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Wyoming Rangeland Management and Grazing

One of many BLM objectives is to authorize and manage livestock grazing on the land it administers under the principles of multiple use and sustained yield.  

Throughout Wyoming and a few isolated parts of Nebraska, the BLM manages and administers 17.4 million acres of public land for livestock grazing within 3,543 allotments.  There are 2,884 grazing permits/leases in force that provide 1,907,352 million Active Animal Unit Months (AUM) of use that may be authorized each year for grazing in that area.  The kinds of grazed livestock include cattle, sheep, horses, and goats.  The management and administration is primarily carried out by 10 field and three district offices with principal support from the BLM Wyoming State Office.  In Fiscal Year 2015, 1,262,258 million AUMs were billed by those field offices for authorized grazing use.