United States
              Environmental Protection
                 Office of Water
                 (450 IF)
January 1998
Office of Wetlands,
Oceans and Watersheds
1998 Publication List
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EPA's Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds
(OWOW) was created in April 1991. OWOW combines
EPA's responsibilities for addressing nonpoint source
pollution; restoring and protecting wetlands, lakes,
rivers, coastal and marine environments; and
coordinating surface water monitoring and water
quality assessment activities.


   Hrvi, Oran & Wll.nK.dl
Office of Wetlands,
Oceans and Watersheds

                            Instructions	  Page 2
                               Organization	  Page 2
                               Entry Format  	  Page 2
                               Ordering Information	  Page 3

                            Wetlands	  Page 4
                               General	  Page 4
                               Technical	  Page 6

                            Oceans/Coastal	  Page 10
                               General	  Page 10
                               Technical	  Page 12

                            Watershed Protection  	  Page 15
                               General	  Page 15
                               Technical	  Page 20

                            Nonpoint Source (NFS)	  Page 24
                               General	  Page 24
                               Technical 	  Page 26

                            Data Management	  Page 29
                               Technical	  Page 29

                            Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring  ..  Page 30
                               General	  Page 30
                               Technical 	  Page 34

                            Bulletins  	  Page 41

                            OWOW Publications Order Form	  Page 43

                            Wetlands Information Hotline Publications
                             Order Form  	  Page 45

                            Bulletins Order Form  	  Page 47

The publications in this list are divided into seven topic
areas. Each topic, except Data Management and Bulletins,
has two sections: General and Technical. General
publications can be easily understood by the lay reader.
Technical publications are scientific or regulatory in
nature and require an understanding of the program area.
The topics are:

•  Wetlands: wetlands uses, protection and regulation;
•  Oceans/Coastal: ocean discharges, ocean surveys,
    marine and estuarine protection;
•  Watershed Protection: basin-wide lake and reservoir
    protection and restoration, and total maximum daily
    loads (TMDLs);
•  Nonpoint Source: prevention and treatment of
    agricultural and urban runoff;
•  Data Management information systems
    documentation and data quality assurance/quality
    control (QA/QC) guidance;
•  Water Quality Assessment&Monitoring: volunteer
    monitoring, ocean discharge, water quality reports,
    bioaccumulation, and water quality monitoring
    guidance; and
•  Bulletins: cut across all topic areas, disseminate
    information to a targeted group of readers on a variety
    of production schedules.

NOTE: Topic areas are broadly defined. Publications are
not cross referenced. Since there may be some overlap,
review the entire list.
Entry Format

   Publication Number
   Publication Date

   The Watershed Approach
 Description (Number of Pages)
 A brochure that presents EPA's three components for
 achieving a watershed approach.  Includes a list of
 watershed outreach coordinators in the 10 EPA
 Regions. (1 pg.)

 NOTE: Some entries may not have a publication
 number, publication date or URL.
 Page 2

Ordering Information
To order Wetlands publications, use the EPA Wetlands
Information Hotline Publications Order Form on page 43 of
this booklet or call the EPA Wetlands Information Hotline
(contractor operated) at 1-800-832-7828 or email requests
to:  wetlands-hotline@epamail.epa.gov. Hotline hours of
operation are Monday - Friday, 9:00 am to 5:30 pm (EST).
See inside back cover for additional information on the
Wetlands Information Hotline.

To order most other General or Technical publications, use
the Publications Order Form on page 41 of this booklet.
Include the publication number and title. Due to a limited
supply of publications, we can provide only one copy of
each publication per person.

Several publications listed in this document can not be
obtained by using the Publications Order Forms. Sources for
these publications are noted at the end of the description of
the publication.

To subscribe to a Bulletin, place an "X " next to the title on
the Bulletins Order Form on page 45.

Clearly print your name, address, and daytime telephone
number. Mail or fax completed order forms to address
indicated on the order form.

If the Order Forms are missing, you may mail your order on
a plain piece of paper to: U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Office of Wetlands, Oceans,  and Watersheds
(4501F), 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460.

               Most publications are free

Alaska Wetlands Initiative
Beyond the Estuary: The Importance of Upstream
Wetlands in Estitarine Processes
Catalog of State Wetlands Protection Grants:
Fiscal Year 1990 - Fiscal Year 1994

1994 available only on-line at:
EPA Regional Office Annual Report of the White
House Interagency
Wetlands Coordinators Phone List
1994 package of recommendations responding to the
needs of Alaskans that reflect the unique circumstances in
that state.  (32pp.)

Identifies the types of wetlands that are located above
estuaries, and briefly outlines the functions those areas
perform. Describes the relationships between these
upstream wetland functions and estuarine processes. Also
describes activities threatening the upstream wetlands
and mechanisms for their protection. (8 pp.)

Lists descriptions of State Wetlands  Protection Grants
awarded. The grants are available for a variety of
purposes, including development of  state wetlands
conservation plans, wetlands water quality standards, and
monitoring the status and trends of wetlands losses.
Provides state agencies with examples of types of
projects funded and grant application guidance. (1 pg)

Lists Wetlands Regional Coordinators names, and phone
numbers within each EPA Regional  Office. (1 pg.)
EPA Wetlands Fact Sheets
EPA 843-F-95-001
A series of easy-to-read fact sheets designed to provide
basic information on issues surrounding wetlands,
including wetlands delineation, consequences of wetlands
loss, takings, state roles in wetlands protection,
mitigation banking, wetlands and agriculture,
partnerships with property owners, wetland planning
programs and more. (32 fact sheets)
   Page 4

Journal of Soil and Water Conservation: Special
Wetlands Issue - November/December 1995
Volume 50, Number 6
Features articles on water resources management in the
Florida Everglades; agricultural and ecological benefits
in the Everglades; geographic information system-based
nonpoint source pollution modeling; what farmers should
know about wetlands and downstream flood attenuation
and water quality as result of constructed wetlands. Also
features an article by Robert H. Wayland III on the
Clinton Administration's Perspective on Wetlands
Protection. (100pp.)
Protecting America's Wetlands: A Fair, Flexible
and Effective Approach

Protecting Floodplain Resources: A Guidebook
for Communities

Protecting Wetlands: Creating a Sense of
Stewardship by Elana Cohen, The National Voter
June/July 1996
State Wetlands Assistance Guide: Voluntary
Stewardship Options for State's Private

Wetlands and 401 Certification (Opportunities
and Guidelines for States and Eligible Indian
 Wetlands are Wonderlands Student Activity
 Wetlands Information Hotline Fact Sheet
Presents the Clinton Administration Wetlands Plan which
includes aproximately 40 policy guidelines to meet the
goal of "No Net Loss" of wetlands through effective
regulation and fairness to landowners. (26 pp.)
Developed by the Federal Interagency Floodplain
Management Task Force, it includes discussions on the
history of floodplain and natural resource management;
multiple uses of floodplains; planning for resource
protection and restoration; and four case studies. (41 pp.)

Presents an overview of the key challenges in wetlands
protection today: generating a sense of stewardship
among private landowners who control the majority of
the nation's remaining wetlands.  Article in the League of
Women Voters The National Voter magazine.

A generic template developed by the National Wetlands
Conservation Alliance designed for use by state, regional
and local agencies and organizations to assist private
landowners with stewardship options and programs. (38
Examines the Section 401 state water quality certification
process and how it applies to wetlands. States are
encouraged to use this handbook when establishing a
wetlands protection program or improving wetlands
protection tools. (64 pp.)

An educational packet for elementary and middle school
students that includes a series  of nine posters and a
student activity page with puzzles.  (12 pp.)

Describes the services and functions of the EPA
Wetlands Information Hotline. Provides the Hotlines
telephone number, hours of operation, and Internet, e-
mail, and mailing addresses.  (1 pg.)

Wetlands Information Resource Guide
Wetlands Reading List

Wetlands Water Quality Standards
Why Develop a State Wetlands Conservation
Plan? 2/93
A World in Our Backyard: A Wetlands Education
and Stewardship Program
The Young Scientist's Introduction to Wetlands
A resource guide for educators that includes listings and
sources of curricula activities and materials; slide shows
and videos; regulatory and legislative information; and
conservation and planning materials. Appropriate for all
ages.  (48pp.)

An annotated list of reading material to supplement
lesson plans for students K-12 and to provide a list of
suggested material for independent reading. (38 pp.)

This video uses a journalistic approach to illustrating
examples of states using water quality standards to
protect and restore their wetlands.  While the focus is on
wetlands standards, the video provides valuable
information on the values and functions of wetlands. (25
min.) Copies may be borrowed by calling the
Wetlands Hotline at 1-800-832-7828.

Describes the Advantages of State Wetlands
Conservation Plans, the key components, EPA's role in
helping states develop State Wetland Conservation Plans,
and sources of more information (including grant
sources). (9 pp.)

This guide is  a resource of information about wetlands in
New England for educators. It suggests ways of studying
wetland characteristics, why wetlands are important, and
how students and teachers can help to protect a local
wetland resource. This guide is unique in that it
encourages students to go beyond learning about
wetlands by "adopting" one: to have them become
familiar with a local wetlands and advocate its protection
through stewardship activities. (144 pp.)

An information packet for middle school students that
describes and discusses wetlands, wetlands plants and
animals, and the values and types of wetlands. (14 pp.)
Clean Water Act Regulatory Program; Final
Federal Register Notice 8/25/93
Federal Register Correction Notice 9/15/93

This final rule, issued jointly by EPA and the Department
of the Army, modifies the definition of "discharge of
dredged material," clarifies the placement of pilings and
exempts prior converted croplands from the section 404
program. (31 pp., plus 1 pg. correction)

 Clean Water Act Section 404 Issuance of
 Nationwide Permit for Single-Family Housing;
 Final Rule
 Federal Register Notice 7/27/95
Clean Water Act Section 404 Nationwide Permit
Program Regulations and Issue, Reissue, and
Modify Nationwide Permits; Final Rule
Federal Register Notice 12/13/96
Clean Water Act Section 404 Program Definition
and Permit Exemptions; Section 404 State
Program Regulations; Final Rule
Federal Register Notice 6/16/88

Environmental Protection Agency: 404(b)(l)
Executive Order 11990: Protection of Wetlands
Federal Interagency Mitigation Banking
Guidance; Final Rule
Federal Register Notice 11/28/95
Guidance on Developing Local Wetlands Projects
 Regulations used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
 pursuant to section 404(e) of the Clean Water Act and
 section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act for single-
 family residential housing activities.  The nationwide
 permit provides for effective protection of the aquatic
 environment while substantially reducing regulatory
 burdens on landowners. (13 pp.)

 Regulations used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
 pursuant to section 404(e) of the Clean Water Act, 33
 CFR Part 330, to  issue general permits authorizing
 specific activities which are similar in nature and will
 cause minimal adverse environmental effects individually
 or cumulatively.  The 36 nationwide permits identified in
 the rule are designed to speed the permitting process, as
 long as the authorized activities do not cause serious
 environmental harm.  (37 pp.)

 Includes section 404 program definitions, section 404(f)
 permit exemptions, and the procedures and criteria used
 in approving, reviewing and withdrawing approval of
 state section 404 programs. (24 pp.)

 Contains the substantive environmental criteria used by
 EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers in evaluating
 discharges of dredged or fill material under Section 404
 of the Clean Water Act. Codified under 40 CFR Part 230.
 This document is  a reprint of the rule published on
 December 24, 1980 (45 FR 85336) titled "Guidelines for
 Specification of Disposal Sites for Dredged or Fill
 Material." (22 pp.)
 This guidance, signed by President Carter, emphasizes
 the significance of Federal agencies working together to
 avoid long- and short-term impacts associated with the
 destruction or modification of wetlands.  (3 pp.)

 This guidance clarifies the manner for which the
 establishment, use and operation of mitigation banks may
 be used to satisfy mitigation requirements under Clean
 Water Act Section 404 Permit Program and the wetlands
 conservation provisions of the Food Security Act. (10

 Case studies describing types of wetlands programs, the
methods of implementation, and the successes and
failures resulting from the establishment of these
programs. Submitted to EPA by the New England
Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission.

Guidelines for Specification of Disposal Sites for
Dredged or Fill Material; Clean Water Act
Section 404(b)(l) Guidelines
Federal Register Notice 12/24/80

Livestock Grazing on Western Riparian Areas
Memorandum for the Field on Application of Best
Management Practices to Mechanical
Silvicultural Site Preparation Activities for the
Establishment of Pine Plantations in the Southeast

Memorandum for the Field on Appropriate Level
of Analysis Required under the Section 404(b)(l)

Memorandum for the Field on Individual Permit
Flexibility for Small Landowners
hltp:/Avww.cpa.gov/OWOWAvetlands/l andowne.html
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on Clean
Water Act Section 404(q) and Questions and
Answers Supplement

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on
 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on
Contains substantive environmental criteria used by EPA
and the Army Corps of Engineers in evaluating
discharges  of dredged material under section 404.  (22

Describes functions and values of western riparian areas,
causes of riparian degradation and opportunities for
cooperative efforts for enhancing the social, economic
and environmental benefits. Several case studies are also
featured. (45pp.)

Clarifies the applicability of forested wetlands best
management practices to mechanical silvicultural site
preparation activities for pine plantation establishment in
the Southeast. Issues jointly by EPA and the Department
of the Army. (8 pp.)

Clarifies the appropriate level of analysis required for
evaluating compliance with the Clean Water Act Section
404(b)(l) guidelines' requirements for consideration of
alternatives. Issued jointly by EPA and the Department
of the Army. (6pp.)

Clarifies the flexibility for small landowners under Clean
Water Act Section 404 for discharges of dredged or fill
material affecting up to two acres of non-tidal wetlands
for construction or expansion of a home or farm building.
Issued jointly by EPA and the Department of the Army.

Establishes policy and procedures to implement Section
404(q) of the Clean Water Act to minimize duplication
and delays in the issuance of permits. Issued jointly by
EPA and the Department of the Army. (18 pp.)

Establishes policy and procedures pursuant to which the
Department of the Army and EPA will undertake Federal
enforcement of the Section 404 dredge and fill material
permit requirement. Issued jointly by the Department of
the Army and EPA. (9 pp.)

Establishes the policy and procedures pursuant to which
the Department of the Army and EPA will determine the
geographic jurisdictional scope of waters of the United
States and the application of the exemptions under
Section 404(f) of the Clean Water Act. Issued jointly by
the Department of the Army and EPA. (6 pp.)

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on Mitigation
National Academy of Sciences Study "Report-in-
The National Action Plan To Implement the
Hydrogeomorphic Approach To Assessing
Wetland Functions
Federal Register Notice 6/20/97
National Guidance: Water Quality Standards for
National Guidance: Wetlands andNonpoint
Source Control Programs
Natural Wetlands and Urban Stormwater:
Potential Impacts and Management

Questions and Answers on the 1987 Corps of
Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual
10/91, and

Clarification and Interpretation Memorandum on
the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands
Delineation Manual
Explains the policy and procedures to be used in
determining the type and level of mitigation necessary to
demonstrate compliance with the Clean Water Act
Section 404(b)(l) Guidelines. Issued jointly by the
Department of the Army and EPA. (6 pp.)

Outlines recommendations developed by the National
Academy of Sciences National Research Council
resulting from the study including identifying wetlands,
differences among wetland types and improvements in
wetlands administration. (7 pp.)

Through the National Action Plan, the Corps of
Engineers is announcing the strategy the Corps and other
Federal agencies will follow to implement the
Hydrogeomorphic Approach for Assessing Wetland
Functions (HGM Approach) through the development of
regional guidebooks. The National Action Plan was
developed by a National Interagency Implementation
Team. (13 pp.)

Provides program guidance to states on ensuring effective
application of water quality standards to wetlands. This
guidance reflects the level of achievement EPA expects
the states to accomplish by the end of FY 1993,
including: (1) developing methods  in the definition of
state waters; (2) designating uses for all wetlands; (3)
adopting appropriate criteria for wetlands; and (4)
applying the antidegradation policy and implementation
methods to wetlands. (66 pp.)

Encourages coordination of nonpoint source and wetlands
programs in attaining water quality goals shared by both
programs. This guidance is applicable to both EPA and
states. (25 pp.)

Describes issues related to the impacts of uncontrolled
stormwater and urban runoff on natural wetlands.
Explores various management options.  (76  pp.)

Distributed as one publication, these memoranda were
issued by the Department of the Army in response to
field-related questions and situations regarding the use of
the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation
Manual. (12 pp.)
                                                                                                 Page 9

Regulatory Guidance Letters
Federal Register Notice 6/18/96
Section 404 Tribal Regulations
Federal Register Notice 2/11/93
Strategic Inter agency Approach to Developing a
National Digital Wetlands Data Base

Wetlands: Biological Assessment Methods and
Criteria Development Workshop
A list of current Regulatory Guidance letters issued by
the Corps of Engineers to clarify policy pursuant to their
permit regulations found in 33 CFR Parts 230-330. (13
Amends Section 404 State Program Regulations by
adding procedures by which an Indian tribe may quality
as a state in order to be eligible to apply for assumption
under this section. (13 pp.)

Describes a methodology to establish a national digital
wetlands data base through a standard national wetland
mapping and digitizing program with an emphasis on
data integration. (20 pp.)

Provides abstracts of presentations and a summary of the
last day's discussions on the workshop. (48 pp.)
Dredging: Building and Maintaining Our
Undenvater Highways
 Enforcement for Coastal Protection
 EPA 842-K-91-001
 EPA Journal: The Marine Environment Volume
 14 Number 5
   Page 10

 Describes the dredging process, the need for dredging and
 the economic and environmental benefits that can
 accompany dredging activities. (20 pp.) Available from
 US EPA, Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds,
 Oceans and Coastal Protection Division (4504F), 401
 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460. Telephone
 (202) 260-1952.

 Explains coastal resources at risk, sources and impacts of
 degradation, and federal laws protecting coastal
 resources. Presents an integrated approach to
 enforcement with specific examples and success stories.

 Focuses on pollution threats to oceans, challenges to
 global marine protection, and efforts to improve marine
 resources. (40 pp.)

National Estuary Program: Bringing Our
Estuaries New Life

The O.S. V. Anderson: Working to Protect Our
Oceans and Coasts

Portraits of Our Coastal Waters— Supplement to
the National Water Quality Inventory
Protecting Coastal and Wetlands Resources: A
Guide for Local Governments
Protecting Our Nation's Marine and Coastal
Waters: OSV Peter W. Anderson
EPA503-9-91 -001

Report to Congress on Implementation of Section
403© of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act
EPA 503-6-90-001
Report to Congress on Ocean Dumping 1987-1990
Save Our Seas: Help Stop Marine Debris
Describes the National Estuary Program, including short
descriptions of specific projects in 21 estuary programs.
Folds out into a full color poster providing contacts for
all 21 estuary programs. (1 pg.)

Describes the activities of the O.S.V. Anderson, EPA's
ocean research vessel. (16 pp.)
Contains eight descriptive narratives highlighting coastal
and estuarine environmental problems for unique
geographic areas. Provides an assessment of the diverse
and complex environmental problems encountered in
these areas. Describes programs and initiatives designed
to improve and protect the nation's coastal waters. (31

A hands-on guide designed to help elected officials and
concerned citizens from coastal communities learn about
a variety of approaches for managing their coastal and
wetlands resources. The guide contains a comprehensive
review of resource management and planning tools as
well as 19 case studies. (187 pp)

Describes the activities of the Ocean Survey Vessel Peter
W. Anderson, EPA's ocean research vessel. (2 pp.)
Describes EPA activities for implementing Section 403©
of the Clean Water Act and for achieving compliance
with guidelines promulgated under Section 403 (c),
including an estimate of resources required. Section
403© applies to discharges into the waters of the
territorial sea, the contiguous zone, and the oceans. (131

Summarizes EPA's activities in regulating and
monitoring incineration-at-sea and ocean disposal of
sewage sludge, industrial waste, and dredged materials.

This two-sided poster highlights the main aspects of the
marine debris problem and what individuals can do to
become part of a solution to the problem. The back side
of the poster features a board game from Turning the Tide
on Trash: A Learning Guide on Marine Debris. (1 pg.)
                                                                                                Page 11

  Summary of Implementation and Demonstration
  Projects in Bays and Estuaries
1  10/92

  Treasured Waters: Protecting Our Coastal and
  Marine Resources

  Turning the Tide on Trash: A Learning Guide on
  Marine Debris (English)

  Turning the Tide on Trash: A Learning Guide on
  Marine Debris (Spanish)
  Fall 1993
  Beyond SRF: A Workbook for Financing CCMP

  Clean Water Act Section 403 Compendium
  Clean Water Act Section 403: Procedural and
  Monitoring Guidance
Describes small-scale demonstration projects in the
National Estuary Program and Chesapeake Bay Program
to test the effectiveness of approaches for addressing
estuarine problems. (50 pp.)

Describes the benefits to a healthy coastal and marine
environment and what citizens can do to restore and
protect them. (16pp.)

This guide focuses on the problem of marine debris and
teaches ways that children can become part of the
solution to the problem. This guide targets grade school
children. (78 pp.)

 Spanish translation of publication above. (82 pp.)

Provides state, tribal and local officials with potential
approaches for financing various aspects of coastal
protection, especially those related to the National
Estuary Program. (31 pp.)

Compiled for use by Regional 403, 301(h), and National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System coordinators,
regulators, and other authorities involved in the
Permitting and Ocean Discharge Programs. The
document is intended to serve as a reference document as
well as a guide to finding key sources of information
without conducting extensive independent searches. This
compendium attempts to bring together all of the recent,
pertinent literature related to Clean Water Act Section
403 specifically and to marine discharges in general. (41
Provides EPA Regions and National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System-authorized states with a framework
for the decisionmaking process for section 403
evaluations and provides guidance on the type and level
of monitoring that should be required as part of permit
issuance.  (320 pp.)
    Page 12

Clean Water Act Section 403 Report to Congress,
Phase II: Point Source Discharges Inside the
Demonstrating Practical Tools for Watershed
Management Through the National Estuary
Describes the original intent and the requirements of the
Section 403 program as it currently applies to ocean
discharges and provides an inventory of all individual and
general permits known to be subject to the provisions of
Section 403. Also outlines benefits and problems
associated with extending the requirements of Section
403 to estuarine discharges and provides
recommendations to Congress if they choose to extend
Section 403 inside the baseline of the territorial seas. (37

A series of fact sheets that illustrate  innovative
approaches for protecting estuaries and their living
Buzzards Bay "Sep Track" Initiative
New Options for Dredging in Barataria-Terrebone

Coquina Baywalk at Leffls Key
Biological Nutrient Removal Action Plan Demonstration

Buttermilk Bay Coliform Control Action Plan
Demonstration Project

Georgetown Stormwater Management Action Plan
Demonstration Project

Texas Coastal Preserves Action Plan Demonstration

Shell Creek Stormwater Diversion Action Plan
Demonstration Project

City Island Habitat Restoration Action Plan
Demonstration Project

Discusses a project which provided computers and
specialized software to Massachusetts' communities for
information management related to on-site septic
systems. (4 pp.)

Describes a project involving alternative dredging and
spoil deposition methodologies, producing an overall
environmental benefit. (4 pp.)

Describes a wetland restoration project in Sarasota Bay,
Florida, which created 30 acres of native habitat along
with opportunities for public education.  (4 pp.)
                                                                                                Page 13

Dredged Material Ocean Dumping Reference

Economics of Improved Estuarine Water Quality:
An NEP Manual for Measuring Benefits

Fact Sheet: Beneficial Uses of Dredged Material
Final Report: Plastic Pellets in the Aquatic
Environment: Sources and Recommendations

Guidance Manual for the Review of Permitted and
Civil Works Projects for the Ocean Disposal of
Dredged Material
Identifying, Planning and Financing Beneficial
Use Projects Using Dredged Materials: Beneficial
Use Manual

Monitoring Guidance for the National Estuary
Program - Final
Monitoring Research, and Surveillance Plan for
Deepwater Municipal Sludge Dump Site and
EPA503-4-91 -001
An annotated bibliography of essential and secondary
policy and technical dredged material reference
documents that can be cited by EPA Headquarters and
Regional staff. (15 pp.)

Helps managers evaluate the economic benefits of
various water pollution abatement options. Presents
concepts of economic benefit, describes how pollution
abatement can generate benefits, and explains
methodologies for measuring benefits. (79 pp.)

Summarizes  procedures for using sediment dredged from
navigational  channels and harbors for beneficial
purposes.  (2 pp.)

This report describes the results of EPA's comprehensive
assessment of the sources, fate, and effects of plastic
pellets in the aquatic environment and recommends ways
to control and prevent their release to the environment.

Offers procedural and technical guidance to EPA
Regional staff in their independent review of proposals
for disposing of dredged material in ocean waters under
the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act.
Responsibilities of the EPA and the US Army Corps of
Engineers  under related programs and statutes are briefly
described to  explain the statutory and programmatic
relationship between the two agencies in regulating ocean
disposal practices.  (300 pp.)

Describes  procedures for using sediment dredged from
navigational channels and harbors for beneficial
purposes.  (133 pp.)
Provides the National Estuary Program with guidance on
how to design, implement and evaluate a monitoring
program. This document is of use to all coastal and
marine managers with monitoring responsibilities.  (355
Presents a joint EPA, NOAA, and USGS Monitoring and
Research Plan for the 106-Mile Site used for disposal of
municipal sewage sludge from the New York/New Jersey
Metropolitan Area. (115 pp.)
   Page 14

 National Estuary Program Guidance: Base
 Program Analysis
 EPA842-B-93-001 .

 National Estuary Program Guidance:
 Comprehensive Conservation and Management
 Plans: Content and Approval Guidance
Plastic Pellets in the Aquatic Environment:
Sources and Recommendations A Summary

Protecting Coastal Waters from Vessel and
Marina Discharges: A Guide for State and Local
Officials, Volume I. Establishing No Discharge
Areas under Section 312 of the Clean Water Act
 Provides guidance for National Estuary Programs on
 conducting a management characterization, or base
 program analysis. (20 pp.)

 Provides a practical reference for National Estuary
 Program Management Conferences, EPA Regional
 Project Officers, and State Program Directors during
 development of Comprehensive Conservation and
 Management Plans (CCMPs). Describes the requirements
 for approvable CCMPs and the process CCMPs must
 undergo to be approved by the EPA Administrator. (50

 Highlights and summarizes the Final Report: Plastic
 Pellets in the Aquatic Environment: Sources and
 Recommendations. Illustrations, easy to read. (12 pp.)

 A reference tool of options available for addressing
 impacts linked to vessel and marina discharges. (241 pp.)
Watershed  Protection
Adopt Your Watershed!
Adopt Your Watershed Festival Participants

Describes EPA's campaign to encourage greater
stewardship in the protection of the nation's water
resources and to celebrate 25 years of progress under the
Clean Water Act.  Highlights useful tools for groups and
students interested in "adopting" their watershed.
Provides opportunity for new and existing groups to join
national catalog watershed partnerships, accessible on
EPA's "Adopt Your Watershed" homepage. (1 pg.)

Describes briefly what each of the organizations that
participated in EPA's 1996 "Adopt Your Watershed"
Festival is doing to protect watersheds.  (1 pg.)
                                                                                           Page 15

A Commitment to Watershed Protection: A Review
of the Clean Lakes Program
EPA841 -R-93-001
Agriculture and the Environment
Drawing on interviews with federal, state, and local
agency  representatives and citizens who have been
involved with the Clean Lakes Program, this report
presents the successes of the program through using an
integrated watershed approach and the principles
underlying its success. (52 pp.)

A folder containing four fact sheets that address
watershed management and nonpoint source pollution in
agricultural areas. The fact sheets include:
Catalog of Federal Funding Sources for
Watershed Protection
EPA 841-B-97-008
Clean Lakes Program 1993/1994 Annual Report
Compendium of Tools for Watershed Assessment
and TMDL Development

Directory of Citizen, River and Watershed
Organizations in Virginia, Maryland and the
District of Columbia: Adopt Your Watershed
Our Water Resources and Watershed Protection

The Problem of Nonpoint Source Pollution (EPA840-F-

Management Measures for Controlling Coastal Nonpoint
Source Pollution (EPA840-93-F-001c)

For Further Information and Assistance (EPA840-F-93-

Presents information on 52 federal funding sources
(grants and loans) that may be used to fund a variety of
watershed protection projects. The information on
funding sources is organized into categories including
coastal waters, conservation, economic development,
education, environmental justice, fisheries, forestry,
Indian tribes, mining, pollution prevention and wetlands.
(98 pp.)

Highlights accomplishments and activities under Clean
Water Act section 314, Clean Lakes Program, during
fiscal years 1993 and 1994.  Describes projects that
illustrate the continuing application of the Watershed
Protection Approach in America's lakes and watersheds.

Summarizes available techniques and models that assess
and predict physical, chemical and biological conditions
in waterbodies. (221 pp.)

Directory of citizen watershed organizations in VA, MD
and DC that are part of EPA's "Adopt Your Watershed"
campaign.  Includes contacts for each organization. (34
   Page 16

 For the Health of the River-The Story of the Tar
 River in Eastern North Carolina
 Geographic Targeting: Selected State Examples
 Guidance for Water Quality-Based Decisions: The
 TMDL Process

 Information Management for the Watershed
 Approach in the Pacific Northwest
Kids Can Help Save Our Streams
Lakewalk Manual: A Guidebook for Citizen

Migratory Songbird: Conservation
EPA 840-K-94-001

National Geography Awareness Week,
Nov. 15-21,1992 Teacher's Packet
 This video describes the Tar-Pamlico point/nonpoint
 source trading project in North Carolina.  (24 min.) A
 limited number of copies of the video are available for
 loan from: Mary Belefski, U.S. EPA, Assessment and
 Watershed Protection Division (4503F), Watershed
 Branch, 401 M St. S.W., Washington, DC 20460.
 Telephone (202) 260-7061.

 Provides information for government managers and
 others to implement geographic targeting. The document
 presents the rationale for the concept, various targeting
 approaches, issues involved in targeting, and several
 examples of targeting efforts at the state level. (63 pp.)

 Defines and clarifies the requirements of the Total
 Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program under Clean
 Water Act Section 303(d). (59 pp.)
This document centers on a series of interviews with
leaders and key participants in the statewide watershed
approach activities in the State of Washington. It includes
a review of Washington's statewide watershed activities
in case study fashion, followed by discussions on how a
watershed information clearinghouse can serve multiple
planning,  information management and communication
roles for watershed groups. (102 pp.)

A brochure, targeted to children, that lists sources of
pollution in streams and suggests activities for children
that will help save streams. Developed by Save Our
Streams, a program of the Izaak Walton League of
America. (1 pg.)

A tool for citizens use in assessing and protecting lakes.
Developed by EPA Region 10. (25 pp.)
Provides a brief introduction to what citizens can do to
help preserve migratory birds. (27 pp.)

Includes a teacher's handbook, poster and map, hazardous
waste chart, and UPDATE Newsletter. The theme for
1992 was "Geography: Reflections on Water." Provides
information and lesson ideas on a number of water issues
including the hydrologic cycle, conservation,
groundwater, wastewater, watersheds, and wetlands.
                                                                                               Page 17

A Phase I Inventory of Current EPA Efforts to
Protect Ecosystems
Stream Doctor
The Watershed Approach

The Watershed Protection Approach: Annual
Report 1992

The Watershed Protection Approach: An

 Watershed Training Opportunities

 Top 10 Watershed Lessons Learned
 Toward a Watershed Approach: A Framework for
 Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration, Protection, and
Summarizes projects involving EPA and its partners in
placebased management and ecosystem protection, an
approach intended to integrate environmental
management with human needs, consider long-term
ecosystem health, and highlight the positive correlations
between economic prosperity and environmental well-
being. (320 pp.)

A brochure that describes the Izaak Walton League of
America's Save Our Streams volunteer watershed
restoration project. This project guides volunteers in
diagnosing the problem in streams and provides steps for
finding a cure. (  1 pg.)

A brochure that presents EPA's three components for
achieving a watershed approach. Includes a list of
watershed outreach coordinators in the 10 EPA Regions.
(1 Pg-)
Summarizes activities in EPA Headquarters and Regions
to adopt and implement watershed management. More
than 30 project summaries are included. (58 pp.)

Describes the watershed protection approach, a basin-
wide approach to water protection that encompasses
dynamic ecological relationships. Presents watershed
protection programs at various government levels. (8 pp.)

Des ribes watershed training opportunities, including a
course schedule. (12 pp.)
 Developed in partnership with over 100 watershed
 practitioners, this document describes the top 10 lessons
 (positive and negative) learned in working to restore and
 protect watersheds across the nation. Includes examples
 to illustrate each lesson and key contacts and resources
 for networking. (60 pp.)

 Describes basic watershed management concepts,
 problems and solutions. Presents examples of federal and
 state frameworks promoting watershed protection.  (23
 pp.) Available only from Coastal America. Telephone:
 (202) 401-9928.
    Page 18

Watershed Academy Catalogue of Watershed
Training Opportunities
Watershed Approach Framework

Watershed Progress: Hot Creek Watershed,
Mimbres River Basin

Watershed Progress: Massachusetts' Approach

Watershed Progress: New York City Watershed

Watershed Progress: Rouge River Watershed,

Watershed Protection: A Project Focus
 Watershed Protection: A Statewide Approach

 Why Watersheds?
 EPA 800-F-96-001
Lists training/educational courses on watershed
protection offered by EPA, other federal agencies, and
other groups.  Target audience includes water
resource/watershed managers and technical staff in local,
state and federal agencies and tribes, EPA Regions, and
other public and private sector practitioners of watershed
management. (97pp.)

Presents EPA's vision for watershed approaches.
Emphasizes the role EPA envisions for states and tribes.

Describes how the watershed approach has made a
difference in restoring the Royal John Mine in the
headwaters of the Hot Creek watershed. (4 pp.)

Describes how the watershed approach has made a
difference statewide. Describes the state's efforts to
manage their watersheds. (4 pp.)

Describes how the watershed approach has made a
difference by saving tax payers billions of dollars.
Describes the agreement and EPA's role. (4 pp.)
Describes how the watershed approach is helping the
Rouge River community address pollution from
combined sewer overflows, stormwater, unpermitted
discharges, failing septic systems and leaching dumps. (4
Describes one aspect of the watershed approach--
developing watershed specific programs or projects.
Provides a blueprint for designing and implementing
watershed projects including references and case studies
for specific elements of the process. (108 pp.)

Presents an emerging framework for a statewide
approach to watershed protection which focuses on
organizing and managing a state's major watersheds. (67
Pamphlet explains why states and tribes are turning to
watershed management as a means for achieving greater
results from their programs. (8 pp.)
                                                                                                  Page 19

     We Lose Our Songbirds?
Xeriscape Landscaping: Preventing Pollution and
Using Resources Wisely
Clean Lakes Case Study: Phosphorus Inactivation
and Wetland Manipulation Improve Kezar Lake,
EPA841-F-95-002, Number 1
 Clean Lakes Case Study: Use of Aquatic Weevils
 to Control a Nuisance Weed in Lake Bomoseen,
 EPA 841-F-97-002

 Clean Lakes Case Study: Watershed and In-Lake
 Practices Improve Green Valley Lake, IA
 EPA84I-F-95-003, Number 2
 Designing an Information Management System for
Provides a brief description of Partners in Flight, a
comprehensive bird conservation program, and what they
are doing to save the vanishing songbird population. (1
Describes landscaping and gardening methods that
promote pollution prevention, water conservation, and
sustainable resources, including public/private
partnerships to promote resource efficient landscaping.

Highlights the use of aluminum salts to inactivate in-lake
phosphorus and the manipulation of wetlands to remove
phosphorus in Kezar Lake, NH. These techniques were
successfully implemented under a Phase II Restoration
Project under EPA's section 314 Clean Lakes Program
(CLP). Also, a CLP section 314 Phase III
Post-Restoration Monitoring Project assessed the
effectiveness of this project. (8 pp.)

Summarizes experiences in using aquatic weevils as a
biological method to control Eurasian watermilfoil
(Myriophyllum spicatum) in Lake Bomoseen, Vermont,
and three other lakes.  These initial results indicate that,
over time, the weevil may be able to reduce nuisance
growth in Lake Bomoseen and could potentially be used
in other lakes with similar problems. (8 pp.)

Summarizes the water quality problems identified
through a Clean Lakes Program (CLP) section 314
Diagnostic/ Feasibility Study and the successful
restoration program (Phase II of the CLP) that was
implemented at Green Valley Lake, Iowa. The results of
the Clean Lakes Post-Restoration Monitoring project are
also highlighted and indicate that the water quality has
improved. (5 pp.)

Introduces information management responsibilities and
challenges facing watershed groups. This document
reviews the fundamentals of identifying information
management needs, integrating different data bases,
evaluating hardware and software options, and
developing implementation plans. (22 pp.)
   Page 20

Draft Frame-work for Watershed-Based Trading

Ecologial Restoration: A Tool to Manage Stream
Fish and Fisheries Management in Lakes and
Reservoirs: Technical Supplement to the Lake and
Reservoir Restoration Guidance Manual
Land Cover Digital Data Directory for the United
The Lake and Reservoir Restoration Guidance
Manual (Second Edition)
Modeling Phosphorous Loading and Lake
Response Under Uncertainty: A Manual and
Compilation of Export Coefficients
Describes the benefits and types of trading, lays out the
principles for trading, and addresses how the types of
trading can be implemented within the existing statutory
framework.  (150pp.)

Explains and clarifies Clean Water Act authorities for
restoration and examines linkages between selected
restoration techniques and parameters that are often
addressed in state water quality standards. It also
presents a decisionmaking guide to determine when to
pursue restoration as a management option and provides
information on the cost effectiveness of restoration. (150

Focuses on the management of fisheries and lake water
quality. An important objective of this manual is to
encourage the development of an integrated lake
management program that assesses fish, other biota, the
physical and chemical characteristics of the lake habitat,
and the associated watershed as an interdependent unit.
(321 pp.)

A compilation of single-state and multi-state land cover
data sets available across the country. It includes
descriptions and contact information for 75 digital data
sources. It should be noted, however, that this directory
is not a centralized source for ordering and acquiring
digital data.  (77pp.)

Written for informed citizens who are interested in
protecting, restoring, and managing lakes. Focuses on
four areas: identifying lake problems, evaluating
management practices for addressing problems or for
protecting water quality, developing a site-specific
management plan, and implementing and evaluating lake
management plans. Includes a hypothetical case study,
point source techniques, best management practices, and
state and provincial lake management programs. (326

Presents an illustrated, step-by-step procedure that may
be used to quantify the relationship between land use  and
lake trophic quality. Aids the analyst in selection of
appropriate export coefficients and in interpretation of
results of an application of this methodology. Includes a
section on estimating nonparametric prediction intervals.
(223 pp.)
                                                                                                 Page 21

Monitoring Consortiums: A Cost-Effective Means
to Enhancing Watershed Data Collection and
EPA 841-R-97-006

Proceedings: Watershed '93: A National
Conference on Watershed Management, March
21-24,1993, Alexandria, VA

Watershed '96: Moving Ahead Together: Plenary
June 8-12, 1996, Baltimore, MD

Statewide Watershed Management Facilitation
 Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Notes and
 Case Studies
Addresses coordination in watershed monitoring.  Also,
includes four case studies that demonstrate how
consortiums can stretch the monitoring dollar, improve
cooperation among partners, and increase sharing of
expertise as well as expenses of data collection and
management. (37 pp.)

A compilation of presentations and summary of
discussions that took place at the plenary sessions. (890

A compilation of plenary presentations on watershed
protection and restoration.  (52 pp.)  Full proceedings of
the technical sessions available only on the Internet.

Addresses statewide watershed management and the
process of facilitating the development or reorientation of
statewide watershed programs. Part I describes the
facilitation process. Part II summarizes the experiences
of 13 states in statewide watershed management
framework development and implementation. (70 pp.)

The TMDL Notes provide general background on the
various aspects of the TMDL program. The TMDL case
studies discuss the problem, TMDL development,
pollution control implementation, and followup
monitoring for particular water bodies. The TMDL Notes

An Introduction to the TMDL Note  Series
EPA841-K-94-005, 9/94, #1

Bioassessments and TMDLs
EPA841-K-94-005a, 9/94, #2

TMDL Endpoints
EPA841-K-94-005b, 9/94, #3

The TMDL Case Studies include:

Denver Metro--The South Platte River Segment 15
EPA841-F-93-001,4/92, #1

South Fork of the Salmon River
EPA 841-F-93-002, 8/92, #2
   Page 22

TMDL Development Cost Estimates: Case Studies
of 14 TMDLs

Watershed Tools Directory: A Collection of
Watershed Tools
West Fork of Clear Creek
EPA 841-F-93-003, 11/92, #3

Nomini Creek Watershed
EPA 841 -F-93-004,11/92, #4

Albemarle/Pamlico Estuary
EPA 841-F-93-005, 11/92, #5

The Lower Minnesota River
EPA 841-F-92-011, 11/92, #6

Sycamore Creek, Michigan
EPA 841-F-92-012,12/92, #7

Boulder Creek, Colorado
EPA 841-F-93-006, 6/93, #8

Appoquinimik River, Delaware
EPA841-F-93-007, 8/93, #9

Tar-Pamlico Basin, North Carolina
EPA841-F-93-010, 9/93, #10

Lake Chelan, Washington
EPA841-F-94-001,1/94, #11
http://www.epa.gov/owow/tmdl/csl 1/csl l.htm

Modeling the Appoquinimink River
EPA841-F-94-004, 4/94, #12

Truckee River, Nevada
EPA841-F-94-006, 8/94, #13

Provides information on the costs to state and local water
pollution control agencies for implementing requirements
for development of total maximum daily lloads (TMDLs)
under section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. (120 pp.)

Provides one-page summaries of 250 watershed tools.
Each summary includes key information such as a
description of the tool, contact names and phone
numbers, and information about intended users. (220
                                                                                                  Page 23

Nonpoint  Source  (NFS)
Administrator's Point/NonpointSource Trading
Initiative Meeting Summary
Clean Marina's—Clear Value: Environmental and
Business Success Stories

Creating Successful Nonpoint Source Programs: The
Innovative Touch

EPA Journal: Nonpoint Source Pollution—Runoff of
Rain andSnowmelt, Our Biggest Water Quality
Problem, Volume 17 Number 5
Handle with Care: Your Guide to Preventing Water
Managing Nonpoint Source Pollution: Final Report to
Congress on Section 319 of the Clean Water Act (1989)
Nonpoint Pointers—Understanding and Managing
Nonpoint Source Pollution in Your Community

A Summary of the meeting held in Durham, North Carolina,
April 27-28, 1992. The intent of point/nonpoint source trading
is to spread the cost burden among all pollutant sources but to
require greater reductions from those who can more easily and
cost-effectively decrease their pollutant loads. (72 pp.)

Summarizes the economic benefits achieved by marina
managers who have implemented nonpoint source control
management measures at then- marinas. (125 pp.)

Presents 16 examples of successful innovative NFS programs
and identifies techniques for developing innovative programs.

Outlines the NFS water pollution problem, including the effects
of agricultural chemicals, agricultural sediment, urban runoff,
logging, abandoned mines, and construction. Presents issues
and policy from the perspective of EPA, the Department of
Agriculture, and the Office of Management and Budget.
Describes possible solutions, and offers educational material  for
use in the classroom. (64 pp.)

Describes NPS pollution generated by everyday activities.
Contains household tips for reducing and preventing water
pollution. Identifies state, regional, and federal NPS contacts.
Prepared by the Terrene  Institute. (36 pp.) Only available from
Terrene Institute, 1000 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 802,
Washington, D.C. 20036, (202) 833-8317. (There is a charge
for this publication.)

Focuses on the state of the national effort to control NPS
pollution as of October 1, 1989. Includes state NPS assessment
findings, state programs  for addressing problems identified in
the assessments, related activities of EPA, and other Federal
agencies, and achievements to date on controlling NPS
pollution. (197 pp.)

A series of fact sheets on controlling nonpoint source pollution.
   Page 24

Nonpoint Source Education Demonstration Project
Evaluation Report
Nonpoint Sources Agenda for the Future

Polluted: Every Little Bit Hurts

Rural Clean Water Program
Section 319 National Monitoring Program: An
Section 319 National Monitoring Program: An
Section 319 National Monitoring Program Projects,
1994 Summary Report

Section 319 National Monitoring Program Projects,
1995 Summary Report

Section 319 National Monitoring Program Projects,
1996 Summary Report

Section 319 Success Stories: Volume II
 Details 33 NPS abatement projects that were funded by the
 Ohio EPA from 1981 to 1987 to reduce NPS pollution by
 changing practices of individual landowners. Projects include
 efforts to reduce NPS pollution from crop and livestock
 production, on-site sewage disposal, and abandoned mine land.
 Prepared by Ohio EPA. (67 pp.) Only available from Ohio
 EPA, Water Quality Division, P.O. Box 1049, Columbus,
 OH 43266-149. c/o Rich McClav, (614) 644-2879.

 Defines EPA's commitment to a national NPS program during
 the five-year period 1989-1994. Outlines actions necessary to
 solve the problem of NPS in rivers, lakes, and streams. (30 pp.)

 Indicates sources and effects of water pollution. Provides
 methods to prevent water pollution. (Update of the 1990
 version)  (2 pp.)

 Aids state and local managers in developing management plans
 for controlling agricultural NPS pollution. Describes the
 successes, failures, and lessons learned in the Rural Clean
 Water Program (RCWP). Presents profiles of RCWP projects,
 and identifies RCWP contacts. (29 pp.)

 Full-color document provides an overview of 11 projects in
 EPA's section 319 National Monitoring Program (NMP). The
 NMP consists of watershed projects with long-term monitoring
 to demonstrate the effectiveness of nonpoint source controls.
 (13 pp.)

 Full-color document provides an overview of 20 projects in
 EPA's section 319 National Monitoring Program (NMP). The
 NMP consists of watershed projects with long-term monitoring
 to demonstrate the effectiveness of nonpoint source controls.

 Provides detailed descriptions of 12 projects in EPA's section
 319 National Monitoring Program (NMP). The NMP consists
 of watershed projects with long-term monitoring to demonstrate
 the effectiveness of nonpoint source controls. (186 pp.)

 Provides detailed descriptions of 14 projects in EPA's section
 319 National Monitoring Program (NMP). The NMP consists
 of watershed projects with long-term monitoring to demonstrate
 the effectiveness of nonpoint source controls. (337 pp.)

 Provides detailed update on 18 projects in EPA's section 319
National  Monitoring Program (NMP).  The NMP consist of
watershed projects with long-term monitoring to demonstrate
the effectiveness of nonpoint source controls. (254 pp.)

Describes successful nonpoint source projects ranging from
 information and educational programs to highly technical
applications of nonpoint source control technology. (220 pp.)
                                                                                                        Page 25

Section 319 Success Stories: A Close Up Look at the
National Nonpoint Source Control Program

Selecting Priority Nonpoint Source Projects: You Better
Shop Around

Seminar Publication: Nonpoint Source Watershed

State and Local Government Guide to Environmental
Program Funding Alternatives

A Tribal Guide to the Section 319(h) Nonpoint Source
Grant Program

Tribal Nonpoint Source Planning Handbook
 Best Management Practices for Agricultural Nonpoint
 Source Control: IV. Pesticides
 Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control Program

 A Current Assessment of Urban Best Management

 Developing Successful Runoff Control Programs for
 Urbanized Areas
Describes successful nonpoint source projects ranging from
information and educational programs to highly technical
applications of nonpoint source control technology. (128 pp.)

Presents six examples of how states identify their priorities for
treatment of NFS impaired or threatened water bodies. (39 pp.)
Contains papers presented at the Nonpoint Source Watershed
Workshop held January 29-31, 1991, in New Orleans. Includes
case studies used to guide group discussions, and presents
conclusions reached by workshop participants. (209 pp.)

Presents an overview of traditional funding mechanisms and
introduces state and local governments to innovative
alternatives to traditional funding. Although the focus is on
nonpoint source pollution, funding sources and mechanisms
can be applied to environmental programs, in general. (26 pp.)

Provides assistance to tribes in developing nonpoint source
pollution control programs and in applying to EPA for nonpoint
source pollution control grants under Section 319 of the Clean
Water Act. (268 pp.)

Provides a template/guidance for tribes to apply for section 319
nonpoint source grants. (60 pp.)

 Describes the factors and available research results relevant to
 selecting the most appropriate pesticide Best Management
 Practices (BMPs) and BMP systems. Prepared for the
 Department of Agriculture and EPA by the Biological and
 Agricultural Engineering Department at North Carolina State
 University. (87 pp.)

 Addresses the processes and criteria that apply to development
 and approval of State coastal zone nonpoint source programs.

 Describes techniques for reducing nonpoint source pollution in
 the coastal zone. (127 pp.) Only available from the
 Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, (202)

 Describes institutional strategies for developing, revising and
 implementing runoff control programs in urbanized
 communities. Also, useful to coastal states in establishing
 nonpoint source control programs under section 6217 of the
 Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments.(94 pp.)
    Page 26

 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Forestry Best
 Management Practices in Meeting Water Quality Goals
 or Standards
 EPA841-B-94-005A (3'hole punch)
 EPA841-B-94-005B (bound)

 Evaluation of the Experimental Rural Clean Water
 Green Development: Literature Summary and Benefits
 Associated with Alternative Development Approaches
Guidance Specifying Measures for Sources ofNonpoint
Pollution in Coastal Waters
EPA840-B-92-002A (3-hole punch)
EPA840-B-92-002B (bound)

Linear Regression for Nonpoint Source Pollution

Methodology for Analysis of Detention Basins for
Control of Urban Runoff Quality
Nonpoint Source Impacts on Aquatic Life— Literature
Results of the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program
(executive summary only)
 A reference guide for evaluating the effectiveness of nonpoint
 source pollution controls during forestry operations. Presents a
 selection of techniques to assist managers in choosing an
 appropriate level of monitoring to address identified issues.
 Presents the results of a comprehensive evaluation of the ten
 year experimental Rural Clean Water Program (RCWP).
 Evaluation conducted by the National Water Quality Evaluation
 Project at North Carolina State University (NCSU) in
 cooperation with USDA, EPA, and the 21 RCWP projects. (559
 pp.) Only available from NCSU, Water Quality Group, 615
 Oberlin Road, Suite 100, Raleigh, NC 27605-1126.

 An accumulation of examples, case studies, and issues related
 to implementing green development approaches in urban areas.
 Green approaches make use of existing environmental
 resources to control erosion, sediment and flow from
 construction and new development.  (179 pp.)

 Specifies technology-based management measures to be used
 by the states in developing Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control
 Programs aimed at restoring and protecting coastal waters. (836
Explains and illustrates the use of linear regression (statistical
technique) for analysis of nonpoint source water quality data. (8
Describes a probabilistic methodology to analyze the
performance characteristics of techniques that control pollution
discharges from urban stormwater runoff. Provides data and
analysis procedures to guide planning decisions.

Provides an overview of 68 research papers and reports
exploring the impact of NFS pollution on aquatic life.
Discusses regional trends in NPS pollutants. (250 pp.) Only
available from NTIS (NTIS # PB90229931).
Call (703) 487-4650.

Consists of two sections: Executive Summary and Volume 1 -
Final Report. Summarizes the results of project studies of urban
runoff conducted by the National Urban Runoff Program
(NURP) from 1978 to 1983. Examines quality characteristics of
urban runoff, the extent to which urban runoff contributes to
national water quality problems, and the overall effectiveness
of management practices to control pollutant loads from urban
runoff. (24 pp.)
                                                                                                        Page 27

Rural Clean Water Program 1988 Workshop
Proceedings: National Water Quality Evaluation
Setting Priorities: The Key to Nonpoint Source Control
State and Local Funding of Nonpoint Source Control

Summary of Current State Nonpoint Source Control
Practices for Forestry

Techniques for Tracking, Evaluating and Reporting the
Implementation of Nonpoint Source Control Measures:
L Agriculture

Techniques for Tracking, Evaluating and Reporting the
Implementation of Nonpoint Source Control Measures:
II, Forestry
Techniques for Tracking, Evaluating and Reporting the
Implementation of Nonpoint Source Control Measures:
HI. Urban Sources

 Urban Targeting and BMP Selection: An Information
 and Guidance Manual for State Nonpoint Source
 Program Staff Engineers and Managers
Contains technical papers and presentations from the Rural
Clean Water Program Workshop held September 12-15, 1988,
in St. Paul, Minnesota. Identifies NFS project priorities of
workshop participants. (190 pp.) Only available from
Publications, North Carolina State University, Water
Quality Group, 615 Oberlin Road, Suite 100, Raleigh, NC

Presents guidelines and suggestions for designing and
implementing a targeted NPS pollution control program to
achieve improvements in water quality. Prepared for EPA by
the Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department at
North Carolina State University. (51 pp.)

Describes particularly effective state and local nonpoint source
programs and methods used to fund them. (88 pp. plus

A synopsis of the best management practices currently used by
states to address nonpoint source impacts on water quality
caused by forestry operations. (208 pp.)

Part of a series of documents that present statistical approaches
to tracking the level of implementation of nonpoint source
pollution control measures. Presents information on methods
of sample site selection, sample size estimation, sampling and
result evaluation and presentation. (70 pp.)

Part of a series of documents that present statistical approaches
to tracking the level of implementation of nonpoint source
pollution control measures. Presents information on methods
of sample site selection, sample size estimation, sampling and
result evaluation and presentation. (70 pp.)

Part of a series of documents that present statistical approaches
to tracking the level of implementation of nonpoint source
pollution control measures. Presents information on methods
 of sample site selection, sample size estimation, sampling and
result evaluation and presentation.  (70 pp.)

 Assists state and local agency personnel in targeting and
 prioritizing areas within then-jurisdiction which require
 abatement of urban runoff water quality problems. Consolidates
 existing information, and describes a noncomputerized
 technology for targeting control areas.
 (54 pp.) Only available from Terrene Institute, 1000
 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 802, Washington, D.C. 20036,
 (202) 833-8317.
    Page 28

 Water Quality Effects andNonpoint Source Control for
 Forestry: An Annotated Bibliography
 EPA 841-B-93-005
 Data Management
 Guide for Preparation of Quality Assurance Project
 Plans for the
 National Estuary Program

 Ocean Data Evaluation System (ODES)
 Data Submissions Manual
Ocean Data Evaluation System (ODES):
Users Guide
Technical Support Document for ODES Statistical
Power Analysis
 Presents over 900 papers on the best management practices
 used to mitigate water quality impacts from forestry. The
 document is divided into ten chapters that cover the following
 topics relating to silvicultural practices: cost/effectiveness of
 best management practices; program and policy reviews;    •
 instream studies on physical, chemical and biological health;
 road construction; timber harvest; site preparation; forestry
 chemicals; streamside management areas; wetlands; modeling;
 and monitoring. (241 pp.)

 Serves as a quality assurance/quality control checklist for
 research and data collection under the National Estuary
 Program. (31 pp.)
 Explains the quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) cycle
 that must be completed before a data set can be loaded into
 ODES, and provides detailed instructions for entering
 individual data sets onto coding forms, magnetic tape, or floppy
 diskette for submission to ODES. (350 pp.) Only available
 from American Management Systems, (703) 8415550.
 Mailing address: 1777 North Kent St., Arlington, VA 22209.

 Provides directions for accessing information stored in ODES
 and for using ODES tools to produce analytical reports. ODES
 includes an  integrate database which combines source input
 information with marine and estuarine environmental
 information, including water quality data, physical/chemical
 and oceanographic data, biological data, and sediment pollutant
 data. ODES also features a wide range of analytical tools for
 scientific and statistical analyses, and for reporting the results in
 a convenient format. (75 pp.) Only available from American
 Management Systems (703) 841-5550. Mailing address:
 1777 North Kent St, Arlington, VA 22209

 Provides a review of the basic concepts of hypothesis testing
 and statistical power analysis. The types of power analyses that
 can be conducted using ODES are described, and the uses of
the tool are demonstrated with several examples. Only
available from Virginia Fox-Norse, (202) 260-9129.  Mailing
address: U.S. EPA, Oceans and Coastal Protection Division
(4504F), 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460.
                                                                                                   Page 29

Water  Quality Assessment

and  Monitoring
http://www.epa/gov/OWOW/305b/ - State Water Quality Assessments
http://www.epa/gov/OWOW/monitoring - Monitoring
Ambient Water Quality Monitoring in the United States:
First Year Review, Evaluation, and Recommendations
Environmental Indicators of Water Quality in the
United States - Fact Sheet
 EPA's National Volunteer Monitoring Program
 (Fact Sheet)

 Fact Sheet: National Water Quality Inventory—
 1992 Report to Congress

 Fact Sheet: National Water Quality Inventory—
 1994 Report to Congress

 Fact Sheet: National Water Quality Inventory-
 1996 Report to Congress

Addresses basic water monitoring issues and outlines a strategy
to improve federal, state, and other water monitoring programs.
First year report of the Intergovernmental Task Force on
monitoring Water Quality. (26 pp, with appendices) Available
only from the U.S. Geological Survey, Office of Water Data
Coordination, 417 Nation Center, Reston, VA 22092.
Telephone (703) 648-5023; Fax (703) 648-6802.

Describes, in detail, the set of 18 core water
environmental indicators presented in the Environmental
Indicators of Water Quality in the United States.
Discusses the information the indicators will provide,
how progress will be tracked, what is being done to
improve the indicators, and what is being done to
improve environmental conditions. (40 pp.)

Describes EPA's support for volunteer monitoring,
including a list of EPA volunteer monitoring documents.
(1 pg.) Available only from Alice Mayio, USEPA
(4503F), 401 M St, SW, Washington, DC 20460, (202)
260-7018; Fax (202) 260-1977.

Summarizes key statistics and findings of the 1992
National Water Quality Inventory. (8 pp.)
 Summarizes key statistics and findings of the 1994
 National Water Quality Inventory. (12 pp.)
 Summarizes key statistics and findings of the 1996
 National Water Quality Inventory. (8 pp.)
    Page 30

 National Directory of Citizen Volunteer
 Environmental Monitoring Programs,
 Fourth Edition

 National Water Quality Inventory—1990 Report
 to Congress
National Water Quality Inventory.—1992
Report to Congress
National Water Quality Inventory: 1994 Report to
National Water Quality Inventory: 1996 Report to
National Water Quality Inventory: 1996 Report to
Congress: Appendices
Lists 519 volunteer monitoring programs throughout the
U.S., including contact names and a brief description.
Aggregates state-reported water quality data under
section 305(b) of the Clean Water Act with supplemental
EPA data. Describes the quality of rivers, lakes, estuaries,
the Great Lakes, coastal waters, wetlands, and ground
water. Includes information on special concerns such as
fishing restrictions and fish kills. Summarizes point and
nonpoint source programs and surface water monitoring
programs. (208 pp.)

Aggregates state-reported water quality data under
section 305(b) of the Clean Water Act with supplemental
EPA data. Describes the quality of rivers, lakes, estuaries,
the Great Lakes, coastal waters, wetlands, and ground
water. Includes information on special concerns such as
fishing restrictions and fish kills. Summarizes point and
nonpoint source programs and surface water monitoring
programs. (328 pp, with appendices)

Aggregates state-reported water quality data under
section 305(b) of the Clean Water Act with supplemental
EPA data. Describes the quality of rivers, lakes, estuaries,
the Great Lakes, coastal waters, wetlands, and ground
water. Includes information on special concerns such as
fishing restrictions and fish kills. Summarizes point and
nonpoint source programs and surface water monitoring
programs. (572 pp, with appendices)

Summarizes state-reported water quality data under
section 305(b) of the Clean Water Act with supplemental
EPA data. Describes the quality of rivers, lakes, estuaries,
the Great Lakes, coastal waters, wetlands, and ground
water. Includes information on special concerns such as
fishing restrictions and fish kills. Summarizes point and
nonpoint source programs and surface water monitoring

Appendices include data tables to support National Water
Quality Inventory:  1996 Report to Congress. Available
only on diskette.
                                                                                                 Page 31

Proceedings of the Third National Citizens'
Volunteer Water Monitoring Conference
Proceedings of the Fourth National Volunteer
Monitoring Conference: Putting Volunteer
Information to Use

Proceedings of the Fifth National Volunteer
Monitoring Conference: Promoting Watershed
TheUpdated305(b) Guidelines: Advantages and

The Quality of Our Nation's Water: 1990
Quality of Our Nation's Waters: 1992
 The Quality of Our Nation's Water: 1994
Includes detailed summaries of over 25 workshops, panel
discussions, and technical sessions. Topics include
collecting quality volunteer monitoring data; sharing
volunteer data with state and local governments;
volunteer nonpoint source monitoring; environmental
education and community outreach; and watershed
walking. (183 pp.)

Summarizes plenary sessions, technical workshops and
breakout discussions on topics such as volunteers using
their own data, monitoring restoration activities and
building partnerships.  (140 pp.)

Summarizes over 30 workshops, discussions and
technical sessions from the 5th National Volunteer
Monitoring Conference in Madison, WI. (118 pp.)
Introduces state managers and others to the new 305(b)
process and shows in a simple question and answer
format how 305(b) can be used to support and draw upon
other initiatives. (7 pp.)

Summarizes the results of the 1990 National Water
Quality Inventory in an easy to understand format for the
general reader. Introduces key water quality concepts.
Discusses pollution of rivers, lakes, estuaries, coastal
waters, wetlands, and ground water. Discusses how
individual citizens can make a difference in solving the
Nation's pollution problems. (27 pp.)

Summarizes the results of the 1992 National Water
Quality Inventory in an easy to understand format for the
general reader. Introduces key water quality concepts.
Discusses pollution of rivers, lakes, estuaries, coastal
waters, wetlands, and ground water. Discusses how
individual citizens can make a difference in solving the
Nation's pollution problems. (43 pp.)

Summarizes the results of the 1994 National Water
Quality Inventory in an easy to understand format for the
general reader. Introduces key water quality concepts.
Discusses pollution of rivers, lakes, estuaries, coastal
waters, wetlands, and ground water. Discusses how
individual citizens can make a difference  in solving the
Nation's pollution problems. (200 pp.)
   Page 32

 The Quality of Our Nation's Water: 1996
 Volunteer Estuary Monitoring:
 A Methods Manual

 Volunteer Lake Monitoring: A Methods Manual
The Volunteer Monitor's Guide to Quality
Assurance Project Plans

Volunteer Stream Monitoring: A Methods Manual
Volunteer Water Monitoring: A Guide for State
Water Quality Conditions of the United States

Water Quality Conditions of the United States
Summarizes the results of the 1996 National Water
Quality Inventory in an easy to understand format for the
general reader. Introduces key water quality concepts.
Discusses pollution of rivers, lakes, estuaries, coastal
waters, wetlands, and ground water. Discusses how
individual citizens can make a difference in solving the
Nation's pollution problems. (200 pp.)

Presents information and methodologies specific to
estuarine water quality. Both the organizers of volunteer
programs and the volunteers themselves should find this
manual useful. (176 pp.)

Provides step-by-step methods for monitoring key lake
water quality problems using citizen volunteers. Includes
information on quality assurance/quality control
(QA/QC) of data, data analysis and preservation, and
equipment. (121 pp.)

An easy-to-follow guide to the development of quality
assurance plans for volunteer programs designed to
ensure the collection of high quality data.  (59 pp.)
Provides step-by-step methods for use by volunteer
programs for monitoring biological health, water quality
conditions and habitat in wadeable streams.  Includes a
chapter on watershed surveys. (190 pp.)

Describes existing volunteer monitoring programs.
Focuses on the types of monitoring performed and the
accuracy of results. Provides state environmental
managers with recommendations for developing,
implementing, and maintaining successful volunteer
monitoring programs. (78 pp.)

A profile from the 1994 National Water Quality
Inventory Report to Congress. (2 pp.)

A profile from the 1996 National Water Quality
Inventory Report to Congress. (2 pp.)
                                                                                                  Page 33

Water Quality Monitoring in the United States:
1993 Report of the Intergovernmental Task Force
on Monitoring Water Quality
Water Quality Monitoring in the United States:
1993 Report of the Intergovernmental Task Force
on Monitoring Water Quality - Technical
Water Quality Protection Program for the Florida
Keys National Maine Sanctuary: First Biennial
Report to Congress 1995
Describes the progress of the Intergovernmental Task
Force on Monitoring Water Quality (ITFM) and its task
groups in developing concepts, guidelines, and
procedures for use in a nationwide monitoring strategy,
and focuses on the tools needed to implement a national
monitoring strategy. (29 pp.) Available only from the
U.S. Geological Survey, Office of Water Data
Coordination, 417 National Center, Reston, VA 22092.
Telephone: (703) 648-6023; FAX: (703) 648-6802.

Contains technical appendices on monitoring issues such
as the framework for a water quality monitoring program,
environmental indicators for meeting management
objectives; ecoregions, reference conditions, and index
calibration; and an annotated bibliography of selected
outstanding water quality reports. (104 pp.) Available
only from the U.S. Geological Survey, Office of Water
Data Coordination, 417 National Center, Reston, VA
22092. Telephone: (703) 648-5023; Fax: (703) 648-

Presents priority corrective actions and schedules for
addressing point and nonpoint sources of pollution in the
Sanctuary. (32 pp.)

All documents marked with a * in this section are only available from Virginia Fox-Norse,
(202) 260-8448. Mailing address: U.S. EPA, Oceans and Coastal Protection Division {4504F),
401M St., SW, Washington, D.C. 20460.
 *301(h) Permit Reissuance Guidance Document
for Small Dischargers
Identifies the regulatory requirements applicable to
reissuance of 301(h) modified permits held by small
dischargers, i.e., publicly-owned treatment works that
have contributing populations under 50,000 and average
dry weather flows of less than 5.0 million gallons per
day. Discusses assessments and data analyses that are
needed for small dischargers to satisfy applicable
regulatory requirements and methods by which regulatory
personnel may evaluate compliance with regulatory
requirements. (88 pp.)
   Page 34

 * Amended Section 301(h) Technical Support
 ^Analytical Methods for U.S. EPA Priority
Pollutants and 301'(h) Pesticides
in Estuarine and Marine Sediments

Assessing Human Health Risks from
Chemically Contaminated Fish: and
Shellfish: A Guidance Manual

 *Bioaccumulation Monitoring Guidance:
1) Estimating the Potential for Bioaccumulation of
Priority Pollutants and 301(h) Pesticides
Discharges into Marine and Estuarine Waters
*Bioaccumulation Monitoring Guidance:
2) Volume I. Selection of Target Species and
Review of Available Bioaccumulation Data
*Bioaccumulation Monitoring Guidance:
2) Volume II. Selection of Target Species and
Review of Available Bioaccumulation Data
EPA43 0-9-86-006
Provides municipal dischargers with technical guidance
on preparing applications for section 301(h) modified
permits and evaluating the effects of section 301(h)
discharges on water quality, in keeping with the'revisions
to EPA's section 301 (h) regulations (40 CFR Part 125,
Subpart G), promulgated on August 23,1994. Guidance is
also provided on assessments and data analyses that
applicants should perform to satisfy all of the section
301(h) regulatory requirements and on methods to
evaluate compliance with those regulatory requirements.

Describes analytical methods which allow for sensitive
analyses of the target compounds with a reasonable
amount of laboratory effort. Discusses the analysis of
extractable organic compounds, volatile organic
compounds, metals, and metaloids. (130 pp.)

Provides guidance for health risk assessment related to
chemically contaminated fisheries, based  on EPA
approaches. (140 pp.) Available only from NTIS (NTIS
# PB91-168369). Call (703)487-4650.
Provides an overview of important environmental,
biological, and chemical processes that affect
bioaccumulation of chemical contaminants in marine and
estuarine animals. Reviews predictive and empirical
approaches used to determine the bioaccumulation
potential of toxic chemicals. Describes a method for
ranking EPA priority pollutants and 301(h) pesticides in
terms of bioaccumulation potential. Provides guidance
for selection of pollutants to analyze in 301(h)
monitoring programs. (69 pp.)

Provides guidance for selecting target species for
bioaccumulation monitoring studies to be conducted as
part of the 301(h) sewage discharge program. Presents a
compilation, evaluation, and summary of recent data on
concentrations of priority pollutants in those species. (53

Contains appendices which provide details of the
compilation, evaluation, and summary of recent data on
concentrations of priority pollutants in selected target
species monitored for bioaccumulation. (350 pp.)
                                                                                                Page 35

*Bioaccumulation Monitoring Guidance:
3) Recommended Analytical Detection Limits
*Bioaccumulation Monitoring Guidance:
 4) Analytical Methods for U.S. EPA Priority
Pollutants and 301 (h) Pesticides in Tissues From
Estuarine & Marine Organisms

*Bioaccumulation Monitoring Guidance:
5) Strategies for Sample Replication and
Clean Water Act Section 403 Procedural and
Monitoring Guidance
 *Design of 301 (h) Monitoring Programs for
 Municipal Waste-water Discharges to Marine
 Waters EPA43 0-9-82-010

 ^Ecological Impacts of Sewage Discharges on
 Coral Reef Communities
Reviews the factors that influence target pollutant
detection units, and recommends minimum detection
limits for bioaccumulation studies. Serves as a
companion document to the recommended analytical
protocols in the Bioaccumulation Monitoring Guidance
series, although it is not designed to address specific
analytical protocols. (23 pp.)

Describes analytical methods which allow for sensitive
analyses of the target compounds with a reasonable
amount of laboratory effort. Discusses the analysis of
extractable organic compounds, volatile organic
compounds, metals, and metaloids. (105 pp.)

Evaluates the applicability of alternative sampling
strategies for bioaccumulation monitoring programs.
Presents a statistical approach for determining the levels
of difference in bioaccumulation that can be reliably
detected with varying levels of sampling effort. Also
presents example analyses from historical data to
demonstrate the effects of alternative sampling designs.
Uses the results of additional  analyses employing
simulation methods to provide a comparison of grab- and
composite-sampling strategies. (51 pp.)

Provides monitoring methods and approaches to use in
order to establish more consistency among Regions and
National Pollutant Discharge  Elimination System-
authorized states when conducting a section 403 Ocean
Discharge Criteria Evaluation in the permit review
process. Describes the procedural or decision making
aspects of the section 403 program and the criteria for
evaluating perceived potential impact. Also provides
summaries of analytical methods used to assess the
various physical, biological, and chemical parameters of
concern. (120 pgs.)

Provides guidance for designing monitoring programs
that meet regulatory requirements in 40 CFR 125.63 and
allow continuing assessment of the impact of less-than-
secondary discharges on the receiving water marine
environment. (135 pp.)

Synthesizes current information on the ecological impact
of sewage discharges on coral reefs. Addresses three
major components of sewage pollution: eutrophication
associated with high nutrient concentrations in discharged
wastewaters, sedimentation of suspended solids, and
toxic effects. (86 pp.)
   Page 36

 Environmental Indicators of Water Quality in the
 http ://ww w. epa/gov/O W/indic

 EPA  Water Quality Progress Reports/Water
 Quality Program Highlights

 *Evaluation of Survey Positioning Methods for
 Near shore Marine and Estuarine Waters
 *Frame~workfor 301(h) Monitoring Programs
 *Guidancefor Conducting Fish Liver
Histopathology Studies During 301 (h) Monitoring
Guidelines for Preparation of the Comprehensive
State Water Quality Assessments (305(b) Reports)
and Electronic Updates: Report Contents

Guidelines for Preparation of the Comprehensive
State Water Quality Assessments (305 (b) Reports)
and Electronic Updates: Supplement

Index of Watershed Indicators
 Introduces a core set of 18 national water environmental
 indicators. Establishes baseline information for tracking
 trends on water quality. Presents data gaps and
 improvements needed to make the indicators more
 reliable. (26 pp.)

 Documents EPA progress in improving water quality, and
 highlights monitoring and wasteload allocation activities.
 (Series of fact sheets)

 Identifies navigational systems for use in particular
 situations, based on operating characteristics and cost.
 Provides descriptions and assessments of available
 location finding techniques and equipment and provides
 assistance for  minimizing measurement error. (125 pp.)

 Provides guidance for publicly-owned treatment works
 on conducting monitoring programs to ensure compliance
 with 301(h) modified National Pollutant Discharge
 Elimination System (NPDES) permits. Describes how to
 design, implement, evaluate, and modify a 301(h)
 monitoring program. (44 pp.)

 Provides guidance for designing and conducting
 quantitative field surveys offish liver histopathology as
 part of 301 (h)  monitoring programs to assess potential
 impacts of permitted sewage discharges on marine biota.
 Discusses study design, field sampling, laboratory
 analysis, and data interpretation and analysis. Directed at
 non-pathologists, such as monitoring program reviewers,
 permit writers, permitters, and other organizations
 involved in nearshore monitoring studies. (166 pp.)

 Includes detailed guidance on making use of support
 determinations for aquatic life and clarification of other
 reporting requirements and shows the material to be
 included in the 305(b) report. (62 pp.)

 Provides guidance on the best monitoring and assessment
 processes to produce the information for 305(b) reports.
Combines 15 indicators of aquatic resource health to
characterize the condition and vulnerability of 2,111
watersheds in the U.S. Includes national maps of each
data layer and information concerning why the indicator
is important, and how to interpret the data. (56 pp.)
                                                                                                Page 37

^Initial Mixing Characteristics of Municipal
Ocean Discharges: Volume I. Procedures and

^Initial Mixing Characteristics of Municipal
Ocean Discharges: Volume II. Computer

Knowing Our Waters: Tribal Reporting Under
Section 305(b)

Linking Estuarine Water Quality and Impacts on
Living Resources: Shrinking Striped Bass Habitat
in Chesapeake Bay andAlbemarle Sound
 Monitoring Guidance for Determining the
 Effectiveness qfNonpoint Source Controls

 Monitoring Guidance for the National Estuary
 Program - Final

 Monitoring Lake and Reservoir Restoration:
 Technical Supplement to the Lake and Restoration
 Guidance Manual
Describes the behavior of wastewater plumes. Contains
analytical solutions and descriptions of five mathematical
models that provide the initial diluton and rise-heights of
the plume for a variety of discharge, diffusere and
receiving water characteristics.

Describes the universal data file and complete program
listings of five mathematical models that provide flux-
average dilution and rise-height of a wastewater plume
discharged into watees of greater density.

Guidance for first time tribes that choose to report on
water quality through the 305(b) process. (17 pp.)
Seeks to develop strategies and priorities for stopping
habitat degradation and restoring lost habitats in estuaries
through identification of critical zones for maintaining
living resources. Presents a summary of initial results of a
study to link water quality and critical zones for striped
bass in Chesapeake Bay and Albemarle Sound, North
Carolina. Analyses and conclusions are tentative and are
subject to revision. (39 pp.)

Provides details guidance on developing nonpoint source
monitoring plans, biological monitoring, data analysis
and reporting. (236 pp.)

Provides the National Estuary Program with guidance on
how to design, implement, and evaluate a monitoring
program. This document is of use to all coastal and
marine managers with monitoring responsibilities. (355
Explains how to design and implement a lake monitoring
program during and following a lake restoration project.
Describes monitoring methods for both the waterbed and
the watershed. Provides recommendations for consistent
monitoring methods and quality assurance procedures to
assist lake managers and researchers. Includes a U.S.
Geological Survey map illustrating the average annual
runoff in the United States. (130 pp.)
    Page 38

 *Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)for
 301 (h) Monitoring Programs; Guidance on Field
 and Laboratory Methods
 Quantitative Techniques for the Assessment of
 Lake Quality
Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams
and Rivers: Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Fish
 ^Recommended Biological Indices for 301 (h)
Monitoring Programs
*Report on the Implementation of Section 301 (h)
EPA43 0-9-84-007
*Revised Section 301 (h) Technical Support
EPA43 0-9-82-011
 Provides the framework for making informed decisions
 with respect to the field and laboratory methods used
 when monitoring the effects of sewage discharge on
 marine and estuarine ecosystems. Ensures that samples
 are collected, processed, stored, shipped, and analyzed
 using acceptable and standardized procedures, that the
 quality of generated data is documented adequately, that
 results are reported completely and correctly, and that
 security of samples and data is maintained at all times.
 (281 pp.)

 Covers data analysis and sampling design, models, and
 lake classification in reference to phosphorus loadings in
 lakes. (146 pgs.) Available only through the Clean
 Lakes Program, (202) 260-5404. Mailing address: U.S.
 EPA, Clean Lakes Program (4503F), 401 M St., SW,
 Washington, D.C. 20460.

 Serves as a reference to help states conduct biological
 assessments of biotic systems. Presents three
 macroinvertebrate and two fish protocols. (162 pp.) Only
 available from OKD Publications Office (CERI), (513)
 5697562. Mailing address:  U.S. EPA, CERI, 26 West
 Martin Luther King Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45268-1072.

 Recommends indices that should be used in the
 interpretation of 301 (h) biological monitoring data.
 Indices recommended were judged on biological
 meaning, ease of interpretation, and  sensitivity to
 community changes caused by pollutant impacts. (17 pp )

 Summarizes EPA program activities and
 accomplishments in implementing section 301(h) of the
 Clean Water Act from 1978 to mid-1984. Discusses the
 technical findings resulting from a review of the 1979
 301(h) applications from the 25 largest dischargers. Also
 presents recommendations for future 301(h) efforts. (79

 Provides technical support for the major changes made in
 the section 301(h) regulations since 1979. Offers
 technical explanations of the assessments required to
 obtain a 301(h) modified discharge permit and guidance
 for completion of the application questionnaires for small
 and large dischargers. All information is advisory only.
 (Superseded by the Amended Section 301 (h) Technical
Support Document (EPA842-B-94-QQ7) (241 pp.)
                                                                                              Page 39

* Simplified Deposition Calculation (DECAL)for
Organic Accumulation Near Marine Outfall
Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Lake Water
Quality Trends
^Summary of U.S. EPA—Approved
Methods, Standard Methods, and Other
Guidance for 301(h) Monitoring Variables
 Watershed Monitoring and Reporting for
 Section 319 National Monitoring
 Program Projects
DECAL is a simple model for predicting particle
deposition and accumulation of organic material in
sediments near municipal ocean outfall.  The model has
been formulated on the basis of coastal transport, particle
transport, organic carbon cycles, and includes the effects
of coagulation and settling of effluent particles and
natural organic material.

This manual and the accompanying software in the SAS
system presents nonparametric statistical methods for
trend assessment in water quality, with an emphasis on
lakes. The purpose of the manual and software is to
furnish lake program managers with guidance on the
application and interpretation of methods for the
detection of trends in lake water quality.  (107 pp.)

Provides a discussion of available methods to collect
thirty-two biological, sediment, and water quality
variables included in 301(h) monitoring programs to
evaluate the impact of modified discharges on marine
biota, demonstrate compliance with applicable water
quality standards, and
measure toxic substances in the discharge. (17 pp.)

Outlines state monitoring and reporting requirements for
watershed projects funded under section  319 of the Clean
Water Act. Reviews selection criteria for National
Monitoring Program Projects. Describes four information
files used in reporting: section 305(b) Waterbody System,
Management File, Monitoring Plan File, and Annual
Report File. Also includes the data input and reporting
software package, Nonpoint Source Management System,
Version 3.0, and hard copy report forms. (90 pp.)
   Page 40

Five Bulletins are available through OWOW. If you would like to subscribe to any of these bulletins, please
complete the order form on page 41 and send it to the address indicated.

Coastlines                                        Disseminates information about estuaries and near
Bimonthly                                        coastal waters. Produced by the Alliance for the
                                                  Chesapeake Bay.
Explores issues dealing with the condition of the
environment and control of nonpoint sources of water
pollution. Includes contacts for more information on the
subjects covered, a calendar of meetings and events, and
calls for papers. Written for state and local water quality
managers, other interested public officials, environmental
groups, private industry, citizens, and academics.
Swamp Things
Periodic update focusing on recent activities in which
EPA's Wetlands Division has been involved.
Volunteer Monitor
Includes articles for and by volunteer water monitors on
volunteer methods, organizational and planning issues,
resources for volunteers, current activities, and progress.
Supported by EPA and co-edited by volunteer monitoring
The Water Monitor
Highlights monitoring activities in the states and
Regions, summarizes and announces meetings and
publications, and provides updates on innovative research
and program developments. Allows surface water
monitoring staff in the states, EPA Regions, and EPA
Headquarters to exchange information on their programs
and activities.
Watershed Events
Updates EPA offices and other interested parties on
progress in the development and use of watershed
protection approaches for improving the environmental
quality of aquatic ecosystems.
                                                                                                Page 41


  Office of Wetlands, Oceans & Watersheds
         EPA Office of Wetlands,
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                                                                                  Page 47




                 Wetlands Information Hotline
        The EPA Wetlands Information Hotline is a contractor-operated, toll-free telephone
service and e-mail correspondent. The Hotline is staffed by Information Specialists who are
trained and experienced in answering requests for information about wetlands regulations,
legislation and policy pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, wetlands values and
functions, and wetlands agricultural issues. They maintain a high degree of current
regulatory, programmatic and policy knowledge. The Information Specialists provide
in-depth, EPA-approved information, documents, and referrals addressing federal and state
regulatory programs, wetlands science, and educational outreach. They can also respond to
specialized research requests using the Hotline's extensive reference library as well as other
pertinent sources, including the Internet. An extensive list of contacts at regulatory agencies
and other organizations is maintained to provide the most appropriate and accurate referrals.

      The wetlands documents listed in this catalog will be mailed to requestors, as long as
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            Hours of Operation:

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              (703) 748-1304 or (703) 704-1305
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