Confusion HMA

The original source of the animals in this herd is unknown, but it has been augmented through historic times, and probably up until the late 1960s, with domestic horses from local ranches. The herd has a large number of gray and light colored horses and is being managed to maintain these colors. These horses also tend to be a hand or so taller and a bit heavier than other West Desert horses. This may be due to the proximity to the ranches at Gandy, Partoun, and Trout Creek, and the possibility that domestic stock was introduced into the herd prior to 1970.

Location: The Confusion Herd Management Area (HMA) is located approximately 90 miles northwest of Delta in the Confusion Mountains. The HMA is bounded by Cowboy Pass on old U.S. 50 & 6 on the south and the Weiss Highway on the north. Horses can usually be found anywhere throughout this HMA.

Size: 293,665 acres

Topography/Vegetation: The vegetation on this HMA is dominated by sagebrush/shadscale/bunchgrass communities.


AML:  70-115

Viewing Opportunities: Travel west from Delta on Highway 50 & 6 approximately 90 miles to the Utah/Nevada border. Turn north at the road sign to Gandy. Travel north approximately 12 miles to the intersection with old Highway 50 & 6 at Robinson's Ranch. Turn east at the sign (through the ranch) and travel approximately six miles to Knoll Springs. Horses may be viewed early or late in the day at the springs or in the foothills of the Conger Mountains to the southeast. Continue east up old Highway 50 & 6 approximately five more miles to the intersection of the Gandy/Foote's Ranch Road. Turning north towards the Gandy Salt Marsh complex. Horses are frequently seen along the benches and riparian areas between the road and the Confusion Mountains.