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Program Updates

  • July 21, 2016

    Inside this Update: 2016–2025 Strategic Plan Released; Little Wind River Floods at Riverton, Wyoming: Study to Determine Impacts on Soil Contaminants; Monument Valley Open House; Retiring LM Director Recognized with Exceptional Service Award; New Acting LM Director Appointed; LM Business Center Hosts Office of Environment, Health, Safety and Security (AU-14) Representatives; Annual Assessment Shows Mound, Ohio, Site ICs Are Protective; LM Completes 2016 Monitoring at Amchitka Island, Alaska; Moab UMTRA Project/LM Technical Exchange; UK/LM Information Exchange Focus: Importance of

  • April 13, 2016

    Inside this Update: Deputy Under Secretary Klaus Visits the Fernald Preserve in Ohio; Preservationists Tour Historic Log Cabin at the Grand Junction, Colorado, Office; Applied Studies and Technology: Training Course in Groundwater Geochemistry and Reaction Modeling; Watershed Protection at the Fernald Preserve in Ohio; African Americans and the Manhattan Project; LM Updates Stakeholders on the Recent Closure of Central Nevada Test Area; LM Organizes Conference Session on Uranium Studies; Updated Radiation Exhibit Unveiled at Math and Science Center in Grand Junction, Colorado; LM–First in

  • January 14, 2016

    Inside this Update: Pinellas Site Uses Horizontal Wells for Enhanced Bioremediation; Fernald Preserve: A Learning Destination; Records Requests Continued to Increase in FY 2015; Luis Alvarez and the Manhattan Project; Annual Accountability Report in Review as LM Readies Its 2017–2021 HPO Proposal; LM Announces New Team Leaders; Environmental Justice Activities; Navarro Research and Engineering, Inc. – LM Support Services Contractor; Federal Agencies Collaborate To Improve Communication with the Navajo Nation; Weldon Spring Site Reaches New Milestones; and more.

  • October 8, 2015

    Inside this Update: Draft LM 2016-2025 Strategic Plan; Applied Studies and Technology: The Third Dimension—Variation in Groundwater Aquifers; Fostering International Discourse; Creating LTS&M Efficiencies While Protecting Human Health and the Environment; LM Business Center Receives Yucca Mountain Licensing Information; 2015 LM All-Hands Training; Ohio and the Manhattan Project; Recycling Building Foundation at the Weldon Spring, Missouri, Site; Environmental Justice Activities; Institutional Controls Protect Remedies at Mound, Ohio, Site; LM Support Services Contract; and more.

  • July 1, 2015

    Inside this update: Grand Junction Office Founder Honored at the Philip C. Leahy Memorial Park Dedication and Open House; Prescribed Burns Help with Prairie Management at the Fernald Preserve; Progress Toward Operable Unit 1 Groundwater Cleanup at the Mound, Ohio, Site; NARA and DOE Records Officials Visit LMBC; Reuse at Former Manhattan Project Sites; Transfer of Excess Computer and IT Equipment to the Northern Arapaho Tribe; Decrease Noted in LM Records Information Requests; Environmental Justice Activities; Asset Revitalization Initiative Task Force Issues Its Second Report; and more.

  • April 3, 2015

    Inside this update: Successful Transition from Mound Site to Mound Business Park Continues; Second Five-Year Plan to Address Uranium Contamination in the Navajo Nation; Nuclear Weapons Program Workers Honored; New Guidance Helps LM Manage Institutional Controls; Recent Eclipse Viewing Staged at the Fernald Preserve; UMTRCA Title II Audit; LMBC Records-Emergency Exercise; FY 2016 Budget Summary; GEMS Mapping and Specific Information; Environmental Justice Activities; LM Welcomes New Employees; LM Releases Update of Site Management Guide; 2015 DOE LM Independent Stakeholder Satisfac

  • January 13, 2015

    Inside this Update: Enhanced Bioremediation—Pinellas County, Florida, Site; New Eligibility Guidelines Lead to Increase in LM’s EEOICPA Requests for FY 2014; Thinking Outside the Box: Materials Reuse—Durango, Colorado, Site; Evolution of a Groundwater Treatment System—Rocky Flats, Colorado, Site; Applied Studies and Technology Stakeholder Outreach: Helping Native Students Heal the Land; Mound Science and Energy Museum Programs Cover a Wide Range of Topics; Improving Groundwater Cleanup—Monticello, Utah, Site; Digging Deeper—DOE Offices Collaborate on Research and Remedies; Environmental Ju

  • October 8, 2014

    Inside this Update: 2014 LM All-Hands Training, LM to Meet Energy Metering Goals, Anatomy of a Groundwater Uranium Plume, DOE Submits Its Defense-Related Uranium Mines Report to Congress, Analysis of LM Stakeholder Interaction and External Communications, Scientists Assess Damage Caused by Earthquake near Amchitka, DOE Weldon Spring Site Seeks Shelter, Reindustrialization Workshop Held at Mound Site, Chariot Remediation Work Completed on Schedule, Groundwater Cleanup Operational Changes Are Being Implemented at Fernald Preserve, NextGen GIS and the Environmental Database,

  • July 7, 2014

    Inside this Update: Optimizing the Use of Federal Lands Through Disposition; The Old Rifle Snowmaking Experience; DOE Partners with Other Federal Agencies Working on the Wind River Indian Reservation; Fernald Preserve Attracts 50,000 Visitors; LM Grand Junction Office Recognized for Combined Federal Campaign Contributions; Renewed Importance of the Mound Site Annual Institutional Controls Assessments; LM Migrates Yucca Mountain Records to New Archival Media; Hanford Pilot Project – Early Site-Transition Activities; Collaboration and Communication: DOE and Navajo Nation Tour Uranium Mine Re

  • April 7, 2014

    Inside this Update: DOE Celebrates 20-Year Anniversary of Executive Order 12898; LM Updates the Public on Defense-Related Uranium Mines Report to Congress; LM Issues ULP PEIS; Tracking Uranium Atoms; LM and MSEM Provide Public Education; Bobcats at the Fernald Preserve; LM Meets with Native Village of Point Hope, Alaska; 2014 Waste Management Conference; FY 2015 Budget Request; Mound Workshop Save the Date; Records/IT Disaster Exercise; 2014 National Environmental Justice Conference and Training Program; and more.

  • January 7, 2014

    Inside this Update: Agencies Assist LM to Develop Reports on Defense-Related Uranium Mines; DOE Responds to Public Input on the Draft ULP PEIS; Groundwater Remedy Is Evaluated at the Mound, Ohio, Site; Visitors Learn About the History of LM’s Unique Facility in Puerto Rico; German Remediation Offi cials Benchmarking Visit; International Atomic Energy Agency Accepts Consultation from LM; Environmental Justice Activities; and more.

  • October 21, 2013

    Inside this Update: Legacy Management Work Progresses on Defense-Related Uranium Mines Report to Congress; Weaving Community and Science; LM Completes Construction of Well Pad at CNTA; DOE Salute – Grand Junction, Colorado, Business Incubator of the Year; Replacement of Rocky Flats Water Monitoring Flume; LM Data Safer than Ever with FM-200; LM Security Guard Saves a Life; Fernald Preserve Mini-BioBlitzs; Mound Site Property Transfer; Flag Raising Ceremony at Grand Junction Office; Injection of Soybean Oil at Pinellas Site; Support Contractor Receives VPP Award; Environmental Justice Activities; and more.

  • July 9, 2013

    Inside this Update: Blue Star Memorial By-Way Dedication: Weldon Spring Interpretive Center; LM Progressing with Uranium Mines Report to Congress; Next Generation (NextGen) Geospatial Information System (GIS); State and Tribal Government Working Group Visits the Fernald Preserve; Lakeview GCAP Acceptance; LM Support Services Contract Extended; Release of American Burying Beetles at the Fernald Preserve; Electronic Equipment Donated to Elementary Schools on Hopi Reservation; Environmental Justice Activities; LM Welcomes New Employees; and more.

  • April 10, 2013

    Inside this Update: Abandoned Uranium Mines Report to Congress: LM Wants Your Input; LM Discusses Management of LTS&M Records; LM Launches New Website Under; Biological Monitoring at Amchitka Appears to Show Impacts from Fukushima Dai-ichi Incident; Completion of the CERCLA Natural Resource Damage Process at the Rocky Flats Site; Environmental Justice Activities; Mound Museum Volunteers: Preserving a Laboratory’s Legacy; DOE Evaluates Environmental Impacts of Uranium Mining on Government Land in Western Colorado; Solar Photovoltaic System at Tuba City Site; and more.

  • January 9, 2013

    Inside this Update: Saw What? Saw-Whet!; LM Communication and Stakeholder Satisfaction Independent Survey; LM Completes X-Ray Film Digitization Project; LM Receives Sustainability Award; LM Sees Increase in Information Requests; LM FIMS Database; Environmental Justice Activities; Why Won’t My Groundwater Plume Come Clean?; LM Continues Work with the Navajo Nation; LM Travels to Canada for Workshop; LM Welcomes New Employee; LM Creates Sustainable Workplaces with Environmental Benefits.

  • October 4, 2012

    Inside this Update: LM Co-Hosts International Workshop on Uranium Legacy Sites; LM Communication and Stakeholder Satisfaction Independent Survey; LM Conducts Groundwater and Soil Investigation at Riverton, Wyoming, in Response to 2010 Flood; LM’s First Year with the Title X Uranium/Thorium Reimbursement Program; DOE and Colorado Mesa University Education Agreement Expands LM’s Site Reuse Portfolio; Completion of the Five-Year Reviews for the Monticello, Utah, Radioactively Contaminated Properties Site (Monticello Vicinity Properties) and the Monticello Mill Tailings Site; and more.

  • July 1, 2012

    Inside this Update: U.S. Representative Scott Tipton Visits Grand Junction Facility; LM Management and Staff Tour the Weldon Spring Site Joined by Under Secretary Thomas P. D Agostino; DOE Awards the S.M. Stoller Corporation LMS Team with VPP Star Status; Chronic Beryllium Disease Awareness Website for DOE Federal and Contractor Workers; The Study of Natural Contamination; LM Business Center Activities, Services Stressed During DOE Conference; Pinellas Environmental Restoration Project – Emulsified Soybean Oil at the Northeast Site and 4.5 Acre Site; and more.

  • April 1, 2012

    Inside this Update: Interagency Working Group Collaborates on Codisposal of Uranium Mine and Mill Tailings Waste in New Mexico; Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Benchmarking Visit to the LMBC; LM Creates Cooperative Agreement with the Northern Arapaho Tribe; LM Participates in 2012 WM Conference; M Partners with Diné Environmental Institute on Remediation of Uranium Processing Sites; LM Stakeholder Survey 2012 Update; LM: LEEDing the Way; Yucca Mountain Transition Progress – Congressional Interest; and more.

  • January 1, 2012

    The Program Update newsletter is produced every quarter and highlights major activities and events that occurred across the DOE complex during that period of time.

  • October 1, 2011

    The Program Update newsletter is produced every quarter and highlights major activities and events that occurred across the DOE complex during that period of time.

  • July 1, 2011

    The Program Update newsletter is produced every quarter and highlights major activities and events that occurred across the DOE complex during that period of time.

  • April 1, 2011

    The Program Update newsletter is produced every quarter and highlights major activities and events that occurred across the DOE complex during that period of time.

  • January 1, 2011

    The Program Update newsletter is produced every quarter and highlights major activities and events that occurred across the DOE complex during that period of time.

  • October 1, 2010

    Inside this Update: Public Access Established for the Dr. Modesto Iriarte Technological Museum in Rincόn, Puerto Rico; Draft LM Strategic Plan Available for Review; Legacy Management Business Center Awarded Second Energy-Efficiency Award; LM Assumes Responsibility for Yucca Mountain Records and Information; Natural Gas Sampling at the Gasbuggy, New Mexico; Rio Blanco and Rulison, Colorado; Nuclear Gas Sites; Students from Native American Environmental Youth Camp Tour Tuba City, Arizona, Site; 2010 Long-Term Surveillance and Maintenance Conference, and more.

  • July 1, 2010

    The Program Update newsletter is produced every quarter and highlights major activities and events that occurred across the DOE complex during that period of time.