Waste Management Rules

All DEP Rules (off-site, Secretary of State)

Department Proposed Rulemaking

The Maine Department of the Secretary of State, Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions maintains online copies of agency rule chapters.

The electronic version maintained by the Department of the Secretary of State and are in MS Word format unless otherwise noted. Rule chapters downloaded from the site should not be considered "official" state rules for use before a court. Contact the Secretary of State's Administrative Proccedure Act Office for certified copies of rule chapters.

For general questions regarding Department Rulemaking please contact Jeff Crawford (207) 287-7647. For specific questions regarding Rules applicability please contact program staff.

Ch. 80 Reduction of Toxics in Packaging
Designation of Priority Toxic Chemicals
Ch. 82 Priority Toxic Chemical Reporting and Pollution Prevention Planning
Solid Waste Management Rules: General Provisions
Solid Waste Management Rules: Landfill Siting, Design and Operation
Solid Waste Management Rules: Transfer Stations and Storage Sites for Solid Waste
Solid Waste Management Rules: Incineration Facilities
Solid Waste Management Rules: Water Quality Monitoring, Leachate Monitoring, and Waste Characterization
Solid Waste Management Rules: Processing Facilities
Solid Waste Management Rules: Composting Facilities
Solid Waste Management Rules: Non-Hazardous Waste Transporter Licenses
Solid Waste Management Rules: Reasonable Costs for the Handling and Recycling of Electronic Wastes
Solid Waste Management Rules: Beneficial Use of Solid Wastes
Solid Waste Management Rules: Agronomic Utilization of Residuals
Solid Waste Management Rules: Septage Management Rules
Solid Waste Management Rules: Lead Management Regulations
Solid Waste Management Rules: Asbestos Management Regulations
Oil Discharge Prevention and Pollution Control Rules for Marine Oil Terminal Facilities, Transportation Pipelines and Vessels
Tanker Anchorage Rules
Payment and Reimbursement of Oil Transfer Fees
Standards for Assessing Ability to Pay Deductibles under the State Insurance Program for Oil Storage Tanks
Rules for Underground Oil Storage Facilities
Siting of Oil Storage Facilities
Operator Training for Underground Oil and Hazardous Substance Storage Facilities
Registration / Installation / Operation and Closure of Underground Hazard Substance Storage Facility
Ch. 696
Oil Discharge and Pollution Control Rules for Rail Tank Cars
Wellhead Protection: Siting of Facilities that Pose a Significant Threat to Drinking Water
Identification of Hazardous Matter
  Appendix to Chapter 800: §302.4 Designation of Hazardous Substances
Discharge of Hazardous Matter: Removal and Written Reporting Procedures
Identification of Hazardous Wastes
Standards for Generators of Hazardous Waste
Land Disposal Restrictions
Licensing of Transporters of Hazardous Waste
Standards for Hazardous Waste Facilities
Interim Licenses for Waste Facilities for Hazardous Waste
Licensing of Hazardous Waste Facilities
Hazardous Waste Manifest Requirements
Universal Waste Rules
Ch. 860 Waste Oil Management Rules
Biomedical Waste Management Rules

06 481 Board of Underground Storage Tank Installers

Administrative Rules
Rules of Practice and Procedure Governing Adjudicatory Proceedings
Certification of Underground Oil Tank Installers
Certification of Underground Oil Storage Tank Inspectors