            Section 319 Success Stories Volume III:
                   The Successful Implementation
of the Clean Water Act's Section 319 IMonpoint Source Pollution Program
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              United States Environmental Protection Agency
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                         EPA 841-S-01-001
                           February 2002

Section 319 Success Stories

Volume III:

The Successful Implementation of the
Clean Water Act's Section 319
Nonpoint Source Pollution Program
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Water
Washington, DC


                                              Section 319 Success Stories:    1
                          The Successful Implementation of the Clean Water Act's
.  _                              Section 319 Nonpoint Source Pollution Program

                                            Flint Creek Watershed Project:    7
                        Multiagency Effort Results in Water Quality Improvements
                         Tuscumbia-Fort Payne Aquifer Protection Program:    8
                            Multiagency, Cooperative Approach Protects Aquifer

                                           Restoration Work on the Kenai:    10
                   Section 319' Funds Are Key to Youth Restoration Corpss Success,
               Road and Stream Crossing Project in Tongass National Forest:    11
                         New Data Help Identify Needed Fish Habitat Restoration

                                                     AMERICAN SAMOA
                                   Nu'uuli Pala Lagoon Restoration Project:    12
                                        Efforts Spread to Other Island Villages

                                            Restoration in Nutrioso Creek:    13
                                        Successful Results Beginning to Show
                                  Sediment Reduction at Hackberry Ranch:    16
                                        Reduction of 4 Tons Per Acre Realized

                            Buffalo National River Watershed Partnerships:    17
                                   Partners Improve Swine Waste Management
A Community Approach to Managing Manure in the Buffalo River Watershed:    19
                        Local Watershed Assistance Program' Helps Dairy Farmers

                                                Grassland Bypass Project:    21
                    Economic Incentives Program Helps to Improve Water Quality
                                                 Turning History Around:    23
            Stream Restoration Reclaims a Meadow While Helping to Control Floods

                         Mining Remediation in the Chalk Creek Watershed:    25
                                      Project Demonstrates Exciting Possibilities
                                                  Rio Blanco Restoration:    27
             Adopted Rocks and Homemade Jelly Help Fund Demonstration Project  .

                                   Center Springs Pond Restoration Project:    29
                                             Skaters and Fish Return to Pond
        Lake Waramaug Watershed Agricultural Waste Management System:    31
                                            One Farm Can  Make a Difference

                   Partners Upgrade Septic Systems in Coverdale Crossroads:    33
                                        Quality of Life Improved, for Residents

                                                     Contents  (cont»)
                                                               DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
                     Marsh Restoration and Island Enhancement Projects at Kingman Lake:    34
                                                         Tidal Wetland Habitats Re-created
                                                            The Watts Branch Initiative:    36
                                                    Community Involvement Key to Success
                                                          Blackwater River Restoration:    37
                           Project Demonstrates Mechanics of Erosion and Effectiveness of BMPs
                                Brevard County's Urban Storm Water Retrofitting Projects:    38
                                     Lessons Learned About Design, Location, and Monitoring
                                            Broad River Streambank Stabilization Project:    40
                                                     Tree Revetments Rescue Eroding Banks
                                       North Griffin Storm Water Detention Pond Project:    41
                                      Constructed Wetland System Protects Water, Wins Award
                                                              Ugum Watershed Project:    42
                                    Students Plant Acacia Seedlings to Help Restore Watershed
                                                      He'eia Coastal Restoration Project:    43
                               Thousands of Volunteers Replace Alien Plants with Native Species
                                        Integration of Aquaculture with Taro Production:    44
                                  Nonpoint Source Pollutants Reduced in Demonstration Project
                                                         Conservation in Hatwai Creek:    45
                                           Partners Work Together on Four Successful Projects
                                                Restoring the Paradise Creek Watershed:    47
                              Phased Approach Implemented to Address Pollution and Flooding
                                 Streambank Stabilization  in the Thomas Fork Watershed:    49
                                      Photo Monitoring Sells Landowners on Bank Stabilization
                                                                 Lake Pittsfield Project:    50
                                      Ninety Percent Reduction in Sediment Loading Achieved
                                               Restoration of the Flint Creek Watershed:    52
                                           Restoration Partnership Completes Multiple Projects
                                                      Blue River Riparian Reforestation:    53
                                          The Nature Conservancy Gets Landowners Involved
                                                Little Pine Creek and Indian Watersheds:    55
                       Constructed Wetland System Averts Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution
                                                       Bigalk Creek Watershed Project:    56
                                                       Rainbow Trout Population Rebounds
                                                  The Lake Fisher Water Quality Project:    57
                                              Chipped Tires Help Protect Public Water Supply
                                                      Pine Creek Water Quality Project:    59
                                                    Life Expectancy of Pine Lakes Extended

                              Contents  (corst.)
                                    Braeburn Golf Course Project:    60
                           Nitrates Reduced by More Than 80 Percent.
                         On-site Sewage Disposal on Difficult Sites:    62
                      Special Conditions Demand Alternative Response

                        Elkhorn Creek BMP Demonstration Project:    63
                        Farmers See Water Supply Alternatives in Action

                                        Bayou Plaquemine Brule:    64
Louisiana Applies .Satellite Imagery to Watershed Planning and Management
                      Flat River and Red Chute Bayou Watersheds:   . 66
                                            BMPs Reduce Soil Loss

                                Highland Lake Watershed Project:    67
                     Hotspots Model Links Land Use and Water Quality
              Silver Spring Brook Watershed Demonstration Project:,   69
        Landowners' Cooperation Plus Town's Commitment Equals Success

          Evaluating the Effectiveness of Maryland's Forestry BMPs:    71
                        Paired Watershed Study Tests BMP Performance

               Broad Marsh River Storm Water Remediation Project:    72
               Infiltration Structures Reduce Pollutants, Save Shellfish Beds
                  Lake Tashmoo Storm Water Remediation Project:    74
                First Flush Leaching Basins More Effective Than Expected

                                 Innovative Farmers of Michigan:    76
                 Blending Farm Profitability and Water Quality Protection
                             Little Rabbit River Watershed Project:    78
                     One-to-One Approach Wins Landowners''Support

                                        .           MINNESOTA
                             North St. Paul Urban Ecology Center:    80
                 Wetland Improvements Needed to Control Storm Water
                      Prior Lake/Spring Lake Improvement Project:    81
                 Long-Term Implementation Strategy Off to a Good Start

                   Muddy Creek Watershed Demonstration Project:    83
                               BMPs  Retain 3,500 Tons of Soil per Year
                            Roebuck Lake Demonstration Project:    84
    Slotted-Board Risers Installed to Save Topsoil and Improve Water Quality    !

             Mississippi Delta Irrigation Water Management Project:    85
                                       Irrigation Efficiency Improved •
                   Upper Niangua Grazing Demonstration Project:    87
                          Counties Unite to Start Demonstration Farms

                                                          Contents  (cent.)
                                                           Careless Creek Watershed Project:    90
                                                        Sediment Delivery Reduced by 25 Percent
                                                                Restoration in Muddy Creek:    92
                                                              Will a Name.Change Be Needed?

                                                                 Walnut Creek Lake Project:    94
                                                         Partnership Drives Watershed Protection
                                                          Wellhead Protection in Guide Rock:    95
                                            Village Closes Abandoned Wells to Protect Water Supply

                                            Martin Slough Water Quality Enhancement Project:    97
                                            Water Quality Improves in the Upper Carson River Basin
                                                      Middle Carson River Restoration Project:    98-
                                                   Bioengineering Used to Restore Unstable' Banks

                                                                          NEW HAMPSHIRE
                                                                      Chocorua Lake Project:    100
                                                         BMPs Reduce Phosphorus by 82 Percent
                                                           Lake Opechee Watershed Project:    101
                                                  City-State Partnership Takes on Multiple Pollutants

                                                                               NEW JERSEY
                                                            Restoration of Strawbridge Lake:    103
                                   Volunteers Assist in Stabilizing Shoreline and Constructing Wetlands
                                      The Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Restoration Project:    104
                                       Streamwatch Volunteers Monitor Success of Restoration Efforts

                                                                             NEW MEXICO
                                                       Lower Bitter Creek Restoration Project:    105
                                                  Sediment Loads Reduced by Implementing BMPs
                                  Valle Grande Grass Bank Water Quality Improvement Project:    107
                                                                  Success Breeds More Success

                                                                     Keuka Lake Watershed:    109
                                              Grap'e Growers Implement Soil Conservation Practices
                                                              Wappingers Creek Watershed:    110
                                                                AEM Program Plays a Vital Role

                                                                        NORTH CAROLINA
                                                       Edenton Storm Water Wetland Project:    111
                                                 Wetland Systems Reduce Nitrogen Concentrations
                                             Goose Creek Urban Stream Rehabilitation Project:    113
                                 Ecosystem Protection Practices Installed in Low-Income Neighborhood

                                                                          NORTH DAKOTA
                                                              Cottonwood Creek Watershed:    114
                                                                Project Is a Success in the Works
                                                             Red River Basin Riparian Project:    117
                                                                 Turtle River Site Passes the Test

  i^r             :              Contents  (cont.)

                         Stillwater River Watershed Protection Project:     119
                        High Local Interest Helps Launch Watershed Project
                      Toussaint River Incentive Improvement Program:     120
                 Buffer Project Becomes a Model of Conservation Partnership

                             Acid Mine Drainage Treatment Wetlands:     122
                      A Sustainable Solution for Abandoned Mine Problems
        Poteau River Comprehensive Watershed Management Program:     124
                          Local Involvement Ensures Program Sustainability
                                            The Spring Creek Project:     126
                        Streambanks Stabilized Through Stream Restoration

                                Dawson Wetland Restoration Project:     128
                                    Landowners and Wetlands Both Win
                                     South Myrtle Creek Ditch Project:     129
                                    Removal of Dam Benefits Aquatic Life
            Wet Meadow Restoration in the Upper Grande Ronde Basin:     131
                                Channel Restoration Brings Cooler Waters

                                     Narrows Bioengineering Project:     132
                      Cold-Water Fishery Restored Through Bioengineering
                             Villanova's Storm Water Wetland Retrofit:     133
                             BMP Treats Runoff and Provides Research Site

                                                      PUERTO RICO
                                   Coastal Nonpoint Source Controls:     135
Executive Order Adopts Section 6217(g) Management Measures as Official Policy

                                                    RHODE ISLAND
                                   Curran Brook Sedimentation Pond:     136
                     Multiple Partners Construct Storm Water Control System
                                       Galilee Salt Marsh Restoration:     137
                    Undersized Culverts Replaced with Self-Regulating Gates

                                                 SOUTH CAROLINA
                        Constructed Wetlands for Failing Septic Tanks:     139
                     .            New Technologies Solve an  Old Problem
                                    Stevens Creek Watershed Project:     140
              Demonstration Sites Show Reductions in Fecal Coliform Bacteria

                                                   SOUTH DAKOTA
                                   Big Stone Lake Restoration Project:     141
                        Better Water Quality Improves Fisheries, Recreation
                              Management-Intensive Grazing Project:     143
                       Rotational Grazing Reduces Erosion, Increases Profits

                                 Ghost River Land Acquisition Project:     144
                            River Protected by Restoring Forested Wetlands
                   Using Constructed Wetlands to Clean Up Pesticides:  .   146
             Container Nurseries Will Benefit from Successful Pilot-Scale Study
                                                                              • Concents

                                                          Contents  (cent.)
                             Atrazine Problems in the Lake Aquilla and Marlin City Lake System:    147
                                                                Farmers Take a Proactive Stance
                                             On-Farm Composting of Dairy Cattle Solid Waste:    148
                                         Protecting Water Quality While Producing a Salable Product
                                                                    Little Bear River Project:    149
                                                            Voluntary Approaches Yield Success
                                                       Success in the Chalk Creek Watershed:,    151
                                                   Reduced Phosphorus,, Enhanced Habitat Result
                                               Flow Restoration Below Hydroelectric Facilities:    153
                                            Relicensing Offers Opportunity to Increase Stream Flows
                                                    Lake Champlain Basin Watershed Project:    154
                                                        Significant Pollutant Reductions Achieved
                                                  Cabin Branch Mine Orphaned Land. Project:    156
                                                  'Flora and Fauna Benefit from Mine Reclamation
                                                       Toncrae Mine Orphaned Land Project:    158
                                                  Mine Site Reclamation Increases Species Diversity
                                                                          VIRGIN ISLANDS
                                                                  Virgin Islands Partnership:    160
                               Alternative Treatment Systems Prevent Contamination of Coastal Waters
                                            Best Management Practices on Model Horse Farms:    161
                                           Farm Plan Management Reduces Nutrients and Sediment
                                           A Moo-ving Approach to Dairy Waste Management:    162
                                              Fecal Coliform Pollution  Reduced in Whatcom County
                                                   Sediment Reduction in Yakima River Basin:    164
                                                People Become Stewards of Their Own Watershed
                                                                           WEST VIRGINIA
                                                                    The North Fork Project:    165
                                 Farmers' Cooperation Leads to Proposed Delisting of Degraded River
                                                                       Otter Creek Project:    168
                                                     319 National Monitoring Program Goals Met
                                                          Success in Spring Creek Watershed:    169
                                   Natural Reproduction of Trout Confirms Water Quality Improvement
                                              Jackson Hole Rodeo Grounds Snow Storage Site:    170
                                               Filtration System Reduces Urban Storm Water Runoff
                                     Muddy Creek Coordinated Resource Management Project:    172
                                                    Cattle Ranches and Trout Streams Can  Coexist
' Concerns

                                Contents (cont.J

                                    Ranch Water Quality Planning:    175
   Voluntary Rangeland Management Eases Impacts on'California Watersheds
                                 Colorado Water Protection Project:    176
          • League of Women Voters Guides Extensive Urban NFS Campaign
                 Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials  (NEMO):    177
                 Successful Connecticut Project Used as Model Nationwide
                           Florida Yards & Neighborhoods Program:    179
                                 More Than 1.2 Million People Reached
                                        The Salt Creek Wilderness:    180
            Illinois Zoo Offers Interactive Environmental Learning Experience
                                      North Dakota Eco-Ed Camps:    182
                        Thousands of Students Have Fun While Learning
        University of Rhode Island Onsite Wastewater Training Center:    183
              Pioneering Agency Teaches, Demonstrates Innovative Systems
                                         Water Action Volunteers:    184
                     WAV and Its Partners Make a Difference in Wisconsin
                 Stream Monitoring Network with  Wyoming Schools: ,   185
                Trained Teams Initiate, Expand School Monitoring  Programs

                                   INNOVATIVE STATE PROGRAMS
                                         California's BIOS Program:    187
Growers Adopt Whole-System Management Approach to. Reduce Pesticide Use
          Maui County Erosion and Sediment Control Training Project:    189
                     Workshops Explain Ordinance, Teach BMP Installation
                         Idaho's Dairy Pollution Prevention Initiative:    191
                      Unique Program Eliminates Direct Dairy Discharges
           Creating a Storm Water Utility in Chicopee, Massachusetts:    193
                          Project Praised as Outstanding Planning Project
        New York's Agricultural Environmental Management Program:    195
             Incentive-based Program Helps Farmers Meet Tough Standards
                  South Carolina Forestry BMP Compliance Program:    197
                          Proactive Strategy Raises BMP Compliance Rate
                                 Statewide Clean Marina Programs:    198
           BMPs, Recognition, and Outreach Help Protect Coastal Resources

                                                        Contents  (cont.)
                                                              STATE FUNDING PROGRAMS
                                                           California's Water Bond Program    201
                                                                California's Loan-Programs    202
                                                                  Florida Forever Program    202
                                                            Georgia's Greenspace Program    203
                                                             Iowa's Water Quality Initiative    203
                                                                Maine's Funding Programs    205
                                                                  Clean Michigan Initiative    206
                                               Minnesota's Clean Water Partnership Program    206
                                                       Reinvest in Minnesota (RIM) Program    207
                              New Hampshire's Water Supply Land Conservation Grant Program    208
                                                           New Jersey's Funding Programs    208
                                                 New York's Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act    209
                                        North Carolina's Clean Water Management Trust Fund    209
                                                                         Clean Ohio Fund    210
                                                    Oregon's Watershed Restoration Grants    210
                                                   Pennsylvania's Growing Greener Program    211
                                                              Vermont's Funding Programs    212
                                                   Virginia's Water Quality Improvement Act    213
                                              Washington's Water Qualify Funding Programs    214
                                          Wisconsin's Grant Programs for Runoff Management    214
                                          State Conservation Reserve Enhancement Programs    215
                                                 Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs    215
                                                           TRIBAL SECTION 319 PROJECTS
                                      Restoring Watersheds by Decommissioning Forest Roads:    217
                                          Karuk Tribe and Forest Service Form Successful Partnership
                                                        Winchester Lake Watershed Project:    219
                                                   Local Partners Join in Implementing TMDL Plan
                                             Water Quality Best Management Practices Plan:    220
                                                           Choctaw Tribe Addresses Soil Erosion
                                                           Restoring Little Porcupine Creek:    221
                               Alternative Water Sources and Grazing Rotation Help to Restore Stream
                            Streambank Restoration at Bradley and Standingdeer Campgrounds:    221
                                                An Innovative Solution Solves a Common Problem
                                                                                Glossary    G-l
                                                                              Appendix    A-l
                                                              Success_Story Index and Sources
vlflBEl Contents

                                          Section 319 Success  Stories:

               The Successful  Implementation of the Clean Water Act's
                         Section  319  Nonpoint Source Pollution Program
     This document is the third volume of Section

    319 Success Stories, .the first volume of which

was published in November 1994 and the second

in October 1997. The first document illustrated

the states' achievements in their initial efforts to

implement their nonpoint source programs under

section 319 of the Clean Water Act. The second

volume demonstrated the maturation of the  state

programs and was replete with many examples of

the documented water quality improvements,

improved fisheries, reduced loadings, and in-

creased public awareness that are a result of  the

many projects that have received section 319


    Success Stories: Volume III contains approxi-

mately two new stories per state, highlighting

some of the additional successes achieved since

the 1997 publication. These stories demonstrate

better-defined water quality improvements, as well

as growing partnerships and funding sources, as

state 319 programs-expand and states learn in-

creasingly more from past 319 demonstration

projects. Collectively, they represent only a frac-

tion of the section 319 project successes.

Nonpoint source pollution

After Congress passed the Clean Water Act in .

1972, the Nation's water quality community placed

a primary emphasis on addressing and controlling
 point source'pollution (pollution coming from a

 discrete conveyance or location, such as industrial

 and municipal waste discharge pipes). Not only .

 were these sources the primary contributors to the

 degradation of our nation's waters at the time, but

 the extent and significance of nonpoint source

 pollution was also poorly understood and over-

 shadowed by efforts to control pollution from

 point sources.      ,     ,  ' -

    Today, nonpoint source pollution remains the

 Nation's largest source of -water quality problems.

 It is the main reason that approximately 40 per-

• cent of surveyed rivers, lakes, and estuaries are

 not clean enough to meet basic uses such as fish-

 ing Or swimming.    .      .. •  •

    Nonpoint source pollution occurs when

 rainfall, snowmelt, or irrigation water runs over

 land or through the ground, picks up pollutants,

 and deposits them into rivers, lakes, and coastal

 waters or introduces them into groundwater.

 Nonpoint source pollution also includes adverse

 changes to the hydrology of water bodies- and

 their associated aquatic habitats.

    The most common nonpoint source pollut^

 ants are soils and nutrients that storm water run-

 off picks up as it flows overland to rivers and

 streams; for example,  runoff from agricultural

 land and other treated open spaces,  urban devel-

 opments, construction sites, roads, and bridges.

                         Other common nonpoint source pollutants in-
                         clude pesticides, pathogens (bacteria and viruses),
                         salt, oil, grease, toxic chemicals, and heavy metals.
                             The most recent National Water Quality Inven-
                         tory (1998) indicates that nonpoint sources consti-
                         tute the leading sources of water pollution in the
                         United States today. States and other jurisdictions
                         reported agriculture as the most widespread
                         source of pollution in assessed rivers, streams,'and
                         lakes, with hydromodification and urban runoff
                         following as the second and third leading sources
                         of pollution.
                             Nonpoint source pollution causes or contrib-
                         utes to beach closures, destroyed habitat, unsafe
                         drinking water, fish kills, and many other severe
                         environmental and human health problems. It also
                         spoils the beauty and important functions of
                         clean, healthy water habitats.

                         Nonpoint source program—Section 319 of the
                         Clean Water Act
                         Congress established the national nonpoint source
                         program in 1987 when it amended the Clean
                         Water Act with section 319, "Nonpoint Source
NonpoJnt source pollution causes or contributes to beach closures, destroyed
habitat, unsafe drinking water, fish kills, and many other severe environmental
and human health problems.
Management Programs." States were to address
nonpoint source pollution by
    •  Conducting statewide assessments of their waters
       to identify those that are impaired (do not
       fully support state water quality standards)
       or threatened (currently meet, water quality
       standards but are unlikely to continue to
       meet water quality standards fully) because
       of nonpoint sources.
    •  Developing nonpoint source management programs
       to address the impaired or threatened
       waters identified in nonpoint source assess-
    •  Implementing their EPA-approved nonpoint source
       management programs over a multiyear time
    All states and territories and, as of September
2001, more than 70  tribes (representing over 70
percent of Indian Country) now have EPA-ap-
proved nonpoint source assessments and manage-
ment programs.
    In 1995, recognizing the growing experience
of states, tribes, and localities in addressing non-
point source pollution and the fact that state,
tribal, and local nonpoint source programs had
matured considerably since enactment of section
319 in 1987, representatives of EPA and the
states, under the auspices of the Association of
State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Ad-
ministrators (ASIWPCA), initiated joint discus-
sions to develop a new framework for further
strengthening state nonpoint source programs.
These discussions continued for more than a year,
spanning fiscal years (FY) 1995 and 1996, and
resulted in new national section 319 program and
grant guidance that EPA signed and ASIWPCA
endorsed. This May 1996 guidance reflected the
states' and EPA's joint commitment to upgrade

The stories highlight the range of best  state at
management practices, training
programs, and other acitivites
implemented to achieve measurable
improvements in water quality.
            state nonpoint source management

            programs to incorporate nine key

            program elements designed to

            achieve and maintain beneficial uses

            of water.

                The guidance also provided for

            discontinuing competitive award of a

            portion of each .state's annual section

            319 grant award, thereby ensuring a

            firm annual planning target for each

                      outset, of each annual

            award cycle, reducing the amount and

            frequency of administrative oversight

            and reporting, and offering greater

flexibility for the states and territories in establish-

ing priorities for the use of these funds. Addition-

ally, a state that incorporates all nine key elements

into its revised nonpoint source management

program and has a proven track record of effec-

tive implementation of its nonpoint source pro-

grams is formally recognized by the Regional

Administrator and the Assistant Administrator for

Water as a Nonpoint Source Enhanced Benefits

State. Nonpoint Source Enhanced Benefits States

are afforded substantially reduced oversight and

maximum flexibility to implement their state

programs and to achieve water quality objectives.

Thus, although EPA greatly streamlined the sec-

tion 319 grants program for all states, it also pro-

vided further flexibility to the Nonpoint Source

Enhanced Benefits States with complete programs

and proven track records.

    The nine key elements that form the core of

the states' upgraded nonpoint source management

programs are the following:

    1. Short- and long-term goals  and objectives.

    2. Strong working partnerships with all key

    3. Balanced approach emphasizing statewide

      and watershed-level programs.

    4. Plans to abate known impairments and

      prevent significant threats to water quality.

    5. Identifying and progressively addressing

      impaired or threatened waters.

    6. Establishing flexible, targeted, iterative


    7-. Identifying federal programs that are not

      consistent with state programs.

    8. Efficient and effective program manage-

      ment and implementation.

    9. Periodic review and evaluation of program

      success at least every 5 years.

    All states and territories will have approved,

upgraded nonpoint source management programs

by the end of 2001.

Responsibility and funding for the 319


EPA is divided into 10 regions "with offices in

Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Atlanta,

Chicago, Dallas, Kansas City, Denver, San Fran-

cisco, and Seattle. Each EPA region has a Non-

point Source Coordinator, •who is familiar with the

nonpoint source programs in each of  the states,

territories,-and tribes in that region and the 319

funding process that supports them. In turn, each

state has a designated Nonpoint Source Coordina-

tor responsible for managing the state's nonpoint

source activities and funds. For specific EPA

regional and state NPS Coordinators, see EPA's

•web site at www.epa.gov/owow/nps/

contacts.html. In most states, this Coordinator is

located in the state's water quality agency. In  sev-

eral states, however, the NPS Coordinator is  lo-

cated in the state's conservation agency, health

agency, or agricultural agency. Increasingly, deci-

                         sions about funding and program priorities are

                         made by a broad-based NFS Task Force repre-

                         senting not only state agencies but also other

                         stakeholders at the state and local levels.

                             EPA awards grants to states using an allocation

                         formula based on population, cropland acreage,

                         critical aquatic habitats, pasture and rangeland

                         acreage, forest harvest acreage, wellhead protection

                         areas, mining, and pesticide use to determine the

                         amount to be awarded to each state. Each year, the

                         congressional appropriation for section 319 is

                         multiplied by the applicable percentage based on

                         the formula to determine each state's allocation for

                         that year. Each state or tribe is required to provide

                         a 40 percent nonfederal dollar match.

                             From FY 1990 through 2001, EPA awarded an

                         aggregate of more than $1.3 billion to states and

                         territories under section 319. Funds available.for

                         grants in FY 2001 alone have increased to more

                         than f 237 million, which is nearly double the FY

                         1998 appropriation. A small portion of the annual

                         section 319 appropriation, one-third of 1 percent,

                         is by statute set aside for Indian tribes. In FY 2000

                         and FY 2001, Congress authorized EPA to award

                         grants to Indian tribes under section 319 in an

                         amount that exceeds the statutory cap, recognizing

                         that the tribes need and deserve increased financial
Nonpolnt source pollution occurs when rainfall, snowmelt, or irrigation water
runs over land or through the ground, picks up pollutants and deposits them
Into rivers, lakes, and coastal waters or introduces them into groundwater.
Nonpoint source pollution is the main reason that
approximately 40 percent of surveyed rivers, lakes,
and estuaries are not clean enough for fishing or
support to implement their nonpoint source pro-

grams. EPA's long-term goal is that the one-third of

1 percent cap on tribal nonpoint source grants will

be permanently eliminated.

Future of nonpoint source programs

With all state 319 programs upgraded by the end

of 2001, EPA and ASIWPCA have established a

new state/EPA Nonpoint Source Management

Partnership to support states in the implementa-

tion of their upgraded programs. The partnership

consists of a state/EPA Steering Committee arid

seven -workgroups to help identify and solve

states' highest-priority nonpoint source needs. The

seven workgroups cover issues relating to

    1. Watershed planning and implementation.

    2. Rural nonpoint sources.

    3. Urban nonpoint sources.

    4. Nonpoint source grants management.

    5. Nonpoint source capacity building and


    6. Information transfer and  outreach.

    7. Documenting nonpoint source results.

    This new partnership provides an excellent

framework for'the states and EPA to work to-

                         gether cooperatively to identify, prioritize, and
                         solve nonpoint source problems. For more de-
                         tailed information on particular -workgroup activi-
                         ties, see EPA's web site atwwwepa.gov/owow/

                         Defining success
                         Many of the projects contained in Success Stories:
                         Volume III directly address the Clean Water Act's
                         goal of achieving water quality standards by re-
                         storing and maintaining the chemical, physical,
The Clean Water Act's goal is to achieve water quality standards by restoring
and maintaining the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation's
                         and biological integrity of the Nation's waters.
                         The "state-by-state showcase" stories primarily
                         demonstrate water quality improvements, a return
                         to water quality standards, or other objective
                         evidence of improvement in the water or in the
                         habitat associated with the water. Many of the
                         stories also document specific pollutant reduc-
                         tions or other measurable improvements attrib-
                         uted to the 319 project, such as increased shade
                         for temperature-impaired waters and improved
                         streamside habitat. The stories highlight the range
                         of best management practices, training programs,
                         and other activities implemented to achieve these
successes, as well as the funding sources and other
partners that contributed to the successful project.
     Although stories contained in Success Stories:
Volume III emphasize "on-the-ground" projects to
solve nonpoint source problems, many states also
have created special programs and authorities to
prevent nonpoint source problems. Interested
readers should refer to two research studies pub-
lished by the Environmental Law Institute (ELI)
for general background on state authorities to
address nonpoint source pollution—Enforceable
State Mechanisms for the Control of Nonpoint Source   ,
Water Pollution (1997) and Almanac of Enforceable
State'Laws to Control Nonpoint Source Water Pollution
(1998). Of special interest is an ELI study on how
eight states in particular are using a combination
of authorities and on-the-ground programs to
achieve their nonpoint source goals of both reme-
diation and protection (see Putting the Pieces To^
gether: State Nonpoint Source Enforceable Mechanisms in
Context [2000]). More details about ELI's research
studies can be found on EPA's web site at
     Four "special feature" sections are also in-
cluded in this document, highlighting especially
innovative state programs, information and educa-
tion programs, state funding programs, and tribal
319 projects.

For more information
The stories in this document are abbreviated,  •
nontechnical reviews that reflect only a small
portion of each project's larger purposes. For
further information on a particular project, call
the state or local contact listed with the story. You
may also contact EPA Headquarters' Nonpoint
Source Control Branch at 202-260-7100 or find
EPA on the Internet at www.epa.gov/owow/nps.

6 fa"»	^ Introduction

Brad Bole
Project Coordinator
3 1 20 Highway 36 West
Hartselle.AL 35640
256-773-6543 (ext. 1 07)
bbole®al.nrcs. usda.gov
Primary Sources of
• agriculture (dairy)

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• nutrients
• fecal conform bacteria
•...._ - • • •
Project Activities:
• agricultural BMPs (dry
stacks, dead bird
composters, no-till farming,
heavy use areas for
• feeding, stream crossings)
• riparian zone management
• outreach

Results: '
• decrease in fecal coliform
counts, nitrate
concentrations, turbidity,
and ammonia
«, decline in duckweed/
algae blooms
                                                                  Flint  Creek Watershed Project:
                                        Multiagency Effort Results in Water Quality Improvements
                        The Flint Creek watershed is in southeast

                        Lawrence County and western Morgan County in

                        Alabama. The creek is listed as a priority water

                        body for agricultural nonpoint source pollution

                        and is documented as having at least 25 miles of

                        impaired surface water due to nutrients, organic

                        enrichment, and pathogens originating from ani-

                        mal holding and management areas, feedlots,

                        dairies, and other nonpoint sources. The water

                        quality problems were so severe that a local water

                        supply on Flint Creek was forced to abandon an

                        intake and water treatment facility as a result of

                        excess nutrients.

                        Multiagency effort

                        The Flint Creek Watershed Project is a multiagency

                        cooperative effort led by local leaders and water-

                        shed residents. In 1994 a Watershed Conservancy

                        District was established, and plans were developed

                        with the assistance of five federal agencies, five

                        Alabama state agencies, and three local soil and

                        •water conservation districts. Sources of funding for

                        the project activities included section 319 grants,

                        U.S. Department of Agriculture programs such as

                        the Environmental Quality Incentive Program and

                        the Water Quality Incentive Program, Soil and

                        Water Conservation District cost-share funds, and

                        corporate donations.
                Lawrence and Morgan Counties, Alabama

    A variety of projects were implemented in

the watershed, including poultry, beef cattle, and

cropland demonstrations; well sampling programs;

on-site wastewater demonstrations; and riparian

zone management efforts. Agricultural best man-

agement practices implemented included installing

dry stacks and dead bird composters, promoting

no-till farming and heavy use areas for feeding,

and constructing stream crossings for cattle.

    Outreach activities were conducted fre-

quently in the watershed. The annual Flint Creek

Wet & Wild Festival, for example, brought to-

gether more than 800 students in 1999. Other

projects included a household hazardous waste

day, pesticide amnesty day, and volunteer moni-

toring programs.

Water quality improvements

Improvements in fecal coliform counts have been

documented at 11 of the 13 sampling sites. In

addition, nitrate concentrations have decreased

over time at three sites, turbidity has decreased at

two sites, and ammonia concentrations have de-

creased downstream of a sewage lagoon. Al-

though no benefit to dissolved oxygen has been

documented to date, the decline of duckweed and

algae blooms in Flint Creek demonstrates that the

health of the watershed is improving.

Enid Probst
Alabama Department of
Environmental Management
PO, Box30H63
Montgomery, AL 3 6 1 3 0

Primary Sources of
• agriculture (farming)
« failing septic systems
Primary NPS Pollutants:
« pesticides
• herbicides
« fecal coliform bacteria

Project Activities:
« aquifer assessments
• education/outreach

. • assessment of all 14
water systems
. « outreach to more than
3 million people
                              Tuscumbia-Fort Payne Aquifer  Protection  Program:
                                               Multiagency, Cooperative Approach Protects Aquifer
                        One of the fastest-growing regions in Alabama is
                        the Tennessee River Valley. This area is also one
                        of the state's most rapidly developing areas in
                        agricultural production (cotton and corn); recre-
                        ation, and industry. The expanding economic base
                        has led to suburban expansion into rural areas,
                        resulting in more diverse nonpoint sources of
                        pollution and more land coverage by impervious
                        surfaces. As a result, one of the state's major
                        aquifers, the Tuscumbia-Fort Payne Aquifer, was
                        showing signs of stress due to contamination
                        from surface sources.      ;
                            The Highland Rim Physiographic Region
                        of the state, in which the aquifer is located,
                        includes six counties with roughly 4,500 square
                        miles within the Tennessee River drainage basin.
                        About 1.3 million pounds and 146,102 gallons
                        of pesticides and herbicides are applied in the
                        area yearly, causing major concern about the
                        drinking water supplies throughout the region.
                        Sampling results indicate that there is localized
                        contamination in the Highland Rim Physiographic
                        Region: 33 percent of wells and 32 percent of
                        springs tested positive for pesticides, indicating
                        that pesticides are entering the subterranean
                        channel system that discharges into surface water
                        bodies. Fecal coliform bacteria from poorly main-
                        tained on-site wastewater treatment systems are
                        also a concern.
                       Tennessee River Valley, Alabama

 Multiagency project
 The Tuscumbia-Fort Payne Aquifer Protection
 Program involved a multiagency cooperative
 approach. Alabama's Department of Environ-
 mental Management (ADEM) received partner-
 ship support from the Geological Survey of Ala-
 bama, the Alabama Department of Agriculture
 and Industries, the Alabama Soil and Water Con-
 servation Commission, the Natural Resources
 Conservation Service (NRCS), the Alabama Co-
 * operative Extension Service, the Alabama Depart-
 ment of Public Health, EPA, and the Tennessee
 Valley Authority, as well as 17 municipal and 6
 county governments. Financial support for the
 program came  from EPA's 319 grant program,
 which funded all aspects of the program.
     The purpose of the aquifer protection program
 was to create a comprehensive program that would
 provide the maximum aquifer protection, given the
 regulatory limitations of community and county
 authorities. The program incorporated various state
 programs and developed a strategy for groundwater
 protection through cooperative efforts. The strate- .
 gies for aquifer protection were to technically assess
, the aquifer and its characteristics, to assess the non- •
 point sources of contamination (such as agricultural
 applications  of chemicals and improperly maintained
 septic systems),  and to create educational programs
 based on the technical data.
    1 Alabama

Technical strategy

Madison County's Wellhead Protection Program

provided a framework for the technical strategy.

That program had previously delineated recharge

areas for 6 of the 14 water systems in the High-

land Rim Region. The Geological Survey of

Alabama delineated the recharge areas for the

remaining eight water systems in the study area.

     Water level and geologic field mapping, as well

as dye tracing studies, were used to determine the

flow boundaries and characteristics of each well or

spring. After the recharge areas were identified, a

comprehensive potential contaminant source inven-

tory was conducted to identifiy all potential or

existing sources of point and nonpoint contamina-

tion that could impair groundwater quality. Non-

point sources of particular importance are sink

holes, abandoned wells, residential septic systems,

and agricultural fields under production.

     Based on the potential contaminant inven-

tory, the University of West Alabama conducted

a pilot study in Lauderdale County to  determine

the relationship between on-site sewage treat-

ment systems and bacteria in well water. One

hundred homeowners voluntarily participated in

a survey that collected information on character-

istics and maintenance of the on-site system,  .

factors related to •water usage, and  environmental

information that could be related to fecal

coliform contamination. Of the 100 wells and

springs examined, 32 percent were found to

contain fecal coliform bacteria. An examination

of •well depth indicated a possible relationship to

the probability of contamination.. It was found

that 56.3 percent of the shallow wells were con-

taminated and that there was a very high prob-

ability of contamination (83 percent) when

drainfield lines ran toward the well as compared.

to 23 percent probability for drainfield lines that

ran away from the well.
Educational campaign

The foundation for protection of the aquifer and

the identified recharge areas was a regional educa-

tional campaign developed to create public and

private partnerships and instill a sense of respon-

sibility for their drinking water quality in the local


    A pilot Groundwater Festival was held in

Madison County in 1998, and more than 1,200

fourth-grade students participated. Following the

successful pilot, festivals were held in three other

counties. Each festival was unique, depending on

the needs of the county and its schools. The festi-

val organizing committees consisted of public

water system personnel, Cooperative Extension

agents, NRCS agents, regional planning and county

commission representatives, local nongovernmental

organizations, and school system representatives.

The county organizing committees remain intact,

and the festivals have continued annually. In  spring

2000 approximately 5,000 fourth graders and their

teachers,attended a Groundwater Festival in  the

Tennessee Valley area.

    A Cooperative Extension outreach program

•was also designed to introduce both urban and

rural residents to the source of their drinking and

irrigation water, as well as programs and practices

that can protect groundwater. The Cooperative

Extension System worked with AD EM and NRCS

to implement the program. Public presentations

and public service announcements were the pri-

mary methods of presenting information. Other

materials created for, the effort included a slide

show, a tabletop display, brochures, a karst

groundwater flow model, and questionnaires

similar to the Farm,,Home,"and Business*A*Syst

Program questionnaires.

    Over the span of 3 years, the agents pub-

lished 24 newspaper articles and aired 31 radio

spots and 7 TV programs. A 30-minute program
                                                                                    Alabama '

                            describing the Wellhead Protection Program was
                            aired on the local CBS station. Presentations were
                            made at farmers' meetings such as the'annual
                            cotton and corn producers meetings, the county
                            fair, Master Gardener classes, Pesticide Safety
                            Programs, Rotary clubs, home and garden shows,
                            and 4-H clubs. In addition, self-help booklets and
                            questionnaires were distributed to businesses and
                            organizations. The Cooperative Extension System
  estimates that more than 3 million people were
  reached during the 3 years of the media campaign.
      The aquifer protection program showed what
  can happen when many agencies join forces to
  protect a vulnerable groundwater resource. State,
  federal, and local agencies collaborated to define
- the aquifer characteristics and flow conditions in
  the area and to use this information  to build
  successful educational and outreach  programs.
i Contact:
Kelly Wolf
< YRC Director
I>O. 80X2416
; Kenai. AK 9961 1

Primary Sources of
« streambank degradation
from recreational fishing
Primary IMPS Pollutants: Project Activities:
« sediment • streambank restoration (soil
bags, root wads, coir logs,
, sod layers, dormant willow
" .-•-•-.:-; :~ -—...-.
• restored more than 7

                                                                   Restoration Work on  the  Kenai:
                                   Section 319 Funds Are Key to Youth Restoration Corps's Success
                           Alaska's rivers and streams are increasingly being
                           affected by recreational use. People from around
                           the world come to fish in some of Alaska's fabled
                           waters and often return home with incredible
                           stories and pictures. But all of that fishing is start-
                           ing to exact a price. One of Alaska's most famous
                           rivers, the Kenai, has been particularly hard hit,
                           resulting in the closure of 22 miles of the river to
                           bank fishing because of concerns regarding the
   The Sanctuary Project is one of many efforts to restore eroded streambanks like
   this one at the mouth of the Russian River.
                                 KenaCEiver, Alaska

  natural habitat. People trampling its banks have
  caused severe damage that threatens the riverine
  habitat and causes erosion. Many efforts are under
  way to prevent further damage and restore the
  banks where damage has already occurred.
     One of the most successful efforts has been
  the work of the Youth Restoration Corps (YRC), a
  nonprofit organization established in 1997 to pro-
  mote environmental stewardship in youth while
  restoring riparian habitat along anadromous
  (salmon) streams on public lands. YRC has received
  319 funding for its activities since its inception.

  Restoration on the Russian River
  In 1997 YRC established its first program on the
  Russian River, a tributary of the Kenai. The youth
  restored 2,219 linear feet of riparian habitat, using
  soil bags, root wads, coir logs, sod layers, and
  dormant willow cuttings. YRC has continued its
  restoration work on the Kenai and its tributary
  Russian River every year, and to date has worked

Casey and Ivy (right) work orv an undercut bank as
Dean Davidson, Assistant Director, and Vera Group
instruct youth on proper use of erosion mat.
 on more than 7,700 feet of some of the most
' heavily impacted riverbanks in Alaska. As a result,
 a river once in decline is now a river in recovery.

 Fostering environmental stewardship and
 In addition to helping restore Alaska's streams,
 YRC has also passed along its environmental stew-
 ardship ethic to young people. Each summer, kids
 aged 16 to 19 from local communities participate in
 this work and education program. They receive
 invaluable education on watersheds, healthy habitat,
                      and the inhabitants that
                      depend on a healthy eco-
                      system. YRC's motto is
                      "We are building partners
                      to build environmental
                      ambassadors for the next
                         YRC has also played a
                      critical role in bringing to-
                      gether stakeholders from
across the spectrum. Many other agencies and groups
have partnered with YRC, including the Alaska Depart-
ment of Environmental Conservation, Fish and Game
and Natural Resources; the National Guard; the Forest
Service; the US Army, the Natural Resources Conser-
vation Service, and others. Local governments, as •well
as local, national, and international private businesses
and organizations, have also partnered with YRC.
    YRC's work has been well publicized each
year by a professionally produced educational
video on youths' participation in the program and
successful completion of each project, which has
been aired several times on statewide and national
television. YRC has received many state and na-
tional awards and recognition for its work.
    Although YRC has garnered many matching
funds and in-kind matches from other organiza-
tions and businesses, 319 funds have been key to
its success. The 319 funds have totaled less than
$100,000, but other funds and in-kind match and
value of the project work have been contributed
at die rate of 5 to 1.
UK | . • •
Linda Flanders
Larry Meshew
Tongass National Forest
Chris Meade
EPA Region 1 0

Primary Sources of
» inadequate culverts
• forest roads

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• sediment

Project Activities:
• comprehensive
evaluation of stream •
crossings/fish passage

• database on inadequate
. • leveraged funding for

            Road  and Stream Crossing  Project in Tongass  National Forest:
                                         New Data Help Identify Needed Fish Habitat Restoration
                        The Tongass Road and Stream Crossing Project is a
                        3-year cooperative effort by the U.S. Department
                        of Agriculture Forest Service and the Alaska De-
                        partment of Fish and Game (ADF&G) to identify
                        and correct fish passage problems in the Tongass
                        National Forest in southeast Alaska. ADF&G's
                                                                        Tongass National Forest, Alaska
                                                 participation was partially funded through section
                                                 319 grants. The project evaluated fish passage and
                                                 sources of sediment from nonpoint source pollu-
                                                 tion along 60 percent of the miles of permanent
                                                 (system) roads on the Tongass National Forest; the
                                                 remaining 40 percent of the permanent roads, as
                                                                                                          Waste i

                           well as all of the temporary roads, will have the
                           road condition survey completed in 2001.
                               The project involved inspecting all stream
                           crossings and sources of sediment along the 2,153
                           miles of roads.  There were 273 anadromous fish
                           stream culverts and 662 resident fish stream cul-
                           verts  evaluated for passage. Adequate fish pas-
                           sage requires that the weakest-swimming fish
                           present in a watershed can pass both ways through
                           a culvert at all flow levels. Although some cul-
                           verts  are complete barriers  to both adults and
                           juveniles, many restrict movement of juvenile fish
                           only during periods of high stream flow.
                               Velocity is the most common cause of fish
                           passage restriction in culverts. If a culvert is in-
                           stalled at too steep a gradient or the culvert width is
                           significantly narrower than the stteambed width,
                           the water velocity is increased within the culvert.
                           Very slight changes in the slope of a culvert and the.
                           roughness of the substrate in the culvert can sig-
                           nificantly change velocity and the ability of fish to
                           pass through the culvert during all of the times of
                           year when they normally move upstream or down-
                                                                      stream. Other frequent causes of fish passage
                                                                      problems are perching of the culvert outlet above
                                                                     •the water surface, blockage by excessive substrate
                                                                      or •woody debris within the culvert, and structural
                                                                      damage to the culvert. In most cases, multiple
                                                                      factors interact to restrict fish passage.

                                                                      Project results
                                                                      Preliminary results indicate that 66 percent of the
                                                                      culverts across salmon streams in the Tongass  '
                                                                      National Forest are inadequate for fish passage.
                                                                      Eighty-five percent of the culverts across trout
                                                                      streams might also be inadequate.  .
                                                                         The resulting database will be used to maintain
                                                                      historical information on roads, identify existing and
                                                                      potential risks to fish habitat and passage, and priori-
                                                                      tize and estimate the  costs of needed road mainte-
                                                                      nance and fish habitat restoration. The Forest Ser-
                                                                      vice has been using the data from this collaborative
                                                                      project to identify needed fish habitat restoration
                                                                      •work. The data have already helped them obtain an
                                                                      additional $500,000 in annual road maintenance
                                                                      funds for the Tongass for the past 2 years.
Cart Goldstein
EPA Region 9 (CMO-5)
75 Hawthorne Street
San Francisco, CA 941 OS
gotdstein. cari9epa.gov
American Samoa EPA
Executive Office Building
Pago Pago. AS 96799

Primary Sources of Primary IMPS Pollutants: Project Activities: Results:
Pollution: .litter • refuse collection • absence of trash from
• storm water runoff • public education programs coastlines
                                                    Nu'uull  Pala Lagoon  Restoration Project:
                                                                      Efforts Spread to Other Island Villages
                           American Samoa's Governor proclaimed "Para-
                           dise 2000," with the goal of American Samoa
                           being the cleanest island in the South Pacific by
                           the year 2000. In support of this goal, American
                           Samoa initiated the restoration of the Pala La-
                           goon wetland area, a lagoon with an important
                                                                                            Nu'uuli Village, American Samoa

                                                                     nursery and spawning ground for fish and inverte-
                                                                     brates. Restoration activities included identifying
                                                                     and developing best management practices to
                                                                     control nonpoint source pollution and supporting
                                                                     public education, programs on wetlands and non-
                                                                     point source pollution.
I Amencan Samoa

                            A major effort in this project involved estab-
                        lishing trash stands in public areas surrounding
                        the wetlands and hiring a contractor to collect and
                        properly dispose of the refuse. As a result, refuse
                        is nearly absent frorn all of the coastline. Public
                        education about the lagoon and its resources was
                        also considered integral to this project's success.
                        A number of signs and posters were produced,
                        and a wetlands fair was held in the lagoon area,
                        emphasizing the functions and values of wetlands. .
                        Work continues to clean up and restore two major
                        .streams that discharge into the lagoon. Through
                        the combined efforts of the American Samoa
                        Environmental Protection Agency (ASEPA),
                        American Samoa Coastal Management Program
                        (ASCMP), Americorps volunteers, American
                        Samoa Community College, Department of Pub-
lic Works, and village volunteers, solid waste is
being cleared from the streams and streambank
habitat is being'restored over an estimated few
hundred feet (out of a thousand).
    Restoration efforts have spread to other island
villages, and ASEPA now plans to work with area
businesses to continue the momentum. A contrac-
tor has completed a hydrologic assessment of the
areas, and ASEPA has completed an initial,assess-
ment of storm water control problems. ASEPA, in
cooperation with the ASCMP wetlands program
and the village mayor, will continue to monitor the
Nu'uuli village wetland areas to assess whether
improper solid waste disposal remains a problem.
American Samoa is committed ,to rectifying any
problems identified through enforcement under
American Samoa's new water quality standards.
www.adeq. state, az.us/environ/water/non/index.html
Jim Crosswhite
EC Bar Ranch
Nutrioso, AZ 85932

Primary Sources of
• grazing
• channel degradation
• . • : • :•••.•• 	 . .
Primary IMPS Pollutants: Project Activities:
•sediment « restoration of the riparian
	 » improved grazing
.management practices
• increased irrigation

« reduced sedimentation
• improved wetland habitat
• projected increases in
ranching economics
                                                                  Restoration in Nutrioso  Creek:
                                                                    Successful Results  Beginning to Show
                         Nutrioso Creek is located in the Little Colorado
                         River Basin in southern Apache County along the
                         eastern border of Arizona. It is a 27-mile-long
                         tributary to the Little Colorado River. Historical
                         livestock activity caused a loss of riparian vegeta-
                         tion, such as willows, which has resulted in ex-
                         posed streambanks aggravated by continued'large
                         ungulate grazing (cattle and elk). Riparian vegeta-
                         tion is necessary to,help stabilize banks, dissipate
                         stream energy, reduce erosion, and naturally filter
                         sediment to reduce turbidity.
                            Apache County, Arizona

    Nutrioso Creek was listed as an impaired .
water for violating the turbidity standard for
aquatic and wildlife cold water streams. The entire
27-mile reach of Nutrioso Creek was listed on the
state's 303 (d) list, requiring the development of a
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for the
watershed. The TMDL Report, issued in July
2000, focused recommendations on 3 miles of  .
private property and 4 miles of property owned
by the U.S. Forest Service. The turbidity impair-
ment in Nutrioso  Creek is a result of suspended
                                                                                                            Arizona '

   Turbidity data were collected throughout the
   restoration project to determine the project's
solids in the form of excessive sediment. The
excess sediment comes from the banks of the
stream itself, which is incised in some areas be-
cause of channel degradation. This downcutting
of the channel created a loss in floodplain for the
stream, resulting in higher stream velocities during
high flows. The higher velocities increased the
shear stress/force acting on the streambanks and
thus increased erosional forces.

A local model of success
Restoration of Nutrioso Creek is occurring as a
result of the cooperative efforts  of area landowners.
                         One landowner, Jim
                         Crosswhite, has under-
                         taken efforts to imple-
                         ment water quality
                         practices while at the
                         same time improving
                         ranching economics. In
                         1996 Crosswhite pur-
                         chased the 275-acre  EC
                         Bar Ranch, which
                         included l*/2 miles of
riparian zone within the 3 miles recently recom-
mended for water quality improvements. During
2000 Crosswhite purchased 115 acres from two
neighbors, including another mile of the riparian
corridor downstream. He now owns about 390 acres,
including 2Vz miles of the riparian zone being re-
    Crosswhite has changed range management
practices and has been actively  seeking grant
monies to protect the riparian corridor, help
restore the stream,  and implement best manage-
ment practices (BMPs). He has used a combina-
tion of 319 funding and grants obtained through
the Environmental Quality Incentive Program,
Arizona Stewardship Incentive  Program, Arizona
Water Protection Fund, and Arizona Game and
Fish Department. He receives continued technical
assistance from the Natural Resources Conserva-
tion Service (NRCS).
     In 1997, at Crosswhite's request, the NRCS
prepared a Conservation Plan for the EC Bar
Ranch. The plan recommended a number of
conservatio/i practices designed to restore the
riparian zone, improve grazing management of
livestock, and increase irrigation efficiencies. In
1998 the riparian corridor was fenced to limit
livestock grazing to dormant winter months,
restore the wetland habitat, and raise the water
table to increase off-channel forage production. A
plan has been followed to eradicate rabbitbrush
because it causes erosion into the creek and con-
sumes vast quantities of subsoil moisture that
could otherwise be used by productive grasses and
crops. Improvements are under way to increase
the efficiency of an irrigation system using water ,
from Nutrioso Creek. Portions of 20,000 feet of
earth irrigation ditches are being replaced with
permanent and temporary pipe. Water is stored in
a 250,000-gallon tank to supply a 1,500-gallon-
per-minute pump to deliver water to traveling gun
sprinklers covering 100 acres of upland pastures
and 2 miles of die riparian zone. A significant
portion of the 100 million gallons previously lost
due to seepage and evaporation in earth ditches
will now remain in the creek to help reduce tur-
bidity, increase wetland habitat, and improve
forage production jfor dormant season grazing; it
can also be applied to upland pastures to help
reduce erosion and improve crop production. .

Improvements in water quality and ranching
Successful results are already beginning to show.
In a study in 1996, the Bureau of Land Manage-
ment, using the Proper Functioning Condition
(PFC) score, rated die 1 Vz miles of riparian corri-
       ! Arizona

Controlled burns were used to slow the spread of rabbitbrush and stimulate
the growth of new vegetation.
                         dor on. the EC Bar Ranch as "non-functional" in
                         places and "functional-at-risk with-a downward
                         trend" in other places. In 1999, after implementa-
                         tion of some BMPs, the same- area was found to
                        , be "functional-at-risk with an upward trend." In
                         2000 one reach -was found to be in "proper func-
                         tioning condition." Turbidity and flow monitoring
                         by the Arizona Department of Environmental
                         Quality over high- and low-water flow events
                         between October 1999 and April 2001 indicated
                         that the level of turbidity has stabilized at 9 NTU,
                                                 while flows have
                                                 reached 50 percent
                                                 above historical high
                                                 levels. In another
                                                 vegetative study per-
                                                 formed during a se-
                                                 vere drought in Sep-
                                                 tember 2000, the creek
                                                 was dry upstream and
                                                 downstream of the 2
                                                 miles located on the
                                                 EC Bar Ranch where
                                                 water quality improve-
                                                 ment practices had
Through the implementation of BMPs, streams in      been implemented.
the riparian corridor have been returned to
"proper functioning condition."
 This created a stable wetland habitat for the
 threatened Little Colorado River spinedace and
 other fish.      .
     Ranching economics are beginning to im-
 prove through a combination of conservation
 practices. A new Livestock Management Plan
 (LMP) places emphasis on producing forage
 during the growing season, assessing forage avail-
 ability in the fall, and then acquiring stockers to. be
 sold in January to March. This LMP will increase
 gross revenues, reduce year-round feeding ex-
 penses, allow wetlands to reach PFC, and perma-
 nently reduce turbidity.

 Ongoing TMDL Implementation in Nutrioso
 Implementation of the Nutrioso Creek TMDL is
 ongoing, with a 5-year estimated time frame (and
. a 5- to 20-year time frame to meet turbidity stan-
 dards). Primary goals of TMDL implementation
     • Increased education and public awareness.
     • Decreased stream velocities using willows
      and streambed vegetation, stream grade
      stabilization structures, and increased
     • Decreased sheet flow and wind erosion
      contributions to the creek with removal of
      rabbitbrush and increased density .of
     . grasses as land cover.
     • Arresting the downcutting of the stream
      channel to promote stabilization through
      BMPs, revegetation of the stream channel,
      and elimination of large ungulate (cattle
      and elk) grazing. With strong partnerships
      and the support of area landowners, resto-
      ration of Nutrioso Creek is guaranteed.
     For more information on the project, go  to
                                                                                                             Arizona '


i Contact:
! Pete Brawley
1 RO, Box SO
; Sa(ford,AZ 85546
' 520-428-2607

Primary Sources of
• erosion from lack of

Primary NPS Pollutants:
» sediment

Project Activities:
• sediment retention

. • reduction in sediment of
4 tons per acre peryear
                                                  Sediment Reduction  at Hackberry Ranch:
                                                                       Reduction of 4 Tons Per Acre Realized
                           Hackberry Ranch is located east of the Whitlock
                           Mountains 20 miles south of Safford, Arizona.
                           The area is composed of \vide and comparatively
                           flat valleys between narrow, nigged mountains
                           that generally run northwest-southeast. Vegetation
                           is primarily desert scrub or desert grassland type.
                           Most of the rain received (about 9.5 inches per
                           year) is from intense thunderstorms in the sum-
                           mer, resulting in heavy runoff into the San Simon
                           River, which discharges sediment into the Gila
                           River. Winter rains are usually gentle, but they can
                           also result in heavy runoff after the soil is satu-
                           rated. Sampling results from the Arizona Depart-
                           ment of Environmental Quality revealed that
                           water quality standards, particularly turbidity
                           standards, were being exceeded in the Gila River.

                           A solution:  sediment retention structures
                           Through a 319 grant of $65,530, Boy Scouts and
                           Americorps employees installed sediment retention
                           structures on grazing land in the Whitlock Valley
                           watershed, which drains to the Gila River. The
                           structures were installed to trap sediment and slow
                           runoff, thereby allowing die establishment of
                           vegetative growth. Sediment is trapped behind
                           structures to reduce the discharge into the San
                                                                                                     Stafford, Arizona
                                                                    Simon. Structures were installed on two different
                                                                    range sites—a limey upland with predominately
                                                                    creosote bush cover, and basalt hills with grass over
                                                                    malpai. The structures were constructed of rock
                                                                    . and/or brush. They were expected to improve
                                                                    conditions on some 300 acres of grazing land and
                                                                    reduce water erosion by around 95 percent.

                                                                    Improved vegetative condition and sediment
                                                                    The project's 540 small sediment reduction struc-
                                                                    tures are reported to have reduced erosion by an
                                                                    estimated 4 tons per acre per year. Photo monitor-
                                                                    ing also reveals that the sediment retention struc-
                                                                    tures are capturing sediment. Some vegetation
                                                                    (primarily grasses) i's beginning to grow in the
                                                                    newly captured sediments. Improved grazing man-
                                                                    agement is increasing the amount of ground cover
                                                                    in the watershed and also reducing sediment. The "
                                                                    success of the project will be demonstrated with a
                                                                    video,, which will compare pre- and post-project
                                                                    conditions. Educational materials and events such
                                                                    as a slide show, photo monitoring, range transect
                                                                    information, sediment accumulation measurements,
                                                                    a fact sheet, a brochure, and a field day are being

ffM ' ' . '"""" '"'•" " " "•'" "
Sandi Formica
Environmental Preservation
Division '
Arkansas Department of
Environmental Quality

Primary Sources of
• agriculture (confined
animal operations)
- • • ':'•-" • '•-"""•'' •
Primary NPS Pollutants:
» nitrogen
• phosphorus
» fecal coliform bacteria
">• .•: '"•••'..' ' • • '
Project Activities:
• revised storm water.
diversions and waste
collection systems
« revised operational practices
(changes in phosphorus
application practices and on-
site storage capacity)
. • . ' - •
• 90 percent decrease in
nutrient concentrations
                                      Buffalo  National River Watershed Partnerships:
                                                          Partners Improve Swine Waste Management
                                                                                             Buffalo River Watershed, Arkansas
                        The Buffalo River watershed in north-central

                        Arkansas covers 860,000 acres. From the headwa-

                        • ters in the Boston Mountains, the Buffalo River

                        flows unobstructed for 150 miles eastward to the

                        confluence with the White River. Because of the

                        unique scenic and scientific features associated

                        with the free-flowing river, Congress established

                        the Buffalo National River Watershed in 1972  to

                        preserve this national treasure for future genera-

                        tions. The federal and state governments own  40

                        percent of the watershed, primarily in the head-

                        waters and along a narrow riparian corridor of the

                        river. About 6,0 percent of the basin is privately

                        owned, including most of the larger tributaries.

                            The Arkansas Department of Environmental

                        Quality (ADEQ) has designated the Buffalo River

                        an Extraordinary Resource Water and a Natural

                        and Scenic Waterway, the highest water quality

                        designation given by the state. Although the water

                        quality in the Buffalo River at present is very

                        good, several  tributaries have been affected or

                        threatened by agricultural activities. In 1992 there

                        were 39 confined animal operations within the

                        watershed, including 12 swine farrowing opera-

                        tions, one broiler operation, and 26 dairy facilities.

                        All of the swine operations and 10 of the dairy

                        facilities had Liquid Animal Waste Management

                        Systems (LAWMS). At that time, the ADEQ

                        Water Division received notice of intent from a
watershed farmer to construct a 540-sow/pig

farrowing operation adjacent to National Park

property and less than a mile from the river. Ma-

nure land application sites for the proposed swine

facility were as close as % mile to the river. All of

the existing -watershed swine operations were

located on the southern edge of the drainage

basin in an area underlain by sandstone and shale.

If the proposed swine facility was built, it would

be the first swine operation located in such close

proximity to the river and within a karst terrain.

    Both citizens and resource agencies expressed

concern over the construction and operation of a

confined swine facility so close to the river. Per-

sonnel from the ADEQ Water and Environmental

Preservation Divisions performed an investigation

of confined animal operations within the water-

shed, visiting and evaluating 16 swine and dairy

operations. Results of the watershed investigation

showed that most LAWMS were not being oper-

ated and maintained in a manner that would elimi-

nate or minimize the amount of waste leaving the

farms. Subsequently, the ADEQ secured grant

money to further study the problems revealed

during the watershed investigation.

Project goals and methodology

The Buffalo River Swine Waste Demonstration

.Project was initiated in 1995 with the primary goal

                            of protecting the high-quality water in the Buffalo
                            National River watershed by •working with the
                            local farmers and government agencies to identify
                            and address the problems associated with the
                            LAWMS. This 5-year, 319-funded project evalu-
                            ated existing swine liquid waste management
                            practices and demonstrated the benefits of hew or
                            improved best management practices (BMPs) in
                            protecting water quality. The project objectives
                            included evaluating the effectiveness of existing
                            LAWMS BMPs (including design, training, and
                            management aspects) by monitoring water quality
                            and waste management practices at cooperating
                            farms, improving existing BMPs or implementing
                            new BMPs, and evaluating changes in the water
                            quality and the operation of the LAWMS as a
                            result of .improved or new BMPs implemented at
                            cooperating farms.
                                Other project goals included demonstrating
                            to farmers and various government agencies the
                            effectiveness of proper waste management at
                            confined animal operations in protecting water
                            quality. Nutrient loads in surface water were esti-
                            mated before and after BMP implementation.
                            Storm water runoff studies also were conducted
                            to document nutrient loss from manure land
                            application sites. In addition, waste management
                            practices were documented before and after BMP
                            implementation through frequent site visits and
                            farm management surveys.

                            Waste management and -water quality
                            New or modified'BMPs were implemented at the
                            six cooperating farms based on site-specific prob-
                            lems and included the following:
                                •  Storm water diversions were improved or
                                •  All-weather access to LAWMS was im-
                                  proved or installed.
    • Storage capacity for liquid waste was in-
    • Waste collection systems were repaired.
    New or modified BMPs associated with
operational practices were also implemented and
included decreasing fresh water usage; performing
routine manure solids removal; and improving
overall farm nutrient management by using a
waste pumping service for solids handling, prop-
erly sampling manure holding structures to deter-
mine nutrient content,  reducing phosphorus
application rates, and increasing available acres for
land application.  In addition, 91 percent of the
watershed's farmers had accumulated solids re-
moved from the LAWMS, reestablishing the maxi-
mum available manure storage capacity at their
    As a result of the new or modified BMPs,
substantial improvements were documented in
waste management practices. Free-board problems
associated with waste storage ponds were reduced
by 66 percent at cooperating farms. Overall, farm-
ers began to manage the manure generated at their
facilities for its fertilizer value, which reduced the
time and expense associated with the LAWMS.
Using water quality monitoring data collected on a
stream (less than  1 square mile drainage area) adja-
cent to a poorly operated swine facility, preliminary
estimates indicated that 3,000 pounds of total
nitrogen and 400  pounds of total phosphorus were
lost to the stream on an annual basis. Following
BMP implementation, preliminary estimates
indicated that nutrient loads in the stream were
decreased by approximately 90 percent.

Partnerships to  solve complex problems
This project involved  building working relation-
ships with watershed swine farmers, the swine.
industry, local Natural Resources Conservation
Service  staff, the Newton County Conservation

                       District, and the Environmental Preservation,
                       "Water, and Technical Services Divisions of
                       ADEQ to improve LAWMS operation and
                       swine manure management. All of the partners
                       in the project cooperated to evaluate the data
                       generated on -LAWMS and to develop BMPs.
                       New or improved BMPs were installed by ex-
                       tending cost-share programs and working one-
                       on-one with individual farmers to ensure that
                       all aspects of the waste system were under-
                       stood. Emphasis was placed on finding eco-
                       nomical solutions to •waste management prob-
                       lems. Other groups, such as the Arkansas Soil
                       and Water Conservation Commission, the Ar-
                       kansas Pork Producers, and the University of
                       Arkansas, contributed a considerable amount of
 time, resources, and technical expertise to help
 make this project a success.
     Swine farmers in the Buffalo River watershed
 have successfully changed their waste manage-
 ment practices and are using the fertilizer benefit
 of the manure generated at their facilities while
 minimizing their impact on the environment.
 Information gained from this project has been
 presented at farmer training meetings and has
 helped swine producers statewide to improve their
 manure management practices. All of the partners
 participating in the project received an EPA Re-
 gion 6 Partnerships for Environmental Excellence
 Award in 1998. The award acknowledged the
 contribution of each partner in cooperating to
 solve complex environmental problems.
Contact: .
Sandi Formica
Environmental Preservation
Arkansas Department of
Environmental Quality
formica@adeq.state.anus !

Primary Sources of
• agriculture (dairy waste)

Primary IMPS Pollutants:
• nutrients
• bacteria

Project Activities:
• dairy manure
management practices
» manure clean-out service
• comprehensive nutrient
management planning

• comprehensive local
watershed assistance

                         A Community Approach  to Managing Manure  in  the
                                                                       Buffalo  River Watershed:
                                       Local Watershed Assistance Program Helps Dairy Farmers
                       The Environmental Preservation Division of the
                       Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality
                       (ADEQ) was awarded a section 319 grant in 1997
                       to evaluate the effectiveness of "dairy manure
                       management alternatives," designed for facilities
                       with 100 cows or fewer, in minimizing nutrient
                       and bacteria loads leaving farm sites. The dairy
                       319 project worked with dairy farmers and gov-
                       ernment agencies in the Buffalo River watershed,
                    Buffalo River Watershed, Arkansas

as •well as with state and federal agencies, to de-
velop and implement solutions to better manage
manure in the watershed.
    From the beginning of the dairy 319 project,
the ADEQ project staff sought out cooperation
with other agencies, the dairy cooperative, and
dairy farmers in the Buffalo River watershed by
forming a task force with representatives from all
interested parties. Key relationships were devel-
                                                                                                    Arkansas '
                                                                                                               I 19

                           oped between the ADEQ project staff and the
                           Conservation District Boards, Natural Resources
                           Conservation Service staff, and the dairy farmers
                           in the watershed.
                               Most of the dairy farm owners in the Buffalo
                           River watershed volunteered to participate in the
                           dairy 319 project. The Buffalo Conservation
                           District staff contacted farmers and requested
                           individual meetings with them at their farms.
                           During these meetings, the project staff explained
                           the project to the farmers and requested their
                           participation on a voluntary basis. In exchange for
                           participation in the study, farmers hoped that the
                           project would result in developing better informa-
                           tion regarding the operation of manure manage-
                           ment systems or finding a source of funding for
                           improving thek manure management systems.

                           Dairy operations and manure management
                           In 1994 there were 27 dairy facilities operating in
                           the Buffalo River watershed. Recent financial
                           difficulties have taken thek toll on Arkansas daky
                           farmers, and today only 18 daky facilities still
                           operate in the watershed. Finding economic solu-
                           tions to improve manure management at these
                           small daky facilities continues to be a challenge.
                               After an exhaustive investigation into the
                           manure management practices.of the daky industry
                           in the Buffalo  River watershed, it became apparent
                           that the 18 watershed farmers did not have the
                           specialized equipment requked to handle the differ-
                           ent waste streams generated from the confinement
                           of the cows at thek farms.. Although several indi-
                           vidual problems were identified, such as ineffective
                            fertilizer utilization and improper land application
                           practices that increase the potential for contami-  .
                            nants to be transported in storm runoff, all of
                            these problems originate from the kck of adequate
                            manure handling equipment in the watershed.
                           Therefore, the funding set aside for implementing
best management practices (BMPs) in the water-
shed as part of the daky 319 project was focused
on solving identified manure handling problems.

Local watershed assistance program
To help accomplish the daky 319 project goal of
improving daky manure management,-partner-
ships were formed among the ADEQ, local
NRCS, and the Buffalo Conservation District to
develop a local watershed assistance program
(LWAP). The program is administered through
the Buffalo Conservation District office. It has
been designed to provide a low-cost, effective
solution to the manure handling problems identi-
fied throughout die watershed. In addition, the
program will enable farmers to receive the maxi-
mum fertilizer benefits of thek daky manure
•while minimizing farm impacts on the envkon-
ment. The LWAP includes the development of a
local clean-out service, long-term clean-out sched-
uling, initial cost-share assistance, and comprehen-
sive nutrient management planning.
     As part of the LWAP, the Buffalo Conservation
District provides a manure clean-out service for
daky farmers and an operator to maintain and oper-
ate the equipment. Easily transportable equipment
for manure removal, including a side-discharge
manure spreader, submersible pump, and pit agitator,
will be purchased as part of the LWAP. This service
provides dairy farmers in the Buffalo River water-
 shed with a method to handle dairy manure without
having to purchase and maintain specialized and
 seldom-used equipment. Additionally, by providing
 an operator, the program allows the daky farmer
 more time to spend on milk production and other
 farm management responsibilities.
     Widi the hope of increasing participation, up
 to  75 percent of the cost-share money will initially
 be available for watershed dairy farmers who use
 the program's manure handling service. To be

                         eligible for the program, the farmer is required to
                         develop a long-term clean-out schedule for the
                         dairy facility. ADEQ and NRCS staff will assist
                         participating dairy facilities -with the development
                         of the 12-month clean-out schedules. This will
                         ensure that solids are removed within the designed
                         storage time for each manure management system.
                             Meetings were held to present the results of
                         the dairy 319 project and introduce the LWAP,
  and they were attended by most of the dairy
  farmers in the watershed. Farmers in the Buffalo
  River watershed understand the importance of
  preserving water quality and were receptive to the
  LWAP. They realize that the program can help
.  them economically manage and utilize dairy ma-  •
  nure while protecting water quality in the water-
  shed in which they live.
KB3' 	 — - 	 -..-•• -— .-.,.-
Joe McGahan
Drainage Coordinator for the
Grassland Area Farmers
Joe Karkoski
Central Valley Regional Water
Quality Control Board

Primary Sources of
• agricultural drainage

^-•.-— . ---v .- • ,^~,. -,-,.,.. 	 	 .. .. _,.... _ 	 	 _ 	 — ^ 	 , — „„, .. 	 	 	 _ 	 	 	 .
Primary IMPS Pollutants: Project Activities: Results:
• selenium • establishing selenium • reductions in selenium
discharge caps load discharges ,
• instituting tradable loads

                                                                          Grassland Bypass Project:
                                   Economic Incentives Program Helps to  Improve Water Quality
                                                                                             Grassland Drainage Area, California
                        Agricultural runoff is one of the primary sources
                        of discharge to rivers and streams that do not
                       . meet water quality standards, affecting 70 percent
                        of these impaired waters. This problem is particu-
                        larly challenging in the western United States,
                        where roughly 50 million acres of land are de-
                        voted to irrigated agriculture and where agricul-
                        tural drainage and runoff provide a significant
                        proportion of river flows during dry seasons.
                            The Grassland Drainage Area is an agricul-
                        tural region on the west side of California's San
                       Joaquin Valley. The agricultural land there is pro-
                        ductive, but the soil contains a high level of sele-
                        nium, a naturally occurring trace element.
                        Selenium accumulates in the agricultural drainage
                       water that collects in the tiles installed to drain
                        excess water from the fields.  In 1983 this problem
                       received national attention when deaths and de-
 formities in wildlife at the Kesterson Reservoir
 were attributed to selenium-contaminated drain-
 age from outside the Grassland Drainage Area. In
 the early 1990s, selenium-laden drainage from the
 Grassland Drainage Area was still being dis-
 charged into other federal and state wildlife ref-
 uges, threatening important ecosystems and
 associated fish and wildlife.

 An innovative tradable loads program
 The Grassland Bypass Project is an innovative
 program designed to improve water quality in the
 channels used to deliver water to wetland, areas. In
 1996 several irrigation and drainage districts
 formed the "Grassland Area Farmers," a regional
 drainage entity that includes some 97,000 acres of
 irrigated farmland.

                                The group's initial goal was to use the San Luis
                           Drain, owned by the federal Bureau of Reclama-
                           tion, as an outlet for agricultural drainage. To do so,
                           they entered into a Use Agreement with Reclama-
                           tion, incorporating monthly and annual selenium
                           load limits. A procedure was included in the Use
                           Agreement to assess incentive fees if the monthly
                           or annual load limits were exceeded. In addition, a
                           maximum cap was established on the total amount
                           of selenium that the Grassland Area Farmers could
                           discharge. The Use Agreement for the project
                           continued until September 2001, at -which time
                           development of a long-term plan began.
                                To meet the selenium load limits, the Grass-
                           land Area Farmers have implemented a wide vari-
                           ety of practices, including formation of a regional
                           drainage entity, newsletters and other communica-
                           tions with the farmers, a monitoring program, an
                           active land management program to use subsurface
                           drainage on salt-tolerant crops, installation of
                           improved irrigation systems, installation and use of
                           drainage recycling systems to mix subsurface drain-
                           age water with irrigation supplies under strict limits,
                           and tiered water pricing.
                                Additionally, with support of section 319 fund-
                           ing, the Grassland Area Farmers developed and
                            adopted a "tradable loads" program to help achieve
                            regional water quality targets. To date, pollution
                            trading policies have been designed for trades be-
                            tween point sources, such as factories,  and trades
                            between point sources and nonpoint sources, such as
                            farms. This project is unique in that it also estab-
                            lishes a trading program between nonpoint sources.
                                Under the tradable loads program, the total
                            allowable regional selenium load is allocated
                            among the member irrigation and drainage dis-
                            tricts. The districts can then either meet their load
                            allocation or buy/trade selenium load allocation
                            from other districts. The theory is that the region
                                                                       will meet its selenium load target at the lowest
                                                                       possible cost because reduction measures will be
                                                                       taken where they are cheapest to achieve. In addi-
                                                                       tion, the program should spur innovation by
                                                                       bringing selenium reduction decisions to a more
                                                                       localized level. FinaEy, the tradable loads program
                                                                       aims to distribute the costs of selenium discharge
                                                                       reduction equitably among the districts.

                                                                       Environmental benefits
                                                                       The environmental benefits of the project to
                                                                       •wetland areas, including state and federal refuges,
                                                                       are significant. Drainage water has been removed
                                                                       from more than 93 miles of conveyance channels,
                                                                       allowing for delivery of fresh water to the wetland
                                                                       areas. Goodrquality water from areas upslope of
                                                                       the Grassland Drainage is now separate from
                                                                       selenium-contaminated drainage water and can be
                                                                       put to use in the Grassland Water District and  in
                                                                       the state and  federal refuges.
                                                                            Compared  to data on preproject conditions
                                                                       observed in 1996, year 2000 data reflect that
                                                                       drainage volume has  beeri reduced 41 percent;
                                                                       selenium load, 54 percent; salt load, 29 percent;
                                                                       and boron load, 14 percent. With the exception of
                                                                       the very -wet year 1998, data show a continuous
                                                                       reduction in selenium discharge since 1995—
                                                                       reductions from 16 ppb to 2 ppb in some channel
                                                                       segments and reductions from 55.9 ppb to an
                                                                       average of 2  ppb in others. Selenium load targets
                                                                       were met every month in 1999  and 2000 and have
                                                                       been met every month to date in 2001. Selenium •
                                                                       loads in 1999 and 2000 were the lowest ever dis-
                                                                       charged from the drainage in the past 15 years.

                                                                       Other related efforts
                                                                       The tradable loads program works together with
                                                                       other policies in place in the Grasslands Drainage
                                                                       Area. Many of  the programs designed to encour-
i California

                        age •water conservation through irrigation effi-

                        ciency also decrease selenium discharge. For

                        example, one of the member districts of the

                        Grassland Area Farmers pioneered a tiered water

                        pricing policy in which increasing block-rate pric-

                        ing motivates the use of water conservation prac-

                        tices. Other districts in the Grassland Drainage

                        Area have followed suit by implementing their

                        own tiered water pricing policies.

                            Additional incentive-based water conserva-

                        tion programs in the Grassland Drainage Area

                        include low-interest State Revolving Fund loans

                        and land management incentives. Irrigation sys- ,

                        tern improvements in the Grassland Drainage

                        Area include quarter-mile furrows, gated pipe,
sprinklers, and drip Irrigation systems. Districts

are also pursuing methods aimed directly at sele-

nium reduction.

    In addition to providing local water quality

benefits, this project provides valuable insight for

controlling agricultural nonpoint source dis-

charges elsewhere. Through a combination of

quantitative discharge limits and economic incen-

tives, a model that provides for direct accountabil-

ity within a system that is locally controlled is

emerging. In the long term, the use of economic

incentives might enhance implementation by

promoting cost-effectiveness and preserving

farmers' flexibility to choose the most appropriate

pollution reduction practices.
Plumas Corporation
Crescent Street
RO. Box 3880
Quincy, CA 9597 1
Primary .Sources of
• over-logging
» overgrazing

Primary NPS Pollutants: Project Activities:
• sediment » restored natural drainage
« new channel construction
• re-watering of meadow

• Increased stream flows,
1 8 acre-feet or more of
water each year
• eliminated flooding

                                                                           Turning  History Around:
                     Stream Restoration Reclaims a Meadow While Helping to Control Floods
                        Some of the worst floods in California have oc-

                        curred where the Feather River, draining out of

                        the Western Sierra Nevada Mountains, meets the

                        Sacramento River in'the Sacramento Valley of

                        Northern California. Contributing to these major

                        floods, as well as to localized flooding, the East -

                        Branch of the North Fork of the Feather River

                        and its tributaries drained a land diat had been

                        over-logged and overgrazed for hundreds  of

                        years. Erosion and downcutting characterized the

                        landscape, not only contributing to the flooding

                        problem but also sending tons of sediment down-

                        stream, impairing water quality and fishery habitat.
                             Feather River, California

    Cottonwood Creek was one such tributary.

The creek drained almost 11,000 acres of Big Flat

Meadow, which was once covered with forage

grasses and sedges. But all that had changed with

a combination of livestock grazing, fire, and tim-

ber harvesting, leading to the channel's

downcutting, a lowered water table, and  a sage-

brush wasteland where once lush grasses had

flourished. Cottonwood Creek began to dry up in

the summer, adversely affecting the fishery.

    A headcut had created an incised gully that ,

cut across die meadow. Over the years, the gully

had downcut 15 feet and captured the flow from

                            Cottonwood Creek, the meadow's natural drainage
                            channel. Before restoration, the downcut channel
                            functioned like a fast-flowing drain, carrying off
                            rainfall and snowmelt so quickly that the meadow
                            was completely dewatered.

                            Restoring natural drainage
                            With 319 funding, the Feather River Coordinated
                            Resource Management (CRM) team began work,
                            with the goal of restoring the natural drainage
                            regime, re-watering the meadow, and regaining
                            wet meadow grasses and sedges. The restoration
                            strategy was to construct a new channel on top of
                            the meadow at the same location where the creek's
                            historic channel had been and to fill the gully. Dirt
                            from the newly constructed creek channel was
                            used to fill the gully. At the same time, a number
                            of intermittent ponds were left open within the
                            former gully for the use of waterfowl.

                            Impressive results
                            The restoration process, dubbed "pond and plug,"
                            was so successful it is being used to restore other
                            meadows in the area. With the meadow floodplain
                            restored, fioodfiows now remain in the meadow
                            long enough to percolate to the underground
                            aquifer. Because they are saved and released as
                            baseflow later in the year, they no longer add to
                            downstream floods.
                               Data show the meadow is storing and later
                            releasing about 18 acre-feet of water a year. For
                            many years previous to 1997, the stream usually
                                                                     had stopped flowing by the first of July. In 1997
                                                                     water flowed year-round, providing cool-tempera-
                                                                     ture flows for a restored fishery.

                                                                     Leveraging additional restoration
                                                                     The Big Flat Meadow restoration is part of a
                                                                     larger vision of Plumas Corporation, a nonprofit
                                                                     economic redevelopment firm that coordinates
                                                                     the CRM projects. Plumas is promoting the
                                                                     natural water storage concept to attract restora-
                                                                     • tion dollars from downstream water contractors,
                                                                     proclaiming that such meadow restoration
                                                                     projects can provide water that otherwise would
                                                                     run off as winter flood flows. This water is then
                                                                     available later in the season, when it is most in
                                                                     demand for delta fisheries and urban and agricul-
                                                                     tural communities south of the delta. Plumas
                                                                     now has four additional meadow restoration
                                                                     projects in progress. In one of the projects,
                                                                     Plumas is  experimenting •with a cost-cutting  .
                                                                     strategy that allows for the stream to build its
                                                                     own channel after they plug and pond the gully.
                                                                     This is a slower process, but much less expensive,
                                                                     and so far it's •working.
                                                                         Through the CWA section 319(h) grant pro- •
                                                                     gram, the State Board helped fund many of the.
                                                                     early Plumas County projects that paved the way
                                                                     for the restoration successes enjoyed today. The
                                                                     most recent project to be funded is development
                                                                     of a stream restoration guidance document that
                                                                     will document what has been learned from the
                                                                     many projects implemented.
I California

, Bruce Stover
Colorado Division of Minerals
and Geology
1313 Sherman Street .
Denver, CO 80203

Primary Sources of
• hard-rock mining
• acid mine drainage
Primary NPS Pollutants:
• zinc
. " cadmium

Project Activities:
• diversion of mine works
drainage into constructed
.« underground diversion/
earthen dam to segregate
contaminated flows

• surface diversion moved
recovery zone upstream
from 1 2 miles to 4 miles
• below the mining activity
• underground diversion
decreased dissolved zinc
flows from 5,000 mg/L to
250 mg/L
                              Mining Remediation  in  the Chalk Creek Watershed:
                                                              Project Demonstrates Exciting Possibilities
                                                                                              Chalk Creek Watershed, Colorado
                        Hatd-rock mining in the Chalk Creek watershed

                        of central Colorado was extensive, continuing on

                        and off from the late 1870s into the 1950s. Chalk

                        Creek and its tributaries drain the eastern slopes

                        of the Collegiate Range, and the creek enters the

                        Arkansas River 10 miles south of Buena Vista.

                        The Colorado Division of Wildlife maintains die

                        Chalk Cliffs Fish Rearing Unit in the lower

                        reaches of- the creek.

                            The single greatest contributor of heavy

                        metals to the creek is the Mary Murphy Mine,

                        located 1  mile above the town of St. Elmo. The

                        Mary Murphy developed steeply dipping gold-

                        silver deposits and lead-zinc sulfi.de fissure-vein

                        deposits through extensive underground workings

                        on 14 different levels in the Tertiary-aged Mount

                        Princeton quartz-monzonite. The two lowest adit

                        levels,'the 2200 level Golf Adit (10,400-foot

                        elevation) and the 1400 level Main Adit (11,200-

                        foot elevation), continue to discharge at a rate of

                        222 gallons per minute (gpm), contributing 66.2

                        pounds per day of zinc to Chalk Creek at high

                        flow. Chalk Creek was identified on Colorado's

                        1998 303(d) list as impaired due to zinc; the

                        TMDL is scheduled for completion in 2006.

                            The watershed first came under scrutiny .in.

                        1986 after a fish kill at the rearing unit. The kill

                        was attributed to elevated concentrations of met-
 als in Chalk Creek during spring runoff. Water

 quality sampling at that time found zinc and cad-

 mium at levels exceeding state water quality'stan-

, dards. The effects were reduction of the number

 of brown trout and elimination of young fish for

 a 12-mile stretch below the mining district. Metal

 concentrations in Chalk Creek peaked in the

 vicinity of the Mary Murphy Mine and the Iron

 Chest.tailing piles. At that time it was s.uspected

 that interaction between mine drainage, creek

 flows, and the tailings piles contributed most of

 the metals in the stream.

 Diversion to reduce metal loadings

 A 319 project in 1991 consolidated five tailings

 piles to a location just below the Mary Murphy

 mill ruins. The consolidated tailings-were stabi-

 lized and revegetated with grasses, forbs, and .

 trees. The drainage from the mine works was

 diverted around the consolidation pile into a

 constructed wetland between the consolidated

 tailings and Chalk Creek.

     Biotic sampling conducted by the Division of

 Wildlife in 1994 and 1997 found the recovery

 zone had moved upstream, from 12 miles to

 approximately 4 miles below the mining activity.

• Greater numbers of individuals, greater species

 diversity, and more .diverse age classes are now
                                                                                                         'Colorado '

                            represented in the creek. However, despite the
                            impressive reductions in metal loadings from the
                            now-reclaimed tailings sites, zinc loads still exceed
                            state water quality standards.

                            Underground approaches to control continued
                            The Colorado Division  of Minerals and Geology
                            (CDMG) completed hydrologic characterization at
                            the Mary Murphy Mine  in 1997. This work sug-
                            gested that most of the  flow coming from the adit
                            portals was groundwater intercepted at discrete
                            fault/fracture structures within die mine work-
                            ings. Based on this work, underground inspection
                            of the Golf Adit workings, and historical records
                            of mining activity, an underground source-con-
                            trols approach was developed and proposed,
                            through the 319 NFS program and two other
                            Clean Water Act grant sources.
                                In 1998 CDMG received $310,000 through
                            three separate grants—198,000 in 319 funds,
                            §62,400  in 104(b)(3) funds, and f 150,000 in an
                            EPA multimedia grant—to implement under-
                            ground flow characterization and control work
                            over a 3-year period. This project was designed to
                            demonstrate the source  control approach, on a
                            pilot scale, in only one level of die underground
                            mine. This effort would essentially "untangle the
                            plumbing" of the underground metals sources by
                            determining where the groundwater was interact-
                            ing with mineralized rock.
                                A loading analysis developed from flow and
                            metals concentration data showed that 85 percent
                            of the metals load exiting the Main Adit was
                            attributed to one inflow from the north drift on
                            the Mary Vein. The inflow constituted only 1.5
                            percent  of the total discharge  from the adit, but at
                            high flow it had a total  zinc concentration of
                            190,200 micrograms per liter (mg/L). The con-
                                                                     taminated inflow was traced back to an ore chute
                                                                     on a high-sulfide stope on die north vein, which
                                                                     drained 15 gpm. This same high-concentration
                                                                     source also accounts for 70 percent of the zinc
                                                                     load discharging from the Golf Adit.
                                                                          Flow measurements taken along the cross-cut
                                                                     adits of the Main level and Golf level indicated
                                                                     , that clean groundwater inflows intercepted by the
                                                                     workings downstream from die contaminated stope
                                                                     inflow accounted for 70 percent of .the total mine
                                                                     discharge volume. This proved diat, at a minimum,
                                                                     •it is possible to segregate die clean groundwater
                                                                     inflows from the mine discharge, reducing the total
                                                                     discharge needing treatment from the 90 to 222
                                                                     gpm (low flow—high flow) range to the 5 to 20 gpm
                                                                     range. At these low volumes and high concentra-
                                                                     tions, many more passive-or semipassive treatment
                                                                     options are available.

                                                                     Success realized
                                                                     CDMG conducted a demonstration of an under-
                                                                     ground diversion to control metals loading on the
                                                                     Main Adit level. A temporary, underground
                                                                     eardien dam was-constructed by hand to divert
                                                                     the high-concentration flow.  Subsequent sampling
                                                                     showed diis diversion reduced dissolved zinc in
                                                                     the Main Adit flow from 5,000 mg/L to 250 mg/
                                                                     L, essentially eliminating the need for a treatment
                                                                     alternative at the 11,200-foot elevation site.
                                                                          This project demonstrated exciting possibilities
                                                                     for addressing acid mine drainage. If clean inflows
                                                                     can be segregated, the volume of contaminated
                                                                     flows is greatly  reduced and the scale of treating
                                                                     the remaining,-waste stream is greatiy reduced. It
                                                                     now appears technically feasible to isolate under-
                                                                     ground sources of pollution to such an extent that
                                                                     it might be possible to eliminate 80 percent of the
                                                                     pollution source within a mine, rather than having
                                                                     to treat the discharge in perpetuity.

www.cdphe.state.co .us/op/wqcc/cnpsmpu. html
Dan Beley
Lower Colorado Watershed
Coordinator .
Colorado Department of
Public Health and
Water Quality Control Division

Primary Sources of
• stream-flow diversion

Primary IMPS Pollutants:
• sediment
• high water temperature

Project Activities:
• hydrologic modifications
• bank stabilization

• increased pool depth and
water levels
• well-defined channel '
« increased fish population
                                                                             Rio Blanco  Restoration:
                                                    Adopted Rocks and Homemade  Jelly Help Fund
                                                                                      Demonstration Project
The J-hook in the foreground is typical of the
structures installed in the river. It directs stream flow
toward the thalwag and away from the banks.
The Rio Blanco, a

tributary to the San

Juan River, originates

at the Continental

Divide in Archuleta

County, Colorado.
                        Elevation ranges from more than 13,000 feet to

                        around 6,400 feet at the confluence with the

                        San Juan River. Land ownership is mixed: the

                        headwaters lie within the Southern San Juan

                        Wilderness area, and the confluence is on the

                        Southern Ute Reservation. Private land is inter-

                        spersed, but primarily in the lower 12 miles.

                        The river runs about 30 miles from source to

                        confluence. The watershed averages about 250

                        inches of snow in the winter and 13 inches of

                        rain in the summer.

                            In the 1950s Congress appropriated funding to

                        construct the San Juan—Chama Diversion Tunnel.

                        The tunnel would take water from the Rio Blanco,

                        which is part of the Colorado River Basin, under

                        the Divide into the Rio Grande Basin for use in

                        New Mexico. The diversion is located about 12

                        miles from the confluence.

                            The system began operation in 1971 and

                        diverted approximately 70 percent of the in-stream

                        flow.of the Blanco. A basin summary prepared in

                        1990 by the U.S. Forest Service found that
                            Rio Blanco River, Colorado

      • Fish habitat was poor.

      • Sediment loads were high because of flow

       changes and streambank erosion.

      • Sediment supply was greater than stream

       transport capacity.

      • .Water temperatures were high.

      • Diversion and land use practices had cre-

       ated a wide, shaEow stream with little pool

       and cover habitat.

      The Rio Blanco is classified as an Aquatic Life

 Cold Water Class 1, Recreation Class 1 stream.

 Those uses, however, are not attained, resulting in

 the river's being listed on Colorado's 1998 303(d) list

 for sediment. A Total Maximum Daily Load

 (TMDL) is scheduled for June 30,2006. Colorado

 also holds an in-stream flow water right that provides

 for 29-cubic-foot-per-second (cfs) flows from May 1

. to September 30 and for 20-cfs flows from October

 1 through April 30. The right was appropriated in

 1974 to protect fish and aquatic life in the river;

 however, the physical structure of the river pre-

 cluded adequate habitat under those flows.

      The diversion,had created a completely new

 flow regime in the river. The -principle being ap-

 plied in Colorado's Nonpoint Source Management

 Program for Hydrologic Modification is to make

 the best use of the water remaining in the stream

 and to restore the stream to its designated uses.
                                                                                                        Colorado !

   The diversion altered the river's natural flow
   regime and adversely affected fish habitat.
                                            modification projects
                                            In 1997 the San Juan
                                            Water Conservancy
                                            District and Colorado
                                            Water Conservation
                                            Board initiated a dem-
                                            onstration project
                                            under Colorado's
                                            Nonpoint Source
   Aquatic habitat was improved by adding a drop
   structure. The pool in this area is 7 feet deep and
   supports trout.
                    Management Program for hydrologic modifica-
                    tion. The goal of the project was to improve
                    stream water quality and aquatic habitat through
                    (1) reducing low-flow water temperatures by
                    narrowing and deepening the channel and creating
                    overhead and in-stream cover and (2) reducing
                    sediment loading by stabilizing banks and enhanc-
                    ing sediment transport capacity by increasing the
                    stream width/depth ratios.
                      .  A total of $96,000 of 1997 section 319 funds
                    were used in the demonstration. Matching funds
                    totaling more than the required $64,000 were pro-
                    vided by contributions from the San Juan Water
                    Conservancy District, Southwest Water Conserva-
                    tion District, Colorado Division of Wildlife, Colo-
                    rado Water Conservation Board, Archuleta County
                    Commissioners, Pagosa Public Schools, Wetlands
                    Hydrology, Lower Blanco Property Owners Asso-
                    ciation, and local landowners.
                                                Match contribu-
                                            tions were collected in
                                            unique ways, includ-
                                            ing an "Adopt a
                                            Rock" campaign that
                                            allowed people to
                                            sponsor a rock for use
                                            in the restoration.
Also, the local homeowners association sold  .
homemade chokecherry jelly, offering the pro-
ceeds as match. The Bureau of Reclamation
provided a significant contribution by providing
staff and equipment to haul large boulders to
strategic sites along the river.

Early signs of restoration
The project overcame considerable opposition on
the part of some adjacent landowners, who feared
the reconstruction would adversely affect the water
level in their alluvial wells. The project was finally
constructed in fall 1999 over 1.1 miles of the river
below the San Juan/Chama diversion. Some of the
early observations include the following:
     • Pools within the river are now nearly 7  feet
      deep; previously, they were nonexistent or
      less than 2 feet deep.
     • The channel is well defined and meanders,
      instead of braiding through the width of
      the riverbed.
     • Water levels in alluvial wells,have increased
      by 7 to  10 inches.
     • Within a week of the completion of con-
      struction, children were again  catching 10-
     • to 16-inch fish in  this segment of the river.-
     These observations  are particularly notable
because the river was at its lowest flow of the
year, approximately 17 cfs, when data were col-
lected. Data collected after construction are still
being evaluated.
     The goal for the Rio Blanco has now ex-
panded from demonstration to full restoration of
the impaired segment of the river. An application
has been made for FY2001 319 funding to com-
plete the next 2.2 miles, with the intent of restor-
ing the entire 12-mile segment.

Mel Cote
EPA Region 1
1 Congress Street
Suite 11 00
Boston, MA 02203
Primary Sources of
• urban storm water runoff

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• sediment
• nutrients
• trash

Project Activities:
• trash rack
» sedimentation forebay
• dredging of pond

• debris and duckweed
blooms eliminated
• return of fishery
• 1,200 cubic yards of
sediment removed in
                                                Center Springs Pond Restoration  Project:
                                                                           Skaters and Fish Return to Pond
                         Center Springs Pond is the central feature of a

                         55-acre urban park in the center of Manchester,

                         Connecticut, in the Hockanum River watershed.

                         Center Springs Park and its pond are valued

                         resources, providing residents with a variety of

                         recreational opportunities. The pond has a sur-

                         face area of 6.1 acres and is fed by Bigelow

                         Brook. From the late 1920s through the mid-

                         1970s, the pond was a popular site for skating

                         and fishing, attracting people from all parts of

                         Manchester. In addition, during the warm

                         weather people were drawn to the area_to enjoy

                         picnic lunches or simply to sit by the pond and

                         enjoy the scenery. .

                        'Environmental problems

                         Bigelow Brook, which feeds Center Springs Pond,

                         runs through a heavily urbanized area. As a result,

                         the brook receives high volumes of storm water

                         runoff. This storm water carries with it pollutants

                         such as sediment (from .road sanding and con-

                         struction activities), nutrients  (from atmospheric

                         deposition, septic systems, and lawn fertilizer),

                         and trash (everything from common litter to

                         shopping carts).

                            The filling of the pond with sediment and

                       •  nutrients contributed to weed growth and increased

                         water temperatures by allowing sunlight to pen-

                         etrate to the pond's bottom. The combined effect

                         of the sediments, increased temperature, and die-
                            Manchester, Connecticut

off of the algae and weeds consumed oxygen and

led to low-dissolved-oxygen conditions. These

impacts rendered the pond inhospitable to most

species of fish and too shallow for ice-skating. The

trash, bottles, cans, plastic containers, tires, lumber,

logs, shopping carts, and even a doghouse made the

park a less appealing place to visit.

The solution

The goals of the Center Springs Pond Restoration

Project were to improve water quality in the pond

and to reestablish the pond and surrounding area

as a focal point for recreational activity in the

town of Manchester.

    The project's design was based on the recom-

mendations of a diagnostic/ feasibility study con-

ducted by the Connecticut Department of Envi-

ronmental Protection (CT DEP) Lakes Manage-

ment Program on behalf of the Town of Manches-

ter. It included the following components:

    • ^Installation of a trash rack upstream of the pond.

      A trash rack collects large debris before

      items enter the pond. The trash is held in

      areas easily cleaned by the town mainte- ••

      nance crew.         '           .

    • Construction of a sedimentation forebay at the

      eastern end of the pond. The forebay accumu-

      lates sediment entering from Bigelow

      Brook in a confined area for easy removal.

      The forebay is separated from the main
                                                                                                        Connecticut 1

                                 pond by a gabion wall/weir. The wall/weir
                                 directs the flow to the southern end of the
                                 forebay and extends the detention time,
                                 allowing sediments to setde before water
                                 enters the main body of the pond. The
                                 town also developed and has implemented
                                 a pond maintenance plan, which includes
                                 periodic sediment removal.
                               • Dredging of the pond. Approximately 25,000
                                 cubic yards of material was removed. The
                                 pond was excavated to die bottom of the
                                 soft sediment, and die materials were
                                 trucked to a landfill. At the landfill, the
                                 material was stockpiled, dewatered, and
                                 then used as landfill cover.

                           Project partners and funding
                           This project was a combined effort by the Town
                           of Manchester, the CT DEP, U.S.  Environmental
                           Protection Agency.(EPA), and several private
                           consultants and contractors. The total cost of the
                           project was $342,900 (including construction of
                           buildings and other park infrastructure). It was
                           covered by $250,000 from CT DEP special bond
                           act funds authorized by the state's General As-
                           sembly, $62,900 from federal Clean Water Act
                           section 319 funds, and $30,000 from Town of
                           Manchester capital improvement funds.
                               Section 319 funds were dedicated to non-
                           point source controls in and around the pond, and
                           other watershed management activities. Nonpoint
                           source controls included the construction of the
                           trash rack and the sedimentation forebay. As a
                           condition of the section,319 grant, CT DEP and
                           EPA required the town to conduct watershed
                           management activities, including a review of
                           street sweeping programs, a public education
                           program (in the form of mailed pamphlets and
                           newspaper articles); and an investigation of high-
                           nutrient-loading areas.
Promising results
The Center Springs Pond Restoration Project was
completed in 1995. Since then, there have been
many noticeable changes. The most obvious of
these is the improved appearance of the pond and
the park. Before the restoration project, Center
Springs Pond's extensive duckweed growth ren-
dered the pond unattractive for recreation and
unsuitable for most fish. Since the project was
completed, the duckweed blooms have been
eliminated. Floating debris has been brought to an
end by the trash rack and watershed management
activities. Watershed residents have done their part
by responding to public education and helping to
reduce the amount of litter and other household
and yard pollutants.
    Before the project, sedimentation of the
pond and winter draw-downs for weed control
had reduced the surface area, greatly limiting ice-
skating for the past 20 years. Now the pond once
again is used for skating. Perhaps the most aston- '
ishing change is the return of fishing as a viable
recreational opportunity. Before the restoration
project, the town's annual fishing derby, which
usually attracts 600 to 700 people each spring, was
held at other ponds in the region. Since the
project •was completed, the annual fishing derby
has been held at Center Springs Pond, which is
stocked with trout and bass.
    The Town of Manchester now has a regular
maintenance program for the pond and park that
includes weekly litter pickup and periodic dredg-
ing of the sedimentation forebay. Other amenities
have been added since the completion of the
restoration project, including a fishing pier/look-
out point on the gabion wall and a picnic .area.

Future plans
Future plans for Center Spring Pond include
regular maintenance of the immediate park
3OBHI Connecticuc

                       grounds. There are also plans to rebuild a picnic
                       pavilion/observation deck over die foundation of
                       die old skating lodge, which burned down. A
                       concrete fishing pier, which is present in addition
                       to the recently added pier, will be "dressed up" to
                       match die decor of the new skating lodge.
Also proposed ate stone dust ttails throughout the
park and a picnic pavilion at the top of the sliding
hill. It is easy to see that, through the Center
Springs Pond Restoration Project, this picturesque
place in Manchester has been restored as an im-
portant recreational resource for the community.
Mel Cote
EPA Region 1
1 Congress Street
Suite 1 1 00
Boston, MA 02203
cote.mel®epa.gov '
Primary Sources of
• agriculture (dairy farm)

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• nutrients

Project Activities:
• farm waste management
(waste collection, storage,
and upland spray-irrigation)

• reductions in nutrients
(phosphorus) and
bacteria, allowing
compliance with water
quality standards

                                                Lake Waramaug Watershed Agricultural
                                                                   Waste  Management System:
                                                                       One Farm Can Make a Difference
                        Lake Waramaug is in the Housatonic River water-
                        shed in northwestern Connecticut in the towns of
                        Washington, Warren, and Kent. This deep, 680-acre
                        lake is the scenic center of the area's tourism busi-
                        ness and is used for a variety of recreational activi-
                        ties, including boating, fishing, and swimming.
                        Waramaug is the second largest natural lake in die
                        state. The lake's 14.3-square-mile watershed is
                        largely forested, with land use consisting of low-
                        density residential development and several farms.
                        Much of the lake's shorefront is developed with
                        large-lot, single-family homes. Two state parks are
                        located on and near the lake, Lake Waramaug State
                        Park and Mount Bushnell State Park.

                        Problems caused by overenrichment
                        Twenty-five years ago, thick mats of algae covered
                        the surface of Lake Waramaug, causing serious
                        concern among property owners and local busi-.
                        nesses. Dead fish washed ashore and became food .
                        for seagulls, raccoons, and otiier wildlife. The cause
                        of the problem was overenrichment caused by
              Washington, Warren, and Kent, Connecticut

runoff of phosphorus and other nutrients from
farms, lawns, roads, and septic systems. These
nutrients are considered a significant nonpoint
source problem in the Housatonic River -watershed.
    The nutrients fed die growth of algae, which
turned' the lake's surface green every summer. When
the algae died and sank to the bottom, the decompo-
sition of the organic material consumed the oxygen
that the fish and other aquatic life needed to survive.
The algae also prevented sunlight from  reaching
native aquatic plants, which were both a food  source
and refuge for aquatic organisms.
    By the mid-1990s, many of these problems
had been solved through the joint efforts of  die
three -watershed towns, area residents, and state and
federal government agencies. However, water
quality monitoring in Sucker Brook, which feeds
die lake, was still finding elevated levels of nutrients
and bacteria. Stream monitoring determined that a
single dairy farm was the largest remaining source
of nutrients in the watershed. This farm houses
255 cows, heifers, and calves, and die milking room,
                                                                                                     Connecticut I

                            corn bunker silos, and barnyards are located uphill
                            and adjacent to Sucker Brook. Runoff from the
                            farm, containing high concentrations of nutrients
                            and bacteria, entered the stream, which transported
                            the pollutants to the lake.

                            Solving the problems
                            One of the first steps to solving Lake Waramaug's
                            problems was the formation of the Lake
                            Waramaug Task Force in 1975. In 1978 the Task
                            Force, with assistance from federal and state
                            agencies and a private consultant, completed the
                            Lake WaramaugM.anagementl'lan, which contained
                            recommendations on how to restore and protect
                            water quality. Major in-lake management projects
                            include a 2.0 million-gallon-per-day "withdrawal-
                            treatment-reinjection system"; two-layer aeration
                            systems that mix the top water with the mid
                            depths of the lake to create a large zone of cold,
                            well-oxygenated water; construction of a channel
                            through the delta formed at the Sucker Brook
                            outlet to direct cold, well-oxygenated stream flow
                            to the oxygen-depleted bottom waters; and several
                            in-stream sediment collection basins. Numerous
                            watershed nonpoint source controls were also
                            established, including streambank and lakeshore
                            erosion stabilization projects, a dairy farm manure
                            storage system, and a vineyard wine waste lagoon.
                                As described previously, however, one major
                            pollution source remained unchecked. To address
                            this problem, in 1999 the farmer requested technical
                            assistance from the litchfield County Soil and Water
                            Conservation District and the U.S. Department of
                            Agriculture's (USDA's) Natural Resources Conserva-
                            tion Service (NRCS)  to plan, design, and build a
                            farm waste management system. The Task Force
                            raised private funds and, through the conservation
                            district, also solicited financial assistance from the
                            towns that border the lake and the Connecticut
                            Department of Environmental Protection (CT
DEP). The CT DEP subsequently applied for.and
received section 319 funds from EPA. The farmer
applied for funds through the USDA Farm Services
Agency and the Connecticut Department of Agri-
culture and a loan from the Lake Waramaug Task

Monitoring results
Water quality monitoring data collected since
completion of the project indicate that the waste
management system has significantly reduced
pollution levels in Sucker Brook and in Lake
Waramaug. Nutrient levels  (especially phosphorus)
in the stream have been drastically reduced. Be-
fore the •waste management system was con-
structed, the farm was contributing more than 20
percent of the total phosphorus entering Lake
Waramaug. Now, instead of flowing into Sucker
Brook and Lake Waramaug, the nutrient-rich
runoff from the farm area is collected, stored, and
spray-irrigated on farm fields located hundreds of
yards from Sucker Brook. This allows the nutri-
ents to become incorporated into the soil, sup-
porting plant growth on the farm rather than
algae  growth in the lake. Bacteria levels are also
lower than before the water management system
was installed, allowing the lake to meet state water
quality standards for swimming and other pri-
mary-contact recreation.

Continuing the  success
To ensure the future protection of water quality,
the farm waste management system needs to be
regularly inspected and  maintained. It is expected
that the dairy farm (with the assistance of local
conservation organizations) will continue to take
measures necessary to protect water quality in
Sucker Brook and Lake Waramaug by following
through with a new operation and maintenance
plan established for the farm. The Lake

                       Watatnaug Task Force and local health depart-

                       ments will continue to monitor the lake and its

                       feeder streams to determine whetiier die farm

                       waste management system and other best manage-

                       ment practices are working to maintain and im-

                       prove •water quality. As a Task Force member
noted in a recent local newspaper article, "This is

a success story, but it wouldn't take much to turn

it around. There has to be constant monitoring,

constant improvement. Everything has to be kept

working, brought up to date . .. ." (The New

Milford Times, July 21, 2000).
                         Project Partners and Funding

                         This project was a combined effort by LCSWCD, CT DEI? USEPA, USDA, Lake Waramaug Task Force,
                         and the dairy farmer. The total cost of the project was $211,864. Funding was provided by the
                         following organizations:
                         $33,000 from an EPA Clean Water Act Section 319 grant awarded by CT DEP
                         $35,000 from the USDA Farm Service Agency (Agricultural Conservation Program)
                         $40,000 from the Connecticut Department of Agriculture    .                              •
                         $61,864 from the farm through a loan agreement with the Lake Waramaug Task Force
                         $642,000 from the -USDA NRCS for in-kind and technical services
	 ~ 	 : 	 	
Sharon Webb
Delaware Department of
Natural Resources and
Environmental Control

Primary Sources of
• failing septic systems

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• ammonium
• nitrate
• phosphorus '

Project Activities:
• upgraded septic systems
and wells

• upgraded 1 00 septic
systems and more than
50 wells
                 Partners  Upgrade Septic Systems in Coverdale Crossroads:
                                                                Quality of Life Improved for Residents
                       The Coverdale Crossroads Community is in Sus-

                       sex County, Delaware. Failing septic systems were

                       resulting in contaminated drinking water wells and

                       nutrient loss to surface water and groundwater

                       supplies. Prior to restoration, most residents uti-

                       lized a cesspool, a failed septic system, or no

                       system at all.

                       Septic system upgrade

                       In October 1997 the Delaware Department of

                       Natural Resources and Environmental Control

                       (DNREC)  entered into a 3-year partnership with

                       die Coverdale Crossroads Community and First

                       State Community Action to upgrade septic systems

                       and wells. Greenwood Trust Bank and die Sussex

                       Conservation District provided matching funds.
                          Sussex County, Delaware

    During the first year of implementation, the

project had to overcome a number of unantici-

pated obstacles, resulting from some members of

the community living in substandard housing. An

upgraded septic system and well are of little use

without electricity and plumbing. Near the end of

the first year, DNREC joined forces with die

Delaware Housing Authority, and donated homes

were provided to those in need.

    The local Prison Boot Camp and Work Re-

lease Program provided laborers for demolishing

the substandard homes and clearing debris and

trees to make way for subsequent installation of

new septic systems and wells. Residents contrib-

uted by helping to remove debris and by  providing

temporary housing for those displaced. The final
                                                                                                    Delaware 1

                          year has added a partnership with the Resource
                          Conservation and Development Council, which is
                          lending its support in coordinating the last year of
                          project implementation and installation of new
                              Most of the replacement systems are gravity
                          systems, with the exception of a few low-pressure
                          pipe systems. Follow-up education on mainte-
                          nance of the system is provided to each home-
                          owner after installation.

                          Benefits to water quality and residents
                          By the end of September 2000, about 100 septic
                          systems and more than 50 wells had been up-
                                                                 graded. Based on studies conducted in the Inland
                                                                 Bays watershed, the gravity systems have an effi-
                                                                 ciency rating for nutrient removal as follows:
                                                                 ammonium, 25 percent; nitrate, 35 percent; and
                                                                 total phosphorus, 90 percent. The efficiency rating
                                                                 for the low-pressure pipe systems is as follows:
                                                                 ammonium, 94 percent; nitrate, 66 percent; and
                                                                 total phosphorus, 90 percent.
                                                                    Before the failing systems were replaced,
                                                                 remediation of nutrient loads was negligible.
                                                                 Through partnerships, this project has provided
                                                                 direct environmental benefits to groundwater and
                                                                 surface waters while improving the standard of
                                                                 living for many residents of Coverdale Crossroads.
D,C, Deportment of Health
SI N Street N& 5th Floor
Washington, DC 20002

Primary Sources of
• wetlands dredging/filling
Primary NPS Pollutants:
• sediment

Project Activities:
• wetland restoration
• recreational/habitat

• mudflat transformed into
• monitoring in progress
                              Marsh Restoration  and Island  Enhancement Projects
                                                                                      at  Kingman Lake:
                                                                        Tidal  Wetland Habitats Re-created
   Years of sedimentation had turned Kingman Lake, once a tidal marsh, into
   a mudflat.
                                                                                    Anacostia River, District of Columbia

                                                                 Kingman Lake is not a true lake, but a 110-acre
                                                                 tidal freshwater impoundment created during the
                                                                 1920s and 1930s to provide a recreational boating
                                                                 area for District of Columbia residents. The lake is
                                                                 connected to the tidal Anacostia River by two inlets
                                                                 located at the northern and southern ends of
                                                                 Kingman Island, a wooded 94-acre dredge/fill-
                                                                 created island that separates the lake from the river.
                                                                    Historically, .the area emerged as an expansive
                                                               .  freshwater tidal marsh, renowned for its migratory
                                                                 sora rail population. As wetlands were dredged
                                                                 and filled, many such migratory birds stopped
                                                                 coming. The open water tidal "lake" gradually
Dana of Columbia

The restoration project has succeeded in transforming Kingman Lake back
into a marsh.
                         filled with sediment until the dominant low tide
                         feature was a mudflat. Because of the lack of
                         suitable substrate elevation, most species of emer-
                         gent marsh vegetation have not been established
                         over the existing mudflats.

                         From mudflats to wetlands
                         With support of section 319 funding, in 2000 the
                         U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District,
                         led the restoration of 42 acres of the freshwater
                         tidal emergent wetland in Kingman Lake. Other
                         key partners included the U.S. National Park  "
                         Service, the D.C. government, and neighboring
                         Prince George's County in Maryland. The primary
                         goal of the restoration plan is to restore histori-
                         cally significant wetlands, thereby enhancing the
                         habitat diversity and structure of an area currendy
                         dominated by unvegetated  tidal mudflats.
                             To re-create vegetated tidal wetland habitats,
                         the morphology of the lake was altered by filling
                         and grading existing lake mudflats with Anacostia
                         River dredge material. Establishing new (higher)
                         substrate levels on Kingman mudflats was key to
                         creating an environment suitable for the growth
                         of emergent wetland macrophytes, which can
                         tolerate only moderate levels of tidal inundation.
                             Approximately 700,000 emergent wetland
                         plants were planted in the newly elevated and
                         graded mudflat areas. It was soon discovered mat
goose exclusion fencing -would be necessary to
prevent the plants from becoming a "free lunch"
for the lake's resident Canada goose population.
The fencing will allow the plants to gain a foot-
hold during their first crucial growing season.
     In concert with the wetland restoration work,
Kingman Island is also being restored. The resto-
ration primarily involves die removal of materials
that historically have been dumped on the island.
A number of low-impact actions are also under
consideration, including die removal of invasive
exotic plants. Also being considered is the con-
struction of ramps and a floating boat dock for
canoes and kayaks, as well as an interpretive na-
ture trail for die recreational enjoyment of Dis-
trict residents. Enhancement of habitat for resi-
dent and migrating wildlife  is also considered a
priority. It might take the form of bird boxes,
nesting areas for ospreys and eagles, and bat
boxes, as well as artificial deadfalls and snags for
species-specific nesting.

Ongoing monitoring
A prerestoration study will establish a baseline
data set of  aquatic biota and water quality param-
eters by collecting mondily water quality data and
conducting a multiyear  summer seasonal assess-
ment of the bendiic macroinvertebrate, fish,
plankton, and bird communities living in or using
Kingman Lake. After restoration is complete, die
study will continue for 5 years to determine die
relative impact of the restoration efforts on die
•water quality and the aquatic community.
     Implementing diese two significant restoration
projects in the main stem of the Anacostia River is
important not only for the improvements to wild-
life habitat or water quality. The projects also dem-
onstrate die success of large-scale environmental
restoration projects involving multiple federal and
local government agencies and funding sources.
                                                                                                     District of Columbia '

••Bf 	 " 	
Dr, H.im!d Kodmi
1 D,C. Department of Health
1 SI N Street, NE, Sth Floor
Washington. DC 20002

Primary Sources of
• urban runoff
• sewer overflows

Primary NPS Pollutants: >
» fecal coliform bacteria
« sediment ,
« nutrients
• • •-.
Project Activities:
• streambank stabilization
• education/outreach
* "™ " " ' '™r~~ •"•--- - - •'.-!»•
• monitoring in progress
• riparian buffers
established (1,600 plants)
                                                                          The Watts  Branch  Initiative:
                                                                   Community Involvement Key to Success
                           Watts Branch is the largest and one of the most
                           polluted tributaries of the Anacostia River. It
                           flows from Maryland into the District of Colum-
                           bia for 4 miles. About 80 percent of the stream's
                           watershed is urban residential and commercial
                           property; less than 15 percent is forested. Because
                           of its location, the stream corridor is affected by
                           runoff from a primarily impervious area. It is
                           plagued by trash and debris dumped into the
                           stream by local and upstream residents and busi-
                           nesses. The tributary is also a source of excessive .
                           fecal coliform bacteria loadings attributed to
                           overflows from faulty sewers.
                               The Environmental Health Administration of
                           the District's Department of Health established die
                           Watts Branch Task Force to coordinate restoration
                           of the Watts Branch watershed. The Task Force
                           created the multiphased Watts Branch Watershed
                           Initiative, which includes streambank stabilization

                                                                                        Anacostia River, District of Columbia

                                                                    and restoration, education and community out-  -.
                                                                    reach, and a strategy to prevent illegal dumping.

                                                                    Public-private partnerships
                                                                    The success of the Watts Branch Task Force has
                                                                    primarily been the result of its ability to effectively
                                                                    create partnerships between the public and private
                                                                    sectors arid promote a high level of community
                                                                    involvement. Some 1,600 native trees, shrubs, and
                                                                    plants have been established to create and extend  .
                                                                    the Watts Branch riparian buffer. Through the
                                                                    efforts of the Task Force, in partnership with the
                                                                    Anacostia River Business Coalition and the Earth  .
                                                                    Conservation Corps, the work was funded largely
                                                                    through a section 319 grant. Section 319 funding
                                                                    also supported streambank stabilization efforts in
                                                                    the spring of 2001, in partnership with the U.S.
                                                                    Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources
                                                                    Conservation Service.
                                                                         Money from Washington, D.C.'s Summit Fund
                                                                    supported the purchase of three surveillance cam-
                                                                    eras that are now being used by the Environmental
                                                                    Crimes Unit of the Metropolitan Police Depart-
                                                                    ment to monitor illegal dumping in and around
                                                                    Watts Branch. A grant from the Summit Fund also
                                                                    supported a community education day in the park,
                                                                    which helped to spread the word about illegal
                                                                    dumping, nonpoint source pollution, and the im-
                                                                    portance of riparian buffer plantings to the stream.
   Many young people from the District helped plant trees throughout the Watts
   Branch watershed.
District of Columbia

                        Plans for the future
                        Future work will address riparian and aquatic
                        habitat concerns, as well as water quality impacts
                        from sediment and nutrients. The U.S. Fish and
                        Wildlife Service will provide monitoring assistance
                        and will use the information it gathers to develop
designs for areas still in need of stream restora-
tion. The projected completion date for the
stream restoration work is October 2004. The
District of Columbia anticipates that continued
stream restoration work will be funded through
the District's 319 nonpoint source program.
                          FLO  R.I  D A
Brad Bole
Project Coordinator
3 120 Highway 36 West
Hartselle,AL 35640
256-773-6543 (ext. 107)
bbole®ai.nrcs,usda.gov •
" ' '•--'•.'•• ••"•/• . -.-'.•. '••:-. • • ...-..,"..:
Primary Sources of Primary NFS Pollutants:
Pollution: . sediment -
• roads, (timber, recreational)

Project Activities:
• road stabilization
• redirection of water flow
-••-;- — 	 ." ~ ~ ; ~" " v ~~~*.
• reduced sediment
                                                                    Blackwater River Restoration:
                        Project Demonstrates Mechanics of Erosion and Effectiveness of BMPs
                        Ever know of a natural area that the users "loved
                        to death"? The Blackwater River and the adjacent
                        Blackwater State Forest in the Florida panhandle
                        are good examples. Primitive roads created for and
                        by the timber industry and by recreational users,
                        including canoeists, tubers, horse riders, and hunt-
                        ers, have led to serious soil erosion problems in the
                        forest. Roads leading to or along the river and its
                        tributaries have caused erosion in the sandy, ex-
                        posed soils of the watershed and along the shore-
                        line, resulting in heavy sedimentation to the river.

                        Stabilization project
                        The Florida Division, of Forestry treated 17 roads
                        on the river's south side, closing 14 and repairing 3.
                        Methods of closing and repairing the roads varied
                        depending on the slope, likelihood of continued
                        traffic, natural stabilization mechanisms in place,
                        sources of water creating the erosion, and suitabil-
                        ity of the best management practices (BMPs). The
                        objective in each case was to remove or redirect the
                        source of water flow causing the problem and to
               Santa Rosa and Okaloosa Counties, Florida

stabilize the soil. The overall project cost was
$55,928, of which $25,268 was provided by a sec-
tion 319 grant to the Florida Division of Forestry.

Encouraging results
Despite willful damage to treated areas by locals
(subsequently repaired), the project was considered
a success because sediment production from the
roads was reduced and the restored areas were
returned to timber production. The project taught
the forest staff that soil cover is the key to reducing
soil loss.' The cover can be in the form of erosion
fabric, vegetation, or mulch. Permanent native
vegetation is expensive to procure, especially for  .
large restoration areas. To continue this type of
work on a forest-wide basis  and make a'significant
impact on the soil erosion problems at a reasonable
cost, some other means of revegetation will need
to be used. The forestry staff believes transplanting
forest materials will be one of the solutions.
    This demonstration project-helped state
foresters better understand the causes and mecha-

                          nisms of erosion and sedimentation. Just as im-
                          portant, the project allowed the foresters to learn
                          more about the effectiveness of BMPs that can be
                          used to minimize erosion problems and where
                          various BMPs work best. Consequently, state
                          foresters have developed a management plan to
                          continue addressing the erosion problems result-
                          ing from dirt roads and gullies that are negatively
                                                                  affecting the quality of the Blackwater River, an
                                                                  Outstanding Florida Water. Implementation of
                                                                  the management plan is proceeding using a variety
                                                                  of funding sources, including section 319 grants
                                                                  from the Florida Department of Environmental
                                                                  Protection, state funds, user fees, and in-kind
                                                                  contributions by forest users.
Contact: Primary Sources of
Ron Jones Pollution:
Bfevaitf Surface Water • urban storm water runoff
Improvement Division
2725 Judge Fran Jamfeson
Suite A203
Vtera,FL 32940

Primary IMPS Pollutants:
• sediment

• suspended solids

Project Activities:
» (Indialantic storm water
retrofitting) baffle boxes in
storm drain pipes
• (Indialantic} wet detention
• (Micco area retrofitting)
exfiltration trenches_
» (Micco) inlet system

- -
« (Indialantic) 67 cubic
meters of sediment
removed per year
• (Indialantic) 60 percent
less discharge of
• (Micco) 14,076 pounds of
sediment removed
• (Micco) 80 percent less
discharge of pollutants
                     Brevard County's Urban  Storm Water Retrofitting  Projects:
                                          Lessons Learned About Design, Location, and Monitoring
                                                                                                     Brevard County, Florida
                          With the implementation of the state storm water
                          rule in 1982, Florida became the first state in die
                          country to require that storm water from all new
                          development be treated. However, reducing the
                          pollutant loadings discharged from older drainage
                          systems is also essential to die protection and resto-
                          ration of water bodies throughout Florida. The
                          Indian River Lagoon, an estuary of national signifi-
                          cance and a water body of importance to both
                          Florida and Brevard County, has been adversely
                          affected by storm water discharges from older
                          drainage systems. Fortunately, Florida's Surface
                          Water Improvement and Management program, in
                          conjunction with the Indian River Lagoon National
                          Estuary Program, has developed a comprehensive
                          watershed management plan to restore this impor-
                          tant water body. A significant component of diis
                          plan is the implementation of urban storm water
                                                                    Retrofitting Project Costs
Cedar Lane
Franklin (2)
Indialantic 1
Puesta Del
r- Rivershore
Sunset Park
Drainage area
1 .8 acres
0.9 acres
36 acres
25 acres
.54 acres
1 34 acres
2.2 acres 	
7,2 acres
161 acres
24 acres
$ 9,463
                                                                   retrofitting projects through partnerships between
                                                                   the Florida Department of Environmental Protec-
                                                                   tion, the St. Johns River Water Management Dis-
                                                                   trict, and local governments.
                                                                      Brevard County has implemented a storm
                                                                   water utility fee to help fund retrofitting projects,
                                                                   and its,storm water program has initiated several
1 FJonda

projects leading to a reduction in the pollutant

loadings discharged to the lagoon. The county has

received a number of section 319 grants to assist

in funding these projects. The costs of the retro-

fitting projects are provided in the table.

Indialantic area retrofitting

Several storm water retrofitting projects have been

conducted in the town of Indialantic to reduce

pollutant discharge to the Indian River Lagoon.

The first phase of retrofitting involved the instal-

lation of numerous baffle boxes (sediment boxes)

at the end of existing storm drain pipes to 'capture

sediment before it is  discharged. The frequency of

cleanout depends on  rainfall frequency, land use,

and drainage basin size but has averaged six

cleanouts per baffle box per year. The mainte-

nance records for 24  baffle boxes show that 202

cubic meters of sediment were removed from

these boxes over a 3-year period.

    Later phases of retrofitting in this area fo-

cused on treating storm water from an urbanized

residential watershed of  120 contributing acres.

The best management practices installed to cor-

rect storm water quality and quantity problems

included construction of an exfiltration trench

that discharges to a •wet detention pond. The pond

was planted with cordgrass and pickerelweed to  .

provide nutrient removal and cattail control. The

new sideslope Geo Web cells were planted with

blanket flowers  and sunflowers for additional

erosion control.

    Based on Florida's rainfall records and the

design treatment volume of the exfiltration sys-

tem, it is removing about 60 percent of the pollut-

ants that would have been discharged: Water

quality sampling of several storm events showed

that the pond is providing significant treatment of

storm water pollutants through settling and bio-
 logical processes. Overall, the treatment system

 appears to be removing most nutrients, metals,

 and suspended solids from the storm water before

 discharge to the Indian River Lagoon.

 Micco area retrofitting

 The Micco area of Brevard County is an urban-

 ized single-family residential area that was built

 'before the 'storm water treatment requirements.

 The area's existing storm water system provided

 no treatment of the area's runoff, which was

 discharged to the Sebastian River and ultimately to

 the Indian River Lagoon. Prior to this project,

 Main Street ran directly down to its lowest point

 at a boat ramp. Because there were no curbs or

 gutters, storm water ran down the edges of the

 pavement, causing considerable erosion and trans-

 porting a lot of sediment into the river.

     To arrest the direct discharge of storm water,

 the county developed a trench system designed to

 remove sediments. The county installed 1,536

 linear feet of exfiltration trenches down the center

 of the road along with asphalt curbing to direct

 flow to inlets installed along the road's edge. The

 trenches  capture 0.39 inch of runoff from the

 15.5-acre watershed, and pretreatment is provided

 by sumps and skimmers at the inlets.

     For a variety of reasons, monitoring on this

 project proved to be problematic. However, main-

 tenance activities were able to document the

 effectiveness of the trench system in removing

 sediments. The inlet system was cleaned twice

 during the postconstruction monitoring period,

• and a total of 14,076 pounds of sediment was

 removed. In addition, based on Florida's rainfall

 patterns and the diversion of runoff into the

 trenches, it is estimated that the system removes

 80 percent of the pollutants that previously were

 discharged to the Sebastian River.

                          Lessons learned
                          Many valuable lessons were learned from this
                          project related to design, location, and monitoring.
                          Brevard County staff are applying this information
                          to current and future projects designed to address
                                                                   water quality and quantity problems throughout the
                                                                   Micco watersheds. Other local governments in
                                                                   Florida also are benefiting from the project as they
                                                                   develop and implement storm water master plans
                                                                   to reduce storm water pollution.
Jim Wren
Ocortec River RC&D
Council Inc.
RQ Box 247
Watkinsviffe GA 30677

Primary Sources of
• erosion

Primary IMPS Pollutants: Project Activities:
• sediment « tree revetment
. . ., ^r ~JX
• decreased sediment loads
• monitoring in progress
                                           Broad River Streambank Stabilization  Project:
                                                                   Tree Revetments Rescue Eroding Banks
                           Streambank erosion on the streams and rivers of
                           Georgia continues to be a growing problem.
                           Erosion is particularly evident in the Broad River
                           Watershed District of northeastern Georgia. The
                           accepted consensus is that it is much easier, and
                           more cost-effective,  to prevent erosion before it
                           occurs than'to restore streambanks after the dam-
                           age has been done. However, because in many
                           cases erosion already exists, new and better ways
                           of solving the problem are being explored.
                               One of the methods being tried in the Broad
                           River watershed is the technique of installing
                           "tree revetments." New to Georgia, this technique
                           is relatively inexpensive when compared to other
                           types of Streambank stabilization techniques
                           currently in use.

                           Demonstrating the technique
                           The Chestatee-Chattahoochee Resource Conser-
                           vation and Development Council, through a 319
                           grant from the Georgia Department of Natural
                           Resources, Environmental Protection Division, is
                           implementing a project designed to demonstrate
                                                                                                Northeastern Georgia
                                                                   to landowners the positive effects of tree revet-
                                                                   ments on eroding streambanks. The project calls
                                                                   for 15 tree revetment sites, plus additional best
                                                                   management practices, to be installed on selected
                                                                   streams throughout the Broad River watershed.
                                                                       A tree revetment is a bioengineering method
                                                                   that uses whole trees cabled tightly together in
                                                                   giant bundles. These bundles are then secured to
                                                                   the eroded Streambank in a shingling effect, just
                                                                   like the shingles on a roof, through an anchoring
                                                                   system of cables. The trees used in the installation
                                                                   are selected by the contractor with assistance from
                                                                   an Natural Resources Conservation Service spe-
                                                                   cialist or by the participating landowner from the
                                                                   landowner's own property. The Streambank height
                                                                   should usually be 6 feet or more, with a steep
                                                                   incline; revetments can't be constructed on gradu-
                                                                   ally sloped streambanks.
                                                                       Tree revetments have been shown to gready
                                                                   slow the stream current along an eroding bank,
                                                                   decreasing erosion and allowing sediment to be
                                                                   deposited in the tree branches of the revetment.
                                                                   The deposited sediment forms an excellent seed-

                        bed in which the seeds of riparian trees such as

                        sycamores and maple, as well as other plants, can

                        sprout and grow. The resulting growth spreads

                        roots throughout the revetment and into the exist-

                        ing streambank. In addition to slowing streambank

                        erosion, tree revetments also provide excellent

                        habitat for birds, fish, and other forms of wildlife.
 Continuing efforts

 As of August 2001, seven revetment demonstra-

 tion sites had been installed throughout the water-

 shed. An additional five sites will be installed

 through the end of 2001, as weather permits. The

 progress of these sites will be monitored over the;

 next 2 years.
•El : 	 "•"• 	 '':"- 	
Brant Keller
Public Works Director
Storm Water Utility Division
RO. Box T
Griffin, GA 30224
;- 	 -~" " . 	 ; • - •--•'• 	 -: • •- -
Primary Sources of
• urban storm water runoff

Primary NPS Pollutants:
« nutrients
» metals
• oil
• grease

Project Activities:
• constructed wetland

-.-•-.• • - .•• •- 	 ' 	 - - •
• reduction of storm water


                               North Griffin Storm Water Detention  Pond  Project:
                                         Constructed Wetland System Protects Water, Wins Award
                        An important function of wetlands is thek role in

                        maintaining and enhancing water quality. Urban

                        storm water contains a variety of constituents,

                        such as nitrogen, phosphorus, metals, oil, and

                        grease, that can contribute to nonpoint source

                        pollution. Because many complex chemical and

                        biological processes that affect water quality occur

                        in wetlands, a vegetated wetland system can incor-

                        porate and transform many of .these storm water

                        constituents through biological breakdown by

                        microorganisms or vegetative decomposition.

                        In addition to providing water quality-enhancing

                        attributes, constructed wetland systems offer

                        other potential.advantages, including compara-

                        tively simple operation with low  maintenance,

                        process stability under varying environmental

                        conditions, and low construction and operating

                        costs when compared with traditional water treat-

                        ment facilities.  Additionally, the introduction of

                        emergent wetland species not only provides sev-

                        eral benefits for water quality enhancement but

                        also results in improvement of wildlife habitats.
                                  Griffin, Georgia

 Comprehensive watershed management

 In 1997 the City of Griffin began a comprehen-

 sive watershed management program by imple-

 menting a Storm Water Utility to address the city's

 aging infrastructure and improve the quality of

 storm water runoff. One of the first projects

 successfully completed under the management

 program was construction of the North Griffin

 Regional Detention Pond (NGRDP). This re-

 gional pond was designed for flood control and to

 enhance and preserve water quality in Shoal Creek

 and Wildcat Creek of the Flint River Basin.

    The NGRDP features a drainage channel, a

 regional detention pond, and two constructed

wetland areas for storm water filtration. The pond

 and wetland areas use natural filtration and other

 biological processes, rather than traditional me-

 chanical means, to improve the quality of storm

water runoff. The pond serves as a comprehensive

 storm water management system that eliminates

flooding problems in a ISO-acre area of North

Griffin while enhancing -water quality.

                       Evaluating the performance of the NGRDP
                       To determine the overall performance of the
                       wetland system, an evaluation of water quality was
                       performed by collecting and laboratory testing
                       storm water samples from locations upstream of,
                       within, and downstream of the detention pond. A
                       baseline sampling protocol was developed to
                       establish the initial quality of storm water runoff
                       from the North Griffin Drainage Basin.
                           Review of the monitoring data for the first 21
                       months (between January 1999 and September
                       2000) indicates that the actual removal efficiencies
are showing significant reductions for the constitu-
ents listed (see table). The City of Griffin antici-
pates that the future monitoring results for the
mature site will be comparable to the theoretical
removal efficiencies documented. Wetland matura-
tion should result in utilization and transformation
of these constituents through biological breakdown
by microorganisms and vegetative decomposition.
    The American Consulting Engineers Council
awarded the City of Griffin and Integrated Sci-
ence & Engineering the 2000 Engineering Excel-
lence Award for this project.
 Monitored Removal Efficiencies
 This table shows the removal efficiencies for several constituents that are currently being monitored. The table represents data
 cqllected between January 1999 and September 2000 by the City of Griffin, Georgia.
 Total suspended solids
 Total Kjeldahl nitrogen
 Total phosphorus
 Chemical oxygen demand
 Total lead
 Total zinc
 Fecal coliform bacteria
Station 1
42.86 mg/L
4.53 mg/L
0. 1 7 mg/L
52.00 mg/L
0.1 3 mg/L
25,457 no/1 00
Station 3 Average removal
36.71 mg/L
1 .76 mg/L
0. 1 0 mg/L
31. 86 mg/L
0.07 mg/L
mL 8, 1 69 no/1 00 mL
Theoretical removal
65% to 80%
60% to 80%
25% to 50% . .
60% to 70%
limits; NCLI - no comparison level identified.
HH 	 ' 	
Denny Cruz
Water Planning Committee
Guam EPA

Primary Sources of
• soil erosion

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• sediment
Project Activities:
• planting native acacia trees
. *w
• 50,000 acacia tree
seedlings planted in a
50-acre area
• projected to reduce
turbidity and improve
drinking water supply
                                                                        Ugum Watershed  Project:
                                      Students Plant Acacia  Seedlings to Help Restore Watershed
                        The Ugum watershed is one of Guam's last rela-
                        tively pristine natural areas. It has been identified as
                        one of Guam's highest-priority watersheds in the
                        island's Unified Watershed Assessment. The water-
                        shed consists of 19 square kilometers of lush
                           Ugum Watershed, Guam

 vegetation, productive wetlands, savanna grasslands,
 and badlands with numerous springs and feeder
 streams. Located in the southern part of Guam, it
 is home to wild pigs, deer, and carabao, as well as
 many birds, some of which are endangered.

                           The tJgum Water Treatment Plant on the

                        Ugum River supplies drinking water to southeast-

                        ern island villages. Soil erosion and increased

                        turbidity levels in the Ugum River have been

                        adversely affecting water quality and drinking

                        water supplies.

                        Acacia tree planting

                        In 1999 Guam's Water Planning Committee

                        (WPC), composed of a broad spectrum of gov-

                        ernment agencies and other'stakeholders (includ-

                        ing Department of Agriculture, Division of For-

                        estry; Aquatic and Wildlife Resources; Depart-

                        ment of Commerce; Guam Environmental Pro-

                        tection Agency; Natural Resources Conservation

                        Service; University of Guam; Guam Waterworks

                        Authority; Department of Defense; and Bureau

                        of Planning), initiated the watershed action plan

                        for one of its highest-priority watersheds. The

                        WPC determined that the most effective means

                        of preventing and minimising soil erosion was to

                        encourage actions that maximize vegetative cover,

                        particularly forest.
    To achieve this, section 319 funding was used

to'plant a 50-acre area within the Ugum watershed

with some 50,000 trees. One hundred students

from Guam's southern schools helped plant the

seedlings. The WPC goals were to conserve and

protect the ravine forest, revegetate badlands

within the savanna grasslands, minimize fires,

increase public involvement and education, and

obtain special recognition and standing that sup-

port the Ugum watershed as a priority watershed.

Reforestation of Ugum watershed

Once established, the acacia trees will allow the

opportunity for native trees to restore the area to

its native state. This is the beginning of a long-

term program of forestation of the watershed.

    Another sign of success is the WPC's devel-

opment of a Watershed Executive Order, which

the Governor signed in August 1999. The Execu-

tive Order affirms the WPC's work on watersheds,

gives direction for agency leaders, and emphasizes

a watershed protection approach involving mul-

tiple ownership and use perspectives.
Carole McLean
Executive Director
Friends of He'eia State Park

Primary Sources of
• erosion from alien coastal

Primary NFS Pollutants:
• sediment
. • nutrients

Project Activities:
• removal of alien plants
• planting of native species

• projected decrease in
sediments and nutrients
                                                          He'eia Coastal  Restoration  Project:
                              Thousands of Volunteers Replace Alien Plants with Native Species
                        Friends of He'eia State Park is a nonprofit educa-

                        tional institution that offers interpretive programs

                        in the sciences and Hawaiian culture: The park sits

                        on an elevated peninsula on the shores of

                        Kaneohe Bay. Bordering the park are a unique

                        fringing reef, a mountain stream, and an ancient

                        Hawaiian fishpond. This project was part of a
                              Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii

larger master planning effort to rehabilitate por-

tions of the entire He'eia watershed.

    The state's Department of Health has desig-

nated Kaneohe Bay a Water Quality Limited

Segment because of the nonpoint source pollu-

tion, specifically sediments and nutrients.

Kaneohe Bay and He'eia Stream are part of
                                                                                                          Hawaii '

                           Koolaupoko watershed, designated a priority
                           watershed in need of restoration by Hawaii's
                           Unified Watershed Assessment Plan. Alien coastal
                           plants were causing problems by preventing ad-
                           equate filtering of waters that emanate from the
                           watershed above before they entered the bay.

                           Replacing alien plants with native species
                           The major goal of this project was to expand and
                           enhance the He'eia Stream and coastal area by re-
                           placing existing alien coastal plants with native strand
                           species. The area was surveyed, and plans were
                           developed for the. removal of the alien plants. Two
                           40-square-foot test plots were identified to be
                           cleared .and planted with native species. Some of the
                           trees removed were 60 feet tall with 16-inch diam-
                           eters. The trees were cut at the top of the prop roots
                           so the remaining roots could serve as traps or filters.
                               The project was very successful in removing
                           alien flora from the streambanks and in planting
                           native species such as milo, naupaka, kukui, kou
                                                                   and puhala in their place. The native species are
                                                                   expected to provide continuous protection to
                                                                   Kaneohe Bay by filtering the •waters that come
                                                                   from the watershed above. Thousands of people
                                                                   from community groups, schools, service clubs,
                                                                   businesses, and prison work teams provided labor
                                                                   for the project.       .               •

                                                                   Benefits to waters  and the community
                                                                   Students and professors from Windward Commu-
                                                                   nity College monitored the water quality of He'eia
                                                                   Stream at five sites in the watershed. The .commu-
                                                                   nity benefited from this project through the many
                                                                   formal presentations made to the public and'from
                                                                   the Hawaiian Lecture Series, which focused on the
                                                                   cultural relationship of the land to the sea. The
                                                                   success of this project has given Friends of He'eia
                                                                   State Park a huge boost in their continuing efforts
                                                                   throughout the watershed.
                                                                       The total cost of this project was $155,000;
                                                                   funding included f 60,000 in 319 grant funds.
Department of Land and
Natural Resources
; 3060 Etwa Street
UniM. HI 96766

Primary Sources of
» aquaculture
• taro production

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• dissolved chemical
• high-nutrient-content
aquaculture effluents

• total dissolved solids
• pesticides

Project Activities:
• integration of aquaculture
with taro production

.,.--.•;.• ;
• reduced levels of
ammonia, nitrate,
phosphate, and BOD

                                     Integration of Aquaculture with Taro Production:
                                     Nonpoint Source Pollutants Reduced in  Demonstration Project
                           Both aquaculture and taro production play impor-
                           tant roles in the Hawaiian culture but can some-
                           times result in significant nonpoint source pollu-
                           tion. Puali Stream and Nawiliwili Bay have been .  .
                           particularly affected by agricultural discharges of
                           dissolved chemical fertilizers, nigh-nutrient-con-
                           tent aquaculture effluents, sediment, total dis-
                           solved solids, and pesticides.
                                                                                                    Niumalu, Hawaii

                                                                       Hawaii initiated a 319 project to demonstrate
                                                                   that the integration of aquaculture with taro
                                                                   production systems can significantly reduce
                                                                   nonpoint source water pollution: The goal of the
                                                                   project was to demonstrate that the application of
                                                                   various best management practices (BMPs) to
                                                                   integrated aquaculture (fish)—agriculture (taro)
                                                                   production systems can result in significant eco-

                        logical and economic advantages, including, ulti-
                        mately, the reduction of nonpoint source pollu-
                        tion. Equally important was the goal that the
                        project result in the improvement of the social
                        and economic conditions of taro growers and
                        aquaculturists throughout the state.

                        New approaches to production
                        The project involved stocking four pairs of fish
                        tanks with both tilapia and Chinese catfish. Each
                        taro.treatment then received the effluent from two
                        fish tanks. Each pair of tanks that discharged into
                        each loi (pondfield) was integrated with four treat-
                        menttaro pondfields planted with lehua maoli,
                        which then drained into adjacent fields planted with
                        bun long. Two taro controls were integrated with,
                        and discharged into, a wastewater polyculture pond.
                        One was solarized and one was not. The
                        polyculture pond was stocked with fish, taro, and
                        aquatic plants, dependent on waste products from
                        the two controls for their nutritional needs. The
                        system -was expected to control eutrophication,
                        recycle organic and inorganic wastes, decrease  soil
                        erosion, and abate water pollution.
                             Quantitative water quality data were collected
                        bimonthly with the use of a Hydrolab and  other
water quality testing equipment to monitor the
following parameters: dissolved oxygen, percent
saturation, pH, conductivity, temperature, turbid-
ity, total dissolved solids, total nitrate, total phos-
phate, total ammonia, and biological oxygen de-
mand (BOD). The purpose of the monitoring was
to assess which BMPs and integrated methods are
most effective as pollution abatement techniques.'

Increased •water quality without affecting crop
This project was successful in demonstrating that
the traditional Hawaiian cultural practice of taro
production can efficiently meet today's standards
of water quality without affecting taro yield. Al-  .
though the growth rate of the tilapia and Chinese
catfish were considered relatively slow, it must be
considered that two crops (fish and taro) are being
grown and the goal is to optimize the production
of both while at the same time protecting the
quality of receiving waters. The taro functioned
•well as a "biofilter" to recover nutrients in aquac-
ulture effluent. Overall levels .of ammonia, nitrate,
phosphate, and BOD were 'significantly reduced
after the aquaculture effluent flowed through the
taro l&i.
Lynn Rasmussen
IMRCS District

Primary Sources of
• nonirrigated cropland
(headwater sites) •
• rangeland (grazing
• surface mining operations
• streambank erosion

Primary IMPS Pollutants:
• sediment
« nutrients
» high water temperature

Project Activities:
» landowner education
• streambank stabilization

• 20 tons per acre per year
reduced erosion from erosion
control structures
• 7 tons per acre per year
reduction from sheet and rill
erosion control practices
• 20 percent reduction in use
of pesticides and fertilizers
• increased trout density
                                                                 Conservation in Hatwai  Creek:
                                                  Partners Work Together on Four Successful Projects
                                                                                                     Nez Perce County, Idaho
                        Hatwai Creek is 3 miles east of Lewiston, Idaho.     pasture/hayland (5 percent), riparian areas
                        Its -watershed consists of 19,785 acres of crop-      (2.5 percent), roads (2 percent), forestland
                        land (56 percent), rangeland (31.5 percent),          (1 percent), mining (1 percent), and farms and
                                                                                                             Idaho '

                            suburban areas (1 percent). The watershed eleva-
                            tion ranges from 775 feet to 2,964 feet. Annual
                            precipitation ranges from 10 inches at lower
                            elevations to 22 inches at higher elevations.
                                The watershed was listed on Idaho's 303(d)
                            list and also listed as critical habitat for steelhead
                            salmon. The National Marine Fisheries Service
                            (NMFS) listed steelhead as threatened in' Hatwai
                            Creek. The creek's beneficial uses are agriculture
                            water supply, secondary contact recreation, and
                            salmonid spawning. The nonpoint source pollut-
                            ants include sediment, nutrients, and high water
                            temperature. The primary sources of such pollut-
                            ants are nonirrigated cropland (headwater sites),
                            rangeland (grazing activities), surface mining
                            operations, and streambank erosion.

                            Combined resources to address watershed
                            In the early 1990s the Nez Perce Soil and Water
                            Conservation District (NPSWCD) organized
                            local, state, and federal stakeholders to address
                            water quality and fishery concerns. The watershed
                            plan resulting from that partnership consisted of
                            four separate projects to address water quaEty and
                            fisheries issues: an EPA 319 project, a U.S. De-
                            partment of Agriculture Water Quality Incentives
                            Project, a riparian demonstration project funded
                            by the Idaho Soil Conservation Commission, and
                            a USDA Environmental Quality Incentives Pro-
                            gram project.
                                The Idaho Department of Environmental
                            Quality (DEQ) funded a sediment and nutrient
                            reduction project through section 319  funding. The
                            project included landowner education  for water-
                            shed management and nonpoint source pollution.
                            Many structural conservation practices were in-
                            stalled, including 12 water and sediment control
                            basins, nine grade stabilization structures, two
                            ponds, one off-site water development, eight sedi-
                            ment basins, 8,000 linear feet of terrace, and 5,400
                                                                     linear feet of riparian improvement practices
                                                                     (brush mattresses, pole plantings, and revetments).
                                                                          The USDA Water Quality Incentive Program
                                                                     project provided incentive payments for nutrient
                                                                     and pest management and for well testing. Thirty-
                                                                     five landowners participated and received training
                                                                     on soil testing, nutrient budgets, Integrated Pest
                                                                     Management practices,  and wellhead protection
                                                                     practices. More than 11,000 acres were treated
                                                                     through this program.
                                                                          The riparian demonstration project began in
                                                                     1993 and will be completed in 2001. The primary
                                                                     areas of focus are grazing management on riparian
                                                                     and upland areas, enhancement of the riparian
                                                                     areas, streambank stabilization, and fish habitat
                                                                          In June 1999 a special project for reducing
                                                                     sheet and rill erosion on cropland was initiated
                                                                     through the support of the Natural Resources
                                                                     Conservation Service's (NRCS) Environmental
                                                                     Quality Incentives Program. Conservation prac-
                                                                     tices will focus on the implementation of direct
                                                                     seeding systems, a new technology for this area,
                                                                     and there is a possibility of reducing sheet and rill
                                                                     erosion by as much as 25 percent.

                                                                     Success  of cooperative efforts
                                                                     The Idaho Department of Fish and Game col-
                                                                     lected fish data in Lower Hatwai Creek, monitor-
                                                                     ing the responses of wild trout, natural rainbow
                                                                     trout, and steelhead trout. Monitoring results for
                                                                     the 1995  to 1998 period indicate that the trout
                                                                     density increased annually throughout the length
                                                                     of the demonstration project. Trout density in the
                                                                     project area increased from 0.32 per 100 square
                                                                     meters in 1995 to a high of 13.24/100 m2 in 1998;
                                                                     in the control area, on the other hand, trout den-
                                                                     sity was only 0.87/100 m2 in 1996, 3.00/100 m2 in
                                                                     1997, and 3.06/100 m2 in' 1998. This improve-
                                                                     ment is attributed to improved riparian health,

                        including improved streambank, increased canopy
                        cover, and decreased stream temperatures^
                            Nineteen erosion control structures were
                        installed, reducing concentrated-flow erosion of
                        sediment by an average of 20 tons per acre per
                        year. Installing sheet and rill erosion control prac-
                        tices on 10,000 acres of nonirrigated cropland
                        resulted in a reduction of 7 tons per acre per year.
                        Installing 9,000 acres of pest and nutrient manage-
                        ment practices produced a 20 percent reduction in
                        the amount of pesticides and fertilizers applied.
                            The NPSWCD also completed a landowner .."
                        survey to document technology adoption. Eighty-
                        five percent of those surveyed had participated in
                        at least one of the four projects, and 69 percent
                        confirmed that they would participate again in a
similar project if given the opportunity. Pirty-f our
percent of those surveyed were willing to partici-
pate in watershed advisory groups. Nineteen differ-
ent types of conservation practices were installed
on more than 14,000 acres of land, representing
about three-fourths of the total watershed acreage.
    Success is the result of the cooperative efforts
of landowners, the public, and various agencies.
Groups assisting included DEQ, EPA, Idaho De-
partment of Fish and Game, Idaho Soil Conserva-
tion Commission, Nez.Perce County Commission-
ers, Lewiston Senior High School, Lewiston Retired
Senior Volunteer  Program, Idaho Department of
Lands, Idaho Department of Water Resources,
NRCS, University of Idaho, local Boy Scout
groups, NMFS, and the NPSWCD.
David Urban
Environmental Institute '

Primary Sources of
• •agriculture
• urban wastewater
• channelization
• streambank erosion

Primary NPS Pollutants:
high temperatures

Project Activities:
« remeander channel
restore floodplains
revegetate riparian areas
stabilize streambanks
construct wetlands
conduct community
• projected decreases in
sediment, nutrients, high
• projected 1 .5-foot drop in
flood elevations

                                                Restoring the  Paradise  Creek Watershed:
                             Phased Approach Implemented to Address Pollution and Flooding
                        Paradise Creek originates on Moscow Mountain
                        (elev. 4,356 feet) and then flows in a southwesterly
                        direction for 20 miles, through Moscow, Idaho
                        (elev. 2,520 feet), ultimately entering the South
                        Fork of the Palouse River in Pullman, Washing-
                        , ton. The creek drains 34 square miles and consists .
                        of 55 stream segments, 49 of which flow through
                        agricultural fields. Wedands associated with ripar-
                        ian areas along Paradise Creek are in poor condi-
                        tion because of past and present management
                        activities such as draining and tiling.
                         Moscow and Pullman, Idaho

    Today, Paradise Creek is a simplified ecosys-
tem adversely affected by habitat destruction,
excessive sediment, nutrients, high temperatures,
altered flow, pathogens, and ammonia, •which in
combination have significantly decreased its bio-
logical integrity. Cropland is the most prevalent
land use (about 73 percent) in the Paradise Creek
•watershed but provides the least diverse plant
community type. Historically, Paradise Creek sup-
ported cold water fisheries; currently, the creek
supports only limited nongame fish species. Be-
                                                                                                           Watvo '

                             cause negative impacts on the stream continue to
                             increase along with growth in the urban areas of
                             Moscow and Pullman, it is becoming even more
                             difficult for the creek to repair itself.

                             A multiphase approach
                             For the past decade, the Palouse-Clearwater Environ-
                             mental Institute (PCEI), a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organi-
                             zation, has directed watershed restoration projects in
                             Paradise Creek. From 1994 to the present, PCEI has
                             led a seven-phase comprehensive watershed restora-
                             tion approach in the Paradise Creek watershed. In
                             addition to 319 funding, support for this project was
                             provided by a multitude of partners, including Mos-
                             cow School District No. 281; numerous private indi-
                             viduals and businesses; City of Moscow; Latah Soil
                             and Water'Conservation District; University of Idaho;
                             Palouse Conservation District in Whitman County,
                             Washington; City of Pullman, Washington; Idaho
                             Department of Fish and Game; Idaho Department
                             of Water Resources; Idaho Department of Lands,
                             Soil Conservation Commission; U.S. Army Corps of
                             Engineers; US. Department of Agriculture's Natural
                             Resources Conservation Service; and U.S. Fish and
                             Wildlife Service.                         ,
                                 Phase 1 of the project began in fall 1995, and
                             the project continues  today with restoration efforts
                             in Phase 7. Most of the activities have involved
                             floodplain and wetland restoration, streambanfc
                             stabilization and revegetation, and relocation of the
                             previously straightened stream channel to its  natu-
                             ral pattern in the Paradise Creek watershed. These
                             efforts have involved  the cooperation and partici-
                             pation of both public and private landowners along
                             the Paradise Creek corridor, dealing with various
                             contributors of nonpoint source pollution.
                                 In 1995 Phase 1 began with the restoration of a
                             floodplain and streambanks at a site owned by the
                             Moscow School District Before the restoration
                             project, this section of Paradise Creek was
                                                                        channelized with unstable banks. The riparian zone
                                                                        was farmed, and plant diversity along the stream
                                                                        channel was low Phase 1 involved efforts to
                                                                        retneander 1,200 feet of stream channel, as weE as
                                                                        streambank stabilization practices, including the plant-
                                                                        ing of more than 750 native plants on some 3,000
                                                                        square feet of streambank and 5 acres of floodplain.
                                                                            Also in 1995, the commencement of Phase 2
                                                                        involved the development of wastewater treat-
                                                                        ment wetlands with the help of local community
                                                                        volunteers and students, who planted the newly
                                                                        constructed cells  with 23,860 native herbaceous
                                                                        wetland plants. The wetlands were completed in
                                                                        1998, and PCEI has given tours of the site to
                                                                        classes from universities and to local groups like
                                                                        the Native Plant Society.
                                                                            In 1996 Phase 3 projects were aimed at flood-
                                                                        plain restoration, streambank stabilization, and the
                                                                        remeandering of a 1,250-foot segment of the creek
                                                                        owned by the University of Idaho that had previ-
                                                                        ously been channelized. The creek's path had been
                                                                        tamed, but it had little value for flood control,
                                                                        aesthetics, or wildlife. The floodplain was therefore
                                                                        revegetated with a native riparian plant community,
                                                                        and a sinuous, low-flow channel with bioengineered
                                                                        bank stabilization and habitat structures was con-
                                                                        structed. In addition, biofilters, including grassy
                                                                        swales and "pocket" wetlands, were installed to
                                                                        treat storm water runoff from a planned parking
                                                                        lot. Models of the completed project showed a
                                                                        drop in flood elevations of up to 1.5 feet.
                                                                           The Phase 4  projects, begun in 1999, focused
                                                                        on streambank and floodplain restoration in pri-
                                                                        vate backyards along Paradise Creek. Need for
                                                                        this project was high, as demonstrated by one
                                                                        landowner's loss of a 60-square-foot strip of her
                                                                        backyard to streambank erosion. Interested land-
                                                                        owners provided buffer strips. The widths  of  their
                                                                        strips varied based on the erosion potential of
                                                                        their reach of Paradise Creek.

                            Restoring riparian areas on agricultural land  -
                        along Paradise Creek was the goal for Phase 5.
                        Before restoration, the stream channel had been
                        straightened and acted as a drainage ditch for
                        active agricultural land directly adjacent to the
                        stream. As part of the restoration project, 3,600
                        feet of stream channel was relocated to follow its
                        estimated historical path. Vulnerable banks were
                        stabilized, and two new wetlands were excavated
                        to act as a flood storage and groundwater re-
                        .charge area and to provide habitat for wildlife. In
                        spring 2000 PCEI and the landowner planted a
                        150-foot-wide buffer strip with a mix of native
                        woody plant species.
    Phase 6 involved the urbanized riparian
floodplain and associated wetlands on public land
along Paradise Creek within Moscow. Work took
place along two reaches of the creek, resulting in
the revegetation of more than 4,000 feet of
stream by fall 2000.
    Phase 7 of the project is under way, focusing
on the implementation of nonpoint source controls
to achieve Total Maximum Daily Load allocations.
The project includes construction of animal waste
biofiltratiori swales and treatment wetlands, reveg-
etation of riparian areas, streambank stabilization,
and agricultural land restoration activities in asso-
ciation with other local agencies.
•IB '
Craig Thomas
Bear Lake Regional

Primary Sources of
• agriculture
• stream channelization
• streambank modifications

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• sediment
• nutrients

Project Activities:
« streambank stabilization
• fencing
•.••••. ' ; •. •" ". 	
• decreased
sedimentation— more
than 200,000 cubic feet
of sediment retained on
                    Streambank Stabilization  in  the Thomas  Fork Watershed:
                                        Photo Monitoring Sells Landowners  on Bank Stabilization
                        The Thomas Fork watershed covers 150,100 acres,
                        with 39 percent in Bear Lake County, Idaho, and 61
                        percent in Lincoln County Wyoming. The watershed
                        is near where the states of Idaho, Wyoming, and
                        Utah meet arid is a subwatershed of the Bear River
                        Basin. Because of the latitude and elevation of the
                        watershed, the area typically has short, cool summers
                        and long, cold winters. The watershed receives about
                        50 percent of its annual precipitation during the
                        winter months. Most of this precipitation falls as
                        snow and is stored in the snowpack at higher eleva-
                        tions for spring and summer runoff.
                           Thomas Fork is a tributary to the Bear River
                        and is upstream from the point where the Bear River
                        is diverted into Bear Lake. Bear Lake, which is half
                       Thomas Fork Watershed, Idaho '

in Idaho and half in Utah, is a unique body of water
with about 110 square miles of surface area. It con-
tains five endemic fish species. In Idaho the lake has
been designated a Special Resource Water.
    The designated uses of Thomas Fork are
cold water biota and salmonid spawning. The
stream is listed among Idaho's 303(d) "water
quality limited stream segments." The pollutants
the state has identified as contributing to the
watershed's water quality problems are sediment,
nutrients, and habitat alteration. The primary  .
nonpoint sources of pollutants to surface water
are cropland and rangeland, animal feeding areas,
riparian  areas, stream channelization, and
streambank modification.
                                                                                                                   | 49

                            Streambank stabilization
                           The Bear Lake Regional Commission, a bistate
                           organization, worked in partnership with the Bear
                           Lake Soil and Water Conservation District, U.S.
                           Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources
                           Conservation Service, and local landowners to
                           reduce the pollutant loading to Bear Lake that
                           comes from the Bear River and Thomas Fork. The
                           Soil Conservation District developed a watershed
                           management plan, funded through an Idaho state
                           agricultural water quality project.
                               The plan identified 12 critical areas needing
                           treatment. Remediation activities for the first area
                           selected focused on riparian and streambank
                           problems and encompassed 100,842 linear feet.
                           This area was further refined to a 20,000-foot
                           segment of high streambank erosion in the Idaho
                           portion of the Thomas Fork watershed.
                               The Bear Lake Regional Commission re-
                           ceived 319 funding to  install a series of best
                           management practices, in partnership with area
                           landowners. The types of practices employed
                           included rock stream barbs, bank shaping and
                           reseeding, tree revetment, rock riprap, channel
                                                                    armoring, fencing, and animal water gaps. The
                                                                    project was successful in treating 4,767 linear
                                                                    feet of streambank, installing 41 rock stream
                                                                    barbs, and installing 2,000 linear feet of perma-
                                                                    nent fencing.

                                                                    Decreased sedimentation
                                                                    The stabilization work resulted in a marked de-
                                                                    crease in the amount of sediment entering Tho-
                                                                    mas Fork. Three types of monitoring techniques
                                                                    were used to measure the results of the stabiliza-
                                                                    tion work: photo points, water chemistry, and
                                                                    surveyed stream transects. The stream transects
                                                                    have revealed that for each foot of treated stream-
                                                                    bank as compared to an untreated site, 50 cubic
                                                                    feet of streambank material was retained on the
                                                                    banks  over a 3-year period. This quantity of re-
                                                                    tained material per foot, when expanded to the
                                                                    entire  treated area, amounts to more than 200,000
                                                                    cubic feet of material retained.
                                                                        Photo monitoring helped demonstrate the
                                                                    rewards of bank stabilization work to other land-
                                                                    owners. As a result, another 4,000 linear feet of
                                                                    streambank is  scheduled for remediation in 2001.
: Contact:
1 Scott Tomkins
! Bureau of Water
i! «D. Box 19276
i Spnngfteld.il. 62794-9276
ji 217-782-3362
i sco«,tomkins®epa,state,H.us

Primary Sources of
• agriculture (farming

Primary NPS Pollutants: Project Activities:
• sediment • sediment-reducing practices
(installation of water and
sediment control basins.
conservation tillage.
integrated crop
management, livestock
exclusion, filter strips,
terraces, wildlife habitat

» 90 percent reduction in
sediment loading

                                                                                   Lake Pittsfield  Project:
                                             Ninety Percent Reduction in Sediment Loading Achieved
                           Lake Pittsfield was constructed in 1961 to serve as
                           a flood control structure and as a public water
                           supply for the city of Pittsfield. Pittsfield is a
                           western Illinois community of some 4,500 people.
                                                                                                      Pittsfield, Illinois

                                                                    The Blue Creek watershed, a 7,000-acre watershed
                                                                    draining into Lake Pittsfield, is predominantly
                                                                    agricultural, consisting primarily of rotational
                                                                    corn and soybean cropland.

     Sedimentation was a major water quality
 problem affecting Lake Pittsfield. Sediment from
 farming operations, gullies, and shoreline erosion
 had decreased die capacity of the lake by 25
 percent over the past 33 years.

 Project design
 Based on a thorough analysis of lake problems and
 pollution control needs conducted under the Clean
 Lakes Program, project coordinators developed a
 strategy to reduce sediment transport into Lake
 Pittsfield. The keystone of the land management
 strategy was the construction of 29 water and
 sediment control basins (WASCOBs) throughout
 the watershed, including a large basin at the upper
 end of the lake. Funds from the U.S. Department
 of Agriculture's Environmental Quality Incentive
 Project, Illinois's Conservation Practices Program,
 and the Illinois EPA 319 Program supported instal-
 lation of additional sediment-reducing practices
 such as conservation tillage, integrated crop man-
 agement, livestock exclusionj filter strips,  terraces,
 WASCOBs, and wildlife habitat management.
 Land-based data and a geographic information
 system (GIS) •were used to develop watershed maps
 of sediment sources and sediment yields.

 Monitoring conducted
. In 1994 die project was approved for the section
 319 National Monitoring Program. Money has
 been approved until 2004, allowing monitoring to
continue for 9 years past installation of the sedi-
ment retention basins.
    The objective of the Lake Pittsfield section
319 project was to evaluate the effectiveness of
WASCOBs in reducing sediment delivery into die •
lake. Water quality monitoring consisted of tribu-
tary sampling after rainstorms to determine sedi-
ment loads, pre- and post-project lake water qual-
ity sampling (104 Clean Lakes Phase I and II
Assessments) at three lake sites to determine
trends in water quality, and lake sedimentation rate
monitoring to determine changes in sediment
deposition rates and patterns.

Key successes and lessons learned
'A 90 percent reduction in sediment loading to
Lake Pittsfield was achieved through the installa-
tion of water and sediment control-basins. The
large sediment basin  covering 147 acre-feet up-
stream of die lake was more effective, in general,
than the smaller basins upstream. The 'effective-
ness of the 29 smaller upland basins was depen-
dent on watershed geology and basin position.
    Stream stabilization of Blue Creek was an
important component of die overall program to
reduce sediment loading to Lake Pittsfield. Install-
ing low stone weirs prevented further channel
incision and mass wasting of streambanks.
    Strong local partnerships, along with inter-
agency corporation, were key to achieving the
desired success of this project.
                                                                                       Illinois ]

Scott Ristnu
Kiinois EPA
Bureau of Water
PO, Box 19276
Springfield. IL 62794-9276

Primary Sources of Primary NPS Polfutants: 1
Pollution: . . sediment
• land development
« channelization
» urban runoff

~ "• .

'reject Activities:
detention basin retrofit
wetland swale
sand filters
shoreline and streambank
stream corridor restoration
native plant installation

• no impairments due to
NPS pollution on 2000
Illinois Water Quality

                                                  Restoration of the Flint Creek Watershed:
                                                   Restoration Partnership Completes Multiple  Projects
                           The Flint Creek watershed covers approximately
                           28 square miles of Lake and Cook Counties in
                           northeastern Illinois. The watershed includes
                           several high-quality wetlands and lakes, as well as
                           Flint Creek. The creek was listed in the Illinois
                           Water Quality Report (1994-1995) as being im-
                           paired, in part, due to nonpoint source pollution
                           from land development, channelization, and urban
                           runoff. Problems in the watershed included shore-
                           line erosion, streambank erosion, and debris
                           blocking areas of the stream.
                               In spring 1996 the first of many projects
                           using section 319 funding began in the Flint
                           Creek watershed. The approach of the restora-
                           tion partnership was to implement several
                           projects to make a difference in the quality of
                           water and aquatic habitats in the watershed. The
                           planners also wanted to involve the community
                           through information and education. The restora-
                           tion partnership consisted of the Northeastern
                           Illinois Planning Commission, Illinois Environ-
                           mental Protection Agency, U.S. Environmental
                           Protection Agency, Village of Barrington, Village
                           of Lake Zurich, Lake County Forest Preserve
                           District, Good Shepherd Hospital, Natural Areas
                           Ecosystem Management, Applied Ecological
                           Services, and Citizens for Conservation, a local
                           citizens group.
                                                                                          , Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois

                                                                    Urban runoff BMPs
                                                                    The project involved retrofitting outdated prac-
                                                                    tices and installing new practices to deal with •
                                                                    urban runoff. One component involved, retrofit-
                                                                    ting an outdated basin that was no longer effective
                                                                    at handling runoff. Different pools of •water were
                                                                  .  created for settling, as well as a shallow marsh for
                                                                    filtering. An installed •walkway created an opportu-
                                                                    nity for a nearby elementary school to use the
                                                                    basin as a "living classroom," with a place to view
                                                                    aquatic plant and animal life.
                                                                        A wetland swale was created to remove pollut-
                                                                    ants and reduce the flow rate of runoff coming
                                                                    from an auto repair shop, landscape nursery, office
                                                                    buildings, and roads. The swale was constructed in a
                                                                    long, linear shape with a forebay where heavier solids
                                                                    would be captured. Sand filters, which were effective
                                                                    in achieving pollution control, were constructed
                                                                    using PVC piping and standard manhole structures
                                                                    connecting the settling chamber and sand filter.
                                                                        In addition, 250 feet of shoreline and 5,600
                                                                    feet of streambank were stabilized using a combi-
                                                                    nation of bioengineering techniques such as A-
                                                                    jacks, lunker structures, cok fiber rolls, brush
                                                                    layering, willow staking, and native plant installa-
                                                                    tion. Lunker structures, made of real or recycled
                                                                    plastic lumber, were used to form artificial under-
                                                                    cut banks. These structures stabilized the toe of

                        the streambank and -were found to be effective at

                        creating a cover for aquatic habitat. A vegetative

                        zone was created by using A-jacks to stabilize the

                        shoreline and fiber rolls to reduce the effects of

                        wave action. Native plants were then installed in

                        the fiber roll and the newly created  zone.

                            Many impediments to fish migration, includ-

                        ing debris blockages and logjams, were removed.

                        Riffles were installed to dissipate stream energy

                        and improve aquatic habitat. Through prairie and

                        savanna restoration, native deep-rooted vegetative

                        communities were used to stabilize the soil and

                        enhance infiltration.

                            Normative woody vegetation had been grow-

                        ing along the banks of Flint Creek,  allowing an

                        undercover that was not effective in stabilizing the

                        banks to grow. A combination of techniques,

                        including physical removal,  herbicide treatment,

                        and burning, was used to remove the nonnative
vegetation. Native plants •were installed., and some

subsequent reinstallation was necessary. These

efforts resulted in stable slopes, vegetated'mostiy

with native species.

    The Flint Creek projects were completed at

the end of 1999 and will continue to be moni-

tored and  maintained. The goals of the restora-

tion planners have been accomplished, and the

result is evident in the water quality of Flint

Creek. The Illinois Water Quality Report (2000)

now lists Flint Creek as having no impairments

due to nonpoint sources. Successful restoration

came about with the help of both municipalities,

as well as some landowners who continue the

projects in the watershed. The Flint Creek water-

shed restoration is an example of how completing

multiple projects and educating communities can

make a difference in die quality of a watershed

today and  in the future.
Amy Reeves
1 00 North Senate Avenue
P.O. Box 60 15
Indianapolis, IN 46206

Primary Sources of
• deforestation for row crops
• livestock access

Primary IMPS Pollutants:
• nutrients
• sediment
• high water temperature

Project Activities:
• riparian reforestation
. • • • .
* planted nearly 300 acres
of riparian buffer
                                                             Blue River Riparian Reforestation:
                                                The Nature Conservancy Gets Landowners Involved
                        The Blue River originates in Washington County,

                        Indiana, and flows south to form the natural

                        boundary between Crawford County, Indiana, and

                        Harrison County, Indiana, continuing south to the

                        Ohio River. The Blue River has been designated a

                        State Natural and Scenic River and is a favorite

                        recreation site in Indiana. The river is home to

                        many globally rare fish and mussels. The southern

                        .fork of the Blue River flows through die Harrison
       Washington, Crawford, arid Harrison Counties, Indiana •

Crawford State Forest, and the river also flows

near Wyandotte Caves. Much of the northern part

of the river was located in a primarily agricultural

area, which was cleared of riparian forest to make

•way for row crops and livestock access. The prob-

lems "that resulted include reduced bank stabiliza-

tion and lack of filtration of nutrients. The lack

of shading and higher turbidity have also caused

the temperature of the water to rise.

                            Role of The Nature Conservancy
                            In 1997 the state of Indiana provided |34,865 of
                            section 319 dollars to The Nature Conservancy to
                            replant the riparian forest and to educate the
                            community on its purpose, progress, and results.
                            The Nature Conservancy brought a large group
                            together for the project, including landowners,
                            Friends of the Blue River, Harrison County
                            Cattlemen's Association, U.S. Department of
                            Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation
                            Service, Washington County Farm Bureau, Indi-
                            ana University Southeast, University of Louisville,
                            and Indiana Department of Natural Resources
                            Division of Forestry. This group began in 1994 to
                            coordinate a comprehensive river conservation
                                 The Nature Conservancy placed the project
                            in the hands of a coordinator, Allen Pursell, with
                            the goals of aiding landowners in riparian refores-
                            tation, teaching reforestation best management
                            practices, and publicizing its work. The group
                            advertised its intent to aid landowners in reforest-
                            ing portions of their land through local papers, a
                            field day, and one-on-one contact with landown-
                            ers. Personal contact proved to be the most suc-
                            cessful method, and seven landowners agreed to
                            implement riparian reforestation.
                                 By the end of the contract, The Nature Con-
                            servancy, with the help of the seven landowners
                            and a professional forester, had planted 72.1 acres
                            along the corridor of the Blue River with 56,000
                            trees. These acres translated to 3.1 miles of corri-
                            dor reforestation. Tree species planted included bur
                            oak, shumar oak, black walnut, yellow-poplar,
                            swamp white oak, white ash, and black cherry. The
landowners agreed at the start of the contract to
enroll each area as a Classified Forest if it qualified
for the program; of die seven, five have qualified.

Sharing lessons learned
During the course of this first grant, The Nature
Conservancy learned the best ways to involve
landowners, to plant trees at a high density for best
results, and the importance of keeping weeds out
of seedling areas. They have shared this knowledge
with many other groups with interest in riparian
reforestation. They also shared their lessons learned
by sponsoring a field day on tree planting for gov-
ernment and private sector conservation practitio-    '
ners. All attendees planned to begin a riparian tree
planting program in their areas.                     ;
    Indiana has given The Nature Conservancy a
second 319 grant for Blue River riparian reforesta-  '.
tion. Under this new grant, which started in Au-
gust 1999, The Nature Conservancy has signed on
13 landowners. They have also planted 103 acres    ;
of riparian buffers, representing 4.3 miles of
riparian zone. ALL planted lands have completed or
are going through the process of enrollment in
the Classified Forest or Classified Riparian Land
program, which allows landowners tax breaks and
periodic free inspections by a professional forester  j
on at least 10 acres of private land that has been
left or restored to forest. In Washington County,
4,000 feet of fencing was placed on a dairy farm
to exclude the livestock from the Blue River. The
riparian area just outside the fence was planted      :
with native hardwoods and is going through the
classification process. To date, a total of almost
300 acres  of Land has been planted.
       i Indiana

www.state.in.us/idem/owm/planbr/wsm/watershed/NPSplan/N PSManagementPlan.pdf
Jody Arthur
Indiana Department of
Environmental Management
1 00 North Senate Avenue .
Indianapolis, IN 46206-601 5
317-234-1424 .

Primary Sources of
• agriculture (spray irrigation
of lagoon water,
agricultural cultivation,
chemical application to
crop field, storm events)

Primary IMPS Pollutants:
• nitrates
• phosphorus
• total suspended solids

Project Activities: Results:
• constructed wetland system • reduction of more than
60 ppm in nitrate
• improved wildlife habitat
                                                 Little  Pine Creek and Indian Watersheds:
                  Constructed Wetland System Averts Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution
                        Throughout the Indian and little Pine Creek water-

                        sheds, the concentrations of nitrates, phosphorus,

                        and total suspended solids in the stream water are

                        among the highest in the nation. The largest inputs

                        of chemicals to streams occur from March through

                        June, corresponding to spray irrigation of lagoon

                        water, agricultural cultivation, chemical application

                        to crop fields, and storm events. Because these

                        pollutants reach agricultural ditches via overland

                        flow and tile drain systems, best management

                        practices that can reduce pollutant levels without

                        significantly interrupting drainage of cropland or

                        converting cropland to other uses are needed.

                        Filtering pollutants

                        In 1999 the Department of'Forestry and Natural

                        Resources at Purdue University used 319 funding

                        provided by Indiana to construct an experimental

                        wetland system to remove nonpoint source pollut-

                        ants from agricultural ditches before the pollutants

                        reached the'more natural parts of litde Pine Creek

                        and the Wabash River. Agricultural ditch water is

                        pumped through a series of wetlands to filter out

                        the pollutants and is then returned to the ditch.
                         Tippecanoe County, Indiana

Monitoring results

Although the effectiveness of this wetland system

in reducing nonpoint source pollution is still being

assessed, follow-up monitoring results are variable

but promising. Preliminary results show a reduc-

tion of more than 60 parts per million in nitrate

concentration in the water treated by the system

after an intense rain event. The reduction in ni-

trate concentration varies depending on spray

irrigation timing and rainfall. Monitoring the

success of this project in terms of the nonpoint

source pollution mitigation continues. Various

wildlife species, including reptiles and amphibians,

birds, and mammals, have colonized the wetlands,

showing their value as habitat.

    This project has-been successful in another

important way—increasing the awareness of the

public and the next generation of environmental

stewards about nonpoint source pollution. Since

its inception, the project has provided many op-

portunities for individuals and classes to get in-

volved in designing and constructing the wetlands

and evaluating their effects on water quality, habi-

tat, and wildlife.

•H 	 	 	 ' "•
: DNR Nonpofrit Source
: Coordinator
SI 5-28 1-6402

i Kevin B,ukins
QNR Nonpoint Source
Information Specialist

www.state.ia. us/epd/wtrq/npsource/nonpt/nps_0900. htm

Primary Sources of
« agriculture
• cattle watering

Primary NFS Pollutants: Project Activities:
• sediment . , • cattle exclusion
« stream corridor
! . , improvements
• sediment basins
• innovative farming

• reduction of 12,285 tons of
soil delivery into Bigalk
Creek (projected future -
reductions of 5, 000 tons/

• livestock manure reduced
by 50 percent
• rebound of rainbow trout
population, including .
natural reproduction
   A stream corridor restoration and watershed improvement project reduced
   nutrient and sediment delivery to Bigalk Creek.
                          Bigalk Creek in nordieast Iowa historically has
                          been used for watering catde. As a result,
                          streambanks along die creek were severely de-
                          graded, causing extremely high sediment delivery
                          from streambank erosion.
                               The Iowa Department of Natural Resources
                          (using section 319 funds), die Iowa Department
                          of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, and die
                          Natural Resources Conservation Service
                          partnered in a 5-year effort (from 1995 to 1999)
                          to reduce erosion in die watershed, hoping to also
                          increase the rainbow trout concentration.
                                                         Bigalk Creek Watershed Project:
                                                              Rainbow Trout Population Rebounds
                                                                                               Howard County, Iowa

                                                                  Cattle exclusion and BMPs to reduce soil
                                                                  The first major step in the Bigalk Creek watershed
                                                                  project involved fencing catde off a primary
                                                                  stretch of the stream where most of the trout
                                                                  stocking takes place.  Nose pumps were used  to
                                                                  provide water for the cattle while keeping diem
                                                                  away from die streambank.  The project dien
                                                                  focused on a subwatershed of 3,140 acres closest
                                                                  to die 1.2 miles of stockable stream and complete
                                                                  restoration of the stream corridor by the Iowa
                                                                  DNR, which included reshaping die streambank,
                                                                  installing rock riprap, constructing fish hides,  and
                                                                  reseeding die bank.
                                                                      Improvements to the stream corridor were
                                                                  augmented by preventive measures in the water-
                                                                  shed to reduce erosion. Practices used to achieve
                                                                  sediment delivery reduction goals included grade
                                                                  and stream stabilization, strip cropping, sediment
                                                                  basins, no-till, grass waterways, and grass/legume
                                                                          A naturally spawned rainbow trout from Bigalk
                                                                          Creek. Iowa DNR fisheries biologists now consider
                                                                          the creek Iowa's most productive stream in terms of
                                                                          natural rainbow trout reproduction.

                        rotation. These practices are targeted at protecting
                        the integrity of stream restoration work accom-
                        plished.  '

                        Rebounding trout population
                        The Bigalk Creek project demonstrated the feasi-
                        bility of several new and innovative resource
                        management systems.  Major accomplishments
                        include reducing sediment delivery to the creek by
                        50 percent, reducing the amount of livestock
                        manure reaching the stream by 50 percent, and
  reducing the amount of sediment from
  streambank erosion by 60 percent. Erosion was
  reduced by 12,285 tons of soil in the Bigalk Creek
  watershed during the project. It is estimated that
  if current sediment control structures remain in
  place, erosion will be reduced by more than 5,000
•  tons a year.in the future.
     The rainbow trout population has also made
  a comeback. Bigalk Creek has now become only
  the third stream in Iowa with documented natural
  reproduction of rainbow trout.
jjm ' • ' ' •-•'.•• ••-" •• - • •.
DNR Nonpoint Source
Kevin Baskins
DNR Nonpoint Source
Information Specialist

Primary Sources of
« agriculture
« failing septic systems

Primary IMPS Pollutants:
• sediment
» pesticides
.• nutrients.
• bacteria

Project Activities:
• agricultural BMPs
• sediment control basins,
ponds, and constructed
« septic system upgrades

• sediment reduced by 60
• nutrients, pesticides, and
organic materials reduced
by 50 percent
• bacteria reduced by 50

                                                    The Lake Fisher Water Quality Project:
                                                      Chipped Tires Help Protect Public Water Supply
                        When the 100-acre Lake Fisher reservoir was
                        constructed in 1936 as a Works Progress Ad-
                        ministration (WPA) Project, it was to serve a
                        purely functional purpose as a water supply for
                        local residents. Today, that reservok has the
                        capacity to hold 326 million gallons of water,
                        making Lake Fisher the primary source of ,
                        drinking water for the 3,100 residents in and,
                        around the city of Bloomfield in southeast
                        Iowa. Over time, Lake Fisher has also become a
                        notable fishery and home to Iowa's state record
                        largemouth bass.
                             Originally 12 to 15 feet deep, the southwest
                        leg of the lake is now only 3 to 5 feet deep be-
                        cause of soil erosion from the lake's watershed.
                        This portion of the lake has silted so extensively
                                  Bloomfield, Iowa

  that it can no longer handle drainage from the
  land above it. During heavy precipitation, this
  portion of the lake fills until water spills onto the
  road, closing South Lake Fisher Drive. The water
  draining from 1,380 acres of land in Lake Fisher's
  •watershed deposits an estimated 2,100'tons of
  sediment each year to the reservoir.
      Treating the public water supply also is be-
  coming more challenging because of the sedimen-
  tation of Lake Fisher. Often attached to the par-
  ticles of dirt are pesticides and nutrients that can
  degrade the quality of water in the lake. Water
  quality is also hampered by the presence of bacte-
  ria from private sewage disposal systems that  .
  simply don't work .as well as intended because of
  the soil characteristics of the watershed.
                                                                                                           Iowa 1

   Tom Sperfslage, Lake Fisher Watershed
   Project Coordinator, handles chipped tire
   used to upgrade 19 private household
   septic systems In the watershed.
Partnership for land
The Lake Fisher project is a
partnership that provides govern-
mental funding and assistance to
local farmers, landowners, and
residents who want to improve
the quality of their drinking water
supply now and in the future.
Beginning in 1998, the 3-year
watershed protection project has
used funding from various spon-
sors (including 319 funding, the
Water Protection Fund adminis-
tered by the Iowa Department of
                            Agriculture and Land Stewardship, and the City of
                            Bloomfield) to fund structural improvements on
                            properties designed to reduce the amount of sedi-
                            ment flowing into the lake.
                                Project activities include treating more dian
                            900 acres of agricultural land with a combination
                            of terraces, water and sediment control basins,
                            ponds, and constructed wedands. The project also
                            includes nutrient management, whole farm plan-
                            ning, manure management, bank stabilization, and
                            abandoned well plugging.
                                An innovative approach to upgrading private
                            septic systems was also used, resulting in 19 of the
                            22 failing systems (86 percent) in die watershed
being improved to meet the Iowa Administrative
Code. Although the original goal of die project
was to upgrade five systems during the life of the
project, this number was greatly increased because
of a grant of nearly $83,000 from the Waste
Management Division of the Iowa Department of
Natural Resources. Through this grant, chipped
tires were used as aggregate in the secondary
treatment portions of the new systems installed.
In all, more than 300 tons of chipped tires were
used as part of die project for septic systems.
Monthly samples are being collected over the next
2 years to measure die treatment efficiency of the
chipped tire medium.

Results of project activities
Preliminary results show that all three of the
project's original goals have been met. As a result
of implementing agricultural best management
practices, die sediment load reaching Lake Fisher
has been reduced by 60 percent. The amount of
nutrients, pesticides, and organic materials flow-
ing into die lake has been reduced by 50 percent.
As a result of septic system improvements, die
amount of bacteria delivered to die lake has also
been reduced by 50 percent. Meeting these objec-
tives will improve die quality of Lake Fisher for
the more than 3,100 people who rely on it for
drinking water.
58B53 Iowa

Ubbo Agena
DNR Nonpoint Source
Kevin Baskins
DNR Nonpoint Source
Information Specialist
... 	 . — . — „ 	 „ 	 ., 	 __
Primary Sources of
• agriculture "

	 	 ;! '• ' - 	 "' ' ' """"" -'. --.--- ------ .-.. 	 ,- •
Primary IMPS Pollutants: Project Activities:
• sediment • dredging
' » soil conservation BMPs

- 	 ^
• sediment delivery
reduced by 66 percent
• life expectancy of lake
extended by more than
1 00 years

                                                             Pine Creek Water Quality  Project:
                                                                 Life  Expectancy of Pine Lakes Extended
                        By the early 1990s, the water in the Pine Lakes

                        might have been murky, but the eventual fate of

                        the two lakes was unmistakably clear. If nothing

                        was done, the Hardin County lakes created more

                        than a half century ago by impounding water

                        from Pine Creek would eventually choke to death

                        on the rich Iowa soil of  the watershed. The degra-

                        dation had even reached the point where it could

                        be quantified on the 75-acre Upper Pine Lake: in

                        1991 studies indicated that Upper Pine Lake

                        would be completely filled with sediment in less

                        than 45 years. Lower Pine Lake, Iowa's first man-

                        made, state-owned lake, had also lost nearly half

                        of its original volume.

                            Doing nothing was not an option. The Pine

                        Lakes and the surrounding 572-acre state park   '

                        draw some 500,000 visitors annually.
 Streambank stabilization was a key component used to reduce sediment
 delivery at Pine Lakes.
                              Hardin County, Iowa

Combined efforts to reduce sediment delivery

From 1993 to!998, the Pine Creek Water Quality

Project, through the leadership of the Iowa De-

partment of Natural Resources (DNR), undertook

a monumental effort to reduce sediment in the

Pine Lakes. Through intensive dredging of the

Lower and Upper Pine Lakes, DNR set out to

increase the volume of the lakes and restructure

the bottom for better fishing habitat. In 1997 DNR

removed more than 179,000 cubic yards of sedi-

ment from the two lakes. Dredging increased the

average depth of 5 to 7 feet in Upper Pine Lake to

12 to 14 feet throughout a large portion of the lake.

Lower Pine Lake now has a depth of approxi-

mately  15 feet in its west end, compared to 8 to 10

fee.t before the dredging.

    Dredging alone, however, would result in

treating only a symptom of the overall problem.

The effort to take accumulated sediment  out of

the lakes would be worthwhile only if the amount

of soil  coming in could be significantly reduced.

By implementing a variety of soil conservation

measures on their land, farmers in the watershed

have helped to reduce the amount of sediment

flowing into the Pine Lakes. Practices like stream-

bank stabilization, terracing, no-till and contour

farming, and critical area seeding have all made a

positive difference in the watershed.

A total of 180,000 cubic yards of sediment was
dredged from Pine Lakes as part of a comprehensive
project that targeted watershed protection and lake
                        Extended life
                        Overall, the Pine
                        Creek Water Quality
                        Project has reduced
                        the amount of sedi-
                        ment coming into the
                        lake by more than
                        4,000 tons per year, a
66 percent reduction. Not only is the water
cleaner for swimming and fishing, but the water-
shed improvements and dredging have also ex-
tended the life expectancy of Upper Pine Lake
alone by more than 100 years.
    The Pine Lakes are an excellent example of a
combined resource enhancement and protection
effort by the Iowa DNR. But the success of this
project would not have been possible without the
work and commitment of dedicated landowners
in the watershed. In addition to 319 support,
project sponsors included the Iowa Publicly
Owned Lakes Program, U.S. Department of.
Agriculture Water Quality Incentive Program,'
Iowa Financial Incentive Program, Emergency
Conservation Program, Section 314 Clean Lakes
Program, and local Friends of Pine Lake organi-
zation; Marine Fuel Tax funds were also used to
support the project.

Nate Davis
Wichita State University
1 S'tS North Fairmount
Wkhto, KS 6726

Wetlands were created to catch runoff water and reduce the nutrients entering
the ponds.
                         form of nitrates and total phosphorus were found
                         in the ponds, prompting the growth of excessive
                         aquatic vegetation and algae blooms.- The golf
                         course superintendent had reported fish kills in
                         the past, likely due to the biodegradation and
                         subsequent oxygen depletion caused by these
                         algae blooms. Periods of elevated pesticide con-
                         tamination were evident, typically in the spring
                         and early summer during major application times,
                         and herbicides had caused violations of water
                         quality criteria during those.times. In addition, the
                         algaecide copper sulfate was being used to control
                         algae .blooms. Copper sulfate can have extremely
                         toxic effects on aquatic organisms, especially when
                         found in combination with various pesticides. An
                         assessment of macroinvertebrates revealed that
                         only a few tolerant organisms inhabited the ponds.

                         Alterations in golf course maintenance
                         Because of these circumstances, researchers at
                         WSU selected Braeburn as the site for BMP
                        • implementation.  In cooperation with golf course
                         superintendent Kent Trexler, various alterations to
                         golf course maintenance procedures were imr
                         posed. Chemical application procedures were  .
                         modified, using slow-release fertilizers and apply-
ing chemicals at a reduced rate. Thirty-foot buffer
zones in which no chemicals were applied were
established around the perimeters of the ponds
on the golf course, increasing grass density and
biomass to aid filtration of runoff. The use of
copper sulfate for algae control was' discontinued;
instead, biological controls (grass carp), as well as
aquatic 'dye to act as a photoinhibitor to the algae,
were used. Rainwater drainage patterns also were
changed to route runoff into filtration areas, not
directly into the ponds as done previously.

Water quality improvements
Post-BMP water sampling, conducted for more
than a year in two ponds at Braeburn, revealed
that nitrates were reduced by more than 80 per-
cent and total phosphorus values dropped by 40
percent and 60 percent in the two ponds. In addi-
tion, contamination from pesticides was all but
eliminated. An assessment of macroinvertebrates
showed an increase from 5 families collected
before BMP implementation to 16 families
sampled following BMPs, along with a shift from
tolerant organisms to those more sensitive to
•water quality such as mayfly, butterfly, dragonfly,
and damselfly larvae. These improvements in
macroinvertebrate family richness provide biologi-
cal evidence that BMPs are improving water qual-
ity conditions on the golf course.
A backhoe removed accumulated sediment from
the pond in an effort to improve aquatic habitat
and control future algae blooms.
                                                                                                               Kansas 1
                                              I 61

Don Snethcn
Kansas Department of
Health and Environment
Nonpoint Source Section
i 3-8S-296-5S67

Primary Sources of
« failing on-sitewastewater
treatment systems
__.„ 	 	 ..- _ 	 „.„!. _J 	 	 . ._
Primary NPS Pollutants:
• nutrients
• fecal coliform bacteria
• total suspended solids

Project Activities:
• constructed wetlands

•' decreased concentrations
of TSS, fecal coliform
bacteria, biochemical
oxygen demand,
ammonia, phosphorus

,' L
                                                On-site Sewage Disposal on Difficult Sites:
                                                       Special Conditions Demand Alternative Response
                            Many of the soils in Kansas present challenges to
                            the on-site disposal of domestic wastewater.
                            When site evaluations reveal shallow or heavy clay
                            soils, bedrock close to the surface, or other limit-
                            ing conditions, alternatives to conventional septic
                            tank lateral fields are needed to provide adequate
                            treatment and disposal of the wastewater. Con-
                            structed wedands are a relatively inexpensive
                            technology to achieve this. Although constructed
                            wetlands have been successfully used in other
                            states, die Kansas Department of Health and
                            Environment (KDHE), which is responsible for
                            die on-site wastewater program, funded die instal-
                            lation of some demonstration systems that were
                            monitored for 2 years to verify tiieir effectiveness
                            in die midwestern climate.
                               In cooperation with the See-Kan Resource
                            Conservation and Development District, which
                            covers nine counties in southeastern Kansas, three
                            home sites with failing wastewater systems were
                            identified. The sites were characteristic of the
                            shallow, heavy clay soils that predominate in die
                            area, and the homeowners were willing to partici-
                            pate in the demonstration with the hope that the
             ,                 Southeastern Kansas

data would assist odiers having similar problems.
KDHE designed the constructed wedands sys-
tems, which were installed in spring 1994. The
design and construction included easily accessible
sampling ports to monitor the quality of the
effluent at various locations throughout die treat-  -
ment cell.
    Evaluation of mondily sampling results,
conducted for 2 years by students from Pittsburg
State University, showed significant reductions in
all of the parameters analyzed. As a result of tiiis
demonstration project, additional constructed
wedands have been installed tiiroughout die state.
Several hundred people, including sanitarians,
homeowners, conservation district personnel,
contractors, and odier interested parties, have
attended tours of die sites to observe the systems
firsthand. Two manuals have been written: Rock-
Plant Filter Design and Construction for Home Wastewa-
ter Systems and Rock-Plant Filter Operation, Mainte-
nance, and Repair. Now in operation for 6 years, the •
original demonstration projects are all thriving and
die homeowners are thrilled to have solved their
wastewater disposal problems.
62IQ Kansas

 Randal Rock
 USDA-Natciral Resources
 Conservation Service
 180 Beasley Road
 Versailles, KY 40383
 Douglas Mines
 USDA-Natural Resources
 Conservation Service
 Route 7, Box 37
 Harrison Square Shopping
 Cynthiana, KY 41031 -8800
     Primary Sources of
     • agriculture [livestock)
Primary IMPS Pollutants:
• sediment
• nutrients
• pathogens
Project Activities:
• alternative livestock
 exclusion practices (pumps,
 ' electric fencing)
• • monitoring in progress
                                             Elkhorn Creek BMP Demonstration Project:
                                                       Farmers See Water Supply Alternatives in Action
                         Elkhorn Creek drains 311,000 acres in Fayette,

                         Franklin, Scott, and Woodford Counties in Ken-

                         tucky. At one time, the stream was ranked among

                         the best in the nation for smallmouth bass fishing.

                         It continues to be a valuable recreational resource

                         and has provided an emergency source of drink-

                         ing water during prolonged summer droughts.

                            The Elkhorn Creek watershed has been

                         identified as impaired due to sediment, nutrient,

                         and pathogen loading from nonpoint and point

                         sources of pollution. Livestock production is

                         important in the watershed and potentially con-

                         tributes a significant part of the nonpoint source

                         pollutant loading. Direct access of livestock to

                         streams in the watershed contributes to the stream

                         degradation. This degradation affects water qual-

                         ity, aquatic habitat, and recreation activities. Pri-

                         mary contact recreation (swimming) and •warm

                         water aquatic habitat uses are being adversely

                         affected in much of the watershed. *"

                         Livestock management alternatives

                         Often,  traditional methods of excluding livestock

                         from streams arid providing livestock water supply

                         are not cost-effective or practical. However,

                         promising fencing systems and-water supply alter-

                         natives  are available. The principal objective  of

                         this project is to demonstrate to farmers four
                                                           Fayette, Franklin, Scott, and Woodford Counties, Kentucky

                                                      alternatives for managing livestock: the ram pump;

                                                      the pasture pump (cattle-activated pump); the

                                                      solar-powered water pump; and use of limited-

                                                      access watering points, using modern electric

                                                      fencing components.

                                                          The solar-powered livestock watering system

                                                      excludes livestock from the stream by using a

                                                      solar-powered electric fence charger. So far, solar

                                                      pump system performance has been very good. In

                                                      full sunlight, the system pumps about 180 gallons

                                                      per hour. The pasture pump (or nose pump) is a

                                                      cow-activated diaphragm pump, reputed to be

                                                      quite dependable. Use of this pump is limited,

                                                      however, because the pump can't be used •when

                                                      temperatures are below freezing. Another demon-

                                                      stration farm uses a limited access watering point,

                                                    •  using modern electrified water gaps. This  type of

                                                      system reduces but does not eliminate livestock

                                                      access to a stream.

                                                          These systems have the potential to protect-

                                                      stream quality while providing a cleaner, safer

                                                      water supply for livestock. To facilitate acceptance

                                                      of the new management practices, four demon-

                                                      stration farms were located in the watershed.

                                                      Because this  project emphasizes use of nontradi-

                                                      tional best management practices (BMPs), the use

                                                      of field days as an educational tool is  very impor-

                                                      tant and is an integral part of the project.
                                                                                                            Kentucky !

                        Results in progress               .   . .
                        Monitoring of changes in water quality and habitat
                        resulting from the use of BMPs is ongoing. One year
                        of stream data was collected for each of four dem-
                        onstration farm sites before installation of BMPs,
                        and 2 years of post-BMP data are to be collected.
                        Parameters measured include total Kjeldahl nitrogen,
                        NO2-NO3 nitrogen, ammonia, total-phosphorus,
                        water pH, temperature, conductivity, turbidity, and
                        fecal coliform bacteria. Monitoring is conducted at
                        upstream and downstream stations at each site.
    The demonstration sites have provided oppor-
tunities for local farmers to share their experiences
with alternative technologies for providing livestock
•water and to encourage their neighbors to consider
the benefits of reducing livestock access to riparian
areas. The use of local examples has proven very
effective in promoting nontraditional farm prac-
tices. The project is already considered a success in
that it has resulted in.more adoption of rotational
grazing and livestock exclusion from the creeks in
the project area and even outside the project area.


Jan Boydstun
Louisiana Department of
Environmental Quality
no Box 822 15
Baton Rouqe, IA 70884-22 1 5

Primary Sources of
• agriculture (croplands)

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• sediment
• organic loads

Project Activities:
• GIS map of land use

• agricultural watershed
model to identify "hot .
spots" of high pollutant
loading and predict BMP
                                                                           Bayou  Plaquemine  Brule:
                Louis/ana Applies Satellite Imagery to Watershed Planning and Management
                        As states continue to implement watershed planning *
                        and management strategies, several analytical tools
                        are necessary to classify the types of land use present
                        in each watershed. One tool that has become impor-
                        tant for Louisiana's Nonpoint Source Management
                        Program is satellite imagery. The images provide so
                        much detail on the watershed that the people in-
                        volved with developing management strategies,
                        educational programs, monitoring designs, or math-
                        ematical models can clearly see what needs to be
                        done. The maps are also very, important for educat-
                        ing formers, landowners, and public officials about
                        what a watershed is and the complexity of  land use
                        patterns. The visual image seems to provide a basis
                        for all of the people involved in watershed planning
                        and management to begin to understand what steps
                        will be necessary to implement best management
                        practices (BMPs) and reduce nonpoint source pollu-
                        tion loads that are affecting water quality.
                   .  Bayou Plaquemine Brule, Louisiana
Pilot watershed project
The pilot watershed project where this geographic
information system (GIS) tool was initially used
was Bayou Plaquemine Brule, a bayou that flows -
through the Mermentau River Basin in southwest-
ern Louisiana. This is rice and crawfish country,
rich in Cajun heritage and traditions that have
existed since the 1700s. Bayou Plaquemine Brule
is on the state's 303(d) list of impaired waters and
is not meeting the designated uses for fishing or
swimming. The high sediment and organic loads
that enter the water body each spring affect the
dissolved oxygen concentrations and cause the
water body to fail to meet water quality standards.
The Louisiana Department of Environmental
Quality (LDEQ) prioritized the Bayou
Plaquemine Brule for a Total Maximum Daily
Load (TMDL) in 1998 and completed all of the
sampling and modeling involved to develop the

TMDL by December 1999. The results of the

TMDL study indicated that a 50 percent nonpoint

source load reduction was needed in the upper

tributaries of the bayou and a 30 percent load

reduction was needed in the main stem.

Application of GIS to land use classification

To allocate this pollutant load to the various types

of land uses or crops in the watershed, more de-

tailed information was needed on land use patterns.

LDEQ's GIS Center agreed to tackle this compli-

cated task by purchasing and classifying Landsat 5

Thematic Mapper satellite imagery of Bayou

Plaquemine Brule. Before the imagery could be

classified, a multi-temporal data set had to be cre-

ated from three separate scenes of source satellite

imagery. The resultant data set was classified, pro-

ducing a map of Bayou Plaquemine Brule that

contains land use data for all of the major crops

grown in the watershed during the 1998 growing

season.  This map was the result of a year of coor-

dinated effort among numerous individuals and

included extensive amounts of both lab and field-

work. Furthermore, interagency cooperation was

essential to the success of this project and resulted in

. a maximization of all'available resources. Agencies

involved included the Louisiana Department of

Environmental Quality; the Louisiana Department

of Agriculture and Forestry, Office of Soil and

Water Conservation; the U.S. Department of Agri-

culture (Farm Service Agency and Natural Resources

Conservation Service [NRCS]); the Acadia Parish

Soil and Water Conservation District; and the

St. Landry Soil and Water Conservation District

Watershed modeling and monitoring

Once the land use classification was completed,

LDEQ's .Nonpoint Source Unit began work with

the NRCS and the Agricultural Research Service

on an agricultural watershed model called
AnnAGNPS. This watershed model is being used

to predict the amount of water and sediment

transported through the watershed and to assist in

identifying "hot spots" of high pollutant loading.

The model also allows LDEQ to predict the

effectiveness  of BMPs that have been recom-

mended for reducing pollutant loads to the bayou

from rice, sugarcane, and crawfish farms. The

result is that LDEQ is now working with Louisi-

ana State University's Agricultural Center, NRCS,

and the local  Soil and Water Conservation District

on a comprehensive watershed implementation

strategy that will be implemented over the next

3 years. The water bodies will be carefully moni-

tored as BMPs are implemented to track the water

quality response  to implementation of the prac-

tices. As these data are collected, they will be

shared with the farmers so that they can know

whether their efforts have been successful. Local

meetings with the farmers are being held to in-

form them of the watershed effort and ask for

their support.

Future activities

LDEQ has prioritized five additional watersheds

for this type of intensive watershed planning and

management. Each of the watersheds is in a dif-

ferent part of the state, where the soils, hydrology,

land use patterns, and water bodies function dif-

ferently. The goal is to have a broad database that

can be used throughout the state and guide future

watershed planning and management in each of

the watersheds where the water body is not fully

supporting the designated uses. This type of

comprehensive watershed planning effort requires

many partners, including local universities, educa-

tors, landowners, and resource agencies, but.it

results  in an effective process for understanding

how watersheds function and how water bodies

can be improved through long-term management.
                                                                                     Louisiana I

| Contact:
' JiinBoydstun
i Louisiana Department of
i Environmental Quality
[ PO, Box 822 15
' Baton Rouge, IA 70884-22 IS
i 225.765-0773
j jan_b®t

www.state.me. us/dep/blwq/docwatershed/npsstrategy.pdf
mi 	 ~"~ 	 •'• "'.~
Norm Marcotte
Nonpoint Source
Maine Department of
Environmental Protection
State House Station #17
Augusta, ME 04333

Primary Sources of
• urban runoff .
• -

Primary IMPS Pollutants:
• phosphorus
• sediment

Project Activities:
• erosion control training and

— 	 	 — 	 - •--.
» reduction of 14.3 pounds
of phosphorus in the first
• year


                                                            Highland  Lake  Watershed Project:
                                                  Hotspots Model  Links Land  Use and Water Quality
                        Like many lakes in southern Maine, Highland
                        Lake has experienced a long history of adverse
                        watershed development patterns. Highland Lake is
                        a picturesque, blue water lake in the foothills of
                        the White Mountains of western Maine. The
                        1,300-acre lake is the centerpiece for the town of
                        Bridgton, Maine. The watershed was developed in
                        stages: the expansive farm fields of the 1800s
                       • gave way to reforestation and second homes in an
                        odd combination of old land uses and new devel-
                        opment patterns. Since the early 1900s, 10 miles
                        of shoreline frontage have been developed. Ac-
                        cess roads were designed and built at a time when
                        eroding roads were not believed to be pollution
                        sources. Although much of the land remains
                        forested, geographic information system (GIS)
                        studies showed that existing developed areas
                        accounted for 70 percent of the phosphorus
                        reaching the lake.           '
                            The development patterns have affected the
                        lake's water quality. Currently, the Lakes Environ-
                        mental Association (LEA), a nonprofit conservation
                        group, considers the lake at risk for developing algae
                        blooms. Long-term monitoring data indicate the lake
                        is threatened with gradual declines in water clarity
                        and dissolved oxygen. A persistent loss of oxygen
                        would reduce or eliminate trout habitat. In the lake's
                        deeper waters, phosphorus is recycling in the bottom
                        sediments. Increases in phosphorus levels could lead
                                  Bridgton, Maine

 to significant declines in water quality and aquatic
 habitat. Reductions in water quality could lead to
 financial problems as well: recent studies by the
 University of Maine and the Maine Department of
 Environmental Protection (DEP) show a direct
 relationship between high lake water clarity and
 higher property values. Concerns have been raised
 that property values along Highland Lake's shoreline,
 currently valued at $17 million, could decrease if the
 lake's water quality worsens.

 Reducing phosphorus and sediment
 These concerns prompted LEA to carry out an
 intense, 3-year section 319 project (January 1997
 to March 2000) to control and reduce pollution
 impacts on the lake. As a first step, LEA used
 DEP's phosphorus loading methodology to deter-
 mine a phosphorus reduction goal for the water-
 shed. It was estimated that a reduction of 50
 pounds of phosphorus per year would result in a
 noticeable improvement in water quality.
    LEA then used GIS technology and its "Phos-
 phorus Hotspots Model" to assess the watershed.
The model overlays land use information (GIS
 coverage) with phosphorus export coefficients for   •
 each land use, adjusted for soil type, slope, and zones
 of proximity to the lakeshore or shorelines of tribu-
taries. "Our model represents an automated way of
applying common sense principles of phosphorus

                           export in order to better understand the effects of a
                           watershed's land use patterns on water quality,"
                           explains Peter Lowell, Executive Director of LEA.
                               As an adjunct to this method, LEA con-
                           ducted a field survey of secondary roads under
                           deluge-like storm conditions. Observing areas
                           under a worst-case scenario helped to identify
                           erosion sites and offered ideas regarding which
                           management practices would be most effective.
                               Throughout the project, LEA collaborated
                           with volunteers and key organizations, especially
                           Portland Water District and DeLuca-Hoffman  .
                           Associates, along with the Town of Bridgton, the
                           Town of Sweden, Maine DEP, and EPA. LEA
                           worked with its partners to encourage, design, and
                           construct "fixes" using a multifaceted approach.
                                Under the project's Clean Lakes Check-Up
                           program, LEA assisted property owners with a
                           wide range of storm water runoff and erosion
                           problems. Upon request, LEA conducted site
                           visits and developed field reports and detailed
                           erosion control plans. In total, 42 Clean Lake
                           Check-Ups were performed.
                                Erosion Control Workshops, focusing on
                           camp road maintenance, shoreline buffer strips,
                           and a wide range of erosion control techniques,
                           were held over three seasons. LEA and Maine
                           DEP staff also provided training on the latest
                           erosion control techniques to earth-moving con-
                           tractors, resulting in the certification of 17 con-
                           tractors. In addition, LEA worked closely with the
                           CEO from the Town of Bridgton to assist code
                                                                     enforcement Officers in preventing and addressing
                                                                     shoreline violations. LEA worked closely with
                                                                     contractors on a variety of sediment problems
                                                                     related to roads and riparian buffers, resulting in
                                                                     the installation of best management practices
                                                                     (BMPs) at 19 key site locations..

                                                                     Encouraging results .
                                                                     After the BMPs were installed, LEA recalculated
                                                                     the Hotspots 'maps in consultation with engineer-
                                                                     ing staff from Deluca-Hoffman Associates. The
                                                                     difference between the preconsttuction and
                                                                     postconstmction phosphorus export represented
                                                                     the reduction  in phosphorus export as a result of
                                                                     BMP construction. It was found that the BMPs
                                                                     instaEed under this one project accounted for a
                                                                     reduction of 14.3 pounds of phosphorus. LEA
                                                                     will continue to work with the community on a.
                                                                     long-term program to achieve phosphorus reduc-
                                                                     tions closer to the 50 pounds per year goal.
                                                                         LEA, Maine DEP, and EPA New England
                                                                     are encouraged by the overall results of the High-
                                                                     land Lake project. In April 2000 EPA New En-
                                                                     gland presented LEA with an EPA Merit Award
                                                                     for its 30-year history of exceptional work and its
                                                                     efforts on the Highland Lake project. Peter Lowell
                                                                     recapped the project's success: "The project sig-
                                                                     nificantly raised awareness among all interest
                                                                     groups in the watershed. The ability to quantify •
                                                                     the water quality impact of BMPs will continue to
                                                                     be a powerful tool in encouraging ongoing efforts
                                                                     to protect this lake and many others."

•M -"" 	 ; 	 ' • —
Maine Department of
Environmental Protection
Northern Maine Regional
123 5 Central Drive
Presque Isle, ME 04769
„ „ ™m . .' • '- :^. -
Primary Sources of
• agriculture (crops)
• farm access roads

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• sediment

	 - 	 - 	 - 	
Project Activities:
• erosion control/land use
practices (diversion ditches,
culverts, sediment pond,
ditches/road improvements.

	 • -,. 	 '. ..:. 	 	
• decreased turbidity
• improved recreational
• improved native brook
trout habitat

                         Silver  Spring Brook Watershed  Demonstration Project:
                           Landowners' Cooperation Plus Town's Commitment Equals Success
                        The Silver Spring Brook watershed encompasses

                        about 1,400 acres, 42 percent of which are crop-

                        land. The remaining acreage is either forested or

                        in the Conservation Reserve Program. Over the

                        years, the stream's'water quality had become de-

                        graded to the point of being almost unusable.

                        Field roads, ditches, stream crossings, and sections.

                        of some fields were identified as significant con-

                        tributors to the stream's degradation.

                          •  Silver Spring Brook had threefold value to

                        the town of Limestone: it was the town's drinking

                        water supply, a cold-water habitat for native brook

                        trout, and the feeder for the community swim-

                        ming area. Heavy sedimentation resulted in high

                       .raw turbidity readings, exceeding federal drinking
Runoff from farm roads caused excess sediment to enter Silver Spring Brook.
                                Limestone, Maine

 water standards, threatening the cold-water habitat

 for native brook trout, and endangering the town's

 only recreational swimming area.

 Cooperation of landowners

 The Town of Limestone formed a partnership with

 the Central Aroostook Soil and Water Conservation

 District to plan and implement a 319 project,

 funded through the Maine Department of Envi-

 ronmental Protection (MDEP). The U.S. Depart-

 ment of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conserva-

 tion Service, and MDEP were consulted on how

 best to solve the problem. There were two key

 components to the project's success. One was the

 cooperation of adjacent landowners—all farm-

 ers—and the other was the town's commitment of

 municipal staff and equipment to the installation

 of the farm road best management practices


    A variety of erosion controls and land use

 practices were installed throughout the project

 area. Diversion ditches were constructed to divert

 the flow of water away from the brqok, and turn-

 outs were built to divert road flow into the woods.

 Culverts were replaced and new ones added,

 surrounded by riprap, to allow unimpeded stream

 flow. A sediment pond was also constructed to

 collect runoff from cropland.

    The farm access road  that crossed the stream

was graded and crowned, and the stream crossing

                           was repaired and stabilized. Workers installed
                           drain tile to control the water from a natural
                           spring that had been causing erosion and deterio-
                           ration of the farm access road. They reshaped and
                           stabilized existing road ditches and constructed
                           new ditches. Grass buffers were also established
                           along the fields.
                                Several acres of highly credible cropland
                           were placed in conservation reserve, thanks to the
                           cooperation of Glen Beaulieu, whose farm bor-
                           ders the brook on which most of the BMP? were
                           constructed. "I couldn't cultivate that acreage
                           during wet years," he explains, "and I was losing a
                           lot of topsoil. I was happy to place that land into
                            the Conservation Reserve  Program." Beaulieu says
                            that since the BMPs were installed, there have not
                            been any washes, the diversion ditches are work-
                            ing, and the water looks much cleaner.
                                                                       Decreased turbidity
                                                                       Before the project, raw turbidity readings averaged
                                                                       1.99 nephelometric turbidity units, or NTU (in 1995
                                                                       and 1996), exceeding the federal drinking water
                                                                       standard of 1.6 NTU treated turbidity. Raw turbidity
                                                                       readings for the same period in 1997 and 1998
                                                                       averaged 1.225 NTU—a'3 8 percent improvement
                                                                       even before fully establishing all the BMPs. A dry
                                                                       summer and a very wet fall, along with plantings of a
                                                                       potato crop (highly erodible), contributed to an
                                                                       increase in turbidity readings in 1999. Data have
                                                                       since become unavailable, however, because the
                                                                       town switched from,a surface water source (using
                                                                       Silver Spring Brook) to a groundwater source after
                                                                       the new federal drinking water standard of 0.50
                                                                       NTU treated turbidity was established.
                                                                            The native brook trout habitat has significantly
                                                                       benefited from the decrease in murky conditions.
                                                                       Lower turbidity readings have also resulted in
                                                                       improved swimming conditions for the community,
                                                                       improving recreational opportunities. Although
                                                                       many seemingly inconsequential unstable land use
                                                                        practices can add up to water quality degradation,
                                                                        through the commitment of local people and
                                                                        agencies and effective teamwork,  water pollution
                                                                        can be prevented and water quality restored.
   Farmers cooperated to install BMPs to divert runoff away from the creek and
   into the woods.
i Maine

  Maiyland Department of
  Natural Resources
  Forestry, Wildlife & Heritage Div.
  Regional Watershed Forester
  John McCoy
  MD-DNR, Chesapeake & Coastal
  Watershed Service
  Watershed Restoration Division
  jmccoy®dnr.state.md.us  .
  Ken Sloate
  MD-DNR, Chesapeake & Coastal
  Watershed Service
  Nonpoint Source Program
Primary Sources of
• forestry
Primary IMPS Pollutants:
« sediment
Project Activities:
« forestry BMPs
• paired watershed study
• stabilized stream
« reduced suspended solid
 concentrations .
• • improved benthic
                   Evaluating the Effectiveness  of Maryland's  Forestry BMPs:
                                                       Paired Watershed Study Tests  BMP Performance
                         Forests cover about 2.7 million acres of Maryland,

                         representing 40 percent of the state's total land

                         area. Forest health is inextricably linked to healthy

                         streams and a robust Chesapeake Bay. But many

                         forest harvest activities, including poorly designed

                         haul roads, skid trails, landings (loading areas), and

                         stream crossings, can lead to significant inputs of

                         sediment to stream channels, resulting in degrada-

                         tion of water quality and impacts on living re-

                         sources. The removal of trees adjacent to streams

                         can also cause elevated stream temperatures,

                         reducing habitat quality for fish and benthic

                         macroinvertebrate populations.

                             To assist loggers and landowners in meeting

                         environmental requirements, the Maryland De-

                         partment of the Environment and the Depart-

                         ment of Natural Resources (DNR) have devel-

                         oped a number of forestry programs. Sediment

                         control plans are required before undertaking

                         major earth-disturbing activity; best management

                         practices (BMPs) and streamside buffer zones are

                         required when logging in nontidal wetlands; and a

                         special 'Timber Harvest Plan" must be approved

                         before any timber may be harvested within 1,000

                         feet of the Chesapeake Bay. DNR's aggressive
                                                                            Frederick County, Maryland

                                                 Stream Releaf Program even has a goal of estab-

                                                 lishing 600 miles of riparian forest buffer restora-

                                                 tion plantings by the year 2010!

                                                 Testing BMPs

                                                 Although .studies show that most Maryland log-

                                                 gers follow timber harvest BMPs, there have been

                                                 no studies in the state reporting the effectiveness

                                                 of these BMPs in protecting water quality under

                                                 local conditions. Using 319 funding, a 4-year

                                                 study was designed to test the hypothesis that

                                                 forest harvest operations have no long-term

                                                 significant impacts on stream benthos, tempera-,

                                                 tare, and suspended sediment if forestry BMPs

                                                 are implemented.

                                                     Two small forested watersheds, located on

                                                 Sugarloaf Mountain in Frederick County, Mary-

                                                 land, were monitored from August 1995 until July

                                                 1999 as part of a paired watershed study to evalu-

                                                 ate the effectiveness of Maryland's BMPs for

                                                 timber harvest operations. One watershed, desig-

                                                 nated the "treatment" watershed, underwent a

                                                 controlled level of timber harvesting with strict

                                                 adherence to BMPs, while the "control" water-

                                                 shed remained unharvested.
                                                                                                           Maryland '
                                                                                              | 71

                              A wide range of BMPs were installed in the
                          treatment watershed, including a 20-foot-long
                          portable timber bridge, a 21-inch-diameter
                          stream-crossing culvert, streamside forest buffer
                          (streamside management zone), drainage out-
                          sloping, broad-based dips, rolling dips, grade
                          breaks and water bars, and the use of geotextile
                          and stone for haul road stabilization. The logging
                          contractors also complied with the BMPs by
                          following marked skid trails and performing
                          postharvest stabilization of roads, landings, and
                          skid trails where required. On slopes over 10
                          percent, roads, main skid trails, and landings were
                          seeded, limed, fertilized, and mulched.
                              Timber was harvested in 1997 on. 73 acres of
                          the treatment watershed, using a variety of silvi-
                          cultural prescriptions. Monitoring of baseflow and
                          stormflow suspended sediment samples, tempera-
                                                                  ture, and benthic macroinvertebrates continued
                                                                  until July 1999.

                                                                  Successful results
                                                                  The results of this study indicate that the BMPs
                                                                  were effective in preventing significant impacts on
                                                                  stream water quality, biology, and habitat. There
                                                                  was no significant difference in total suspended
                                                                  solid concentrations or yields due to the harvest-
                                                                  ing activities. The harvesting also, did not signifi-
                                                                  cantly affect stream habitat, benthic
                                                                  macroinvertebrate populations, or stream tem-
                                                                  perature. Most BMPs performed as intended, and
                                                                  none allowed observable sediment input into  •
                                                                  waterways. Logger awareness and training were .
                                                                  also critical to effective use of BMPs because
                                                                  implementation and installation are ultimately
                                                                  under the  loggers' control.
                                                                            www.state.ma. us/dep/brp/wm/wmpubs.htm
Jane Pcirce
Massachusetts Department
of Environmental
627 Main Street
VWxcester, MAOI608
Primary Sources of
• storm water runoff

Primary IMPS Pollutants: Project Activities:
• suspended solids • infiltrationstructures.
• fecal coliform bacteria

• 99.99 percent removal of
fecal coliform bacteria
• 90 percent removal of
fecal streptococcus
• 'elimination of petroleum
hydrocarbons and zinc
• shellfish beds reopened
                              Broad  Marsh River Storm Water Remediation Project:
                                         Infiltration Structures Reduce Pollutants, Save Shellfish Beds
                           Over the past decade, the Town of Wareham,
                           Massachusetts, has begun one of the
                           Commonwealth's most complete programs to
                           address the pollution problems caused by.storm
                           water discharges along the town's shoreline. Con-
                           tamination from storm water runoff, particularly
                           suspended solids and fecal coliform contamina-
                           tion, has forced many.shellfish beds and public
                           bathing beaches along Massachusetts' coast to
                           close. The closures can range from periodic clo-
                           sure for a few days after heavy rainstorms to
                                                                                             Wareham, Massachusetts

                                                                   complete year-round closure due to nonpoint
                                                                   source contamination. Like many coastal commu-
                                                                   nities, Wareham relies on fishing and tourism for
                                                                   its economic vitality. Faced with the prospect of
                                                                   losing its unique and valuable coastal resources,
                                                                   the town began to search for ways to address the
                                                                   contamination problem.

                                                                   Selecting the right alternative
                                                                   In 1993 the Town of Wareharn and the Buzzards
                                                                   Bay Project received 319 funding to remediate

storm water discharges along the lower reaches of
the Broad Marsh River. The goal was to reopen 64
acres of adjacent softshell clam and quahog beds.
The  project also intended to demonstrate that
leaching catch basins could be an" effective storm
water remediation tool to reduce coliform con-
tamination in the town's -coastal waters.
     During consultations with the U.S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conser-
vation Service, several alternatives for treating
storm water discharges were considered. The site
conditions were difficult—a high ratio of impervi-
ous surface and areas of high ground water. Nar-
row  roads, existing gas, sewer, and water lines, and
groundwater close to die surface made designing
die system challenging.
     Because of land constraints, die final project
design involved installation of "under-die road"
infiltration structures along road rights-of-way.
Two different types of infiltration structures were
installed widi the purpose of storing and treating
the first Vz inch of rainfall. In areas with adequate
separation from groundwater, 4-foot by 4-foot
concrete leaching galleys were installed; in areas
with shallower groundwater, shallower plastic
infiltration chambers were installed. The infiltra-
tion  structures were installed at 15 storm water .
discharge points along die banks of die lower
Broad Marsh River. Instead of being discharged
directly into die river dirough storm drainpipes,
the storm water would be directed into infiltration
structures, allowing for filtration of the pollutants.

Reopening the shellfish beds
Initial postconstruction monitoring data  indicated
that  the infiltration systems were very effective in
removing fecal coliform bacteria (99.99' percent
removal) and fecal streptococcus bacteria (90
percent removal) from die storm water runoff.
The  infiltration systems -were also quite effective
in removing petroleum hydrocarbons and zinc.
These pollutants were present at low levels in the
storm water prior to die infiltration treatment;
however, they were not detected during
postconstruction monitoring.
     Two and a half years after installation of die  •
leaching.catchment basins, Massachusetts Division
of Marine Fisheries (DMF)  announced diat the
shellfish beds in the Broad Marsh River would be
reopened on a conditional basis. The beds con-
tinue to be temporarily closed after heavy rainfalls,
but the large softshell clam and quahog resource is
now open to shellfishermen most of the time.

Success inspires additional projects
     Odier successful 319 projects have since
followed. A  storm water treatment system was
installed in die upper reaches of die Broad Marsh
River, widi the hope that over time water quality
will improve to die point diat the Broad Marsh
River shellfish beds can be reclassified and opened
without restrictions of any kind.
     In addition to the continued storm water
remediation work on the Broad Marsh River, town
officials have set tiieir sites on reopening the
larger shellfish beds in Onset Harbor. Onset
Harbor is larger and more open than the Broad
Marsh River, and its watershed area is heavily
developed and quite urban. The town now has
two additional ongoing 319  grants that are being
used to target the storm -water discharges from
diese urbanized areas. In recent correspondence,
Michael Parola, Harbormaster/Shellfish Constable
for Wareham, confirmed that storm water
remediation efforts have exceeded expectations.
The-town's current goal is to remediate "any and
all active storm drains" because of dieir overall
effect on water quality and on die town's shellfish
beds. Parola believes diat storm water remediation
has been largely responsible for allowing die
                                                                                 Massachusetts '

                           Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries to
                           upgrade miles of publicly accessible shoreline.
                           The current remediation projects in Onset Bay
                           and its tributary, the East River, have the potential
                           to allow the DMF to upgrade fully half of Onset
                           Bay's shellfish beds from their current classifica-
                           tion, seasonally closed, to open and approved for
                           shellfish harvesting.
                               like so many coastal communities that rely
                           on fishing and tourism for their livelihood,
                           Wareham faced the loss of the coastal resources
that make die town unique and vital. Wareham
has taken full advantage of the opportunity diat
the 319 Program presented to address nonpoint
source pollution problems and restore coastal
resources for all to enjoy. Given the demon-
strated success of the Marsh River Project in
both reopening shellfish beds and inspiring a
community to institute a phased, long-term storm
water management program, the Massachusetts
319 Program should encourage other communi-
ties to do the same.
i Massachusetts Department
• of Environmental
I Protection
627 Mam Street
; Worcester, MA 01 608

Primary Sources of
• storm water runoff

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• suspended solids
• fecal coliform bacteria

Project Activities:
• 1 2 first flush leaching basins

• 91 percent decrease in
fecal conforms
• 98 percent decrease in
total conforms
« elimination of oil, grease,
barium, chromium, and .
• shellfish beds remain open
                                     Lake Tashmoo  Storm  Water  Remediation  Project:
                                            First Flush Leaching  Basins More Effective Than Expected
                           Contamination from storm water runoff, particu-
                           larly suspended solids and fecal coliform contami-
                           nation, has forced many shellfish beds and public
                           bathing beaches along the Massachusetts coast to
                           close. The closures can range from a few days to
                           the summer to the entire year, depending on the
                           type and level of contamination. The town of
                           Tisbury on the Island of Martha's Vineyard has
                           numerous "hotspots" where access to shellfish
                           beds and public beaches has been restricted be-
                           cause of storm water contamination. The residents
                           of Tisbury rely on fishing and tourism for their
                           livelihood, so it is imperative for the town to find
                           ways to effectively treat storm water contamination.
                               At 1  mile in length, Lake Tashmoo  is one of
                           the larger of the saltwater lakes on the island
   Town of Tisbury (Island of Martha's Vineyard), Massachusetts

that feed into the sea. It is an ideal habitat and
breeding ground for oysters, scallops, clams,
mussels, crabs, lobsters, and a variety of fish
species that serve as the food source for larger
fish, all of which are commercially harvested as •
the backbone of the island's fishing industry. In
addition, the lake has a major beach area, a town
dock, and boat moorings and is used for swim-
ming, sailing, wind surfing, boating, and
sportsfishing. '
    Before 1994 hard shell clam, mussel, and
scallop beds near the storm water oudet were
showing contamination from fecal coliform bacte-
ria, heavy metals, and oil and grease. The Division
of Marine Fisheries  routinely closed the beds after
large rainfall events because of fecal coliform

levels in. the water. The contaminant levels •were

consistently high enough that the shellfish beds

were on the verge of seasonal closure, which

would have effectively put the resource off-limits

to the local townspeople and to the large seasonal

population that flocks to Martha's Vineyard dur-

ing the summer months. Recreational use of the

lake is a major tourist attraction, and the town

considered maintaining the lake in a viable and

usable state imperative.

Adding leaching basins

In 1994 Tisbury Waterways, Inc., and the Town of

Tisbury received 319 funding to install a series of

12 "first flush" leaching basins along road drains

to capture and treat the road runoff that was

contributing to the contamination of highly pro-

ductive shellfish beds at one end of Lake

Tashmoo. The first flush basins, installed along a

1.6-mile stretch of road, were designed to treat

the first 1A inch of rainfall, which contains most

of the contaminants.

    Each basin consists of a 6-foot by 6-foot

perforated cement vessel filled with limestone,

surrounded by a gravel bed. The limestone in the

basins is covered with hydrophobic, oil-absorbing

pads, which help to  separate the hydrocarbons

from the runoff. The limestone in the pits raises

the pH of the runoff, causing heavy metals to

precipitate and accumulate in the pit. Finally, the

first flush basins provide additional residence time

for fecal coliform bacteria to oxidize and decay.

The treated runoff then passes through the gravel

surrounding the pits into the subsurface soil.
  Exceeding expectations

  Comparison of contaminant concentrations in

  Lake Tashmoo before and after installation of the

  basins showed significant improvement in water

  quality. Samples from Lake Tashmoo during rain-

  fall events showed fecal coliform and total

  coliform levels going down by 91 percent and 98

  percent Oil and grease could not be detected in  .

  the treated effluent; barium, chromium, and lead,

  which had all been present before installing the

  basins, could no longer be detected in the efflu-

  ent. The project was deemed a success and recom-

  mended as a model for other storm water

  hotspots around Tisbury.

      The system is exceeding the town's initial

  expectations. Although it was designed to capture

  and treat the first 1A inch of storm water runoff,.

  the system appears to be capturing and treating the

•  first l/2 inch of runoff. The sandy soils that underlie

  the leaching catch basins allow die treated storm

  water to percolate into the ground more quickly

  than the designers anticipated, thus allowing the

  system to capture additional storm water.

      As a result, since the basins were installed

  there has been no .discharge at all to Lake

  Tashmoo during moderate rains. Even during

  heavy  rainfall, less storm water is discharged into

  the lake and the -water continues to be of signifi-

  cantly better quality than before the basins were

  added/The Massachusetts Division of Marine

  Fisheries has continued to monitor water quality

  at the  shellfish beds. The beds have not been

  closed-during the past several years, and there is

  no longer any thought  of seasonal bed closure.

ji Contact:
, Jim LcCurcux
" Michigan State University
; Extension
: Tuscola County
i 982-672-3870

Primary Sources of
• agriculture (cropland)

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• sediment
• nutrients
• pesticides
Project Activities: .
« conservation tillage
• reduced soil erosion (70
percent less from water
and 60 percent less from
                                                                Innovative Farmers of Michigan:
                                             Blending  Farm Profitability and Water Quality Protection
                                                                                         Huron, Tuscola, and Bay Counties, Michigan
                           The Saginaw Bay watershed is the largest water-
                           shed in Michigan, covering more than 8,700
                           square miles. The water quality of the bay is af-
                           fected by sediment, nutrients, and pesticide inputs
                           from runoff and wind erosion. Agriculture is the
                           major land use in the Eastern Coastal Basin of the
                           watershed (Huron and Tuscola Counties and part
                           of Bay County), representing 95 percent of the
                           land area. The major crops are dry beans, sugar
                           beets, corn, and wheat.
                               The Innovative Farmers of Michigan is a
                           group of agricultural producers, supported by more
                           than 60 partners representing the agricultural in-
                           dustry, lenders, equipment companies, commodity
                           groups, and federal, state, and local agencies. The
                           group's two primary objectives are reducing the ,
                           amount of sediment entering the Saginaw Bay and
                           altering farming practices to reduce nutrient and
                           pesticide runoff while retaining profitability for the
                           farmer. "AH my fields drain to large ditches, to
   The emergence of dry beans is enhanced by using a spoke closing wheel on
   the planter.
                                                                   Crop residue forms a protective layer on the field
                                                                   that prevents soil from washing away during
                                                                   larger ditches, and eventually to Saginaw Bay," says
                                                                   Pat Sheridan, Tuscola Innovative Farmers, "and I
                                                                   don't want my soil in the bay."
                                                                       So Sheridan joined the Innovative Farmers
                                                                   of Michigan, which was organized in 1994 in
                                                                   Huron, Tuscola, and Sanilac Counties. Members
                                                                  . pay a $100 annual fee, entitling them to member-
                                                                   ship in the Michigan Agricultural Stewardship
                                                                   Association and subscriptions to No-Till Farmer
                                                                   and Conservation Digest magazines. In 1996 the
                                                                   Michigan State University Extension-Huron  .
                                                                   County received a section 319 grant of $71,863
                                                                   for a 3-year Innovative Farmers project. The
                                                                   Innovative Farmers aimed to reduce soil erosion,
                                                                   improve soil health, and increase family farm
                                                                   income by using reduced tillage, cover crops, and
                                                                   a totally integrated system.

                                                                   Confronting traditional farming practices
                                                                   Before the Innovative Farmers, reduced-tillage
                                                                   corn and soybean cropping systems had been
                                                                   successfully used throughout the Midwest. Michi-

gan farmers, however, were reluctant to use high-

residue cropping systems for beans and sugar

beets because such high-value crops would still

make fall-spring tillage profitable. In addition,

many farmers in the area assumed that it isn't

possible to warm the soil in the spring, prepare a

good seed bed in heavier soils, and achieve ad-

equate weed control without tilling in the fall and

the following spring.

    The key to the Innovative Farmers'  success is

that rather than relying on research and informa-

tion provided by other sources, the group de-

signed  and conducted the studies themselves. In

one of the first studies undertaken by the group,

14 producers collected 127 water samples from

their tile outlets. Concentrations and flow rates

were used to: determine the extent of nutrients

and the associated dollar loss from their fields.

This activity helped producers  better understand

the nutrient and soil interactions, as well as the

impacts on water quality,

Valuable findings

Studies conducted by the Innovative Farmers yielded

many valuable findings for area farmers.'Conserva-

tion tillage.did not reduce yields  of sugar beets, corn,

and dry beans when compared to conventional

tillage. In fact, corn yields significantly increased at

one of the demonstration sites. Farmers also learned

that the soil's capacity to supply nitrogen to a grow-

ing crop increases with conservation tillage. Athough
 phosphorus applications ceased for 6 years, the soil

 fertility levels did not decrease.

     At the end of the project, the water holding

 capacity and water infiltration rates were also

 higher for the limited-tillage sites. Conservation

 tillage reduced the potential for soil erosion from
 water by up to 70 percent and'from wind by up to

 60 percent, as compared to conventional tillage.

     These results are making a difference. Several

 farmers in the area have converted their operations

 to zone till in the past 2 years. (In zone till, only a

 small area is tilled at planting. The result is a con-

 ventional seedbed in the immediate seed zone while
 Clover is inserted into corn crops to provide more
 cover and reduce erosion over the winter.
 the rest of the field remains untilled and covered

 with-residue to promote soil conservation.) Innova-

 tive Farmers members also report the increasing

 use of the chisel tillage system and cover crops by

 their neighbors. As these systems are used on a

 wider scalfe^ others will adopt them as they see the

. success of fellow farmers. That is just what the

 Innovative Farmers hoped to accomplish.
                                                                                      Michigan '

: Contact:
! AnncMarlc Chavez
1 ABegan Conservation
; DtSUKt
[ 616-673-8965

Primary Sources of
• agriculture (unrestricted
livestock access, plowing)

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• sediment
« nutrients

Project Activities:
• agricultural BMPs (fencing,
streambank stabilization,
filter strip, sediment
detention, wetland

• reduction of 1 9,852 tons
of sediment, 19,706
pounds of phosphorus,
and 39,321 pounds of
                                                       Little  Rabbit  River Watershed  Project:
                                                 One-to-One Approach Wins Landowners' Support
                                                                                                                       , L
                                                                                                   Allegan County, Michigan
                        The little Rabbit River Watershed Project demon-
                        strates the effectiveness of community-based
                        watershed planning in addressing water quality
                        issues. In 1995, through the efforts of local lead-
                        ers and a broad conservation partnership, a sec-
                        tion 319 watershed grant of $380,936 was"
                        awarded to the Allegan Conservation District.
                        This grant began a 5-year program that built a
                        team of proactive stakeholders to direct project
                        activities, develop a watershed management plan,
                        and implement best management practices
                        (BMPs) to protect water quality.
                            The 30,850-acre Little Rabbit River watershed
                        is in southwest Michigan, primarily in the northern
                        section of Allegan County. A small portion lies in
                        Byron Township in Southern Kent County. The
                        Little Rabbit River flows southwesterly to the
                        Rabbit River, a tributary of the Kalamazoo River.
The Uttte Rabbit River watershed project worked to gain the support of local
 The dominant land use in the watershed is agricul-
 ture. Sediment, nutrients, and high flow are ad-
 versely affecting the Little Rabbit. Unrestricted
 livestock access, plowing up to the edge of the '
 watercourse, and conventional fall plowing were
 commonly found throughout the watershed.

 Partners and funding sources
 The project's Steering Committee consisted of a
 broad range of active participants, including the
. County Drain Commissioner, County Road Com-
 mission, Natural Resources Conservation Service,
 Farm Service Agency, Michigan State University
 Extension, County Board of Commissioners, Dorr
 Township Parks and Recreation, other township
 officials, West Michigan Regional Planning Agency, '
 and local residents and agricultural producers. In
 addition to 319 funding, other significant sources
 of funding included the U.S. Department of
 Agriculture's Environmental Quality Incentives
 Program (EQIP) and Michigan's Groundwater
 Stewardship Program.
     The objectives of the project were to improve
 water quality by reducing the amount of sediment
 and nutrients entering surface water and promoting
 farmland preservation and controlled development.
 The Steering Committee decided that one key to
 the project's success would be to engage area land-
 owners. The Steering Committee exceeded its goal
 of contacting 50 landowners, reaching 64 landown-
 ers to discuss their water quality issues.

A watershed logo, displayed on this cooperator's sign, created an identity for
the watershed project.
                             A number of best management practices

                         (BMPs) were installed as a result of the project,


                             • Implementation of 3,000 acres of mulch-

                               till and no-till.

                             • Installation of more than 12,000 linear feet

                               of exclusion fencing.

                             • Installation of four stream crossings and a

                              • watering facility.

                             • 190 linear feet of streambank stabilization.

                             • Installation of 18 acres of filter strips.

                             • Addition of five animal -waste storage


                             • Installation of two sediment detention and

                               two erosion control structures.

                             • Restoration of more than 9 acres of -wet-


                         Successful reduction of pollutants

                         The quantity of sediment and nutrients entering

                         the Little Rabbit River was substantially reduced
with the installation of water quality-protective

BMPs. Pollution reductions were calculated for all

erosion control BMPs. The' total amount of pol-

lutants prevented from entering the Little Rabbit

River during die 3 years of project implementa-

tion was 19,852 tons of sediment, 19,706 pounds

of phosphorus, and 39,321  pounds of nitrogen.

    In addition, the awareness of .water quality .

issues in the community increased. The local

residents stated that the project newsletter was a

primary source of conservation information. A

watershed logo was developed for use on T-shirts,

hats, and watershed cooperator signs, which cre-

ated an identity for the watershed project.

    The success of the project can be"attributed

largely to the emphasis on one-to-one meetings

that built trust one person at a time. The water-

shed coordinator went to breakfast where the

farmers ate, using the opportunity to  interact in a

relaxed social setting. The true partnership  of the

agencies involved was also instrumental in the

project's success^ Other agencies that had rapport

with the agricultural community promoted the

Little Rabbit River Watershed Project, too,  helping

to build credibility and trust.

    Although the section 319 portion of the

Little Rabbit River Watershed Project is com-

plete, -water quality improvement and protection

efforts  are continuing. EQIP funds are available

for agricultural BMP  implementation. Watershed

planning and protection efforts have expanded

to the Rabbit River -watershed and adjoining

watersheds (Macatawa, Gun River) as a direct

result of the positive response from the local


! CtlffAlchlngcr
Ramsey/Washtngton Metro
Watershed District
i 65! -704-2069
1 cNfl8rwmwd.org

Primary Sources of
• storm water

Primary NPS Pollutants:
« sediment

Project Activities:
• construction- of multicell
wetland treatment system

. • storm water filtration
• increased wildlife and
plant diversity
• education center, research
site for invasive species .
                                                      North  St.  Paul Urban  Ecology Center:
                                           Wetland Improvements  Needed to  Control Storm Water
Before the restoration effort, the site was a
sod farm located on an area that had once
been a seasonal wetland.
In 1994 the City of North St. Paul identified a
potential wetland restoration project and nature
center, the Urban Ecology Center. The project site
was a 20-acre remnant of an old farm that had last
been a sod farm in 1950. The area had once been
part of a much larger area of seasonally wet wet-
land of approximately 150 acres.
                      The Ecology Center site
                  was also identified as a good
                  location to provide water
                  quality improvement for the
                  420-acre watershed, which
                  had been severely affected by
                  storm water leaving the site.
                  In addition, project managers
                  planned to include the resto-
                  ration of a diverse wetland
                  and upland plant and animal
                  community that could be
                  studied by students from the
                  four area schools.
                      The project involved a
                  unique partnership of local,
                  regional, and state govern-
ment that provided funding and technical assis-
tance. The total cost of the 5-year project was
about $397,000. The project was funded in part by
5210,000 in grants from four different agencies.
The remainder of the project funding was sup-
plied by the City of North St. Paul and the
Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District.
                           North St. Paul, Minnesota

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 319
Program provided a $40,400 grant in 1997.

Water quality improvement and environmental
The restoration plan included modification to the
existing wetland to construct a multicell wetland
treatment system. The overall objective was not
only to improve the quality of storm water leaving
the site but also to design and develop the site as a
wetland environmental learning center. Environ-
mental changes would be monitored and informa-
tion used.to make future improvements on this
site, as well as on other wetlands in the watershed.
The project would serve as a model for other
metro area communities and school districts.
    Using city and District funds, two additional
parcels of private land were acquired as essential
environmental education and water quality ele-
ments of the project. A trailhead parking lot was
constructed on one site,  providing convenient
access to  the Urban Ecology Center for school-
children and other visitors. A wetland  boardwalk,
trails, and an educational display were  constructed,-
providing information on the history of the site,
water quality improvement, and habitat manage-
ment. A section of the display was set aside for
school classes to present their environmental
monitoring and research results to the  community.
    District staff, school classes, and sentenced-
to-serve crews completed restoration of all dis-

                        turbed areas with native vegetation. Some schools     documented a dramatic increase in use of the site
                        helped by'growing some of the native grasses and     by wildlife. Plant diversity also has increased,
                        wildflowers from seed in their classrooms.           reflecting a good water quality condition.
                        Water quality improvements
                        Project leaders report a number of improvements
                        as a result of the project: The first basin is collect-
                        ing significant sedimentation, and the material is
                        removed every 2 years. Site observations have
Both plants and wildlife continue to thrive at the site, reflecting good water
 Continuing benefits
 Although completed in 1999, the project continues
 to involve several local governments and state
 agencies in management, monitoring, and research.
 The site is now being used for a research project on
 control methods for reed canary grass funded by
 the District, the Department of Natural Resources,
 the Minnesota Department of Transportation, and
 the University of Minnesota. Reed canary grass is
 an invasive plant that spreads very quickly in sea-
 sonally wet areas and crowds out most deskable
 plants. Reed canary grass is the dominant plant in
 the Urban Ecology Center. The primary challenge
 to increasing vegetative and wildlife diversity will be
 controlling the reed canary grass and successfully
 reestablishing a native habitat. This project will
 continue for several years.
BH ' " -"". 	 :~- 	 ~~"
Paul Nelson
Prior Lake/Spring Lake
Watershed District
16670 Franklin Trail, Suite 110
Prior Lake, MN 55372
" ' " : 	 ' 	 " -•"" •-.;•• . .• •"
Primary Sources of
• urban runoff (new
• agriculture
- 	 '- • / 	 ^ '- •" 	 ";- 	 ' - ' -
Primary NPS Pollutants:
• phosphorus
	 •— — T 	 : 	 ;-.-;--- .,-
Project Activities:
» wetland restoration
• streambank stabilization
• .storm water treatment
	 	 	 - 	 - •
• removal of dissolved
                                         Prior Lake/Spring Lake Improvement Project:
                                          Long-Term Implementation Strategy Off to a Good Start
                        Over the years, a combination of factors had been
                        compounding, relentlessly contributing to the water
                        quality problems in the Prior Lake and Spring Lake
                        Watershed District. In addition to the impacts of
                        the agricultural community, new development was
                        taking its toll, along with the constant adverse
                        effects of failing septic systems in the watershed.
                        Both Spring Lake and Upper Prior Lake were
                        found to be hypereutrophic, while Lower Prior
                            Scott County, Minnesota

Lake was mesotrophic. A reduction in phosphorus
levels was necessary to improve the quality of
Spring and Upper Prior Lakes; phosphorus concen-
trations needed to be maintained at their existing
levels to preserve the quality of Lower Prior Lake.
     Based on the recommendations of a Clean
Lakes Study completed in 1993, the Minnesota Clean
Water Partnership Project commenced. The initial
phase was designed to reduce nonpoint source

                            phosphorus loads to the lakes. Funding and imple-
                            mentation assistance for this 6-year effort were
                            provided through the section 319 grant program.

                            Phase 1: A comprehensive approach to
                            During the first phase of the project, a number of
                            projects were successfully completed, •while rela-
                            tionships were built with other agencies, citizens,
                            and organizations. Several projects aimed at con-
                            trolling storm water runoff were accomplished,
                            including the construction of the Iron (Ferric
                            Chloride) Runoff Treatment Facility and installa-
                            tion of storm water treatment devices with road
                            improvements. Wetland restoration projects also
                            occurred, including the construction of the High-
                            way 13 treatment wetland and conversion of the
                            Sand Point Park dry basin to a water quality pond.
                            In an effort to  control the increasing threat of
                            sedimentation, several shoreline stabilization
                            projects were conducted. Among them were
                            projects to stablize the eroding channel in Fish
                            Point Park and to improve the desiltation basin
                            adjacent to Spring Lake. The community was also
                            involved in septic system education workshops,
                            yard waste management workshops, and soil testing
                            programs.  No-till farming assistance was provided
                            to help encourage the adoption of such practices.

                            A successful first phase
                            Both citizen observations and monitoring data
                            indicate that the water quality is improving. Moni-
                            toring data show that the ferric chloride system is
                            operating  as designed with respect to the removal
                            of dissolved phosphorus. In recognition of these
                            successes, the Minnesota Department of Natural
                            Resources named the Prior Lake/Spring Lake
                            Watershed District the 1998 Minnesota Watershed
                            District of the Year. Most importantly, trust has
                            improved  between the agricultural constituents
                            and the District.
     These successes enabled the District to con-
 vene another partnership for the second implemen-  .
 tation phase. This phase builds on lessons learned
' in the first phase, as well as some new efforts fo-
 cusing more specifically on the lakes. Continuing
 efforts include providing incentive payments for
 conservation tillage and nutrient management, as
 well as conducting additional wetland restorations
 and constructing more water quality basins. In-lake
 efforts will aim to control internal recycling of
 phosphorus and manage submerged aquatic plants
 with changing water clarity.
 Additional benefits
 The project's initial successes have translated into
 water quality management efforts beyond those
 initiated by the grant program. These efforts in-
 clude regulatory responses, such as the passage of a
 "no phosphorus  fertilizer" ordinance by the local
 city, and revisions or improvements to the Water-
 shed District's rules regarding new development
 and redevelopment. Agricultural improvements,
 participation in the cropland filter strip program
 and supplemental payments for participants in the
 Conservation Reserve Program and the Conserva-
 tion Reserve Enhancement Program, continue.
 Wetland restoration efforts are ongoing, and sewer
 lines are now expanding into previously unsewered
 areas around the lakes. Efforts to sustain the
 progress continue, with completion of macrophyte
 surveys and whole lake management plans.

 In for the long haul
 Overall, the District is pleased with the results to
 date. Grant assistance allowed much more to be
 accomplished than the District could have
 achieved on its own. The District would have
 preferred more immediate visual improvements
 of  the lake's water "quality. However, scientists
 involved in the Glean Lakes Study had stated that
82 IB Minnesota

                         although only limited visual improvements -would

                         occur as a result of the first phase, these efforts

                         were a necessary first step in achieving benefits in
                                                 subsequent phases. The District and its partners

                                                 realize that sustainable improvements will come

                                                 from a long-term implementation strategy.

••r :T: : .:.:::::z:'.;:: ::::::.z.:^i:...:::z:i:

 Zoffee Dahmash
 Mississippi Department of
 Environmental Quality
 RO. Boxl038S
 Jackson, MS 39289-0385
Primary Sources of
• agriculture (animal
 operations, crops)
• forestry
Primary NFS Pollutants:     Project Activities:
• sediment                • conservation tillage
• nutrients  .              » streambank stabilization
• retention' of more than
 3,500 tons of soil
                                   Muddy Creek Watershed Demonstration  Project:
                                                                  BMPs Retain 3,500 Tons of Soil  per Year
                        Winding its way through the northern part of

                        Tippah County, Mississippi, Muddy Creek eventu-

                        ally flows into Tennessee. The creek's drainage

                        area encompasses a total of 67,070 acres, of

                        which approximately 42'percent is in cropland,

                        31 percent in pastureland, and 25 percent in for-

                        est. Four dairy, 300 timber, 100 livestock, and 20

                        swine operations are also in the watershed. The

                        main agricultural products are soybeans and corn.

                        Classified as a Fish and Wildlife area, Muddy

                        Creek is designated as suitable for secondary

                        contact recreation, such as wading and occasional

                        swimming. Qf primary concern to the local popu-

                        lation and the neighboring population in Tennes-

                        see was the amount of sediment and nutrients

                        emptied by this creek into the Hatachie River in

                        Tennessee, designated as a Wild and Scenic River.

                            Water quality and land use assessments -were

                        performed in the watershed, and 3 of the 10

                        tributaries •were identified as having the most

                        agricultural operations. The land use assessment

                        evaluated the average soil erosion rate and the

                        magnitude of the animal operations in the water-

                        shed. The average soil loss from cropland and

                        pastureland in the watershed was estimated at 12.2

                        tons  per acre per year. This amount of sediment

                        entering the watershed gave it a designation as a
                                                                            Tippah County, Mississippi

                                                 priority watershed on the state's priority watershed

                                                 list for agricultural nonpoint source pollution.

                                                , Installing best management practices

                                                 To address these concerns, the Muddy Creek

                                                 Watershed Demonstration Project was initiated by

                                                 establishing demonstration farms and agricultural

                                                 best management practices (BMPs).  Conservation

                                                 tillage was widely promoted and accepted

                                                 throughout the watershed. The purpose of con-

                                                 servation tillage is to reduce ground disturbance

                                                 before crop planting, so that less soil and pollut-

                                                 ants leave the field and enter the receiving stream.

                                                     Other BMPs included grade stabilization

                                                 structures (pipes), a pond, more than 2,500 feet of

                                                 diversion (a constructed ridge diverting the flow

                                                 of water), fencing, critical area planting (pine

                                                 trees), and streambank protection. Streambank

                                                 stabilization BMPs included earthwork, vegetative

                                                 cover, and rock riprap.

                                                 Dramatic reductions in erosion

                                                 As a result of the BMPs installed, more than 3,500

                                                 tons of soil is being retained on the land each year.

                                                 The BMPs dramatically reduced the amount of

                                                 annual soil erosion and the subsequent flow of

                                                 sediment into the Muddy Creek watershed.
                                                                                                          Mississippi ]
                                                                                             I 83

Zoffcc Dahmash
MlssissipfX Department of
Environmental Quality
RO. Box I038S
AXteoa MS 39289-0385

Primary Sources of
• agriculture (croplands)

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• sediment
• nutrients
• pesticides . .

Project Activities:
• grade stabilization

• retention of more than
4,950 tons of topsoil per
• decreases in organic
carbon, total Kjeldahl
nitrogen, ammonia .
nitrogen, nitrate/nitrite.
and total phosphorus
                                                       Roebuck Lake  Demonstration Project:
                        SIotted-Board  Risers Installed to Save Topsoil and Improve Water Quality
                           Roebuck Lake is a 580-acre lake in the Bear Creek

                           watershed in the central part of LeFlore County,

                           Mississippi. Its watershed encompasses an area of

                           11,200 acres. Roebuck Lake has tremendous

                           potential as a multiple-use recreational lake be-

                           cause some 101,500 people live within a 25-mile

                           radius. In the past the lake was well known for

                           water-skiing, swimming, boating, and fishing, but

                           currently these uses have decreased.

                               The water quality in Roebuck Lake is degrad-

                           ing because of the inflow of pollutants from

                           cropland fields. Drainage from approximately

                           8,100 acres of delta cropland flows into the lake,

                           leaving deposits of silt, pesticides, and fertilizer

                           and other plant nutrients.  Erosion occurring from

                           these erodible cropland acres is excessive, at an

                           average rate of  8 tons per acre. Based on available

                           data, the lake was designated in the state's 305(b)

                           water quality report as only partially supporting its

                           fish and wildlife classification because of agricul-

                           tural nonpoint sources of pollution.

                           Installing slotted-board risers

                            A number of partners came together to address

                           these concerns: the Mississippi Department of

                           Environmental Quality; U.S. Department of Agri-

                           culture, Natural Resources Conservation Service;

                           Mississippi Soil and Water Conservation Commis-

                           sion; Environmental Protection Agency; and

                           Mississippi Cooperative Extension Service. The
                                                                                             LeFlore County, Mississippi

                                                                   project included installing grade-stabilization

                                                                   structures called slotted-board risers (SBRs) on a

                                                                   selected cotton farm site. The practice involves

                                                                   placing a pipe at the edge of die field just after

                                                                   harvesting, with slotted boards placed in -front of

                                                                   the pipe, and allowing the field to flood. Valuable

                                                                   topsoil and expensive nutrients are retained on the

                                                                   field, allowing them to be used during the next

                                                                   growing season

                                                                   Significant reductions

                                                                   During the winters of 1997 and  1998, automated

                                                                   storm water monitoring equipment was used to

                                                                   calculate the loading reductions resulting from

                                                                   the use of the SBRs. Because most of the rainfall

                                                                   runoff was contained on-site and did not pro-

                                                                   duce a discharge, reduction percentages were

                                                                   high.  Most of the trapped rainwater evaporated

                                                                   or was absorbed into the soil. The results in- •

                                                                   eluded reductions of 99.8 percent total sus-

                                                                   pended solids, 89.4 percent total organic carbon,

                                                                   100 percent total Kjeldahl nitrogen, 90.7 percent

                                                                   ammonia nitrogen, 96.3 percent nitrate/nitrite,

                                                                   and 97.1 percent total phosphorus. Overall, the

                                                                   grade stabilization structures are saving 4,950

                                                                   tons of topsoil per year.

                                                                       The SBR practice continues to prove that it is

                                                                   a very cost-effective approach to saving topsoil

                                                                   while at the same time improving the  lake's water

                                                                   quality.. Many farmers have installed SBRs on

                         their fields since the project .-was initiated.  It is still

                         .too early to determine what long-term effects

                         these best management practices (BMPs) will have

                         on Roebuck Lake's water quality. It is hoped that

                         through this demonstration and through subse-
                                                  quent field days, farmers and the public will take

                                                  what they have learned and apply it to their lands.

                                                  If this occurs, it is possible that Roebuck Lake

                                                  could once again support its fish and wildlife

                                                  designated use.
 Steve Welker
 RC&D Coordinator
 John Hester
 Team Leader
 Bootheel Resource Conservation
 and Development Council, Inc.
 18450 Ridgeview Lane
 Dexter; MO 63841
 john.hester®rno.usda.gov •
Primary Sources of
• agriculture (crap fields)
• poor irrigation efficiency
Primary NPS Pollutants:
» nutrients
• pesticides
Primary NPS Pollutants:
• nutrients
« pesticides'
• 20 percent to 50 percent
 water savings
• reduction in agricultural
 chemicals entering
 groundwaterand .
 surface water
                        Mississippi  Delta  Irrigation Water Management Project:
                                                                                Irrigation  Efficiency Improved
                         The Mississippi Delta of Missouri encompasses

                         about 4,000 square miles, or 2.5 million acres, of

                         prime agricultural land. Forests and swamps origi-

                         nally covered this region, but it has become inten-

                         sively developed for agricultural production.

                             The. Mississippi Delta 319 Irrigation Water

                         Management Project was implemented in 1995

                         with the goal of maintaining and enhancing

                         Missouri's portion of the Mississippi Delta alluvial

                         aquifer. The project area and demonstration activi-

                         ties occurred within the 700,000 acres of irrigated

                         lands in the Delta. The management complexities

                         of the intensively irrigated lands in the project

                         emphasize the need in the region for comprehen-

                         sive nutrient and pesticide management plans and

                         maximum-efficiency water delivery systems.

                        Targeting irrigation system efficiency

                        The projectinvolved field-scale demonstrations of

                        three best  management practices (BMPs) targeting

                        the improvement of irrigation system efficiency:  •

                            • Side-inlet flood irrigation of rice, which

                              allows water to be applied to each basin
                                                                      Six counties in the Missouri Bootheel

                                                        independent of the water levels in other

                                                        basins. Water is delivered to each basin

                                                        through a pipeline or an irrigation canal.

                                                        The system can be set so that all basins fill

                                                        at the same time.

                                                      •  Surge-furrow irrigation for crops, which is

                                                        used to improve the uniformity of water

                                                        entering the soil down a row in a furrow

                                                        irrigation system. Water is introduced to

                                                        one area of the irrigated field for a certain

                                                        duration, then switched to a different irri-

                                                        gated area, then returned to the original

                                                        area. Surge valves automatically switch the

                                                        irrigation water. Switching back and forth is

                                                        continued until the entire length of the

                                                        furrow is watered. By pulsing, or surging,

                                                        the water advances down the furrow faster

                                                        than it would with the constant flow in a

                                                    - -  conventional furrow irrigation system. By

                                                        decreasing the time needed to advance to

                                                        the end of the furrow, deep percolation is

                                                        reduced. This is particularly true in coarse-

                                                        textured soils.

                                •  Furrow flow rate uniformity improvements
                                  for row crops, which will enable furrow
                                  irrigation systems using lay-flat irrigation
                                  tubing to apply water uniformly to indi-
                                  vidual furrows as needed. In this recently
                                  developed technology, a computer program
                                  calculates the needed gradient of the crown
                                  end of a field to match energy losses within   .
                                  the pipeline to equalize furrow flow streams.
                                  The program selects hole sizes to help make
                                  existing systems operate more efficiently.
                                  Uniform furrow flow streams result in water
                                  conservation (from 1 to 10 inches per acre
                                  per year), reduced potential of surface water
                                  contamination through reduced irrigation
                                  tail water (from 1 to 6 inches per acre per
                                  year), and increased yields. Roughly 200,000
                                  acres could be furrow-irrigated each year
                                  using the lay-flat irrigation tubing system.
                                Improving the efficiency of irrigation sys-
                            tems would reduce water loss due to deep percola-
                            tion and runoff. Consequently, it would reduce the
                            amount of water and agricultural chemicals enter-
                            ing groundwater and' surface draining systems.
                                The three methods to be demonstrated were
                            relatively unknown to Missouri farmers. The ben-
                            efits of the side-inlet and surge-irrigation methods
                            are well documented, and both methods are com-
                            monly used in other irrigated areas of the United
                            States. The furrow flow uniformity improvement
                            demonstration used technology recently developed
                            in Missouri. It is especially important to southeast
                            Missouri irrigators because it pertains to the use of
                            lay-flat irrigation tubing A higher percentage of
                            southeast Missouri irrigators use lay-flat tubing than
                            irrigators in any other irrigated area of the country.

                            Water savings and simpler management
                            For the eight side-inlet rice irrigation sites installed,
                            the composite water savings consistently ranged
                                                                     from 30 percent to 50 percent on the fields. An-
                                                                     other benefit of the side-inlet system expressed by
                                                                     producers was the simpler management. The pro-
                                                                     ducers believed that with side-inlet irrigation they
                                                                     experienced less wear on their levees, used fewer
                                                                     gates, did not have to adjust gates, and did not have
                                                                     to guess when to end their irrigation. Consequently,
                                                                     they had more time to take better care of their
                                                                     fields. Even without the water savings, producers
                                                                     felt the management aspect of the side inlet made
                                                                     it worthwhile to install.
                                                                          For the six surge-valve/furrow-flow irrigation
                                                                     improvement sites, the surge systems averaged
                                                                     between 20 percent and 30 percent reduction in
                                                                     water use per irrigation, depending on soil type and
                                                                     system flow rate. The producers indicated they
                                                                     could also see a definite reduction in the pump
                                                                     times on their fields using the irrigation water
                                                                     management plans. In addition, they saw even
                                                                     application of water across their field as a.benefit.
                                                                     In the case of soybeans, some farmers noted they  '
                                                                      did not see the damage that had previously oc-
                                                                      curred in oversaturated portions of their fields.
                                                                          This project was also successful in transfer-
                                                                      ring information after the completion of the
                                                                      demonstrations. At the time the project was pro-
                                                                      posed, there were few, if any, known producers in
                                                                      southeast Missouri using the side-inlet method of
                                                                      irrigating rice, as well as very limited use of
                                                                      surge/furrow-flow improvement systems. As of
                                                                      2000 it is  estimated that 20,000 to 30,000 acres of
                                                                      rice are being irrigated using the side-inlet
                                                                      method. Since the project's inception, an esti-
                                                                      mated 80,000 acres of irrigation water manage-
                                                                      ment have been put into practice, including 20,000
                                                                      to 30,000 acres of surge irrigation. By compari-
                                                                      son, in 1995 furrow flow improvement plans were
                                                                      used on fewer than 1,000 acres, surge irrigation
                                                                      plans were used on fewer than 100 acres, and
                                                                      there were no side-inlet rice irrigation plans.

                           These field-scale demonstrations were criti-
                       cal in establishing credibility among area produc-
                       ers and gaining their acceptance of the applicabil-
                       ity of the BMPs. Equally important, the concen-
 trated efforts of informing and educating pro-
 ducers about the successes of the project ensured
 continued use of these practices even after die
 project was completed.
Rita Mueller
Southwest Missouri Resource
Conservation and
Development (RC&D)
283 U.S. Highway 60 West
Republic, MO 65738
Primary Sources of
• agriculture (dairy/beef
Primary NPS Pollutants:
• nutrients
Project Activities:
• pasture management
• rotational grazing systems -
• farmer education
(workshops, manuals)
• average savings of
$ 1 /cow/day
• reduced labor
• less erosion and nutrient-
contaminated runoff
                                   Upper  Niangua  Grazing  Demonstration Project:
                                                       Counties Unite  to Start Demonstration Farms
                       The Upper Niangua watershed encompasses
                       217,000 acres in Webster, Dallas, and Laclede
                       Counties in southwest Missouri. Dairy and beef
                       operations, .with an emphasis on forage produc-
                       tion, constitute a large component of the agricul-
                       ture in the watershed. Through support of section
                       319 funding obtained through Southwest Missouri
                       Resource Conservation and Development
                       (RC&D), 'seven landowners from these three
                       counties implemented management-intensive
                       grazing systems to better manage their cattle,
                       manure, and pastures. The project was funded
                       from March 1,1994, through December 31, 1999.
                           The objectives of the Upper Niangua Graz-
                       ing Demonstration Project included the following:
                           •  Demonstrate best management practices
                             for pastures  and use of animal waste to
                             prevent nonpoint source pollution.
                           •  Inform local and regional landowners of
                             the economic and ecological benefits of
                             proper pasture management.
                           •  Demonstrate riparian corridor protection
                             as a part of the total farm system.
            Webster, Dallas, and Laclede Counties, Missouri
Implementing resource management systems
Seven livestock/dairy operations were selected to
participate as model sites to demonstrate the
effectiveness of grazing best management prac-
tices. Each producer was required to implement a
total resource management system, and incentive
payments were provided for participation.
    Management-intensive grazing systems were
installed and customized to each producer's opera-
tion. Management-intensive grazing is a goal-
driven approach to grazing management, charac-
terized by balancing animal demand with forage
supply through the grazing season and allocating
available forage based on the animal's require-
ments. Underlying the approach is a basic under-
standing of how soil, water, plants, and animals
interact •with each other as influenced by climatic
conditions and management decisions. The four
goals used in implementing a management-inten-
sive grazing plan for each participant included
financial or economic considerations, environ-
mental concerns, lifestyle, and production goals.
    Workshops were held at these demonstration
farms in the spring and fall to provide training to -

    Recipe for Success in Missouri
    « Farms
    « Cattle
    » Fencing
    * Watering pipe
    * Watering troughs
    • Forages
    « Manure
    * Landowners
                  Match to forages
                  Enough to split each farm into eight or more
                  Enough to carry water to all paddocks
                  Enough to supply cool, clean water to cattle in
                  each paddock
                  Large variety of dense, palatable, high-quality
                  grasses and legumes
                  Distributed evenly in all paddocks
                  Seven progressive, open-minded farmers
    Carefully split each farm into paddocks (pasture subdivisions) with the
    fencing. Insert watering troughs into each paddock, and connect them
    with pipeline. Keep cattle on one paddock at a time, rotating based on
    forage growth and availability- The variety of forages will increase the
    longer you cook this mixture. Let it rain on the mixture to moisten  .
    evenly. Ask the seven farmers to open the meal to anyone interested
    and share at "Pasture Walk" gatherings and workshops.
    Delicious!  (And guess what? Everyone wants the recipe!)
                           landowners and agency personnel working in the
                           region. Highlighted were sessions on plant growth,
                           plant management, soil fertility, species selection,
                           livestock needs, water development, and other
                           aspects of the management-intensive grazing
                           system necessary to derive the economic and .
                           environmental benefits of participating. In addi-
                           tion, monthly Pasture Walks proved to the "Show
                           Me" Missouri farmers the value of these systems.
                                The University of Missouri Extension Ser-
                           vice also published a valuable manual for dairy
                           farmers called the Missouri Gracing
                           Dairy Manual. The manual covers all
                           aspects of pasture-based dairying in
                           Missouri, including managing nutrients
                           from manure and inorganic sources in
                           pastures. The manual documents how
                           the amount of phosphorus added to a
                           stream when a cow defecates directly
                           into it—just once—can be the same as
                           the amount of phosphorus that runs
                           off an acre of pasture in a  single rain
                           runoff event.
    The final chapter in the manual highlights the
economics of the pasture-based dairy. Missouri is
fortunate to have at least 8 months during which
pastures can be grazed. The diversification of
pasture species that results from rotational grazing
provides high-quality forage throughout that long
grazing season. High-quality forages mean greater
milk production, which in turn provides greater
returns to the producer.

Results of pasture management
The producers in this project saved an average of
$1 per cow per day by using pasture management
practices. They also decreased labor because of
the'reduced time needed for harvesting forages
and handling waste. This was evident to the land-
owners frOm Dallas County. The landowners with
the management-intensive grazing systems were
able to extend their grazing season and wait up to
2 months longer before feeding supplemental hay
than some of their neighbors during an extensive
period of drought.
    Through this demonstration project, man-
aged grazing strategies and riparian corridor pro-
tection reduced the quantity and improved the
quality of the farmland runoff. As noted in the
dairy manual, dairy cows excrete 70 percent of the
                                                         Splitting large fields into smaller fields (called paddocks) with
                                                         electric fence allows for more efficient use of the pasture,
                                                         healthier plants, and more plant diversity.

Water in every paddock allows for better manure distribution and nutrient

recycling, reduces stress on animals, and reduces erosion.

                         nitrogen, 60 percent of the phosphorus, and 80

                         percent of the potassium they consume in their

                         diets. In grazing systems, the nutrients that have

                         been consumed are returned to the pasture

                         through manure and then taken up again by the

                         forage. .This cycling of nutrients leads to a lower

                         runoff of nutrients, from pasture systems because

                         fewer nutrients  are imported to die pasture by

                         heavy, concentrate, or hay feeding. A greater num-

                         ber of rotations in a grazing system provides for

                         more evenly distributed manure, so nutrients are

                         not concentrated in only a few spots.

                             The demonstration project protected ground

                         cover and provided more efficient forage produc-

                         tion. The manual provided information showing

                         that forages managed in grazing dairy systems in

                         Missouri •were of very high quality, with an aver-
 age crude protein content of 21 percent from

 April through December. These forages also

 furnish vigorous ground cover, which helps re-

 duce erosion and runoff compared to convention-

 ally grazed pastures. Legume growth and reseed-

 ing are enhanced because of longer recovery

 periods for pastures in a rotation. The legumes

 can "fix" nitrogen in the soil so diat less nitrogen

. needs to be applied to pastures. Water infiltration

 is increased because of improved soil structure,

 •which reduces runoff. In addition, die extensive

 root system of healthy forages decreases the

 potential for leaching by trapping particles and by

 taking up water.

     The Upper Niangua Grazing Demonstration

 was a success. This demonstration project had

 numerous partners: funding was provided by an

 Environmental Protection Agency grant through

 the Missouri Department of Natural Resources; the

 U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Re-

 sources Conservation Service, University of Mis-

 souri Outreach and Extension, Dallas County Soil

 and Water Conservation District (SWCD), Laclede

 SWCD, Webster SWCD, and Missouri Department

 of Conservation provided technical assistance.

     The ongoing impact of the project in diis

 Ozark region of Missouri, known for its clear

 lakes and streams, will be felt by all diose who

 enjoy this area—visitors and residents alike.

ABce Wolff
Lower MusseWie*
Conservation District
•106-323-21 03 (ext 101)
Carafe MacWn
Moncana Department of
Environmental Quality
Primary Sources of
• agriculture

Primary NPS Pollutants: Project Activities:
• sediment » agricultural BMPs
• nutrients (including fencing,
rangeland management)
• reduced irrigation

• ! 9 percent increase in
riparian habitat
• 25 percent reduction in
sediment delivery
• fish populations

                                                            Careless  Creek Watershed  Project:
                                                              Sediment Delivery Reduced by 25 Percent
                                                                                                    Careless Creek, Montana
                        Local initiative and voluntary participation con-
                        tributed to the success of the Careless Creek
                        Watershed Project. Careless Creek is a 100-mile-
                        long tributary to the Musselshell River in central
                        Montana. Agriculture is the main economic activ-
                        ity and land use in the 500,000-acre watershed.
                        About a quarter of the land in the stream corridor
                        is irrigated; the rest is mostly forest and rangeland.
                            Lower Careless Creek was classified as "mod-
                        erately to severely impaired" in the 1988 state water
                        quality assessment. Sediment and salts from return
                        irrigation flows and other agricultural activities
                        were the main pollutants. Artificially high summer
                        flows were causing severe streambank erosion.
Severe bank cutting and loss of fencing were common on Careless Creek before
streambank restoration.
   Broad-based collaboration
  Local landowners, working with the Lower
  Musselshell Conservation District, began a process
  to address local resource concerns. In 1990 a 319-
  funded study led to the formation of a local steer-
  ing committee. The steering committee brought
  together a broad coalition of private landowners
  and water users; federal, state, and local agencies;
 . and private organizations to address resource con-
  cerns in the watershed. Collaborators include the
  Lower Musselshell Conservation District;
  Musselshell and Golden Valley Courity Commis-
  sions; U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural
  Resources Conservation Service; Deadman's Basin
  Water Users Association; Upper Musselshell Water
.  Users Association; U.S. Bureau of Reclamation;
  Montana Watercourse; Deadman's Basin  Cabin
  Owners Association; Montana's Fish, Wildlife and
  Parks Department, Department of Natural Re-
  sources and Conservation, and Department of
  Agriculture; local schools; and the Montana Con- •
  servation Corps.      '                       ,
      The steering committee developed  a number
  of restoration goals for Careless Creek,  including
  the following:
      • Reduce artificial flows down Careless Creek.
      • Reduce streambank and channel erosion on
        the lower 7 miles of Careless Creek.

After sloping and revetments, outdoor classes were held and willows were
planted at the site.
                              •  Apply voluntary best management practices
                                (BMPs) in the watershed above Deadman's
                              •  Improve native fisheries in the lower water-
                                shed.                                -
                              •  Establish weed control plans for the water-
                              •  Restore Franklin Lake to a wetland.

                         Remediation approaches
                         Local buy-in was crucial to the project's success.
                         Complex resource issues, involving water rights
                         and allocations, had die potential to create conflict
                         within the community. The watershed committee
                         emphasized a nonregulatory, collaborative ap-
                         proach that attracted the participation of a major-
                         ity of landowners and interest groups. Irrigation
                         discharges to Careless Creek were voluntarily
                         limited to 100 cubic feet per second. This flow
                         reduction was made possible by infrastructure
                         improvements to the water delivery system.
                             A number of agricultural BMPs were also
                         implemented, including the installation of 56,000
feet of fencing to manage livestock grazing in caizcal
areas and the installation of a 15,195-foot pipe and
two tanks to provide off-stream livestock watering.

Measurable results
At the outset the watershed group established a
tracking program to monitor implementation. As
of summer 2000, the project had resulted in the
restoration of 37,000 feet of streambank and a 19
percent increase in riparian habitat.  Fifty-four
percent of the stream corridor is no longer erod-
ing. So far, prescribed grazing practices have
improved rangeland management on 18,000 acres.
These restoration activities  have reduced
sediment delivery to the Musselshell River by 25
    The comprehensive monitoring plan uses a
combination of water chemistry analyses, biologi-
cal indicators, and physical habitat evaluations to
measure progress. One indication of progress is
obvious: fish populations have rebounded in the
first 5 years  of the project.

Phase II
To further reduce nutrient and sediment delivery in
Careless Creek and the Musselshell River, 319 funds
are being used to restore another 14,632 feet of
degraded streambank by improving livestock waste
.systems, moving corrals off the creek, developing
alternative livestock watering systems (solar pumps),
excluding livestock from damaged riparian areas, and
continuing to plant willows and grass. Other con-
tributors are the Montana Renewable Resources
Grant and Loan Program, the Deadman's Basin
Water Users Association, and the Department of
Natural Resources and Conservation.

Widespread recognition of success
In 1995 the steering committee organized a
"Know Your Watershed" workshop, which

                           marked the beginning of the committee's outreach
                           and education program. The project's bimonthly
                           newsletter, Careless Creek Country, won a state
                           award for excellence. Other components of die
                           outreach program have included outdoor class-
                           rooms and watershed tours.
                                                                       Montana's governor and the Montana Water-
                                                                   shed Coordination Council recognized this col-
                                                                   laborative effort last summer with a Montana
                                                                   Watershed Stewardship Award. In November
                                                                   2001 the project will receive a CF Industries Na-
                                                                   tional Watershed Award.
Alan Rollo
Sun River Project
Jim Baucrmelster
Department of
Environmental Quality

Primary Sources of
• agriculture
• irrigation return flows

„ , , ^-r,-^-^ " -— -;• ..-,.....-.-.•-. a • :• • ..- • , i .-..._-.,-__-„-,-- ... . . , ...,..,,... „,.„
Primary NPS Pollutants: Project Activities:
• sediment • agricultural BMPs
(including grazing
• reestablishing riparian
« increased irrigation
> .

"- • 	 	 >...J*.--."' ' • . . . .r.^-~,.,- .-. ...Ml
« 75 percent reduced -
sediment delivery
« reestablishing habitat


                                                                       Restoration in Muddy Creek:
                                                                           Will a Name Change Be  Needed?
                           Muddy Creek was aptly named. Until recently, the
                           small tributary was carrying 200,000 tons of sedi-
                           ment a year into the Sun River west of Great
                           Falls, Montana.  Irrigation return flows were
                           increasing the normal seasonal stream flow ten-
                           fold and scouring a deep, steep-banked gully.
                           Muddy Creek had the dubious distinction of
                           being the most polluted stream in Montana. The
                           creek drains about 314 square miles of farmland,  •
                           and agriculture—both livestock grazing and crop
                           production—was the primary contributor of
                           nonpoint source pollutants.
                               Supported by 319 funding, local landowners,
                           conservation districts, and other partners formed
                           the Muddy Creek Task Force in 1994. By 1998  .
                           the Task Force had achieved three of the four
                           goals it had established at the outset:
                               • Goal 1: 'Reestablish  riparian vegetation.
                                 Watershed cooperators improved grazing
                                 management on 8  miles of  stream corridor,
                                 installed 44,000 feet of riparian fencing,
                                 established six off-stream livestock water-
                                                                                               Muddy Creek, Montana
                                                                         ing systems, planted more than 8,000 wil- •
                                                                         lows and other trees and shrubs, and rees-
                                                                         tablished native grasses in riparian and
                                                                         upland zones.
                                                                         Goal 2:  Reduce irrigation return flows.
                                                                         A public education effort that included'
                                                                         brochures, newsletters, a video and slide
                                                                         show, a project display board, numerous
                                                                         watershed tours, and U.S. Bureau of Recla-
                                                                         mation  progress reports contributed to a
                                                                         35 percent reduction in irrigation return
                                                                         flows. Most of the reduction was achieved
                                                                         by increasing irrigation efficiency.
                                                                         Goal 3:  'Reduce sediment delivery to the Sun
                                                                         River and Missouri River.
                                                                         More than 400 barbs were installed to
                                                                         reduce bank erosion, and 13 drop struc-   .
                                                                         tures were built to slow flows and stop
                                                                         headcutting. Reduced sedimentation is also
                                                                         a product of the first two goals—reestab-
                                                                         lishing riparian vegetation and reducing
                                                                         irrigation flows. The original goal was to

      reduce ;sedimentation by 75 percent in 5

      years; the project did it in 4 years.

     • Goal 4: Improve fisheries in the Sun River


      Although it is too soon to adequately docu-

      ment an improved fishery, anglers have

      noted that the improved water quality is

      allowing fish to migrate back to Muddy


And there are'other documented improvements—

increased waterfowl and wildlife habitats from

improved riparian areas, reduction of flood po-

tential, reduced cost for maintaining roads and

railroads, and a reduction of land loss by several

landowners along Muddy Creek.

Duplicating success in the Sun River

watershed                                 ,

The Muddy Creek Task Forcels successes were

contagious. Soon groups were working through-

out the Sun River watershed.' In 1996 the Sun

River Project received a 319 grant of $198,140 to

continue work on the Muddy Creek Project, com-

plete a comprehensive resource inventory of the

Sun River watershed, and enhance the water quan-

tity and quality of the Sun River. This project

funded stream work on 8,000 feet of Mill Creek,

4,000 feet of the Sun River, and 4,000 feet of

Duck Creek.  Supplemental 319 funding from the

1999 Clean Water Action Plan helped fund resto-

ration work on several segments of Elk Creek, .

another tributary to the Sun. By 1999 the in-kind
contributions of the various partners Lad ex-

ceeded $2 million.

    The Sun River Project is now in its third phase.

A $135,480 section 319 grant is targeted at reduc-

ing erosion and irrigation return flows on the Sun

River and its tributaries. The project is continuing

to restore riparian habitat and promote the imple-

mentation of best management practices.       .  ,

Broad-based partnerships

The Sun River Project is known for its broad-

based cooperation. Participating entities include

Cascade County, Teton County, and Lewis and

Clark County conservation districts; the Muddy

Creek and Willow Creek task forces; U.S. Bureau

of Reclamation, U.S. Department of Agriculture's

Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S.

Forest Service, U.S. Bureau of Land Management,

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological

Survey; Montana Departments of Environmental

Quality, Natural Resources and Conservation,

Fish, Wildlife and Parks, and Agriculture, and

Bureau of Mines and Geology;  Greenfields and

Fort Shaw irrigation districts; Medicine River

Canoe Club, Missouri River Flyfishers, Audubon

Chapter, Russell Country Sportsman Association; •

and many others.

    The Sun River Project has won numerous

awards, such as the Montana Watershed Coordi-

nating Council's Watershed Stewardship Award,

Clean Water Action Plan's Showcase Award, and

CF Industries' National Watershed Award.
                                                                                   Montana '

   I;  Contact:
   i  ElbcrtTraytor
   "  Nebraska Department of
   1  EnwonrnerWtil Qualiw
   f  1200 N Street. Suite 400
   I  Lincoln, NE 68509-8922
   \  402-471-2585
   f  Efbert.TrayfOfSndeq.state.ne.us
                     Primary Sources of
                     • agriculture
                     • construction site runoff
Primary IMPS Pollutants:
• nutrients
• sediments
Project Activities:
• erosion control
• sediment retention
• streambankstabilization
 • low total phosphorus
, concentrations and
  sediment delivery
 •  excellent habitat for
  new lake
                                                                             Walnut  Creek  Lake  Project:
                                                                     Partnership Drives Watershed Protection
                            The Walnut Creek Lake and Recreation Area/near
                            Papillion, Nebraska, represents a new approach to
                            reservoir development. Walnut Creek Lake plan-
                            ners, aware that Omaha area lakes suffer from
                            excess sediment and nutrients, set out to prevent
                            those problems from die start. The project part-
                            ners were die Papio-Missouri River Natural Re-
                            sources District, the City of Papillion, Sarpy
                            County, University of Nebraska Cooperative
                            Extension, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's
                            Natural Resources Conservation Service, Game
                            and Parks Commission, and Department of Envi-
                            ronmental Quality (DEQ).
                                An initial accomplishment was the creation
                            of a 15-member Clean Lakes Community Council
                            consisting of area farmers, residents, and other
                            private citizens. The Council's mission was to
                            develop management goals for the lake watershed .
                            that would serve the needs and desires of the
                            community and protect the lake from polluted
                            runoff. The Council quickly established itself as
                            die driving force for the project.
                            To protect against the high levels of erosion caused
                            by commercial development around Walnut Creek
                            Lake, strict erosion control standards were
                            implemented around the lake.
                                                                                                       Papillion, Nebraska

                                                                       Innovative approaches to protecting watershed
                                                                       The Walnut Creek watershed was entirely agricul-
                                                                       tural and enjoyed an unusually high level of land
                                                                       treatment at the beginning of the project. The
                                                                       Council and project partners recognized, however,
                                                                       that creation of a lake would quickly attract resi-
                                                                       dential and commercial development in the water-
                                                                       shed and -with it the excessive erosion characteris-
                                                                       tic of land development. To guard  against this
                                                                       threat, the Council drafted a special ordinance for
                                                                       the lake watershed that requires a high level of
                                                                       erosion control on construction sites and provides
                                                                       for higher penalties dian usual for violators of the
                                                                       ordinance. The City of Papillion subsequendy
                                                                       adopted the ordinance widiin its jurisdiction of
                                                                       the lake's watershed. The practices  required by the
                                                                       ordinance provide the first barrier to keep sedi-
                                                                       ment on the development site and  out of the lake.
                                                                           Further protections were built into the design
                                                                       of the lake itself. The DEQ's Nonpoint Source
                                                                       Pollution Management Program provided funding
                                                                       through section 319 for outreach and installation
                                                                       of best management practices  to reduce sediment
                                                                       and nutrient runoff into^the lake. Islands  and
                                                                       jetties dissipate wave action and prevent shoreline
                                                                       erosion, and sediment retention basins intercept
                                                                       sediment before it reaches the  lake. Shoreline
                                                                       plantings stabilize soils, break up wave action, and
                                                                       provide food and habitat for aquatic organisms.
                                                                       Pallet stacks, tire reefs, and brush piles placed in
I Nebraska

                        the bottom of the lake provide shelter for fish.
                        Restrictions prevent boaters from generating
                        destructive wakes that erode shorelines and dis-
                        turb aquatic wildlife. The cost of installing these
                        practices as preventive measures is a fraction of
                        the cost of installing restorative measures after a
                        lake has suffered degradation.

                        Water quality improvements              '  .
                        The goal of the project partners and the Commu-
                        nity Council was to create a model lake designed
                        to resist the pollutant pressures typical in eastern
                        Nebraska and to meet or exceed its design life-
                        time. Early water quality data suggest that goal
                        will be achieved. The initial water transparency of
                        61 inches is expected to stabilize in the long term
                        to about 28 inches, well above the average of 22
                        inches for other area lakes. In-lake total phospho-
                        rus concentrations should stabilize at 0.07 milli-
                        gram per liter (rhg/L) from the current 0.05
                        mg/L; other area lakes average 0.08 mg/L total
                        phosphorus. Sediment basins and other erosion
                        controls will limit lake volume loss to 0.27 percent
per year compared to the average 0.85 percent
loss in other area.lakes.
    High water quality and habitat enhancements
are expected to make Walnut Creek Lake the
premier fishery among the Omaha area lakes. An
added bonus of the project is that it leaves behind
an energized group of watershed residents. The
Clean Lakes Community Council is dedicated to
ensuring that protective measures remain in place
to protect the lake from polluted runoff.
  - DEQ has adopted a community-based ap-
proach to watershed planning for all nonpoint
source priority watersheds, based on the experience
with the Walnut Creek project. Formation of a
Citizen Watershed Council to advise the agency's
Technical Advisory Committee is a key feature of
the process. A manual is being developed to guide
the project sponsor, Watershed Council, and Tech-
nical Advisory Committee through the planning
process. The process is being initiated or imple-
mented in two watersheds where new reservoirs are
being constructed and in six watersheds where
reservoir renovations are planned or under way.
Jackie Stumpff
Nebraska Department pf
Environmental Quality

Primary Sources of
• abandoned wells

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• nitrates

Project Activities:
• ». plugging/capping
abandoned wells

• closure of 37
abandoned wells
• projected decrease in
nitrate levels
                                                         Wellhead Protection  in  Guide Rock:
                                           Village Closes Abandoned Wells to Protect Water Supply
                                                                                                      Guide Rock, Nebraska
                        Guide Rock, like many small towns and villages,
                        recently found itself facing concerns about the
                        community's environmental health. The south-
                        central Nebraska village (1990 population 290)
                        contacted the Department of Environmental
                        Quality's (DEQ) Nebraska Environmental Partner-
                        ships (NEP) program to discuss its problems and
concerns. NEP provided Guide Rock with a grant
so the village could complete a community assess-
ment and identify current or potential problems
with its drinking water and wastewater systems.
    The primary concern identified by the assess-
ment was high nitrate levels in the village's public
water wells. The nitrate levels had started to in-
                                                                                                          NebrasKa '

                            crease gradually in 1995; by December 1997 they
                            were above 10 parts per million^ the maximum
                            level of nitrates in drinking water considered safe
                            for all consumers of the water. In October 1999
                            nitrate levels were 10.4 ppm and 9.4 ppm in the
                            village's two wells.

                            Source  of contamination
                            Because of concerns about the nitrate levels, the
                            NEP team assigned to work with Guide Rock dis-
                            cussed the Wellhead Protection Area program with
                            the village board. (The Wellhead Protection Area
                            program assists communities and other public water
                            suppliers in preventing contamination, of their water
                            supplies.) The board asked the DEQ's Ground
                            Water Section to proceed with drawing a wellhead
                            protection area map for Guide Rock's public water
                            supply wells. A meeting was held for all village resi-
                            dents to discuss the proposed wellhead protection
                            area in 1998, and the village board passed an ordi-
                            nance to designate the protection area.
                                "The village board is to be commended, as it
                            has been very supportive  of these efforts and has
                            been active in undertaking preventive activities,"
                            says MJ. Rose, Nebraska Environmental Partner-
                            ships program coordinator.  "In particular, the
                            village board is committed to providing the resi-
                            dents a good public water supply at the least
                            possible cost to residents."
                                Staff of the Wellhead Protection Program
                            identified abandoned wells as a probable major
                            source of the contamination of Guide Rock's water
                            supply wells and recommended closing any unused
                            wells in the community and the wellhead protection
                            area. Correctly plugging and capping abandoned
                            wells can eliminate the risk of contamination of the
                            groundwater aquifer. In April 1999 the village
                                                                      board contacted the Lower Republican Natural
                                                                      Resources District (NRD) regarding the District's
                                                                      abandoned wells program, which provides up to 60
                                                                      percent of the cost of properly closing a well.
                                                                          The village board then sought assistance from
                                                                      NEP for possible funding sources to assist in
                                                                      closing -wells. NEP helped the community secure a
                                                                      section 319 Small Projects Assistance grant to
                                                                      develop a promotion campaign and pay the re-
                                                                      maining 40 percent of closure costs. These two
                                                                      funding sources enabled the village to pursue the
                                                                      proper closing of abandoned wells at no cost to
                                                                      Guide Rock's residents.

                                                                      Successful enrollment in abandoned well
                                                                      Village board members and the village clerk con-
                                                                      ducted a survey of properties in Guide Rock and
                                                                      the wellhead protection area to locate abandoned
                                                                      wells. Residents were given information about the
                                                                      abandoned well program and were encouraged to
                                                                      attend a September 1999 public meeting to dis-
                                                                      cuss the program. The Lower Republican NRD,
                                                                      DEQ, and a local well driller presented informa-
                                                                      tion at the meeting. Residents had the opportunity
                                                                      to ask questions and to sign up for the program.
                                                                      Thirty-seven wells were signed up and have since
                                                                      been closed through the program.
                                                                          "Guide Rock's drinking water'supply will be
                                                                      much safer," says Rose. "Numerous potential
                                                                      sources of contamination have been  eliminated.
                                                                      I'm glad that Nebraska Environmental Partner-
                                                                      ships was able to assist in this process. Since there
                                                                      are additional abandoned wells in the village in
                                                                      need of proper closing,  I hope that this initial
                                                                      success will encourage citizens to volunteer other
                                                                      wells for the program in the future."

^^^H •
Maty Kay Riedl
Nevada Division of
Environmental Protection
Nonpoint Source
Management Program
775-687-4670 (ext. 3096)

Primary Sources of
• urbanization
• agriculture

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• nutrients
• fecal coliform bacteria
. . • • suspended solids
• metals

Project Activities:
• constructed wetland
• realignment of slough
• riparian restoration

• reductions in fecal
coliform bacteria.
phosphorus, ammonia,
and heavy metals
• improved wildlife

                             Martin Slough  Water  Quality Enhancement Project:
                                          Water Quality Improves In  the Upper Carson River Basin
In 1999 the pond at Oilman Avenue crossing was
unhealthy and visually unappealing.
                        The Carson River in

                        Western Nevada is a

                        river .in trouble. Natu-

                        ral phenomena like

                        drought and flooding

                        and human activities

                        such as agriculture

                        (irrigation return flows

                        and livestock grazing),

                        hydrologic modifica-

tion (water diversion and channelization by the .U.S.

Army Corps of Engineers during the 1960s), habi-

tat modification (removal of riparian vegetation),

and urban runoff have contributed to degraded

water quality, beneficial use impairment, and highly

unstable, easily credible banks. The river is listed on

Nevada's 303(d) list for total phosphorus, sus-

pended sediment, turbidity, and several metals.

During the recent high water years of 1995 and

1997, hundreds of acres of land along the river

•were washed away. Not only were valuable land and

riparian habitat lost, but the eroded material also

degraded fish habitat downstream. •

    The towns of Minden and Gardnerville are

located side-by-side in the heart of Carson Valley,

Nevada, where ranching and associated irrigated

agriculture dominate land use. The East and West

Forks of the Carson River meet in the southern

portion of the valley to form the main stem of

the river. Scenic vistas surround the area: the
                     Upper Carson River Basin, Nevada

Carson Range, of the Sierra Nevada Mountains

rises to the west, and the Pinenut Mountains

border the eastern side of the valley. Through a

public outreach process, Minderi and Gardnerville

have identified the Martin Slough as an important

amenity to their communities.

    The Martin Slough is a partially man-made

waterway that flows through both communities

before it joins the East Fork of the Carson River.

Historically the slough was used"to deliver irriga-

tion water and collect return flow. However,

because of rapid urbanization over the past

decade, the Martin Slough has also become a

conduit for increased amounts of urban runoff.

Water quality monitoring has shown elevated

levels of nutrients, fecal coliforms, suspended

solids, and metals.

Joining forces to arrest runoff

In 1995 Minden and Gardnerville joined with the

Douglas County Water Conveyance Advisory

Committee, Douglas  County School District, and

local landowners to develop a plan to improve

water quality, restore wetland and wildlife habitat,

provide for ground water recharge and storm

water storage and.treatment, provide for public

education, and preserve an open-space corridor

through both communities.

    The entire project consists of six phases.

During Phase 1 of the project, completed in
                                                                                                        Nevada \

                           The restoration project improved water quality,
                           created wildlife habitat, and enhanced the visual
                           appeal of the pond.

                           September 1999, two wetland ponds were con-
                           structed in the upper slough to provide for water •
                           treatment and sediment capture. Phase 2 was
                           completed in April 2000 and consisted of realign-
                           ing the slough downstream of Phase 1 and install-
                           ing a trash rack and diversion structure. Phase 3
                           was completed in December 2000 and consisted
                           of riparian restoration through planting of native
                           trees and shrubs to provide for cooler water tem-
                           peratures and further enhance wildlife habitat. In
                           addition, an access road to provide for mainte-
                           nance, water quality sampling, and flow monitor-
                           ing was constructed.  A flow-measuring device
                           was installed downstream of the ponds.
Continued water quality improvement
Water quality monitoring sites were established
upstream and downstream of the constructed
wetland ponds. Preconstruction samples were
collected from April through September 1999 to
establish a baseline from which to measure the
effectiveness of the project. Postconstruction
sampling began in October 1999, and it is ex-
pected to continue for at least 10 years.
    Current preliminary data suggest improved
water quality and reductions in the levels of fecal
coliform bacteria, phosphorus, ammonia, and
heavy metals. Other immediate results of the
project have been an increase in wildlife such as
muskrat and deer in the area and a variety of
bkds, including herons, geese, ducks, blackbirds^
and swallows. As indicated in the photo of the
completed project, the results are aesthetically
pleasing. Future phases will occur in the town of
Minden and include plans for public parks, bike
trails, bank stabilization, riparian restoration, and
wildlife habitat enhancement.
    Funding to date for Phases 1 and 2 includes
$45,000 of section 319(h) funds  and $86,745 in
local matching  funds.
. Contact:
I Jean Stone
i Nevada Division of
' Environmental Protection
« Nonpoint Source
Management Program
775-687-4670 fext 3090)
; jstoncSSndep.cafsorKity.nv.us

Primary Sources of
• unstable stream banks

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• sediment

Project Activities:
» bank stabilization
through vegetative
treatment and redirection
of flow away from
unstable banks

• 74 percent average
cover on all vegetative
• 35 percent regeneration
of willow clumps
                                                   Middle Carson  River Restoration Project:
                                                        Bioengineering Used to Restore Unstable Banks
                           In 1995 a group of ranchers and other concerned
                           local citizens living along the Middle Carson River
                           near Dayton, Nevada, formed the Middle Carson
                           River Coordinated Resource Management Plan-
                         Middle Carson River, Nevada

 ning Committee to find ways to manage and
 restore the river. The effort was spearheaded by
 the Dayton Valley Conservation District (DVCD),
 with the support and cooperation of numerous

community groups and agencies, including the

Carson Water Subconservancy District, Western

Nevada Resource Conservation and Develop-

ment, Natural Resources Conservation Service,

and Lyon County. In 1996 the DVCD hired Kevin

Piper as watershed coordinator.

    The strength of the Middle Carson group is

their ability to work together to implement "on-the-

ground" projects. Under Piper's leadership, several

bank stabilization projects have been completed,

and the group supports education and outreach

programs in coordination with local schools.

Restoring streambanks with bioengineering

Bioengineering, which uses vegetative techniques in

addition to "hard" structures such as riprap, is the ,

cornerstone of the bank restoration projects. Work

began on the Glancy property near Dayton in 1998,

with the construction of five stream barbs to redi-

rect flow away from the unstable banks. The quies-

cent areas behind the structures collect sediment

and allow natural regeneration of native vegetation.

Several vegetative treatments, including brush

mattress layering, brush trenches, juniper revet-

ments, willow dump planting, and seeding, were

used to provide bank stability, reduce erosion, trap

sediment, provide shading, encourage natural plant

growth,'and restore wildlife habitat.

Monitoring to document improvements

A long-term monitoring program is being imple-

mented to evaluate the effectiveness of the best

management practices. Activities include aerial

photography; annual survey of channel cross

sections to  determine the degree of accretion/

degradation; monitoring of vegetation growth to

assess changes in habitat; analysis of soil charac-

teristics to document particle size,  credibility, and

sediment transport potential; and hydraulic mod-
eling to determine water surface elevations at

specific recurrence intervals.

     Monitoring conducted 9 months, after project

completion showed an average of 74 percent cover

on all vegetative treatments, with about 35 percent

regeneration of the willow clumps. A topographical

survey indicated deposition of about 430 cubic

yards of sediment between the stream barbs. Al-

though sediment buried the lower half of many of

the vegetative treatments, it provided a medium for

.natural cottonwood seeding. Channel cross sections

showed that the low-flow channel has moved away

from the bendway, suggesting the  stream barbs are

functioning as designed to deflect higher stream

flow away from the bank.

     As part of the public education component,

bimondily water quality monitoring of the Middle

Carson River is conducted with the help of the

River Wranglers. This volunteer group, coordi-

nated by Lyon County teacher Linda Conlin,

works widi local schools to educate students

about river and lake ecology.. Students measure

dissolved oxygen, pH, and turbidity in the field.

Macroinvertebrate samples are collected and

transported back to school, where students iden-

tify the number of mayflies, caddisflies, stoneflies,

worms, and other aquatic organisms.  •

     In July 2000 Kevin Piper and the Middle

Carson River Coordinated Resource Management

Group received the Wendell McCurry Excellence

in Water Quality Award. The Nevada Division of

Environmental Protection established this award

to recognize individuals, firms, organizations, and

governmental entities that have made significant

contributions to improving the quality of

Nevada's water resources.

     Funding to date includes approximately

$30,000 of section 319(h) funds and |30,000 in

local matching funds.
                                                                                     Nevada ]
                                                                                               I VV

Rick DcMark
North County RC&D Area
719 North Main Street
Room 220
Laeonta, NH 03246-2772

Primary Sources of
» urban storm water runoff
• eroded ditches

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• phosphorus
• sediment

Project Activities;
• installed system of berms
• swales
• settling and filtering
.basins .

» 82 percent reduction in

                                                                            Chocorua Lake Project:
                                                                   BMPs Reduce Phosphorus by 82 Percent
                                                                                                  Carroll County, New Hampshire
                            The Chocorua Lake Association (CLA) has been  '
                            monitoring Chocorua Lake for more than 20
                            years. Recent trends showing declining water
                            clarity prompted the CLA to request designation
                            of the watershed as "Category I," a priority
                            waterbody in need of restoration. Working with
                            the Carroll County Conservation District, the
                            North Country Resource Conservation and De-
                            velopment Area, Inc., and Natural Resources
                            Conservation Service, a 319 project was devel-
                            oped and the New Hampshire Department of
                            Environmental Services awarded grant funds in
                            April 2000.
                                The Chocorua Lake watershed is 13.2 square
                            miles in extent and well protected except for a few
                            vulnerable areas. The U.S. Forest Service manages
                            the south side of Mount Chocorua as a scenic
                            view area. This management decision helped
                            maintain more than half of  the watershed as
                            uncut forest. As a result of work begun in 1969 by
                            the Chocorua Lake Conservation Foundation,
                            about 95 percent of the land in the •watershed is
                            protected by conservation easements written into
                            the property deeds of about 60 landowners. These
                            easements have preserved woodland buffers all
                            around the lake, except for a portion of the Route
                            16 highway corridor. The easements also require
                            setbacks for housing and septic systems, beyond
                            state regulation, and low-density housing. North
                            of the lake are conservation lands owned by The
                                                                   Nature Conservancy and the Chocorua Lake
                                                                   Conservation Foundation. There are also several
                                                                   large wetlands in the watershed that act as natural
                                                                   filters to help treat the water before it enters the
                                                                   lake. Although the lake is protected in most areas
                                                                   of its watershed, it is a fragile lake. It has a maxi-
                                                                   mum depth of 29 feet and an average depth of 12
                                                                   feet. Because the lake is so shallow, sunlight
                                                                   reaches most of the water column. Even low
                                                                   concentrations of nutrients are readily available to
                                                                   algae and other plant life.
                                                                      The CLA participates in the University of
                                                                   New Hampshire's Lakes Lay Monitoring Program,
                                                                   which determined that 15 percent of phosphorus
                                                                   input to the lake was coming from direct runoff
                                                                   from Route 16, a heavily traveled tourist road
                                                                   adjacent to the lake. Watershed surveys found
                                                                   several eroded ditches adjacent to Route 16 and
                                                                   across land providing beach access to the lake
                                                                   owned by the Chocorua Lake Conservation Foun-
                                                                   dation and the Town of Tamworth. In addition to
                                                                   the water quality problems, the CLA was inter-
                                                                   ested in addressing traffic safety and noise prob-
                                                                   lems caused by the highway.
                                                                      Route 16 has grown enormously since it began
                                                                   as a dirt road next to the lake in the 1890s. In the
                                                                   early 1900s  the road was tarred but left very close
                                                                   to the lake. In the 1950s the road was widened,
                                                                   straightened, and moved slightly away from the
                                                                   lake; however, Route 16 still runs dose to the lake
New Hampshire

                        for about 1 mile. The -width and length of this
                        impermeable surface next to the lake playa doubly
                        negative role. First, die road's surface collects
                        particulates from partially burned gas and diesel
                        fuel,, oil, and  sand and salt. These residues typically
                        contain high amounts  of phosphorus, which are
                        diluted and flushed into the lake. Second, during
                        spring runoff and storm events,.runoff from the
                        impermeable surface creates surges of water,
                        which flow to the ditches and culverts. High vol-
                        umes and velocities of runoff scour the soil, add-
                        ing to the phosphorus loading of the lake. Neither
                        the highway residues nor the eroded soils have time
                        to settle and filter before entering the lake..
                            The groups mentioned previously, along with
                        the New Hampshire Department of Transporta-
                        tion (DOT) and the Town of Tamworth, initiated
                        the "Berms and Swales Project." The best manage-
                        ment practices (BMPs) installed include a system
                        of berms, swales, and settling and filtering basins
                        to control runoff, improve safety, and reduce noise.
 BMP performance
 Installation of the BMPs was completed on Sep-
 tember 5, 2000. Since then the BMPs-have been
 performing to design specifications. Water quality
 monitoring has shown an 82 percent reduction in
 phosphorus entering the lake. The CLA continues
 to monitor the BMPs, and the project team is now
 beginning Phase II of the Chocorua Lake project,
 which will address additional phosphorus sources
 in the watershed. The success of the project is
 mainly the result of the resources and energy
 brought to it by the numerous project partners.
 The project team hopes to formalize one aspect
 of the project in a Memorandum of Agreement
 drafted between the CLA and the New Hamp-  .
 shire DOT. The CLA will inspect the BMPs and
 report on their condition annually to DOT so that
 long-term maintenance can be planned. DOT will
 invite CLA's participation in planning future high-
 way improvements in the Chocorua Lake water-
                                                                              NEW   HAMPSHIRE

Contact: Primary Sources of 1
Amanda Simpson Pollution:
Director • urban storrri water runoff
Planning and Community
City of Laconia '. '.•-.'
45 Beacon Street, E
Laconia, NH 03246

'rlmary IMPS Pollutants: 1
oil and grease
heavy metals
'- • " : 	 - -
'reject Activities: Results:
bioengineered wetland • reduced sediment
redesigned boat-launch • monitoring in progress
vegetated buffers
sediment basins
regraded surface away
from lake
                                                           Lake  Opechee Watershed Project:
                                                  City-State Partnership Takes on Multiple Pollutants
                        Lake Opechee has a very high use and visibility in
                        die city of Laconia. The watershed is one of the
                        city's smallest but most urbanized watersheds,
                        with die heavily developed Lakeport and Union
                        Avenue to the southeast, the fringes of downtown
                        to the south, and residential development sur-
                           Laconia, New Hampshire

rounding most of the westerly, nordiern, and
easterly sides of the lake. The city's principal
beach and recreation complex, Opechee Park, is
located on die soutii westerly shore of this water
body, and one of the city's best public beaches,
Bond Beach, is located on its. ndrtiieasterly shore.
                                                                                                   New Hampshire

                                 Lake Opechee suffered from multiple
                             nonpoint sources of pollution related to the use
                             of land in the public domain. Opechee Cove is a
                             particularly sensitive area in the lake because very
                             little exchange or flushing takes place. Storm
                             water discharge from adjacent streets, as well as
                             several boat launching ramps around Lake
                             Opechee, had been identified as contributing
                             significant sediment and urban runoff to the lake.
                             The city's uncovered sand and salt storage facility,
                             as well as a nearby private parcel used as a snow
                             dump site, were also significant contributors of
                             pollutants to Lake Opechee.
                                 These sources were determined to contribute
                             significant pollutant loads to the lake and the
                             connecting Winnipesaukee River system, including
                             salt, fertilizer, phosphorus, sediment, and the wide
                             gamut of pollutants contained in urban runoff,
                             such as oil and grease, heavy metals, bacteria,
                             phosphorus, and nitrogen. In addition, boat trail-
                             ers would become mired in the ramps, which-had
                             inadequate base preparation, thus stirring up large
                             quantities of bottom sediment.

                             Multifaceted project
                             To address these issues, in 1996 the New Hamp-
                             shire Department of Environmental Services
                             initiated a 3-year project with the City of Laconia.
                             To provide overland treatment before storm water
                             entered the lake, the city implemented diversion
                             and swale improvements, creating a 0.5-acre wet-
                             land in Opechee Cove to treat and settle out
                             pollutants before the storm water entered the lake.
                             The city also wanted to prevent run off and sedi-
                             ment from leaving the boat-launching ramps and
                             discharging into the lake. To accomplish this, the
                             city selected two boat-launching ramps to test the
                             construction and maintenance of innovative best
                                                                     management practices (BMPs). The city installed a
                                                                     prefabricated mat and cellular block system as -
                                                                     part of each ramp. Vegetated swales and diver-
                                                                     sions were also installed along the lake edge of the
                                                                     boat-launching parking lot to prevent runoff  from
                                                                     discharging directly into the lake.
                                                                          To prevent the direct overland flow of sand
                                                                     and salt from the public works yard to the lake,
                                                                     the city installed a vegetated buffer strip along the
                                                                     shore, regraded the public works yard surface
                                                                     away from the lake, installed a sediment basin to
                                                                     trap salt brine and sediment from the work bays,
                                                                     and guttered all building outlets to a newly in-
                                                                     stalled catch basin. To prevent runoff of salt- and
                                                                     sediment-laden snowmelt from directly entering
                                                                     Lake Opechee, die city constructed a berm with a
                                                                     25-foot setback from the lake and regraded the
                                                                     site such that runoff flows  away from the lake at
                                                                     the city's snow storage facility. The city also con-
                                                                     structed a 150-foot-long sediment basin along the
                                                                     toe of the berm to trap any sediment before  it
                                                                     was discharged into the lake.

                                                                      Successful as  project and as learning
                                                                      Officials from the City of Laconia expressed that
                                                                      this project has been a great learning experience
                                                                      for them, from the design issues to the construc-
                                                                      tion and maintenance of each BMP.* The project
                                                                      involved five different city  departments working
                                                                      together to meet the water quality goals. The
                                                                      design and implementation process raised the
                                                                      city's awareness of the water quality and land use
                                                                      issues .that face the community. The city has  also
                                                                      expressed how pleased it is with the physical
                                                                      outcomes of the project, including the
                                                                      bioengineered wetland in Opechee Cove and the
                                                                      resulting modern boat ramps.
New Hampshire -

                                                                  NEW   JERSEY

Christopher Obropta
Omni Environmental
Research Park
32 1 Wall Street
Princeton, NJ 08540-1 51 5
609-924-8821 (ext. 17)

Primary Sources of
• urban runoff

Primary IMPS Pollutants:
• sediment
• phosphorus

Project Activities:
• streambank restoration
• construction of biofilter

• more than 4,000 feet of
streambank stabilized .
• monitoring in progress

                                                             Restoration  of Strawbridge  Lake:
                           Volunteers Assist in Stabilizing Shoreline and Constructing Wetlands
                                                                                     Moorestown (Burlington County), New Jersey
A coconut fiber roll and soil erosion blanket
protected the bank until vegetation was
                         The Strawbridge Lake
                         watershed comprises
                         12.6 square miles and
                         encompasses portions
                         of Moorestown,
                         Mount Laurel, and
                         Evesham Townships.
                       .  Strawbridge Lake is
                         surrounded by a park
                         widely used by resi-
 dents of Burlington and Camden Counties for
 activities Jike -walking, biking, picnicking, fishing,
 and ice-skating. In addition to having a highly
 eroded shoreline, the lake receives numerous storm
x water discharges from the surrounding residential
 and commercial areas, as well as directly from State
 Route 38.
     The lake itself has been listed by the New
 Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
 (NJDEP) as a water quality-limited water body.
 Sedimentation, elevated phosphorus, heavy mac-
 rophyte growth, and chlordane in fish tissue were
 identified as the water quality impairments at
 Strawbridge Lake.

 Multiagency cooperation
 NJDEP's NFS Grant Program provided 319
 funding to help restore Strawbridge Lake in
 Moorestown, Burlington County. Additional
 funds were secured from the Township of
  Moorestown and the Eastgate Mitigation Fund,
  under the jurisdiction of the New Jersey Natural
  Lands Trust. Other cooperating entities in-
  cluded Omni Environmental Corporation and
  the Delaware Riverkeeper Network. In addition
  to the local schools, volunteers from
  AmeriCorps, Save the Environment of
  Moorestown (STEM), Moorestown Environ-
  mental Advisory Committee, and Strawbridge
  Lake Association assisted with the rehabilitation.
  Because of the efforts of these volunteers,
.  about 80 percent of the 319 grant funds re-
  sulted in on-the-ground improvements.
      More than 4,000 feet of eroding shoreline
  were stabilized using soil bioengineering tech-
  niques, which created a vegetative buffer, along
  with a "no mowing zone," along the lake's edge.
  The buffer ranged in width from 10 to 20 feet
  Easy access areas, which were interspersed
  throughout the project, were created along the
  shoreline using red gravel bordered by large, flat
  stones. A total of 240 linear feet of shoreline was
  treated in this manner.
      In addition to the shoreline restoration,
  biofilter wetlands (pocket wetlands) were con-
  structed in the park area to treat seven storm water
  discharges into the lake. Four outfall structures
  were discharged into two pocket wetlands retrofit-
  ted to filter pollutants from the storm water. The
  last of these pocket wetlands was completed in
                                                                                                      New jersey

                            November 1999. Three of the discharges to the
                            wetlands were retrofitted with sedimentation cham-
                            bers to remove coarse sediment from the runoff
                            from Route 38 before discharging the runoff to the
                            lake. Volunteers participated in planting the
                            biofilter wetland and installing the shoreline stabili-
                            zation and vegetative  buffer.
                                                                   A model project
                                                                   The Strawbridge Lake project is believed to be a
                                                                   great success. Other communities have used this
                                                                   project as a model. The project not only has en-
                                                                   hanced the natural beauty of the lake and the sur-
                                                                   rounding park area for future generations but also has
                                                                   significantly improved the water quality of the lake.
                                                                     www.state.nj. us/dep/watershedmgt/nps_p rogram.htm
••• ' ' 	
Steven Ycrgcau
Watershed Association
31 Titus Mill Road
Pcnnlngton, NJ 08534

Primary Sources of
• urban runoff
	 u- • • 	
Primary NPS Pollutants:
	 ' • • J '-' 	 •" - ••'•* "• '
Project Activities:
». streambank restoration
techniques and
reforestation) . .
.~~ • . • r "'-."-. ' • *-.~~. i-
• more than 800, linear feet
of streambank restored
• more than 1 0 acres of
land reforested
« improved stream habitat
• monitoring in progress

'" ]
                      The Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Restoration  Project:
                                     Streamwatch Volunteers Monitor Success of Restoration Efforts
                                                                  Mercer, Middlesex, Hunterdon, Somerset, and Monmouth Counties, New Jersey
                            Large-scale development is occurring at an accel-
                            erated rate in New Jersey's Stony Brook-Millstone
                            watershed. As a result, runoff is passing over
                            more areas of impervious surfaces. The increased
                            flows during rain events are scouring streambanks,
                           • contributing sediment downstream, which clogs
                            New Jersey's waterways, chokes aquatic life, and
                            restricts plant growth by blocking sunlight.
                                Recognizing the impacts of urbanization in
                            their watershed, the Stony Brook-Millstone Water-
                            shed Association (SBMWA) developed a 4-year
                            project that involves general watershed restoration
                            and reforestation projects with the main goal of
                            stabilizing streambanks for erosion and sediment
                            pollution control on various tributaries in the
                            Stony Brook-Millstone watershed. The key to the
                            SBMWA's current success is stakeholder and
                            citizen involvement.
                                                                   tion, bioengineering techniques, and reforestation.
                                                                   Training sessions in bioengineering and reforesta-
                                                                   tion methods were offered to the public. The
                                                                   SBMWA also identified and convened stakehold-
                                                                   ers to ensure the success of the project. To deter-
                                                                   mine whether the projects were successful,
                                                                   StreamWatch, SBWMA's volunteer monitoring
                                                                   program, will monitor the water quality at the
                                                                   restoration sites. StreamWatch volunteers'chemi-
                                                                   cally, biologically, and visually assess the environ-
                                                                   mental health of streams.
                                                                       SBMWA also held educational sessions on
                                                                   what makes a stream healthy, the value of .riparian
                                                                   corridors, and .the role of trees in maintaining a
                                                                   healthy ecosystem. After this project, data gath-
                                                                   ered from Stream Watch will be evaluated and
                                                                   compared with previously collected data to deter-
                                                                   mine the effectiveness of all these efforts.
                            Three major activites
                            The project primarily focused on three activities
                            to protect stream corridors: streambank restora-
                                                                   Exciting results
                                                                   From 1997 to 2000, more than 800 linear feet of
                                                                   streambank was restored, some 1,000. .square feet
New Jersey

                        o£ lakeside hydric soils •were planted, and 10.4

                        acres of land was reforested. The long-term edu-

                        cational benefits to the more 'than 1,200 volun-

                        teers who have participated in these efforts have

                        been tremendous. Many groups return year after

                        year to contribute to the project's,success, as well

                        as to .observe days like Arbor Day, Earth Day, and

                        Make a Difference Day.

                            With 2 years left on the project, the

                        SBMWA is very excited about the.success of
 these restorations. Severely eroding banks

 were regraded, revegetated, and stabilized to

 prevent additional sediment from entering the

 waterways. A new forest was planted, creating

 habitat and protecting the stream that runs

 through the former farm field. More impor-

 tant, volunteers and community representa-

 tives feel empowered-by their ability to im-

 prove their environment.
                NEW    MEXICO
HUX •' " : ' " "
Michael W. Coleman
New Mexico Environment
RO. Box26110
Santa Fe, NM 87502
michael coleman®

Primary Sources of
• degraded stream channel .
• road construction

.. ,. ... -,..„.... .,...,,^.,.-:^....: ..r...v;_,.
Primary NPS Pollutants:
• sediment

Project Activities: -
• road drainage
• .construction of sediment
retention basins .

• reduced sediment <
• improved turbidity

                                                   Lower Bitter Creek  Restoration  Project:
                                                   Sediment Loads Reduced by Implementing BMPs
                        Bitter Creek is a perennial-to-intermittent stream

                        that flows into the Red River, a major tributary of

                        the upper Rio Grande system, in northern Taos

                        County, New Mexico. The Bitter Creek

                        subwatershed is immediately northeast of the

                        town of Red River. Nonpoint source pollution,

                        primarily from heavy sediment delivery, was iden-

                        tified as a significant contributor to water quality

                        impairment of the Red River.

                            An interagency cooperative pollution preven-

                        tion project was initiated with the Carson National

                        Forest (CNF) Supervisor's Office, the Questa

                        Ranger District (QRD), and the Town of Red

                        River, with participation from local watershed

                        residents. The project was designed to improve

                        degraded stream channel conditions, correct road

                        construction and maintenance practices, remedy

                        illegal refuse disposal, and arrest the rapidly devel-
                           Taos County, New Mexico

oping headcut impacts. The project also attempted

to address the area's altered andmineralized vol-

canic geology input by mitigating the effects of

unchecked erosion from a landslide/debris flow

system overlooking the local Forest Service road

and the Bitter Creek channel.

Arresting impacts of sediment delivery

through BMPs

A number of best management practices (BMPs)

were designed to reduce the impacts of turbidity

and sediment delivery (with potential for heavy

metal loading) in the watershed. A series of road

drainage outlets and diversions •were constructed

to modify and improve drainage along the local

forest system road. These outlets reduce the ten-

dency for precipitation or snowmelt runoff to be

confined to channelized road segments before
                                                                                                     New Mexico
                                                                                                                   I 1O5

                           accessing degraded slopes via deep headcuts.
                           Highly turbid road and headcut'runoff is there-
                           fore prevented from delivering sediment directly
                           to Bitter Creek.
                               In a particularly erodable stream segment
                           known as "the Logjam," a set of energy dissipa-
                           tion and sediment aggradation measures have
                           provided streambank and bed stability. The Town
                           of Red River also constructed a series of in-
                                                                 channel sediment retention basins to slow flow,
                                                                 settle out suspended sediment, and allow channel
                                                                 bottom and floodplain aggradation. This ap-
                                                                 proach aids in the development of a riparian plant  ;
                                                                 community, creating an improved local habitat.
                                                                     At the suggestion of the local residents, a      :
                                                                 sediment and runoff retention basin was con-      |
                                                                 structed in the Bitter Creek Debris Flow. The       ;
                                                                 Debris Flow is a surface feature formed by the     ;
     Bitter Creek Turbidity Sampling Before BMP Installation
     Location                        Date
     At Red River conflluence          9/13/1988
     At Red River conflluence          4/29/1992
     Upper Bitter Creek               7/24/1992
     Above Two Lakes                8/31/1994
     Above Red River                8/31/1994
     Below gravel pits                4/6/1999
     Below Logjam                  4/22/1999
     At Red River culvert              4/22/1999
     Above Red River confluence      5/10/1999
     Above Red River confluence      5/11/1999
     Above Red River confluence      5/12/1999
     Above Red River confluence      5/13/1999
                                                110 NTU
                                                125 NTU
                                               1.33 NTU
                                               24.7 NTU
                                               1,000 NTU
                                               21.7 NTU
                                               19.5 NTU
                                                42 NTU
                                                231 NTU
                                               85.2 NTU
                                               40.3 NTU
                                               48.3 NTU
Turbidity measured above Two Lakes and
debris flow reach
Heavy rain event and runoff mobilizing
abundant sediment
Turbidity sampled during local gravel
sorting/hauling activities
Spring 1999 TMDL
Spring 1999 TMDL
Spring 1999 TMDL
Spring 1999 TMDL
Project Implementation
Below Scar Creek
At Logjam
At Red River confluence

Above Logjam
Above gravel pits
Below gravel pits

Above Red River confluence
Above Red River confluence
Above Red River confluence
Above Red River confluence
Above Red River confluence
Above Red River confluence
Above Town of RR basins
Below Town of RR basins
Begins to

5/26/1 999

8/1 7/1 999
1 0/26/1 999
1 0/27/1 999
Show Effects
15.1 NTU
1 6.8 NTU
11 2. 5 NTU

12 NTU
1 3 NTU
24.7 NTU

1 5.5 NTU
6.91 NTU
15 NTU
1 5.3 NTU
• 8.34 NTU
16 NTU
88.3 NTU .
8.1 NTU

High flow (bankfi
High flow (bankft
High, flows ..mobili;
[clean upstream)
Low flow conditic

Gravel operations
stream flow
Summer 1999 TM
Summer 1 999 TM
Fall 1 999 TMDL
Fall 1 999 TMDL
Fall 1999 TMDL
Fall 1 999 TMDL
Flow entering Tov
Settled base flow
      Note: RR = Red River; NTU = nephelometric turbidity units
New Mexico

                        accumulation of landslide debris running off the

                        Bitter Creek Scar's hydrothermally altered volcanic

                        breccia that forms a high ridge overlooking the

                        region. The favorable performance of the basin

                        minimized the effects of outflow and runout for

                        four large runoff events during 1999—2000, hold-

                        ing back most of the materials that would previ-.

                        ously have affected the local road and restricted

                        access  into the Bitter Creek channel. This BMP

                        implementation effort represents a temporary fix,

                        and annual maintenance is necessary for this basin

                        to continue to function. Convincing an agency or

                        the local residents to take ownership of the BMP

                        measure remains a target for this 319 project.

                            This project succeeded in identifying and

                        mitigating a variety of nonpoint source impacts
                                                 and in demonstrating effective approaches that

                                                 land management agencies or local residents can

                                                 adopt and maintain as they seek to preserve their

                                                 environment and minimize the area's downstream

                                                 effects. A series of measures were successfully

                                                 implemented to reduce and control runoff from

                                                 the roads and slope headcuts. The construction of

                                                 in-channel revetments is aimed at long-term re-

                                                 duction of sediment loads from the stream sys-

                                                 tem. Overall, the  targeted decrease in turbidity of

                                                 the flow that Bitter Creek delivers  to its

                                                 confluence with the Red River is being realized

                                                 (see table). Lasting success at Bitter Creek, the

                                                 Red River, and the Upper Rio Grande will require

                                                 at least some level of continued monitoring and

www.nmenv.state.nm. usAwqb/NPS_Management_Plan-l 999. PDF
                                                                 NEW    MEXICO
 Jerry Elson
 The Conservation Fund
 jelson 1 ©juno.com
 Charles Jankiewicz
 USDA Forest Service
 Santa Fe National Forest
 Steven Miranda
 Carson National Forest
 Abe Franklin
 New Mexico Environment
 Department            •   -
Primary Sources of
• grazing
• fire suppression
• roads
Primary NPS Pollutants:
• sediment
Project Activities:
• establishment of public
 land grass bank program
• prescribed burning/
Projected Results:
• reduced erosion
« improved grasslands/
 ecological diversity
             Valle Grande Grass  Bank Water Quality Improvement Project:
                                                                               Success Breeds More Success
                                                                                               San Miguel County, New Mexico
                        Grasslands and meadows in northern New

                        Mexico have been experiencing continued decline  '

                        because of the combined effects of fire suppres-

                        sion and historical grazing. The loss of grass

                        communities has diminished ecological diversity in

                        the regional landscape and has contributed di-

                        rectly to high rates of soil erosion and consequent

                        nonpoint source pollution throughout the region.
                                                 It has also eroded the viability of northern New

                                                 Mexico's small-scale Hispanic ranching commu-

                                                 nity, which depends on the use of public lands

                                                 throughout the region.

                                                     Nearly all of the ecological communities that

                                                 support grazing in northern New Mexico depend

                                                 on recurrent low-intensity fire to arrest the en-

                                                 croachment of trees and shrubs. It follows that a
                                                                                                        New Mexico '

                             central challenge in restoring grassland diversity
                             and productivity is to restore fire to its natural
                             role in structuring and renewing the regional
                             landscape. Simply removing cattle from public
                             lands will not restore environmental diversity and
                             health because it will not bring the keystone pro-
                             cess of f]re back into the landscape.

                             Rise of the grass bank program
                             In 1996 The Conservation Fund (TCP), with the
                             assistance of the Forest Service, studied the feasi-
                             bility of establishing a public land grass bank in
                             northern New Mexico. In 1997 the study led to the
                             formation of a steering committee composed of
                             representatives from the Forest Service, the Coop-
                             erative Extension Service, the Northern New
                             Mexico Stockmen's Association, and The Conser-
                             vation Fund. In August 1997 TCP acquired 240
                             acres of land on Howe Mesa, south of the town of
                             Pecos in San Miguel County, renaming it the Valle
                             Grande Ranch. Purchase of the land qualified TCF
                             to become the sole grazing permittee of the adja-
                             cent 36,000-acre Valle Grande grazing allotment
                             within the Santa Fe National Forest.
                                 The grass bank program allows participants
                             (selected by the supervisor of the Santa Fe Na-
                             tional Forest based on the steering committee's
                             recommendation) to have cattle delivered to the
                             Valle Grande allotment and placed in the care of a
                             full-time cowboy and range rider provided by TCP.
                             By placing their cattle on the grass bank, participat-
                             ing permittees rest their "home" allotments, allow-
                             ing their pastures, for instance, to grow a crop of
                             grass that will fuel a prescribed fire. Participation in
                             the grass bank usually ksts several growing seasons,
                             allowing desired vegetation to become resilient
                             following restoration treatments.
                                 The first cattle arrived on the Valle Grande
                             Grass Bank in March 1998. By mid-summer, the  "•
                                                                      ranch held 264 cows from four allotments. Gradu-
                                                                      ally, die reputation of the grass bank grew By Janu-
                                                                      ary 1999 the steering committee had received appli-
                                                                      cations from seven allotments requesting three times
                                                                      the amount of grazing than was actually available.
                                                                      During the summer of 1999, 346 cows and their
                                                                      calves, belonging to 19 permittees from three allot-
                                                                      ments, grazed on the Valle Grande Grass Bank.

                                                                      Land treatment projects: a significant
                                                                      In fiscal year 2000, funding from the 319 program
                                                                      helped to support a composite of land treatment
                                                                      projects involving six grazing allotments and five
                                                                      New Mexico watersheds throughout the Santa Fe
                                                                      and Carson National Forests. The unifying pur-
                                                                      pose is to obtain improved grazing management
                                                                      and ecological restoration that will produce
                                                                      healthy watersheds and reduce nonpoint sources
                                                                      across a wide spectrum of northern New Mexico.
                                                                      Success on these allotments will ensure that per-
                                                                      mittees on other allotments .will want to partici-
                                                                      pate in the Valle Grande Grass Bank program or
                                                                      similar programs at a future date across a broad
                                                                      spectrum of watersheds.
                                                                           Land treatment projects generally involve
                                                                      burning and thinning to reduce tree and brush
                                                                      densities and to increase effective vegetation
                                                                      ground cover, thus reducing soil erosion and off-
                                                                      site sedimentation and turbidity. Grass bank rest-
                                                                      ing is also necessary to  ensure maximum fine fuels
                                                                      prior to burns and to provide rest for establishing
                                                                      seedlings on-projects that involve disturbed soil.
                                                                      Road projects are also implemented to improve
                                                                      drainage and appropriate channel crossings, and in
                                                                      some cases might also include closure. Ultimately,
                                                                      5,800 acres will be burned; 1,475 acres will be
                                                                      thinned; 6 miles of fencing will be constructed;
                                                                      and 5 miles of road will be treated.
New Mexico

www.dec.state.ny.us/website/dow/index.html . .
Lester Travis
District Manager
Yates County Soil and
Water Conservation District
1 1 0 Court Street
Penn Van, NY 1 4527
Primary-Sources of
• agriculture (animal
operations, vineyards,

-i^..~i^i<.~it— iii_jaijL4uijr.iiii^-.^
Primary IMPS Pollutants:
• sediment
• nutrients

Project Activities:
• revised fertifizer and
. pesticide management
• diversion ditches
• buffer strips
• alternative vineyard
•. reduced erosion
• increased crop yields
., • decreased applications
of nutrients and

                                                       Keuka  Lake Watershed:
                      Grape Growers Implement Soil Conservation Practices
                                                                   Yates and Steuben Counties, New York
 The Agricultural Environmental Management

 (ASM) Program has put New York State in the

 forefront of a national effort to help farmers iden-

 tify and address agricultural nonpoint source pollu-

 tion. New York's AEM Program is a statewide

 voluntary, incentive-based program. It provides

 cost-sharing and educational/technical assistance

 for the development and implementation of agri-

 'cultural plans that enable farmers to remain good

 stewards of the land, maintain economic viability

 of the farm operation, and comply with federal,

 state, and local regulations relating to water quality

 and-other environmental concerns. (Refer to special

feature section on Innovative State Programs for more infor-

 mation on New York's AEM Program?)

    The New York Department of Agriculture

 and Markets selected Keuka Lake as a pilot water-

 shed to test some of the new Agricultural Environ-

 mental Management (AEM) concepts  developed

 under "Whole Farm Planning" efforts under way

 elsewhere in the state. Keuka Lake is an outstand-

ing natural and cultural resource, as well as a pri-

mary drinking water, source for more than 20,000

people. The surrounding watershed, encompassing

99,700 acres of land that drains into the lake, sup-

ports a diverse and thriving agricultural community

of about 34,000 acres of dairy/livestock, veg-

etable/cash crops, grapes, and fruit trees. Vineyards

occupy one-quarter of this acreage. Grape produc-
 tion in the Finger Lakes area directly contributes

 $15 million per year to the regional economy, and

 associated services and tourism contribute even

 more to the local economy.

 Soil and water conservation practices for


 Grape growers have a history of good land stew-

 ardship and recognize the benefits of conserva-

 tion practices for bodi environmental and eco-

 nomic reasons. Through the AEM program, grape

 growers are implementing a number of-soil con-

 servation practices to prevent contamination of

 lake water by soil, fertilizers, and pesticide resi-

 dues. Diversion ditches are being constructed to

 collect water from slopes and divert it away from

 the vineyards and into natural drainageways;

 buffer strips are being added around the perim-

 eters of vineyards; and alternative vineyard plant-

 ing layouts and vineyard floor management op-

 tions (including no-till seeding of row middles)

 are being implemented.

    Grape growers are also adjusting their fertil-

izer and pesticide application practices through

the AEM program. Practices used to manage

fertilizer use with grapes include soil and petiole

(stem) tests (to avoid deficiencies and excesses of

nutrients needed  for efficient production) and

split nitrogen applications (with revised timing
                                                                                 New York ]
                                                                                             I 1O9

                           periods for fertilizer applications). Growers are
                           also using a variety of techniques under the um-
                           brella of Integrated Pest Management to effi-
                           ciently use pesticides only when they are economi-
                           cally justified: insect scouting is being conducted,
                           resulting in revised spray schedules; disease fore-
                           casting is helping to define critical periods for
                           applying fungicides to control diseases; and
                           canopy management, which reduces shading, is
                           resulting in better penetration of spray materials
                           while enhancing the development of deskable
                           flavors that contribute to wine quality.

                           Promising results
                           Soil conservation practices are yielding both envi-
                           ronmental and economic benefits for grape grow-
                           ers. The construction of diversion ditches is reduc-
                           ing the amount of water running through vineyards
                           by up to 80 percent. Using an alternative vineyard
                           layout—planting vineyards so that the rows run
 across the slope rather than up and down the
 slope—is reducing erosion by up to 50 percent.
 Alternative floor management options, such as
 applying straw mulch to row middles,1 can directly
 increase yields by up to 20 percent on some sites.
     Efficient use of fertilizer and pesticide inputs
 direcdy improves the bottom line. For a 100-acre
 vineyard operation, each spray applied to die
 vineyard represents an investment of $2,000 to   ,
 $3,000—ample motivation for avoiding "recre-
 ational spraying." Revised spraying practices are
 resulting in documented reductions in the average
 number of insecticides applied, from three to four
 per year in the 1980s to an average of 1.3 per year
 in the most recent U.S. Department of Agricul-
 ture survey of New York grape growers.
     Continued innovation by area growers and
 researchers wiJl be a key factor in maintaining the
• economic viability of die industry and protecting
 soil and water quality in the Keuka Lake watershed.
    NEW    YORK
Dutchess County So* and
Water Conservation District
845-677-801 1
Primary Sources of
• agriculture (animal
operations, vineyards,
Primary NPS Pollutants:
• nutrients
• sediment
Project Activities:
• nutrient management
« Integrated Pest
» riparian protection on
3,000 acres
                                                                      Wappingers  Creek Watershed:
                                                                                AEM Program  Plays a Vital Role
                            In 1996 die Dutchess County Soil and Water
                            Conservation District (SWCD) took die lead in
                            organizing partners at the local level to initiate the
                            AEM process in die Wappingers Creek watershed.
                            Contained entirely within Dutchess County, die
                            Wappingers Creek watershed drains 134,900 acres
                            into Wappingers Lake. Some 30,000 acres is agri-
                            cultural land, consisting of 108 agriculture enter-
                                                                                                       Dutchess County, New York
  Peter Coon prepares to power up the primary pump-
  ing station to the farm's new waste storage facility.

Winner of the 2000 Environmental Stewardship
Award, the Coon brothers' farm was one of the
first in the state to participate in the AEM Program.
                        prises, primarily con-

                        centrated in the north-

                        ern portion of the

                        watershed. A broad

                        diversity of agriculture

                        is represented, ranging

                        from traditional ani-

                        mal operations to

                        •vineyards and specialty

                        cash crops.

    All 108 agricultural operations in the watershed

elected to participate in the AEM Program. The

process involves farm inventory and assessment,

planning, implementation, and evaluation. An array

of nutrient management practices were implemented

on more than 3,000 acres of agricultural land, cover-

ing a diversity of operations including crop farms,

horse operations, and tree farms. Strip cropping

techniques, in which alternating strips of different

crops are planted in the same field, were used to

minimize wind and water erosion.

    Soil and manure were tested to assess the

nutrient levels so that proper application rates

could be determined. In partnership with the U.S.
Department of Agriculture's Conservation Re-

serve Program, fences and alternative watering

systems were constructed to eliminate cattle's

access to surface waters. Stream crossings'were

constructed to prevent damage to the water body

from equipment and cattle, and rotational grazing

systems were tested. Integrated Pest Management

practices were used, providing the dual benefits of

reducing production costs and increasing environ-

mental protection.

    Of the 38 farms reaching the planning level,

50 percent have completed implementation of

best management practices, resulting in a signifi-

cant reduction in agriculture-related nonpoint

source pollution entering Wappingers Creek. The

AEM process has provided an inventory that has

enhanced the Dutchess County Farmland Protec-

tion Program, helping to preserve agricultural

enterprises in the headwaters of the creek.

    Keeping farms viable is.important for the

environmental health of the watershed. As devel-

opment pressure increases in Dutchess County,

the AEM Program continues to play a vital role in

maintaining the county's agricultural heritage.
                                                                            NORTH   CAROLINA
Rodney Johnson
Albemarle RC&D .
41 2 West Queen .Street
Edenton, NC 27932
Kristopher Bass and
Dr. Robert Evans
University (principal

Primary Sources of .
• agriculture
• urban runoff

Primary NPS Pollutants: Project Activities:
• sediment • constructed wetlands
• nutrients

• 60 percent reduction in
nitrate nitrogen
• 33 percent reduction in
ammonia nitrogen
• 9.5 percent reduction in
TKN, 20 percent reduction
in total nitrogen
• 55 percent increase in total
                                                   Edenton Storm Water Wetland Project:
                                                  Wetland Systems  Reduce Nitrogen Concentrations
                        In northeastern North Carolina, excess rainfall is

                        typically removed from developed areas by an

                        existing network of'field ditches and canals,

                        often bypassing natural riparian areas before
                                                               Chowan and Dare Counties, North Carolina

                                                entering creeks and streams. As a result, the

                                                nutrients and sediment in storm water are often

                                                carried directly to the nutrient-sensitive river and

                                                estuarine waters.
                                                                                                      North Carolina '

                             Installing constructed wetlands
                             In an effort to control water flow and improve
                             water quality, constructed wedands were installed
                             to intercept two ditches draining approximately
                             600 acres of a surrounding agricultural and urban
                             watershed in die town of Edenton, North Caro-
                             lina. The drainage area included a hospital, a
                             shopping center, residential areas, and several
                             hundred acres of agricultural land. In addition to
                             the two inlet ditches, one small side ditch, several
                             tile drains, and possible groundwater movement
                             also contributed to the wedand.
                                 The wedand systems are considered "con-
                             structed" wedands because the natural relief or
                             lack of relief is not conducive to implementing a
                             traditional riparian system. Wedands were created
                             in existing drainage canals by installing water
                             control structures and planting several native
                             wedand species.
                                 Educational opportunities were also provided
                             for school groups, scout troops, and civic groups.
                             Two field days, four educational meetings, and one
                             training workshop for agency personnel and con-
                             sultants were held.

                             Mixed results
                             The project demonstrated diat wedands with small
                             wetiand/watershed area ratios can provide signifi-
                             cant water quality benefits for nitrogen, although
                             phosphorus increased. Monitoring and data collec-
                             tion at this site were conducted from 1996 to 1999.
                             The integration of grab and automatic sampling
                             schemes resulted in more than 1,000 water quality
samples. Concentrations of all forms of .nitrogen
were reduced significantiy between the inlets and
the wedand oudet over the evaluation period. The
highest drop in concentrations was achieved for
nitrate nitrogen (NO3—N, 60 percent), widi lower
declines for ammonia nitrogen (NH4-N, 33 per-
cent) and total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN, 9.5 per-
cent) levels. Total nitrogen concentrations were 20
percent lower at the wedand oudet.
    Phosphorus levels increased 55 percent
between the inlets and the outiet. The liberation
of phosphorus bound in the •wedand substrate
and organic matter apparentiy negated any sorp-
tion or uptake occurring within the wetiand. At
some point in the future, phosphorus equilib-
rium might be reached, leading to no net increase
at the oudet. Thus far, however,.no decline has
been observed.
    Nitrate and ammonium nitrogen concentra-
tions dropped as much through the •wedand dur-
ing the dormant months as during the growing
season. TKN concentrations were lowered only
during the winter months. The observed increase
in phosphorus concentrations between wedand
inlets and the oudet was significantiy larger during
the summer mondis than in the dormant periods.
    Public acceptance of the project was'excel-
lent, attributed to the pleasing aesthetics of the
sites. A variety of wildlife continues to flourish in
the wedand.
    For more information on the project, go to
         North Carofina

                                                                           N OR  T  H    C A  R  O L  I N A
^__..... -. ... . ~.~~.-~. - ,-, ... ~,.,.^ .^.,r. -...--. . ,. ....,.-. . ....
Contacts: Primary Sources of
Edward Culberson Pollution:
DistrictAdministrator • degraded channel
Durham Soil and Water
Conservation District
721 Foster Street
Durham, NC 27701
919-560-0558 '
Angela Jessup
USDA Natural Resource
Conservation Service
600 West Innes Street
Salisbury, NC 28 11 4

Primary IMPS Pollutants: Project Activities:
• sediment • • ecosystem protection
practices (stream

• revegetation of 600-foot •
• decrease in sulfate levels
» flow-reducing structures
installed along 1,584

                                Goose Creek  Urban Stream  Rehabilitation  Project:
                       Ecosystem  Protection Practices Installed in  Low-Income Neighborhood
                        Goose Creek is the major stream draining east-

                        central Durham, North Carolina. The creek is a

                        tributary of EUerbe Creek, identified in the 1993

                        and 1998 Neuse River Basin Management Plans as

                        not supportive of its intended uses. The watershed

                        is in an old, well-established low-income neighbor-

                        hood with little opportunity for landscape modifi-

                        cation to alter runoff quantity or quality.

                            The channel was extremely degraded with

                        hardened channel control structures, including

                        concrete fiber fill lining and vertical rock-wall

                        channel banks. The hardened urban flow channels

                        were extremely conducive to carrying large quanti-

                        ties of sediment at a very high velocity.

                        Three-phase creek restoration

                        Restoration of Goose Creek involved installing

                        ecosystem protection practices, or EPPs (stream

                        rehabilitation), to reduce sediment, reduce thermal

                        fluctuation, and increase dissolved oxygen. Rec-

                        ommended EPPs •were derived from typical

                        stream restoration techniques and modified for

                        the Goose Creek system. The project was de-  •

                        signed to rehabilitate more than 2,100 feet of the

                        stream, in three continuous treatment phases.

                            Phase I included the installation of 25 log

                        structures in an 884-foot-long concrete-lined fiber

                        fill channel. The concrete-lined channel provided
                      Durham County, North .Carolina

no •water quality protection or vegetation to re-

duce flow. The log structures provided channels to

break up storm flow energy; variety of flow al-

lows for deposit behind the logs and storage of

sediment. This phase of the project included the

addition of soil and planting of wetland vegeta-

tion to provide shade and some nutrient uptake in

the cement-lined area. A group of volunteers

planted willows and wetland plants along a 600-

foot reach of the project.

    Phase II of the project occurred in a public

park but was constrained by vertical rock walls on

both sides. Four rock cross veins were installed

along a 700-foot reach to break up energy and

increase dissolved oxygen in this low-gradient

channel. The cross  veins reduce stress on the rock

walls by transferring flow toward the center of the


   . Phase III of the project was to involve a sec-

tion of the stream that runs through an industrial

and commercial area. This phase was not com-

pleted within the scope of the 319 grant primarily

because of the need to perform underground soil

remediation at an industrial site. However, Phase

III has received funding from the North Carolina

Clean Water Management Trust Fund and is pro-

jected to be completed after the soil remediation is

performed, possibly by the end of 2001.
                                                                                                    North Carolina }
                                                                                                                   \ 113

                            Meeting the challenge
                            Phases I and II of the project were completed in
                            February of 1999. The education portion of the
                            project, which is coordinated through the Durham
                            Soil and Water Conservation District Office, is
                                The project is unique in that it has employed
                            stream restoration techniques in an extremely
                            constrained situation to create a sustainable creek
                                                                   ecosystem. The term "ecosystem protection
                                                                   practice" is appropriate, considering the initial
                                                                   channel condition. Installation of these practices
                                                                   through an elementary school and public park
                                                                   will increase education opportunities in this low-
                                                                   income neighborhood. The enhancements will
                                                                   improve public perception about the stream and
                                                                   potentially reduce litter and other pollutants to
                                                                   the system.
Bob Flath
LaMouie County Son
Conservation District
USOA Building
2ft South Main

UMoorai NO 58458-0278

Primary Sources of
» agriculture (grazing and

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• nutrients (nitrogen and
« suspended solids
• fecal coliform bacteria

Project Activities:
• agricultural BMPs (waste
management facilities,
grazing practices,
conservation plans, low/
no-till equipment)

• agricultural practices
implemented on more
than.34,000 acres
• positive trends in total
ammonia and nitrogen

                                                                   Cottonwood Creek. Watershed:
                                                                           :   Project Is a Success in the Works
                            Lake LaMoure, constructed in 1973, is a 500-acre
                            reservoir on Cottonwood Creek in southeastern
                           , North Dakota. The reservok's watershed encom-
                            passes some 107,000 acres, and agricultural pro-
                            duction (crops and livestock) is the primary land
                            use in the watershed. Swimming, boating, and
                            fishing are the main recreational uses of the reser-
                            voir. Local residents, however, were becoming
                            increasingly concerned about the deteriorating
                            recreational opportunities at the lake. Of particu-
                            lar concern were the frequent algae blooms in •
                            mid- to late summer and a fish community domi-
                            nated by rough fish such as carp and bullheads.
                                The LaMoure County Soil Conservation
                            District (SCD) initiated an assessment of the Lake
                            LaMoure watershed in 1995 to evaluate the rela-
                            tionship between land management and degrading
                            water quality. Assessment activities included mea-
                            suring water quality and quantity in the creek and
                                                                                          LaMoure County, North Dakota

                                                                   lake and taking an inventory of current land use
                                                                   practices in the watershed. The SCD was able to ._
                                                                   determine that the recreational use impairments in
                                                                   Lake LaMoure were primarily associated with
                                                                   nonpoint source pollutants from agricultural
                                                                   lands, including nutrients (nitrogen and phospho-
                                                                   rus) and suspended solids. Potential pollutant
                                                                   sources included excessively tilled croplands,
                                                                   overgrazed rangeland, and livestock winter feeding
                                                                   areas. Resuspended sediments and nutrients re-
                                                                   sulting from an excessive carp population were a
                                                                   possible factor contributing to the declining recre-
                                                                   ational use of the reservoir.

                                                                   Improving agricultural land management
                                                                   practices in the watershed
                                                                   As a result of the assessment, the SCD identified
                                                                   targeted conservation planning assistance along ~
                                                                   with voluntary implementation of best manage-
North Dakota

merit practices (BMPs). This approach was initiated
in 1996 with the development of a watershed
project implementation plan (PIP) that identified
beneficial use improvement and pollutant reduction
goals, specific activities for accomplishing the goals,
and a process for evaluating progress. EPA granted
the Cottonwood Creek Watershed PIP section 319
funding approval in January 1997 ($301,071), and
the project was initiated in March 1997. Subsequent
section 319 funding ($617,249) was also awarded to
the project in 1999 to support expanded efforts.
    The primary goal of the Cottonwood Creek
watershed project is to improve the fishery and   >
recreational use of Lake LaMoure by improving
agricultural land management practices in the
watershed. Land use improvement objectives
include installing 12 livestock waste management
facilities and implementing conservation plans on
more than 50 percent of the acreage in the water-
shed. Target concentrations by the end of the
project include a mean annual phosphorus con-
centration of 0.20 mg/L at the inlet and fecal
coliform bacteria concentrations that remain
below 200 colonies/100  mL.

Early success beyond expectations
During the first 3 years, the project focused on
the promotion and installation of BMPs that
reduce nutrient inputs and maintain crop residue
cover on croplands after spring seeding. Particular
emphasis •was placed on the promotion of annual
soil testing and the use of no-till or minimum
tillage equipment. Through these efforts, the
project has exceeded the SCO's original expecta-
tions and is already well on the way to achieving
its land management goals.
    As of October 2000, conservation plans were
being implemented on about one-fourth of the
agricultural lands in the watershed. The main
practice scheduled under these conservation plans
is conservation tillage., -which calls for maintaining
more than 30 percent crop residue cover on crop-
lands after spring seeding. Nutrient and pesticide
management practices are also being implemented
concurrently on many of the conservation acres
to reduce chemical inputs. The factors with the
most influence on the widespread adoption of
conservation tillage, nutrient management, and
other BMPs are a high level of producer partici-
pation, an expanded educational effort, and tar-  •
geted one-on-one planning assistance delivered by
skilled project staff. Total conservation tillage
acres and other BMPs applied in the watershed, to
date, are as follows:
  Conservation tillage
  Nutrient management
16,948.6 acres
 9,413.6 acres
  Integrated crop management    2,717.0 acres
  Crop residue use               2,246.2 acres
  Cross fencing/planned grazing     220.0 acres
  Hayland planting                874.9 acres
 -Tree planting                    960.0 linear ft
      •             (Not included in acreage total)
  Pesticide Management          2.454.2 acres
  Total Acres Affected           34,874.5 acres
    Although the SCD continues to strive toward
improved management on more than 50 percent
of the cropland acres, they have also recently
begun to direct more assistance and attention
toward livestock management to reduce water
quality concerns (fecal coliform concentrations)
associated with livestock manure. To date, the
efforts have resulted in the installation of two
livestock manure management facilities and the
preliminary development of several grazing plans.
In addition, project staff are working with six
other producers interested in installing manure
management facilities in 2001. When diese sys-
tems are installed, the project will be more than
halfway to its goal of installing 12 manure man-
agement facilities after just 2  years of active
                                                                                 Norm Datota '

                    Continued monitoring of water quality
                    Project progress and BMP benefits are being evalu-
                    ated through water quality monitoring at three sites
                    on the creek. Data collected at these sites include
                    stream stage and discharge, and pollutant concen-
                    trations. The water quality variables being moni-
                    tored are nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), total
                    suspended solids,  and fecal coliform bacteria.
                    Baseline data collected from 1995 to 1998 and
                    water quality monitoring have been used to define
                    baseline conditions and reflect water quality condi-
                    tions before project implementation. Water quality
                    data collected after 1999 will be used to document
                    the cumulative benefits of BMPs applied in the
                    watershed because 1999 was the first year with a
                    significant number of BMPs.
                        Although the project has realized quick progress
                    toward its land management goals, the nature of the
                    applied practices and size of the watershed make it
                    very difficult to accurately measure the water quality
                    benefits associated with the practices over the short
                    term. However, a preliminary review of water quality
                    data collected since 1997 does indicate that water  •
                    quality conditions  are beginning to improve at some
                    sampling sites in the watershed.
      The most notable water quality trend has
  been detected at the monitoring site for the head-
  waters watershed. Although fluctuations in the
  concentrations are still within the range of natural
  variability, it appears that the project is having a
  positive effect on total ammonia and nitrogen
  concentrations in the upper portion of the water-
  shed. However, examination of other water qual-
  ity variables, such as fecal coliform bacteria, shows
  mixed results. Consequently, an accurate evalua-
- tion of the Cottonwood Creek project after just 2
  years of  "targeted implementation"^ cannot be
  based on measured water quality .trends.
      A more accurate indicator during this early
  stage of  the project is an evaluation of the num-
  ber of BMPs applied in the watershed. Based on
  this information, the Cottonwood Creek project is
  achieving land management improvements in the
  watershed and can truly be recognized as a "suc-
  cess in the works." Over the long term, as BMPs
  mature and additional practices are installed, the
  water quality benefits  of these land use changes.
  will be tracked through ongoing monitoring ef-
  forts and the data will be used to confirm and
  quantify the anticipated success of the Cotton-
  wood Creek project.
North Dakota

                                                                                   NORTH    DAKOTA
Dave Rush
Riparian Project Manager

Primary Sources of
• streambank erosion
• agriculture (grazing)
• logging

Primary NPS Pollutants:
« sediment

Project Activities:
• bioengineering practices
(slope stabilization,
installation of riprap,
» establishment of riparian
vegetation that
withstands flooding
• reduced sedimentation
                                                                Red  River Basin Riparian Project:
                                                                              Turtle River Site  Passes the Test
                                                                                               Grand Forks County, North Dakota
                         Over the past 50 years,
                         most riparian areas in
                         eastern North Dakota
                         watersheds have been
                         mismanaged and de-
                         graded by activities like
                         overgrazing, intensive
The lack of woody vegetation along the river left the streambank vulnerable to
severe erosion.
Willows were planted along the restoration site to
provide long-term stability.
                         agriculture, and indiscriminate logging. It is esti-
                         mated that more than 50 percent of the original
                         forest, cover in many watersheds in eastern North
                         Dakota has been cleared for agricultural use. In
                         addition, unmanaged grazing has damaged a
                         significant portion of .the remaining riparian
                         forests. Overgrazing, in combination with the
                         1987 to 1990 drought, left many riparian areas in a
                         weakened condition and susceptible to insects and
                         diseases.                          .
                             Initiated in, 1994, the Red River Basin Ripar-
                         ian Project seeks to restore degraded riparian
                                                  corridors in the Red
                                                  River Basin in North
                                                  Dakota. An advisory
                                                  committee with repre-
                                                  sentatives from several
                                                  state and federal agen-
                                                  cies advises the project
                                                  on behalf of the
                                                  project's sponsor, the
                                                  Red River Resource
                         Conservation and Development Council (RC&D).
                         Healthy riparian corridors offer benefits for water
                         quality, as well as flood damage reduction and
                         wildlife habitat.
                             The project sponsors plan to establish up to
                         nine demonstration sites in the Red River Basin,
                         restoring at least 100 river miles during the 5-year
                         project term. At one demonstration site, the Turtle
                         River site, the lack of woody vegetation had left the
                         streambank vulnerable to severe erosion. The
                         situation was compounded by groundwater seeps
                         above the baseflow elevation of the river. Between
                         1978 and 1995, the river migrated approximately
                         3.5 feet per year to the east until it was only 80 feet
                         from the county road. When the bioengineering
                         project was initiated 1995, the site had a vertical
                         bank about 14 feet high.

                         Successful bioengineering practices
                         To stabilize the bank and stop further migration
                         toward the road, several bioengineering techniques
                         were implemented. The, first step was to create a
                                                                                                        North Dakota
                                                                                                                       I 117

    After the bfoenglneerlng work was complete, the streambank was able to
    withstand spring floods and an unusual 17-inch rainstorm in July 2000.
                              stable slope for the vegetation. The 14-foot vertical
                              bank was reshaped to a 3:1 slope, using the waste
                              from the top as fill at the toe. Riprap was then
                              installed along the toe to the bankroll elevation.
                              Bioengineering practices were installed as part of a
                              workshop featuring the Natural Resources Conser-
                              vation Services' bioengineering team from Michi-  .
                              gan. Willow fascines and a brush mattress were
                              installed along the 300-foot length to armor the
                              bank and to begin the revegetation process.

                              Passing the test
                              Serendipitously, the Turde River project coincided
                              with the biggest flood of the century in die Red
                              River valley, so it has sparked a new appreciation
                              of river systems. It has also been well positioned
                              to offer solutions that recognize the characteristics
                              of a naturally stable river system.
                                  Although some maintenance was  required
                              each spring in 1996 and 1997, the project bioengi-
                              neering has survived both spring floods and a 17-
                              inch rainstorm in July 2000. The lessons learned
                              from experience at the Turde River site include
                              the following:
                                                                           • Soil/plant material contact is best provided
                                                                             by using water to place the soil over brush
                                                                             mattresses and fascines. Sponsors used a
                                                                             power washer to wash in the soil placed by
                                                                             the backhoe.
                                                                           • The loose fill used at die toe can be suscep-
                                                                             tible to erosion, especially in the first sea-
                                                                             son. The site appears to have responded
                                                                             well to the repair work, but adding rough-
                                                                             ness to the toe would have helped. The use
                                                                             of root •wads will be demonstrated at die
                                                                             Sheyenne River site.
                                                                           • Deer and beaver find willow sprouts irre-
                                                                            . sistible. At the Turtle River site, time will
                                                                             tell whedier animals were detrimental to
                                                                             die survival of the willows. In the future
                                                                             die use of repellants  might be necessary.
                                                                           Riparian areas are crucial to die long-term
                                                                       protection and enhancement of die streams,
                                                                       rivers, and lakes in eastern North Dakota. Well-
                                                                       managed riparian zones help provide optimum
                                                                       food and habitat for stream  communities, while at
                                                                       die same time serve as buffer strips for controlling
                                                                       nonpoint source pollution. Used as a component
                                                                       of an integrated management system (including
                                                                       nutrient management and erosion control), ripar-
                                                                       ian buffers can gready benefit die quality of die
                                                                       state's surface water resources.
                                                                      At a workshop, the Natural Resources Conservation
                                                                      Service demonstrated the implementation of several
                                                                      bioengineering techniques.
North Dakota

^^H ' ' •••..-. • ' • . : •..'.• . • . ;.-........, '..'..
Nikki Reese
1117 South Towne Court
Greenville, OH 45331
nikki-reese®oh. nacdnet.org

Primary Sources of Primary NPS Pollutants:
Pollution: . nutrients
• agriculture . sediment
Project Activities:
« agricultural BMPs
(buffers, fencing,
alternate water sources,
conservation tillage,
nutrient management)
• education and outreach
« increases in conservation
tillage .
• establishment of stream
buffers'and constructed
Stillwater River Watershed Protection Project:
                                                  High Local Interest Helps Launch Watershed Project
                                                                                                 Darke and Miami Counties, Ohio
                         Since its inception in 1992, the StLUwater River

                         Watershed Protection Project has been a model for

                         other projects in the development of watershed

                         planning and implementation for the control of

                         agricultural nonpoint source pollution. The project

                         was originally proposed in 1988 as a Hydrologic

                         Unit project through the Natural Resources Con-

                         servation Service. Funding for this purpose was not

                         granted, but local interest in a watershed project

                         remained very high. With the assistance of 604(b)

                         funding, the Miami Valley Regional Planning Com-

                         mission completed a management plan for the

                         project. The project was then launched with the

                         support of a joint board of supervisors drawn

                         from the Darke County and Miami County Soil and

                         Water Conservation Districts.

                             To date, more than $2 million has been raised

                         from external sources to help implement the

                         watershed plan. The sources include the Ohio

                         Environmental Protection Agency's 319 Program,

                         as •well  as several funding programs through the.

                         US. Department of Agriculture (USDA). In addi-

                         tion, the joint board entered into an agreement

                         with Ohio EPA for a Water Pollution Control

                         Loan Fund (WPCLF) Program that so far has

                         provided $1.3 million in loans to 57 participants.

                         Emphasis on agricultural practices

                         Much emphasis has been placed on the installation

                         of best management practices (BMPs), identified in
 Education programs, including state fair displays,
 emphasize the benefits of BMPs to protect water
 quality and increase farm productivity.
 the project's management plan as key to success.

 Stream buffers of grass and trees were established.

 Where necessary, exclusion fencing was'installed

 along -with alternative water sources for cattle.

 Nutrient management, including soil sampling for

 precision farming, has been demonstrated. Addi-

 tional cost-share incentives and Ohio EPA's linked

 deposit low-interest loan program have resulted in

 the purchase of equipment for conservation tillage

.and manure management.

 Importance of  outreach

 Education programs in the watershed have included

 two canoe trips each year to acquaint landowners,

 local officials, students, and others with the river and

,its environment. In addition to quarterly newsletters,

 speaking engagements, and fair displays, two sites

 have been established for annual field days. These

 sites include demonstrations of BMPs to protect

 water quality and increase farm productivity. Addi-

 tional annual field days have emphasized conserva-

    The project emphasized establishing
    stream buffers of grass and trees to
    reduce sediment and nutrients
    entering streams.
           tion tillage, and a marked
           increase inks use has
           been documented in the
           watershed (see figures).
           A wetland was also
constructed at a county park to dem-
onstrate its function and its importance
to water quality and wildlife. Annual
conservation tours also have exposed
people to the BMPs installed as a result
of the project.
               Stillwater Tillage Transects
                    Darke County
           1995   199S   1937   1998
                                1999   2000
Leveraging additional funding
An additional benefit is that this project has
stimulated many other sources of funding for use
in the watershed. USDA committed Water Quality
Incentives Project funds to three subwatersheds,
one of •which has a large number of livestock
operations, to improve manure handling and
nutrient management through effective nutrient
management planning. Ohio's Department of
Natural Resources has contributed grants for ..
conservation easements (in cooperation with local
park districts), a manure nutrient management
technician, a wildlife technician, exclusion fencing
for livestock, geographic information system
(GIS) equipment and training, and a watershed
                       coordinator. To help
                                                              Stillwater Tillage Transects
                                                               .:,    Miami County
                                                           ensure continuation of
                                                           the project, the joint
                                                           board is pursuing incor-
                                                           poration as a 501 (c) (3)
                                                           nonprofit organization.
                                                 www.epa.state.oh. us/dsw/nps/nps.html
, KurtErichsen
; Toledo Metropolitan >Vea
i Council of Governments
419-241-9155 (ext. 126)

Primary Sources of
• agriculture
« habitat alteration (stream
channelization and removal
of riparian vegetation)
Primary NPS Pollutants:
• nutrients
• sediment
Project Activities:
• filter strips
• set-aside floqdpiain areas
• conservation tillage

• established 142,213
Ijnear feet of buffers
• conservation tillage
farming methods on
1 43 1 .2 1 acres
                                      Toussaint River  Incentive  Improvement Program:
                                        Buffer Project Becomes a Model of Conservation Partnership
                                                                                        Wood, Sandusky, and Ottawa Counties, Ohio
                            When the Great Black Swamp was drained in the
                            late 1800s, northwest Ohio settlers discovered
                            very fertile Soils that were capable of high-yield
                            agricultural production. Today, with an extensive
                            system of artificial drainage in place, the region is
                                     a leader in grain and specialty crop agriculture.
                                     Ohio's western Lake Erie watersheds devote 65 to
                                     87 percent of their land use to farming. Because
                                     of the geologic history of this area and the cur-
                                     rent land use, Lake Erie water quality suffers from
120 BQI Ohio

                              A grass filter strip,
                              in combination
                              with a riparian
                              buffer, helps
                              protect the water
                              quality in this
           A 200-foot-wide floodplain is set aside
           along portions of the Toussaint River.
large sediment and

nutrient loadings from

agricultural runoff.

    Nationwide initia-

tives and funding

programs to reduce

nonpoint source pollu-

tion are meeting with

success in Ohio. With

the introduction of

the Lake Erie Conser-1

vation Reserve En-

hancement Program
                         (CREP) in 2000 and ongoing 319 and Conserva-

                         tion Reserve Programs, landowners have increased

                         opportunities to receive incentives for implement-

                         ing agricultural best management practices

                         (BMPs) that improve or protect water quality. The

                         Toussaint River Incentive Improvement Program

                         is a watershed implementation project that has

                         promoted buffer practices along nearly three-

                         fourths of the river's main stem.

                             The .Toussaint River, in northwest Ohio,

                         flows directly into Lake Erie between Toledo and

                         Port Clinton. A relatively small watershed, the

                         Toussaint watershed covers about 90,000 acres

                       .  and comprises portions of Wood, Sandusky, and

                         Ottawa Counties. The main causes of water qual-

                         ity impairment are habitat alteration (stream
A 20-foot-wide filter strip maintained along a grass channel helps reduce
sediment entering the Toussaint River.
 channelization and removal of riparian vegeta-

 tion), siltation, and nutrient enrichment due to the

.large agricultural land use in the watershed.

 Providing financial incentives

 The Toussaint River project offered landowners

 along the 36-mile main stem of the river economic

 assistance to implement a range of BMPs. Through

 a $275,000 subgrant from Ohio EPA's 319 Pro-

 gram, financial incentives were available to establish

 filter strips, set aside floodplain areas, and use

 conservation tillage practices along the river corri-

 dor. The landowners were required to make a 5-

 year commitment to maintain these 'conservation

 practices. Water quality assessments of the river

 were made both before practices were put into

 place and after they were established. The goal of

 the program was to reduce sediment and nutrient

 loadings into the Toussaint River and Lake Erie.

 Success in implementation

 Landowners along the Toussaint River signed 57

 contracts, more than 32.13 acres of filter strips

 were established, and 233.25 acres of fioodplains

 •were set aside and planted to grass. This means

 that'a total of 142,213 linear feet of streamside

 land (nearly 27 miles of the 36-mile-long stream

 corridor) was converted to conservation buffer

 practices that will improve water quality. Along

 with these improvements, participating farmers

 switched to conservation tillage farming methods

 on 1,431.21 acres adjoining the new buffers.

     Although the original grant objective was to

 install 100. acres of filter strips and to set aside 100

 acres of floodplain, there was more landowner

 interest in the downstream reach of the river where

 there is a lower gradient and a broad, flat flood-

 plain. The grant was modified to increase the maxi-

 mum filter strip width to 200 feet in floodplain

 areas with alluvial soil types. It is believed that the

                            wider filter strips in these more extensively flooded
                            areas -will further control erosion, provide wildlife
                            habitat, and benefit water quality.
                                The Agricultural Runoff Action Group of
                            the Maumee Remedial Action Plan (RAP) spon-
                            sored this 319 grant. The RAP's objective is to
                            restore the Lower Maumee River, one of 42 Great
                            Lakes Areas of Concern. The Agricultural Runoff
                            Action Group is a partnership of more than one
                            dozen agencies and private organizations that
                            have contributed some $208,000 in local and state
                            matching funds to this project. Of particular note
                            was the strong leadership and the cooperation
                            between Soil and Water Conservation District
                            staff in the three counties, as well as the donation
                            of seed, equipment, and labor by local Pheasants
     Eorever chapters to establish the filter strips. The
     Agricultural Runoff Action Group was recently
     awarded a second 319 grant for $300,000 to con-
     tinue promoting these riparian conservation prac-
     tices. The objectives of the second phase include
     providing incentive payments for similar buffer
     and tillage practices along the tributaries  through-
     out the Toussaint River watershed.
          With 22,500 miles of county ditches in Ohio
     and enough linear footage of drain tile in north-
     west Ohio to reach to the moon, there is plenty of
     opportunity for watershed protection groups to
     join  the effort to establish riparian buffers, reduce
     soil erosion, and improve water quality. Neighbor-
     ing watersheds can look to the Toussaint River
     project for a model of conservation partnership.
Robert W. Nairn, Ph.D.
The University of Oklahoma
Oklahoma Conservation
Water Quality Division
40S-8 1 0.|(X)2

Primary Sources of
« acid mine drainage
» abandoned mines

Primary IMPS Pollutants:
• high concentrations of
• acidity
• sulfate
	 	 ^ '
Project Activities:
• installation of treatment
wetlands systems
	 " 	 " 	 "
• improved water quality
(lower concentrations of
metals, acidity removal)
• increased populations of
wildlife, fish, and
                                                  Acid  Mine Drainage  Treatment Wetlands:
                                                 A Sustainable Solution for Abandoned Mine Problems
                            Acid mine drainage (AMD) is a major nonpoint
                            source pollution concern in many former mining
                            regions. AMD is formed by the oxidizing action
                            Wetlands that rely on passive treatment
                            technologies are a viable treatment for AMD.
                     Pittsburg and Latimer Counties, Oklahoma

      of air and water on exposed sulfidic strata and is
      characterized by elevated concentrations of metals
      (especially iron and aluminum), acidity, and sul-
      fate. In Oklahoma, AMD impacts from aban-
      doned coal mining activities are most prevalent in
      the Gaines Creek watershed of Pittsburg and
      Latimer Counties.
          Traditional mine drainage treatment tech-
      nologies are not viable options at abandoned
      mines because of their laborious and cost-inten-
      sive nature. However, passive treatment technolo-
      gies that rely on natural biogeochemical and mi-
      crobiological processes to ameliorate AMD, such

Dr. Keith Strevett, graduate student Denae Athay,
and Dr. Robert Nairn have sampled substrate for
chemical and microbiological analysis.
Native wetland vegetation, including cattail,
sedges, rushes, willow, and water primrose, lines
the constructed cell.
                         as treatment -wetlands,

                         often provide viable

                         treatment alternatives

                         if enough land area is


                              In 1998, with.

                         support of a section

                         319 grant provided by

                         EPA Region 6 and the

                         Oklahoma Conserva-

                         tion'Commission, the

                         University of Okla-

                         homa initiated a treat-

ment wetlands demonstration project to improve the

quality of contaminated water at the #40 Gowen

site. Of the dozen or more identified discharges in

the watershed, the Gowen site was identified as

having the greatest impact.on the stream due to

AMD. Drainage from the site affects Pitt Creek, a

tributary to Gaines Greek, which drains to Lake

Eufaula. Both creeks are on the state's 303(d) list for

metals and pH violations related to surface mining.

Treatment technology

At the Gowen site, a Successive Alkalinity-Pro-

ducing System wetland treatment process was

implemented. Treatment  occurs in a four-cell

system of alternating vertical flow wetlands (VF)

and surface flow aerobic ponds  (SF).,AMD is

sequentially treated by charging the waters with

                         alkalinity in the first

                         VF, then providing

                         near-optimum condi-

                         tions for precipitating

                         metals in the first SF.

                         Alkalinity consumed

                         by metal hydrolysis in

                         the first SF is re-

                         charged to the waters

                         in the subsequent VF,
 thus allowing further precipitation of metals in

 the final SF.

     The size of the AMD and the flow rate into

 the treatment cells were calculated based on land

 availability, metals loading, and acidity. Because

 treatment of the entire discharge with the land

 area available was not feasible, the system was

 sized to demonstrate effective treatment of only a

 portion of the flow. Based on contaminant load-

 ings of about 18,000 and 7,000 grams per day of

 acidity and iron and anticipated removal rates of

 30 to 40 grams per square meter per day of acid-

 ity from published data and column studies, the

 system was designed with a surface area of ap-

 proximately 750 square meters.

     All water flows through the treatment wet-

 lands are gravity-driven. Only a portion of the

 entire discharge (about 20 liters per minute) flows

 through the demonstration project. Each VF

 includes three vertical sections. The top layer

 (standing water) provides water head necessary to

 drive water through the underlying substrate. The

 middle layer is designed to generate alkalinity by

 biotic and abiotic means. It consists of a 1-meter-

 thick mixture of spent mushroom substrate, lime-

 stone, and hydrated fly ash. The bottom layer is a

 gravel underdrain that acts as a highly permeable

 zone to transmit -water leaving the system through

 a network of drainage pipes. The treatment cells

 were planted with native wetland vegetation.

. Improvements in water quality

 Chemical water quality and quantity and wildlife

 use have been monitored every 2 weeks for 2 years.

 Results indicate that the treatment wetlands have

 successfully improved water quality to within appli-

 cable regulatory guidelines for more than 2 years.

 Concentrations of iron, aluminum, and manganese

 have decreased significantly, and pH and alkalinity

 concentrations have increased significantly. The

                           final effluent of the system has maintained a net
                           alkaline condition (above 150 mg/L) with pH
                           greater than 6. Concentrations of trace metals were
                           either near the detection limit at all sampling loca-
                           tions (barium, cadmium, chromium, copper and
                           lead) or retained completely by VF1 (nickel and
                           zinc) to less than the detection limit.
                               Several species of amphibians, reptiles, birds,
                           and mammals use the site. Biological assessments in
                           the summer of 2000 indicated healthy populations
                           of fish and macroinvertebrates in three of the four
                           cells. Macroinvertebrate community structure
                           indicates a trend from tolerant to less-tolerant
                           species with flow through the wetland system.

                           Duplication of success
                           The Gowen treatment wetlands demonstration
                           project—the first and only successful passive
                           AMD treatment system in Oklahoma—represents
                           a sustainable and cost-effective solution for the
                           devastating impacts of AMD on the environment.
                               Perhaps the most exciting aspect of the
                           project is the transferability of this technology to
                                                                 other mining-impacted watersheds. Already, the
                                                                 Gowen treatment wetland design is being applied
                                                                 to problems at the Tar Creek Superfund Site in
                                                                 Ottawa County, Oklahoma, and is being investi-
                                                                 gated for application in several other watersheds
                                                                 nationwide. The Tar Creek site is part of a former
                                                                 lead and zinc mining area and is ranked number
                                                                 one on the National Priorities List. Coupled
                                                                 vertical flow wetland and surface flow pond
                                                                 designs are applicable to these waters and repre-
                                                                 sent the only treatment methodology that has
                                                                 been considered viable for improvement and
                                                                 restoration of the waters of Tar Creek.
                                                                     The budget for the Gowen treatment wetlands
                                                                 demonstration project was $125,000. Partners in
                                                                 the effort included The University of Oklahoma
                                                                 School of Civil Engineering and Environmental
                                                                 Science, Oklahoma Conservation Commission's
                                                                 Water Quality Division, U.S. Environmental Pro-
                                                                 tection Agency, Larimer County Conservation
                                                                 District, and landowners William Battles and
                                                                 Mindy Ledbetter. Local companies and volunteers
                                                                 provided in-kind assistance or "donations.
Shanon Phillips
Oklahoma Conservation
5225 North Shartel
Suite 102
Oklahoma C»y, OK 73 1 1 8-6035
Shanonp4Jotec.state.ok. us

Primary Sources of
• agriculture (poultry
industry, pasture

Primary NPS Pollutants:
» nutrients
» sediment

Project Activities:
« education
• agricultural BMPs
• watershed model

• improved watershed
• sustained partnerships

            Poteau River Comprehensive Watershed Management Program:
                                                     Local Involvement Ensures Program  Sustainability
                           The Upper Poteau River, including Wister Lake
                           and its tributaries, is identified among Oklahoma's
                           top priorities for nonpoint source control imple-
                           mentation in the state's section 319 Nonpoint
                           Source Management Program. The river is cited as
                           having impaired recreational and drinking water
                           uses; nutrients and sediment are the major
                                                                                          LeFlore County, Oklahoma

                                                                 nonpoint source concerns. The land in the •water-
                                                                 shed is primarily agricultural and Forest Service
                                                                 land. Most of the agricultural land consists of
                                                                 pastureland and poultry houses.
                                                                     Using section 319 grant monies from EPA
                                                                 Region 6, along with state match dollars, the Okla-,
                                                                 homa Conservation Commission (OCC), Okla-

homa State Cooperative Extension Service, Okla-

homa State University Department of Biosystems

and Agricultural Engineering, LeFlore County

Conservation District, Natural Resources Conser-

vation Service (NRCS), Blacklands Research

Center, Poteau Valley Improvement Association,

Lake Wister Advisory Association, residents of

the Haw Creek Valley Watershed, Lake Wister/

Poteau River Steering Committee, and U.S. Geo-

logical Survey worked in various capacities to

calibrate and improve watershed models and

implement best management practices (BMPs)

and educational programs to restore and protect

the water resources. The program incorporated all

of the previous work in the Wister Lake/Poteau

River watershed, such as the Clean Lakes Phase I

Project and 7 years' worth of model.development.

One of  the greatest successes of the program was

the involvement of local residents and organiza-

tions in  implementing the various program com-

ponents and ensuring that the program will con-


Lasting watershed-wide participation

Much of the project framework was created at a

local level, making it easier to sustain several

components of the project beyond the original

FY 1994 section 319 funding. The steering com-

mittee was made up of representatives from the

LeFlore County Conservation District, LeFlore

County  Cooperative Extension, NRCS, Farm

Service Agency, Oklahoma Forestry Service,

agricultural producers, local government and

homeowners, and recreational interests. The com-

mittee met monthly throughout the project and

continued to meet beyond the end of the project

to discuss details of the program, plan future

efforts, and make decisions regarding demonstra-

tion practices, their locations, and cost-share :

reimbursement percentages. Although practices
  •were demonstrated in a subwatershed (the Haw

  Creek area of the Black Fork of the Poteau

  River), the remainder of the program was water-


      Of particular note are the activities the Con-

  servation District has perpetuated beyond the life

  of the project. During the project, the Conserva-

  tion District and District Conservationist secured

  100 percent participation by the poultry producers

•  in the demonstration area. They also established

  test plots to demonstrate the effectiveness of

  various BMPs at reducing, nutrient and sediment

  runoff. They have continued to maintain these

  plots beyond the life of the project and have

  established additional plots from new sources of

  funding to sustain the effort. The District also

  established a successful education program,

  partnering with the Cooperative Extension Ser-

  vice and other groups, to inform citizens about

  the importance of water quality and methods of

  conservation. This education program has contin-

  ued and expanded beyond the life of the project

  to include regular classes at the local college, a

  volunteer monitoring program, and continued

  newspaper articles and education programs at

  schools. These continued activities are geared

  toward expansion of the demonstrated practices

  outside the demonstration subwatershed.

       Through their continued efforts, the Conser-

  vation District, NRCS, and other local partners

  have illustrated their commitment towards solving

  water quality problems in the watershed. In addi-

  tion, the area is an Environmental Quality Incen-

  tives  Program (EQIP) priority  area and the Dis-

  trict and NRCS have cooperated to target EQIP

  funds toward practices that benefit water quality.

  This  commitment has led to future projects to

  demonstrate BMPs throughout the remainder of

  the Poteau River and Wister Lake watershed.  An

  FY 2000 319(h) grant, along with state cost-share

                            monies, is devoted toward demonstrating BMPs
                            throughout the watershed and achieving the river's
                            eventual support of beneficial uses and removal
                            from the state's 303(d) list.

                            Providing a platform to improve the SWAT
                            Yet another result of the project was a modifica-
                            tion to the Soil and Water Assessment Tool, or
                            SWAT. SWAT is a basin-scale hydrologic/water
                            quality model developed to predict the effects of
                            alternative river basin land use management deci-
                            sions on water, sediment, and chemical yields.
                            SWAT operates on a daily time step and is capable
                            of simulating 100 or more years. The major com-
                            ponents of the model are hydr ology, weather,
                            erosion, soil temperature, crop growth, nutrients,
                            pesticides, subsurface flow, and agricultural man-
                            agement. SWAT offers distributed-parameter and
                                                                    continuous time simulation with flexible water-
                                                                    shed configuration, automatic irrigation .and fer-
                                                                    tilization, interbasin water transfer, and lake water
                                                                    quality simulation capabilities. It is widely used in
                                                                    the development of Total Maximum Daily Loads
                                                                    (TMDLs).              ,
                                                                        Until now, in-stream nutrient dynamics were
                                                                    not considered in the SWAT model. This meant
                                                                    that although the model did a good job predicting
                                                                    nutrient loading coming off. land surfaces, it ig-
                                                                    nored the processes that affected the nutrients
                                                                    once they were in the stream. To simulate the in-
                                                                    stream dynamics, the kinetic routines from an in-
                                                                    stream water quality model, QUAL2E, were modi-
                                                                    fied and incorporated into SWAT. The Blacklands
                                                                    Research Institute in Temple, Texas, integrated
                                                                    QUAL2E kinetics into the SWAT model. The
                                                                    resulting version of SWAT is now widely used in
                                                                    modeling basins and in TMDL development.
                                                                       www.okcc.state.ok. us/water_quality_ webXNPSMP_final_draft.pdf
• Contact:
' Jim Leach *
! Assistant Director
Oklahoma Conservation
i Commission
5225 North Shane), Suite 1 02
j Oklahoma City, OK 73 1 18-6035
, -105-8IO-1039
j; jtmj®okcc.state.ok,us

Primary Sources of
« logging
• grazing

Primary NPS Pollutants: Project Activities:
• sediment • Rosgen classification
• streambank stabilization

• 75 percent decrease in
• improved fish
• improved recreational

• stream meander
migration slowed

                                                                              The  Spring  Creek Project:
                                                     Streambanks Stabilized Through Stream Restoration
                                                                                                     Cherokee County, Oklahoma
                            Spring Creek, a tributary to Fort Gibson Lake,
                            spans three northeast Oklahoma counties—Dela-
                            ware, Mayes, and Cherokee. Over the years, inten-
                            sive logging, clearing, and grazing in the watershed
                            have resulted in bank erosion, contributing signifi-
                            cantly to the gravel load in the stream. Movement
                            of this gravel (bedload) has accelerated bank
                            erosion, causing the stream to widen and become
                            shallow. This channel instability has resulted in
                                                                    excessive streambank migration, loss of fish habi-
                                                                    tat, and decreased recreational benefit.

                                                                    Fluvial geomorphology
                                                                    Fluvial geomorphology is the study of the form
                                                                    or shape of stream channels as they flow over the
                                                                    land. Recent work by Dave Rosgen of Wildlands
                                                                    Hydrology has resulted in a stream classification
                                                                    scheme based on eight major variables. Rosgen's

method is useful in that a stream's stable configu-

ration can be determined and classified so that the

disturbed stream can be restored to this form,

using natural materials on-site. A stream restored

using these techniques is stable and efficient at

transporting bedload and flood flows. It is also

aesthetically pleasing and provides better in-

stream habitat for aquatic life.

The project.

Bank restoration was implemented on two reaches

of Spring Creek (Cherokee County) exhibiting

highly accelerated bank erosion due to clearing for

increased hay production. Rosgen's method •was

used to classify the current state of the segments

and determine the channel configuration necessary

to stabilize the bank. The reaches were reshaped

accordingly, and rock vanes, cross vanes, tree root-

wads, logs, and vegetation were strategically in-

serted to affect stream flow and preserve or supple-

ment habitat.  Habitat and fish surveys were con-

ducted before and after implementation to assess

the project's effects in these areas.

Significant improvement

In general, the project sites showed significant,

positive changes from the preimplementation

survey. Physically, water depth through the reaches

almost doubled and total area of eroding bank

decreased by about 75,percent. A visit to the

project site in August 2001 showed the stream

channel modifications still holding effectively.

Rock vanes had successfully diverted flow to the

center of the  channel, deepening pools and con-

trolling erosion on the outside of the steam bends.

Stream channel stabilization was apparent from
the abundance of established tree saplings and

other marginal vegetation.

     Some of die most notable effects of die

project were exhibited in die fish community.

Bodi project sites exhibited more species and

markedly higher total numbers of fish in the

postimplementation survey (1.5 and 3.5 times the

preimplementation numbers for downstream and

upstream sites, respectively). The total number of

pool species (sunfish, chub, suckers) increased by

at least 2.4 times the previous abundance in both

project reaches, reflecting the deepening and

enlargement of pools and changes in the overall

stream channel shape. The size composition of

this group indicated multiple year classes, and

young of year were found for all three species.

Thus, it appears that the slower flow regimes and

increased habitat resulting from stabilization

efforts combined to affect overall reproduction of

fish in this area of Spring Creek.

     Certain beneficial uses also were restored or

preserved in this area of the creek. Bank instabil-

ity and subsequent gravel input had shallowed

many areas, limiting fishing and swimming activi-

ties previously enjoyed. The upstream site has

stabilized into a long pool deep enough for swim-

ming and fishing. Good numbers of catchable

sportfish have been noted in and around the rock

vanes at the site.

    An additional benefit has been the near cessa-

tion of channel movement-through the project

reaches. In particular, channel migration that

previously threatened an important road through

the property has been arrested through bank

stabilization efforts* Little to no movement was

discernible during the August visit.

Bill Gates
Umpqu.1 Sod and Water
: Conservation District

Primary Sources of
• diked/drained wetlands
« flooding

Primary IMPS Pollutants:
• nutrients
• sediment

Project Activities:
• tide gate installation
• removal of levee and
installation of new dike
• revegetatlon
• 30 acres of restored
• decreased flooding and
sedimentation .
                                                                                           80 acres of restored
                                                                                           habitat for wildlife
                                                Dawson Wetland Restoration  Project:
                                                               Landowners and Wetlands Both Win
                                                                                              Douglas County, Oregon
                   The Smith River Estuary has been modified over
                   the years by a number of projects that have diked
                   and drained wetland areas in the estuary so they
                   could be used for livestock grazing. Levees, tide
                   gates, and dredging were all common practices
                   from the 1900s to the 1960s.
                      The Dawson property near the mouth of the
                   Smith River has been diked and used for agricul-
                   tural purposes since the early 20th century. Since
                   the floods of 1996-1997, however, the existing
                   levee has been breached in three places, resulting
                   in daily tidal inundation of the property.

                   Wetland restoration and enhancement as the
                   The Umpqua Soil and Water Conservation Dis-
                   trict (SWCD) received a 319 grant of $85,000
                   from the Oregon Department of Environmental
                   Quality in August 1999 to help with the Dawson
                   Wetland Restoration Project. The landowners
                   originally contacted the Umpqua SWCD for
                   assistance in repairing the dike, hoping to halt
                   the flooding of their property. Eventually, the
                   project evolved into one that would protect part
                   of the property and return 30 acres to estuarine
                      The landowners agreed to .donate 30  acres of
                   their 100-acre parcel to be restored as wetlands,
                   along with construction of a new levee to  protect
                   the remaining acreage for their homestead and
                                                                           agricultural purposes. The Umpqua SWCD par-
                                                                           ticipated in fundraising for the project and directs
                                                                           the project inspection and planting of vegetation
                                                                           on the new levee. Additional partners, such as
                                                                           Ducks Unlimited, are providing project manage- .
                                                                           ment and engineering assistance.
                                                                               In addition to restoring the 30 acres of estua-
                                                                           rine wetland, the project also involved enhancing
                                                                           the 50-acre Stowe'Marsh, just upstream from the
                                                                           Dawson property and managed by the Oregon
                                                                           Department of Fish and Wildlife. The marsh
                                                                           contained a levee with a break in it, and the .
                                                                           project removed a large portion of the levee so^
                                                                           that natural floodplain function could be restored.

                                                                           Project activities
                                                                           The Dawson Wetland Restoration Project was
                                                                           divided into three phases. Phase I of the project,
                                                                           completed in 1999, included installation of a tide
                                                                           gate, as well as development of engineering plans
                                                                           and specifications. Phase II, completed in 2000,
                                                                           included removal of two sections of the Stowe
                                                                           Marsh levee to enhance 50 acres  of estuarine
                                                                           wetlands, construction of  the new Dawson levee,
                                                                           vegetation of the new levee and adjacent dis-
                                                                           turbed areas with native plants, revegetation of
                                                                           borrow area, and improvements to internal drain-
                                                                           age on farmland inside the new levee.
                                                                               During 2001 Phase III is removing the old
                                                                           failed levee on the Dawson property, allowing the
1 28

                         30 acres outside die new levee to be returned to

                         estuarine wetland status. Title to the restored :

                         wetlands on the Dawson property, outside the new

                         levee will be transferred to the Oregon Depart-

                         ment of Fish and Wildlife. Old fencing in the

                         donated wetlands will be removed. Plantings will

                         be fortified in the borrow area, and all interior

                         drainage will be routed to the new tide gate. Fenc-

                         ing will be installed around the new levee to re-

                         store livestock grazing to the Dawson ranch.

                         Additional benefits

                         Erosion Protection. The existing levee will be left in

                         place for one winter to protect the new structure

                         from erosion. Plantings with native vegetation will

                         be part of the bioengineered plan to prevent

                         erosion, making the use of riprap unnecessary.

                         This approach will also reduce future sedimenta-

                         tion into the river.

                            Fish and Wildlife Habitat Restoration. Various

                         salmonid species use estuaries as incubation areas

                         for feeding, rearing, and staging before they begin

                         their ocean migration. The Smith River estuary is

                         already one of the most important areas in Or-
 egon for threatened coastal coho. The addition of

 30 acres and the enhancement of 50 acres will

 provide 80 acres of the habitat needed for these

 species and others. Waterfowl are also expected to

 use the restored wetlands.

     Restoration of Estuary Floodplain Function. One

 result of the extensive diking of the Smith River

 system is that the river's transport capacity has

 increased, resulting in higher river energy against

 the city of Reedsport's levee. This project will

 result in more water storage capacity in estuarine

. wetlands, moderating the effects of flooding and

 reducing the river's erosive energy.

     Public-Private Collaboration..This project repre-

 sents a win-win situation in which the landowners

. benefit by increased  protection of their home-

 steads and the public benefits from the enhanced

 ecological functions  provided by the restored

 wetlands. This collaborative approach respects the

 existing land use that provides the family's eco-

 nomic base while at the same time recognizing

 and protecting the important public, benefits from

 returning a portion of the land to its former

 wetland status.
HS9 - ' •
Bob Kinyon
Umpqua Basin Watershed

Primary Sources of
» flow modifications
Primary NPS Pollutants:
• high stream temperature '
• • - .
Project Activities:
* removal of diversion dam
and concrete apron
» conversion .from ditch to
sprinkler irrigation
« . revegetation of riparian area
• livestock exclusion

• additional 2.5 cfs water
in stream
• reduced stream
1 temperature
• improved aquatic life/ •
fish passage
                                                             South  Myrtle Creek Ditch Project:
                                                                    Removal of Dam Benefits Aquatic Life
                         Historically, populations of cutthroat trout arid

                         coho salmon had journeyed through the •waters of

                         South Myrtle Creek, which flows into the South

                         Umpqua River in Douglas County, Oregon. Since

                         the early 20th century, however, some form of
                             Douglas County, Oregon

 diversion structure has been blocking South

 Myrtle Creek. In the 1960s a concrete apron

 structure with metal supports for planks was

 installed to raise the water level to provide water

 for irrigation to adjacent and downstream land-
                                                                                                            Oregon '

    The concrete apron of the diversion structure spanned the creek with a 2-foot
    outfall at summer flows. This barrier prevented fish from reaching 10 miles of
    stream habitat.
                             owners. During the summer, the structure el-
                             evated water levels by 14 feet, diverting water into
                             a 2l/2-mile irrigation ditch. As a result, South
                             Myrtle Creek has been identified as having water
                             quality problems from flow modifications and
                             high stream temperatures.
                                 In 1998 one of the landowners initiated a
                             project to restore flow and improve water quality
                             in South Myrtle Creek by removing the diversion
                             dam and concrete apron, converting from ditch
                             irrigation to sprinkler irrigation to conserve water,
                             revegetating the denuded riparian area, and ex-
                             cluding livestock until the seedlings were well
                             established. That landowner, along with Water
                           -  Resources and the Watershed Council, recruited
                             all of the other landowners who used water from
                             the diversion, and they began to plan the various
                             aspects of the project.
                                 The project was a collaborative effort of all
                             of the landowners, who donated services and
                             supplies. In addition to  319 funds, funding was
                             provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the
                             Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, the
                             Bureau of Land Management, the Natural Re-
                             sources Conservation Service's Conservation
                                                                     Reserve Enhancement Program, and two local
                                                                     foundations, the Joe Merchep Umpqua River
                                                                     Foundation, and the Douglas Timber Operations'
                                                                     Fisheries Enhancement Derby. In addition, the
                                                                     Oregon Water Resources Department and Dou-
                                                                     glas County Watermaster assisted with the project
                                                                     by examining water rights and helping to devise a
                                                                     plan whereby 2.5 cubic feet per second (cfs) of
                                                                     •water is being returned to the stream.

                                                                     Project highlights and successes
                                                                     Using a jack hammer, acetylene torch, excavator,
                                                                     loader, and dump truck, the structure •was .success-
                                                                     fully removed. Because ditch irrigation is the least
                                                                     efficient use of  water because of losses from ,  ,
                                                                     evaporation and leakage, irrigation was switched
                                                                     to the more efficient sprinkler type, with indi-
                                                                     vidual pumps drawing from the stream's surface
                                                                     water. Water temperature has improved, and flows
                                                                     have increased by 2.5 cfs during the summer. The
                                                                     restoration of the streambed to its historical level
                                                                     allows passage of salmon and trout to the 10
                                                                     miles of stream above the dam for the first time
                                                                     in nearly a century, benefiting cutthroat trout,
                                                                     coho salmon, and steelhead with additional habi-
                                                                     tat. In the winter of 2000 area landowners con-
                                                                     firmed the project's  success when they identified
                                                                     several coho upstream of the diversion site. Other
                                                                     aquatic life will  also  benefit from the reconnection
                                                                     of the areas above and below the dam.
                                                                         Streambank restoration along the 2y2-mile
                                                                     project site consisted of planting the riparian area,
                                                                     which had not supported vegetation for a century
                                                                     because of annual flooding from irrigation. To
                                                                     protect young seedlings from livestock, the areas
                                                                     were fenced until the vegetation could become
                                                                     established. Establishing this vegetation will con-
                                                                     tribute to the efforts to reduce stream tempera-
                                                                     ture to levels  that better support cold-water fish.

Mitch Wolgamott
Oregon Department of
Environmental Qualify
Pendleton Office
700 SE Emigrant, Suite 330
Pendleton; OR 97801

Primary Sources of
» grazing
• channel modifications

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• high stream temperature

Project Activities: .
• channel restoration to
natural meandering
• revegetate riparian areas

• declining water
» increased riparian
             Wet Meadow Restoration  in  the Upper Grande Ronde  Basin:
                                                            Channel Restoration Brings Cooler Waters
                        The streams of the Grande Ronde Basin have

                        historically provided a rich habitat for cold-

                        water fish such as rainbow trout, salmon, sum-

                        mer steelhead, and bull trout. However, cold-

                        water fish production has been declining since

                        1970 as a result pf land'use changes. Those

                        changes have reduced riparian vegetation by 75

                        percent and simplified in-stream habitat

                        through grazing practices and channel modifi-

                        cations. Stream temperatures have risen as

                        riparian vegetation that once shaded the

                        streams has been lost, and higher temperatures

                        in the stream have resulted in reduced cold-

                        water fish populations.

                        Restoring the channel to its natural pattern

                        In July 1997 the Oregon Department of Environ-

                        ment Quality used section 319 funds to divert a

                        half-mile section of lower McCoy Creek from its

                        channelized segment into the remnants of a his-

                        torical meandering wet meadow channel. The

                        stream was treated by stabilizing and revegetating

                        riparian areas, restoring wet meadow conditions,

                        and restoring old channels to allow the stream to

                        meander naturally.
                   Upper Grande Ronde Basin, Oregon

Dramatic results

Response within the newly restored channel section

was quick and dramatic. Existing vegetation, par-

ticularly willows, grew quickly in the new riparian

area. Beavers moved in and succeeded in building

dams, which created several large, deep pools and

numerous smaller pools for fish and waterfowl.

Following the channel diversion in 1997, cooler

temperatures were measured within the boundaries

of the restored reach. Compared to the tempera-

ture of the water flowing into the restored section,

maximum water temperatures measured in the

middle of the reach were 3.0 °C cooler in 1997 and

4.6 °C cooler in 1998. In 1998 water temperature

measured at the bottom of the reach was 0.9 °C

cooler than the temperature measured at the top.

    Cooling within the restored section can be

attributed to the lower gradient and the deeper,

meandering channel, which allows more mixing

with cool subsurface water. The shading of sur-

face waters by riparian vegetation also contributes

to cooler temperatures. Further protection from

solar heating is provided by the increased depth.

and lower width-to-depth ratio in the river. Early

results of cooler water temperatures  within the

restored section are encouraging.
                                                                                                       Oregon \
                                                                                                                 I 131

Drum Sneeringer
Adams Count/
Conservation District
57 North Fifth Street
Gettysburg, mi 7325
m-33«636 (ext, 306)
bsneerfngerOacc. pa.net

Primary Sources of
• streambank erosion

Primary NFS Pollutants:
• sediment

Project Activities:
» streambank stabilization
' (root wads, rocks, ,

» 800 feet of streambank;
stabilized, deep pools,
enhancement of trout '
                                                                  Narrows  Bioengineering  Project:
                                                   CoId-Water Fishery Restored Through Bioengineering
                                                                                                     Adams County, Pennsylvania
                            Conewago Creek, just north of Arendtsville in
                            Adams County, Pennsylvania (commonly referred
                            to as "The Narrows") is considered one of the
                            most scenic stream corridors in the county. The
                            creek is listed as a "high quality cold water fish-
                            ery" and a wild trout stream by the Pennsylvania
                            Fish and Boat Commission and is actively stocked
                            by several local private clubs.
                                A series of severe rain events in the summer and
                            early fall of 1996 resulted in Adams County's receiv-
                            ing more than 90 inches of'rain, nearly 4 feet more
                            than the county average. As a result, two sections of
                            Conewago Creek in The Narrows were heavily dam-
                            aged, resulting in severe streambank erosion. The
                            damage to the upper of the two sites was exacerbated
                            by fallen trees, and the erosion on the lower section
    The streambank at the McDannel site was severely eroded at the beginning of
    the project in February 1999.
was the result of bedload deposit coming primarily
from the upper site. In the past 2 years, it has been
estimated that more than 8,000 tons of soil has fallen
into the creek from these two sites. The eroding  .
streambanks were filling up pools, degrading the
conditions necessary for fish to thrive in the creek.
    In 1998 the two sites on Conewago Creek
were targeted for a streambank stabilization
project totaling 800 linear feet. Because of aes-
thetics and cost, the standard riprap protection
design was considered undeskable and bioengi-
neering techniques were used instead.

Stabilizing eroding slope
Work began on the project in 1999 and involved
the installation of native rock and root wads along
the streambank. The existing site conditions in-
cluded down or ready-to-fall trees, which were
us^d as root wads to help stabilize the toe of the
bank. The goal was for the root wads and rock to
provide the large, heavy material necessary to
stabilize the toe  of the eroding slope and prevent
further undercutting. The steep bank was then
regraded to establish a more stable slope, using
the gravel material removed from the adjacent
streambank. This process "softened" this
streambank, allowing the stream to "move" away
from the newly stabilized banks.
    The project also involved planting trees (do-
nated by Adams County Trout Unlimited) and
132IEH ftennsytvana

                         grass to improve the aesthetics of the site and to
                         further aid in stabilization. Nine varieties of trees
                         were planted; .they were chosen based .on the
                         existing tree species around the sites.

                         The project was officially completed on March 27,
                         1999. Natural succession is occurring at the site as
                         many seedlings are growing quite well. Deep pools
are beginning to form, particularly at the root wad
structures. The root wads are providing excellent
fish habitat, and dozens of trout can now fre-
quently be seen swimming near the root wads in
the deep pools that were created. Although the
project has not yet been tested by extremely high
water levels, small storm events have clearly not
endangered the integrity of any of the root wad.
                 PENNSYLVAN I A
Robert Traver
Associate Professor
Villanova University
Primary Sources of
« urban runoff
Primary NPS Pollutants:
• nutrients
1 • metals
• suspended solids
Project Activities:
• conversion of storm
water detention basin to
storm water wetland
• monitoring in progress
                                               Villanova's  Storm Water Wetland  Retrofit:
                                                          BMP Treats Runoff and Provides Research Site
                         Along the border between Montgomery and
                         Delaware Counties in the southeast corner of
                         Pennsylvania lies a 41-acre urban •watershed. The
                         watershed consists of more than 16 acres of
                         impervious surface, including Villanova
                        . University's parking lots, dormitories, office build-
An existing storm water detention basin was targeted for a 319 retrofit project.
          Montgomery and Delaware Counties, Pennsylvania
ings, railroads, highways, and housing areas. An
existing storm water detention basin on the
university's property was targeted as an ideal site
for a 319 retrofit project. This basin had the po-
tential to treat the runoff that forms the headwa-
ters of a watershed listed as medium priority on
the state's degraded watershed list and to treat
flows that affect a high-priority stream segment
on the state's section 303 (d) list.

Project goals
    The purpose of the 319 project was to make a
storm water wetland out of the existing detention
basin, creating a water quality treatment facility.
Water quality considerations were not part of the
original design. The existing storm water detention
basin was originally designed to reduce the increased
peak flows coming from the university campus.   •
Runoff entered the basin through sheet flow from a
large parking lot and through two major pipes. The
                                                                                                        Pennsylvania '
                                                                                                                      I 133

           '">"-      W*?*  .'• VT^*.'•
             =.       •
    A meandering channel was designed to reduce
    flow velocity and allow particles to settle out.
                         site had an existing 12-
                         inch underdrain that
                         quickly carried the
                         water through the
                         basin, directly connect-
                         ing the parking lots to
                         the headwaters of a
                         small first-order stream.
                         The site was designed
                         to remain dry except
during storm events, but there was always some flow
through the underdrain, supporting the concept that
the site was ideal for creating a storm water wetland.
    One goal of the project was to prove that
retrofitting could be accomplished easily on an
existing structure without violating the original
design concept. The retrofit of the basin therefore
concentrated on retaining small storms while not
violating the original storm water peak flow con-
trols required by law.
    The basin was redesigned by removing the
underground pipes, moving earth to create a
meandering flow path, adding a sediment forebay,
and modifying the structure outlet. Wetland
plantings were conducted; plants •were selected for
diversity and based  on their ability to thrive at
different inundation levels.
    Low flows would now travel through the
sediment forebay to give particles a chance to
                                                                      settle out. Flows would continue through a mean-
                                                                      dering wetland channel, maximizing contact with
                                                                      the plants, and finally dirough a deeper pool and
                                                                      the outlet structure. The flow path for larger
                                                                      storms would provide for the flow to go over a
                                                                      berm, preventing resuspension of the sediments
                                                                      collected in the structure, thus using the original
                                                                      design for peak flow management while avoiding
                                                                      damage to the low-flow components.

                                                                      Multiple benefits
                                                                      Because it is located on the university's property,
                                                                      this storm water wetland is not only aiding in the
                                                                      reduction of pollutants for this headwater but also
                                                                      serving as a permanent research and demonstra-
                                                                      tion site. To date, hundreds of visitors have
                                                                      toured the site, and the site is being incorporated
                                                                      into a demonstration "theme park" of multiple
                                                                      BMPs (including signage) on Villanova's property.
                                                                           The wetland project was completed at the
                                                                      end of 2000, and the current plan is to wait a year
                                                                      for the wetlands to mature before starting to
                                                                      collect water quality samples. Hydrologic and
                                                                      hydraulic monitoring is already under way, and
                                                                      flowmeters  and a rain gauge also have been in-
                                                                      stalled to collect data. It is projected that total
                                                                      suspended solids will be reduced by 70 percent,
                                                                      total phosphorus by 40 percent, total nitrogen by
                                                                      20 percent,  and lead by 75 percent.

                                                                                   PUERTO   J7ICO
Raul Santini
Puerto Rico Department of
Natural and Environmental
RO. Box 9066600
Puerta de Tierra, PR 00906-6600
Ruben Gonzalez
Puerto Rico Environmental
Quality Board
RO, Box 11488
Santurce, PR 00910-1488
                                                       Coastal Nonpoint Source Controls:
        Executive Order Adopts Section 6217(g) Management Measures as Official Policy
                                                                                                         Puerto Rico
                      Puerto Rico is one of 29 U.S. states and territories

                      with special programs and responsibilities for pro-

                      tecting and managing important coastal resources.

                      To address more specifically the impacts of

                      nonpoint source pollution on coastal water quality,

                      Congress enacted the Coastal Zone Act Reauthori-

                      zation Amendments of 1990. Section 6217 of the

                      Act requires that each state with an approved

                      coastal zone management program (including

                      Puerto Rico) develop a Coastal Nonpoint Pollution

                      Control Program and submit it to EPA and the

                      National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

                      (NOAA) for approval. Each program must provide

                      for the implementation of technical management

                      measures (section 6217(g) measures) that address

                      major categories of nonpoint sources that impair

                      'or threaten coastal waters nationally, including

                      agricultural runoff; urban runoff; forestry runoff;

                      marinas and recreational boating; and

                      channelization and channel modification, dams, and

                      streambank and shoreline erosion.

                      Adopting the management measures

                          On February 8,1999, Puerto Rico's governor

                      signed an Executive Order (OE-1999-08) adopt-

                      ing the section 6217(g) management measures as

                      official public policy throughout the Common-
                                            wealth of Puerto Rico. The order requires the

                                            creation of an Interagency Committee of lead

                                            Commonwealth agencies to uphold the mandate

                                            for the implementation of the section 6217 (g)

                                            management measures and to ensure compliance

                                            widi the measures for the major categories of

                                            nonpoint source pollution. The Committee is

                                            charged with developing and implementing a plan

                                            for the control of nonpoint sources of pollution

                                            throughout Puerto Rico, while adopting the sec-

                                            tion 6217 (g) measures as ."the official technical

                                            guidelines of the Plan."

                                                The  Committee is composed of representa-

                                            tives from various agencies in Puerto Rico, such as

                                            the Environmental Quality Board, the Department

                                            of Natural and Environmental Resources, the

                                            Regulations and Permits Administration, the De-

                                            partment of Agriculture, the Soil Conservation

                                            Districts,  the Planning Board, the Agricultural

                                            Experiment Station and the Agricultural Extension

                                            Service, the Department of Health, the Depart-

                                            ment of Transportation and Public Works, the

                                            Highway and Transportation Authority, the Aque-

                                            duct and Sewer Authority, the Electric Power Au-

                                            thority, the Ports Authority, and any other govern-

                                            ment institution that the Committee identifies as

                                            essential to developing and implementing the plan.
                                                                                                    Puerto Rico

                               The Executive Order calls for all Committee
                           member agencies to adopt the 6217 (g) measures
                           and integrate them into their existing decision-
                           making processes as soon as possible, but not later
                           than 2 years from the effective date of the order.
                           This requirement applies to direct agency activities
                           and authorizations for other public and private
                           activities. The order also lists several specific legal
                           and administrative mechanisms that the Common-
                           wealth agencies must use to demonstrate compli-
                           ance with the measures. Finally, the order requires
                           the Committee members to jointly develop and
                           implement the "public policies, plans, programs, or
                           organizational structures required" to ensure the
                           effective implementation of the required manage-
                           ment measures. The Committee meets every month
                           to review and coordinate agency efforts and track
                           plan implementation. The Committee is also re-
                           sponsible for preparing a plan implementation
                           status report for the Governor by February 8,2002.
                                                                  Program approval
                                                                      The Committee was deeply involved with the
                                                                  development of Puerto Rico's Coastal Nonpoint
                                                                  . Pollution Control Program, which contains de-
                                                                  tailed 5-year plans and a 15-year strategy to imple-
                                                                  ment the Executive Order. The Executive Order
                                                                  provides for adequate, enforceable policies and
                                                                  mechanisms to ensure implementation of the
                                                                  section 6217(g) management measures. As a re^
                                                                  suit, on October 17, 2000, Puerto Rico received
                                                                  federal approval (from NOAA and EPA) for the
                                                                  Commonwealth's Coastal Nonpoint Pollution
                                                                  Control Program. The program is the first among
                                                                  U.S. island territories to receive full federal ap-
                                                                  proval and the fourth overall after Maryland,
                                                                  Rhode Island, and California. Upon approval of
                                                                  its plan, Puerto Rico immediately began to imple-
                                                                  ment the 6217(g) management measures in all
                                                                  public activities, including the granting of authori-
                                                                  zations or permits for public or private actions.
                                                    www.state.ri. us/dem/programs/benviron/water/quality/nonpoint/index.htrri
Jim Riordan
Rhode Island Department of
Environmental Management
235 Promenade Street
Providences. Rl 02908
40 1 -222-4700 (ext. 4421)

Primary Sources of
« urban storm water runoff

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• nutrients
• bacterial contaminants
• siltation
Project Activities: Results:
• construction of storm • monitoring in progress
water control system

                                                            Curran Brook Sedimentation Pond:
                                              Multiple Partners Construct Storm Water Control System
                                                                                                     Cumberland, Rhode Island  !
                            The Pawtucket Water Supply Board (PWSB) reser-
                            voir system in Rhode Island serves the cities of
                            Pawtucket and Central Falls and the southern
                            portion of the town of Cumberland. The system
                            serves some 110,000 customers. The PWSB's water
                            resources derive from both surface water and
                                                                 •  groundwater. The four surface water reservoirs—
                                                                   Diamond Hill Reservoir, Arnold Mills Reservoir,
                                                                   Robin Hollow Pond, and Happy Hollow Pond—
                                                                   are the major impoundments controlled by PWSB.
                                                                   The water treatment plant for PWSB is located at
                                                                   the southern end of Happy Hollow Pond.
Rhode Island

                             At the outset of the project, Rhode Island

                         Department of Environmental Management's

                         (RIDEM's) most recent assessment of Happy

                         Hollow Pond determined that the reservoir was

                         only partially supporting its designated use. The

                         reservoir had high levels of nutrients, bacterial

                         contaminants, siltation, and organic compounds,

                         which were most probably conveyed by runoff

                         from the highly urbanized surroundings.

                             Robin Hollow Pond, located in the lower

                         portion of the Pawtucket Water Supply watershed,

                         feeds directly into Happy Hollow Pond, which is

                         an EPA-designated community water supply.

                         Robin Hollow Pond receives runoff from the

                         most urbanized portion of the watershed. The

                         urbanized area is to the west of the pond in the

                         town of Cumberland. The project focused on

                         removing nutrients, bacterial contaminants, silt-

                         ation, and inorganic compounds from runoff in

                         the urbanized watershed, thereby decreasing the.

                         need for costly.water purification treatments.
 State-of-the-art storm water control system

 The project consisted of designing, permitting, and

 building a state-of-the-art storm water control sys-

 tem to replace an undersized and antiquated sedi-

 ment pond. The new system includes a. sediment

 .forebay, water quality pond, and artificially created

 wetland to treat the storm water during wet weather

 events. Project partners included the. Northern

 Rhode Island Conservation District, PWSB, the U.S.

 Department of Agriculture's Soil Conservation

 Service (now the Natural Resources Conservation

 Service), RIDEM, and EPA Region 1.

 Model project

 The system was completed in October 1999. It

 has been featured in several field reviews, includ- • -

 ing the New England Interstate Water Pollution

 Control Commission's 2000 Annual Nonpoint

 Source Conference.  PWSB has also been monitor-

 ing the system to determine its effectiveness in '.

 removing the pollutants of concern.
S  L A  N  D
mm 	 _ 	 ___: ...
Jim Riordan
. RIDEM Office of Water
40 1 -222-4700 (ext. 4421]
Brian Tefft
RIDEM Division Fish and '
P.O. Box 218
West Kingston, Rl 02892
Primary Sources of
• dredge and fill.of tidal
channel/salt marsh

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• sediment/fill

Project Activities:
• installation of self- .
regulating sluice and tide

-_~~^~-,.L.t>^:M^n^.^.:x-r ^ k^S^^fi
• 68 percent reduction of
» restoration of 84 acres of
salt marsh habitats and
1 4 acres of tidal creeks
and ponds

                                                                 Galilee  Salt Marsh  Restoration:
                                          Undersized  Culverts Replaced with Self-Regulating  Gates
                        The coastal features of southern Rhode Island

                        provide a breathtaking variety of special habitats.

                        The Galilee Bird Sanctuary is a 128-acre coastal

                        wetland complex owned and managed by the

                        Rhode Island Department of Environmental Man-

                        agement (RIDEM), Division of Fish and Wildlife.
                          Narragansett, Rhode Island

The sanctuary is east of the port of Galilee and is

bounded by the Galilee Escape Road to the north

and Sand Hill Cove Road to the south.

    Unfortunately, much of the Galilee Salt Marsh

has led a fractured existence. During the 1950s

unconfined dredge spoil from the Port of Galilee-
                                                                                                       Rhode Island }
                                            I 137

                             was deposited over portions of the -western side of
                             the salt marsh where the Galilee Bird Sanctuary is
                             located. This disposal filled in a tidal channel that
                             had been present in this location and significantly
                             altered the natural hydrology of the marsh.
                                 During a 1954 hurricane, the extreme flood-
                             ing of Sand Hill Cove Road trapped the residents
                             of Great Island. To prevent this from occurring
                             again, the State Division of Public Works con-
                             structed the Galilee Escape Road in 1956. Con-
                             struction of the Escape Road fragmented the
                             previously continuous salt marsh, eliminating in
                             the process about 7 acres of valuable marsh habi-
                             tat Restriction of tidal flushing transformed the
                             once-productive salt marsh into dense thickets of
                             Phragmites and shrubs, causing reduction of natural
                             coastal wetland habitats for migratory waterfowl,
                             shorebkds, fish, and shellfish.

                             Self-regulating gates
                             The Galilee Salt Marsh Restoration Project was a
                             multimillion-dollar effort with a number of con-
                             tributing partners, including the Rhode Island
                             Department of Transportation, U.S. Army Corp
                             of Engineers, Ducks Unlimited, U.S. Fish and
                             Wildlife Service, RIDEM Fish and Wildlife, and
                             other agencies, under the auspices of the Coastal
                             America Program.
                                 Section 319 funding contributed to the resto-
                             ration efforts with d $64,300 grant to replace the
                                                                     undersized culverts and install self-regulating
                                                                     sluice and tide gates. The self-regulating gates
                                                                     allow for minimum intervention and maintenance
                                                                     and were devised as an alternative to more costly
                                                                     and operation-intensive electric gates. The gates
                                                                     operate using a system of floats and balances that
                                                                     are precisely calibrated to close when water
                                                                     reaches a preset level.

                                                                     Impressive results
                                                                     Marsh restoration was completed and dedicated
                                                                     October 1997. Results have been strong. Phragmites
                                                                     was reduced by 68 percent at the  completion of
                                                                     the 1999 growing season, and height was reduced
                                                                     from 11 feet to 3.5 feet. Fish and wildlife popula-
                                                                     tions have responded to the restoration in dra-
                                                                     matic fashion: finfish recolonized the tidal creeks
                                                                     within days following opening of  the tide gates.
                                                                     Waterfowl (duck and geese), including the Ameri-
                                                                     can black duck, use the restored marsh extensively
                                                                      for nesting and feeding and during migration. In
                                                                     total, approximately 84 acres of salt marsh habi-
                                                                      tats and 14 acres of tidal creeks and ponds were
                                                                          Complete restoration is expected to take 10
                                                                     years or more. The project has  been an enormous
                                                                      success, and the salt marsh has been designated a
                                                                      bird  sanctuary. The project is an excellent demon-
                                                                      stration of collaboration among various branchi
                                                                      of government.
Rhode Island

                                                                           SOUTH   CAROLINA
Han •
Keith Cain
East Piedmont RCD Council
4 1 4A South Congress
Winnsboro, SC29180
Keith. Cain®sc. usda.gov

Primary Sources of
• failing septic tanks .

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• fecal coliform bacteria
• nutrients

Project Activities:
• constructed wetland

• reductions of 99 percent
in fecal coliform bacteria,
86 percent in total
suspended solids, 77
percent in BODS, 39
• percent in total .
• phosphorus, 59 percent
in nitrate, 35 percent in
ammonia •
                                      Constructed Wetlands for  Failing Septic Tanks:
                                                              New Technologies Solve an Old Problem
                        Sampling is conducted through sampling ports.

                        Failing septic systems can result in partially treated
                        or untreated surface wastewater containing fecal
                        coliform bacteria and nutrients, causing nonpoint
                        source pollution in drainageways, streams, and
                        lakes. Current technology resulting from a  3-year
                        study on nine constructed wetland systems con-
                        ducted by Dr. Kevin White of the University of
                        South Alabama is being used in the design of
                        constructed wetlands in South Carolina to  treat
                        sewage from failing septic systems.
                            The system consists of two shallow basins
                        about 1 foot in depth and containing gravel, which
                        supports emergent vegetation. The first of the
                        two cells is lined to prevent seepage, while  the
                        second is unlined and acts as a disposal field. The
                        water level is maintained below the gravel surface,
                        thus preventing odors, public exposure, and vector
                        problems. In an alternative design, a standard field
                        drain system is used in place of the second cell.

Encouraging results
Preliminary data collected by the South Carolina
Department of Health and Environmental Con-
trol (SCDHEC) between May 1999 and April
2000 on eight of these systems constructed state-
wide show significant reductions in nutrients and
bacteria as a result of treatment.- The monitoring
shows an average. 99 percent reduction in fecal
coliform bacteria, 86  percent in total suspended
solids, 77 percent in 5-day biological oxygen de-
mand (BODS), 39 percent in total phosphorus, 59
percent in nitrate, and 35 percent in ammonia.

Education component
The East Piedmont Resource Conservation and
Development Council is managing the construc-
tion of 10 of these wetland systems to replace
failing septic tank systems at homes in a water-
shed surrounding Lake Murray. This lake is a large
recreational impoundment in central South Caro-
lina, where poor soil conditions and steep slopes
are causing some conventional systems to fail. A
comprehensive technology transfer program will
complement the project, educating citizens about
the benefits of the management practice. The
Ninety-Six District Resource Conservation and
Development Council is also conducting a similar
project in Greenwood County.
                                                                                                   South Carolina '

•Illllli -- ••:•-- : --• - '»
| Contact:
: DougF.ibcl
i South Carolina
! Department of Health and
! Environmental Control
! 2600 Bull Stre«
Columbia. SC 29201-1 708
Primary Sources of
• agriculture

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• fecal coliform bacteria

• nutrients

1 f;jijeldj®coJunib32,dhec.state. sc.us

Project Activities: Results:
, • dairy farm BMPs (grazing , • reductions in fecal
management, fencing, coliform bacteria
alternative water sources
for livestock, riparian
• nutrient management for .
poultry farm (dead bird

                                                               Stevens Creek Watershed Project:
                                   Demonstration Sites Show Reductions in Fecal Coliform Bacteria
                                                                      Edgefield, McCormick, Greenwood, and Saluda Counties, South Carolina
    Project partners built a two-cell composter on the
    Johnson Poultry Farm to reduce nutrients from
    poultry waste runoff.
The Stevens Creek watershed is in Edgefield,
McCormick, Greenwood, and Saluda Counties,
South Carolina. Historical water quality .data indi-
cate increasing trends in fecal coliform bacteria,
turbidity, and total phosphorus and decreasing
trends in dissolved oxygen. Nonpoint source
pollution is degrading the quality of water for
municipal water supply, contributing to deteriora-
tion of fisheries, reducing stream channel capaci-
ties, and lowering the aesthetic values of the area.
About 85 to 90 percent of the water quality im-
pacts in the Stevens Creek watershed are esti-
mated to be caused by agriculture.

Implementing best management practices
The goal of the Stevens Creek Watershed Project
was to reduce sediment, nutrients, and chemical
runoff from' confined and unconfined livestock
operations. The Edgefield Soil and Water Conser-
                        vation District and
                        Ninety-Six District
                        Resource Conserva-
                        tion and Development
                        Council, Inc., imple-
                        mented the project
                        over a 3-year period
                        between May 1995 and
                        July 1998. The project
                        focused on using
systems of best management practices (BMPs)
and whole farm planning and management as keys
to the sustainability of farming operations. Sec-
tion 319 funds and the farmers on whose farms
the demonstrations were located covered the costs
of the demonstrations.
    Two farms in the watershed were selected as
demonstration sites—a dairy operation and a
poultry farm, both in close proximity to flowing
streams. BMPs implemented on the dairy farm
included pasture grazing management, stream
protection by fencing off streambanks and pro-
viding alternative water sources for livestock,  and
additional riparian vegetation (field borders and
filter strips). Nutrient management, in the form of
dead bkd composting, was the target BMP for the
chicken farm. A •waste stacking shed was built into
the ground behind the poultry houses, with mini-
mal soil disturbance. Both farms had BMPs imple-
mented in June 1996.

Taking stock of improvements
Three monitoring stations were established for
each farm, one upstream of the project sites,  one
downstream, and a control (reference) site.
Baseline data were collected from January 1996
through June 1996, and regular monitoring began
in July 1996 -and continued for 2l/2 years (through
January 1999).
140 KB South Carolina

Testing revealed significant reductions in fecal
coliform at Sleepy Creek downstream from Hickory
Hill Dairy.
    Water quality
sampling results indi-
cated significant
reductions in fecal
coliform bacteria at  .
both the downstream
poultry and dairy
farm stations after
BMP implementation.
sampling found fecal
coliform bacteria
levels for all stations
ranging from a low of 5 colonies per 100 mL to a
high of more than 2 million colonies per 100 mL;
postimplementation results for all stations ranged
from 2/100 mL to 58,000/100 mL. Nutrient
management (dead bird composting) on the poul-
try farm significantly reduced fecal coliform bac-
teria and total suspended solids concentrations
(both spatially and temporally). On the dairy farm,
pasture grazing management and animal fencing
did significantly reduce fecal coliform bacteria
concentrations (spatially and temporally), but they
did not reduce total suspended solids concentra-
tions at the downstream station.
                                                                                  SOUTH   DAKOTA
HESU 	 • 	
Jason Rehn
Roberts County
RO. Box 1 28
Sisseton, SD 57262-1 523 •

Primary Sources of
• agriculture
« urban runoff
• drainage and land use
	 • • - •• •-"•-•• •-:•
Primary IMPS Pollutants:
. • sediment
« nutrients
: .' 	 :-'• .- -.. 	 .—:;..-. •- 	 	
Project Activities:
» agricultural BMPs (animal
waste management
systems, no-till planting,
• construction of lake
outlet control structure
and debris barrier

• change of lake status
from hypereutrophic to
• shorter algal blooms
• increased state park
use of lake
                                                          Big  Stone Lake Restoration Project:
                                                 Better Water Quality Improves  Fisheries,  Recreation
                        Big Stone Lake is on the border between South
                        Dakota and Minnesota. The lake occupies the
                        valley of a glacial river that once drained historic
                        Lake Aggasiz. The surface area of the lake is
                        12,610 acres, and the lake extends southward for
                        26 miles from Browns Valley, Minnesota, to
                        Ortonville, Minnesota, and Big Stone City,
                        South Dakota.
                            Big Stone Lake and its fishery are the primary
                        feature for Big Stone Lake State Park, Hartford
                        Beach State Park, and several resorts. The lake is
                        also an important recreational attraction for
                        Ortonville, Big Stone City, and surrounding com-
                        munities. The fishery of the lake has the potential
                        to contribute substantially to local and state
                                                Big Stone Lake, South Dakota

                        economies. Historically, the fishery has been
                        managed primarily for walleye, with a secondary
                        emphasis on yellow perch, bluegill, black crappie,  .
                        northern pike, largemouth bass, and channel
                        catfish. In samples taken in 1971 through 1985,
                        walleye abundance, as measured by average gill net
                        catch rates, was near the low end of the "normal"
                        range for lakes with similar physical and. chemical
                        characteristics.                    •        '.   .
                            Agricultural, domestic, and municipal pollu- -
                        tion have degraded fish habitat, reduced recre-
                        ational opportunities, reduced the aesthetic quality
                        of the lake, and increased the likelihood of more
                        direct effects on the fisheries in the form of fish
                        kills. Drainage and land use changes in the lake's
                                                                                                       Soutn Dakota '
                                                                                                                     I 141

                            watershed have contributed to increased sedimen-
                            tation, nutrient loading, changes in tributary flows,
                            increases in water level fluctuations, and direct
                            destruction of aquatic habitats.

                            Big Stone Lake partners
                            In the early 1980s citizens of South Dakota and
                            Minnesota requested assistance from both states and
                            EPA to begin an effort to restore Big Stone Lake.
                            The primary concerns were poor water quality,
                            excessive algae blooms, sedimentation, rooted._
                            aquatic vegetation, and reduced recreation potential.
                                 A series of EPA section 314 and section 319
                            grants, beginning in 1983, have provided funding
                            for lake and watershed restoration projects; the
                            most recent 319 funding was awarded in 1996 and
                            1999. Currently, U.S. Department of Agriculture
                            (USDA) and Environmental Quality Incentives
                            Program funding is also being used to implement
                            additional conservation practices in Roberts and
                            Marshall Counties. The key partners in the Big
                            Stone Lake Restoration Project are watershed
                            landowners; lake residents; local counties, conserva-
                            tion districts, and municipalities; Upper Minnesota
                            River Watershed District; Citizens for Big Stone
                            Lake; South Dakota Department of Environment
                            and Natural Resources; Minnesota Pollution Con-
                            trol Agency; EPA; Natural Resources Conservation
                             Service; and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Attendance at
1986 to 1993 (avg.)
State Parks on
Big Stone Lake
State Park (MM)
11, 000 to 13,000
Big Stone Lake
Hartford Beach
State Park (SDJ
57,000 to 59,000
                                                                      Restoration project
                                                                      Various conservation and restoration practices      ..
                                                                      have been implemented through the Big Stone       ;
                                                                      Lake Restoration Project. Conservation practices    :
                                                                      in the lake's watershed include the installation of
                                                                      more than 50 animal waste management systems,    '
                                                                      no-till planting of crops, construction of multiple-
                                                                      use wetlands,  grassed waterways through cropland
                                                                      fields, stream  buffer strips, streambank stabiliza-
                                                                      tion, and implementation of the USDA Conserva-   ;
                                                                      tion Reserve Program. In addition, six municipal
                                                                      wastewater treatment facilities in the watershed
                                                                      have been upgraded.
                                                                          Restoration practices implemented at the lake   l,
                                                                      include access road erosion control, shoreline       :
                                                                      stabilization, and upgraded wastewater treatment.
                                                                      In addition, a new lake outlet control structure      ;
                                                                      and debris barrier were constructed at the south
                                                                      end of the lake. The main purpose of the struc-
                                                                      ture is to divert the majority of flow from the       ,
                                                                      Whetstone River away from Big Stone Lake. The    .
                                                                      Whetstone River was diverted into the lake in the    '
                                                                      1930s to augment lake levels, but the diversion      ,
                                                                      resulted in excessive nutrients and sediment being   :
                                                                      deposited in the lake. The new  control structure
                                                                      diverts these contaminants away from the lake in    ;
                                                                      accordance with the original river, flow pattern.      !_

                                                                      Improved water quality and recreational use     ;
                                                                      The results of the Big Stone Lake Restoration       ;
                                                                      Project are beginning to be realized in improved
                                                                      water quality. Water sampling results have shown a   ;
                                                                      gradual but steady improvement in recent years.     ;
                                                                      The  trophic status of the lake has changed from    |
                                                                      hypereutrophic (extremely nutrient-rich) to         ;
                                                                      eutrophic (nutrient-rich). As a result, algae blooms   .
                                                                      are less extensive and shorter in duration.           ;
                                                                           The fisheries of the lake also have improved
                                                                      to the point that a national walleye circuit fishing
i Soyth Datota

                        tournament is held annually at Big Stone Lake.

                        Attendance records at Big Stone Lake State Park

                        on the Minnesota side and Hartford Beach State

                        Park on the South Dakota side have documented

                        substantial increases in recreational use of the
lake, which correlate with improvements in water

quality (see table on previous page). Comments

made by lake residents indicate appreciation of

the water quality improvement that has occurred

to date.
                                                                                 SOUTH    DAKOTA
John Deppe
Lower James RC&D
1820 North Kimball
Mitchell, SD 57301

Primary Sources of
« cattle grazing

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• sediment
• nutrients
. • . - • • : -•. •
Project Activities:
• management-intensive
• reduced erosion
(decreases sediment/
nutrients into water]
• increased farm profit
                                                 Management-Intensive Grazing  Project:
                                               Rotational Grazing Reduces Erosion, Increases Profits
                        Farmers, ranchers, and all landowners who manage

                        grasslands in South Dakota face the dual challenges

                        of running a profitable business and sustaining a

                        quality grassland environment. Through the Man-

                        agement-Intensive Grazing Systems Project, initi-

                        ated in July 1999 with support of 319 funding,

                        South Dakota grassland managers, grassland and

                        livestock organizations, and local, state, and federal

                        agencies are working together to design, imple-

                        ment, and monitor six "management-intensive"

                        grazing systems in South Dakota.

                            The "management-intensive" grazing method

                        focuses on a high (intensive) level of manage- -

                        ment; the term does not mean that the grassland

                        vegetation is grazed intensely (short). Manage-

                        ment-intensive grazing systems often involve 15

                        or more pastures and short 2- or 3--day grazing

                        periods. Information learned from the on-ranch

                        demonstrations and from other producers using

                        this method is shared with other grassland manag-

                        ers, researchers, agency specialists, and the public.
                             Geddes, South Dakota

Site example

In 2000 Mark Sip of Geddes, South Dakota,

began to use a 205-acre management-intensive

grazing system for his pastures. The pastures were

divided into 10 paddocks, ranging from 17 to 27

acres in size, with a stocking rate of. 1.0 animal

unit months per acre. This is a safe stocking rate

under normal conditions using continuous season-

long stocking.

    Livestock water is supplied to the pastures by

a buried pipeline using rural water as the water

source. An aboveground pipeline serves as a

distribution system to the 10 paddocks. All divi-

sion fences consist of polywire and temporary

fiberglass posts.  Several of the paddocks use a

narrow lane to access the water tank. The fences

are moved,as the cattle are rotated to fresh grass.

    The entire area supports a plant community

composed of a mixture of cool season and •warm

season native plants. Cool-.season plants dominate

the pastures. It is projected that the warm season
                                                                                                      South Dakota

                             native plants will benefit from the rests provided
                             and will begin to increase. This would provide a
                             higher-quality diet to the livestock during the hot
                             summer months.

                             Benefits realized
                             The environmental benefits offered by manage-
                             ment-intensive grazing include improved grass-
                             land vegetation and streambank protection, result-
                             ing in significant reductions of water runoff that
                             carries nutrients and sediment.
     Increased farm or ranch profit also results
 from management-intensive grazing. Sip estimates
 that although the initial cost of establishing a
 rotational grazing program in his pastures was
 approximately $1,560, the rotational grazing theo-
• retically increased his revenue by $4,680. Not only
 are farms capable of increasing their stocking
 rates but they also can better stockpile grass for
 winter grazing, which reduces the need to feed.
 hay and lowers total feed costs.
                                                                                       www.state.tn. us/agriculture/nps/index.html

Reggie Reeves
Tennessee Department of
Environment and
Division of Natural
8th Floor. L&C Tower
Nashville, TN 37024

Primary Sources of
• agriculture
• logging
• channelization

Primary IMPS Pollutants:
• sediment
• nutrients

Project Activities:
• riparian reforestation
. • wetland restoration
• cattle exclusion

" • 	 :""""~ 	 "' """" '• " '

• acquisition of more than
1 ,500 acres for long-
term protection of
riparian and wetland

                                                          Ghost River Land Acquisition  Project:
                                                          River Protected by Restoring Forested Wetlands
                                                                                                      Grand Junction, Tennessee
                            The Ghost River region of the Wolf River is part
                            of the larger Wolf River Conservation Initiative.
                            The Wolf River is an unchannelized river in west
                            Tennessee extending from the Mississippi-Tennes-
                            see state line in Fayette County to Memphis,
                            where it becomes channeled in Shelby County.
                            The Ghost River section begins at the bridge at
                            LaGrange and continues to Bateman's bridge
                            approximately 10 miles to the west. This section
                            of the Wolf River features a meandering river
                            channel, a swamp forest where the river channel is
                            braided, and an open swamp lake. The banks and
                            parts of the river are forested, which provides
                            significant wildlife value. The overall water quality
                            is considered good because the river supports
                            many species of filter-feeding mussels.
     The significance of the Ghost River region
 relates to its unaltered channel, -which supports
 important forest communities in need of protec-
 tion. These communities are bald cypress, -water
 tupelo, and bottomland hardwood forests. The
 Wolf River has numerous recreational uses that
 are compatible with natural area, preservation.
 They include hunting, fishing, canoeing, birding,
 and other nature appreciation activities. Education
 and research are encouraged and might be impor-
 tant parts of the management to restore bottom-
 land hardwood forests and buffer areas.
     Increasingly, land along the Wolf River is
 being cleared of natural bottomland hardwoods
 and other -wetland vegetation. Much of the water-
 shed is under agricultural production, which con-

tributes significantly to increased sedimentation in
the river and loss of riparian and wetland habitats.
In many places along the Wolf River, cattle access
the river and associated wetlands, causing addi-
tional erosion. Primary threats to the river include
forest fragmentation and erosion from logging,
channelization, contamination and erosion from
agricultural use, pollution caused by dumping, and
urban sprawl. There are also other threats, such as
noise and toxic pollution from motorboat use in
the swamp lake, off-road vehicle use, and the
introduction and spread of invasive exotic species.
Any use of invasive exotic plant species in food
plots in the adjacent Wildlife Management Area
could pose a threat.

A three-phase project
The Ghost River Initiative sought to prevent these
threats to the Ghost River section of the Wolf
River by acquiring land and establishing conserva-
tion easements to protect and enhance water .
quality. The  tracts identified for acquisition flood
annually and have a.high potential for wetland and
riparian habitat restoration with associated water
quality improvement.
    To  accomplish riparian habitat conservation
and wetland habitat restoration on the Ghost
River, a three-phase project was developed. First,
property would be  purchased. Second, with coop-
erating organizations, a plan would be developed
for thorough restoration of the tracts, including
riparian reforestation, wetland restoration, and
cattle exclusion. The third phase would involve
implementation of the restoration work in asso-
ciation with cooperating organizations. Support
for this project included 1250,000 in section 319
funding, plus $284,755 in match.

Results and other efforts
More than 1,500 acres have been purchased in the
Ghost River section for long-term conservation
of the riparian and wetland habitats. These prop-
erties are, for the most part, adjacent to one an-
other. The Ghost River Initiative  represents one
of many conservation projects under way to
protect the Wolf River. Other efforts continue to
protect the area through acquisition, conservation
easements, registry agreements, or other forms of
cooperative management agreements.
    Management and restoration plans for the
area are under development. Subject to other
funding, the Tennessee Department of Environ-
ment and Conservation, Division of Natural
Heritage, will complete a biodiversity, field review
of the properties for use in the development of a
comprehensive management and  restoration plan.
    The restoration of bottomland hardwood
forested wetlands is important in  Tennessee be-
cause of the decline in this category of wetland
habitats. Efforts will continue  to ensure that this
unique river system is preserved in its natural state
for future generations of Tennesseans to enjoy.
                                                                                   Tennessee 1
                                                                                               I 1*5

                                                                              www.state.tn. us/agriculture/nps/index.html
Dr. Kim Stcarman
Tennessee Technological
University, Water Resources
Box 5033
Cookeville. TN 38505
Primary Sources of
• container nurseries
Primary NPS Pollutants: Project Activities:
• pesticides • constructed wetland
• nutrients
• removal rates greater 	
than 80 percent for
herbicide, 90 percent for
nitrogen, and 85
percent for phosphate
                                Using  Constructed Wetlands to Clean  Up Pesticides:
                                   Container Nurseries Will Benefit from Successful Pilot-Scale Study
                                                                                                            Baxtec Tennessee
                            Container nurseries account for an increasing
                            share of total nurseries in Middle -Tennessee.
                            The nursery industry is concentrated in that
                            part of Tennessee and ranks in the top 10 agri-
                            cultural industries in the state each year. Con-
                            tainer nurseries traditionally apply large
                            amounts of pesticides and nutrients to the
                            nursery crops, which are susceptible to runoff
                            into surface waters. Collection ponds have been
                            used with some limited success, but pesticide or
                            nutrient residues can concentrate in the ponds
                            because litde if any treatment to remove harm-
                            ful substances is used.
                                Although constructed wetlands have not been '
                            evaluated for use in container nurseries, Tennessee
                            Technology University's Water Center has used
                            such wetlands to treat the town of Baxter's waste-
                            water, and the wedands have been operating suc-
                            cessfully for several years. This site was ideal for
                            incorporation of a container nursery to demon-
                            strate constructed wedand treatments because the
                            nursery was in place and operational.

                            Project goals
                            The primary goal of the project was to demon-
                            strate constructed wedands as a cost-effective best
                            management practice to reduce pesticide and nutri-
                            ent runoff and to purify water in. container nurser-
                            ies. The specific objectives were to (1) determine
                            removal rates of simazine, metolachlor, nitrogen,
                                                                    and phosphorus from container nursery runoff
                                                                    using constructed wetland cells; (2) determine die
                                                                    effect of vegetation (soft-stem bulrush), flow,
                                                                    depth, and aspect of constructed wetlands on
                                                                    herbicide and nutrient removal; and (3) design and
                                                                    install a pilot-scale, subsurface-flow gravel con-
                                                                    structed wedand at a container nursery grower's site
                                                                    for removal of herbicides and nutrients and for
                                                                    demonstration to growers and odier interested
                                                                        In the spring and summer of 1998 and 1999,
                                                                    a field study was conducted at the Baxter, Tennes-
                                                                    see, wastewater treatment plant, where con-
                                                                    structed wetland cells have been studied since
                                                                    1992. A 450-square-meter container nursery widi
                                                                    overhead irrigation was built on-site. Water runoff
                                                                    from the, container nursery was pumped into 14
                                                                    gravel subsurface-flow constructed wedand cells.
                                                                    Bulrush (Scirpus validus) was grown in seven of die
                                                                    cells, and seven cells had no plants. The wedand
                                                                    cells were either 30 or 45 centimeters in depth.
                                                                    Three loading rates of runoff water containing
                                                                    herbicides and nutrients were added, correspond-
                                                                    ing to hydraulic retention times of 2 to 21 days.
                                                                    The removal of herbicides (simazine and
                                                                    metolachlor) and nutrients (nitrogen and phos-
                                                                    phorus) in each of the constructed wedand cells
                                                                    •was calculated and correlated with bulrush vegeta-
                                                                    tion, loading rates, depdi of cell, and hydraulic
                                                                    retention time.
I Tennessee

                        Promising results
                        Constructed wetland cells with plants removed
                        significantly more simazine, nitrogen, and phospho-
                        rus than cells widiout plants. Cells with plants
                        removed more metolachlor at 2- to 8-day retention
                        times, but at higher water retention times there was
                        no difference. Nitrogen removal was greater in the
                        cells 45 cm deep (89 percent) than in the cells 30
                        cm deep (76 percent). Depth did not affect herbi-
                        cide or phosphorus removal. Removal of simazine
                        ranged from 57 to 96 percent, and metolachlor
                        removal ranged from 18 to 95 percent of that
                        applied; no significant difference in removal was
                        seen between the 'first year and second year of the
                        project. In constructed  wetland cells with plants,
                        about 60 to 65 percent  of herbicides were removed
                        at the high loading rate, which was equivalent to a
                        2- or 3-day hydraulic retention time. Increasing the
                        retention time to 8 or more days improved herbi-
  cide removals to above 80 percent in the cells with
  plants. Nitrogen removal was greater than 90 per-
  cent in all vegetated cells. Phosphate removal was
  greater than 85 percent in all vegetated cells except
  one cell, which had the shortest retention time.
      A newly constructed wetland might require
  some time for plants to become established, thus
  affecting removal efficiencies. The system at Baxter
  was a mature system, with wetland bulrush plants
  established since 1992 and plant densities greater
  than 300 stems per square meter. A pilot, subsurface-
  flow gravel constructed wetland has been installed at
  a nursery in Smithville, Tennessee, and is being
,  evaluated for operation, maintenance, and removal
  efficiencies. A workshop and demonstration of  the
  constructed wetland took place on October 24,
  2000, at the Pirtle's Nursery site. There was a good
  turnout of nursery growers, and many of the grow-
  ers showed a high interest in the technology.

Kil" "•" " 	 	 • -
Donna Long
Texas State Soil and Water
Conservation Board
311 North 5th, P.O. Box 658
Temple, TX 76503
•• 	 ; '""-. 	 " 	 :'
Primary Sources of
« agricultural runoff •
• :"' • -
Primary NPS Pollutants:
• atrazine
. -. .. _ _.. ._ .. ,_ .
Project Activities:
• agricultural BMPs (setbacks,
soil incorporation)
• information and education
on pesticide application
• well-water testing
• atrazine levels below
                          Atrazine Problems in the Lake Aquilla  and  Marlin City
                                                                                               Lake  System:
                                                                           Farmers Take a Proactive Stance
                                                                                                   Hillsboro and Marlin, Texas
                        Increasing levels of atrazine, a herbicide, in the water
                        supply caused concern among local citizens in the
                        Lake Aquilla and Marlin City Lake system area of
                        Texas. Atrazine levels exceeded the maximum con-
                        taminant level (MCL) at Lake Aquilla, and the devel-
                        opment of a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)
                        was imminent. The presence of atrazine in the water
                        supply was attributed to storm water runoff from
                        agricultural areas in the rural community.
 Response of the locals
 Local farmers took a proactive stance in response
 to this water quality issue by forming the Produc-
 ers' Atrazine Action Committee. The primary goal
 of the Committee was to reduce the presence of
 atrazine in water supplies by encouraging produc-
 ers to use the most economically feasible manage-
 ment practices conducive to the reduction of
 atrazine-contaminated runoff. They developed a
                                                                                                            Texas i
                                                                                                                     I 147

                            list of recommended best management practices
                            (BMPs) for the watershed and had meetings with
                            pesticide dealerships to increase awareness at the
                            chemical supply level. The Committee developed
                            a questionaire to document adoption of BMPs
                            over time and administered it randomly in the
                                The Stakeholders Group and Producers' Atra-
                            zine Action Committee sponsored a public meeting
                            in December, featuring different speakers on water
                            quality topics and pesticide applicator training. Farm-
                            ers began to implement various BMPs from the list
                            developed and recommended by the Committee,
                            some of which included observing more setback
                            area and incorporating atrazine into the soil to re-
                            duce herbicide runoff. Adoption of incorporation
                            has been estimated at 33 percent for this year, and
                            full adoption is expected within the next 3 years.
                                                                   Role of education and outreach
                                                                   Success could Hot have been achieved without
                                                                   strong, locally organized education and outreach
                                                                   efforts. As a result of such efforts, Lake Aquilla
                                                                   has had eight consecutive quarters without a
                                                                   violation of the atrazine MCL;
                                                                       The Producers Atrazine Action Committee
                                                                   also targeted groundwater quality awareness,
                                                                   secondary to atrazine reduction, in their public
                                                                   outreach and education campaign. The committee
                                                                   promoted weE-water testing through the
                                                                   TEX*A*Syst program and recommended that
                                                                   wells be tested for atrazine, bacteria, and nutrients.
                                                                   Many well owners were able to learn about well  ,
                                                                   water disinfection processes, testing, filters, and
                                                                   protection of groundwater quality. As a result, 28
                                                                   wells in the county have been tested for bacteria,
                                                                   nitrates, nitrites, sulfates, phosphates, and atrazine.

. ..
Donna Long
Ttexas State Soil and Water
Conservation Board
31 1 North 50% RO. Box 658
Temple, TX 76503

Primary Sources of
• agriculture (dairy)
: . - •
Primary NPS Pollutants: Project Activities:
• nutrients : • on-farm composting of
solid waste
: . - . ' " . • : " ^
• exporting pollutants off-
site to low-risk areas
• economic gains
                                    On-Farm  Composting  of Dairy Cattle Solid Waste:
                                          Protecting Water Quality While Producing a Salable  Product
                                                             Commerce, Texas (composting); Anderson/Houston SWCD, Palestine, Texas (marketing)
                            A section 319 grant was awarded to Texas A&M
                            University—Commerce to initiate a cattle solid waste
                            composting demonstration project on a 400-cow
                            freestall dairy. The outcome of this demonstration
                            resulted in the conversion of solid animal waste into
                            a value-added product suitable for high-end whole-
                            sale or retail markets. This product could be mar-
                            keted in bulk for use in field, landscape, or nursery
                            applications or could be bagged for retail sales to the
                            homeowner market. Potential buyers of the compost
                            include landscapers, commercial nurseries, home and
                            garden centers, greenhouses, homeowners, farmers,
                                                                    golf courses, cemeteries, public water works depart-
                                                                    ments, road and highway contractors, schools, parks,
                                                                    turf growers, and developers.

                                                                    Advantages of in-vessel techniques
                                                                    In-vessel composting has many advantages over
                                                                    other composting techniques. The need to trans-
                                                                    port raw materials on public roads to a centralized
                                                                    composting facility is eliminated when animal waste
                                                                    is retained for on-farm composting. Rapid comple-
                                                                    tion of the composting process, through in-vessel
                                                                    composting, results in product stabilization and

                         sanitation 'within 3 to 4 days during any season of
                         the year. Raw waste material remains isolated from
                         the environment until the process is complete, and
                         the site manager has precise control of moisture,
                         temperature, and aeration during the composting
                         process, regardless of ambient weather conditions.
                         Another advantage is that raw waste loses all offen-
                         sive odors within 12 hours of start-up..The result-
                         ing composted product is of superior quality and
                         suitable for high-end wholesale or retail markets.

                         Water quality and economic advantages
                         Water quality advantages followed as a result
                         of 8,000 pounds of nitrogen and 3,000 pounds
    each of phosphorus and potassium being an-
    nually relocated and beneficially used in low-
    risk areas. This demonstration project also
    yielded a market price of $20.00 per cubic yard
    (bulk) for the compost. Sale of the compost
    provided the dairyman a total income of
    $43,800, which resulted in an  annual net in-
    come of $20,150.
        Demonstrations have also shown that this
    product can be substituted unilaterally for im-
    ported Canadian sphagnum peat moss in many
    applications, including use as an alternative plant-
    growing medium in greenhouses and as an organic
    soil amendment in the landscape.
• •
Jon Hardman
Natural Resources
-Conservation Service
1 860 North 1 00 East
North Logan, UT 84341
435-753-56 1 6 (ext. 25)

Primary Sources of
« agriculture (croplands,
pasture, animal feeding

Primary NPS Pollutants:
' « sediments
« nutrients

Project Activities:
• stream channel and bank
• grazing land improvements
• animal waste management

• reduced concentrations
of total phosphorus
• improved habitat for fish
and other aquatic
                        The Little Bear River watershed in Cache County,
                        Utah, is listed as a high-priority watershed that is
                        being adversely affected by nonpoint source
                        pollution. The watershed covers 196,432 acres.
                        Land use is approximately 70 percent range/
                        forest, 19 percent irrigated cropland, 7 percent
                        dry cropland, and 4 percent other. Land owner-
                        ship is 85 percent private, 11 percent national
                        forests, and 4 percent state lands.
                            In 1990 the U.S. Department of Agriculture
                        (USDA) provided funding through the Hydro-
                        logic Unit Area Water Quality Program, giving
                        birth to the Little Bear River Project. The Little
                        Bear River Steering Committee was formed to
        Little Bear  River Project:
Voluntary Approaches Yield Success
                                  Cache County, Utah

   provide local leadership and oversight of the
   watershed planning project. A technical advisory
   committee consisting of local, state, and federal
   resource agencies and representatives  from Utah
  . State University was formed to assist the Little
   Bear River Steering Committee with the watershed
   assessment. The technical advisory committee
   completed a watershed assessment in  1992.
       The watershed assessment identified high
   sediment loads from eroded stream banks, as well
   as high nutrient and coliform loads from numer-
   ous animal feeding operations. Cropland and
   pastures were also found to be significant sources
   of nutrients in the Little Bear  River watershed.

                            Having identified the major causes of nonpoint
                            source pollution in the watershed, the local steer-
                            ing and technical advisory committees developed .
                            the following project objectives:
                                • Reduce erosion from streambanks and
                                  rangeland in critical areas.
                                • Reduce nutrient and sediment loading from
                                  cropland, pasture, animal feeding opera-
                                  tions, and rangeland.
                                • Inform and educate landowners within the
                                  project boundary and the public of the
                                  need to improve and maintain water quality
                                  in the Little Bear River watershed.
                                • Monitor the effectiveness of best manage-
                                  ment practices (BMPs) and evaluate the
                                  benefits of water quality improvements.

                            Promoting voluntary approaches in the
                            The overall project goal was to encourage land-
                            owners to implement conservation practices and
                            BMPs voluntarily to improve the quality of water
                            in the Little Bear River watershed. To make the
                            voluntary approach successful, a diverse group of
                            partners were invited to provide guidance and
                            input into project priorities and activities. To date,
                            more than 100 landowners have participated in
                            the project. An important component of the
                            project is the citizen volunteers. Local community
                            groups have donated more than 3,000 hours to
                            various projects.
                                In the early stages, watershed restoration
                            focused on stream channel and bank restoration
                            and on grazing land improvements. In 1994 more
                                                                    emphasis was placed on improving animal waste
                                                                    management systems. By 1998, 36 animal waste
                                                                    management systems had been designed, and they
                                                                    are currently in various stages of completion and
                                                                    implementation. From 1991 to 1996, $1,507,000 in
                                                                    section 319 funding was allocated to the watershed

                                                                    Measurable improvements in water quality
                                                                    Currently, 6 years after the initial watershed resto-
                                                                    ration efforts, measurable improvements in water
                                                                    quality are being documented. There is a down-
                                                                    ward trend in  total phosphorus concentrations in
                                                                    the watershed. As more animal waste management
                                                                    systems  and BMPs are implemented, the down-
                                                                    ward trend is expected to continue. A Total Maxi-
                                                                    mum Daily Load (TMDL) plan has been devel-
                                                                    oped, and further reductions in nutrient loadings
                                                                    will continue once the plan is implemented. The
                                                                    TMDL will target and reduce point source loads
                                                                    of phosphorus. By measuring the reduction of
                                                                    total phosphorus from point sources, the reduc-
                                                                    tion of nonpoint source pollution can be deter-
                                                                    mined to assess the success of the 319-funded
                                                                        Implementing BMPs throughout the water-
                                                                    shed is also benefiting the aquatic community. In
                                                                    some reaches of the watershed, meanders have
                                                                    been restored in the stream channel. This work,
                                                                    and other structural work to control bank erosion,
                                                                    has improved habitat for fish and other aquatic
                                                                    organisms. Angler use has increased in the water-
                                                                    shed, and this success has piqued the interest of
                                                                    other landowners in participating in the program.

HRHI ' ~
Shane Green
Natural Resources
Conservation Service

Primary Sources of
• agriculture

,..'.'. ; . •
Primary NPS Pollutants:
• sediments
• nutrients

Project Activities:
• fencing
• prescribed grazing
• revegetation
• stream channel stabilization
• sprinkler irrigation systems
~" •" ~ ' 	 ; 	 " ~ 	 ~ 	 ~~ 	 -<
• reduced concentrations
of total phosphorus
• enhanced aquatic

                                                    Success in the Chalk Creek Watershed:
                                                       Reduced Phosphorus, Enhanced Habitat Result
                                                                                                       Summit County, Utah
                       . The Chalk Creek watershed in Summit County,

                        Utah, encompasses 173,000 acres. Roughly 123,500

                        acres is rangeland, 2,000 acres is used as cropland,

                        and 44,000 acres is forested. The watershed is 100

                        percent privately owned. Chalk Creek is a major

                        tributary and source of sediment and nutrients to

                        the Weber River, which supplies drinking water to

                        Ogden, Utah, and other Wasatch Front communities.

                            Because Chalk Creek is an important water

                        source and a recreational fishery, an intensive water

                        quality assessment was conducted in  1990 to identify

                        sediment and nutrient .sources in the  Chalk Creek

                        watershed. The results of the watershed assessment

                        indicated that the creek was impaired because of

                        habitat alteration and sediment. The total phospho-

                        rus level was also above the Utah State Division of

                        Water Quality Standards' indicator value for the

                        beneficial use designation of a cold-water fishery.

                        Utah officially placed the stream on its 303 (d) list of

                        impaired waters. EPA approved the Total Maximum

                        Daily Load (TMDL) plan in 1997. Between 1991

                        and 1999, $1,673,000 in section 319 funding was

                        allocated to the watershed effort.

                        High local support for restoring watershed

                        In 1991 the local soil conservation district, landown-

                        ers, water users, and resource managers initiated the

                        Chalk Creek Nonpoint Source Water Quality Project

                        to address the water quality impairment of Chalk
  Creek By 1994 a coordinated watershed resource

  plan had been developed and a technical advisory

  committee, composed of local, state, and federal

  agencies, private individuals, and groups, had been

  formed to assist the local steering committee.

      The primary goal of the Chalk Creek

  Nonpoint Source Water Quality Project was to

  reduce erosion and sedimentation entering the

  creek. Methods identified to reduce erosion in

  Chalk Creek were stabilization of streambanks,

  restoration of riparian vegetation, and improved

  rangeland vegetation to reduce overland runoff.

      There was a high level of landowner support

  in the Chalk Creek watershed. By 1997 many of the

.  100 major watershed landowners, working with the

  Natural Resources Conservation Service and other

  agencies, had begun designing resource manage-

  ment system plans and restoration projects. A

  typical Chalk Creek restoration project consists of

  fencing off the riparian zone on one or both sides

  of the.creek, followed by implementing a rotational

  grazing management plan. Some projects address

  eroding banks by installing stream barbs  or mean-

  ders in stream reaches that were historically

  straightened. Most restoration projects on Chalk

  Creek include planting willows at degraded sites.

  The most successful projects have natural willow

  regeneration on newly created floodplain deposi-

  tion zones. The table summarizes the BMPs that

                          have been implemented in various projects in the
                          Chalk Creek watershed.

                          The payoff: reduced phosphorus in watershed
                          The landowners' cooperation and implementation
                          of restoration projects have reduced the concen-
                          trations of total phosphorus in Chalk Creek.
                          Results from water quality monitoring indicate
                          that total phosphorus concentrations in Chalk
                          Creek are lower for the time period of 1990 to
                          1999 than for the time period of 1978 to 1989
                          (see figure). It is expected that total phosphorus
                          concentrations will further decrease as more
                          restoration projects are
                          completed and land-
                          owner resource manage-
                          ment systems are imple-
                              Implementing best
                          management practices
                          (BMPs) throughout the
                          watershed has enhanced
                          the aquatic community,
                          with emphasis on the
                                                               fishery populations. Reduced sediment from
                                                               eroding banks and riparian areas has improved
                                                               fish spawning and macroinvertebrate habitat.
                                                               Placing willow plantings and adding in-stream log
                                                               and rock features as flow-directing structures have
                                                               provided fish resting.habitat in addition to bank
                                                               stability. As more BMPs are implemented
                                                               throughout the watershed, the benefits to water
                                                               quality and the aquatic community will continue
                                                               to increase. A noteworthy indicator of success is
                                                               the presence of a population of pure strain
                                                               Bonneville cutthroat trout in the watershed.
                                            Best Management Practices Implemented in the
                                            Chalk Creek Watershed
                                            Best management practice
                                            Brush management
                                            Riparian fencing
                                            Rangeland fencing
                                            Stock watering
                                            Streambank protection
                                            Streambank vegetation
                                            Stream channel stabilization
                                            Prescribed grazing
                                            Sprinkler irrigation systems
    Amount completed
    1,479 acres
    13,128 feet
    8,842 feet
    3 units
    3,801 feet
    3,652 feet
    8,655 feet
    15,443 acres
    1,118 acres
                          Total Phosphorus Concentrations in Chalk Creek (at Highway 189 in

                           •§. 0.6
                           Q. 0.4
                                                    = 0.037x + 0.0813
                                                   R  =0.5294, n=75
                                                                             • m
                                                                                •y = 0,0327x + 0.0385
                                                                                  R2 = 0.513,  n=103
                                                  10           15
                                                      Discharge (m3/sec)

www.anr.state.vt. us/dec/waterq/wqdhome.htm
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Contact: Primary Sources of Primary NPS Pollutants:
JeffCueto' Pollution: ' -sediment
Vermont Agency of Natural « hydroelectric development
Water Quality Division
Building 1 0 North
1 03 South Main Street
Waterbury, VT 05671
jeffc®dec.anr.state.vt.us - . .

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Project Activities: Results:
» reviewing/commenting on • improved aquatic habitat
relicensmg applications . increased wastewater
assimilative capacity
* enhanced recreational
use for swimming,
fishing, and boating
• elevated dissolved
oxygen levels
« reduced turbidity and
suspended sediment
                                    Flow  Restoration Below Hydroelectric Facilities:
                                         Relicensing  Offers Opportunity to Increase Stream Flows
                        The impacts of hydroelectric development on

                        Vermont streams were documented in a 1988

                        report titled Hydnpoiver in Vermont: An Assessment •

                        of Environmental Problems and Opportunities, the first

                        comprehensive environmental study of Vermont's

                        62 older hydroelectric projects. Artificial regula-

                        tion of natural stream flows and the lack of ad-

                        equate minimum stream flows at these sites were

                        found to have reduced to a large extent the suc-

                        cess of the state's initiatives to restore the benefi-

                        cial uses and values for which the affected waters

                        are managed. Slightly more than three-fourths of

                        the hydroelectric projects studied were found to

                        be adversely affecting die streams on which they

                        were located. The substantial advances being

                        made to clean up Vermont's rivers were being

                        stymied by this flow regulation problem.

                        The project  '

                        Since 1991 Vermont has used section 319 funding

                        to support the Department of Environmental

                        Conservation's (DEC) participation in the process

                        of relicensing hydroelectric projects (under Clean

                        Water Act section 401 authority). In doing so,

                        DEC has developed positions on relicensing

                        applications, influencing the preparation of condi-

                        tions for future operation of the facilities to sup-

                        port desked multiple uses of the affected waters.
Activities have also included evaluating the regula-

tion of reservoir levels and downstream flows as

related to the support of recreational uses, aquatic

habitat, and aesthetics, as well as .erosion of reser-

vok/impoundment shorelines and downstream


Site-specific successes

Given the technical and social complexities of

relicensing, and in spite of several appeal proceed-

ings, numerous accomplishments  are a dkect

result of the focus provided by section 319. A few

key examples illustrate these accomplishments:

    • The Clyde River Project was denied certifi-

      cation because of a project dam that de-

      grades  habitat and impedes migration of

      landlocked salmon from Lake

      Memphremagog. DEC subsequently

      worked with several parties to complete

       dam removal and restore this reach of the

      river, which was accomplished in 1996.

    • Projects occurring in the Passumpsic,

       Black, and Ottauquechee Rivers (Connecti-

       cut River Drainage) were relicensed subject

       to a "run-of-river conversion," requiring

       inclusion of special recreation and land-

       scaping plans, bypass flows, and down-

       stream fish passage.

                                   The Center Rutland Project (Otter Creek,
                                   Lake Champlain Drainage) was relicensed
                                   after issuance of a water quality certification.
                                   The project is now being operated under a
                                   new flow management plan that includes
                                   spillage to improve bypass habitat, aesthetics,
                                   and dissolved oxygen concentrations in  •
                                   Rutland's wastewater management zone.
                                                                     Expected results
                                                                        Expected benefits from this nonpoint
                                                                     source implementation strategy include improved
                                                                     aquatic habitat; increased wastewater assimilative
                                                                     capacity; enhanced recreational uses for swim-
                                                                     ming, fishing, and boating; elevated dissolved
                                                                     oxygen levels; and reduced turbidity and sus-
                                                                     pended sediment.
r 	 "" 	 ""
Rick Hopkins
Vfermont Agency of Natural
Water Quality Division
Building 10 North
103 South Main Street
WStertiury. VT 05671

Primary Sources of
« agriculture (dairy)

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• sediment
* nutrients
• bacteria

	 	 " 	 - - 	
Project Activities:
• livestock exclusion fencing
• alternative water supplies
• armored or bridged livestock
stream crossings
• bioengineering streambank
stabilization practices

• reductions in
phosphorus, nitrogen,
suspended solids, and
indicator bacteria
* improved

                                                   Lake  Champlain  Basin Watershed Project:
                                                                  Significant Pollutant Reductions Achieved
                            Lake Champlain, the nation's sixdi-largest fresh-
                            water lake, is undergoing cultural euttophication
                            due to excessive phosphorus loads. About 71
                            percent of the lake's average annual phosphorus
                            load of 647 metric tons comes from nonpoint
                            sources, and two-thirds of this load is estimated to
                            come from agricultural land in the basin.
                                Over the past several decades, efforts to
                            reduce agricultural nonpoint source pollution in
                            Vermont have focused on improving animal waste
                            management in the state's predominantly dairy
                            agriculture. Construction of manure storage
                            structures, barnyard runoff management, and
                            adoption of waste utilization plans to avoid winter
                            spreading of manure have been widely encour-
                            aged under a variety of federal and state cost-
                            share and technical assistance programs. However,
                            dairy cows traditionally spend half of the year
                            away from .the barn on pasture, and impacts on
                            water quality from livestock grazing have not been
                            addressed in previous nonpoint source reduction
                                                                                               Franklin County, Vermont

                                                                    programs. Free access to streams and strearnbanks
                                                                    by livestock is commonplace in Vermont. Direct  .
                                                                    deposition of waste into streams, destruction of
                                                                    riparian vegetation, and trampling of strearnbanks
                                                                    and streambeds all represent important sources of
                                                                    sediment, nutrients, and bacteria to surface waters
                                                                    in Vermont.

                                                                    Paired watershed study
                                                                    The Lake Champlain Basin Watershed Project was
                                                                    initiated in 1994, as one of the projects composing
                                                                    the Section 319 Nonpoint Source National Moni-
                                                                    A bridge was constructed to allow cows to cross
                                                                    the stream without contributing to streambank
[ Veimonc

Exclusion fencing, requiring only normal
fence maintenance, is a simple way to keep
livestock from degrading streambanks.
toring Program (http://
319index.html), to evaluate the
effectiveness of grazing manage- •
ment, livestock exclusion, and  •
streambank protection as tools for
controlling nonpoint source pollu-
tion in small agricultural water-
sheds. The project used a paired
                         watershed design, using two treatment watersheds
                         and a control watershed, to track changes over a 7-
                         year period. Contributing partners included the U.S.
                         Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources
                         Conservation Service, U.S. Fish and.Wildlife Ser-
                         vice, Franklin County Natural Resource Conserva-
                         tion District, and participating watershed agricul-
                         tural landowners.
                                                    In 1997, following a
                                                3-year monitoring/
                                                calibration period, a
                                                number of land treat-
                                                ments were applied
                                                throughout the
                                                Samsonville Brook and
                                                Godin Brook water-
                                                sheds. The treatments
                                                included livestock exclu-
                                                sion fencing, alternative
Healthy vegetation along streambanks protects water   water supplies, armored
quality by preventing erosion and filtering nutrients."
                                                or bridged livestock
                         stream crossings, and bioengineering streambank
                         stabilization practices (with brushrolls, tree revet-
                         ments, and willow plantings).
                             Maintenance was not a major problem for the
                         treatments; only normal fence maintenance was
                         required. Water supply was an obvious concern
                         following livestock exclusion from stream reaches,
                         but the project was fortunate in that alternative
                         supplies could be exploited relatively simply at  all
                         sites. In a limited way, the project demonstrated
some success in using pasture pumps to provide
water for beef cattle, but water for dairy'cows is a
serious operational issue to be considered in future
    The bioengineering installations appeared to
work well, as demonstrated by rapid and strong
growth of planted willows and native riparian
zone vegetation throughout the treatment period.
Brushrolls survived high flows very weE and
appeared to perform their function of trapping
sediment, supporting new vegetation growth, and
protecting streambanks.

Confirmed pollutant reduction
Three years of'post-treatment monitoring was com-
pleted in November 2000. The final results confirm
significant reductions in phosphorus, nitrogen,
suspended solids, and indicator bacteria in response
to treatment (see table). Biomonitoring data also
suggested improvements in the macroinvertebrate
community, particularly due to riparian zone protec-
tion. Although no significant improvements in fish
assemblages were observed, physical habitat im-
provements were noted in the treated sections of
both Samsonville Brook and Godin Brook. Overall,
the project was successful in demonstrating that
practical, low-technology, low-cost practices can yield
significant improvements in water quality.

  Average Documented Pollutant
  Reductions Over Three Post-
  treatment Years in Samsonvilie
  Total phosphorus                   -15%
  Total KjeldahJ nitrogen              -12%
  Total suspended solids              -34%
  Total phosphorus export      .      -49%
  Total Kjeldahl nitrogen export       -38%   ._
  Total suspended solids export       -28%
  £ coli                             -2.9%
  Fecal coliform bacteria              -38%
  Fecal streptococcus               ^ -40% ^
  Conductance                       -11%
  Temperature            .            -6%

                                                                                  www. dcr. state, va. us/sw/npsupdt. htm
Carol Pollfo
Chief, Division of Resource
18100 Park Headquarters Rd,

Primary Sources of
• acid mine drainage
» overfarming

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• heavy metal
• lowpH
» sediment
. . n , , , • -
Project Activities: .
• storm water diversion from
mine site
• dredging spoil materials
• sealing shafts
• covering mine spoil
• revegetatFon
. ^ ~ * , ~,
• decrease in heavy metals
(copper, zinc, and iron)
» decrease in sulfate levels
• improvements in fish
community (taxa and
individual numbers)
                                              Cabin  Branch Mine Orphaned  Land Project:
                                                         Flora and Fauna Benefit from Mine Reclamation
                                                                                                   Prince William County, Virginia
                            Virginia's Nonpoint Source Pollution (NPS) Man-
                            agement Program has long recognized the need to
                            improve surface and ground water quality by reduc-
                            ing nonpoint source pollution associated with
                            abandoned and orphaned mineral mines. Vkginia's
                            Department of Conservation and Recreation's
                            Division of Soil and Water, which administers the
                            NPS Management Program, recently had the
                            unique opportunity to partner with the Virginia
                            Department of Mining, Minerals and Energy's
                            Orphaned Lands Program to support several inno-
                            vative reclamation projects to achieve improved
                            surface and ground water quality.
                                From 1890 to the early 1920s, Cabin Branch
                            Mine operated at a site along Quantico Creek, a
                            tributary of the Potomac River, in Prince William
                            County, Virginia. Large by Virginia standards, the
                            mine had 200 to 300 people working aboveground
                            and up to 2,400 feet belowground at any given
                            time, excavating pytite for use in the production
                            of sulfuric acid.                               •
                                In 1933 the Civilian Conservation Corps ob-
                            tained the abandoned mine and its surrounding land,
                            and it is now part of Prince William Forest Park.
                            The park's 18,633 acres cover a major portion of the
                            Quantico Creek watershed and contain one of the
                            few remaining piedmont forest ecosystems in the
                            National Park System. The area had been heavily
                            farmed for tobacco since colonial times, leaving the
                            soil degraded and subject to intense erosion. Since
                                                                   the area was acquired by the National Park Service,
                                                                  -the native forest has been allowed to reclaim the
                                                                   overfarmed and exhausted landscape. However, the
                                                                   area incorporating the mine site was not able to
                                                                   revegetate naturally because highly acidic mine
                                                                   tailings were inhibiting growth.
                                                                       Water quality in Quantico Creek just down-
                                                                   stream was severely compromised because of the
                                                                   acid mine drainage and heavy metal contamina-
                                                                   tion. During rain and storm events, surface water
                                                                   mobilized and carried oxidized sulphur com-
                                                                   pounds and acidic material into the creek. The
                                                                   resulting impacts on the water quality of the creek
                                                                   were low pH, high conductivity, and significant
                                                                   sediment loading.

                                                                   Multiple funding sources
                                                                   After years of coordination between the National
                                                                   Park Service, Geologic Resources Division and
                                                                   Water Resources Division; Virginia Department
                                                                   of Mines, Minerals and Energy; and the natural
                                                                   resources staff at Prince William Forest Park, the
                                                                   Cabin Branch Mine site was reclaimed in 1995. In
                                                                   addition to section 319 funding, support was
                                                                   provided through a grant from the National Park
                                                                   Service's Water Resources Division, and the bal-
                                                                   ance was covered by Virginia's Orphaned Land
                                                                   Program administered by the Virginia Department
                                                                   of Mines, Minerals and Energy's Division of
                                                                   Mineral Mining.

                          The primary goal of the Cabin Branch Mine
                      Orphaned Land Project was to improve the water
                      quality of, the downstream reach of Quantico
                      Creek contaminated by acid drainage and heavy
                      metals. Additional goals included making the site
                      safer for park visitors and restoring native vegeta-
                      tion. Reclamation plans included diverting storm
                      water away from the mine site to "limit acidifica-
                      tion of off-site storm waters, sealing all shafts so
                     ' surface water would not enter mine workings or
                      groundwater, covering mine spoil materials with a
                      good soil medium, and revegetating all disturbed
                      areas with tolerant grasses and legume species. All
                      of these actions were designed to reduce acid
                      mine drainage discharges, thereby reducing heavy
                      metal concentrations in the surface waters.

                      Benefits to water quality and aquatic life
                      Water chemistry monitoring of Quantico Creek
                      was conducted before and after reclamation of
                      the Cabin Branch Mine site to quantify the success
                      of the reclamation project. Initial -water sampling
                      taken after reclamation activities were completed
                      showed a marked decrease in the presence of
                      heavy metal contamination in Quantico Creek. A
                      2-year monitoring program conducted by George
                      Mason University (see table) recently confirmed
                      that levels of copper, zinc, and iron in the stream
Water Quality Data Before and After Reclamation,
Cabin Branch Mine
0,06 mg/L
0.49 mg/L
590.0 mg/L
0.32 mg/L
0,0010-0.012 mg/L
0.18-1.20 mg/L
10.0-30.0 mg/L
0.05-0.12 mg/L
have been appreciably reduced since project
completion; sulfate levels and conductance have
also improved. In addition, remotely sensed im-'
ages taken by the US Army Corps of Engineers
before and after reclamation visually illustrate the
elimination of acid materials from the creek itself.
The George Mason study also included fish and
invertebrate sampling of the stream. The fish
community in the downstream reach has increased
in both number of taxa and number of individu-
als since the project was completed. Results of
invertebrate monitoring are inconclusive because
of large population fluctuations during the moni-
toring period.
    The park's resource management staff also
teamed up with U.S. Geological Survey staff to
initiate.a monitoring and research study to investi-
gate the effects of storm water retention ponds,
created during the reclamation project to mini-
mize acid mine drainage from the site, on breed-
ing amphibians. Although low pH levels and heavy
metal concentrations in the surface water reten-
tion ponds have been shown to negatively affect
amphibian reproduction, results of this study
confirm that the ponds are doing what they were
designed to do—trap contaminants from surface
mine drainage and keep it from reaching Quantico
    The public outreach activities integral to the
project continue to be a success. Community
involvement was high, and at the end of the
project 150 volunteers gathered at the reclamation
site to plant 5,000 native trees and shrubs. This
effort will help further stabilize the streambank
and assist in restoring native  forest to previously
bare ground.

                                                                                             www. dcr.state. va. us/sw/npsupdt. htm
i Contact:
; Allen Bishop
i Department of Mines,
' Minerals, and Energy
PCX Box 3727
CrariouesvBte,VA 22903
! dobOmmcsutevaus

Primary Sources of
• acid mine drainage

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• heavy metal
concentrations (copper)

Project Activities:
• diversion of water from
mine site
• sealing of all.mine shafts
• regrading mine spoil
• constructed wetlands
. . ^
• reduced copper levels
• improved invertebrate
community •
• reestablishment of native
brook trout
                                                         Toncrae Mine Orphaned  Land  Project:
                                                         Mine Site Reclamation Increases Species Diversity
                                                                                                           Floyd County, Virginia
                             The Toncrae Mine in southern Floyd County oper-
                             ated as a copper mine intermittently from the late
                             1700s to 1947. The abandoned mine had severely
                             degraded East Prong Creek with acid mine drain-
                             age and heavy metal contamination. Barren mine
                             tailings, underground seeps, open mine shafts, and
                             old ore processing areas contributed to the deposi-
                             tion of large concentrations of heavy metals into
                             the creek, a tributary of the Little River. At one bog
                             site, copper was measured at levels thousands of
                             times greater than the limits set by EPA. In addi-
                             tion, upland areas surrounding the mine were
                             barren of vegetation because of contaminated and
                             inhospitable soil conditions. Reclamation of the
                             Toncrae Mine site was considered a high priority
                             because of the excessive pollutant levels, the nu-
                             merous open mine shafts, and perhaps most impor-
                             tant, the high potential for successful recovery of
                             the site.

                             Innovative solutions
                             Beginning in 1993, Phase I of the reclamation
                             included diverting unpolluted waters away from the
                             mine site to limit effluent discharge, sealing all mine
                             shafts, regrading mine spoil materials, constructing
                             wetlands to treat mine seepage, and revegetating all
                             disturbed areas with tolerant grasses and legume
                             species. Sixteen shafts were capped and sealed, and
                             mine markers were installed.
                                                                         An innovative wetland system was also de-
                                                                     signed to naturally filter out the heavy metals
                                                                     before they reached the surface waters of East
                                                                     Prong Creek. Contaminated discharge from 16
                                                                     shafts and 6 spoils dumps is routed through 6 cells
                                                                     of constructed wetland, 5 of which filter the
                                                                     drainage through bark and straw mulch, and then
                                                                     litnestone, before discharging into the next cell.
                                                                     Within the cells anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacte-
                                                                     ria remove toxic heavy metals, while cattails, reeds,
                                                                     and  other wetland plant species also contribute to
                                                                     metal uptake, providing a future source of nutri-
                                                                     ents for the bacteria. The treated water is finally,
                                                                     discharged into East Prong Creek.
                                                                         Phase II of the Toncrae Mine Orphaned
                                                                     Land Project was initiated in 1997 in response to
                                                                     continued chemical monitoring of the constructed
                                                                     •wetlands. Monitoring results indicated that two of
                                                                     the wetland cells were not functioning as well as .
                                                                     desired in the winter months. The goal of Phase
                                                                     II was to reconfigure the wetland design  to in-
                                                                     crease detention time and improve performance.
                                                                     This phase of the project also included continued
                                                                  •   chemical monitoring to quantify success.
                                                                         The reconfiguration of the constructed wet-
                                                                     lands was required because the drainage was being
                                                                     oxygenated too rapidly in the winter months be-
                                                                     cause of higher-than-expected flows, combined
                                                                     with cooler temperatures. Because of the rapid

                         oxygenation., the system •was unable to maintain the

                         anaerobic conditions that the sulfate-reducing

                         bacteria required to adequately break down the

                         metals in solution. The first step of Phase II in-

                         volved increasing the size of the two problem cells.

                         The effect was to create one large wetland cell from

                         the previous two, thereby increasing detention time

                         and the overall time the drainage remains in an

                         anaerobic state. Next, another much larger wetland

                         cell was constructed below the existing cells to

                         further increase detention time. Finally, an anoxic

                         drain was installed to reduce oxygen levels entering

                         the system and assist the wetlands in functioning in

                         an anaerobic state.

                         Successful results

                         Invertebrate sampling conducted before reclama-

                         tion showed the invertebrate population of East

                         Prong Creek to be severely affected below the

                         Toncrae Mine site. Both the number of species and

                         the total number of organisms were significantly

                         lower than those recorded at a reference site lo-

                         cated upstream from the mine and its toxic effluent

                         (see figure). After project completion, copper levels
                                  Sampling Date
Total number of organisms collected at five sites in East Prong Creek before (March 1994 and May 1994) and
after (July 1994 and September 1994) reclamation activities were complete. Site 1 (SI) is a reference site
upstream -of the Toncrae mine site; S2 to S5 are downstream of the mine. Before the wetlands became
operational, the sites downstream of the mine showed an appreciable decrease in number of organisms
compared to the upstream site.,After the wetlands became operational, however, the invertebrate communities
appeared to have recovered quite well, becoming very similar to those of the upstream reference site.
•were appreciably reduced: copper concentrations

ranged from 9 to 32 micrograms per liter (mg/L)

before the project .and between 0.1 and 14 mg/L

after the project The invertebrate community

showed signs of a rapid recovery. Within months

of project completion, both the number of inverte-

brate taxa and the number of individuals were

approaching reference site conditions.

    Monitoring for Phase II continued through

1998. Chemical monitoring of the wetlands indi-  •

cated that since reconfiguration, the wetlands are

successfully removing metals, even in the cool

temperatures of fall and winter.

    The success of this project led the Virginia

Wildlife Federation to award its  1995 Mineral

Conservationist of the Year Award to the Virginia

Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy's

Division of Mineral Mining. The award was

granted for the successful rehabilitation of the

Toncrae Mine site and East Prong Creek. The

nomination for the award notes that "the creek

now has a healthy animal life with growing diver-

sity, and the revegetated land surface is now a

camping and-picnic ground."

         The long-range goal of the Toncrae

    Mine Orphaned Land Project was a return of

    the native brook trout to the contaminated

    stream section below the mine site. Accord-

    ing to residents, no fish had been seen in the

    contaminated section of East Prong stream

    in years. Biologists with the Virginia Depart-

    ment of Game and Inland Fisheries con-

    firmed that although brook trout did inhabit

    the stream above the Toncrae Mine site, they

    did not occur downstream of the site.  How-

    ever, recent surveys conducted by the

    Department's fisheries biologists verify that

    since reclamation was completed, brook trout

    have successfully moved into East Prong

    Creek below the abandoned mine site.
                                                                                                                            I ISO

Environmental Engineer
Department of Planning
, and Natural Resources
45 Mars Hill
Fredertoied. VI 00840-4474

Primary Sources of
• failing septic systems

Primary NPS Pollutants:
« nutrients
• pathogens

Project Activities:
• alternative treatment
systems installed

• effectively controlled
discharge of residential
                                                                              Virgin Islands  Partnership:
                          Alternative Treatment Systems Prevent Contamination of Coastal Waters
                             Preservation of coastal water quality is critical in the
                             U.S. Virgin Islands, where tourism is the main indus-
                             try. Public sewer systems do not extend throughout
                             the islands, and there is a large dependency on con-
                             ventional septic tank/seepage pit-systems. Unfortu-
                             nately, the hilly terrain of the islands, the shallow
                             soils, and in many instances the dense residential
                             development are factors that contribute to the failure
                             of conventional systems and subsequent discharge
                             of improperly treated waste.
                                 The Virgin Islands Department of Planning
                             and Natural Resources (DPNR), through a study
                             conducted by Kimball-Chase, documented that a
                             major source of contamination of beaches and
                             other coastal areas in the U.S. Virgin Islands is
                             failing septic systems. These widely used units are
                             failing because they lack the 2 to 3 feet of  pervi-
                             ous soil through which effluent should pass to be
                             properly treated.

                             An innovative solution
                             To remedy this problem, DPNR and the University
                             of the Virgin Islands (UVT) entered into a partner-
                             ship. DPNR asked the public for proposals  for the
                             design and installation of affordable alternative
                             systems that would treat residential wastewater
                             using nonmechanical means and would require
                             minimal maintenance. Two of the designs submit-
                             ted were selected, and the systems were installed at
                             two residences where conventional systems  had
                                                                                                     U.S. virgin Islands

                                                                     failed to meet treatment needs. The new systems
                                                                     used a series of closed cells filled with gravel and
                                                                     soil in which plants with high water uptake rates
                                                                     were planted. In addition, the systems blended in
                                                                     with the topography of the sites and were installed
                                                                     in such a way that they enhanced the appearance of
                                                                     the properties.
                                                                         DPNR observed the installation of the sys-
                                                                     tems, and UVI closely monitored their perfor-
                                                                     mance" for a 6-month period following their instal-
                                                                     lation. Plants thrived in the systems, and it was
                                                                     interesting to note that at one site exotic flowers
                                                                     fared better than anywhere else on the island. No
                                                                     discharge of effluent from the systems, odor, or
                                                                     any other unpleasant effects were recognized at
                                                                     either site. Effluent quality was found to improve
                                                                     as it passed through the systems. Most signifi-
                                                                     cantly, because no discharge was ever noted, the
                                                                     surrounding environment was never threatened.
                                                                         The pilot alternative systems for treatment of
                                                                     residential wastewater have a high potential for
                                                                     reducing the pollution threat to the fragile coastal
                                                                     ecosystems of the Virgin Islands. Thus far, they
                                                                     have proven to be affordable to install, effective,
                                                                     and easy to maintain. The systems are being
                                                                     closely monitored to assess their performance
                                                                     over an extended period.
                                                                         Because of the high public interest in these
                                                                     systems, DPNR has developed a handbook avail-
                                                                     able to the public to guide in their design, con-  .
Virgin Islands

                       struction, and use. DPNR is also proposing

                       regulations that would permit use of these sys-

                       tems in areas where sensitive environmental

                       factors preclude the installation of conventional
 septic tank systems. The innovative systems have

 the potential to maintain high environmental

 quality for present and future generations in the

 U.S. Virgin Islands.
Hfil . - •. • . •
Heidi Wachter
King County Department of
Natural Resources
Water and Land
Development Division

Primary Sources of
« horse farms
• - - . . . • ....•'.:•
Primary NPS Pollutants:
• sediment
• nutrients

Project Activities:
• farm plan management
(pasture management,
manure management,
mud management, wildlife
enhancement, stream
corridor management)

• 84 percent decrease in
" TSS from grass filter strips
.• 35 to 85 percent
pollutant reductions
from paddocks
                           Best Management Practices on Model Horse  Farms:
                                       Farm Plan Management Reduces Nutrients and Sediment
                                                                                               King County, Washington
                       "Implementation and Evaluation of Livestock

                       Water Quality Best Management Practices (BMPs)

                       on Model Horse Farms" was a joint project be-

                       tween the King County Water and Land Resources

                       Division (formerly Surface Water Management)

                       and the King County Conservation District. King

                       County has nearly 9,000 farms, housing between

                       30,000 and 40,000 horses. Some 600 of those

                       farms are near Class 1 and 2 streams, and even

                       more have drainage systems that flow to nearby.

                       streams, lakes, or wetlands. The primary goal of-the

                       project, which received $85,000 in 319 grant fund-

                       ing for the years 1995 to 1998, was to promote

                       education and technical assistance to horse and

                       farm owners with the Model Farm Project.

                           Model farms were selected in 11 watersheds

                       throughout the county, and farm plans -were

                       implemented on 12 different sites. Farms were

                       selected based in part on their ability to function

                       as an education site and the owner's experience

                       and interest in providing a role model for other

                       horse and farm owners. Also, geographic location,

                       potential for improvement, and the owner's will-
ingness to implement and maintain the elements

of the farm plan were important factors.

Education and technical assistance on model


For the 12  farms selected, costs for materials and

labor associated with implementation were funded

through a cost share, and the farm plan expenses

•were covered by funds from the farm owner and

the 319 grant. Cost-shared farm plan elements

included materials for composting facilities, fenc-

ing, pasture and hay land planting, and paddock


    Education concentrated on encouraging

implementation of four BMPs—pasture manage-

ment, manure management, mud management,

and wildlife enhancement, including stream corri-

dor management. Between 1995  and 1998, a series

of education and outreach activities took place,

including 10 tours, 13 education sessions, 12

outreach events, farm-related events, and presen- .

tations. They reached more than 5,000 horse and

small farm owners in King County.
                                                                                                   wasnington '
                                                                                                               I 161

                       Real results
                       Support, encouragement, and a sustainable conT
                       nection with the farmers were critical and resulted
                       in full implementation of the farm plan BMPs on
                       each of the 12 farms. The education activities not
                       only promoted proper management practices but
                       also encouraged a sense of stewardship for
                       aquatic resources in the respective basins. But the
                       clear results stem from the post-BMP implemen-
                       tation assessment.
                            The two BMPs chosen for assessment pur-
                       poses were use of wood waste as a winter pad-
dock footing material and use of grass filter strips
for the treatment of surface runoff from winter
paddocks. There was a reduction in pollutant
concentrations after BMP implementation for all
nutrients monitored except nitrite/nitrate/nitro-
gen. Despite this increase, consideration of the
dissolved oxygen concentration after BMP imple-
mentation indicates that toxic nitrite levels would
be unlikely because nitrite is rapidly broken down
to nontoxic nitrate when a high dissolved oxygen
content is present. Reductions in all other mea-
sured pollutants ranged from. 35 to 85 percent.
Mak Kaufman
Beltingham Reid Office
Department of Ecology

Primary Sources of
• dairy farms

Primary IMPS Pollutants:
• fecal conform bacteria

Project Activities:
• dairy farmer outreach/
• BMPs to control manure
• fencing
	 • 	 ' "• 	
• fecal coliform loads
down 2 1 percent
                          A Moo-vlng Approach to Dairy Waste  Management:
                                            Fecal Coliform Pollution Reduced in Whatcom County
                                                                                             Whatcom County, Washington
                       The goal of the "Watershed-Based Approach to
                       Dairy Waste Management" is to lower dairy-
                       related levels of fecal coUform bacteria and other
                       manure-associated contaminants in a watershed
                       without alienating the dairy industry. The project,
                       which is coordinated by the Washington State
                       Department of Ecology, has received $90,000 in
                       319 funding for the past 3 years to improve water
                       quality. The project has focused on Whatcom
                       County in the northwest corner of Washington
                       State, which borders British Columbia. To fully
                       grasp the nature of the problem, consider that
                       every adult milk cow produces the equivalent
                       waste of 22 humans. There are some 69,000 cows
                       (or the equivalent of 1.5 million people) in
Whatcom County. This figure does not even
account for the stock (about 30,000 cows) used to
replace older, non-milk-producing cows.

Monitoring to target priorities
The Department of Ecology partnered with the
Northwest Indian College to monitor fecal
coliform levels bimonthly. In addition to the  .
inspections of the state's dairy farms that are
required by law, the consistent monitoring data
collected by the college for this and other 319-
funded projects have helped determine which
subbasin tributaries have the highest levels of
fecal coliform loading. Subsequently, reinspections
are being conducted in those areas to determine

'whether the pollution is related to nearby dairies.

Then the detected problems can be corrected.

The fecal data collected by the Northwest Indian  .

College are posted on the college's web site and

cover all of the subbasin tributaries of the

Nooksack River, as well as sites in the Drayton

Harbor/Portage Bay areas. The web site is at


Farm plans and agreements

Once the basins with the highest loading have

been identified, the Department of Ecology

inspects the area farmers' milking facilities, as well

as all of the off-site replacement stock operations.

Most of the problems have been found at the off-

site locations because farmers typically do not

invest as much time, attention, or. money in those

locations as they do in their primary milking facili-

ties. Outreach and education are vital, and farmers

are referred to the Whatcom County Conserva-

tion District for farm planning and technical

assistance. These referrals, together with educa-

tion and outreach, have encouraged farmers all

over the county to implement best management

practices (BMPs) such as long-term waste storage

facilities, manure solids separators, rainwater

gutters and downspouts, agronomic manure field

applicator schedules, and fencing  to keep livestock

out of streams.

    Although the Department of Ecology's goal

is to increase compliance rather than to impose

penalties, about $200,000 in fines  have been

imposed on roughly 4 percent of  the dairy farm-

ers in the county. Notices  of Correction, an

informal non-penalty means of enforcement for

potential discharge problems, are  used amply.
The Department of Ecology issued about 75

notices as preventive solutions between July 1998

and June 2000.

    As an additional measure, the Department of

Ecology has recently signed an agreement with

the Governor's office. This hew agreement calls

.for a reduction of 15 percent per year in the fecal

coliform loads as compared with the loads re-

ported by the Department of Ecology's 1996 to

1998 Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) fecal

coliform monitoring study.

Real results

Although much work remains to be completed in

terms of controlling nonpoint sources of con-

tamination on dairy farms in Whatcom County,

the current dairy inspection program has brought

unprecedented change in the way dairy farmers

operate their farms. The Department of Ecology's

new approach to working with dairy farmers,

particularly with respect to implementing BMPs, is

still enforcement-oriented but also has struck a

good balance with education and outreach. Fair

but firm enforcement, both formal and informal,

has helped break down the image of the enforcing

agency as an enemy.

    Upgrades to control pollution to date have been

completed through partnerships established between

the Department of Ecology, the Whatcom Conser-

vation District, and the Whatcom County office of

the Natural Resources Conservation Service. By

working together, the partners have achieved impres-

sive results. As of the last quarter of 1999, fecal

coliform loads in the Bertrand/Fishtrap Creek

subbasin were.down 21  percent, and they are ex-

pected to drop further during the fall.

^•MBH . ....
i Contact:
> Marie Zuroskc
: South %Wma Conservation
. Dstrtet
i SOT-837-79U
Primary Sources of
• furrow irrigation in
agricultural fields
Primary NPS Pollutants:
• sediment
• - '
Project Activities:
» conversion to sprinklers
and drip irrigation
• other sediment reduction
practices (RAM application)
' • . • ' *
• 30 percent reduction in
sediment load in the
Moxee Drain
• decrease in total
suspended solids (86
percent in subbasin 1 0 and
56 percent in subbasin 5)
                                                Sediment  Reduction  in  Yakima River Basin:
                                                     People Become Stewards  of Their Own Watershed
                                 Sulphur Creek is
                                 a tributary of the
                                 Yakima River and
                                 receives runoff
                                 from about
                                 41,500 acres of
                                 agricultural land.
                        Since 1994 the Yakima
                        Conservation District
                        and Department of
                        Ecology, along with
                        many other groups,
                        have been working to
                        reduce sediment in the
                        Yakima River Basin in
                        eastern Washington
                        State, including the
                        Moxee Drain, Granger
                        Drain, and Sulphur
                        Creek Drain. The
                        primary problem has
                        been furrow irrigation,
                        most notably on hops
                        farms. This method of
                        irrigation is notorious
for causing sediment flow and also for introducing
poisonous pesticides like DDT into the water. In
1994 furrowed irrigation was delivering 100  tons of
sediment and pesticides per acre per year into the
water. There are about 19,000 acres of irrigated
land in the watershed.
    In late 1993 the North Yakima Conservation
District received 319 funding, and in 1996-1997,
the South Yakima Conservation District also
received 319 funding to work on the problem
from the south. In the past several years, the
Department of Ecology has begun to work on
Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) on the
                After the installation of BMPs,
                subbasins reported decreases in TSS
                of as much as 86 percent.
                      Yakima River Basin, Washington

Yakima River watershed in its entirety. By 1997 a
30 percent reduction in sediment load had been
achieved in the Moxee Drain alone, and drip
irrigation had been implemented on more than
2,000 acres of farmland.

Sulphur Creek progress
Sulphur Creek is a tributary of the Yakima River.
and one of the three major irrigation return flows
in the Yakima Valley. It receives runoff from
about 41,500 acres of irrigated agricultural land in
the Sulphur Creek Basin. In 1997 the South
Yakima Conservation District received 319 fund-
ing to implement best management practices
(BMPs) in two subbasins of the watershed. Thirty
farmers applied for technical and financial assis-
tance in implementing these practices, and 16 of
the proposals (covering 679 acres) were accepted.
    The primary method used to reduce sediment
loads due to furrow irrigation is implementing
more efficient drip irrigation methods, such as
sprinklers. Site-specific BMPs were designed with
the individual landowners. In one case, the dem-
onstration included application of polyacrylamide
(PAM) through a central pivot irrigation system.
PAM is a coagulating agent that when used in
irrigation causes better soil saturation and less
runoff in the fields. The combination of these
two management practices was new in this area.
    Monitoring was conducted to measure the
effects of installing die BMPs. Samples were
164 BUI VKasrungton

                         collected at about 15 sites in the two subbasins
                         from June 1997 through October 1999. One
                         subbasin registered a decrease in total suspended
                         solids of 86. percent, and the other subbasin
                         showed a decrease of 56 percent.

                         The big picture
                         One of the primary goals of these combined 319-
                         funded projects was to provide education and out-
                         reach to local groups and individual farmers to
                         inspire people to become involved in their water-
                         shed. When people become stewards of their water-
                         shed, they begin to take responsibility for restoring
                         and protecting it. In the past few years, stewardship
                         of this watershed has become a vital interest of local
                         irrigation districts and individual farmers.
                             In fact, education and outreach using demon-
                         strated BMPs funded by 319 grants have been so
                         successful that the irrigation districts have joined
                         together on their own, forming a joint interest
                         group called Roza-Sunnyside Board of Joint Con-
 trol (RSBOJQ. Taking responsibility for water quality
 themselves, they have applied for State Revolving
 Fund loan money. As an indirect result of 319 out-
 reach and education, the RSBOJC succeeded in
 obtaining $10 million in loans to improve water •
 quality in the watershed. Because of the RSBOJC's
 outstanding efforts, in 1998 Washington's Governor
 presented the Board an award for Environmental
    This phenomenal stewardship shows in the recov-
 ery effort. The Department of Ecology recently
 initiated its TMDL program to reduce pollutant loads
 in waters across Washington. For example, one of the
 Yakima TMDL goals was to reduce turbidity to.below
 25 ntu (turbidity units) by the end of 2002. Thanks to
 earlier 319 projects and to RSBOJC's current efforts,
 that goal has already been reached this year in most
 drains. Additionally, the Department of Ecology
 reports that as a result of RSBOJC's stewardship
 efforts, there has been no need to write an enforce-
 ment order in more than a year.
         WEST    VIRGINIA

Lyle Bennett
NFS Program Manager.
Office of Water Resources
120! Greenbrier Street
Charleston, WV 253 1 1

Primary Sources of
• timbering ;
• streambank erosion
• agriculture
• roads

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• fecal coliform bacteria
• sediment .

Project Activities:
• critical area planting
• streambank fencing
• feedlot relocation
• nutrient management plans

« 340 acres under nutrient
management plans
• 85 percent agricultural
landowner participation
                                                                              The North Fork Project:
                          Farmers' Cooperation Leads to Proposed Delisting of Degraded River
                        The North Fork Project illustrates a successful •
                        multiagency partnership approach to solving a
                        water quality problem on a scenic high-quality trout
                        stream" in the rural Potomac Headwaters area. As a
                        result of the implementation of numerous best
                        management practices.(BMPs) funded under sev-
                        eral federal and state programs, the West Virginia
                        Department of Agriculture is now proposing that
              Pendleton and Grant Counties, West Virginia

the North Fork River be removed (delisted) from
the list of impaired water bodies in West Virginia.
    The North Fork of the South Branch Potomac
River watershed is in Pendleton and Grant Coun-
ties in West Virginia; a portion of the watershed is
in Highland County, Virginia. The area within the
watershed is predominantly forested, with agricul-
ture as the second dominant land use. Beef and
                                                                                                         West Virginia

                              poultry enterprises are the main agricultural activi-
                              ties. Because of the rugged nature of the terrain,
                              many of the concentrated livestock feeding areas
                              and poultry operations were located on the narrow
                              valley bottoms and floodplains adjacent to the
                              streams. High levels of bacteria and sediment
                              loading were adversely affecting both the North
                              Fork and South Branch watersheds. A U.S. Geologi-
                              cal Survey surface water study found that the num-
                              bers of feedlots and poultry houses per square mile
                              had a positive correlation with concentrations of
                              fecal coliform bacteria in surface streams. Based on
                              the South Branch Potomac watershed Total Maxi-
                              mum Daily Load (IMDL) allocations, the North
                              Fork required a 35 percent reduction in fecal
                              coliform bacteria loading from agricultural land to
                              meet West Virginia's.water quality standards.
                                  The Potomac Headwaters area historically has
                              produced beef cattle, forages, timber, and some
                              corn and apples; since the early 1990s, however, the
                              area has seen a significant increase in the poultry
                              industry. In .1993 this area became a component of
                              the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA)
                              Water Quality Initiative, a cooperative effort of
                              federal, state, and local agencies to  address water
                              quality issues. In January 1997 a Public  Law 534
                              Land Treatment Watershed cost-share program was
                              initiated in the upper Potomac River Basin to ad-
                              dress the structural and technical needs of the area
                              farmers in order to improve water quality and
                              protect the associated natural resources of the area.
                                  In March 2000 the North Fork Watershed
                              Association launched a section 319 project to
                              address bacteria and sediment problems associated
                              with agricultural activities, past timbering opera-
                              tions, streambank erosion, and road maintenance
                              activities. Partners in developing the plan included
                              the Potomac Valley Soil Conservation District,
                              West Virginia Soil Conservation Agency, West
                                                                        Virginia University Extension Service, West Vir-
                                                                        ginia Division of Environmental Protection (DEP),
                                                                        West Virginia Division of Forestry, West Virginia
                                                                        Division of Highways, USDA Natural Resources
                                                                        Conservation Service, and Trout Unlimited. The
                                                                        West Virginia Agriculture Water Quality Loan
                                                                        Program, funded through the DEP Clean Water
                                                                        Act State Revolving Fund, also provided comple-
                                                                        mentary low-interest loans (2 percent) to landown-
                                                                        ers to help  finance BMP installation.

                                                                        Implementing multiple BMPs
                                                                        To date, 12 agricultural 319 projects, one forestry
                                                                        319 project, and 19 PL-534 projects/contracts have
                                                                        been implemented in the North Fork watershed to
                                                                        control nonpoint source pollution. A range of BMPs
                                                                        have been established to control runoff from feed-
                                                                        lots and to  eliminate or reduce cattle's access to the
                                                                        streams. These BMPs include installing streambank
                                                                        fencing, relocating feedlots away from streams,
                                                                        constructing roofs over concentrated feeding areas,
                                                                        controlling roof runoff, establishing filter strips,
                                                                        establishing riparian buffers, developing alternative
                                                                        livestock watering facilities, drilling livestock water
                                                                        wells, and stabilizing critical eroding areas.
                                                                           . Rotational grazing systems with intra-pasture
                                                                        fencing systems and alternative watering facilities
                                                                        have been established to improve the conditions of
                                                                        pastures, reduce runoff, and control bacterial, sedi-
                                                                        ment, and nutrient pollution. To control or eliminate
                                                                        runoff from the poultry operations, poultry litter
                                                                        storage sheds, waste composting facilities, and mor-
                                                                        tality composters have been  constructed and buffer/
                                                                        filter strips  have been established. In addition, nutri-
                                                                        ent management plans have  been developed and
                                                                        implemented for more than 340 acres of cropland
                                                                        and pastureland receiving animal manure.
                                                                            In cooperation with West Virginia Division
                                                                        of Forestry, educational workshops are being held
I West Virginia

to educate landowners and people in the forestry
industry on conservation practices. West Virginia
foresters are developing forestry plans to promote
logging conservation,and BMPs. One severely
eroded, steep hillside site has been planted with
trees and fenced for livestock exclusion as part of
a reforestation project.
    Another component of the North Fork
Project has included working with the West Vir-
ginia Division of Highways (DOH) to implement
a variety of conservation practices, including a
seeding demonstration using poultry litter as a
fertilizer, a sediment erosion control workshop for
DOH employees, and the selection of a site on
DOH property for the construction of a poultry
mortality composting facility.
    A West Virginia University research project
associated with the North Fork project has selected
a site to test whether acid mine drainage (AMD)
sludge, high in iron oxides, can be applied in buffer
strips to absorb soluble phosphorus before it enters
•waterways. If results are favorable, AMD waste
from the nearby coal mining region can be used to
reduce phosphorus pollution from excessive ma-
nure in the poultry-producing region of the state.
 Receptive agricultural community
 The agricultural community within the watershed
 has been extremely receptive: 85 percent of the
 farmers have participated in BMP implementation.
 Based on recent water quality monitoring results
 and the extent of BMPs installed, it is being pro-
 posed that the North Fork River be delisted from
 the 303(d) list of impaired waters in West Virginia.

 Ongoing and future projects and activities
 Future projects will emphasize wetland and ripar-
 ian corridor restoration. Working in cooperation
 with Trout Unlimited, stream channel restoration
 projects using natural stream channel design tech-
 nology are being planned to address stream ero-
 sion and sedimentation problems. One  site for a
 stream.restoration project has been selected near
 the Seneca Rocks scenic area, and design plans are
being developed. An educational display about the
watershed is planned for the Seneca Rocks Visi-
 tors Center in the Monongahela National Forest.
Educational programs for landowners on stream
channel protection and maintenance are planned,
and water quality monitoring by the West Virginia
Department of Agriculture is continuing.
                                                                                  WesiVirginia '

Russell Rasmusscn
Department of Natural
1 0 1 South Webster Street
Madison. Wl 53707

Primary Sources of
• agriculture (cropland, dairy

Primary NPS Pollutants:
• phosphorus
« sediment
• fecal coliforrn bacteria

- -• • 	 — L-- - •
Project Activities:
• BMPs to control barnyard
runoff and manure
• nutrient management and
reduced tillage on
• shoreline and streambank

' 	 	 . • '" IL '• - **
• more than 8, 1 00 feet of
streambank fencing
» reductions in suspended
solids (81 percent), total
phosphorus (88 percent).
ammonia nitrogen (97
percent), biological oxygen
demand (80 percent), and
fecal coliform bacteria (84
                                                                                         Otter Creek Project:
                                                              319 National  Monitoring  Program Goals Met
                            The largely agricultural, 7,040-acre Otter Creek
                            watershed drains to Lake Michigan via the
                            Sheboygan River. Biological monitoring in the
                            watershed has shown that the fish community
                            lacks fishable numbers of warm-water sport fish,
                            largely because of inadequate fish habitat and
                            polluted water. Dissolved oxygen concentrations
                            occasionally drop below Wisconsin's state stan-
                            dard of 5.0 milligrams per liter. In addition, bacte-
                            ria levels exceed the state's recreational standard
                            of 400'fecal coliforms per 100 milHliters in many

                            Achieving program goals
                            Modeling and field inventories have identified critical
                            areas needing treatment to achieve the project goals
                            of the National.Monitoring Program (http://
                            the fishery, restoring the endangered striped shiner in
                            Otter Creek, improving recreational uses by reducing
                            bacteria levels, reducing pollutant loadings to the
                            Sheboygan River and Lake Michigan, and restoring
                            riparian vegetation.
                                 Improved management of barnyard runoff
                            and manure, nutrient management and reduced
                            tillage on cropland, and shoreline and streambank
                            stabilization are all being'implemented to control
                            sources of phosphorus, sediment, bacteria, and
                            streambank erosion in the watershed. Best man-
                                                                                          otter Creek Watershed, Wisconsin

                                                                     agement practices (BMPs) installed on dairy farms
                                                                     include rainwater diversions, concrete loafing
                                                                     areas, filter screens to trap large solids in runoff,
                                                                     and grassed filter strips for treating runoff.
                                                                         Paired watershed and upstream/downstream
                                                                     monitoring studies covering eight monitoring sites
                                                                     are used to evaluate the benefits of the BMPs.
                                                                     Monitoring sites are located above and below a
                                                                     dairy with barnyard and streambank stabilization
                                                                     BMPs. Habitat, fish, and macroinvertebrates are
                                                                     being sampled each year during the summer. Water
                                                                     chemistry is tracked through analysis of 30 weekly
                                                                     samples collected each year from April to October
                                                                     at the paired watershed and upstream/downstream
                                                                     sites. Runoff events are also sampled at the up-
                                                                     stream/downstream sites and at the single down-
                                                                    . stream station site at  the outlet of Otter Creek.

                                                                     Key successes                    .
                                                                     To reduce upland soil erosion, more than 8,1.00
                                                                    - feet of streambank fencing was installed and a
                                                                     significant change in cropping practices was made.
                                                                     In the treatment watershed, 2 years of post-BMP
                                                                     monitoring data indicate that the system of BMPs
                                                                     was responsible for reductions in suspended solids
                                                                     (81  percent), total phosphorus (88 percent), am-
                                                                     monia nitrogen (97 percent), biological oxygen
                                                                     demand (80 percent), and fecal coliform bacteria
                                                                     (84 percent).

www.dnr.state.wi. us/org/water/wm/nps
HHM ' '
Rock County Land
Conservation Department ,
440 North U.S. Highway 1 4
Janesville, Wl 53546
• •
Primary Sources of
• agriculture [crop farming,
heavily pastured areas,
manure runoff)
' • .• . : : " . - • • •
Primary NPS Pollutants:
« sediment
• nutrients
• bacteria [

Project Activities:
• agricultural BMPs (barnyard
runoff management
shoreline fencing, contour
farming, reduced tillage,
conservation crop
sequence, strip crop, and
critical area stabilization]

• improved stream habitat,
bank stability, in-stream
cover, and fish
communities, including
' natural reproduction of
                                                         Success in Spring Creek Watershed:
                          Natural Reproduction  of Trout Confirms Water Quality Improvement
                        A medium-gradient (16 feet/mile) trout stream,

                        Spring Creek drains about 6 square miles (3,500  •

                        acres) of Rock County farmland in the southeastern

                        Wisconsin Till Plains Eco-region. Spring Creek is

                        one of only three managed cold-water fisheries in

                        Rock County. Although the creek had been capable

                        of supporting stocked trout during the fishing sea-

                        sons, it had been unable to provide habitat or water

                        quality suitable for trout survival throughout the

                        year. Because the waters of Spring Creek did not

                        support natural trout reproduction, annual stocking

                        of legal-size fish was required to provide a sport


                             The major land use in the Spring Creek wa-

                        tershed is cropland (83 percent), but land uses also

                        include grass and wood  (6 percent), wetlands (5

                        percent), development (3 percent), and some

                        pasture (3 percent). Excessive amounts of sedi-

                        ment, nutrients, and bacteria degrade the creek's

                        water quality, causing unbalanced fish communi-

                        ties with depressed populations and limited diver-

                        sity. The upland sediment delivery in the water-

                        shed is 3,241 tons per year, or 92 percent of the

                        entire watershed load, and cropland is the major

                        sediment source in the watershed. Manure runoff

                        from five animal lots created additional problems

                        by contributing more than 500 pounds of phos-

                        phorus annually to the watershed. The headwaters

                        of the stream had also lost much of their original

                        habitat to channelization.
               Union Township (Rock County), Wisconsin

    In 1991 Wisconsin's Department of Natural

Resources selected Spring Creek as a "priority

watershed management area" to restore stream

habitat so that trout could reproduce naturally in

its -waters. Spring Creek was selected as one of

five evaluation watersheds for a 7-year study to

examine the responses of stream physical habitat,

fish, and macroinvertebrates to watershed-scale

best management practices (BMPs).

Watershed-scale response

Between  1994 and 1999, Wisconsin implemented

a number of watershed-scale .BMPs to help

reduce nonpoint source pollution in the Spring

Creek watershed. By 1999 implemented BMPs

included  barnyard runoff and roof runoff man-

agement practices (diverting runoff away from

animal waste); 1,600 feet of shoreline fencing;

289 acres of contour farming; reduced tillage

(297 acres long rotation, 1,486 acres short rota-

tion); 513 acres using conservation crop se-  •

quence; 24 acres of strip crop; critical area stabi-

lization of 2 acres; and wetland preservation

easements on 1.6 acres.

Confirming success

Wisconsin assessed stream habitat, fish and

macroinvertebrates, and streambank erosion

throughout Spring Creek at various times from

1993 through 1999, using two reference streams to
                                                                                                        Wisconsin '

                            effectively determine the effects of BMPs applied
                            in the watershed. Sampling results indicated that
                            upland and riparian BMP installations have signifi-
                            cantly improved overall stream habitat quality, bank
                            stability, in-stream cover for fish, and catch of all
                            fishes. These improvements were more apparent at
                            stream segments with streambank fencing than at
                            segments without such fencing.
     Trout populations in Spring Creek improved
 after BMP installation. The first-ever catch of
 young-of-the-year trout in 1999 indicated that
 Spring Creek has gained the ability to partially
 sustain its trout population through natural repro-
 duction. Fish abundance also increased after BMP
 implementation, including a significant increase in '
 the number of cool- and cold-water fishes.

Brian Lovctt
Wyoming Department of
Environmental Quality
122 West 25" Street
Hot settler Building, 4" Floor
Cheyenne, VW 82002

Primary Sources of
• urban storm water runoff
• runoff from snow storage

Primary IMPS Pollutants:
• heavy metals
• oils
» suspended solids

Project Activities:
« installation of storm water
filtration system

• successful removal of
storm water particulates

                                     Jackson Hole Rodeo Grounds  Snow Storage Site:
                                                   Filtration System Reduces Urban Storm Water  Runoff
                            Flat Creek is in the Upper Snake River watershed.
                            Upstream of the town of Jackson, within the
                            National Elk Refuge, the creek is a Class 1 trout
                            stream. Historically, Flat Creek has provided
                            diverse recreational opportunities and aesthetic
                            value to the residents and visitors of Jackson as it
                            meanders through the community. For many
                            years, however, it has become increasingly appar-
                            ent that once the creek enters the town, fish habi-
                            tat quality is significantly diminished.
                                In response to these concerns, the Wyoming
                            Department of Environmental Quality and
                            Jorgensen Engineering completed a water quality
                            assessment of Flat Creek in 1982. The study
                            revealed a number of factors affecting water
                            quality, including increased impervious surface
                            area, increased traffic volume, and land uses re-
                            sulting in concentrations of heavy metals, oils, and
                            suspended solids. The study also found that urban
                            storm water was adversely affecting Flat Creek.
                                Jackson,. Wyoming

     In 1994 the Teton County Conservation
 District (TCCD), in cooperation with the Town of
 Jackson, conducted a thorough investigation of
 nonpoint source pollutants affecting Flat Creek.
 This comprehensive program, which included
 establishing permanent monitoring stations in key
 areas, identified the snow storage area at the ro-
 deo grounds as a significant source of nonpoint
 source pollutants.
     The TCDD, Town of Jackson, and Nelson
 Engineering prepared a grant proposal for installa-
 tion of a commercially available storm water
, filtration system and submitted the proposal to
 the Wyoming Nonpoint Source Task Force. The
 project was approved for funding in the amount
 of $32,735 in the fall of 1997.
     In the course of  determining the necessary
 sizing  of the filtration unit, snowmelt runoff
 samples were collected and analyzed. This analysis
 revealed that the sediment load in the runoff

•would exceed die capacity of existing commercial
unite and require excessive maintenance. Given
these findings, die Town Engineer and Nelson
Engineering designed a surrogate filtration sys-
tem. The new design lowered the project cost to
$14,824, resulting in a savings of 50 percent over
the cost of the commercial unit. Because of die
experimental nature of the new design, an amend-
ment to die grant proposal was sought and ap-
proved. The project was completed in the fall of
1998 and evaluated for effectiveness in the spring
of 1999.

Project details
The Jackson Hole Rodeo Grounds cover 6.2
acres, widi a 1-percent southwesterly slope. Snow
removed from die streets of Jackson is stored on
the western half of die lot. To improve drainage
to die soudiwest corner of die site, where the
filtration system is installed, the snow storage area
was graded. In die immediate area surrounding
the filtration system, a shallow detention basin -was
cut to provide a setding area for particulates prior
to entering the filtration system.
     The primary filter installed by die Town of
Jackson is composed of 2-inch-diameter washed
rock and a nonwoven geotextile fabric. Particles
from runoff, 0.0059 inch or greater, are trapped
and held in die top surface of the fabric in die
gravels. The filtered runoff is collected in a 6-foot-
diameter perforated manhole and dien conveyed to
a catch basin sediment trap that provides additional
sediment removal and storage in a sump-type
facility. Runoff dien passes to the storm water
collection system. The perforated manhole has
4 feet of effective depdi widi 1.5-inch perforations
on 8-inch centers; the immediate filtering surface is
484 square feet (22 feet by 22 feet).

A winning combination
During the winter of 1998-1999, roughly 120,000
cubic yards of snow  from die streets of Jackson
was stockpiled at the rodeo grounds. The results
of storm water runoff sampling collected during
the spring runoff period were inconclusive, so
Nelson Engineering was contracted to evaluate
die system's effectiveness. The investigation found
diat the three-phase rodeo ground filtration sys-
tem was effective in removing gross pollutants
0.0059 inch and  larger. There was no evidence of
sediment in the bypass, so the geotextile fabric
was not replaced for the 2000 runoff season.
    The design combination of sediment basin,
geofabric, washed rock filtration, and sump for bypass
flows .was successful in removing particuktes and can
be used in areas of limited space. This application can
be used widi favorable results in urban areas where
sediments are a storm water concern. The only modi-
fication to the system being considered is die use of
filter fabric with a smaller sieve size.


Brian Lovctt
Wyoming Department of
Environmental Quality
1 22 Wfest 25th Street
Herschler Building. 4th Floor
Cheyenne, WV 82002

Primary Sources of
• erosion from heavy


Primary NPS Pollutants:
• sediment

Project Activities:
• revised grazing management
practices (short-duration
grazing rotation)
• livestock management (off-
site watering, electric
fencing, vegetation
» prescribed burning

• increase in plant cover
trends on streambanks
(documented from
5 percent in 1 989 to more
than 90 percent in 1 995
in the Sulphur Springs
• easier cattle management
• increased beef production
                     Muddy  Creek Coordinated Resource Management  Project:
                                                          Cattle Ranches and Trout Streams Can Coexist
                                                                                                   Carbon County, Wyoming

                                                                             Many conservation and land management
                                                                         tools have been implemented to restore, enhance,
                                                                         and maintain the abundant natural resources in the -
                                                                         area while maintaining the economic stability and
                                                                         cultural heritage of the people on the land; The
                                                                         ecosystem management philosophy dictates that
                                                                         before any action is taken or management practice
                                                                         implemented, all impacts and users of the area
                                                                         must be addressed. It is because of this philosophy
                                                                         and spirit of cooperation that the wildlife, livestock,
                                                                         and all the associated natural resources in the wa-
                                                                         tershed have shown improvement since the project
                                                                         began. A comment from Millicent Sanger, whose
                                                                         family has been in the area since the 1930s, sums
                                                                         up the progress made: "I have never seen the water
                                                                         as clear and clean as it is now."
                                                                             The CRM project contains several grazing
                                                                         allotments established when the Bureau of Land
                                                                         Management first began to permit grazing on
                                                                         federal lands. The following are some examples of.
                                                                         the cooperation among people and the coordina-
                                                                         tion of management practices implemented on
                                                                         grazing allotments that have contributed to the
                                                                         success of the Muddy Creek CRM project.

                                                                         Doty Mountain Allotment
                                                                         "Getting to know the land, building relationships
                                                                         through communication, earning the trust so that
                                                                         people can identify their common ground and
In 1989 vegetation cover on the banks of Muddy Creek was only about 5
                       The Muddy Creek Coordinated Resource Manage-
                       ment (CRM) project is one of the original national
                       "Seeking Common Ground" demonstration
                       projects. It encompasses nearly 300,000 acres of
                       mixed federal, state, and private lands in Carbon
                       County, Wyoming. Using the philosophy of ecosys-
                       tem management on a watershed basis, the local
                       conservation district initiated the CRM process to
                       get all affected interests in the watershed working
                       on consensus management of the natural resources
                       in the project area. To date, more than 25 members
                       representing private landowners; federal, state, and
                       local agencies; environmental and conservation
                       organizations; industry; and the public at large have
                       worked on the project.
    [ wyomtng

                         •work together to achieve success" is -what the
                         CRM process means to Ray Weber of the Doty
                         Mountain Allotment, Weber believes that "it takes
                         commitment to not just work hard but to deal
                         with the many diverse people and their interests"
                         to make successful improvements on the land. In
                         this case, just a simple change from spring to fall
                         grazing was the solution. "What this CRM group
                         and many others have found out is that our 'com-
                         mon ground' is 'much greater than our differ-
                         ences," Weber says, "so let's set our differences
                         aside for the moment and work together to be
By installing pasture fencing and using managed grazing rotations, ranchers
were able to increase vegetative cover by 85 percent from 1989 conditions.
                         Grizzly and Daly Allotments
                         Other types of changes in grazing practices have
                         been implemented throughout the project area.
                         For example, the Wyoming Game and Fish De-
                         partment (WGFD) purchased the base property
                         of the Grizzly and Daly Allotments and desig-
                         nated it as part of a wildlife and livestock demon-
                         stration project. Historical use of these allotments
                         allowed for season-long grazing by cattle and
                         sheep. Once the WGFD took ownership of the
                         Grizzly Allotment, it implemented a short-dura-
                         tion grazing season. Each of the  eight pastures
was grazed for 7 to 21 days rather than the usual
60 to 90 days. This type of management promotes
recovery of healthy riparian areas by giving plants
plenty of time to grow.
    But simply moving to. a short-duration graz-
ing rotation wasn't good enough for Jim Chant of
the Desert Cattle Company. As the lessee of the
Grizzly and Daly Allotments, Chant has shown a
strong commitment to improving the resources
and proving that wildlife and cattle can coexist
beneficially. He and two full-time cowboys imple-
ment the WGFD's short-duration grazing season
by herding the cattle out of the riparian areas and
onto the uplands each afternoon. Not only does
this approach improve utilization within each
pasture, but it also reduces time spent in the lush
riparian zones. In addition, improvements to
facilitate livestock management such as spring
developments, off-site watering, electric fencing
(much of it solar-powered), high-tension fencing,
and vegetation management are ongoing. A pri-
mary goal of the CRM group is to reintroduce
the Colorado River cutthroat trout into Muddy
Creek, whose headwaters are in the Grizzly Allot-
ment. Once these upper portions of the water-
shed are in proper condition, trout will thrive.
Chant says he wants to be the first rancher to run
cattle next to a Colorado cutthroat trout stream,
"to show it can  be done."
    Prescribed  burning has proved extremely
beneficial for livestock, wildlife, and vegetation
communities in the Muddy Creek drainage.
Burning upland areas allows sagebrush seedlings
to sprout, thereby creating a more diverse age
class of sagebrush. Also, the livestock are enticed
away from the riparian areas to graze on the
more desirable grasses produced by the burning.
Fire removes the sagebrush competition so that
aspen can expand its area in both riparian and
                                                                                                            Wyoming '

                             upland sites. After burning, regrowth occurs
                             quickly, and within a few years a larger, healthier
                             community emerges.

                             Sulphur Springs Allotment
                             The Sulphur Springs Allotment is managed by •
                             Millicent and Kathryn Sanger, a mother and daugh-
                             ter whose family has used this area since the 1930s.
                             It was one of the first allotments for which man-
                             agement plans were developed in conjunction with
                             the Bureau of Land Management during the 1960s.
                             The various pastures in the allotment are used to
                             control grazing time and use. This approach allows
                             the Sangers to congregate the cattle in smaller
                             areas, resulting in improved conception rates, easier
                             management of the cattle, and overall increased
beef production. Plant cover on the streambanks
increased from only 5 percent in 1989 to more man
90 percent in 1995. Most of this change occurred
after pasture fencing and managed grazing rotation
were implemented. The  Sangers appreciate how the
land looks when they leave in the fall, knowing
there is plenty of forage left for the elk and mule
deer indigenous to the area.

Working together to be successful
Using various conservation and land management
tools, a coalition of government agencies, private
organizations, and individuals are making a differ-
ence in Carbon County. Their cooperative effort
has resulted in benefits for waters, wildlife, and
cattle ranches alike.
174 BEi Wyoming

A.II states recognise that strong information and education programs are critical to achieving their
nonpoint source program goals. This special feature section highlights nine especially innovative state
information and education programs. It focuses on programs that provide technical assistance tailored to
the locality (e.g., RJiode Island's onsite wastewater training center, Florida's Yards & Neighborhood
program, California's voluntary range land management program, and Connecticut's NEMO program)
and programs that incorporate an education component geared toward kids (e.g., Wyoming's stream
monitoring program, Illinois's Salt Creek Wilderness, and North Dakota's ULco-Camp). It also includes
the more "traditional" information and education programs (e.g., Wisconsin's Water Action  Volunteers
and Colorado's media campaign). "These programs all have in common a wide network of partners and
funding sources, as well as a creatively packaged approach.
 Ranch Water Quality  Planning:  Voluntary  Rangeland  Management
 Eases Impacts on California Watersheds
      1 here are more than 40 million acres of rangeland in California, half of which is in private •
      ownership and provides 90 percent of the forage base. Most of this acreage is located at strategic
 mid-level elevations, between California's upper elevations and urban and agricultural uses in valley and
 coastal areas. More than 9,000 miles of waterways drain the area. California's major'water supply reser-
 voirs are located_bn rangeland, and eight of the state's major drainage basins are dominated by com-
 monly grazed vegetation.     '
     Streams that once could depend on riparian vegetation to keep them cool and clean have become
 degraded. Their riparian vegetation has been stripped, their trampled banks are collapsing, and their
 temperatures are rising. The water quality problems include nutrients and pathogens, erosion, and sedi-
 mentation. Some' of the more serious impacts have threatened the state's drinking water supply.with
 bacterial contamination and caused significant declines in the state's  cold-water salmon and steelhead
 trout fishery.                                                                   .
     With partial funding through 319 grants, the University of California Cooperative Extension, in
 cooperation with the California Cattlemen's Association and others,  has developed and is presenting a
 voluntary Ranch Water Quality Planning Short  Course. In the course, ranchers receive information to
 assist them in making an assessment of nonpoint source pollution on their land and to help them deter-
 mine the extent to which their operation might be causing the problem, The program is voluntary, and
 individual ranchers, at their own discretion, may or may not use outside technical assistance.
                                                                                     Information and Education Programs

         Various materials are provided to help the ranchers: aerial photographs and maps of their lands;
     monitoring strategies, including photo-point monitoring and residual ground covering monitoring; and
     informative, easy-to-understand, one-page information sheets on a variety of pertinent topics that pro-
     vide the basic kinds of information needed to understand the ecological relationships among rain, soil,
     plants, grazing animals, and water quality.
         If a rancher decides that few or no changes need to be made in the ranch operation, a short Letter
     of Intent declaring die finding is to be written to become a part of the personal ranch record. If prob-
     lems are identified that the rancher determines result from the operation, the rancher is encouraged to
     complete a Rangeland Water Quality Management Plan. The plan is done at the discretion of the
     rancher. If done, the plan indicates the structural and operational changes the rancher intends to imple-
     ment to eliminate polluted runoff  from the land. The plan becomes a part of the personal ranch record,
     and  local Natural Resources Conservation Service representatives are available to offer technical and
     financial assistance if the rancher chooses to use their services.
         In die first year of program operation,  about 100 ranchers, who own or manage some 400,000 acres
     of ranchland, enrolled for Ranch Water Quality Planning Short Courses. Since September 1997 plans
     have been completed for approximately 475,000 acres along the coast and in the San Joaquin Valley and
     foothills. The State Water Resources Control Board and the Regional Water Quality Control Boards are
     committed to this approach and continue to support the program with section 319 funds and staff par-
     ticipation. Cooperative Extension routinely schedules additional courses throughout California.

     Contact Intofmation: Chris Chatoupka, Nonpoint Source Agriculture Unit, State Water Resources Control Board, 916-657-0703,
     ehak@dwq,swrcb.ca,gov; Mel George, University of California Cooperative Extension-Davis, 530-752-1720,  mrgeorge®ucdavis.edu
    Colorado  Water Protection  Project:  League of Women
    Voters Guides Extensive Urban NPS Campaign
              rystal clear" and "sparkling blue" are common media references to Colorado's waters. Citizens
              throughout the state have been hearing another water message, though, through a special
    outreach crusade. The message shares how an average homeowner can actively protect and avoid pollut-
    ing Colorado's waters.
        The League of Women Voters' Colorado Education Fund is reaching the state with this message
    through the Colorado Water Protection Project, supported in part through 319 funding. The project
    seeks to raise citizens' awareness of the need for more preventative approaches for emerging water is-
    sues. Because most of Colorado's population is urban, three information areas were identified for em-
    phasis: home fertilizer and pesticide use, pet waste, and do-it-yourself auto maintenance.
        The media campaign kicked off with a 30-second television message that aired statewide for a 10-
    day period in spring 1999. About 90 percent of potential Colorado viewers were reached with the televi-
    sion products. The campaign was broadened with the concurrent release of information through news-
    paper articles, eye-catching local bus advertisements, and pollution prevention pamphlets that were dis-
1 76 t_J Information and Etfucation Programs                •   •                        '     .•

tributed statewide.Project partners include a diverse representation of private and government entities.
Nearly 40 representatives serve on the project's technical committee, and 16 organizations have contrib-
uted funds and services.                                  -                   ,   .
    Surveys conducted before implementing the project found that less than 50 percent of the respon-
dents knew that storm water runs into local rivers, streams, and lakes  untreated by municipal treatment
facilities. A majority did not realize household-generated polluted runoff was a significant contributor to
water pollution. More than 25 percent did not think household-generated polluted runoff was a local
community concern or had an impact on their quality of life. Twenty percent did not think a person
could make a difference by preventing pollution in his or her household.
    Lack of information and inconvenience were noted as barriers to changing behavior. Television and news-
papers were found to be best means to convey needed information. Health concerns, drinking water protection,
and environmental quality for future generations were the main motivation factors for changing behavior.
    Post-project survey results showed that respondents have been affected by the project's efforts. Two
project goals were met—greater awareness of what household-generated polluted runoff is and in-
creased understanding that individuals can make a difference. Less success was realized in meeting the
goal of increasing people's understanding of how polluted runoff enters local rivers, lakes, and streams.

Contact Information: Cynthia Petersen, Project Manager, Colorado Water Protection Project, 303-861-5195
Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials (NEMO):
Successful Connecticut Project Used  as Model  Nationwide

      jEMO is an educational program for land use decision makers that addresses the relationship be-
      I tween land use and natural resource protection, with a focus on water resources. The NEMO
project was created in 1991 by the University of Connecticut Cooperative Extension Service (Uconn/
CES), in partnership with the Department of Natural Resources Management and Engineering and the
Connecticut Sea Grant Program. NEMO receives funding from a number of federal and state agencies;
major funding is provided by the USDA/Cooperative Research, Education, and Extension Service Water
Quality Program, the University of Connecticut, the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protec-
tion, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Environmental Protection Agency.
    NEMO helps communities to better protect their natural resources while charting the future course
of their towns. The project uses advanced technologies—geographic information systems (GIS), remote
sensing, and the Internet—to create effective education programs. NEMO presentations, publications,
and Web-based services  form an integrated package of information centered around the theme of natu-
ral resource-based planning. The presentations help explain the links between land use, water quality, and
community character. The project also offers follow-up .presentations and materials to help communities
move forward on the two major aspects of natural resource-based planning, namely, planning for areas
to be preserved and planning for developed or developing areas.
                                                                                     Information and Education Programs

    A Connecticut success story
    The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (CT DEP) estimates that about one-third of
    the state's rivers and streams and three-quarters -of the state's portion of Long Island Sound are im-
    paired, primarily because of nonpoint source pollution from urban and suburban areas and construction
    sites. Nonpoint source pollution is generated by land use, and most land use decisions in Connecticut are
    made at the local level by municipal officials and private landowners. Federal and state nonpoint source
    laws and programs established over the past 30 years have created a growing need for local officials to be
    more knowledgeable about the causes, effects, and management of polluted runoff. With 169 municipali-
    ties in Connecticut, die large number of local officials and the continual turnover of volunteer commis-
    sioners present a challenge to those who want to educate land use decision-makers.
        In 1997 CT DEP awarded section 319 grant funds to NEMO to expand its program to provide techni-
    cal assistance for local officials. During the first year, NEMO delivered its basic presentation through a
    series of 10 regional workshops. More dian 120 of the state's 169 municipalities were, represented at the
    workshops, and many participants contacted NEMO to schedule follow-up meetings  on specific issues or
    concerns. Each municipality also  received a map set (watersheds and land cover) to help educate local offi-
    cials and facilitate nonpoint source management at the local level. In 1998 and 1999 NEMO conducted
    regional workshops to teach local officials how to manage nonpoint source pollution by addressing imper-
    %'iousness through their land use planning and regulatory authorities. Over the past 2 years, although still
    conducting regional workshops dial focus on new land use commissioners, the project has moved to a
    more intensive approach, selecting on a competitive basis five communities per year to enter the "Municipal
    Program." In this educational model, each community is charged with listing specific goals, creating a
    NEMO committee made up of representatives from all the land use boards and commissions and other
    interested parties, and designating a chief NEMO contact to facilitate the progress.

    Proven results
    After 8 years of the NEMO Project, there is concrete evidence that Connecticut municipalities are giving
    greater consideration to water quality in their land use planning and regulatory programs than in years
    past. Two such examples are  highlighted below.
        As a result of NEMO's Eightmile River Watershed Project, the towns of Lyme, East Saddam, and
    Salem signed the "Eightmile River Watershed Conservation Compact," which commits the towns to
    work together to protect natural resources from new development. Since the signing, the three towns,
    local land trusts, and The Nature Conservancy have protected more than 1,800 acres of open space in
    the watershed. In addition, UConn/CES foresters have worked with landowners to  develop forest stew-
    ardship plans on almost 500 acres and provided information that is being used to manage another 2,500
    acres of foresdand. The project  was also instrumental in helping to-build a fish ladder to restore  access
    to upstream habitat for alewives  and blueback herring for the first tirne since the early 1,700s.,, ,     , ,
        As one of NEMO's original pilot projects, the suburban coastal municipality of Old Saybrook has a
    long-term relationship with the project that has resulted in a progression of positive impacts that contin-

178 •• Information and Education Programs

ues to broaden in scope. The Zoning Commission reduced the number of required parking spaces in
several site plans to reduce the amount of impervious surface where it could be demonstrated that fewer
cars were likely. Associated landscaping regulations were revised to require the breaking up of "seas of
asphalt" through the use of landscaped islands and buffers. The Conservation Commission revised the
town's Conservation Plan to include a recommendation on controlling nonpoint source pollution and
recently completed a natural resources inventory for the town. The Board of Selectmen prepared a
Policy Statement that includes alternative design and construction standards and vegetative storm water
management practices that were incorporated directly from NEMO Project design principles and are in
keeping with Phase II storm water permit requirements.

Future of NEMO
Based on the success of the first several years of this partnership, CT DEP anticipates continuing its
section 319 funding support for NEMO and now considers NEMO an integral part of the state's
Nonpoint Source Management Program. In 2001 NEMO is continuing its Municipal Program, as well as
impervious surface research.
    The UConn NEMO Project is the coordinating center for the National NEMO Network, a growing
network of projects around the country adapted from the Connecticut project. As a result of NEMO's
success in Connecticut, 34 other  states have established or are planning to establish technical assistance
programs based on the NEMO model. For more information about the NEMO Project, visit http://
nemo.ucon.edu.                   •

Contact Information: Laurie Giannotti, Connecticut NEMO Coordinator, Middlesex County Extension Center, 1066 Saybrook Road,
RO. Box 70, Haddam, CT 06438-0070, 860-345-4511; John Rbzum, NEMO National Network Coordinator, 860-345-4511,
jrozum@canr.uconn.edu                                                                  ,
Florida  Yards & Neighborhoods Program:
More Than  1.2 Million People Reached

      The Florida Yards & Neighborhoods (FY&N) Program was developed to
      address the serious problems of pollution and disappearing habitats by
enlisting homeowners in the battle to save the natural environment. The pro-
gram provides educational and outreach activities directed at the community to
help residents reduce pollution and enhance their environment by improving
home and landscape management. The program is being implemented state-
wide, using the University of Florida County Extension Service and other local,
regional, state, federal, and nongovernmental agencies as partners.
   •  FY&N encourages "Florida Friendly" yards and landscapes by promoting basic landscaping prin-
ciples to homeowners: water efficiently; mulch; recycle; select the least.toxic  pest control measures; put
the right plant in the right spot; fertilize only when necessary; provide  food,  water, and shelter for wild-
Putting the right plant in the right spot, as
demonstrated in this award-winning yard, reduces
the need for water and toxic pest control measures.
                                                                                      information and Education Programs

                                                    Water efficiency was achieved in this award-winning lawn by replacing a
                                                    traditional grass lawn with native plants and mulch.
life; protect surface water bodies; and minimize
Storm water runoff. Other stakeholders targeted
by this program include the landscape, turf, and
nursery industry; property developers and build-
ers; water resource managers; and youth.
    An FY&N project in a neighborhood near the
Indian River Lagoon was the basis for initiating the
statewide FY&N Program. Residents in neighbor-
hoods near the lagoon were provided educational
information through pamphlets, presentations,
workshops, and on-site workdays on how house-
hold activities might affect the water quality of the
lagoon. Each household received information on,
methods for reducing nonpoint source pollutants such as fertilizers, pesticides, solid waste, freshwater flow,
and on-site water retention. The program focused on alternative pesticide/fertilizer use and frequency of
application, and on landscape.maintenance and design. Demonstration landscapes were placed at highly
visible locations throughout the six-county area to promote the program's concepts.
    The project resulted in the training of  128 volunteer Florida Yard Advisors through the Master Gar-
dener program; the advisors provide technical assistance to area property owners. More than 10,000 resi-
dents were reached directly at 830 workshops. It is estimated that more than 1.2 million people were in-
formed about the program through radio and television broadcasts, newspaper articles, and exhibits. Thir-
teen demonstration landscapes were installed throughout the region as examples of FY&N practices. More'.
than 600 homeowners participated in the program, and 404 completed pre/post surveys that helped mea-
sure the project's effectiveness.. For adopting a sufficient number of recommended practices, 330 properties
were certified as Florida Yards. Efficient watering and irrigation practices were adopted by 45 percent of
die program participants, and 32 percent adopted Florida Friendly landscape management practices.
    The FY&N program is active in 21 different counties, and expansion plans have .been developed to
include all the other counties in Florida. To find out more about the FY&N program, visit the FY&N
web site at http://hort.ufl.edu/fyn.
Contact Information: Christine Kelfy-Begazo, State Coordinator, FY&N Program, ckelly@mail.ifas.ufl.edu; or contact the statewide office
at 352-392-7938
    The Salt Creek Wilderness: Illinois Zoo Offers Interactive
    Environmental Learning Experience
          he western section of Brookfield Zoo is called Salt Creek Wilderness. It includes a quarter-mile
          hiking trail, the 4-acre Indian Lake, and a new 1-acre demonstration wetland called Dragonfly
     Information and Education Programs

Marsh. This 10-acre wooded area focuses on native Illinois plants and animals and provides naturalistic

experiences for many of the zoo's 2 million annual visitors.

    Staff from Brookfield Zoo, Illinois EPA, U.S. EPA Region 5, and the Northeastern Illinois Planning

Commission created the unique educational interpretive experience. The first goal was to develop a "big

idea" that would serve as the underlying.theme for all of the experiences in the Salt Creek Wilderness.

The big idea is "Healthy urban watersheds must be managed to provide clean water resources essential

for diverse plant and animal habitat."

    Key concepts were developed  to support the big idea, including the role people must play in managing

natural systems, the definition and importance of biodiversity, the impacts of nonpoint source pollution, and

appreciation and conservation of natural areas. Next came the development of statements and interactive

mechanisms for conveying these ideas, especially concepts like nonpoint.source pollution and watersheds.

These concepts were translated into graphic signs and interactive devices. The zoo plans to do a summational

evaluation to quantify the effectiveness of the messages and the usage of each element.

    Dragonfly Marsh consists of two deep pools, an emergent aquatic area, sedge meadow, wet prairie,

and prairie. In addition, more dian 12,000 individual plants, including flowers, grasses, sedges, and bul-

rushes, have been planted in the marsh. To create the wetland, two soil scientists, from the Natural Re-

sources Conservation Service surveyed the area to determine die soil, suitability and design the wetland.

The area was excavated  and graded. Water is pumped from Indian LaTce into the pools and then allowed

to flow and percolate through the soils back to the lake.

    An 85-foot boardwalk, constructed of wood from tropical ipe trees, overlooks the wetland. Lining

die boardwalk's railing are about 250 color illustrations that identify the plants, mammals, fishes, inverte-

brates, reptiles, and amphibians that can be found in northeastern Illinois's woodlands, prairies, and

wedands. At the end of the boardwalk is the Biodiversity Gallery, a 30-foot by 30-foot covered shelter. A

collage of signs communicates the importance of biodiversity and explains .why people should work to

protect it. In die gallery, children-can. also learn about biodiversity by reading the giant storybook The

Adventures of Duncan the Dragonfly.  The children's story details  the life cycle of a. dragonfly and introduces a

number of the animals that share the dragonfly's habitat.

    Several strategies are necessary to manage the wetiand and allow new growth to develop fully; Sur-

rounding the wetland, 850 feet of .YVi-foot-high fencing prevents deer from trampling and eating the

plants. In addition, a grid of black nylon rope widi white flags is  stretched across the entire site to dis-

courage geese from landing and destroying the vegetation.

    This project began  in July 1996 and culminated with a celebration on August 14 and 15, 1999, high-

lighting die Indian Lake and Dragonfly Marsh interactive exhibits. Salt Creek Wilderness is a tremendous

educational tool that encourages zoo guests to explore and understand the complex relationships among

water, plants, and wildlife. It also  gives people knowledge of nonpoint source pollution and how to

reduce it in their local environments.

Contact Information: Barb Lieberoff, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, P.O. Box 19276, Springfield, IL 62794-9276, 217-782-
3362, epal 103®epa.state.il.us
                                                                                           Information and Education Programs

     North Dakota  Eco-Ed Camps: Thousands of Students
     Have Fun While Learning

          ' an you imagine taking 100 sixth-grade students camping overnight and having no problems finding
          ' adult volunteers to come along? Students are expected to play in the mud, chew on wildflower roots,
     canoe in die creek, locate and identify- things like deer and bird droppings, and get utterly dirty and wet.
     And diey love id
         Nine years ago, the Barnes County Soil Conservation District (SCD) in North Dakota began a pro-
     gram using an EPA section 319 grant as the basis for improving the format of the county's conservation
     tour. Five topics of study were identified, and every Eco-Ed Camp must address them—prairie/grass-   .
     lands, soils, wedands, woodlands, and water quality. All of the subjects are covered in relation to water
     and its importance. A session on water safety is also  required before die students may canoe.
         In addition to die required material, the camps feature scavenger hunts, canoeing, Native American
     presentations, live birds like eagles and falcons, Eve bugs (cockroaches, spiders, and others), characters
     like Teddy Roosevelt and Sam Ting, artifacts, mountain men, campfires and guitar sing-a-longs; nature
     walks, flint fires, water relays, recycling demonstrations, and more.
        The schedule has been revised to accommodate 1-day tours; however, most students, teachers, and
     chaperones prefer die 2-day format if facilities are available. The longer format provides students with a
     diversified, hands-on learning experience. Students are immediately able to relate the five topics to the
     environment as diey function in it. Teachers use the material and experiences as a basis for their earth
     science classes when they return to their classrooms.
         In 1997 the Barnes County SCD received additional section 319 funding to develop Eco-Ed Camps
     in coordination with any SCD in Nordi Dakota. This effort is referred to as die Statewide Eco-Ed Pro-
     gram. It was projected that 20 to 25 camps would be developed within the first 5 years of the grant. In
     the first season (fall 1997), 11 new counties joined the program (conducting eight 1-day tours and three
     2-day camps). A total of 1,418 students, about 200 parents and chaperones, and 65 classroom teachers
     participated. In die 9 years Barnes County has conducted the Eco-Ed Camps, more than 2,000 Barnes
     Count}' students have attended the camps. Those first alumni are now 20 years old and living in all parts
     of the country. It is gratifying to know that these young adults have the education to understand ecology
     and the importance of water quality.
        To date some 12,000 students have attended an Eco-Ed tour or camp in North Dakota. As one former
     Student put it, "I had so much fun at camp that I was surprised that I actually learned something!"
     Contact Information; Greg Sandness. North Dakota NPS Pollution Management Coordinator, 701-328-5232
Information and Education Programs

University of Rhode Island  Onsite Wastewater Training
Center: Pioneering Agency  Teaches, Demonstrates
Innovative Systems

       pproximately one-third of Rhode Island's population is served by some 150,000 on-site wastewater
       i. treatment systems, which discharge about 7 billion gallons of wastewater annually. Failed and
substandard systems are considered to be one of the greatest contributors of pathogens to Rhode Island's
waters. For many years,, on-site systems have been considered temporary infrastructure to be abandoned as
soon as centralized sewer systems became available. Neither government nor individual owners gave opera-
tion and maintenance of these systems much drought. Over the past few years, thinking has changed as the
reality has set in that suburban economies cannot support ubiquitous central sewers.
    In light of this realization, Rhode Island has become active in promoting improved on-site wastewa-
ter treatment technology and development of management infrastructure for these systems. One of the
pioneering agencies of the decentralized wastewater management paradigm is the University of Rhode
Island's (URI) Onsite Wastewater Training Center.
    In 1994  and 1995 URI received 319 funding to help establish the training center.-The 319 grant seed
money helped fund the aboveground installation of several innovative technologies, as well as develop-
ment of several training modules.  The .319 funds were used in combination with Rhode Island Coopera-
tive Extension funds, other outside grants, substantial private-sector donations, and class training fees.
    In addition' to providing a wide variety of training activities, the training center has spearheaded, under
the auspices of several federal and  state-funded demonstration projects, the installation of several dozen
innovative demonstration systems throughout the state to remediate failed septic systems. Training center
personnel work with municipalities to assist them in developing on-site wastewater management programs,
assessing risks, and drafting zoning ordinances based on treatment standards and performance-based waste-
water protection zones. Demonstration systems and training systems ,at the center are used to educate  audi-
ences that range from homeowners to septic system design and installation professionals.
    The training center supports regulatory programs in Rhode Island by monitoring alternative and
innovative system treatment performance, developing numerous licensing program courses for wastewa-
ter practitioners, assessing standards and regulations, and developing guidance documents. In short,
URI's Onsite Wastewater Training Center has become a major focal point for helping to promote change
and for demonstrating innovation  in the field of on-site wastewater treatment.
    For more information about individual demonstration projects, see wwwedc.uri.edu/cewq/
Contact Information:  David Dow, Program Manager, 401-874-5950; George Loomis, Director, 401-874-4558
                                                                                   Information and Education Programs

    Water Action  Volunteers: WAV and Its  Partners Make  a
    Difference in Wisconsin
             Wisconsin's Water Action Volunteers (WAV) program has continued to grow and flourish since it
             was last highlighted in Section 319 Success Stories: Volume II. This statewide program, funded by a
    combination of 319 and University of Wisconsin Extension money, provides educational opportunities,
    materials, and assistance to individuals and groups interested in caring for streams and rivers. Three major
    WAV activities are storm drain stenciling, river cleanup, and river and stream monitoring.

    Storm drain stenciling                                                .
    Painting a message next to storm drain inlets has become the water quality hallmark for about 100 Wis-
    consin communities. In the past 5 years, more than 3,400 volunteers, armed with spray paint and a lot of
    enthusiasm, have stenciled nearly 9,000 storm drains with die message "Dump No Waste—Drains to
    River [or Lake or Stream]." The volunteers announce their event with educational door hangers that
    describe storm water pollution and ways to curb its effects. The stencils and door hangers are also avail-
    able in Spanish. The success of this effort is the result of the many county, University of Wisconsin-
    Estension, and Department of Natural Resources local offices that have worked closely with the WAV
    program to distribute or loan supplies to local volunteers.
        WAV conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of storm drain stenciling. The results show diat
    the stenciled messages do leave an impression on people who have seen them, successfully influencing
    their awareness of basic storm water facts such as storm drain destinations. The degree of influence of a
    Stenciled message on a person's behavior is less apparent. The brief message might be too general; it
    does not contain specific information to connect specific actions to storm water concerns. The strength
    of this message is that it can be a catalyst, or an additive to reinforce .existing storm water educational
    programs. Stenciling storm drains might best be used as a positive message for those already using envi-
    ronmentally friendly practices.                          •       .
    River cleanups
    Each war, WAV coordinates a statewide river cleanup program. In the past 5 years, more than 11,000
    volunteers have collected 2,550 bags of trash plus another 80 tons of garbage from nearly 500 miles of
    shoreline. The cooperative efforts between WAV and several environmental and outdoor groups and
    county land conservation departments made the great  success of this effort possible.
    River and stream monitoring
    WAV has also launched a program to allow citizens to monitor the health of their local rivers and streams.
    The program supports data sharing for educational purposes; provides  a-network for volunteer groups,
    individuals, and schools to interact; provides support to civic, conservation, and environmental groups; and
    helps increase linkages between volunteer monitoring efforts and public resource protection programs. The
    program was designed so that sampling parameters would be common  among sampling groups, easy to
184BUB Information and Education Programs                    .        ,    ,,  .

measure, and would well represent stream health over time. The monitoring protocols require,equipment

that is easily obtained and affordable, and the parameters are those safe to monitor.

    Five parameters that are currently part of the program are temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen,

habitat, and biotic community health (assessed using a macroinvertebrate bibtic index). A sixth param-

eter, flow, will be added in the coming months.

    At least. 10 groups are using WAV protocols, and several groups are considering beginning monitor-

ing programs. The current groups are monitoring between 1 and 25 sites and in most cases have 1 to 20

volunteers. The groups are generally citizen-based, but some schools use WAV protocols to sample dur-

ing the spring and fall months. Local monitoring groups are working with DNR biologists, interest .

groups (such as Trout Unlimited), watershed associations, county and municipal offices, and local

schools. Most groups hold training sessions during the spring for new monitors, and some offer trouble-

shooting/support meetings during the sampling season.

 s  Many of the monitoring groups interact with Watershed Education

Resource Centers. There are 13 such centers across the state. The centers are

designed to make watershed-focused resources available  to civic organiza-

tions, clubs, schools, and individuals at little or no cost. Monitoring and sten-

ciling equipment, as well as instructional guides, videos, and keys, are available

to be borrowed.               .

    The newest addition to the WAV  monitoring program is a Web-based

database. The database will provide an opportunity for volunteers to .view

and subsequently analyze data from their stream or other streams in the state

that are being monitored by WAV volunteers. Two volunteer groups are

testing the database, and it should be ready for use in spring 2002.           .

    In the meantime, look for information about stenciling and monitoring

(including access to the database, downloadable fact and data sheets for

monitoring, and reporting forms for stenciling of cleanup projects) to appear

soon at the WAV web site at http://clean-water.uwex.edu.

Contact Information: Kris Stepenuck, Water Action Volunteer Coordinator, DNR, WT/2, JO! South
Webster,  RO.'Bpx 7921, Madison, Wl 53707, 608-264-8948, stepek®dnr.state.wi.us
                                                                        ^Publications and Educational
                                                                        psMaterials  "           ••
                                                                        ^^---- ' -    -         ,               .
                                                                            '•Wafer Action , Volunteers.' Make-vyAVes
                                                                          r: for Action: Jntrpductory Activity Packet.
                                                                          ttiBands-pn stream and -river action
                                                                         ||™pr6jects forWisconsiri. 1.998, updated
                                                                                   2001; "•' ......
                                                                        feM .Community Water Education and Action .
                                                                            'Opportunities for Ybutri and Adult.
                                                                        isi-tr foureau/educgtjon/reslst.htm,   ,   ;  '  ,
                                                                        £r « Storm Drain Stenciling. Impacts on Urban
                                                                        «^:--•''•''"---•- Quality (Winter 1999)/
                                                                          -T.r Monitoring Fact Sheet Series
                                                                             (6).'] 9987*updated 2001 .
                                                                          :-:Trie..WAV web site: http.V/clean-
                                                                          "~ wafer.uwex.edu/wav/. "

                                                                         llpviQnitorirTg data"sheets~  ,   ,",'., ^. ". .'!".. ".,"...
                                                                          * Vi/acky. Wonderful. Water Critters.
                                                                          :,. Booklet.   ... ,.   .......  ..... .
                                                                                to Macroinvertebrate^ Life "in the
                                                                                   '  '* "    ""  '       '       '
                                                                                to pfe in the Pond.
                                                                          -«- Biobc Index poster.
Stream Monitoring Network with Wyoming Schools:
Trained Teams Initiate,  Expand School  Monitoring
     | eginning in March 1993, .the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality used a 319 grant to

      fund Teton Science School to conduct a 3-year statewide education and monitoring program with

secondary school teachers and Conservation District personnel teams. The program used the Monitoring

Wyoming's Water Quality curriculum developed by Teton Science School to train the teams on water quality
                                                                                     Information and Education Programs

monitoring and also distributed an extensive water quality monitoring kit to .each of the teams. By De-
cember 1995, 22 teacher/Conservation District teams had been trained and had established annual, test-
ing sites throughout Wyoming.
    In the summers of 1993,1994, and 1995, the Teton Science School conducted training workshops in
monitoring protocol, reporting guidelines, and use of the water quality monitoring kits. The three week-
long workshops trained 47 teachers and 23 Conservation District personnel. By spring 1996, 56 rivers or
streams were being monitored annually on 109 sites. The school estimates diat 1,175 students are in-
volved in the monitoring programs.
    The real success of the program is demonstrated where teams participating in the monitoring work-
shop have enhanced or expanded the monitoring programs in their communities. Teams working on die
Tongue River in Sheridan and on the Upper North Platte River in Saratoga, for example, have expanded
their monitoring efforts to include long-term intensive watershed assessment projects. Students and
teachers from Lander High School have adopted a site on Squaw Creek and are now involved in a long-
term habitat improvement project. The monitoring training has allowed Pinedale Middle School to estab-
lish several long-term monitoring projects, which they have integrated into their science curriculum,"
Teachers from the Jackson School District are working with the local Conservation District to create a
monitoring program for elementary school students, and their efforts have already reached more, than 75
elementary school children.
    The success of the 3-year education and monitoring program is evident in die commitment of
participants, the data submitted, and die positive feedback from all those involved in the project. Teton
Science School has recendy received numerous requests from educators throughout the state to conduct
more workshops on water quality issues. To meet the demand and continue die success of die program,
Teton Science School applied for and received a 319 grant for 2001 to conduct two week-long work-
shops for Wyoming teachers on nonpoint source pollution.
Contaa Information; Brian Lovett Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, 122 West 25"1 Street, Herschler Building, 4th Floor,
Cheyenne, WY 82002, 307-777-5622, blovetOstate.wy.us
     information and Education Programs

States are implementing a wide variety of innovative programs to help them achieve their nonpoint source
program goals. This special feature section highlights six especially 'innovative state programs. Some pro-
grams feature regulatory components (e.g., Hawaii's erosion and sediment control project, Massachusetts'
storm water utility program, and Idaho's dairy pollution initiative), whereas, others highlight the
nonregulatory, voluntary adoption of nonpoint source best management practices (e.g., New York's Agri-
cultural Environmental Management Program,  California's BIOS Program, and South Carolina's
forestry. "Rest Management Practice Compliance Program). These programs all have in common a wide
network of partners and funding sources, some beyond 319 entirely (e.g., Idaho's dairy pollution initia-
tive). This section also highlights a compilation of statewide Clean Marinas Programs that are fast be-
coming a popular way of promoting environmentally responsible marina and boating practices across the
California's BIOS Program: Growers Adopt Whole-System
Management Approach  to Reduce Pesticide Use

      ae Biologically Integrated Orchard Systems (BIOS) project is a community-based pollution preven-
      tion program that uses biological methods to replace chemical farming practices. It was started in
1993 to help California almond growers and other farmers reduce their reliance on synthetic pesticides.
Already reported as a success in Section 319 Success Stories: Volume II (1997), the program continues to
expand and attract new funding sources in addition, to 319 funding.
    The program was designed to address the problems caused by the pesticide diazinon, which is ap-
plied as a dormant spray during the winter as a routine almond production practice. During heavy rain-
storms, the pesticide flows into surface irrigation systems, creeks, and streams and eventually into the
major rivers of the San Joaquin Valley, the Delta, and San Francisco Bay. Diazinon is an organophos-
phate that the National Academy of Science has recommended be present only at concentrations below
9 nanograms per liter. It was being found at more than 1,000 ng/L in some runoff pulses;
How the program works
In 1995 the Central Valley Regional Board and the State Boafd joined the University of California, the
Natural Resources Conservation Service, EPA, and numerous private foundations (which were already
supporting the BIOS program) to expand the program in Merced and Stanislaus Counties, where
diazinon was causing water quality problems.
    BIOS participation begins with a customized management plan for each farmer who enrolls a new
block of acreage (typically 20 to 30 acres) under BIOS management.  Participating growers adopt a
                                                                                          Innovative State Programs

    whole-system management approach that considers all aspects of production: tillage practices; nutrient, water, and pest manage-
    ment; and soil and water issues in the larger landscape. For example, BIOS uses cover crops, compost, and other natural fertilizers to
    decrease soil-borne pest problems and promote soil health. It uses biological controls (cover crops, natural areas, and hedgerows) to
    provide habitat for predators and beneficial insects and to reduce or even eliminate plant diseases and pests. Finally, it relies on
    monitoring and observation to determine if and when the least harmful chemical should be applied.
        The plan is developed with the help of a BIOS Management Team that includes a local farm advisor, university researchers,
    local experienced participant farmers, and a Pesticide Control Advisor with extensive experience in helping almond farmers reduce
    their reliance on diazinon and other farm chemicals. Follow-up support continues with technical support, consultation with mem-
    bers of the management team, local educational events like field days and workshops, and technical publications. A comprehensive
    monitoring program is also integral to each BIOS project.

    Encouraging results
    According to the Community of Alliance with Family Farmers Foundation (CAFF), 98 percent of the growers who joined the ex-
    pansion program completely eliminated the use of diazinon. The pollution prevention methods BIOS teaches have influenced not
    only the 90 growers officially enrolled in the program but also many.more growers who have introduced at least some of the BIOS
    practices in their orchards. A long-time Pesticide Control Advisor in Merced County estimates that at least 60 percent of the
    county's almond growers are cutting back on pesticides and using some form of biological management that they weren't using
    before the BIOS program began.

    Looking toward the future
    As with all innovative programs, the time comes when subsidized start-up funds- are no longer available and programs must continue
    on their own. Direct BIOS management is provided for 3 years; then a transition period begins. From the outset of the BIOS pro-
    gram, die concept was to develop the capability of local organizations to lead BIOS activities and to  create a structure that sustains
    the BIOS presence even after CAFF no longer plays the coordinating role.
        In Merced and Stanislaus Counties, the BIOS program is successfully making that transition with the help of two local Resource
    Conservation Districts (RCDs). The current work with the East Merced RCD and the East Stanislaus RCD is designed not only to
    transfer BIOS outreach and activities to local control but also to create and document a model for other BIOS projects.
        East Merced RCD has already hired a coordinator to take over the BIOS project in that area. Coordinating a BIOS project takes
    an array of skills—event planning and production, project planning, and group facilitation—and a background in agriculture, includ-
    ing knowledge of agronomy and pest management. Also necessary are skills in database management, newsletter publication, and
    media outreach. To facilitate the transition, a Transition Coordinator from the BIOS program is mentoring the new East Merced
    RCD coordinator. As part of the mentor training, the RCD coordinator will meet the network of growers, researchers, extensionists,
    government representatives (including State and Regional Board representatives), and industry leaders with whom  CAFF has estab-
    lished relationships dirough the BIOS program.
        In addition, a Transition Advisory Team (TAT) has been established to guide the RCD program much as the current manage-
    ment teams now do for BIOS projects. Through the TAT, the RCD program will remain connected to the communities of growers,
    educators, agency personnel, and agricultural consultants that team members represent.  Over the coming year, new possibilities for
    program activities and funding sources will be identified and prioritized and BIOS activities will continue to evolve. Growers are

188BB Innovative State Programs              •                            ,                   •    '

 being consulted regarding the activities most important to them—the activities they most want to see
 continued and the new subject areas into which they would like to see BIOS activities expand.

 Contact Information: Claire Murray, 530-756-8518 (ext. 15)
 Maui  County Erosion  and  Sediment Control Training Project:
 Workshops Explain Ordinance, Teach BMP Installation

     if awaii's Maui, County includes the islands of Maui, Mplokai, and Lanai and dius many different
       watersheds that are diverse in geophysical features, soil types, rainfall, and coastal water uses. The
State Department of Health lists the waters of West Maui, Kahului Harbor, and the South Molokai
shoreline as water quality-limited segments because they'often-exceed nutrient and turbidity standards.
Construction and grading projects were identified as the primary source of water quality problems.
    Maui County's grading ordinance, last revised in 1975, did not specifically require the installation of
best management practices (BMPs) to control erosion and sedimentation and did not require the posting
of performance bonds for large projects. In addition, much grading work was unregulated because of
exemptions in the grading ordinance for certain  types of grading activities. Thus, construction and grad-
ing activities resulted in soil  erosion, causing sediment and other pollutants to enter receiving water bod-
ies, The Maui County grading ordinance needed to be revised.

Revising Maui County's grading ordinance
With support of 319 funding, a revised grading ordinance was developed to require erosion and sediment
control BMPs for all construction projects, including minor work that does not require a permit. The
County Council adopted this revised grading ordinance on August 10, 1998.
    The revised ordinance met federal guidance under the Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amend-
ments of 1990. The provisions of the grading ordinance before and after the revision are summarized in
the table. The major changes are the following:
    •   All projects, even those that do not require grading permits, must use BMPs to  control erosion,
        sedimentation, and dust to the maximum extent practicable.              •
    •.  Projects that aren't  in the Special Management Area (SMA) and that have excavation or fill
       quantities of 100 cubic yards or more or exceed 4 feet in height require grading permits.
    •   Projects in the SMA have stricter requirements. Grading permits are required when excavation
       or fill quantities are 50 cubic yards or more or when excavation or fill exceeds 2 feet in height.
       In addition, grading or mining a coastal dune is prohibited, as is importing soil for fill material
       in the shoreline setback area. Filling with sand is acceptable.
    •   An erosion control plan showing BMPs to control erosion, sedimentation, and dust to the
       maximum extent practicable must be submitted with the grading permit application.
    •   Grubbing and grading permit fees are revised in the annual budget.
                                                                                           Innovaflve State Programs


Grading Permits
Sea Management
Permit (^pptation
Drainage and
erosion control
Permit Fees
Existing Ordinance
To protect public health, sa/ety, and welfare 	
-Single-family residences < 4 acres
-Regulated mining or quarrying
-Aorfcufture, ranching, recreation, forestry, conservation in
conformance with local Soil and Water Conservation Districts
Required if grading > 5 feet in height
No mWmum standards or controls required
No shoreline grading provisions
-Ta< Map Key (TMK) or street address
-Start and end dates for grading
-Responsible party
-Plot plan
Required for projects > 1 acre or grading > 15 feet height
Use of HESi erosion formula
S 1 per 100 cubic yards (0 to 1 000 cubic yards)
520 p!us S2 for each additional 1,000 cubic yards (1,001 to
10,000 cubic yards)
No penalty for grading without a permit
Bonding required at the discretion of the director
Revised Ordinance
To protect/preserve the natural environment and protect waterqualfty, and
public health, safety, and welfare . •_ ,
-Subsurface excavations for buildings and structures ;
-Excavation, fill, stockpiling '< 100 cubic yards and < 4 feet in height , ' :,
-Grubbing < J acre vyhich does not affect drainage , , , , ,;.
-Underground utility trenching . ,
-Required if grading > 100 cubic yards or > 4 feet in height .
-In Special Management Area: permit required if grading > 50 cubic yardj,,qr 	
> 2 feet in height
Required for all grading, grubbing, and stockpiling to maximum extent ;
practicable [including limited .exclusion activities), .- ."...' 'I
-Use of soil as fill is prohibited in shoreline area
-No grading or mining of coastal dune ., ,
Also required; . . . , . 	
-Grading plan
-BMPs to prevent erosion and sedimentation to the maxlmym extent practicable,
Required if grading > 1 acre or. > 15 feet height. Engineers, spils, report,
required if grading > 1 5 feet. Emphasis on BMPs to prevent, or reduce pollutant
discharge. Hydraulic calculations per county drainage facility design standards.,, , _
Pending proposed.revisions to permit fee schedule (fees to be increased)
Penalties for grading without, a permit (doubling of permit fees or an additional , ;
S200, whichever is greater) arid requirements to correctfrestbre on-site and off- _.
site damages. Performance, bond, may be required, ' ,
Required for cut, fill, or stockpiling > ,500 cubic yards or excavations of fill > 1 5
feet height, and for increments which are part: of larger development
                        SI per 100 cubic yards (0 to lOOp cubic yards)
                        S 10,000 plus S.50 for each cubic yard over 10,000 (10,001 to
                        100,000 cubic yards)
                        $55,000 plus S.20 for each cubic yard over 100,000 cubic yards
                                                             Bond amount determined by.director based on costs for completion of grading,
                                                             drainage improvements,,and, erosion control measures   ,
        •    New provisions require corrections for unpermitted earthwork and impose penalties when
             earthwork is started before a permit is issued.               -
        •    A performance bond is required for all earthwork involving, more than 50Q cubic yards.

    Raising awareness of the new ordinance
    Another goal of the project is to train engineers, contractors, inspectors, and the public in planning and
    installing effective BMPs. Workshops were held on Maui, Molokai, and Lanai to explain the new grading
    ordinance, teach the procedures for deriving an effective erosion control plan, show the latest BMP
    technology, and discuss the proper methods for installing BMPs. More than 100 people attended the
    workshops and found them to be very informative and useful. The success of this project has inspired
    Other counties in the state  (Honolulu, Kauai) to revise or consider revising dieir erosion control stan-
    dards to match Maui's efforts.

    Contaa Information; Charles Jencks, Director of Public Works and Waste Management,, County of Maui, 2000 South High Street,
          , HI 96793
innovative State Programs

Idaho's Dairy  Pollution Prevention Initiative:  Unique
Program Eliminates Direct Dairy Discharges

     'he Idaho Dairy Pollution Prevention Initiative is an unusual public-private partnership formed to
      resolve major environmental problems not adequately addressed by the federal and state environ-
mental agencies that traditionally regulate such problems. The partnership is an alliance among two fed-  ,
eral and two state agencies, an industry group, and a state university.
    In 1995 it was determined that 280 Idaho dairies (about one-fourth of the total number) were dis-
charging untreated animal and dairy process •waste to roadside ditches, streams, and ground water. Dairy
waste discharges are typically high in levels of Escherichia coli, Salmonella, and Cryptosporidium. When in-
gested, these microorganisms can cause illness and death. Some water bodies that had been receiving
dairy waste discharges were also used for human contact sport's and as drinking water sources. No.'
known outbreaks of disease can be attributed directly to discharges from Idaho dairies; however, fish
kills have been recorded on several occasions.
    Before the Dairy Initiative, dairy waste control efforts by EPA and the Idaho Department of Envi-
ronmental Quality (IDEQ) were somewhat misdirected  and only marginally effective. EPA regulations
generally restrict coverage to  only those dairies with more than 200 cows. Most (approximately 70 per-
cent) of the 280 dairies discovered discharging fell beneath this 200-cow cutoff. Unless a complaint was
filed, it was quite possible for discharges from the smaller dairies to go undetected by EPA and IDEQ.

Daily MOU partners
The Idaho Dairy Pollution Prevention Memorandum of Understanding (Dairy MOU) -was signed in
October 1995.lt  assigned the Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) the lead role of interacting
directly with the dairy industry to address the concerns of IDEQ and EPA. A set of guidelines and
criteria were jointly conceived.                    :
    Under the Dairy MOU, EPA and IDEQ agreed to train ISDA inspectors and support the ISDA in
circumstances of major environmental or public health  risk and the Idaho Dairy Association (IDA)
agreed to contact and  inform the industry, promote the  program, and educate IDA members about the
values of environmental stewardship along with production capacity. To establish this innovative
program's credibility and to build public confidence, all  parties decided to review the program annually in
a public forum and make the results available to interested parties.
    Though not  signatory parties to the Dairy MOU, the Natural Resources Conservation Service and
the University of Idaho Extension Service are considered partners in that they played key roles in devel-
oping and implementing the Idaho Dairy Initiative.                          .

Dairy MOU components
All Idaho dairies  are required to obtain  a license to sell milk for human consumption. The ISDA had
administered a comprehensive inspection program focusing on milk sanitation for all dairies but had not
                                                                                            Innovative State Programs

     addressed the waste problem. The Daky MOU capitalized on the frequent presence of ISDA inspectors
     and provided for dieir expanded role to ensure that all dairies could contain and properly handle their
     waste. Each dairy and its waste storage and handling system would now be inspected for compliance at
     least annually. (Inspections averaged 2.5 times per year in 2000.) In early 1996 state legislation and rules
     were developed, providing ISDA with authority to require full containment of dairy waste. Under the
     new ISDA rules, dairies found to be in noncompliance cannot sell milk until they agree to implement a
     pLin for corrective action.
         The new ISDA rules also require all dairies to construct large-capacity waste containment ponds that
     are less prone to leakage than older ponds. These restrictions are more protective of surface and ground
     water than the former IDEQ and EPA requirements. In addition, the new ISDA rules h,ave been modi-
     fied to require that dairy waste be land applied only in accordance with an approved nutrient manage-
     ment plan. These plans are required on all dairies by July 2001 and will ensure that the waste will be
     balanced against the crop uptake and not be lost to groundwater or surface waters.

     Measures of success
     Although the earlier EPA penalties were  significant, their deterrence ability was diminished by recogni-
     tion that fewer than 5 percent of the dairies would be inspected in any one year. Since the program's
     inception, ISDA has conducted more than 14,000 inspections of dairy farms, resulting in an increase in
     inspections from an average of 40 per year to 2,800 per year. The dairies now understand that they will
     be inspected  frequendy, and this level of certainty has caused dairies with marginal facilities to be much
     more proactive in installing and managing proper waste handling facilities.
         Improvement in compliance has resulted in the virtual elimination of direct discharges to the envi-
     ronment. In 1996, 25 percent of the dairies had some type of discharge violation. This percentage has
     dropped to less than 0.5 percent of the dairies. In addition, violations not related to discharges have
     dropped by 76 percent (ISDA 2000 Annual Report).
         The number of dairy waste handling facilities put into place since 1996 also represents a strong
     measure of program success. The new program has-directly resulted in more than $10 million worth of
     construction  for more than 500 dairy waste containment ponds and handling facilities. This significant
     increase in environmental protection would not have been possible without the innovative partnerships
     formed as a result of die Dairy Initiative.

    A model for other states
     Because of the success of the Idaho Dairy Initiative, several states and industry groups are considering
    adopting similar approaches. States considering the Initiative as a model include Oregon, Georgia, Ohio,
    Minnesota, and Florida.                    .•'.'.
         In August 1998 Vice President Al Gore's "Hammer Award" for reinventing government was pre-
    sented to each of the signatory parties of the Idaho Daky MOU, to the University of Idaho Extension
    Service, and to nine individuals who were key contributors to the successful negotiation of the MOU. In.
192BS9 Innovative State Rograms

early 1999 EPA awarded Silver Medals to the EPA employees who had contributed significantly to the
development and implementation of the MOU. Most recently, the Dairy Initiative has been named as a
sernifinalist in the Innovations in American Government Award, sponsored 'by die Institute for Govern-
ment Innovation at Harvard University's John E Kennedy School of Government.

Contact Information: Marv Patten, Dairy Bureau Chief, Department of Agriculture (ISDA), 2270 Old Penitentiary Road, Boise, ID
83701, 208-332:8550, mpatten@agri.state.id.us; Bub Loiselle, Manager, NPDES Compliance Unit, U.S. EPA Region 10, 1200 Sixth
Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101, 206-553-6901, loiselle.bub®epa.gov
Creating a Storm Water Utility in Chicopee,  Massachusetts:
Project  Praised as  Outstanding Planning  Project
      She importance of storm water management in Massachusetts will undoubtedly increase in die com-
      ing years as Phase II of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) storm
water management program goes into effect, requiring communities to take action to reduce pollution
coming from storm water. The number of Massachusetts communities covered by NPDES storm water
permits will dramatically increase from 2 to 191 when Phase II becomes effective.
    In 1997 the Massachusetts Pioneer Valley Planning Commission and the City of Chicopee, Massa-
chusetts, received 319 funding to investigate the feasibility of creating a storm water utility. Like electric
and water utilities, storm water utilities collect fees from residents to.pay for a "product." The product
offered by storm water utilities is storm water management to control or eliminate water pollution, ero-
sion, and flooding.         •           .              .                      .            ,

Researching the legal  framework
One of .the,first steps was to research existing utilities -around the country to identify key issues. To effec-
tively present the information  developed to the public^ it was neatly packaged into a "how-to" kit. The kit
includes the research on storm water utilities across the country, summarized in an easy-to-read format
for both a professional audience (briefing papers) and die public (graphical summaries). The first 500
copies of the how-to kit were  in high demand.- The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Pro-
tection is now producing 1,000 additional copies in anticipation of the interest in storm water manage-
ment techniques that will accompany Phase II of the NPDES storm water permit program.
    A critical part of the project also included reviewing Massachusetts' laws to'determine the legality of
creating storm water utilities. All Massachusetts laws and regulations pertaining to stoirm water manage-
ment were reviewed and summarized in die how-to kit. A model storm water management ordinance was
also developed and included in the kit.
    Altiiough it was determined that municipalities may create storm water utilities, the legal framework
is weak and would be strengthened by state enabling legislation. Draft state enabling legislation, devel-
oped as part of the project, is  being sponsored for the 2001 Massachusetts legislative session. When
enacted, it will strengthen' communities' audiority to put storm water management utilities in place.
                                                                                             Innovative State Programs
I 193

    Chicopee pilot program
    The project also involved implementing a pilot storm water utility ,or fee-based management program in
    Chicopee, Massachusetts. Chicopee is an old industrial city of 56,000 people. It occupies 24 square miles
    in western Massachusetts at the confluence of die Connecticut and Chicopee Rivers. Urban runoff and '
    combined sewer overflows are the most significant pollution problems on die lower Connecticut River in
    Massachusetts, Chicopee straddles die two segments of die lower Connecticut River that do not support
    their use classifications.
        Although the City of Chicopee did not establish a storm water utility per se, the city opted to incor-
    porate Storm water management into die existing Wastewater Department to save on administrative costs
    and take advantage of die expertise of die Wastewater Department's staff.  Chicopee also passed an
    ordinance to collect fees from residents specifically for die purpose of managing storm water. The city
    conducted extensive research before instituting the storm water ordinance. Residents said that they
    would be willing to pay a new fee for storm water management if they were sure that die money would
    be used to address the problems direcdy affecting them, such as sewer back-ups during wet weather. The
    ordinance was therefore designed to address such concerns.
        Instituting a specific storm water fee  rather tiian increasing sewer fees to cover die costs of storm
    \vatcr management had  two advantages. Fkst, it meant that Chicopee could assess fees  based on the
    •imtmnt of storm water generated by each property tied into the sewer system. Second, die city expects
    Hint over time, large storm water generators will begin to invest in best management practices and
    remediation measures to treat their storm water in order to reduce their storm water management fee,
    thus reducing die amount of storm water pollution being generated.
        Chicopee's  storm water management fee has been in place since December 1998. In the first year,
    Hit* city raised some $400,000 for storm water management; by die third year, revenues had increased to
    §550,000. To date, the money has been used for activities such as stepping up cleaning of catch basins,
    purchasing a catch basin cleaning truck, grouting joints in the sewer system to stop leakage and inflow,
    stenciling storm drains, and cleaning sewer lines. Chicopee has also used the funds to leverage additional
    state loan funding for a $5 million sewer separation project.

    A model of success
    Jn fall 2000 the  Pioneer Valley Planning Commission and die City of Chicopee were joindy awarded the
    Massachusetts Chapter of the American Planning Association's Outstanding Planning Project Award.
    The how-to kit and Chicopee's storm water management pilot have been widely presented as successful
    models, and interest in replicating these concepts in otiier municipalities has been high. The City of
    Holyoke, another old industrial community in western Massachusetts, is now actively working to develop
    a similar storm water management program.                      >  '
        The most obvious short-term results of this project are the production of a successful model to
    create storm water utilities (or, at a minimum, a fee-based storm water management program) and
19* KE3 Innovative State Programs

 Chicopee's successful piloting of this type of program in Massachusetts. The fully researched, piloted
 example of how a municipal storm water management program can be developed and funded within the
 context of Massachusetts' laws, climate, and geography is a valuable tool that the Massachusetts Depart-
.ment of Environmental Protection can now present as an option for Phase II communities.

 Contact Information: Jane Peirce, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, 627 Main Street, Worcester, MA 01608,
 508-767-2792; Jane.Peirce®state.ma.us
 New York's Agricultural Environmental  Management Program:
 Incentive-based Program  Helps  Farmers Meet Tough Standards

      fhe Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM) Program has put New York State in the fore-
      front of a national effort to help farmers identify and address agricultural nonpoint source pollu-
 tion. New York's AEM Program is a statewide voluntary, incentive-based program that helps all- farmers
 operate environmentally sound and economically viable businesses. The AEM Program provides cost-
 sharing and educational and technical assistance for developing and implementing agricultural plans. The
 plans enable farmers of operations of all sizes to remain good stewards of the land, maintain the eco-
 nomic viability of the farm operation, and comply with federal, state, and local regulations relating to
 water quality and other environmental concerns.                                     •
    The AEM partnership of state, federal, and local agencies, conservation representatives, private
 sector businesses, and farmers has been recognized and bolstered by AEM legislation proposed by New
 York's governor and passed by the state's Senate.and Assembly in June 2000. On August 24, 2000, the
 governor signed the AEM Bill into law, codifying die program to help New York's agricultural commu-
 nity in its stewardship of die state's soil and water resources.
    The partnership operates at both the state and local levels. The New York State Department of
 Agriculture and Markets and the New York-State Soil and Water Conservation Committee provide lead-
 ership at the state level, while Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) provide local leadership.
 The flexibility of the AEM Program allows the partners to address both statewide and specific local
 water quality needs. The local delivery of AEM, along with state funding support, has resulted in partici-
 pation approaching 8000 farms statewide.

 AEM funding
 The AEM Program is funded by a mix of section 319 money and grants from the  state's 1996 Clean
 Water/Clean Air Bond Act and the State Environmental Protection Fund. The ability of farmers to
 access funding through SWCDs has been a driving factor in farmers' acceptance of and participation in
 the AEM Program. The governor, with die assistance of the state's Soil and Water Conservation Com-
 mittee, awarded about $6.3 million in 2000 from the state's Environmental Protection Fund and Clean
                                                                                            Innovative State Programs

    Water/Clean Air Bond Act for planning and implementing best management practices (BMPs) to pre-
    vent or reduce nonpoint source pollution to water bodies. Through fiscal year 1998, a total of $1,863,660
    in section 319 money had been used to develop and promote die program in New York's agricultural
    community. In 2000 the total allocation from state funding sources stood at $20.4 million, with annual
    funding showing a consistent trend upward.

    New York's response to tougher standards
    AEM offers farmers a way  to comply with stricter regulatory requirements, advance die state's water
    quality objectives, and meet business objectives on the farm at die same time. The concepts, partnerships,
    ant! materials that constitute AEM grew from'many sources, including watershed projects and die na-
    tional Farm*A*Syst program.                             •
        The AEM program begins widi die farmer's expressing an interest in the program. After diat, diere
    are five tiers to be completed. Under Tier I, a short questionnaire surveys the farmer's current activities
    and future plans and begins to identify potential environmental concerns. Tier II involves completing
    worksheets diat document current environmental stewardship while identifying and prioritizing environ-
    mentjil concerns. Tier III involves die development of a conservation plan diat is directiy tailored toward
    the goals for the individual farm. This plan is mutually developed by the AEM Coordinator, die farmer,
    and several members of the cooperating agency staff. Under Tier TV, agricultural agencies and consult-
    ants provide die farmer widi technical, educational, and financial assistance to implement BMPs on die
    farm, using Natural Resources  Conservation Service (NRCS) standards and guidance from professional
    engineers. The last tier includes ongoing evaluations to ensure diat AEM helps protect bodi die environ-
    ment and the viability of farm businesses.
        AEM provides a mechanism for all sizes and types of farms to meet the requirements of various state  '
    and federal environmental laws and regulations witiiin the unique limitations of each farm's resource base.
    For example, the AEM Program is helping farmers meet New York State Department of Environmental
    Conservation (DEC) permit requirements for concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). As a re-
    Sfionse to federal requirements, die state has developed a general permit for certain large livestock farms. As
    a result, more than 600 CAFOs have filed Notices of Intent to comply widi the DEC permit requirements.
        To meet an increasing workload, die AEM Steering Committee adopted a certification process in
    conjunction widi NRCS to get qualified AEM planners into die field. Certification assures environmental
    regulators, producers, and die public of quality work in AEM. The program has now trained 104 persons
    from the public and private  sectors in the development of comprehensive nutrient management plans
    (CNMPs). To date, seven planners have been certified, resulting in the completion of CNMPs for 33 farms.

    Looking ahead
    Agriculture is a multibillion-dollar business in New York State, and the AEM Program works to keep all
    of the state's farms environmentally sound and economically viable. Every farm is valuable for what it
    contributes to die economy, die environment, and the beauty of New York State, and AEM is strength-

196IF1 innovative State Programs

ening this legacy for the future. We all depend on clean drinking water and •wholesome food for our
existence. With sufficient support and assistance, through Agricultural Environmental Management, New
York State's farm families will provide both of these.
Contact Information: Barbara Silvestri, New York State Soil and Water Conservation Committee, ! Winners Circle, Albany, NY 12235,
518-457-3738, silvestrb@nysnet.net
South  Carolina Forestry BMP Compliance Program:
Proactive Strategy Raises BMP Compliance Rate

   In South Carolina, as well as in most other states widi large tracts of forested land where timber is
   harvested, nonpoint source runoff due to the lack of proper practices can be a threat to water qual-
ity. To address this situation, the South Carolina Forestry Commission (SCFC) adopted a set of silvicul-
tural best management practices (BMPs) and published South Carolina's'Best Management Practices for Forestry
in 1994. To ensure compliance with the BMPs, the Commission focuses on a proactive strategy for pre- •
venting nonpoint source pollution, using a multipronged approach.
    One component of the program provides voluntary courtesy BMP exams to forest landowners, foresters,
and forestry operators. Specially trained Forestry BMP Specialists, located in each of the SCFC's three regions,
conduct these exams/About 500 harvesting operations were evaluated during fiscal year 2000. Ongoing for-
estry operations are located through regular flights over high-priority watersheds, through voluntary notifica-.
tion, and through response to complaints. Courtesy BMP exams are then offered to the landowner, forester,
and logging contractor. Based on the exam results, site-specific recommendations regarding BMP implementa-
tion are provided. Recommendations may include streamside management zones, forest road construction,
stream crossing design arid location, harvesting systems, and site preparation techniques. Where damage has
already occurred, recommendations for mitigating the damage are offered,
    After the harvesting operation is completed, a final on-site inspection is conducted to determine whether
the appropriate BMPs •were implemented. BMP compliance is significantly higher—98 percent according to a
1999 statistical survey—on sites where a courtesy BMP exam has been conducted. A monthly summary report
of completed courtesy BMP exams is provided to the state water quality agency and to timber buyers. The
report identifies loggers who failed to implement the appropriate water quality BMPs. Failure to implement
BMPs might negatively influence a forest industry company's decision to purchase forest products and ser-
vices from the logger.  The threat of .being on "the list" has proven to be a real incentive to loggers to imple-
ment appropriate BMPs. In addition, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control,
the state's water quality agency, may initiate enforcement action based on the referral.
    Another component of the prog-tam is education. Forestry BMP Specialists conduct BMP training
throughout the state.  Educational programs are tailored to the unique operating conditions in each physi-
ographic region. More than 1,800 loggers, landowners, foresters, and forestry operators have attended
the Timber Operating Professional (TOP) Logger course since its inception in 1995. The program is
                                                                                               innovaflve State Programs
                                                                                                                       I 197

     produced in cooperation with the South Carolina Forestry Association. In addition, short courses on site
     prcparadon, forest road construction, and other topics are offered annually. BMP educational presenta-
     tions arc given throughout die year to forest landowner associations, forestry clubs, civic groups, envi-
     ronmental groups, and other interested parties.
         This innovative program has proven to be very effective in increasing the BMP compliance rate
     Statewide. Surveys conducted over the past 10 years show that a statistically valid increase in forestry-
     rckted BMP compliance on harvesting sites has occurred. In fact, the compliance rate rose from 84.5
     percent in 1989 to 91.5 percent in 1999. Compliance with site preparation BMPs was 86.4 percent in
     1996 and rose to 98 percent in the second evaluation, completed in the spring of 1999..
         BMP compliance monitoring continues. During FY 2000, the SCFC initiated an additional monitor-
     ing cycle of harvesting and site preparation BMP compliance, consisting of (1) initial site location and
     harvest monitoring and (2) die initial site preparation compliance evaluation.
     Contact Information: Daryl Jones, South Carolina Forestry Commission, 803-896-8817, djones®forestry.state.sc.us
    Statewide Clean Marina Programs:  BMPs, Recognition,
    and Outreach Help Protect  Coastal Resources

           ! any states across the nation are designing voluntary programs to address a broad range of
            issues related to the environmental impacts of marina operations. These "Clean Marina Pro-
    grams" provide information, guidance, and technical assistance to marinas, local governments, and recre-
    ational boaters on how to minimize their impacts on water quality and coastal resources. To reduce  ad-
    verse impacts, states are promoting voluntary adoption of best management practices (BMPs) cited in
    the states' clean marina guidebooks. They also are establishing some type of recognition or awards pro-
    gram for participation in the program and adoption of these practices and are providing outreach activi-
    ties to further promote environmentally responsible marina and boating practices. A few examples of
    such programs follow.

    Maryland's Clean Marina Initiative
    The Man-land Department of Natural Resources developed the s.tate's Clean Marina Initiative, and EPA,
    the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the  state of Maryland provided financial
    support. The Initiative distributes a comprehensive pollution prevention guidebook for marinas with
    advice on topics like marina design and maintenance, storm water management, vessel maintenance and
    repair, sewage handling, waste containment and disposal, and more. The guidebook is written for manag-
    ers of full-service marinas with boatyards, but it is equally applicable to marinas with limited services,
    independent boatyards, and marine contractors.
         Innovative State fiograms

    Marinas, boatyards, and yacht clubs that adopt a significant proportion of the BMPs suggested in
the guidebook will be recognized as "Maryland Clean Marinas." They will receive a certificate acknowl-
edging their environmentally responsible actions, authorization to use the Maryland Clean Marina logo
on their letterhead and in their advertising, a flag to fly from their property, and promotion by the Clean
Marina Initiative in publications, on the World Wide Web, and at public events.
    For more information on Maryland's Clean Marina Initiative, see www.dnr.state.md.us/boating/

Virginia's Clean Marina Program
On January 12, 2001, Virginia's Clean Marina Program was launched as an implementation element of
the Virginia Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control Program, supporting  compliance with section 6217 of
the Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments of 1990. Virginia has established a Marina Technical
Advisory Program to work with marinas to achieve  voluntary designation as a "Virginia Clean Marina"
by following a series of steps. The first step involves a pledge by a marina operator to work toward be-
coming a Virginia Clean Marina. Second, the marina operator conducts a self-assessment using an evalua-
tion checklist that contain criteria taken directly from Virginia's Clean Marina Guidebook of marina BMPs.
After the checklist is complete, the operator requests a formal site visit from the Marina Technical and
Environmental Advisory Committee to confirm the adequate assessment scores. Once scores are con-
firmed, the Committee recommends a Clean Marina designation. Designated facilities report annually to
retain their designation, and .they are encouraged to consider additional projects that prevent pollution.
    For more information on Virginia's Clean Marina Program, see www.deq.state.va.us/vacleanmarina.

North Carolina's Clean Marina Program
The National Marine Environmental Education Foundation, a nonprofit organization that works to clean
up waterways for better recreational boating, developed North Carolina's Clean Marina Program. The
program was initiated in July 2000 as a joint project between the North Carolina Marine Trades Services
and the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management, As in the Maryland and Virginia programs,
marina owners are asked to voluntarily complete an evaluation form to determine their use of specific
BMPs. If a marina meets the criteria, it is eligible to fly the Clean Marina flag and use the logo in its
advertisements. Through the promotion, boaters are able to identify marinas that care about the cleanli-
ness of area waterways.
    For more information on North Carolina's Clean Marina Program, see www.ncmta.com/Regula-
tory/CleanMarinelndex.htm.                                    ...

Other state marina programs
Many other states are also developing their own Clean Marina Programs. Other programs include the
Clean Texas Marina Program (see www.cleanmarinas.org); Florida's Clean Marina Program (see'
www.dep.state.fl.us/law/bosp/grants/clean_marina); and the Tennessee Valley Authority's Clean Marina
Initiative (see www.tva.gov/environment/water/boating.htm).         .
                                                                                               Innovative State.Prograrre
                                                                                                                       I 199

fnnovacive State Rrograms

States are increasingly dedicating substantial funding above and beyond the federal funding under section
3 19 and the required 40 percent state -match to support and sustain expanded nonpoint source manage-
ment programs. States are using many different mechanisms to fund their nonpoint source activities,
including bond initiatives, low-interest loan programs, grants, and land acquisition programs. States are
also incre'asingprivate sector involvement in program implementation so that they can progressively
decrease their current reliance on government funds to support implementation of nonpoint source best
management practices. This section highlights a variety of such programs that states are administering,
beyond the 319 match, to address the effects of nonpoint source pollution.
States  With Significant  Funding  Beyond  319  Match
California's Water Bond Program

   In March 2000 California voters approved Proposition 13, the Costa-Machado Water Act of 2000 (2000
   Water Bond), authorizing the state to sell $1.97 billion in general obligation bonds to support safe
drinking water, flood protection, and water reliability projects throughout the state. The budget autho-
rizes $468 million specifically for watershed protection, dedicating $90 million of this amount to imple-
menting watershed management plans (to reduce flooding, control erosion, improve water quality, im-
prove.aquatic and terrestrial species habitats, restore native vegetation and riparian zones, and restore
beneficial uses of water) and $95 million of this to river parkway acquisition and riparian habitat restora-
tion. The budget authorizes $30.5 million specifically to the State Revolving Fund Loan Subaccount for
the purposes of providing loans pursuant to the Clean Water Act. In addition, the budget specifically
authorizes $100 million for nonpoint source pollution control activities and $90 million for coastal
nonpoint control activities over the next several years.
    For the money specifically authorized for nonpoint source activities, grants of up  to $5 million (per
project) may be awarded to local public agencies or nonprofit organizations formed by landowners to
prepare and implement local nonpoint source plans. Projects must use best management practices  (BMPs)
or management measures and must demonstrate a capability to sustain water quality benefits for a  period of
20 years. Categories of nonpoint source pollution addressed by projects may include, but are not limited to,
silviculture, agriculture, urban runoff, mining, hydromodification, grazing, on-site disposal systems,
boatyards and marinas, and animal feeding operations. Projects to address nonpoint source pollution may
include, but are not limited to, wildfire management, installation of vegetative systems to filter or retard
pollutant loading, incentive programs or large-scale demonstration programs to reduce commercial reliance
                                                                                              State Funding Programs

    on polluting substances or to increase acceptance of alternative methods and materials, and engineered
    features to minimize impacts of nonpoint source pollution. Projects must have defined water quality or
    beneficial use goals.
        For more information on California's Water Bond Program, see www.swrcb.ca.gov/propl3/
     California's Loan Programs

          ;hc California State Board administers two funds that provide loans to help private parties control
          lonpoint sources of pollution: the State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Program and the more recent
     Agricultural Drain Management Program (ADMP) created by Proposition 204 in 1996. Most of the SRF
     dollars (up to $100 million) come from the federal government. The state matches the federal contribu-
     tion on an 80 percent federal/20 percent state basis. In addition to the SRF, $27.5 million was made
     available to the ADMP with the passage of Proposition 204 in 1996. Of this amount, $5 million has been
     obligated for dairy waste management. Dollars from previous SRF loans that have been repaid are also
     available to make new loans.
        Merced Count}- is an example of the local beneficiaries of California's loan programs. The county
     has borrowed $10 million from the SRF Loan Program and $5 million from the ADMP to make loans to
     Merced County dairies through a county-administered mini-loan program. The loans may be used to
     reduce drainage runoff, which is high in nitrates and salinity and currently threatens the quality of the
     county's groundwater and surface waters. Most of the money is expected to be used to install structural
     improvements for animal waste source control. The county will also use a portion of  the funds to pro-
     vide a public education and outreach program to educate dairymen, as well as to establish criteria for
     evaluating problem dairies and to develop solutions to control animal waste. The dairy industry is  grow-
     ing in Merced County, and the county's goal is to ensure that  dairies under its jurisdiction are properly
     operated so that they comply with county, state, and federal laws.
    Florida Forever Program

         'he 2-year effort to enact a successor to the Preservation 2000 Program, which had acquired 1 million
         acres and was successful in saving many of Florida's beaches, rivers, bays, forests, coral reefs, and
    estuaries, culminated in the passage of the Florida Forever bill on April 30,1999. While devoting major
    resources toward land acquisition, Florida Forever also recognizes and refocuses on Florida's water re-
    source needs. The bill devotes 24 percent of funds to urban efforts, recognizing both the need for
    greater environmental protection and the need for more recreation space in urban areas. A significant
    feature is the creation of Florida's first-ever land acquisition advisory committee. This committee will

202 BUI State Rinding Ftograms

clearly focus on measurable goals and invest taxpayer funds wisely to develop measurable statewide
objectives for Florida Forever.          •           '
    Florida Forever created a 10-year, $3 billion program. The state will receive about $300 million each
year through a bond program. The funds will be apportioned among the Department of Environmental
Protection (with 35 percent of the funds for acquisition programs, 1.5 percent for recreation and parks,
and 1.5 percent for greenways and trails); the Water Management Districts (35 percent); the Department
of Community Affairs, Florida Communities Trust (24 percent); the new Florida Fish and Wildlife Con-
servation Commission (1.5 percent); and the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Divi-
sion of Forestry (1.5 percent).                        .      .     •     '                   •  .    .
    For more information on the Florida Forever program, see www.dca.state.fl.us/ffct/
florida_forever_program.htm.                                               •
Georgia's Greenspace Program

      i eorgia's governor signed the Greenspace Program into law on April 16, 20QO. The program is a
      I voluntary, noncompetitive, county-based program. It provides for awards of formula grants to
eligible counties if they develop and implement plans to permanently protect at least 20 percent of the
county's geographic area as natural, undeveloped greenspace that furthers one or more of the nine stated
goals of the program. Five of the goals address water-quality protection, including flood protection;
wetland protection; reduction of erosion; protection of riparian buffers; and water quality protection for
rivers, streams, and lakes.
    For fiscal year 2001, |30 million has been appropriated for the program. Counties are not required
to provide matching funds, but they must commit to providing adequate stewardship of the lands once
acquired.            .                                                  •   '
    For more information on Georgia's Greenspace Program, see www.ganet.org/dnr/greenspace/
 Iowa's Water  Quality Initiative

    Iowa's new Water Quality Initiative (2000) provides $11.2 million per year for a number of water quality
    improvement projects throughout the state. Highlights of the Initiative include financial incentives to
 install conservation buffers, conduct water quality monitoring, and support local watershed protection
 projects.                                           .....-.•     '     -
    The Initiative provides $1.5 million to accelerate the implementation of the Conservation Reserve
 Program (CRP) through soil and water conservation district field offices. Through the CRP program,
 farmers receive payments from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to establish riparian buffers,
                                                                                               State Funding Programs

     grassed waterways, contour buffer strips, field, borders, and odier buffers on private farmlands. The
     buffer initiative will provide funding for additional field office staff to prepare materials, contact pro-
     spective participants, and process applications. Local government and private, nonprofit organizations
     arc being challenged to provide matching funds to further leverage the initiative. Funds are also being
     used to provide $100/acre sign-up bonus payments for eligible practices of contour buffer strips, shal-
     low water areas for wildlife, and cross-wind trap strips. The first-year goal is to enroll an additional
     100,000 acres in the continuous-sign-up Conservation Reserve Program.
         The Initiative also provides $1.9 million to conduct an ongoing assessment of Iowa's rivers and
     Streams, lakes, groundwater, beaches, wetlands, and precipitation. In addition, the program focuses on
     public education on water quality issues and encourages participation in volunteer water quality monitor-
     ing, Two years ago, only §120,000 from federal sources •was being spent on water monitoring in Iowa.
         The Initiative provides $2.7 million to develop and encourage integrated approaches to address
     multiobjective water quality protection, flood control, erosion control, recreation, wildlife habitat, and
     other resource protection issues. Funding is provided for watershed solutions to water quality and water
     management problems that affect local communities, the  state, and the country. The first year goal is to
     financially support more than 20 local watershed protection projects that are providing improved flood
     protection and erosion control and are beginning to address the water quality problems of the state's
     impaired waters. Assistance will be provided to local communities and Soil and Water Conservation
     Districts for the development of water quality projects and funding applications. The Watershed Task
     Force will complete its study of Iowa watershed protection efforts and will report (with recommenda-
     tions) on  the status of watershed protection needs, program capacity, and local initiatives.
         The Initiative provides financial incentives for many other programs, including $600,000 for septic
     system renovations (to match $2.4 million from the State  Revolving Fund); $2 million in financial incen-
     tives to install soil conservation practices on private farmlands (with 5 percent directed to lands in the
     watersheds of high-priority, publicly owned lakes in the state); $372,000 to develop new or improved
     water quality standards and assessment techniques; $1.5 million to restore or construct wetlands to inter-
     cept tile runoff from agricultural lands; $153,000 to develop an efficient Total Maximum Daily Load
     program;  $200,000 to educate local floodplain managers; $250,000 to  review and issue National Pollutant
     Discharge Elimination System permits; $850,000 for demonstrations of integrated farm and livestock
     management; §70,000 to Support the Department of Natural Resources' volunteer programs; and
     §195,000 to provide geographic information system data to local watershed groups.
204E—3 State Funding Rograms

 Maine's  Funding Programs

    In 2000 the Maine Department of Agriculture used a $2.5 million state general fund appropriation to
    establish the Nutrient Management Grant Program, a cost share program to help producers con-
 struct manure-handling facilities to comply with the state's Nutrient Management Law.
    Maine also established the Watershed Improvement Financial Assistance Partnership in 2000. It
 provides financial assistance to help state Soil and Water Conservation Districts conduct nonpoint
 source pollution control projects to restore or protect lakes, streams, or .coastal waters -that are polluted   •
 or considered threatened. The funding is from the Environmental Protection Agency ($240,000), admin-
 istered "by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (MDEP), and the State of'Maine general
 fund ($160,000), administered by the Maine Department of Agriculture, Food,  and Rural Resources.
 EPA-New England and the Maine Association of Conservation Districts are cooperating partners.
 Maine's 16 Districts joined together to form four watershed regions for this program. Annually each
 region is eligible to receive a grant  of $100,000.
    MDEP  and Agriculture established the Nutrient Management Loan program in 1999. Loans are
 available through the Financial Authority of Maine. These loans have an effective interest rate of 4 per-
 cent the first year and 3 percent each year thereafter for up to 20 years. They may.be used for building
 storage and handling facilities for manure and milk room wastes, including equipment that is used solely
 for handling waste. In 1999 MDEP also issued $500,000 grants of state bond funds for watershed
 projects under the Priority Watershed Protection Grants Program.
    In 1998 the Maine Department of Transportation established the Surface Water  Quality Protection
 Program to help reduce polluted runoff from highways. The program uses federal Transportation Equity
 Act funds (about $200,000 per year). The projects funded usually involve reconstruction of highway
 drainage systems to reduce sediment discharges to wafers.
    The state legislature initiated the Maine Overboard Discharge Program in 1989 to help  fund replace-
 ment systems that would eliminate licensed overboard discharges in certain areas. licensed overboard
 discharges are treated discharges, to surface bodies of water, of domestic pollutants not conveyed to a
 municipal or quasi-municipal wastewater treatment facility. High priority is .given to shellfish areas that
 could be opened for harvesting if the licensed overboard discharges were eliminated. The state share of
 funding for projects in this grant program comes from bond issues approved by the voters.  Since 1989,
 $4.5 million hag been used.         .                    .      .   •      '   '
    The Small Community Grant Program is a water pollution control program administered by MDEP.
 Funding levels range from $500,000 to $1 million per year, and a state bond is used to fund  the program.  •
The goals are to improve water quality, protect public health, and reopen shellfishing areas that are af-
 fected by wastewater discharges. The program may provide financial and technical assistance in solving
wastewater disposal problems in unsewered areas. For qualifying systems, grants for 25 to 100 percent of
the replacement costs for a year-round residence, 25 to 50 percent for a business, and 25 to  50 percent
 for a seasonal or second home are  available.
                                                                                                 State Funding Programs

    Clean Michigan Initiative

      f n 1998 Michigan voters overwhelmingly approved the Clean Michigan Initiative (CMI), authorizing
      I $675 million in state bonds to finance environmental and natural resources protection programs.
        A large portion of the CMI (f 50 million) has been earmarked for Nonpoint Source Pollution Con-
    trol grants. These grant funds, can be used to implement the physical improvements, such as structural
    and vegetative BMPs, recommended in approved watershed management plans. The Nonpoint Source
    Pollution Control grants are budgeted at $7 million per year through 2006. An additional $90 million has
    been allocated'to the Clean Water Fund to implement a comprehensive water quality monitoring program
    in the state. That fund will also be used to protect high-quality waters, eliminate illicit connections to    ;
    storm drains, address failing on-site septic systems, plug abandoned wells, implement storm water man-
    agement activities, implement recommendations found in Remedial Action Plans and Lakewide Manage-
    ment Plans, and implement agricultural BMPs in targeted watersheds.
        For example, $5 million of the Clean Water Fund will be used to provide funding as state match for
    the  federal Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP), which will implement practices on
    agricultural lands to improve water quality and wildlife habitat. The state of Michigan applied to the U.S.
    Department of Agriculture for a CREP grant of $126 million, with a total state match of $25.75 million.
    The practices to be implemented include 60,000 acres of riparian buffer strips, filter strips, field wind-
    breaks, and wetland restoration, as well as 20,000 acres of wetland restoration, shallow water areas for
    wildlife, permanent native grasses, and permanent introduced grasses and legumes.
        The CMI grants are available to local units of government and nonprofit organizations. Watershed
    management plans are approved by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and are often
    developed by local agencies with federal Clean Water Act support.
        For more information on the Clean Michigan Initiative, see wwwdeq.state.mi.us/exec/crni/cmiimp.html.
    Minnesota's Clean Water Partnership Program

            Iinnesota's Clean Water Partnership was created in 1987 to address pollution associated with run
            off from agricultural and urban areas. The program provides local governments with resources
    to protect and improve lakes, streams, and groundwater. Financial assistance available through the pro-
    gram falls into two categories: grants and low-interest loans. Grants are available for up tq ,50 percent of
    project costs; loans may be used for only the project implementation phase and may cover the entire cost
    of implementation or supplement a grant. The implementation phase involves putting in place BMPs
    Such as sedimentation ponds, manure management, conservation tillage, terraces, new ordinances, wet-
    land restoration, fertilizer management, education, or other methods.designed to reduce nonpoint.source
206 |E3 State Rinding Programs

    During the 1999 application cycle for financial assistance, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
awarded $2,370,107 in grants and $5,778,524 in loans. Through 11 application cycles, more than
$30 million of state, federal, and local funds have been allocated to protect and improve lakes,- streams,
groundwater, wellhead areas, and wetlands.
    For more information on Minnesota's Clean Water Partnership Program, see www.pca.state.mn.us/
water/ cwpartner.html.
Reinvest in Minnesota  (RIM) Program

     'he Reinvest in Minnesota (RIM) Program, created in 1986, has two primary components: RIM and
      RIM Reserve. The RIM Program focuses on improving fish and wildlife habitat on public lands,
and the RIM Reserve Program focuses on acquiring easements on private land.
    The RIM Reserve Program protects water quality, reduces soil erosion, and enhances fish and wild-
life habitat by retiring marginal lands from agricultural production and restoring previously drained wet-
lands. The owners of these lands are paid a percentage of die assessed value of their land to voluntarily
enroll it in a conservation easement. A variety of land types are eligible, including drained wetlands,
riparian agricultural lands, credible cropland, pastured hillsides, and sensitive groundwater areas. Since
the program began in 1986, landowners have enrolled about 2,400 easements, covering 83,000 acres.
    The RIM Reserve Program has helped to leverage significant outside doEars for conservation in
Minnesota. Under the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP), the federal government
will provide Minnesota landowners with -up to $163 million to retire land in the Minnesota River valley. ,
This money must be matched by $70 million in state funding. By combining a federal Conservation
Reserve Program contract with a RIM Reserve easement, this funding will retire approximately 100,000
acres and more than double the amount of acreage currently  enrolled in RIM Reserve.
    The RIM Reserve/Wedand Reserve Program (WRP) partnership is another state/federal/local
partnership that provides Minnesota with an opportunity to leverage federal dollars to increase conserva-
tion easement enrollment. Under the partnership, drained wetlands are enrolled and restored by combin-
ing WRP's 30-year easement option with a perpetual RIM Reserve easement. About 6,208 acres of RIM
Reserve/WRP easements have been enrolled since the program began in 1997, costing about $5 million
in federal dollars and $2.8 million in state dollars.                        '     •                •
     For more information on Minnesota's RIM Reserve Program,  see www.bwsr.state.mn.us/programs/
major/rim.html.             .                   .                                 .  •    .
                                                                                             ,   State Funding Programs fl^B ZO7

     New Hampshire's Water Supply Land  Conservation Grant

        In spring 2000 the New Hampshire legislature created the Water Supply Land Conservation Grant
        Program. Under the program, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DBS),
     provides grants to municipal or nonprofit water suppliers for the purchase of land or conservation ease-
     ments critical to the quality of their water. These water supply lands  must be within the source water
     protection areas for existing or planned public drinking water sources. DBS has $1.5 million available for
     grants during the first year of the program.
        The state grants must be matched by 75 percent from local sources. These match sources can in-
     clude donated land or easements that also lie within the source water protection area, public funds,
     transaction expenses, or private funds. A low-interest loan fund is also available from DBS to help com-
     munities finance some or all of the match.
        For more information on New Hampshire's Water Supply Land Conservation Grant Program, see
     New Jersey's Funding Programs

           i ver the past several years, the New Jersey legislature has appropriated $5.3 million' to the state's
            Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and Department of Agriculture for technical
     and financial assistance grants to farmers who develpp and implement conservation plans that incorpo-
     r,iie agricultural BMPs to control nonpoint source pollution. Dkect state cost-share funding assistance is
     pooled with federal Environmental Quality Incentives Program cost-share funds and made available to
     formers based on potential environmental benefit.
        In June 1999 New Jersey's governor signed the Garden State Preservation Trust Act, which will
     enable the state to preserve 1  million acres of open space over the next 10 years (by 2010). In 1998 New
    Jersey residents voted to amend the New Jersey constitution to provide a stable source of funding to
     acquire and preserve open space, farmland, and historic sites around the state. The amendment dedicates
     $98 million annually for 10 years to preservation efforts and authorizes the issuance of up to $1 billion in
     revenue bonds. For more information on the Garden State Preservation Trust Act, see www.state.nj.us/
        Mew Jersey's DEP has received $5 million each fiscal year from State Corporate Business Tax re-
     ceipts to implement watershed management and nonpoint source pollution control. Funds for nonpoint
     source and \vatershed activities have been increased to include $600,000 for each of the 20 Watershed
     Management Areas for a 4-year watershed planning process. For more information on New Jersey's
    Corporate Business Tax, see www.state.nj.us/dep/watershedmgt/financial.htm.
         State Funding Programs

    New Jersey's DEP awarded $1.8 million in grant funds on April 17, 2001, for the development of
regional storm water management planning in four counties. Storm water plans to improve streams and
water quality will be developed for five priority watersheds: die Upper Maurice River in Gloucester .
County; the Smithville Drainage in Atiantic County; part of the Rancocas .watershed in Burlington
County; and Masons Creek and Little Creek, both tributaries to die Copper River. Additional grants
totaling $740,000 are being awarded for storm water planning in the Shrewsbury and Cohansey water-
sheds. These funds are from the 1989 Stormwate'r and Combined Sewer Overflow Bond Act.
New York's Clean Water/Clean  Air  Bond Act
       | ew York's 1996 Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act devoted $1.75 billion to protect and restore the
       state's environment. Of that amount, $790 million in funding is devoted to clean water projects
to help carry out existing management plans for major water resources. Funds are available for municipal
wastewater treatment improvement, pollution prevention, agricultural and nonagricultural nonpoint
source abatement and control, and aquatic habitat restoration. Significant support is available to acquire
open space that protects water resources, acquire public parklands, and protect farmland. Funding is also
available to help small businesses protect the environment, help small municipalities address flood con-
trol, and improve die safety of dams throughout New York.
    The Bond Act also specifically devotes $355 million for safe drinking water projects. These funds
include $265 million for a revolving loan fund and $90 million for state assistance payments to economi-
cally distressed water systems upgrading their drinking •water facilities.                        .
    For more information on New York's Clean Water Bond Act, see www.dec.state.ny.us/website/
North  Carolina's  Clean Water Management Trust Fund

   In 1996 Nordi Carolina's General Assembly established the Clean Water Management Trust Fund
   (CWMTF) to help finance projects that specifically address water pollution problems and focus on
upgrading surface waters, eliminating pollution, and protecting and conserving unpolluted surface •waters,
including urban drinking water supplies. Moneys from the CWMTF may be used to acquire land or ease-
ments for riparian buffers and watersheds; to restore wedarids, buffers, and •watershed lands; to repair
failing wastewater treatment systems; and to improve storm water controls and management practices.
    At the end of each fiscal year, 6.5 percent of the unreserved credit balance in North Carolina's
General Fund (or a minimum of $30 million) will go into the CWMTF. In 2000 the Board of Trustees
approved 59 grants for a total of $49.8 million. The Board has approved 234 grants for a total of $211
million since 1997. CWMTF grants have leveraged at least $60 million in other private and public funds.
                                                                                              State Funding Programs

    The CWMTF's 540 million investment in the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program will leverage
    f 22! million in U.S. Department of Agriculture funds and $10 million in other funds over.the next
    6 years, The 2000 session of the General Assembly committed to appropriate $40 million to CWMTF in
    FV 2001-2002, $70 million in FY 2002-2003, and $100 million in FY 2003-2004 and subsequent years.
        The CWMTF has helped to protect 1,560 miles of riparian buffers and preserve 134,673 acres of
    Lwd, Tile CWMTF has assisted 60 local governments with wastewater improvements, funded 45 restora-
    tion projects, and funded 16 storm water projects.
        For more information on North Carolina's Clean Water Management Trust Fund, see wwwicwmtf.net.
    Clean Ohio Fund
           . n November 7,2000, Ohio voters passed Issue 1, a $400 million statewide ballot initiative that will
            help support brownfields restoration, farmland preservation, stream and watershed restoration
    and protection, open space conservation, and outdoor recreation.
        In January 2001 Ohio's governor released the Clean Ohio Fund Implementation White Paper, detail-
    ing his vision regarding the administration of the fund. The administration proposes to set aside $25
    million for a pilot program to purchase agricultural easements on valuable .agricultural land. A total of
    $50 million will be available over the program's initial 4 years to protect high-quality streams and restore
    impaired water resources through protection of habitat along Ohio streams. Eligible projects will include
    the purchase of easements or fee^ simple interest in land to protect and restore streams and forested
    riparian corridors. Funding will also support projects that protect or restore natural stream channel func-
    tions, floodpkins, and riparian corridors (for example, removal of dams that are no longer needed, pro-
    visions for fish passage, protection and restoration of natural flow regimes, or restoration of floodplains
    and associated wetlands).
        In addition, die Clean Ohio Fund will set aside $175 million for .brownfields restoration, $100 mil-
    lion for grcenspaces, and $25 million each for developing recreational trails and cleaning up threats to
    public health.
        For more information on the Clean Ohio Fund, see www.dnr.state.oh.us/cleanohiofund.
    Oregon's Watershed Restoration  Grants

           i reaon's Watershed Enhancement Board administers Watershed Restoration Grants for numerous
            activities, including watershed restoration and enhancement, watershed assessment and monitor-
    ing, watershed education and outreach, land and water acquisition, and watershed council support.
    Grants arc used to fund on-the-ground watershed management projects such as planting along
210 JFl State Funding Programs

streambanks to slow erosion, developing off-stream livestock watering facilities or fencing stream areas
to restore riparian function, controlling upland vegetation to encourage the growth of native grasses,
reseeding old logging roads/restoring or enhancing natural wetlands, improving fish habitat, removing or
replacing ineffective culverts, and purchasing conservation easements or leasing water rights.
    The funds for these'grants come from a voter-approved ballot measure that designates 7.5 percent
of lottery proceeds for watershed restoration and protection! In January 2001 alone, the Watershed
Enhancement Board awarded nearly $10 million in watershed improvement grants to watershed action
groups around the state.
    For more information on Oregon's Watershed Restoration Grants, see www.oweb.state.or.us.
Pennsylvania's  Growing  Greener Program

   In December 1999 the governor signed Pennsylvania's Growing Greener program into law, providing
   nearly $650 million over 5 years to address the state's most pressing environmental challenges. Funds
provided by Growing Greener will be split among four state agencies on' an annual tasis: Department of
Conservation and Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Agri- -
culture, and Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority. These agencies will direct Growing
Greener funding to protect open space, clean up abandoned mines, restore watersheds, and provide new
and upgraded water and sewer systems, among other projects.
    The first year of Pennsylvania's Growing Greener grant program has been very successful. Growing
Greener grants have led to 55 watershed assessment and protection plans and 85 restoration/demonstra-
tion projects being implemented. Projects facilitating 58 environmental education projects and the orga-
nization of 21 watershed groups have also been set in motion.
    With the help of Growing Greener funds, 3,603 acres of wetlands and 117 miles of riparian buffers
are being restored. In addition, 279 miles of streams affected by acid mine  drainage are being cleaned up,
nearly 800 acres of abandoned mine lands are being reclaimed, and 43 miles of  stream improvement
structures are being built. Growing Greener has also enabled Pennsylvania  to eliminate its backlog of
mine reclamation and oil and gas well plugging projects. As a result, an additional 612 acres of aban-
doned mine lands are being reclaimed and more than 134 abandoned oil and gas wells are being plugged.-
    Grant recipients took the initiative to seek out other sources of funding to  build on their Growing
Greener grants. Nearly $45  million in matching funds supplemented the Commonwealth's investment.
Match money was received in the form of cash, volunteer time, or donations of equipment or materials.
    For more information on Pennsylvania's Growing Greener program, see www.dep.state.pa.us/growgreen.
                                                                                               State Funding Programs |^B 211

    Vermont's Funding Programs
    Agricultural BMP cost-share program
    In 1996 die Vermont legislature created a program that provides financial assistance to Vermont farmers in
    support of voluntary implementation of BMPs on farms. This program has provided a unique opportu-
    nity to combine state funds with federal USDA funds on many projects, thereby reducing the farmer's
    share of project costs to as little as 15 percent. Since the program's inception, the legislature has gradu-
    ally increased annual funding levels from $250,000 to the current $1.2 million. In total, $3.9 million has
    now been earmarked for this program, with $2.7 million committed to build 737 BMP projects on 388
    farms. This year's fiscal year 2001 allocation of $1.2 million is currently being committed to farm
    projects. The most common BMPs funded through the program to date have been systems to store
    manure,  manage barnyard runoff, and treat milkhouse effluent. Using a phosphorus crediting procedure
    for each BMP, the state estimates that the practices funded thus far will reduce annual phosphorus load-
    ing to watercourses by about 31,900 pounds. The loading estimates provide one means for the state to
    track progress toward phosphorus reduction goals in key water bodies such as Lake Champlain.
        The Vermont Department of Agriculture, Food and Markets administers the program in close coor-
    dination  with USDA cost-share programs. BMP systems eligible for state cost-share dollars must meet
    design standards and specifications established by the USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service.
    A system must be operated and maintained for its design life (typically at least 10 years) according to a
    plan that includes strict provisions for nutrient management and system upkeep.
    Contact information; Phil Benedict [phil®agr.state.vt.usl or Jeff Cook (cookie®agr.state.vt.us) at the Vermont Department of.
    Agriculture, Food and Markets, 802-828-2431.

    Vermont Better Backroads  Program
    The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation initiated a small grants program for cor-
    recting erosion and drainage problems along the state's backroads in 1997 using a small amount (about
    $20,000) of section 319 funding. Approximately 81 percent of Vermont's road miles are maintained by
    municipalities, and most of these roads are gravel roads. The goal of Vermont's Better Backroads Pro-
    gram is to promote the use of erosion control and maintenance techniques that save money while pro-
    tecting and enhancing Vermont's lakes and streams. The program has been so successful  that the Ver-
    mont General Assembly voted to more than triple its size in 1999 by adding $48,000 in state appropria-
    tions. Grants are awarded to towns and local organizations for erosion control measures not already
    required  by town, state, or  federal regulations. The 20 projects funded this year range from the installa-
    tion of rock-lined ditches and diversion berms to culvert repairs and streambank stabilization. A portion
    of the funds is made available for road inventories, problem prioritizing, and capital budget planning to
    incorporate erosion control into ongoing town road maintenance.

    Contact information: Susan Warren. Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, 802-241-3794, susan.warren@anrmail.anr.state.vt.us.
212 pra State Rinding ftograms

Vermont Watershed Fund
The Vermont Watershed Fund was established with funds from the sale of a special conservation license
'plate, authorized by the state legislature in 1996. The plates first became available in April 1997, and more
than 9,000 were sold by fall 1999. Revenues for projects supported by the fund are raised by an addi-
tional $20 per year motor vehicle registration fee for each plate. The proceeds from plate sales are di-
vided between the Vermont Watershed Management Fund and the Nongame Wildlife Fund.
    The Watershed Fund, administered by Vermont's Agency of Natural Resources, supports watershed
projects that protect, restore, or enhance Vermont's watershed resources. The funds are granted to com-
munity-based watershed organizations through die Vermont Watershed Grants Program. A wide  range
of projects are eligible for funding, including monitoring, outreach, land acquisition, recreational  en-
hancement, and pollution prevention. A wide range of projects were funded in 1998 and 1999, including
mine remediation, lake watershed  surveys, river stabilization, and integrated crop management in  a small
watershed. Funds available for the watershed grants program have grown steadily from $16,000 in 1998
to $45,000 in 2000. Although modest in size, the program already has produced many successful results.
It fills a critical gap in statewide funding sources  for watershed-based projects.                    '
Contact information: Susan Warren, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources,  802-241-3794, susan.warren®anrmail.anr.state.vt.us. •
Virginia's Water  Quality  Improvement Act

    p*he purpose of the' Virginia Water Quality Improvement Act of 1997 is to restore and improve the
      quality of state waters and protect them from impairment and destruction for the benefit of current
and future citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Because this responsibility is shared among state and
local governments and individuals, the Water Quality Improvement Fund (WQIF) was created.
    The purpose of the fund is to provide water quality improvement grants to local governments, Soil and
Water Conservation Districts, and individuals for point and nonpoint source pollution prevention, reduc-
tion, and control programs. A primary objective of the WQIF is to fund grants that will reduce the flow of
excess nitrogen and phosphorus into the Chesapeake Bay through the implementation of Tributary Strate-
gies prepared in accordance with the multistate/EPA/DC Chesapeake Bay Program and with state law.
    Fund appropriations for fiscal year 1998 included $15 million (with $10 million for point sources
and $5 million for nonpoint sources), and appropriations for 1999—2000 included more than $50 million
(including $27 million for nonpoint sources), Most of the grants from the fund will be provided as '
matching fundss usually on a 50/50 cost-share basis.
    For more information on Virginia's Water Quality Improvement Act, see www.dcr.state.va.us/sw/
wqia.htm.                          '                            ,
                                                                                               State Funding Programs

Washington's Water Quality Funding Programs

        fashington Department of Ecology's Water Quality Program administers three major funding
         programs (managed as one) that provide low-interest loans and grants for projects that protect
and improve water quality. The three programs that share guidelines, application, and funding cycles are
i 1) the Centennial Clean Water Fund, which provides low-interest loans and grants for wastewater treat-
ment facilities and fund-related activities to reduce nonpoint sources of water pollution; (2) the State
Revolving Fund (SRF), which provides low-interest loans for wastewater treatment facilities and related
activities, or to reduce nonpoint sources of water pollution; and (3) the section 319 grants program.
    During fiscal year; 2001, 82 projects will receive funding in the form of grants and loans totaling
S93.7 million. Projects will address water quality improvement and protection initiatives, including waste-
water collection, treatment, reuse, and reclamation; salmon habitat and riparian corridor improvements;
sediment control; agricultural BMPs; watershed action plans; wellhead protection; storm water treatment;
environmental education; and water quality monitoring
    Each year Washington reserves 20 percent of its lendable funds (through the SRF and Centennial
Clean Water Fund programs) for nonpoint source and estuary projects. In state fiscal year 2001, that
20 percent (more than $12 million) was fully committed to these types of projects.
    For more information on Washington's water quality funding programs, see www.ecy.wa.gov/
programs/wq/funding.                                       ^
Wisconsin:  Grant Programs for  Runoff Management

lit III JPlsconsin's Nonpoint Source Water Pollution Abatement Program provides grants averaging
 Hf llSf 520 million per year in both urban and rural watersheds selected for priority watershed
projects. In 1997 and 1998 the Wisconsin legislature created two new grant programs to address the
effects of polluted runoff. The Targeted Runoff Management (TRM) Grant Program provides up to
S150,000 to rural and urban governmental units to control polluted runoff from urban and rural sites.
The Urban Nonpoint Source and Stormwater Grant Program focuses on financial assistance for projects
in urban areas, providing up to 70 percent of technical assistance.
    For more information on Wisconsin's grant programs for polluted runoff management, see
     State Funding Programs

State  Conservation  Reserve Enhancement Programs

     I tate Conservation Reserve Enhancement Programs (CREP) address important local conservation
     concerns by combining USDA's Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) with state technical and
funding assistance. CRP is administered by the USDA's Farm Service Agency, which protects fragile
farmland by assisting owners and operators in conserving and improving soil, water, and wildlife re-
sources. This is done by converting highly credible and other environmentally sensitive acreage normally
devoted to the production of agricultural commodities to a long-term approved cover. Participants enroll
in contracts for 10 to 15 years and, in some cases, easements, in exchange for annual rental payments and
cost-share assistance for installing certain conservation practices.
    At least 14 states have approved CREP agreements in place, and at least an additional 8 states have
CREP proposals under review. Many states are contributing significant amounts of funding to CREP. For
example, Oregon provides $50 million (along with $200 million from USDA); Nordi Carolina,
$54 million (with $221 million from USDA); and Pennsylvania, f 77 million (with |137 million from USDA).
    States are also enrolling large tracts of land in the CREP. For example, Illinois's $250 million CREP
may have up to 232,000 acres continuously enroEed in the CRP through 2002. Goals of the program
include reducing total sediment loading to the Illinois River by 20 percent; reducing phosphorus, and
nitrogen loading to the Illinois River by 10 percent; increasing populations of waterfowl, shorebirds, and
state and federally listed species by 15 percent within the project area; and increasing native fish and
mussel stocks by 10 percent in the lower reaches of the Illinois River.
    For more information on State Conservation Reserve Enhancement Programs, see
Clean Water State  Revolving Fund  Programs

      I nder the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) program, EPA provides grants or "seed
       money" to all 50 states and Puerto Rico to capitalize state loan funds. The states, in turn, make
loans to communities, individuals, and others for high-priority water quality activities. As money is paid
back into the revolving fund, new loans are made to other recipients that need help in maintaining the
quality of their Water. Currendy, the program has more than $27 billion in assets.
    The CWSRF program allows states the flexibility to provide funding for projects that will address
their highest-priority needs. Although the CWSRF has traditionally been used to build or improve waste-
water treatment plants, eligible nonpoint source projects include virtually any activity that a state has
identified in its nonpoint source management plan. Loans can be used for control of agricultural runoff,
conservation tillage and other projects to address soil erosion, development of streambank buffer zones,
and wetland protection and restoration. Twenty-eight states have funded more than $1 billion of such
nonpoint source and estuary projects through 2000.                                  .           •
    For more information on the CWSRF program," see www.epa.gov/owm/cwsrf.htm.
                                                                                             State Funding Programs

216 IB State Finding Programs

 In 1987 Congress added sections 3 19 and 518 to the Clean Water Act to enable states, territories, .
 tribes to address the problems caused by nonpoint source pollution. Section 319 established baseline
 funding to support implementation of approved management programs. Section 518 authorised EPA to
 treat federally recognised Indian tribes in the same manner as states and to grant up to one-third of
 1 percent of national 31 9 grant funds to tribes.                                 .       ,
     In FY 2000 and FY 2001, Congress authorised EPA to award grants to Indian tribes under
 section 319 in an amount that exceeds the statutory cap. recognising. that Indian tribes need and deserve
                                            ^x  j '    O  V)  O
 increased financial support to implement their nonpoint source programs. As a result, in FY 2000 and
 FY 2001 ' , $2.5 million and $6 million (respectively) were made available to tribes — the first time that
 total national 31 9 grants to tribes had .exceeded $1 million.  EPA's long-term goal 'is for the cap 'on
 tribal nonpoint source grants to  be permanently eliminated.
     EPA annually awards section 3 19 grants to tribes that submit approved nonpoint source assessments
• and management plans. Each grant awarded under section 3 19 requires a 40 percent nonfederal match. If
 a tribe demonstrates a special financial need, however, EPA may (and frequently does) approve a 10 percent
 nonfederal match. As of September 2001 more than 70 tribes (representing more than 70 percent of
 Indian Country) have EPA-approved nonpoint source assessments and management programs.
 Despite very limited resources, a number of tribes have been  able to implement some good-quality projects
 designed to achieve water quality improvements on tribal lands. Several examples of these projects are
 highlighted in  this special feature section.
 Restoring Watersheds by Decommissioning Forest  Roads:
 Karulc Tribe and Forest  Service  Form  Successful Partnership

      'or years the tribal lands of the Kar.uk Tribe of California, located in Northern California near the
       Oregon state line, have been honeycombed with roads for mining (gold, gravel, and quartz) and
 timber harvesting. Today, however, the watersheds are in imminent danger of environmental .crisis be-
 cause of sedimentation resulting from those past activities, threatening the habitat of coho and chinook
 salmon and steelhead trout. A 72 percent decline in timber harvesting between 1989 and 1997 has also
 devastated the region's economy. Many tribal members who orice worked for logging or mining opera-
 tions are now unemployed.
     Today, 95 percent of tribal ancestral lands are located in the Klamath and Six Rivers National For-
 ests. In 1994 a government-to-government protocol agreement emerged from this overlap to help pro-
                                                                                           Tribal Section 3l9_Prqjects

    tect and restore the region. The Steinacher Road, once serving as the region's main corridor, was soon
    identified as the largest contributor of sediment to Steinacher and Wooley Creeks, which eventually lead
    to the Lower Salmon River. It is estimated that since the road's construction in 1971, more than 10,600
    cubic yards of sediment has entered stream channels from cutbanks and the road surface; annual delivery
    is more than three times background levels.                                   .         .

    Securing funding
    In 1998 the Karuk Tribe entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with'the Klamath Na-
    tional Forest calling for the sharing of resources, funding, and staff to help with decommissioning
    Steinacher Road. The Karuk Trib'e secured 319 funding to help provide "storm-proofing" and prescrip-
    tion planning until significant restoration funds could be secured for the remainder of the decommis-
    sioning. Over the next 2 years, the Karuk Tribe and the Northern California Indian Development Coun-
    cil secured more than §1 million of funding from seven  different funding sources to help with the
    project. In January 2000 an MOU was signed between the Karuk Tribe and the Six Rivers National For-
    est to continue completion of the Steinacher Road project as funding becomes available. Organizers  of
    the project estimate that it will cost $1.9  million and take one project team 3 years to complete.

    Building tribal capability
    With assistance from the Northern California Indian Development Council, the Karuk Tribe initiated a
    Comprehensive Watershed RestorationTraining and Implementation Program for tribal members and
    staff. The goal is to prepare the members of a Tribal Restoration Division for careers as watershed resto-
    ration specialists while supplying an on-the-job apprenticeship completing critical restoration work on
    projects available throughout the tribe's ancestral territory.
        Since the Tribal Restoration Division was established, at least 16 tribe members have undergone training
    in heavy equipment application, prescription planning and surveying, and supervision of project sites. The
    new watershed restoration specialists have also removed about 94,800 qubic yards of sediment to stable loca-
    tions and reestablished the natural drainage for five major streams that cross the abandoned Steinacher Road.
        Improved water quality and fisheries are seen as a significant component of rebuilding the economy
    of the region. Watershed restoration represents an opportunity for long-term,  stable employment based
    on non-resource-extraction ecosystem management and a stable, fully functioning ecosystem. Building
    the tribe's capability to play an appropriate role in ecosystem management is the only means by which
    ecosystem restoration, cultural survival, and community prosperity will.be achieved.

    Looking ahead
    Over the long term, more than 2,000 miles of road throughout the Karuk's ancestral territory will need
    decommissioning or significant upgrading and remediation of mining impacts. These projects will take
    12 project teams 25 to 30 years to complete. At a minimum, continuing this program requires $3 million
218H53 Tribal Section 319 Ftojects

 per year above the current forest watershed budget for planning, inspection, administration, and logisti-
 cal support. If funding can be secured, the partnership created between the Karuk Tribe and the Forest
 Service will continue to serve as a model for a systematic approach to long-term salmon recovery efforts
 on the Klamath River.               ..      -
Winchester Lake Watershed Project:  Local Partners Join
in Implementing TMDL  Plan

        Winchester Lake is located within the exterior boundaries of the Nez Perce Reservation, about
         30 miles southeast of Lewiston, Idaho. Originally, the lake served as a mill pond from'1910 to
1963. The 100-acre body of water is now the central focus of a 218-acre State Park that surrounds the lake.
    In the late 1980s, local residents and visitors increasingly complained about the lake's nuisance algae
blooms and poor water clarity. In 1990, through EPA's Clean Lakes Program, high levels of nutrients and
low levels of dissolved oxygen were identified as adversely affecting water quality in the lake. In 1996
Idaho's 303(d) list of impaired waters identified Winchester Lake as not meeting state water quality stan- .
dards, requiring the development of a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL).
    A local Watershed Advisory Group (WAG) was formed in 1998 to develop recommendations for
improvements that they wanted to see installed in the area. The WAG members are local residents from
all sectors, including stakeholders from the agriculture and grazing communities, forestry, the Nez Perce
Tribe, the Road District, city government, and recreation. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
was developed between the state of Idaho, Nez Perce Tribe, and EPA with die intent to work coEectiyely
on the development of the TMDL. In February 1999 die TMDL was completed and approved, repre-
senting the success -of the collaborative approach of the many agencies and the WAG.
    Following die completion of the TMDL, the Nez Perce Tribe received 319 funding to help imple-
ment water quality projects in die watershed, as an integral piece of the TMDL's phased implementation
plan. Funds were used to restore two forest road segments noted as high sediment producers in the
TMDL. Gates for seasonal closure were also installed to restrict travel during die wet season.
    Using 319 funds, the tribe collaborated with private landowners along die stream corridor.to en-
hance riparian shading'and stabilize streambanks. In spring 2000, volunteers and personnel from Nez
Perce Tribe Water Resources, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Soil Conservation
Commission planted 150 trees and shrubs. A larger planting effort for 2,500 shrubs was planned for die
remainder of the corridor.   •
    These ongoing improvements are possible because of the collaborative efforts among the many Nez
Perce tribal departments, state and federal  agencies, private landowners, and members of the watershed
group. Restoration efforts in this watershed will continue widi additional 319 funding for agricultural
practices, livestock best management practices, riparian plantings, culvert replacements for fish passage.
and maintenance, and road rehabilitation.          '                          ',
                                                                                             Tribal Section 319 Projects .

     Water Quality Best Management Practices Plan: Choctaw
     Tribe Addresses Soil  Erosion

           The Mississippi Choctaw trust lands consist of eight individual communities in eight counties of
           east-central Mississippi and encompass more than 24,000 acres. Land ownership in these eight
     communities is like a checkerboard, adjoined and fragmented by non-Indian lands. The tribe is currently
     acquiring additional land parcels as they become available to consolidate the Choctaw ownership pattern
     to facilitate access and management capabilities and the delivery of services to its members. The
     Choctaw population is more than 8,100. Siltation resulting from various silviculture, construction, and
     resource extraction activities has been identified as  the primary nonpoint source pollutant affecting water
     quality on the Choctaw lands. Soil losses to erosion in some upland (hilly) areas might be as high as 40 to
     50 tons per acre per year. In some places the land is devoid of  adequate tree, brush, or grass cover; in
     others, skid trails, fire lanes, and roads have created gullies that cause annual soil losses in excess of 100
     tons per acre per year.                                     .   .
        To address these problems, the Choctaw Tribe has developed a Water Quality Best Management
     Practices Plan for tribal lands. A Natural Resource Conservation Committee will oversee the implementa-
     tion of best management practices  (BMPs) to address erosion and siltation problems. Various BMPs will
     be used, including the use of both vegetative and structural measures during construction in residential
     areas to control erosion and sedimentation.           '
        The plan also calls for the development and passing of tribal ordinances adopting erosion and sedi-
     ment controls for disturbed areas and enforcement of  selected BMPs. There are plans to hold meetings
     with stakeholders to discuss and implement the plan.
        Monitoring activities will be conducted to identify discharge points, drainage patterns, direction of
     flow, water quality at surface water bodies affected by discharges, locations of significant materials exposed
     to Storm water, and structural measures to control erosion and siltation. The data will also indicate the
     tstYect that recent changes in construction management activities  have on water quality in the watershed.

     Contact Information; Bernadette Hudnell, Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, P.O. Box 6013, Choctaw Branch, Philadelphia, MS
     39350, 601-656-5251
2201Q Tnbal Section 319 Rejects

Restoring Little Porcupine Creek: Alternative Water
Sources and  Grazing  Rotation  Help to Restore  Stream
    1 everal years ago Little Porcupine Creek .was listed as the most impaired water body on-the Fort Peck
     Indian Reservation in northeastern Montana. The area was broken into two pastures, and the
stream was being used as the only source of water. It was heavily used by cattle, which congregated along
this source of water and shade.
    In 1998 the Assinjboine and Sioux Tribes of the Fort Peck Reservation received 319 funding to
embark on a 13,000-acre restoration effort in the watershed. The tribes also collaborated with the Natu-
ral Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to obtain technical assistance, as well as financial support
through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP).
    Part of the project focused on helping vegetation to recover through increased fencing to promote
better rotation of cattle grazing. Where only 2 pastures had previously been, extensive fencing broke the
area into 17 pastures, allowing the tribal ranch manager to use a deferred rotation grazing system to move
cattle through each pasture twice, a year.
    NRCS engineers helped to design new pipeline routes to provide alternative sources of drinking
water for the cattle to decrease the cattle's visits (and ensuing damage) to the stream. Indian contractors
then installed more than 14 miles of water pipeline, allowing access to watering tanks  in each pasture.
    The project was recently completed, and monitoring will provide information on its effects within a
year. Studies of the vegetative growth in the project area will be conducted, as well as  continued
macroinvertebrate monitoring and studies of the physical characteristics of the stream itself.

Contact information: Debi Madison, Environmental Director, Fort Peck Tribes, 406-768-5155 (ext. 399)
Streambank Restoration at Bradley and  Standingdeer Campgrounds:
An  Innovative Solution  Solves a Common Problem

      The Cherokee Indian Reservation in the southern Appalachian Mountains of western North Carolina
      comprises some 56,000 acres. The topography of much of the reservation land consists of very
steep slopes and narrow valleys. In this area, soils are thin and generally highly erodible. Siltation is the.
primary cause of impairment of tribal waters. Major sources of siltation have resulted from past logging
practices, gravel mining, road construction, housing construction, landfill; and other development activi-
ties. The rock/gravel mined area of Soco Creek has been designated a priority area fo_r streambank resto-
ration and reduction of nonpoint source pollution.                             •
    Sites on Soco Creek and the Oconaluftee River have undergone streambank restoration by stabiliza-
tion techniques. Two sites where streambank restorations have been completed, are Bradley Campground
                                                                                        Tribal Section 319 Projects.

    and Standingdeer Campground. At these sites, erosion from overland flow had resulted from land distur-
    bance due to the high level of foot traffic by campers. A large part of the problem was campers creating
    footpaths and removing riparian vegetation on streambanks, leaving the banks vulnerable to erosion
    during storm events.                      '                           •
        The objective of the project was to reduce erosion from overland flow and from streambank failure
    as the streams undercut their banks at both Bradley and Standingdeer Campgrounds. Components of the
    project were designed to restrict campers' access down credible streambanks and redirect their access
    down nonerodible steps.

    An Innovative solution
    To reduce erosion, native riparian trees and shrubs were planted, along with grass seeding, and coconut
    erosion control fabric was installed to hold the soil in place until the vegetation was established. In addi-
    tion to the benefits of holding soil in place, the vegetation will eventually grow into a barrier that restricts
    campers' movement down the streambanks. Using a method developed by Dave Rosgen of Wildland
    Hydrology (Pagosa Springs, Colorado), access to the stream was provided by making a modification to
    rock vanes. Without compromising the hydraulic design of the rock vanes, they were extended approxi-
    mately 3  feet above their normal design elevation to the top of the streambank, which is the level of the
    rest of the campground. The purpose of extending the vanes was to make solid rock (boulder) stair steps
    that serve as access points for campers to enter the stream corridor.
        In this project, reVegetation and rock vane 'construction were successfully employed for streambank
    restoration. Revegetation solved the erosion problem from overland storm flow, while construction of
    rock vanes addressed undercutting of the streambanks. The constructed vanes slow floodwater velocities
    near the banks and deflect high-velocity water toward the channel center to replicate conditions in
    healthy natural channels.

    Contact Information; Dannie Childers, Environmental Planner, Tribal Environmental Office, P.O. Box 455, Cherokee, NC 28719,
Tnbal Section 319 Projects

                          Success Story Index and Sources
                  Success Story
 Flint Creek Watershed
 Project: Multiagency
 Effort Results in Water
 Quality Improvements
 Submitted by Norm Blakely, Alabama Department
 of Environmental Management.
Tuscumbia-Fort Payne
Aquifer Protection
Program: Multiagency,
Cooperative Approach
Protects Aquifer
                                                 Information for this success story was gleaned
                                                 from "A Multi-Agency Cooperative Approach to
                                                 Aquifer Protection: Program Completion," by Enid
                                                 Probst, Ph.D., Alabama Department of
                                                 Environmental Management. Submitted by Norm
                                                 Blakey, Alabama Department of Environmental
Restoration Work on the
Kenai: Section 3T9
Funds Are Key to Youth
Restoration Corps's
Submitted by Kent Patrick-Riley, Alaska
Department of Environmental Conservation.
Road and Stream
Crossing Project in
Tongass National Forest:
New Data Help Identify
Needed Fish Habitat
Information for this success story was gleaned
from Tongass Road Condition Survey Report
(Technical Report No. 00-7) by Linda Shea
Flanders and Jim Cariello, Alaska Department of
Fish and Game, Habitat and Restoration Division,
June 2000. Submitted by Kent Patrick-Riley, Alaska
Department of Environmental Conservation.
American Samoa
                  Nu'uuli Pala Lagoon
                  Restoration Project:
                  Efforts Spread to Other
                  Island Villages
                              Submitted by Carl Goldstein, EPA Region 9.'
                  Restoration in Nutrioso
                  Creek: Successful Results
                  Beginning to Show
Information for this success story was gleaned
from Nutrioso Creek Turbidity TMDL, Arizona
Department of Environmental Quality (July 2000),
and James Crosswhite, EC Bar Ranch web site at
www.ecbarranch.com. Submitted by Ephraim
Leon-Guerrero, EPA Region 9..
                  Sediment Reduction at
                  Hackberry Ranch:
                  Reduction of 4 Tons Per
                  Acre Realized
Submitted by'Kris Randall, Arizona Department of
Environmental Quality.
Buffalo National River
Watershed Partnerships:
Partners Improve Swine
Waste Management
Submitted by Sandi Formica, Arkansas
Department of Environmental Quality.- Project
summary authors also include John Giese, Tim
Kresse, Tony Morris, Matt Van Eps, and McRee
Anderson of ADEQ and Dr. Tommy Daniel, of the
University of Arkansas.. *

                                                          Appendix  (cent.)
                        District of
                        District of
                                  Success Story
                                  A Community Approach
                                  to Managing Manure in
                                  the Buffalo River
                                  Watershed: Local
                                  Watershed Assistance
                                  Program Helps Dairy
                                  Grassland Bypass Project:
                                  Economic Incentives
                                  Program Helps to
                                  Improve Water Quality
                                  Turning History Around:
                                  Stream Restoration
                                  Reclaims a Meadow While
                                  Helping to Control Floods
                                  Mining Remediation in
                                  the Chalk Creek
                                  Watershed: Project
                                  Demonstrates Exciting
                                   Rio Blanco Restoration:
                                   Adopted Rocks and
                                   Homemade Jelly Help
                                   Fund Demonstration
                                   Center Springs Pond
                                   Restoration Project:
                                   Skaters and Fish Return
                                   to Pond
                                   Lake Waramaug
                                   Watershed Agricultural
                                   Waste Management
                                   System: One Farm Can
                                   Make a Difference
                                   Partners Upgrade Septic
                                   Systems in Coverdale
                                   Crossroads: Quality of Life
                                   Improved for Residents
                                   Marsh Restoration and
                                   Island Enhancement
                                   Projects at Kingman Lake:
                                   tidal Wetland Habitats
                                   The Watts Branch
                                   Initiative: Community
                                   Involvement Key to
      Submitted by Sandi Formica, Arkansas Department
      of Environmental Quality.  Information for this
      success story was gleaned from Proceedings of
      Dairy Manure Systems, Equipment and Technology:
      A Conference for Producers and Their Advisors, by
      Sandi J. Formica, McRee Anderson, Matthew Van
      Eps, Tony Morris, and Puneet Srivastava; Rochester,
      New York, March 20-22, 2001.
       Information for this success story was gleaned
       from Grassland Bypass "Project Description and
       Update." Submitted by Katherine Domeny,
       California Environmental Protection Agency, and
       Joe McGahan, Drainage Coordinator for the
       Grassland Area Farmers.
Submitted by Katherine Domeny, California State
Water Resources Control Board.
       Submitted by Laurie Fisher, Colorado Department
       of Public Health and Environment.
       Submitted by Laurie Fisher, Colorado Department
       of Public Health and Environment.
      .Submitted by Mel Cote, EPA Region
       Submitted by Mel Cote, EPA Region
       Information for this success story was gleaned
       from Delaware's l^onpoint Source Program
       Annual Report (January 1, 1999, 'to December 31,
       Submitted by Sheila Besse, D.C. Department of
       Submitted by Sheila Besse, D.C Department of
I Appendix

                                   Appendix  fcont.)
 Success Story
                   Blackwater River
                   Restoration: Project
                   Demonstrates Mechanics
                   of Erosion and
                   Effectiveness of BMPs
                   Brevard County's Urban
                   Storm Water Retrofitting
                   Projects: Lessons Learned
                   About Design, Location,
                   and Monitoring
Broad River Streambank
Stabilization Project: Tree
Revetments Rescue
Eroding Banks
North Griffin Storm Water
Detention Pond Project:
Constructed Wetland
System Protects Water,
Wins Award
Ugum Watershed Project:
Students Plant Acacia
Seedlings to Help Restore
                  He'eia Coastal
                  Restoration Project:
                  Thousands of Volunteers
                  Replace Alien Plants with
                  Native Species
                  Integration of
                  Aquaculture with Taro
                  Production: Nonpoint
                  Source Pollutants
                  Reduced in
                  Demonstration Project
Conservation in Hatwai
Creek: Partners Work
Together on Four
Successful Projects
                  Restoring the Paradise
                  Creek Watershed: Phased
                  Approach Implemented
                  to Address Pollution and
                  Streambank Stabilization
                  in the Thomas Fork
                  Watershed: Photo
                  Monitoring Sells
                  Landowners on Bank
      Submitted by Eric Livingston, Florida Department
      of Environmental Protection.
      Submitted by Eric Livingston, Florida Department
      of Environmental Protection.
 Information for this success story was gleaned.
 from the project brochure Protecting &
 Enhancing Streambanks in the Broad River
 Watershed, Chestatee-Chattahoochee Resource
 Conservation & Development Council, Inc.
 Submitted by Jim Wren, Oconee River RC&D.
 Information for this success story was gleaned
.from the EPA Region 4 Nonpoint Source Program
 web site at www.epa.gov/region4/water/nps/
 projects/index.htm.                     .  .  .
      Submitted by Michael Lee, EPA Region 9, Pacific
      Insular Area Programs, Guam Water Program
      Submitted by Denis Lau, RE., Chief, Clean Water
      Branch, State of Hawaii, Department of Health.
      Submitted by Denis Lau, RE., Chief, Clean Water
      Branch, State of Hawaii, Department of Health.
     Submitted by Gary Dailey Idaho Department of
     Environmental Quality.
     Submitted by Gary Dailey, Idaho Department of
     Environmental Quality.
     Submitted by Craig Thomas, Bear Lake Regional

                                                           Appendix  (cont,,)
Success Story
Lake Pittsfield Project:
Ninety Percent Reduction
in Sediment Loading
Restoration of the Flint
Creek Watershed:
Restoration Partnership
Completes Multiple
Blue River Riparian
Reforestation: The Nature
Conservancy Gets
Landowners Involved .
Little Pine Creek and
Indian Watersheds:
Constructed Wetland
System Averts Agricultural
Nonpoint Source Pollution
Bigalk Creek Watershed
Project: Rainbow Trout
Population Rebounds
The Lake Fisher Water
Quality Project: Chipped
Tires Help Protect Public
Water Supply
Pine Creek Water Quality
Project: Life Expectancy
of Pine Lakes Extended
 Braeburn Golf Course
 Project: Nitrates Reduced
 by More Than 80 Percent
 On-site Sewage Disposal
 on Difficult Sites: Special
 Conditions Demand
 Alternative Response
 Elkhorn Creek BMP
 Demonstration Project:
 Farmers See Water
 Supply Alternatives in
       Submitted by Barb Lieberoff, Illinois Environmental
       Protection Agency.
       Submitted by Barb Lieberoff, Illinois Environmental
       Protection Agency.
      'Submitted by Jill Reinhar, Indiana Department of
       Environmental Management,  .
      jreinhar@dem.state.in. us.
       Submitted by Jill Reinhar, Indiana Department of
       Environmental Management,
       jreinhar@dem.state. in. us.
       Submitted by Kevin Baskins, Iowa Department of
       Natural Resources.
       information for this success story was gleaned
       from Iowa's nonpoint source brochures at
       npsource/nptbro.htm.  Submitted by Kevin
       Baskins, Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
       Information for'this success story was gleaned
       from Iowa's nonpoint source brochures at
       npsource/nptbro.htm. Submitted by Kevin
       Baskins, Iowa Department of Natural Resources:
       Information for this success story was gleaned'
       from the Wichita State University web site on the
       Braeburn Golf Course Project at http://
       Braeburn_Golf_Course_Project.htm. Submitted
       by Lisa Duncan, Kansas Department of Health
       and Environment, and Nate Davis, Wichita State
       University.     :     '.
       Submitted by Lisa Duncan, Kansas Department of
       Health and Environment.
       Information for this success story was gleaned
       from the EPA Region 4 Nonpoint Source Program
       web site at www.epa.gov/region4/water/nps/
A-4 BEEI Appendix

Appendix (cont.)
Success Story
Bayou Plaquemine Bruie:
Louisiana Applies Satellite
Imagery to Watershed
Planning and
Flat River and Red Chute
Bayou Watersheds: BMPs
Reduce Soil Loss
Highland Lake Water-
shed Project: Hotspots
Model Links Land Use
and Water Quality
Silver Spring Brook
Demonstration Project-
Landowners' Cooperation
Pius Town's Commitment
Equals Success
Evaluating the
Effectiveness of
Maryland's Forestry
BMPs: Paired Watershed
Study Tests BMP
Broad Marsh River Storm
Water Remediation
Project: Infiltration
Structures Reduce
Pollutants, Save Shellfish
Lake Tashmoo Storm
Water Remediation
Project: First Flush
Leaching Basins More
Effective Than Expected
Innovative Farmers of
Michigan: Blending Farm
Profitability and Water
Quality Protection
Little Rabbit River
Watershed Project: One-
to-One Approach Wins
Landowners' Support
North St. Paul Urban
Ecology Center: Wetland
Improvements Needed to
Control Storm Water
Submitted by Jan Boydstun, Louisiana
Department of Environmental Quality.
Information for this success story was gleaned
from Louisiana's Noripoint Source Management
Programs Annual Report (2000). Submitted by Jan
Boydstun, Louisiana Department of
Environmental Quality.
Submitted by Norm Marcotte, Maine Department
of Environmental Protection.
Submitted by Norm Marcotte, Maine Department
of Environmental Protection.
N/A .
Submitted, by Elizabeth McCann, Massachusetts
Department of Environmental Protection.
Submitted by Elizabeth McCann, Massachusetts
Department of Environmental Protection.
Submitted by Karol Smith, Michigan Department
of Environmental Quality.
Information for this success story was gleaned
from the Allegan Conservation District report The
Gateway to Natural Resources Management: Little
Rabbit Watershed Project. Submitted by Karol
Smith, Michigan Department of Environmental
Submitted by Sarah Lehmann,. EPA Region 5.

                              Appendix (cont.)
New Hampshire
Success Story
Prior Lake/Spring Lake
Improvement Project:
Implementation Strategy
Off to a Good Start
Muddy Creek Watershed
Demonstration Project:
BMPs Retain 3,500 Tons
of Soil per Year
Roebuck Lake
Demonstration Project:
Slotted-Board Risers
Installed to Save Topsoil
and Improve Water
Mississippi Delta Irrigation
Water Management
Project: Irrigation
Efficiency Improved
Upper Niangua Grazing
Demonstration Project-
Counties Unite to Start
Demonstration Farms
Careless Creek Watershed
Project: Sediment Delivery
Reduced by 25 Percent
Restoration in Muddy
Creek: Will a Name
Change Be Needed?
Walnut Creek Lake
Project: Partnership Drives
Watershed Protection
Wellhead Protection in
Guide Rock: Village Closes
Abandoned Wells to
Protect Water Supply
Martin Slough Water
Quality Enhancement
Project: Water Quality
Improves in the Upper
Carson River Basin
Middle Carson River
Restoration Project:
Bioengineering Used to
Restore Unstable Banks
Chocorua Lake Project: '
BMPs Reduce Phosphorus
by 82 Percent
Source ;
Submitted by Sarah Lehmann, EPA Region 5.
Information for this success story was gleaned .
from the EPA Region 4 Nonpoint Source Program
web site at www.epa.gov/region4/water/nps/ ,
projects/index, htm.
Submitted 'by Becky Shannon and Tod Hudson,
Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
Submitted by Becky Shannon and Colleen
Meredith, Missouri Department of Natural
Submitted by Jim Bauermeister, Montana
Department of Environmental Quality.
Submitted by Jim Bauermeister, Montana
Department of Environmental Quality.
Submitted by Elbert Traylor, Nebraska Department
. of Environmental Quality.
Submitted by Eibert Traylor and Tom Malmstrom,
Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality.
Submitted by: Mary Kay Riedl, Nevada Division of
Environmental Protection.
Submitted by Mary Kay Riedl, Nevada Division of
Environmental Protection.
Submitted by Eric Williams, New Hampshire
Department of Environmental Services,
A 6|
i .Appendix

Appendix (cent.)
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Jersey
New Mexico
New Mexico
New York
New York
North Carolina
North Carolina
North Dakota
Success Story
Lake Opechee Watershed
Project: City-State
Partnership Takes on
Multiple Pollutants
Restoration of Strawbridge
Lake: Volunteers Assist in
Stabilizing Shoreline and
Constructing Wetlands
The Stony Brook-Millstone
Watershed Restoration
Project: Streamwatch
Volunteers Monitor
Success of Restoration
Lower Bitter Creek
Restoration Project:
Sediment Loads Reduced
by Implementing BMPs
Valle Grande Grass Bank
Water Quality
Improvement Project:
Success Breeds More
Keuka Lake Watershed:
Grape Growers
Implement Soil
Conservation Practices
Wappingers Creek
Watershed: AEM Plays a
Vital Role
Edenton Storm Water
Wetland Project: Wetland
Systems Reduce Nitrogen
Goose Creek Urban Stream
Rehabilitation Project:
Ecosystem Protection
Practices Installed in Low-
Income Neighborhood
Cottonwood Creek
Watershed: Project Is a
Success in the Works
Submitted by Eric Williams, New Hampshire
Department of Environmental Services.
Information for this success story was gleaned .
from New Jersey Department of Environmental
Protections Watershed Focus (Summer 2000).
Submitted by Liz Semple, New Jersey Department
of Environmental Protection.
Information for this success story was gleaned __
from New Jersey Department of Environmental
Protection's Watershed Focus (Summer 2000).
Submitted by Liz Semple and Mike Haberland,
New Jersey Department of Environmental
Protection. •
Submitted by Peter Monahan, New Mexico
Environment Department.
Information for this success story was gleaned
from FY 2000 Work Plan, Valle Grande Grass Bank
Water Quality Improvement Projects: A Composite
of Projects Within the Valle Grande Grass Bank
Program. Submitted by Peter Monahan, New
'Mexico Environment Department.
Information for this success story'was. gleaned from
- Agricultural Environmental Management Report
(2000) and the Keuka Lake Association web site at:
www.keukalakeassoc.org/. Submitted by Lester
Travis, Yates County Soil and Water Conservation
District, and Barbara Silvestri, New York State Soil
and Water. Conservation Committee.
information for this success story was gleaned
from the draft Agricultural Environmental
Management Report (2001). Submitted by
Barbara Silvestri, NewYork State Soil and Water
Conservation Committee.
Information for this success story was gleaned
from the EPA Region 4 Nonpoint Source Program
web site at www.epa.gov/region4/water/nps/
projects/index.htm. For more information on the
project, go to www.bae.ncsu.edu/research/
evans_web/etd/kibass.pdf. Submitted by Alan
Clark, North Carolina Division of Water Quality.
, Information for this success story was gleaned
from the EPA Region 4 Nonpoint Source Program
web site at www.epa.gov/region4/water/nps/
projects/index.htm. Submitted by Alan Clark,
North Carolina Division of Water Quality.
Submitted by Greg Sandness, North Dakota
Department of Health.

                               Appendix (com.)
North Dakota
Success Story
Red River Basin Riparian
Project: Turtle River Site
Passes the Test
Stillwater River Watershed
Protection Project: High
Local Interest Helps
Launch Watershed Project
Toussaint River Incentive
Improvement Program:
Buffer Project Becomes a
Model of Conservation
Acid Mine Drainage
Treatment Wetlands: A
Sustainable Solution for
Abandoned Mine
Poteau River
Comprehensive Watershed
Management Program:
Local Involvement Ensures
Program Sustainability
The Spring Creek Project:
Streambanks Stabilized
Through Stream
Dawson Wetland
Restoration Project:
Landowners and
Wetlands Both Win
South Myrtle Creek Ditch
Project: Removal of Dam
Benefits Aquatic Life
Wet Meadow Restoration
in the Upper Grande
Ronde Basin: Channel
Restoration Brings Cooler
Source '
Information for this success story was gleaned .
from Quality Water Newsletter [Spring 1997),
v8n2/v8n2.htm. Submitted by Linda Kingery,
Riparian Project Manager, and Greg Sandness,
North Dakota Nonpoint Source Pollution
Management Coordinator.
Submitted by Alicia Brown, EPA Region 5.
Submitted by Alicia Brown, EPA Region 5.
Information for this success story was gleaned
from Use of Staged Wetlands for Mitigation of
Acid Mine Drainage, Oklahoma's FY 1 995 3 1 9(h)
Task Report No. 800 (OCC Task No. 7 1 ), C9-
996 1 00-03-0. Submitted by Scott Stoodley
Oklahoma Conservation Commission.
Submitted by Shanon Phillips, Oklahoma
Conservation Commission, and Nikole Witt, EPA
Region 6.
Submitted by Greg Kloxin, Oklahoma
Conservation Commission.
Information for this success story was gleaned
from the Oregon Department of Environmental
Qualitys Watershed Improvement Project Bulletin:
Dawson Wet/and Restoratipn Project, Douglas ,
County, Oregon. Submitted by Ivan Camacho,
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.
Information for this success story was gleaned
from the Oregon Department of Environmental
Qualitys Watershed Improvement Project Bulletin:
South Myrtle Creek Ditch Project, Douglas County,
Oregon. Project Completion Report by Bob
Kinyon, Umpqua Basin Watershed Council,
February 200 1 . Submitted by Ivan Camacho,
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.
Information for this success story was gleaned
from Grande Ronde Section 319 National
Monitoring Program Project, Temperature
Monitoring Summary Report, 1 993- 1 998 by Larry
Whitney, Oregon Department of Environmental
I Appendix

Appendix (cont.)
Puerto Rico
Rhode island
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Carolina
South Dakota
South Dakota
Success Story
Narrows Bioengineering
Project: Cold-Water
Fishery Restored Through
Villanova's Storm Water
Wetland Retrofit: BMP
Treats Runoff and
Provides Research Site
Coastal Nonpoint Source
Controls: Executive Order
Adopts Section 62 1 7(g)
Management Measures as
Official Policy
Curran Brook
Sedimentation Pond:
Multiple Partners
Construct Storm Water
Control System
Galilee Salt Marsh
Restoration: Undersized
Culverts Replaced with
Self-Regulating Gates
Constructed Wetlands for
Failing Septic Tanks: New
Technologies Solve an Old
Stevens Creek Watershed
Project: Demonstration
Sites Show Reductions in
Fecal Coliform Bacteria
Big Stone Lake
Restoration Project: Better
Water Quality Improves
Fisheries, Recreation
Grazing Project: Rotational
Grazing Reduces Erosion,
Increases Profits
Ghost River Land
Acquisition Project: River
Protected by Restoring
Forested Wetlands
Information for this success story was gleaned from
The Narrows Bioengineering Section 3 1 9 Grant
Project Proposal and The Narrows Bioengineering
Section 319 Grant Project Final Report. Submitted
by Russell Wagner, Pennsylvania Department of
.Environmental Protection. ,
Information for this success story was gleaned
from Conversion of an Urban Stormwater
Detention Basin to a Wetland Best Management
Practice, Final Report (December 2000), and the
project web page at www8 7. homepage,
villanova.edu/robert.traver (select "3 1 9
Stormwater Wetland Retrofit"). Submitted by
Russell Wagner, Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Protection.
Submitted by Katie Lynch, EPA Region 2.
•Submitted by Jim Riordan, Rhode Island
Department of Environmental Management.
Submitted by Jim Riordan, Rhode Island
Department of Environmental Management..
Information for this success story was gleaned
from the EPA Region 4 Nonpoint Source Program
. web site at www.epa.gov/region4/water/nps/
projects/index, htm.
Information for this success story was gleaned (in
part) from The Stevens Creek Watershed Project
(Technical Report No. 010-99), December 1999.
Submitted by Doug Fabel, South Carolina
Department of Health and Environmental Control.
Submitted by Duane Murphy, South Dakota
Department of Environment and Natural
Information for this success story was gleaned
from the South Dakota Association of
Conservation Districts' web site at
Information for this success story was gleaned
from the EPA Region 4 Nonpoint Source Program
web site at www.epa.gov/region4/water/nps/
projects/index, htm.

                                Appendix (coni,,)
Virgin Islands
Success Story
Using Constructed
Wetlands to Clean Up
Pesticides: Container
Nurseries Will Benefit
from Successful Pilot-Scale
Atrazine Problems in the
Lake Aquilla and Marlin
City Lake System: Farmers
Take a Proactive Stance
On-Farm Composting of
Dairy Cattle Solid Waste:
Protecting Water Quality
While Producing a
Salable Product
Little Bear River Project-
Voluntary Approaches
Yield Success
Success in the Chalk
Creek Watershed:
Reduced Phosphorus,
Enhanced Habitat Result
Flow Restoration Below
Hydroelectric Facilities:
Relicensing Offers
Opportunity to Increase
Stream Flows
Lake Champlain Basin
Watershed Project-
Significant Pollutant
Reductions Achieved ,
Cabin Branch Mine
Orphaned Land Project:
Flora and Fauna Benefit
from A/line Reclamation
Toncrae Mine Orphaned
Land Project: Mine Site
Reclamation Increases
Species Diversity
Virgin Islands
Partnership: Alternative
Treatment Systems
Prevent Contamination of
Coastal Waters
Best Management
Practices on Model Horse
Farms: Farm Plan
Management Reduces
Nutrients and Sediment
f . , /, • • • • r r • • ' , -; f i
Information for this success story was gleaned
from the EPA Region 4 Nonpoint Source Program
projects/index, htm. , '
Submitted by Jack Wilbur, Utah Department of
Agriculture and Food. ,
Submitted by Jack Wilbur, Utah Department of
Agriculture and Food.
Submitted by Rick Hopkins,. Vermont Agency of
Natural Resources.
Submitted by Rick Hopkins, Vermont Agency of
Natural Resources. •
Submitted by Rick Hill, Virginia Department of
Conservation and Recreation.
Submitted by Rick Hill, Virginia Department of
Conservation and Recreation. ,
Submitted by Donna Somboonlakana, EPA
Region 2.
Information for this success story was gleaned .
from Year 2000 Report on Activities to Implement
Washington State's Water Quality Plan to Control
Nonpoint Source Pollution, March 200 1 .
Submitted by Gabrielle Kirouac, Washington State
Department of Ecology.

Appendix (cont.)


West Virginia





Success Story
A Moo-ving Approach to
Dairy Waste Management:
Fecaf Coliform Pollution
Reduced in Whatcom

Sediment Reduction in
Yakima River Basin:
People Become Stewards
of Their Own Watershed

The North Fork Project:
Farmers' Cooperation
Leads to Proposed
Delisting of Degraded
Otter Creek Project: 319
National Monitoring
Program Goals Met

Success in Spring Creek
Watershed: Natural
Reproduction of Trout
Confirms Water Quality

Jackson Hole Rodeo
Grounds Snow Storage
Site: Filtration System
Reduces Urban Storm
Water Runoff
Muddy Creek
Coordinated Resource
Management Project:
Cattle Ranches and Trout
Streams Can Coexist







Information for this success story was gleaned
from Year 2000 Report on Activities to Implement
Washington State's Water Quality Plan to Control
Nonpo'int Source Pollution, March 2001 .
Submitted by Gabrielle Kirouac, Washington 'State
Department of Ecology.
Information for this success story was gleaned
from Year 2000 Report on Activities to Implement
Washington States Water Quality Plan to Control
Nonpoint Source Pollution, March 2001 .
Submitted by Gabrielle Kirouac, Washington State
Department of Ecology.
Submitted by Leo Essenthier, EPA Region 3.

, Information for this success story was gleaned
from Section 3 ! 9 Nonpoint Source National
Monitoring Program Successes and
Recommendations by LA. Lombardo, G.L
Grabos, J, Spooner, D.E. Line, D.L Osmond, and
G.D. Jennings, NCSU Water Quality Group,
Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Department, North Carolina State University,
Raleigh. Submitted by Tom Davenport, EPA
Information for this success story was gleaned
from Responses of Stream Habitat,
Macroinvertebrate, and Fish to Watershed BMPs:
Lessons From Wisconsin, by Lizhu Wang, John
Lyons, Paul Kanehl, David Marshall, and Michael
Sorge, Wisconsin Department of Natural
Resources, Watershed Management 2000'
Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada. Also. see the EPA Region 5 web site at
sc_watershed,htm. Submitted by Russ
Rassmussen, Chief, Runoff Management Section,
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Submitted by Brian Lovett and Steve Bubnick,
Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality.

Submitted by Steve Bubnick, Wyoming
Department of Environmental Quality.


                                Appendix (con!;.)
Success Story
North Dakota
Rhode Island
Ranch Water Quality
Planning: Voluntary
Rangeland Management
Eases Impacts on
California Watershed
Colorado Water
Protection Project:
League of Women Voters
Guides Extensive Urban
NPS Campaign
Nonpoint Education for
Municipal Officials
(NEMO): Successful
Connecticut Project Used
as a Model Nationwide
Florida Yards &
Neighborhoods Program:
More than 1.2 Million
People Reached
The Salt Creek Wilderness:
Illinois Zoo Offers
Interactive Environmental
Learning Experience
North Dakota Eco-Ed
Camps: Thousands of
Students Have Fun While
University of Rhode
Island Onsite Wastewater
Training Center:
Pioneering Agency
Teaches, Demonstrates
Innovative Systems
Water Action Volunteers:
WAV and Its Partners
Make a Difference in
Stream Monitoring
Network with Wyoming
Schools: Trained Teams
Initiate, Expand School
Monitoring Programs
Information for this success story was gleaned
from "Opportunity, Responsibility, Accountability,"
California Environmental Protection Agency, State
Water Resources Control Board.
Information for this success story was gleaned
from Colorado Extensive Urban Nonpoint Source
Pollution Campaign, by Randy Ristau, Colorado
Department of Public Health and Environment,
EPA Region 8 Natural News (EPA 908-F-00-009),
Fall 2000. Submitted by Laurie Fisher, Colorado
Department of Public Health and Environment .
Information for this success story was gleaned (in
part) from Connecticut Department of
Environmental Protection web site at http://
dep.state.ct.us/wtr. Submitted by Mel Cote, EPA
Region 1 , and Laurie Giannotti, University of
Connecticut Cooperative Extension System.
Submitted by Barb Lieberoff, Illinois Environmental'
Protection Agency.
Information for this success story was gleaned
from North Dakota Department of Health, Quality
Water Newsletter, Vol 8, No. 4 (Fall 1 997).
Submitted by Jim Riordan, Rhode Island
Department of Environmental Management.
Submitted by Carol Holden, NPS Education
Coordinator, Wisconsin Department of Natural
Submitted by Steve Bubnick, Wyoming
Department of Environmental Quality.

Appendix (cont.)
Success Story
New York
South Carolina
California's BIOS Program:
Growers Adopt Whole-
System Management
Approach to Reduce
Pesticide Use
Maui County Erosion and
Sediment Control Training
Project: Workshops
Explain Ordinance, Teach
BMP Installation
Idaho's Dairy Pollution
Prevention Initiative:
Unique Program
Eliminates Direct Dairy
Creating a Storm Water
Utility in Chicopee,
Massachusetts: Project
Praised as Outstanding
Planning Project
New York's Agricultural
Management Program:
Incentive-based Program
Helps Farmers Meet
Tough Standards
South Carolina Forestry
BMP Compliance Program:
Proactive Strategy Raises
BMP Compliance Rate
Statewide Clean Marina
Programs: BMPs,
Recognition, and
Outreach Help Protect
Coastal Resources
Information for this success story was gleaned
from Opportunity, Responsibility, Accountability,
California Environmental Protection Agency, State
Water Resources Control Board.
Submitted by Denis Lau, RE., Chief, Clean Water
Branch, State of Hawaii, Department of Health.
Information for this success story was gleaned
from The Idaho Dairy Pollution Prevention
Initiative, Innovations in American Government
200 1 Semifinalist Application, April 200 1 .
Submitted by Gary Voerman and Warren McFall,
EPA Region 1.0.
Submitted by Elizabeth McCann, Massachusetts
Department of Environmental Protection.
Information for this success story was gleaned
from Agricultural Environmental Management
Report.(2000 and 200 1 ). Submitted by Gerard
Chartier, New York State Department of
• Environmental Conservation, and Barbara '
Silvestri, New York State Soil and Water
Conservation Committee.
Submitted by Doug Fabel, South Carolina
Department of Health and Environmental Control.
California's Water Bond
California's Loan
Florida Forever Program
Georgia's Greenspace
Information for this story was gleaned from
Information for this success story was gleaned
from Opportunity, Responsibility, Accountability,
California Environmental Protection Agency, State
Water Resources Control Board.
Information for this story was gleaned from
Information for this story was gleaned from

                                Appendix (cent.)
   ••  in
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
Success Story
Iowa's Water Quality
Maine's Funding
Clean Michigan Initiative
Minnesota's Clean Water
Partnership Program
Reinvest in Minnesota
(RIM) Program
New Hampshire'sWater
Supply Land Conservation
Grant Program
New Jersey's Funding
New York's Clean Water/
Clean Air Bond Act
North Carolina's Clean
Water Management Trust
Clean Ohio Fund
Oregon's Watershed
Restoration Grants
Pennsylvania's Growing
Greener Program
Vermont's Funding
Virginia's Water Quality
Improvement Act
Washington's Water
Quality Funding Programs
Wisconsin's Grant
Programs for Runoff
State Conservation Reserve
Enhancement Programs
Clean Water State
Revolving Fund Programs
Information for this success story was gleaned
from The Iowa Water Quality Initiative: Better
Water for a Better Iowa, Department of Natural
Resources and the Department of Agriculture and
Land Stewardship (August 2000).
Submitted by Norm Marcotte, Maine Department
of Environmental Protection.
Information for this story was gleaned from
www.state. mi. us/exec/cmi/cmiimp/html.
Information for this story was gleaned from
Information for this success story was gleaned from
The RIM Program Annual Report (January 2000) .
Submitted by Carol Holden, NFS Education
Coordinator, Wisconsin Department of Natural
Submitted by Steve Bubnick, Wyoming
Department of Environmental Quality.
Information for this story was gleaned from
Information for this story was gleaned from
Information for this story was gleaned from
Information for this story was gleaned from
Submitted by Russ Wagner, Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental Protection.
Submitted by Eric Perkins, EPA Region 1 .
Information for this story was gleaned. from
www.dcr.state.va. us/sw/wqia.htm.
Information for this story was gleaned from
Information for this story was gleaned from
Information for this story was gleaned from
Information for this story was gleaned from
I .Appendix

Appendix (conf.)
California Tribal
Idaho Tribal

Mississippi Tribal
Montana Tribal
North Carolina
Success Story
Restoring Watersheds by
Decommissioning Forest
Roads: Karuk Tribe and
Forest Service Form
Successful Partnership
Winchester Lake
Watershed Project: Local
Partners Join in
Implementing TMDL Plan

Water Quality Best
Management Practices
Plan: Choctaw Tribe
Addresses Soil Erosion
Restoring Little Porcupine
Creek: Alternative Water
Sources and Grazing
Rotation Help to Restore
Streambank Restoration
at Bradley and
Campgrounds: An
Innovative Solution
Solves a Common



Information for this success story was gleaned (in
part) from A Watershed Restoration Partnership,
Karuk Tribe of California/Six Rivers and Klamath
National Forest. Submitted by Jenee Gavette, EPA
Region 9.
Submitted by Gary Dailey, Idaho Department of
Environmental Quality.

Information for this success story was gleaned
from the EPA Region 4 Nonpoint Source Program
web site at www.epa.gov/region4/water/nps/
projects/index, htm.
Submitted by Barbara Burkland, EPA Region 8.
Information for this success story was gleaned
from the EPA Region 4 Nonpoint Source Program
web site at www.epa.gov/region4/water/nps/


Acid mine drainage—Mine leachate, or drainage, that contains free acidic sulfates
(usually, ferrous acid). Sulfide minerals generally break down in the presence of
oxygen and water.

Animal feeding operations (AFOs)— Facilities where animals have been, are, or
will be stabled or confined for a total of 45 or more days in any 12-month period
and crops, vegetation, forage growth, or post-harvest residues are not sustained in
the normal growing season over any portion of the lot or facility.

Aquifer—A groundwater supply that is able to release water in quantities sufficient
to supply reasonable amounts to wells.

Best management practice (BMP)—A practice or combination  of practices that
are determined to control point and nonpoint pollutants at levels compatible with
environmental quality goals.

Channelization and channel modification—Engineering activities or techniques
undertaken to change stream and river channels for certain reasons, including
flood control, navigation, and drainage improvement. These activities include
straightening, widening, deepening, relocating, and clearing  or snagging
operations that generally result in more uniform channel cross sections.

Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs)—Facilities that (1) confine
more than 1,000 animal units or (2) confine 301 to 1,000 animal units and
discharge pollutants into waters of the United States.

Constructed wetland—An engineered system designed to simulate natural.
wetlands to exploit the water purification, functional value for human use and
benefits. Constructed wetlands consist of former upland environments that have
been modified to create poorly drained soils and wetland flora and fauna for the
primary purpose of removing contaminants or pollutants from wastewater runoff.

Dissolved oxygen—The concentration of free molecular oxygen in the water
column. Although oxygen makes up about 90 percent of water; its concentration in
water is higher near the surface and declines to almost zero at the lowest depths.
An absence of dissolved oxygen causes fish kills and the condition known as
hypoxia, or dead water.

Effluent—Solid, liquid,  or gaseous wastes that enter the environment as a by-
product of human activities.               "'''..

Erosion—Wearing away of the land surface by running water, glaciers, wind, and
waves.               "                                            '

Estuary—The part of the river that is affected by tides; the region near a rivers
mouth in which the fresh water in the river mixes with the salt water of the sea.

Eutrophication—The alteration of lake ecology through excessive nutrient input,
characterized by excessive growth of aquatic plants and algae and low levels of
dissolved oxygen.    .    -

Fecal coliform bacteria—Bacteria normally found in the intestinal tracts of warm-'
blooded animals. These bacteria are normally harmless to humans but are  used as
indicators of the presence of sewage that might contain other bacteria and viruses. .

Feedlots—See Animal feeding operations and Concentrated  animal feeding

                                                               Glossary  (conit.)
                        Floodplains—Land areas adjacent to rivers and streams that are subject to
                        recurring flooding.

                        Groundwater—Underground water supplies stored in aquifers; the source of
                        groundwater is rain, which soaks into the ground and flows down until it is
                        collected at a point where the ground is not permeable.

                        Habitat—The place where a biological species naturally lives or grows.

                        Heavy metals—Elements with a large atomic number, including copper, cadmium,
                        lead, selenium, arsenic, mercury, and chromium. These elements accumulate in the
                        tissues of organisms that come into contact with them (especially in aquatic
                        settings) and are passed through the food chain. Heavy metals can be harmful or
                        fatal in high concentrations.

                        Hydrocarbons—Organic compounds containing hydrogen and carbon atoms  '
                        that are found in petroleum products. These compounds have adverse affects on
                        human and animal health and might be linked to some forms of cancer.

                        Impaired waters—Lakes, streams, or rivers where pollutant concentrations exceed
                        those set by the water quality standards for the waterways' designated uses.

                        Integrated pest management [IPMJ—A pest population management system
                        that uses cultural practices to anticipate and prevent pests from reaching damaging
                        levels. IPM uses all suitable tactics, including natural enemies, pest-resistant plants,
                        cultural management, and pesticides, leading to economically sound and
                        environmentally safe agriculture.

                        Invasive species—A species that does not naturally inhabit an area and whose
                        introduction is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or adversely affect
                        human health.

                        Karst—A type of topography characterized by closed depressions, sinkholes,
                        underground caverns, and solution channels.

                        Leachate—Liquid that has percolated through a soil and contains substances in
                        solution or suspension.            '

                        Leaching basins—A method of capturing and treating urban runoff from
                        roadways. These basins are designed to catch runoff water and remove  pollutants
                        such as hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and fecal coliform bacteria.

                        Load—The quantity of material that enters a water body over a given time interval.

                        No-till farming—Farming practices that reduce the need for tilling and  the
                        number of times soil is tilled each year. By reducing the frequency of tilling, soil is
                        left undisturbed, resulting in less sediment runoff into nearby waterways.

                        Nonpoint source pollution—Water pollution that comes from many.diffuse
                        sources rather than from a specific point, such as an outfall pipe; often the
                        unintended result of human activities.                              .

                        Nutrients—Elements, or compounds, essential as raw materials for organism
                        growth and development, such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus;

                        On-site sewage treatment systems—Means of treating human or animal wastes
                        for properties that are not connected to a central sewage treatment system. On-site
                        systems, or septic systems,  break down wastewater and disperse it into the ground
                        to be recycled.

                                        Glossary (cent.)
Organic enrichments-Amounts of organic material that exceed a waterway's
capacity to maintain high levels of dissolved oxygen: Decaying organic material,
such as aquatic plants or organic material in nonpoint runoff wastewater, depletes
oxygen levels in a waterway and sometimes results in impairment or death in
aquatic life.

Pathogens—Disease-causing agents, including viruses, microorganisms, and

Point source pollution—Water pollution that comes from a specific, definable
source.        .

Pollutant—Dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, sewage, garbage,
sewage sludge, munitions, chemical wastes, biological materials, radioactive
materials, .heat, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock sand, cellar dirt, and
industrial, municipal, and agricultural waste discharged info water (Section 502(6)
of the Clean Water Act as amended by the Water Quality Act of 1987, Public Law

Retrofitting—The creation or modification of an urban runoff management system
in a previously developed area. Such systems include wet ponds, infiltration
systems, wetland plantings, streambank stabilization, and other best management
practices for improving water quality and creating aquatic habitat.

Riparian areas—Vegetated ecosystems along 'a water body through which
energy, materials, and water pass. Riparian areas characteristically have a high
water table and are subject to periodic flooding and influence from the adjacent
water body.

Runoff—The part of precipitation, snowmelt, or irrigation water that runs off the
land into streams or other surface water. It can carry pollutants from the air and
land into the receiving waters.                                .

Section 303(d)—The section of the Clean Water Act that requires states to identify
impaired waters and prepare the Total Maximum Daily Load required to ensure .
protection of the impaired waters.

Sediment—Solid material, both mineral and organic, that is in suspension, is  being
transported, or has been moved from its site of origin by air, water, gravity, or ice.

Sedimentation—The process or act of depositing sediment.

Sewage lagoon—A reservoir or pond built to contain water and animal wastes
until they can be decomposed by aerobic or anaerobic action.

Storm water—Water generated by rainfall.

Surface water—All water whose surface is exposed to the atmosphere.

Suspended sediment—The very fine soil particles that' remain in suspension  in
water for a considerable period of time.

Tailings—Rock residue from the mining process.

                                                               Glossary  (cont.)
                        Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDLJ Program—This program, established by
                        Section 303 (d) of the Clean Water Act, provides for the protection of waters in areas
                        where pollution control is not stringent enough to achieve water quality standards.
                        The program authorizes states to assess water quality and to allocate the total
                        maximum allowable daily load(s) of pollutant discharges to those waters, regardless
                        of the pollutants source. Future TMDLs are expected to emphasize wet-weather
                        storm water discharges and nonpoint source pollution problems.

                        Turbidity—A cloudy condition in water due to suspended sediment or organic
                        matter.                                                          •

                        Water quality—A term that reflects the condition of water that has been affected
                        by natural processes and human activities; good water quality may mean that the
                        water meets its designated uses; that is, it is fishable and swimmable.

                        Watershed—A drainage area or basin in which all land and water areas drain of
                        flow toward a central collector such as a stream, river, or lake at a lower elevation.

                        Wetlands—Areas that are inundated or saturated by surface water or
                        groundwater at a frequency and duration to support, and that under normal
                        circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in
                        saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, and bogs.
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