United StctM
Office of Water
OctoMf 1992
Storm Water Management
For Constmatlon Activities

Pollution Prevention Plans
And Best Management
                        * 1 9 9 2
                        THE YEAR OF
                        CLEAN WATER

This booklet provides summary  guidance on the development  of  storm  water pollution
prevention plans and identification of appropriate Best Management Practices (BMPs) for for
construction activities. It provides technical assistance and support for construction activities
subject to pollution prevention requirements established under National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permits for storm water point source discharges.

EPA's storm water program significantly expands the scope and  application of the existing
NPOES  permit  system for  municipal and industrial process wastewater  discharges.  It
emphasizes pollution prevention and reflects a heavy reliance on  BMPs to reduce pollutant
loadings and improve water quality. This booklet provides summary guidance in both of these

The document summarized here was issued in support of EPA regulations and  policy initiatives
involving the development and implementation of a National storm water program.  The
document is Agency guidance only. It does not establish or affect legal rights or obligations.
Agency decisions in any particular case will be made applying the laws and regulations on the
basis of specific facts when permits are issued or regulations promulgated.

The document and this booklet will be revised and expanded periodically to reflect additional
pollution  prevention information and data on treatment effectiveness of BMPs.  Comments
from users  will be welcomed.   Send  comments  to U.S. EPA,  Office  of Wastewater
Enforcement  and Compliance,  401  M  Street,  SW, Mail Code EN-336, Washington, DC

                      Construction Guidance Executive Summary

                                  Table of Contents

Overview of Pollution Prevention Plan Requirements  	  1
Figure - Six Phases for Developing and Implementing
Construction Storm Water Pollution Preventions Plans	2

Site Evaluation and Design Development Phase	3
(A)  Collecting Site Information  	3
(B)   Develop Site Plan Design	  3
(C)  Describe Construction Activity	4
(D)  Prepare Pollution Prevention Site Map	4

Assessment Phase	 .  5
(At  Measure the Site Area  	  5
(B)   Determine the Drainage Areas  	  5
(C)  Calculate the Runoff Coefficient	  5
Table 1. Typical "C" Values	  6

Control Selection/Plan Design Phase	7
(A)  Review and Incorporate State and Local Requirements  	7
(8)  Select Erosion and Sediment Controls	7
(C)  Select Other Controls  	  8
(D)  Select Storm Water Management Controls	9
(E)   Indicate the Location  of Controls on the Site Map	9
(F)   Prepare an Inspection and Maintenance Plan  	9
(G)  Prepare a Description of Controls  	  10
(H)  Prepare a Sequence of Major Activities	  10

Certification and Notification Phase  	  11
(A)  Certify the Pollution Prevention Plan	  11
(B)  Submit a Notice of Intent	  11

Construction/Implementation Phase	  13
  Implement Controls	  13
(B)  Inspect and Maintain  Controls  	  13
(C)  Maintain Records of Construction Activities	  14
(D)  Update/Change the Ran  	  14
(E)  Report Releases of Reportable Quantities	14
(F)   Provide for Plan Location and Access 	  14

Final Stabilization/Termination Phase  	  16

                      Construction Guidance Executive Summary

                            Table of Contents {Continued)


Other References	  17

Construction General Permit Requirements Preconstruction Checklist	18
Construction/Implementation Checklist	  19
Final Stabilization/Termination Checklist	20
Erosion and Sediment Control Selection Checklist  	21

Model Plan  	  22


Storm water runoff is part of the natural hydrologic cycle.  However, human activities, particularly
urbanization can alter natural drainage patterns and add pollutants to the rainwater and snowmelt that run
off the earth's surface and enter our Nation's rivers, lakes, streams, and coastal waters.  In fact, recent
studies have shown that storm water runoff is a major source of pollutants  impairing our sport and
commercial fisheries, restricting swimming, and affecting the navigability of many of our Nation's waters.

Recognizing the importance of this problem,  Congress directed the U.S.  Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) to develop a Federal program under the Clean  Water Act to regulate certain high priority storm water
sources.  The issuance of storm water discharge permits under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System  INPQES) is a major part of the Agency's efforts to restore and maintain the Nation's water quality.
Discharges of storm water runoff from construction  sites which disturb 5 or more acres of  land must now
be covered by an NPDES permit.  To deal with the thousands of construction projects which are now
required to be covered by storm water permits, EPA strongly encourages the use of general permits.
Under the NPDES program, a general permit authorizes discharges from a number of sources.  To
specifically address storm water discharges from construction sites located  in the States and territories
that have not been delegated NPDES permitting authority, EPA issued NPDES General Permits  for Storm
Water Discharges from Construction Sites in the September 9 and September 25, 1 992, Federal Register.
(A complete list of these States and territories to which EPA's permits apply may be found  on  page 17 of
this document.)

The purpose of this document is to describe the steps which must be completed in order for a  construction
site to comply with the pollution prevention  plan requirements contained in  EPA's general permits.  A
detailed manual on how to develop and implement your pollution prevention plan is available from the
National Technical Information Service (NTIS). The manual, titled Storm Water Management for
Construction Activities: Developing Pollution Prevention Plans and Best  Management Practices, provides
much more specific information than this brief guide. Instructions for ordering the detailed  manual and a
listing of other references that you may find useful can be found on page 1 7 of this guide.  It is important
to note that permit requirements will vary from State to State and permit to permit; therefore,  you should
read your permit carefully.


Under the NPDES Genera/ Permits for Storm Water Discharges From Construction Sites, EPA requires the
development and implementation of a pollution prevention plan.  A pollution prevention plan for
construction is designed to reduce pollution  at the construction site, before it can cause environmental
problems.  Many of the practices and measures required for the pollution prevention  plan represent
standard operating procedure at many construction sites.  Storm water management controls,  erosion and
sediment controls, inspection and maintenance have all been used at a number of construction projects.

This guide is organized according to the phases of the pollution prevention planning and implementation
process.  A set of checklists and a model plan at the end of the document are provided to further clarify
requirements.  As shown  on the chart on the following page, pollution prevention planning  requirements
have been organized to provide you with a step-by-step process for ensuring that pollutants are not making
their way into the storm water discharges from your site. The six major phases of the process are (1) site
evaluation and design development, (2) assessment,  (3) control selection and plan design,  (4) certification
and notification,  (5) construction/implementation, and (6) final stabilization/termination. In  addition, all
permit holders must meet a number of general requirements.
October 1992                                                                              P»9*

                                • Collect site information
                                * Develop sitt plan design
                                • Prepare pollution prevention site map
                                   • Measure the site area
                                   • Determine the drainage areas
                                   • Calculate the runoff coefficient
                                CONTROL SELECTION/PLAN DESIGN
                           • Review and incorporate State or local requirements
                           • Select erosion and sediment controls
                           • Select other controls
                           • Select storm water management controls
                           • Indicate the location of controls on the site map
                           • Prepare an inspection and maintenance plan
                           • Coordinate controls with construction activity
                           • Prepare sequence of major activities

                                CERTIFICATION AND NOTIFICATION
                                   • Certify the plan
                                   • Submit Notice of Intent
                                   • Ran location and public access
                                • Implement controls
                                • Inspect and maintain controls
                                • Update/change the plan
                                • Report releases of reportable quantities

                                FINAL STABILIZATION/TERMINATION
                                       • Final stabilization
                                       • Notice of Termination
                                       • Record retention
                              WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLANS
October 1992
Ptg« 2

                                       SITE EVALUATION AND
                                    DESIGN DEVELOPMENT  PHASE
  The first phase in a preparing a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for a construction project is to
  define the characteristics of the site and the type of construction that will be occurring. This phase is
  broken down into four requirements:  (A) collect site information, IB) develop site design, (C) describe
  construction activity, and ID) prepare pollution prevention site map.
(A)  Collect Site Information

Prior to design, it is necessary to collect information about the existing conditions at the construction site.
The EPA General Permits require that the Pollution Prevention Plan include the following information:

     •  Existing soils information—Where information exists which describes the soils at the construction
        site,  this data must be included in the pollution prevention plan.  Soils data may include soil type,
        depth of the soil layer, soil texture,  infiltration  (percolation rate), or whether the soils are
        susceptible to erosion.  Sources of soils information could include soil borings or other
        geotechnical investigations.  Soil Conservation Service (SCSI soil surveys may also be used, and
        SCS  surveys typically indicate whether a soil is erodible.

     •  Existing runoff water quality—If storm water runoff from the proposed construction site has been
        sampled and analyzed for the presence of any  pollutant (e.g., total suspended solids), then the
        results of the analyses must be included in the pollution prevention plan. In most cases, existing
        runoff water quality data are not available for a specific site, particularly an undeveloped site.
        However, if the construction site is on or adjacent to an existing industrial facility, that facility may
        have collected runoff water  quality  data to satisfy another permit.  If there  are no existing data on
        the quality of runoff from the site,  then it is not necessary to collect or analyze storm water
        samples for the Construction General Permit. Runoff water quality data may sometimes be
        available from your State or local government, e.g., the local municipal separate storm sewer
        authority. You may also be able to obtain runoff  water quality information  from the U.S.
        Geological Survey  IUSGS), State, or local watershed protection agencies.

     •  Location of surface waters on the construction site—If the construction site includes or is adjacent
        to surface waters then the location and extent of the surface waters must be determined so that
        they  may be indicated on the pollution prevention site map. Surface waters include lakes, rivers,
        streams (both perennial and intermittent), and wetlands.

     •  Name of receiving  water—Identify  the name and location of the body of water, e.g., stream,
        creek, run, wetland, river, lake, bay, ocean, that will receive the runoff from the construction site.
        If the receiving water is a tributary include  the name of the ultimate receiving body of water if
        possible.  If the site drains into a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System, identify the system  and
        indicate the receiving  water to which the system  discharges. This information is usually available
        from county.  State, or USGS maps.

(B)  Develop Site Plan  Design

Once the information  on the existing site conditions is collected, it is possible  to develop a site plan design.
In addition to the goals and objectives for the facilities  being constructed, the  designers should also
consider objectives which will limit the amount of pollution in storm water runoff from the construction
site, such as:

October 1992                                                                                  P*9* 3

     •  Disturb tne smallest area possible.

     •  Avoid disturbance of sensitive areas such as:
        •   Steep  and/or unstable slopes
        •   Surface waters, including wetlands
        -   Areas  with soils susceptible to erosion
        •   Existing drainage channels.

     •  Identify areas to oe preserved or left as open space.

(C)  Describe Construction Activity

In preparing your plan, you must (1) describe the purpose or goal of the construction project (e.g., a single
family residential  development, a multistory office building, or a highway interchange) and (2) list the soil
disturbing activities necessary to complete the  project. (Soil disturbing activities might include clearing,
excavation and stockpiling, rough grading, final or finish grading,  preparation for seeding or  planting,
excavation of trenches,  demolition, etc.).

(O)  Prepare Pollution Prevention Site Map

The final step of the site evaluation and design development phase is to combine the information collected
into a comprehensive pollution prevention site map.  The starting point for the pollution prevention site
map should be the site plan prepared for the construction design.  The map for the construction site should
be drawn to scale with topography.  The scale  of the map should be small enough so that you can easily
distinguish important features such as drainage swales and control measures that will be added later.  In
addition to the location of surface waters,  the following information must be included on the site map:

     •  Slopes after grading—Indicate what the location and steepness of slopes will be after grading.

     •  Disturbed areas-Indicate the areas of  soil disturbing activities or the total area of the site where
        soil will be disturbed.  Also draw  an outline of areas that will not  be disturbed.

     •  Drainage patterns/discharge points-Indicate the drainage patterns of the site after  the major
        grading activities and the location of the points where storm water  will discharge from the site.

        •   To illustrate the drainage pattern of  the site, use topographic contour lines or arrows to indicate
           the direction runoff will flow.

        -   Show  the location  of swales or channels.  If there is a new or  proposed underground storm
           drain system on the site, this should be indicated on the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
           site map  as well.
October 1992                                                                                  P»gt

                                        ASSESSMENT PHASE
  Once the characteristics of the site and the construction have been defined, the next phase in
  developing a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan is to measure the size of the land disturbance and
  estimate the impact the project will have on storm water runoff from the site based on information
  collected m Phase 1.  Three things should  be done to assess the project:  (At measure the site area, IB)
  measure the drainage areas, and (C) calculate the runoff coefficient.
(A)  Measure the Site Area

The General Permit requires that you indicate in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan estimates of the
total site area and the area that will be disturbed. The total sit* area estimate must represent the size of
the parcel of property or right of way on which the construction is occurring.  The disturbed area estimate
must represent the portion of the total site area which will be disturbed over the course of the construction
project.  These values can be measured from the pollution prevention site map which is drawn to scale.

(B)  Determine the Drainage Areas

Although the size of each  drainage area for each point where  concentrated flow will leave the site is not
required to be included in the pollution prevention plan, this information will help you select and  design the
sediment control and storm water management measures for  your project in the next phase of the plan.
Drainage areas are portions of the site where runoff will flow  in one particular direction or to a particular
discharge point.  Use the drainage patterns indicated on the site map to determine the drainage areas.

(C)  Calculate the Runoff Coefficient

The General Permit requires that you estimate the runoff coefficient  of the site after construction is
complete.  The runoff coefficient is  an estimate of the fraction of total rainfall that will appear as runoff
For example, the  "c* value of lawn  area is 0.2, which indicates that only 20 percent of the water that falls
on grassed areas  will end up as surface runoff. In contrast, the "c"  value of a paved area can be 0.9 or
higher, indicating that 90 percent of the rain falling on this type of surface will run off.  Runoff coefficients
for sites with more than one land us* are estimated by calculating a weighted average (based upon area) of
the runoff coefficients for each land use. Table  1 lists runoff  coefficients for various land uses.
Octobw  1992                                                                                 P«9» 5

                       TABLE 1.  TYPICAL "C" VALUES (ASCE 1960)
Description of Area
Downtown Areas
Neighborhood Areas
Single-family areas
Multiunits, detached
Multiunits. attached
Residential (suburban)
Apartment dwelling areas
Light Areas
Heavy areas
Parks, cemeteries
Railroad yard areas
Unimproved areas
Drives and walks
Lawns • course textured soil (greater than 85% sand)
Slope: Flat, 2%
Average), 2-7%
Steep, 7%
Lawns • fine) textured soil (greater than 40% clay)
Slope: Rat. 2%
Average), 2-7%
Steep, 7%
Runoff Coefficients
October 1992

                                     CONTROL SELECTION/PLAN
                                           DESIGN PHASE
  After you have collected the information and made measurements, the next phase is to design a plan to
  prevent and control pollution of storm water runoff from your construction site.  To complete the Storm
  Water Pollution Prevention Plan, (A) review and incorporate State  and local requirements, IB) select
  erosion and sediment controls, (C) select other controls, ID) select storm water management controls.
  (E) indicate the location of controls m the site map, (F) prepare an inspection and maintenance plan, (G)
  prepare a description  of controls, and {HI prepare a sequence of major activities.  The following
  subsections explain how the controls you select  should be described in the Storm Water Pollution
  Prevention Plan.
(A)  Raview and Incorporate State and Local Requirements

If the construction site is located in a State or municipality which implements its own separate storm water
management or erosion and sediment control programs, then the pollution prevention plan prepared for
compliance with EPA's NPOES General Permit must also comply with the State or local requirements.
Therefore, prior to designing the pollution prevention plan, you must first determine what requirements, if
any,  exist for sediment and erosion site plans, site permits or storm water management site plans, or site
permits.  Where these requirements do exist, then they must be carefully reviewed and incorporated into
the plan design.

Consideration of State  and local requirements in the plan design phase is necessary because the permit
requires that the permittee provide a certification that the  pollution prevention plan reflects the
requirements applicable to protecting surface water resources in sediment and erosion sitt plans or
permits, or storm water management site plans or site permits approved by State or local officials.

(8)  Select Erosion  and Sediment Controls

The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan must include a description of the measures to be used for
erosion and  sediment controls throughout the construction project.  These controls include stabilization
measures for disturbed areas and structural controls to divert runoff and remove sediment.  Erosion and
sediment controls are implemented during the construction period to prevent and/or control the loss of soil
from the construction  site into the receiving waters.  Your selection of the most appropriate erosion and
sediment controls depends on a number of factors, but is most  dependent on site conditions.  The
information collected in the site evaluation,  design and assessment phases is used to select controls.
Some controls are discussed below:

     •  Stabilization-Under the EPA's General Permit disturbed areas of the construction site that will not
        be redisturbed for 21 days or more must be stabilized by the 14th day after the last disturbance.
        Stabilization measures include the following:

        - Temporary seeding-Temporary seeding is the  planting of fast-growing grasses to hold down
          the soils in disturbed areas so that they are less apt  to be carried offsite by storm water runoff
          or wind.

        - Permanent  seeding—Permanent seeding is the use of permanent vegetation (grass, trees, or
          shrubs) to stabilize the soil by holding soil particles in place.

        - Mulching-Mulching is the placement  of material such as hay, grass, woodchips, straw, or
          gravel on the soil surface to cover and hold in place  disturbed soils.  (Mulching often
          accompanies seeding.)

October  1992

The EPA General Permit requires that trie pollution prevention plan include structural practices to divert
flows away from disturbed areas, to store flows, or to limit the discharge of pollutants from the site.  The
following is a list of some of the practices which may be used.

     •  Structural  control measures

        -  Earth Dike —An earth dike is a mound of stabilized soil which is constructed to divert runoff.
           Earth dikes  may be used to either divert uncontaminated  runoff away from disturbed areas or to
           divert contaminated runoff into a sediment basin or sediment trap.

        -  Silt fence—A  silt fence is a temporary  measure consisting of posts with filter fabric stretched
           across the posts and sometimes with a wire support fence.  The fence is installed along the
           downslope or sideslope perimeter of a  disturbed area. Runoff passes through the openings in
           the fabric, while sediment is trapped on the uphill side.

        -  Sediment trap —A sediment trap is formed by excavating a pond or by placing an earthen
           embankment across a low area or drainage swale.  It has an outlet or spillway made of large
           stones or aggregate.  The trap retains the runoff long enough to allow the silt to settle out.

        -  Sediment basin—A sediment basin is a  settling pond with a controlled water release structure,
           e.g., a riser and pipe outlet with a gravel filter,  which slows the release of runoff.  The basin
           detains sediment-laden runoff from larger drainage areas  long enough for most of the sediment
           to settle out.

The EPA General Permit requires that, where it is  attainable, a temporary or permanent sediment basin be
installed m any drainage  location where more than 10 acres in the upstream drainage area are disturbed at
one time. The sediment  basin must provide at least  3,600 cubic feet of storage for every  acre of land
which it drains (flows from upland areas that are undisturbed may be diverted around the basin!. For
drainage locations  with 10 or fewer disturbed acres, sediment traps, filter fences, or equivalent measures
must be installed along the downhill boundary of the construction site.

(C)  Select Other Controls

In addition to erosion and sediment controls, the Pollution Prevention Plan for your project must address
the other potential pollutant sources that may exist on a construction sit*.  These controls include proper
disposal of construction site wast* disposal, compliance with applicable State or local waste disposal,
sanitary sewer or septic  system regulations, control of offsite vehicle tracking,  and control of allowable
non-storm  water discharges,  as explained in the following bullets:

     •  Ensure proper disposal of construction site waste materials.

     •  Treat or dispose of sanitary wastes that are generated onsita in accordance with Stats or local
        requirements.  Contact the local government or Stats regulatory  agency.

     •  Prevent offsite tracking of sediments and generation  of dust.  Stabilized construction entrances or
        vehicle washing  racks should be installed at locations where vehicles leave the site.  Where dust
        may be a problem, implement dust control measures such as irrigation.

     •  Identify and prevent contamination of non-storm water discharges. Where non-storm water
        discharges allowed by the General Permit exist, they must be identified and steps  must be taken to
         prevent contamination of these discharges.
Octobtr 1992                                                                                 ?«?• 8

(D)  Select Storm Water Management Controls

Storm water management controls are constructed to prevent or control pollution of storm water after the
construction is completed.  The General Permit requires that the pollution prevention plan include a
description of the measures that wilt be installed to control pollutants in storm water after construction is
complete.  For sites m which the development results in runoff flows that are higher than pre-construction
levels, the pollution prevention plan must include a technical explanation of why a particular storm water
management measure was selected.  These controls include, but are not limited to, one or more of the

     •  Retention pond —A pond that holds runoff in a reservoir without release except by means of
        evaporation, infiltration, or emergency bypass.

     •  Detention pond —A pond that holds or detains runoff in a basin for  a limited time releasing it slowly
        to allow most of the sediments to drop out.

     •  Infiltration measures-Measures that allow the percolation of water though the ground surface into
        subsurface  soil.   Specific measures include infiltration trenches, basins, and dry wells.

     •  Vegetated swales and natural depressions—Grass-linnd ditches or depressions that transport
        runoff, filter sediments from the runoff,  and enhance infiltration of  the runoff.

Selection of the most appropriate storm water management measures depends upon a number of factors
associated with site conditions. EPA expects that most sites can employ measures to remove 80 percent
of the total suspended solids from post-construction runoff. When you select storm water management
measures for a development project, consider the impacts of these measures on other environmental media
(e.g., land,  air, and ground water).

In addition to pollutant removal, the storm water management portion of the plan  must address velocity
dissipation at discharge locations.  Development usually means an increase in speed with which the site
will drain because of the addition of paved areas, storm sewers, curbs, gutters, etc. The General Permit
requires that velocity dissipation devices be placed  along the length of any outfall  where the discharge
from the developed  area may erode the channel.  The potential for erosion is primarily  dependent upon the
velocity of the storm water discharge and the type  of material that lines the channel.  One velocity
dissipation device is riprap outlet protection, which is stone or riprap placed at the discharge point to
reduce the speed of concentrated storm water flows.

(E) Indicate the  Location of Controls on the Site  Map

Pollution prevention measures  must be  shown on the pollution prevention site map, including the location
of each  measure used for erosion and sediment control, storm water management, and other controls.
When this has been done, the  site map is ready  to be included in the Pollution Prevention Plan.  Note:  It
may not be feasible to indicate some controls on the site map, e.g., waste control measures.

(F) Prepare an Inspection and Maintenance Plan

After the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan  is prepared and the necessary controls are installed*, you
will be responsible for inspecting and maintaining them. The General Permit requires that you prepare a
description of the procedures to maintain the pollution prevention measures onsite. An inspection and
maintenance checklist for each of the control measures proposed for the construction  site should be
included in  the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan prior to starting  construction.
October 1992

(G)  Prepare a Description of Controls

Once you have finished planning your construction activities and selected the controls, make a list of each
type of control you plan to use on the site.  Include a description of each control, describe its purpose, and
explain why it is appropriate in this location.  The description should also include specific information about
the control such as size, required materials,  and methods of installation/use.  Read your permit carefully to
ensure that your plan includes all of the required controls.

(H)  Prepare a Sequence of  Major Activities

You must prepare  a sequence of major activities that includes the installation of all the controls, earth
disturbing activities, all stabilization activities, and the maintenance required for the controls. The
sequence should clearly indicate the order in which each of the activities described takes place. Several
general principles are helpful  in developing the sequence of major activities:

     •  Install downslope and sideslope perimeter controls before the land disturbing activity occurs.

     •  Do not disturb an area until it is necessary for construction to proceed.

     •  Cover or stabilize disturbed areas as soon as possible.

     •  Time construction activities to limit impact from seasonal climate changes or weather events.

     •  Delay construction of infiltration measures until the end of the construction project when upstream
        drainage areas have been stabilized.

     •  Do not remove temporary perimeter controls until  after all upstream areas are finally stabilized.
October 1992                                                                                 toff*  10

                                         CERTIFICATION AND
                                        NOTIFICATION  PHASE
  Once the site description and controls portion of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan have been
  prepared. YOU now must  (A) certify the pollution prevention plan and (B) submit a Notice of Intent to
  the appropriate agency  The checklist provided at the end of this document will be very useful in
  evaluating whether all the required items are included in your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
  prior to certifying the plan or submitting a Notice of Intent.
(A)  Certify  the Pollution Prevention Plan

Once a pollution prevention plan is prepared, the EPA General Permit requires that the plan be certified.
The plan should identify an Authorized representative for each operator to sign the plan. The authorized
representative must be someone at or near the top of the management chain, such as the president, vice
president, or a general partner,  who has been delegated the authority to sign and certify this type of
document.  In signing the plan,  the authorized representative certifies that the information is true and
assumes liability for the plan. Note that Section 309 of the Clean Water Act provides for significant
penalties where  information is false or the permittee violates,  either knowingly or negligently,  permit

In addition to the party or parties considered to  be operators, construction activities often have a number
of different short-term contractors and subcontractors coming onsite during each phase of trie project
development.  The EPA General Permit requires  that the contractors and subcontractors responsible for
implementing measures in the Pollution Prevention Plan be listed in the plan with the measures for which
they are responsible and that they sign a certification statement that they understand the permit

(B)  Submit  a Notice  of  Intent

The General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity from Construction
Activities  requires that you submit a Notice of Intent (NOD at least 2 days before construction activities
begin.  The NOI is essentially an application and contains important information  about your site, including
site location, owner information, operator (general contractor) information, receiving water(s), existing
NPDES Permit Number (if any),  an indication of existing quantitative data, and a brief description of the

EPA  has developed a one-page  form to be used  by industrial facilities and construction activities when they
submit NOls.  This form indicates all the information that you  are required to provide and must be used in
order for the NOI to be processed correctly. NOls for the EPA General Permit will  be submitted directly to
EPA's central  processing center at the following address:
                                     Storm Water Notice of Intent
                                     P.O. Box 1215
                                     Newington,  VA 22122
Each party or each of the parties who have day-to-day responsibilities for site operations, and each party or
each of the parties who have control over the designs and specifications necessary to ensure compliance
with plan requirements and permit conditions, must submit an NOI.  It is anticipated that there will be
projects where  more than one entity (e.g., the owner, developer, or general contractor) will need to submit

         1992                                                                                Ptg» 11

an NO) so that both of the requirements for an operator are met.  In this case, those persons will become

     Deadlines —There are different deadlines for submitting NOls depending on whether the construction
     starts before or after October 1, 1992.

     •  Before October 1. 1992-For construction activities that have started before October  1, 1992,
        and plan to continue beyond this date, the NOI must be submitted on or before October 1, 1992.

     •  After October 1,  1992-if construction will not begin until after October  1, 1992, an NOI must be
        postmarked at least 2 days before construction begins.

     •  The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan must be completed prior to the submittal of an NOI.
 Oetobtr 1992                                                                             Pig* 12

                                      IMPLEMENTATION  PHASE
  Once you have prepared a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and filed a Notice of Intent, you may
  start construction of the project as early as 2 days after the NOI is postmarked.  However, you have
  not vet met all requirements of your permit. You must now do the things that you said you would do
  m the  Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan:  (A) implement the controls, (Bl inspect and maintain the
  controls, (C) maintain records of construction activities, (0) update/change the plan to keep it current,
  (E) take proper action when there is a reportable quantity spill, and (F) have plans accessible.
(A)  Implement Controls

The first action that should be taken is to construct or perform the controls that were selected for the
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. The controls should be constructed or applied in accordance with
State or local specifications.  If there are no State or local specifications for control measures, then the
controls should be constructed in accordance  with good engineering practices.  The controls must be
constructed in the order indicated in the sequence of major activities. Stabilization measures must be
applied  within the timeframe specified in the permit.

To ensure that controls are adequately implemented, it is important that the work crews who install the
measures are experienced and/or adequately trained.  Improperly installed controls can have little or no
effect and may actually increase the pollution of storm water.  It is also important that all other workers on
the construction site be made aware of the controls so that they do not inadvertently disturb or remove

(B)  Inspect and Maintain Controls

As discussed previously,  inspection and maintenance of  the protective measures that are part of this plan
are as important to pollution prevention as proper planning, design/selection, and installation.

     •  Inspection—The  EPA General  Permit requires inspection every 7 days or within 24 hours of a
        storm of 0.5 inches or more in depth.  All disturbed areas of the site, area* for material storage,
        locations where vehicles enter or exit the site, and all of the erosion and sediment controls that
        were identified as part of the  plan must be inspected.  Controls must be in good operating
        condition until the area they protect has been completely stabilized and the construction activity is

     •  Maintenance/repair*—The  inspector must record any damages or deficiencies in the control
        measure* on an inspection report form provided for this purpose.  These reports document the
        inspection of the pollution prevention measures. These same forms can be used to request
        maintenance and repair and to prove that inspection and maintenance were performed. The
        operator should correct damage or deficiencies as soon as practicable after the inspection but in no
        case later than 7 days after the inspection. Any changes that may be required to correct
        deficiencies in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan should also be made as soon as
        practicable after  the inspection but in no case  later  than 7 days after the inspection.
October  1992                                                                               P»g9 13

(C)  Maintain Records of Construction Activities

In addition to the inspection and maintenance reports, the operator should keep records of the construction
activity on the site.  In particular,  the operator should keep a record of the following information:

     • The dates when major grading activities occur m a particular area.

     • The dates when construction activities cease in an area, temporarily or permanently.

     • The dates when an area is stabilized, temporarily or permanently.

These records can be  used to make sure that areas where there is no  construction activity will be stabilized
within the required timeframe.

(0)  Update/Change the Plan

For a construction activity to  be in full compliance with its NPDES storm water permit,  and for the Storm
Water Pollution Prevention Plan to be effective, the plan must accurately reflect sit* features and
operations.  When it does  not, the plan must be changed. The  plan must also be changed if the operator
observes that it is not effective in minimizing pollutant discharge from the site.

If,  at any time during the effective period of the permit, the permitting authority finds that the plan does
not meet one or more of the minimum standards established by the General Permit, the permitting
authority will notify  the permittee  of required changes necessary to bring the  plan up to standard.

(E) Report Releases of Reportable Quantities

Because construction  activities may handle certain hazardous substances over the course of the project,
spills of these substances  in amounts that equal or exceed Reportable Quantity IRQ) levels are a possibility.
EPA has issued regulations that define what reportable quantity levels are for oil and hazardous
substances.  These  regulations are found at 40 CFR  Part 110, 40 CFR Part 117, or 40  CFR Part 302.  If
there is a RQ release during the construction period, then you must take the following steps:

     • Notify the National Response Center immediately at (800) 424-8802;  in Washington, D.C., call
       (202) 426-2675.

     • Within 14 days, submit a written description of the release to the EPA Regional office providing
       the  daw and circumstances of the release and the steps to be taken to prevent another release.

     •  Modify the  pollution prevention plan to include the information listed above.

(F) Provide for Plan Location and Access

The General Permit  has specific requirements regarding plan location and access.

     • Plan location—A copy of  the Pollution Prevention Plan must be kept at the construction site from
       the  time construction begins until the site is finally stabilized.

     • Retention of records—Retention of records requires that copies of the Storm Water Pollution
        Prevention  Plan and all other reports required by the permit, as well as all of the data used to
       complete the  NOI  be  retained  for 3 years after the completion of final site stabilization.

October 1992                                                                               P»9» 1*

        Access—Although plans and associated records are not necessarily required to be submitted to the
        Director, these documents must be made available upon request to the Director, or any State or
        local agency who is approving erosion and sediment control plans, or storm water management
        plans. If site storm water runoff is discharged to a municipal separate storm sewer system,  the
        plans must be made available upon request to the municipal operator of the system.
October 1992                                                                             P*ff*  '5

                                       FINAL STABILIZATION/
                                       TERMINATION  PHASE
  Operators of a construction site must continue to comply with permit conditions until:  (1) they no
  longer meet the definition of an operator of a construction site; or (2) the construction  activity is
  complete, all disturbed soils have been finally stabilized, and temporary erosion and sediment controls
  have been or will be removed.  A permittee should submit a Notice of Termination (NOT) to  inform EPA
  that he/she is no longer an operator of a construction activity.
Final stabilization-Final stabilization is defined by the EPA General Permit as meaning that all soil
disturbing activities at the site have been completed, and that a uniform perennial vegetative cover with a
density of 70 percent of the cover for unpaved areas not covered by permanent structures has been
established or equivalent permanent stabilization measures (such as the use of riprap, gabions,  or
geotextiles) have been employed.

Notice of Termination—The NOT is a one-page form which should be completed and submitted to EPA
when a site has been finally stabilized or when an operator of a construction activity changes.  Information
to be included on the NOT includes the location of the construction  site; the name, address,  and telephone
number of the operator terminating coverage; the NPDES general  permit number; an indication of why
coverage under the permit should be  terminated for the  operator;  and a signed certification statement.

Note that when there is a change in operators of a construction activity, then the new operator must
submit an NOI to be covered by the permit at least 2 days before the change in operator.

NOT's should be mailed to the following address:
                                  Storm Water Notice of Termination
                                  P.O. Box 1185
                                  Newington, Virginia  22122
Record Retention — Following the termination of construction activities the permittees must keep a copy of
the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and records of all the data used to complete tht Notice of Intent
for a period of at least thre* years following final stabilization.  The record retention period may be
extended by EPA's request.
October 1992
Pig* 16

                                       OTHER  REFERENCES
  in addition ro this summary, other documents are available to assist in the preparation and
  implementation of pollution prevention plans. These documents include a copy of Storm Water
  Management for Construction Activities. Developing Pollution Prevention Plans and Best Management
  Practices  (EPA 832-R-92-005,  September 1992), which is available from the National Technical
  Information Service [NTIS Order No. PB 922 359 51 at (703) 487-4650).
Other information and guidance available from EPA's National Storm Water Hotline [EPA's National Storm

Water Hotline number - (703) 821-4823] includes:

     *  Draft - Sediment and Erosion Control; an Inventory of Current Practices (EPA, OWEC, April 20,

     »  Draft - Construction Site Storm  Water Discharge Control; an Inventory of Current Practices
        iKamber Engineering, June 26, 1991)

You may also obtain copies of the EPA General Permits which apply to your construction site:

     »  September 9, 1992, Federal Register (57 FR 41176) - Final NPDES General Permits for Storm
        Water Discharges from Construction Sites;  Notice

        -  Applicability:

          For the States of Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Louisiana, Maine, New Hampshire, New Mexico,
          Oklahoma, South Dakota and Texas;  for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; for Indian lands
          located in Alaska, California,  Colorado (including the Ute Mountain Reservation in Colorado),
          Florida (two tribes), Idaho,  Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Montana, New
          Hampshire,  New Mexico, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas,  Utah,
          Washington and Wyoming; for Federal facilities in Colorado and Washington; and for the
          territories of Johnston Atoll, and Midway and  Wake Island.

     *  September 25,  1992,  Federal Register (57  FR 44412)  - Final NPDES General Permits for Storm
        Water Discharges from Construction Sites;  Notice

        •  Applicability:

          For the States of Florida and  Massachusetts; for American Samoa and Guam; for the District of
          Columbia; for Indian lands located in  New York; and for Federal facilities in Delaware.

Also, please contact your State or local  Storm Water Management or Sediment and Erosion Control permit

or plan reviewers for local requirements  and additional information.
October 1992                                                                             Piff* 17

                              PRECONSTRUCTION  CHECKLIST
                               Storm Water Pollution Prevention Rant
     1     A sit* description, including:
          Q   The nature of the activity
          3   Intended sequence of major construction activities
          D   The total area of the site
          Q   The area of the site that is expected to undergo excavation
          D   The runoff coefficient of the site after construction is complete
          D   Existing soil or storm  water data
          D   A site map with:
              D  Drainage patterns
              D  Approximate slopes after major grading
              D  Area of soil disturbance
              D  Outline of areas which will not be disturbed
              D  Location of major structural and non-structural controls
              D  Areas where stabilization practices are expected to occur
              Q  Surface waters
              O  Storm  water discharge locations
          D   The name of the receiving water(s)
     2.    A description of controls:
          2.1  Erosion and sediment controls, including:
              D  Stabilization practices for all areas disturbed by construction
              D  Structural practices for all drainage/discharge locations
          2.2  Storm water management controls, including:
              D  Measures used to control pollutants occurring in storm water discharges after
                  construction activities are complete
              D  Velocity dissipation devices to provide nonerosive flow conditions from the
                  discharge point along the length of any outfall channel
          2.3  Other controls including:
              D  Waste disposal practices which prevent discharge of solid materials to waters of
                  the U.S.
              Q  Measures to minimize off site tracking  of sediments by construction vehicles
              D  Measures to ensure compliance with State or local waste disposal, sanitary sewer,
                  or septic system regulations
          2.4  Q Description of the timing during the construction when measures will be
     3.    D   State or local requirements incorporated into the plans
     4.    O   Inspection and maintenance procedures for control measures identified in the plan
     S.    O   Identification of allowable non-storm water dischargee and pollution prevention
     6.    D   Contractor certification
     7,    D   Ran certification	
October 1992                                                                             f>*gt 18

                               Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
                               Construction/Implementation Checklist
     1     Maintain Records of Construction Activities, including:
          G   Dates when major grading activities occur
          G   Dates when construction activities temporarily cease on a portion of the site
          G   Dates when construction activities permanently cease on a portion of the site
          D   Dates when stabilization measures are initiated on the site
     2.    Prepare Inspection Reports summarizing:
          C   Name of inspector
          G   Qualifications of inspector
          G   Measures/areas inspected
          G   Observed conditions
          G   Changes necessary to the SWPPP
     3.    Report Releases of Reportable Quantities of Oil or Hazardous Materials (if they occur):
          G   Notify National Response Center 800/424-8802 immediately
          G   Notify permitting authority in writing within 14 days
          G   Modify the pollution prevention plan to include:
              • the date of release
              - circumstances leading to the release
              • steps taken to prevent reoccurrence of the release
     4.    Modify Pollution Prevention Plan as necessary to:
          G   Comply with minimum permit requirements when notified by EPA that the plan does
              not comply
          G   Address a change in design, construction  operation or maintenance which has an
              effect on the potential for discharge of pollutants
    	  G   Prevent reoccurrence of reportable quantity releases of a hazardous material or oil
October 1992                                                                              P»9»  19

                             Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
                             final Stabilization/Termination ChtcUist
    1    ~   All soil disturbing activities are complete
    2.    3   Temporary erosion and sediment control measures have been removed or will be
             removed at an appropriate time

    3.    G   All areas of the construction site not otherwise covered by a permanent pavement or
             structure have been stabilized with a uniform perennial vegetative cover with a density
             of 70% or equivalent measures have been employed
October 1992                                                                         **• 20

                                   CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES

                                      Stabyization Prscticts

            Stabilization will be initiated on all disturbed ar«as where construction activity will not
            occur for a period of more than 21  calendar days by the 14th day after construction
            activity has permanently or temporarily ceased.
          Stabilization measures to be used include:

Temporary Seeding               G     Sod Stabilization

Permanent Seeding               Q     Geotextiles

Mulching                        n     Other	
                                        Structural Practices

            Flows from upstream areas will be diverted from exposed soils to the degree attainable.
            Measures to be used include:
              D    Earth Dike                       G

              O    Drainage Swale                  Q

              G    Interceptor Dike and Swale
                                      Pip* Slop* Drain

        Drainage locations serving less than 10
       	disturbed acres
                                  Drainage locations serving 10 or more
                                 	disturbed acres	
            Sediment controls will be installed

            Sediment controls include:

              G    Sediment Basin

              G    Sediment Trap

              G    Silt Fence or equivalent
                   controls along all sideslope
           	and downslooe  boundaries
                                G   A Sediment Basin will be installed

                                G   A Sediment Basin is not attainable on
                                     the sits; therefore, the following
                                     sediment controls will be installed:

                                       G    Sediment Trap

                                       G    SBt Fence or equivalent
                                             controls along the sideslope
                               	and downslope boundsries
          Sediment Basin Runoff Storage Calculation

acres area draining to the sediment basin

cubic feet of storage/acre

cubic feet of storage required for the basin.
October 1992
                                                                      lay* 27

                                  HOMERVILLE APARTMENTS
                                            SITE DESCRIPTION
 Project Name and
 Location:  (Latitude,
 Longitude, or Address)
Homerviile Apartments
21 Broadview Avenue
Center City, ANY State
Owner Nam* and
Quality Associates
11 Main Street
Center City. ANY State
 Description: (Purpose
 and Types of Soil
 Disturbing Activities)
 This project will consist of three low-rise, attached apartment buildings with adjacent parking facilities.

 Soil disturbing activities will include:  clearing and grubbing; installing a stabilized construction entrance,
 perimeter, and other erosion and sediment controls; grading; excavation for the sedimentation pond, storm
 sewer, utilities, and building foundations; construction of curb and gutter, road, and parking areas; and
 preparation for final planting and seeding.	
 Runoff Coefficient:
The final coefficient of runoff for the site will be c - O.S.
 Site Area:
The site is approximately 11.0 acres of which 9.8 acres will be disturbed by
construction activities.
 Sequence of Major Activities
 The order of activities will be as follows:

 1.      Install stabilized construction entrance
 2.      Clear and grub for earth dike and sediment basin
 3.      Install earth dike
 4.      Construct sedimentation basin
 5.      Continue clearing and grading
 6.      Pile topsoil
 7.      Stabilize denuded areas and stockpiles within 14
        days of last construction activity in that area
 8.      Install utilities, storm sewer, curb and gutter
                              9.   Apply stone to parking area and road
                              10. Construct apartment buildings
                              11. Complete grading and install permanent
                                  seeding and plantings
                              12. Complete final paving
                              13. Remove accumulated sediment from basin.
                              14. When all construction activity is complete and
                                  the site is stabilized, remove earth dike and
                                  reseed any areas disturbed by their removal.
 Name of Receiving
The entire site will drain into Rocky Creek which is approximately one hundred
yards from the site.
                                      Erosion and Sediment Controls
                                           Stabilization Practices
 Temporary Stabilization • Top soil stock piles and disturbed portions of the site where construction activity
 temporarily ceases for at least 21 days will be stabilized with temporary seed and mulch no later than  14 days
 from the last construction activity in that area.  The temporary seed shall be Rye (grain) applied at the rate of
 120 pounds per acre. Prior to seeding, 2,000 pounds of ground agricultural limestone and 1,000 pounds of 10-
 10-10 fertilizer shall be applied to each acre to be stabilized.  After seeding, each area shall be mulched with
 4,000 pounds per acre of straw.  The straw mulch is to be tacked into place by a disk with blades set nearly
 straight. Areas of the site which are to be paved will be temporarily stabilized by applying geotextile and stone
 sub-base until bituminous pavement can be applied.

 Permanent Stabilization  - Disturbed portions of the  site where construction  activities  permanently 'ceases shall
 be stabilized with permanent seed no later than 14 days after the last construction activity.  The permanent
 seed mix shall consist of 80 Ibs/acre tall fescue, and 40 Ibs/acre kobe lespedeza.  Prior to seeding, 4,000
 pounds of ground agricultural limestone and 2,000 pounds of  10-10-10 fertilizer shall be applied to each acre to
 be stabilized.  After seeding, each area shall be mulched with  4,000 pounds per acre of straw.  The straw
 mulch is to be tacked into place by a disk with blades set nearly straight.  	_^___
October 1392

                                         CONTROLS (Continued)
                                           Structural Practice*
Eanft Dike - will b« constructed along the uphill perimeter (nonhl of the site.  A portion of the dike will divert
runon around the construction site.  The remaining portion of the dike will collect runoff from the disturbed area
and direct the runoff to the sediment basin.

Sediment Basin -  will be constructed at the common drainage location on the south side of the construction
site. The basin will be formed by constructing an embankment across an existing gully and excavating a
storage pond with a volume of 36,000 cubic feet (0.82) acre feet.  The basin will drain through a corrugated
metal riser and outlet pipe to a rip rap outlet apron.  Once construction activities are nearly complete, the
accumulated sediment  will be removed from the basin.
                                        Storm Water Management
Storm water drainage will be provided by curb and gutter, storm sewer and catch basin, for the developed
areas. The areas which are not developed will be graded at less that 0.5:1 and have permanent seeding or
plantings. Two acres of the site will remain untouched and in its natural State. When construction is complete
the entire site will drain to a wet detention basin.  The wet detention basin will be in the location of the
temporary sediment basin.  When upslope areas are stabilized, the accumulated sediment will be removed from
the sediment basin, and the areas on the sides of the basin  will be planted with vegetation. The wet detention
pond is  designed  with a permanent pool volume of 0.82 (acre-feet).  This ie equivalent to one inch of runoff for
the entire drainage area.  It is expected that this wet detention pond design will result in an 80 percent removal
of total  suspended solids from the site's storm water runoff. The pond  has been  designed by a professional
engineer to keep peak flow rates from the two and ten year/24 hour storms at their pre-development rates.
The outlet of the  detention basin will be stabilized by a riprap apron.
                                           OTHER CONTROLS
Waste Disposal:
Waste Materials
All waste materials will be collected and stored in a securely lidded metal dumpster rented from the AOF Waste
Management Company, which is a licensed solid waste management company in Center City.  The dumpster
will meet all local Center City and any State solid waate management regulations.  All trash and construction
debris from the site will be deposited in the dumpster.  The dumpster will be emptied a minimum of twice per
week or more often if necessary, and the trash will be hauled to the) Center City Dump. No construction waste
materials will be buried onsite. All personnel will be instructed regarding the correct procedure for waste
disposal. Notices stating these practices will be posted in the office trailer and Mr. Doe, the individual who
manages the day-to-day site operations, will be responsible for seeing that these procedures are followed.
Hazardous Waste
All hazardous waste materials will be disposed of in the manner specified by local or State regulation or by the
manufacturer. Site personnel will be instructed in these practices and Mr. Doe, the individual who manages
day-to-day site operations, wiH be responsible for seeing that these practices are followed.
Sanitary Waste
All sanitary waste will be collected from the portable units a minimum of three times per week by the TIOEE
Company, a licenced Center City sanitary waste management contractor, as required by local regulation.
Offsite Vehicle Tracking:  [
A stabilized construction entrance has been provided to help reduce vehicle tracking of sediments.  The paved
street adjacent to the site  entrance will be swept daily to remove any excess mud, dirt or rock tracked from the
site. Dump trucks hauling material from the construction site will be covered with a tarpaulin.	
   October 1992                                                                               ft0* 23

                                    TIMING OF CONTROLS/MEASURES
 A* indicated in the Sequence of Major Activities, the earth dike, stabilized construction entrance and sedime   —
 basin will be constructed prior to clearing or grading of any other portions of the site.  Areas where
 construction activity temporarily ceases for more than 21 days will be stabilized with a temporary seed and
 mulch within 14 days of the last disturbance.  Once construction activity ceases permanently in an area, that
 area will be stabilized with permanent seed and mulch. After the entire site is stabilized, the accumulated
 sediment will be removed from the trap and the earth dike will be removed.	
 The storm water pollution prevention plan reflects Center City requirements for storm water management and
 erosion and sediment control, as established in Center City ordinance 5-188.  To ensure compliance, this plan
 was prepared in accordance with the Center Citv Storm Water Management.  Erosion and Sediment Control
 Handbook, published by the Center City Department of Planning, Storm Water Management Section.  There are
 no other applicable State or Federal requirements for sediment and erosion site plans (or permits), or storm
 water management site plans lor permits).	
                                MAINTENANCE/INSPECTION PROCEDURES
                     Erosion and Sediment Control Inspection and Maintenance Practices
 These are the inspection and maintenance practices that will be used to maintain erosion and sediment

    •  Less then one half of the site will be denuded at one time.

    •  All control measures will be inspected at least once each week and following any storm event of 0.5
       inches or greater.

    •  All measures  will be maintained in good working order; if a repair is necessary, it will be initiated  within
       24 hours of report.

    •  Built up sediment will be removed from  silt fence when it has reached one-third the height of the feno

    •  Silt fence will be inspected for  depth of sediment, tears, to see if the fabric is securely attached to the
       fence posts, and to see that the fence posts are firmly in the ground.

    •  The sediment basin will be inspected for depth of sediment, and built up sediment will be removed when
       it reaches  10 percent of the design capacity or at the end of the job.

    •  Diversion dike will be inspected and any breaches promptly repaired.

    •  Temporary and permanent seeding and planting will be inspected for bare spots, washouts, and healthy

    •  A maintenance inspection report will be made after each inspection. A copy of the report form to be
       completed by the inspector is attached.

    •  Mr. Doe, ah* superintendent will select three individuals who will be responsible for inspections,
       maintenance  and repair activities, and filling out the inspection and maintenance report.

    •  Personnel selected for inspection and maintenance responsibilities will receive training from Mr. Doe.
       They will be trained in all the inspection and maintenance practices necessary for keeping the erosion and
 	sediment controls used onsite in good working order.	
October 1992                                                                              P*gt 24

                          MAINTENANCE/INSPECTION PROCEDURES (ContkUMd)
                                      Non-Storm Water Discharge*
 It is expected that the following non-storm water discharges will occur from the site during the construction
    •  Water from water line flushings.
    •  Pavement wash waters (where no spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have occurred).
    •  Uncontaminated groundwater (from dewatering excavation).
 All non-storm water discharges will be directed to the sediment basin prior to discharge.  	
October 1992                                                                            *•«• 25

     The material* or substances listed below are expected to be present onsite during construction:
           Paints (enamel and latex)
           Metal Studs
Petroleum Based Products
Cleaning Solvents
Masonry Block
Roofing Shingles.
                                        SPILL PREVENTION
                                   Material Management Practice*
     The following are the material management practices that will be used to reduce the risk of
     spills or other accidental exposure of materials and substances to storm water runoff.
     Good Housekeeping:
     The following good housekeeping practices will be followed onsite during the construction
        •  An effort will be made to store only enough product required to do the job

        •  All materials stored onsite will be stored in  a neat, orderly manner in their appropriate
           containers and, if possible, under a roof or  other enclosure

        •  Products will be kept in their original containers with the original manufacturer's label

        •  Substances will not be mixed with one another unJess recommended by the manufacturer

        •  Whenever possible, all of a product will be  used up before disposing of the container

        •  Manufacturers' recommendations for proper use and disposal will be followed

        •  The site superintendent will inspect daily to ensure proper use and disposal of materials
     Hazardous Products:   I
     These practices are used to reduce the risks associated with hazardous materials.
        •  Products will be kept in original containers unless they are not resealable

        •  Original labels and material safety data will be retained; they contain important product

        •  If surplus product must be disposed of, manufacturers' or local and State recommended
     	methods for proper disposal will be followed.	
October 1992                                                                              Aa*e 26

                                    SPILL PREVENTION IContinuedl
                                      Product Specific Practices
     The following product specific practices will be followed onsite:
     Petroleum Products:
     All onsite vehicles will be monitored for leaks and receive regular preventive maintenance to
     reduce the chance of leakage.  Petroleum products will be stored in tightly sealed containers
     which are clearly labeled.  Any asphalt substances used onsite will be applied according to the
     manufacturer's recommendations.
     Fertilizers used will be applied only in the minimum amounts recommended by the manufacturer.
     Once applied, fertilizer will be worked into the soil to limit exposure to storm water.  Storage
     will be in a covered shed. The contents of any partially used bags of fertilizer will be transferred
     to a sellable plastic bin to avoid spills.	           	
     All containers will be tightly sealed and stored when not required for use.  Excess paint will not
     be discharged to the storm sewer system but will be property disposed of according to
     manufacturers'  instructions or State and  local regulations.	
     Concrete Truck*:
     Concrete trucks will not be allowed to wash out or discharge surplus concrete or drum wash
     water on the site.
                                        Spili Control Practice*
     In addition to the good housekeeping and material management practice* discussed in the
     previous sections of this plan, the following practices will be followed for spill prevention and
      • Manufacturers' recommended  methods for spill cleanup will be clearly posted and site
       personnel will be made aware  of the procedure* and the location of the information and
       cleanup supplies.

      • Materials and equipment necessary  for spill cleanup wW be kept in the material storage area
       omit*. Equipment and materials will include but not be limited to broom*, dust pin*, mop*,
       raga, glove*, goggle*, kitty litter, sand, sawdust, and plastic and metal tra*h container*
       specifically for this purpo*e.

      • All spills will be cleaned up immediately  after discovery.

      • The spill area will be kept well ventilated and personnel will wear appropriate protective
       clothing to prevent injury from contact with a hazardous substance.

      • Spills of toxic or hazardou* material will be reported to the appropriate State or local
       government agency,  regardless of the size.

      • The spill prevention plan will be adjusted to include measures to prevent this type of spill
       from reoccurring and how to clean up the spill if there is another one. A description of the
       spill, what caused it, and the cleanup measures will also be included.

      • Mr. Doe, the site superintendent responsible for the day-to-day site operations, wiH be the
       spill prevention and cleanup coordinator. He wilt designate at (east three other site personnel
       who will receive spill prevention and cleanup training. These individuals will each become
       responsible for a particular  phase of prevention and cleanup.  The names of responsible spill
       personnel will be posted in  the material storage area and in the office trailer onsite.	
OcttAer 1992                                                                                A0» 27

 I certify undtr penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or
 supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and
 evaluated the information submitted.  Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,
 or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of
 my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for
 submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
     John R. Quality-
     Quality Associates

                                     CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION
 I certify under penalty of law that I understand the terms and conditions of the general National Pollutant
 Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit that authorizes the storm water discharges associated with
 industrial activity from the construction site identified as part of this certification.
         Responsible for
 Joseph Contractor, President

 John Planter
 Vice President of Construction

 Jim Kay, President

Center City Const., Inc.
21 Elm Street
Center City. Any State 00000
(123) 399-8765
Green Grass, Inc.
4233 Center Road
Outerville, Any State 00001
(123) 823-5678
Dirt Movers, Inc.
523 Lincoln Ave.
Outerville, Any State 00001
(123) 823-8921
                                                                       General Contractor
Temporary and Permanent
Stabilized Construction Entrance,
Earth Dikes, Sediment Basin
Ocfocw 1992
                                                       Pig* 28

                                       /  V
                                      '    \
                                                                                     Honwnl* Apartments
                                                                                     Srotdvtow AVMUM
                                                                                     C*ntsf CHy, Anystat*

                                                                                     SUaAnM* 11.0 Acres
                                                                                     So* Type  Sandy loam
                                                                        " Conduction

----- UmttofClMrlngandGrMnf
••— — ^ Property UM
         Storm Water Drain
         Existing TrMUM
                             ROCKY CHEEK -v(Approi.450')
Ptg* 29





                      AMOUNT OF LAST RAINFALL
                             STABILIZATION MEASURES





                           ON OR BEFORE:
October 1992

                             HOMERVILLE APARTMENTS



                              STRUCTURAL CONTROLS
                                   EARTH DIKE:


October 1992

                             HOMERVILLE APARTMENTS



                                 SEDIMENT BASIN:




                                OTHER CONTROLS





October 1992
                               Pig* 32

                                  HOMERVILLE APARTMENTS



   I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction
   or supervision  in accordance with  a system  designed to assure that qualified personnel properly
   gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who
   manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information
   submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete.  I am aware that
   there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and
   imprisonment for knowing violations.

   SIGNATURE:                  	      	DATE:	
October 1992                                                                          />*0» 33

                                                             « U.S. GOve«»«NT«WinNaOWICf:»9«2.7U.«02/WMS

          DC ?0460
(EN 336)

Oflfc* Butin«M
       for Priv»to U«« $300
