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Invasive Species

Wild coffee (Senna occidentalis) takes over St. Croix pasture.
Wild coffee (Senna occidentalis) takes over St. Croix pasture.
go to USDA-APHIS Save Our Citrus website

Every day, invasive species are threatening the health of our nation’s vital agricultural and natural lands. Forests, orchards and rangelands are being infested, cropland production is being negatively impacted, ponds and waterways are being choked with weeds, and wildlife species are losing habitat. These conditions are just a few of the negative impacts that will continue, or will become more severe, if successful actions are not taken to halt and/or reverse this trend.

One recent invasive pest in the Caribbean Area is the Asian citrus psyllid that causes Citrus Greening disease.  See the new APHIS resources below to fight citrus disease.

Invasive Species Resources