Regulatory Flexibility for Small Entities

Contact Us About Regulatory Flexibility for Small Entities

Report an environmental violation

Report possible violations of environmental laws and regulations.

Your feedback is important to us. Please take a moment to send your comments to the Small Business Advocacy staff in the Office of Policy. You may use the form provided below or email us at When using the form below, you may submit comments anonymously simply by leaving the "Name" field blank. (EPA Privacy and Security Policy)

Mailing Address:
Caryn Muellerleile
William Jefferson Clinton Building
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W.
Mail Code: 1803A
Washington, DC 20460

Who We Are

Small Business Advocacy Chair

The position of the Small Business Advocacy Chair (SBAC) was created by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA). EPA's SBAC is responsible for guidance and oversight of the Agency's implementation of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), as amended by SBREFA, and serves as the permanent chair of all Small Business Advocacy Review (SBAR) Panels. The SBAC is responsible for all aspects of the SBAR Panel process. The EPA Administrator designated Sarah Rees to serve as EPA's SBAC:

Sarah Rees, SBAC
EPA Office of Policy

SBAC Staff

The SBAC staff provides guidance, training, recordkeeping, reporting, and general support in EPA's implementation of the RFA/SBREFA. They provide coordination and support for the SBAR Panel process to make each SBAR Panel as efficient and productive as possible. They also advise EPA's program offices on how the SBAR Panel process can fit into their rulemaking schedule, how to involve SBA and OMB in the process, and the implications of the results of their screening analysis, among other things. The team leader for the SBAC staff is:

Lanelle Wiggins
EPA Office of Policy