United States
Environmental Protection •'
v>EPA Natural
         Cold Climates

Natural Systems for  Wastewi

The Concepts
The term natural systems refers to wastewater
treatment systems which have minimal dependence on
mechanical elements to support the wastewater
treatment process.ln contrast, activated sludge utilizes
a natural biological sludge but depends on mechanical
elements for mixing, aeration, and sludge  pressing.
Natural systems such as facultative ponds, rapid
infiltration, or wetlands treatment, depend directly on
natural components for treatment with minimal
mechanical assistance or energy inputs.

These natural systems are especially well suited for
small communities in rural areas where land may be
available and where it is important to keep construction
and O&M (operating and maintenance) costs as low as
possible! A potential concern with these systems,
however, is their susceptibility to operating problems
and icing during the winter. In natural systems, dormant
vegetation, the slow reaction rate for soil or aquatic
microbes at low temperatures, and/or the  presence of
an ice, cover,  may reduce both physical and  biological
activity, and thus affect system performance on a
seasonal basis. Therefore, it is important to include
consideration of winter conditions when evaluating
these systems for use in a cold climate.
Pond Systems
Facultative ponds are used for wastewater treatment
throughout the United States. They depend on surface
reaeration and algal photosynthesis for oxygen, natural
die-off of pathogens, and on the contained biota for
treatment. A number of design models are available 1,
most of which include rate constant adjustments for low
temperature conditions. However, the effect of long-
term ice cover on the pond or lagoon is not always
given adequate consideration. The presence of an ice
cover for long periods eliminates significant surface
reaeration and, since algae are also dormant, the
oxygen levels in the liquid can decrease to zero. The
effluent quality during such periods can deteriorate to
primary treatment levels.In some cases, supplemental
winter aeration may resolve the problem.

A "controlled discharge" approach is used in Canada
and the North-Central United States to provide
sufficient detention time to eliminate the need to
discharge during the critical winter months. The
discharge is programmed for once or twice per year.
Each cell is isolated in turn and prepared for discharge.

  Overland Flow (OF) Land Treatment
  In overland flow, partially treated wastewater is applied
  to relatively impermeable soils at the top of a gentle,,..:
  (2-8%) grass cov,ered slope. Treatment, by vegetation
  and surface microbial bjota occurs as the wastewater.
  moves via sheet flow down the slope. The treated
  effluent is then collected at the toe^of the slope and
  typically discharged to surface water. The hydraulic '
  loading of an OF system can be 2 to 4 times higher
  than an SR system, depending on treatment goals and
  influent characteristics. Design details can be found in
  References 2 and 3.                               ]

 The vegetation is a critical treatment component in OF
 systems;  since perennial grasses are commonly used,
 the operating  season can usually be longer than the
 typical SR system. The  length of the OF operating
 season can also be, influenced by the level of nitrogen  .
 removal required. If nitrogen is not a parameter of
 concern, then the operating season may extend well  '
 beyond the growing season for the project area. A.
 detailed map showing suggested wastewater storage
 needs for OF  can be found in' Reference 3. Figure 1  "j
 presents a simplified approximation of storage        i
 requirements.  Note the storage requirements north of
 the 40 day line on Figure 1  are essentially the same for
 both OF and  SR systems.
    40 65
Figure 1. Winter Wastewater Storage for OF Systems,
Constructed Wetland Treatment Systems
Constructed wetlands are a relatively new concept for
wastewater treatment 4>5. Yet a variety of systems
involving natural and constructed wetlands  have been

   investigated and sucessfully utilized as a part of
   wastewater treatment systems. Constructed wetlands
   are typically installed for wastewater treatment at a site
   where a wetland did not previously exist. There are
   several advantages to this approach since greater
   control of flow, therefore improved treatment efficiency^ :
'   involving a smaller area is possible'with a "constructed   :
- .toetland, rather than with a naturally; occurring w6trand> - '
   Additionally, natural wetlands are'oftehJcbnsfclered'to ; ^
 '  be part "of the receiving waters rather than a part of the,;
   treatfrierit  system. Asa result, regulations.may restrict;','
 ;  the allowable inputs.to a natural;wetland.   r\ -  s\'-(. •'

   Pgrtiially treated wastewaterJslntraducedX^;^^^
   end ,o'f the shallow constructed wetland and treatment;;/,
*• 'occurs during the several days of residence in the    ;<;,.
   "system. Extensive work in Ontario, Canada has w,' •:;:£•:
"' -develope'd'engiheering criteria for year-round operatior).;j
   "of consKructed wetlands in cold" climate's 4f P,. "\ /.-,..;  •£

   A system designed for BOD, SS,  and significant
   nitrogen removal would typically consist of an 8 to 10
   day detention  time in  a partial-mix aerated lagoon with
   a settling  zone, followed by a wetland  area constructed
   as long, narrow channels  (e.g., L:W =  10:1). The
   design detention time in the summer is typically 7 days
   with a 10 cm water depth, at  a hydraulic loading of
   about 200 m3/ha/yr. The water depth is increased to
   about 30  cm at the onset of winter to allow for an
   adequate treatment zone  beneath the winter ice cover.
   Most of the nitrogen in the effluent will be in the
   ammonia form and additional pre-or-post treatment
   may be required if the discharge permit requires low
   ammonia levels. Similarly, if phosphorus removal is
   required,  pre-or-post treatment may be required.

   Emergent vegetation  (e.g., cattails, reeds,  and rushes)
   is planted in constructed wetlands to form a dense
   cover. The plants themselves provide little treatment
   but the stalks and root nodules provide a substrate for
   the extensive  microbial growth which is thought to be
   responsible for most of the treatment activity. Since the
   plants are not the major factor in treatment, year-round
   operation of the system without plant harvest is
   possible. Performance can be sustained at consistently
   high levels as shown in Table 3,  which presents results
   from a system in Canada.4'5

   The performance, and many of the treatment
    responses in  constructed wetlands are similar to those

                  Parameter mg/L
         BOD5         SS        Total N
                        .9 '
 ibli 3.;;Quality of Wpstewater following Wetland '••-'"' :      ^ -?/
 •-.."•    ^Treatment  '"»',     •    •"'*•  ••'•'    'y**--  • T   •  ;;%:;*
    !* 'V^   -'"    ^Vj-^  '.      ''• ' vV  " -  '    V '".«:• ••"•'•.'",' '
 I'   ff -  „ ""       ' •* "V • "-  '  "   **           '^   '
 bccurfing'lri OF systems. The wateV depth is greater in
Ihe wetland and'this,, plus the insulating Ice cover;:
Mlqws operation under condition's that .would; cause
  •q.mpletejurface''freezing1 of an OF slope.   ',  ,v "'*"   -
  , yniformflow under the wetlandice cover is essential
lo.avpid development of anaerobic conditions and the
|esulting deterioration in performance.

  tie major factor influencing cost effectiveness of a
  anstructed wetland versus OF is the amount of land
lequired for each of the concepts. If extensive winter
•storage is required for an OF system then the wetland
 3 likely to be the more economical system. The 65 day
Ine on Figure 1 is  the approximate dividing line, with
lespect to land requirements,  for the two concepts.
•Dverland flow systems will usually require less land
 irea south of that line, while constructed wetlands may
pe more cost effective to the north. It should also be
 emembered that OF systems have a proven record of
 eliable performance while constructed wetlands are
  •~t emerging from the developmental stage.


  he natural wastewater treatment systems described in
 his text can be successfully used in cold climates. The
 hajor winter concerns are dormant vegetation, low
 baction rates,  freezing of equipment, and ice formation
|n the surface of the treatment system.

j non-forested natural systems where vegetation is a
ritical treatment component, it may be necessary to
lore wastewater during the winter months. Forested
low rate and rapid infiltration systems and constructed
•etlands, however,  can all operate through the winter
lith proper care of the wastewater distribution network.

Forested systems can also be operated successfully
through the winter if freezing is prevented in the  .
mechanical equipment (pumps, pipes, sprinklers, etc).
The ground surface in forests freezes more slowly than
exposed agricultural soils and once a deep snow fall
occurs, the soil might not freeze at all, permitting
wastewater to infiltrate all winter long. As shown in
Table 2, performance can be excellent on a year-round
basis in a forested SR system.
   Time    BOD5 SS  Total P  Total N  Fecal Coli
            mg/L  mg/L  mg/L    mg/L   #/100 ml

    Winter    3      3    0.3      7 A      60

    Summer  11     0.2      2.5      57
   Note: percolate samples obtained in cut-off ditch at
         toe of treatment slope.
 Table 2. Winter and Summer Performance of a
         Forested SR System in Central Vermont.

 Maintenance of the wastewater distribution network for
 continuous winter operations of an SR system can be
 labor intensive. In some situations, where low cost land
 is available, it may be more cost effective to provide for
 winter wastewater storage. This, however, will also
 require a larger treatment area for summer application
 of the total flow.

 Rapid Infiltration (Rl) Land Treatment
 Rapid infiltration involves the application of partially
 treated wastewaters to shallow basins in highly
 permeable soils. The hydraulic loading rates  are usually
 at least an order of magnitude greater than SR
 systems, but it is still possible to achieve ,a very high
 quality percolate. Design criteria can be found in
 References 2 and 3. Since vegetation is not  used as  a
 treatment component there are no seasonal  limitations
 and an Rl system can operate on a year-round basis.
 Freezing must be prevented in the piping system1 but
 ice formation in the basins is not usually a problem
 when the applied wastewater is relatively warm. Icing
 may become a problem if very cold effluent from a long
 detention time lagoon is applied to an Rl basin in a
 very cold climate. Reference 3 provides  a detailed
 discussion on this topic.

 Treatment in  Cold  Climates
When water quality in the cell and in the receiving
stream are compatible, the entire cell is discharged over
a period of several days to several weeks. Excellent
performance is possible. Table 1 presents results from
a controlled discharge  pond in Michigan.
Effluent Quality, mg/L
••• 5-
.NO3-N :
0.5 '
Table 1. Performance, Controlled Discharge Ponds.

 Pond systems combined with various aquatic plants
 (water hyacinths, duck weed, etc.) in aquaculture
 systems are capable of high levels of treatment during
 the growing season. Use of these concepts in colder
 climates would probably require covers and additional
 heat for sustained winter performance.  It is not likely
 that these extra protective elements will be cost
 effective.                                         -|.
 Slow Rate (SR) Land Treatment                   j
 In SR systems, partially treated wastewater is applied
 to a vegetated soil surface, followed by infiltration and
 percolation through the soil.Sometimes it is followed by
 gravity drain recovery and surface discharge of the
 treated effluent. The vegetation, soil,  and microbial    i
 biota  all contribute significantly to treatment. If properly'
 designed and managed it is possible to achieve      i
 drinking water quality in the treated wastewater after a
 few feet of travel in the soil. Complete design details
 can be found in Reference 2.                  '     ,
 The operational period for a particular system will
 depend on the type of vegetation selected for the
 system. The use of agricultural  crops (grasses, hay,  ;
 corn and small grains) typically  requires wastewater
 storage during the winter months. Storage time might
 range from 20 days in North Carolina and northern   .
 Arizona, to 160 days in northern Wisconsin and Maine.
 Reference 2 provides  complete details.
Grass-covered systems can typically be operated for a
longer period than row crop systems. If nitrogen is  not
a critical parameter, grass covered systems might be
operated into the winter as long as general ice build-up
on the ground surface does not interfere with infiltratiori.


 1. US EPA. 1983. Process Design Manual for
    Municipal. Wastewater Stabilization Ponds.  EPA
    625/1-83-015. US EPA CERI, Cincinnati, OH.

 2. US,EPA^i98t Process Design Manual,Land
    Treatment of Municipal Wastewater. EPA     :    '  -!
 , / 625/1:81-0|3: US EPA/QERI,..Cincinnati,' OH.   >1 '--^
 S.'.US EPA."1984, Process Design /Wanua/ for Land
 -, -Treatment of Municipal Wastewater Supplemejit on
  • 'f?ap/c( Infiltration -and Overland Flow, EPA 625/1 -811
 - ?Oi3arU%EPACEra,Cincinnati/OH.'"   "  . V'''".
 4. Reed, S.C., R. Bastion, S! Black, R. khettry.  1985.'
..'   Wetlands .for Wastewater Treatment in Cold
-',   Cljmates. pp 962-972: in: Proceedings AWWA Water
 .;  .Reuse HI.AWWA, Denver,. CO.     ,     '       .-,;-;
'5. Herskowitz; "J.1986. Town of Listowel Artificial
  ''Mars/7 Project,Project Report 128RR. Ontario  ' '  "
    Ministry of the Environment, Toronto, Ontario.

 Text prepared by Sherwood C. Reed, USACQE-CRREL,
 Hanover, NH. under EPA IAG No. DW 969361.

 Prepared by Environmental Resources Management, Inc.

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