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For More Information:

Jay Bautista
Program Specialist (Grants)
(202) 208-7411

Contact OSMRE


Grants Resources

Regulatory Program Grants

The coal regulatory program is authorized by Title V of the Surface Mining Law. A state may choose to take over the regulation of surface coal mining operations ("primacy"). If it does the state must develop a plan for the program, which must be approved by the Secretary of the Interior. Functions of a state coal regulatory program include permitting, inspection of mine sites, enforcement of mining laws and regulations, and bond release after mining and reclamation is complete.

Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Grants

The Abandoned Mine Land program is authorized in Title IV of the Surface Mining Law. States with an approved program, or specific Indian tribes, are eligible for Abandoned Mine Land grants. The funds come from fees paid by active coal mine operators on each ton of coal mined.

Distribution of Funds

Federal Assistance Manual (FAM)

The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement uses the Federal Assistance Manual to show how OSMRE and its grantees manage Federal grants.

Disclaimer regarding the Davis Bacon Act in FAM (2-230-60):
This section is currently under review by the Department of the Interior, Office of the Solicitor.
Please use the following text from the February 9, 2011 version of the Federal Assistance Manual for guidance on Davis Bacon
[Click on arrow to view text]:

    • 2-230-60 Do the Davis-Bacon Act and Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act apply to contracts supported with OSMRE funds?

      • A. SMCRA does not include a prevailing wage provision or require you to comply with the Davis-Bacon Act (40 USC 276a). Since there is no direct relationship between OSMRE and the contractor, we consider your contracts exempt from Davis-Bacon requirements. However, state law or administrative procedures, or other federal laws if you have other federal funds in your project, may require you to include a provision for compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act in your contracts.
      • B. The Davis-Bacon Act applies when OSMRE deals directly with a private contractor. We will include Davis-Bacon provisions when we award contracts directly for federal regulatory or reclamation programs.
      • C. SMCRA does not require you to comply with the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 USC 327-330). However, state law or administrative procedures may require you to include these provisions in your contracts.

    Performance and Financial Reporting Guidance

    AML Pilot

    Consistent with the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 (Public Law 114-113), OSMRE has made funding available for projects in the Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation FY 2016 Economic Development Pilot Program (AML Pilot). This pilot program will provide grants of $30 million to each of the three Appalachian Region States (Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia) with the highest unfunded Priority 1 and Priority 2 Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) sites based on OSMRE data as of September 30, 2015, to accelerate the remediation of AML sites with economic and community development end uses. The intent of the pilot program is to explore and implement strategies to return legacy coal sites to productive uses.
    Read the "Guidance for Eligible Projects to be Funded Under the Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Economic Development Pilot Program for FY 16" document.


    Page Last Modified/Reviewed: 1/18/17

    Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, 1951 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20240
    (202) 208-2565 | TTY: (202) 208-2694 | Email:

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