Watershed Patch Project

Office of Water
Washington, DC 20460
                                                                  EPA 840-B-04-001
                                                                  May 2004
Cover: Artwork from the River of Words 2001 Art Contest ©River of Words
"Down the Drain" Jasmine U., Age 17, Georgia Art Finalist
©River of Words Contest

River of Words (ROW) is a nonprofit international art/environmental education organization designed
to nurture respect for and understanding of the natural world and to promote literacy in all its forms.
ROW is affiliated with the Library of Congress Center for the Book and was co-founded in 1995 by U.S.
Poet Laureate (1995-1997) Robert Haas and writer Pamela Michael. Through its workshops, innovative
curriculum, publications, and free annual poetry and art contests, ROW fosters responsibility, imagina-
tion, and action in young people and publicly acknowledges their creativity and concerns. Deadlines
are February 15 (North America) and March 1 (international) each year. There is no charge to enter.
For information or to order an Educator's guide or other curriculum materials,

River of Words©
P.O. Box4000-J
Berkeley, CA 94704
Tel: 510-548-POEM (7636)
 Mention of any commercial products, services, materials, or publications in this book-
 let does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use by EPA.

Dear Educator:
         hanks to the passage of the landmark Clean Water Act, America has seen much prog-
         ress in cleaning up its rivers, lakes, streams, and coastal waters. In 1972 the Potomac
     River in Washington, DC, was too dirty for human contact; aquatic life in Lake Erie, one of
  the Great Lakes, was dying because of excessive nutrients; and Ohio's Cuyahoga River was so
  polluted with floating debris and oil that it caught fire. Many rivers and beaches were little
  more than open sewers. Conditions in these and thousands of other water-bodies are much bet-
  ter today.  Over the past 30 years, the nation has made tremendous progress in addressing
  pollution from sewage treatment plants and industrial facilities.

  Despite these accomplishments, many challenges remain, including threats to human health.
  Many monitored waters still fail to meet state water quality standards, which means that they
  do not support basic uses like swimming and fishing. Although wetland losses have slowed, the
  nation continues to lose about 60,000 wetland acres per year. A disturbing  number of fresh-
  water fish species are now threatened or endangered.

  The remaining pollution problems  come from many different sources—not  just from a pipe.
  Polluted runoff from city and suburban streets, construction sites, and farms is the primary
  reason  many of our waters are not fishable or swimmable. Tackling these problems will not be
  easy. But schools and science clubs can help make a difference by becoming watershed stew-
  ards in  their communities.

              The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) developed this Water-
                 shed Patch program to encourage young people to learn about their local water-
                 shed and to motivate them to get involved in local watershed protection efforts.
                 Please see page four for information  about awards and certificates.

                       Comments may be directed to  Patty Scott, US Environmental  Protec-
                          tion Agency, 4501T, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington,
                           DC 20460; e-mail: scott.patricia@epa.gov.
                                      Please Read!
 Any activities on or near the water should be carefully supervised by adults, and
 safety tips need to be explained to children. Please check with your school and be
 sure to follow all appropriate safety procedures and policies. All the field activities
 in this booklet include recommended safety tips. Other  important safety guidelines
 are included on pages 40-42.

      tackgrouna information
     1.  Watersheds (page 5)
     2.  Nonpoint Source Pollution (page 5)
     3.  Water Quality Information (page 6)
     5.  Wetlands and their Basic Characteristics (page 7)
     6.  Groundwater/Drinking Water (page 8)
 II. Patch Requirements (pages 9-12)
     Level 1 River Rookie (Grades 3-4)
     Level 2 Conservation Captain (Grades 4-5)
     Level 3 Aquifer Ace (Grades 6-7)
     Level 4 Watershed Wizard (Grades 7-8)
III. Community Projects and  Hands-on Activities
     1.  Do's and Don'ts Around the Home (Levels 1, 2, 3 <& 4)—pages
     2.  Storm Drain Marking Guidelines (Levels 2, 3 & 4)—pages
     3.  Streamwalk (Levels 2,  3 <& 4)—pages 18-28
     4.  Stream Insects (Levels 2, 3 <& 4)—pages 29-32
     5.  Watershed Festival (Levels 2, 3 <& 4)—pages 33-34
     6  Build Your Own Aquifer (Levels 2, 3 <& 4)—pages 35-36
     7.  Backyard Wildlife Habitat  Project (Levels 3 & 4 )—page 37
     8.  Stream Cleanup Guidelines  (Level 4)—pages 38-39
 IV. Safety Guidelines (pages 40-42)
  V. Glossary (pages 43-44)
 VI. Resources (pages 45-46)
VII. Certificate of Class/School Recognition (page 47)
   To encourage participation in this project,  EPA has developed Watershed Certifi
   cates and a Patch that can be presented to students.  Certificates can be down-
   loaded from EPA's Web site at http://www. epa.gov/adopt/
   patch/certificates/.   The certificates look  best when printed
   on parchment paper.  The designs are drawn from winning
   student artwork from the River of Words International Art
   and Poetry contest (www.riverofwords.org).  The Patch is
   intended for students who complete all of the activity levels
   (i.e.. River Rookie, Conservation Captain, Aquifer Ace,  and
   Watershed Wizard).  Patches are available  on a first come,
   first-served basis and can be ordered by calling 1-800-
   490-9198.  Ask for  publication number EPA 840-E-03-001.

    Background  Information
What Is a Watershed?
A watershed is a land area from which water
drains into a receiving body of water. Receiving
bodies of water can include streams, lakes, wet-
lands, estuaries, and groundwater.  Watersheds
come in different shapes and sizes, and local
watersheds are subwatersheds (or subbasins) of
larger, regional ones.

What Is Nonpoint Source Pollu-
Unlike pollution from factories and sew-
age treatment plants, nonpoint source
pollution comes from many different
areas with no particular place of ori-
gin. It is caused by rainfall or snow-
melt moving over and through the ground.
As the runoff moves, it picks up and carries away
natural and human-made pollutants, finally de-
positing them into lakes, rivers, wetlands, coastal
waters, and even underground sources of drink-
ing water. These pollutants include:

A  Excess fertilizers, herbicides, and insecticides
   from farms, cities, and suburban streets
A  Oil, grease, and toxic chemicals from urban
   runoff and energy production
A  Sediment from improperly managed con-
   struction sites, crop and  forest lands, and
   eroding streambanks
A  Salt from irrigation practices and acid drain-
   age from abandoned mines
A  Bacteria and nutrients from livestock,  pet
   waste, and faulty septic systems
Acid rain and changes to stream flow, such as
dams and concrete channels, are also sources of
nonpoint source pollution. Acid rain, much of
which is caused by cars and power plants, is rich
in nitrogen, which can overstimulate the growth
of aquatic weeds and algae. This in turn can de-
                       Nonpoint source pollution (or
                  polluted runoff) occurs when water
                 runs over land or through the ground,
   picks up pollutants, and deposits them in the river, lake,
                             bay, or groundwater.
plete oxygen and kill aquatic life. Structures such
as dams and concrete channels change stream
flow, reducing the ability of streams to absorb
waste and disturbing fish breeding areas.
  Acid Rain: A complex chemical and at-
  mospheric phenomenon that occurs when
  emissions of sulfur and nitrogen compounds
  and other substances are transformed by
  chemical  processes in the atmosphere,
  often far from the original sources, and
  then deposited on earth  in either wet or
  dry form. The wet forms, popularly called
  "acid rain," can fall to earth as rain, snow,
  or fog. The dry forms are acidic gases or

Water Quality Conditions  in  the United States:"The National  Water
Quality Inventory"
What is the quality of our waters?
Surface waters are waters that you can see. These
waters include rivers and streams, lakes, ponds,
reservoirs, wetlands, coastal waters, and estuar-
ies. For the U.S. waterbodies sampled most re-
cently,  about 40 percent are rated as impaired.

The National Water Quality Inventory
EPA and the states are directed by the Clean
Water Act (CWA) to help protect the health of
our nation's waters. The CWA gives states the
authority and responsibility to establish water
quality standards, which set minimum require-
ments for fish habitat, swimming, and drinking
water sources. States, under Section 305(b) of
CWA, are required to assess the health of their
waters and submit the information to EPA every
2 years. EPA gathers the information from every
state and prepares  a report called the National
Water Quality Inventory. To  see the latest 305(b)
report or other information  on the quality of our
nation's waters, visit http://www.epa.gov/305b
on the Internet.

How is the quality of our waters determined?
Every state adopts goals or standards that need
to be met for its waters, based on the intended
uses of the waterbodies. Different goals are set
for different waterbody uses. For example, if the
water is going to be used for cooling machinery
in a factory, it doesn't have to be as clean as water
used for drinking. Scientists monitor the waters
and give them one of the following scores:

•   GOOD:  The waterbody fully supports its
    intended uses.
•   POLLUTED  OR  IMPAIRED: The water-
    body does not support one or more of its
    intended uses.
•   GOOD, but THREATENED: The waterbody
    supports its uses, but is considered vulner-
    able because of threats from existing or po-
    tential sources of pollution.

What Is a Wetland?
Wetlands are areas of land that are wet at least
part of the year. They are populated by plants
well adapted to grow in standing water or
saturated soils. There are many different types
of wetlands, including marshes, bogs, fends,
swamps, prairie potholes, and bottomland hard-
wood forests. Wetlands may not always appear
to be wet. Many dry out for extended periods of
time. Others may appear dry on the surface but
are saturated underneath.

What Are the Basic Characteristics
of Wetlands?
Wetlands share three basic characteristics: (1)
hydrology (water), (2) hydric soils (soils that
form due to the presence of water), and (3) hy-
drophytic vegetation (plants adapted to living
in saturated soils).

Wetland Benefits
These complex ecosystems play an important
role in the health of our environment and the
quality of our water. Wetlands provide support

                4 Fish and wildlife habi-

                4 Complex food webs

                4 Water absorption to re-
                   duce storm flooding and

                4 Sediment traps

                4 Erosion control

                4 Water quality

                4 Groundwater replenish-
                   ment; maintaining flows
                   in streams  by releasing
                   water during dry peri-
Did You Know?

Over one-third of all the threatened and en-
dangered species live in wetlands, and nearly
half use wetlands at some time in their lives.
Other names for wetlands include swamps,
bogs,  marshes, fens, and pocosins.

Why Are Wetlands Important?

Wetlands as Sponges
Have  you ever poured water onto a damp
sponge? The sponge will hold a lot of water
before it slowly starts to leak. The same
happens in a wetland. Because of its low-
lying position on the  landscape, a wetland
traps runoff water that flows into it during
a rainstorm and slowly releases the water
later. This helps to prevent  flooding.

Wetlands as Filters
After being trapped by the wetland sponge,
polluted  runoff moves slowly through a
wetland, finding its way around plants and
through  small spaces in the soil. While
it  moves,  the  nutrients are absorbed by
the plant roots that poke through the soil
spaces. Some spaces are very small and pol-
lutants get trapped. Sometimes the pollut-
ants just stick to the soil. By the time the
water leaves the wetland, it is much cleaner
than  it was when it entered. This is why
many  people think of wetlands as nature's
filter  system.

Wetlands as Habitat
Wetlands are home to many types of mac-
roinvertebrates, fish, amphibians, birds,
mammals, and reptiles. These animals rely
on the plentiful food, water, and shelter
that wetlands offer. Although some animals
spend their whole lives in a wetland, many
use it for only a particular time  in their
lives,  such as for hatching eggs and raising

What Is Ground wa-
Beneath the land's surface,
water resides in two general
zones, the saturated and the
unsaturated. The unsaturat-
ed zone lies directly beneath
the land  surface, where air
and water  fill in the pore
spaces between soil and rock
particles. Water saturates the
zone beneath the unsaturated
The term groundwater refers
to water in the saturated zone. This water is an
important natural resource and is used for many
purposes, including drinking water, irrigation,
and livestock raising.

Surface water replenishes (or recharges) ground-
water when it sinks or percolates through the
unsaturated zone. Therefore, the unsaturated
zone can act as a pathway for groundwater con-
tamination. Groundwater can move sideways
and emerge at openings in the surface, such as
springs on hillsides, or seep to streams, lakes,
wetlands, and oceans.  In this way, polluted
groundwater can contaminate surface waters.
Conversely, some surface waters, such as wet-
lands, hold floodwaters and allow them to soak
slowly into the groundwater. When wetlands are
filled or drained, groundwater may dry up.

            Did  You Know?
  Half the drinking water in the  United
  States comes from groundwater.
               What Is the  Quality of Your  Drinking Water?
  The Environmental Protection Agency requires water utilities to write annual drinking water
  reports called "Consumer Confidence Reports (CCRs)." These reports, issued with utility bills,
  provide fundamental information, including the source of your local drinking water (lake,
  river, aquifer, or other source), its susceptibility to contamination,and the level or range
  of any contaminants found. EPA's Web site, http://www.epa.gov/safewater, includes useful
  information on how to interpret the reports. For a copy of your CCR, check with your local
  water utility.

Watershed  Patch Requirements
River Rookie (Grades 3-4)—Do any 4 of the first 10 requirements
Conservation Captain (Grades 4-5)—Do any 5 of the first 15 requirements
Aquifer Ace (Grades 5-6)—Do any 6 of the first 18 requirements
Watershed Wizard (Grades 6-8)—Do any 7 of the 20 requirements

After answering the questions on the Home and Lawn Care checklist (pages 13-15), plan
how you and your family can change three to five "no" answers to "yes" answers. Share
your plan with your school and members of your neighborhood. See how many "yes"
answers other kids in your group have.

Wetlands provide many benefits. They help reduce flooding, sustain stream flow, filter
polluted waters,  provide habitat for wildlife, and support biological diversity. Visit a
National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) or a locally protected wetland. Using the list on page
7, see how many wetland characteristics you can identify. Call 1-800-344-WILD or visit
http://www.fws.gov for help in finding the nearest NWR. Or call EPA's Wetlands Helpline
at 1-800-832-7828.

Enter the international "River of Words" Poetry and Art contest. The contest, open to
youth between the ages of 5 to 19, invites children to explore and interpret their local
watershed through the arts. To obtain an entry form or more information, contact River
of Words, P.O. Box 4000-J, Berkeley, CA 94704; Tel: 510-548-POEM or download an entry
form at http://www.riverofwords.org

Find out what  different plants and animals live in your watershed. How many kinds of
wildlife can you identify (e.g., crabs, oysters, waterfowl, and fish)?

Go on a hike with your school and follow a local creek or stream. Where does the stream
ultimately drain? What does it pick up along the way? What happens when it rains? How
does the stream change? What insects, birds, plants, or aquatic life do you observe? Use
a United States Geological Survey (USGS) map or draw your own to illustrate your local
watershed. USGS topographic maps can be obtained by calling 1-888-ASK-USGS (cost is
$4) or visiting http://topozone.com/. Share with others what you have learned.

Create an attractive wall mural for your school or community with messages about clean
water. Some ideas for themes might be "We all live downstream," "What is a watershed?"
"Where does my drinking water come from?" or "The Wonders of Wetlands." You might
take a look at a poster series developed by the USGS at http://water.usgs.gov/outreach/
OutReach.html for some ideas!
        Visit a local aquarium or a natural history museum to see specimens of aquatic life. Share

         your experiences with your school and family. Consider visiting one of Coastal America's
         Coastal Ecosystems Learning Centers if there is one near you. Check out Coastal America
         on-line at http://www.coastalamerica.gov or call 202-401-9928. Find  out how Coastal
         America, a partnership of 11 federal agencies and the Executive Office of the President,
         is helping to protect the manatee, the whooping crane, salmon, and the right whale.

         Visit a local  sewage treatment plant or water filtration plant to see how wastewater is
         treated or drinking water is purified. Look at the treated water as it is  being discharged
         into your river, stream, or estuary. Is it clear? Does it stink?

         Participate in a special activity during May to  celebrate American Wetlands Month or
         during the third week of October to celebrate National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) Week. For
         wetlands ideas, see the list below, visit the Izaak Walton League of America's Web site at
         http://www.iwla.org/SOS/awm or call 1-800-BUG-IWLA. For NWR Week, contact the Fish
         and Wildlife Service at 1-800-344-WILD or visit  http://www.fws.gov.

         Identify two people working in water resource protection and invite them to come to
         speak to your school or club.

         Work with your school or service organization to organize a Storm Drain Marking or Stencil-
         ing Project in your neighborhood. Produce and distribute a flyer or door hanger for local
         households to make them aware of your project and to remind them that storm drains
         dump directly into your local waterbody. Guidelines for the project are on pages 16-17.

         Go on a stream, wetlands, or lake walk and make observations and assessments of water-
         body conditions.  See pages 18-28 for streamwalk guidelines. As part of your streamwalk,
How Can I  Help Protect Wetlands?

Before you can protect them, you have to understand them...

1.  Be a Wetlands Detective! Investigate why wetlands are unique. Research    «,
   what  kinds of animals and plants live in the wetlands in your  state. Start   •
   a journal to record the names of birds, frogs, insects, and plants that you might  '\
   find in a  local wetland. Try to draw them! Go to the library or use the Internet
   to uncover the mysteries of wetlands. Don't  forget to investigate how wetlands
   function to keep a watershed healthy. Visit http://www.epa.gov/owow/wetlands for
   information  or call EPA's Wetlands  Helpline at 1-800-832-7828. Now
   that you  have learned about wetlands, go explore one...

2.  Visit a publicly accessible wetland and design a photograph posterboard display.
   Form teams of two or three, each team with their own camera (disposable cameras   work well).
   Using a field guide, photograph  four or five items, such as insects, birds, plants, or trees. La-
   bel/describe the photos and mount them onto posterboard (laminating posters is recommended).
   Finally, display the poster in a public location such as a library, church, or school!

   Volunteer at your local wetland! Call your county's agricultural extension agent or the local/
   state natural resource management agency and get a list of ongoing wetland/stream restoration

          you may want to consider collecting stream insects to evaluate stream health. See pages
          29-32 for guidelines.
Sponsor a Groundwater Festival or Watershed Festival at your school or in your commu-
nity to raise awareness about the importance of clean water and watershed protection.
See pages 33-34 for guidelines and a list of resources.

Do a display or presentation on groundwater and how pollutants threaten its purity. Show
where your drinking water comes from. Students can check their family water utility bill
or visit EPA's Web page at http://www.epa.gov/ow/states.html. Click on the map and link
to information about local drinking water. Use the Make an Aquifer Model (pages 35-36)
as part of your presentation.

Design a "mock-up" of your watershed. Share it with younger students. Use EPA's Lo-
cate Your Watershed (http://www.epa.gov/surf) site or the resources list (pages 45-46) to
create it.

Share your knowledge of water pollution with younger children, perhaps a kindergarten
or first or second grade class. Order a copy of 'After the Storm" (see below) and show it
in your school or at a community meeting. Or consider doing a presentation about your
local watershed. Discuss threats to its health (e.g., pollution or  habitat loss). Highlight
things that students and their families can do to protect water quality. Visit the Water-
shed Information Network at http://www.epa.gov/win to obtain information about your

Create a wildlife habitat  or another conservation project in your school. Call the Natural
                               'er  the  'Storm
EPA recently co-produced a new television special with The Weather Channel called "After
the Storm." The 22-minute program highlights three case studies— Santa Monica Bay, the
Mississippi River Basin/Gulf of Mexico, and New York City— where polluted runoff threatens
watersheds highly valued for recreation, commercial fisheries and navigation, and drinking wa-
ter. Key scientists, water quality experts, and citizens involved in local and national watershed
protection efforts provide insight into the problems as well as solutions to today's water quality

You can order tapes of the program by contacting the National Service Center for
Environmental Publications at 513-489-8190 or 800-490-9198 or send an email to
ncepimal@one.net.  Please refer to document number, EPA 840-V-04-001.
For more information about the program, including tips about what you can do to help
prevent water pollution, visit EPA's web site at www.epa.gov/weatherchannel.

Resources Conservation Service at 1-888-LANDCARE for a
free backyard conservation booklet that outlines 10 conser-
vation activities. Or consider joining the National Wildlife
Federation's Schoolyard Habitat Program and receive a
certificate and sign for your school project (see page 37).

Find a watershed group in your community and volunteer to help
with a project (e.g., tree planting, habitat restoration project.) Use the
Environmental Protection Agency's Adopt Your Watershed Internet site
(http://www.epa.gov/adopt) to search for an organization active in your wa-
tershed. Check out EPA's Five Star Wetlands Restoration Program (http://www.
epa.gov/owow/wetlands/restore/5star/index.html), which offers opportunties for
youth groups to get involved in wetland restoration projects.

Work with your school and your local government to organize or join in a stream, wetland,
or beach cleanup. Consider  participating in the annual International Coastal Cleanup
sponsored by the Ocean Conservancy on the third Saturday  every September. Be sure to
read the guidelines on pages 38-39 and safety tips on pages 40-42.

4  Keep track of the kinds of trash collected. If it comes primarily from fast food restau-
   rants, consider working with local restaurant owners to put up  signs encouraging
   people not to litter in their community.
4  If possible, separate the trash for recycling.  Have different colored bags for paper,
   plastic, glass, and aluminum
4  Take "before and after" photos of your efforts. Send them to a local paper to publicize
   your efforts.
Become a volunteer water quality monitor. Help collect quality data and build steward-
ship for your local waterbody. Attend a training workshop  to learn proper monitoring
techniques and safety rules (see page 32 and 42).
                                 Safety First!
Any activities on or near the water should be carefully supervised by adults, and
safety tips need to be explained to children. Please check with your school and
be sure to follow all appropriate safety procedures and policies. All the field ac-
tivities in this booklet include recommended safety tips. Other important safety
guidelines are included on pages 40-42.

   Projects and Activities
Home and Lawn Care Checklist:
"Personal Pollution"
When rain falls or snow melts, the seemingly
small amounts of chemicals and other pollutants
in your driveway on your lawn, and on your
street  are washed into storm drains. In many
older cities, the storm water runoff is not treated
and runoff flows directly into rivers, streams,
bays, and lakes. Pollutants in this runoff can
poison fish and other aquatic animals and make
water unsafe for drinking and swimming.

What can you do to help protect surface waters
and groundwaters? Start at home. Take a close
look at practices around your house that might
contribute to polluted runoff. The following is
a checklist to help you and your family become
part of the solution instead of part of the prob-

Household Products
1.  bo you properly  dispose of household
    hazardous  waste such as leftover oil-
    based paint,  excess pesticides,  nail
    polish  remover, and  varnish by taking
    them to your city's or county's hazard-
    ous  waste disposal site or  by  putting
    them out on hazardous waste collection
    days? Labels such as WARNING, CAU-
    TION, and DANGER  indicate the item
    contains ingredients that are hazardous
    if improperly used or disposed of.
Do you  use  less toxic  alternatives or
nontoxic substitutes? Baking soda, dis-
tilled white vinegar, and ammonia are safe
alternatives to  caustic  chemicals. And
they save you money.
        D Yes        D No
         o-It-YourscIf  Home
         Cleaning Products
  General, multipurpose cleaner (for ce-
  ramic tiles, linoleum, porcelain,  etc.):
  Measure 1/4 cup baking soda, 1/2 cup
  white vinegar, and 1 cup ammonia into a
  container. Add to a gallon of warm water
  and stir until baking soda dissolves.
  Window Cleaner: 3 tablespoons of ammo-
  nia, 1 tablespoon of white vinegar and 3/4
  cup of water. Put into a spray bottle.
  Visit  http://www.epa.gov/grtlakes/
  seahome/housewaste/src/recipes. htm
  for more ideas on nontoxic alternatives!
                                           Do you limit the amount of chemicals,
                                           fertilizers, and  pesticides  you use
                                           and apply  them only as directed on
                                           the label?
    Do you recycle used oil, antifreeze, and
    car batteries by taking them to service
    stations and other recycling centers?
           D Yes       D No
Landscaping and Gardening
5.  Do you select plants with low require-
    ments for water, fertilizers, and pes-
    ticides? (e.g., native plants)
           D Yes       D No

    bo you preserve existing trees and plant
    trees and shrubs to help prevent erosion
    and promote  infiltration  of water into
    the soil?
7.  bo you leave lawn clippings on your lawn
    so that the nutrients in  the clippings
    are recycled, less fertilizer is needed.
    and less  yard  waste  goes to  landfills?
    If your community does not compost lawn
    trimmings, they usually go to landfills.
            D Yes        D No

8.  bo you  prevent trash, lawn clippings,
    leaves, and automobile fluids from  en-
    tering storm drains? Most storm drains
    are directly connected to our streams,
    lakes, and bays.
            D Yes        D No

9.  If your family uses a professional lawn
    care service, do you  select a company
    that employs  trained technicians  and
    minimizes the  use of fertilizers  and
            D Yes        D No

10. bo you have a compost bin or pile? bo
    you use compost and mulch (such as grass
    clippings or leaves) to reduce your need
    for fertilizers and pesticides? Compost
    is a valuable soil conditioner that gradually
    releases nutrients to your lawn and garden.
    In addition, compost retains moisture in
    the soil and thus helps conserve water and
    prevent erosion and runoff. Information
    about composting  is available from your
    county extension agent (see the blue pages
            Did You  Know?
  One quart of oil can contaminate up to 2
  million gallons of drinking water!
                    in your phone book).
bo you test your soil before fertilizing
your lawn or garden? Overfertilization
is a common problem, and the excess can
leach into ground water and contaminate
rivers or lakes.
                 12. bo you avoid applying pesticides or fer-
                    tilizers  before or during rain? If they
                    run off  into the water, they will kill fish
                    and other aquatic organisms.
                            D Yes       D No

                 Water Conservation
                 Homeowners can significantly reduce the vol-
                 ume of wastewater discharged to home septic
                 systems and sewage treatment plants by con-
                 serving water.  If you have a septic system, you
                 can help prevent your system from overload-
                 ing and polluting ground  and surface waters
                 by ensuring  that it is functioning properly and
                 decreasing your water usage. For other ideas on
                 what you can do to conserve water, check out a
                 new Web site, http://www.h2ouse, developed
                 in partnership  with the California Urban Water
                 Conservation Council.

                 13. bo you use low-flow faucets and shower
                    heads,  and reduced-flow toilet flushing
                            D Yes       D No

                 14.    When washing your family's car, do
                    you use a bucket instead of a hose to
                    save water?
                 15. bo  you use  dishwashers  and clothes
                    washers only when fully  loaded?
                            D Yes        D No

                 16.    bo  you take  short showers instead

  Give Water A Hand

  What is your city,
  town, or school do-
  ing to prevent pol-
  luted runoff? GIVE
  contains checklists
  for schools, commu-
  nities, and farms.
  This  guide can help you and your school
  identify potential problems in your com-
  munity and take action.

  You can download a free copy of Give
  Water A Hand Action Guide and Leader
  Guidebook at http://www.uwex.edu/erc/
  gwah. Or to order printed copies call:
  University of Wisconsin-Extension
  Items 4-H450 & 4-H855
  Leader Guidebook ($4.92)
  Action Guide ($6.96)
  Price includes shipping.
    of baths  and  avoid letting faucets
    run unnecessarily (e.g., when brushing
            D Yes       D  No

17. Do you promptly repair leaking faucets,
    toilets, and pumps to conserve water?
            D Yes       D  No

18. Do you conserve the amount of water
    you  use on your  lawn and water only
    in the morning and  evening to reduce
    evaporation? Overwatering may increase
    leaching of fertilizers to groundwater.
            D Yes       D  No
19. bo you use slow watering techniques such
    as trickle irrigation or soaker  hoses?
    These devices reduce runoff and are 20
    percent more efficient than sprinklers.
            D Yes        D No

In Your Community
20. Do you always pick up  after  your pet
    (e.g.. Rover's poop)? Be sure  to put it
    in the trash, flush it down the  toilet, or
    bury it at least 5 inches deep.  Pet waste
    contains  viruses and bacteria  that can
    contaminate surface and groundwater.
            D Yes        D No

21. Have you helped stencil stormdrains to
    alert  people  that  they  drain directly
    to your  local waterbody? If not, get
    involved  with a local conservation group
    or organize your own stenciling  project.
            D Yes        D No

22. Do you ride or drive only when  neces-
    sary? Try to walk instead. Cars and trucks
    emit tremendous amounts of  airborne
    pollutants, which increase acid rain. They
    also deposit toxic metals and petroleum
            D Yes        D No

23. Do you participate in local planning and
    zoning decisions in your community? If
    not, get  involved! These decisions shape
    the course of development and the future
    quality of your watershed.

Storm  Drain Marking Guidelines

     Storm drain marking involves labeling
     storm drain inlets with plaques, tiles,
     painted, or pre-cast messages warning
citizens not to dump pollutants into the drains.
The message generally includes a simple phrase
or graphic—such as "No Dumping. Drains to
Waterways," "Drains to River," and "You Dump
It, You Drink It.  No Waste Here."
The goal is to
remind people that the storm drains connect
directly to local waterbodies and that dumping
will pollute the water. Markers often specify
which waterbody the inlet drains or conveys
the message using a picture such as a shrimp,
crab or game fish.  Storm drain marking proj-
ects can be undertaken throughout the entire
community, especially near sensitive waters or
where trash or nutrients are major pollutants.
However, regardless of the condition of the
waterbody, markers can deter littering, excess
fertilizer use, dumping, and other practices
that pollute.

Work with Your Municipality
Storm marking projects should always be con-
ducted in partnership with your municipality.
You may even want to ask your local or county
government to designate someone from their
public works or water quality office to help
coordinate your project. Your State and local
government may also require that you and
your students (and their parents) sign liability
waivers before conducting this activity.
You should ask for help with the following:
Caution:  Adhesives in storm drain marker
kits can contain toluene or other toxic chem-
icals, which are not recommended for use
by children under the age of 18.   Stenciling
may also pose inhalation risks from spray
paints. Therefore, when working with chil-
dren, it's advisable to have adults apply the
glue or do the spray painting.  Students may
assist in other actitivites, such as sweeping
away leaves, wiping the area clean, tracking
pollution, and distributing informational
brochures and other associated outreach
activities.  Children should not be allowed
to go door-to-door with brochures or door-
hangers unless they are accompanied by an

    Marking kits containing all materials and
    tools needed to carry out a marking project

    Map and/or directions to the storm drains
    to be marked. Please remember that it is
    best to avoid high traffic areas when sten-
    ciling with children and that safety should
    be the primary concern. Neighborhoods are
    usually safer than downtown city streets
    (and many nonpoint sources go down
    storm drains in residential  neighborhoods).

    Training on safety procedures and on the
    technique for using stencils or affixing

«•   Safety equipment (traffic cones, safety
    vests, masks, goggles, and gloves)

«•   Liability waivers

«•   Incentives and rewards for  volunteers
    (badges, T-shirts, certificates).

Track Pollution: You may want to inquire
about pollutant-tracking forms to collect data
on dumping. You could, for example, note

storm drains that are clogged with debris or
show obvious signs of dumping. This enables
city crews to target cleanup efforts.  Your
municipality should instruct students on what
kinds of pollutants to look for and how to fill
out data cards.

Contact the Media. Notifying the media (e.g.,
newspaper/T.V.) can help get your watershed
protection message out to the whole commu-
nity. Students can also draft press releases,
newspaper stories, and public service an-

Pass out Flyers and Doorhangers: Accompa-
nied by an adult, students may go together
door-to-door passing out flyers or doorhang-
ers. They can explain the watershed drainage,
monitoring findings, local fish and wildlife,
and actions neighbors can take to avoid pollu-
tion.  Students can use their writing and desk-
top publishing skills to produce these outreach
materials (a sample doorhanger can be down-
loaded from EPA's web site at http://www.epa.
Materials: Storm drain markers vary in cost
depending on materials, design requirements,
and the amount pur-
chased. You should
check with your state,
county, municipality, or
a local watershed group
to see if they can pro-
vide or loan materials.
Stormwater Pollution
 Found in Your Area!
    This is not a citation.
References for Developing
and Conducting Storm
Drain Marking Programs

•  EPA's Office of Waste-
   water Management
 This Is to inform you that our staff found
 the following pollutants in the storm
 sewer system in your area. This storm
 sewer system leads directly to
 U Motor oil
 U Oil filters

 U Paint
 Q Solvent/degreaser
 Q Cooking grease
 LI Detergent
 LJ Home improveme
  mortar) P
 a Pet waste
 a Yard waste (leave
 L»Excessive dirt and
 Q Trash
 a Construction debr
 U Pesticides ond
   lewer Stenciling Project, http://www.siue.edu

•  Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission.
   Storm Drain Stenciling: Preventing Water Pollution.
   storm drain.html

Purchase Markers

•  ACP International. Storm Drain Markers, http://
   www.acpinternational. com/stormdrain.php

•  Clay works. Storm Drain Marking Program, htt

•  Das Manufacturing, Inc. 2001. Storm Drain Mark-
   ers, http: // www. curbmar ker. com/storm/

States and Community Web sites:

•  Connecticut Department of Environmental Pro-
   tection, Office of Long Island Sound Programs.

•  Brevard County, Florida. http://www.brevstorm.
   org/edu stormdrain markers.cfm

•  City of Austin, Texas, www.ci.austin.tx.us/water-
   shed/stormdrain  marking.htm

•  City of Fort Worth, Texas, http://ci.fort-worth.tx.us/

•  City of Charlotte  and Mecklenburg County, North
   Carolina. http://www.charmeck.org/Departments/
   Water+Ouality/Storm+Drain+Mar king.htm

Communities With  Storm Drain Stenciling Web

•  City of Berkley, California,  www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/

•  City of Honolulu, Hawaii, www. deanwaterhono-

•  South Carolina "Paint The Drain" Campaign.

•  Friends of the Mississippi River, www.fmr.org/

The Streamwalk is an easy-to-use tool designed
to assess the health of a stream corridor. If you
observe water quality problems at your site (e.g.,
dead fish, oil spills, leaking barrels, bulk trash),
you should report these findings to your city or
county environmental department right away.
Explain the nature and location of the problem.
You and your students may be able to help
identify sources  of pollution and  recommend

Before the Streamwalk
1.  We encourage you to contact local groups in-
   volved in environmental issues in your area.
   This serves two purposes: one, these groups
   may be able to provide you with informa-
   tion and background on your Streamwalk
   site; and two, you may be able to piggyback
   on an existing program. Visit EPA's Adopt
   Your Watershed Web page at http://www.epa.
   gov/adopt to see if there is a group in your
   watershed you can team up with.
2.  Choose the general area for your Streamwalk.
   It  is strongly recommended that you visit
   the Streamwalk site in advance to take into
   account any potential hazards (e.g., broken
   glass, traffic, steep slopes, holes, rocks, poi-
   sonous plants, and insect nests). You may
   wish to collect data along a familiar stream,
   one that is close to your school or on school
   grounds, or one that does not cascade down
   a steep mountain side. You may decide to do
   a series of streams in a watershed to collect
   baseline data or concentrate your efforts in
   areas suspected of being polluted. It is recom-
   mended that Stream walks be done four times
   a year (once each season) at your  site.
3.  Find a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topo-
   graphic map of your area. These "topo" maps
   show such things as elevations, waterways,
   and roads, and they help you see the connec-
   tions between your stream and its watershed.
   Topo maps identify the latitude and longi-
   tude of your site. We recommend 71/2-minute
   quad maps (1:24,000 scale, where 11 inches =
   4 miles), which are available at outdoor sup-
   ply stores stores or on-line at http://topozone.
   com. You may also find one to photocopy at
   your local library, or you can order directly
   from USGS. For assistance, call 1-888-ASK-
4.  Now, find your specific Streamwalk site on
   the topo map. For purposes of Streamwalks,
   you will characterize  100 feet  (or about 65
   meters) in either direction from your site.
   You may do as many sites on the stream as
   you wish. Just be sure that sites are at least
   200 feet apart.
5.  Finally, make a copy of  the  Streamwalk
   survey data form (pages 25-27). It is very
   important that you go through the instruc-
   tions, the Streamwalk Tips  (page 24), and
   safety guidelines (pages 40-42) before you
   begin your walk. You will use your map and
   one survey data sheet  per Streamwalk site.
Note: Several citizen groups and agency representa-
tives worked with EPA's Region 10 office (Seattle,
Washington)  to develop Streamwalk. This activity
can help students learn about potential sources of
pollution in their communities!

Instructions for Filling Out Streamwalk  Site  Survey Data Sheets

       elow are directions on how to fill out the Streamwalk Site Survey Data Sheet. Please read these
       thoroughly before you begin your walk. If, while conducting your Streamwalk, you are not
       able to determine what the response should be, or if the question itself is unclear, just leave
       that space blank—but don't stop your walk. Remember this is not a test, and there are no
right or wrong answers. Walks can be done along the stream—you do not need to enter the water.
Please be sure to read the tips on page 24 and safety guidelines on pages 40-42.

1. Location
Give the stream name, county, and state of your site. Refer to the topo map if you
have one. Note:  There are some unnamed streams; in these cases you can indicate
the stream, lake, or waterbody into which your stream flows  and the name and
number of the topo map.

2. Weather
The concern with weather relates to amount of rainfall, which potentially can affect
flow, clarity, and amount of water in a stream. Weather/rainfall reports are available
in the daily newspaper or by calling the local Weather Service. Definitions of weather
conditions established by the Weather Service are:
•   Rain -1/3 inch in 24 hours - light, steady rainfall.
•   Showers -1/3-1 inch in 24 hours, intermittent and variable in intensity.
•   Storm -1 inch or more rain in 24 hours, usually accompanied by high winds.

Stream Description

1.  Depth and Width Estimates
This information provides a description of the stream water at your site. Simply provide an estimate
of the stream's width and depth. Do not enter the water—just provide your best guess.

2. Water Clarity
The clearness of the water is observed to determine if sediment pollution (dirt) is entering the stream.
Cloudy or different colored water can be a result of natural processes or of land use in the surrounding
watershed. Sediments can adversely affect habitat conditions such as food, health of fish, and breed-
ing environment for macroinvertebrates. In some areas, grey or  white water can be a result of natural
processes such as glacial sources for streams.

3. Water Flow: Pools and Riffles
The variety of flow in relation to depth creates habitat to support fish and invertebrate life. Pools are
deeper than adjacent areas. They provide feeding, resting, and spawning areas for fish. Riffles and/or
runs are flows swift in comparison to surrounding areas. Riffles are shallow and fast water, runs are
deep and fast water, and pools are slow and deep water.

4. Stream Channel Cross-Section Shape
Please check the box that matches the shape of the stream channel. If you are unable to see the shape
of the bottom and banks, please estimate. You can base your estimate on the flow of water. The slower
the water in the middle of the stream, the flatter the bottom.

5. Stream Bottom (substrate)
Describe the most common type of material on the stream bot-

•  Silt/clay/mud: This substrate has a sticky, cohesive feeling. The
   particles are fine. The spaces between the particles hold a lot
   of water, making the sediments behave like ooze.

•  Sand (up to 0.1 inch): Sand is made up of tiny particles of rock.
   It feels soft underfoot.
•  Gravel (0.1-2 inches): A gravel stream bottom is made up of
   stones ranging from tiny quarter inch pebbles to rocks of about
   2 inches.
•  Cobbles (2-10 inches): The majority of rocks on this type of
   stream bottom are between 2 and 10 inches. The average size
   is about that of a grapefruit.
•  Boulders (greater than 10 inches): Most of the rocks on the
   bottom will be large, greater than 10 inches.

•  Bedrock: This kind of stream bottom is solid rock.
6. Width of Natural Streamside Corridor
Streamside corridor, riparian area and zone of influence are terms that describe the natural vegetated area
on either side of the stream. Along with the stream, that area forms the habitat of the river. It includes
vegetation that shades the water, holds the soil in place, adds nutrients to the stream in the form of
leaves and during flooding, and provides living quarters for Streamside wildlife. Estimate as best you
can the width of the corridor at your site.

7. Streamside Vegetation
Vegetation acts  as a filter for sediment and pollution coming in from the land nearby. It provides
habitat for the many creatures that are dependent on and influence the stream. Branches, logs, and
leaves enter the stream from this region. Vegetation also provides shade, which keeps the water cool.
On the data sheet mark all the categories that apply. If the vegetation is pasture or landscaped, this
is not a natural state.

•   Conifer: A cone-bearing evergreen tree or shrub (e.g., a pine tree)

•   Deciduous tree: A tree that sheds its foliage at the end of the growing season

•   Small trees or shrubs: Either conifers or deciduous bushes less than 20 feet high.
    Grasses: Any of numerous plants with narrow leaves, jointed stems, and spikes or clusters of
    inconspicuous flowers.

8. Overhead Canopy (Stream Cover)
This is the amount of vegetation that overhangs the stream. It offers protection and refuge for fish and
other organisms, shades the stream and keeps the water cool, and provides "launching" areas for in-
sects that might fall into the river. Estimate, as best you can, about how much of the river is overhung
by vegetation and whether the vegetation is grasses, shrubs, or trees. Please check the category that
is appropriate for the current condition of your site. For example, if in the winter there are no leaves
on the trees in your segment, you might check 0%-25%.  However, in the summer when the trees have
leaves, you might check 50%-75%.

9. Artificial Bank Protection
This category includes such streamside modification as riprap (a retaining wall built of rocks or con-
crete) and bulkheads. It may also include deliberately placed auto bodies, refrigerators, and washing
machines. People in the past have thought that such modifications helped stabilize stream banks.
Unfortunately, not only do they drastically degrade habitat for streamside and in-stream dwellers,
but they also can cause bank erosion in flood conditions. Mark the categories that best describe the
condition of the stream bank within your 500-foot segment.

10. Presence of Logs or Woody Debris in  Stream
Logs and woody debris (not twigs and leaves) can slow or divert water to provide important fish
habitat such as pools and hiding places. So please mark  the general amount of logs and woody debris
in the stream. DO NOT REMOVE  THEM.

11. Organic Debris in Stream
The presence of other organic matter in the stream can be both good and bad. Dumped grass clip-
pings  are not good for stream health. On the other hand, naturally falling leaves and twigs can be

12. Fish in Stream
Can you see any fish? Mark it down! If you know what kind of fish it is, say so in the space next to the
question. If you think there are fish, but you cannot see them, mark "no."
Adjacent Land Uses

Adjacent land use has a great impact on the quality and state of the stream and riparian areas. Enter
a "I" if the land use is present and a "2" if it is clearly impacting the stream. If you cannot determine
the type of housing, industry, or development, please make your best estimate.

This section is designed to get information about potential problems at your Streamwalk site. Enter a
"V if the condition is present and "2" if it is severe.

Stream Banks
•  Natural plant cover degraded: Indicate if stream side vegetation is trampled, missing, or replaced
   by landscaping or cultivation.
•  Banks collapsed!eroded: Note if banks or parts of banks have been washed away or worn down.
•  Banks artificially modified: Indicate if banks have been artificially modified by construction or
   placement of rocks, wood, or cement supports or lining.
•  Garbage or junk adjacent to stream: Describe human-made materials present.

Stream Channel
Mud/silt/sand on bottom/entering stream: Excessive mud or silt entering the stream and clouding the
water can interfere with the ability of fish to sight potential prey. It can also clog fish gills and smother
eggs in spawning areas on the stream bottom. Mud/silt/sand can be an indication of poor construction
practices in the watershed, where runoff coming off the site is not adequately contained. It can also
be a perfectly normal occurrence, especially if, for example, a muddy bottom is found along a very
slow-moving segment or a wetland. Use your best judgment.

Artificial stream modifications: Please note if the stream water has been dammed, dredged, filled, or
channelized through culverts or if other large-scale activities such as log removal are apparent.

Algae/scum floating/covering rocks: Evidence of algae (very tiny plants that can color the water green
or can resemble seaweed) or scum in the water may point to an upstream source adding too much
nutrient (fertilizer) to the water.

Foam or sheen: This is a bit of a tricky category because this type of thing can be naturally occurring
or a problem. For example, an irridescent or shiny sheen on the water might be from rotting leaves or
it might be from some upstream pollutant. If you are not sure, mark it on the checklist.

Garbage or junk  in stream: This is your chance to point out very straightforward problems like bat-
teries, tires, home appliances, car bodies, and garbage.

Organic debris or garbage: The purpose is to determine if the stream is being used as a dump site for
materials that would not be present naturally. Debris can be anything from a soda can to vegetation
brought from outside the stream corridor.

Livestock in or with unrestricted access to stream: Are livestock present or is there an obvious path
that livestock use to get to the water from adjacent fields? Is there stream-side degradation caused by


Actively discharging pipes: Are there pipes with visible openings dumping fluids or water into the
stream? Please note, even though you may not be able to tell where they come from or what they are
discharging. Do not touch this effluent!

Other pipes: Are there pipes entering the stream? Please mark even if you cannot find an opening or
see matter being discharged.

Ditches: Are any ditches draining into the stream?
     Stream Symptoms

     Shiny surface  or rainbow  colors—If you see rainbow colors on the water's surface or if
     you smell oil (a gas station  smell), oil might be polluting your stream. Oil can come from a
     pipeline leak, a storm sewer, or illegal dumping. Oil kills fish and can make kids who play in
     the water sick.
     Green water—Too much algae. Algae are small plants that are found in the water. Fertilizers
     from farms and lawns can get into streams and cause too much algae to grow. When algae
     break down or decompose, oxygen is used up and fish don't have enough to breathe.
     Brown or muddy water—Too much dirt or sediment in the water. Dirt clogs fish gills so fish
     can't breathe. Dirt kills stream insects when it settles to the bottom and buries them. Dirt
     blocks light to underwater plants, and they die too.
     Orange water—Orange water can indicate the presence of iron in the water. Iron can be
     naturally present where the soils are high in iron. This is not a pollution problem. However,
     orange water can indicate acidic runoff from mining activities. Acidic water kills fish and
     other stream life.
     Foam or suds—Some foam  or suds in the stream is natural. If you see foam in the stream
     that is more than 3 inches  tall, looks like bubble bath, and doesn't break apart easily, de-
     tergent may have entered the stream. Soap can come from homes, factories, or car washes.
     Soap harms stream insects because it breaks the surface tension of the water and insects
     like water striders sink and drown.
     Strange odors—A chemical smell can mean harmful chemicals are polluting your stream. A
     rotten egg smell can  mean sewage is getting into the  stream from cows, sewage treatment
     plants, or people's homes. Sewage or chemicals can make people and animals  ill.

                     Reprinted with permission from haak Walton League of America

Streamwalk Tips
Also review Safety Guidelines on pages 40-42
•  Get the permission  of landowners to cross
   any private land, posted or not. Do not enter
   areas without permission. It is recommend-
   ed that you use public access points (such as
   city/county/state parks and campgrounds).
•  Only record what you see, not what you have
   previously seen. For example, if you think
   fish are present but you can't see them, mark
   your sheet "no fish present."
•  Do not put yourself  in danger to gather sur-
   vey information.
•  Be careful of ticks, poison oak, nettles, and
   insects. Bring repellent. Wear long pants and
   boots; wind breakers help fend off nettles.
•  Watch out for dogs, snakes, alligators, and
   large animals.
•  Do not drink the water—it is unsafe.
•  Do not walk on unstable banks;  your foot-
   steps could speed erosion.
•  Be alert for spawning areas (redds) in the
   stream. Do not walk on them. They will look
   like a round or elliptical area of clean gravel
   about 1-3 feet long. During fall through
   spring, when redds are evident, try not to
   walk in the stream. In the summer, if you are
   careful, the streambed might be the easiest
   route for conducting your Streamwalk. Be
   aware that the streambed can be very slip-
   pery, uneven, and unpredictable.
•  Do not attempt to walk across streams that
   are swift and above the knee in depth. You
   can be swept away in an instant!
•  Be careful of streamside vegetation.  Disturb
   it as little as possible.
•  If for any reason you feel uncomfortable
   about the stream conditions or surround-
   ings, please stop your Streamwalk im-
   mediately. You and your students' safety
   are much more valuable than the Stream-
  Recommended list of items to take along:
  •  Photocopies of topo map of stream to be walked
  •  Comfortable rubber boots
  •  Snag- and thorn-proof clothing that is appropriate for the weather
  •  Clip board with waterproof cover
  •  Streamwalk data forms
  •  Two pencils
  •  Folding ruler or tape measure
  •  Camera and film and/or video recorder in waterproof bag
  •  Leather gloves
  •  Bottled water
  •  Whistle
  •  First aid kit (See page 42 for suggested contents)
  •  Cell phone
  •  If you are away from urban or residential areas,
     the following are also recommended for safety:
  •  Extra clothes in a waterproof bag
  •  Toilet paper and hand wipes
  •  Fire starter (candle, cheap lighter, tinder)
  •  Flashlight and extra batteries
  •  Global positioning device, compass
  •  Aluminum-foil blanket (for winter excursions)

StreamWdlk Site Survey Data Sheet (Complete One Sheet per Site)
  Location (see instructions on page 19)
  Stream name:	
  School Name:.
  Contact Name:.
  Site (name, description or number):,
  Weather (see instructions on page 19)
Stream Description (see instructions on pages 19-20)
1.  Depth (estimated):            feet
   Width (estimated):            feet
2.  Clarity: Does water appear     Q Clear    d  Cloudy
3.  Water Flow: (diec/e a// t/iat you t/im/e apply):      Q Pools
4.  Stream Channel Cross Section Shape: (at site) (Estimated)

StreamWdlk Site Survey  Data Sheet  (Complete One Sheet per Site)

  5.  Stream bottom: (check the most common) (see instructions on page 20)
  Q     Clay/Mud                     Cobbles (2-10 inches)
  Q     Sand (up to 0.1 inch)           Boulders (over 10 inches)
  d     Gravel (0.1-2 inches)           Bedrock (solid)

  6.  Width of Natural Streamside Corridor: (average) (see instructions on page 20)
     Left looking downstream:        meters    Right looking downstream:
7.  Streamside Vegetation: (see instructions on page 20)
                              None/Sparse   Occasional
   Conifers                         Q           Q
   Deciduous                       Q           d
   Small trees and Shrubs (< 20 feet)   O           O
   Grasses                         Q           Q
Vegetation appears:
                                              cultivated   Q  mixed (w/weeds)
  8.  Extent of Overhead Canopy: (see instructions on page 21)
     aO%-25%     a  25%-50%      a  50%-75%      a  75%-100%
  9.  Extent of Artificial Bank Protection: (see instructions on page 21)
     Q 0%-25%    a 25%-50%    a 50%-75%    a  75%-100%

  10. Presence of Logs or Large Woody Debris in Stream: (see instructions on page 21)
     U None    U Occasional    U Common
  11. Presence of Other Organic Debris in Stream: (see instructions on page 21)
     Q Occasional     Q Common

  12. Any fish present? (see instructions on page 21)
     Q Yes    a  No
     Other Comments?

Site Survey  Data  Sheet (Complete One Sheet per Site)
  Adjacent Land Uses
  (see instructions on page 21)

  Check "I" if'present, "2" if clearly
  impacting stream:

   1      2    Residential/industrial

   d    d    Single-family housing
   Q    Q    Multi-family housing
   Q    Q    Commercial development
   d    d    Light industry
   Q    Q    Heavy industry
   Q    Q    Road/bridge construction

               Roads, etc.
   Q    Q    Paved roads or bridges
   Q    Q    Unpaved roads

               Construction under way on:
   Q    Q    Single-family housing
   Q    Q    Multi-family housing
   d    d    Commercial development
   Q    Q    Light industry
   Q    D    Heavy industry

   Q    D    Grazing land
   D    D    Feedlots or animal holding
   Q    Q    Cropland

   Q    D    Mining or gravel pits
   Q    a    Logging
   D    Q    Recreation
(see instructions on page 22)

Check "1" if present, "2" if impact seems

 1      2    Stream banks

 d    d    Natural streamside cover
 Q    D    Banks collapsed/eroded
 d    d    Banks artificially modified
 D    Q    Garbage/junk adjacent to

             Stream channel
 D    D    Mud, silt, or sand
             in or entering stream
 Q    D    Artificial stream
             modifications(dams, chan-
             nels, culverts, etc.)
 d    d    Algae or scum floating or
             coating rocks
 D    D    Foam or sheen
 Q    D    Garbage/junk in stream
 D    D    Organic debris (garbage,
             grass clippings, etc.)
 Q    D    Livestock in or with
             unrestricted access to stream
 Q    D    Actively discharging pipe(s)
 D    Q    Other pipe(s) entering
 D    D    Ditches entering
 Other Comments?

Follow-Up Questions for the Streamwalk
1.  What animals or plants did you observe? Write the names or make sketches.

2.  What three pieces of evidence did you find for ways that people use this water?

3.  What evidence did you find for ways that other animals and plants use this water?

4.  What color was the water? Was it clear? Did it smell?
5.  From what you learned and observed while visiting the stream, what can you say about the quality
   of the water? You may want to study the "stream symptoms" on page 23 for some help.
6.  Do you think water quality is a problem at this site? What evidence do you have for your an-
7.  We just spent time surveying the land uses adjacent to the site. Do you think this has an effect on
   the quality of the water? Do you think that there is strong connection between impacts on the land
   and water quality?
8.  Do we have enough evidence to say whether the water is polluted or what it is polluted with? What
   else might we need to learn? Where can we get some additional information about the quality of
   our watershed? (Hint: Your state is required to submit information regularly to the Environmental
   Protection Agency about the quality of your state's watersheds. You can visit the Watershed Infor-
   mation Network (http://www.epa.gov/win) to find your watershed and learn about its health.)
  Did You  Know?
  Water is the only substance necessary to all life. Many organisms can live without oxygen,
  but none can live without water!
  Water makes up about 65 percent of our bodies. Humans and all other animals, as well as
  plants, require  water to  live. Without it, we would not be able to survive more than one

Stream Insects
This activity can be done in conjunction with the Stream walk (page
18). Please be sure to read the Streamwalk tips on page 24 and
safety guidelines on pages 40-42.

           1 here is a whole world of life in rivers and streams.
           Living alongside fish, amphibians, reptiles, and wild-
         life are macroinvertebrates — creatures that are large
        (macro) enough to be seen with the naked eye and that
lack a backbone (invertebrate). Aquatic insects, clams,  snails,
crayfish, worms, and leeches are all macroinvertebrates. Some, like
snails, live their whole lives in the water; others, like dragonflies,
leave the water as adults to feed and reproduce. In streams most
macroinvertebrates live under or attached to submerged rocks,
logs, and plants. Like all living things, they need oxygen to breathe,
water of the right temperature to thrive and reproduce in, suitable
habitat, and the right kind of food. When these requirements are
not met, these creatures will not survive.

Scientists and trained volunteers study macroinvertebrates to learn about stream water quality. Mac-
roinvertebrates and crustaceans are an "indicator" species—in other words, their presence is used as a
way to assess the health of a waterbody. Any physical, chemical, or biological change in water quality
that adversely affects living organisms is considered to be pollution. Some organisms are very sensi-
tive to pollution, while others are more resilient and less vulnerable. Water quality monitors sample
aquatic insect populations a few times a year to observe changes in stream conditions and to assess the
cumulative impacts of environmental stressors. Scientists and volunteers monitor streams across the
country using lots of different methods. This is not a protocol for assessing stream health; it is simply
an investigative technique developed by EPA's Monitoring Branch.

Many aquatic species rely on macroinvertebrates for food, including most species of fish (e.g., trout,
bass, salmon). In turn, aquatic birds, including great blue herons and kingfishers, rely on the fish that
feed on the macroinvertebrates! Macroinvertebrates and crustaceans are, therefore, a very important
component in the "web of life."

Some macroinvertebrates are more sensitive to pollution than others, so if you find a large diversity
of macroinvertebrates that cannot tolerate pollution, you have found a healthy stream. On the other
hand, if you find only macroinvertebrates that can live in polluted conditions, your stream may have
a problem. While these aquatic insects are the first indicator of stream health, fish, frogs, turtles, birds,
small mammals are all part of that picture as well!
  To find a directory of monitoring programs, visit epa.gov/monitoring/volunteer and
  click on "National Directory of Volunteer Environmental Monitoring Programs."

                                                     For  observing macroinverte-
                                                     brates,  you'll  need:
                                                      • A  bucket (5- to  10-gallon)
                                                      • A  shallow white pan. (Alternatives:
                                                        white plastic plate or the bottom
                                                        of a white plastic
                                                        detergent jug)
                                                      • Tweezers
                                                      • Ice cube trays filled with stream
                                                        water (for sorting insects)
                                                      • Magnifying glass lens
                                                      • Spray bottles
                                                      • Field guides  (optional)
Before you plan a trip to your local stream, check with
local monitoring organizations or local water quality
officials. They may be willing to demonstrate correct
monitoring techniques. Also, keep in mind that too
much activity may have a negative impact on the
stream's aquatic life. Disturb the site as little as pos-
sible and promptly replace all organisms. Carefully
read all safety guidelines on pages 40-42 before
beginning this activity. To locate macroinvertebrates
in the stream, use one or more of the following meth-

A. Rock-rubbing method. (Use this method in
   streams with  riffle areas and rocky bottoms.)
   Remove several rocks from within a riffle area
   of your stream site (e.g., randomly pick one rock
   from each side of the stream, one rock from the
   middle, and one rock from in between). Try to
   choose rocks that are submerged during normal
   flow conditions. Each rock should be about 4 to 6
   inches in diameter and should be easily moved (not embedded).
   Either inspect the rock's surface for any living organisms or place the rock in a light-colored bucket
   or shallow pan, add some stream water, and brush the rock with your hands. Try to dislodge the
   foreign particles from the rock's surface. Also look for clumps of gravel or leaves stuck to the rock.
   These clumps may be caddisfly houses and should be dislodged as well.
B. Stick-picking  method. (Use this method in streams without riffles or without a rock bottom.)
   Collect several sticks (approximately 1 inch in diameter and relatively short) from inside the stream
   site, and place then in a bucket filled with stream  water. Select partially decomposed objects that
   have soft, pulpy wood and a lot of crevices and are found in the flowing water, but not buried in
   the bottom. Pick the loose bark from the sticks to find the organisms.
   Fill the shallow pan with water from the stream,  and remove one of the  sticks from the bucket.
   Examine the stick, making sure you hold it over the pan so no organisms are lost. Remember that
   the organisms will have sought shelter, and they could be hiding in loose bark or crevices. After
   examining the sticks, it might be helpful to break up the woody material. Examine each stick care-
   fully. Using tweezers, carefully remove anything that resembles a living organism and place it in
   the pan. Also examine the bucket contents for anything that has fallen off the sticks.
C. Leaf pack-sorting method. (This method can be used in streams with or without a riffle or rock
   bottom.) Remove several handfuls of submerged leaves from the stream and place them into a
   bucket. Remove the leaves one at a time and look closely for the presence of insects. Using twee-
   zers, carefully  remove anything that resembles a living organism and place it in a pan containing
   stream water. Also, examine the water in the bucket contents to see if anything has fallen off the

Note: A riffle is a shallow, gravelly area of streambed with swift current used for spawning by sal-
monids and other fish species.

After collecting macroinvertebrates, ex-
amine the types of organisms by gross
morphological features (e.g., snails or
worm-like). Use  a magnifying glass
lens to observe the organisms in water
so you can clearly see the legs, gills,
and tails.

Note the relative abundance of each
type on the data sheet. Students can use
the ice trays filled with stream water
to sort and group the insects (e.g.,  all
the caddisflys in one, all the midges in
another). Do this  activity in the shade
so that the insects do not die from the
direct  sunlight. Also, it's a good idea
to keep a spray bottle on hand if the
insects have been out of the water for
an extended period of time. When fin-
ished,  return all the organisms to the
          Beginner's Protocol PICTURE KEY

 jROUP 1 These organisms are generally pollution intolerant.
         Their dominance generally signifies Excellent-Good Water Quality.
  (larva)     (adult)
         These organisms exist in a Wide Range of water quality conditions.
                                            iROUP 3 These organisms are generally tolerant of pollution.
                                                      'r dominance generally signifies Fair-Poor Water Qua//;
                                                                                    AQUATIC WORM:
Many types of macroinvertebrates can
be found in a healthy stream. Because
different species can tolerate different
levels of pollution, observing the variety
and abundance of macroinvertebrates
can give you a sense of the stream's
health. For example, if pollution-toler-
ant organisms are plentiful and pol-
lution intolerant ones are found only
occasionally, this might indicate a problem in the stream. Types of organisms you may find include:

•   Worm-like organisms (like worms and leeches) either adhere to rocks or sticks or move slowly.
    They are generally tolerant of pollution.
•   Crustaceans include crayfish that look like lobsters or shrimp. They are generally somewhat toler-
    ant of pollution.

•   Snail-like organisms include snails and clam-like organisms. They range from somewhat tolerant
    of pollution to somewhat intolerant.

Insects include a wide variety of organisms that generally have distinct legs, head, bodies, and tails
and often move quickly over rocks or sticks. They come in many sizes and shapes as well as a wide
range of pollution-tolerance levels.

Macroinvertebrate Survey  Data Sheet

Which type of method did the class use?
d Rock-rubbing method: From cobbles and large stones selected from riffles.

Q Stick-picking method: From woody objects in streams with sandy, silty bottoms

Q Leaf-pack sorting method: From submerged leaves in streams with either a rocky or sandy,
   silty bottom.
Were macroinvertebrates present?
Q    No          Q Yes, but rare
                                         Yes, abundant
If present, describe the types of macroinvertebrates found. Mark all that apply:
Wormlike     Q          Occasional   Q           Plentiful  Q
Note: This is not a protocol for assessing stream health; it is simply an investigative technique devel-
oped by EPA's Monitoring Branch.

   Getting  Started in Volunteer  Monitoring
   Monitoring macroinvertebrates requires  training in safety con-
   siderations, field methods, insect  identification, and analysis of
   results. Organizations interested in macroinvertebrate or other forms
   of stream monitoring should get in touch with a local program that
   trains volunteers in these activities.  There are currently more than
   770 volunteer monitoring programs around the country, plus several
   that are national  in scope.  Check out  EPA's  National Directory of
   Volunteer  Environmental Monitoring  Programs to find a group near
   you that may help train your school. (Call 1-800-490-9198 and ask for
   EPA publication 841-B-98-009.) EPA's Adopt  Your Watershed Web
   page at http://www.epa.gov/adopt can also link you up with volunteer
   groups in your watershed.
   Two national organizations that also can help you get started are the Izaak Walton League of
   America's Save Our Streams program (for macroinvertebrate/biological monitoring training
   and  kits, publications and equipment)  at 1-800-BUG-IWLA or http://www.iwla.org/sos, and
   Earth  Force (for low-cost chemical water quality monitoring kits to test for pH, dissolved
   oxygen, and other substances in the water) at  1-800-23-FORCE or http://www.earthforce.
   org. Earth Force/Global Rivers Environmental Education Network (GREEN) recently launched
   a new  Web site that allows student users to enter, analyze, and share data!

Watershed  or Groundwater Festival
By sponsoring a watershed or groundwater festival
at your school or in your community you can help
raise awareness about the importance of clean water
and the need for watershed protection. A water-
shed or groundwater festival celebrates the unique
aspects of a given watershed through educational
activities, exhibits, and entertainment. The water
festival concept is an enormously successful way to
educate both children and adults. Make your event
something that will inspire and motivate people to
protect their watershed!

Schools may want to partner with their local or
state water quality agency or a local watershed or-
          ganization for help in planning the festi-
              val. Activities should be as hands-
               on as possible.  Some ideas might
               include the Enviroscape Model, a
                3-dimensional representation of
                  a watershed (see box). You may
                 want to check with the educa-
                  tion office in your state water
                  quality agency or with the
                  local Cooperative Extension
                  Service office —they might
                  have a model to loan out.
                   Aquifer in  a Cup is a simple
         Enviroscape Models
  EnviroScape interactive units dramati-
  cally demonstrate water pollution—and
  its prevention. Models cover Nonpoint
  Sources, Wetlands,  Coastal, Hazardous
  Materials and Landfills, Riparian  Areas,
  and Groundwater. Setup videos and cur-
  riculum are also available.

  Schools  may want to check first  with
  the education office  in their state water
  quality agency or with a Cooperative Ex-
  tension Service—they often have models
  to loan out (look in the blue pages of your
  phone book). Or, schools can contact Envi-
  roscape directly and ask for assistance in
  locating a model for loan. Call Erin  Foster
  at 703-631-8810, ext. 12.

  For more information, visit the Enviro-
  scape Web  site at  http://www.envi ro-

       E-mail: info@enviroscapes.com
                   hands-on demonstration of
                    how pollution moves through an aquifer (See EPA's Web site at http://www.
                     epa.gov/safewater/kids). A Household Hazardous Ring Toss where rings listing
                     household products are tossed onto stands representating disposal options is
                     another idea. Be creative!
                             Steps for Organizing a Festival
The first steps are to define the watershed and then set up a committee to begin organizing the event.
You should begin this process well in advance of your planned festival. The committee should:
1.  Decide the size of the event
2.  Select the location and date
3.  Identify and recruit activity presenters
4.  Organize volunteers
5.  Contact  potential financial  and in-
   kind donators
6.  Provide information to the media about
   the event
                                              7.  Evaluate event afterwards

Festival Resources
•  Walk Your Watershed Festival Organizing Kit, free (while
   supplies last) from the Water Environment Feder-
   tion, provides instructions on how to plan, implement,
   and advertise a watershed festival. Send your request to
   WEF, 601 Wythe Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314-1994;
   1-800-666-0206 or e-mail public-education @wef.org.

•  Making Ripples: How to Organize a School Water Festival offers
   a step-by-step process for organizing a water festival at your
   school. ($14.95)

•  Making Waves: How to Put on a Water Festival is a guide to orga-
   nizing a groundwater festival from getting started to writing
   fundraising letters and news releases. ($12.75)

•  Making More Waves: Ideas From Across the U.S. and Canada for Or-
   ganizing Your Water Festival highlights the best and the brightest
   ideas from festivals around the U.S. and Canada. ($12.75)
•  Making a Bigger Splash features  groundwater festival activities from all over. All activities are
   hands-on and fun, and they teach important water concepts. The activity book will help add
   new elements to already established events or provide activities for new festivals or for teach-
   ers in the classroom. Activities include the popular "Fish Olympics," "Danger in Our Town,"
   and "Top Secret Water Rockets." ($12.75)
Making Ripples, Making Waves, Making More Waves, and Making a Bigger  Splash can all be obtained by calling or
writing to The Groundwater Foundation, P.O. Box 22558, Lincoln, NE 68542-2558; http://www.groundwater.org;

                              Build Your Own Aquifer
BACKGROUND: Many communities obtain their drinking water from underground sources called
aquifers. Water suppliers or utility officials drill wells through soil and rock into aquifers to obtain
groundwater for drinking water purposes. Homeowners who cannot obtain their drinking water from
a public water supply have private wells drilled on their property.  Unfortunately, groundwater can
become contaminated by harmful chemicals, including household and lawn care products, paints,
bleach, cleaners, fertilizers, pesticides, and oil. These chemicals can percolate down through the soil and
rock and into the aquifer—and eventually the well. Such contamination can pose a significant threat
to human health. The measures that must be taken by well owners and operators to either protect or
clean up contaminated aquifers are quite costly.

NOTE: This demonstration should follow a discussion on potential sources of drinking water pollu-

OBJECTIVE: To illustrate how water is stored in an aquifer, how groundwater can become contami-
nated,  and how this contamination ends up in  the drinking water well. Ultimately, students should
get a clear understanding that what happens above the ground can potentially end up in the drinking
water below it.
MATERIALS NEEDED:                         PROCEDURE:
4  1 6-inch x 8-inch clear plastic container that
   is at least 6-8 inches deep (shoe box or small
4  1 Ib of modeling clay or floral clay
4  2 Ib of white play sand
4  2 Ib of aquarium gravel (natural color if pos-
   sible) or small pebbles (Because any small
   rocks may have a powdery residue on them,
   you may wish to rinse them and dry them on
   a clean towel prior to use. It is best if they do
   not add cloudiness to the water.)
4  1 drinking straw
4  1 plastic spray bottle (be sure the stem that
   extends into the bottle is clear)
4  1 small piece (3-inches x 5-inches) of green
4  1/4 cup of powdered cocoa
4  red food coloring
4  1 bucket of clean water and small cup to dip
   water from bucket
4  Scotch tape
1.  To one side of the container place the small
   drinking straw, allowing approximately
   1/8  inch clearance with the bottom of the
   container. Fasten the straw directly against
   to the long side of the container with a piece
   of tape. Explain to the students that this will
   represent two separate well functions later
   in the presentation (if not placed at this time,
   sand will clog the opening).
2.  Pour a layer of white sand completely cover-
   ing the bottom of the clear plastic container,
   making it approximately 1 inch deep. Pour
   water into the sand, wetting it completely but
   leaving no standing water on top of sand. Let
   students see how the water is absorbed in the
   sand but remains around the sand particles
   as it is stored in  the ground and ultimately
   in the aquifer.
3.  Flatten the modeling clay (like a pancake)
   and cover half of the sand with the clay  (try
   to press the clay into the three sides of the
   container in the area covered). The clay rep-
   resents a "confining layer" that keeps water
   from passing through it. Pour a small amount

   of water onto the clay. Let the students see
   how the water remains on top of the clay,
   only flowing into the sand below in areas not
   covered by the clay.
4.  Use the aquarium rocks to form the next
   layer of earth. Place the rocks over the sand
   and clay, covering the entire container.  To
   one side of your container, slope the rocks,
   forming a high hill and a valley. Now pour
   water into your aquifer until the water in the
   valley is even with your hill. Let students
   see the water around the rocks that is stored
   within the aquifer. They will also notice that
   a "surface" supply of water (a small lake) has
   formed. This will give them a view of both
   the ground and surface water supplies that
   can be used for drinking water purposes.
5.  Next, place the small piece of green felt on
   top of the hill. If possible, use a little clay to
   securely fasten it to the sides of the container
   it reaches.
6.  Using the cocoa, sprinkle some on top of
   the hill, while explaining to students that
   the cocoa represents improper use of lawn
   chemicals, fertilizers, etc.
7.  Put a few drops  of food coloring into the
   straw, explaining to students that often old
   wells are used to dispose of farm chemicals,
   trash, and used motor oil. They will see that
   it will color the sand in the bottom of the con-
   tainer. This is one way pollution can spread
   throughout the aquifer over time.
8.  Fill the spray bottle with water. Now make
                EPA's Groundwater/Drinking
                Water Web Page at http://
                iwww.epa.gov/ogwdw has dozens
                of games and activities and sci-
                ence and art projects.
   it rain on top of the hill and over the cocoa.
   Students will quickly see the cocoa (fertilizer/
   pesticide) seep down through the felt and
   also wash into the surface water supply.
9.  Take another look at the well you contami-
   nated. The pollution has probably spread far-
   ther. Now remove the top of the spray bottle
   and insert the stem into the straw, depress-
   ing the trigger to pull up the water from the
   well. (Water will be colored and "polluted.")
   Explain that this is the same water a drinking
   water well will draw up for them to drink.

   The Awesome Aquifer Club
The Awesome Aquifer Club (AAC) spon-
sored by The Groundwater Foundation
empowers students with an understanding
of how groundwater benefits their lives
through classroom lessons and hands-on
experiments. Although ideal for 4th and
5th grade students, ACC participation
is open to groups of all ages. Likewise,
the program is effective in settings
outside the classroom such as environ-
mental clubs, scout troops, and church
groups. In addition to teaching about
groundwater, AAC provides students with
the opportunity to become involved in
groundwater protection activities in their
hometown. For more information about
AAC and other educational programs,
contact The Groundwater Foundation
at 1-800-858-4844 or send an e-mail  to
info@groundwater.org. On the Web at

Schoolyard Habitats  and Wildlife Conservation
You can make your school or backyard a home for birds, butterflies, and other wildlife by including
trees, shrubs, and plants that attract wildlife. Below are two programs that can help you get started.
                   Backyard Conservation Kit
                   The Natural Resources Conservation Service of the United States De-
                   partment of Agriculture offers a free Backyard Conservation Program. To
                   obtain a 28-page booklet that outlines 10 conservation projects, including
                   a wildlife habitat project, call 1-888-LANDCARE. Or download tip sheets
                   at http://www.nhq.nrcs.usda.gov/CCS/Backyard.html.

                   NWF Schoolyard  Habitat Program
                   In 1995 the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) formally created the
  Schoolyard Habitat Program to focus specifically on assisting schools, teachers, students
  and community members in the use of school grounds as learning sites for wildlife conser-
  vation and cross-curricular learning.  On request, NWF will send you an application package
  and instructions. If your application and plan meet the criteria, you will receive a certificate
  and, if you wish, a sign to show your commitment to wildlife conservation. To date, NWF has
  certified more than 800 schools nationwide! For more information, contact:

                              Schoolyard Habitat Program
                       National Wildlife Federation 703-790-4582
                                  8925 Leesburg Pike
                                Vienna, VA 22184-0001
                            On the Web:  http://www.nwf.org
                            Precautions to  Remember!

A few precautions can be taken to avoid unwanted encounters with animals. Avoid setting out food
that may attract scavengers such as raccoons. Keep garbage cans in a secure shed or garage, or use
metal cans that scavengers cannot chew through. Check the exterior of your house for loose or rotted
boards that could allow access by mice or other rodents. Remember that these animals are wild, and
if threatened they can bite. Raccoons can be particularly aggressive. All of these species can carry
diseases. Do not handle them.

Laws on wildlife issues vary from state to state. If you have questions or concerns about wildlife,
check with your state's Department of Natural Resources or Conservation Department before taking
any action (see the blue pages in your phone book).

Stream/Beach Cleanup Guidelines
Please read pages 41-44 before beginning this activity

Stream, river, and beach cleanups can help raise awareness about the problems of trash and marine
debris. Debris is one of the more widespread pollution problems threatening many of our watersheds
and aquatic habitats. Debris comes from many sources, including beachgoers, improper disposal of
trash on land, storm water runoff and combined sewer overflows to rivers and streams,  ships and
other vessels, and offshore oil and gas platforms.

Once litter gets into the ocean, it can seriously impact wildlife, the environment, and our economy.
Thousands of marine animals are caught in and strangled by debris each year, while coastal communi-
ties lose considerable income when littered beaches must be closed or cleaned up. The fishing industry
spends thousands of dollars annually for the repair of vessels damaged by debris. These problems are
compounded by the increasing number of people living near our coasts, which increases the amount
of trash entering the environment. Man-made materials (such as plastics) are of particular concern
because they remain in the environment for years

Your school or organization can help by working with your local government to organize a local cleanup
or by participating in nationally recognized cleanup efforts. The International Coastal Cleanup, which
is  held the third Saturday of every September, is sponsored  by  the Ocean Conservancy (formerly
known as the Center for Marine Conservation). Since the Cleanup began in 1986, more than 1 million
volunteers from more that 90 countries and 55 U.S. states and territories have helped to remove debris
from the shorelines, waterways, underwater sites, and beaches  of the world's lakes, rivers, and oceans.
Information  collected during the cleanup each year is compared to previous years' cleanup data and
used to report on trends in marine debris. Participants learn about the sources of marine debris, how
prevalent it is, and how they can help prevent the problem.
  Suggested Items to Bring  or Wear
      Shoes or boots that offer cover-
      age and  support, at least over
      the ankles
      Heavy rubber gloves (like dish-
      washing gloves) to protect hands
      and arms
      Safety vests (brightly colored);
      day-glo orange is best!
      Large plastic bags
      First aid kit (see page 41 for
      recommended contents)
      Antibacterial soap for washing
      hands afterward (the kind that
      does not need water)
•  Heavy sacks for sharp ob-
•  Sunscreen
•  Medications (e.g.,
   for bee allergies,
   diabetes, if need-
•  Insect repel Iant
•  Bottled water
•  List of emergency con-
   tacts, including  a
   telephone number nearest
   to the site

Before the cleanup...
4  Check with your local Department of Health or State Environmental Office about potential health
   concerns with the waterbody (e.g., Pfiesteria, poor water quality currents, mosquitos, rats). (Look
   in your phone book's blue pages.)
4  Ask for necessary permission to cleanup at your site. Make arrangements with the appropriate
   local officials to let them know the location, days, and times of your cleanup so they can come and
   haul away the trash. They may be willing to give a talk about the history, wildlife, or environmental
4  Listen to weather reports. Never conduct a cleanup if severe weather is predicted or a storm occurs
   while at the site. Someone could drown.
4  Have a first aid kit handy. See Safety Guidelines on pages 42-44. It's best if at least one team mem-
   ber has first aid/CPR training.

At the cleanup site...
4  Group students into teams. Teams of three, four, or five are probably best.
4  Instruct students to leave syringes and needles alone! Notify someone at the health department
   and mark the spot with a flag or a large rock so someone can find it later.
4  Instruct students NOT to walk on unstable stream banks. This could be dangerous as well as cause
   erosion. Stay off dunes and avoid nesting areas.
4  If you must walk across the stream, use a walking stick because the stream bottom could be slip-
   pery or treacherous or contain deep pools. No one should walk across streams that are swift and
   above the knee in depth. These can kill.
4  All participants should wear rubber gloves (like dishwashing gloves) to protect hands and arms.
   Be careful with broken glass and rusty cans.
4  If you see anything abnormal  (e.g., dead fish,  oil spills, leaking barrels, bulk trash), contact
   your city or county environmental department right away and report the nature and location of
   the problem.

Safety Guidelines
One of the most critical considerations for any student program is the safety of its participants. For
each of the field activities listed in this guide, children should be trained in safety procedures and
should carry with them a set of safety instructions and the phone number of their program coordina-
tor. Safety precautions can never be overemphasized. The following are some basic common sense
safety rules for teachers and program leaders:

Before your activity
1.   Always let the parents and the school principal know where you are and when you intend to
    return. Have a procedure in place if you do not come back at the appointed time.
2.   Develop a safety plan. If you do  not have a cell phone, find  out the location of the nearest tele-
    phone and write it down. Locate the nearest medical center  and write down directions on how
    to get between the center and your site(s) so that you can direct emergency personnel. Have each
    student complete a permission slip and a medical form that includes emergency contacts, insur-
    ance information, and pertinent health information such as allergies, diabetes, epilepsy, etc.
3.   Have a first aid kit handy (see box below). Know any important medical conditions of team mem-
    bers (e.g., heart conditions, diabetes, or allergies). It is best if at least one team member has first
    aid/CPR training.
4.   Listen to weather reports. Never go near the water if severe weather is predicted or if a storm oc-
    curs while at the site.
5.   Carry a cell phone (if available) in case of an emergency.
In the Field
\   Never wade in swift streams or in water higher than your knees!  These can kill. Cancel your

   First  Aid  Kit
   At a minimum, a first aid kit should contain the following items:
     Telephone numbers of emergency personnel such as the police  and ambulance service
      Band-aids for minor cuts
      Antibacterial or alcohol wipes
      First aid  cream or ointment
     Gauze pads 3 or 4 inches square for deep wounds
      Acetaminophen for relieving pain and reducing fever
      A first aid manual
      A 2-inch roll of gauze bandage for large cuts
      A triangular bandage for large  wounds
      A large compress bandage to hold  dressings in place
      A 3-inch-wide elastic bandage  for sprains and applying pressure to  bleeding wounds
     If a participant has a medical condition, include their doctor-prescribed medications
   Be sure you carry a cell phone (if available) and have emergency telephone numbers and medical
   information with you at the field site for everyone participating in field  work (including you) in case
   there is an emergency.

   field trip if you had a recent rain event or if the water level is high.
\  Never drink the water in a stream. Provide bottled water for the students. After any of the field
   activities, students should immediately wash their hands with antibacterial soap. Bring along
   the type that does not require water.
V  Assume that the water is not healthy—students should wear boots and rubber gloves.
V  If you drive, park in a safe location. Be sure that you don't block traffic.
V  Put your wallet, keys, and cell phone in a safe place, such as a watertight bag you keep in a pouch
   strapped to your waist. Without proper precautions, wallet, keys, and phone might end up down-
V  Never cross private property without the permission of the landowner. Better yet, conduct surveys
   and take samples only at public access points.
V  Confirm that you are at the proper site location by checking maps, site descriptions,  or direc-
V  Watch for poison ivy, poison oak, sumac, and other types of vegetation in your area that can cause
   rashes and irritation.
V  Watch for irate dogs, farm animals, wildlife (particularly snakes), and insects such as ticks, hornets,
   and wasps. Know what to do if you or a student gets bitten or stung.

Snakes can be a concern when in an aquatic environment, especially slow-moving waters with over-
head vegetation. Snakes must get out of the water to dry their skin and lie on flat surfaces exposed to
sunlight. Snakes may also be found on flood debris hanging in streambank bushes and trees. If you
have to approach your site through high grass, firmly thump the ground in front of you with your net
pole or a large stick. Snakes will feel the vibrations and move away.  Snakes are deaf, so loud noises
will not scare them away. If you come upon a snake at close range, simply move away from the snake.
If a snake bite occurs, seek medical assistance immediately.

Ticks and Insect Bites
Have students wear long pants, boots, and light-colored, long-sleeved shirts. Find out beforehand if
any of the students are allergic to bites of insects, bees, or spiders. Bring all doctor-prescribed antihis-
tamines or antidotes that will help subdue an allergic reaction.

Ticks are prevalent in grassy or wooded areas. It is very important  that students check their bodies
for ticks. Feel along the scalp for any bumps that are loosely attached to the scalp. Deer ticks, which
are known to carry Lyme disease, are of particular concern. Lyme disease can cause serious illness.
Symptoms include chills, malaise, fever, etc. If you or any of the students exhibit these symptoms after
being in the field, seek medical treatment.  If you do remove a tick, you may want to save it  so that it
can be identified (e.g., deer tick, dog tick, etc.)

Alligators, Turtles, and Other Large Animals
In some southern states, alligators and snapping turltes may present hazards. If these are sighted, it
is best to leave the area immediately. Alligators under 18 inches in length are juveniles and may be
near their mother. Female alligators are very protective of their young and may be dangerous. Snap-
ping turtles will usually move out of the way if the water is disturbed by a large animal. Nevertheless,
turtles should never be picked up.  In the event of a bite from  a turtle, stay calm and proceed to the
nearest hospital as soon as possible.

Safety Guidelines for Water  Quality Monitors:

1.  Wear rubber gloves and boots. Do not monitor if the stream is posted as unsafe for body contact
   or if the water appears to be severely polluted.
2.  Do not walk on unstable stream banks. Disturbing these banks can accelerate erosion and might
   prove dangerous if a bank collapses. Disturb streamside vegetation as little as possible.
3.  Be very careful when walking in the stream itself. Rocky-bottom streams can be very slippery and
   can contain deep pools; muddy-bottom streams might also prove treacherous in areas where mud,
   silt, or sand have accumulated in sink holes.
4.  Never attempt to cross streams that are swift and above the knee in depth. These can kill!
5.  If at any time you feel uncomfortable about the condition of the stream or your surroundings, stop
   monitoring and leave the site at once.
6.  Wash your hands after you've cleaned up your equipment.

If using chemicals:
1.  Know your equipment, sampling instructions, and procedures before going out into the field.
   Prepare labels and clean equipment before you get started.

2.  Keep all equipment and chemicals away from small children. Many of the chemicals used in moni-
   toring are poisonous. Tape the phone number of the local poison control center to your sampling
3.  Avoid contact between chemical reagents and skin, eye, nose, and mouth. Never use your fingers
   to stopper a sample bottle (e.g.,  when you are shaking a solution). Wear safety goggles when per-
   forming any chemical test or handling preservatives.

4.  Know chemical cleanup and disposal procedures. Wipe up all spills when they occur. Return all
   unused chemicals to your program coordinator for safe disposal. Close all containers tightly after
   use.  Do not switch caps.
5.  Know how to use and store chemicals. Do not expose chemicals or equipment to temperature
   extremes or long-term direct sunshine.

Algae: A chlorophyll-containing plant ranging
from one to many cells in size, that lives in fresh
or saltwater.
Anadromous: Fish that return from saltwater to
freshwater to spawn (e.g., salmon, steelhead).

Aquatic Insect: Insect species whose larval and/
or juvenile forms live in the water.
Aquifer: Any underground geological formation
containing water.
Bedrock: Unbroken solid rock, overlain in most
places by soil or rock fragments.
Benthic: Bottom-dwelling. Benthic organisms are
the animal life whose habitat is the bottom of a
sea, lake, or river.
Channelized: The straightening and deepening
of streams. Channelization reduces the ability of
the stream to assimilate waste and disturbs fish
breeding areas.

Clarity: The clearness of the water  in the
Conifers: A cone-bearing evergreen tree or shrub
(a pine tree, for example).
Cover: Overhanging or in-stream structures
(such as tree roots, undercut streambanks,  or
boulders) that offer protection from predators,
shelter from strong currents, and/or shading.

Current: The velocity (speed) of the flow  of

Deciduous: A tree that sheds its foliage at the end
of the growing season.

Ecosystem: The interacting system of a biological
community (plants, animals) and its non-living
Effluent: The wastewater from a municipal  or
industrial source that is discharged into the

EPA: Environmental Protection Agency.
Erosion: The wearing away of the land surface
by wind or water.
Estuary: A partially enclosed body of water
formed where freshwater from rivers and streams
flows into the ocean, mixing with the salty sea
water. Estuaries and the lands surrounding them
are places  of transition from land to sea, and
from freshwater to saltwater. Such areas include
bays, mouths of rivers, salt marshes, and lagoons.
These brackish water ecosystems shelter and feed
marine life, birds, and wildlife.
Filling: The process of depositing dirt and mud in
marshy areas(wetlands) or in the water to create
more land. Filling disturbs natural ecological
Gradient: The slope or steepness of the stream.
Groundwater: The supply of freshwater under the
earth's surface in an aquifer or soil.
Habitat:  The specific environment in which an
organism lives and on which it depends for food
and shelter.

Headwaters: Small creeks at the uppermost end
of a stream system, often found in the mountains,
that contribute to larger creeks and rivers.
Mass Wasting: Downward movement of dry soil
and rock  caused by gravity (often called slides or
Monitor: To measure a characteristic, such as
streambank condition, dissolved oxygen, or fish
population, using uniform methods to evaluate
change over a period of time.
Nonpoint Source Pollution:  "Diffuse" pollution,
generated from large areas with no particular
point of pollutant origin, but rather from many
individual places. Urban and agricultural areas
generate  nonpoint source pollutants.
Nutrient: Any substance, such as fertilizer,
phosphorous, and nitrogen compounds, which
enhances the growth of plants and animals.
Point Source Pollution: A  discharge of water
pollution to a stream or other body of water via
an identifiable pipe, vent, or culvert.

Pool: An area of relatively deep, slow water in a
stream that offers shelter to fish.
Quality Control (QC): A system of checks used
to ensure excellence, or quality, in a program
such as a monitoring program. QC asks if we are
doing things right.
Quality Assurance (QA): A way to see that QC
is maintained and that the right things are being
monitored to detect changes in water quality.
Reach: A stream section with fairly homogeneous
Redd: A shallow depression in the streambed
gravel in which a female salmonid deposits her
Riffle: A shallow, gravelly area of streambed with
swift current. Used for spawning by salmonids
and other fish species.
Riprap: A sustaining wall built of rocks.
Riparian Area: An area, adjacent to and along
a watercourse, often vegetated and constituting
a buffer zone between the nearby lands and the
Run: A stretch of fast, smooth current, deeper
than a riffle.
Runoff: The portion of rainfall, melted snow, or
irrigation water that flows  across the ground
surface  and eventually is returned to streams.
Runoff can pick up pollutants from the air or
the land and carry them to streams, lakes, and
Salmonid: Fish that are members of the family
Salmonidae (includes salmon, trout, char, and
Sediment: Fine soil or mineral particles that settle
to the bottom of the water or are suspended in
Stormwater Runoff: Water that washes off the
land after a rainstorm. In developed watersheds
it flows off roofs and pavements into storm
drains that may feed directly into  the stream;
often carries concentrated pollutants.
Substrate: The material that makes up the
bottom layer of a stream, such as gravel, sand,
or bedrock.
Stream Corridor: The lower and upper banks of
a perennial or intermittent stream.
Stream Mouth: The place where a stream empties
into a lake, an ocean, or another stream.
Suspended Sediments: Fine  material or soil
particles that remain suspended by the current
until  deposited in areas of  weaker current.
They create turbidity and, when deposited, can
smother fish eggs or alevins. Can be measured in
a laboratory as total suspended solids (TSS).
Topography: The configuration of a surface area
including its relief, or relative elevations, and the
position of its natural and man-made features.
USGS: United States Geological Survey.
Wetlands: Lands where saturation with water is
the dominant factor determining the nature of
soil development. Wetlands also can be identified
by unique plants that have adapted to oxygen-
deficient (anaerobic) soils. Wetlands influence
stream flows and water quality.
Zoning: To designate, by ordinance, areas of land
reserved and regulated for specific uses, such as
residential, industrial, or open space.

Thanks to the cyber world, a tremendous amount of
information is only a mouse dick away (check out the
list of Web sites on the inside back cover). Also, you
can use the government pages of your telephone book
to locate local agencies in your community or state.
The following list includes some of the organizations
that may be helpful to you:
•   Cooperative Extension Service
•   Department of Agriculture
•   Department of Health
•   Department of Natural Resources
•   Environmental Quality Department
•   Soil and Water Conservation District
•   Wastewater Department

Educational Programs
Adopt-A-Watershed uses a local watershed as a living
laboratory in which students  engage in hands-on
activities, making science applicable and relevant to
their lives. To get more information on activities you
can do in your state/community go to http://www.
adopt-a-watershed.org/contacts.htm and  click on
your state. You can also call 530- 628-5334 for a list of
contacts for your state.

Coastal Cleanups. Visit http://www.cmc-ocean.
org/ or call the Ocean Conservancy at 1-800-CMC-
Beach for information about beach cleanups or how
to participate in the annual International Coastal

Earth Force (G.R.E.E.N.). Earth Force is youth-driven.
Through Earth Force, kids discover and implement
lasting solutions to environmental issues in their
community. In the process  they develop life-long
habits of active citizenship and environmental
stewardship. For more information, call 703-299-9400
or visit the Web site at http://www.earthforce.org.

EPA Safe Drinking Water Act Hotline (1-800-426-
4791). You can call this number to report problems or
to get information on safe drinking water practices.

EPA Water Resource Center (202-260-7786). You can
obtain free fact sheets, coloring books, and other
useful materials on wetlands.

Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the
Environment (GLOBE) is a  worldwide network of
students, teachers, and scientists working together
to study and understand the global environment.
GLOBE students  make
environmental observations
at or near their schools and
report their data through
the  Internet.  For more
information on getting
involved, call 1-800-858-9947
or visit GLOBE's Web site at

Izaak  Walton League  of
America's Save Our Streams program provides
educational  material on stream and wetland
monitoring. Visit http://www.iwla.org/sos or call 1-

National Wildlife Federation's Schoolyard Habitat
program shows you how to help save a place for
wildlife at your own school. Visit http://www.nwf.

Project WET is a nonprofit water education program
for educators and young people, grades K-12, located
on the Montana State University campus in Bozeman,
Montana. The goal of Project WET is to facilitate
and promote  awareness, appreciation, knowledge,
and  stewardship. At project WET's  homepage
(http://ww.montana.edu/wwwwet) you can get more
information from the contact in your state (see the
State Project WET Program Coordinator list) or call

River of Words Poetry  and Art Contest is a national
poetry and art contest  for grades K-12  that invites
children to explore their own watershed through
the arts. Visit http://www. riverofwords.org,
e-mail info@riverofwords.org, or  call 510-548-

River Network maintains a directory of river and
watershed conservation groups. Visit http://www.

The Groundwater Foundation is a nonprofit
organization dedicated to teaching the public about
the conservation and management of groundwater.
Visit http://www.groundwater.org or call 1-800-858-

The Water Environment Federation (WEF) is an
international technical and educational services

organization for water quality professionals. Visit
http://www.wef.org for hands-on water environment
activities from the Water Sourcebook. To receive a
free kit on organizing a watershed festival and/or a
schematic guide of the wastewater treatment process,
e-mail public_education@wef.org.

Publications, CDs & Other Materials

50 Simple Things Kids Can Do to Save the  Earth by
Earthworks Group provides practical tips to kids on
how they can conserve energy, recycle waste, and
take on important environmental projects. Available
in bookstores.

The Backyard Conservation booklet can show you
things you can do to the land around your home and
school to help protect the environment. Tip sheets
and 28-page booklet are available for free by calling
1-888-LANDCARE (single copies only). On the Web
at http://www.nrcs.usda.gov.

Getting Started in Volunteer Monitoring providesan
introduction to volunteer monitoring. Visit the EPA
Web site at http://www.epa.gov/volunteer.

Girl Scout Water Drop Patch Project encourages girls
to make a difference in their communities. Call
the National Service Center for Environmental
Publications (NSCEP) at 1-800-490-9198 or visit http:
//www.epa.gov/adopt/patch. Ask for EPA document

Give Water a Hand Activity Guide (http://www.uwex.
edu/erc) provides information for youth about
watersheds and ways to protect them.

What's Up with Our Nation's Waters presents key
findings of EPA's National Water Quality Report in an
easy-to-read fashion and includes projects for school
or fun.. Available on the Web at http://www.epa.
gov/owow/monitoring/nationswaters/waters.pdf  or
by calling NSCEP at 1-800-490-9198. Publication EPA-
841-F-00-005. The National Water Quality Inventory:
Report to Congress is available at http://www.epa.
gov/305b or by calling 1-800-490-9198.

Splash (CD-ROM). This  interactive tool provides
information on nonpoint source pollution. Contact
the Conservation Technology Information Center at
Turning the Tide on Trash: A Learning Guide on Marine
Debris. Call NSCEP at 1-800-490-9198 or visit the Web
site at http://www.epa.gov/OWOW/info/PubList/
publist2.html. EPA document number 842-B-92-003.

Make Your Own Watershed kit. Available from  the
Terrene Institute. Phone: 703-548-5473. Internet http:
//www.terrene.org; $29.95 plus $5.50 shipping and

Waters to the Sea: Rivers of the Upper Mississippi (CD-
ROM). This interactive tool presents fundamental
concepts of ecology, the water  cycle, and watershed
hydrology. ($39.95 plus shipping and handling).
For more information, contact the Center for Global
Environmental Education at 651-523-2480.

Mention of any commercial products, materials, or pub-
lications in this booklet does not constitute endorsement
or recommendation for use by EPA. Visit the Adopt Your
Watershed (http://www.epa.gov/adopt) or Office of Water
Web page (http://www.epa.gov/ow) for a more complete list
of other available resources.

                Application for  School or Class Recognition
Watershed or Waterbody Name:

School or Club:	
Contact Person/Phone:

Number of Participants:
Brief Description of Class Activities: (100 words or less). Should demonstrate an ongoing
commitment to the protection or restoration of a watershed.
Project Highlights/Successes:
                      Please return to: Patricia Scott, USEPA
                Ariel  Rios Bidding,  1200 Pennsylvania Avenue (4501T)
                               Washington,  DC 20460

                             For More Information...

Hey Kids, Its Time to Take Action: http://www.afandpa.org/kids_educators/index.html. All
types of recycling programs and information for kids from the American Forest and Paper As-
sociation. One feature of the site lists 20 ways to reuse a paper grocery bag.

National Water Quality Inventory: http://www.epa.gov/305b. At this site, you can find reports
on the quality of our nation's waters, including summaries for your state.

EPA's Explorer's Kids Club: http://www.epa.gov/kids. Provides information and activities for
kids to become familiar with the environment and what they can do to make a difference.

EPA's Volunteer Monitoring Homepage: http://www.epa.gov/volunteer. At this Web site you'll
find information on volunteer monitoring, including a directory of U.S. programs and docu-
ments on how to monitor.

Surf Your Watershed: http://www.epa.gov/surf. Locate Your Watershed. Using the Watershed
Information Network, you can check out local water conditions, find out about watershed train-
ing opportunities, identify volunteer monitoring and watershed programs to get involved in,
or connect with federal and state agencies.

Office of Water Kids' Pages: http://www.epa.gov/water/kids.html. This Web site is loaded
with information for kids of all ages, including projects, experiments, educational materials,
and games.

Nonpoint Source Kids Page: http://www.epa.gov/owow/nps/kids. Check out the Masterbug
Theatre for a cool movie about metamorphisis and macroinvertebrates.

Watershed Information Network: http://www.epa.gov/win. You can get a wealth of environ-
mental information on your watershed from this EPA Web site.

USGS Water Science for Schools: http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu. This Web site offers informa-
tion on many aspects of water, along with pictures, data, maps, and an interactive center where
you can give opinions and test your water knowledge.
                Project WET
  Project  WET (Water Education for Teach-
  ers) promotes stewardship of water resources
  through  the development of  classroom-ready
  teaching aids and the establishment of state and
  internationally sponsored programs. For more
  information, contact Montana Water Resources
  Research Institute 406-994-5392. On the Web
  at http://www.montana.edu/wwwwet.
Mention of any commercial prod-
ucts,  services,  materials, or
publications  in this booklet does
not constitute endorsement or
recommendation for use by EPA.

      World  Water Monitoring  Day
Every year, on October 18,  volunteer monitoring
programs, water quality agencies, students, and the
public are invited to test waters across the nation in
celebration of the Anniversary of the Clean  Water
Act. Everyone will be asked to test for temperature,
pH, dissolved oxygen, and  turbidity and enter their
results into a national database.  To register testing
sites, order low cost water testing kits  (if needed),
or find out more about World Water Monitoring Day,
please visit www.worldwatermonitoringday.org

                    Adopt Your Watershed

Surf Your Waters
A Service to Help You Locate, Use, and Share
Environmental Information about Your Place,
    & Activities
 X) Activities &
^->7J Experiments
         Kids Health  Esparto!
                    Surf Your Watershed
                    w ww. ep a. go v/surf
                                     "After the Storm" TV Special about
Drinking Water Information for
                                     Watershed Information Network
                                     Watershed Academy Web

       World  Water Monitoring  Day
Every year, on October 18, volunteer  monitoring
programs, water quality agencies, students, and the
public are invited to test waters across the nation in
celebration of the Anniversary of the Clean  Water
Act. Everyone will be asked to test for temperature,
pH, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity and enter their
results into a national database.  To register testing
sites, order low cost water testing kits  (if needed),
or find out more about World Water Monitoring Day,
please visit www.worldwatermonitoringday.org

