September 3, 1998
Part III


Protection  Agency

40 CFR Parts 141 and 143
National Primary Water Regulations:
Analytical Methods for Regulated
Drinking Water Contaminants; Final Rule
and Proposed Rule

47098    Federal Register/Vol. 63, No.  171/Thursday, September 3,  1998/Rules and  Regulations

40 CFR Parts 141 and 143


BIN 2040-AC77

National  Primary and Secondary
Drinking Water Regulations: Analytical
Methods for Regulated Drinking Water

AGENCY: Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Direct final rule.

SUMMARY: EPA is approving the use of
updated versions of previously
approved American Society for Testing
and Materials (ASTM), Standard
Methods for Examination of Water and
Wastewater (Standard Methods or SM)
and Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) analytical methods for
compliance determinations of chemical
and microbiological contaminants in
drinking  water. At the same time, the
Agency Is withdrawing approval of the
previous versions of the 14 EPA
methods. Previous versions of the SM
and ASTM methods will continue to be
approved. The Agency Is promulgating
these methods as a direct final rule
because the Agency does not expect
adverse comments and wants to ensure
prompt availability of the methods for
compliance monitoring. In addition, the
Agency is making minor technical
corrections or clarifications to the
regulations, amending the regulation to
change the composition of Performance
Evaluation (PE) samples and require
successful analysis of PE samples once
each year.
DATES: This final rule will become
effective without further notice on
January 4, 1999, unless EPA receives
relevant adverse comment by November
  If the Agency receives such
comments, EPA will withdraw this
direct final rule before its effective date
by publishing a timely withdrawal in
the Federal Register informing the
public the rule will not take effect.
  The incorporation by reference of the
publications listed in today's rule is
approved by the Director of the Federal
Register as of January 4, 1999.
  In accordance with 40 CFR 23.7, this
rule shall be considered final for
purposes of judicial review at 1:00 p.m.
(Eastern time) on January 15, 1999.
ADDRESSES: Written comments may be
submitted either by mail or
elecrtronically. Comments may be sent
to the W-97-04 Drinking Water
Analytical Methods Final Comment
Clerk, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Water Docket, MC 4101, 401 M
Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 20460.
Please submit any references cited in
your comments. EPA would appreciate
an original and 3 copies of your
comments and enclosures (including
  This Federal Register document has
been placed on the Internet for public
review and  downloading at the
following location: http://www.epa.gov/
fedrgstr. The record for this rulemaking
has been established under docket
number W-97-04. Supporting
documents  (including references and
methods cited in this notice) are
available for review at the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency,
Water Docket, East Tower Basement,
401 M Street, SW, Washington, D.C.
20460. For access to the docket
materials, call 202-260-3027 on
Monday through Friday,  excluding
Federal holidays, between 9:00 a.m. and
3:30 p.m. Eastern Time for an
  Copies of final methods published by
EPA are also available for a nominal
cost through the National Technical
Information Service (NTIS), U.S.
Department of Commerce, 5285 Port
Royal Road, Springfield,  VA 22161.
NTIS also may be reached at 800-553-
6847. All other methods must be
obtained from the publisher. Publishers
(with addresses) for all approved
methods are cited at 40 CFR Part 141
and in the references section of today's
Jitendra Saxena, Ph.D., Standards and
Risk Management Division, Office of
Ground Water and Drinking Water (MC-
4607), U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, 401 M Street, SW, Washington,
D.C. 20460, (202) 260-9579. Information
may also be obtained from the EPA Safe
Drinking Water Hotline. Callers within
the United States may reach the Hotline
at (800) 426-4791. The Hotline is open
Monday through Friday, excluding
Federal holidays, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30
p.m. Eastern Time.
  For technical information regarding
microbiology methods, contact Paul S.
Berger, Ph.D., Office of Ground Water
and Drinking Water (MC-4607), U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency,
Washington, D.C. 20460, telephone,
(202) 260-3039. For technical
information regarding chemistry
methods, contact Richard Reding, Ph.D.,
Office of Ground Water and Drinking
Water,  U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio 45268,
telephone  (513) 569-7961. For a list of
Regional Contacts see SUPPLEMENTARY

Potentially Regulated Entities

  EPA  Regions, as well as States,
Territories, and Tribes with primacy to
administer the regulatory program for
public water systems under the Safe
Drinking Water Act, sometimes conduct
analyses to measure for contaminants in
water samples, but often require the
public water systems themselves to
conduct such analysis. If EPA has
established a maximum contaminant
level ("MCL") for a given drinking water
contaminant, the Agency also
"approves" standardized testing
procedures (i.e., promulgated through
rulemaking) for analysis of the
contaminant. Once EPA standardizes
such test procedures, analysis using
those procedures (or approved alternate
test procedures) is required. Therefore,
States,  Territories, Tribes, and public
water systems required to test water
samples are potentially regulated by the
standardization of testing procedures in
this rulemaking. Categories and entities
that may ultimately be regulated
State and Territorial Governments and Indian Tribes 	

Examples of potentially regulated entities
States, Territories, and Tribes that analyze water samples on behalf of public water
systems required to conduct such analysis; States, Territories, and Tribes that them-
selves operate public water systems required to conduct analytic monitoring
Industrial operators of public water systems
Municipal operators of public water systems

  This table is not intended to be
exhaustive, but rather provides a guide
for readers regarding entities likely to be
regulated by this action. This table lists
the types of entities that EPA is now
aware could potentially be regulated by

           Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 171/Thursday, September 3, 1998/Rules and Regulations    47099
this action. Other types of entities not
listed in the table could also be
regulated. To determine whether your
organization is or would be regulated by
this action, you should carefully
examine the applicability language at 40
CFR 141.2 (definition of public water
system). If you have questions regarding
the applicability of this action to a
particular entity, consult the person
listed in the preceding FOR FURTHER

Regional Contacts
  EPA Regional Offices:
I JFK Federal Bldg., One Congress
    Street, llth Floor, Boston, MA
    02203, Phone: 617-565-3602, Linda
II  290 Broadway, 24th Floor, New York,
    NY 10007, Phone: 212-637-3880,
    Walter Andrews
HI 841 Chestnut Building,  Philadelphia,
    PA 19107, Phone: 215-597-6511,
    Victoria Binetti
IV 345 Courtland Street, N.E., Atlanta,
    GA 30365, Phone: 404-347-2207,
    Stalling Howell
V  77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago,
    IL 60604, Phone:312-886-6206,
    Charlene Denys
VI 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 1200,
    Dallas, TX 75202, Phone: 214-655-
    7150, Larry Wright
VII 726 Minnesota Avenue, Kansas
    City, KS 66101, Phone: 913-551-
    7682, Robert Morby
VIII  One Denver Place, 999 18th Street,
    Suite 500, Denver, CO  80202,
    Phone: 303-293-1652, Jack
  IX 75 Hawthorne Street, San
Francisco, CA 94105, Phone: 415-744-
1817, William Thurston
  X  1200 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, WA
98101, Phone: 206-553-1893,  Larry

Table of Contents
I. Statutory Authority
II. Regulatory Background
IE. Explanation of Today's Action
  A. Approval of Updated Version of
   Compliance Analytical Methods
  B. Use of Previous Version of Compliance
   Analytical Methods
  C. Technical Corrections and Amendments
  D. Recommendation of Additional
   Methods for Chloride and Sulfate
  E. Performance-based Measurement System
IV. Regulation Assessment Requirements
V. References

I. Statutory Authority
  The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA),
as amended in 1996, requires EPA to
promulgate national primary drinking
water regulations (NPDWRs) which
specify maximum contaminant levels
(MCLs) or treatment techniques for
drinking water contaminants SDWA
section 1412, (42 USC 300g-l).
NPDWRs apply to public water systems
pursuant to SDWA section 1401, 42
USC 300f(l)(A). According to SDWA
section 1401(1)(D) of the Act, NPDWRs
include "criteria and procedures to
assure a supply of drinking water which
dependably complies with such
maximum contaminant levels; including
quality control and testing
procedures .  . . ." see 42 USC
300f(l)(D). In addition, SDWA section
1445 (a) of the Act authorizes the
Administrator to establish regulations
for monitoring to assist in determining
whether persons are acting in
compliance with the requirements of the
SDWA see 42 USC SOOj-4. EPA's
promulgation of analytical methods is
authorized under these sections of the
SDWA as well as the general rulemaking
authority in SDWA section 1450(a), 42
II. Regulatory Background
  EPA has promulgated analytical
methods for all currently regulated
drinking water contaminants for which
it has promulgated MCLs or monitoring
requirements. In most cases, the Agency
has approved use of more than one
analytical method for measurement of a
contaminant and laboratories may use
any approved method for determining
compliance with an MCL or monitoring
requirement. After any regulation is
published, EPA may amend the
regulations to approve additional
methods or modifications to approved
methods. In addition, the Agency may
withdraw methods that become obsolete
or amend other requirements (such as
certification requirements) associated
with the use of approved methods.  EPA
takes these actions as quickly as
possible after new or revised methods
are published.
  The most recent actions that included
approving new or revised analytical
methods were published on December
-5,  1994 (59 FR 62456); May 14, 1996 (61
FR 24353) and on March 5, 1997 (62 FR
10168). In these final rules EPA
approved use of new methods or
modifications of existing methods that
EPA believed were as good as, or better
than, previously approved methods and
test procedures. These rules approved
methods for the analysis of chemical,
microbiological and radiological
contaminants in drinking water
El. Explanation of Today's Action
  This rule approves new versions of
currently approved Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) methods,
American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM) methods, and
Standard Methods for the Examination
of Water and Wastewater (Standard
Methods or SM) for compliance with
drinking water standards and
monitoring requirements. Compared to
the currently approved versions, the
new versions contain primarily editorial
or technical changes and other changes
that make the methods easier to conduct
or safer. The rule only withdraws
previously approved versions of EPA
methods. Previously approved versions
of ASTM and Standard Methods are not
withdrawn and laboratories may
continue to use them. By today's action,
EPA also recommends additional
methods for monitoring of chloride and
sulfate which are regulated under the
National Secondary Drinking Water
Regulations. Finally, today's action also
corrects method citations and makes
other minor technical corrections to the
  The Agency is promulgating these
regulatory actions as a "direct final"
rule. A direct final rulemaking involves
publishing of a rule with a delayed
effective date as well as a companion
proposed rule referencing the direct
final rule and inviting public comment.
The delayed effective date on the final
rule allows for the receipt of relevant
adverse comment before the direct final
rule goes into effect. If EPA receives
relevant adverse comments on the
companion proposal on or before  .
November 2, 1998, then EPA will take
additional action necessary to respond
to those comments prior to the effective
date (i.e., withdraw any or all of the
actions and proceed with a revised rule
based on the companion proposal). EPA
has chosen to use the direct final
approach for these regulatory actions
because the Agency does not expect to
receive adverse public comments.
Additionally, the procedure allows for
the most expeditious implementation
possible consistent with the
Administrative Procedure Act (APA). If
EPA decides to withdraw any or all of
the actions, EPA will proceed with a
revised rule based on the companion
A. Approval of Updated Version of
Compliance Analytical Methods
  The updated versions of previously
approved methods discussed in this
section contain changes that EPA
believes will be considered non-
controversial and useful by laboratory
personnel and certification officials.

ASTM and Standard Methods
  In this direct final rule, EPA is
approving revised versions of ASTM
methods and Standard methods that are

47100    Federal Register/Vol. 63,  No. 171/Thursday,  September 3,  1998/Rules and Regulations
published respectively in the 1996
Annual Book oFASTM Standards
JASTM ISOe] and In the 19th edition of
Standard Methods for the Examination
of Water and Wastewater [APHA 1995].
These methods Include 6 revised ASTM
Methods and 23 revised Standard
Methods. EPA is also approving the
unchanged versions of 19 ASTM
methods and 31 Standard Methods that
are published in the 1996 ASTM and
1995 Standard Methods publications.
Although these 50 methods are not
changed from previous versions, ASTM
and Standard Methods reprints the
unchanged methods along with the
revised methods so that the books
include all of the current versions of the
chemical and microbiological methods
published by the respective
organization. Because EPA is not
withdrawing approval of the currently
approved version of any ASTM or
Standard Method, approval of the
revised methods via a direct final
rulemaking should not have any adverse
effect on users. Comments are not being
solicited on the unchanged methods.
  All 6 of the revised ASTM methods
and 11 of the 23 revised Standard
Methods contain only editorial changes
or minor editorial clarifications. Twelve
of the revised Standard Methods contain
minor technical clarifications or
voluntary but useful options, such as
better explanations on conducting a
specific step in the method,
recommendations for safer handling or
disposal of hazardous reagents, and
options to use alternative procedures,
reagents or equipment. The changes
between the  old and new versions of the
12 revised Standard Methods are
described below.
  Twelve of the revised Standard
methods Include eleven microbiology
methods and one turbidity method. The
eleven microbiology methods published
in the 19th edition of Standard Methods
have been extensively rewritten to
improve clarity and ease of use. The
revised methods are SM 9215B; SM
9221A.B.C.D.E; SM 9222A.B.C.D; and
SM 9223. For the convenience of the
user, the new versions contain certain
steps that presently are only specified in
the regulations at 40 CFR 141.21(f).
Thus, the new versions eliminate the
need to consult the Code of Federal
Regulations to obtain directions for
conducting certain  steps in the analysis,
such as use of MUG media in SM 922 IE.
The revised turbidity method is SM
21 SOB. Previously,  EPA and Standard
Methods adopted the same definition
for primary standards in turbidity
methods. In  the 19th edition version of
SM 21 SOB. only formazin polymer is
designated as the primary standard
reference suspension with all others
being designated as secondary
standards. This change is discussed in
more detail by Posavec [AWWA 1996].
EPA considers this change to be
acceptable and approves SM 21 SOB
(19th ed.).

EPA Methods
  This section discusses fourteen
revised EPA methods, which are
published in the manual "Methods for
the Determination of Organic
Compounds in Drinking Water
Supplement III" (EPA Supplement III)
[EPA 1995]. Previous versions of these
methods were approved in final rules
published on December 5, 1994 (59 FR
62456, the methods rule) and on May
14, 1996 (61 FR 24353, the ICR rule).
The new versions contain minor
corrections, minor technical
enhancements and editorial
improvements. The new versions also
include the mandatory method
modifications that were approved in the
1994 methods rule and published in the
EPA document "Technical Notes on
Drinking Water Methods" (Tech Notes)
[EPA 1994b]. In the 1994 rule, EPA
stated that the modifications in Tech
Notes would be placed in the affected
method when the method was revised
for the next supplement of the manual
of organic methods. EPA revised these
methods in the August 1995 publication
of the revised versions in EPA
Supplement III.
  Under the Administrative Procedure
Act (APA) and SDWA, EPA may
approve a new method and withdraw a
previously approved method within 30
days and 18 months, respectively,  after
promulgation of a final rule. The timing
of the withdrawal of the older EPA
methods should have no adverse effect
on laboratories because of the 17 month
transition period from the old to the
new versions. This overlap in approval
and withdrawal dates gives laboratories
sufficient time to become certified with
the new methods. Because the changes
between the new and older versions are
minor, EPA expects that States will
honor the certification status long
enough for laboratories to conveniently
change to the new versions even if this
should take more than 17 months.
  As explained in the introduction to
EPA's Supplement III manual, all the
methods in EPA Supplement III either
have a new revision number or a new
method number. New revision numbers
for Methods  502.2. 504.1, 505, 506, 507,
508, 508.1. 515.1, 515.2. 524.2, 525.2
and  531.1 indicate a relatively small
modification to the method. New
method numbers for Methods 551.1 and
552.2 indicate a relatively larger change
in the method that significantly
enhances the performance of the
method. Differences between the
previous version and the new version of
EPA methods (EPA Supplement III) of
each method are described below.

Quality Control Improvements in EPA
Methods 505, 506, 507, 508, 515.1,
515.2, 531.1,551.land 552.2
  EPA changed the quality control
requirements in some EPA Supplement
III methods to improve uniformity from
EPA method to method and to ensure
the quality of the data. For example, the
criteria in methods 505, 506, 507,  508,
5.15.1, 515.2, 531.1, 551.1 and 552.2 for
judging the acceptability of analyte
recoveries have been changed to put an
upper limit on the allowed variability.
Without this upper limit the allowed
variability, which was based only on the
percent relative standard deviation
(RSD) of previous recoveries and not a
fixed numerical limit, could increase to
unacceptable limits if the RSD
continued to increase during routine use
of the method.
  The revised criteria still allow the
recoveries to vary by as much as three
times the RSD provided this value does
not exceed a fixed numerical limit. The
fixed (usually ±30%) limit is specified
in the initial demonstration of capability
section of each EPA method. EPA uses
the initial demonstration of capability to
set a fixed upper limit for analyte
recoveries because recoveries should
not vary more in routine use than  when
the method was first validated by  the

Detector Substitution in EPA Methods
505, 507, 508 and 508.1
  EPA Methods 505 and 508.1 measure
several regulated analytes. EPA Method
508 measures a subset of these analytes
and EPA Method 507 measures the
remainder. EPA Methods 505, 508 and
508.1 were developed and validated by
EPA only with an electron capture (EC)
detector and Method 507 only with a
nitrogen-phosphorous (NP) detector.
Previous versions of EPA Methods 505,
507 and 508 allowed use of either an EC
or NP detector provided the method
performance criteria were met. EPA has
data [NY 1996] from the Suffolk County
Water Authority (a New York
laboratory) that demonstrate better
sensitivity for simazine, atrazine,
alachlor, butachlor and metolachlor
using a NP detector with EC Method
508.1 conditions. Because EPA believes
interchange of detectors may work
under some circumstances for some
analytes, in  today's rule EPA allows use
of either an EC or NP detector in EPA
Methods 505, 507, 508 and 508.1

           Federal Register/Vol. 63, No.  171/Thursday, September  3,  1998/Rules and  Regulations    47101
provided all regulatory limits and
quality control criteria in the method
are met.

Recommendations to Improve Detection
Limits in EPA Method 505 and for Total

  EPA is recommending the use of
alternative approved methods when
lower detection limits are needed for
contaminants analyzed with EPA
Method 505. Although substitution of a
NP detector for the EG detector specified
in EPA Method 505 will improve
detection limits for nitrogen-containing
compounds, it will not improve
detection of non-nitrogen analytes, such
as aroclors. Rather than change the EC
detector in EPA Method 505, EPA
recommends in a footnote to the table of
approved methods at 40 CFR 141.24(e)
use of the other approved EPA Methods
508.1, 525.2, 507 and 508. EPA
especially recommends use of EPA
Method 508.1 when low detection limits
are required or when users want to use
small volumes of solvent. Reasons for
the difference in detection limit
performance between EPA Method 505
and the alternate methods are described
   In 1986 EPA developed EPA Method
505 using the EC detector as an
alternative to EPA Methods 507 and
508. A primary advantage of EPA
Method 505 was the use of less sample
(35 ml compared to  1 L) and less solvent
(2 ml of hexane compared to 180 ml of
methylene chloride). However, the
analyte-to-water sample concentration
factor in EPA Methods 507 and 508 of
200:1 is more favorable than the 17.5:1
factor in EPA Method 505. The lower
concentration  factor means that it is
more difficult  to obtain low detection
limits with EPA Method 505. EPA
developed Method 508.1 in  1994 as an
alternative to EPA Methods  505, 507
and 508. EPA Method 508.1, through
use of solid phase extraction media,
combines the advantages of high analyte
concentration  (1000:1 concentration
factor) and small volumes of extraction
and rinsing solvents (about 40 ml).
   EPA is also specifying how to achieve
lower detection limits in the analysis of
metals. In footnotes to the table of
approved methods at 40 CFR
 141.23(k)(l), EPA provides instructions
on using various preconcentration
techniques to  achieve better method
sensitivity. EPA used these  techniques
to determine many of the detection
limits that are specified in EPA Methods
 200.7, 200.8 and 200.9.
 Additional Analytes in EPA
 Supplement III versions of Methods
 508.1, 525.2 and 551.1   '.
   EPA Method 508.1, Rev. 1.0 covered
 many EPA Method 507 and 508
 analytes, but not butachlor, PCBs or
 toxaphene. Based on new data that is
 published in Rev. 2.0, EPA Method
 508.1 now measures butachlor,
 toxaphene and PCBs (as aroclors). EPA
 is also publishing data in EPA Method
 525.2, Rev. 2.0 that supports approval of
 this method for Aroclor analysis. EPA
 Method 551.1, which is replacing EPA
, Method 551, contains data to support
 approval of the method for the analysis
 of fourteen additional contaminants.
 The new regulated analytes measured
 by EPA Method 551.1 that were not
 measured by EPA Method 551 are: 1,1,2-
 trichloroethane, alachlor, atrazine,
 endrin, heptachlor,  heptachlor epoxide,
 hexachlorocyclopentadiene, lindane,
 methoxychlor and simazine. The new
 unregulated analytes measured by EPA
 Method 551.1 are: 1,2,3-
 trichloropropane, metolachlor and

 Other Differences in Currently
 Approved and EPA Supplement III
 Versions of EPA Methods
   Methods  in EPA Supplement III are
 listed below by method and revision
 number along with  a brief description of
 some of the changes new to the EPA
 Supplement III version of the method.
   EPA Method 502.2, Rev. 2.1 This
 method is unchanged from Rev. 2.0 (as
 modified by Tech Notes) .except for
 minor editorial clarifications and the
 removal of an option to use single point
 calibration. This single point calibration
 option had been carried forward from
 versions of EPA Method 502 that were
 developed in  the late 1970's when gas
 chromatographs and data systems were
 much less advanced than today. EPA
 Method 502.2 is the only multi-analyte
 method in which EPA allowed single
 point calibration exception to method
 QC requirements. Single point
 calibration  was intended for occasional
 use when one or two analytes of the
 sixty analytes failed the continuing
 calibration check specified in the
 method and when these analytes were
 not routinely expected to be a source of
 drinking water contamination. Under
 the single point calibration option, if an
 uncalibrated analyte was detected in a
 compliance sample, EPA allowed
 quantitation using a standard very close
 to the unknown amount.
    EPA is removing single point
 calibration from EPA Method 502.2
 because advances in GC technology in
the last two decades make it
unnecessary. Analytes fall outside the
QC criteria of the method less frequently
today and when they do, the calibration
can be rechecked quickly using modern
data systems. It is important to recheck
the calibration because, rather than
being a random error, the QC failure
may indicate that the method detection
limit has changed enough to produce
false negative results in compliance
  EPA Method 504.1, Rev. 1.1 Other
than minor editorial clarifications, this
method is unchanged from the previous
version of 504.1 (as modified by Tech
Notes). The EPA Supplement III version
'(Rev. 1.1) more clearly states that
dibromochloromethane is a commonly
occurring drinking water contaminant
that can easily be misidentified as
ethylene dibromide unless the
confirmatory procedures described in
the method are adhered to.
  EPA Method 505, Rev. 2.1 This
method is-modified from Rev. 2.0 as
described above regarding substitution
of a NP detector and some changes in
the quality control requirements. The
EPA Supplement III version also
contains additional instructions on the
measurement of multi-component
mixtures, such as aroclors.
  EPA Methods 506, 515.1, 515.2, 524.2
and 531.1 Other than minor editorial
clarifications and the quality control
changes discussed above, the EPA
Supplement in version of each of these
methods is unchanged from the
previous version. Data tables in the EPA
Supplement III versions of EPA
Methods 515.1 and 531.1 are
reorganized for clarity and addition of
method detection limits.
  EPA Method 507, Rev. 2.1 This
method is modified from Rev. 2.0 as
described above regarding substitution
of an EC detector and some changes in
the quality control requirements. Data
tables are reorganized for clarity and
addition of method detection limits.
   EPA Method 508, Rev. 3.1 This
method was modified from Rev.  3.0 as
described above regarding substitution
of a NP detector and some changes in
the quality control requirements. Rev.
3.1 also contains additional instructions
on the measurement of multi-
component mixtures, such as aroclors.
Data tables are reorganized for clarity
and addition of method detection limits.
   EPA Method 508.1, Rev. 2.0This
method is modified from Rev. 1.0 as
described above regarding substitution
with a NP detector and addition of
aroclors, butachlor and toxaphene, as
analytes. Sample holding times,  analyte
recoveries and other method
performance data were obtained using

47102    Federal Register/Vol. 63, No.  171/Thursday, September  3, 1998/Rules and Regulations
the same procedures used in EPA
Method 525.2, These procedures
include acidification of the sample at
the time of collection and use of solid-
phase extraction (SPE) media to extract
the analytes from the drinking water
sample. The analytes in EPA Methods
508.1 and 525.2 with SPE are similar to
those measured with EPA'Methods 505,
507 and 508, which use liquid-liquid
extraction (LLE) to extract the analytes.
Although the analytes are similar, only
the SPE methods (in both the previous
and the EPA Supplement III versions)
require that the sample be acidified.
Acidification increases the SPE
extraction efficiency for some analytes
and the holding times for some analytes
are longer relative to the LLE methods.
EPA develops multi-analyte methods
with sample collection and preparation
procedures that are appropriate for the
entire analyte list. Although
acidification may not be necessary to
measure every EPA Method 508.1 or
525,2 analyte. EPA did not develop
these methods to allow the omission of
some sampling or procedural steps for
laboratories that analyze only a portion
of the method analytes. Thus, EPA
continues to require acidification of
samples that are analyzed with EPA
Methods 508.1 and 525.2 using SPE.
  EPA Method 509, Rev.  1.1 This
method is a single analyte method for
the pesticide metabolite
ethylenethiourea (ETU). This method is
not proposed in today's rule because
there are no drinking water monitoring
requirements for ETU. However, EPA
recommends this method for use by
systems wishing to measure ETU in
drinking water samples.
  EPA Method 525.2, Rev. 2.0 As
discussed above, Rev. 2.0 is modified
from Rev. 1.0 to add aroclors as
analytes. The method instructions also
clarify that the extract holding time is
measured from the time of extraction
and not from the time of sample
  EPA Method 551.1, Rev. 1.0 EPA
Method 551.1 is an improvement to EPA
Method 551 because it uses a buffer that
increases sample holding times from 2
days to 14 days. EPA Method 551.1 was
recently approved for ICR monitoring at
40 CFR 141.142 in the 1996 ICR rule (61
FR 24383, table 7). It will be approved
as a replacement for EPA Method 551 at
40 CFR 141.24(e) for analysis of
trihalomethanes and twenty other
organic chemicals. Besides the buffer,
other differences between EPA Methods
551 (as modified by Tech Notes) and
551.1 include use of surrogate and other
quality control standards to improve the
precision and accuracy of the method.
The QC sections of the method have
been changed to accommodate these
changes to the method.
  EPA Method 552.2, Rev. LOThis
liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) method
was developed as an alternative to EPA
Method 552.1, which is a solid phase
extraction (SPE) method. EPA Method
552.2 using LLE was approved for
measurement of several disinfection by-
products in the 1996 ICR rule and in
today's rule EPA is approving it for
analysis of dalapon. To allow users a
choice of either liquid or solid phase
extraction EPA is not withdrawing
approval of EPA Method 552.1 using

B. Use of Previous Versions of
Compliance Analytical Methods

  In the 1994 methods rule (59 FR
62456), EPA approved only one version
of each compliance method that was
published by ASTM, Standard Methods
or EPA. The effective date of this action
was July 1, 1996. EPA approved only
the 1994 versions because these
versions generally contained significant
improvements in safety, quality
assurance or performance. In today's
rule EPA is approving methods that are
in the 1996 ASTM Annual Book and in
the 19th edition of Standard Methods,
but EPA is not withdrawing approval of
the currently approved versions which
are published in the 1994 ASTM
Annual Book and in the 18th edition of
Standard Methods. EPA is approving
use of the two versions of the same
method because the differences between
the versions are too minor to require
users to purchase new books.
Depending on the nature and  extent of
future revisions, EPA may propose to
approve only the most recent versions of
methods published by ASTM or the
relevant Standard Methods committee.
  Previously approved versions of EPA
methods will remain available for
compliance monitoring until March 3,
2000. The previous versions of EPA
methods are 502.2 Rev. 2.0, 505 Rev.
2.0, 507 Rev. 2.0, 508 Rev. 3.0, 515.1
Rev. 4.0, 531.1 Rev. 3.0 found in
"Methods for the Determination of
Organic Compounds in Drinking
Water", December 1988, revised July
1991; methods 506 Rev. 1.0 and 551
Rev. 1.0 found in "Methods for the
Determination of Organic Compounds
in Drinking Water—Supplement I", July
1990; methods 515.2 Rev. 1.0 and 524.2
Rev. 4.0 found in "Methods for the
Determination of Organic Compounds
in Drinking Water—Supplement II,"
August 1992; and methods 504.1 Rev.
1.0, 508.1 Rev. 1.0, 525.2 Rev.1.0
available from US EPA NERL,
Cincinnati, OH 45268.
  Sources for obtaining copies of the
approved versions of compliance
methods are listed in the Addresses
section at the beginning of this rule, in
the References section below and at 40
CFR Parts 141 and 143. Users of the
Internet can retrieve information about
current EPA methods manuals under
the EPA home page at the Internet
address: http://www.epa.gov/
nerlcwww/methmans.html. This site
contains the titles, ordering information
with publication numbers, abstracts,
tables of contents, and analyte-method
cross reference lists for EPA manuals
that were published between 1988 and
1995. The cross reference lists are
especially helpful because they match
alphabetical lists of analytes with the
corresponding method(s) of analysis.

C. Technical Corrections and
  Today's action also makes corrections
in method citations and minor changes
to the regulations. The regulatory
changes include corrections or
clarification to current requirements for
composition of Performance Evaluation
(PE) samples, frequency of PE-analysis,
sample collection, sample holding
times, description of acid herbicides.
These technical corrections and
amendments are discussed in detail

  The citation for SM 4110B in the
tables of methods listed at 40 CFR
141.23(k)(l) and 143.3(b) is incorrect for
some contaminants. This approved
method uses ion chromatography in a
chemical suppression mode. In the 1994
methods rule (59 FR 62456), EPA
inadvertently listed this method as 4110
for some contaminants. The 4110
designation may confuse some readers
because it might imply approval of SM
41 IOC, which is also contained within
the SM 4110 citation. EPA has never
approved nor intended to approve SM
41 IOC, which uses ion chromatography
in an electronic suppression mode. In
today's rule, EPA is correcting all
citations to be SM 4110B.

PE Sample Composition
  In the future, EPA may elect to make
performance evaluation (PE) samples
more challenging and lower the costs of
the PE program by not including all
regulated contaminants in each PE
study. This would mean that a
laboratory could be required to report
whether or not a contaminant was
detected in the PE sample and correctly
report the concentration of each
contaminant that it did detect in the
sample.  Correct reporting of

           Federal Register/Vol.  63, No.  171/Thursday, September 3,  1998/Rules  and Regulations    47103
concentrations is described and
specified in regulations as being within
certain "acceptance limits" around the
true value. EPA would apply the
acceptance limits specified in the
regulations only if the contaminant has
been added to the PE sample, i.e., these
limits do not apply for concentrations of
  By today's action EPA amends the
introduction to the tables of acceptance
criteria in the regulations to clarify that
EPA may include any number of
contaminants in any PE sample. The
regulations at § 141.23(k)(3),
§ 141.24(f)(17) and § 141.24(h)(19) are
revised to change "Achieve . . . results
.  .  ."to "For each contaminant that has
been included in the sample achieve
.  .  . results .  .  .". This amendment
means, for example, that although the
acceptance limit for nitrate is ±10% at
>0.4 mg/L, the analyst would not need
to achieve this acceptance limit if
nitrate is not added to the PE sample
and the true value is therefore zero.

Annual PE Requirement
  In the State certification of
laboratories to measure for a
contaminant, EPA has long
recommended that the laboratory
analyze a PE sample within prescribed
acceptance limits for that contaminant.
EPA recommends an annual frequency
for these tests in the Manual for the
Certification of Laboratories Analyzing
Drinking Water [EPA 1997], though the
Agency has not specified a frequency
requirement in the related drinking
water regulations. All States that
conduct laboratory certification
programs currently require laboratories
to pass these tests at least once a year.
EPA believes an annual demonstration
is an appropriate requirement. In
today's rule, EPA amends the
regulations to adopt the universal
requirement for laboratories to
successfully analyze a PE sample at
least once each year. Though not
specified in the regulation, the PE
sample may be provided by EPA, the
State or by a third party with the
approval of the State or EPA.
  EPA already proposed to include such
a requirement in a previous notice at 62
FR 36100 (July 3, 1997). Commenters
questioned why EPA proposed PE
sample testing once a year, rather than
twice a year consistent with proposals
under consideration by the National
Environmental Laboratory Accreditation
Council  (NELAC). Today's action and
the NELAC proposals are not
inconsistent because today's action
establishes minimum standards; the
NELAC standards would establish
higher standards that would be
voluntary. NELAC has been considering
standards for accreditation of
laboratories under the National
Environmental Laboratory Accreditation
Program (NELAP). NELAP accreditation
is voluntary and intended to promote
consistency between State accreditation
standards for laboratories who operate
in more than one State. While EPA
encourages states to adopt the NELAC
standards, such adoption would also be
voluntary. Laboratories conducting
analyses in multiple states may strive
for compliance with the NELAC
standards, such as two annual PE
sample analyses. Not all laboratories,
however, need to meet such a
requirement. Therefore, today's action
only requires laboratories to analyze a
single PE sample once a year.
Composite Sample Follow-up Reporting
  The regulations at 40 CFR
141.23(a)(4), 141.24(f)(14) and
141.24(h) (10) specify criteria for when
an individual sample collected from a
compositing point must be analyzed to
confirm the results of the analysis of the
composite sample. The confirmatory
analysis may be conducted on either a
duplicate sample (collected at each
compositing point) or on follow-up
samples collected later. EPA had
intended to allow systems up to 14-days
to collect, analyze and report the results
of these samples provided the sample
holding time is not exceeded. The
wording in the regulations at 40 CFR
141.23(a)(4)(iii), 141.24(f)(14)(ii) and
(h)(10)(ii), however, has caused
confusion and hardship because some
States have required some systems to
report the results of the analysis of
duplicate confirmatory samples within
14-days after the composite sample was
collected rather than 14-days after the
composite result is obtained. EPA is
amending the regulations to clarify  that
the confirmatory analysis result may be
reported up to 14-days after completing
analysis of the composite sample,
provided the holding time of the sample
is not exceeded.
Sample Collection Procedures for
Asbestos and Nitrate
  The table at 40 CFR 141.23(k)(2) lists
preservation procedures and holding
times for several drinking water •
contaminants. In today's rule, EPA  is
correcting errors in the table for
measurement of asbestos, nitrate and
total nitrate (nitrate plus nitrite).
  EPA is adding the 48 hour holding
time and other instructions for
collecting asbestos samples that were
inadvertently omitted from the table.
These instructions are in one asbestos
compliance method (EPA Method 100.2)
but not in the other asbestos compliance
method. Today's rule changes the
regulations to require that the
preservation procedures and holding
times specified in Method 100.2 apply
to all compliance analyses of asbestos.
  The regulations (40 CFR 141.23(k)(2))
incorrectly list "nitrate" as the analyte
of concern in two types of samples:
chlorinated drinking water and
unchlorinated drinking water to which
sulfuric acid (H2SO4) has  been added as
a preservative (see table 1). The correct
analyte of concern in both cases is "total
nitrate." The preservation procedures
and holding times for both entries are
also incorrect. Today's rule combines
the nitrate entries into one entry for
total nitrate, adds an entry for nitrate-
only determinations, and specifies
correct preservation procedures and
sample holding times for  nitrate and
total nitrate.
  The corrected preservation
procedures and holding time for nitrate-
only and total nitrate determinations are
listed below in table 2 and in the
regulations of today's rule at 40 CFR
141.23(k)(2). Nitrate and nitrite samples
may be held up to 48 hours if kept at
4°C or less. These criteria are identical
to those specified for wastewater
samples at 40 CFR 136.3(e) and in EPA
Method 300.0, which is EPA's most
recently developed compliance method
for  nitrate, nitrite and total nitrate. Total
nitrate samples may be held  up to 28
days if the sample is acidified. These
criteria are identical to the criteria in
Method 300.0 but differ from criteria
specified in Table II at 40 CFR 136.3(e)
in that acidified wastewater samples
must be kept at 4°C or less. Because
holding time data developed for the
currently approved version of EPA
Method 300.0 (Rev. 2.1, August 1993)
showed acidified drinking water
samples to be stable for 28-days when
held at ambient temperature, EPA will
no  longer require chilling of acidified
samples collected for determination of
total nitrate (nitrate-nitrite) in drinking
water. When it is determined that data
developed with Method 300.0 on
drinking water samples is applicable to
samples with biological activity typical
of wastewater samples, EPA may amend
the wastewater regulations to remove
the requirement to chill acidified
  Today's rule also adds  a footnote to
the table at 40 CFR 141.23(k)(2) to
explain that analysis of samples
disinfected with an oxidant  (such as free
chlorine, chlorine dioxide or ozone) or
in acidified samples can only provide a
total nitrate result (footnote 4 in table 2).
Nitrate cannot be measured separately

47104     Federal  Register/Vol.  63,  No.  171/Thursday,  September  3,  1998/Rules  and Regulations
from nitrite In these samples because
the acid and most disinfectants will
oxidize nitrite to nitrate. Nitrate may
only be measured separate from nitrite
in samples that have not been acidified
and that have not been disinfected or
only disinfected with a minimal
oxidant, such as chloramine.
Asbestos 	 	 	 , 	
Chlorinated , 	 	 	 	 	
Preservative 1
Cool, 4°C . .

Cool 4°C
Cone H2SO4 to pH
Cool, 4°C 	
P or G

P or G
P or G

28 days

48 hours.
  ' P«plastfc, hard or soft; G=glass, hard or soft.
  3 In all cases samples should be analyzed as soon after collection as possible.
  a See roethod(s) for the information for preservation.

Nitrite* 	 	 	 	 	 , 	
p or G 	
p orG 	
48 hours.6
48 hours
28 days.
48 hours.
  1 When indicated, samples must be acidified at the time of collection to pH < 2 with concentrated acid. When chilling is indicated the sample
must be shipped and stored at 4°C or less.
  2 p=p{astic, hard or soft; G=glass, hard or soft.
  8 In all cases samples should be analyzed as soon after collection as possible. Follow additional (if any) information on preservation, contain-
ers or holding times that is specified in method.
  * Nitrate may only be measured separate from nitrite in samples that have not been acidified and that have not been disinfected or only dis-
infected with a minimal oxidant, such as chloramine. Measurement of acidified samples or waters disinfected with free chlorine, chlorine dioxide
or ozone provides a total nitrate (sum of nitrate plus nitrite) concentration.
  s Nitrate-Nitrite refers to a measurement of total nitrate. Acidification is not required if total nitrate is determined within 48 hours in a sample
held at 4°C or less. However,  acidification is required if a sample is to be held for longer than 48 hours because the disinfectant residual may not
be maintained.
  8 Instructions for containers, preservation procedures and holding times as specified in Method 100.2 must be adhered to for all compliance
analyses including those conducted with Method 100.1.
Analysis of Acid Herbicides
  The herbicide, 2,4-D, is applied as an
ester form and not as the acid, 2,4-
dichlorophenoxy acetic acid. The MCL
for 2,4-D is listed in a table at 40 CFR
141.61(c) with the CAS number, 94-75-
7. This CAS number is assigned to the
ester, acid and salt forms of 2,4-D. To
clarify what Is being regulated and
analyzed, today's rule changes the
description of the contaminant in the
table of approved methods at 40 CFR
141,24(e) from "2,4-D" to "2,4-D as acid,
salts and esters". Today's rule also
clarifies in the footnotes to this table
that "accurate determination of the
chlorinated esters" of 2,4-D and other
regulated acid herbicides "requires
hydrolysis of the sample as described in
Methods 515.1, 515.2 and 555."
D. Recommendation for Additional
Methods for Chloride and Sulfate
  In view of the fact that National
Secondary Drinking Water Regulations
are not federally enforceable, EPA only
recommends analytical methods for
monitoring of secondary contaminants.
These methods are recommended at 40
CFR 143.4(b). EPA is aware that some
States exercise their prerogative to
disallow use of any method that is not
listed at 40 CFR 143.4(b). EPA is also
aware that titrimetric methods for
chloride and turbidimetric methods for
sulfate monitoring are specified for
wastewater monitoring at 40 CFR 136.3
but not for drinking water at 40 CFR
143.4(b). This discrepancy in approval
can increase analytical costs by
requiring a laboratory to set up and
support different analytical methods for
the same contaminant.
  Because EPA seeks to eliminate
unnecessary hardships, EPA
reexamined the available methods for
secondary monitoring of sulfate and
chloride and compared them to those
proposed  (60 FR 53988, October 18,
1995) or approved at 40 CFR 136.3
(table IB). Based on this evaluation,
today's rule recommends additional
methods for chloride and sulfate
  Today's rule recommends the silver
nitrate titrimetric methods SM 4500-C1-
B and ASTM D 512-89B for secondary
monitoring of chloride. EPA is not
recommending any titrimetric methods
for chloride that use mercuric nitrate for
drinking water analysis because the
method produces a mercury-containing
waste that is considered "hazardous"
under the Resource Conservation
Recovery Act (RCRA). This action is
consistent with EPA's proposal on July
25, 1995 to withdraw approval of
mercuric nitrate methods for monitoring
under RCRA (60 FR 37976).
  Today's rule also recommends two
turbidimetric methods, SM 4500-SO4E
and ASTM D516-90, for secondary
monitoring of sulfate. Although the
ASTM and Standard Method
turbidimetric methods for sulfate are
similar to EPA Method 375.4, EPA has
not and will not recommend the EPA
method because EPA Method 375.4 is
outdated relative to D516-90 and
SM4500-SO4E. Although
recommending turbidimetric methods
for sulfate at § 143.4(b) results in
approval of these methods for
unregulated contaminant monitoring at
§ 141.40(n)(12), this does not require the
Agency to adopt these methods in future
rulemakings (if any) on sulfate.

E. Performance-based Measurement

  On October 6, 1997, EPA published a
Notice of the Agency's intent to
implement a Performance Based

           Federal Register/Vol.  63,  No. 171/Thursday, September 3,  1998/Rules and Regulations    47105
Measurement System (PBMS) in all of
its programs to the extent feasible (62
FR 52098). The Agency is currently
determining the specific steps necessary
to implement PBMS in its programs and
preparing an implementation plan.
Final decisions have not yet been made
concerning the implementation of
PBMS in water programs. However, EPA
is currently evaluating what relevant
performance characteristics should be
specified for monitoring methods used
in the water programs under  a PBMS
approach to  ensure adequate data
quality. EPA would then specify
performance requirements in its
regulations to ensure that any method
used for determination of a regulated
analyte is at least equivalent  to the
performance achieved by other
currently approved methods. Our
expectation is that EPA will publish its
PBMS implementation strategy for water
programs in the Federal Register by the
end of calendar year 1998.
  Once EPA has made its final
determinations regarding
implementation of PBMS in programs
under the Safe Drinking Water Act,  EPA
would  incorporate specific provisions of
PBMS into its regulations, which may
include specification of the performance
characteristics for measurement of
regulated contaminants in the drinking
water program regulations.

W. Regulation Assessment
A. Executive Order 12866

  Under Executive Order 12866 (58 FR
51735; October 4, 1993), the  Agency
must determine whether the regulatory
action  is "significant" and therefore
subject to OMB review and the
requirements of the Executive Order.
The Order defines "significant
regulatory action" as one that is likely
to result in a rule that may:
  (1) Have an annual effect on the
economy of $ 100 million or more, or
adversely affect in a material way the
economy, a  sector of the economy,
productivity, competition, jobs, the
environment, public health or safety, or
State, local, or tribal governments or
   (2) Create a serious inconsistency or
otherwise interfere with an action taken
or planned by another agency;
   (3) Materially alter the budgetary
impact of entitlements, grants, user fees,
or loan programs or the rights and
obligations of recipients thereof; or
   (4) Raise novel legal or policy issues
arising out of legal mandates, the
President's priorities, or the  principles
set forth in the Executive Order.
  It has been determined that this rule
is not a "significant regulatory action"
under the terms of Executive Order
12866 and is therefore not subject to
OMB review.
B. Regulatory Flexibility Act
  Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act
(RFA), EPA generally is required to
conduct a regulatory flexibility analysis
describing the impact of the regulatory
action on small entities as part of
rulemaking. However; under section
605 (b) of the RFA, if EPA certifies that
the rule will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities, EPA is not
required to prepare a regulatory
flexibility analysis. Pursuant to section
605 (b) of the Regulatory Flexibility Act,
5 U.S.C. 605(b), the Administrator
certifies that this rule will not have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
  The rule approves new versions of
currently approved EPA Methods,
ASTM Methods and Standard Methods
for compliance with drinking water
standards and monitoring requirements
and is making minor technical
corrections or amendments. Previous
versions of these ASTM and Standard
Methods will not be withdrawn, public
water systems and laboratories
performing analyses on behalf of these
systems may continue to use them after
the promulgation of today's rule.
Previous versions of EPA Methods,
however, will be withdrawn after 18
months, but this delayed effective date
should provide ample time for the
changeover. The incremental change in
cost associated with the use' of the new
versions of EPA methbds will be very
minor because the new versions contain
only technical enhancements and
editorial improvements.
C. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
  Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA), Pub.L.
104-4, establishes requirements for
Federal agencies to assess the effects of
their regulatory actions on State, local,
and tribal governments and the private
sector. Under section 1202 of the UMRA,
EPA generally must prepare a written
statement, including a cost-benefit
analysis, for proposed and final rules
with "Federal mandates" that may
result in expenditures to State, local,
and tribal governments, in the aggregate,
or to the private sector, of $100 million
or more in any one year. Before
promulgating an EPA rule for which a
written statement is needed, section 205
of the UMRA generally requires EPA to
identify and consider a reasonable
number of regulatory alternatives and
adopt the least costly, most cost-
effective or least burdensome alternative
that achieves the objectives of the rule.
The provisions of section 205 do not
apply when they are inconsistent with
applicable law. Moreover, section 205
allows EPA to adopt an alternative other
than the least costly, most cost-effective
or least burdensome alternative if the
Administrator  publishes with the final
rule an explanation why that alternative
was not adopted. Before EPA establishes
any regulatory requirements that may
significantly or uniquely affect small
governments, including tribal
governments, it must have developed
under section 203 of the UMRA a small
government agency plan. The plan must
provide for notifying potentially
affected small governments, enabling
officials of affected small governments
to have meaningful and timely input in
the development of EPA regulatory
proposals with significant Federal
intergovernmental mandates, and
informing, educating, and advising
small governments on compliance with
the regulatory requirements.
  EPA has determined that this rule
does not contain any Federal mandate
that may result in expenditures of $100
million or more for State, local, and
tribal governments, in the aggregate, or
the private sector in any one year. Thus,
today's rule is  not subject to the
requirements of section 202 and 205 of
the UMRA. Today's rule approves use of
additional analytical methods by
laboratories conducting analysis for
contaminants in drinking water and
thus provides operational flexibility to
laboratory analyst. Although, the rule
withdraws earlier versions of some
methods, and provides for amendments
to change Performance Evaluation
sample composition and requires yearly
analysis of PE  samples, EPA anticipates
no increase in expenditure or burden on
the testing laboratories, and thus, no
increase in expenditure or burden on
the laboratories' client public water
systems. For example, the differences
between the replacement methods and
the withdrawn methods are very minor.
In fact, the newer versions are easier to
use. The cost of the PE program should
decrease because the testing laboratories
have to analyze for fewer analytes.
Requiring PE sample analysis once a
year will not adversely affect the testing
laboratories because all states that
conduct laboratory certification
programs currently require yearly PE
sample analysis.
  In view of the fact that today's rule
provides regulatory relief in the form of
increased operational flexibility to
laboratory analysts, and thus relief to
laboratories' client public water

 47106     Federal Register/Vol. 63. No.  171/Thursday, September 3,  1998/Rules  and  Regulations
 systems, EPA has determined that this
 rule contains no regulatory
 requirements that might significantly or
 uniquely affect small governments.
 Therefore, today's rule is not subject to
 section 203 of UMRA.
 D. Paperwork Reduction Act
  In accordance with the Paperwork
 Reduction Act of 1980,44 U.S.C. 3501
 et seq., EPA must submit an information
 collection request covering information
 collection requirements in a rule to the
 Office of Management and Budget
 (OMB) for review and approval. This
 rule contains no collection
 requirements. Therefore, preparation of
 an information collection request to
 accompany this rule is unnecessary.
 £ Science Advisory Board and National
 Drinking Water Advisory Council, and
 Secretary of Health and Human Services
  In accordance with Section 1412 (d)
 and (e) of the SDWA, the Agency
 submitted this proposal to the Science
 Advisory Board, the National Drinking
 Water Advisory Council, and the
 Secretary of Health and Human Services
 for their review. They had no
 F, Submission to Congress and the
 General Accounting Office
  The Congressional Review Act, 5
 U.S.C. 801  etseq., as added by the Small
 Business Regulatory Enforcement
 Fairness Act of 1996, generally provides
 that before rule may take effect, the
 agency promulgating the rule must
 submit a rule report, which includes a
 copy of the rule, to each House of the
 Congress and to the Comptroller General
 of the United States. EPA will submit a
 report containing this rule and other
 requirement Information to the U.S.
 Senate, the U.S. House of
 Representatives, and the Comptroller
 General of the United States prior to
 publication of the rule in the Federal
 Resigter. This action is not a "major
 rule" as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2). This
 rule will be effective January 4, 1999.
 G. National Technology Transfer and
 Advancement Act
  Under section 12(d) of the National
Technology Transfer and Advancement
 Act, the Agency is directed to use
voluntary consensus standards in its
 regulatory activities unless to do so
 would be inconsistent with applicable
 law or otherwise impractical. Voluntary
 consensus standards are technical
standards (e.g., material specifications,
 test methods, sampling procedures,
business practices, etc.) that are
developed or adopted by voluntary
consensus standard bodies. Where
 available and potentially applicable
 voluntary consensus standards are not
 used by EPA, the Act requires the
 Agency to provide Congress, through
 the Office of Management and Budget
 (OMB), an explanation for the reasons
 for not using such standards.
  In this rulemaking EPA is approving
 new versions of ASTM and Standard
 Methods for many regulated drinking
 water contaminants. ASTM and SM are
 both voluntary consensus standard
 bodies responsible for promoting
 adoption of uniform and efficient
 methods for analysis. EPA recognizes
 that other consensus methods may also
 be available for the contaminants
 covered by this rule. In order  to
 expedite publication of this rule EPA
 has chosen not to perform an  exhaustive
 search for other consensus methods at
 this time. EPA plans to address the
 availability of other voluntary
 consensus methods for these analytes in
 subsequent rules.

 H. Executive Order 13045—Protection of
 Children From Environmental Health
 Risks and Safety Risks

  Today's action is not subject to
 Executive Order 13045 [62 FR 19885
 (April 23, 1997)], which requires
 agencies to identify and assess the
 environmental health and safety risks of
 their rules on children. Pursuant to the
 definitions in section 2-202, Executive
 Order 13045 only applies to rules that
 are economically significant as defined
 under Executive Order 12886 and
 concern an environmental health or
 safety risk that may disproportionately
 affect children. This rule is not
 economically significant and does not
 concern a risk disproportionately
 affecting children.
 V. References
  APHA 1992. Eighteenth edition of
 Standard Methods for the Examination of
 Water and Wastewater, 1992, American
Public Health Association, 1015 Fifteenth
Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20005.
  APHA 1995. Nineteenth edition of
 Standard Methods for the Examination of
 Water and Wastewater, 1995, American
Public Health Association,  1015 Fifteenth
Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20005.
  ASTM 1994. Annual Book of ASTM
Standards, 1994, Vol. 11.01 and 1U02,
American Society for Testing and Materials,
 101 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken,
PA 19428.
  ASTM 1996. Annual Book of ASTM
Standards, 1996, Vol. 11.01 and 11.02,
American Society for Testing and Materials,
 101 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken,
PA 19428.
  AWWA 1996. "Standard Methods—A
Closer Look", Posavec, Steve, in Opflow, Vol.
22, No.2, February 1996, American Water
Works Association, 6666 West Quincy
Avenue, Denver, CO 80235.
  EPA 1990a. "Methods for the
Determination of Organic Compounds in
Drinking Water—Supplement I", July 1990,
  EPA 1991. "Methods for the Determination
of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water",
December 1988, revised July 1991, NTIS
  EPA 1992. "Methods for the Determination
of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water—
Supplement II," August 1992, NTIS PB92-
  EPA 1993. "Methods for the Determination
of Inorganic Substances in Environmental
Samples", August 1993, NTIS PB94-120821.
  EPA 1994. "Methods for the Determination
of Metals in Environmental Samples—
Supplement I", May 1994, NTIS PB95-
  EPA 1994b. Technical Notes on Drinking
Water Methods, EPA-600/R-94-173, October
1994, NTIS PB95-104766.
  EPA 1995. "Methods for the Determination
of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water—
Supplement HI," EPA-600/R-95-131, August
1995, NTIS PB95-261616.
  EPA 1997. Manual for the Certification of
Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water,
Fourth Edition, Office of Water Resource
Center (RC-4100), 401 M. Street SW,
Washington, D.C. 20460, EPA 81-B-97-001,
March 1997.
  NY 1996. Suffolk County Water Authority
1996. Data Package pertaining to EPA
Method 508.1 and the use of a NP detector.
Suffolk County Water Authority Laboratory
260 Motor Parkway, P.O. Box 18043,
Hauppauge, New York 11788-8843.
  USGS  1989. Methods 1-3720-85,1-3300-
1700-85 and 1-2700-85 in Techniques of
Water Resources Investigations of the U.S.
Geological Survey, Book 5, Chapter A-l, 3rd
ed., 1989, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Information Services, Box 25286, Federal
Center, Denver, CO 80225-0425.
  USGS  1993. Method 1-2601-90 in Methods
of Analysis by the U.S. Geological Survey
National Water Quality Laboratory-
Determination of Inorganic and Organic
Constituents in Water and Fluvial Sediments,
Open File Report 93-125, 1993, U.S.
Geological Survey (USGS) Information
Services, Box 25286, Federal Center, Denver,
CO 80225-0425.

List of Subjects

40 CFR  Part 141

  Environmental protection, Analytical
methods, Chemicals, Incorporation by
reference, Indians-lands,
Intergovernmental relations, Radiation
protection, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Water supply.

40 CFR Part 143

  Environmental protection, Analytical
methods, Chemicals, Incorporation by
reference, Indians-lands, Water supply.

            Federal Register/Vol.  63, No.  171/Thursday,  September 3, 1998/Rules  and  Regulations     47107
  Dated: July 23, 1998.
Carol M. Browner,

  For the reasons set out in the
preamble, parts 141 and 143 of title 40,
Code of Federal Regulations, are
amended as follows:

  1. The authority citation for part 141
continues to read as follows:
  Authority: 42 U.S.C. 300g, 300g-l, 300g-2,
300g-3, 300g-4, 300g-5, 300g-6, SOOj-4, and
  2. Section 141.21 is amended by
revising paragraph (f)(3), revising the
next to last sentence of paragraph  (f)(5),
revising the second sentence of
                                         paragraph (f)(6)(i), revising the second
                                         sentence of paragraph (f) (6) (ii), and
                                         revising the second sentence of
                                         paragraph (f) (8) to read as follows:

                                         §141.21  Coliforni sampling.
                                           (f) * * *
                                           (3) Public water systems must
                                         conduct total coliform analyses in
                                         accordance with one of the analytical
                                         methods in the following table:
Total Conforms'2

Total Coliform Fermentation Technique 3-4-5 	 	 	
Total Coliform Membrane Filter Technique 	 	 	
Presence-Absence (P— A) Coliform Test5'6
ONPG-MUG Test7 	 '. 	
Colisure Test8.
Citation 1
9221 A, B.
9222A, B, C.
9221 D

  i Methods 9221 A, B, 9222A,B,C, 9221D and 9223 are contained in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edi-
tion, 1992 and 19th edition, 1995, American Public Health Association, 1015 Fifteenth Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20005; either edition may be
  2 The time from sample collection to initiation of analysis may not exceed 30 hours. Systems are encouraged but not required to hold samples
below 10°C during transit.
  3 Lactose broth, as  commercially available, may be used in lieu of lauryl tryptose broth, if the system conducts at least 25 parallel tests be-
tween this  medium and lauryl tryptose broth using the water normally tested, and this comparison demonstrates that the false-positive rate and
false-negative rate for total coliforms, using lactose broth, is less than 10 percent.
  4 If inverted tubes are used to detect gas production, the media should cover these tubes at least one-half to two-thirds after the sample is
  5 No requirement exists to run the completed phase  on 10 percent of all total coliform-positive confirmed tubes.
  6 Six-times formulation strength may be used if the medium is filter-sterilized rather than autoclaved.
  i The ONPG-MUG Test is also known as the Autoanalysis Colilert System. A source for this test is referenced at paragraph (f)(5)(iii) of this
  s The Colisure Test must be incubated for 28 hours before examining the results. If an examination of the results at 28 rwurs is not convenient,
then results may be examined at any time between 28 hours and 48 hours. A description of the Colisure Test may be obtained from the Millipore
Corporation, Technical Services Department, 80 Ashby Road, Bedford, MA 01730. The toll-free phone number is (800) 645-5476.
  (5) *  * * The preparation of EC
medium is described in Method 922 IE
(paragraph la) in Standard Methods for
the Examination of Water and
Wastewater, 18th edition, 1992 and in
the 19th edition, 1995; either edition
may be used. * * *
  (6) *  * *
  (i) *  *  * EC medium is described in
Method 922 IE as referenced in
paragraph (f) (5) of this section. *  * *
  (ii) * * * Nutrient Agar is described
in Method 922 IB (paragraph 3) in
Standard Methods for the Examination
of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition,
1992 and in the 19th edition, 1995;
either edition may be used. * * *
  (8)*  *  * Copies of the analytical
methods cited in Standard Methods for
the Examination of Water and
Wastewater (18th and 19th editions)
may be obtained from the American
Public Health Association et al.; 1015
Fifteenth Street NW, Washington, D.C.
20005. * * *
  3. Section 141.23 is amended by
revising paragraphs (a) (4) (iii), (k) (2)
including the table, (k)(3)(i), (k)(3)(ii)
introductory text, and revising the table
and footnotes in paragraph (k)(l) to read
as follows:                               *    *    *

§141.23  Inorganic chemical sampling and     (k) * *  *
analytical requirements.                      f-,\ * *  *
                                           (a) * *  *
                                           (4) * *  *
                                           (iii) If duplicates of the original
                                         sample taken from each sampling point
                                         used in the composite sample are
                                         available, the system may use these
                                         instead of resampling. The duplicates
                                         must be analyzed and the results
                                         reported to the State within 14 days
                                         after completion of the composite
                                         analysis or before the holding time of
                                         the initial sample is exceeded
                                         whichever is sooner.



ICP-Mass Spectrometry 	 	 	 :...

Atomic Absorption; Platform 	
Atomic Absorption1 Furnace 	

Atomic Absorption' Platform 	 	
Atomic Absorption; Furnace 	 ....

Transmission Electron Microscopy 	
Transmission Electron Microscopy 	
Inductively Coupled Plasma 	
ICP-Mass Soectrometrv 	



9 100.1
10 100.2








47108    Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 171/Thursday, September 3, 1998/Rules and Regulations



Chromium .........



Mercury ...... .... ,




Selenium „ 	 	

Thallium .

Lead .... . ». .

Coooer ..............


Conductivity ......


phate «.


Atomic Absorption' Direct 	
Atomte Absorption; Furnace 	
Inductively Coupled Plasma 	
ICP-Mass Spectrometry 	
Atomte Absorption; Platform 	
Atomte Absorption; Furnace 	
Inductively Coupled Plasma 	
ICP-Mass Spectrometry 	
Atomic Absorption; Platform 	 	
Atomte Absorption; Furnace 	
Inductively Coupled Plasma 	
ICP-Mass Spectrometry 	
Atomte Absorption; Platform 	
Atomte Absorption; Furnace 	
Manual Distillation followed by 	
Spectre-photometric, Amenable 	
Sp ectrophotometric:
Selective Electrode 	
Ion Chromatography 	
Manual Distill.; Color. SPADNS 	
Manual Electrode 	
Automated Electrode . 	 	
Automated Alizarin 	
Manual, Cold Vapor 	
Automated, Cold Vapor 	
ICP-Mass Spectrometry 	
Inductively Coupled Plasma 	
ICP-Mass Spectrometry 	
Atomte Absorption; Platform 	
Atomte Absorption; Direct 	
Atomic Absorption' Furnace
Ion Chromatography 	
Automated Cadmium Reduction 	
Ion Selective Electrode 	
Manual Cadmium Reduction 	
Ion Chromatography 	
Automated Cadmium Reduction
Manual Cadmium Reduction 	
Hydride-Atomic Absorption 	
ICP-Mass Spectrometry 	
Atomic Absorption' Platform 	
Atomte Absorption' Furnace 	
ICP-Mass Spectrometry . . ...
Atomte Absorption' Platform
Atomte absorption; furnace . ... 	
ICP-Mass Spectrometry 	
Atomte absorption; platform 	
Atomte absorption; furnace 	
Atomte absorption; direct aspiration 	
ICP — Mass Spectrometry 	
Atomte absorption; platform 	

EDTA titrimetric 	
Atomte absorption; direct aspiration 	
Inductively-coupled plasma 	
Electrometric titration 	
Colorimetric, automated, ascorbic acid 	
Colorimetric, ascorbic acid single reagent 	
Colorimetric, phosphomolybdate' 	 	
automated-segmented flow*
automated discrete 	
Ion Chromatography 	
Colorimetric, molybdate blue; 	
automated-segmented flow 	

2 200.7
2 200.8
2 200.9

2 200.7
2 200.8

2 200.7
2 200.8
2 200.9

6 335.4

6 300.0

2 245.1
1 245.2
2 200.8
2 200.7
2 200 8
2 200.9

6 300.0
6 353 2

6 300.0
6 353 2

2 200.8
2 200.9

2 200.8
2 200.9

2 200.8
2 200.9

2 200.7
2 200.8
2 200.9
1 150.1
1 150.21

2 200.7


5 300.0







D3867 90A






D1 293-95









411 OB
4500F-B D



411 OB
411 OB





251 OB


411 OB


s 1-3300-855

11 1 29-71 W.




5 1-1 030-85.

s 1-1 601 -8.
5 1 2601 90.
s I-2598-85.

s 1-1700-85.
5 1-2700-85.

            Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 171/Thursday,  September  3,  1998/Rules and Regulations     47109
Contaminant •


Heteropoly blue 	 	 	
Automated method for molybdate-reactive silica 	
Inductively-coupled plasma 	

Atomic Absorotion: direct asoiration 	

2 200.7

2 200.7




  The procedures shall be done in accordance with the documents listed below. The incorporation by reference of the following documents was
approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51.  Copies of the documents may be ob-
tained from the sources listed below. Information regarding obtaining these documents can be obtained from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at
800-426-4791. Documents may  be inspected at EPA's Drinking Water Docket, 401 M Street, SW., Washington, DC 20460 (Telephone: 202-
260-3027); or at the Office of Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW., Suite 700, Washington, DC.
  1 "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes", EPA-600/4-79-020, March 1983. Available at NTIS, PB84-128677.
  2 "Methods for the Determination of Metals in Environmental Samples—Supplement I", EPA-600/R-94-111,  May 1994. Available at NTIS, PB
  3 Annual Book of ASTMStandards,  1994 and 1996, Vols. 11.01 and 11.02, American Society for Testing and Materials. The previous versions
of D1688-95A, D1688-95C  (copper), D3559-95D (lead), D1293-95 (pH), D1125-91A (conductivity) and D859-94 (silica) are  also approved.
These previous versions D1688-90A,C; D3559-90D, D1293-84, D1125-91A and D859-88, respectively are located  in  the Annual Book of
ASTM Standards, 1994, Vols. 11.01. Copies may be obtained from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 101 Barr Harbor Drive, West
Conshohocken, PA 19428.
  418th and 19th editions of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 1992 and 1995,  respectively, American Public
Health Association;  either edition  may be used. Copies may be obtained from the American Public Health Association, 1015 Fifteenth Street NW,
Washington, DC 20005.
  5 Method 1-2601-90, Methods  for Analysis by the U.S.  Geological Survey National Water Quality Laboratory—Determination of Inorganic and
Organic Constituents in  Water and Fluvial Sediments, Open File Report 93-125, 1993;  For all other Methods See  Techniques of Water Re-
sources Investigation of the U.S.  Geological Survey, Book 5, Chapter A-1, 3rd ed., 1989, Methods 1-1030; 1-1601-85; 1-1700-85; I-2598-85; I-
2700-85; and I-3300-85; Available from Information Services, U.S. Geological Survey, Federal Center, Box 25286, Denver, CO 80225-0425.
  8 "Methods for  the Determination of Inorganic Substances in  Environmental Samples",  EPA-600/R-93-100, August 1993. Available at NTIS,
  7 The  procedure shall be done in accordance with the  Technical Bulletin 601 "Standard Method of Test for Nitrate in Drinking Water", July
1994, PN 221890-001, Analytical Technology, Inc. Copies may be obtained from ATI Orion, 529 Main Street, Boston, MA 02129.
  8 Method B-1011, "Waters Test Method for Determination of  Nitrite/Nitrate in Water  Using Single Column Ion Chromatography August 1987".
Copies may be obtained from Waters Corporation, Technical Services Division, 34  Maple Street, Milford, MA 01757.
  9 Method 100.1, "Analytical Method For Determination of Asbestos Fibers in Water"1, EPA-600/4-83-043, EPA, September 1983. Available at
NTIS, PB83-260471.
  10Method 100.2,  "Determination Of Asbestos Structure Over 10-nm In Length In Drinking Water", EPA-600/R-94-134, June  1994. Available
at NTIS, PB84-201902.
  11 Industrial Method No. 129-71W, "Fluoride in Water and Wastewater", December 1972, and Method No. 380-75WE, "Fluoride in Water and
Wastewater", February 1976, Technicon Industrial Systems. Copies may be obtained from Bran & Luebbe, 1025 Busch Parkway, Buffalo Grove,
IL 60089.
  12 Unfiltered, no digestion or hydrolysis.
  13 Because MDLs reported in  EPA Methods 200.7 and 200.9 were determined using a 2X preconcentration step during sample digestion,
MDLs determined when samples are analyzed by direct analysis (i.e., no sample digestion) will be higher. For direct analysis of cadmium  and ar-
senic by Method  200.7, and arsenic by Method 3120 sample preconcentration using pneumatic nebulization may be required to achieve lower
detection limits. Preconcentration may also be required for direct analysis of antimony, lead, and thallium by Method 200.9; antimony and lead by
Method 3113B; and lead by Method D3559-90D unless multiple in-furnace depositions are made.
  14 If ultrasonic  nebulization is used  in the determination of arsenic  by Methods  200.7, 200.8, or  SM 3120, the arsenic must be in the penta-
valent state to provide uniform signal response. For methods 200.7 and 3120, both samples and standards must be diluted in the same mixed
acid matrix concentration of  nitric and hydrochloric acid with the addition of 100 [d. of 30% hydrogen peroxide per 100ml of solution. For direct
analysis of arsenic with method 200.8 using ultrasonic nebulization, samples and standards must contain one mg/L of sodium hypochlorite.
   (2) Sample collection for antimony,
asbestos, barium, beryllium, cadmium,
chromium, cyanide, fluoride, mercury,
nickel, nitrate, nitrite, selenium, and
thallium under this section shall be
conducted using the sample
preservation, container, and maximum
holding time procedures specified in the
following table:


Nickel 	 	 	 ,..,.„..,..,... 	
Nitrate4 	 •
Nitrite4 	 	 • 	

Preservative 1
4°C, NaOH
6 months.
48 hours.6 •
6 months.
6 months.
6 months.
6 months.
14 days.
1 month.
28 days.
6 months.
48 hours.
28 days.
48 hours.
6 months.
6 months.
   1 When indicated, samples must be acidified at the time of collection to pH < 2 with concentrated acid or adjusted with sodium hydroxide to pH
 > 12. When chilling is indicated the sample must be shipped and stored at 4°C or less.
   2 P=plastic, hard or soft; G=glass, hard or soft.
   3 In all cases samples should be analyzed  as soon after collection as possible. Follow additional (if any) information on preservation, contain-
 ers or holding times that is specified in method.

47110     Federal Register/Vol. 63, No.  171/Thursday, September 3, 1998/Rules and Regulations

  4Nllrato may only be measured separate from nitrite in samples that have not been acidified and that have not been disinfected or only dis-
infected with a mlnfmal oxidant, such as chloramine. Measurement of acidified samples or waters disinfected with free chlorine, chlorine dioxide
or ozone provides a total nitrate (sum of nitrate plus nitrite) concentration.
  •Nllrata-Nlrite  refers to a measurement of total nitrate. Acidification is not required if total nitrate is determined within 48 hours in a sample
hald at 4*C or less. However, acidification is required if a sample is to be held for longer than 48 hours because the disinfectant residual may not
ba maintained.
  «lrtslruc!lons for containers, preservation procedures and holding times as specified in Method  100.2 must be adhered to for all compliance
analyses Including those conducted with Method 100.1.
  (3)*  *  *
  (Q Analyze Performance Evaluation
(PE) samples provided by EPA, the State
or by a third party (with the approval of
the State or EPA) at least once a year.
  (tl) For each contaminant that has
been Included in the PE sample achieve
quantitative results on the analyses that
are within the following acceptance
  4. Section 141.24 is amended by
revising paragraph (e), revising
paragraphs (f)(14)(ii). (f)(17)(i)(A),
   (13) introductory text. (h)(13)(i),
   (19)(i)(A) and (h)(19)(i)(B)
introductory text to read as follows:

§ 141.24  Organic chemicals other than
total trlhalomelhanes, sampling and
analytical requirements.
*    *    *     *     *
  (e) Analyses for the contaminants in
this section shall be conducted using
the following EPA methods or their
equivalent as approved by EPA:
  (1) The following documents are
Incorporated by reference. This
Incorporation by reference was
approved by the Director of the Federal
Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
552 (a) and 1 CFR Part 51. Copies may
be inspected at EPA's Drinking Water
Docket, 401 M Street, SW, Washington,
DC 20460; or at the Office of the Federal
Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW,
Suite 700, Washington, DC. Method
508A is in Methods for the
Determination of Organic Compounds
in Drinking Water, EPA-600/4-88-039,
December 1988, Revised, July 1991.
Methods 547, 550 and 550.1 are in
Methods for the Determination of
Organic Compounds in Drinking
Water—Supplement I, EPA-600-4-90-
020. July 1990. Methods 548.1, 549.1,
552.1 and 555 are in Methods for the
Determination of Organic Compounds
in Drinking Water—Supplement II,
EPA-600/R-92-129, August 1992.
Methods 502.2, 504.1, 505, 506, 507,
508, 508.1, 515.1, 515.2, 524.2 525.2,
531.1, 551.1 and 552.2 are in Methods
for the Determination of Organic
Compounds in Drinking Water—
Supplement III, EPA-600/R-95-131,
August 1995. Method 1613 is titled
"Tetra-through Octa-Chlorinated
Dioxins and Furans by Isotope-Dilution
HRGC/HRMS", EPA-821-B-94-005,
October 1994. These documents are
available from the National Technical
Information Service, NTIS PB91-
231480, PB91-146027, PB92-207703,
PB95-261616 and PB95-104774, U.S.
Department of Commerce, 5285 Port
Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161.
The toll-free number is 800-553-6847.
Method 6651 shall be followed in
accordance with Standard Methods for
the Examination of Water and
Wastewater, 18th edition, 1992 and 19th
edition, 1995, American Public Health
Association (APHA); either edition may
be used. Method 6610 shall be followed
in accordance with the Supplement to
the 18th edition of Standard Methods
for the Examination of Water and
Wastewater, 1994 or with the 19th
edition of Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater,
1995, APHA; either publication may be
used. The APHA documents are
available from APHA, 1015 Fifteenth
Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20005.
Other required analytical test
procedures germane to the conduct of
these analyses are contained in
Technical Notes on Drinking Water
Methods, EPA-600/R-94-173, October
1994, NTIS PB95-104766, as follows:
Benzene	  502.2, 524.2.
Carbon tatrachtorlde	  502.2, 524.2, 551.1.
Chtorobonzene 	  502.2,524.2.
1,2-Dtehtorobenzene	  502.2,524.2.
1,4-DJchIorobenzene	  502.2,524.2.
1,2-Dlchloroelhane	  502.2,524.2.
ds-DJcWoroethyiene 	  502.2,524.2.
Irans-Dfchloroethylene	  502.2, 524.2.
Dtchtoromethane	  502.2,524.2.
1,2-Dtchloropropane	  502.2,524.2.
Ethyibonzene	  502.2,524.2.
Styrena	  502.2,524.2.
Tstrachtoroethylene	  502.2, 524.2, 551.1.
1,1,1-Trichloroethane	  502.2, 524.2, 551.1.
Trfcnloroathytone	  502.2, 524.2, 551.1.
Toluene	  502.2,524.2.
1,2,4-TricWorobenzene	  502.2,524.2.
1,1-OicWoroethylene	  502.2,524.2.
1,1,2-Trfchtoroethane 	  502.2,524.2,551.1.
Vinyl chtorWa	  502.2,524.2.
Xyfanes (total)	  502.2,524.2.
2,3,7,8-TCDQ (dtoxin)	:	  1613.
2,4-D«(as add, salts and esters)	  515.2, 555, 515.1.
2,4,5-TP* (Silvex)	  515.2,555,515.1.
AtacWor*	  507, 525.2, 508.1, 505, 551.1.
Atrazlna*	  507, 525.2, 508.1, 505, 551.1.
Bonzo (a) pyrene	  525.2, 550, 550.1.
Carbofuran	  531.1, 6610.
Chlordana	  508, 525.2, 508.1, 505.
DaJapon	  552.1, 515.1,552.2.

            Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 171/Thursday, September  3,  1998/Rules  and  Regulations     47111

Dibromochloropropane (DBCP) 	

Ethylene dibromide (EDB) 	
Heptachlor Epoxide 	


PCBs3 (as decachlorobiphenyl) 	
(as Aroclors) 	 • 	


Total Trihalomethanes 	

Method 1
506, 525.2.
506, 525.2.
504 1 551 1
515.2, 555, 515.1.
508, 525.2, 508.1, 505, 551.1.
508, 525.2, 508.1, 505, 551.1.
508, 525.2, 508.1, 505, 551.1.
508, 525.2, 508.I, 505, 551.1.
508, 525.2, 508.1, 505, 551.1.
508, 525.2, 508.1, 505, 551.1.
508, 525.2, 508.1, 505, 551.1.
508.1, 508,525.2, 505.
515.2, 525.2,555, 515.1.
515.2, 555, 515.1.
507, 525.2, 508.1, 505, 551.1.
  1 For previously approved EPA methods which remain available for compliance monitoring until March 3, 2000, see paragraph (e)(2) of this
section.                                                        :
  2 Substitution of the detector specified in Method 505, 507, 508 or 508.1 for the purpose of achieving lower detection limits is allowed as fol-
lows. Either an electron capture or nitrogen phosphorous detector may be used provided all regulatory requirements and quality control criteria
are met.
  3 PCBs are qualitatively identified as aroclors and measured for compliance purposes as decachlorobiphenyl. Users of Method 505 may have
more difficulty in achieving the required detection limits than users of Methods 508.1, 525.2 or 508.
  4 Accurate determination of the chlorinated esters requires hydrolysis of the sample as described in Methods 515.1, 515.2 and 555.
  (2) The following EPA methods will
remain available for compliance
monitoring until March 3, 2000. The
following documents are incorporated
by reference. This incorporation by
reference was approved by the Director
of the Federal Register in accordance
with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR Part 51.
Copies may be inspected at EPA's
Drinking Water Docket, 401 M Street,
SW, Washington, DC 20460; or at the
Office of the Federal Register, 800 North
Capitol Street, NW, Suite 700,
Washington, DC. EPA methods 502.2
Rev. 2.0, 505 Rev. 2.0, 507 Rev. 2.0, 508
Rev. 3.0, 515.1 Rev.  4.0, 531.1 Rev. 3.0
are in "Methods for the Determination
of Organic Compounds in Drinking
Water", December 1988, revised July
1991; methods 506 and 551 are in
"Methods for the Determination of
Organic Compounds in Drinking
Water—Supplement I", July 1990;
methods 515.2 Rev. 1.0 and 524.2 Rev.
4.0 are in "Methods for the
Determination of Organic Compounds
in Drinking Water—Supplement II,"
August 1992; and methods 504.1  Rev.
1.0, 508.1 Rev. 1.0, 525.2 Rev. 1.0 are
available from US EPA NERL,
Cincinnati, OH 45268, as follows:
Carbon tetrachloride	
cis-Dichloroethylene 	,
Styrene 	,	
Vinyl chloride 	
Xylenes (total) 	
2,4-D4(as acid, salts and esters)
2,4,5-TP4 (Silvex)	....
                                             502.2, 524.2.
                                             502.2, 524.2.
                                             502.2, 524.2.
                                             502.2, 524.2.
                                             502.2, 524.2.
                                             502.2, 524.2.
                                             502.2, 524.2.
                                             502.2, 524.2.
                                             502.2, 524.2.
                                             502.2, 524.2.
                                             502.2, 524.2.
                                             502.2, 524.2.
                                             502.2, 524.2.
                                             502.2, 524.2.
                                             502.2, 524.2.
                                             502.2, 524.2.
                                             502.2, 524.2.

47112    Federal Register/Vol. 63, No.  171/Thursday, September  3,  1998/Rules and Regulations




Elhy!cno dibromldo (ED8) 	

PCBs3 (as Aroclors) 	
PSdofam* 	 , 	

Total Trihalomethanes 	

508, 525.2, 508.1 , 505.
506, 525.2.
506, 525.2.
504.1, 551.
508,525.2,508.1, 505.
508,525.2,508.1, 505.
508,525.2,508.1, 505.
508,525.2,508.1, 505.
508, 525.2,508.1, 505.
508, 525.2,508.1, 505.
508, 525.2, 508.1 , 505.
515.2, 515.1.
507, 525.2, 508.1, 505.
508,508.1,525.2, 505.
  i [Rosofvedl.
  substitution of the detector specified in Method 505, 507, 508 or 508.1 for the purpose of achieving lower detection limits is allowed as fol-
lows. Either an electron capture or nitrogen phosphorous detector may be used provided all regulatory requirements and quality control criteria
aro mot.
  3 PCBs are qualitatively identified as aroclors and measured for compliance purposes as decachlorobiphenyl. Users of Method 505 may have
more difficulty ?n achieving the required detection limits than users of Methods 508.1, 525.2 or 508.
  4 Accurate determination of the chlorinated esters requires hydrolysis of the sample as described in Methods 515.1 and 515.2.
     *  * *
   14) * *  *
  (if) If duplicates of the original sample
taken from each sampling point used in
the composite sample are available, the
system may use these  instead of
resampling. The duplicates must be
analyzed and the results reported to the
State within 14 days after completion of
the composite analysis or before the
holding time for the initial sample is
exceeded whichever is sooner.
  (17) * *  *
  (1) *  * *
  (A) Analyze Performance Evaluation
(PE)  samples provided by EPA, the State
or by a third party (with the approval of
the State or EPA) at least once a year.
  (B) Achieve the quantitative
acceptance limits under paragraphs
(f)(17)(i)(C) and (D) of this section for at
least 80 percent of the regulated organic
contaminants included in the PE
  (ID *  *  *
  (A) Analyze Performance Evaluation
samples provided by EPA, the State or
by a third party (with  the approval of
the State or EPA) at least once a year.
  (h)*  *  *
  (10) * *  *
  (11) If duplicates of the original sample
taken from each sampling point used in
the composite sample are available, the
system may use these instead of
                                       resampling. The duplicates must be
                                       analyzed and the results reported to the
                                       State within 14 days after completion of
                                       the composite analysis or before the
                                       holding time for the initial sample is
                                       exceeded whichever is sooner.

                                         (13) Analysis for PCBs shall be
                                       conducted as follows using the methods
                                       in paragraph (e) of this section:
                                         (i) Each system which monitors for
                                       PCBs shall analyze each sample using
                                       either Method 508.1, 525.2, 508 or 505.
                                       Users of Method 505 may have more
                                       difficulty in achieving the required
                                       Aroclor detection limits than users of
                                       Methods 508.1, 525.2  or 508.

                                         (19) *  *  *
                                         (i) *  * *
                                         (A) Analyze Performance Evaluation
                                       (PE) samples provided by EPA, the State
                                       or by a third party (with the approval of
                                       the State or EPA) at least once a year.
                                         (B) For each contaminant that has
                                       been included in the PE sample achieve
                                       quantitative results on the analyses that
                                       are within the following acceptance

                                         5. Section 141.40 is amended by
                                       revising paragraphs (g) and (n) (11)
                                       introductory text, and by revising the
                                       entries in the table for "metolachlor"
                                       and "metribuzin" in paragraph (n)(ll)
                                       to read as follows:
§ 141.40 Special monitoring for inorganic
and organic contaminants.
  (g) Analysis for the unregulated
contaminants listed under paragraphs
(e) and (j) of this section shall be
conducted using EPA Methods 502.2 or
524.2, or their equivalent as determined
by EPA, except analysis for
bromodichloromethane, bromoform,
chlorodibromomethane and chloroform
under paragraph (e) of this section also
may be conducted by EPA Method
551.1, and analysis for 1,2,3-
trichloropropane also may be conducted
by EPA Method 504.1 or 551.1. A source
for the EPA methods is referenced at
  (n) * * *
  (11) The following documents are
incorporated by reference. This
incorporation by reference was
approved by the Director of the Federal
Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
552(a) and 1 CFRPart 51. Copies may
be inspected at EPA's Drinking Water
Docket, 401 M Street, SW, Washington,
DC 20460; or at the Office of the Federal
Register, 800 North Capitol Street, N.W.,
Suite 700, Washington, DC. Systems
shall monitor for the unregulated
organic contaminants listed below,
using the method(s) identified below
and using the analytical test procedures
contained in Technical Notes on
Drinking Water Methods, EPA-600/R-
94-173, October 1994, which is

           Federal Register/Vol. 63, No.  171/Thursday, September 3, 1998/Rules  and Regulations     47113
available at NTIS, PB95-104766.
Method 6610 shall be followed in
accordance with the Standard Methods
for the Examination of Water and
Wastewater 18th Edition Supplement,
1994, American Public Health
Association (APHA) or with the 19th
edition of Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater,
1995, APHA; either edition may be
used. A source for APHA method 6610
and for EPA Methods 505, 507, 508,
508.1, 515.2, 525.2 and 531.1 is
referenced at § 141.24(e).
Metolachlor	  507,525.2,508.1,551.1
Metribuzin	  507,525.2,508.1,551.1
  6. Section 141.74 is amended by
revising the first five sentences of
paragraph (a) introductory text, the table
and footnotes in paragraph (a) (1), and
the first and second sentences in
paragraph (a) (2) to read as follows:

§ 141.74  Analytical and monitoring
  (a) Analytical requirements. Only the
analytical method(s) specified in this
paragraph, or otherwise approved by
EPA, may be used to demonstrate
compliance with §§ 141.71, 141.72 and
141.73. Measurements for pH, turbidity,
temperature and residual disinfectant
concentrations must be, conducted by a
person approved by the State.
Measurement for total Goliforms, fecal
coliforms and HPC must be conducted
by a laboratory certified by the State or
EPA to do such analysis. Until
laboratory certification criteria are
developed for the analysis of fecal
coliforms and HPC, any laboratory
certified for total coliforms analysis by
the State or EPA is deemed certified for
fecal coliforms and HPC analysis. The
following procedures shall be
conducted in accordance with the
publications listed in the following
section. * * *
  (1) *  *  *
Total Coliforms2

Fecai Coliforms2 . .

Heterotrophic bacteria 2

Total Coliform Fermentation Technique 3.4,s 	 	 	
Total Coliforrn Membrane Filter Technique 	 	 	
ONPG-MUG Test6 	
Fecal Coliform MPN Procedure7 	 	 	
Fecal Coliform Membrane Filter Procedure 	 	 	
Pour Plate Method 	
Nephelornetric Method 	 	 	
Nephelometric Method 	
Great Lakes Instruments 	 	 	
9221 A, B, C.
9222A, B, C.
9221 E.
921 5B.
21 SOB.
Method 2.9
  1 Except where noted, all methods refer to Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition, 1992 and 19th edi-
tion, 1995, American Public Health Association, 1015 Fifteenth Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20005; either edition may be used.
  2The time from sample collection to initiation of analysis may not exceed 8 hours. Systems are encouraged but not required to hold samples
below 10°C during transit.
  3 Lactose broth,  as commercially available, may be used in lieu of lauryl tryptose broth, if the system conducts at least 25 parallel tests be-
tween this medium and lauryl tryptose broth using the water normally tested, and this comparison demonstrates that the false-positive rate and
false-negative rate for total coliforms, using lactose broth, is less than 10 percent.
  4 Media should cover inverted tubes at least one-half to two-thirds after the sample is added.
  5 No requirement exists to run the completed phase on 10 percent of all total coliform-positive confirmed tubes.
  6The ONPG-MUG Test is also known as the Autoanalysis Colilert System. A source for this test is referenced at §141.21(f)(5)(iii).
  7A-1 Broth may be held up to three months in a tightly closed screwcap tube at 4°C.
  s "Methods for the Determination of Inorganic Substances in Environmental Samples", EPA-600/R-93-100, August 1993. Available at NTIS,
  9QLI Method 2,  "Turbidity", November 2,  1992, Great Lakes Instruments, Inc., 8855 North 55th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53223.
  (2) Public water systems must
measure residual disinfectant
concentrations with one of the
analytical methods in the following
table. The methods are contained in
both the 18th and 19th editions of
Standard Methods for the Examination
of Water and Wastewater, 1992 and
1995; either edition may be used.  * * *
  7. Section 141.89 is amended by
revising paragraph (a) (1) (i) and by
removing the semicolon at the end of
paragraph (a) (1) (ii) (B) and adding a
period in its place to read as follows:

§ 141.89  Analytical methods.

  (a) *  * *
  (1) *  * *

  (i) Analyze Performance Evaluation
samples which include lead and copper
provided by EPA, the State or by a third
party (with the approval of the State or
EPA) at least once a year.

   1. The authority citation for part 143
continues to read as follows:
  Authority: 42 U.S.C. 300f et seq.
   2. Section 143.4 is amended by
revising the table and footnotes in
paragraph (b) to read as follows:

§143.4  Monitoring.
   (b)  *  * *


2 200.7


47114     Federal Register/Vol.  63, No. 171/Thursday, September 3, 1998/Rules and Regulations
Chloride ., 	

Foaming Agents 	 	 	
Icon ,..„.., 	 	 	 	 	

Odor 	 , 	 	 	


2 200.8
1 300.0

2 200.7
2 200.9
2 200.9
2 200.7
2 200.8
1 300.0
1 375.2




D5 16-90

411 OB
21 SOB
411 OB
4500-SO4-C D


  Tha procedures shall be done in accordance with the documents listed below. The incorporation by reference of the following documents was
approved by the Director of the FEDERAL REGISTER in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies of the documents may be ob-
lainod from the sources listed below. Information regarding obtaining these documents can be obtained from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at
800-426-4791. Documents may be inspected at EPA's Drinking Water Docket, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460 (Telephone: 202-
260-3027); or at tha Office of FEDERAL REGISTER, 800 North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, D.C. 20408.
  '"Methods for the Determination of Inorganic Substances in Environmental Samples",  EPA-600/R-93-100, August 1993. Available at NTIS,
  2"Melhods for the Determination of Metals in Environmental Samples—Supplement I", EPA-600/R-94-111, May 1994. Available at NTIS, PB
  3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, 1994 and  1996, Vols. 11.01  and 11.02,  American Society for Testing and Materials. Copies may be ob-
tained from tha American Society for Testing and Materials, 101 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.
  *18lh and 19th editions of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 1992 and 1995, American Public Health Associa-
tion; either edition may be used. Copies may be  obtained  from the American Public Health Association, 1015 Fifteenth Street NW, Washington,
DC 20006.
  * Techniques of Water Resources Investigation of the U.S. Geological Survey, Book 5, Chapter A-1, 3rd ed., 1989, Method I-3720-65; Avail-
able from Information Services, U.S. Geological Survey, Federal Center, Box 25286, Denver, CO 80225-0425.
(PR Doc. 98-22204 Filed 9-2-98; 8:45 am]


              Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 171/Thursday,  September 3, 1998/Proposed Rules

40 CFR Parts 141 and 143
RIN 2040-AC77

National Primary Drinking Water
Regulations: Analytical Methods for
Regulated Drinking Water

AGENCY: Environmental Protection
ACTION: Proposed rule.

SUMMARY: Today, EPA is proposing to
approve the use of updated versions of
previously approved American Society
for Testing and Materials (ASTM),
Standard Methods for the Examination
of Water and Wastewater (Standard
Methods or SM) and Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) analytical
methods for compliance determinations
of chemical and microbiological
contaminants in drinking water. At the
same time, the Agency is withdrawing
approval of the previous versions of the
14 EPA methods. Previous versions of
the SM and ASTM methods will
continue to be approved. In addition the
Agency is making minor technical
corrections or amendments in the
inorganic, organic and total
trihalomethane sampling and analytical
requirements section in the Code of
Federal Regulation. Elsewhere in this
issue of the Federal Register, the
Agency is promulgating this rule as a
direct  final rule because the Agency
does not expect adverse comments and
wants  to allow immediate use of the
methods for compliance monitoring.
The Agency believes that it is in the
public interest to  make these methods
available quickly by approving them via
direct final rulemaking since the revised
versions contain noncontroversial
changes or optional improvements. EPA
invites comment on the substance of the
direct final rule (addressing the updated
versions of previously approved ASTM,
SM, and EPA analytical methods) in the
 "final rules" section of today's Federal
   When EPA issues a direct final rule
 making it also issues a companion
 proposed rule. The effective date on the
 final rule is set sufficiently in the future
 to allow for the receipt of and response
 to public comments before the direct
 final rule goes into effect. If EPA
 receives relevant adverse comments,
 then EPA will publish a timely
 withdrawal informing the public that
 the final rule will not take effect. EPA
 has chosen to use the direct final
approach for these regulatory actions
because the Agency does not expect to
receive relevant adverse public
comments. Additionally, the procedure
allows for the most expeditious
implementation possible consistent
with the Administrative Procedure Act
(APA). If EPA decides to withdraw any
or all of the actions, EPA will proceed
with a revised rule based on the
companion proposed rule.
DATES: Comments must be received in
writing by November 2, 1998.
ADDRESSES: Written comments may be
submitted either by mail or
electronically. Comments may be sent
by mail to the W-97-04 Drinking Water
Analytical Methods Final Comment
Clerk, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Water Docket, MC 4101, 401 M
Street, SW Washington, D.C. 20460.
Please submit any references cited in
your comments. EPA yvould appreciate
an original and 3 copies of your
comments and enclosures (including
  No facsimiles (faxes) will be accepted
because EPA cannot ensure that they
will be submitted to the Water Docket.
To ensure that EPA can read,
understand and therefore properly
respond to comments, the Agency
would prefer that commenters cite,
where possible, the paragraph(s) in the
proposed regulation (e.g.,  141.23(k)) to
which each comment refers.
Commenters should use a separate
paragraph for each method or issue
discussed. Commenters who would like
acknowledgment of receipt of their
comments should include a self-
addressed, stamped envelope. For
information on submitting comments
electronically see SUPPLEMENTARY
  The record for this rulemaking has
been established under docket number
W-97-04. Copies of the public
comments received, references cited in
this notice and other supporting
documents are available for review at
the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Water Docket, East Tower
Basement, 401 M Street, SW,
Washington, D.C. 20460. For access to
the docket materials, call 202-260-3027
 on Monday through Friday, excluding
 Federal holidays, between 9:00 a.m. and
 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time for an
 Jitendra Saxena, Ph.D., Office of Ground
 Water and Drinking Water (MC-4607),
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
 401 M Street, SW, Washington, D.C.
 20460, telephone (202) 260-9579; or one
 of the EPA Regional Office contacts
 listed below. General information may
also be obtained from the EPA Drinking
Water Hotline. Callers within the United
States may reach the Safe Drinking
Water Hotline at 800-426-4791. The
Safe Drinking Water Hotline is open
Monday through Friday, excluding
Federal holidays, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30
p.m. Eastern Time.
  For technical information regarding
microbiology methods, contact Paul S.
Berger, Ph.D., Office of Ground Water
and Drinking Water (MC-4607), U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency,
Washington, D.C. 20460, telephone,
(202) 260-3039. For technical
information regarding chemistry
methods, contact Richard Reding, Ph.D.,
Office of Ground Water and Drinking
Water, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio 45268,
telephone (513) 569-7961.
information provided in the direct final
action which is located in the rules
section of this Federal Register.
Electronic Comment Submission
  Electronic comments should be
addressed to the Internet address: ow-
docket@epamail.epa.gov. Electronic
comments must be submitted as an
ASCII file and avoid use of special
characters and any form of encryption.
Electronic comments must be identified
by the docket number W-97-04.
Comments and data will also be
accepted on disks in WordPerfect in 5.1
format or ASCII file format. Electronic
comments on this document may be
filed online at many Federal Depository
Libraries. Electronic comments will be
transferred into a paper version for the
official record. EPA will attempt to
clarify electronic comments if there is
an apparent error in transmission.
Comments provided electronically will
be considered timely if they are
submitted electronically by 11:59 p.m.
 (Eastern time) on November 2,1998.
Information on Internet Access
   This Federal Register document is
 available  on the Internet for public
 review and downloading at the
 following location: http://www.epa.gov/
 List of Subjects
 40 CFR Part 141
   Environmental protection, Analytical
 methods, Chemicals, Incorporation by
 reference, Indians—lands,
 Intergovernmental relations, Radiation
 protection, Reporting and recordkeeping
 requirements. Water supply.

 40 CFR Part 143
   Environmental protection, Analytical
 methods, Chemicals, Incorporation by

47116        Federal Register/Vol. 63, No.  171/Thursday,  September  3, 1998/Proposed Rules

reference, Indians—lands. Water
  Dated: July 23.1998.
Carol M. Browner,
|FR Doc. 98-22205 Filed 9-2-98; 8:45 am]

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