An indigo bush plant.

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Native Seed and Plant Material Development 

There are many steps involved in developing a reliable, stable crop from wild collected species. Native plant materials, like agronomic crops, take an average of 10-20 years to develop as consistent, reliable commercially available species. Starting with native seed collection, the time and length of each step in the development process varies for each grass, forb, and shrub. Our goal is to facilitate this process and to increase capacity within Federal agencies and the private sector for ecologically appropriate native seed.

native plant and seed material development seed process
The Native Plant Materials Development Process

There are many steps involved in the process of developing a reliable, stable crop from wild collected species. Native plant materials, like agronomic crops, take an average of 10-20 years to develop as consistent, reliable commercially available species. Starting with native seed collection, the time and length of each step in the development process varies for each grass, forb and shrub.

Click here to download a description of the Native Plant Materials Development Cycle, from Step 1-Native Seed Collection to Step 6-Restoration.