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CHIPS Articles: NASA Selectee Marine Corps Major Nicole Mann Attends Astronaut Convocation

NASA Selectee Marine Corps Major Nicole Mann Attends Astronaut Convocation
By U.S. Navy - March 23, 2016
The Naval Academy hosted its annual Astronaut Convocation to discuss the future of the space program with the brigade of midshipmen.

Five of 53 astronaut graduates attended the event including U.S. Marine Corps Major Nicole Mann, from the Class of 1999.

Mann is the most recent United States Naval Academy graduate to be selected by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA.

The Naval Academy's representation in the past and future of space flight highlights graduates' achievements at the highest levels.

Mann joins a legacy of Naval Academy graduates who have served in the United States Space Program, including Class of 1981 graduate retired Captain Wendy Lawrence, who was the first woman from the United States Naval Academy to fly in space.

To learn more about Major Mann and women in space visit the NASA website.

For <a href="" alt='Link will open in a new window.' target='whole'>video</a> of Marine Corps Major Nicole Mann
For video of Marine Corps Major Nicole Mann

For <a href="" alt='Link will open in a new window.' target='whole'>video</a> of Marine Corps Major Nicole Mann
For video of Marine Corps Major Nicole Mann
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