A Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Lead-Based Paint

Georgia's Lead-Based Paint Program, located in the Land Protection Branch of the Environmental Protection Division, is responsible for protecting human health and the environment from activities that disturb lead-based paint.

Lead-Based Paint Renovation, Repair and Painting
Georgia's Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Rules became effective Dec. 9, 2010. Georgia's RRP rules parallel the federal RRP requirements, which are designed to minimize the spread of lead dust and debris during RRP activities at target housing and child-occupied facilities built before 1978. The program is responsible for enforcing the state's RRP rule requirements, including: accrediting training providers; issuing certifications for renovators/supervisors, dust sampling technicians, and renovation firms; conducting outreach and education; and developing technical guidance.

Lead-Based Paint Abatement
The program also regulates lead-based paint inspection, risk assessment and abatement activities in target housing and child-occupied facilities built before 1978. The program is responsible for enforcing lead-based abatement rule requirements, including; review of inspections and risk assessments; accrediting training providers; issuing certifications for abatement inspectors, risk assessors, project designers, supervisors, workers, and lead firms; conducting outreach and education; and developing technical guidance.

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