U.S. Department of the Interior

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Information For Industry...

OSMRE is helping to power America's economic recovery. Through our efforts to help reclaim abandoned mine lands from the adverse effects of past mining, to our commitment to developing young people through internships, to our core efforts to provide for both the Nation's energy supply while protecting the environment, OSMRE is helping build a new foundation for growth and prosperity in America.

By law, OSMRE is mandated to help provide for the Nation's energy needs through responsible exploitation of one of America's most plentiful energy sources, coal. At the same time, OSMRE is charged with providing oversight and protection to people, property, and the environment where coal is produced. Where possible, OSMRE helps to stimulate business in the form of Applied Science and Technology Transfer grants, and often provides funding for innovative, groundbreaking research to further our mission. These efforts often provide ways for businesses to help carry out OSMRE's purpose while also creating new markets and revenue streams for Americans.

This page highlights some key resouces on OSMRE's website that should be very valuable to industry.

Reclamation Awards Program - A link to OSMRE's Reclamation Awards program for Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation awards and Excellence in Surface Coal Mining Awards.
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Request a mine inspection - Under the Surface Mining Law you, a citizen, may request an inspection if a violation is suspected.
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Who to call about an abandoned mine land reclamation problem - A list of contacts for states and tribes.
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Federal Regulations - Information on the Code of Federal Regulations.
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Submit a FOIA Request - Information on submitting a Freedom of Information or FOIA request.
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SMCRA - "An Act to provide for the cooperation between the Secretary of the Interior and the States with respect to the regulation of surface coal mining operations, and the acquisition and reclamation of abandoned mines, and for other purposes.".
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State and Tribal AML and Regulatory Contacts - A list of contacts for states and tribes.
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Submit Public Comments on Proposed Rules - This links to the website where citizens can comment on proposed rules.
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Locate and Request a Mine Map - A link to OSMRE's National Mine Map Repository where you can find and request mine maps.
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Page Last Modified/Reviewed: 4/24/17

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, 1849 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20240
(202) 208-2565 | TTY: (202) 208-2694 | Email:

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