Method 1637: Determination of Trace
Elements in Ambient Waters by
Chelation Preconcentration with
Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption
                            ) Printed on Recycled Paper

Method 1637
Method 1637 was prepared under the direction of William A. Telliard of the  U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency's (EPA's) Office of Water (OW), Engineering and Analysis Division (BAD).  The
method was prepared under EPA Contract 68-C3-0337 by the DynCorp Environmental Programs Division
with assistance from Interface, Inc.
The following researchers hi marine chemistry contributed to the philosophy behind this method.  Their
contribution is gratefully acknowledged:

Shier Herman, National Research Council, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Nicholas Bloom, Frontier Geosciences Inc., Seattle, Washington
Paul Booths and Gary Steinmetz, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
Eric Crecelius, Battelle Marine Sciences Laboratory, Sequim, Washington
Russell Flegal, University of California/Santa Cruz, California
Gary Gill, Texas A&M University at Galveston, Texas
Carlton Hunt and Dion Lewis, Battelle Ocean Sciences, Duxbury, Massachusetts
Carl Watras, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Boulder Junction, Wisconsin
Herb Windom and Ralph Smith, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Savannah, Georgia

In addition J T. Creed and T.D. Martin of the EPA Office of Research and Development's Environmental
Monitoring Systems Laboratory hi Cincinnati, Ohio, are gratefully acknowledged for the development of
the analytical procedures described hi this method.
 This method has been reviewed and approved for publication by the Engineering and Analysis Division
 of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not
 constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
 Questions concerning this method or its application should be addressed to
 W.A. Telliard
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
 Office of Water
 Analytical Methods Staff
 Mail Code 4303
 401  M Street SW
 Washington, DC 20460
 202/260-7120  .
                                                                                  January 1996

                                                                                      Method 1637

 This analytical method was designed to support water quality monitoring programs authorized under the
 Clean Water Act.  Section 304(a) of the Clean Water Act requires EPA to publish water quality criteria
 that reflect the latest scientific knowledge concerning the physical fate (e.g., concentration and dispersal)
 of pollutants, the effects of pollutants on ecological and human health, and the effect of pollutants on
 biological community diversity, productivity, and stability.

 Section 303 of the Clean Water Act requires states to set a water quality standard for each body of water
 within its boundaries.  A state water quality standard consists of a designated use or uses of a waterbody
 or a segment of a waterbody,  the water quality criteria that are necessary to protect the designated use or
 uses, and an antidegradation policy. These water quality standards serve two purposes: (1) they establish
 the water quality goals for a specific waterbody, and (2) they are the basis for establishing water quality-
 based treatment controls and strategies beyond the technology-based controls required by Sections 301(b)
 and 306 of the Clean Water Act.

 In defining water quality standards,  the state may use narrative criteria, numeric  criteria, or both.
 However, the 1987 amendments to the Clean Water Act required states to adopt numeric criteria for toxic
 pollutants (designated in Section 307(a) of the Act) based on EPA  Section 304(a) criteria or other
 scientific data, when the discharge or presence of those toxic pollutants could reasonably be expected to
 interfere with designated uses.

 In some cases, these water quality criteria are as much as 280 times lower than those achievable using
 existing EPA methods and required to support technology-based permits. Therefore, EPA developed new
 sampling and analysis methods to specifically address state needs for measuring toxic metals at water
 quality criteria levels,  when such  measurements are necessary to protect designated uses in  state water
 quality standards.  The latest criteria published by EPA are those listed in the National Toxics Rule (57
 FR 60848) and the Stay of Federal Water Quality Criteria for Metals (60 PR 22228).  These rules include
 water quality criteria for 13 metals, and it is these criteria on which the new sampling and analysis
 methods are based. Method 1637 was specifically developed to provide reliable measurements of two of
 these metals at EPA WQC levels using off-line chelation preconcentration and stabilized temperature
 graphite furnace atomic absorption techniques.

 In developing these methods,  EPA found that one  of the greatest difficulties in measuring pollutants at
 these levels was precluding sample contamination during collection, transport, and analysis.  The degree
 of difficulty, however, is highly dependent on the metal and  site-specific conditions.  This analytical
 method, therefore, is designed to provide the level  of protection necessary to preclude contamination in
 nearly all situations. It is also designed to provide the procedures necessary to produce reliable results
 at the lowest possible water quality criteria published by EPA. In recognition of the variety of situations
 to which this method may be applied, and in recognition of continuing technological advances, the method
 is performance based. Alternative procedures may be used, so long as those procedures are demonstrated
 to yield reliable results.

 Requests for additional copies should be directed to:

 11029 Kenwood Road
 Cincinnati, OH 45242
January 1996

Method 1637
     Note-  This method is intended to be performance based, and the laboratory is permitted to omit any
     step or modify any procedure provided that all performance requirements set forth in this method
     are met   The laboratory is not allowed to omit any quality control analyses. The terms "must,
     "may" and  "should"  are included  throughout this method and  are  intended to  illustrate the
     importance of the procedures in producing verifiable data at water quality criteria levels. The term
     "must" is used to indicate that researchers in trace metals Jinalysis have found certain  procedures
     essential in successfully analyzing samples and avoiding contamination; however, these procedure
     can be modified or omitted if the laboratory can demonstrate that data  quality is not affected.
                                                                                      January 1996

                                                                             Method 1637
                               Method  1637

        Determination of Trace Elements  in Ambient Waters

       by Off-line Chelation Preconcentration  and Stabilized

         Temperature Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption

 1.0   Scope and Application

 1.1     This method provides procedures for the determination of dissolved elements in ambient waters
        at EPA water quality criteria (WQC) levels using off-line chelation preconcentration and stabilized
        temperature graphite furnace atomic absorption (GFAA). It may also be used for determination
        of total recoverable element concentrations in these waters.  This method was  developed by
        integrating the analytical procedures in EPA Method 200.13 with the stringent quality control
        (QC) and sample handling procedures necessary to avoid contamination and ensure the validity
        of analytical results during sampling and analysis for metals at EPA WQC levels. This method
        contains QC procedures that will ensure  that contamination will be detected  when blanks
        accompanying samples are analyzed. This method is accompanied by Method 1669:  Sampling
       Ambient Water for Determination  of Trace Metals at EPA Water Quality Criteria Levels (the
        "Sampling Method"). The Sampling Method is necessary to ensure that contamination will not
        compromise trace metals determinations during the sampling process.

 1.2    This method is applicable to the following analytes:
Chemical Abstract Services
Registry Number (CASRN)
Table 1 lists the EPA WQC levels, the method detection limit (MDL) for each metal, and the
minimum level (ML) set for each metal in this method. Instrument operating conditions for the
applicable elements are listed in Table 3. These are intended as a guide and are typical of a
system optimized for the element employing commercial instrumentation. However, actual linear
working ranges will be dependent on the sample matrix, instrumentation, and selected operating

This method is not intended for determination of metals at concentrations normally found in
treated and untreated discharges from  industrial facilities.  Existing regulations (40 CFR Parts
400-500)  typically limit concentrations in industrial discharges to the mid to high part-per-billion
(ppb) range, whereas ambient metals concentrations are normally in the low part-per-trillion (ppt)
to low ppb range.

The ease of contaminating ambient water samples with the metal(s) of interest and interfering
substances cannot be overemphasized.  This  method includes suggestions for improvements in
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Method 1637
       facilities and analytical techniques that should maximize the ability of the laboratory to make
       reliable trace metals determinations and minimize contamination. These suggestions are given in
       Section 4.0 and are based on findings of researchers performing trace metals analyses (References
       1-8).  Additional suggestions for improvement of existing facilities may be found hi EPA's
       Guidance for Establishing Trace Metals Clean Rooms in Existing Facilities, which is available
       from the EPA National Center for Environmental Publications and Information (NCEPI) at the
       address listed in the introduction to this document.

1.5    Clean  and ultraclean—The terms "clean"  and "ultraclean" have been applied to the techniques
       needed to reduce or eliminate contamination in trace metals determinations. These terms are not
       used in this method because they lack an exact definition. However, the information provided in
       this method is consistent with and copied from summary guidance on clean and ultraclean
       techniques (Reference 9).

1.6    This method follows the EPA Environmental Methods Management Council's "Format for Method
       Documentation" (Reference 10).

1.7    This method is "performance based"; i.e., an alternate procedure or technique may be used as long
       as the performance requirements hi the method are met.  Section 9.1.2 gives details of the tests
       and documentation required to support equivalent performance.

1.8    For dissolved metal determinations, samples must be filtered through a 0.45-um capsule filter at
       the field site. The Sampling Method describes the filtering procedures.  The filtered samples may
       be preserved in the field or transported to the laboratory for preservation.  Procedures for field
       preservation are detailed in the Sampling Method; procedures for laboratory  preservation are
       provided in this method.

1.9    For the determination of total recoverable analytes hi ambient water samples, a digestion/extraction
       is required before analysis when the elements are not in solution (e.g., aqueous samples that may
       contain particulate and suspended solids).

 1.10  The sensitivity and limited linear dynamic range (LDR) of GFAA often implies the need to dilute
        a sample before analysis. The actual magnitude of the dilution as well as the cleanliness of the
       labware used to perform the dilution can dramatically influence the quality of the analytical
       results. Therefore, sample  types requiring large dilutions  (>50:1) should be analyzed by an
        another approved test procedure that has a larger LDR or is inherently less sensitive than GFAA.

 1.11   This method should be used by analysts experienced in the use  of  graphite furnace atomic
        absorption spectroscopy, the interpretation of spectral and matrix interferences, and procedures for
        their correction, and only by personnel thoroughly trained in the handling and analysis of samples
        for determination of metals at  EPA WQC levels.  A muiimum of six months experience with
        commercial instrumentation is recommended.

 1.12   This method is accompanied by a data verification and validation guidance document, Guidance
        on the Documentation and Evaluation of Trace Metals Data Collected for CWA Compliance
        Monitoring. Before using this method, data users should state the data quality objectives (DQOs)
        required for a project.
                                                                                   January 1996

                                                                                     Method 1637
 2.0    Summary of Method
 An aliquot of a well-mixed, homogeneous aqueous sample is accurately measured for sample
 processing. For total recoverable analysis of an aqueous sample containing undissolved material,
 analytes are first solubilized by gentle refluxing with nitric acid. After cooling, the sample is
 made up to volume, mixed, and centrifuged or allowed to settle overnight before analysis. For
 the determination of dissolved analytes in a filtered aqueous sample aliquot, the sample is made
 ready for analysis by the appropriate addition of nitric acid, and then diluted to a predetermined
 volume and mixed before analysis.

 This method  is used to preconcentrate trace elements using an iminodiacetate functionalized
 chelating resin (References 11 and 12). After a sample is prepared, it is buffered using an on-line
 system before it enters the chelating column.  Group I and H metals, as well as most anions, are
 selectively separated from the analytes by elution with ammonium acetate at pH 5.5.  The analytes
 are subsequently eluted into a simplified matrix consisting  of 0.75  M nitric acid and are
 determined by stabilized temperature platform graphite furnace atomic absorption (STPGFAA).

 In STPGFAA, the sample and the matrix modifier are first pipetted onto the platform or a device
 that provides delayed atomization.  The furnace,chamber is men purged with a continuous flow
 of  a premixed gas (95% argon-5%  hydrogen) and the sample is dried at a  relatively low
 temperature (about 120°C) to avoid spattering. Once dried, the sample is pretreated in a char or
 ashing step that is designed to minimize the interference effects caused by the concomitant sample
 matrix. After the char step, the furnace is allowed to cool before atomization. The atomization
 cycle is characterized by rapid heating of the furnace to a temperature at which the metal (analyte)
 is atomized from the pyrolytic graphite surface into a stopped gas flow atmosphere of argon
 containing 5% hydrogen.  The resulting atomic cloud absorbs the element specific atomic emission
 produced by a hollow  cathode lamp (HCL)  or an electrodeless discharge lamp  (EDL).  After
 analysis, the furnace is subjected to a cleanout period of high temperature and continuous argon
 flow. Because the resulting absorbance usually has a nonspecific component associated with the
 actual analyte  absorbance, an instrumental background correction device is required to subtract
 from the total signal the component that is nonspecific  to the analyte.   In the absence of
 interferences, the background corrected absorbance is directly related to the concentration of the
 analyte.  Interferences  relating to STPGFAA (Section 4.0) must be recognized and corrected.
 Suppressions or enhancements of instrument response caused by the sample matrix must be
 corrected by the method of standard addition (Section 12.6).
3.0    Definitions
Apparatus—Throughout this method, the sample containers, sampling devices, instrumentation,
and all other materials and devices used in sample collection, sample processing, and sample
analysis activities will be referred to collectively as the Apparatus.
3.2    Other definitions of terms are given in the glossary (Section 18) at the end of this method.
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Method 1637
4.0   Contamination and Interferences

41    Preventing ambient water samples from becoming contaminated during the sampling and analytical
       process constitutes one of the greatest difficulties encountered with trace metals determinations, i
       Over the last two decades, marine chemists have come to recognize that much of the historical
       data on the concentrations of dissolved trace metals in seawater are erroneously high because the
       concentrations reflect contamination from sampling and analysis rather than ambient levels. More
       recently, historical trace metals data collected from freshwater rivers and streams have been shown
       to be similarly biased because of contamination during sampling and analysis  (Reference 13).
       Therefore, it is imperative that extreme care be taken to avoid contamination when collecting and
       analyzing ambient water samples for trace metals.

42    Samples may become contaminated by numerous routss.  Potential sources  of trace metals
       contamination during sampling include metallic or metal-containing labware (e.g.,  talc gloves
       which contain high levels of zinc), containers, sampling equipment, reagents, and reagent water;
       improperly cleaned and stored equipment, labware, and reagents; and atmospheric inputs such as
       dirt and dust Even human contact can be a source of trace metals contamination. For example,
       it has been demonstrated that dental work (e.g., mercury amalgam fillings) in the mouths  of;
       laboratory personnel can contaminate samples that are directly exposed to exhalation (Reference

 4.3     Contamination Control

        431   Philosophy—The philosophy behind contamination control is to ensure that any object or
               substance that contacts the  sample is metal free and free from any material that may
               contain metals.

               4311 The integrity of the results produced cannot be compromised by contamination
                      of samples.  This method and the Sampling Method give requirements and
                      suggestions for controlling sample contamination.

      Substances in a sample cannot be allowed to contaminate the laboratory work area
                      or instrumentation used for trace  metals  measurements.   This method  gives
                      requirements and suggestions for protecting the laboratory.

               4313 Although contamination control is essential, personnel health and safety remain
                      the highest priority.  The Sampling Method and Section 5 of this method give
                      requirements and suggestions for personnel safety.

         432  Avoid contamination—The  best way to control contamination is to completely  avoid
               exposure of the sample to contamination in the first place.  Avoiding exposure means
               performing operations in an area known or thought to be free from contamination. Two
               of the most important factors  in avoiding/reducing sample contamination are  (1) an
               awareness of potential sources  of contamination  and (2) strict attention to work being
                done. Therefore, it is imperative that the procedures described in this method be carried
                out by well-trained, experienced personnel.
                                                                                   January 1996

                                                                                     Method 1637
 4.3.3   Use a clean environment—The ideal environment for processing samples is a class 100
        clean room (Section 6.1.1).  If a clean room is not available, all sample preparation must
        be performed in a class 100 clean bench or a nonmetal glove box fed by particle-free air
        or nitrogen. Digestions must be performed in a nonmetal fume hood, ideally situated in
        the clean room.

 4.3.4   Minimize exposure—The  Apparatus that will  contact samples,  blanks, or  standard
        solutions must only be opened or exposed in a clean room, clean bench, or glove box so
        that exposure to an  uncontrolled atmosphere is minimized.  When not being used, the
        Apparatus should be covered with clean plastic wrap, stored in the clean bench or in a
        plastic box or glove box, or bagged in clean zip-type bags. Minimising the time between
        cleaning and use will also minimize contamination.

        Clean work surfaces—Before processing a given batch of samples, all work surfaces in
        the hood, clean bench, or glove box in which the samples will be processed should be
        cleaned by wiping with a lint-free cloth or wipe soaked with reagent water.

        Wear gloves—Sampling personnel must  wear  clean, nontalc gloves (Section 6.10.7)
        during all operations involving handling of the Apparatus, samples, and blanks.  Only
        clean gloves may touch the Apparatus.  If another object or substance is touched, the
        glove(s)  must be changed before again handling the Apparatus.  If it is even suspected
        that gloves have become contaminated, work must be halted, the contaminated gloves
        removed, and a new pair of clean gloves put on.  Wearing multiple layers of clean gloves
        will allow the old pair to be  quickly stripped with minimal disruption to the work activity.

4.3.7    Use metal-free Apparatus—All Apparatus used for metals determinations at ambient water
        quality criteria levels must be nonmetallic, free of material that may contain metals, or
        both. Construction materials—Only the following materials should come in contact with
              samples:   fluoropolymer  (FEP, PTFE), conventional or linear polyethylene,
              polycarbonate, polypropylene, polysulfone, or ultrapure quartz.  PTFE is less
              desirable  than FEP because the  sintered material in PTFE may  contain
              contaminates and is susceptible to serious memory contamination (Reference 6).
              Fluoropolymer or glass containers should be used  for samples that  will be
              analyzed for  mercury because mercury vapors can diffuse in or out of the other
              materials resulting either in contamination or low-biased results (Reference 3).
              All materials, regardless of construction, that will directly or indirectly contact the
              sample must  be cleaned using the procedures described in Section 11  and must
              be known to  be clean and metal free before proceeding. The following materials have been found to contain trace metals and must not be
              used to hold liquids  that come in contact with the sample or must not contact the
              sample itself, unless these materials have been shown to be free of the metals of
              interest at the desired level:   Pyrex,  Kimax, methacrylate, polyvinylchloride,
              nylon, and Vycor (Reference 6).  In addition, highly colored plastics, paper cap
              liners, pigments used to mark increments on plastics, and rubber all contain trace
              levels of metals and must be avoided (Reference 14).
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Method 1637
      Serialization—It is recommended that serial numbers be indelibly marked  or
                      etched on each piece of Apparatus so that contamination can be traced, and
                      logbooks should be maintained to track the sample from the container through the
                      labware to injection into the instrument. It may be useful to dedicate separate sets
                      of labware  to  different sample  types; e.g., receiving waters vs. effluents.
                      However, the Apparatus used for processing blanks and standards must be mixed
                      with the Apparatus used to process samples so that contamination of all labware
                      can be detected.

               4 3.7.4 The laboratory or cleaning facility is responsible for cleaning the Apparatus used
                      by the sampling team. If there are any indications that the Apparatus is not clean
                      when received by the sampling team (e.g., ripped storage bags), an assessment of
                      the likelihood of contamination must be made.  Sampling must not proceed if it
                      is possible that the Apparatus is contaminated. If the Apparatus is contaminated,
                      it must be returned to the laboratory or cleaning facility for proper cleaning before
                      any sampling activity resumes.

        4.3.8   Avoid Sources of Contamination—Avoid contamination  by being aware of potential
               sources and routes of contamination.

      Contamination by carryover—Contamination may occur when a sample containing
                      low concentrations of metals is processed immediately after a sample containing
                      relatively high  concentrations of these metals. To reduce carryover, the sample
                  '   introduction system may be rinsed between samples with dilute acid and reagent
                      • water. When an unusually concentrated sample is  encountered, it is followed by
                      analysis of a laboratory blank to check for carryover.  For samples containing
                      high levels of metals, it may be necessary to acid-clean or replace the connecting:
                      tubing or inlet system to ensure  that contamination will not affect subsequent
                      measurements.  Samples known or suspected to contain the lowest concentration
                      of metals should be analyzed first followed by samples containing higher levels.
                      For instruments containing autosamplers, the laboratory should keep track of
                      which station is used for a given sample.  When an unusually high concentration
                      of a metal  is detected in a sample, the station  used for that sample should be
                      cleaned more thoroughly to prevent contamination of subsequent samples, and the
                      results for subsequent samples should be checked for evidence of the metal(s) that
                       occurred in high concentration.

       Contamination by samples—Significant laboratory or instrument contamination
                       may result when  untreated effluents, in-process waters,  landfill leachates,  and
                       other samples containing high concentrations  of inorganic  substances  are
                       processed and  analyzed. As stated in Section 1.0, this method is not intended for
                       application to these samples, and samples containing high concentrations should
                       not be permitted into the clean room and laboratory dedicated for processing trace
                       metals samples.

       Contamination by indirect contact—Apparatus that may not directly come in
                       contact with the samples may still be a source  of contamination.  For example,
                       clean tubing placed hi a dirty plastic bag may pick up contamination from the bag
                       and then subsequently transfer the conteimination to the sample. Therefore,  it is
                                                                                    January 1996

                                                                                     Method 1637
               imperative that every piece of the Apparatus that is directly or indirectly used in
               the collection, processing, and analysis of ambient water samples be cleaned as
               specified in Section 11. Contamination by airborne particulate matter—Less obvious substances capable
               of contaminating  samples  include  airborne  particles.   Samples  may be
               contaminated by airborne  dust, dirt, particles,  or  vapors from unfiltered air
               supplies; nearby corroded  or rusted pipes,  wires, or other fixtures;  or  metal-
               containing paint.  Whenever possible, sample processing and analysis  should
               occur as far as possible from sources of airborne contamination.

Interferences—Several interference sources may cause inaccuracies in the determination of trace
elements by GFAA. These interferences can be classified into three major subdivisions: spectral,
matrix, and memory.  Some of these interferences can be minimized through the preconcentration
step, which reduces the Ca,  Mg, Na, and chloride concentrations in the sample before GFAA
       Spectral interferences are caused by the absorbance of light by a molecule or atom that
       is not the analyte of interest or emission from black body radiation. Spectral  interferences caused by an  element only  occur  if there is a spectral
              overlap between the wavelength of the interfering element and the analyte of
              interest.   Fortunately, this  type  of interference is  relatively  uncommon in
              STPGFAA because of the narrow atomic line widths associated with STPGFAA.
              In addition, the use of appropriate furnace temperature programs and high spectral
              purity  lamps as light sources  can minimize the  possibility of this type of
              interference.   However,  molecular  absorbances  can span  several hundred
              nanometers, producing broadband spectral interferences. This type of interference
              is far more common  in  STPGFAA.  The use of matrix modifiers, selective
              volatilization, and background correctors are all attempts to eliminate unwanted
              nonspecific absorbance. Since the nonspecific component of the total absorbance
              can vary considerably from sample type to  sample type, to provide effective
              background correction and eliminate elemental spectral interferences, the exclusive
              use of Zeeman background correction is specified hi this method. Spectral interferences are also caused by black body radiation produced during the
              atomization furnace cycle. This black body emission reaches the photomultiplier
              tube, producing erroneous results.  The magnitude of this interference can be
              minimized by proper furnace tube alignment and monochromator design. In
              addition, atomization temperatures that adequately volatilize the analyte of interest
              without producing unnecessary black body radiation can help reduce unwanted
              background emission produced during atomization.

       Matrix interferences are caused by sample components that inhibit the formation of free
       atomic analyte atoms during the atomization cycle.  In this method, the use of a delayed
       atomization device  that provides warmer gas phase temperatures is required.  These
       devices provide an environment that  is more conducive to the  formation of free analyte
       atoms and thereby minimize this type of interference.  This type of interference can be
       detected by  analyzing  the sample  plus  a sample  aliquot  fortified with  a known
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Method 1637
               concentration of the analyte.  If the determined concentration of the analyte addition is
               outside a designated range, a possible matrix effect should be suspected (Section 9.3)

       4.4.3   Memory interferences result from analyzing a sample containing a high concentration of
               an element (typically  a high atomization temperature element) that cannot be removed
               quantitatively in one  complete set of furnace steps.  The analyte that remains in the
               furnace can produce false positive signals on subsequent sample(s). Therefore, the analyst
               should establish the analyte concentration that can be injected into the furnace  and
               adequately removed in one complete set of furnace  cycles.  If this concentration is
               exceeded, the sample should be diluted and a blank analyzed to ensure the memory effect
               has been eliminated before reanalyzing the diluted sample.

       444   Low recoveries may be encountered hi the preconcentration cycle if the trace elements are
               complexed by competing chelators (humic/fuivic) in the sample or are present as colloidal
               material.  Acid solubilization pretreatment  is used to  improve analyte recovery and to
               rninimize adsorption, hydrolysis, and precipitation effects.

       4.4.5   Memory interferences from the  chelating system may be encountered, especially after
               analyzing a sample containing high analyte concentrations. A thorough column rinsing
               sequence following elution of the analytes is necessary to minimize such interferences.
 5.0   Safety

The toxicity or carcinogenicity of reagents used hi this method have not been fully established.
Each chemical should be regarded as a potential health hazard and exposure to these compounds
should be as low as reasonably achievable.
       Each laboratory is  responsible for maintaining a  current awareness  file of OSHA
       regulations for the safe handling of the chemicsils specified hi this method (References
       15-18).  A reference file of material safety data sheets (MSDSs) should also be available
       to all personnel involved hi the chemical analysis. It is also suggested that the laboratory
       perform personal hygiene monitoring of each analyst who uses this method and that the
       results  of this  monitoring be  made  available to the analyst.   The  references and
       bibliography at the end of Reference 18 are particularly comprehensive hi dealing with
       the general subject of laboratory safety.

       Concentrated nitric  and hydrochloric acids present various hazards and are moderately
       toxic and extremely irritating to skin and mucus membranes.  Use these reagents hi a
       fume hood whenever possible and if eye or skin contact occurs, flush with large volumes
       of water.  Always wear protective clothing  and safety  glasses or a shield  for  eye
       protection, and observe proper mixing when working with these reagents.

 The acidification of samples containing reactive materials may result hi the release of toxic gases,
 such as cyanides or sulfides. Acidification of samples should be done hi a fume hood.

 All personnel handling environmental samples known to contain or to have been hi contact with
 human waste should be immunized against known disease-causative agents.
                                                                                     January 1996

                                                                                     Method 1637
During atomization, the graphite tube emits intense UV radiation. Suitable precautions should be
taken to protect personnel from such a hazard.

The  use  of the argon/hydrogen gas mixture during the dry  and char steps  may evolve a
considerable amount of HC1 gas. Therefore, adequate ventilation is required.
 6.0    Apparatus, Equipment,  and Supplies

         Disclaimer: The mention of trade names or commercial products in this method is for illustrative
         purposes only and does  not constitute  endorsement  or recommendation for  use by  the
         Environmental Protection Agency.  Equivalent performance may be achievable using apparatus
         and materials other than those suggested here.  The laboratory is responsible for demonstrating
         equivalent performance.

 6.1     Facility

         6.1.1    Clean room—Class 100,200-ft2 minimum, with down-flow, positive-pressure ventilation,
                air-lock entrances, and pass-through doors.

        Construction materials—Nonmetallic, preferably plastic sheeting attached without
                       metal fasteners. If painted, paints that do not contain the metal(s) of interest must
                       be used.

        Adhesive mats, for  use at entry points to control dust and dirt from  shoes.

        6.1.2   Fume hoods, nonmetallic, two minimum, with one installed internal to the clean room.
      Clean benches, class 100,  one installed in the clean room, the other adjacent to the
      analytical instruments) for preparation of samples and standards.
 6.2     Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorbance Spectrophotometer
      The GFAA spectrometer must be capable of programmed heating of the graphite tube and
      the associated delayed atomization device.  The instrument must be equipped with an
      adequate background correction device capable of removing undesirable  nonspecific
      absorbance over the spectral region of interest and provide an analytical condition not
      subject to the occurrence of interelement spectral overlap interferences. The furnace
      device must be capable of using an alternate gas supply during specified cycles of the
      analysis. The capability to record relatively fast (< 1 s) transient signals and evaluate data
      on  a  peak area preferred.   In addition,  a recirculating refrigeration bath is
      recommended for improved reproducibility of furnace temperatures.

      Single element  hollow cathode lamps or single element electrodeless discharge lamps
      along with the associated power supplies

      Argon gas supply (high-purity grade, 99.99%) for use during the atomization of selenium,
      for sheathing the furnace tube when in operation, and during furnace cleanout
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Method 1637
6.2.4   Alternate gas mixture  (hydrogen 5<7*-argon 95%) for use as  a continuous gas flow
       environment during the dry and char furnace cycles

6.2.5   Autosampler capable of adding matrix modifier solutions to the furnace, a single addition
       of analyte, and completing methods of standard additions when  required

Preconcentration system—System containing no metal parts in the analyte flow path, configured
as shown with a sample loop in Figure 1 and without  a sample loop in  Figure 2.
        NOTE: An alternate preconcentration system to the one described below may be used if
        all performance  criteria  listed  in  this method can be met.   If low recoveries are
        encountered in the preconcentration cycle for a particular analyte, it may be necessary
        to use an alternate preconcentration system.	

        6.3.1   Column—Macroporous  iminodiacetate  chelating  resin (Dionex  Metpac  CC-1  or

        6.3.2   Control valves—Inert double stack, pneumatically operated four-way slider valves with

        6.3.3   Argon gas supply regulated at 80-100 psi

        6.3.4   Solution reservoirs—fciert containers, e.g., high-density polyethylene (HDPE), for holding
               eluent and carrier reagents

        6.3.5   Tubing—High-pressure, narrow-bore, inert tubing (e.g., Tefzel ETFE or equivalent) for
               interconnection of pumps and valve assemblies £ind a minimum length for connection of
               the preconcentration system with the sample collection vessel

        6 3.6   Eluent pumping system (gradient pump)—Programmable flow, high-pressure pumping
               system, capable of delivering either one of three eluents at a pressure up to 2000 psi and
               a flow rate of 1-5 mL/min

        6.3.7   System setup, including sample loop (Figure 1)

      Sample loop—10-mL  loop constructed from  narrow-bore, high-pressure inert
                      tubing, Tefzel ETFE (ethylene tetra-fluoroethylene) or equivalent)
      Auxiliary pumps

                    On-line  buffer  pump—Piston  pump (Dionex  QIC  pump or
                                      equivalent) for delivering 2 M ammonium acetate buffer solution

                    Carrier pump—Peristaltic pump (Gilson Minipuls or equivalent)
                                      for delivering 1% nitric acid carrier solution

                    Sample pump—Peristaltic pump for loading sample loop
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 	Method 1637

        6.3.8   System setup without sample loop (Figure 2)

       Auxiliary Pumps

                    Sample pump  (Dionex QIC pump or equivalent) for loading
                                      sample on the column

                    Carrier pump (Dionex QIC pump or equivalent) used to flush
                                      collection line between samples

 6.4    Analytical balance—with capability to measure to  0.1 mg, for use in weighing solids and for
        preparing standards

 6.5    Temperature adjustable hot plate—capable of maintaining a temperature of 95°C

 6.6    Centrifuge—with guard bowl, electric timer, and brake (optional)

 6.7    Gravity convection drying oven—with thermostatic control capable of maintaining 105°C (± 5°C)

 6.8    Alkaline detergent—Liquinox®, Alconox®, or equivalent

 6.9    pH meter or pH paper

 6.10   Labware—For determination of trace levels of elements, contamination and loss are  of prime
        consideration.  Potential contamination sources include improperly cleaned laboratory apparatus
        and general contamination within the laboratory environment from dust, etc. A clean laboratory
        work area should be designated for trace element sample handling.  Sample containers can
        introduce positive and negative errors in the determination of trace elements by (1) contributing
        contaminants through surface desorption or leaching, and (2) depleting element concentrations
        through adsorption processes. All labware must be metal free.  Suitable construction materials
        are fluoropolymer (FEP, PTFE),  conventional  or linear  polyethylene, polycarbonate,  and
        polypropylene. Fluoropolymer should be used when samples are to be analyzed for mercury. All
        labware should be cleaned  according to the procedure in Section 11.4.  Gloves, plastic wrap,
        storage bags, and filters may all be used new without additional cleaning unless results of the
        equipment blank pinpoint any of these materials as a source of contamination. In this case, either
        an alternate supplier must be obtained or the materials must be cleaned.

        NOTE: Chromic acid must not be used for cleaning glassware.

        6.10.1  Volumetric flasks, graduated cylinders, funnels and centrifuge tubes

        6.10.2  Assorted calibrated pipets

        6.10.3  PTFE (or other suitable material) beakers—250-mL with PTFE covers

        6.10.4  Narrow-mouth storage bottles—FEP (fluorinated ethylene propylene) with ETFE (ethylene
               tetrafluorethylene) screw closure, 125-250 mL capacities
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Method 1637
       6.10.5  One-piece stem FEP wash bottle—with screw closure, 125-mL capacity

       6.10.6  Tongs—For removal of Apparatus from acid baths. Coated metal tongs may not be used.

       6.10.7  Gloves—Clean, nontalc polyethylene, latex, or vinyl; various lengths.  Heavy gloves
               should be worn when working hi acid baths since baths will contain hot, strong acids.

       6.10.8  Buckets or basins—5- to 50-L capacity for acid soaking of the Apparatus

       6.10.9  Nonmetallic brushes—for scrubbing Apparatus

       6.10.10       Storage bags—Clean, zip-type, nonvented, colorless polyethylene (various sizes)
                      for storage of Apparatus

       6.10.11       Plastic wrap—Clean, colorless polyethylene for storage of Apparatus

6.11   Sampling Equipment—The  sampling team may contract with the laboratory or a cleaning facility
       who is responsible for cleaning,  storing,  and shipping all sampling devices, sample bottles,
       filtration equipment, and all other Apparatus used for the collection of ambient water samples.
       Before the equipment is shipped to the field site, the  laboratory or facility must generate  an
       acceptable equipment blank (Section 9.5.3) to demonstrate that the sampling equipment is free
       from contamination.

        6.11.1  Sampling Devices—Before ambient water samples are collected,  consideration should be
               given to the type of sample to be collected and  the devices to  be used (grab, surface, or
               subsurface samplers). The laboratory or cleaning facility must clean all devices used for
               sample collection.   The Sampling Method describes various types of samplers. Cleaned
               sampling devices should be stored in polyethylene bags or wrap.

        6.11.2 Sample  bottles—Fluoropolymer (FEP, PTFE), conventional or linear polyethylene,
               polycarbonate, or polypropylene; 500 mL with lids.  Cleaned sample bottles should be
               filled with 0.1% HC1 (v/v) until use.
        NOTE: If mercury is a target analyte, fluoropolymer or glass bottles must be used.	
        6.11.3 Filtration Apparatus

            Filters, Gelman Supor 0.45-um, 15-mm diameter filter capsules (Gelman
                               12175), or equivalent

            Peristaltic pump—115-V a.c., 12-V d.c., internal battery, variable-speed,
                               single-head (Cole-Parmer, portable, "Masterflex L/S,"  Catalog No. H-
                               07570-10 drive with Quick Loaid pump head, Catalog No. H-07021-24,
                               or equivalent)

             Tubing for use with peristaltic pump—Styrene/ethylene/butylene/silicone
                               (SEES) resin, approximately 3/8-in i.d. by approx 3 ft (Cole-Parmer size
                               18, Catalog No. G-06464-18, or approximately 1/4-in i.d., Cole-Parmer
                                                                                     January 1996

                                                                                     Method 1637
                              size 17, Catalog No. G-06464-17, or equivalent).  Tubing is cleaned by
                              soaking in 5-10% HC1 solution for 8-24 h, rinsing with reagent water in
                              a clean bench in a clean room, and drying in the clean bench by purging
                              with metal-free air or nitrogen. After drying, the tubing is double-bagged
                              in clear polyethylene bags, serialized with a unique number, and stored
                              until use.
 7.0    Reagents and Standards
        Reagents may contain elemental impurities that might affect analytical data.  Only high-purity
        reagents should be used. If the purity of a reagent is in question, analyze for contamination. All
        acids used for this method must be of ultra high-purity grade or equivalent.  Suitable acids are
        available from a number of manufacturers. Redistilled acids prepared by sub-boiling distillation
        are acceptable.

 7.1    Reagents for cleaning Apparatus, sample bottle storage, and sample preservation and preparation.

        7.1.1    Nitric acid, concentrated (sp gr 1.41), Seastar or equivalent

        7.1.2    Nitric acid (1+1)—Add 500 mL concentrated nitric acid to 400 mL of regent water and
                dilute to 1  L.

        7.1.3    Nitric acid 0.75 M—•Dilute 47.7 mL (67.3 g) concentrated nitric acid to 1000 mL with
                reagent water.

        7.1.4    Nitric acid (1+9)—Add 100 mL concentrated nitric acid to 400 mL of reagent water and
                dilute to 1 L.

        7.1.5    Hydrochloric acid, concentrated (sp gr 1.19)

        7.1.6   Hydrochloric acid (1+1)—Add  500 mL concentrated hydrochloric acid to 400 mL of
               reagent water and dilute to 1 L.

        7.1.7   Hydrochloric acid (1+4)—Add  200 mL concentrated hydrochloric acid to 400 mL of
               reagent water and dilute to 1 L.

        7.1.8   Hydrochloric acid (HC1)—IN trace metal grade

        7.1.9   Hydrochloric acid (HC1)—10% wt, trace metal grade

        7.1.10  Hydrochloric acid (HC1)—1% wt, trace metal grade

        7.1.11  Hydrochloric acid (HC1)—0.5% (v/v), trace metal grade

        7.1.12  Hydrochloric acid (HC1)—0.1%  (v/v) ultrapure grade

        7.1.13  Acetic acid, glacial (sp gr 1.05)
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Method 1637
       7.1.14 Ammonium hydroxide (20%)

       7 1 15 Ammonium acetate buffer 1 M, pH 5.5— Add 58 mL (60.5 g) of glacial acetic acid to 600
              mL of reagent water.  Add 65 mL (60 g) of 20% ammonium hydroxide and mix. Check
              the pH of the resulting  solution by withdrawing a small  aliquot and testing with a
              calibrated pH meter, adjusting the solution to pH 5,5 (± 0.1) with small volumes of acetic
              acid or ammonium hydroxide as  necessary.  Cool and dilute to 1 L with reagent water.
       7.1.16  Ammonium acetate buffer 2 M, pH 5.5— Prepare as for Section 7.1.15 using 1 16 mL ^
               g) glacial acetic acid and 130 mL (120 g) 20% ammonium hydroxide, diluted to 1000 mL
               with reagent water.
        NOTE: If the system is configured as shown in Figure 1, the ammonium acetate buffer
        solutions may be farther purified bypassing them through the chelating column at a flow
        rate of 5.0 mLlmin. Collect the purified solution in a container. Then elute the collected
        contaminants from the column using 0.75 M nitric acid for 5 min at a flow rate of 4.0
        mLlmin. If the system is configured as shown in Figure 2, most of the buffer is being
        purified in an on-line configuration through the cleanup column. _ _ _

        7 1 17  Oxalic acid dihydrate  (CASRN  6153-56-6), 0.2 M— Dissolve 25.2 g reagent grade
                            in 250 mL reagent water and dilute to 1000 mL with reagent water.
        CAUTION: Oxalic acid is toxic; handle with care.
 7 2    Reagent water— Water demonstrated to be free from the metal(s) of interest and potentially
        interfering substances at the MDL for that metal listed, hi Table  1.  Prepared by distillation,
        deionization,  reverse osmosis,  anodic/cathodic stripping voltammetry, or other technique that
        removes the metal(s) and potential interferent(s).

 7 3    Matrix Modifier— Dissolve 300 mg palladium (Pd) powder in a minimum amount of concentrated
        HNO, (1 mL of HN03, adding concentrated HC1 only if necessary).  Dissolve 200 mg of
        Mg(N03)2-6H20 in reagent water.  Pour the two solutions together and dilute to 100 mL with
        reagent water.

        NOTE: It is  recommended that the matrix modifier be analyzed separately to assess the
        contribution of the modifier to the overall laboratory blank. _ ____

 7 4   Standard stock solutions— Stock standards may be purchased or prepared from ultra high-purity
        grade chemicals (99.99 to 99.999% pure).  All compounds must be dried for 1 h at 105°C, unless
        otherwise specified.  It is  recommended that stock solutions be stored in FEP bottles.  Replace
        stock standards when succeeding dilutions  for preparation of calibration standards cannot be
                                                                                   January 1996

                                                                                    Method 1637
         CAUTION:  Many of these chemicals are extremely toxic if inhaled or  swallowed
         (Section 5.1).  Wash hands thoroughly after handling.
         Below are typical stock solution preparation procedures for 1-L quantities, but for the purpose of
         pollution  prevention,  the analyst is encouraged  to prepare smaller  quantities  when possible.
         Concentrations are calculated based on the weight of the pure element or the weight of the
         compound multiplied by the fraction of the analyte in the compound.
        From pure element,
                                  Concentration =
                                                   volume (L)
        From pure compound,
                        Concentration =  weight (mg) * gravimetric factor
                                                   volume (L)
              gravimetric factor = the -weight fraction of the analyte in the compound.
 7.4.1   Cadmium solution, stock—1 mL = 1000 pg Cd: Dissolve 1.000 g Cd metal, acid-cleaned
        with (1+9) HNO3, weighed accurately to at least four significant figures, in 50 mL (1+1)
        HNO3 with heating to effect dissolution.  Let solution cool and dilute with reagent water
        in a 1-L volumetric flask.

 7.4.2   Lead solution, stock—1 mL = 1000  pg Pb:  Dissolve 0.1599 g PbNO3 hi 5 mL (1+1)
        nitric acid. Dilute to 100 mL with reagent water.

 Preparation  of calibration standards—Fresh calibration standards should be prepared  every 2
 weeks, or as needed. Dilute each stock standard solution to levels appropriate to the operating
 range of the instrument using reagent water containing 1% (v/v) HNO3.  Calibration standards
 should be prepared at a minimum of three concentrations, one of which must be at the ML (Table
 1), and another that must be near the upper end of the linear dynamic range. Calibration standards
 should be initially verified using a quality control sample (Section 7.7).

Blanks—The laboratory should prepare the following types of blanks.  A calibration blank is used
to establish  the analytical calibration curve; the laboratory (method) blank is used to assess
possible contamination from the sample preparation procedure and to assess spectral background,
and the rinse blank is used to flush the instrument autosampler uptake system.  All diluent acids
should be made from concentrated acids (Section 7.1) and reagent water (Section 7.2). In addition
to these  blanks,  the laboratory  may be required to analyze field blanks (Section 9.5.2) and
equipment blanks (Section 9.5.3).
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Method 1637
7.6.1   Calibration blank—The calibration blank consists of 1% (v/v) HNO3 in reagent water.
       The calibration blank should be stored in a FEP bottle.

762   Laboratory blank—Must contain all the reagents in the same volumes as those used in
       processing the samples.  The laboratory blank must be carried through the same entire
       preparation scheme as the samples including digestion, when applicable (Section 9.5.1).

7.6.3   The rinse blank is prepared as needed by adding 1.0 mL of concentrated HNO3 and 1.0
       mL concentrated HC1 to 1  L of reagent water.

Quality control sample (QCS)—The QCS must be obtained from an outside source different from
the standard stock solutions  and prepared in the same  acid mixture  as that for the calibration
standards.  The concentration of the analytes in the QCS solution should be such that the resulting
solution will provide an absorbance reading of approximately 0.1. The QCS solution should be
stored in a FEP bottle and analyzed as needed to meet data quality needs. A fresh solution should
be prepared quarterly or more frequently as needed.

Ongoing precision and recovery (OPR) sample—The OPR should be prepared in the same acid
mixture  as that for the calibration standards by combining method analytes at  appropriate
concentrations. The OPR must be carried through the same entire  preparation scheme as that for
the samples including sample digestion, when applicable (Section 9.6).
 8.0   Sample Collection, Filtration, Preservation, and Storage

 8 1     Before an aqueous sample is collected, consideration should be given to the type of data required,
        (i.e., dissolved or total recoverable), so that appropriate preservation and pretreatment steps can
        be taken. The pH of all aqueous samples must be tested immediately before aliquotting for
        processing or direct analysis to ensure the sample has been properly preserved.  If properly acid-
        preserved, the sample can be held up to 6 months before analysis.

 8.2    Sample collection—Samples are collected as described in the Sampling Method.

 8 3    Sample filtration—For dissolved metals, samples and field blanks are filtered through a 0.45 urn
        capsule filter at the field site. The Sampling Method describes the filtering procedures.  For the
        determination of total recoverable elements, samples are not filtered but  should be preserved
        according to the procedures in Section 8.4.

 8 4    Sample preservation—Preservation of samples and field blanks  for both dissolved and total
        recoverable elements may be performed in the field when the samples are coUected or in the
        laboratory. However, to avoid the hazards of strong acids in the field and transport restrictions,
        to minimize the potential for sample contamination, and to expedite field operations, the sampling
        team may prefer to ship the samples to the laboratory wiithin 2 weeks of collection.  Samples and
        field blanks should be preserved at the laboratory immediately when they are received. For all
        metals  preservation involves the addition of 10% HNO3 (Section 7.1.4) to bring the sample to pH
        < 2 For samples received at neutral pH, approx 5 mL of 10% HNO3 per liter will be required.
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                                                                                     Method 1637
         8.4.1   Wearing clean gloves, remove the cap from the sample bottle, add the volume of reagent
                grade acid that will bring the pH to < 25 and recap the bottle immediately.  If the bottle
                is full, withdraw the necessary volume using a precleaned pipet and then add the acid.
                Record the volume withdrawn and the amount of acid used.
        NOTE: Do not dip pH paper or a pH meter into the sample; remove a small aliquot with
        a clean pipet and test the aliquot. When the nature of the sample is either unknown or
        known to be hazardous, acidification should be done in a fame hood (Section 5.2).

        8.4.2  Store the preserved sample for a minimum of 48  h at 0-4°C to  allow the  acid to
               completely dissolve the metal(s) adsorbed on the container walls. The sample should then
               verified to be pH < 2 just before withdrawing an aliquot for processing or direct analysis.
               If for some reason such as high alkalinity the sample pH is verified to be > 2, more acid
               must be added and the sample held for 16 h until verified to be pH < 2 (Section 8.1).

        8.4.3  With each sample set, preserve a method blank and an OPR sample in the same way as
               the sample(s).

        8.4.4  Sample bottles should be stored in polyethylene bags at 0-4°C until analysis.
 9.0   Quality Assurance/Quality Control

 9.1     Each laboratory that uses this method is required to operate a formal quality assurance program
        (Reference 19). The minimum requirements of this program consist of an initial demonstration
        of laboratory capability, analysis of samples spiked  with metals of interest to evaluate and
        document data quality, and analysis of standards and blanks as tests of continued performance.
        To determine that results of the analysis meet the performance characteristics of the method,
        laboratory performance is compared to established performance criteria.
The analyst shall make an initial demonstration of the ability to generate acceptable
accuracy and precision with this method.  This ability is established as described hi
Section 9.2.

In recognition of advances that are occurring in analytical technology, the analyst is
permitted to exercise certain  options to eliminate interferences or lower the costs of
measurements.  These options include alternate digestion, concentration, and cleanup
procedures, and changes hi instrumentation.  Alternate determinative techniques, such as
the substitution of a colorimetric technique or changes that degrade method performance,
are not allowed.  If an analytical technique other than the techniques speckled in the
method is used, that technique must have a specificity  equal to or better than the
specificity of the techniques in the method for the analytes of interest. Each time the method is modified, the analyst is required to repeat the procedure
       in Section 9.2.  If the change will affect the detection limit of the method, the
       laboratory is required to demonstrate that the MDL (40 CFR Part 136, Appendix
       B) is lower than the  MDL  for that analyte in this method, or  one-third the
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Method 1637
                      regulatory  compliance level, whichever is higher.   If the change will affect
                      calibration, the analyst must recalibrate the instrument according to Section 10.

      The laboratory is required to maintain records of modifications  made to this
                      method.  These records include the following, at a minimum:

                   The  names, titles,  addresses,  and telephone  numbers of  the
                                     analyses) who performed the analyses and modification, and of
                                     the quality control officer who witnessed  and will verify  the
                                     analyses  and modification

                   Alisting of metals measured, by name and CAS Registry number

                   A narrative stating reason(s) for the modification(s)

                   Results  from all quality control (QC) tests comparing  the
                                     modified method to this method, including the following:

                                     (a)    Calibration
                                     (b)    Calibration verification
                                     (c)    Initial precision and recovery (Section 9.2)
                                     (d)    Analysis of blanks
                                     (e)    Accuracy assessment

                    Data that will allow  an independent reviewer to validate each
                                     determination by tracing die instrument output (peak height, area,
                                     or other  signal) to the final result. These data are to include the
                                     following, where possible:

                        (p)     Mass spectra, printer tapes, and other recordings of raw
                        (q)     Quantitation reports, data system outputs, and other data
                               to link raw data to results reported

 Analyses of blanks are required to demonstrate freedom from contamination.  Section 9.5
 describes the required types, procedures, and criteria for analyzing blanks.

 To monitor method performance, the laboratory shall spike at least 10% of the samples
 with the metal(s) of interest. Section 9.3 describes this test. When results of these spikes
 indicate atypical method performance for samples,  an alternative extraction or cleanup
 technique must be used to bring method performance within acceptable limits. If method
 performance for spikes cannot be brought within the limits in this method, the result may
 not be reported for regulatory compliance purposes.

 The laboratory shall, on an ongoing basis, demonstrate through calibration verification and
 analysis of the ongoing precision and recovery aliquot  that the analytical system is in
 control.  Sections 10.8 and 9.6 describe these procedures.

 The laboratory shall maintain records to define the quality of data that are generated.
 Section 9.3.4 describes the development of accuracy statements.
 9.2    Initial demonstration of laboratory capability
Method detection limit—To establish the ability to detect the trace metals of interest, the
analyst shall determine the MDL for each analyte according to the procedure in 40 CFR
136, Appendix B using  the apparatus, reagents, and standards that will be used in the
practice of this method.  The laboratory must produce an MDL that is less than or equal
to the MDL Listed in Table 1, or one-third the regulatory compliance limit, whichever is
greater.  MDLs should be determined when a new operator begins work or whenever,  in
the judgment of the analyst, a change in instrument hardware or operating conditions
would dictate that they be redetermined.

Initial precision  and recovery (IPR)—To  establish the ability to generate  acceptable
precision and recovery, the analyst shall perform the following operations.  Analyze four aliquots of reagent water spiked with the metal(s) of interest at 2-3
        times the ML (Table 1), according to the procedures in Section 12.  All digestion,
        extraction, and concentration steps, and the containers,  labware, and reagents that
        will be used with samples must be used in this test.  Using results of  the set of four analyses, compute the average percent recovery
        (X) for the metal(s) in each aliquot and the standard deviation of the recovery (s)
        for each metal.  For  each metal,  compare s and  X with the corresponding limits  for initial
        precision and recovery in Table 2. If s and X for all metal(s) meet the acceptance
        criteria, system performance is acceptable and analysis of blanks and samples may
        begin. If, however, any individual s exceeds the precision limit or any individual
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Method 1637
                     X falls outside the range for accuracy, system performance is unacceptable for
                     that metal. Correct the problem and repeat the test (Section

       923  Linear dynamic range (LDR)—The upper limit of the LDR must be established for the
              wavelength used for each analyte by determining the signal responses from a minimum
              of six different concentration standards across the range, two of which are close to the
              upper limit of the LDR. Determined LDRs must be documented and kept on file. The
              analyst should judge the linear calibration range that may be used for the analysis of
              samples from the resulting data.  The upper LDR limit should be an observed signal no
              more than 10% below the level extrapolated from the four lower standards.  The LDRs
              should be verified whenever, in the judgment of the analyst,  a  change in analytical
              performance caused by either a change in instrument hardware or operating conditions
              would dictate they be redetermined.

        NOTE: Multiple cleanout furnace cycles may be necessary to fully define or utilize the
       LDR for certain elements such as  chromium.  For this reason, the upper limit of the
        linear calibration range may not correspond to the upper LDR limit.	_	

               Determined sample analyte concentrations  that exceed the upper limit of the linear
               calibration range must either be diluted and reanalyzed with concern for memory effects
               (Section 4.4.3) or analyzed by another approved method.

        924   Quality control sample (QCS)—When beginning the use of this method,  quarterly or as
               required  to meet data quality  needs, verify the calibration standards and acceptable
               instrument performance with the preparation and! analyses of a QCS (Section 7.7).  To
               verify the calibration standards the determined mean concentration from 3  analyses of the
               QCS must be within ± 10% of the stated  QCS  value.  If the QCS is  not within the
               required limits, an immediate second analysis of the QCS is recommended to confirm
               unacceptable  performance.    If  the  calibration  standards,  acceptable instrument
               performance, or both cannot be verified, the source of the problem must be identified and
               corrected before proceeding with further analyses.

 9 3    Method accuracy—To assess the  performance  of the method on a given sample matrix, the
        laboratory must perform matrix spike (MS) and matrix spike duplicate  (MSD) sample analyses
        on 10% of the samples from each  site being monitored, or at least one MS sample analysis and
        one MSD sample analysis must be performed for each sample batch (samples collected from the
        same site at the same time, to a maximum of 10 samples), whichever is more frequent. Blanks
        (e.g., field blanks) may not be used for MS/MSD analysis.

        9.3.1  Determine the concentration of the MS and MSD as follows:

       If, as in compliance monitoring, the concentration of a specific metal in the
                       sample is being checked against a regulatory concentration limit, the spike must
                       be at that limit or  at one to five times the background concentration, whichever
                       is greater.
                                                                                   January 1996

                                                                                     Method 1637
       If  the  concentration is not  being checked  against  a regulatory  limit, the
                       concentration must be at one to five times the background concentration or at one
                       to five times the ML in Table 1, whichever is  greater.

        9.3.2   Assess spike recovery

       Determine the background concentration  (B)  of each  metal by analyzing one
                       sample aliquot according to the procedure in Section 12.

       If necessary, prepare a QC  check sample concentrate that  will produce the
                       appropriate level (Section 9.3.1) in the sample when the concentrate is added.

       Spike a second sample aliquot with the QC check sample concentrate and analyze
                       it to determine the concentration after spiking (A) of each metal.

       Calculate each percent recovery (P) as 100(A - B)/T, where T is the known true
                       value of the spike.

        9.3.3   Compare the percent recovery (P) for each metal with the corresponding QC acceptance
               criteria  found in Table 2.  If any individual P falls outside the designated range for
               recovery, that metal has failed the acceptance criteria.

      For a metal that has failed the acceptance criteria, analyze the ongoing precision
                       and recovery standard (Section 9.6). If the OPR is within its respective limit for
                      the metal(s) that failed (Table 2), the analytical system is in control and the
                      problem is attributable  to the sample matrix.   This situation  should  be rare
                      because of the matrix elimination preconcentration step before analysis. If a low
                      recovery is found, check the pH  of the sample plus the buffer mixture.  The
                      resulting pH should be about 5.5.  The pH of the sample strongly influences the
                      column's ability to preconcentrate the metals; therefore, a low pH may cause a
                      low recovery.

      For samples that show  matrix problems, further isolate the metal(s) from the
                      sample  matrix  using dilution, chelation, extraction,  concentration, hydride
                      generation, or other means and repeat the accuracy test  (Section 9.3.2).

      If the recovery for the metal remains outside the acceptance criteria, the analytical
                      result for that metal in the unspiked sample is suspect and may not be reported
                      for regulatory compliance purposes.

        9.3.4   Assess recovery for samples and maintain records.

      After the analysis of five samples of a given matrix type  (river water, lake water,
                      etc.) for which  the metal(s) pass the tests in Section 9.3.3, compute the average
                      percent recovery (R) and the standard deviation of the percent recovery (SR) for
                      the metal(s). Express the accuracy assessment as a percent recovery interval from
                      R - 2SR to R + 2SR for each matrix. For example, if R = 90%  and SR = 10%
                      for five  analyses of river water, the accuracy interval is  expressed as 70-110%.
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Method 1637
      Update the accuracy assessment for each metal in each matrix on a regular basis
                      (e.g., after each 5-10 new measurements).

9.4    Precision of MS and MSD

       9.4.1   Calculate the relative percent difference (RPD) between the MS and MSD according to
               the equation below using the concentrations found in the MS and MSD. Do not use the
               recoveries calculated in Section for this calculation because the RPD is inflated
               when the background concentration is near the spike concentration.
                                     RPD  -
                      Dl = concentration of the analyte in the MS sample
                      D2 = concentration of the analyte in the MSD sample
        9.4.2   The relative percent difference between the MS and the MSD must be less than 20%. If
               this criterion is not met, the analytical system is judged to be out of control.  Correct the
               problem and reanalyze all samples in the sample batch associated with the MS/MSD that
               failed the RPD test

 9.5     Blanks — Blanks are analyzed to demonstrate freedom from contamination.

        9.5.1   Laboratory (method) blank

       Prepare a method blank with  each sample batch  (samples of the same matrix
                       started through the sample preparation process (Section 12) on the same 12-hour
                       shift, to a maximum of 10 samples).  Analyze the blank immediately after
                       analysis of the OPR (Section 9.6) to demonstrate freedom from contamination.

       If the metal of interest or any potentially interfering substance  is found in the
                       blank at a concentration equal to or  greater than the MDL (Table 1), sample
                       analysis must be halted, the source of the contamination determined, the samples
                       and a new method blank prepared, and the sample batch and fresh method blank

       Alternatively, if a sufficient number of blanks (three minimum)  are analyzed to
                       characterize the nature of a blank, the aiverage concentration plus two standard
                       deviations must be less than the regulatory compliance level.

      If the result for a single blank remains above the MDL or if the result for the
                       average concentration plus two  standard deviations of  three or more  blanks
                       exceeds the regulatory compliance level, results for samples associated with those
                       blanks may not be reported for regulatory compliance purposes.  Stated another
                       way, results  for all initial  precision arid recovery tests (Section 9.2) and all
                       samples must be associated with an uncontaminated method blank before these
                       results may be reported  for regulatory compliance purposes.
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                                                                                      Method 1637
        9.5.2   Field blank
        9.5.3 Analyze the field blank(s) shipped with each set of samples (samples collected
        from the same site at the same time, to a maximum of 10 samples). Analyze the
        blank immediately before analyzing the samples in the batch. If the metal of interest or any potentially interfering substance is found in the
        field blank at a concentration equal to or greater than the ML (Table 1), or greater
        than one-fifth the level in the associated sample, whichever is greater, results for
        associated samples may be the result of contamination and may not be reported
        for regulatory compliance purposes. Alternatively, if a sufficient number of field blanks (three minimum) are analyzed
        to characterize the nature of the field blank, the average concentration plus two
        standard deviations must be less than the regulatory compliance level or less than
        one-half the level in the associated sample, whichever is greater. If contamination of the  field  blanks  and  associated samples  is known or
        suspected, the laboratory should communicate this to the sampling team so that
        the  source of  contamination can be identified and corrective measures taken
        before the next sampling event.

Equipment Blanks—Before any sampling equipment is used at a given site, the laboratory
 or cleaning  facility is required to generate equipment blanks to show that the sampling
equipment is free  from contamination.  Two types  of equipment blanks are required:
bottle blanks and sampler check blanks.  Bottle blanks—After undergoing appropriate cleaning procedures (Section 11.4),
        bottles should be subjected to conditions of use to verify the effectiveness of the
        cleaning procedures. A representative set of sample bottles should be filled with
        reagent water acidified to pH < 2 and allowed to  stand for a minimum  of 24 h.
        Ideally, the time that the  bottles are allowed to stand should be as close as
        possible to the actual time  that sample will be in  contact with the bottle. After
        standing, the water should  be  analyzed for any signs of contamination.  If any
        bottle shows signs of contamination, the problem must be identified, the cleaning
        procedures corrected or  cleaning  solutions  changed, and  all  affected bottles
        recleaned.  Sampler check blanks—Sampler check blanks are generated in the laboratory or
        at the equipment cleaning contractor's facility  by processing reagent water
        through the sampling devices using the same procedures that are used in the field
        (see Sampling Method). Therefore, the "clean hands/dirty hands" technique used
        during field sampling should be followed when preparing sampler check blanks
        at the laboratory or cleaning facility.       Sampler check blanks are generated by filling a large carboy or
                      other container with reagent water (Section 7.2) and processing
                      the reagent water  through   the  equipment  using the  same
                      procedures that are used in the field (see Sampling Method). For
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Method 1637
                                    example, manual grab sampler check blanks are collected by
                                    directly submerging a sample bottle into the water, filling the
                                    bottle, and capping.   Subsurface  sampler check blanks  are
                                    collected by immersing the sampler into the water and pumping
                                    water into  a sample container.

                  The sampler check blank must be analyzed using the procedures
                                    hi this method.  If any metal  of interest or  any potentially
                                    interfering substance  is  detected hi the blank, the  source of
                                    contamination or interference must be identified and the problem
                                    corrected.  The equipment must be shown to be free from the
                                    metal(s) of interest before the equipment may be used hi the

                  Sampler check blanks must be run on all equipment that will be
                                    used hi the field.  If, for example, samples are to be collected
                                    using  both a grab  sampling  device and a subsurface sampling
                                    device, a sampler check blank must be run on both pieces of
                                    equipment.             j

 9.6     Ongoing precision and recovery
        9.6.1   Prepare an ongoing precision and recovery sample (laboratory fortified method blank)
               identical to the initial precision and recovery aliquots (Section 9.2) with each sample batch
               (samples of the same matrix started through the sample preparation process (Section 12)
               on the same 12-hour shift, to a maximum of 10 samples) by spiking an aliquot of reagent
               water with the metal(s) of interest.

        9.6.2   Analyze the OPR sample before analyzing the method blank and samples from the same

        9.6.3   Compute the percent recovery of each metal hi the OPR sample.

        9.6.4   For each metal, compare the concentration  to the limits for ongoing recovery hi Table 2.
               If all metals meet the acceptance criteria, system performance is acceptable and analysis
               of blanks and samples may proceed. If, however, ;any  individual recovery falls outside the
               range given, the analytical processes are not being  performed properly for that metal.
               Correct the problem, reprepare the sample batch, and repeat the ongoing precision and
               recovery test (Section 9.6).

        9.6.5   Add results that pass the specifications hi  Section 9.6.4 to initial and previous ongoing
                data for each metal hi each matrix.  Update QC charts to form a graphic representation
                of continued laboratory performance. Develop a statement of laboratory accuracy for each
               metal hi each matrix type by calculating the average percent recovery (R) and the standard
                deviation of percent recovery  (SR). Express the accuracy as a recovery interval from R -
                2SR to R + 2SR.  For example, if R = 95% and SR = 5%, the accuracy is 85-105%.
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                                                                                   Method 1637
 9.7    The specifications in this method can be met if the instrument used is calibrated properly and then
        maintained in a calibrated state. A given instrument will provide the most reproducible results if
        dedicated to the settings and conditions required for the analyses of metals by this method.

 9.8    Depending on specific program requirements, the laboratory may be required to analyze field
        duplicates collected to determine the precision of the sampling technique.  The relative percent
        difference (RPD) between field duplicates should be less than 20%.  If the RPD of the field
        duplicates exceeds 20%, the laboratory should communicate this to the sampling team so that the
        source of error can be identified and corrective measures taken before the next sampling event.

 10.0  Calibration and Standardization

 10.1    Table 3 lists recommended wavelengths and instrument operating conditions. However, because
        of differences among makes and models of spectrophotometers and electrothermal furnace devices,
        the actual instrument conditions selected may vary from those listed.

 10.2    The preconcentration system can be configured using a sample loop to define the sample volume
        (Figure 1) or the system can be configured such that a sample pump rate and a pumping time
        defines the sample volume (Figure 2).  The system illustrated in Figure 1 is recommended for
        sample sizes of < 10 mL.  A thorough rinsing of the sample loop between  samples with HNO3
        is required. This rinsing will minimize the cross-contamination that may be caused by the sample
        loop.  The system in Figure 2 should be used for sample volumes of > 10 mL. The sample pump
        used  in Figure 2 must be calibrated to ensure that  a reproducible/defined volume  is being

 10.3    Before this method is used, the instrument operating conditions  must be optimized. The analyst
        should follow  the instructions provided by the manufacturer while using the conditions in Table
        3 as a guide. Of particular importance is the determination of the charring temperature limit for
        each analyte.  This limit is the  furnace temperature setting at which a loss in analyte will occur
        before atomization. This limit should be determined by conducting char temperature profiles for
        each analyte and when necessary, in the matrix of question. The charring temperature selected
        should minimize background absorbance while providing  some furnace  temperature variation
        without loss of analyte. For routine analytical operation, the charring temperature is usually set
        at least 100°C below this  limit. The optimum conditions selected should provide the lowest
        reliable MDLs and be similar to those hi Table 1.  Once the optimum operating conditions are
        determined, they should be recorded and available for daily reference.

 10.4    Before an initial calibration, the linear dynamic range of the analyte must be determined (Section
        9.2.3)  using the optimized instrument operating conditions.  For all determinations allow an
        instrument and hollow cathode lamp warm-up period of not less than 15 min. If an EDL is to be
        used, allow 30 min for warm-up.

 10.5    Before daily instrument calibration, inspect the graphite furnace, the sample uptake system and
        autosampler injector for any change that would affect instrument performance.  Clean the system
        and replace the graphite tube, platform, or both when needed or daily.  A cotton swab dipped hi
        a 50/50 mixture of isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and H2O (so that it is damp but not dripping) can be
        used to remove most of the salt buildup. A second cotton swab is dipped in IPA and the contact
        rings are wiped down to ensure they are clean. The rings are then allowed to thoroughly dry and
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Method 1637
        then  a new tube  is  placed in the furnace  and conditioned according  to  the instrument
        manufacturer's specifications.

10.6    After the warm-up period but before calibration, instrument stability must be demonstrated by
        analyzing a standard solution with a concentration three times the ML at least five times. The
        resulting relative standard deviation (RSD) of absorbance signals must be <  5%. If the RSD is
        > 5%, determine and correct the cause before calibrating the instrument.

10.7    For initial and daily operation, calibrate the instrument according to the instrument manufacturer's
        recommended procedures using the  calibration blank (Section 7.6.1)  and calibration standards
        (Section 7.5) prepared at three or more concentrations, one of which must be at the ML (Table
        1), and another that must be near the upper end of the linear dynamic range.

        10.7.1  Calculate the response factor (RF) for each metal in each CAL solution using the equation
               below and the height or area produced by the metal.
                         Rx = height or area of the signal for the metal
                         Cx = concentration of compound injected (ug/L)
        10.7.2 For each metal, calculate the mean RF (M), the standard deviation of the RF (SD), and
               the relative standard deviation (RSD) of the mean, where RSD = 100 x SD/M.

        10.7.3 Linearity—If the RSD of the mean RF for any metal is less than 25% over the calibration
               range, an averaged response factor may be used for that analyte.  Otherwise, a calibration
               curve for that metal must be used over the calibration range.

 10.8   Calibration verification—Immediately following calibration, an initial calibration verification
        should be performed. Adjustment of the instrument is performed until verification criteria are met.
        Only after these criteria are met may blanks and samples be analyzed.

        10.8.1 Analyze the mid-point calibration standard (Section 10.7).

        10.8.2 Compute the percent recovery of each metal using the calibration curve obtained in the
               initial calibration.

        10.8.3 For  each metal,  compare the recovery with the corresponding  limit for calibration
               verification in Table 2. If all metals meet the acceptance criteria, system performance is
               acceptable and analysis of blanks and samples may continue using the response from the
               initial calibration.   If any  individual value falls  outside  the  range given, system
               performance is unacceptable for that compound.  Locate and correct the problem and/or
               prepare a new calibration check standard and repeat the test (Sections 10.8.1-10.8.3), or
               recalibrate the system according to Section 10.7.
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                                                                                     Method 1637
10.8.4 Calibration must be verified following every ten samples by analyzing the mid-point
       calibration standard.  If the recovery does not meet the acceptance criteria specified in
       Table 2, analysis must be halted, the problem corrected, and the instrument recalibrated.
       All samples after the last acceptable calibration verification must be reanalyzed.

A calibration blank must be analyzed following every calibration verification to show that there
is no  carryover of the analytes  of interest  and that  the analytical system is  free  from
contamination.  If the concentration of an analyte in the blank result exceeds the MDL, correct
the problem, verify the calibration (Section 10.8), and repeat the analysis of the calibration blank.
 11.0  Procedures for Cleaning the Apparatus

 11.1    All sampling equipment, sample containers,  and labware should be cleaned hi a designated
        cleaning area that has been demonstrated to be free of trace element contaminants.  Such areas
        may include class 100 clean rooms as described by Moody (Reference 20), labware cleaning areas
        as described by Patterson and Settle (Reference 6), or clean benches.

 11.2    Materials, such as gloves (Section 6.10.7), storage bags (Section 6.10.10), and plastic wrap
        (Section  6.10.11),  may  be used new  without  additional  cleaning unless  the results  of the
        equipment blank pinpoint any of these materials as a source of contamination. In this case, either
        an alternate supplier must be obtained or the materials must be cleaned.

 11.3    Cleaning procedures—Proper cleaning  of the Apparatus is extremely important,  because the
        Apparatus may not only contaminate the samples but may also remove the analytes of interest by
        adsorption onto the container surface.
        NOTE: If laboratory, field, and equipment blanks (Section 9.5) from an Apparatus
        cleaned -with fewer cleaning steps than those detailed below show no levels of analytes
        above the MDL, those cleaning steps that do not eliminate these artifacts may be omitted
        if all performance criteria outlined in Section 9 are met.

        11.3.1  Bottles, labware, and sampling equipment

            Fill  a precleaned basin (Section 6.10.8) with a sufficient quantity of a
                             0.5% solution of liquid detergent (Section 6.8), and completely immerse
                             each piece of ware.  Allow to soak hi the detergent for at least 30 min.

            Using a pair of clean gloves  (Section 6.10.7) and clean  nonmetallic
                             brushes (Section 6.10.9), thoroughly scrub down all materials with the

            Place the scrubbed materials in a precleaned basin.  Change gloves.

            Thoroughly rinse the inside and outside of each piece with reagent water
                             until there is no  sign of detergent residue  (e.g., until all soap bubbles
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Method 1637
             Change gloves, immerse the rinsed equipment hi a hot (50-60°C) bath of
                              concentrated reagent grade HNO3  (Section 7.1.1) and allow to soak for
                              at least 2 h.

             After soaking, use clean gloves and tongs to remove the Apparatus and
                              thoroughly rinse with distilled, deionized water (Section 7.2).

             Change gloves and immerse the Apparatus hi a hot (50-60°C) bath of IN
                              trace metal grade HC1 (Section 7.1.8), and allow to soak for at least  48

               il.3.1.8        Thoroughly rinse all equipment sind bottles with reagent water.  Proceed
                              with Section 11.3.2 for labware said sampling equipment.  Proceed with
                              Section 11.3.3 for sample bottles.

        11.3.2  Labware and sampling equipment
             After cleaning, air dry in a class 100 clean air bench.
             After drying, wrap each piece of ware or equipment in two layers of
                              polyethylene film.

        11.3.3  Fluoropolymer sample bottles—These bottles should be  used  if mercury is a target

             After cleaning, fill sample bottles with 0.1% (v/v) ultrapure HC1 (Section
                              7.1.12) and cap tightly. To ensure a tight seal, it may be necessary to use
                              a strap wrench.

             After  capping,  double bag each bottle In polyethylene zip-type bags.
                              Store at room temperature until sample collection.

        11.3.4  Bottles,  labware, and  sampling  equipment (polyethylene or  material  other  than

             Apply the steps outlined in Sections to all bottles,
                              labware, and sampling equipment.  Proceed with Section  for
                              bottles or Section for labware and sampling equipment.

            After cleaning, fill each bottle with 0.1% (v/v) ultrapure HC1 (Section
                              7.1.12).   Double-bag  each bottle in a polyethylene bag to  prevent
                              contamination of the  surfaces with dust and dirt.   Store  at  room
                              temperature until sample collection.

            After rinsing labware and sampling  equipment, air dry hi a class 100
                              clean air bench. After drying, wrap each piece of ware or equipment in
                              two layers of polyethylene film.
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                                                                                    Method 1637
NOTE: Polyethylene bottles cannot be used to collect samples that will be analyzed for
mercury at trace (e.g., 0.012 uglL) levels because of the potential for vapors to diffuse
through the polyethylene.       Polyethylene bags—If polyethylene bags  need to  be  cleaned, clean
                      according to the following procedure:

           Partially fill with cold, (1+1) HNO3 (Section 7.1.2) and rinse with
                             distilled deionized water (Section 7.2).

           Dry by hanging upside  down from  a plastic line with a plastic

11.3.5 Silicone tubing, fluoropolymer tubing, and other sampling apparatus—Clean any silicone,
       fluoropolymer, or other tubing used to collect samples by rinsing with 10% HC1 (Section
       7.1.9) and flushing with water from the site before sample collection.

11.3.6 Extension pole—Because of its length, it is impractical to submerse the 2-m polyethylene
       extension pole  (used in with the optional grab sampling device) in acid solutions as just
       described. If such an extension pole is used, a nonmetallic brush (Section 6.10.9) should
       be used to  scrub  the  pole with reagent water and the  pole wiped down with acids
       described in Section  11.3.4.  After cleaning, the pole should be wrapped in polyethylene

Storage—Store each piece or assembly of the Apparatus in a clean, single polyethylene zip-type
bag. If shipment is required, place the bagged apparatus in a second polyethylene zip-type bag.

All cleaning solutions and acid baths should be periodically monitored for accumulation of metals
that could lead to contamination.  When levels of metals in the solutions become too high, the
solutions and baths should be changed and the old solutions neutralized and discarded to comply
with state and federal regulations.
12.0  Procedures for Sample Preparation and Analysis

12.1    Aqueous sample preparation—dissolved analytes

        12.1.1  For determination of dissolved analytes in ground and surface waters, pipet an aliquot (>
               20 mL) of the filtered, acid-preserved sample into a clean 50-mL polypropylene centrifuge
               tube.  Add an appropriate volume of (1+1) nitric acid to adjust the acid concentration of
               the aliquot to approximate a 1% (v/v) nitric acid solution (e.g., add 0.4 mL (1+1) HNO3
               to  a 20-mL aliquot of sample).  Cap the tube and mix.  The sample  is now ready for
               analysis. Allowance for sample dilution should be made hi the calculations.
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Method 1637
12.2   Aqueous sample preparation—total recoverable analytes
       NOTE: To preclude contamination during sample digestion, it may be necessary to
       perform the open beaker, total-recoverable digestion procedure described in Sections
       12.2.1-12.2.6 in a fume hood that is located in a clean room. Section 12.2.7 provides an
       alternate digestion procedure,  but the procedure has  not undergone interlaboratory
        12.2.1  To determine total recoverable analytes in ambient water samples, transfer a 100-mL (±
               1 mL)  aliquot from a well-mixed, acid-preserved sample to a 250-mL Griffin beaker
               (Section 6.10.3). If appropriate, a smaller sample volume may be used.

        12.2.2  Add 2  mL (1+1) nitric acid to the beaker and place the beaker on the  hot plate for
               digestion.  The hot plate should be located in a fume hood and previously adjusted to
               provide evaporation at a temperature of approximately but no higher than 85°C.  (See the
               following note.)  To prevent sample contamination from the fume hood environment, the
               beaker  should be covered or other necessary steps should be taken.
        NOTE: For proper heating, adjust the temperature control of the hot plate so that an
        uncovered Griffin beaker containing 50 mL of water placed in the center of the hotplate
        can be maintained at a temperature approximately but no higher than 85°C. (Once the
        beaker is  covered with a -watch glass, the  temperature  of the  water will rise to
        approximately 95°C.)	

        12.2.3  Reduce the volume of the sample aliquot to about 20 mL by gentle heating at 85°C.  Do
               not boil.  This step takes about 2 h for a 100-mL aliquot with the rate of evaporation
               rapidly increasing as the sample volume approaches 20 mL. (A spare beaker containing
               20 mL of water can be used as a gauge.)

        12.2.4 Cover the lip of the beaker with a watch glass to reduce additional evaporation and gently
               reflux the sample for 30 min.  (Slight boiling may occur, but vigorous boiling must be
               avoided to prevent loss of the HC1-H2O azeotrope.)

        12.2.5 Allow  the  beaker to cool.  Quantitatively transfer the sample solution to a 50-mL
               volumetric  flask or 50-mL class A  stoppered graduated cylinder, make to volume with
               reagent water, stopper,  and mix.

        12.2.6 Allow any undissolved material to settle overnight, or centrifuge a portion of the prepared
               sample until  clear.  (If, after centrifuging or standing overnight, the sample contains
               suspended solids that would clog the nebulizer, a portion of the sample may be filtered
               to remove  the solids before  analysis.  However,  care should be exercised to  avoid
               potential contamination from filtration.)   The sample  is now ready to be analyzed.
               Because  the effects of various  matrices on the stability of diluted samples cannot be
               characterized, all analyses should be performed ;as soon as possible after the completed
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                                                                                      Method 1637
        12.2.7  Alternate total recoverable digestion procedure

             Open the preserved sample under clean conditions. Add ultrapure nitric
                              acid at the rate of 10 mL/L.  Remove the cap from the original container
                              only long enough to add the aliquot of acid.  The sample container should
                              not be  filled  to the lip  by the addition of the acid.  However,  only
                              nunirnal headspace is needed to avoid leakage during heating.

             Tightly recap the container and shake thoroughly.  Place the container in
                              an oven preheated to 85°C.   The container  should be  placed on an
                              insulating piece of material such as wood rather than directly on the
                              typical metal grating. After the samples have reached 85°C,  heat for 2
                              h. (Total time will be 2.5-3  h depending on  the  sample  size).
                              Temperature can be monitored using an identical sample container with
                              distilled water and a thermocouple to standardize heating  time.

             Allow the sample to cool.  The sample is now ready to be analyzed.
                              Remove aliquots for analysis under clean conditions.

 12.3    Before the preconcentration system is used for the first time, it should be thoroughly cleaned and
        decontaminated using 0.2 M oxalic acid.

        12.3.1  Precleaning the preconcentration system

             Place approximately 500  mL 0.2  M oxalic acid in  each  of the
                              sample/eluent containers. Flush the entire system by running the program
                              used for sample analysis  three times.

            Rinse the containers with reagent water and repeat the sequence described
                              in Section using 0.75 M nitric acid and again using reagent water
                              in place of the 0.2 M oxalic acid.

             Rinse the containers thoroughly with reagent water, fill them with their
                              designated  reagents, and run through the program used  for  sample
                              analysis to prime the pump and all eluent lines with the correct reagents.

        12.3.2  Peak profile determination

             The peak elution time or the collection window should be determined
                              using an ICP-AES (or Flame AA). Figure 3 is a plot of time vs emission
                              intensity for Cd and Pb.  The collection window is marked in Figure 3
                              and should provide about 30 seconds buffer on either side of the peak.
                              If an ICP-AES is not available, it is recommended that the peak profile
                              be determined by collecting 200-uL samples during the elution part of the
                              preconcentration cycle and then reconstructing the peak profile from the
                              analysis of the 200-uL samples.
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Method 1637
12.4   Sample preconcentration
       12.4.1  Preconcentration using a sample loop
           Loading sample loop—With valve 1 in the off position and valve 2 in the
                            on position, load the sample through the sample loop to waste using the
                            sample pump for 4 min at 4 mL/min.  Switch on the carrier pump and
                            pump 1% nitric acid to flush the sample collection line.

           Column loading—With valve 1 in the on position, load the sample from
                            the loop onto the column using 1 M ammonium acetate for 4.5 min at 4.0
                            mL/min. Switch on the buffer pump, and pump 2 M ammonium acetate
                            at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. The analytes are retained on the column, and
                            most of the matrix is passed through to waste.

           Elution matrix—With valve 1 in the on position, the gradient pump is
                            allowed to elute the matrix using the 1 M ammonium acetate.  At this
                            time, the carrier, buffer, and the sample pumps are all off.

           Elute analytes—Turn off valve 1 and begin  eluting  the analytes by
                            pumping 0.75 M nitric acid through the column and turn off valve 2 and
                            pump the eluted analytes  into the collection flask.  The analytes should
                            be eluted into a 2-mL sample volume.

           Column reconditioning—Turn on valve 2 to direct the column effluent to
                            waste, and pump 0.75 M nitric acid, 1 M ammonium acetate, 0.75 M
                            nitric acid and 1 M ammonium acetate alternately through the column at
                            4.0 mL/min. Each solvent should  be pumped through the column for 2
                            min. During this process, the next sample can be loaded into the sample
                            loop using the sample pump.

           Preconcentration of the sample may be achieved by running through an
                            eluent pump program. The exact timing of this sequence should be
                            modified according to the internal  volume of the connecting tubing and
                            the specific hardware configuration used.

        12.4.2 Preconcentration using an auxiliary pump to determine sample volume

           Sample loading—With valves 1 and 2 on and the sample pump on, load
                            the sample on the column buffeting the sample using the gradient pump
                            and the 2 M buffer. The actual sample volume is determined by knowing
                            the sample pump rate and the time.  While the sample is being loaded,
                            the carrier pump can be used to flush the collection line.

           Elution matrix—With valve 1  in the off position the gradient pump  is
                            allowed to  elute the matrix using the 1 M ammonium acetate. At this
                            time, the carrier, buffer, and the sample pumps are all off.
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                                                                                     Method 1637
             Elution of analytes—With valves 1 and 2 in the off position the gradient
                              pump is switched to 0.75 M HNO3 and the analytes are eluted into the
                              collection vessel.  The analytes should be eluted into a 2-mL sample

             Column reconditioning—Turn on valve 2 to direct the column effluent to
                              waste, and pump 0.75 M nitric acid, 1 M ammonium acetate, 0.75 M
                              nitric acid and 1 M ammonium acetate alternately through the column at
                              4.0 mL/min.
        NOTE: When switching the gradient pump from nitric acid back  to the ammonium
        acetate, it is necessary to flush the line connecting the gradient pump  to valve 2 with the
        ammonium acetate before switching the valve. Otherwise, if the line contains nitric acid,
        it will elute the metals from the cleanup column.
Preconcentration of the sample may be achieved by running through an
eluent pump  program.  The exact timing of this  sequence should be
modified according to the internal volume of the connecting tubing and
the specific hardware configuration used.
12.5    Sample analysis
        12.5.1  Before beginning daily calibration, the instrument should be reconfigured to the optimized
               conditions as determined in Section 10.  Initiate data system and allow a period of not
               less than 15 min for instrument and hollow cathode lamp warm-up. If an EDL is to be
               used, allow 30 min for warm-up. Tune and calibrate the instrument for the analytes of

        12.5.2  An autosampler must be used to introduce all solutions into the graphite furnace.  Once
               the standard, sample or QC solution plus the matrix modifier is injected, the furnace
               controller completes furnace cycles and cleanout period as programmed. Analyte signals
               must be integrated and collected as peak area measurements.  Background absorbances,
               background  corrected analyte signals,  and determined analyte concentrations  on all
               solutions must be able to be displayed on a CRT for immediate review by the analyst and
               be available as hard copy for documentation to be kept on file.  Flush the  autosampler
               solution uptake system with the rinse blank (Section 7.6.3) between each solution injected.

        12.5.3  Repeat the sequence described in Section 12.4.1 or 12.4.2 for each sample to be analyzed.
               At the end of the analytical run, leave the column filled with 1 M ammonium acetate
               buffer until it is next used.

        12.5.4  Determined sample analyte concentrations that are > 90% of the upper limit of calibration
               must either  be diluted with acidified reagent water and reanalyzed with  concern for
               memory  effects  (Section 4.4.3), or determined by another approved test procedure.
               Samples with a background absorbance > 1.0 must be appropriately diluted with acidified
               reagent water and reanalyzed.  If the method of standard additions is required, follow the
               instructions in Section 12.6.
January 1996

Method 1637
12.5.5  During sample analyses, the laboratory must comply with the required quality control
       described in Sections 9 and 10.

Method of standard  additions (MSA)— If  MSA is  required,  the  following  procedure is
       12.6.1  MSA (Reference 21) involves preparing new standards in the sample matrix by adding
               known amounts of standard to one or more aliquots of the processed sample solution.
               This technique compensates for a sample  constituent that enhances  or depresses the
               analyte signal, thus producing a different slope from that of the calibration standards. It
               will not correct for additive interference, which causes a baseline shift.  The simplest
               version of this technique is the single-addition method.   The procedure is as follows:
               Two identical aliquots of the sample solution, each of volume Vx, are taken.  To the first
               (labeled A) is added a small volume Vs of a standard analyte solution of concentration Cs.
               To the second (labeled B) is added the same volume Vs of the  solvent.  The analytical
               signals of A and B are measured and corrected for nonanalyte signals.   The unknown
               sample concentration Cx is calculated:
               where SA and SB are the analytical signals of solutions A and B, respectively. Vs and Cs
               should be chosen so that SA is roughly twice SB on the average. To avoid excess dilution
               of the sample matrix, it is best if Vs is made much less than Vx, and Cs is thus much
               greater than Q. If a separation or concentration step is used, the additions are best made
               first and carried through the entire procedure.  For the results from this technique to be
               valid, the following limitations must be taken into consideration:

               1.     The response vs amount must be linear.

               2.     The chemical form of the analyte added must respond in the same manner as the
                      analyte in the sample.

               3.     The interference effect must be constant: over the working range of concern.

               4.     The signal must be corrected for any additive interference.
 13.0  Data Analysis and Calculations

 13.1   Sample data should be reported in units of pg/L (parts, per billion; ppb). Report results at or
        above the ML for metals found in samples and determined in standards. Report all results for
        metals found in blanks, regardless of level.
                                                                                   January 1996

                                                                                    Method 1637
 13.2   Compute the concentration of each analyte in the sample using the averaged RF determined from
        the calibration data (Section 10.7) according to the following equation:
                          where the terms are defined in Section 10.6.1.
 13.3    For total recoverable aqueous analytes (Sections 12.2.1-12.2.6), if a different aliquot volume other
        than  100 mL is used for sample preparation, adjust the dilution factor accordingly.  Also, account
        for any additional dilution of the prepared sample solution needed to complete the determination
        of analytes exceeding the upper limit  of the calibration curve. Do not report data below the
        determined analyte MDL concentration or below an adjusted detection limit reflecting smaller
        sample aliquots used in processing or additional dilutions required to complete the analysis.

 13.4    For data values less than the ML, two significant figures should be used for reporting element
        concentrations.  For data values greater than or equal to the ML, three significant figures should
        be used.

 13.5    The QC data obtained during the analyses provide an indication of the quality of the sample data
        and should be provided with the sample results.
 14.0  Method Performance

 14.1    The MDLs in Table 1 and the quality control acceptance criteria in Table 2 were validated in two
        or three laboratories (Reference 22) for all dissolved analytes.
15.0  Pollution  Prevention

15.1    Pollution prevention encompasses any technique that reduces or eliminates the quantity or toxicity
        of waste at the point of generation.   Many opportunities  for pollution  prevention exist  hi
        laboratory operation.  EPA has established a preferred hierarchy of environmental management
        techniques that places pollution prevention as the management option of first choice. Whenever
        feasible, laboratory personnel should use pollution prevention techniques to address their waste
        generation.  When wastes cannot be feasibly reduced at the source, the Agency recommends
        recycling- as the next best option. The acids used in this method should be reused as practicable
        by purifying by electrochemical techniques. The only other chemicals used in this method are the
        neat materials used in preparing standards. These standards are used in extremely small amounts
        and pose little threat to the environment when managed properly.  To minimize the volume  of
        expired standards to be disposed of, standards should be prepared in volumes consistent with
        laboratory use.
January 1996

Method 1637
15.2   For information about pollution prevention that may 1?e applied to laboratories and research
       institutions, consult Less is Better:  Laboratory Chemical Management for Waste Reduction,
       available from the American Chemical Society's Department of Government Relations and Science
       Policy, 1155 16th Street NW, Washington DC 20036, 202/872-4477.
16.0  Waste Management

16.1   The Environmental Protection Agency requires that laboratory waste management practices be
       conducted consistent with all applicable rules and regulations.  The Agency urges laboratories to
       protect the air, water, and land by minimizing and controlling all releases from hoods and bench
       operations, complying with the letter and spirit of any sewer discharge permits and regulations,
       and by complying with all solid and hazardous waste regulations, particularly the hazardous waste
       identification rules and land disposal restrictions. For farther information on waste management
       consult The Waste Management Manual for Laboratory Personnel, available from the American
       Chemical Society at the address listed in Section 15.2.
17.0  References

1       Adeloju, S.B.; Bond, A.M. "Influence of Laboratory Environment on the Precision and Accuracy
        of Trace Element Analysis," Anal. Chem. 1985, 57, 1728.

2       Herman, S.S.; Yeats, P.A. "Sampling of Seawater for Trace Metals," CRC Reviews in Analytical
        Chemistry 1985,16, 1.

3       Bloom, N.S. "Ultra-Clean  Sampling,  Storage, and  Analytical  Strategies  for the Accurate
        Determination of Trace Metals in Natural Waters"; Presented at the 16th Annual EPA Conference
        on the Analysis of Pollutants hi the Environment, Norfolk, VA, May 5, 1993.

4       Bruland, K.W. 'Trace Elements in Seawater," Chemical Oceanography 1983, 8, 157.

5       Nriagu, J.O.; Larson, G.; Wong, H.K.T.; Azcue, J.M. "A Protocol for Minimizing Contamination
        in the Analysis of Trace Metals hi Great Lakes Waters," /. Great Lakes Research 1993,19,175.

6       Patterson, C.C.;  Settle, D.M. "Accuracy in Trace Analysis." In National Bureau of Standards
        Special Publication 422; LaFleur, P.D., Ed., U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC,

7       Fitzgerald, W.F.; Watras, C.J. Science of the  Total Environment 1989, 87/88, 223.

8       GUI, G.A.; Fitzgerald, W.F. Deep Sea Res. 1985, 32, 287.

9       Prothro, M.G.  "Office  of  Water  Policy and  Techiaical  Guidance on Interpretation and
        Implementation  of Aquatic  Life Metals  Criteria," EPA  Memorandum to Regional Water
        Management and Environmental Services Division Dkectors, Oct. 1, 1993.
January 1996

                                                                                 Method 1637
10     "Format  for  Method  Documentation," Distributed by the EPA  Environmental Monitoring
       Management Council, Washington, DC, Nov. 18^ 1993.

11     Siraraks, A.; Kingston, H.M.; Riviello, J.M. Anal. Chem. 1990, 62, 1185.

12     Heithmar, E.M.; Hinners, T.A.; Rowan, J.T.; Riviello, J.M. Anal. Chem. 1990, 62, 857.

13     Windom, H.L; Byrd, J.T.; Smith, R.G., Jr.; Huan, F. "Inadequacy of NASQAN Data for Assessing
       Metal Trends in the Nation's Rivers," Environ.  Sci. Technol. 1991, 25, 1137.

14     Zief, M.; Mitchell, J.W.  "Contamination Control in Trace Metals Analysis," Chemical Analysis
       1976, 47, Chapter 6.

15     Carcinogens - Working With Carcinogens, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Public
       Health Service. Centers for Disease Control. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
       Publication No. 77-206, Aug. 1977.  Available from the National Technical Information Service
       (NTIS) as PB-277256.

16     "OSHA Safety and Health Standards, General Industry," 29 CFR 1910, Occupational Safety and
       Health Administration, OSHA 2206 (revised January 1976).

17     "Safety  in Academic  Chemistry Laboratories,"  American Chemical Society Committee  on
       Chemical Safety, 3rd ed., 1979.

18     "Proposed OSHA Safety and Health Standards, Laboratories," Occupational Safety and Health
       Administration, Fed. Regis., July 24, 1986.

19     Handbook  of Analytical  Quality  Control in Water  and Wastewater  Laboratories;  U.S.
       Environmental Protection Agency. Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH,
       March 1979; EPA-600/4-79-019.

20     Moody, J.R.  "NBS Clean  Laboratories for Trace Element Analysis," Anal.  Chem. 1982, 54,

21     Winefordner,  J.D.  'Trace Analysis:  Spectroscopic Methods for Elements," Chemical Analysis,
       46, pp 41-42.

22     "Results of the Validation Study for Determination of Trace Metals at EPA Water Quality Criteria
       Levels," April 1995. Available from the Sample Control Center (operated by DynCorp), 300 N.
       Lee Street, Alexandria, VA 22314, 703/519-1140.

18.0  Glossary

       Many of- the terms and definitions listed below are used in the EPA  1600-series methods, but
       terms have been cross-referenced to terms commonly used in other methods where possible.

18.1   Ambient Water—Waters  in the natural environment (e.g., rivers, lakes, streams, and  other
       receiving waters), as opposed to effluent discharges.
January 1996

Method 1637
Analyte—A metal tested for by the methods referenced in this method. The analytes are listed
in Table 1.

Apparatus—The sample container and other containers, filters, filter holders, labware, tubing,
pipets, and other materials and devices used for sample collection or sample preparation, and that
will contact samples, blanks, or analytical standards.

Calibration Blank—A volume of reagent water acidified with the same acid matrix as in the
calibration standards.  The calibration blank is a zero standard and is used to calibrate the ICP
instrument (Section 7.6.1).

Calibration Standard (CAL)—A solution prepared from a dilute mixed standard and/or stock
solutions and used to calibrate the response of the instrument with respect to analyte concentration.

Dissolved Analyte—The concentration of analyte hi an aqueous sample that will pass through a
0.45-um membrane filter assembly before sample acidification (Section 8.3).

Equipment Blank—An aliquot of reagent water that is subjected in the laboratory to all aspects
of sample collection and analysis, including contact with ;all sampling devices and apparatus. The
purpose of the equipment blank is to determine whether the sampling devices and apparatus for
sample collection have been adequately cleaned before ithey were shipped to the field site. An
acceptable equipment blank must be achieved before the sampling devices and apparatus are used
for sample collection.  In addition, equipment blanks should be run on random, representative sets
of gloves, storage bags, and plastic wrap for each lot to determine whether these materials are free
from contamination before use.

Field Blank—An aliquot of reagent water that is placed in a sample container in the laboratory,
shipped to the field, and treated as a sample hi all respects, including contact with the sampling
devices  and exposure  to  sampling  site conditions, storage, preservation,  and all analytical
procedures,  which may include filtration.  The purpose of the field blank is to determine whether
the field or  sample transporting procedures and environments have contaminated the sample.

Field Duplicates (FD1 and FD2)—Two  separate samples collected hi separate sample bottles at
the same time and place under identical circumstances and treated exactly the same throughout
field and laboratory procedures.   Analyses of FD1 and FD2 give a measure  of the precision
associated with sample collection, preservation, and storage, as well as with laboratory procedures.

Initial Precision and Recovery (BPR)—Four aliquots of the OPR standard analyzed to establish
the ability to generate acceptable precision and accuracy. IPRs are performed before a method
is used for the first time and any time the method or instrumentation is modified.

Instrument Detection Limit (SDL)—The concentration equivalent to the analyte signal which is
equal  to three times  the  standard deviation of a  series of ten replicate measurements of the
calibration blank signal at the selected analytical wavelength.

Laboratory Blank—An aliquot of reagent water that is treated exactly  as a sample including
exposure to all glassware, equipment, solvents, reagents, internal standards, and surrogates that
are used with samples.   The laboratory blank is used to determine whether method analytes or
                                                                             January 1996

                                                                                  Method 1<$3T
       interferences are present in the laboratory environment, the reagents, or the Apparatus (Sections
       7.6.2 and 9.5.1).

18.13  Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)—See Ongoing Precision and Recovery (OPR) Standard.

18.14  Laboratory Duplicates  (LD1 and LD2)—Two  aliquots  of the  same sample taken in the
       laboratory and analyzed separately with identical procedures. Analyses of LD1 and LD2 indicates
       precision associated with laboratory procedures, but not with sample collection, preservation, or
       storage procedures.

18.15  Laboratory Fortified Blank (LFB)—See Ongoing Precision and Recovery (OPR) Standard.

18.16  Laboratory Fortified Sample Matrix  (LFM)—See  Matrix Spike (MS) and Matrix Spike
       Duplicate (MSB).

18.17  Laboratory Reagent Blank (LRB)—See Laboratory Blank.

18.18  Linear Dynamic Range (LDR)—The concentration range over which the instrument response
       to an analyte is linear (Section 9.2.3).

18.19  Matrix Modifier—A substance added to the graphite furnace along with the sample to minimize
       the interference effects by selective volatilization of either analyte or matrix components.

18.20  Matrix Spike (MS) and Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD)—Aliquots of an environmental sample
       to which known quantities of the method analytes are added in the laboratory. The MS and MSD
       are analyzed exactly like a sample. Their purpose is to quantify the bias and precision caused by
       the sample matrix.   The background concentrations of the analytes in the sample matrix must be
       determined in  a separate aliquot and the measured values in the MS  and MSD corrected for
       background concentrations (Section 9.3).

18.21  May—This action, activity, or procedural step is optional.

18.22  May Not—This action, activity, or procedural step is prohibited.

18.23  Method  Blank—See Laboratory Blank.

18.24  Method  Detection Limit (MDL)—The minimum concentration  of an analyte that  can be
       identified, measured, and reported with 99% confidence that the analyte concentration is greater
       than zero (Section 9.2.1 and Table 1).

18.25  Minimum  Level (ML)—The  lowest level at which the  entire  analytical system gives  a
       recognizable signal and acceptable calibration point (Reference 9).

18.26  Must—This action, activity, or procedural step is required.

18.27  Ongoing Precision and Recovery (OPR)  Standard—A laboratory blank spiked with known
       quantities of the method analytes. The OPR is analyzed exactly like a sample. Its purpose is to
       determine whether the methodology is in control and to ensure that the results produced by the
January 1996

Method 1637
       laboratory remain within the method-specified limits for precision and accuracy (Sections 7.8 and

18.28  Preparation Blank—See Laboratory Blank.

18.29  Primary Dilution Standard—A solution containing the analytes that is purchased or prepared
       from stock solutions and diluted as needed to prepare calibration solutions and other solutions.

18.30  Quality Control Sample (QCS)—A sample containing all or a subset of the method analytes at
       known concentrations.  The QCS is  obtained from a source  external to the laboratory or is
       prepared from a source of standards different from the source of calibration standards. It is used
       to check laboratory performance with test materials prepared external to the normal preparation

18.31  Reagent Water—Water  demonstrated to be free from the method  analytes and potentially
       interfering substances at the MDL for that metal in the method.

18.32  Should—This action, activity, or procedural step is suggested but not required.

18.33  Standard Addition—The addition of a known amount of analyte to the sample to determine the
       relative response of the detector to an analyte within the sample matrix.  The relative response is
       then used to assess either an operative matrix effect or the sample analyte concentration (Section

18.34  Stock Standard Solution—A solution containing one or more method analytes that is prepared
       using a reference material traceable to EPA, the National Institute of Science and Technology
        (MIST), or a source that will attest to the purity and authenticity of the reference material.

18.35  Total Recoverable Analyte—The concentration of anatyte determined by analysis of the solution
        extract of an unfiltered aqueous sample following digestion by refluxing with hot dilute mineral
        acid(s) as specified in the method (Section 12.2).
                                                                                    January 1996

                                                                                                       Method 1637
                                                       Table 1

        List of Analytes Amenable to Analysis Using Method 1637:  Lowest Water Quality Criterion
                    for Each Metal Species, Method Detection Limits, and Minimum Levels
Lowest EPA
Water Quality
Criterion fag/L)1
Method Detection Limit
(MDL) and Minimum
Level (ML); [ig/L

Lowest of the freshwater, marine, or human health WQC at 40 CFR Part 131 (57 FR 60848 for human health criteria and 60 FR 22228
for aquatic criteria). Hardness-dependent freshwater aquatic life criteria also calculated to reflect a hardness of 25 mg/L CaCO3, and
all aquatic life criteria adjusted to reflect dissolved levels in accordance with equations provided in 60 FR 22228. Hardness-dependent
dissolved criteria conversion factors for Cd and Pb also calculated at a hardness of 25 mg/L per 60 FR 22228..

Method Detection Limit as determined by 40 CFR Part 136, Appendix B.

Minimum Level (ML) calculated by multiplying laboratory-determined MDL by 3.18 and rounding result to nearest multiple of 1,2,
5, 10, 20, 50, etc. in accordance with procedures used by EAD and described in EPA Draft Notional Guidance for the Permitting,
Monitoring, and Enforcement of Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitations Set Below Analytical DetectionlQuantitation Levels, March
22, 1994.
                                                      Table 2

                       Quality Control Acceptance Criteria for Performance Tests1


Initial Precision and
Recovery (Section 9J2)
s X
23 70-116
27 63-117
(Section 10.8)

Ongoing Precision
Recovery (Section

(Section 9.3)

         All specifications expressed as percent
January 1996

     Method 1637
                                              Table 3

      Recommended Graphite Furnace Operating Conditions and Recommended Matrix Modifier1'3
Temperature fC/
1   Matrix Modifier = 0.015 mg Pd + 0.01 mg Mg(NO3)2.

2   A 5% H2 in Ar gas mix is used during the dry and char steps at 300 mL/min for all elements.

3   A cool-down step between the char and atomization is recommended.

4   Actual char and atomization temperatures may vary from instrument to instrument and are best determined on
   an individual basis. The 'actual drying temperature may vary depending on the temperature of the water used
   to cool the furnace.
January 1996

                                                                    Method 1637
   Figure   1   Sample   Loop • Conf T ojurat. r on

Samp 1 e Loop
Load I ng
Co 1 umn
Load I ng
El ut 1 on or
Ma-tr i x
Elutlon Of
Ana 1 ytes
Co 1 umn
Recondl 1. 1 on



Carr I er

Samp I e


P I ug


< I ng T<=
             .Gradient  Pump
January 1996

Method 1637
 Figure   2   System   Diagram   Without   Sample   Loop
Samp I e
Load T ng
E 1 ut T on of
El union O-f
Ana lytes
Co 1 umn
Recondl-t f on
1 ves
Car-r T er~
Samp 1 e


Samp 1 e
                                                          Mix!ng Tee
January 1996

                                                           Method 1637
 Figure 3         Peak Collection Window from  ICP-AES
            3.5 -
            2.5 -
        P 5
        C tn
        (D g
       H-1 jE
        c t
                    Start of Collection
                                                End of  Col lection
            1.5 -
            0.5 -
January 1996

