Guidance Document for
                        Testing and Permitting
                  Sewage Sludge Incinerators
                           Revised Draft Final Report
              For U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                       Prime Contractor
                                    Pynamac Corporation
                                Subcontract No. S-011 -1188
                                EPA Contract No. 68-03-3533
                                          Task No. 216
                                   MRI Project No. 9549-16

                                     September 21,1990
MIDWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE 425 Volker Boulevard, Kansas City, MO 64110-2299 • (816) 753-7600


                             MRIBB REPORT
                      Guidance Document for Testing and
                   Permitting Sewage Sludge Incinerators
                              Revised Draft Final Report
                For U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
              Wastewater Solids Criteria Branch (WH-585)
                          Criteria and Standards Division
               Office of Water Regulations and Standards
                                        401 M Street, SW
                                Washington, D.C. 20460
                                            Prime Contractor
                                         Dynamac Corporation
                                     Rockville, Maryland 20832
                                    Subcontract No. S-011 -1188
                                   EPA Contract No. 68-03-3533
                                              Task No. 216
                                       MRI Project No. 9549-16

                                         September 21,1990
MIDWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE 425 Volker Boulevard, Kansas City, MO 64110-2299 • (816) 753-7600


          This draft document was prepared by Midwest Research Institute (MRI)
for  the  U.S.  Environmental  Protection  Agency  (EPA)  under subcontract  to
Dynamac Corporation  on  EPA Contract No. 68-03-3533.   The  document was devel-
oped by Bruce Boomer and Thomas Dux with assistance from Steven Schliesser and
Phil Englehart.  The contents of this draft have not been reviewed or approved
by EPA.
Approved for:
 :har!les F. Holt, Ph.D., Director
Engineering and Environmental
  Technology Department
September 21, 1990


    ;                                                                       Page

I.  ;  Introduction	     1

II. |  Testing and Monitoring Activities	     3
    !      A.  Sampling and analysis of sludge inputs	!i     3
    i      B.  Monitoring of key operating parameters	-.	    lo
    I      C.  Stack gas sampling	    24
    I      D.  Dispersion modeling	    29

III.|  Reviewing and Interpreting Test Results..	    31
          A.  Sewage sludge sampling and analysis results	'.'.'.    33
    j      B.  Process monitoring results	    33
    ;      C.  Results of stack sampling and analysis	    36

IV. |  Approach to Establishing Permit Limits	    36
          A.  Sludge feed rate	„	"    33
    i      B.  Temperature, oxygen, and total hydrocarbons (THC)	    40
    I      C.  Air pollution control limits	    40
    '      D.  Deviations from limits	    41
    i      E.  Calibration and maintenance of monitoring
    I          instrumentation	    41
    i      F.  Record keeping	!!!!!    42

V.    Continuing Enforcement Objectives	    43

VI. i  References	....	    44

Appepdix A:  Draft multiple metals sampling train test procedures	  A-l

Appendix B:  Measurement of total  hydrocarbons in stack gases	  B-l

Appendix C:  Draft method for determination of hexavalent chromium
    i         emissions from stationary sources	„	  C-l

Appendix D:  Example calculation for determining the allowable
    I         sludge feed rate....	.-	  D_l



          This  document  provides  practical  guidance  for  the  testing  and
permitting  of  sewage  sludge  incinerators  under regulations  being proposed
under the Clean Water Act.  Designed for use by the organizations  that own  and
operjate sludge incinerators and control agency permit writers  (EPA and state),
the [document provides  guidance for  testing,  monitoring,  and evaluating  the
performance  of  sewage  sludge incinerators  in  conjunction with proposed  rules
published in the Federal Register on February 6, 1989.
    !      The rules  (proposed as 40 CFR 503) will establish numerical require-
ment^ for  sewage sludge  incinerators.   A previous ruling,  incorporated into
40 CFR 501,  established  the  framework for a  permitting program for  sewage
sludge  incinerators.   Although specific  details in  the proposed  rules  are
subject to  revision  prior to final promulgation, the  general  approach  is  not
expected to change.    Since  the  Clean Water  Act requires  compliance  within
12 mpnths of the  date  the rule  is promulgated  (or  within 24 months  if  the
regulation   requires construction   of new  pollution  control  facilities),
owner/operators of  sludge incineration facilities are  encouraged  to evaluate
the jimpact  of the proposed rules  upon their facilities  as  soon  as  possible.
This; document provides  a  basis  for  evaluating  sludge  incinerators  in response
to the proposed rules.
    I      This  document   addresses   only   the  requirements  proposed   and
promulgated under the Clean Water Act;  these requirements may  be administered
through other EPA  or state control  Agency programs and  permits.   However,  it
is important to note that sewage sludge incinerators  must comply as applicable
with regulations of  the Clean Air Act  (CAA)  and the  Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act (RCRA); this document  does not  address the requirements of these
two programs.
          Based upon the  rules proposed on February 6,  1989,  and subsequent
developments,  the  permitting  program for  sewage   sludge  incinerators  is
expected to include the following  major components:


        of equations are provided  in  the  proposed  rule  for  determining input
imits for metals.
           A risk-based  limitation  of  inputs of  beryllium,  mercury,  lead,
           arsenic,  cadmium,  chromium,  and  nickel  to the  incinerators.

           A  technology-based  limitation  of  total  hydrocarbons  (THC)   in
           incinerator emissions.

           Limitations   on   maximum  combustion  temperature,  maximum  oxygen
           content  of  exit  gas,  and  selected air  pollution  control  system

           Continuing  monitoring  and  record  keeping  requirements  for  sludge
           feed and  specific  key operating  parameters.
          This  document  describes  how  an  incinerator  owner/operator  can
        the appropriate data and establish an appropriate monitoring system to
     y with the proposed regulations.   The  document  also provides guidance to
        Agency permit writers for  reviewing  test  plans,  reviewing the results
    testing  and  monitoring,   and  establishing   permit  conditions.     Both
owner/operators and permit writers are encouraged  to  read this entire document
    become familiar  with  the  testing/monitoring  methods  available and  the
objectives of the permitting program.   The  remaining  sections of the document
are organized as follows:
          Chapter II—Testing and Monitoring '
          Chapter III—Reviewing and Interpreting Test Results
          Chapter IV—Establishing Permit Conditions
          Chapter V—Continuing Enforcement Objectives
          In an  attempt to make  this document  as  concise and functional  as
possible, the  remaining sections  are highly referenced, providing  background
descriptions of  standard  methods  as appropriate  and referring  to  readily


 available  EPA  documents for  the details  associated with established  proce-
 dures.   For further  information  on the proposed rules,  specific limitations,
 equations,  and  general  background on sewage sludge  incinerators,  the reader is
 referred to the proposed rule  and preamble (Federal Register,  February 6, 1989)
 and ,the technical  support document for sewage sludge  incineration (EPA,  1989a,
 whidh is available from EPA).
          The  permitting program for sewage sludge incinerators is based  upon
 limiting  the toxic  metal  loading to  the incinerator  and continuously moni-
 toring  key  indicators of adequate combustion and air pollution control.   This
 requires  (1) a continuing sludge characterization program to assess the input
 of  metals  and  (2)   instruments for  continuously  monitoring  the operating
 parameters.   Facilities  must  also measure  stack emissions  to  develop site-
 speciific  control  efficiency  factors  and  conduct  dispersion  modeling to
 calculate  a site-specific  dispersion factor.   These  are used  to calculate
 sitei-specific   operating  limits.    This   chapter  describes  the  testing,
 monitoring, and modeling options available  to  satisfy the needs of the sludge
 incinerator permitting program.


    :      Sludge inputs  to incinerators must be  characterized at a minimum in
 terms of  the concentrations of  toxic  metals.    The  metals concentrations  are
 used; in a calculation to compute the allowable concentration of each metal in
 the jfeed  sludge  and  the   allowable  maximum  feed  rate  of sludge  to  the
 incinerator.   These  calculations are based  upon the risk factors  associated
withjeach  of the  toxic metals.    (The  equations  and basis  for  these  calcu-
 lations are  provided  in  the preamble and  proposed rules  in the  February 6,
 1989^  Federal Register).
    i      The best sludge  characterization  data will result  from  a long-term
sampling  and  analysis  program  that  is  designed  to minimize  the effect of
random variation in  sludge  quality.   Suggested methods for  developing  such a


program are provided in the POTW Sludge Sampling and Analysis Guidance Document
(EPA|  1989c).  This  document  notes the  importance of  addressing anticipated
cycljc variation  in pollution loading and  treatment  plant characteristics in
characterizing the  sludge characteristics.   Additional guidance on  sampling
plan design  can  be  found  in  Chapter 9 of  SW-846  (EPA, 1986).   This  chapter
provides  guidance  on  designing  a  sampling  plan  to  demonstrate  that  a
particular waste (sludge) is beneath a particular regulatory limit (calculated
maximum sludge concentration for metal of interest).
     ;     1.   Frequency of Sampling;

     I     Ideally,  sludge  characterization data  used for determining  permit
limiis  for  sludge   feed  rates  will   result  from  a   long-term   sampling  and
analysis program or at least from a shorter term program specifically designed
to  collect  samples  that  are representative  of the  expected  range of  vari-
ation.   An  exception will  be  the  sampling programs  designed   to  determine
control efficiencies of toxic metals  in an  incineration facility.  Such tests
(described in Section  C  of this chapter)  will be  based  upon only the  charac-
teristics of the sludge fed to the incinerator at the  time  of  the test.
     j     Continuing sludge characterization  is required  during the life of
each| operating   permit.     Required  minimum  frequencies   (e.g.,  monthly,
quarterly, or annually)  for sampling  and  analysis of input sludge are  based
upon|the design capacity of the  treatment works,  as described  in Subpart I of
the proposed rules.

     |     2.   Access to Sludge Inputs and  Sampling Methods:
     j     Suggested sampling points and sampling methods are described  in  EPA
(1989c).   Each  facility  is required  to provide  access  to the  sewage  sludge
feedi so  that representative  samples  of the  sewage sludge can  be  collected.
Major considerations for sampling include the  following:


          Each  grab   sample   should   be   collected   in  a  manner  to  be  as
          representative  per  guidelines (EPA, 1989c) as possible  of  the total
          flow  stream.    Particular   attention  should  be  paid  to  obtaining
          samples   which   are  representative  of  both   liquids   and  solids
          fractions of the sludge.   Metal  concentrations for some  sludges  are
          higher in the solids fraction.

          Efforts must be  made to minimize the possibility  of contamination or
          any  other potential chemical  change to the  sample during  sampling
          and subsequent handling/storage prior to analysis,,
     !     3.   Analytical  Methods For  Metals:

     ;     Measurements  of  the sludge  for  metals  concentration are required.
The  JFollowing discussion concerning these  analyses are based upon guidance  in
the Hazardous Waste Incineration Measurement Guidance Manual  (EPA, 1989b), POTW
Sludge Sampling and Analysis Guidance Document  (EPA, 1989c), and Proposed Methods
for Measurements of CO, O2, THC, HCl,  and Metals at Hazardous Waste Incinerators
(EPA;  1989e).

          The physical  properties  of  the waste and  the calculated regulatory
threshold limits (equations 1, 29 3, and 4 of the proposed rule) should guide
the  fhoice of  sample  preparation and  analysis methods.   The method of sample
preparation should be  sufficiently rigorous to provide for complete digestion
of   |:he   sludge,   and  the  analytical  technique   must   provide  sufficient
sensitivity  to  generate  reliable  data  at the  concentration  levels  of
regulatory  concern.     For  example,  if  the   regulatory  limit   is   low,
determination of arsenic  by inductively coupled  plasma would not  provide  an
adequate  detection  limit  of  sufficient sensitivity,  and the more  sensitive
technique of graphite  furnace  atomic absorption would be appropriate.

          The  last  two  guidance documents   in  the  previous  paragraph  give
general background information on metals analysis.   Table II-l  summarizes the
specific methods given in the guidance manuals.   The methods come from SW-846
(EPA 1 1986)  with the following specific recommendations:


                          TABLE. II-l








Preparation Method    Analysis Method



















   All methods come from the Test Methods for Evaluating
.     Solid Waste (SW-846 Third Edition, November 1986).
   AAS-DA:  Atomic absorption spectrometry by direct
     aspiration method.
   AAS-6F:  Atomic absorption spectrometry by graphite
     furnace method.
   AAS-CV:  Atomic absorption spectrometry by cold vapor
   ICP:  Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission


               Method 3050 for  digestion.   In Table II-l the preferred method
               is  3050  which  is applicable  to sludges,  sediments,  and soil
               samples.   However,  if  the sample  is  more  aqueous  in nature,
               Methods 3010 or 3020 are suggested in EPA  (1989b).
               Analysis   by   direct   aspiration   atomic
               Method 6010 for inductively coupled plasma.
spectrometry   or
               Low   concentration   analysis   by   graphite   furnace   atomic

               Method 7471 for mercury cold vapor atomic absorption (CVAA).

          4.   Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) Procedures;

    I      General quality  assurance and  control  procedures are  discussed in
SW-846  and  are  covered  in  detail  in  EPA  (1989c;  1990).   The  "POTW Sludge
Sampling  and  Analysis  Guidance  Document"  (EPA,  1989c)  states  that  "sludge
sampling  and  analysis  programs  for  determining  compliance  with  permit
conditions  should  include  a written  QA Plan."    A QA plan  gives the  data
quality objectives of a sampling and analysis effort and details the sampling,
analysis, quality  control,  and  quality  assurance  procedures  which  will  be
employed to ensure that  data quality is  sufficient  to  support the regulatory
decisions based  upon  the data.   A general  discussion on QA plan development
can jbe  found in EPA  (1980).   EPA (1990)  contains specific   information  on
development  of  QA  plans  for  sampling  and  analysis  of  hazardous  waste
incinerators.   Some  general  applicable topics concerning QA/QC are discussed
in this section.
    ;           a.   Sampling QA/QC;   One  primary objective  in  sampling  for
thisj  rule  is  to  obtain  representative comparable sludge  samples  over  a
relatively long  compliance  period.   The  POTW sampling  document  (EPA,  1989c)
andiChapters 1,  2,  3,  and 9  of  SW-846  are useful  in  designing  a  sampling
strajtegy.  From a QA/QC perspective, the  sampling  design  should be formalized
into a  standard  operating  procedure (SOP).   This SOP should justify the  sta-


tist-jcal design of the sampling strategy,  specify  the sampling  frequency,  give
a  derailed description  of  the sampling  procedures,  and  delineate  required
sample documentation.   Each time a  sample is taken, the documentation of the
sampling event needs to be sufficient to demonstrate  compliance to  the SOP.

     !          *>.   Sample  custody,  handling,  and  holding:  times;   General
guidance on  sample preservation,  sample  custody,  sample storage  containers,
and  holding  times can be  found in Section 2.5  of the POTW sampling  document
and  Chapter 2 of  SW-846.   For sample custody considerations, all samples  must
be gjiven unique identifiers which  are  readily  traceable  from the field  sam-
pi ing; records, through the analysis records to the  final reportable data.
     j          Holding   times,   sample  preservation  methods,   and  sample
containers  must  be  specified  for  each   analysis  type  and  must  follow the
established guidance.  Holding  times  are dependent upon the properties of the
sample matrix  and the  analytes of  interest.   Holding  times can vary   from
28 days for mercury  to  6 months for chromium.   These preservation procedures
should be delineated in the  sampling  SOP.   There must be sufficient field and
laboratory  documentation  to  ensure  that   sample   handling  and  holding   time
procedures were  followed.   All sample  results should be reported  with the
dates of sample  collection,  sample preparation, and  sample  analysis.   If the
established procedures  are  not followed,   the acceptance of  analytical   data
mustjbe justified in terms of the end use of the information.
     j          As an additional check on sample  handling, field blanks should
be ccjllected on a regular basis.  Field blanks should consist of a water rinse
(free, of  metal  analytes)  of sampling  equipment  before  the sample  has   been
collected.   This check will  assure that the observed sample concentration was
higher than any possible contamination from sample handling.

     i          c.   Analysis QA/QC:  The methods of analysis of the sludge for
metals should  be  designated during  the  planning  stage arid  should  also be
writtjen as  an  SOP to  be a  companion document to  the ssimpling  SOP.    The
analyjsis SOP should indicate the following:


                    The sampling SOP reference.

                    The estimated analyte  concentration of regulatory concern.

                    The analytical methodology.

                    The  QC   procedures  for  documenting  the  accuracy   and
                    precision of the analytical result.

                    The  reportable  data  and  required  records for  complete
    !           Each determination for metals analysis should be reported along
with!  QA/QC  information  giving  the  precision  and  accuracy  of  the  data.
However, the  specific analysis method  and QC  procedures  for  documenting the
precision  and accuracy  of  the  determination can  vary  depending  upon  the
laboratory conducting the analysis.  For example, precision can be measured by
analysis of the  sludge sample and a  sample split,  while accuracy is measured
by  splitting  the sample and  fortifying the split  sample.   Some laboratories
use ^ different method employing a control  sample of known constant concentra-
tion, and multiple analyses of the control  sample to provide the determination
of bpth accuracy and  precision.   Control  samples  of metals in a sludge matrix
can be commercially obtained.

    }           All   the  analytical  methods  have  QC  procedures  concerning
calibration, accuracy, and precision.   These  should  be  supplemented with some
additional  QC.   To establish the  precision and  accuracy  of metals analyses,
analysis of duplicate and analyte-fortified sludge samples is recommended.  In
the jbeginning of  the monitoring  program, a  small study  is  recommended  to
demonstrate acceptable precision  and  accuracy for the analysis of  the sludge
samples.   Three  sludge  samples  are  each split  into  three  portions.   Two
portions are  prepared  and  analyzed  to  provide  precision data  as  percent
range.  The  third  portion is  fortified with  the analyte  of interest  at  two
times the level of regulatory concern  and  then prepared  and analyzed like the
othe^  two  split  samples.    Accuracy  is   measured  as  the recovery of  the


 fortjified  analyte  compared to  the  average analyte  level  found  in the  two
 sampjles  for precision  analysis.   This precision  and accuracy  determination
 shoujld  be done with  a single sample for  every 20 field  samples or once  per
 year;,  whichever  is  greater.    The  accuracy and  precision  should  meet  the
 statistical  criteria  of the sampling and  analysis  design presented  in  the QA

     j     Key  operating  parameters  for  sludge  incinerators  are  monitored
 continuously  to  indicate  that  adequate   combustion  conditions  are   being
 maintained  in  the  incinerator  and to  minimize toxic metals  emissions.   Key
 parameters  specifically  identified  in  the  proposed rules to  be  monitored
 continuously include:
     ;     •    Sludge feed  rate.
     i     •    Temperature.
     I     •    Total hydrocarbons.
     I     •    Selected air pollution control device parameters.
     |     Maximum or  minimum  values  will  be  established  for  each of  these
monitored parameters.   Limits  are established for  maximum sludge  feed  rate
based  upon  formulas   provided  in the   proposed  rule.    Sludge  feed  rate
1 imitations are  based  upon the  risk  associated with the  total  sewage sludge
feed [rates  for  all.  sewage  sludge  incinerators  located  at  each  treatment

     I     Limits  for   maximum  combustion  temperature  in  a  sewage   sludge
incinerator and maximum oxygen content for  exit gas  from incinerators  will  be
based upon  the  results  of  performance   testing.    Limitations  for selected


 parameters  for the  air  pollution control  system  will  also be specified  in a
 permjit  to  indicate  appropriate performance of  the emission control  devices.
 Thesp   limits  will  be  based  upon  monitored  information  collected  during
 performance tests.
     |     The  following  pages  briefly  discuss the monitoring  of each of  the
 identified  parameters.
     i     1.   Sludge Feed Rate;
     i     Although the sludge  feed  rate to a sewage sludge incinerator can be
 monitored   by  a  variety  of  flow  devices,   conveyor   weighing   systems   and
 volumetric  methods appear to be the most common methods  used.

          Conveyor   weighing   systems   include   belt   weighers   and  weigh
 belts/augers.  All conveyor  weighing systems  are fairly similar in operation,
 mainly  differing  because of placement  locations of the weighing device.    In
 general,  the  accuracy of these  systems is around ±2%.  Sludges  can be moni-
 tored with  the  systems,  provided that wet material does  not drain  off   the
 conveyor  belt.   Screw augers,  however, may be used in  such  cases to replace
 the  Conventional  conveyor belt.   A  summary  of details on weight belt/auger
 systems is  provided  in Table I1-2.

     I     Volumetric  methods  include  calibrated   augers  emd  pumps,  rotary
 feeders,  and   belt   conveyors.    These  systems  are not generally  available
 preca'librated  but  must  be  calibrated  by  the user  for each particular  feed
material.  The accuracy of the method depends upon steady operation at a given
 speed and  assumes appropriate  feeders are used to ensure  the  cavities  are
 always  filled  to  capacity.   Most of these methods  can provide some  kind  of
tachometer  signal  to indicate  speed,  which must be related  to feed  rate  by
performing  calibration tests.   A summary  of  details  about calibrated  screw
feeders  used in sewage sludge applications is  provided  in Table  II-2.

     i     Each selected feed  rate device must  have  an accuracy of  at least  ±5%
over :its  operating  range.    The device  must be  designed and installed  to
facilitate  periodic  recalibration  of  the device  over its  operating  range
 (i.e.-,  a zero  adjustment  and  an adjustment near the maximum flow rate).


     i                              TABLE  1 1-2

     :                        Weigh Belts or Augers
     t                   •     "~~""    ' "••         "*

Operation/implementation;    This  is  a  combination  belt  scale  and  conveyor
system.   A prefeeding  unit (typically an  auger  screw)  feeds material onto  a
conveyor belt, which is mounted  on a weight  sensor  (i.e.,  load  cells).  As  the
weight  of  material is  sensed,  adjustments  to  the  screw  speed  are made by  a
microprocessor /controller,   enabling   a   constant   mass   feed   rate  to  be
achieved.  Similar systems  are available which  use  an auger conveying  system.
Usage:   All  types of  solids, granules,  and powders.
sludge and shredded metal.
                                          Uses  include  sewage
Operating range:   Capacity typically is  60  Ib/hr  to 48,000 Ib/hr (based upon
average density of 40 Ib/fts on a dry material basis).

Output;  Typically mass flow rate and totalization.

Measurement frequency;  Continuous, with signal averaged at 1-min intervals.
Weigh  system  is  counterbalanced   and   includes   electronic
adjustments for any on-site dampening necessary.  Load cells; may be calibrated
by vendor.

Accuracy:  ±1% based upon 1-min sampling cycles.

Limitations;   Due to  effects of momentum,  shifting weights,  etc.,  feeds of
widely varying density will  affect accuracy somewhat, perhaps  to  ±3%.  Over-
load of weigh belt may cause  poorer performance as well.  May not give direct
indication of weight  charged  to incinerator.   (The  material  may "roll" along
the cjonveyor, so that its velocity lags behind that of the conveyor.)

Notes:   Similar  operations   can  be  installed  with feed  systems other  than
conveying belts.   For example, a  screw  auger can be mounted upon  the weight
sensors,  thereby making a weigh auger system.


                            TABLE  I1-2  (CONCLUDED)
    j                       Calibrated Screw Feeders
Operation/Implementation;    A vibrating  (to maintain  constant  flow)  hopper
filled with  process  material empties into a  screw auger which has been cali-
bratjed by the  vendor or user to give a volumetric feed rate.  Auger speed can
be varied, allowing  for a broad range of volumetric feed rates, dependent upon
the -size of the auger screw.

Usage:  Used for  dry materials  of fairly consistent density including powders
and jgranules,  solvent-laden  filter cakes at an  industrial  facility,  sewage
sludge, and contaminated soil.

Operating ranges;  0.04 ft3/hr maximum up to 600 ft3/hr maximum depending upon
size! of  the  auger screw  and rotational speed.   For a dry  material  basis of
40 Ib/fta, this amounts to 1.5 Ib/hr maximum up to 24,000 llb/hr maximum.

Output:   Tachometer  reading indicates  rpm  which correlates  with volumetric
feed rate.

Measurement frequency:  Continuous.
Calibration;    Tachometer of screw  calibrated  by rpm, which  is  correlated to
volup of materials tested.

Accuracy:  ±2% of set rate.
Limitations;   Due to volumetric calibration of feed system,  use with materials
of varying density may not provide suitable mass feed rate.


    i      2.   Temperature;
          Temperatures  within  a   sewage   sludge   incinerator   are  typically
monijtored  by  thermocouples  located  at various  points  within  the   system.
Minitaum  required  locations  for thermocouples  are specified  in the proposed
rules  for multiple  hearth,  fluidized bed,  electric,  and  rotary kiln  incin-
eratjors.   Maximum  temperatures  in  the  combustion zone  (or  outlet  duct) are
monitored to minimize the emission  of  toxic metals from the incinerator.
    j      The thermocouples are always enclosed  in a thermowell  to protect the
small  thermocouple wires  and the  critical  thermocouple  "hot"  junction from
direjct exposure to  the combustion gases  and entrained dust particles.   Thermo-
coupjles are usually located near the exit of the combustion chamber to  provide
a  representative  temperature reading away from  the flame  zone,  which can
otherwise cause erratic temperature readings  as well  as damage to the  thermo-
coupjle.   Thermowells may  extend several  inches past  the inner wall  of the
refractory  into  the gas  stream,   or  may  extend  only  to the  depth  of the
refractory.   Thermowells  that  extend  past  the  refractory  provide   a more
accurate measure  of the gas  temperature and  respond  more quickly to tempera-
ture; changes; however, this type also may be subject to dust and slag buildup,
which  can slow response  to  temperature changes.   Thermocouples may  also be
locajted upstream  of the air  pollution control  system  to provide a warning or
control mechanism for high  temperature  excursions that  could  damage  control

          Thermocouples are  available in a variety of types, with  each type
constructed of specific metals or alloys.  The temperature ranges and reported
accuracy vary by type.   The environment the thermocouple  is  suited  for also


           A  summary  of  thermocouple types and limitations is given below.
                                   Upper    Thermocouple
                                   Temp.      Accuracy
Type Materials (°F) (+%)





Chrome! /constantan
Chrome! /alumel
Pt 10% rhodium/pure Pt

Pt 13% rhodium/pure Pt

Pt 30% rhodium/pure Pt
6% rhodium
Note: Accuracies do not consider












effects or
Reducing, vacuum, or
i nert
Oxidizing or inert
Oxidizing or inert
Oxidizing or inert
(no metal tubes)
Oxidizing or inert
(no metal tubes)
Oxidizing or inert
(no metal tubes)

Source: Complete Temperature Measurement Handbook and Encvn/nnerffn . dmpna
    ;     Engineering  Inc.,  1986.
    i      Replacement  thermocouples  must  always  be the  same  type  as  the
original because the receiver to which  a  thermocouple is connected  is designed
to  rj-eceive  the signal  from a  specific  type of  thermocouple.  Thermocouples
genejrate a  small millivolt signal  that increases with increasing temperature,
but ithe  amount of  voltage  for  a given temperature is different for each type
of thermocouple.  It is important to realize that thermocouples operate on  the
basijs of a  junction between two different  metals that generates only a  small
millivolt signal.   Consequently, any wiring connections from the thermocouple
to tfie receiver or any interfering electrical signals can affect the resulting
temperature reading.   This sensitivity necessitates  the  special  shielding of
the Wire in electrical conduit.

    j      Although thermocouples typically are very reliable, they can fail or
give;  erroneous readings.    For example,  a  thermocouple junction or wire may
brea|<  after   long  exposure  to  high  temperatures  or  repetitive  cycling.
However, a  thermocouple can give erroneous readings  for  reasons  that are not
as obvious as  a broken junction or wire.  For example, if mechanical vibration
abrades the  insulation  and one of  the thermocouple  wires  comes  into contact
with;  the  metal wall  of the thermowell  or other  grounded metal surface,  an


erroneous  temperature reading will  likely result.   As  noted earlier, faulty
thermocouple  readings may also  be the  result  of  external  conditions;  for
example, excessive  dust  buildups around a thermowell can insulate it  from  the
gas jstream and result in  erroneously  low temperature readings.   To  have  the
abiljity  to   compare  readings   to   identify   a  faulty  thermocouple,  dual
thermocouples  are  often  used at  nearby locations in the incinerator  chamber.
Also*  the  second  thermocouple  enables continued monitoring  of temperatures
while the faulty thermocouple  is  being  checked or replaced.
          Periodic  replacement  of  thermocouples,  and  checking  the  physical
integrity  of  the  thermowell and  any outer dust  buildup,  is; probably  the best
maintenance procedure.  Because  it is not practical to perform a high  tempera-
ture |calibration of the thermocouple, only periodic replacement ensures that a
properly operating  thermocouple  is  in  place.  The receiver should be checked
periodically using calibrated equipment that produces a known millivolt signal
equivalent to  a specific temperature  reading for a particular type of thermo-
couple.   The  generated  signal  can  be applied  to the thermocouple  leads  to
check that the receiver's output  produces the correct "temperature" reading.
    |      3.   Oxygen:
    j      Oxygen in the exit  gas is  monitored  continuously in a sewage sludge
incinerator as an indirect indicator of gas velocity  in the incinerator.

    j      Oxygen monitors  may be of  two types:    in  situ or extractive.   In
situ(merely means that the analyzer's sensor is mounted in direct contact with
the :gas  stream.   In  an  extractive system,  the  gas sample is  continuously
withdrawn  (extracted)  from the gas  stream and directed to  the  analyzer which
may lj>e located several feet or several  hundred feet away.

    j      Extractive  analyzers  include a  conditioning  system to remove  dust
and moisture from  the gas  sample; thus, the oxygen  concentration  measurement
is on  a  dry basis.   In  situ  analyzers, on  the  other hand,, do  not  include a
conditioning system,  and the  oxygen  concentration measurement  in  on a  "wet
basis."  For  the  same gas  stream, the  oxygen measurement obtained with  an  in
situ | analyzer  will  be slightly  lower  than  that obtained with  an  extractive


analyzer.   For  example, a  typical  combustion  gas stream  that  contains  10%
water vapor will yield  a reading of 8% oxygen using an  in situ analyzer  and a
reading  of  10%  oxygen  using an  extractive  analyzer.    The  oxygen values  for
sewage sludge incinerators must be reported on a dry basis.

    j      Oxygen analyzers are capable of good accuracy  (±1% of full scale) as
long as  the actual  gas to  be  sampled reaches  the analyzer  (no pluggage or
in-l^akage of air),  the conditioning system  (if one  is present)  is operating
properly, and the instrument is calibrated.  Electrocatalytic in  situ monitors
havej rapid  response  time (i.e.,  seconds).   The  response  times for polaro-
graphic and paramagnetic extractive analyzers are slower (several  seconds to a
minujte).  Extractive systems inherently involve longer response times, usually
on the order  or 1 to 2 min, depending on  the sampling rate  and the volume of
the sampling line and conditioning system.
    j      Problems with  oxygen analyzer  systems  may be difficult  to discern
since they  commonly  are associated with  slowly developing pluggage  in the
system,  or small air  in-leaks, etc.  The  extractive systems  should be checked
daily by the operators, and maintained and calibrated on a weekly basis by the
incinerator instrument personnel.
    |           a.   In situ oxygen analyzers;  In situ analyzers provide rapid
respbnse to changes in the oxygen content  of the gas because the  sensor is in
direqt contact  with  the gas  stream.   In  most  cases,  the sensing  element is
enclosed in a sintered stainless  steel tube,  which  allows  the gas to permeate
through  the tube but prevents particles in the gas stream from entering.  Most
in  s|itu  oxygen  analyzers  are  equipped  with  connections  so  that zero  gas
(nitfogen)  or calibration gas (air) can be flushed  through the permeable tube
in contact with the sensing element.  Flushing provides a means of zeroing and
spanning the  analyzer,  and  also creates  reverse flow of  gas  through  the
permeable tube that helps  to remove dust particles that eventually will  clog
the tube and  slow the detector's  response time.   Even  so,  the tube periodi-
cally must be removed for cleaning or replaced if warranted.

    !           Most in situ oxygen analyzers  are of the electrocatalytic type,
sometimes referred to as fuel-cell analyzers. Operation of these  analyzers is


base|d  upon  an  electron  flow  created  by reaction  of  oxygen with  a  solid
zirconium  oxide electrolyte.   Consequently,  manufacturers recommend that  the
sensling element  be replaced  after  several  months of service.

               b.   Extractive  oxygen  analyzers;   Extractive analyzers  always
involve  a "conditioning  system"  for  removal of  water,  dust,  and sometimes
other  constituents  that would  interfere with operation  of  the analyzer.  An
example  extractive  system  is  illustrated  in  Figure II-l.    The moisture
knockout for removal of water vapor and  the normal connections  for  zeroing  and
calibrating the  analyzer are shown.

    j      The  integrity of  the sample  line and  the conditioning  system is
crucjial  to  obtaining  a  representative  sample and  accurate  results.    Any
in-leakage of  air can  drastically  distort the reading.  The extractive  system
requjires a pump to  draw the sample gas  continuously  through the sample  line,
conditioning  system,  and analyzer.   Most  systems include  a  small rotameter
(fToy/meter) which shows  that sample gas  is  flowing through  the system.  This
flowmeter  is always one  of the  first  items that should be  checked  if  any
problem is suspected because loss  of  flow will  occur  if' the pump fails or  the
system is  plugged.   However,  even if the flow rate  is  correct,  the measured
gas Concentration will  not be correct if there is any problem with the leakage
of air into the  gas sample.
    j      Two  types  of extractive oxygen  analyzers,  paramagnetic  and  polaro-
graphic  analyzers,  are  available in  addition to the  electrocatalytic type
described previously for in situ  analyzers.   Paramagnetic  analyzers  measure
the joxygen concentration  as  the strength of  a magnetic  field  in  which oxygen
molecules are  present.   Oxygen molecules are somewhat  unique  in  displaying a
permanent magnetic moment (paramagnetism), allowing oxygen concentration to be
differentiated from the  stack  gas  sample.  Calibration  is performed by moni-
toring  an inert gas  such  as  nitrogen  (zero)  and  a  gas  of known  oxygen
concentration  (span).  A  potential problem with this  type of  analyzer is its
susceptibility to  paramagnetic molecules  other than  oxygen.   Nitrogen oxide
and initrogen  dioxide  in  particular display  a high  degree  of  paramagnetism
(about one-half that  of  oxygen), but  their  concentration is  usually  low
compared to that of oxygen.


Back Plus
 Purge Air

               Air  Cooled
   Low     Mid
  Level    Level
Calibration  Calibration

                                         !  I
                                                             j Data Logger
       Figure II-l.  Schematic of an extractive  monitoring system.


          Polarographic  analyzers  monitor  oxygen  concentration  by allowing
oxygen to  pass through  a selective,  semipermeable  membrane and  react at an
electrode  in   an  oxidation-reduction  reaction.     Measuring  the  current
produced by  the  reaction  indicates  the  oxygen  concentration.    Improper
conditioning of  the sample gas  is a potential  problem with these analyzers,
since  moisture and  particles will  hinder  performance of  the semipermeable
membrane.    Calibration  is  performed  by  zeroing  with  an oxygen-free  gas
(nitjrogen)  and  spanning with  a  gas  of  known  oxygen concentration  (e.g.,
air)|.   Furthermore, these  monitors contain  a liquid  electrolyte  that has a
limited life span and must be replaced at regular intervals.
    I      Additional background information on oxygen monitors  is available in
EPA i(1979);  additional  guidance  on the operation  and  calibration  of oxygen
mom'itors is provided in  EPA (1989e).

    {      4.   Total Hydrocarbon;
          THC  is  continuously  monitored  in a  sewage  sludge incinerator as an
indirect  indicator  of  combustion  efficiency  for  organic  material  in  the
sludge.   The  method  measures the  total hydrocarbons as  a  surrogate for the
total gaseous  organic concentration  of the combustion gas  stream.  The concen-
tration is expressed  in terms  of propane.   A gas sample is  extracted from the
source  through a heated  sample  line,  if necessary,  and a  fiber  filter  to a
flame  ionization  detector (FID).   A standard method,  Method 25A  (40 CFR 60,
Appendix A), is provided  as Appendix B of this document.   Another variation is
presented in MRI  (1989e)  and is currently undergoing review  at  EPA.
          The  monitors equipped with  FIDs essentially  respond  to unoxidized
carbon.   Monitoring efficiency remains relatively constant  over a wide range
of concentrations.  However, water vapor may have an effect on response.
    I      A  wide variety  of  FID systems  are  comrnercially  available  for THC
monitoring.   A sample is  usually extracted  using  a  diaphragm pump.  Prior to
entering  the  FID, moisture may be  removed by use of a condenser, and particu-
late|  may  be removed  by  use of one  or more filters.   Calibration  gas may be
injected  into the  monitor immediately after  the  sample  probe  (i.e., before


filters and  condensers)  or immediately  before the FID  analyzer (i.e., after
filtjars and condensers).  A recent survey of manufacturers and facilities that
use iTHC monitors  indicated  that  the  THC monitoring  systems  were operated
contiinuously on hazardous waste incinerators with reliability (MRI,  1989).  .
          5.   Air Pollution Control System:
    f                                                       '
    i      Permits  for sewage sludge  incinerators will  include  permit limits
and continuous  monitoring requirements  for  selected  parameters  that indicate
adequate   performance  of  air  pollution  control  (ARC)   devices.     Such
requirements will  be developed  on a case-by-case  basis,  depending on the ARC
devijce used and facility-specific issues.

    j      Selected APC  parameters  are  monitored continuously to indicate that
the APC system  is  operated  and  maintained to meet all applicable requirements
and !to minimize toxic metal emissions.   A list of performance indicator param-
eters for  various  APC technologies is presented  in Table II-3 along with the
common measuring devices for the respective parameters.
          The  performance  indicator parameters  include  (a)  APC  technology-
spedific  parameters  and  (b) universal  APC  parameters.    Examples  of  APC
technology-specific  parameters  include pressure drop  and  liquid  flow for wet
scrubbers,  and  secondary voltage and  secondary  current for wet electrostatic
precipitators   (ESPs).    Because  the  performance  of  all  APC  devices  is
influenced  by  gas  flow rate  and gas  temperature,  these  two  parameters are
considered  to  be universal  APC  parameters and  are  included  for  each  APC
    i      6.    Other  Parameters;
    I      Other indicator  parameters may  be appropriate for continuous moni-
toring or permit  limits for special  cases  or for facilities using technologies
different from  the types addressed  in  the proposed  rules.  Such requirements
woul^d be developed on a case-by-case basis.


       ARC Device
Venturi scrubber
Impingement scrubber
                                  TABLE I1-3

                        AIR  POLLUTION  CONTROL DEVICES
Mist eliminator (types
include a wet cyclone, vane
demister, chevron demister,
mesh pad, etc.)
Dry scrubber
(spray dryer absorber)

Pressure drop
                              Liquid flow rate
                              Gas temperature
                              (inlet and/or

                              Gas flow rate
Pressure drop

Liquid flow rate

Gas temperature
(inlet and/or

Gas flow rate

Pressure drop

Liquid flow
flow rate to

pH of liquid/
reagent to

For rotary
Atomizer motor

 Example Measuring Devices

Differential pressure (AP)
gauge/transmi tter

Orifice plate with AP

Annubar or induced fan (ID)

AP gauge/transmitter

Orifice plate with AP gauge/

Annubar or ID fan parameters

Differential pressure gauge/

Orifice plate with AP gauge/

Magnetic flowmeter
                                                  pH meter/transmitter


                            TABLE II-3 (CONCLUDED)
Fabriic filter
Wet electrostatic precip-
itator (ESP)
For dual fluid
Compressed air

airflow rate

Gas temperature
(inlet and/or

Pressure drop (for
each compartment)

Broken bags


Gas temperature
(inlet and/or

Gas flow rate
Secondary voltage
(for each trans-
Secondary currents
(for each trans-
former /rect i f i er)
Liquid flow(s)
(for separate
liquid feeds)
Gas temperature
(inlet and/or

Gas flow rate
                                                  Pressure gauge
                                                  Orifice plate with
                                                  AP gauge/transmitter

AP gauges/transmitters

Proprietary monitors


Annubar or ID fan

Kilovolt meters/transmitter
                                                  Mi 11i ammeters/transmitter
                                                  Orifice plate(s) with AP
                                                  gauge/transmi tter

                                                  Annubar or ID fan parameters



     |     This  section  describes  testing  activities  used  in  determining
facility-specific control efficiency values for toxic metals emissions.  These
efficiency values are used to calculate the maximum allowable concentration of
toxic  metals  in the  sludge feed and  the maximum allowable  sludge  feed rate
to tljie  incinerator  based upon  the  equations  provided  in the  proposed rule.
The  {test  data  will  also  be used  to  determine facility-specific  limits  for
temperature, oxygen, and air pollution control conditions.
     |     1.   Test Design;
     I     The stack test must be  designed to  gather all needed information in
an acceptable manner.  Major elements of the testing are:
     |     •    Sampling and analysis of sludge feed for metcils»
     I     •    Sampling and analysis of stack emissions for metals.
     I     •    Monitoring and documentation of operating conditions during the
     i          test  (including  temperature(s),  oxygen,  total  hydrocarbon,
     !          sludge feed rate, and air pollution control devices).
A feW general  guidelines are appropriate:

     |     •    The test  should  be  conducted  at worst case  conditions  (i.e.,
     i          with the highest expected  feed  rate of sludge,  at  the highest
     j          temperature, etc.) for metals emissions  in  order  to obtain  the
     i          most flexible permit conditions.   However, the  system must  be
     !          operated  within   its   design   specifications  to  demonstrate
     !          adequate performance  in controlling metals emissions.


All  testing  and monitoring  must be conducted concurrently  (or
phased to account  for material  lag time).  Sludge feed  samples
must  be  collected  and  analyzed to  calculate  an input  loading
rate  for each  investigated  toxic  metal  for  comparison with
outlet emission rates.

Three replicate  test runs are  requested  for  each specific  set
of  operating conditions.   This provides  added  assurance that
the  incinerator  is operating in a consistent manner. Operating
conditions should  be maintained  as consistently as possible  for
the three test runs.
Measurements of temperature, oxygen, THC, sludge feed rate, and
air  pollution  control  indicators  should be  recorded continu-
ously, or, at a minimum, every 60 sec.

All  monitoring  instruments should  be  recalibrated immediately
prior  to  and after the test.   Documentation  of calibrations
should be included in the test report.

Sludge feed  samples should be collected at  least every 15 min
during each stack sampling test period.  Individual samples can
be composited into one sample analyzed per test run.

Sampling should  not begin  until the incinerator  has  reached a
steady state on  sludge  feed.   A minimum of  60 min (or 120 min
for  a  multiple  hearth) of  operation feeding sludge  is  recom-
mended prior to sampling.

Minimum stack sampling time for  each run  (actual  sampling time
not including time for port changes, etc.)  should be 1 hr.

Custody procedures  should  be  used for  handling  all  samples.
Full chain-of-custody procedures are typically much more labor-
intensive but may be used  at the applicant's  option.


               Results  should  be  reported  In  a  format which  includes  all
               information  and data necessary  to calculate final results  and
               verify   quality  assurance  objectives.    Results   should   be
               presented in as clear and  succinct a format as possible.
          2.   Methods for Measuring Metals Emissions;

          Specific  EPA methods  for sampling  and analysis  of metal emissions
are  Method 12 for  lead,  Method 101A for  mercury, Methods  103  and  104 for
beryllium,  and  Method 108 for  arsenic.    These methods may  be applicable to
sewage   sludge   incinerators  in   cases   where  only  one   metal   is   being
invejstigated.    However,  for  the  past  3 years  a method   has   been   under
development for sampling and analysis of multiple metal analytes, "Methodology
for  the  Determination  of  Trace  Metal  Emissions  in  Exhaust   Gases  From
Stationary Source Combustion Processes."  A copy of this method is  provided in
Appendix A.   Currently the draft method can  be applied to 16 analytes.  This
makejs  the  "Multiple Metals  Method" highly appropriate for  the  sampling and
analysis of the regulated  metals emitted  in the exit gas from a sewage sludge
   •j      The Multiple Metals  Method is  a  variation  of  U.S. EPA Method 5
(40 CFR 60, Appendix A) which was originally used to sample particulate matter
emitted from  power  plants.  In  Method 5,  samples are  taken at several desig-
nated sampling points in the stack, which represent equal areas.  At each sam-
pling  point,   the  velocity,   temperature,   and  static  pressure  of  the
parth'cu late-laden gas  stream are measured.   The sampling probe  is placed at
the .first sampling point,  and the sampling apparatus (commonly referred to as
the sampling  train)  adjusted to take  a  sample at  the  conditions  measured at
thisj point.  The sampling  probe  is  then  moved to the next point,  and the pro-
cessj is repeated continuously  until a sample has been  taken  from each desig-
natejd sampling point.  To  achieve valid  results in  a particulate source test,
the jsample must be  withdrawn at  the same  velocity  as  the flow of  gas  in the
stack.   This  is commonly referred to as isokinetic sampling.  Measurement of


stack  conditions  allows  adjustment  of  the   sampling   rate  to   meet   this

    !      As the  gas stream  proceeds  through a Method 5 sampling train,  the
partjiculate matter  is trapped  on  a filter,  the moisture Is removed, and  the
volume of the  sample is  measured.   Upon completion of sampling,  the collected
material is recovered and sent  to a laboratory for analysis.

          Since the  metals emitted  from  a sewage sludge  incinerator  may  be in
a  solid  form  within the  particulate  or  in a  volatile  form  within the  gas
stream, a  modification of the  Method  5  train is  necessary to collect appro-
priajte samples  for analysis  of all  of the  regulated toxic metals  simultane-
ously.   Appendix A  of  this  document  contains  the  draft  metals protocol
Methodology fop the  Determination of Trace Metal Emissions  in Exhaust Gases  From
Stationary Source  Combustion  Processes,   This method describes the only system
that! has been  proposed to collect both  the  volatile and nonvolatile fraction
of the stack gases.   This draft protocol  will  be  incorporated into  a methods
document under  preparation by  EPA's Office  of Solid  Waste as background  for
proppsed amendments  to the RCRA  incinerator regulations,  and  is also appro-
priate for sampling sewage sludge incinerators.

    j      The  metals train  contains  special solutions  in the  impingers to
collect volatile metals.  A glass probe tip  is used.  Full  instructions on  the
sampjling apparatus, sampling  procedure, recovery of the samples,  analysis,  and
quality assurance/quality control associated with the metals train is provided
in Appendix A.
    j      As a special note,  sampling specifically for hexavalent chromium  (as
opposed to  trivalent  or total  chromium)  presents  several  problems.   These
problems are  the stability  of the  sample and  recovery efficiencies  when
separating  . low level  samples.    Both oxidizing and  reducing materials may
affect the  stability of  the  samples and produce errors  in the determination.
At  this  time,  EPA  has  a  first  draft   of   a  procedure  for  collecting and
analyzing chromium(VI) stack  samples.  This  is included in Appendix C.


           3.   QA/QC for Metals Determinations in Stack Samples:
    I      As  noted   previously,   the  "POTW  Sludge  Sampling
Guidance"  (EPA,   1989c)  recommends   a   QA  plan  for  sludge
                                                                  and  Analysis
                                                                  sampling  and
             The  EPA  also  recommends  a QA  plan  for  demonstration  tests  at
 hazardous waste  incinerators (EPA,  1990).   Any  demonstration  test involving
 stack sampling is a complex and expensive experiment; a QA plan is recommended
 to ensure that the field sampling and laboratory analysis will provide data of
'sufficient quality for regulatory decision making.  Guidance on preparing a QA
 planlfor a demonstration test can be found in EPA (1990).
     i           a.   Method design:   One of the  biggest  difficulties in metals
 determinations in stack samples  is  lack of. a clear target concentration.  The
 draft method  requires  specific adaptations  of  the procedures  in order  to
 obtain various detection  limits.   Using  the equations  in  the  proposed rule,
 the critical removal efficiency can be calculated given the known sludge metal
 input.  This  critical  removal  efficiency and the  sludge metal  input can then
 be used to calculate the  stack  gas  concentration and resulting  sample concen-
 tration for analysis.   To assure reliable quantisation  of  the  analyte in the
 stack gas, the sample  concentration at the critical  level  should  be at least
 five) to ten times higher than the detection  limit specified for  the method.
     i                                                        i
     !           b.   Determination of precision and accuracy:  The analysis for
 metals in stack  gas should be  accompanied  by determination of  the precision
 and accuracy of  the measurement system.   Various procedures  are discussed  in
 EPA (1990).   Precision and accuracy  are determined  using the  QA/QC procedures
 in the associated methods, plus  additional analysis  of  two  sets  of metal  sam-
 pling train components fortified at  the critical  concentration  level  and  pre-
 pared  and  analyzed along  with  the  stack  gas  sampling  train  components.
 Accuracy is measured as percent recovery  of  fortified analyte,  and precision
 is measured as the  percent range of  the found analyte in each of the two  sets
 of sampling train components.

     i           c.   Data  reporting:    Data  reported for  stack  gas  samples
 should be calculated according  to the methods.   In addition, data reported for
 the removal  efficiency should be uncorrected for any background  levels found


in blanks.   If significant levels are  found  in  blanks,  stack gas data should
be  corrected only  if sufficient  statistical justification is  given.   Any
removal efficiency reported from blank-corrected  data  should also be reported
uncofrected for comparison.
    !      In  broad   terms,   an  atmospheric  dispersion   model   provides  a
relatively inexpensive means of predicting the impact that mass emissions from
a gijven  source have  on  ambient air  concentrations experienced  at  locations
surrpunding the source.  Dispersion models  have  a long history of application
to  criteria  .pollutant [e.g.,  particulate, sulfur  oxides  (S02)]  air  quality
problems.  For  criteria  pollutant  analyses, the  U.S.  EPA has developed a set
of  approved  models and  has  a well established  set of procedures to  address
issues such as:
          selection of  an appropriate model  given site location  relative  to
          surrounding topography and land use;

          meteorological data requirements; and

          source data requirements
    I      Although  there  are  no  directly comparable  procedures  that  are
specific to modeling  metals  emissions from sewage sludge  incinerators,  a set
of modeling recommendations  has been  prepared  for  a  similar source—hazardous
waste  incinerators.    These  recommendations  borrow  extensively  from  the
criteria pollutant modeling procedures.
    !      As an initial step  in performing  a dispersion  analysis  for a sewage
sludge incinerator, it is recommended  that  the applicant become familiar with
the information contained in the documents given below.


    j •    Guideline on Air  Quality Models  (Revised),  1986, EPA-450/2-78-027R
    •      from the  U.S.  EPA  Office  of  Air Quality  Planning  and  Standards.
    I      This document  is  available from  the  National  Technical Information
    j      Service (NTIS)  as PB86-245248 and is the criteria pollutant modeling
          guidance cited  above.

    i •    Workbook   of    Atmospheric   Dispersion   Estimates,    1970,    by
    |      D. B. Turner.   This  document  is available  from NTIS  as  PB191482.
    i      This  document   provides  a  very  readable   introduction  to  the
    ;      fundamentals of Gaussian dispersion models.

    i      The actual dispersion model programs (i.e., the computer source code
or  ^executable versions)  can  be  obtained  from at  least  two  sources.   For
example,  one  can  purchase  a specific  model  from  a  commercial  software
vendor.   There are many  model  vendors and  one  can obtain names and telephone
numbers  for several vendors  by  looking  at the  advertisements  given  in the
Professional Services  Directory of any recent  issue of  the Journal  of the Air
and i Waste Management  Association.   Alternatively,  one  aan  obtain  the  most
recent  version of a model  by accessing the U.S.  EPA's  computerized bulletin
board system  (BBS) maintained by  the Support  Center for Regulatory Air Models
(SCIJIAM).   For  information  regarding the  SCRAM BBS one  should  write  to the
following address:
    ;           Support Center for  Regulatory Air Models
    i           SRAB (MD 14)
    j           U.S. Environmental  Protection Agency
    I           Research Triangle Park, NC 27711
    !      In  many  instances  the  Industrial  Source  Complex Long  Term model
 (ISCLT) will  be the appropriate model  for  estimating the impact of emissions
 from  sewage  sludge incinerators.   This model  is  used very  extensively in
 regulatory  applications.   It is generally  considered to be applicable unless
 the; topography  in  the  area immediately  surrounding the  facility  (0.5  km)
 consists  of locations  where the elevation  exceeds  the physical height of the
 incjinerator stack.   In  this  case it probably would  be  necessary to use what


are [commonly  referred  to  as  complex terrain  models.   These  models  include
COMPLEXI and LON6Z.  Note that atmospheric dispersion in complex terrain  is an
ongoing research  area  and  that  there are  still  many questions  involved in
applying and  interpreting  the results  obtained by  use  of the  COMPLEXI and
LONGZ models.
    i             '                                          i
    |      This  chapter  serves  two  primary  purposes.    Frirst,  it  provides
descriptive advice  to  control agency  permit writers  who are  reviewing and
interpreting test results from sewage  sludge  sampling and analysis, data from
process monitoring  instrumentation,  and  the  results from stack sampling and
analysis of emissions from sewage sludge incinerators.  Secondly, this chapter
summarizes  typical  reporting  requirements  for  the testing of  sewage sludge
incinerators and,  thus, provides  guidance  to owner/operators  in providing a
complete test report to the control agency.
          In general,   the  owner/operator  must  provide  in  a  report to the
control agency  adequate information  (see Table  III-l)  to  develop a permit in
resppnse  to  the  requirements  of  the  proposed  rules  for   sewage  sludge
incinerators.   Minimum information includes  a description of  the incinerator
facility, operating conditions, and monitoring instrumentation;  the results of
slud|ge sampling and analysis;  full stack test results including documentation
of  sludge  sampling  and analysis;  data  from the  monitoring  of  key process
instruments;  and  complete  documentation  of   stack  sampling  and  analysis
resujlts/activities.   A modeling  report will be  submitted  to  document the
dispjersion factor to be used for each site.
    |      The findings  of  the  stack  testing  should  be  presented in a concise
and 'complete  summary  format,   at  the  beginning of  the  test   report.   Test
results,  QC results,  and analysis  system performance should  be thoroughly
disc|ussed and  documented in.the subsequent pages of the  report.  Sufficient
detajil is needed in the report to allow an agency reviewer to trace the calcu-
lations for all  results from  the  summary presentation back to  the raw data.
Resullts  also  are compared  to  the original test methods  to verify  that all


                            TABLE  III-l
Type of incinerator

Type of air pollution control

Sludge characteristics
*    Concentration of Be, Hg, Pb, As, Cd, Cr, and Ni

Details  of   adequate  continuous   process   monitoring  instrumentation
(including  appropriate  calibration  and  maintenance  programs)  for  the

*    Sludge feed rate
*    Temperature(s) (in specified locations)
*    Oxygen in exit gas
*    Total hydrocarbon in exit gas
*    Air pollution control device indicator(s)
Results of stack testing program (see Table III-4)

Values for:
*    Sludge feed rate (annual average, dry basis, daily rate)
*    Stack  parameters   such  as   stack  height  exit   diameter,   exit
     temperature, exit velocity, etc.
*    Dispersion factor  including the EPA approval of dispersion modeling

Details of program to  meet  requirements for  record  keeping,  reporting,
and sludge monitoring


phas|es of the  sampling,  monitoring, and analysis  activities  were carried out
in accordance with the methods.   Requirements are discussed in more detail in
the jfoilowing sections.


    I      A report of  the results of the  sewage  sludge sampling and analysis
is essentially a summary  of  the  test results and documentation of the various
sampling and  analysis  activities and requirements  as  discussed in Chapter II
and iin  the  references (EPA,  1989c;  1986).  A summary  of  critical  issues for
sewage sludge  sampling  and analysis is  listed in Table III-2; the failure to
document an  adequate response to  any of  the  issues on the  list may justify
issuance of deficiency comments or potentially the rejection of the results by
theicontrol agency as incomplete.
    I      Minimum required sludge data will be based ideally on long-term test
data.   In addition,  data must be  provided for the  sludge samples collected
during  the  stack tests;  these data  will  be correlated with  stack emissions
data  to  calculate facility-specific  control efficiency values for regulated
toxic metals.

    I      Minimum  required  test  results  for sewage  sludge   characterization
will  include  data for  beryllium,  mercury,  lead,  arsenic,  cadmium, chromium,
and nickel.


    j      The  control   agency permit  writer  will  evaluate  the  adequacy of
process  monitoring  instrumentation  based  upon  specific requirements  in the
proposed rules and the various design  capabilities and practical  limitations
of  each  instrument,  as discussed  in Chapter II.   Table III-3 summarizes the
critical issues for  the monitoring of the  key operating parameters.
    I      As noted in Table  III-l, monitored data  for sludge feed rate must be
submitted in a permit application to provide the minimum data  requirements for
determining  permit  conditions.    In  addition,   the stack  test  report  must


I                             TABLE III-2
i                          -
(                       •                                ,
justification for sampling and analysis strategy

Sampling frequency/number of samples

Sampling method and location
JGollection of equal volumes for each subsample making up composite

Duration and timing of sampling  (timing is especially important during a
(stack sampling effort)

(Preparation of containers and equipment
jField compositing methods
Sample storage, preservation, holding time, and shipping
(Sample custody
Sample preparation methods

Analysis parameters and methods
(Preparation and analysis of standards
Analytical instrument operation/calibration curves
(Blanks (sampling/analysis)
(Determination of accuracy and precision
[Detection limits

Calculation of results
'Discussion  of the  fulfillment and  attainment  of  quality  assurance and
'quality control objectives

(Discussion of any sampling and analysis difficulties


                              TABLE II1-3

                        INCINERATOR PERFORMANCE
: Monitoring of appropriate parameters

i Location and number of sensors

j Methods of monitoring
i Instrument calibration
! *    Method
I *    Frequency
; *    Documentation
; *    Calibration prior to stack sampling

 Frequency of data readouts/records

! Correction of data (e.g., dry basis, oxygen correction) as required

! Other maintenance issues (availability of spare parts, etc.)

i Discussion  of  the fulfillment  and attainment  of quality  assurance and
! quality control objectives


include documentation  of the monitored parameters  during  each stack sampling
run.  Data to be reported and documented in the test report should include:
               A summary  table  of  each parameter indicating average, minimum,
               and maximum values for each test run.
               Printouts  from  a data  logger or  strip  chart of  the raw data

               Documentation  of  instrument calibrations  made  prior  to  the
               first test (or prior to each test run if applicable).
               Documentation  of  calculations  and  factors used  to adjust raw
               data to final data (i.e., dry basis, oxygen correction for THC,

          The results of stack sampling and analysis are reported in a summary
tabl(e;  detailed  in a descriptive report  of findings,  methods/activities, and
problems; and  fully documented via  field sheets, raw data,  etc.,  to allow a
thorough  review  of the requirements of the sampling  and analysis methods.  A
summary  list of critical  issues  for  testing metals  emissions from  sewage
sludge  incinerators is provided  in Table  III-4;  the  failure to document an
adequate  response to any of the issues on the  list may justify the issuance of
Table III-3 deficiency comments or potentially the rejection of the results by
the jcontrol agency  as incomplete.
          This  chapter describes  how a  permit writer will  develop specific
 penfiit  limits  for a sewage sludge  incinerator based on the required informa-
 tioi) submitted  by  the  applicant.   This decision process can also be used by a
 permit  applicant to preview possible permit conditions.


                             TABLE  II1-4
                      SEWAGE SLUDGE INCINERATORS
! Identification of sampling objectives and methods
|Location of sampling ports
 Traverse points
;Absence of cyclonic flow verified
jEquipment calibration
•Stack gas velocity/flow rate calculation
;Gas analysis/calculation
I Field data sheets
'Isokinetic calculations
iProper temperatures maintained
 Sampling rate/volume/time
|Mandatory leak checks performed  with  acceptable results
;Number of replicate runs per test condition
Cample recovery documentation
I Hand!ing/distribution of samples for  analysis
 Filter weight/moisture determination
I Sample storage,  preservation, shipping,  and holding  time
iSample custody
jSample preparation  methods
I Analysis methods
iPreparation  and  analysis of  standards
•Analytical  instrument operation/calibration curves
!Blanks (sampling/analysis)
[Determination  of accuracy and precision
{Calculation  of results (based upon  input  sludge  characteristics)
 Discussion  of the  fulfillment  and  attainment of quality  assurance and
;quality control  objectives


          Many of  the numerical  permit limits are  calculated using formulas
provided  in the  proposed  rules  (Federal Register,  February  6, 1989).   The
specjific formulas and factors  are not repeated here since they  are subject to
revision prior to  promulgation.  However,  the following  pages  discuss how a
permit writer will  use  the calculations  and  submitted information to develop
specific  permit  conditions.    Individual  parameters  are  addressed  in  the
following sections.   The  use of assumed factors will allow  an applicant to
estimate possible permit limitations.
    j      A major  objective of the sewage  sludge  incinerator permitting pro-
gram  is  a risk-based  limitation  of  inputs  of   beryllium,  mercury,  lead,
arsefiic,  cadmium,  chromium, and nickel  to  each incinerator.   Limitations of
metajl  inputs result  in  limitations of potential metal  emissions to the atmo-
          The specific limits for each metal are based upon formulas contained
in tjie proposed rule that  involve  such factors as  control efficiency and dis-
persion.   Two  major variables in each  formula are the  concentration  of the
reguHated  metal  in  the  sewage  sludge and  the input  rate  of  sludge  to the
    I      Sludge feed rate will serve as the continuously monitored parameter;
a maximum value specified in the permit will serve as a limit to the input of
the most critical metal, i.e.,  the metal  that requires the lowest sludge feed
rate!  in  the  risk-based  calculations described  in  the  proposed  rule.   In
determining permit conditions, the concentration of each metal will be assumed
to bk a  constant,  based  upon the average of accumulated  sludge analysis data
for that  metal.   (Ideally, long-term  information will  be available for these
evalRations.)   Allowable sludge feed rates are calculated for each metal using
the 'formulas;   the  lowest  value  is  selected  as  an operating   limit.    A
continuing sludge  analysis effort,  required  by the regulations,  serves  as  a
long-term  check of  the  validity of  the average concentration  values used to
determine maximum sludge feed rate.


    ;      The  individual  steps  of  determining  the maximum  allowable sludge
feed! rate are as follows:
    j      1.   Gather  the  input information  needed to use the  formulas pro-
    ;           vided in the proposed rules.  Inputs include:

    j           -    Average  concentration  of  each  regulcited  metal  in  the
    :                sewage sludge (based upon long-term data collection)

    (           -    Site-specific  factors  for  dispersion  and  control  effi-
    :                ciency obtained from site-specific studies/emission tests
               Note  that  the  calculations  involve  the  combined feed  of all
               incinerators within the property line of the treatment works.
          2.   Solve the formulas  for sewage sludge feed rate  for each regu-
               lated metal.

          3.   Select the  lowest calculated  sewage  sludge feed  rate (i.e. for
               the metal that requires the  lowest feed  rate in  the formulas),
               convert  this value  from  dry basis  to  wet  basis (based  on
               historic  moisture  data)   and  compare  with  the  design  (or
               manufacturers recommended)  maximum  sludge   feed  rate of  each

          4.   Select the  smaller  value  (i.e.  the  lowest  calculated rate  or
               design maximum) as  the permitted maximum feed rate.   The rate
               should be expressed on a  wet basis in the permit if monitored
               by the facility on a wet  basis.   If  the  facility has more than
               one  incinerator,  allocate allowable  feed rates  to individual
               units so that the total feed  rate (to all of the incinerators)
               does not exceed the  sludge feed limit for the entire site.

          A  limited  example  set  of  calculations   involving  two metals  is
provided in Appendix D of this document.


    !      The permit  will  correlate the maximum  allowable sewage sludge feed
rate! with  average  concentration values for  each  regulated toxic metal.  Each
faciility is required to conduct a continuing characterization of  sewage sludge
in  the  proposed rules;  if  the results of  this characterization  indicate a
trend in  averaged  sludge  data  requiring  a  10% or  greater decrease  in the
maximum  allowable  sludge   feed rate,  the  permit  limit  must  be  modified.
Likewise, a facility can request a permit modification if data trends indicate
a bajsis for increasing the allowable sludge rate by 10% or greater.
    |      An  incinerator owner/operator,  as a result  of  completing the above
exerjcise with preliminary  or  estimated information,  may identify  a  need  to
modify  or  replace  air  pollution control  equipment  in order to maximize the
allowable sludge feed rate limit.

    !      Limits for  maximum temperature  and maximum  oxygen  are based on the
conditions documented during the tests.   The maximum temperature limit should
be njo more than  100°F higher than  the average temperature demonstrated during
the tests.   Likewise, the  oxygen  limit should  be  no more than  1% 02 higher
than; the average demonstrated during the test.  Oxygen limits are expressed on
a  dry  basis.    A   technology-based  limit for  THC  will   be  included  in  the
promulgated regulation.
    ! c.
    j      The selection and monitoring of selected indicators of air pollution
control  was  addressed  in  Chapter  II.   Permit  limits  for the  indicators
selected  by  the  permit  writer  should reflect  design operating  conditions
(i.ej., within design minimum/maximum ranges recommended by the manufacturer of
the ! control  device)  and  the  operating conditions  documented during  stack
testing.   Permit  limits for the  indicator parameters  should not be more than
20% jabove/below the  average  value  demonstrated  during the  tests  (e.g.,  a
minimum  scrubber  pressure drop of  16 in if the test  avenige was  20  in  or a
maximum flow rate of 120 gpm if the test average was 100 gpm.)



    ;      Permit  writers  should  identify  general  requirements  related  to
deviations  from  limits  in  each  sewage  sludge  incinerator  permit.    Brief
excursions  above/below the  maximum/minimum  limits  for  continuously  limited
parameters are allowed if they  do  not  cause the limit to be exceeded for more
than 60 min.  A report must be submitted to the control agency whenever permit
limirts are exceeded more than 60 min.


    ;      The  permit  should include  requirements  for  the calibration  and
maintenance  of instrumentation  used  to  continuously monitor  permit-limited
parameters.    Required  calibration methods  and  the  minimum  frequency  of
calibration should be clearly identified in each permit.  The method should be
as specific  as  possible.   Recommended minimum  frequencies  of  calibration are
daily  for  oxygen monitors,  daily  or weekly for  THC  monitors,  and  every
6 months for sludge feed rate and air pollution control indicators.

    '      Permits  should  also   identify   the  key  steps  of  a  preventative
maintenance  program  for  the  THC  and  oxygen  monitors.    The  preventive
maintenance  program  typically is based on  manufacturers'  recommendations and
includes such items as:
          1.   Checking the integrity of probe  and  sample line and backflush-
               ing as necessary.

          2.   Checking and maintaining the  sample  conditioning system,  e.g.,
               cleaning or replacing filters.

          3.   Cleaning optical lens (in situ monitors).

          4.   Checking operation of recorders and data loggers (e.g., replac-
               ing pens, ink, charts, etc.).


    i      The  preventive maintenance  program  should be  established  by  the
facility and  should identify daily,  weekly, monthly, and  annual  maintenance
activities.  The permit should require a maintenance log to document adherence
to the maintenance program.

    ;      Sewage  sludge  incineration  facilities  are  required  to  maintain
detailed records  to document  compliance with  regulations and permit condi-
tions.  These records  are  important  for compliance  inspections conducted by
EPA land  state  agency  staff.    The  required  records   can  be  reviewed  by
inspectors to demonstrate recent and past operations at  the facility.  Permit
writers should be very specific in each permit in defining the following:
    |      •    Which records must be maintained?
    :      •    What is the content and format of the records?

    ;      •    What is the  frequency  of inputs to  each  type  of records (con-
    '           tinuous, weekly, etc.)?
    1                                                     '   '   .
    |      •    How are the records stored for ease of access?

          In general, documentation to be maintained by the facility includes:
    I      •    Records associated with continuously monitored operating param-
               eters (e.g., strip charts, computerized logs,, operator logs).

    |      •    Records associated with  sludge characterization  and  the calcu-
    |           lation of allowable sludge feed rates.

    i      •    Calibration and maintenance logs.
    \                                                        ;
    i      The  content  and  format of  each  record  should  be  defined  in  the
permit  in  sufficient  detail  to ensure that all  needed information  will  be


available to inspectors.   Records  of calibrations should document date, cali-
bratjion method, initial reading, and final reading.  The permit should clearly
identify the  minimum frequency  of  inputs  to records  (i.e.  continuous strip
charits or  data logging  every 60  seconds).   Specific  requirements  for strip
charjts may  include  minimum chart speed and  minimum labeling of date and time
(e.g1., daily manual labeling by the  operator).
    I      All  records  should  be stored  for ease  of access  for inspections
(i.e., in one central location).

    |      After  a  permit  is  issued  for  a  sewage  sludge  incinerator,  the
control  agency will  evaluate the  facility's continuing compliance  with the
applicable  regulations  and permit  conditions by  reviewing submitted reports
and iconducting inspections.
    |      The basis for enforcement includes:
    t      •    Records of sewage sludge characterization.
    !      •    Records/observations   of   continuously  monitored   operating
          •    Records/observation of monitoring instrumentation function.

          The control agency will review submitted reports and on-site records
of  continuing  sewage sludge sampling and  analysis to evaluate any variations
in  metals  concentrations that would impact  the  risk-based  calculation of the
maximum allowable sludge feed rate.
          Inspectors  will  observe  instrument  readouts and  review records of
monitored parameters to determine compliance with operating permit limits and
reporting  requirements.   Observations  of the function  of  monitoring instru-
ments  and  the  review of calibration and  maintenance records serve as a check


of the completeness  and  validity of readings  and  response to specific permit
          The following references were used to develop this; document:
U.S.!Environmental Protection Agency.   1979.   Continuous air pollution source
     imonitoring systems handbook.  EPA 625/6-79-005.  June 1979.
U.S.jEnvironmental Protection Agency.   1980.   Interim guidelines and specifi-
     jcations  for  quality assurance  project plans,  EPA/QAM-005/80,  Office of
     'Research and Development.
U.S. j Environmental  Protection  Agency.    1986.    Test methods  for evaluating
     |sol id  wastes.    SW-846,  Office  of Solid  Waste and  Emergency Response,
     Washington, DC.  3rd Edition.  September 1986.
U.S.! Environmental  Protection Agency.   1989a.   Technical  support document -
     !incineration  of sewage  sludge.   EPA  Office of  Water  Regulations  and
     |Standards, Washington, DC, February 1989.

U.S.  Environmental  Protection Agency.   1989b.   Hazardous  waste incineration
     measurement  guidance  manual.    Prepared  for  the  U.S.  Environmental
     |Protection   Agency,   Office   of   Solid   Wastes,   Washington,   DC.
     •EPA 625/6-89-021. June 1989.
U.S.  Environmental  Protection Agency.    1989c.    POTW  sludge  sampling  and
     !analysis guidance document.  Environmental Protection Agency, Washington,
     iDC, Office of Water Programs.  August 1989.


U.S. Environmental  Protection Agency.   1989d.   Operation  and maintenance of
     hospital medical waste incinerators.  Prepared for the U.S. Environmental
     Protection Agency, Research  Triangle  Park,  NC.   EPA-450/3-89-002.  March

U.S.  Environmental   Protection  Agency.     1989e.     Proposed  methods  for
     measurements  of CO,  02,  THC, HC1,  and metals.   Prepared for  the U.S.
     Environmental  Protection  Agency,  Office  of  Solid Wastes,  Washington,
     DC.   Environmental  Protection Agencys  Office of Solid  Waste.   November
U.S.!   Environmental   Protection   Agency.      1990.      Handbook   on  quality
    I assurance/quality  control  procedures  for hazardous  waste incineration.
    ! Prepared for  the  U.S.  Environmental  Protection  Agency,  Cincinnati, OH.
    i EPA-625/6-89/023, January 1990.
FedeV-al  Register.     1989.    Standards  for the  disposal  of  sewage  sludge,
    | proposed rule.    U.S.  Environmental  Protection Agency,  Washington, DC.
    ! February 6, 1989.

Midwjest Research Institute.   1986.   Methods for continuous rate monitoring of
    j nonliquid hazardous wastes to incinerations.  Prepared for the U.S.  Envi-
    I ronmental  Protection  Agency,  Region  IV,  Atlanta,  GA.   EPA  Contract
    ! No. 68-01-7038, Work Assignment R04-01-73.  October 1986.
Midwest Research Institute.  1989.  THC monitor survey.  Prepared for the U.S.
    j Environmental   Protection Agency,  Office  of  Solid  Wastes,  Washington,
    1 DC.  Draft Final Report.  June 1989.
    ,      The following references may provide additional detailed information
on air pollution control devices and incineration:


Air Pollution Control Devices

U.S. 1Environmental Protection Agency.  1981.  Inspection manual for evaluation
     |of  electrostatic  precipitator performance.    EPA-340/1-79-007.   March

U.S. j Environmental  Protection  Agency.    1983.    Wet scrubber  inspection  and
     (evaluation manual.  EPA-340/1-83-022.  September 1983.
U.S. j Environmental  Protection  Agency.   1984.   Fabric filter  inspection  and
     ievaluation manual.  EPA-340/1-84-002.  February 1984.
U.S.iEnvironmental Protection Agency.  1985.  Operation and maintenance manual
     jfor electrostatic precipitators.  EPA/625/1-85-017.  September 1985.
U.S.  Environmental  Protection  Agency.     1985.     Flue  gas  desulfurization
     iinspection and performance evaluation.  EPA/625/1-85-019.  October 1985.
U.S.) Environmental  Protection Agency.    1987.    Municipal  waste combustion
     !study - flue  gas cleaning technology.  EPA/530-SW-87-021d.  June 1987.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  1989.  Hospital waste  incinerator field
     !inspection  and  source  evaluation manual.   EPA-340/1-89-001.   February
U.S.1 Environmental  Protection  Agency.   1989.    Guidance  on  setting  permit
     I conditions  and  reporting  trial  burn results.  EPA/625/6-89/019.  January
Water  Pollution  Control Federation.
     jOM-11.  Alexandria, VA.
1988.   Incineration  manual  of practice


                                  APPENDIX A
aThis method is a preliminary draft that has not been formally released by


                          i!-.--W re; at tn;* st^e oe
                               : Agena> pc'icy.  It .» oemg
                               -or co— ment on its •"••-nic?'
                              anc n lirv
                                                                      DRAFT 8/28/89
1.   Applicability and Principle
     1.1   Applicability.   This method is applicable for the determination of
total;chromium (Cr),  cadmium (Cd), arsenic  (As), nickel (Ni),  manganese (Mn),
beryllium (Be),  copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), lead  (Pb), selenium  (S',e),  phosphorus
(P), thallium (Tl),  silver (Ag), antimony (Sb), barium (Ba), sind  mercury (Kg)
emissions from hazardous  waste incinerators and similar combusi'tion processes.
This method may  also be used for the determination of particulate emissions
following the additional  procedures described.  Modifications  to  the sample'
recovery  and analysis procedures described in  this protocol for the purpose of
determining particulate emissions may potentially impact the front half mercury
      E •                —
     1.2   Principle.   The stack sample is withdrawn isokinetically from the
source, with, particulate  emissions collected in the probe and  on  a heated
filter and gaseous  emissions collected in a series of chilled  impingers
.containing a solution of  dilute nitric acid in hydrogen peroxide  in two
impingers,  and acidic potassium permanganate solution in two (or  one)
impingers.   Sampling train components are recovered and digested in separate
frontiand back half fractions.   Materials collected in the sampling train are
digested  with acid  solutions to dissolve inorganics and to remove  organic
constituents that may create analytical interferences.  Acid digestion  is
performed using  conventional Parr" Bomb or microwave digestion  techniques.   The
nitric acid and  hydrogen  peroxide impinger solution, the acidic potassium
permanganate impinger solution, and the probe rinse and digested filter
solutions are analyzed for mercury by cold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy
(CVAAS).   Except for  the  permanganate solution, the remainder of the sampling
*Field  tests  to date have shown that of the total amount of mercury measured
 by the method, only 0  to <2% was measured in the front half.  Therefore, it is
 tentatively  concluded,  based on the above data, that particulate emissions may
 be measured  by this train,  without significantly altering the; mercury results."'
    *>c:urtr«nt * a .preliminary drift
  H\n°f b*en fc"1""* refeasad by EPA
«e» should not at thlc staS«i D,  construe
» rrnt Agenay policy, it I* b»mg
        tor comment on its tec
      ) ana p-jJcy Jmpllaition*.


train catches are analyzed  for Cr,  Cd, Ni, Mn,  Be,  Cu,  Zn,  Pb,  Se, P, Tl, Ag,
Sb, Ba, and As by inductively coupled argon  plasma emission spectroscopy (ICAP)
or atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS).  Graphite furnace  atomic absorption
spectijoscopy  (GFAAS) is used for analysis of antimony,  arsenic, cadmium, lead,
selenium, and thallium, if  these elements require greater analytical
sensitivity than can be obtained by ICAP.  Additionally,  if desired, the tester
may us!e AAS for analyses  of all  metals if the resulting in-stack method
detection limits meet  the goal of the testing program.   For convenience,
aliqupts of each digested sample fraction can be combined proportionally for a
single analytical determination.  The efficiency of the analytical procedure is
quantified by the analysis  of spiked quality control samples containing each of
the target metals including actual sample matrix effects checks.
2.   Range,  Sensitivity,  Precision,  and Interferences
    2il   Range.   For the analyses described in this methodology and for similar
analyses, the ICAP response is linear over several orders of magnitude.  Sam-
ples containing metal concentrations in the nanograms per,milliliter (ng/ml) to
micrograms per milliliter (ug/ml) range in the analytical finish solution can
be analyzed using this technique.  Samples containing greater than
approximately 50 ug/ml of chromium, lead, or arsenic should be diluted to that
level  or lower for final analysis.  Samples containing greater- than
approximately 20 ug/ml of cadmium should be diluted to that level before
     2i.2  Analytical Sensitivity.  ICAP analytical detection limits for the
samplje solutions  (based on SW-846. Method 6010) are approximately as follows:
Sb (3|2 ng/ml), As (53 ng/ml). Ba  (2 ng/ml), Be (0.3 ng/ml). Get  (4 ng/ml), Cr (7
ng/ml|),  Cu  (6 ng/ml), Pb  (42 ng/ml). Mn  (2 ng/ml), Ni (15 ng/ml), P  (75 ng/ml).
 Se (75 ng/ml), Ag (7 ng/ml), Ti  (40 ng/ml), and Zn (2 ng/ml).  The actual
 method detection  limits are sample dependent and may vary as 1;he sample matrix
 may affect  the limits.  The analytical detection limits for analysis by direct
 aspirjation  AAS  (based on  SW-846, Method  7000) are approximately as follows: Sb
 (200ing/ml), As  (2 ng/ml), Ba  (100 ng/ml). Be (5 ng/ml), Cd (5 ng/ml), Cr (50
 ng/mi).  Cu  (20 ng/ml), Pb (100 ng/ml). Mn  (10 ng/ml),  Ni (40 ng/ml), Se (2
 ng/ml),  Ag  (10 ng/ml), Tl (100 ng/ml), and Zn (5 ng/ml).  The detection limit
 for mercury by CVAAS is approximately 0.2 ng/ml.  The use of GFAAS can give
 added sensitivity compared  to the use of direct aspiration AAS for the
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following metals: Sb  (3 ng/ml).  As  (1 ng/ml),  Be (0.2 ng/ml), Cd  (0.1 ng/ml).
Cr (1 |ng/ml), Pb  (1 ng/ml),  Se (2 ng/ml),  and Tl (1 ng/ml).
    Using (1) the procedures described in this method, (2) the analytical
detection limits described in the previous paragraph, (3) a volume of 300  ml
for the front half and  150 ml for the back half samples, and  (4)  a stack gas
sample volume of 1.25 m3 ,  the corresponding in-stack method detection limits
are presented in Table  A-l and calculated as shown:
    where: A  =  analytical detection limit, ug/ml.
           B  =  volume of sample prior to aliquot for analysis, ml.
           C  =  stack sample volume, dscm (dsm3).
           D  =  in-stack detection limit, ug/m3.
Values  in Table A-l  are calculated for the front and back half and/or the total
    To  ensure optimum sensitivity in obtaining the measurements,  the
concentrations of target metals in the solutions are suggested to be  at  least
ten times the analytical detection limits.  Under certain conditions,  and with
greater care in the  analytical procedure, this concentration can  be as low as
approximately three  times the analytical detection limit.  In all cases,
repetitive  analyses, method of standard additions (MSA), serial dilution, or
matrix  spike addition should be used to establish the quality of  the  data.
    Actual  in-stack method detection limits will be determined based  on  actual
source  sampling parameters and analytical results as described, above. If
required, the method in-stack detection limits can be made more sensitive than
 following options:
 shown in Table A-l for a specific test by using one or more of the
         A normal 1-hour sampling run collects a stack gas  sampling volume of
         about 1.25 m3.  If the sampling time is increased  and 5 ffl3 are
         collected, the in-stack method detection limits  would be one fourth of
         the values shown in Table A-l (this means that with this change, the
         method is four times more sensitive than normal).
         The in-stack detection limits assume that all of the sample is digested
         (with exception of the aliquot for mercury)  and  the final liquid
         volumes for analysis are 300 ml for the front half and 150 ml for the
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 Front Half        Back  Halfj
 Fraction 1        Fraction 2
Probe and Filter  Impingers 1-3
                            Back Half2
                            Fraction 3
                            Impingers 4-5
                                                              Total Train
Lead |
Zinc i
   0.07 (0.05V

  18 (0.5)*
   9.6 (0.2)*
3.8 (0.4)*
6.4 (0.1)*
  04 (0.03)*
  5 (0.01)*
  8 (0.1)*
  0 (0.1)*
  2 (0.1)*
9 (0.3)*
4.8 (0.1)*
11.5 (l.D*
19.1 (0.4)*
 0.11  (0.08)*
 1.5 (0.03)*
 2.5 (0.3)*
 27 (0.8)*
14.4 (0.3)*
( )* Detection limit when  analyzed by GFAAS.
  ** Detection limit when  analyzed by CVAAS.
     Actual-.-method in-stack detection limits  will be determined based
     pn actual source sampling parameters and analytical resul,ts as
     described earlier in  this section.
     i   back half sample.  If  the  front half volume is reduced from 300 ml to

     |   30 ml, the front half  in-stack detection limits would be one tenth of

     •   the values shown above (ten  times more sensitive).   If the back half

     i   volume is reduced from 150 ml to 25 ml, the in-stack detection limits

     j   would be one sixth of  the  above values.  Matrix effects checks are

     |   necessary on analyses  of samples and typically are  of greater signifi-

        cance for samples that have  been concentrated to less than the normal

     ;   sample volume.  A volume less than 25 ml may not allow resolubiliza-

     j   tion of the residue  and may  increase interference by other compounds.

    o|   When both of the above two improvements are used on one sample at the

     I   same time, the resultant improvements are multiplicative.  For example,

     |   where stack gas volume is  increased by a factor of  five and the total

     !   liquid sample digested volume of both the front and back halves is

     I   reduced by factor of six,  the in-stack method detection limit is

     j   reduced by a factor  of thirty (the method is thirty times more

     i   sensitive).
     !                                  ^        •*» *xusn.nl t* • preliminary flr»n
                                                  n« noi b««n formally released by €fr-
     j                                           «na should net at this staga o« construes
     i                                           » reor«s»nt Agenoy policy/  It is being
     :                                           *  	»l«o tor comnmnt on its recnmc**
     '                                           accuracy «no ir-Hcy Implication*.


    o!   Conversely, reducing stack gas sample  volume and increasing sample
     j   liquid volume will .increase limits.  The front half arid back halfi
     i   samples (Fractions 1 and 2) can be combined prior to analysis.  The
     |   resultant liquid volume (excluding Fraction 3. which must be analyzed
     j   separately) is recorded.  Combining  the sample as described does not
     i   allow determination (whether front or  back half) of where in the train
     :   the sample was captured.  The in-stack method detection limit then
        becomes a single value for all metals  except mercury, for which the
     j   contribution of Fraction 3 must be considered.
    o1   The above discussion assumes no blank  correction.  Blank corrections
     !   are discussed later in this method.
    2|.3  Precision.  The precisions  (relative  standard deviation) for each
metali detected in a method development test  at a sewage sludge incinerator, are
as follows: Sb (12.1%}, As (13-5?), Ba (20.6%), Cd (11.5%). Cr (11.2%), Cu
(11.5;%). Pb (11.6%), P (14.6%). Se (15.3%).  Tl (12.3%), and Zn (11.8%).  The
precijsion for nickel was 7-7% for another test conducted at a source simulator.
Beryllium, manganese and silver were not  detected in the tests; however, based
on the analytical sensitivity of the ICAP for  these metals, it is assumed that
their| precisions should be similar, to those  for the other me tills, when detected
     [       f
at similar levels.
    2.4  Interferences.  Iron can be a spectral interference during the
analysis of arsenic, chromium, and cadmium by  ICAP.  Aluminum can be a spectral
interference during the analysis of arsenic  and lead by ICAP.  Generally, these
interferences can be reduced by diluting  the sample, but this increases the
method detection limit.  Refer to EPA Method 6010 (SW-846) for details on
potential interferences for this method.  For  all GFAAS analyr.es, matrix
modifiers should be used to limit interferences, and standards! should be matrix
3.  Apparatus
    3.1  Sampling Train.  A schematic of  the  sampling train isi shown in Figure
A-l. ; It is similar to the Method 5  train.  The sampling train consists of the
following components.
    3.1.1  Probe Nozzle  (Probe Tip)  and Borosilicate or Quarts: Glass Probe
Liner;.  Same as Method 5. Sections 2.1.1  and  2.1.2.  Glass nosizles are required
unless an alternate probe tip prevents the possibility of contamination or
                                                    docuriTent t* a pranrmrwry «r*r.
                                                 * Mas  nor oeen formally released by EP*
                                                 s.id EhoLid net at  thi* stage. t>e construe*
                                                 -o weseot Agen^r policy. It I* oesng
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• nas  not  oeen formally released oy £P*
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circulaiied tor  comment on its technical
accuracy and  ff-Jlcy ImpIicaUen*.




interference of the sample with its materials  of construction. If a probe tip
other than glass is used, no correction of  the stack sample test results can be
made because of the effect on the results by the probe tip.
    3;. 1.2  Pitot Tube and Differential Pressure Gauge.  Same as Method 2,
Sections 2.1 and 2.2. respectively.
    3.1.3  Filter Holder.  Glass, same as Method 5,  Section 2.1.5, except that
a Teflon filter support must be used  to replace the  glass frit.
    3.1.4  Filter Heating System.  Same as  Method 5, Section 2.1.6.
    3-1.5  Condenser.  The following  system shall be used for the condensation
     !                                                                     -
and collection of gaseous metals and  for determining the moisture content of
the stack gas.  The condensing system should consist of four to six impingers
connected in series with leak-free ground glass fittings or other leak- free,
non-qontaminating fittings.  The first impinger is optional and is recommended
as a iwater knockout trap for use during test conditions which require such a
trap.;  The impingers to be used in the metals  train  are now described.  When
the fjirst impinger is used as a water knockout, it shall be appropriately-sized
for an expected large moisture catch  and constructed generally as described for
the first impinger in Method 5. Paragraph 2.1.7.  The second impinger {or the
first HNOj/HjO-j impinger) shall also  be as  described for the first impinger in
Method 5.  The third impinger  (or the impinger used  as the second -HNC^/HjOj
impiijiger) shall be the same as the Greenburg Smith impinger with the standard
tip described as the second impinger  in Method 5t Paragraph 2.1.7.  All other
impingers used in the metals train are the  same as the second impinger (the
first HNOj/HjOj impinger) previously  described in this paragraph.  In summary,
the first impinger should be empty, the second and third shall contain known
quantities of a nitric acid/hydrogen  peroxide  solution (Section 4.2.1), the
fourth  (and  fifth, if required) shall contain  a known quantity of acidic
potassium permanganate solution  (Section 4.2.2), and the last impinger shall
contain  a known quantity of silica gel or equivalent desiccant.  A thermometer
capable  of measuring to within 1°C  (2°F) shall be placed at the outlet of the
last '} impinger.  When the water knockout impinger is  not needed, it is removed
from j the train and the other impingers remain  the same.  If mercury analysis is
not needed,  the potassium permanganate impingers are removed.
    3-1.6  Metering System, Barometer, and  Gas Density Determination
Equipment.   Same as Method 5, Sections 2.1.8 through 2.1.10, respectively.
                                               * h*s net been formally released Sy EP*
                                               *rw should not at till* SU3» oe construec
                                               « represent Agenoy  policy.  It i* oemg
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    311.7  Teflon Tape.   For capping openings and sealing connections on  the
sampling train.
     !                                                          i
    3^2  Sample Recovery.   Same as Method 5, Sections 2.2.1 through 2.2.8
(Nonmetallic Probe-Liner and Probe-Nozzle Brushes, Wash Bottles, Sample
Storage Containers, Petri Dishes,  Glass Graduated Cylinder, Plastic Storage
Containers, Funnel and Rubber Policeman, and Glass Funnel), respectively, with
the fallowing exceptions and additions:
    3,2.1  Nonmetallic Probe-Liner and Probe-Nozzle Brushes.  For quantitative
recovery of materials collected in the front half of the sampling train.
Description of acceptable all-Teflon component brushes to be included in  EPA's
Emission Measurement Technical Information Center (EMTIC) files.
    3:2.2  Sample Storage Containers.  Glass bottles with Teflon-lined caps,
1000-'and 500-ml, shall  be used for KMn04-containing samples eind blanks.
Polyethylene bottles may be used for other sample types.
    3;.2.3  Graduated Cylinder.  Glass or equivalent.
    31.2.4  Funnel.  Glass or equivalent.
    3J.2.5  Labels.  For  identification of samples.
    3J.2.6  Polypropylene Tweezers and/or Plastic Gloves.  For recovery of the
filter from .the sampling train filter holder.
    3!.3  Sample Preparation and Analysis.  For the analysis, the following
equipment is needed:
    3'.3-l  Volumetric Flasks, 100 ml, 250 ml, and 1000 ml.  For preparation of
standards and sample dilution.
    3;.3-2  Graduated Cylinders.  For preparation of reagents.
    3'.3-3  Parr" Bombs or Microwave Pressure Relief Vessels with Capping
Station  (CEM Corporation model or equivalent).
    3J.3.4  Beakers  and Watchglasses.  250 ml beakers for sample digestion with
watchglasses to cover the tops.
    3|.3.5  Ring Stands and Clamps.  For securing equipment such as filtration
    3.3.6  Filter Funnels.  For holding filter paper.
    3.3.7  Whatman  5^1 Filter Paper (or equivalent).  For filtration of
digested samples.
    3.3.8  Disposable Pasteur Pipets and Bulbs.
    $.3.9  Volumetric Pipets.
    3.3.10  Analytical Balance.  Accurate to within 0.1 mg.
     !                                           » oocum«ru « • .preliminary arift
     1                                          • nas not keen formally released by  EP*
     j                                  O      j;w should not at thUi stag* ee construe
     j                                         TO represent Agenay policy,  ft Is belnf
     i                                         orcuiated tor comment on its technlc*
     i                                         accuracy arc p-Wlcy Implication*.


    3. 3 -11  Microwave or Conventional Oven.  For heating samples at fixed
power? levels or temperatures.
    3J.3.12  Hot Plates.
    3|.3-13  Atomic Absorption  Spectrometer (AAS) .  Equipped with a background
     i                                                              •  Graphite Furnace Attachment.  With antimony, arsenic, cadmium,
lead.' selenium, thallium,  and  hollow cathode lamps (HCLs) or electrodeless
discharge lamps (EDLs) .   Same  as EPA Methods 7041 (antimony), 7060 (arsenic),
7131 I (cadmium), 7421 (lead), 7740 (selenium), and 7841 (thallium).  Cold Vapor Mercury Attachment.  With -a mercury HCL or EDL.  The
equipment needed for the cold  vapor mercury attachment includes an air
recirjculation pump, a quartz cell,  an aerator apparatus,  and a heat lamp or
desiccator tube.  The heat lamp should be capable of raising the ambient
tempejrature at the quartz  cell by 10° C such that no  condensation forms on the
wall ;of the quartz cell.   Same as EPA Method 7*170.
    3.3.14  Inductively  Coupled Argon Plasma Spectrometer.  With either a
direct or sequential reader and an  alumina torch.  Same as EPA Method 6010.

4 .  Reagents
    Unless .otherwise indicated,  it  is intended that  all reagents conform to
the specifications established by the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the
American Chemical Society,  where such specifications are available;  otherwise,
use tihe best available grade.
    4.1  Sampling.  The  reagents used in sampling are as follows:
    4J.1.1  Filters.  The filters shall contain less  than 1.3 ug/in.2  of each of
the petals to be measured.  Analytical results provided by filter manufacturers
are acceptable.  However,  if no such results are available,  filter blanks must
be analyzed for each target metal prior to emission  testing.  Quartz  fiber or
glasst fiber filters without organic binders shall be used.   The filters should
exhibit at least 99-95 percent efficiency (<0.05 percent  penetration)  on 0.3
micron dioctyl phthalate smoke particles.  The filter efficiency test shall be
conducted in accordance  with ASTM Standard Method D2986-71 (incorporated by
reference) .  For particulate determination in sources containing SO   or SO
the fjilter material must be of a type that is unreactive  to  S02  or SO, ,  as
described in EPA Method  5-  Quartz  fiber filters meeting  these requirements are
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    4.1.2  Water.  To conform to ASTM Specification D1193-77, Type  II
(incorporated by reference).  Analyze the water for all  target metals  prior to
field use.  All target metals should be less than  1 ng/ml.
    4.1.3  Nitric Acid.  Concentrated.  Baker Ins tra- analyzed or  equivalent.
    4.1.4  Hydrochloric Acid.  Concentrated.  Baker Ins tra- analyzed or
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    4.1.5  Hydrogen Peroxide, 30 Percent  (V/V) .
    4.1.6  Potassium Permanganate.
    4 1 7  Stilfurie Acid   Concentrated-
    H..1.7  bull uric Acid,  concentrated.
    4.1.8  Silica Gel and Crushed Ice.  Same as Method 5, Sections  3.1.2 and
3.1.4, respectively.
    4.2  Pretest Preparation for Sampling Reagents.
    4.2.1  Nitric Acid (HN03 } /Hydrogen Peroxide  (HjC^) Absorbing Solution,
5 Percent HN03/10 Percent H.,02.  Add 50 ml of  concentrated HNQ3  and 333  ml  of
30 percent HjOj to a 1000-ml volumetric flask  or graduated cylinder containing
approximately 500 ml of water.  Dilute to volume with water.  The reagent shall
contain less than 2 ng/ml of each target  metal.
    4.2.2  Acidic Potassium Permanganate  (KMn04 ) Absorbing Solution, 4 Percent
KMnO^ (W/V)..  Prepare fresh daily.  Dissolve 40 g of KMn04 in sufficient 10
percent HgSC^ to make 1 liter.  Prepare and store in glass bottles  to prevent
degradation.  The reagent shall contain less than 2 ng/ml of Hg.
Precaution:  To prevent autocatalytic decomposition of the permanganate
solution, filter the solution through Whatman  54l filter paper.   Also, due  to
reaction of the potassium permanganate with the acid, there may  be  pressure
buildup in the sample storage bottle; these bottles should not be fully  filled
and should be vented both to relieve excess pressure and prev<»nt explosion  due
to pressure buildup.  Venting is highly recommended, but should  not allow
contamination of the sample; a No. 70-72  hole  drilled in the container cap  and
Teflon liner has been used.
    4.2.3  Nitric Acid, 0.1 N.  Add 6.3 ml of  concentrated HNO,  (70 percent)  to
     E                                         .                -3
a graduated cylinder containing approximately  900 ml of water,.   Dilute to 1000
ml with water.  Mix well.  The reagent shall contain less than 2 ng/ml of each
target metal.
    jf.2.4  Hydrochloric Acid (HC1), 8 N.  Add  690 ml of concentrated HC1 to a
graduated cylinder containing 250 ml of water.  Dilute to 1000 ml with water.
Mix well.  The reagent shall contain less than 2 ng/ml of Hg.


    4.J3  Glassware Cleaning Reagents.
    4.3-1  Nitric Acid, Concentrated.   Fisher ACS grade or equivalent.
    4.3.2  Water.  To conform  to ASTM Specifications D1193-77, Type II.
    4.J3.3  Nitric Acid, 10 Percent  (V/V).   Add 500 ml of concentrated HN03  to  a
graduated cylinder containing  approximately 4000 ml of water.  Dilute to  5000
ml with water.
    4.i4  Sample Digestion and  Analysis  Reagents.
    4J4.1  Hydrochloric Acid,  Concentrated.
    4.J4.2  Hydrofluoric Acid,  Concentrated.
  '  4.4.3  Nitric Acid, Concentrated.   Baker Instra-analyzed or equivalent.
    4.|4.4  Nitric Acid, 10 Percent  (V/V).   Add 1QO ml of concentrated HN03  to
800 ml) of water.  Dilute  to 1000 ml with water.  Mix well.  Reagent shall
contain less than 2 ng/ml of each target metal.
    4.J4.5  Nitric Acid, 5 Percent  (V/V).   Add 50 ml of concentrated HN03  to
800 ml| of water.  Dilute  to 1000 ml with water.  Reagent shall contain less
than 2 ng/ml of each target metal.
    4.J4.6  Water.  To conform  to ASTM Specifications D1193-77, Type II.
    4.j4.7  Hydroxylamine  Hydrochloride  and Sodium Chloride Solution.  See EPA
Method 7^70 for preparation.
    4J4.8  Stannous Chloride.
    4.14.9  Potassium Permanganate,  5 Percent (W/V).
    4.J4.10  Sulfuric Acid, Concentrated.
    4.J4.11  Nitric Acid,  50 Percent (V/V).
    4.4.12  Potassium Persulfate, 5 Percent  (W/V).
    4.J4.13  Nickel Nitrate, Ni(N03)2- 6^0.
    4 J4.14  Lanthanum Oxide, Laj 03.
    4.-.4.15  AAS Grade Hg  Standard,  1000 ug/ml.
    4.14.16  AAS Grade Pb  Standard,  1000 ug/ml.
    4.J4.17  AAS Grade As  Standard,  1000 ug/ml.
    4.J4.18  AAS Grade Cd  Standard,  1000 ug/ml.
    4.J4.19  AAS Grade Cr  Standard,  1000 ug/ml.
    4.(4.20  AAS Grade Sb  Standard,  1000 ug/ml.
    4.J4.21  AAS Grade Ba  Standard,  1000 ug/ml.
    4.14.22  AAS Grade Be  Standard,  1000 ug/ml.
    4J4.23  AAS Grade Cu  Standard,  1000 ug/ml.
    4.J4.24  AAS Grade Mn  Standard,  1000 ug/ml.
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    414.25  AAS Grade Ni Standard, 1000 ug/ml.
    4i4.26  AAS Grade P  Standard, 1000 ug/ml.
    4J4.27  AAS Grade Se Standard, 1000 ug/ml.
    414.28  'AAS Grade Ag Standard, 1000 ug/ml.
    4(4.29  AAS Grade Tl Standard, 1000 ug/ml.
    4[4.30  AAS Grade Zn Standard, 1000 ug/ml.
    4t4.31  AAS Grade Al Standard, 1000 ug/ml.
    414.32  AAS Grade Fe Standard, 1000 ug/ml.
    414.33  The metals standards may also be made from solid  chemicals as
described in EPA Method 200.7.  EPA Method 7470 or Standard Methods for the
Analysis of Water and Wastewater.  15th Edition, Method 303F  should be referred
to for additional information on mercury standards.
    4i4.34  Mercury Standards and Quality Control Samples.  Prepare fresh
weekly a 10 ug/ml intermediate mercury standard by adding 5 ml  of 1000 ug/ml
mercury stock solution to a 500 ml volumetric flask; dilute to  500 ml by first
adding 20 ml of 15 percent HN03 and then adding water.  Prepare a working
mercury standard solution fresh daily:  add 5 ml of the 10 ug/ml intermediate
standard to .a 250 ml volumetric flask and dilute to 250 ml with 5 ml of
4 percent KMn04, 5 ml of 15 percent HN03, and then water.  At least six '
separate aliquots of the working mercury standard solution should be used to
prepare the standard curve.  These aliquots should contain 0.0,  1.0,  2.0,  3.0,
4.0, and 5-0 ml of the working standard solution.  Quality control samples
shoulik be prepared by making'"a separate 10 ug/ml standard and diluting until in
the r^nge of the calibration.
    4|4.35  ICAP Standards and Quality Control Samples.  Calibration standards
for ICAP analysis can be combined into four different mixed standard solutions
as shown below.
                                       As, Be, Cd, Mn, Pb, Se, Zn
                                       Ba, Cu, Fe
                                       Al, Cr, Ni
                                       Ag, P, Sb, Tl
Prepare these standards by combining and diluting the appropriate volumes of
the 1000 ug/ml solutions with 5 percent nitric acid.  A minimum of one stan-
dard and a blank can be used to form each calibration curve.  However, a


separate quality control sample spiked with known amounts of  the  target metals
in quantities in the nidrange of the calibration curve should be  prepared.
Suggested standard levels are 50 ug/ml for Al, 25 ug/ml for Cr and Pb, 15 ug/ml
for Fe, and 10 ug/ml for the remaining elements.  Standards containing less
than jl ug/ml of metal should be prepared daily.  Standards containing greater
than jl ug/ml of metal should be stable for a minimum of 1 to 2 weeks.
    4J.4.36  Graphite Furnace AAS Standards for Antimony, Arsenic, Cadmium,
Lead, Selenium, and Thallium.  Prepare a 10 ug/ml standard by adding 1 ml of
1000 ug/ml standard to a 100 ml volumetric flask.  Dilute to 100  ml with 10
percent nitric acid.  For graphite furnace AAS, the standards must be matrix
matched; e.g., if the samples contain 6 percent nitric acid and 4 percent
hydrofluoric acid, the standards should also be made up with 6 percent nitric
acid and 4 percent hydrofluoric acid.  Prepare a 100 ng/ml-standard by adding
1 ml bf the 10 ug/ml standard to a 100 ml volumetric flask and dilute to 100 ml
with jthe appropriate matrix solution.  Other standards should be  prepared by
dilution of the 100 ng/ml standards.  At least five standards should be used to
make up the standard curve.  Suggested levels are 0, 10, 50, 75,  and 100 ng/ml.
Quality control samples should be prepared by making a separate 10 ug/ml
standard and diluting until it is in the range of the samples,  Standards
containing less than 1 ug/ml of metal should be prepared dailyi   Standards •
containing greater than 1 ug/ml of metal should be stable for a minimum of 1 to
2 weeks.
    4.4.37  Matrix Modifiers.
    4|.4.37.1  Nickel Nitrate, 1 Percent (V/V).  Dissolve 4.956 g of
NiCNO^j-SHjO in approximately 50 ml of water in a 100 ml volumetric flask.
Dilutie to 100 ml with water.
    4J.4.37.2  Nickel Nitrate, One-tenth Percent (V/V).   Dilutes 10 ml of 1  per-
cent nickel nitrate solution to 100 ml with water.   Inject an equal amount of
sample and this modifier into the graphite furnace during AAS analysis  for As.
    /H4.37.3  Lanthanum.   Dissolve 0.5864 g of La.,03  in 10 ml of concentrated
and dilute to 100 ml with water.  Inject an equal amount of sample and
this modifier into the graphite furnace during AAS analysis for Pb.
5.  Procedure
    5|1  Sampling.   The complexity of this method is  such  that,  to obtain reli-
able results, testers  should be trained and experienced with the test procedures,



    5 .'1.1  Pretest Preparation.  Follow the same general procedure given in
Method! 5, Section 4.1.1, except  that,  unless particulate emissions are to be
determined, the filter need not  be desiccated or weighed.  All sampling train
glassware should first be rinsed with  hot tap water and then washed in hot
soapy water.  Next, glassware should be rinsed three times with tap water,
followed by three additional rinses  with water.  All glassware should then be
soaked in a 10 percent  (V/V) nitric  acid solution for a minimum of 4 hours,
rinsed three times with  water,  rinsed a final time with acetone, and allowed
to ait; dry.  All glassware openings  where contamination can occur should be
covered until the sampling train is  assembled, prior to sampling.
    5.;1. 2  Preliminary Determinations.  Same as Method 5» Section 4.1.2.
    5 .'1-3  Preparation of Sampling Train.  Follow the same general, procedures
given Jin Method -5, Section 4.1.3t except place 100 ml of the nitric
acid/Hydrogen peroxide solution  (Section 4.2.1) in the two HNC3 /H^ impingers
(normally the second  and third impingers), place 100 ml of the acidic potassium
permanganate solution (Section 4.2.2)  in the fourth and fifth impinger, and
transfer approximately  200 to 300 g  of preweighed silica gel from its container
to the last impinger. Alternatively,  the silica gel may be weighed directly in
the impinger just prior to train assembly.
    Several -options are available to the tester based on the siampling
conditions.  The use  of an empty first impinger can be eliminated if the
moistikre to be  collected in  the  impingers is calculated or determined to be
less £han  150 ml.  The  tester shall  include two impingers containing the
acidic potassium permanganate solution for the first test run, unless past
      }                           '
testing experience at the same or similar sources has shown that only one is
necessary.  The last  permanganate impinger may be discarded if both
permanganate impingers  have  retained their original deep purple permanganate
color I  A  maximum of  200 ml  in each  permanganate impinger (and; a maximum of
three j permanganate impingers ) may be used, if necessary, to maintain the
desired color in  the  last permanganate impinger.
    Retain for  reagent blanks, 100 ml of the nitric acid/hydrcigen peroxide
solution and  100 ml of the  acidic potassium permanganate solution.  These
solutions  should be labeled  and  treated as described in Secticin 7,  Set up the
sampling train  as shown in Figure A-l.  If necessary to ensure leak- free
sampling train  connections,  Teflon  tape should be used instead' of silicone
grease  to  prevent contamination.           ^ ^^ ^ , ^^^ ^
                                            * has not Men formally released by
                                            t:w should nor at thl« sti>s» «« csnstruea
                                            -o represent Agenojr policy,  ft Is befng
                                            .sirttuistea tor comment oit ttt tech»wc*
                                            accuracy »ne p-l\cy implication*


    Precaution;  Extreme care should be taken to prevent contamination within
the train.  Prevent the mercury collection reagent  (acidic potassium
permanganate) from contacting any glassware of the  train which is washed and
analyzed for Mn.  Prevent hydrogen peroxide from mixing with the acidic
potassium permanganate.
    5.1.4  Leak-Check Procedures.  Follow the leak-check procedures given in
Method: 5, Section (Pretest Leak-Check), Section (Leak-Checks
During; the Sample Run), and Section (Post-Test Leak-Checks).
    5.1.5  Sampling Train Operation.  Follow the procedures given in Method 5,
Section 4.1.5.  For each run, record the data required on a'data sheet such as
the on^ shown in Figure 5~2 of Method 5.
    5.1.6  Calculation of Percent Isokinetic.  Same as Method ;>, Section 4.1.6.
    5.2  Sample Recovery.  Begin cleanup procedures as soon as the probe is
removed from the stack at the end of a sampling period.
    The probe should be allowed to cool prior to sample recovery.  When it can
be safely handled, wipe off all external particulate matter near the tip of
the prbbe nozzle and place a rinsed, non-contaminating cap over the probe
nozzle, to prevent losing or gaining particulate matter.  Do not cap the probe
tip tightly'-while the sampling train is cooling.  This normally causes a vacuum
to form in the filter holder, thus causing the undesired result of drawing
liquid! from the impingers into the filter.
    Before moving the sampling train to the cleanup site, remove the probe from
the sampling 'train and cap the open outlet.  Be careful not to lose any
condensate that might be present.  Cap the filter inlet where the probe was
fastened.  Remove the umbilical cord from the last impinger and cap the '
impinger.  Cap off the filter holder outlet and impinger inlet„  Use non-  .
contaminating caps, whether ground-glass stoppers, plastic cap«, serum caps,
or Teflon tape to close these openings.
    Alternatively, the train can be disassembled before the probe and filter
holder;/oven are completely cooled, if this procedure is followed:  Initially
disconnect the filter holder outlet/impinger inlet and loosely cap the open
ends. | Then disconnect the probe from the filter holder or cyclone inlet and
loosely cap the open ends.  Cap the probe tip and remove the umbilical cord as
previously described.
    Triansfer the probe and filter-impinger assembly to a cleanup area that is
clean iand protected from the wind and other potential causes of contamination
      ;                                15        T?*


or loss of sample.  Inspect  the  train before and during disassembly and note
any abnormal conditions.  The sample is  recovered and treated as follows (see
schematic in Figure A-2) .  Assure  that all items necessary for recovery of the
sample1 do not contaminate it.
    5.;2.1  Container No. 1  (Filter).  Carefully remove the filter from the
filter holder and place  it in its  identified petri dish container.  Acid-
washed polypropylene or  Teflon coated tweezers or clean, disposable surgical
gloves rinsed with  water should be used to handle the filters.  If it is
necessary to fold the  filter, make certain the particulate cake is inside the
fold. I Carefully transfer the filter and any particulate matter or filter
fibers; that adhere to  the filter holder  gasket to the petri dish by using a dry
(acid-j cleaned) nylon bristle brush.  Do  not use any metal-containing materials
when recovering this train.  Seal  the labeled petri dish.
    5.J2.2  Container No. 2  (Acetone Rinse).   Taking care to see that dust on
the outside of the probe or  other  exterior surfaces does not .get into the
sample;, quantitatively recover particulate matter and any condensate from the
probe pozzle, probe fitting, probe liner,  and front half of the filter holder
by wasjhing these components' with 100 ml  of acetone and placing the wash in a
glass (container.  Note;  The use of exactly 100 ml is necessary for the
subsequent blank correction  procedures.   Distilled water may be used instead of
acetone when approved  by the Administrator and shall be used when specified by
the Administrator; in  these  cases, save  a water blank and follow the
Administrator's directions on analysis.   Perform the acetone rinses as follows:
Carefully remove the probe nozzle  and clean the inside surface by rinsing with
aceton.e from a wash bottle and brushing  with a nonmetallic brush.   Brush until
the acetone rinse shows  no visible particles,  after which make a final rinse of
the iriside surface with  acetone.
    Brush and rinse the  inside parts of  the Swagelok fitting with acetone in a
similar way until no visible particles remain.
    Rinse the probe liner with acetone by tilting and rotating the probe while
squirtjing acetone into its upper end so  that all inside surfaces will be wetted
with acetone.  Allow the acetone to drain from the lower end into the sample
container.  A funnel may be  used to aid  in transferring liquid washings to  the
container.  Follow the acetone rinse with a nonmetallic probe  brush.   Hold  the
probe 'in an inclined position, squirt acetone  into the upper end as .the probe
brush |is being pushed  with a twisting action through the probe;  hold  a sample
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 container underneath the lower end of the probe, and catch any acetone and
 partibulate matter which is brushed through the probe three times or more until
 no  visible particulate matter is carried out with the acetone or until none
 remains  in the probe liner on visual inspection.  Rinse the brush with acetone,
 and quantitatively collect these washings in the sample container.  After the
 brushing,  make a final acetone rinse of the probe as described above.
     lit is recommended that two people clean the probe to minimize sample
 losseis.   Between sampling runs, keep brushes clean and protected from
     CJlean the  inside of the front half of the filter holder by rubbing the
 surf apes with  a nonmetallic nylon bristle brush and rinsing with acetone.
 Rinsej each surface three times or more if needed to remove visible particulate.
 Make & final rinse of the brush and filter holder.   After all acetone washings
 and particulate matter have been collected in the sample container,  tighten the
 lid oji the sample container so that acetone will not leak out when it is
 shipped  to the laboratory.   Mark the height of the fluid level to determine
 whether  or not leakage occurred during transport.   Label the container clearly
 to  identify its contents.
     5J.2.3  .Container No.  3  (Probe Rinse).   Rinse the probe liner,  probe nozzle,
 and fi-ont  half of the filter holder thoroughly with 100  ml of 0.1  N nitric  acid
 and place  the wash into a sample storage  container.   Note;  The use of exactly
 100 mf is  necessary for the subsequent blank  correction  procedures.   Perform
 the rinses as described in  Method 12,  Section 5.2.2.  Record  the volume  of  the
 combined rinse.  Mark the height of the fluid level  on the  outside of the
 storage  container  and use this mark to determine if  leakage occurs during
 transport.  Seal the  container and  clearly label the contents.  Finally, rinse
 the nozzle, probe  liner, and front half of the filter holder with water
 followed by acetone and discard  these rinses.
    5:2.4  Container No. 4  (Impingers 1 through 3, Contents and Rinses). Due
 to  th^ large quantity of liquid involved, the tester may place the impinger
 solutions  in more  than  one container.  Measure the liquid in the first three
 impingers volumetrically to within 0.5 ml using a graduated cylinder.  Record
 the volume of liquid present.  This information is required to calculate the
moisture content of the sampled flue gas.  Clean each of the first three
impingers, the filter support, the back half of the filter housing, and
connecting glassware by thoroughly rinsing with 100 ml of 0.1 N nitric acid as
                                                   not been formally
                                                                    « '»


described in Method 12, Section 5-2.4.  Note; The use of exactly  100 ml of 0.1
N nitjric acid rinse is necessary for the subsequent blank correction
procedures.  Combine the rinses and impinger solutions, measure and record the
volume.  Calculate the 0.1 N nitric acid rinse volume by difference.  Mark the
heighjt of the fluid level on the outside of the  container to determine if
leaka'ge occurs during transport.  Seal the container and clearly  label the
contents .
    5;.2.5  Container No. 5 {Acidified Potassium  Permanganate Solution and
Rinses, Impingers No. 4 & 5).  Pour all the liquid from the permanganate
impingers (fourth and fifth, if two permanganate impingers ar« used) into a
graduated cylinder and measure the volume to within 0.5 ml.  This information
is required to calculate the moisture content of the sampled flue gas.   Using
100 ml total of the acidified potassium permanganate solution,, rinse the
permanganate impinger(s) and connecting glass pieces a minimum of three times.
Combine the rinses with the permanganate impinger solution.  Finally,  rinse the
permainganate impinger(s) and connecting glassware with 50 ml of 8 N HCT to
remove any residue.  Note: The use of exactly 100 ml and 50 ml for the  two
rinse|s is necessary for the subsequent blank correction procedures.  Place the
combined rinses and impinger contents in a labeled glass storage  bottle.   Mark
the Weight of the fluid level on the outside of  the bottle to determine if
leakajge occurs during transport.  See the following note and the  Precaution in
Paragraph 4.2.2 and properly seal the bottle and clearly label the  contents.
    Njote:  Due to the potential reaction of the potassium permanganate  with the
acid,,; there may be pressure buildup in the sample storage bottles.  These
bottles should not be filled full and should be vented to relieve excess
pressure.  Venting is highly recommended.  A No. 70-?2 hole drilled in  the
container cap and Teflon liner has been found to allow adequate venting without
loss of sample.
    5J.2.6  Container No. 6 (Silica Gel).   Note the color of the indicating
silicja gel to determine whether it has been completely spent and make a
notation of its condition.  Transfer the silica gel from its impinger to its
original container and seal.   The tester may use a funnel to pour the silica
gel and a rubber policeman to remove the silica gel from the impinger.  The
small! amount of particles that may adhere to the impinger wall need not be
removed.  Do not use water or other liquids to transfer the silica gel since
weighjt gained in the silica gel impinger is used for moisture calculations.

        '                             19          °
                                                   «n« p-Wlcy imprtaatton.


 Alternatively,  if  a balance is  available  in  the field,  record the weight of
 the  s|pent silica gel (or silica gel plus  impinger)  to the nearest 0.5 g.
     5;.2.7  Container No.  7  (Acetone Blank).   Once during each field test,  place
 100  ml  of the acetone used  in the sample  recovery process into a labeled
 container for use  in the front  half field reagent blank.   Seal the container.
     5J.2.8  Container No.  8  (0.1  N Nitric  Acid Blank).  Once during each field
 test,| place 200 inl of the 0.1 N nitric acid  solution used in the sample
 recovery  process into a  labeled  container for use in the  front half and back
 half 'field reagent blanks.   Seal the container.
     5|.2.9  Container No.  9  (5% Nitric Acid/10% Hydrogen Peroxide Blank).  Once
 durinjg  each field  test,  place 200 ml of the  5% nitric acid/lOtf hydrogen
 peroxide  solution  used as the nitric acid impinger  reagent into a labeled
 container for use  in the back half field  reagent blank.   Seal the container.
     5|.2.10 Container No. 10 (Acidified Potassium Permanganate Blank).   Once
 durinjg  each field  test,  place 300 ml of the  acidified potassixua permanganate
 solution  used as the impinger solution and in the sample  recovery process  into
 a labeled container for  use in the back half field  reagent blank for mercury
 analysis.   Seal the container.
     N&te:   This container should be vented,  as described  in Section 5.2.4,  to
 relieve excess  pressure.
     5;.2.11 Container No. 11 (8  N HC1 Blank).   Once during each field test,
 place| 50  ml of  the 8 N hydrochloric acid used to rinse  the acidified potassium
 permanganate impingers into "a labeled container for use in the back half
 reagent blank for  mercury.
     5J.2.12 Container No. 12 (Filter Blank).   Once  during each field test,
 place! an  unused filter from the  same lot as  the  sampling  filters  in a labeled
 petrij dish.  Seal  the petri  dish.  This will be  used in the  front half field
 reagent blank.
     5j.3  Sample Preparation.  Note the level of  the  liquid in each  of the
 containers  and determine if  any sample was lost during shipment.  If a
noticeable  amount of  leakage has occurred, either void the sample or use
methods, subject to the approval of the Administrator, to correct the final
results.  A diagram illustrating sample preparation and analysis procedures for
each of the sample train components is shown in Figure A-3.
    5J3-1  Container No.  1  (Filter).   If particulatre emissions are "being
determined, then desiccate the filter  and  filter catch without heat and weigh to


Container 5
'ernanganate Inplr

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a constant weight as described in Section 4.3 of Method 5.  For analysis of
metals, divide the filter with its filter catch into portions containing
approximately 0.5 g each and place into the analyst's choice of either
individual microwave pressure relief vessels or Parr11 Bombs.  Add 6 ml of
concentrated nitric acid and 4 ml of concentrated hydrofluoric acid to each
vessel.  For microwave heating, microwave the sample vessels for approximately
12-15 minutes in intervals of 1 to 2 minutes at 600 Watts.  For conventional
heating, heat the Parr Bombs at l40°C (285°F) for 6 hours.  Then cool the
samples to room temperature and combine with the acid digested probe jinse as
required in Section 5-3-3, below.
Notes:  1. Suggested microwave heating times are approximate land are dependent
           upon the number of samples being digested.  Twelve to 15 minute
           heating times have been found to be acceptable for simultaneous
           digestion of  up to 12 individual samples.  Sufficient heating is
           evidenced by  sorbent reflux within the vessel.
       2.  If the sampling train uses an optional cyclone, the cyclone catch
           should be prepared and digested using the same procedures described
           for the filters and combined with the digested filter samples.
    5.3.2 .-Container No.  2 (Acetone Rinse).  Note the level of liquid in the
container and confirm on the analysis sheet whether or not leakage occurred
durinjg transport.  If a  noticeable amount of leakage has occurred, either void
the s|ample or use methods,  subject to the approval of the Administrator,  to
correct the final results.   Measure the liquid in this container either
volumjetrically to +1 ml  or gravimetrically to +0.5 g.  Transfer the contents to
an aqid-cleaned tared 250-ml beaker and evaporate to dryness at ambient
temperature and pressure.   If particulate emissions are being determined,
desiqcate for 24 hours without heat,  weigh to a constant weight according to
the procedures described in Section 4.3 of Method 5, and report the results to
the riearest 0.1 mg.  Resolubilize the residue with concentrated nitric acid and
combine the resultant sample including all liquid and any particulate matter
with 'Container No. 3 prior to beginning the following Section 5.3.3.
    5.3-3  Container No.  3 (Probe Rinse).   The pH of this sample shall be  2 or
lower!.  If the pH is higher,  the sample should be acidified with concentrated
nitric acid to pH 2.  The sample should be rinsed into a beaker with  water and
the beaker should be covered with a ribbed watchglass.   The'sample volume  should
be reduced to approximately 50 ml by heating on a hot plate at  a temperature
     i                                 22
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                                             •ft r»pi*s«m Agensjr policy, ft Is oelng
                                             •.u...,i»i*d  tor comment on «s tacnn/c*
                                             «cu.->cy *no p-llcy taruiticatloa*.


 just below boiling.  Inspect the sample for visible particulate  matter,  and
 depending on the results of the inspection, perform one of  the following.   If no
 partipulate matter is observed, combine the sample directly with the  acid
 digested portions of the filter prepared previously in Section 5.3.1.  If
 particulate matter is observed, digest the sample in microwave vessels or Parr*
 Bombs|following the procedures described in Section 5-3.1;  then  combine  the
 resultant sample directly with the acid digested portions of the filter  prepared
 previously in Section 5-3.1.  The resultant combined sample is referred  to  as
 Fraction 1.  Filter the combined solution of the acid digested filter and probe
 rinse!samples using Whatman 54l filter paper.  Dilute to 300 ml  (or the
 appropriate volume for the expected metals concentration) with water.    Measure
 and record the combined volume of the Fraction 1 solution to within 0.1  ml.
 Quantitatively remove a 50 ml aliquot and label as Fraction IB,.  Label the
 remaining 250 ml portion as Fraction 1A.   Fraction 1A is used for ICAP or AAS
 analysis.  Fraction IB is used for the determination of front half mercury.
     5p4  Container No. 4 (Impingers 1-3).  Measure and record the total vol-
 ume of  this sample (Fraction 2)  to within 0.5 ml.   Remove a 50 ml aliquot for
 mercury analysis and label as Fraction 2B.   Label the remaining portion of
 Container No.  4 as Fraction.2A,   The Fraction 2B aliquot should be prepared and
 analysed as described in Section 5-4.3.   Fraction 2A shall be  ;pH 2 or lower.
 If  necessary,  use concentrated nitric acid  to lower Fraction 2A to pH 2.  The
 sample;  should  be rinsed into a beaker with  water and the beaker should be
 covered with a ribbed watchglass.   The sample volume should be reduced to
 approximately  20 ml by heating on  a hot plate at a temperature just below
 boiling.   Then follow either of  the digestion procedures  described in  Sections and,  below.
     5.J3.4.1 Conventional  Digestion Procedure.   Add  30 ml  of 50 percent nitric
 acid and heat  for 30 minutes  on  a hot plate to  just below  boiling.  Add 10 ml  of
 3 percent hydrogen peroxide  and heat for 10 more minutes.  Add 50 ml of hot
 water land heat  the sample  for an additional 20  minutes.  Cool, filter  the
 sample,,  and dilute to  150 ml  (or the  appropriate volume for  the expected  metals
 concentrations)  with water.
     5-3-4.2  Microwave Digestion Procedure.  Add 10 ml of 50 percent nitric
 acid and  heat for  6  minutes in intervals of 1 to 2 minutes at 600 Watts.  Allow
 the sample  to cool.  Add 10 ml of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and-heat for 2
more minutes.  Add 50 ml of hot water and heat  for an. additional 5 minutes.

                                            Ul™ *"" fo*m» '"''SHy
                                            tnci *houu not at tW« 8«s. M C9n«tro*
                                            •» represent Agenay policy,  tt I* being
                                             ra tor comment o:n its technical
                                                   ane j»WIcy fmplioatlaoa.


      filter the  sample,  and dilute to 150 ml (or the appropriate volume  for  the
expected metals concentrations)  with water.
    Note: All microwave heating times given are approximate and  are dependent
upon the number of samples being digested at a time.  Heating times as given
above have been found acceptable for simultaneous digestion of up  to .12
individual samples.   Sufficient heating is evidenced by solvent  reflux within
the vessel.                                                   •
    5.3.5  Container No.  5 (Impingers 4 & 5).  Measure and record  the total
volume of this sample to  within 0.5 ml.   This sample is referred  to as Fraction
3.  Follow the analysis procedures described in Section 5.4.3.
    5-3-6  Container No.  6 (Silica Gel).  Weigh the spent silica gel (or silica
gel plus impinger)  to the nearest 0.5 g using a balance.  (This  step
may b|e conducted  in the field.)
    5(.4  Sample Analysis.  For each sampling train, five individual samples are
generated for analysis.  A schematic identifying each sample and the prescribed
sampie preparation and analysis scheme is shown in Figure A-3;   The first two
samplies, labeled  Fractions 1A and IB, consist of the digested samples from the
front! half of the train.   Fraction 1A is for ICAP or AAS analysis  as described
in Sections. 5.4.1 and/or  5.4.2.  Fraction IB is for determination  of front half
meroiry as described in Section 5.4.3.
    The back half of the  train was used to prepare the third through fifth
samples.  The third  and fourth samples, labeled Fractions 2A and 2B, contain
the digested samples from the H.,0 and HNO^Oj  Impingers 1 through 3.   Fraction
2A is for ICAP or AAS analysis.  Fraction 2B will be analyzed for mercury.
    The fifth sample,  labeled Fraction 3,  consists of the impinger contents and
rinsejs from the permanganate  Impingers 4 and 5.   This sample is analyzed for
merculry as described in Section 5-4.3.  The total back half mercury catch is
determined from the  sum of Fraction 2B and Fraction 3.
    5;. 4.1  ICAP Analysis.   Fraction 1A and Fraction 2A are ansilyzed by  ICAP
using; EPA Method  200.7 (40 CFR 136,  Appendix C).   Calibrate the ICAP, and set up
an anjalysis program  as described in Method 200.?.   The quality control  proce-
dures! described in Section 7.3.1 of this method  shall be followed.   Recommended
wavelengths for use  in the analysis are listed below.
                                                   fecutftint to a .ipranmimiy    .
                                                * fan not b*«n formally released fr/ CM
                                               ana should not at this *taj». M eon«ru«e
                                               » reprs*»m Agena*  policy,  It J* being
                                               ..ircuotec for  com;n«nt on Its tecnnlc*
                                               aecuacy »n«  p-flcy


Wavelength  (run)
    docu-TTent la * preliminary draft
» h« not' been formally released
*nd should not at thU *t*se De construw
•c represent Agency policy,  rt i* being
-.i-Uiiiatecj to- comment on its  tecnnioi'
*ccur<,cv ,1100 t> -)i«
The wajvelengths listed are recommended because  of their sensitivity and overall
acceptance.   Other wavelengths may be substituted if they can provide the

needed] sensitivity and are treated with the same  corrective techniques for
spectrjal  interference.

    Initially,  analyze all samples for the target metals plus iron and

aluminpn.  If iron and aluminum are present in  the sample,  the sample may have

to be  (diluted so that each of these elements is at a concentration of less than
50 ppm: to reduce their spectral interferences on  arsenic and lead.

    Nojte:  When analyzing samples in a hydrofluoric acid matrix,  an alumina
torch  jshould be used; since all front half samples will  contain hydrofluoric
acid,  iise an alumina torch. .
    5.4.2 AAS  by Direct Aspiration and/or Graphite Furnace.   If  analysis of

metalsj in Fraction 1A and Fraction 2A using graphite furnace  or1 direct
aspiration AAS  is desired, Table A-2 should be  used to determine  which
techniques and  methods should be applied for each  target uetal.   Table A-2
should! also  be  consulted to determine possible  interferences  and  techniques  to
be followed  for their minimization.   Calibrate  the  instrument  according to
Sectiop 6.3  and follow the quality control procedures specified in Section

    5.4.3  Cold Vapor AAS Mercury Analysis.  Fraction IB, Fraction 2B, and
Fraction 3 should be  analyzed for mercury using cold vapor atomic  absorption

spectroscopy following the method outlined in EPA Method 7470 or in Standard

Methods for  Water and Wastewater Analysis. 15th Edition, Method 303P.  Set up




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 the calibration curve as described in Section 7-3 of Method 303F.  Add
 approximately 5 ml of each sample to BOD bottles.  Record the amount of sample
 added.  The amount used is dependent upon the expected levels of mercury.
 Dilute  to approximately 120 ml  with mercury- free water.  Add approximately 15
 ml of 5 percent potassium permanganate solution to the Fraction 2B and Fraction
 3 samples.  Add 5 percent potassium permanganate solution to the Fraction IB
 sample  as needed to produce a purple solution lasting at least 15 minutes.  A
 minimum of 25 ml is suggested.  Add 5 ml of 50 percent nitric acid, 5 ml of
 concentrated sulfuric acid, and 9 ml of 5 percent potassium persulfate to each
 sample  and each standard.  Digest the solution in the capped BOD bottle at 95°C
 (205°jF) in a convection oven or water bath for 2 hours.  Cool,   Add 5 al of
 hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution and mix the sample.   Then add 7 ml of
 stannous chloride to each sample  and analyze immediately.
 6.  Calibration                             •                        ^
    Maintain a laboratory log of  all calibrations.
    6,.l  Sampling Train Calibration.   Calibrate the sampling train components
 according to the indicated sections  of Method 5:  Probe Nozzl«  (Section 5.1);
 Pitot| Tube (Section 5-2); Metering System (Section  5.3); Prob«  Heater (Section
 5.4);| Temperature Gauges (Section 5.5);  Leak-Check  of the  Metesring System
 (Section 5-6); and Barometer (Section 5.7).
    6:. 2  Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma Spectrometer Calibration.   Prepare
 standards as outlined in Section  4.4.   Profile and  calibrate the instrument
 according to the instrument manufacturer's recommended procedures using the
 above: standards.  The instrument  calibration should be checked  once per hour.
 If thje  instrument does not reproduce the concentrations of the  standard within
 10 percent, the complete calibration procedures should be  performed.
    6j. 3  Atomic Absorption Spectrometer -  Direct Aspiration,  Graphite Furnace
 and' Cold Vapor Mercury Analyses.  Prepare the standards as outlined in  Section
 4.4.  : Calibrate the spectrometer using these prepared  standards.   Calibration
 procedures are also outlined in the EPA methods referred to  in, Table A-2 and  in
 Standard Methods for Water and Wastewater. 15th Edition, Method  303F (for
mercury) .  Each standard curve should be run in duplicate  and the  mean  values
used jto calculate the calibration line.  The instrument should be  recalibrated
 approximately once every 10 to 12 samples.
                                                 has not been formally released t>y
                                               i  *h°UW not 8t 0>U 8taS* »• con
                                               » represent Agenaj- policy.  tt to bejng
                                               circulated for comroitnt on Jts
                                                      ana p^Jcy ImpllcaUeaa


 7.  Quality Control
     7j.l  Sampling.  Field Reagent Blanks.  The  blank samples  in Container
 Numbers 7 through 12 produced previously in  Sections 5.2.7  through 5.2.11,
 respectively, shall be processed, digested,  and analyzed as follows.   Digest
 and pjrocess Container No. 12 contents per Section  5-3-1.  Container No.  7  per
 Section 5.3.2. and half of Container No. 8 per  Section  5.3.3.   This produces
 Fraction Blank 1A and Fraction Blank IB from Fraction Blank 1.   Combine the
 remaining half of Container No. 8 with the contents  of  Container No. 9  and
 digesjt and process the resultant volume per  Section  5.3.4.  This produces
 Fraction Blank 2A and Fraction Blank 2B from Fraction Blank 2.   Container No.  10
 and Container No. 11 contents are Fraction Blank 3-   Analyze Fraction Blank  1A
 and Fraction Blank 2A per Section 5.4.1 and/or  5.4.2.  Analyze  Fraction Blank
 IB,  Fraction Blank 2B, and Fraction Blank 3 per Section 5.4'.3-   The analysis of
 Fraction Blank 1A produces the front half reagent blank correction values for
 the metals except mercury; the analysis of Fraction Blank IB produces the front
 half Reagent blank correct value for mercury.  The analysis of Fraction Blank 2A
 produpes the back half reagent blank correction values.for the metals except
 mercury,  while separate analysis of  Fraction Blanks 2B and 3  produce the back
 half j^eageot blank correction value for mercury.
     7^2  An .attempt may be made to  determine if the laboratory reagents used in
 Section 5-3  caused contamination.   They should be analyzed by  the procedures in
 Section 5.4.   The Administrator will determine whether or not  the laboratory
 blank! reagent values can be used in the calculation of the stationary source
 test results.
     7j3  Quality  Control Samples.   The  following quality control samples should
 be analyzed.
     7,3.1  ICAP Analysis.  Follow the quality control shown  in. Section  8 of
 Methock 6010.   For the purposes of a three run test  series, these requirements
 have Ipen modified  to include  the following:   two instrument check  standard
 runs,jtwo calibration blank runs, one interference  check sample  at  the
 beginning of  the  analysis  (must be within 25* or analyze by  standard addition),
 one  quality control  sample to check  the accuracy of the  calibration standards  '
 (must[be within 25*  of calibration), and one  duplicate analysis  (must be within
 5% of |average  or  repeat all analysis).
    7.j3.2  Direct Aspiration and/or Graphite  Furnace AAS Analysis for Antimony,
Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Cadmium, Copper,  Chromium, Lead, Nickel,' Manganese,

      I                                        L*? "°.'*an *r™$}™™££
                                                       ****** *>»<*. »t I, being
                                              4»rcul»t«6 for convneni: *n its tocftnic*
                                              accuracy »n« p-Rcy taipl!c«U*as,


    Mercery, Phosphorus, Selenium, Silver, Thallium, and Zinc.  All samples should
    be analyzed in duplicate.  Perform a matrix spike on one front half sample and
    one b|ack half sample or one combined sample.  If recoveries of less than 75
    percent or greater than 125 percent are obtained for the matrix spike, analyze
    eachjsample by the method of additions.  A quality control sample should be
    analyzed to check the accuracy of the calibration standards.  The results must
    be wijthin 10% or the calibration repeated.
        7.3.3  Cold Vapor AAS Analysis for Mercury.  All samples should be analyzed
    in duplicate.  A quality control sample should be analyzed to check the accuracy
    of the calibration standards (within 10* or repeat calibration).  Perform a
    matrix spike on one sample from the nitric impinger portion (must be within 25*
    or samples must be analyzed by the method of standard additions).   Additional
    information on quality control can be obtained from EPA Method 7470 or in
    Standard Methods for Water and Wastewater. 15th Edition, Method 303F.

    8.   Calculations
        8,1  Dry Gas Volume.   Using the data from this  test, calculate VB      ,  the
    dry g^s sample volume at  standard conditions as outlined in Section 6.3 of
    Methoii 5. .-",
        8|.2  Volume of Water  Vapor and Moisture Content.  Using the data obtained
    from pis  test,  calculate the  volume  of water vapor Vw(.ta)  arid the  moisture
    content Bw.  of the stack  gas.   Use Equations 5-2 and 5-3 of Method 5.
        8^3 Stack Gas Velocity,  Using the data from this  test and Equation 2-9  of
    Method 2,  calculate the average stack gas  velocity.
        8^4 Metals  (Except Mercury)  in Source Sample.
        8;4.1  Fraction 1A, Front Half, Metals  (except Hg).  Calculate the  amount
    of  eaih metal  collected in Fraction 1 of the sampling train using the following

 T h
C. F_ V
   •If Fractions 1A and 2A are combined, proportional aliquots must be used
    Appropriate changes must be made in Equations 1-3 to reflect this approach.


 » o 1 n , 1
      total mass of each metal (except Hg) collected in the
      front half of the sampling train (Fraction 1), ug.
      concentration of metal in sample Fraction 1A as read from  the
      standard curve (ug/ml).
      dilution factor (Fd  = the inverse of the fractional portion of the
      concentrated sample in the solution actually used in the instrument to
      produce the reading Ca.  For example, when the dilution of Fraction 1A
      is from 2 to 10 ml, Fd = 5).
      total volume of digested sample solution  (Fraction 1), ml.
    8.ft.2  Fraction 2A, Back Half, Metals  (except  Hg).  Calculate the amount of
each mjstal collected in Fraction 2 of the  sampling train using the following
                                                                          Eq.  2*
    M^ = total mass of each metal  (except Hg)  collected  in  the back half
      |    of the sampling  train  (Fraction 2), ug.
     C^ = concentration of metal in sample Fraction 2A, as read from the
      i    standard curve (ug/ml).
     F.  = aliquot factor,  volume of Fraction 2  divided by volume of aliquot
          Fraction 2A.
     V^ * volume of digested sample analyzed  (concentrated Fraction 2A),  ml.
    8.^.3  Total Train, Metals (except Hg).  Calculate the toteO. amount  of each
of the; quantified metals collected in the sampling train  as  follows:
                Mt «
                                         (M,, -
Eq. 3*
Mt! * total mass of each metal (separately stated for each metal) collected
  i   in the sampling train, ug.
  I = blank correction value for mass of metal detected in front half
     field reagent blank, ug.
h'b! = blank correction value for mass of metal detected in back half
  ;   field reagent blank, ug.
*If Friactions 1A and 2A are combined, proportional aliquots must be used.
 Appropriate changes must be made in Equations 1-3 to reflect this approach.
                                                       b a .prenrain.fy
                                              h*s not faesn formally
                                                    nm ,t
                                                      comm.m en


Note; i If the measured blank value for the front half  (mrhb)  is  in the range 0.0
to A ug [where A ug equals the value determined by multiplying 1.4 ug per square
inch {1.4 ug/in.2)  times the actual area in square inches  (in.2)  of the filter
used in the emission sample], nfhb may be used to correct  the emission sample
value (nfh); if nfhb  exceeds A ug, the greater of the  two  following values
(either I. or II.)  may be used:
    I.j   A ug, or
    II.  the lesser of (a) nfhb, or (b) 5 percent of mf h .
If the measured blank value for the back half  (n^,^) is  in the range 0.0 to 1
ug, Jnbhb may be used to correct the emission sample value  (m^);  if m,,,,,, exceeds,
1 ug, the greater  of the two following values may be used:   1 ug or 5 percent of
    8. 1 5   Mercury in Source Sample.
    8.'5-l  Fraction IB, Front Half, Hg.  Calculate  the  amount of mercury
collected in the front half. Fraction 1, of .the  sampling train using the
following equation:
                                                                Eq.  4
     Hgfh  - total mass of mercury collected  in  the  front half of the sampling
      |      train (Fraction 1), ug.
      (j^jj  * quantity of mercury in analyzed  sample,  ug.
  v«oitl.i  ~ total volume of digested sample  solution (Fraction 1),  ml.
          = volume of Fraction IB analyzed, ml.  See  the  following Note.
Note: JVF1B  is the actual amount of Fraction IB  analyzed.   For example,  if 1 ml
of Fraction IB were diluted to 100 ml to bring  it  into  the proper analytical
rangei  and  1 ml of the 100 ml dilution was analyzed, VflB  would be 0.01.
     8i5.2  Fraction 2B and Fraction 3, Back Half,  Hg.   Calculate the amount of
mercury collected in Fractions 2 and 3 using Equations  5 and  6,  respectively.
Calculate the total amount of mercury collected in the  back half of the sampling
train jus ing Equation 1.
                                           f IB
x V
                                                    • oln , 2
Eq. 5
                                                    ascument fa • .preliminary draft
                                                * n« net been formally released fey


 total mass °f mercury collected in Fraction  2,
 quantity of mercury in analyzed sample, ug.
 volume  of Fraction 2B analyzed, ml (see Note in
 Section 8.5-1).
 total volume of  Fraction 2, ml.
                                   x V
                                                     • o 1 n . 3
                                            Eq. 6
     'ioln. 3
total mass of mercury collected in Fraction 3, ug.
quantity of mercury in analyzed sample, ug.
volume of Fraction 3 analyzed,  ml (see Note in
Section 8.5.1).
total volume of  Fraction 3,  ml.
                                                           Eq.  7
                total mass of mercury collected in  the back half of the sampling
                train, ug.
     8.5.3   Total Train Mercury Catch.  Calculate  the total amount of mercury

collected  in the sampling train using Equation 8.
         Mt "
                                   - Hgfhb) +  (Hgbh - Hgbhb)
                                               Eq.  8

      Mt  =  total  mass of mercury collected in the sampling train,  ug.
          =  blank  correction value for mass of mercury detected in  front half
            field  reagent blank, ug.
          -  blank  correction value for mass of mercury detected in  back
     ,       half field reagent blank, ug.

Note:;  If the total  of the measured blank values (Hgfhb + Hgbllb) is  in the range

of 0 ;to 3 ug, then the total may be used to correct the emission sample value

(Hgfh; + Hgbh); if it exceeds 3 ug,  the greater of the following two  values may

be u^ed: 3 ug or  5 percent of the emission sample value (Hgfh  + Hg ').

                                      33      Hifr oocuritent (• • pi^jrminary a«*ft
                                                ran not t*«n formally released fr/ £f*
     i                                         *ntf »houla net at thU staje t» oonstrueo
     i                                         » rtpfesem As«n«y pulley,  tt !» being
                                              circulated tor con\m«jt on Jts  tacfw/c*
                                                     end  (Mtay taiplleaUwot    #.


    8.16   Metal  Concentration of Stack Gas.  Calculate the cadmium,  total
chromium,  arsenic, nickel,  manganese, beryllium, copper, lead, phosphorus,
thallium,  silver, barium, zinc,  selenium, antimony, and mercury  concentrations
in the stack gas  (dry  basis,  adjusted to standard conditions) as follows:
      s td)
           = concentration  of each metal in the stack gas, mg/dscm.
           = 10*3 mg/ug.
           = total mass of  each metal collected in the sampling train,  ug.
           = volume of gas  sample  as  measured by the dry gas meter,  corrected
             to dry standard  conditions, dscm.
      • 7  Isokinetic Variation and Acceptable Results.  Same as Method 5,
Sections 6.11 and 6.12, respectively.

9.  Bibliography                                                :
    9-1  Method 303F in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
Wastewater. 15th Edition, 1980.  Available from the American Public Health
Association, 1015 18th Street N.W., Washington,  D.C. 20036.
    9.2  EPA Methods 6010, 7000. 704l,  7060,  7131, 7421, 7470, 7740, and, 7841,
Test Methods Tor Evaluating Solid Waste;  Physical/Chemical Methods.  SW-846,
Third lotion.  September 1988.  Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response,
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency,  Washington, D.C. 20460.
    9-3  EPA Method 200.7, Code of Federal Regulations. Title 40. Part 136,
Appendix C.  July 1, 1987.
    9.4  EPA Methods 1 through 5, Code  of Federal Regulations. Title 40, Part
60, Appendix A, July 1, 1987.
                                               «*ocutff»nt \» » preliminary «r»it
                                            * ha* net been formally ml««t«d by
                                            ina should not at thfc «taj!» M comtruw*
                                            * represent Agenojr policy.  Jt I*
                                            circulated tor comrnent on its
                                            accuracy ano p^lcy Implication*


                   APPENDIX B


Pt. 60, App. A, Meih. 25A
          40 CFR Ch. I (7-1-39 Edition)

1. Applicability and Principle
  1.1  Applicability. This method applies to
the measurement of total gaseous organic
concentration of vapors consisting primarily
of alkanes, alkenes, and/or arenes (aromatic
hydrocarbons).  The concentration is  ex-
pressed in terms of propane (or other appro-
priate organic calibration gas) or in terms of
  1.2  Principle. A gas sample is extracted
from the source through a heated sample
line, if necessary, and glass fiber filter to a
flame ionization analyzer (FIA). Results  are
reported as volume concentration equiva-
lents of the calibration gas or as carbon
2. Definitions
  2.1  Measurement  System.   The   total
equipment required for the determination
of the gas concentration. The system con-
sists of the following major subsystems:
  2.1.1  Sample Interface. That portion of
the system that is used for one or more of
the following: sample acquisition, sample
transportation, sample conditioning, or pro-
tection of the  analyzer from the effects of
the stack effluent.
  2.1.2  Organic Analyzer. That portion of
the system that senses organic concentra-
tion and generates an output proportional
to the gas concentration.
  2.2  Span Value. The upper limit of a gas
concentration measurement range that is
specified for affected source categories  in
the applicable part of the regulations. The
span value is established in the applicable
regulation and is usually 1.5 to 2.5 times the
applicable emission limit. If no span value is
provided, use a span value equivalent to 1.5
to 2.5 times the expected concentration. For
convenience,  the  span value should corre-
spond to 100 percent of the recorder scale.
  2.3  Calibration Gas. A known concentra-
tion of a gas in an appropriate  diluent gas.
  2.4  Zero Drift. The  difference  in the
measurement  system response  to  a  zero
level  calibration  gas before and after a
stated period of operation during which no
unscheduled maintenance, repair, or adjust-
ment took place.
  2.5  Calibration  Drift. The difference  in
the measurement system response to a mid-
level  calibration  gas before and after a
stated period of operation during which no
unscheduled maintenance, repair or adjust-
ment took place.
  2.6  Response Time. The  time interval
from a step change in pollutant concentra-
tion at  the inlet  to the emission measure-
ment  system to the time at which 95 per-
cent of the  corresponding final  value  is
reached as displayed on the recorder.
  2.7  Calibration Error. The difference be-
tween the  gas concentration indicated by
the measurement system and  the known
concentration of the calibration  gas.
3. Apparatus
  A schematic  of an acceptable measure-
ment system, is shown in Figurei 25A-1. The
essential components of the measurement
system are described below:
                            I. Otipiiic ConcwtlNitiun MaaMitiaiium Sydtan.



 Environmental Protection Agency

  3.1 Organic  Concentration Analyzer.  A
 flame ionization analyzer (FIA) capable of
 meeting or exceeding the specifications in
 this method.
  3.2 Sample  Probe. Stainless  steel,  or
 equivalent,  three-hole rake type.  Sample
 holes shall be 4 mm in diameter or smaller
 and located at  16;7, 50, and 83.3 percent of
 the  equivalent  stack diameter. Alternative-
 ly,  a single opening probe may be used so
 that a gas sample is collected from the cen-
 trally located 10 percent  area of the stack
  3.3 Sample  Line.   Stainless  steel   or
 Teflon* tubing to transport the sample gas
 to the analyzer. The sample line should be
 heated,  if necessary,  to prevent condensa-
 tion in the line.
  3.4 Calibration Valve Assembly. A three-
 way valve assembly to direct the zero and
 calibration gases to the analyzers is recom-
 mended. Other methods, such as quick-con-
 nect lines, to route  calibration gas to  the
 analyzers are applicable.
  3.5  Particulate Filter. An in-stack or  an
 out-of-stack glass fiber filter is recommend-
 ed if exhaust gas particulate loading is sig-
 nificant. An out-of-stack  filter should  be
 heated to prevent any condensation.
  3.6  Recorder.  A   strip-chart  recorder,
 analog computer, or digital recorder for re-
 cording  measurement data. The minimum
 data recording requirement is one measure-
 ment value per minute. Note: This method
 is often  applied in highly explosive areas.
 Caution  and care should  be exercised  in
 choice of equipment and installation.
 4. Calibration and Other Gases
  Gases  used for calibrations, fuel, and com-
bustion  air  (if  required)  are contained  in
compressed  gas cylinders. Preparation  of
 calibration gases shall be done according to
the procedure in Protocol No. 1, listed  in
Reference 9.2.  Additionally,  the manufac-
turer of  the cylinder should provide a rec-
 ommended shelf life for each calibration gas
cylinder over which the concentration does
not change more than ±2  percent from the
certified value.  For calibration gas values
°ot  generally available (i.e., organics  be-
tween 1  and 10 percent by volume), alterna-
 tive methods for preparing calibration gas
fixtures, such as dilution systems, may be
used with prior  approval of the Administra-
  Calibration gases usually consist of pro-
pane in  air or nitrogen and are determined
 >n terms of the span value. Organic  com-
pounds other than propane can be used fol-
lowing the above guidelines and making the
appropriate corrections for response factor.

„ "Mention of trade names or specific prod-
 ucts does not constitute endorsement by the
     -ental Protection Agency.
              Pt. 60, App. A, Meth. 25A

   4.1  Fuel. A 40 percent H,/60 percent He
 or 40 percent H,/60 percent N, gas mixture
 is recommended to avoid an oxygen syner-
 gism effect that  reportedly  occurs when
 oxygen  concentration  varies  significantly
 from a mean value.
   4.2  Zero Gas. High  purity  ail- with less
 than 0.1 parts- per million by volume (ppmv)
 of organic material  (propane  or carbon
 equivalent) or less than 0.1 percent of the
 span value, whichever is greater.
   4.3  Low-level Calibration Gas. ,An organic
 calibration gas with a concentration equiva-
 lent to 25 to 35 percent of the applicable
 span value.
   4.4  Mid-level Calibration Gas. ,An organic
 calibration gas with a concentration equiva-
 lent to 45 to 55 percent of the applicable
 span value.
   4.5  High-level Calibration Gas. An organ-
 ic  calibration gas  with  a concentration
 equivalent to 80  to 90 percent  of the appli-
 cable span value.
 5. Measurement System. Performance Speci-
  5.1 Zero Drift. Less  than ±3 percent of
 the span value.
  5.2  Calibration Drift. Less than ±3 per-
 cent of span value.
  5.3  Calibration Error. Less than ±5 per-
 cent of the calibration gas value.
 6. Pretest Preparations
  6.1 Selection of Sampling Site. The loca-
 tion of the sampling site is generally speci-
 fied by the applicable regulation or purpose
 of the test: i.e., exhaust stack, inlet line, etc.
 The sample port shall be located at least 1.5
 meters or  2 equivalent  diameters upstream
 of the gas discharge to the atmosphere.
  6.2 Location of Sample Probe. Install the
 sample probe  so that the probe is centrally
 located in the stack, pipe, or  duct and is
 sealed tightly at  the stack port connection.
  6.3  Measurement  System   Preparation.
 Prior to the  emission  test, assemble  the
 measurement  system following the manu-
 facturer's written instructions  in preparing
 the sample interface and the organic analyz-
 er. Make the system operable.
  FIA equipment  can  be calibrated  for
 almost any range of total  organics concen-
 trations.  For high concentrations of organ-
 ics (>1.0 percent by volume  as propane)
 modifications  to  most commonly  available
 analyzers  are  necessary.  One   accepted
 method of equipment modification is to de-
 crease the size of the sample to  the analyzer
 through  the  use of a smaller diameter
sample  capillary. Direct  and continuous
measurement of organic concentration is a
necessary consideration when  determining
 any modification design.
  6.4  Calibration Error Test. Immediately
prior to the test  series, (within 2 hours of
the start of the test) introduce zero gas and


Pt. 60, App. A, Meth. 25B
  high-level calibration gas at the calibration
  valve assembly. Adjust the analyzer output
  to the appropriate levels, if necessary. Cal-
  culate the predicted response for .the low-
  level and mid-level gases based on a linear
  response  line between the zero and  high-
  level responses.  Then introduce low-level
  and mid-level calibration gases successively
  to the measurement system. Record the an-
  alyzer responses for low-level and mid-level
  calibration gases and determine  the differ-
  ences between the measurement system re-
  sponses and the predicted responses. These
  differences must be less than 5  percent of
  the respective calibration gas value. If not.
  the measurement  system is not  acceptable
  and must be replaced or repaired prior to
  testing. No adjustments to the measurement
  system shall be conducted after the calibra-
  tion and before the drift check (Section 7.3).
  If adjustments  are  necessary before the
  completion of the test series, perform the
  drift checks  prior to the  required adjust-
  ments and repeat  the calibration following
  the  adjustments.   If multiple  electronic
  ranges are to be used, each additional range
  must be checked with a mid-level calibration
  gas to verify the multiplication factor.
   6.5  Response Time Test. Introduce zero
  gas into the measurement system at the
  calibration  valve   assembly.  When   the
 system output has  stabilized, switch quickly
  to the high-level calibration gas. Record the
 time from the concentration change to the
 measurement system response equivalent to
 95 percent of the step change. Repeat the
 test three times and average the results.
 7. Emission Measurement Test Procedure
  7.1 Organic Measurement. Begin  sam-
 pling at the start of the test period, record-
 ing time and any required process informa-
 tion as appropriate. In particular, note on
 the recording chart periods of process inter-
 ruption or cyclic operation.
  7.2 Drift  Determination.   Immediately
 following the completion of the test period
 and hourly during  the test period, reintro-
 duce the  zero and  mid-level calibration
 gases, one  at a time,  to  the measurement
 system  at  the calibration valve assembly.
 (Make no adjustments to the measurement
 system until after both the zero and calibra-
 tion drift checks are made.) Record the ana-
 lyzer response. If the drift values exceed the
 specified limits, invalidate the test results
 preceding the check and repeat the test fol-
 lowing  corrections  to the  measurement
 system. Alternatively,  recalibrate the  test
 measurement system as in Section 8.4  and
 report the results using both sets, of calibra-
 tion data (i.e., data  determined prior to the
 test period and data determined following
 the test period).
 8. Organic Concentration Calculations
  Determine the average organic concentra-
tion in terms of ppmv as propane or other
           40 CFR Ch. I (7-1-89 Edition)

 calibration gas. The average shall be deter-
 mined by the integration of the output re-
 cording over the period  specified in the ap-
 plicable regulation.
   If results are required in terms of ppmv as
 carbon,  adjust  measured   concentrations
 using Equation 25A-1.

    CC=K Cnm                 Eq. 25A-1

 Ce=Organic concentration as csirbon, ppmv.
 Cnai=Organic concentration  as measured,
 K=Carbon equivalent correction factor,
 »K=2 for ethane.
  K=3 for propane.
  K=4 for butane.
  K=Appropriate response factor for other
    organic calibration gases.
 9. Bibliography

  9.1  Measurement   of   Volatile  Organic
 Compounds—Guideline  Series.  U.S.  Envi-
 ronmental Protection Agency. Research Tri-
 angle Park, NC. Publication No. EPA-450/2-
 78-041. June 1978. p. 46-54.
  9.2  Traceability Protocol for Establishing
 True Concentrations of Gases Used for Cali-
 bration and  Audits of Continuous Source
 Emission Monitors (Protocol  No. 1). U.S.
 Environmental Protection Agency, Environ-
 mental Monitoring and Support Laboratory.
 Research Triangle Park, NC. June 1978.
  9.3  Gasoline Vapor Emission  Laboratory
 Evaluation—Part  2.  U.S. Enirironmental
Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality
Planning and Standards. Research Triangle
Park,   NC.  EMB  Report  No.  75-GAS-S.
August 1975.
                                          METHOD 25B—DETERMINATION op TOTAL GAS-
                                             EOUS  ORGANIC CONCENTRATION USING A
                                             NONDISPERSIVE INFRARED ANA1.Z2ES

                                          1. Applicability and Principle
                                           1.1 Applicability. This method applies to
                                          the measurement of total, gaseous organic
                                          concentration of vapors consisting primarily
                                          of alkanes. (Other organic materials may be
                                          measured using the  general procedure in
                                          this method, the  appropriate  calibration
                                          gas. and an analyzer set to the appropriate
                                          absorption band.) The concentration is ex-
                                          pressed in terms of propane (or other appro-
                                          priate organic calibration gas) or in terms of
                                           1.2  Principle. A gas sample is extracted
                                          from the source through a heated sample
                                         line, if necessary, and glass fiber filter to a
                                         nondispersive infrared analyzer (NDIR)- Re-
                                         suits are reported as volume concentration
                                         equivalents  of the calibration  gas  or as
                                         carbon equivalents.
                                         2. Definitions


  Environmental Protection Agency

   The terms and definitions are the same as
  for Method 25A.
  3. Apparatus
   The apparatus is the same as for Method
  25A with the exception of the following:
   3.1  Organic  Concentration  Analyzer. A
  nondispersive infrared analyzer designed to
  measure alkane organics  and capable  of
  meeting or exceeding the  specifications in
  this method.
  4. Calibration Gases
 • The calibration gases are the same as re-
  quired for  Method 25A, Section 4. No fuel
  gas is required for an NDIR.
  5. Measurement System Performance Speci-
   5.1  Zero Drift. Less than ±3 percent of
 the span value.
   5.2  Calibration Drift. Less than ±3 per-
 cent of the  span value.
   5.3  Calibration Error. Less than ±5 per-
 cent of the  calibration gas value.
 6. Pretest Preparations
   6.1  Selection  of  Sampling Site. Same as
 in Method 25A, Section 6.1.
   6.2  Location of Sample Probe. Same as in
 Method 25A. Section 6.2.
   6.3  Measurement  System  Preparation.
 Prior to the emission test, assemble the
 measurement system following the manu-
 facturer's written instructions in preparing
 the sample interface and the organic analyz-
 er. Make the system operable.
   6.4  Calibration Error Test.  Same as  in
 Method 25A, Section 6.4.
   6.5  Response  Time Test Procedure. Same
 as in Method 25A. Section 6.5.
 7. Emission Measurement Test Procedure
  Proceed with  the emission measurement
 immediately upon  satisfactory completion
 of the calibration.
  7.1   Organic Measurement. Same as  in
 Method 25A, Section 7.1.
  7.2   Drift   Determination.  Same as  in
 Method 25A, Section 7.2.
 8- Organic Concentration Calculations

 ifc£!«3ffi£5£ir  the same  ••  ta
 9. Bibliography
  The  bibliography is  the same as  in
 Method 25A. Section 9.
          27— DETEBJUNATIOlf   OP  VAPOR
!- -Applicability and Principle

ble fn^EPl!fabaity- This "ethod is applica-
«« lor the determination of vapor tightness
eouin,, 5as°lme  delivery   tank which  is
<"iuipped with vapor collection equipment.
anDliort™011316- ^essure and  vacuum  are
 spued alternately to the compartments of
                 Pt. 60, App. A, Meth. 27

  a gasoline delivery tank and the change in
  pressure or vacuum is recorded after a speci-
  fied period of time.
  2. Definitions and Nomenclature
   2.1  Gasoline. Any  petroleum distillate or
  petroleum distillate/alcohol blend having a
  Reid vapor pressure  of 27.6 kilopascals or
  greater which is used as a fuel, for internal
  combustion engines.
   2.2  Delivery Tank. Any container includ-
  ing associated pipes and fittings, that is at-
  tached to or forms a part of any truck, trail-
  er, or railcar used for the transport of gaso-
   2.3  Compartment.  A liquid-tight division
  of a delivery tank.
   2.4  Delivery   Tank  Vapor  Collection
  Equipment. Any piping, hoses, and  devices
  on  the delivery  tank used to collect and
  route gasoline vapors either from the tank
  to a bulk terminal vapor control system or
  from a bulk plant or service station into the
   2.5  Time  Period   of  the  Pressure  or
  Vacuum  Test (t). The  time period  of the
  test, as specified  in the appropriate regula-
  tipn, during which the change in pressure or
  vacuum is monitored, in minutej!.
   2.6  Initial Pressure (P,). The pressure ap-
  plied  to the delivery tank at the beginning
  of the static pressure test, as specified  in
  the appropriate regulation, in mm H»O.
   2.7  Initial Vacuum  (7,). The vacuum ap-
  plied to the delivery tank at the beginning
  of the static vacuum test, as specified in the
  appropriate regulation, in mm HaO.   '
   2.8  Allowable Pressure Change (Ap). The
 allowable  amount of  decrease in pressure
 during the static pressure test, within the
 time period t, as specified in the appropriate
 regulation, in mm H,O.
   2.9  Allowable Vacuum Change (Ai7). The
 allowable  amount of  decrease in  vacuum
 during the static vacuum test, within the
 time period t, as specified in the appropriate
 regulation, in mn^ H,O.
 3. Apparatus
  3.1 Pressure Source. Pump or compressed
 gas cylinder of air or inert,gas sufficient to
 pressurize the delivery tank to 500 mm H»O
 above atmospheric pressure.
  3.2 Regulator. Low pressure regulator for
 controlling pressurization of  the delivery
  3.3 Vacuum Source.  Vacuum pump capa-
 ble of evacuating  the  delivery tank  to 250
 mm HjO below atmospheric pressure.
  3.4  Pressure-Vacuum Supply Hose.
  3.5  Manometer. Liquid  manometer, or
 equivalent instrument, capable of measur-
 ing up to 500 mm  H,O  gauge pressure with
 ±2.5 mm H,O precision.
  3.6  Pressure-Vacuum Relief Valves. The
 test apparatus shall be  equipped with an in-
line pressure-vacuum relief valve set to acti-


                                  APPENDIX C
aThis method is a preliminary draft that has  not  been formally released  by


                               DRAFT - 08/13/90

                            FROM STATIONARY SOURCES
1.  Applicability and Principle
    ,1  Applicability,   This method  applies  to the determination, of hexavalent
chromium1  (Cr*&)  emissions from  hazardous waste  incinerators,  municipal waste
combustdrs,   and • sewage  sludge  incinerators.    With  the  approval  of  the
Administrator,  this  method  may  also be used  to  measure total  chromium.   The
sampling!  train,  constructed of  Teflon  components,  has only been evaluated at
temperatures  less  than  300°?.   Trains  constructed of  other  materials,  for
testing Jat higher temperatures,  are  currently being evaluated.

   1.2  'Principle.    Per incinerators  and  combustors,  the Cr**  emissions are
collected isokinetically from the  source.  To eliminate the possibility of Cr*6
reduction between the nozzle and  impinges-,  the emission samples* are collected
with  a ' recirculatory  train  where  the impinger  reagent  i«  continuously
recirculated  to  the  nozzle.  Recovery procedures  include a post-sampling purge
and filirsttion.   The  iapinger train samples  are analysed for  Cr*°  by an ion
chroma to'graph equipped  with a  post-column  reactor  and a  visible wavelength
detector.    The IC/PCR   separates   the  Cr*6  as  chromate  (CrOt")  from  other
components  in the sample matrices  Chat  may interfere  with  the Cr*6-specific
diphenylcarbazide reaction that  occurs  in the post-column reactor.  To  increase
sensitivity  for trace  levels of  chromium,  a preconcentration  system  is also
used  in icon junction  with, the IC/PCR.
 2.  Range.  Sensitivity,  Precision,  and Interference

    2.1 i Range.   Employing a preconcentration procedure, the lower limit  of  the
 detection range can bo extended to  16 nanograms per dry standard cubic  meter
 (ng/dscm)   with  a  3  dscm gas  sample  (0.1  ppb  in  solution).    With  sample
 dilution,  there is  no  upper limit.
        i                                      •                  .
    2.2 i Sensitivity.  A minimum detection limit of 8 ng/dscm with a  3 dson  gas
 sample £an be achieved by preconcentration {0.05 PPb in solution) .
    2.3 (Precision.   The precision of the IC/PCR with sample preconcentration is
 5 to 10- percent.  The overall precision for sewage  sludge incinerators emitting
 120 ng/idscm  of  CV6  and 3.5 ug/dscm of  total  chromium is 25* and 3% for Cr*6
 and total chromium, respectively.
    2.4 !   Interference.    Components  in  the  sample  matrix may  cause Cr*6  to
 convert to tH.valent chromium (Cr*3) or cause Cr'3  to convert to Cr*6.  A post-
 sampling  ni trcjgen purge and sample filtration .are included to eliminate many of
 these  iinterf crences.     The  chromatographic  separation  of  Cr*&  using  ion
 chroraatbgraphy  reduces the potential  for other metals  to ..interfere, with  the
- post-co|lumn  reaction.   For  the IC/PCR  analysis,  only compounds that coelute


with Cr'i^  and affect the  diphenylcarbazide reaction will causa  interference.
Periodic! analysis of  deionized (DI) water  blanks  is used to  demonstrate that
the anally tical  system is  essentially-  free  from contamination.   Sample cross-
contaminjation that can occur when high-level and low- level samples or standards
are anal'yzad  alternately is  eliminated by thorough purging of  the sample loop.
Purging j can  easily  be  obtained  by  increasing the injection  volume  of  the
samples 'to ten times the sias of the sample loop.

3. Apparatus
   3.1  jSampling Train.    Schematics  of  the  recirculatory  sampling  trains
employed  in  this  method  are shown in  Figures  Cr*6-l  and   Cr**-2.   The
rccircuiatory   train  is   readily  assembled  from  comnercia.lly  available
components.   All portions of  the  train in contact  with  the sample are either
glass,  iquartz,   Tygon,  or  Teflon,  and are  to be  cleaned  as  per subsection
5.1.1.  !
   The  ietering system  is  identical to that specified by Method  5  (see section
3.8.1); j the sampling  train consists of the  following components :,
   3.1.1   Probe  Nozzle.   Glass or  Teflon with  a  sharp,  tapered leading edge.
The  angjle of taper shall  be  <_3P°  and the taper  shall  be.  on  the outside  to
preserve a  constant  internal "diameter.   The  probe  nozzle  shall be of  the
button-ljujok or  elbow  design, unless otherwise- specified by the Administrator.
   A  range  of  nozzle sizes suitable  for  isokinetic sampling  should  be
available,  e.g., 0-32 to 1.2?  cm  (1/8  to 1/2  in.)  -- or larger if higher volume
sample  trains are used  --  inside  diameter (ID)  nozzles in increments of 0.16 cm
 ( 1/16 "in.).    Each nozzle  shall be   calibrated  according  to   the  procedures
outlined in Section 6.

    3.1.2  Teflon Aspirator or  Pump/Sprayer Assembly/  Teflon  aspirator capable
of recilrculating absorbing  reagent  at 50  ml/min  while  operating at  0.75  cfm.
 Alternatively,   a  pump/sprayer assembly may  be  used instead   of  the Teflon
 aspiratbr. A Teflon union-T   is connected behind  the  nozzle  to  provide  the
 absorbing reagent/sample gas mix;  a peristaltic pump is used to  recirculate the
 absorbing reagent  at  a  flow  rate  of at  least 50 tnl/min.   Teflon  fittings.
 Teflon iferrules, and Teflon nuts are  used  to  connect a glass  or Teflon nozzle,
 recircukation line, and sample line to the Teflon  aspirator  or union-T.  Tygon,
 Of lex*- or other suitable inert tubing for use with peristaltic , pump.
    3.1. i3  Teflon Sample Line.   Teflon,  3/3"  outside diameter  (OD)  and
 inside ! diameter  (ID),  or  1/2"  OD  x  3/8"  ID,  of  suitable  length  to connect
 aspiratjor (or T-union) to first Teflon impinger.

    3.1.14  Teflon Recirculation  Line.    Teflon,  1/4"  O.D.  and  1/8"  I.D. ,  of
 suitable length to connect first impinger to aspirator (or T-union) .
  *NOTE:j  Mention  of   trade  names  or  specific  product does  not  constitute
  endors4nrent by  the Enviornmental  Protection Agency.







   3-1.5  Teflon Impingers.  Four Teflcn impingers; Teflon tubes  and fittings,
such as i mads  by  Savillex" , can be used  to construct impingers 2"  diameter  by
12"  loiig,   with  vacuum-tight  3/8"   O.D.   Teflon  compression  fittings.
Altarnatlively,  standard glass  imping«rs  that  have  been  Teflon-lined,  with
Teflon atsms  and U-tubes,  may be used.  Inlet Fittings  on impdlnger top  to  be
bored through  to accept 3/8"  O.D.  tubing  as  impinger stem.   The  second  and
third 3J8" OD Teflon szem  has a 1/4"  OD Teflon'  tube, 2" long,  inserted  at its
end to duplicate the effects  of the Greenburg-Smith impinger stem..  The first
impinger  stem, should  extend  to 2" from  impinger bottom, high enough  in  the
impinger  reagent to prevent air  from  entering recirculating line;,  the  second'
and third impinger stecs should extend to.1/2"  from impinger bottom.  The first
impinge'r  should"  include  a  1/4"  O.D,   Teflon  compression  fitting  for
recircuiatian line.   The fourth impinger serves as a knockout impinger.
   3.1.6  Glass  Impinger.    Silica  gel  impinger.  Vacuum-tight  impingers,
capable; of  containing  ^00  g.  of silica gel,   with compatible fittings.   The
silica gel -fmpinger will have a modified stem  (1/2" ID at tip of stem).
   3.1.7  Thersometer,   (identical to that  specified  by Method 5)' at the outlet
of the Silica gel impinger, to monitor the exit  temperature of 'the gas.
   3.1.8  Metering  System,   Barometer,   and  Gas   Density  Determinations
Equipment.  Same as Me-hod 5, Section 2.1.8 through 2.1.10, respectively.

   3.2  i  Sampla Recovery.  Clean all items for  sample handling or storage with
 W%  nitjric  acid solution by soaking,  where possible, and rinse- thoroughly with
DI water  before  use.

   '3.2.1  Nitrogen Purg-o Line.   Inert tubing and fittings capable of delivering
 0 to 1  !scf/min (continuously adjustable)  of nitrogen'gas to thsj i mpinger  train
 from aj standard gas  cylinder  (See Figure Cr'6-3).    Standard 3/8-inch Teflon
 tubing  !and  compression fittings  in  conjunction  with an  adjustable pressure
 regulator and needle, valve may be used.
    3.2.J2  Wash  Bottles.
 rinse solution.
                         Two polyethylene wash bottles, for Dl water  and nitric
    3.2.3  Sa:r.ple Storage Containers.   Polyethylene,  with leak- free screw  cap,
 5QQ-ml lor IQOQ-ml.
    3.2.'!  10Cn-ml Graduated Cylinder and Balance.
   3.2.i5  Plastic  Storage  Containers.
gel.    i
                                         Air  tight containers  ,to store  silica
    3. 2. -6  Funnel and Rubber Policeman.   To  aid in transfer of silica  gel  from
 impinger to storage container;  not necessary if silica gel  is  weighed  directly
 in the ! impinger.




   3-3 !Sample Prepara-ion for Analysis.  Sample preparation prior  to  analysis
includes  purging  the  sample train,  immediately  following the  sample run, and
filtering  the  recovered  sample  to  remove  particulate  matter  immediately
following recovery.

   3.3.1   Beakers,  Funnels,  Volumetric  Flasks,  Volumetric  Pipets,  and
Graduated Cylinders.     Assorted sizes,  Teflon  or glass,  for preparation  of
samples|  sample dilution,  and preparation of calibration standards.   Prepare
initially following procedure described in Section 5'»1«3  and rinse  between use
with O.i  N HN03 and DI water.

   3.3.2  Filtration Apparatus.  Teflon,  or equivalent, for filtering  samples,
and Teflon  filter holder.   Teflon  impinger components have been found to  be
satisfactory as a sample reservoir for pressure  filtration using nitrogen,

   3.4 ^Analysis.

   3-4.1   IC/PCR System.   High  performance liquid  chromatograph pump,  sample
injection valve, post-column reagent delivery and mixing  system,  and a visible
detector, capable of  operating at 520 nm, all  with  a non-metallic  (or inert)
flow path.  An electronic recording integrator operating  in thss  peak area-mode
is  recommended,  but  other  recording  devices  and integration .techniques are
acceptable provided the  repeatab.ility  criteria  and the linearity criteria for
the calli.brati.ori.  curve described  in  Section 5«5  can  be  satisfied.   A  sample
loading!system will be required if preconcentration is  employed.

   3.4.$  Analytical Column.  A  high performance ion chromatograph  (HPIC) non-
meta.11 l


   4.1  ;Sampling.

   4.1.JL  Wacar.   'Deionized water.   It  is  recommended  that  water  blanks  be
 checked; prior to preparing sampling reagents  to  ensure that  the Cr*6 content
 is less; than the analytical detection limit.
   4.1.2  Potassium  Hydroxide, 0.1  N.   Add 5-6  gm of KOH{a)  t;o approximately
 900 "ml  'of DI water and let dissolve.  Dilute to 1000 ml with Dl water.

   4.1.J3  Silica  Gel  and  Crushed Ice.   Same  as  Method 5,  Sections  3.1.2 and
 3.1.4,  respectively.

   4.2  jSample Recovery.   The reagents used in sample recovery are as follows:
   4.2.2.  Water.  Same as  subsection 4.1.1.
   4.2.J2  Nitric Acid, 0.1 N.  Add  6.3 ml of  concentrated HNQ3 (70 percent)  to
 a graduated  cylinder  containing approximately 900  ml  of DI water,   Dilute  to
 1000  ml] with DI water, and mix well.

   4.3  ! Sample Preparation

   4.3-il  Water.  Same as  subsection 4.1.1.

   4.3.|2  Nitric Acid, 0.1 N.  Same as subsection 4.2.2.

   4.3.3  Filters.     Acetate  -membrane,   or  -equivalent,  filters  with  0.45
 micromeltar or smaller pore size to remove insoluble material.

   4.4  | Analysis.

   4.4.jl  Chromatographic  Eluent.   The eluent used in  the analytical system is
 ammoniuin  sulfate  based.    It  is prepared by adding  6,5 ml  of  25% ammonium
 hydroxijde (NH;|QH)  and 33  grams of  ammonium sulfate ttNH/,) 3^04 3 to 500 ml of DI
 water.  • The  mixture  should then be diluted to 1  liter with  DI water and mixed
 well.  jOther combinations of  eluants  and/or columns  may be employed provided
 peak  resolution,  as  described in Section  5.4, repeatability and linearity,  as
 described in Section 6.2,  and analytical sensitivity are acceptable.

    4,4.|2  Post-column Reagent.   An effective post-column reagent for use with
 the   chromatographic  eluent described  in  Section 4.4.1  is  a diphenylcarbazide
 (DPC) based system.   Dissolve 0.5 g of 1,5-diphenylcarbazide (DPC) in 100 ml of
 ACS   grade methanol.   Add  to 500  ml of degassed   containing  50  ml  of 96%
 spcctrcjpho tome trie grade  sulfuric  acid.   Dilute  to 1 liter  with degassed  DI
 water.  !

    4.4.:4  Cr*5 Calibration Standard.   Prepare  Cr*6   standards  from potassium
 dichroniate  (K-Cr2Oy,  FW 294.19).   To prepare a 1000 ug/ml Cr*6 stock solution,
 dissolve  2.829 g  of  dry  K2Cr,07  in 1 liter  of  DI water.   To prepare working
 standards, dilute the stock solution to'the chosen standard concentrations for
 .instrument  calibration  with  0.05   N  KOH  to  achieve  a.  matrix similar  to the
'"actual |field samples.

        :                               8


   4.4.5,  Performance  Audit  Sample.    A  performance  audit  sample  shall  be
obtained from the Quality Assurance Division of EPA and analyzed with the field
samplesJ  The mailing address to request audit 'samples is:

       j          U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
       j          Atmospheric Research And Exposure Assessment Laboratory
       I          Qualify Assurance Division
       j          Source Branch, Mail Drop 77-A
       i          Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711
     The  audit  sample  should be  prepared in  a suitable  sample matrix  at a
concentration similar zo the  actual field samples,
5, Procedure

   5.1 i Sampling.    The  complexity  of  this method is  such  that  to  obtain
reliabije   results,   tasters  should  be  trained  and  experienced  with  test

   5.1.1   Pretest  Preparation.   All  components  shall  be  maintained  and
calibrated according to  the procedures described in APTD-0576, unless otherwise
specified  herein.
   Rinse  all sample train components from  the  glass noaale up  to the silica
gal  impinger and sample containers with hot tap water followed by washing with
hot  soapy  water.  Next,  rinse the train components and sample containers three
times with tap water followed by  three rinses with Dl water.  All the
namponehts and  containers should  then  be soaked overnight, or  a minimum of 4
hours, |in  a  10 % (v/v)  nitric acid solution, then  rinsed  three times with DI
water. }  Allow the components to  air  dry prior to  covering  all openings with
Parafiljn,  or equivalent.  -

   5.1.2   Preliminary Determinations.  Same  as Method 5, Section. 4.1.2.

   5.1.J3   Preparation of Sampling Train.   Measure  300 ml of 0,1  N KOH into a
graduated  cylinder  (or  tare-wenghed  predeaned polyethylene container).  Place
approximately 150  ml of the 0.1  N  KOH reagent in  the  first Teflon impinger.
Split  cine  rest of the 0.1 N KOH between the second and third Teflon impingers.
The  next Teflon  impinger is left dry.  Place a preweighed 200-to 400-g portion
of indicating silica gel in  the final glass  impinger.   (For sampling periods in
excess jof two  hours,  or  for high  moisture sites,  40Q-g  of  silica  gel is
   Reta'in  reagent blanks of  the  0.1 N KOH equal to  the  volumes used with the
field  sjamples.

   5.1.!4   Leak-Check  Procedures.   Follow  the  leak-check procedures  given in
Method J5,  Section (Pretest  Leak-Check),  Section  (Leak-Checks
During jthe Sample Run),  and Section  (Post-Test Leak-Checks).


   5.1.ip  Sampling Train  Operation.   Follow the procedures given, in Mechod 5,
Section; 4.1.?.   The  sampling train should  be  iced down with water and ice to
insure heat transfer with the Teflon impingers.
  .For leach  run, record  the data  required on  a  data sheet  auch  as  the one
shown in Figure 5'2 of Method 5.

   5.1.6  Calculation of Percent Isokinetie. Same as Method 5, Section k.1.6.

   5.2 | Post-test Nitrogen  Purge.   The  nitrogen purge is used  as a safeguard
against; the conversion of hexavalent chromium to the trivalent oxidation stata.
The purge is effective in the removal of S02 from the impin§er contents.
   Attach the nitrogen purge line to the input of the impinger train.  Check to
insure ;the  output of  the impinger train  is  open, and that  the  recirculating
line isj capped off.   Open the  nitrogen gas flow slowly and adjust  the delivery
rate to| 10 L/min.  Check  the recalculating line to insure that: the pressure is
not  forcing  the  impinger reagent out  through  this line.     Continue the purga
under these conditions for one-half hour periodically checking the flow rate.

   5,3 '; Sample  Recovery.    Begin   cleanup  procedures  as  soon  as  the   train
assembliy has  been purged at the end  of the sampling  run.   The probe assembly
does majy be disconnected  from the sample train prior to sample purging.
   The iprobe assembly  should  be  allowed  to  cool  prior to  sample recovery.
Disconnect  the umbilical  cord from the  sample  train.   When the probe assembly
can be [safely handled, wipe  off all external particulate matter near the tip of
the  nozzle,  and  cap  the nozzle prior to  transporting the sample  train  to  a
clean  vlp  area that  is  clean and protected from the  wind  and other potential
causes iof con lamination or  loss of  sample.  -Inspect the train before and- during
disassembly and  note  any  abnormal conditions.

   5.3.|1.  Container  No.  1  (Inipingers  1  through  3).    Disconnect  the   first
impingelr  from the ssccnd impinger  and disconnect  the recirculation line  from
the  aspirator   or  peristaltic pump.    Drain  the  Teflon  impingers  into  a
preclea'ned  graduated cylinder  or • tare-weighed  precleaned  polyethylene sample
container and measure the volume of the liquid  to within 1 ml or  1  gm.  Record
the  volume  of liquid present as this  information  is required to  calculate  the
moisture  content of  the  flue gas  sample.   If  necessary,  transfer the sample
from the graduated  cylinder  to a  precleaned  polyethylene  ssuaple  container.
With  dl  water, rinse  four   times   the   insides  of  the  glass  nozzle,   the
aspirator,   the   sample  and  recirculation  lines,  the  impingers,  and  the
connecting  tubing-,  and combine the rinses  with the impinger  solution in  the
sample [container.
   5.3..2  Container No. 2 (UNO,  rinse  optional  for  total chromium).   With  0.1  N
HN03,  rinse  three  times  the  entire  train assembly,  from  th«  nozzle  to  the
fourth |impingcr_  and  combine the rinses  into a  separate precleaned polyethylene
sample , container  for  possible total  chromium  analysis.    Repeat  the   rinse
procedure a final time with DI water,  and discard the water rinses.  Mark  the
height!of the fluid  level  on  the container or,  alternatively  if a balance is
available, weigh the  container  and  record  the weight  to permit determination of
any  leakage  during  transport.   Label  the  container clearly  to identify  its


   5-3-3  Container No.  3  (Silica  Gel).     Nota  the  color of  the indicating
silica jgel  to  determine  if it  has been  completely  spent.    Quantitatively
transfer- the silica gel  from its impinger to the  original  container,  and seal
the container.   A funnel and a  rubber- policeman  may be used  to aid  in the
transfer.  The small  ancunt of particulate that may adhere to the Impinger wall
need not be-removed.   Do  not use  water  or other liquids to transfer" the silica
gel,  Alternatively,  if a balance is  available  in  the  field,  record the weight
of the spent silica gel (or the silica gel plus impinger} to th« nearest 0.5 g.

   5-3.^  Container No.  4  (0.1  N KQH  Blank),   Once  during each,  field teat,
place a i volume of reagent equal to the volume placed in the sample train into a
precleaned  polyethylene   sample  container,  and  seal  the  container.   Mark the
height pf the  fluid  level on the  container or, alternatively if  a balance Is
available, weigh the container and record the weight to permit determination of
any leakage during transport.   Label  the container  clearly to  identify its

   5-3-ip  Container No.   5  (DI water Blank),   Once  during  esich  field test,
place ei  volume of Di  water equal to the volume employed to  rinse the sample
train into  a precleaned  polyethylene sample container, and seal the container.
Mark  the height of  the   fluid level on  the  container or, alternatively  if a
balance;  is  available,  weigh  the  container  and record  the  weight  to permit
determination  of any  leakage during transport.-  Label the container clearly to
identify its contents.

   5.3.6  Container No. 6  (0.1  N HNO,  Blank).   Once during each field  test if
total chromium is  to  be  determined,  place 'a volume of 0.1 N HNO, reagent equal
to  the  volume  employed  to  rinse  the • sample  train  into  a  precleaned
polyethylene sample container,  and seal  the  container.  Mark  the height of the
fluid Ijsvel on the container  or, alternatively if  a balance is available, weigh
the  container  and record the weight to permit determination  of  any  leakage
during transport.  Label  the  container clearly to  identify its contents.
    5.4 I  Sample Preparation.   For  determination of Cr'$,  the  sample should be
filtere|i immediately . following  recovery  to remove  any  insoluble matter.
Nitrogen  gas  may be used as a pressure  assist  to the filtration process  (see
Figure pr*°-4).    •                            •
    Filtjer  the  entire impinger sample through a 0.45  micrometer Teflon filter
(or  equivalent),   and  collect the  filtrate  in  a  1000-ml' graduated  cylinder.
Rinse  the sample container  with  DI water three separate  times  and pass  these
rinses [through the filter,  and  add the rinses  to  the sample filtrate.  Rinse
the Tefjlon  reservoir  with DI water  three separate times and pass these rinses
through:  the filter,   and  add  the  rinses to  the sample.   Determine  the final
volume iof the  filtrate and  rinses  and return them to the rinsied polyethylene
sample container.  Label  the container clearly to  identify its contents.  Rinse
the Teflon  reservoir  once with  0.1 N HNO,  and  once with  DI  waiter and  discard
these riinses.
    Tf  4otal chromium  is  to  be  determined,  quantitatively recover the filter
and residue and place them in a vial.   (The acetate filter may lie digested with
5  ml  of ?Q# nitric acid; this digestion solution  may then be diluted with DI
water fpr total chromium  analysis.)


    Figure Cr+e -4. Schematic of sample filter system,

4196 2/90


   5,ii,l  Container 2 (HN03 rinse, optional for total chromium).  This sample
shall be analyzed in accordance  with  the selected procedure for total chromium
analysis,   At  a  minimum,  the  sample  should  be  subjected  to   a  digestion
procedure sufficient to solubilize all chromium present.
   5.U.2  Container 3 (Silica Gel),   Weigh  the spent silica gel to the nearest
0-5 s using a balance.   (This step may be conducted in the field..)

   3.5  iSample  Analysis,    The  Cr*6   content  of  the  sample  filtrate  is
determined by ion  chroaatography coupled with a  post column reactor (IC/PCR) .
To increase aansitiv-J ty for- trace levels of chromium a preconcentration system
is also j used in conjunction with  the IC/PCR.
   Prior  to  preconcer.tration  and/or  analysis,   all  field samples  will  be
filtered through a 0.^5 urn  filter.   This filtration  should be conducted just
prior to sample injection/analysis.
   The preconcfintraticr. is accomplished by selectively retaining the analyte on;
a solid! absorbent  (as  described in 3-^-3), followed  by removal of the analyta
from  the absorbent.  The  sample is injected  into a sample loop of the desired
size  (rjspeatad  loadings  or  larger siae loop  for  greater  sensitivity)  and the
Cr*6  is I collected on the  resin  bed of the column.  When the injection valve is
switched, the eluent displaces  the concentrated  Cr*6  sample "moving it off the
preconcentration  column  and onto the  1C  anion  separation  column.  •  After
separation from other  sample components, Cr*6  forms  a specific complex in the
post-column reactor with a diphenylcarbazide reaction  solution, and the complex
is then> detected by visible absorbance  at a  wavelength of 520  nm.  The amount
of absorfaance measured is proportional  to the concentration  of  the  Cr*6 complex
formed., The  1C retention time  and absorbance  of the Cr*° complex is compared
with  knpwn  Cr*fj  standards analyzed under identical conditions  to provide-both
qualitative ar.d quanticative analyses.
   Prior to  sanple analysis establish  a stable baseline with the  detector set
at the  required attenuation by  setting1 the eluent flowrate at approximately  1
ml/min  (and  post column reagent  flow  rate at  approximately 0.5  ml/min.   (Note:
As long as  the ratio of eluent  flowrate to  PCR flowrate remains constant, the
standarji curve  should  remain linear.)   Inject a  sample of DI  water to insure
that  no! Cr*6 appears in the water blank.
   First,  inject  the calibration standards prepared,  as  described in Section
4.^.4,  !to  cover the appropriate concentration range, starting with the  lowest
standard first.   Next,  inject,  in  duplicate,  the  performance  audit sample,
followejd by  the 0.1 N KOH  field blank  and the field  samples.  Finally,  repeat
the   infection  of  the calibration  standards to allow  for  compensation  of
instrument  drift.    Measure  areas  or  heights  of  the  Cr*6/DPC  complex
chromatjagram  peak.   The   response  for  replicate,  consecutive!  injections  of
samples' must be within 3  percent of  the average  response, or  the  injection
should  [be  repeated until  the  5 percent  criteria  can be met.   Use the average
responses (peak  areas or heights)  from  the duplicate  injections of calibration
standards  to  generate  a linear calibration curve.  From the calibration  curve,.,
determine  the concentration of  the field samples  employing the  average response
from the duplicate injections.
   The  'results  for the analysis of the  performance audit sample must  be  within
10 percent  of  the  reference value for the field sample analysis to be  valid.


6.  Calibration.   Maintain a written log of all calibration activities.
   6.1  Sample  Train  Calibration.    Calibrate  the  sample  train  components
according to  the indicated sections of Method 5:   Probe  Nozzle (Section 5.1);
Pitot Tuipe  (Section 5-2);  Metering System  (Section  5-3) i Temperature Gauges
(Section 15.5):  Leak-Cheek of the Metering System (Section 5.6); and Barometer

   6.2 ' Calibration Curve  for the 1C./PGR.  Prepare working standards from the
stock  solution  described  in  Section 4.4.4.  by  dilution  with  a Dl  water
solution; to  approximate  the  field  sample  matrix.    Prepare  at  least four
standards  to  cover one  order of  magnitude  that bracket  the  field  sample
concentrations.   Run  the  standards with  the field  samples  ass  described  in
Section  5.5-.  "or each standard, determine the peak areas  (recommended)  or the
peak  he-fights, calculate  the  average  response from  the  duplicate  injections,
and  plot; the average  response against the  Cr*6  concentration in  ug/1.  The
individual  responses for each  calibration standard determined  before and after
field sample analysis  must be within 5 percent of  the average  response for  the
analysis} to be valid.    If the 5 percent criteria is exceeded,  wxcessive drift
and/or  ihstrumenc  degradation  may  have occxirred,  and must be  corrected  before
further  knalyses are performed.  .
    Employing linear   regression,  calculate  a  predicted  value for each
calibration  standard with the  average response  for  the duplicate  injections.
Each predicted  value  must  be  within  7  percent  of  the actual value for  the
 calibration  curve  to  be  considered  acceptable.   Remake  andi/or  rerun  the
 calibration standards.   If  the calibration curve is  still  unacceptable,  reduce
 Che range of the curve.

 7. Calculations            -                         '
 dry gas
 Method :

 Method .

  Dry  Gas  Volume.   Using the data  from  the test, calculate Vm(atd  ,  the
  sample  volume at  standard  conditions  as  outlined in  Section 0.3  of

  Volume  of Water Vapor  and Moisture Content.   Using  the> data  from  the
calculate Vw, afed) and BW3,  the  volume  of water  vapor  and the  moisture
  of the stack gas,  respectively,  using Equations 5-2  and 5-3 of  Method

  Stack Gas Velocity.  Using the data from the test and  Equation  2-9 of
  !,  calculate  the  average stack gas velocity.

  Total us? Cr*6  Per  Sample.   Calculate as described below:
  a = (S-3)  x Vls  x d

  m = Mass of Or*6 in the sample,  ug,
  S = Analysis of sample, ug Cr'Vml,
  B a Analysis of blank, ug Cr*6/ml,
        via  = Volum« of sample after filtration, ml,  and,
  d = Dilution, factor (1 if not diluted).


                            APPENDIX D



          The  following  calculations  demonstrate  the  determination of  the
maximum sludge feed rate allowed within the proposed rules for the disposal of
sewage  sludge  published  in the  Federal  Register  on February  6,  1989.   The
formulas used are provided  in the proposed rule.

     j     These  example calculations show  the steps  involved  in calculating
the maximum allowable sludge feed rate based upon:

     i     «    the  average concentration of  each toxic metal  in  sludge feed
     i          (obtained via long term monitoring);

     j     •    the  control  efficiency  of  the  incineration  system  for each
     i          toxic metal  (obtained from stack sampling); and
     i     «    the  dispersion factor (obtained from  dispersion modeling).

     i     The  calculation  is  demonstrated  in  this  case  for  two metals.
 Facility  "X"  collected   the   following  information   involving  two of  the
 regulated metals.

     ;     «    Chromium~50 mg/kg of sludge
     I                                                         :
     I     •    Lead—ISO  mg/kg  of sludge

     i     «    96% control of  chromium by the  incinerator and air  pollution
     |          'control  device

     |      «    85% control of  lead  by the  incinerator  and  air  pollution
     i          control  device
     «      •    A calculated dispersion  factor of 7.52 vg/mVg/sec

     i      •     An  average  sludge feed rate  of 7 metric  tons/hr (dry  weight
     I           basis)
     ! From the proposed rule, the formula is

             RSC x 86,400
       C =
           OF x (1-CE) x SF
 Wherle:                                                                     .
 C=Maximum allowable concentration of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, or nickel in
    sewage sludge, in milligrams per kilogram (dry weight basis).
 CE=Sewage sludge incinerator control efficiency.
 DF=Oispersion factor,  in micrograms per cubic meter, per gram, per second.
 RSC=Risk specific concentration, in micrograms per cubic meter.
 86,400=Number of seconds in a day.
 SF=Sewage sludge feed  rate, in .metric tons per day (dry weight basis).


     for SF and make substitutions:
           RSC x 86,400
           OF x (1-CE)  x
         = 0.085
      ._     0.085 x 86,400
      >F = 7.52 X (1-.96)  x 50

     i SF = 488 metric tons/day (dry basis)

     |    =  20 metric tons/hr (dry basis)

Conclusion:   The allowable feed  rate of sludge based  on  chromium content is
higher  than the  average  sludge  feed  rate of  7  metric  tons per  hour  (dry
        -  .25  (NAAQS) x 86,400
        	DF.x  (1-CE) x 5h
1Jl*py»a •
OMaximuni allowable  concentration of lead  1n sewage  sludge,  1n milligrams  per

NM^Son^bient MMuallty Standard for lead (15 n,1crogra,s per, cubic
     i  meter maximum  arithematic mean averaged over a calendar quarter).
86.400=Number of seconds in a day.
DF^Olspersion factor,  in micrograms per cubic meter, per gram, per second.
CE=s|ewage sludge incinerator control efficiency.
SF=S|ewage sludge feed  rate, in metric tons per day (dry weight basis).

 Solve for SF and make substitutions:
           _ .25 (NAAQSt  x 86,400
           ~   DF x (1-CE) x C

              .25 g.5H86,400)
           " 7.52 (1-.85) x 180

           = 160 metric tons/day (dry basis)

           =6.6 metric tons/hr  (dry basis)


Conclusion:   Based upon  the  lead  content of  the  sludge  feed, the  maximum
allowable feedi  rate  is less the average  feed  rate of 7 metric  tons  per hour
(drylasis) .This facility would  need to operate  at less than the .average
feed rate unless improvements can be demonstrated in the control efficiency of
lead Emissions.



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