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CHIPS Articles: NIST Releases Draft: An Introduction to Information Security

NIST Releases Draft: An Introduction to Information Security
By NIST News - January 27, 2017
NIST invites comments on Draft SP 800-12 Rev. 1, An Introduction to Information Security. Information security is a constantly growing and evolving science. With that, it is necessary to update the information from the original publication to stay current with information security terms and technology associated with operating systems in today's complex computing environment.

The authors encourage readers to comment on the draft, specifically to address areas where more information would be helpful to individuals looking to gain a better understanding of introductory information security principles. Additionally, suggestions for supplementary sections/topics are welcome to ensure this publication is as complete and thorough as possible. Feedback on this draft will be incorporated into the Revision 1 release, anticipated for Summer 2017.

Email comments to: (Subject: "Comments on SP 800-12 Rev. 1"). Comments due by: February 22, 2017.

As a non-regulatory agency of the Commerce Department, NIST promotes U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life. For more information, visit

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