United States
                           Environmental Protection
                         Office of Water
          Number 16   ....
          April 1996 L ,..
SEPA      Contaminated
                          Sediments  News
   EPA  Office  of Water Completes Draft
               Site  Inventory Report
The EPA Office of Water (Standards
and Applied Science Division within the
Office of Science and Technology) has
completed the first draft version of its
"site inventory" report on the condition
of the Nation's sediment. This report
meets the mandate of the Water Re-
sources Development Act of 1992,
which charged EPA to conduct a
comprehensive national  survey of data
regarding sediment quality, identify
locations that are contaminated, and
report its findings to Congress every two
years. Entitled The National Sediment
Quality Survey: A Report to Congress
on the Extent and Severity of Sediment
Contamination in Surface Waters of the
United States, the draft report is under-
going an external scientific peer review
and an intra-Agency review. When this
review is completed, EPA plans to
revise the current draft and distribute a
second draft to other federal agencies
and states.

EPA examined sediment chemistry
measures, fish tissue residue levels, and
toxicity  test results taken at over 20,000
monitoring stations over the past
15 years. EPA performed a screening-
level assessment on these data to
determine whether potential contamina-
tion problems either currently exist or
existed at some point in time over the
past 15 years at distinct monitoring
locations.  Each monitoring site was
placed into one of three categories: a
higher probability of adverse effects
(Tier 1), an intermediate probability of
adverse effects (Tier 2), or no indication
of potential adverse effects based on
available data (Tier 3). Recognizing the
imprecise nature of the numerical
assessment parameters, Tier 1 sites were
distinguished from Tier 2 sites based on
the magnitude of a sediment chemistry
measure or the degree of corroboration
among the different types of sediment
quality measures. The preliminary
results of this analysis indicate that
potentially contaminated sediment is
present at one-third to three-quarters of
the monitoring stations evaluated, and
risks to both aquatic life and human
health exist. These results most likely
reflect, in part, the fact that monitoring
efforts have focused on areas thought to
be contaminated.
  Inside this issue...
  Regional Activities	2
  Focus: The R/V Mudpuppy
  to the Rescue for Great Lakes
  Contaminated Sediments	6
  ORD Activities	8
NOAA Releases Report on
Sediment Toxicity	 9
Creature Feature.	 9
Announcements	11
                                   Contaminated Sediment
                                      Activities Timeline
June 8-12,1996. Watershed '96.
Baltimore, MD.  Call Water Envi-
ronment Federation at (703) 684-2400.

June 16-19,1996. Urban Wet Weather
Pollution: Controlling Sewer Overflows
andStormwaterRunoff. Quebec,
Canada. Contact Nancy Blatt, WEF, at

July 14-17,1996. American Water
Resources Association Annual
Symposium on Watershed Restoration
and Management: Physical, Chemical,
and Biological Considerations.
Syracuse, NY. Contact Dr. Jeffrey
McDonnell at (315) 470-6565.

July22-25,1996. Multi-Regional
Meeting on Water Quality Standards/
Criteria and Related Pro-grams.
Denver, CO. Contact Liz Hiett, Tetra
Tech, at (703) 385-6000.

August 26-29,1996. Multi-Regional
Meeting on WaterQuality Standards/
Criteria and Related Programs.
Burlington, VT. Contact Liz Hiett, Tetra
Tech, at (703) 385-6000.

September 11-13,1996. National
Sediment Bioaccumulation Conference.
Bethesda.MD. Contact Charlie
MacPherson/Melissa Bowen, Tetra
Tech, at (703) 385-6000. (See related
announcement on p. 11).

November 17-21,1996. Society of
Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry 17th Annual Meeting.
Washington, DC. Contact SETAC at

Although site monitoring information in
the National Sediment Inventory (NSI)
database is extensive, EPA's reliance on
electronically available data, mostly from
                    large national
                    databases, has
                    undoubtedly led to
                    the exclusion of
                    available from
                    sources such as
                    local and state
                    governments and
                   . hard-copy reports.
                    However, the data
                    are sufficient to
                    provide a national
perspective and to identify areas requiring
closer inspection. EPA will gather data
from additional sources for future biennial
sediment quality reports.  Site classifica-
tion based on NSI data cannot substitute
for additional study or application of
relevant knowledge at the regional, state,
and local levels. In time, as the NSI
grows to include information on more
locations and measurements, NSI data and
assessments will reveal trends and help
measure progress in minimizing risk.  For
more information contact Jim Keating,
OST, (202) 260-3845.

EPA Office of Water to
Assess Nonpoint Source
Pollution Inputs to
Contaminated Sediments

EPA's Standards and Applied Science
Division within the Office of Science and
Technology has initiated an effort to
assess the contribution of nonpoint
sources to sediment contamination.
Because the potential universe of
nonpoint sources contributing to sediment
contamination could be significant, initial
efforts will focus on selected nonpoint
source categories including harvested
croplands (pesticides), urban areas and
atmospheric deposition (PAHs, PCBs,
metals, pesticides), and inactive and
abandoned mine sites (where information
is available). EPA plans to coordinate
closely with other federal agencies such
as USDA's Agricultural Research Service,
the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S.
Fish & Wildlife Service for this effort.
For more information contact Bill Tate,
OST, (202) 260-7052.
               Regional  Activities
Region  2

Sediment Decontamination
Technology for Dredged
Material Management

U.S. EPA Region 2 and the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers (USAGE), New
York District, are jointly managing an
investigation of sediment decontamina-
tion technologies for dredged material
management. Section 405 of the Water
Resources Development Act (WRDA)
authorizes a fast-track, 2-
year investigation,
including testing
and demonstrating
technologies at
both bench- and
pilot-scale levels.
The primary goals
of the project are
to decontaminate
New York/New
Jersey Harbor
sediments, to
demonstrate the
protection and
aspects of the process, and to determine
beneficial uses of the post-treated

The Department of Energy, Brookhaven
National Laboratory (BNL), and the
USAGE Waterways Experiment Station
(WES) are providing technical support
for the project.  In addition, there is a
"regional" support team with members
from the Stevens Institute of Technol-
ogy, New Jersey Institute of Technol-
ogy, Rutgers University, and Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute.

Under an open BNL procurement
process, seven vendors were awarded
contracts to decontaminate sediments
from New York's Newtown Creek on a
bench scale. Based on the success of the
bench-scale tests, three to four pilot-
scale demonstrations, 25 cubic yards
each (depending on cost estimates) will
be completed either at the vendors' sites
or at the Port Authority of New York and
the New Jersey Marine Terminal at
Newark Bay. Newtown Creek was
selected as the project test site because of
its enriched sediment concentrations of
metals, PCBs, dioxins/furans, and PAHs.

Decontamination will require a "treat-
ment train" approach of several different
 processes because of the complex and
   varying nature, and levels, of typical
     contaminants and their widespread
       spatial distribution in the
        Harbor.  The seven vendors
        have demonstrated a variety of
        treatment technologies, includ-
        ing thermal desorption and
        destruction, chemical treat-
        ments, solidification and
        stabilization, solvent extraction,
        physical separation, and soil
        washing.  As of March 1996, all
        seven vendor bench-scale tests
        are complete.

        Battelle completed a Base-
        Catalyzed Decomposition
        bench-scale test focusing on
organochlorine-contaminated sediments
in September 1995. For this project,
WES is conducting four bench-scale
tests focusing on manufactured soil
production (phytoremediation), solidifi-
cation/stabilization, physical separation,
and dewatering processes. In April
1996, technical evaluations and decisions
to progress with pilot-scale demonstra-
tions will be made.  Pilot-scale testing
will begin in June/July and will be
completed by September.

WES will also conduct a manufactured
soil pilot-scale test in Newark, New
Jersey. This effort might begin as early
as April/May to coincide with the
growing season and will be completed in
December 1996. The project team,
however, is currently in a post-project

planning stage, focusing on tasks that
would need to be initiated now for
scaling up production (100,000 cubic
yards) and for achieving full-scale
production (500,000 cubic yards).  These
tasks include permitting, establishing
post-treated sediment disposal criteria
and beneficial use markets, locating
staging sites for production/full-scale
facilities, and ongoing, project-specific
public outreach efforts.

For more information, contact Eric A.
Stern, EPA Region 2 at (212) 637-3806,
e-mail:  stern.eric@epamail.gov.
Region  5

Region 5 Embraces the Team
Approach: Introducing the
Sediment Team

USEPA Region 5 recently embarked on a
journey that reflects a new way of doing
business. Last October the Region
underwent a reorganization  that reflects
fundamental changes in the  way it
perceives itself doing work in the
future—that through working with its
stakeholders (the communities) and using
a little common sense, the Region can
achieve a quality environment and way
of life.

Region 5 reorganized to streamline the
organization and make more efficient use
of resources by creating 17 multi-media
Teams to address environmental prob-
lems in geographic areas and focus on
specific common themes that are cross-
cutting in nature. Underlying this
reorganization are several premises.
First, financial and human resources
should be employed with the utmost
efficiency. Second, internal barriers
must be removed so that the holistic
vision of environmental protection is not
eclipsed by specific media. And, third,
the Region should continue to nurture the
federal/state/tribal relationship as it
matures from one of oversight to one of
true partnership in protecting human
health and the environment.

Region 5's Teams can be categorized into
three areas and are identified as follows:

1. Great Waters: Superior, Michigan,

2. Geographic: Northwest Indiana
  (NWIN), Southeast Michigan (SEMI),
  Gateway, Cleveland, Upper Missis-
  sippi, Crandon Mine, Greater Chicago

3. Theme: Pollution Prevention,
  Brownfields, Toxics, Common Sense
  Initiative, Environmental Justice,
  Sediments, Enforcement and Compli-

The Teams are made up of representa-
tives from all of the EPA Programs and
led by the Regional Team Manager. The
Teams are unique because they are not
affiliated with a particular Program, but
work instead for the Senior Leadership
Team (composed of the Regional
Administrator (RA), Deputy RAs,
Division Directors, and Program Manag-
     ers). One team goal is to reach out
     beyond the Agency to establish
     linkages with state, tribal, and local
     groups, industry, and public
     partners. Strong and effective
     communication is essential.

     .One of  the  theme teams is the
     Sediments Team. Bonnie Eleder,
     Regional Team Manager, came
     from Region 5's Superfund Pro-
     gram. While in the Superfund
     program she was involved in
     sediment-related issues, partici-
     pated on the In-Place Pollutant
     Task Force, and was the Great
     Lakes Coordinator. The overall
     mission of the Sediments Team is
to facilitate cleanup and prevention of
contaminated sediment in the Great
Lakes ecosystem and other waters in
Regions.  The success of the mission
will result in a reduction of toxic
loadings to, and the restoration of
beneficial  uses of, pur water resources.
The scope of the team's mission includes
the contaminated sediments of the Great
Lakes, and their tributaries, and of other
waters in the Region. Other waters
include the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers
and tributaries, and wetlands which have
been impacted by contaminants that
have caused or contributed to impaired
uses (including navigational restrictions)
of these water resources.

This year the Sediments Team is
focusing on remediation, establishing
partnerships, and communication. The
team is playing key roles in addressing
sediments  issues and facilitating sedi-
ment remediation with several Teams
and Programs, including NWIN, SEMI,
and Superfund.  It is working with the
USAGE to establish a Regional Dredg-
ing Team and Great Lakes Sediment
Coordination Committee with participa-
tion of the various stakeholders. The
team will also communicate using such
tools as Contaminated Sediments News,
development of a Home Page, and
involvement on the Sediment Oversight
Technical Committee.

Please contact Bonnie Eleder to discuss
sediment issues at (312) 886-4885, or at
"eleder.bonnie@ epamail.epa.gov". She
can also be contacted for additional
information on the other Regional
Teams and the Team Managers.
                                                                                Region  1O

                                                                                Coordinated Sediment
                                                                                Management Program

                                                                                In May 1994 the Washington Depart-
                                                                                ments of Ecology (Ecology) and Natural
                                                                                Resources (DNR), the Puget Sound
                                                                                Water Quality Authority (PSWQA),
                                                                                EPA RegionlO, and the Seattle District
                                                                                Corps of Engineers signed an Inter-
                                                                                agency/Intergovernmental Agreement to
                                                                                more comprehensively and cooperatively
                                                                                address sediment issues. The Agreement

identifies tasks requiring immediate
attention by the five agencies. Despite
the unusual circumstances of the federal
fiscal year, progress was made on each

Beneficial Uses Work Group

The Beneficial Uses Work Group
convened in January 1995 and continued
its effort to develop regional guidelines
to encourage projects that include
beneficial reuses of dredged sediments.
Federal and state agencies and represen-
tatives of tribes, ports, and local govern-
ments are seeking to promote opportuni-
ties to "use" rather than simply "dispose
of clean sediment. These opportunities
are often missed due to lack of coordina-
tion between dredging activities and
beneficial use projects.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE) has developed a spreadsheet
listing detailed information about its
regional O&M dredging projects.
Financial assistance from EPA has also
assisted USACE in developing a
database of all the beneficial use projects
that fall within the Puget Sound Dredged
Disposal Analysis (PSDDA) jurisdiction.
This information will be made available
to the public, possibly through the
USACE Home Page, to provide informa-
tion about when and where clean
sediments will be  available and to help
generate ideas for projects.

Allocating sediment among various
beneficial use projects is another
            Rencficial Uses
            Sediment Cleanup
        •   mum
important issue. The Confined Alterna-
tive Assessment Procedure (CAAP)
presents a means to help in this area.
Periodic review of both PSDDA and
beneficial use permits will provide
opportunities to assess success and will
also help in determining ways to increase
opportunities for beneficial use projects.

The work group will continue to meet
and will prepare a final document to be
released in 1996. This document will
provide the group's final recommenda-
tions to the five Agency Directors and
will include the matrices of regulations, a
regional glossary of terms, prioritization
of types of projects, regional sediment
testing requirements, and other informa-
tion. This guidance should allow for
greater interagency consistency regard-
ing approval of projects.  Contact Justine
Barton, Region 10, (206) 553-4974, or
Stephanie Stirling, USAGE, (206) 764-
6945 for more information.

Multi-User Disposal Site

Under the lead of the Seattle District
Corps, the MUDS effort has resulted in a
draft reconnaissance report that has been
submitted to USACE Headquarters for
review and approval. USACE, EPA,
Ecology, DNR, PSWQA,  and the
Washington Public Ports Association
(WPPA) are sponsoring or cooperating
in the effort. The reconnaissance study
reaffirmed previous findings by the State
of Washington that there is a significant
need to establish multi-user sites for the
             disposal of contaminated
             sediment derived from
             (1) dredging of federal and
             non-federal navigation
             channels, (2) waterfront
             development projects,
             (3) site cleanup projects
             directed through federal or
             state enforcement actions,
             and (4) projects with the
             primary purpose of
             restoring aquatic habitat.

              The MUDS study manage-
             ment work group is
              continuing  to scope
              necessary studies and
              develop a cost sharing
              agreement for a feasibility
study. The agencies are attempting to
accelerate the planning process by
initiating three feasibility-level studies
during the reconnaissance phase. The
first study, funded by Ecology and EPA,
is evaluating alternative approaches to
siting a disposal site and developing
recommendations for how to locate
suitable and publicly acceptable multi-
user disposal sites.  The second project,
funded by DNR, is a legal services
contract to develop a contingency
management agreement or strategy. The
last study, funded by USACE, will
produce a scoping document for a joint
federal-state programmatic environmen-
tal impact statement to be prepared
during the feasibility study. For more
information, contact Steven Babcock,
USACE, (206) 764-3651 or John Malek,
EPA, (206) 553-1286.

Sediment Cleanup Work Group

The Sediment Cleanup Work Group
convened in July 1994 and met through-
out 1995. In December of 1995, the
Work Group, composed of representa-
tives of industry, tribes, environmental
groups, ports, and other state and local
governments, developed seven consensus
recommendations for the Agency
Directors. The five Directors and a sixth
agency, the Washington Department of
Transportation, responded with a
collective strategy embracing shared
leadership of both sediment cleanup and
source control. The strategy outlines
three goals addressing the need to take a
programmatic v. project-by-project
approach, as well as share agency
resources. The state will generally lead
the effort intended to shift attention and
resources from litigation to actual

The first goal establishes a new Inter-
agency Cleanup Program that will
(1) produce several, collaborative
technical and policy products to advance
the effectiveness and efficiency of
sediment management; (2) develop a
unified position that defines the collec-
tive government position/program;
and (3) establish an interagency
Technical Assistance team to focus on
prioritized, transactional cleanups
(e.g., construction and real estate

The second goal creates a Demonstration
Pilot Project to (1) develop a place-based
project where agencies will enter into
partnerships with local interests and
provide grant funding; (2) establish and
implement priority actions related to
sediments and aquatic habitat; and
(3) institutionalize agreements via an
Areawide Plan/Environmental Impact
Statement for decision making, general
and/or streamlined permits for implemen-
tation of the areawide plan, and agency
resource and responsibility allocations
for priority actions.

The last goal addresses Flexible and
Creative Models for State and Non-State
Funding for Cleanup to: (1) pursue a
supplemental budget appropriation
during the 1996 state legislative session
to initiate the new sediment strategy and
(2) identify new mechanisms for public
and private financial contribution to

The six agencies have been working to
implement many of the elements of the
Sediment Cleanup Strategy. Local
governments are being contacted regard-
ing partnering for the demonstration pilot
project.  The demonstration area will be
selected later this year based on aquatic
resources at risk, local interest, and
financial capability.  An appropriation by
the State of Washington will be used by
the local governmental partner for
staffing, technical studies, database
system development, and/or prioritization
process  facilitation.  In addition a number
of technical and policy guidance docu-
ments are under joint development by the

Copies of the Sediment Cleanup Work
Group final report and the agencies'
Sediment Cleanup Strategy: An Inter-
agency Overview  are available by
request.  Contact Rachel Friedman-
Thomas, Ecology, (360) 407-6909 or
John Malek, EPA, (206) 553-1286.

Human Health Sediment Criteria

As reported in the last issue of Contami-
nated Sediments News, the Washington
Department of Ecology is developing
human health sediment criteria.  With
much of the technical development work
completed, Ecology is now working with
other agencies and interested groups to
develop a workable implementation

Previously, the Washington Depart-
ment of Health (DOH) compiled and
analyzed Biota-Sediment Accumula-
tion Factors (BSAFs) from nationwide
sources and made recommendations to
Ecology as described in DOH's Tier I
Report (June 1995). To ensure that
BSAFs would be scientifically defen-
sible and would provide protective
estimates of the bioaccumulation
potential of chemicals of concern,
Ecology also hired an outside contrac-
tor, PTI Environmental Services, to
conduct an independent analysis of the
BSAF data analyzed by DOH. Al-
though DOH and PTI chose different
statistical approaches to analyze the
BSAF data set, results differed by less
than a factor of 10 in all cases, and less
than a factor of 3 in most.

PTI's analysis found highly significant
regressions of BSAFs for PCBs and
dioxins in finfish and for PAHs and
PCBs in shellfish. While actual results
reported in PTI's Analysis of BSAF
Values for Nonpolar Organic Com-
pounds in Finfish and Shellfish
(November 1995) differ from those
reported by DOH, upper confidence
limits on the regression fall in the same
range as the upper percentiles recom-
mended by DOH.
PTI has prepared two other reports for
Ecology: Technical Review of Distribu-
tional Analysis Approaches for Cancer
Potency Factors (July 1995) and
Bioaccumulation Factor Approach
Analysis for Metals and Polar Organic
Compounds (October 1995).  Copies of
the PTI and DOH reports are available
from Ecology.

Ecology is still considering alternative
approaches and input parameters for
development of health-based sediment
criteria. As the criteria process moves
forward, Ecology will use the informa-
tion in the two reports and public input
to make decisions.

For more information, contact Laura
Weiss, Ecology, (360) 407-7446 or
John Malek, EPA, (206) 553-1286.
   CS News is produced by EPA OST to
   exchange information on contaminated
   sediments and to increase communication
   among interested parties.  To obtain copies
   of this report or to contribute information,
   contact Jane Marshall Farris, EPA OST,
   mail code 4305, at (202) 260-8897.

   To be added to the mailing list or to make
   changes to your address, please fax your
   request to Melissa Bowen, Tetra Tech, at
   (703) 385-6007.

fa the Rescue {or Great £akes
Contaminated Sediments!
Background on Contaminated
Sediments in the Great Lakes

Contaminated sediments are a significant
problem in the Great Lakes basin.
Although discharges of toxic substances
to the Great Lakes have been reduced in
the last 20 years, persistent high concen-
trations of contaminants in the bottom
sediments of rivers and harbors have
raised considerable concern about
potential risks to aquatic organisms,
wildlife, and humans. As a result,
advisories against fish consumption are
in place in most locations around the
Great Lakes.

Problem harbor and tributary areas in the
Great Lakes basin have been identified
and labeled as "Areas of Concern"
(AOCs). The 31 AOCs on the U.S. side
of the basin are locations where benefi-
cial uses are impaired for any one of 14
designated criteria. To address these
beneficial use impairments, each AOC
developed a Remedial Action Plan
(RAP). All RAPs written to date have
identified contaminated bottom sedi-.
ments as a significant problem that must
be addressed to attain beneficial uses.
Before developing specific plans that
detail how to remediate these contami-
nated sediment problems, it is critical to
characterize the nature and extent of
sediment contamination.  Most AOCs,
however, had access to only limited
sediment information to assist them in
addressing characterization and
remediation questions.

The /W Mudpuppy Gets

U.S. EPA's Great Lakes National
Program Office (GLNPO) has been
responding in a number of ways to the
need for gathering high-quality sediment
information to assist AOCs in making
remedial action decisions. One such
route has been through the services of
the R/V Mudpuppy. The Mudpuppy is a
32-foot flat-bottom boat specifically
designed for sediment sampling in
shallow rivers and harbors. It is
equipped with a vibro-coring unit that
allows the sampling of cores up to 15
feet long.  It also has a differentially
corrected global positioning system
(GPS) with submeter accuracy that
allows for precise and accurate
determinations of sample locations.
Once samples are collected, they can
either be subsampled and processed on
board or at land-based facilities. A
triple-axle trailer allows the vessel to
be transported easily from one project
location to the next.

GLNPO typically works closely with
state agencies and local communities
involved in the RAP process to develop
sampling plans, testing protocols, and
QAPPs for individual projects.
Mudpuppy surveys provide data that
allow the three-dimensional mapping
of these project sites.

To date, the Mudpuppy has been used
to perform sediment assessments at 16
Great Lakes AOCs (see map). The
bulk of this work has been conducted
to collect information on the physical,
chemical, and biological nature of
sediments. Typically, projects use a
two-phased sediment assessment
approach. The first phase includes a
comprehensive sampling of the entire
AOC to help pinpoint the location of
"hot spots." These "hot spots" are then
delineated in the second phase to
provide information necessary for
making remedial decisions. The
overall goal of this effort is to generate.
the information needed to make
scientifically defensible remediation

 Two Great Lakes Projects
 Completed Using the Mudpuppy

 Two such projects recently completed
 include the St. Louis River in Minnesota
 and White Lake in western Michigan. In
 the St. Louis River project, GLNPO
 worked in conjunction with the Minne-
 sota Pollution Control Agency (MFCA)
 and the Wisconsin Department of
 Natural Resources to develop a sampling
 program using the two-phased approach.
 In 1993, a large-scale sediment survey
 encompassing 30 miles of the river was
 conducted. Approximately 40 cores
 were taken for chemical analysis and
 toxicity testing.  The results demon-
 strated that PAH and metals contamina-
 tion was localized, with direct ties to
 former discharges in many areas (see
 map below).

 Using the results from the first phase, the
most contaminated deposits were then
 targeted for detailed sampling in 1994.
 In the project's second year, six "hot
 spots" were sampled intensively. The
MPCA is currently examining remedial
options for several locations based on the
 information generated.by the project.

 In the White Lake project, GLNPO
conducted sediment sampling adjacent to
a tannery in conjunction with the
Michigan Department of Environmental
Quality (DEQ).  In October 1994, the
                                       R/V Mudpuppy
                                       Sediment Assessments
Mudpuppy was used to collect sediment
cores from 30 sites.

The sediment samples contained numer-
ous animal hairs and a distinct purple
color. Upon analysis of the samples, it
was determined that the purple color was
the result of very high chromium
concentrations (upwards of 10,000 ppm).
                                                   Minnesota Slip
    Total PAHS
                       Duluth MN
                 Total PAHs (MQ/kg dry wt.)
                 Mean=   11,543
                 Median =  2,530
                 Minimum = <31
                 Max. =  185,130
                                                                Lake Superior
                                  .- 0.5 - 2.0 ppm
                                • - 2.0 - 20 ppm
                                    20 ppm
The sediments also contained elevated
levels of mercury and arsenic.

GLNPO is currently working with the
local community through the White
Lake Public Advisory Council (PAC),
Michigan DEQ, and the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration's Great Lakes Environ-
mental Research Laboratory to come
up with a second sampling plan
focused on the biological impacts of
these sediments. This phase will look
at the existing benthic community,
conduct toxicity tests, and perform
bioaccumulation experiments. After
this work is completed, informed
decisions can be made in the selection
of remedial options.

There is still much sediment assess-
ment and characterization work to be
done in the Great Lakes basin. With
appropriate budgetary support,
GLNPO intends to provide the staff
support and the R/V Mudpuppy
services that are critical to the identifi-
cation and subsequent remediation of
contaminated sediment sites through-
out the basin.

For more information contact Marc
Tuchman, GLNPO, at (312) 353-1369.

                  ORD Activities

Sea Lettuce Removes
Ammonia From Marine
Waters and Sediments

Recent ORD laboratory experiments
have revealed a new technique for
addressing ammonia toxicity, a concern
in many marine sediments. The results
show that sea lettuce, Viva lactuca,
removes ammonia from both marine
waters and sediments.

Ulva, a rooted macrophyte with a
cosmopolitan distribution, reduced
ammonia in water-only exposures from
75 mg/1 to 5 mg/1 within 8 hours. In
addition, the same treatment reduced
arnphipod mortality from 75 percent to
20 percent.  For static bedded sediments,
Ulva reduced interstitial water ammonia
concentrations from 60 mg/1 to approxi-
mately 20 mg/1 while overlying water
concentrations of ammonia remained at
less than 1 mg/1 throughout the experi-
             Ulva lactuca

To determine possible interferences and
limitations of using Ulva as an ammonia
removal method, ORD performed
spiking experiments with organics and
metals. Along with efficiently removing
ammonia, Ulva took up less than 10
percent of five different metals; how-
ever, it did remove up to 60 percent of
organics. For more information on
removing ammonia using Ulva, contact
Kay Ho, AED, (401) 782-3196.
Sediment Homogenization
Alters Interstitial Water

Mechanically homogenizing sediment
samples before distributing them to
replicates or performing analyses is a
common practice in many sediment
toxicity testing and chemistry protocols
(e.g., ASTM, USAGE, U.S. EPA). This
ensures that samples are well mixed so
that sediment-related variability is
distributed equally across replicates.

Preliminary studies at the U.S. EPA
Atlantic Ecology Division laboratory
demonstrate that homogenization also
produces some unintentional effects,
such as altering the geochemistry of
PCBs in sediment interstitial waters.
Specifically, there is a significant
increase, generally by a factor of two, in
PCB concentrations in interstitial
waters. The data suggest that sediment
homogenization may have unexpected
consequences when attempting to
determine the bioavailability of sedi-
ment-associated contaminants, espe-
cially if sediment interstitial waters are
assumed to be a primary  exposure route.
For more information, contact Rob
Burgess at (401) 782-3106.

Four  New Virginian Province
EMAP-Estuaries Documents
Now Available

Statistical summaries for the EMAP
Virginian Province are now available
for 1992 and 1990-1993. EMAP-
Virginian Province: 1992 (EPA/620/R-
94/019, July 1994) contains results from
a single year of monitoring for indica-
tors of the ecological condition of bays
and estuaries.  The summary includes
monitoring data collected during July,
August, and September of 1992 from
126 probability-based  stations, from
Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Cape
Henry,  Virginia. EMAP-Virginian
Province: 1990-1993 (EPA/620 /R-94/
026, June 1995) includes data from the
first 4-year cycle of field monitoring
collected each year during July, August,
and September from 425 stations within
the Virginian Province. Indicators
monitored include water quality (tem-
perature, salinity, water clarity, and
dissolved oxygen concentration),
sediment contamination, sediment
toxicity, benthic community structure,
fish community structure, and fish gross
external pathology.

The EMAP-Virginian Province Quality
Assurance Report: 1990-1993 (EPA/620/
R-94/007, September 1995) is also
available.  This report documents
activities conducted in conjunction with
sampling performed by EMAP-Estuaries
in the Virginian Province from 1990 to
1993. The report discusses the results of
QA activities by indicator, data qualifier
flags, data quality, and (where appropri-
ate) lessons learned and changes or
solutions proposed to improve data

In addition, the EMAP-Estuaries
Laboratory Methods Manual Volume 1:
Biological and Physical Analyses (EPA/
620/R-95/008, August 1995) has also
been released. This document replaces
the previous EMAP-Estuaries Labora-
tory Methods Manual (referenced as
EPA, 1993 or Klemm et al.,  1993),
which was never officially released other
than in draft form. Volume 1 of the new
manual contains procedures for biologi-
cal and physical analyses of EMAP
samples. Volume 2 will present methods
for the chemical analyses of sediments
and tissues.

For copies of these documents, contact
Darryl Keith, AED, (401) 782-3135.




New Method for
Determining Growth of
Midge Larvae in Sediment

Research at ORD-Duluth has shown
that the particle size and organic
content of sediments can confound the
measurement of growth in sediment
tests with the midge, Chironomus
tentans. When larvae are weighed at
the end of the test, the contents of the
digestive tract are included in the
weight measurement. Research has
shown that the size of the sediment
particles and the organic content of the
sediment influences the relative weight
of the gut contents and can thereby
bias the measurement of weight.  To
circumvent this difficulty, measure-
ment ash-free dry weight has been
adopted instead of simple dry weight
measurement used previously. This
procedural change eliminated sediment
particles in the gut from the weight
calculation and has been shown to
reduce variability over other methods.
For more information contact Gary
Ankley, ORD-Duluth, at (218) 720-

Toxicity Identification
Evaluation Methods for
Solid-Phase Sediment
Testing Under Development

Identifying the specific chemicals
causing sediment toxicity can be a
critical step in defining appropriate
management options for contaminated
sediments. Previous sediment TIE
guidance has focused on the use of
pore water testing. Researchers at
ORD-Duluth and ORD-Narragansett,
in collaboration with researchers at
USGS in Columbia, Missouri, are now
developing TIE procedures that can be
used for solid-phase sediment tests.
Target chemicals for these TEE
methods include ammonia, cationic
metals, and nonpolar organic com-
pounds. Supplemental guidance on
sediment TIE should be available
within a year. For more information
contact Gary Ankley, ORD-Duluth, at
(218) 720-5603.
NOAA Releases Report on
Sediment Toxicity in the
Hudson-Raritan Estuary

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration recently released its
latest report on the toxicity of sediments
in selected estuaries of the United States.
A cooperative effort of NOAA, EPA
Region 2, the New York District of the
Army Corps of Engineers, Science
Applications International Corporation,
the National Marine Fisheries Service,
the National Biological Service, and
Battelle Ocean Sciences, the report
focuses on a survey of the Hudson River/
Raritan Bay Estuary of New York and
New Jersey.

Performed by the National Status and
Trends Program, the survey was con-
ducted as a part of NO AA's bioeffects
assessments. Samples collected through-
out the entire study area in the first phase
of the survey were tested in four labora-
tory bioassays.
Additional samples
collected in the
Newark Bay/Passaic
River area were
tested with only one
                spatial extent of toxicity in both
                kilometers and percent of total area.

                The survey also determined relation-
                ships between toxicity and bulk
                sediment chemistry for samples
                collected in both phases. During the
                first phase, extremely high PAH
                concentrations appeared to make a
                substantial contribution to toxicity in
                the samples from the vicinity of the
                East River. However, in the second
                phase, mixtures of chlorinated organic
                hydrocarbons, including dioxins, furans,
                PCBs, and pesticides, were associated
                with toxicity in samples in the vicinity
                of the lower Passaic River.

                Copies of the report titled Magnitude
                and Extent of Sediment  Toxicity in the
                Hudson-Raritan Estuary, NOAA
                Technical Memorandum NOS ORCA
                88, are available from U.S. NOAA/
                ORCA, SSMC4, 1305 East-West Hwy.,
                Silver Spring, MD 20910,
                (301) 713-3034.
The survey identified
the incidence and
severity of toxicity in
the different test
samples.  Toxicity
was most severe in
samples taken from
the East River, the
lower Passaic River,
and Arthur Kill. The
survey also deter-
mined spatial
patterns in toxicity
for each individual
test arid all tests
combined, and the
report provides
estimates of the
      Creature Feature
I can stay curled up like this for yean until the next rainy mm
when I can get a "breath" of water. What am I? Answer on p. n.

                    ASTM Symposium in Orlando, Florida

ASTM will host its Sixth Symposium on Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment
in Orlando, Florida, at the Omni Rosen, April 14-18,1996. This is the 23rd symposium
sponsored by ASTM Committee E47 on biological effects and environmental fate.

A total of 75 platform presentations and a poster session are planned for the symposium.
The focus of this year's meeting is the use of modeling in developing risk assessments for a
variety of situations, including human health assessments, specific site assessments, and
ecosystem-level assessments. In addition to modeling and risk assessment, topics of
interest include the development and use of biomarkers and aquatic and sediment toxicity
assessments and issues for fish, invertebrates, and plants.  The plenary session will focus
on appropriate application and documentation for Environmental Risk Assessments
necessary to define the boundaries between these and other types of environmental or
hazard assessments.

Contact Jim Dwyer (NBS, Columbia, MO; (513) 876-1894; e-mail jim_dwyer@nbs.gov)
for more information.
          ASTM Committee E47 to Hold Subcommittee Meetings on
                           Standards Development

In addition to the symposium, 13 subcommittees within ASTM Committee E47 will meet
during the week of April 14th in Orlando, PL to discuss development of ASTM standard
methods. These E47 subcommittees include Aquatic Toxicology (E47.01), Terminology
(E47.02), Sediment Toxicology (E47.03), Wildlife Toxicology (E47.04), Quality Assur-
ance (E47.05), Environmental Fate (E47.06), Biostatistics (47.07), Biological Field
Methods (E47.08), Biomarkers (B47.09), USA TAG to TSO TC 147.SC5 (E47.10), Plant
Toxicology (E47.ll), Behavioral Toxicology (E47.12), and Risk Assessment (E47.13).

Contact Susan Canning at (610) 832-9714 (e-mail scanning@local.astm.org) for more
               Meeting to Explore a Potential Role for ASTM in
                 Risk Communication and Risk Management

 A meeting is planned on April 18,1996, following the ASTM Symposium in Orlando at
 the Omni Rosen to discuss ASTM's potential role in dealing with risk communication and
 management. Participants from ASTM Committees E47, E50, and E51 will be asked to
 provide input.  Interested persons should contact Clifford Duke (CommonSense Environ-
 mental, Inc!, Cincinnati, OH; (513) 985-9229; e-mail 73473.1450@compuserve.com) for
 more information.

                Come See Us on the Internet!

          CS News can be downloaded on the internet through
          EPA's Office of Science and Technology's home
          page. The address is: http://www.epa.gov/OW/OST.
          Past issues of CS News can also be downloaded in
          the publications section of the home page.
                                 National Sediment
                          Conference is Back On!
The National Sediment Bioaccumulation Conference has been
officially rescheduled for September 11-13, 1996 in Bethesda,
Maryland.  The format and agenda will be identical to the original
conference format, pending availability of the speakers. If you
previously registered for the conference, you will automatically
receive a new registration form. YOU MUST RE-REGISTER.

Due to the overwhelming response we received earlier, participants
are encouraged to register early. For more information on confer-
ence registration, contact Charlie MacPherson or Melissa Bowen,
Tetra Tech, at (703) 385-6000.
                •qsijSunj ireoufv
   Short Course

A short course on Water
Quality/Sediment Quality
.Evaluation - Sediment Quality
Criteria is being offered in
Seattle, Washington, on April
22-24, 1996. Dr. G. Fred Lee
will lead the course. Dr. Lee
has more than 35 years of
experience in water and
sediment quality issues. The
cost for the course is:

45-day Advance:     $720
Gov't/Student:       $810
Sandard:           $900

For more information contact
E3, Environmental Education
Enterprises at (916) 753-9630.

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