Report: Sequencing Batch Reactors	84

Summary Report: Small Community Water and Wastewater Treatment			58

Summary Report: The Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking and Foaming		  84

Supercritical Fluid Regeneration of Activated Carbon for Adsorption of Pesticides	84

Supplement to Federal Guidelines: Design, Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Treatment Facilities (September 1970)  -
Technical Bulletin No. 1X71-1: Storage and handling Facilities for Chemicals in Utilized in Wastewater Treatment, October 15,
1971	•'....'	  40

Supplement to Federal Guidelines: Design, Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Treatment Facilities (September 1970)  -
Technical Bulletin No. D-71-2: Use of Mercury in Wastewater Treatment Plant Equipment, October 15,1971	40

Supplement to "Short-term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Surface Waters to Freshwater
Organisms	  95

Supplemental Manual on the Development and Implementation of Local Discharge Limitations under the Pretreatment Program:
Residential and Commercial Toxic Pollutant Loadings and POTW Removal Efficiency Estimation, May 1991	55

Surface Disposal of Sewage Sludge: A Guide for Owners/Operators of Surface Disposal Facilities	8

Survey of Facilities Using Land Application of Wastewater			  84
n '•             i  i"                   l"          '           '      '   '          '                    .
Survival of Pathogens in Animal Manure Disposal	95

T"    .            ...                   :'.,  '    .       '         •        '   •    :                   	
                                       i                     •        ,      '     i    ,  • *  ,           :
' ''       *          i1        '     ''„!'„'!,      - •,        *  •  '   :  ,  '      "*'     *  !

Taxonomy of Ceriodaphnia (Crustacea: Cladoceraj in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Cultures	99

Technical Assistance Directory (Revised)	,...,	99
Technical Assessment of Low-Pressure Pipe Wastewater Injection Systems	84

Technical Evaluation of the Vertical Loop Reactor Process Technology 	84
Technical Report: Operation and Maintenance Costs for Municipal Wastewater Facilities 	40

Technical Report: The Effects of Wastewater Treatment Facilities on Wetlands in the Midwest	'.	84

Technical Support Document for Proposed Regulations under Section 304(d) (4) of the Clean Water Act, as Amended  	95

Technical Support Document for Water Quality-Based Toxics Control	,	95

Technical Support Document for Water Quality-Based Toxics Control: Responsiveness Summary	  95
                                                   Page 149

                                 DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX

  Technical Support Document for Water Quality-Based Toxics Control [Second Printing]	'	'.	 95
  Technology Assessment of Aquaculture Systems for Municipal Wastewater Treatment		,..:..	.". 84
  Technology Assessment of Fine Bubble Aerators	.'.	'	 85
  Technology Assessment of Intermittent Sand Filters	'.	:..-......	 83
  Technology Assessment of Sequencing Batch Reactors	:	•.'...-.-.....'.. 85
  Technology Evaluation Report: Alkaline Stabilization of Sewage Sludge ............		:.	 85
  Terms of Environment: Glossary, Abbreviations, and Acronyms	  100,
  Tertiary Granular Filtration: Problems and Remedies [Brochure]				. 85
  Test Method: Technical Addition to Methods for the Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes	".	:.. 95
  Test Methods: Methods for Organic Chemical Analysis of Municipal and Industrial Wastewater ....'.	95
  THC Continuous Emission Monitoring Guidance for Part 503 Sewage Sludge Incinerators  ..,	.8
  Title IV:  State Revolving Fund Program Final: Questions and Answers - Cumulative: Incorporates Previously Issued Sets 1, 2 & 3
  Includes Cross-Index of Key Words and Phrases...	'.....;	-....'	............	 .30
  Touching All the Bases: A Financial Management Handbook'for Your Wastewater Treatment Project...		.".	30
  Touching All the Bases: Financial Management for Your Wastewater Treatment Project [Brochure]	 30
  Toward Cleaner Water: The New Permit Program to Control Water Pollution		 44
  Toxicity Identification Evaluation: Characterization of Chronically Toxic Effluents, Phase I	-	.:		44
  Toxics Control at PQTWs: Municipal Wastewater Treatment Technology Forum - Las Vegas, Nevada,                    •
  March29,30, and31,1988	'..,..,	....'	,	,	,	 85
  Toxics Minimization Task Force: Case Studies			 45
  Training Manual forNPDES Permit Writers		.......,	,		45
                                         L           •                     '     ~ /             -          '
.  Transforming Environmental Permitting and Compliance Policies to Promote Pollution Prevention:  Removing Barriers and
  Providing Incentives to Foster Technology Innovation, Productivity, and Environmental Protection - Report and
  Recommendations of the Technology Innovation and Economics Committee			,..-..	47
-  Transmittal Memorandum 85-1: Handbook of Procedures - Construction Grants Program for Municipal Wastewater Treatment
 Works, July 1985	'	'.-	t	'.	;..,......	'. 85
  Transmittal Memorandum 86-1: Handbook of Procedures - Construction Grants Program for Municipal Wastewater Treatment
 Works, March 1986	.. 1..:..:.,.	.....::...........................,	,85
  Transmittal Memorandum 87-1: Handbook of Procedures - Construction Grants Program for Municipal Wastewater Treatment
 Works, April 1987	'..:-..	.'.	...;.....		85
  Transmittal Memorandum 89-1: Handbook of Procedures - Construction Grants Program for Municipal Wastewater Treatment
 Works, July 1989	,	•..,".		85
                                                    Page 150

                               DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
Treatability Manual: Volume I - Treatability Data	:	  55

Treatability Manual: Volume II - Industrial Descriptions	55

Treatability Manual: Volume III - Technologies for Control/Removal of Pollutants 	  55

Treatability Manual: Volume IV - Cost Estimates	  55

Treatability Manual: Volume V - Summary	  55

Treatment Technology Briefs: Alternatives to Hazardous Waste Landfills	  85

Trickling Filter/Solids Contact Performance with Rock Filters at High Organic Loadings	  85

u                   .     .     -              .'     .,      ..   '   .     '  ,    "   ••      .        .   '  -   :,

Ultra Violet Disinfection: Special Evaluation Project	-.	85

Ultraviolet Disinfection of Wastewaters from Secondary Effluent and Combined Sewer Overflows	  85

Ultraviolet Disinfection Technology Assessment	":	  85

Unfinished Business: A Comparative Assessment of Environmental Problems - Overview Report	  34
-                  " i1    "        •     ,1  i '  .: ': .,'...'               .   '       •         '.'
Unfinished Business: A Comparative Assessment of Environmental Problems - Appendix I	34

Unfinished Business: A Comparative Assessment of Environmental Problems - Appendix II	  34

Unfinished Business: A Comparative Assessment of Environmental Problems -Appendix II	  34

Unfinished Business: A Comparative Assessment of Environmental Problems - Appendix IV	34

Updated Summary of the Operational Control Procedures for the Activated Sludge Process	  85

Upgrading Trickling Filters	  85

"Urban Runoff and Stormwater Management Handbook			,.  66

Urban Runoff Management Information/Education Products	 -  66

Urban Storm Water Runoff and Ground Water Quality		'.'.	'.:..'	,66
1 :'              '  i';1    "    ; '•   '''.-•".' i   :   !•  •••  '   . •'   •'    .  .'   ::   "•  •,     ' i        •  -               /
Urban Stormwater Management and Technology: Case Histories	• • • • •  66

USA - USSR Working Group on the Prevention of Water Pollution from Municipal and Industrial Sources: Symposium on
Physical/Chemical Treatment from Municipal and Industrial Sources	  47

USA - USSR Working Group on the Prevention of Water Pollution from Municipal and Industrial Sources: Symposium on
Advanced Equipment and Facilities for Wastewater Treatment	48
                                                  Page 151

                                DOCUMENT  TITLE INDEX
 USA - USSR Working Group on the Prevention of Water Pollution from Municipal and Industrial Sources: Symposium on
 Advanced Treatment of Biologically Treated Effluents Including Nutrients Removal  .....		47

 USA - USSR Working Group on the Prevention of Water Pollution from Municipal and Industrial Sources: Symposium on
 Intensification of Bio-chemical Treatment of Wastewaters .	.:	...	.'.	'47

 USA - USSR Working Group on the Prevention of Water Pollution from Municipal and Industrial Sources: Symposium on
 Physical-Mechanical Treatment of Waste Waters	,	'.	..;. 47

 USA - USSR Working Group on the Prevention of Water Pollution from Municipal and Industrial Sources: Symposium on
 Recycling Water Supply Systems and Reuse of Treated Water at Industrial Plants  .	...				48

 U.S. EPA NPDES Basic Permit Writers'Course Workbook .....	-...'	......	45
                                            '             •             '                     ' .-  '  •         '    '
 U.S. EPA Pretreatment Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement System Version 3.0: User's Guide, Final	 55

 U.S. EPA Training Seminar for Wastewater Alternatives for Small Communities On Site Alternatives  ... .-.'...•	55

 USSR - USA Joint Committee on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection: Symposium - Handling, Treatment and
 Disposal of Wastewater Sludge	=	....:."..,	.		;		 85

Use of Airborne, Surface, and Borehole Geophysical Techniques at Contaminated Sites: A Reference Guide		100

User Charge Guidance Manual for Publicly Owned Treatment Works..		-.'.	30

 Utility Manager's Guide to Financial Planning..........		30

 Utility Manager's Guide to Water and Wastewater Budgeting...."	:		....'.. .31

 Utilization, of Municipal Wastewater and Sludge for Land Reclamation and Biomass Production: Symposium Proceedings and   ,
 Engineering Assessment		........>	...:...  85

 UV Disinfection Technology Assessment .."..........	:.	:.......  85
Vacuum Assisted Sludge Dewatering Beds (VASDB): An Update [Brochure]	.	86

Validity of Ambient Toxicity Tests for Predicting Biological Impact, Ohio River, Near Wheeling, WV	:	96

Validity of Effluent and Ambient Toxicity Tests for Predicting Biological Impact Back River, Baltimore Harbor, MD  .	96

Validity of Effluent and Ambient Toxicity Tests for Predicting Biological Impact on Five Mile Creek, Birmingham, AL  ...  96

Validity of Effluent and Ambient Toxicity Tests for Predicting Biological Impact, Kanawha River, Charleston, WV  .	  96

Validity of Effluent and Ambient Toxicity Tests for Predicting Biological Impact, Naugatuck River, Waterbury, ,CT  ...'	96

Valley of the Drums: Bullitt County, KY  .'.	...,.;......		86

Value Engineering: Case Studies and Formats for Proposals and Reports - Supplement to the Value Engineering Workbook for
Construction Grants Project	,	..'....-	  86

                            .               -      Page 152      .'"           .'      -      '      "

                               DOCUMENT TITLE  INDEX
Value Engineering for Small Communities	58
               .   ';,'       .        , ,    [            . "'	 •         •.'"'..         "         -

Value Engineering for Wastewater Treatment Works [Brochure]	 86

Value Engineering for Wastewater Treatment Works	 86

Value Engineering Workbook for Construction Grant Projects	• • • 86

Variable Grade Sewers - Special Evaluation Project	86


Waste and Wastewater Manager's Guide for Staying Financially Healthy	   31
                                                               i      '          , •          s      .          •

Waste minimization	 48

Wastewater Irrigation of Rice, May 1980	'86

Wastewater: Is Muskegon County's Solution Your Solution	."...'	 59

Wastewater Management Utilizing Land Application for the Boston-Eastern Massachusetts Metropolitan Area: Technical Data

Volume V			 •	86

Wastewater Sludge Utilization and Disposal Costs: Technical Report	86

Wastewater Stabilization Pond Linings	86

Wastewater Stabilization Ponds: An Update on Pathogen Removal [Brochure]	86

Wastewater Stabilization Ponds: Nitrogen Removal [Brochure]	 86

Wastewater Technical Assistance: It Works inTennessee	58

Wastewater Treatment and Disposal: Total Containment Ponds - Plan, Design, and Construct for Success [Brochure]  	 86

Wastewater Treatment Facilities Planning in the Boston Metropolitan Area - A Case Study: Engineering Report  	86

Wastewater Treatment Ponds			.'.-.... 86

Wastewater Treatment Ponds: Supplement to Federal Guidelines - Design, Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Treatment

Facilities	87

Wastewater Utility Management Manual (Draft)	—	.'	 87

Wastewater Utility Recordkeeping, Reporting and Management Information Systems  	40

\Vater Alliances for Voluntary Efficiency (WAVE) Program for Hotels and Motels	 89

Water Alliances for Voluntary Efficiency: The WAVE Program	 89

                                  •     ;            Page 153

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX

 Water and Wastewater Manager's Guide for Staying Financially Healthy	.........31
 Water from Water: Program 1 - Desalination (Video) -..-..'	......'.	..  100
 Water from Water: Program 2 - Recycling (Video)	...'.-	'.	  100
 Water from Water: Program 3 - What's It Worth? (Video)  	!...,......:..	:.....	  100
 Water from Water: Program 4-What's It Worth? Part 2 (Video)			•....	  100
 Water Pollution Aspects of Street Surface Contaminants		•....-..'..'.....•	66
 Water Pollution Control: Twenty Five Years of Progress and Challenges for the New Millennium	:	89
 Water Quality Goals, Objectives, and Alternatives in the Boston Metropolitan Area -- A Case Study		 96
 Water Quality Management Planning for Urban Runoff			,... 66
 Water-Related GISs (Geographic Information Systems) Along the United States-Mexico Border			..... 48
 Water Resource Management: Ideas for Community Officials	,	89
 Water Reuse Via Dual Distribution SystemsfBrochure]		.	,			87
'WAVE-Saver Water Management Software	,.	,	:''....... 89
 West Jackson County, Mississippi: Constructed Wetland Treatment System Case History	87
 Wetland Treatment Systems: A Case History - The Lakeland Wetland Treatment System .'..		87
 Wetland Treatment Systems: A Case History - The Orlando Easterly Wetlands Reclamation.Project		87
 Wetlands as a Part of Reuse and Disposal: Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District .•'..	'..'...	87
 Wetlands from Wastewater: The Hayward Marsh Expansion Project ....	...:		 87
 What is the MWPP Program?  		'.	.'..'.	'.	...........'	.-		 89
 Whole Effluent Policy (WET) Control Policy: Policy for the Development of Effluent Limitations in National Pollutant
 Discharge Elimination System Permits to Control Whole Effluent Toxicity for the Protection of Aquatic Life ....	..... 96
 When It Rains, It Drains: What Everyone Should Know About Stormwater			  66
 Work Plan: Municipal Wastewater Treatment Technology Report	'...  . 87
Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups - Environmental Assessment: Citizen Handbook.... 48
 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups - Environmental Assessment: Instructor Guide......48
 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups - Industrial Pretreatment: Citizen Handbook  	48
 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups - Industrial Pretreatment: Instructor Guide .......  48
                                                   Page 154

                                DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups - Innovative and Alternative Technologies: Citizen
 Handbook	48

 forking for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups - Innovative and Alternative Technologies: Instructor
 Guide	'.'.	...,.•-.•  	• •,	48

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups - Land Treatment: Citizen Handbook		49

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups - Multiple Use: Citizen Handbook 	49

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups - Multiple Use: Instructor Guide	49

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups - Municipal Wastewater Processes: Details - Citizen
 Handbook	,,.,,		'..,'.			49

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups - Municipal Wastewater Processes: Overview - Citizen
 tiandbopk	'..'	.'			  49

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups - Municipal Wastewater Processes: Instructor Guide 49
     HI             '                     ,       i  ,   •                            i           n
 Working for Clean Water: An information Program for Advisory Groups - Nonpoint Spurce Pollution: Citizen Handbook  ..  49

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups - Nonpoint Source Pollution: Instructor Guide	49
 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups - Public Participation: Citizen Handbook	49

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups - Public Participation: Instructor Guide  	49

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups - Roles of Advisory Groups: Citizen Handbook ...  49

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups - Urban Stormwater Runoff: Citizen Handbook ...  49

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups - Wastewater Facilities Operation and Management:
 Citizen Handbook....			,..:'	,	.	  49

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups - Wastewater Facilities Operation and Management:
 Instructor Guide	..".....	49

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups - Water Conservation and Reuse: Citizen Handbook  50

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups - #1: Citizen Handbooks	50

 Working for Clean Water: An Information Program for Advisory Groups - #2: Citizen Handbooks	'.  50
 11       '     „     "'!        ' , ,          i"            ' •       '     '   ,.  ,
 Working to Gain Public Acceptance of Sewage Sludge Composting and Use of Liquid and Dewatered Sludge on Land	8

 Working Together for a Cleaner Environment: Selected Resources to Help Improve EPA-Stakeholder Relations	 100
Workshop Training Manual for Wastewater Treatment and Disposal for Small Communities	59
                                                   Page 155

                            DOCUMENT TITLE INDEX
Xeriscape Landscaping: Preventing-Pollution and Using Resources Efficiently ...'...	>......		50
Y,Z        •       •     '      '-.        ,.:1.      .      ;-'.;.  ;

Yes, You Can: Two Small Towns'Show How to Save Money and Water [Brochure],
Youth and the Environment [Brochure]	 \ ............	
Youth and the Environment Training and Employment Program .'....-:'-.	
.  89
                                             Page 156

