United States
              Environmental Protection
              Agency   ,	
               Office of Water
               Mail Code 4303
               Washington, DC 20460
December 1994 .
Preliminary Data Summary
for the
                         " \~
Metal Finishing Industry


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                       '• ' • '            I

                 of the                 i

     Engineering and Analysis Division     j
             Office of Water             ;
United States Environmental Protection Agency;
            401 M Street, SW            :|
         Washington, DC 20460
              October 1994


        .                            PREFACE

             This Preliminary Data Summary was prepared by the
Division of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This
of EPA under the Consent Decree in NRDC v EPA. No. 89-2980 (D.
Engineering and Analysis
sti dy fulfills an obligation


                              ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                         ""•_•

Preparation of this Preliminary Data Summary was  directed by Baldwin M. Jarrett, Project
Officer, of the Engineering and Analysis Division.

Additional copies of this document may be obtained by writing to the following address:

             Engineering and Analysis Division (4303)
             U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
 ,            401 M Street, S.W.                                ;
             Washington, D.C. 20460                            !           ,

             Telephone (202) 260-0171


                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS


FOREWORD .  	 ......		..........	  1-1

SUMMARY  . . . . .  . . . . ...;.'..	..j. ..... . .;. ... .  2-1

HISTORY OF THE REGULATIONS  ....;.. . .•. .  . .  . . . .      3-1
      Statute and Consent Decrees	 3-1
      Regulatory Overview	 ,	'••-.. • •	• 3-2
      3.2.1  Electroplating and Metal Finishing Point Source
      3.2.2  Metal  Products and  Machinery Point Source
      Data and Information Gathering
      3.3.1  Electroplating and Metal Finishing Point Source
                                                  ....  3-2

                                                  ....  3-6
                                                  ....  3-8

                                                  .'....  3-9
3.3.2  Metal Products and Machinery Categoiy  . . .......:  3-1.1
4.1    Wastewater Characterization	
4.2    Control and Treatment Technology ......
4.3    Economics . .		
4.4  .  Effluent Limitations in the Effluent Guidelines
      Standards for 40 CFR Part  413 Electroplating
      CFR Part 433 Metal Finishing	..:...
      4.4 1  Electroplating Point Source Category .
      4.4.2  Metal Finishing Point Source Category
5.1    Applicability and Use	
      5.1.1  Electroplating/Metal Finishing Industry
      5.1.2  Metal Products and Machinery
5.2    Overlap of Metal Finishing and Metal Products and
                                          ASSESSMENT OF
                                          ____ ..... . . 4-1
                                          ____ : . ____ : 4-1
                                          . ____ . . : .'. : 4-2
                                                                and 40

                                                       • 5-1


                                     LIST OF TABLES
Table 3-1

Table 3-2

Table 3-3

Table 3-4

Table 4-1

Table 4-2

Table 4-3

Table 4-4

Table 4-5
Point Source Categories Listed  in  Appendix B  of the 1976  Settlement

Agreement	 . . ..............  3-14

industrial Categories Derived from the Machinery  and Mechanical Products

Manufacturing Category	 ....  .  3-15

Metal Finishing Category Unit Operations . . .	:.........«.  3-16

MP&M Unit Operations  .............. . . .... . ............  3-1?

Metal Finishing Waste Characteristic Distribution .................  4-10

Changes hi Minimum Detection Limits for Selected Analytes ........  4-11

Metal Finishing: BAT Visited Plants  . .	. ....... .  .  4-12

Pretreatment Standards for Existing Sources (PSES) Electroplating

Category 40 CFR 413	;.................  4-14
   s                   .                                          .

Effluent Guidelines and Standards for the Metal Finishing Category

40 CFR 433	'...'.	......	 .... ... . ..  4-15

1,0           FOREWORD                                       I

            ,  The Engineering  and Analysis  Division  (BAD) of the  U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) has conducted a preliminary study to determine the applicability, usage,
and utility of the metal finishing regulation.   Unlike other studies aind  reviews of existing
guidelines  and standards,  a review  of metal finishing must  consider  the impact of the
promulgation  of  a new regulation for metal  products  and  machinery  which will  control
wastewater discharges from the  same and similar processes as presently  controlled by  metal
finishing and electroplating guidelines and standards. This study summarizes the preliminary data
collection for the  MP&M rulemaking.  This study identifies the interface, potential interference,
and  applicability .overlaps  and  gaps  between the Metal  Finishing" (40  CFR Part  433),
Electroplating (40 CFR Part 413), and future Metal Products and Machinery (MP&M) guidelines.
              EAD reviewed existing data and information from a variety of sources, including
development documents, data summaries, and documents in the rulemaking records for related
categories. EPA also conducted a survey of pretreatment coordinators oil the utility of the metal
finishing effluent guidelines and standards.

              This study offers options to accommodate the MP&M rule considering the inherent
overlap between this rule and existing metal finishing rules and how tiie existing rules can be
improved to make them more practicable by permit, authorities.        j

             The Engineering and Analysis Division (BAD)  of the  U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) conducted a preliminary study/of the metal finishing industry in
response to section 304 (m) of the Water Quality Act of 1987 and an obligation of EPA under
the Consent Decree in NRDC v EPA. No 89-2980 (D.C. Cir).

             The study includes a summary of the regulatory authority, history, and background
of two existing regulations, Electroplating (40 CFR Part 413) and Metal Finishing (40 CFR Part
433), and a new to be proposed regulation for Metal Products and Machinery (MP&M). All three
of these regulations limit the discharge of process wastewater pollutants from the same or similar
metal finishing unit operations or processes.  The study identifies the applicability  of each
regulation and the overlap of 40 GFR Part 433 with the MP&M rule.

             The study summarizes the practicability of the existing rules based on comments
by  permitting authorities and suggestions  by these authorities as to how the rule could be
improved.  Suggested  options are offered to accommodate the MP&M rule.

             The study should provide sufficient information for the Agency to decide if an in
depth study and review of Metal Finishing (40 CFR Part 433) and Electroplating (4.0 CFR Part
413) is warranted.                                           '

                                              '    •      -'       >.•'"!'

              This section presents  a summary of regulatory authority  and the history and
 background of the Metal Finishing, Electroplating, and Metal Products arid Machinery categories.

              ,3.1    Statute and Consent Decrees
• .  -       '          -            •                  "-,*'{

              The Federal Water Pollution Control  Act Amendments; of 1972  established a
 comprehensive program to "restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity
 of the Nation's waters" (Section 101(a)). Under this statute, existing industrial dischargers are
 required to achieve compliance with "effluent limitations requiring the application of the best
 practicable control  technology  currently available (BPT)" (Section!30}(b)(l)(A)).   These
 dischargers were also required to later achieve "effluent limitations requiring the application of
 the best available technology economically,achievable (BAT)...which-will-result in reasonable
 further progress toward the national goal of eliminating the discharge of-all pollutants" (Section
 301(b)(2)(A)).  New  industrial direct dischargers are required  to  comply with new  source
 performance standards (NSPS), based on best available demonstrated technology, and new and
 existing dischargers to publicly-owned treatment works  (POTWs) are j subject to pretreatment
 standards under Sections 307(b) and (c) of the Act. The requirements for direct dischargers are
 incorporated into National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits issued under
 Section  402 of the Act, and pretreatment standards are  made  enforceable directly against
 dischargers to POTWs (indirect dischargers),
                                                               ,"   ii . •       *         ' '
              Although Section 402(a)( 1) of the 1972 Act authorized the setting of requirements
 for direct dischargers on a case-by-case basis, Congress intended that  control requirements be
 based on regulations promulgated by the EPA Administrator that consider the degree of effluent
 reduction attainable through the application of BPT and BAT.  Sections 304(c) and 306 of the
 Act required promulgation of regulations for NSPS, and Sections 304(f)5 307(b), and  307(c)
 required promulgation of regulations for pretreatment standards. In addition to these regulations
 for designated industry categories, Section  307  (a) of the Act required the Administrator to
 develop a list of toxic pollutants and promulgate  effluent standards applicable to all dischargers
 of toxic pollutants.  When the effluent regulations were not promulgated by the dates contained
 in the 1972 Act, the Natural Resources Defense Council and several other environmental groups
 sued the Agency. In settlement of this lawsuit, a consent decree was issued by the Court (June,
 1976) which required the development of a program  to adhere for promulgating effluent
 regulations for 21 point source categories for 65 "priority"  pollutants and classes of pollutants
 (Natural Resources Defense Council. Inc.. el al v. Train. 8 ERC 2120 (D.D.C. 1976), modified
 March 9, 1979).  The 1977 amendments to sections 301 and 307 of the CJlean Water Act cpdified
 many of these provisions of the consent decree.  The 21 point source1 categories listed in the
 consent decree (Table 3-1) included two which are relevant to this mejtal finishing study:  the
 Machinery and Mechanical Products Manufacturing Category (the M«feMP category), and the
 Electroplating Category.                                                             ;

             When the Settlement Agreement was modified in 1979 by including a specific
promulgation date schedule, ten industrial categories Were separated from M&MP. A detailed
analysis was conducted to separate the M&MP category into individual categories.  (Table 3-2)
During the period 1977 to 1984 effluent guidelines and standards were promulgated for these ten
industrial  categories from M&MP, and, as discussed below, regulations were promulgated for
electroplating/metal finishing.

             Section 304(m); added by the Water  Quality Act of  1987, established a new
process for planning the development of limitations guidelines and standards under the Act.
Section 304(m) directs EPA to publish biennial plans for the review and revision of promulgated
effluent guidelines and standards.  On May 7, 1992 (57 FR 19748) the Metal Finishing industry
was identified as an industry  for which additional information should be collected under the
Section 304 (m) directive (see 55 FR 97).

             3.2   Regulatory Overview

             This section presents a regulatory overview of the Electroplating, Metal Finishing,
and Metal Products and Machinery  point source categories.  It includes a description of the
historical  background of the categories, a summary of the rulemakings, Settlement Agreements,
and Consent Decrees that affected the development of these categories.
  .                      '                 \                           '

                    3.2.1  Electroplating and Metal Finishing Point Source Categories

             This section presents an overview of the electroplating/metal finishing industry,
a general description of the structure of the electroplating arid metal finishing regulations, a brief
summary  of the rulemakings, Settlement Agreements, and  Consent Decrees that affected the
development of these categories,  and a discussion  of the applicability of each category.  Data
collection efforts that led to the development of electroplating and metal finishing standards are
summarized in  Section 3.3.1.                                           ,;.'.-

             During the  regulatory development  process,  approximately 13,500 plants were
estimated to be in the electroplating/metal finishing industry.  Many  of these plants discharge
wastewater from several metal finishing operations other than, and in addition to, electroplating.
The electroplating standards (40 CFR Part 413) are concentration-based  standards, but hiclude
equivalent production-based alternative standards for facilities that choose to limit wastewater
discharges. The metal finishing standards (40 CFR Part 433) are concentration based standards,
and do not include production-based alternative standards. The electroplating standards (Part 413)
apply to facilities that perform one or more of the  following six electroplating unit or core
operations:                      ,   '
electroplating, electroless plating, anodizing, coating etching and chemical milling, and printed
circuit board manufacturing, plus related operations (cleaning operations, anodizing, coloring, acid
pickling, stripping, and sealing) when performed at a facility performing one or more of the core
operations if each related operation is followed by a rinse.  The metal finishing guidelines and
standards apply to facilities that perform.one or  more of the six core electroplating operations
(Part 433) and to any of 40 additional metal finishing operations (Table 3-3) which discharge

                                  -".   •     3-2    ''        ;   .    •.••.;.•',.'

 wastewater, i.e. guidelines and standards are applicable to the 40 operations only if the facility
 performs one or more core operations.                              1

              The electroplating point source category standards limits .thjb concentrations or mass
 of certain pollutants which interfere with, pass through, or are otherwise incompatible with the
 operation of publicly owned treatment works (POTWs). The electroplatiiig regulations (40 CFR
 Part 413) apply only to pretreatment standards for existing job shops (facilities which own less
 than 50% of the material being finished) and to independent circuit board manufacturers (facilities
 which manufacture printed circuit boards principally for sale to other companies). These existing
 job shops and circuit board manufacturers are specifically excluded from rketal finishing standards
 (40 CFR Part 433).                                                i
         '                  '        •         '.      •      " '  ' •    ' • I'  •          •    ;
              On March 28,1974, (39 FR 11510) EPA promulgated a final rule adding Part 413
 to Chapter 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations. That regulation, (the "Phase I electroplating
 regulation")  established effluent limitations guidelines  for  the electroplating subpart of the
 electroplating point source category.  On April 25, 1975, the Agency  amended Part 413 by
 revising and  expanding the coverage of Subpart A Electroplating arid by adding  five new
 subcategories (phase II electroplating regulation), thereby forming the core operations for the
 electroplating category.

              The National Association of Metal Finishers (NAMF) and; others filed petitions in
 The Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.for review of the first electroplating subcategory (Part
 413, Subpart A) on June 24, 1974.  After review of the petitioners' objections and the technical
 record, EPA,  on December 3, 1976, suspended implementation of and revoked some provisions
 of the first subpart.   EPA based this decision on  the results of analyses indicating that the
 regulation would impose too stringent a standard on small electroplating firms.  Similar suits filed
 by members of the industry on July 23, 1975 with respect to the five newjsubcategories  were also
 stayed by stipulation."                                              '
                                                                  >|-          .
                                                                  ii               -
              On July 12, 1977, EPA promulgated interim final electroplating regulations that
 established pretreatment standards for existing sources (PSES) that discharge to POTWs (42 FR
 35834).   These standards applied to discharges of cyanide  and hexavalent  chromium,  and
 controlled effluent pH.  OnFebruary 14,1978, EPA published a proposedpretreatment regulation
 for these pollutant parameters.and  for cadmium,  copper,,lead, nickel, silver, and zinc (43 FR
 6560).  The controls for these additional metals applied only to facilities discharging more than
 10,000 gallons of wastewater per day.               .               il   ,

              In response to industry petitions for reconsideration of the; interim final  standards
 for cyanide and chromium, EPA indefinitely suspended all interim final electroplating  standards
 on May  14,1979 (44 FR 27993).  The Agency cited the need to fully review the industry petition
 as the primary reason for suspension of these standards.  In this saiine notice, the Agency
 announced its intention to promulgate final regulations for Part 413  before February 1980.
                                             -            '       - - 'L *   "*  "         •]
'             Concurrent with the activities discussed above,  EPA was involved hi litigation with
 the NRDC and several other environmental groups over the promulgatioin of effluent guidelines

for electroplating and other point source categories. The petitioners contended that EPA did not
promulgate effluent guidelines and standards required by the dates contained hi the 1972 Clean
Water Act as discussed hi Section 3.1.  As a result of this lawsuit, EPA entered into a court-
approved Settlement Agreement that required the development of a schedule for promulgating
effluent regulations and standards for 21 point source categories, including electroplating. These
categories are listed hi Table 3-1.

             On September 7, 1979 EPA promulgated a final rule establishing PSES for the
electroplating category Part 413 (44 FR 52590).  This final rule was subsequently corrected by
notices dated October  1, 1979, March 25, 1980, and August 19,1980.  In addition, amendments
to the final rule were proposed on July 3, 1980. After promulgation, petitions to review the final
rule  were filed by NAMF and others.,  On March 7, 1980, EPA entered into a Settlement
Agreement with the petitioners in an effort to resolve the issues without further litigation.  The
Agreement provided that EPA would publish proposed amendments arising out of the settlement.
It further provided that if the final amendments did not differ significantly from those proposed,
the petitioners would dismiss their petitions for review.

             On January 28, 1981, EPA published amendments to Part 413 regulations. Most
of these amendments arose from the  NAMF Settlement Agreement.   The major changes
incorporated by the 1981 amendments to Part 413 Electroplating included:
             1)     Revision of the daily maximum limitation for total cyanide from 0.8 to 1.9
             2)     Revision of 30-day average limits to 4-day average limits
             3)   .  Adoption of the concept of integrated and non-integrated facilities
             4)     Extension of compliance dates                                     ,
             5)     Recognition  of the development of additional pretreatment standards to be
                    called "Metal Finishing"  which would regulate processes currently falling
                    under electroplating  as well as many other metal finishing processes.
                    However, EPA stated that  hi light  of the potentially severe economic
                    impact of these anticipated regulations on the job shop and the independent
                    printed circuit board  manufacturers, the Agency would not impose more
                    stringent pretreatment standards for that segment of the industry for several
                          Facilities were further subdivided, based on discharge status, as
                          •      Integrated facility:   A facility that, prior  to treatment,
                                 combines electroplating waste streams with waste streams
                                 not covered by the electroplating category; and
                          •      Non-integrated facility:     A facility that has significant
                                 wastewater discharges only from operations addressed by
                                 the electroplating category.

             In theory", job shops can be integrated; in actuality,  however, approximately 97%
of all job shops are non-integrated shops.                       -

              As a result of the Settlement Agreement, the applicability of the metal finishing
 standards was defined as follows:  with the exception of existing j obi shop electroplaters and
 independent printed circuit board manufacturers, all facilities that perform at least one of the six
 electroplating core operations would be required to comply with the Part  433 metal finishing
 standards.   Existing (as of August 31, 1982) job shop electroplaters and  independent printed
 circuit board manufacturers remained  in Part 413 the electroplating category.  Most Part 413
 electroplaters were shifted to the metal finishing category.  Facilities that did not perform one of
 the six basic electroplating unit operations were not regulated by  the | electroplating or metal
 finishing standards. Compliance dates for the Part 413 standards were based  on the promulgation
 date of the final metal finishing regulations and on the  discharge staitus  (integrated or non-
 hitegrated) of the particular facility.
 :   •        ,        '. '     -.:.••;''    '      -.       •    :   ..}'.••'      '.        ;
              In Part 413, the final electroplating standards require plants discharging more than
 10,000 gallons per day of regulated wastewater to meet more stringent standards than plants with
 smaller flows. This reduced the projected economic impact of the standards  and relaxed controls
 on less than 3% of the flow to POTWs.  the final Part 413 electroplating regulations limit
 discharges of cadmium, chromium, copper, cyanide, lead, nickel, silver, and zinc to POTWs.
 Control of copper, nickel,  silver, and zinc was less stringent for smaller plants because of the
 lower toxicity of these metals. Cadmium, lead, and cyanide were controlled equally for all flows.
              After resolution of the applicability of the metal finishing .Land electroplating
standards by the Settlement Agreement, EPA proceeded with development of the metal finishing
regulation for direct and indirect dischargers.  On July 15, 1983 EPA promulgated a final rule
adding Part 433, the Metal Finishing Effluent Guidelines and Standards, to  Chapter 40 of the
Code of Federal Regulations (48 FR 32462). The metal finishing effluent limitations guidelines
and standards control the concentration of cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, silver, zinc, cyanide,
total suspended solids (TSS), and oil and grease that may be discharged jto waters of the United
States or to POTWs.  Operations similar to electroplating/metal finishing processes which are
excluded from the Metal Finishing regulation and the Electroplating regulation are those facilities
which perform metallic platemaking and gravure, cylinder preparation within or for printing and
publishing facilities.                                            '.;!'•'
                                             -                '      !l~       ' "'
              Also, another categorical effluent guideline or standard miay also be effective and
applicable to wastewater discharges from metal finishing operations.  In these situations, the more
specific limitations apply to those metal finishing wastestreams which appear to be covered by
both standards. The following regulations take precedence over the Metal Finishing regulation:
                    Nonferrous Smelting and Refining (40i CFR Part 421)
              -      Coil Coating (40 CFR Part 465)
              -      Porcelain Enameling  (40 CFR Part 466)
              -      Battery Manufacturing (40 CFR Part 461)
              .--  .    > Iron and Steel Manufacturing (40 CFR Part 420)
              -      Metal Casting Foundries (40 CFR Part 464)
                    Aluminum Forming (40 CFR Part 467)
                    Copper Forming (40  CFR Part 468)

                    Plastic Molding and Forming (4,0 CFR Part 463)
                    Electrical and Electronic Components (40 GFR Part 469)
                    Nonferrous Penning (40 CFR Part 471)
             For example, if a plant performs a phosphate coating operation (a metal finishing
core process) in preparation for painting and also performs cleaning, pickling, immersion coating,
and chemical coating as part of a porcelain enameling process, .then, the Metal Finishing standards
apply to the discharge from the cleaning and phosphate coating operation, while the Porcelain
Enameling standards apply to the discharge from application of the porcelain enamel and also the
prepatory operations of cleaning, pickling, immersion plating, and chemical coating operations.
Normally, the metal preparation operations (cleaning, pickling, immersion plating, and chemical
coating) would be subject to the Metal Finishing regulation.  However, because the Porcelain
Enameling regulation specifically include  those operations performed hi preparation for the
porcelain enameling operation, the Porcelain Enameling regulation takes precedence for those

                    3.2.2  Metal; Products and Machinery Point Source Category

             This section presents an overview and historical background of the Metal Products
and Machinery (MP&M) Point Source Category. The MP&M category, broadly defined, covers
facilities that perform wastewater .generating processes on metal machinery and metal parts,
including manufacture, assembly, rebuilding, repair, and maintenance. Regulatory development
for the MP&M category is an ongoing effort.

             The MP&M category resulted from a 1976 Settlement Agreement with the NRDC
discussed hi Section 3.1, and the 1986 report to Congress on the discharge of hazardous wastes
to POTWs.  Analysis of these sources revealed a significant gap hi national effluent regulatory
coverage in the metals industries area.

             The 1976  Settlement Agreement required the development  of a  schedule for
promulgating effluent guidelines and standards for 21 point source categories. These categories
are listed in Table 3-1. Two categories are relevant: the Electroplating Point Source Category
as discussed in Section 312 and the Machinery and Mechanical Products (M&MP)  Point Source

             In  1979, when the Settlement Agreement was  modified  to  include a specific
promulgation, schedule, M&MP was divided into ten industrial categories based on ^process
operations, water  use and economic indicator data, and Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
codes. These ten categories are listed in Table 3-2. Between 1979 and 1984, these ten categories
were analyzed and regulations were promulgated as appropriate.                 .

             A 1986 analysis of the regulatory coverage of these ten categories concluded that
more than 89,000 facilities performing process operations on metal products were no$ fully
regulated by existing guidelines and standards. The 1986 analysis showed that three regulations
were promulgated for metal manufacturing (iron and steel, nonferrous metals manufacturing, and
ferroalloy metals manufacturing); that five regulations were promulgated for metal forming (iron

                                          3-6           •.  ,          '       •••:'•

and steel, metal molding and casting, aluminum forming, copper forming, and nonferrous metals
forming categories); and that although four regulations had been promulgated for the component
finishing of mill products (coil coating, porcelain enameling, battery manufacturing, and electrical
and. electronic component manufacturing), the coverage was incompletei. This left a large area
of the metals industry unregulated.                                             .

             .Another 1986 analysis, The Report to  Congress on the Discharge of Hazardous
Wastes to Publicly Owned Treatment Works (EPA 530-SW-86-004), referred to as the Domestic
Sewage Study or DSS, concluded that a significant number of facilities 'discharging to POTWs
discharge pollutants that threaten the treatment capability of POTWs.  The DSS also concluded
that the discharge of these pollutants was not regulated by  national effluent guidelines and
standards.  Some of the major areas identified by this analysis were in equipment manufacturing
and assembly areas of the metals industry. •                          ;
                           •  "      '         •              '     • •  i
             Based on a review of the regulatory coveragefor  metals industries and the findings
of the DSS, the Agency performed a preliminary data survey of the  unregulated areas of the
metals industries.  The result of this analysis was the recommendation for a new point source
category, Machinery Manufacturing and Rebuilding (MM&R). The category was listed as a study
area to be reviewed for regulation under the directive of Section  304(m)  of the  1987 Amendments
to the Clean Water Act.

             The Preliminary Data Summary for the  Machinery Manufacturing and Rebuilding
Effluent Guidelines Category (MM&R PDS) was completed in September 1989.  The MM&R
PDS presented: results of a review of existing information to define the category and to identify
the population of the. category; arid results of a preliminary data collection effort to quantify the
significance of the environmental problems caused by MM&R.        I    •"'.'••''

             The MM&R PDS concluded that the MM&R category should include any facility
that performs one or more  of 45  defined major  unit operations  oik "machinery"  that is
manufactured, rebuilt, or maintained.  "Machinery" was broadly defined, to  include any metal
product or part of a metal product. These unit operations are listed in Table  3-4.  The MM&R
PDS estimated that 970,000 facilities are involved in  MM&R activities iknd may potentially be
unregulated by national effluent limitations or standards.  An estimated 692,000 of these facilities
(71%) are small businesses with fewer than ten employees. Based on preliminary sampling data,
the MM&R PDS estimated that MM&R facilities discharge approximately 186 million pounds
of pollutants per  year. Although some of the indirect dischargers were regulated under local
effluent standards and some were regulated in whole  or in part by existing effluent limitations
for  industrial categories (e.g. metal finishing or electroplating), these categories were not defined
to cover arid did not cover all MM&R facilities.  As example,  the electroplating and metal
finishing regulations  do not apply Jo  facilities that do  hot perform! one of the  six  core
electroplating unit operations. Section 3.2.1 provides further information on the applicability of
the  metal finishing and electroplating categories.                      ',
                                                                  )•   , -  •
                  ...                        "                     ^i
             The MM&R PDS recognized that MM&R facilities are highly diversified in terms
of number of employees, type of product, water use,  water discharge, operating practices, and

    '•.''.    '    '                 .   3-7        .'.'•-•'!'.'

 other parameters. For this reason, the regulatory approach recommended in the MM&R PDS was
 based on a common factor in all MM&R facilities: the MM&R unit operations.  The preliminary
 assumption used for the development of the regulatory approach to MM&R was that every
 facility generates the same types of pollutants from a particular unit operation, and that the
 pollutants are generated in varying quantities based on me amount of product produced.  The
 MM&R PDS therefore recommended collection of sufficient technical information to develop a
 conventional mass-based effluent regulation.  The MM&R PDS also recommended consideration
 be given to an alternative regulatory approach of best management practices (BMPs) for facilities
 with limited financial and personnel resources. .Data and information collection efforts for the
 MM&R project are further discussed in Section 3.3.2.

              In 1990,  EPA announced its intention to promulgate effluent guidelines for the
 MM&R category by 1995 (EPA Effluent Guidelines Plan, Federal Register. Volume 55, No. 1,
 January 2, 1990).  Because the potential regulated community was extremely large and diverse,
 the Agency elected to promulgate effluent guidelines for MM&R hi two phases.  MM&R Phase
 I includes seven of the 15 industrial sectors covered by MM&R: Aircraft, Aerospace, Electronic
 Equipment, Hardware,  Ordnance,  Mobile  Industrial Equipment,  and  Stationary Industrial
 Equipment. The Agency deferred promulgation of effluent guidelines for MM&R Phase II until
 1999. MM&R Phase II includes  the eight industrial sectors not covered by Phase I: Bus and
 Truck, Household Equipment, Instruments, Motor Vehicles, Office Machines, Railroad, Ships and
 Boats, and Precious and  Nonprecious Metals.  The decision to develop Affluent guidelines for the
 seven Phase I sectors was based on amounts  and types of wastewater discharges, the  likely
 economic impact of regulations, and the extent to which facilities in each of the two phases is
 currently regulated. An estimate of Phase I facilities represents only about 20% of all MM&R
 facilities, however they generate an estimated 52% of the total estimated discharges of toxic and
 nonconventional pollutants from the category.            .   .

              In the Agency's next effluent guidelines plan (EPA Effluent Guidelines Plan,
 Federal Register. Volume 57, No. 89, May 7, 1992)  the schedule for, the promulgation of final
 effluent guidelines for the MM&R category Phase I was revised to May 1996. In addition, the
 title of the MM&R category was changed to Metal Products and Machinery (MP&M). This name
 change did not affect the coverage of the category, but was intended to clarify the coverage.

             Regulatory development  of effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the
 MP&M category is ongoing, and the results of further data collection efforts for the category are
 summarized in Section 3.3.3.

             3.3    Data and Information Gathering

             This  section summarizes data collection efforts for the electroplating, metal
finishing, and MP&M categories.  The section includes descriptions of the literature studies,
federal and state contacts, industry  contacts, and trade association contacts that constitute the data
collection effort  for the  electroplating, metal  finishing, and MP&M rulemakings.  This section
also includes a brief summary of information made available hi the administrative record for the

                                       - - •                       • ' 'i
electroplating and  metal  finishing  categories when  these  guidelines  and standards were
promulgated.                       ,                               ;

                    3.3.1  Electroplating and Metal Finishing Point Source Categories

              Literature Review
                                                                  jl~ ^           ' -
              EPA reviewed published information relevant to electroplating and metal finishmg
manufacturing processes, water use, waste treatment, and pollutant characteristics.  This literature
review included more than 200 sources of published information in periodicals, books, reports,
papers, and promotional materials.  Detailed bibliographies of the literature sources used can be
found in the Development Document  for  Existing Source Pretreatment Standards for  the
Electroplating Point Source Category and in the Development Document for Effluent Guidelines
and Standards for the Metal Finishing Point Source Category.    .  •   :'

              Federal and State Agency Contacts                  !
                                                                 ' ij      '

            " EPA contacted  all EPA regional offices and more than 10 state  and territorial
environmental agencies to obtain permits and monitoring data on plants performing electroplating
and metal finishing unit operations.                              -

              Plating Materials Suppliers and Manufacturers      i

              EPA visited or contacted at least 40 plating materials manufacturers and suppliers
to collect information on the chemistry of plating baths and the pollutiorial aspects of chemicals
used in the electroplating and metal finishing industry,
            •' -                  '                                  i
              Trade Association Contacts                          ;               *

              EPA attended  pollution  abatement meetings  and  seminars  of several trade
associations.  EPA also attended the American Electroplaters' Society Intensive Training Course
hi Electroplating and Surface Finishing and a seminar on advanced wastewater treatment. EPA
jointly sponsored EPA/American Electfoplaters' Society Conferences on Advanced Pollution
Control for the Metal Finishing Industry. In addition, EPA met with several trade associations,
including The Institute of Printed  Circuits, The National Association c|f Metal Finishers^ The
Continuous Coil Anodizing Association, The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, and
The National Association of Manufacturers, to discuss  the objectives  and content  of  the
electroplating standards and the metal finishing guidelines and standards.
              Plant Surveys and  Evaluations                   ,

              EPA used  a number of sources to identify prospective companies to  establish
databases for the metal finishing and electroplating categories. Among these sources were prior
environmental studies performed on this industry, state and local agencies, and trade associations.
EPA collected data from electroplating and metal finishing plants througti written questionnaires,
.         •                  "      '                        •  '  .     'i! .   ' •      ,

                    :         '    .  '•   •'•   3-9  ,          '       '.:!•.    -'   '           -..

 telephone surveys, engineering plant visits, and wastewater sampling episodes.  Telephone surveys
 were generally  used to select facilities for written questionnaires,  plant visits, or wastewater
 sampling episodes.

              Under authority of Section 308 of the Clean Water Act, EPA sent several different
 questionnaires, or data collection portfolios (dcps), to facilities that perform electroplating/metal
 finishing unit operations.  In addition, data from the 1975 Printed Circuit Board and Electroless
 Plating Study, the 1975  Electroplating Advanced Treatment Study, the 1976 Electroplating
 Pretreatment  Study,  and  the 1976 .Surface Treatment and Coating Study  contributed to the
 databases for the metal finishing and electroplating standards. Selected data from studies of the
 copper  and  copper alloy manufacturing  category, the  aluminum  and  aluminum  alloy
 manufacturing category, and the iron and steel manufacturing category were used to determine
 the  characteristics  of oily wastewater and to evaluate  the performance of oily wastewater
 treatment technologies.

              Beginning  hi 1974, EPA collected data from a total  of 215 electroplating (Part
 413) facilities by sending three  separate dcps.  These dcps are identified in the electroplating
 record by the name of the three EPA contractors: Batelle, Yost/Safranek, and Hamilton Standard.
 These dcps contain information about general plant characteristics,  unit operations performed,
 waste disposal methods, and wastewater treatment methods.

              To collect data for the metal finishing guidelines and standards (Part 433), EPA
 sent three dcps to various  industries within the metal finishing category. The  first of these dcps,
 sent in 1978, obtained data from 339 of the 1,422 plants.  The data included information on raw
 materials consumed, specific operations used, composition of effluent streams, and wastewater
 treatment processes..  The second dcp, sent in 1978-1979, obtained data from 365 of the 900
 plants originally contacted hi the mechanical  and electrical products  industries.  This data
 included general plant characteristics, unit operations performed (including specific information
 on "plating type" operations), wastewater treatment, and waste transport.  The third dcp, the best
 available technology (BAT)/electroplating dcp, sent in 1978, obtained data from l,190,.of 1,883
 companies believed to be  engaged in electroplating operations.  This dcp collected information
 on general plant characteristics (both technical and economic information), production history,
manufacturing processes, wastewater treatment, and wastewater treatment costs. During the metal
 finishing rulemaking, a total of 269 facilities were visited.

              Plant Sampling                                                     .

              EPA collected wastewater samples at more than 200 electroplating/metal finishing
facilities to  characterize pollutant  loads from process wastewater and to evaluate wastewater
treatment effectiveness. The criteria used to select plants for sampling episodes included:

              •       A large percentage of the plant's effluent discharge should result from
                     relevant manufacturing operations;                    '.

              •      The  physical  layout  of the plant should  facilitate sampling  of the
                     wastewater;        .
  '        ".'<.•-.            •           . -       •            J             .
              •      The plant must have wastewater treatment and control technology in place;
                     and                       .                   ;i             :  .

              •      The mix of plants sampled should be representative of the discharge status
                     and geographic distribution of plants hi the industry.

              Self Monitoring Data                                ;

              EPA requested and received long-term self-monitoring data from more than 50
plants.  The data were used to evaluate treatment effectiveness and effluent variability for metal
finishingand electroplating facilities.                                jj ,

              Administrative Record              ,               • :\

              As part of the regulatory development process, EPA maintained administrative
records for the electroplating-and metal finishing rulemakings.   The electroplating  and metal
finishing  administrative records  include  general information regarding  the  history  and
development of the  electroplating pretreatment standards and metal finishing guidelines and
standards, the technical and economic information collected, documents supporting the technical
analyses of plant  data, -documents supporting the  economic and  environmental  analyses of
regulatory  action,  and data sources for the electroplating and  metal  'finishing  development
                    3.3.2  Metal Products and Machinery Category
              This section presents  a summary of the data collection" efforts  for the Metal
Products and Machinery (MP&M) Point Source Category.  As described in section 3.2.2, this
category was formerly called the Machinery Manufacturing and Rebuilding (MM&R) Category.
This section includes a summary of the data collected through the: preliminary  data summary
(PDS), the mini-data collection portfolio (mdcp), the data collection portfolio (dcp), engineering
plant visits, and wastewater sampling episodes for this category. Data collection for the MP&M
category is an ongoing effort.  Proposed effluent guidelines and standards for Phase I of the
MP&M category are scheduled for November 1994.

              Preliminary Data Summary                         j

              The preliminary data summary for the MP&M category included  the review of
existing data relevant to the MM&R  category arid the collection of new data.

              EPA began data collection for the PDS by reviewing existing databases for the
metals industries areas.  This review included data for metal manufacturing categories (the"iron
and steel, nonferrous metals manufacturing, and ferroalloy categories), metal forming categories

       *   •'•'.'.          •  .' •'   3-11-   '             •    r     '•'.  - •• -  .  '  '

 (the metal molding and casting,  aluminum forming, copper forming, and nonferrous forming
 categories),  and  component finishing  categories (the. coil coating,  porcelain  enameling,
• electroplating, metal finishing, and electrical and electronic components categories). Review of
 the data was used to estimate analytical, flow, and production data for MP&M unit operations
 and to provide process descriptions. In addition, EPA reviewed the domestic sewage study (DSS)
 tb estimate pollutant loading and project size.                          ,

              EPA collected new data for the PDS from engineering plant visits, wastewater
 sampling episodes, telephone surveys, data collection portfolios (dcps), trade association contacts,
 and informal contacts with industry and control authorities.   To collect process and water use
 information, EPA performed engineering site visits at 21 facilities. To obtain analytical, flow,
 and production data, EPA collected wastewater samples at 7 industrial facilities.  To estimate the
 size of the potential regulated community  and the geographic distribution  of facilities, EPA
 contacted 9 trade associations, conducted voluntary telephone surveys, reviewed Bureau of Census
 publications, and consulted various industrial directories.

              Data Collection Portfolios

              EPA sent two written questionnaires,  or data collection  portfolios (dcps), to
 MP&M  facilities.  The first of these, the  mini data collection portfolio (mdcp), was sent in
 August,  1990 to 8,342 facilities believed  to  be engaged in MP&M operations.  EPA used
 information purchased from  Dun & Bradstreet to  identify facilities to receive the mdcp.  The
 facilities chosen to receive the mdcp were statistically selected to provide a representative sample,
 of the category.  The mdcp  was a short (2 page) questionnaire that collected information on(
 business sectors, plant size, unit operations performed, water use and discharge, and metal types
 processed. In response to the mdcp, EPA received technical  information from 3,597  sites that
 are engaged in MP&M operations.

              The second questionnaire, the data collection portfolio (dcp),  was sent to 1,020
 sites hi January 1991.  Sites  were selected  to receive the dcp based on one of four conditions:
 10 randomly, selected from  a list of sites  reporting no. discharge of process wastewater; 2)
 specifically selected from no discharge sites because of certain unit operations or wastewater
 treatment; 3) randomly selected from known wastewater dischargers with historical data on their
 wastewater discharges or (4) a site did not receive an mdcp, but was known, based'on, a telephone
 survey, to be a large water-using MP&M facility.  The dcp was an in-depth questionnaire that
 collected detailed technical.and economic information on business sectors, plant size, process
 water use and discharge, metal types processed, wastewater flow, plant production,  discharge
 status, waste minimization techniques, pollutant generation, wastewater control and treatment, and
 air pollution control.  In response to the dcp, EPA received technical information from 792
 MP&M  sites.

              Plant Visits and Sampling

              As part of the regulatory development process for MP&M, EPA has performed
 engineering plant visits at 89 sites. The engineering plant visits were performed to collect further


technical information from MP&M sites and to select sites for wastewater sampling. , EPA
sampled 24 MP&M facilities.  EPA will use analytical data from these sites to characterize
pollutant  loads  from  MP&.M process wastewater  and  to  evaluate  wastewater  treatment
effectiveness.  The criteria used to select plants for sampling episodes includes:
         J                    -                      ,              i'         r
              •      A large percentage of .the plant's effluent dischjirge should result from
                    relevant manufacturing operations;  .
                                      . •     -     '    '       ...    i- .,   .."..'''
              •      The physical  layout  of the plant  should  facilitate sampling  of the
                    wastewater;         .                                       '.-•'-"•

              •      The plant must have pollution prevention and/or vyastewater treatment and
                    control technology in place; and

              •      The mix: of plants sampled should be representative; of the discharge status
                    and geographic distribution of plants in the industry.

              Self Monitoring and Treatment Cost Data
          .  "    •'     •       -     '               •    -   . '        i..'..',
              EPAhas requested long-term self-monitoring and wastewater treatment cost data
from/several MP&M plants.  This data will be  used to evaluate treatment cost, treatment
effectiveness and effluent variability for MP&M facilities.  .  .  . .     '

                                     Table 3-1     :               ^
                                        i     '       •'          -    .    ' .
                     Point Source Categories Listed in Appendix B
                          of the 1976 Settlement Agreement

  1.      Timber Products Processing
  2.      Steam Electric Power Plants
  3.      Leather Tanning and Finishing          '
  4.      Iron and Steel Manufacturing
  5.      Petroleum Refining                 .  ,   ,
  6.      Inorganic Chemicals Manufacturing                      ;     '   •  '
  7.      Textile Mills
  8.      Organic Chemicals Manufacturing
  9.      Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing
  10.     Paying and Roofing Materials  (Tars and Asphalt)
  11.     Paint and Ink Formulation and Printing                .
  12.     Soap and Detergent Manufacturing
  13.     Auto and Other Laundries
  14.     Plastic and Synthetic Materials Manufacturing
  15.     Pulp and Paperboard Mills; and.Converted Paper Products
  16.     Rubber Processing
  17. „    Miscellaneous Chemicals
  19.     ELECTROPLATING*                    •  •
 20.     Ore Mining and Dressing
 21.     Coal Mining

'Relevant to Metal Finishing Study

                               Table 3-2                 ,
                   Industrial Categories Derived from the
        Machinery and Mechanical Products Manufacturing Category
 1.        Aluminum Forming
 2.        Battery Manufacturing
 3.        Coil Coating
 4.        Copper Forming
 5.        Foundries (Metal Molding and Casting)
 6.        Photographic Supplies
 7.        Plastics Processing
8.  ,      Porcelain Enameling
9. .       Mechanical Products
10.        Electrical and Electronic Components

                                       Table 3-3
                        Metal Finishing Category Unit Operations
Unit   Operations
Unit   Operations
 1.     Electroplating*                    29.
2.     Electroless Plating*                30.
3.     Anodizing*                       31.
4.     Conversion Coating*   .           32.
5.     Etching (Chemical Milling)*       33.
6.     Printed Circuit Board Mnftng*      34.
7.     Cleaning                          35.
8.     Machining                        36.
9.     Grinding        '                  37.
 10.    Polishing                         38.
 11.    Barrel Finishing (Tumbling)        39.
 12.    Burnishing                        40.
 13.    Impact Deformation               41.
 14.    Pressure Deformation         %    42.
 15.    Shearing        '                  43.
16.    HeatTreathig                     44.
17.    Thermal Cutting                  45.
18.    Welding                          46.
19.    Brazing
20.    Soldering
21.    Flame Spraying
22.    Sand Blasting
23.    Other Abrasive Jet Machining
24,    Electric Discharge Machining
25.    Electrochemical Machining
26. *  Electron Beam Machining
27.    Laser Beam Machining
28.    Plasma Arc Machining
       Ultrasonic Machining
       Hot Dip Coaling
       Vapor Plating
       Thermal Infusion
       Salt Bath Descaling
       Solvent Degreasing
       Paint Stripping
       Electrostatic Painting
       Vacuum Metalizing
       Mechanical Plating
      *Unit operations 1 through 6 are core operations.  If a facility does not perform at least
      one of these six operations, it is not subject to the Metal Fishing regulation.

                                                 Table 3r4
                                        MP&M Unit Operations
 1.      Abrasive Blasting
        a.       Bead
        b.       Grit
        c.       Sand                                ,    "
        d.       Shot
 2.      Abrasive Jet Machining
        (Vapor Blasting)
 3.      Acid Treatment       •
        a.       Acid .Cleaning
        b.       Chemical Etching and
                 Bright Dipping                      '
        c.       Pickling
 4.      Adhesive Bonding   •    •                        '   28.
 5.      Alkaline Treatment and                            29.
        Alkaline Cleaning)
 6.      Anodizing
 7.      Assembly                                 •  .      -
 8.      Barrel Finishing (Tumbling)                       30.
 9.      Brazing                                      •   ,  .
 10.     Burnishing
 11.     Calibration
 12.     'Chemical Conversion Coating
        a.       Chromate Conversion Coating   -
        b.       Phosphate Conversion Coating              31.
        c. .      Complex Oxide-Conversion  Coating          32.
        d.       Coloring                                 33.
        e.       Passivating                    '
 13.     Chemical Machining (Chemical Milling)
 14.     Corrosion  Preventive  Coating (Other  than
      ,  conversion coating                        •
 15.     Disassembly                       '     '
 16.     Electrical Discharge Monitoring
 17.,    Electrochemical Cleaning                     ,
 18.     Electrolytic Cleaning                        -
 19.     'Electron Beam Machining                           34.
 20.     Electropolishing  .  .'      •
 21.     Grinding                                      •
22.     Heating Treating
        a.       Tempering      ,         . "   .
        b.       Carburizing                               35.
        c. :      Cyaniding        ,. -  .                    36.
        d.       Nitriding                                37.
        e.       Annealing                                38.
        f.       Aging                                     39.
        g.       Normalizing
        h.      . Austenitizing
        i.       Austempering   .    ',  .                    40.
        j.       Si I iconizing
        k.  .    .Martempering
        I.       Malleablizing                             41.
23.     Hot Dip Coating                                   42.
24.  .   Impact Deformation          '       ,     .         43.
        a.       Peening          .                        44.
        b.       Shot Peening                             45.
        c.       Forging
        d.       Coining
        ei       High Energy  Forming
        f.       Heading
        g.       Stamping
25.     Laminating
26.  ,   Laser Beam Machining
27.     Machining
        a.       Turning
        b.       Milling
        c.       Drilling
        d.       Boring                           .
        e.    -   Tapping
Cutoff i
- Reaming
Spraying ;
a.       Electropainting  (Electrophoretic
         Electrostatic Painting
         Electroless Plating
         Immersion Plating
         Mechanical Plating
         Vapor Plating
Plasma Arc Machining
Polishing       :|
Pressure Deformation
         Crimping    ,
         Countenpurrent  Cascade
         Stagnant  Dip
         Recirculating Dip
         Spray  ,;
Salt Bath Descaling
Soldering       i     .     ' .
Solvent Degreasihg (Solvent Cleaning)
Sputtering      i    .
Stripping       «
a.  •     Paint Strip
b.       Plating[Strip
Testing         I     .      .
a.       Dye Penetrant Testing
b.       Hydraulic Testing
Thermal Cutting ;
Thermal Infusion1
Ultrasonic Machining
Vacuum Metalizing
Welding         j
a.       Gas Welding
b.       Resistance Welding
c.       Arc Welding
d.       Cold  Welding
e.       Electron  Beam Welding
f.       Laser Beam Welding



       INTRODUCTION                                        i

       This section presents a summary of the wastewater characterization, control and treatment
technology,  and economic  assessment for the electroplating/metal finishing regulations.   A
summary of the limitations  hi the effluent guidelines and standards are also presented.

       4.1    Wastewater  Characterization                       i

       The Development Documents and administrative records were reviewed to examine the
technical basis for decisions on wastewater characterization in the electroplating/metal finishing
industry. Wastewater characterization information was reviewed to determine if all wastewater
streams generated at integrated metal finishing plants were characterized; for the Metal Finishing
regulation.     '                              ..'.'•               }.'
             .       .      ••-      •         .           •    .    .'  _  ,f .  •    ..  ...._•

       Pollutant Parameter Questionnaire and Wastewater Characterization Distribution.
                        .               •              "'"•(•-
       Information on the presence of priority pollutants in metal  finishing wastewaters was
compiled from the "priority pollutant questionnaire" section of the Electroplating Study dcps
discussed in Section 3-3, and from literature studies. Literature studies virere used to supplement
the data because little.or no information on the 40 "non-electroplating" metal finishing unit
operations  (operations 7 to 46 in Table 3-3 and Table 4-1)  was included in the Electroplating
Study. The data from the pollutant parameter questionnaire section of the dcps and the literature
study were  used to  compile  the final  Waste Characteristic Distribution table in the Metal
Finishing Development Document Table 4-1. The table lists all 46 metal iinishing unit operations
and correlates them to specific wastewater streams. The waste characterization distribution table
may reflect incomplete organic pollutant characterization in  wastewater j from several of the 40
non-electroplating operations.  For example, machining is shown not to contribute toxic organics
to. the wastewater stream, however recent MP&M. sampling data shows the presence of toxic
organic pollutants hi machining wastewaters. The Metal Finishing Development Document lists
the niinimum detection limits  that were used hi the sampling phase of ithe rulemaking.  These
detection limits were published hi "US EPA Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory.
Methods for Chemical Analysis  of Water and Wastes",  and  "US EPA Guidelines Establishing
Test Procedures  for  the Analysis of Pollutants, Proposed Regulations;"  (1979).  During the
wastewater characterization  phase of the rulemaking, pollutant parameters measured below the
minimum detectable limit were hot considered for regulation.
                  •        •    •       '         •       .           !l  '         " '
       EPA Method 1620, which was promulgated after the  Metal Finishing regulation (1987)
and is currently being used for MP&M, achieves lower detection limits Ithan those used for the
Metal Finishing regulation.  Table 4-2 summarizes some of the changes in detection limits hi
EPA approved sampling methods since the promulgation of Metal Finishing. Therefore, were
the electroplating/metal finishing rulemakings to commence today, these lowered, detection limits
could have an impact on the pollutant parameters chosen for regulation;
                          *          -    -     •      •             |i

                  :       '                4-1          .  •'•:.'  ; -i   .  :'     ...."'  •

       4.2     Control and Treatment Technology

    ,   Data from the electroplating/metal finishing administrative records and development
documents were reviewed to identify specific data used to analyze treatment effectiveness and
select treatment options.  These data were reviewed to determine if all wastewater streams
generated at integrated metal finishing plants were included in the identification of control, and
treatment technologies.       ,

       For the Metal Finishing regulation, site sampling data and long-term self monitoring data
were used to determine treatment effectiveness and variability factors. As an example for the.
current review of the Metal Finishing regulation, an analysis of control and treatment technology
data for the Metal Finishing BAT  -  precipitation/sedimentation common metals  and total
suspended solids (TSS)  was performed.

       Visited Plant Data for BAT (Common Metals and TSS).  Sampling analytical data from
36 plants were used to calculate mean treatment influent and effluent concentrations for common
metals and TSS. Table 4-3 presents a summary of the sites used to obtain BAT performance data
for common metals.

       The sites as listed in Table 4-3 represent a cross section of job shop and integrated plants.
However, the sampling data reveal that 80 to 90% of the samples were collected from wastewater
streams from the six core electroplating operations only.  The wastewater streams listed consisted
mostly of wastewater from electroplating with some minor exceptions, i.e. little or no data were
used to calculate treatment effectiveness for  integrated plants and the non-electroplating
wastewaters.                                                           •_-.',

       Long-Term Self Monitoring Data for BAT (Common Metals and TSS).  Effluent data
were used from 32 plants to determine  effluent variability  for common metals.   The sites
represent a cross section of job shops, and integrated plants.                               "

      4.3    Economics

      A preliminary review of the data used in the EPA report "Economic Impact Analysis of
Effluent Standards and Limitations for the Metal Finishing Industry" (6/83) was performed to
determine what specific data were used from the electroplating/metal finishing database to assess
the economic impact of the regulation on the job shop and captive (not a job shop), sectors.

      Job Shop Plant Costing.  Cost data from 244 of the 1,190 dcps from the Electroplating
Study were used as a financial and economic database and for costing the regulatory impact on
the job shop sector. The  following information was available from the dcps: flow rate, plant
layout, materials finished, hours of operation, finishing processes, amperage, thickness of plate,
equipment in place, tooling, -piping, and laboratory costs.

      Captive Plant  Costing.  The economic database used to  cost the regulatory impact on
the job shop  sector contained substantial process wastewater flow and economic data for job


shops, but little or no information on the captive sector. To cost the captive sector, EPA selected
a sample of 100 indirect discharging captive plants and 100 direct discharging captive plants from
the visited plant database (these plants were called "model" plants in the iilA). Limitations in the
available data from visited captive plants prevented the creation of a functional relationship on
a plant-by-plant basis between visited plant wastewater flow and estimated-'cost impact of the
regulation.  This data limitation was resolved by grouping the model plants according to
wastewater flow. These wastewater flow groupings were then matched according-to water usage
with the discharging job shop plants in the Electroplating Study dcp ecoinornic database. Costs
for direct and indirect discharging captive plants are described below. !

      Direct Discharging Captives. For direct discharging captive plants, the 100 model plants
were grouped according to wastewater flow and linked to the job shop economic database.  This
economic database consisted of 231 direct discharging plant dcps from the Electroplating Study.
The  wastewater flow from the 100 direct discharging model plants was focused on the six core
electroplating operations.                                          j
                                                 '.       -         i:
      Indirect Discharging Captives. Of the 100 indirect discharging model plants, 26 model
plants had wastewater flow from one  or more of the 40 additional;  metal finishing (non-
electroplating) operations in addition  to electroplating wastewater flow.  For these plants, a
baseline cost was determined by grouping sites by wastewater flow rates and Correlating this with
the economic database from the Electroplating Study. The cost of the integrated wastewater flow
was  determined by wastewater flow grouping and linking the estimated post with the economic
dcp database.  <
             •   ."         '            '  ' •    '   •         :;  .     -!!v   '.     "  '
      4.4    Effluent Limitations in the Effluent Guidelines and Standards  for 40  CFR
             Part 413 Electroplating and 40 CFR Part 433 Metal Finishing
             4.4.1  Electroplating Point Source Category

      This  section presents a .summary of the  pretreatment standard!!
(PSES) in the Electroplating Point Source Category as discussed in the

 for existing facilities
preceding sections.
   material and related
   in  conjunction with
 This regulation covers
Electroplating operations in which metal is electroplated on any
metal finishing operations, whether the operations are conducted
electroplating, independently, or as part of some other operation.
only job shop electroplaters and independent printed circuit board manufacturers
as of August 31, 1982.  Operations excepted from coverage inchide

       •     Electrowinning and electrbrefining Conducted as a part of nonferrous metal
             smelting and refining (40 CFR Part 421).

                    Metal surface preparation and conversion coating conducted as part of coil
                    coating (40 CFR Part 465).
                    Metal  surface preparation  and immersion plating or electroless plating
                    conducted as a part of porcelain enameling (40 CFR Part 466).
                    Electrodeposition of active electrode materials, electroimpregnation, and
                    electroforming conducted as a part of battery manufacturing (40 CFR Part
                    Metallic platemaking and gravure cylinder reparation conducted within or
                    for printing and publishing facilities, arid continuous strip electroplating
                    conducted within iron and  steel manufacturing facilities which introduce
                    pollutants into a POTW.            ..'...-
              Electroplating of Common Metals (Cu, Ni, Cr, Zn, Sn, Pb, Cd, Fe, Al or any
              Electroplating of Precious Metals (Ag, Au, Ir, Pd, Pt, Rh, Ru);
              Coatings (chromating, phosphatihg, immersion plating);
              Chemical Etching and Milling;
              Electroless Plating; and
              Printed Circuit Boards.                                          „

       •      Concentration-based limitations.
       •      Optional mass-based limitations for those plants that discharge greater than 3 8,000
             liters per day of electroplating wastewater and which recover process materials
             and employ water conservation techniques.  This limit can  be used in place of
             concentration- based regulations upon prior agreement with POTW.


      Electroplating  of  Common  Metals  and  Electroplating  of Precious Metals
                    Solvent Degreasing;
                   •Alkaline Cleaning;
                    Electrolytic Cleaning;
                    Acid Cleaning;
                    Salt Bath Descaling;
                    Electroplating;        .
                    Chromate Conversion Coating;
                    Phosphate  Conversion Coating; and

 Electroless Plating
               Alkaline Cleaning;
               Acid Etching;
               Vapor Blasting (plastic surface preparation);
               Solvent Degreasing; and
               Electroless Plating.
               Solvent Degreasing;
               Alkaline Cleaning;  .
               Alkaline Etching;
               Acid Treatment; and
              Alkaline Cleaning;
              Acid Cleaning;
              Solvent Degreasing;
              Salt Bath Descaling;
              Chromate Conversion Coating;
              Phosphate Conversion Coating;
              Coloring; and
              Immersion Plating.
Chemical Milling and Etching
              Solvent Degreasing;
              Alkaline Cleaning;
              Electrolytic Cleaning;
              Salt Bath Descaling;
              Acid Dipping;
              Chemical Milling;
              Chemical Etching;  and
              Bright Dipping.
Printed Circuit Boards

             •      Acid Cleaning;                            ;
             •      Alkaline Cleaning;                        ' .
             «      Electroless Plating;                              .
             •      Electroplating; and
             •      Acid Etching.


      •      On-site sampling; and               ,   .
      •      Site-provided information and sampling data.


      Pretreatment of Complexed Metal Wastes

             •      Chemical Precipitation; and
             •      Sedimentation.

      Pretreatment of Hexavalent Chromium Wastes

             Chemical Chromium Reduction.

      Pretreatment of Cyanide Wastes                         ,    .

             Cyanide Oxidation.
                                       i         /          •;           .   •   . .
      Pretreatment of Oily Wastes                                    ,

             •      Segregation;
             •      Gravity Separation;
             •      Skimming;  and
             •      Emulsion Breaking.

      Treatment of Combined Wastestreams

             •      Chemical Precipitation;  ,
             *      Flocculation/Coagulation;                                ,
             *      Clarification; and
             •      Sludge Dewatering.

      Presented in Table 4-4 are effluent limitations in the standards (PSES) for Electroplating
40 CFR Part 312.

             4.4.2       Metal Finishing Point Source Category


      This section presents a summary of the effluent guidelines and: standards for the Metal
Finishing Point Source Category as discussed in the preceding sections.


      All plants which perform any of the  following six metal finis ling operations on any
                    Electroless Plating;
                    Coating (chromating, phosphating, coloring);
                    Chemical Etching and Milling; or
                    Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing..
      are regulated by:
    Coating; 3) Porcelain
  Steel; 6) Metal Casting
     ; 9) Plastic Molding
E ectrical and Electronic
 Those plants whose effluent limitations and standards
 1) Nonferrous Metal Smelting and Refining; 2)
 Enameling; 4) Battery Manufacturing; 5) Iron and
 Foundries; 7) Aluminum Forming; 8) Copper Forming
 and Forming; 10) Nonferrous Forming; or 11)
 Those plants  who  conduct metallic platemaking
 preparation conducted within or for publishing
 Existing indirect discharging job shops and  independent
 board  manufacturers  which  are   covered  by
 (Electroplating). The term "job shop" is defined a
"more than 50% (annual  area basis) of the materials undergoing metal

      None.           '

                         •           -     -      ' /          ' " .. '
      Concentration-based limitations.    ,

      •  .    40 operations as listed in Table 3-3


      Samples were collected at approximately 100 electroplating/metal finishers sites
                                                                  and gravure cylinder
                                                                  printing facilities; or
                                                                        printed circuit
                                                                  40  CFR  Part  413
                                                                  a site which owns not


      •   •  Raw and effluent concentration data from EPA sampling visits; and
      •     Long-term self monitoring effluent data submitted by plants in electroplating/metal
            finishing industry.

      Treatment of Complexed Metal Wastes

            •     Chemical Precipitation; and
            •  '  Sedimentation.
                     t, ,        '    . - .    '         '           " -      • . .
      Treatment of Hexavalent Chromium Wastes

           ' Chemical Chromium Reduction.

      •Treatment of Cyanide Wastes                    ,

            Cyanide Oxidation.                        "

      Treatment of Oily Wastes

            •     Segregation;
            •     Gravity Separation;
            •     Skimming; and
            •     Emulsion Breaking.

      Treatment of All Wastes

            •     Chemical Precipitation;
            •     Flocculation/Coagulation;
            •     Clarification; and
            •     Sludge Dewatering.                        '


      Identical to BPT.


      •     Identical to BPT; and

      •     Evaporative Recovery, Ion Exchange, and Recovery Rinsing as used for ^process
            cadmium control.                                !.
                               -.'         "         '  "   "  }
                             - -•         •       '            |i         '    • , •
      Identical to BPT.                                       ;
               /•          .         ,                        ;i
      Identical to NSPS except oil, grease, and TSS are not regulated parameters.
       • •   '        -    •          -     .       ,         •)•"."-•
  ' '       •   •       -    -    • •   .             -              V              •
      Also, presented in Table 4-5 are  effluent limitations in the  effluent guidelines and
standards for Metal  Finishing 40 CFR Part 433.                   ]

                                       Table 4-1
               Metal Finishing Waste Characteristic Distribution
rfaste Characteristics*/
Unit Operations
1. Electroplating
2. Electroless Plating
3. Anodizing
4. Conversion Coating
5. Etching (Chem.Milling).
S. Cleaning
7. Machining
3. Grinding
9. Polishing
10. Tumbling
11. Burnishing
12. Impact Deformation
13. Pressure Deformation
14. Shearing
15. Heat Treating
16. Thermal Cutting
17. Welding
18. Brazing
19. Soldering
20. Flame Spraying
21. Sand Blasting
22. Other Abr.Jet
23. Elec. Discharge Mach.
24. Electrochemical Mach.
25. Electron Beam Mach.
26. Laser Beam Mach.
27. Plasma Arc Mach.
28. Ultrasonic Machining
29. Sintering
30. Laminating
31. Hot Dip Coating
32. Sputtering
33. Vapor Plating
34. Thermal Infusion
35. Salt Bath Descaling
36. Solvent Degreasing
37. Paint Stripping
38. Painting
39. Electrostatic Painting
40. Electroplating
41. Vacuum Metalizing
42. Assembly
43. Calibration
44. Testing
45. Mechanical Plating
46. Printed Circuit Board
Inorganics Organics
Common Precious Complexed Chromium Toxic; Zero
Metals Metals Metals (Hexavalent) Cyanide Oils Organics Discharge
X X X X .
xx xx
x • ' • .x • : , • • . . ;' ' •
X - X XX. '
X X X '.X • . X' ' ' OC_ X
x • • • x ••-...
x • • • ., x -.•'...
XX , X X
x • • , x
x • x
X . XX
x .' • . •'-,••'
x -...,.-• .."'.'''
X , " .
x '-".-. • . - .
x " . _ , '
x ' - • . . x •"',.-...-
> " • '•
x- • ..'..-' - ; ; x
X X . ' .'. X X
. . x
. '' • ' • ' ' x
•' . ' • • ' x
" • • - • " x

x -
X X .
• • ' x
• • .' ' •' x

X . ', • • . : X X
x • , . • ,. : • • x • • . , , ;
'X ' , X , X
x x x,

X " ' X X X

." . • X ". .
x • ' ; . • ,'•,•• •'•
X ' X X -

*   The  raw  wastes for  the Metal Finishing category  were  initially subdivided into  two
constituent types,  inorganic and organic and further subdivided into Seven waste types.   The
major constituents  of common metals waste streams include cadmium, chromium, copper,  cyanide,
lead, nickel, zinc, and tin.  The  major constituents of  precious metals waste stream include
gold, silver, palladium, and rhodiun.  Complex metals of copper, nickel, tin, and zinc are often
formed from completing  agents, typically cyanide or ammonia during electroless and immersion
plating  and  cleaning  operations  with heavily  chelated  agents.   Segregation  and  separate
treatment for the seven types are part of the'basis for  limitations.

          • .'.        '   • TABLE 4-2    '  .    '}.''-.

1. Beryllium
2. Cadmium
3. Chromium
4. Copper
5. Lead
6. Nickel
7. Silver
8. Zinc
9. Iron
Detection Limit Used
for Metal Finishing
' 0.02
EPA Method 1620
0.0003 ]
0.004 I
0.007 ;
v . '
0.015 j
0.007 i
0.002 i
% Decrease in
Detection Limit
\ 63%

             TABLE 4-3
Performance Data
_(Common Metals and TSS)























, Treatment
Streams from


Printed Circuit
Printed Circuit
Manufacturer "•'
Printed Circuit
Printed Circuit
Raw Wastewater
Sample Included
Impact •
Deformation and
Raw Wastewater
'Sample Included
Grinding and
Raw Uastewater
Sample Included
Only. (50% of
Wastewater - .
Remaining 50%
Uastewater -
Which was not

Job Shop
               4-12 .

             TABLE 4-3 .  ,
. 20078

% of data from



































1 ,
i .
/ 1 '
/ '.'..'
'• / •• 'i
' /-''I:-
/ f
• /• :: j
/ .;•
/ ', -•
' j
• / i
1 / ! .
A ,i "
/ It
' / . ' '
1 i
' • ( '
' "'
•i '
- \-'
/ i: .
/ J
/ '. i!
/ :i
/ [
Raw Wastewater
Sample Included

Job Shop

Job Shop

Raw Wastewater
Sample Included
Only. (Not

Raw Wastewater
Sample Included
Shearing, Heat
Treatment, .and

Job Shop
Job Shop
Job Shop
J • • - . s ,
• )

                                   TABLE 4-4
                         ELECTROPLATING CATEGORY
                                40 CFR Part 413
Facilities Discharging <38.000 liters (10.000 gallons) per day

Cadmium (T)
Lead (T)
Cyanide, A
Total Toxic Organics (TTO)1
Daily Maximum

Facilities Discharging >3 8.000 liters (10.000 gallons) per day
Cadmium (T)
Chromium (T)
Copper (T)
Lead (T)
Nickel (T)
Zinc (T)
Silver (T)2
Total Metals3
Cyanide, T
Total Toxic Organics (TTO)1
Daily Maximum

     Cyanide, A = Cyanide, amenable to chlorination
     Cyanide (T) = Cyanide, Total
     (T)      = Total
4 Day Average

.     0.4    ,
4 Day Average

     'No regulation of the maximum 4-day average for TTO.       :

     2The silver pretreatment standard applies only to precious metals plating.

     3To.tal metals is defined as the sum of the concentration of copper, nickel, total chromium,
     and zinc.

                                        TABLE'4-5                 i
                                     40 CFR Part 433        '  .     '•
Cadmium (T)
Chromium (T)
Nickel (T)
Silver (T)
Cyanide, total
Total Toxic Organics
Alternative to total cyanide:
Cyanide, amenable to chlorination
Maximum (mg/T)
Maximum Monthly
.  Averatte fnig/D
      Oii65  •
Cadmium (T)
Chromium (T)
Copper (T)
Lead (T)
Nickel (T)
Silver (T)
Cyanide, total
Total Toxic Organics
Oil and Grease
TSS    ;             ,
Alternative to total cyanide:
Cyanide, amenable to chlorination.
Maximum Monthly
  Average (mg/1)

      I.'|t8  >: "
       • '!-.'
                                '   ••  ,-    0.86                 0.32
     Note:   No maximum monthly average TTO concentration regulated.     ;j
             (T) = total                                      \      '
             Oil and grease and TSS are regulated under NSPS not under PSNS.4




       This section presents  a summary of the  applicability and the  practical  use  of the
 regulations by permitting authorities and of the overlap between the Electroplating Point Source
 Category Pretreatment Standards, the Metal Finishing Effluent Guidelines and Standards, and
 what may be proposed in the future effluent guidelines and standards for the Metal Products and
 Machinery Point Source Category.                                 !

       5.1    Applicability and Use
                 .. ^   .                     ,               .    >  • , p_.     .
              5.1.1   Electroplating/Metal Finishing Industry

       The electroplating/metal finishing industry is regulated by two rules, Electroplating (40
 CFR Part 413) and Metal Finishing (40 CFR Part 433).  Section 3 of this study summarizes the
 authority under which these rules were promulgated, the history of the development of the rules,
 the data collection efforts supporting the rules, and definitions and general applicability of each
 rule.  Section 4 of this study summarizes the wastewater characteristics  of the- industry, control
 and treatment technology, economic assessment of the rules, and the effluent limitations in the
 guidelines and standards.                            -             I                    j

       Electroplating (Part 413) regulates only indirect discharges from six electroplating or core
 operations and related operations followed by a rinse when performed  at a,job shop or
 independent circuit board manufacturer.  Metal Finishing (Part 433) regulates direct and indirect
 discharges from the remaining electroplating/metal finishing industry with effluent guidelines and
 standards for discharges from facilities performing any of the core operations.  When a facility
 performs any of the core operations, any discharge from 40 additional limit operations are also
 subject to Part 433.  Both Part 413 and Part 433 use  concentration based effluent limitations.

       Guidance for applicability of Part 433 hi the devebpment document and preamble to the
regulation states,  "industries covered by the Metal Finishing Category are generally included in
 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Major  Groups 34 through  39,!.."  However, it  is also
noted that some  industries listed-in these Major Groups are  not  included in or exclusively
regulated by the  Metal Finishing guidelines and standards.  An example as Major Group 36
Electrical and Electronic Machinery Equipment  and-Supplies which  is subject  to both the
Electrical and Electronic Component Category and the Metal Finishing Category guidelines and
standards.  The Electrical  and Electronic Components  Category covers  processes unique to
electronics, and the Metal Finishing Category covers the remaining processes used to manufacture
the products in Major Group 36.                                   !

       As discussed hi Section 3.2.1, 40 CFR Part 433.10 (b) states that eleven other categorical
effluent guidelines and standards with more specific limitations take precedence over the Metal
Finishing regulation.  Regardless of the exemptions,  exclusions, and precedence for the metal
                  i                  •                             .'i
                                                                - h    •         -•
                                          5-1               •',;!.'•

 finishing limitations, at promulgation of the Metal Finishing regulation, EPA estimated that there
 were approximately 13,500 manufacturing facilities in the United States which would be covered
 by the Metal Finishing Category. This estimate was based on EPA mailings and industry journal
 lists  of facilities and plants engaged  in the manufacturing of a variety  of products that are
 constructed primarily by using metals and perform one of the core unit operations. Also, Permits
 Division in the Office of Wastewater Enforcement and Compliance (OWEC) presently estimates
 that about 30,000 Significant Industrial Users (SIU) are subject to pretreatment standards.  A SIU
 is generally an industrial user subject to Categorical Pretreatment Standards or any other industrial
 user that discharges an average of 25,000 gallons per day or more of process wastewater. OWEC
 also estimates that about 12,000 SIU determinations were made based on the facility being subject
 to Categorical Pretreatment Standards.
                                                  \ •                     . '      .   '
       The use and practicality of the electroplating/metal .finishing regulations has been estimated
 from a number of sources, including data and information collected for the Metal Products and
 Machinery Point Source Category which is summarized in more detail in the following section.
 The initial estimate of 13,500 facilities.of which an estimated 85% are indirect dischargers has
 stood through this current review of metal finishing.  No hard data or national database exists,
 e.g. number of actual permits issued by permitting authorities which incorporate guidelines and
•standards for effluent limitations, because in general, no notation is made on individual permits
 as to how or what guidelines and standards were used for the effluent limitations. Extrinsic data
 and information has come from inquiries from permitting authorities which indicates that for
.pretreatment standards,  the Metal Finishing standards may  be the most used and incorporated
 standards, hi whole or in part, of any  of the existing standards.

       The reasons for this assertion include the definition for applicability of Metal Finishing
 being related to unit operations performed at a facility and not to SIC  codes or  other more
 specific definitions.  By convention,  permit  writers use Metal Finishing standards in permit
 limitations fqr a facility when other guidelines and standards are obviously not applicable, but
 the facility has one or more core operations.  Even if the core operations are small hi relation to  .
 the overall operation and size of the total facility, the presence of a core operation will allow the
 inclusion of discharges from any of the other 40 unit operations covered by Metal Finishing.  The
 guidelines and standards for Metal Finishing apply to plants which perform any of the core six
 metal finishing operations on any basis material. By convention, the discharges from the other
 40 unit operations are covered by Metal Finishing standards even  if there is no discharge from
 the core operation or operations directly related to the core operation, i.e. cleaning operations,
 acid pickling, stripping, and sealing.

        An  indicator of the utility of the Metal Finishing  standard and how  this rule for
 electroplating/metal finishing has approached one of the stated goals for the rule, a request for
 equivalent limits for process lines or unit operations often found together, is an analysis of the
 data from the second MP&M data collection portfolio (dcp) for Phase I (January 1991). About
 75% of the facilities hi the DCP which are permitted by using existing guidelines and standards
 are subject in whole or in part to 40 CF'R Part 433 Metal Finishing. About 60% of the facilities
 permitted by existing  guidelines and standards are subject only to Metal Finishing, thereby

            •    •            '      .         5-2                   -V   .

 approaching the goal of reducing the need for the combined wastestream formula (CWF) [40 CFR
 403.6 (e)].  The CWF is a method to calculate alternative pretreatment discharge limitations for
 mixed effluent from different regulated streams or unregulated and dilution streams as discussed
 in more detail in Section 5.2.                                      ^ ,

       During the study contacts were established with permitting authorities to provide input on
 the ^practicability of the  electroplating/metal finishing  rule.   An example  is the National
 Pretreatment Coordinators Conferences where a voluntary survey was ^distributed.   Responses
 were received from nine EPA regional offices  and 15 state or local pretreatment authorities.
 Below are some highlights and comments regarding effluent guidelines and standards in general
 and specific comments regarding Electroplating  and Metal Finishing.
                                                                   L,          •       i
       About 70% of the respondents experienced situations in  which the applicability and
 definitions of the electroplating/metal finishing rules are inadequate.

       •      Definitions and applicability should be updated to reflect new processes, chemicals
              and basic materials;                                  j
              Definitions of cleaning,  coating and etching hi the guidance and development
              documents need to  be clarified;                        ||
    .  _ •      The four-day average and 10,000 gallon per day criteria in Electroplating need to
              be .clarified;                                          ;
       •      Application and qualification for alternate cyanide and total toxic organics (TTO)
              need additional explanations.
 ,              '    .     '     '                             v         ii  -; •         •     "
       Major difficulties encountered with the implementation of the Electroplating  and Metal
 Finishing regulations include:

       •      Vague definitions and applicability allow too much interpretation;
       •      There is a lack of authority and guidance to limit rinsewater flow.
   ......      There is difficulty in applying the regulation to new processes and materials;
       •      There is little guidance for overlap with other regulations and when there is .
              precedence to Metal Finishing.                        I.
                                                                  -!''      '    "'•'';
       Recommendations  for changes hi the  Electroplating  and Metal Finishing regulations
include:                        '                                    i;
    1                       '       .       "                        '•!''"'        '
       •  -    Clarify definitions;                                    j.
              - average daily flow                              ,    i!
              - core electroplating operations
              - monitoring points  of regulated process water,          ;                  ,
              - integrated facility, or  "significant" quantities  of process water from non-
              electroplating       manufacturing operations;
              Change  four-day average  flow to  monthly  average flow hi Electroplating
              regulations;                                          j

    -    :      '      " •'  .    '   ;      "'. ' 5-3   '  ,-'  -"    .'.''• "1- ••  .'"    .  .,'•-•'  •  -:  '

      •      Allow certifications (Toxic Organic Management Plan), instead of .monitoring
             requirements, for industrial users  that do not use cyanide,.or other regulated
             pollutants;                                                           .    "
      •      Evaluate TTO listing and remove compounds which have little or no likelihood
             of being discharged'by a metal finishing or electroplating facility;     .
             Add alternate production-based limitations and/or flow restrictions;
      •      Address new industrial processes and newer wastewater treatment processes;
      •      Reconsider subcategorization;
             Revise standards as appropriate to reflect pollution prevention, recycle, and reuse
             measures widely used in industry.

      About 70% of  the respondents prefer  concentration-based  limitations rather man
production-based limitations and suggested alternatives to production-based limitations,

      •      Regulations and/or guidance for acceptable rinsewater rates;
      •      Concentration-based regulations with flow limitations;
             The problems associated with production-based limitations include:
             -difficulties in obtaining and verifying accurate production and flow data from
             -production-based limitations need to accommodate wide variations in the type of
             products manufactured, and
             -fluctuations'in annual production make if difficult to select a representative year
             which will be accurate throughout the permit term.

      A  recent draft report  by EPA  Region IX, Model IU Performance  Study, includes
information on the effectiveness and compliance by.'indirect dischargers  including 32  small N
electroplaters, 78 large electroplaters, 104 existing source metal finishers, and 112 new source
metal finishers.   Performance measures based  on compliance  rates were determined  for
compliance with daily maximum and either the 4-day or monthly average limitations for metals
and cyanide. A premise of the study is that all categorical industrial users should be able to
perform  as well as those who installed and correctly operated the type  of model treatment
originally selected by EPA as the basis of the categorical standards. "Model industries" in the
categories were selected based on facilities having treatment equal to or exceeding the technology
base for the standards categorical effluent limitations. Patterns were identified and documented
in the study.  In particular, the compliance rates for daily-maximum  standards always exceeded
the compliance rates for average standards!  This difference in compliance rates for daily-
maximum and monthly average standards  results from EPA's policy of applying  average
standards against any number of samples in a month no matter how few.  In reality, there is
usually only one sample in a month and almost never as many consecutive samples in a month
as were used to define the monthly average  standards.              >

       The study found that most model industries complied with their Federal standards (both
daily-maxunums and averages) 100% of the time.  However, the study also recognizes that some
industrial users will  not  perform well (based on compliance rates)  even if they  are model

                                     •  • ,   5-4    .--•-."                  ".   -    ' .

  industries. Three percent and 15% of the model industries complied leSs than 67% of the, time
  with then: daily-maximum and average standards respectively.  Thirty percent and 45% of the
  model industries complied less than 95% of the time with their dailyi-maximum and average
  standards respectively.  The principal conclusions hi the study is, that sewer districts should be
  able to cause their categorical industrial users to meet these compliance rates.

               5.1.?   Metal Products and Machinery              j
        1  '           •         • •   '  -       .    '  "    :             1
        EPA initially estimated in the MP&M PDS that the population of MP&M to be 970,000
  sites including both Phase I and Phase IL This estimate has been significantly reduced to the
  present for both Phase I and Phase II by removing from coverage in Phase II 253,000 rebuilding
  and maintenance facilities (e.g. motor vehicle repair shops).  Review of idata. from the collection
  portfolios, discussed in Section 3, caused EPA's estimate of the number of facilities in Phase I
  and Phase II to be further reduced to slightly over 100,000. However, isome facilities reported
  having products or business that fell into industrial sectors in both Phase I  and Phase II. An
  analysis of "water users" was taken from the dcp response  that included facilities that reported
  being in both Phase I and Phase II industrial sectors and facilities reporting to b;e only hi Phase
  I. To  date, the water users reporting to Phase I or Phase I/II have been considered Phase I sites
  and these total Phase I sites were reviewed to find approximately  18,500 Phase I  sites that
  discharge water. Refinements to this estimate were made following an analysis of more detailed
  dcp's and identifying additional sites which would not be regulated by.Phase I rules (no process
  wastewater discharged, contract haul all liquid and solid waste, not engaged hi MP&M of out of
  MP&M business).   EPA now estimates that approximately 10,600 sites'will be regulated by
  MP&M Phase I  regulations.            ..                           i:                      .

        Applicability of MP&M has not totally been defined at this timib and will be subject to
  interagency review  and concurrence  before the  proposed regulation is  presented  to the
  Administrator for signature.   However, some general statements can jbe made regarding the
  current thinking  about scope and intent of the regulation (such as the abcive estimate of sites that'
  will be regulated by Phase I MP&M).  The SIC Major Groups listed in the'dcp's as Phase I and
  Phase  II industrial sectors are similarly included hi the general guidance for Metal Finishing.
  Metal Finishing manufacturing processes are generally included hi SIC Major Groups 34 through
  39. MP&M Phase I industrial sectors are found in SIC Major Groups 34 through 37. All of the
; unit operations covered by the Metal Finishing regulations are included in the unit operations to
  be covered by MP&M. All of the types of metals finished and processed iby Metal Finishing unit
  operations are included in the types of metal in the products and machinery included hi MP&M.
  Analysis of the dcp's estimates that about 3300 sites in Phase I MP&M (of the over 10,000 sites
  in Phase I) are currently regulated by electroplating/metal finishing regiilations.

        The primary coverage  of MP&M differs from Metal Finishing because there is NO
  requirement that any of the core electroplating operations be performed at a site for the MP&M
 rule to be applicable.  Therefore, all of the 46 surface treatment operations and wastewater
  discharges under Metal Finishing would be  regulated by MP&M,  This data base for cost of
 treatment and treatment effectiveness for the removal of metals includes a number of sources
                                                                  i1        /
  -             "   "     •      "•      -   -•  5-5             .       'j   -   •"   '  .      :    ''

including  the  ongoing data collection  for MP&M.   The specific  MP&M  study includes
approximately 8000 screener surveys, approximately 1000 detailed questionnaires, 89 site, visits,
and 24 sampling visits with subsequent  chemical analysis of unit operations wastewater; raw
wastewater to  treatment, treated wastewater, and other process wastewater.  The data base for
MP&M includes the data base for electroplating/metal finishing. Also, included is the Combined
Metals Data Base (CMDB) which is generally usable because it shares a fundamental concept
with the rationale used for MP&M: that similar properly designed, operated, and maintained
treatment  systems will have the  same effectiveness in removing metals from raw wastewater
streams through a wide range of concentrations regardless of the source of the raw wastewater.
The CMDB has been used as the basis for metals removal efficiency for a number of guidelines
and standards  including:  Coil Coating (40 CFR Part 465), Porcelain Enameling (40 CFR Part
466), Battery Manufacturing (40 CFR Part 461), Aluminum Forming (40 CFR Part 467), Copper
Forming (40 CFR Part 468), Nonferrous Metals Forming (40 CFR Part 471) and Nonferrous
Metals Manufacturing (40 CFR Part 421). Therefore, the treatment effectiveness used for effluent
limitations La  the  guidelines and standards for MP&M should approach the guidelines and
standards  for electroplating/metal finishing and other metalindustries.

       The effect of MP&M guidelines and standards should be to close the book on regulations
for the metals  industry. Effluent guidelines and standards currently apply to mining and milling
metallic ores, manufacturing of metal from ore and recycled material, forming of metals as semi-
finished or finished products, and with MP&M, closing with major finished metal products.

       5.2    Overlap of Metal Finishing and Metal Products  and Machinery

       NPDES permits for direct discharges and industrial user permits for indirect dischargers
are written using effluent limitations guidelines for  NPDES permits and pretreatment, standards
for indirect dischargers.  In summary, NPDES permit effluent limitations for  a facility with
combined wastewater discharges  from categorical point sources mat are subject to guidelines in
two  or more subcategories, or two  or more, point  source categories, are calculated using the
"building  block" concept.  • Point  source categories and subcategories are defined by unit
operations and principal process steps  with wastewater flows,  pollutant concentrations,  or
production-based limitations. By adding together the effluent limitations for a pollutant regulated
hi discharges  from unit operations or process  steps, specific limitation for  the combined
wastewater discharges  can be  determined.  Pollutants not identified in a wastestream from a
category or subcategory and wastestreams from unit operations or processes not identified in the
categorical guidelines may be regulated on a case-by-case basis by the permit writer using Best
Professional Judgement. A permit writer may have to reduce effluent limitations guidelines with
production-based limitations to concentration based limitations to calculate combined waste stream
permit limitations; or production-based limitations  for  the  combined wastestream can  be
calculated by determining the flow for the operations and processes subject to concentration-based
limitations' and multiplying it by  the  concentration limitations  to  obtain production-based
limitations to  use as a building block.

       Indirect dischargers that have combined wastewater discharges aie subject to standards as
 specified by the Combined Wastestream  Formula (CWF) according
to 40  CFR 403.6 (e).
 Guidance Manual for the Use of Production-Based Pretreatment Standards and the Combined
 Wastestream Formula offers specific examples of how limitations are developed for combined
 wastestreams when a facility has any combination of concentration-based limitations, production-
 based limitations, regulated, unregulated, and dilute wastestreams. Under 403.12 (b) (4) of the
 General Pretreatment Regulations, a facility must monitor the flow of regulated process streams
 and other streams as necessary to allow use of the CWF.             j

       Presently, the CWF  is used  to calculate effluent limitations  for a number of industrial
 users.  Data from the dcp's discussed in Section 3 estimated  about 3550 facilities in Phase I
 MP&M sectors were then regulated in whole or in part .by electroplating/metal finishing and of
 these approximately 1380 were regulated by one other rule, 110 were: regulated by two  other
 rules, 6 were regulated by three other rules and 60 were regulated by 4 or more other rules.
                 "'             ''        •                '           '!               '
       The  guidelines and  standards being developed for MP&M  may  be inextricable  from
 electroplating/metal finishing guidelines and standards because of the overlap documented in the
 preceding sections, e.g. the same unit operations and processes are covered, present permits for
 many facilities that will be subject to MP&M are now subject in whole, or in part to guidelines
 and standards for electroplating/metal finishing.  However, definitions and applicability for the
 Phase I MP&M rule have not been  drafted and at least three options appear to be available.

       One  optibn is to have the  present guidelines  and standards for electroplating/metal
 finishing                                                .          i!
 remain  applicable to facilities where these guidelines and standards are presently used.  CWF
 would be used to establish permit  effluent limitations for combined ^yastestreams  containing
 process wastewater not  covered, e.g., machining  and boring, disassembly,  and  other  unit
 operations now being considered for inclusion under MP&M.  More; unit operation process
 wastewater would be subject to regulation from job shop electroplaters if the shops are included
 in the industry sectors of MP&M.  However, few job shops are in the MP&M sectors.   This
 option  would  obviously  include all facilities in  MP&M not performing  one  of  the six
 electroplating  core  operations, or about 78% of the estimated facilities in Phase I would be
regulated by MP&M and not metal  finishing.                        •
     1               •                                   •           :!       .    -
      A second option is to have the more specific (stringent)  limitations apply to those metal
finishing wastestreams which appear to be covered by both standards las is the case now for
eleven regulations as discussed hi Section 3. This option can not be fully addressed until more
specific guidelines and standards are proposed for MP&M.           ;

      A third option is to have MP&M Phase I include all facilities engaged in manufacturing
metal products and machinery whose products fall within the industry group and industry sectors
defined as Phase I industry sectors  and other facilities that petition to jbe included in  Phase I
regardless of how large or small a percentage of the facility's total activity or business income
can be attributed to Phase I.  The industry sectors are generally  defined in the initial descriptibn

               '   :                 : •    -5-y   •  .         ' .'   T     -.            .

and  definition of the MP&M category and these can be further defined by SIC designation
without changing the descriptive general industry sector, eg aerospace, aircraft, hardware, etc.
The  wastewater discharges from any MP&M unit operation or process listed would be subject
to MP&M regulation if the facility is included in Phase I industry sectors, ie the MP&M effluent
limitations would supersede otherwise applicable existing effluent limitations guidelines and
standards.  As with the second option, this option can not be fully addressed until more specific
guidelines and standards are proposed for MP&M.

       SIC  code 3471,  Industry   Group  347,  Coating,  Engraving,  and Allied  Services,
Electroplating, Plating, Polishing, Anodizing, and Coloring is not included in the MP&M industry
sectors, but cover job shops not in Phase I and Phase II industry sectors.  This exclusion based
on the original MP&M definitions and applicability may be used to address separately the
Electroplating Category (Part 413)  and EPA's commitment in the March 7, 1980 Settlement.
Agreement, discussed in Section 3, to not develop significantly more stringent standards for Part
413 for the next "several"  years.
