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Contacts in the Office of Pesticide Programs, Registration Division

The Registration Division (RD) is responsible for conventional chemical product registrations, amendments, registrations, tolerances, experimental use permits, and emergency exemptions for conventional chemical pesticides.

On this page:

Name E-Mail Phone Area of Responsibility

Immediate Office

Mike Goodis goodis.michael@epa.gov  703-308-8157 Acting Division Director
Dan Rosenblatt rosenblatt.dan@epa.gov 703-308-9366 Deputy Director
Meredith Laws laws.meredith@epa.gov 703-308-7038 Acting Deputy Director
Stephen Schaible schaible.stephen@epa.gov 703-308-9362 Conventional Chemical PRIA
Sherada Hobgood hobgood.sherada@epa.gov 703-308-8893 Ombudsperson (general)

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Invertebrate-Vertebrate Branch 1

Insecticides, insect repellents, pyrethroids, fipronil 

Vacant     Branch Chief
Kable (Bo) Davis davis.kable@epa.gov 703-306-0415 PM Team 3
Kable (Bo) Davis davis.kable@epa.gov 703-306-0415 PM Team 4 (Acting)
Jennifer Saunders saunders.jennifer@epa.gov 703-347-0156 Senior Entomologist 

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Invertebrate-Vertebrate Branch 2

Insecticides, insect growth regulators, OPs, Carbamates

Deborah McCall mccall.deborah@epa.gov 703-605-0717 Branch Chief
Richard Gebken gebken.richard@epa.gov 703-305-6701 PM Team 10
Michael Walsh walsh.michael@epa.gov 703-308-2972 PM Team 11
Debra Rate rate.debra@epa.gov 703-306-0309 Senior Regulatory Specialist

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Invertebrate-Vertebrate Branch 3

Insecticides, structural fumigants, rodenticides, wildlife control products (including contraceptives)

Vacant     Branch Chief
Venus Eagle eagle.venus@epa.gov 703-308-8045 PM Team 1
Mark Suarez suarez.mark@epa.gov 703-305-0120 PM Team 7
Bill Jacobs jacobs.bill@epa.gov 703-305-6406 Senior Biologist

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Fungicide Branch

Fungicides, nematicides, fumigants, plant growth regulators

Cynthia Giles-Parker giles-parker.cynthia@epa.gov 703-305-7740 Branch Chief
Hope Johnson johnson.hope@epa.gov 703-305-5410 PM Team 21
Tony Kish kish.tony@epa.gov 703-308-9443 PM Team 22
Heather Garvie garvie.heather@epa.gov 703-308-0034 Senior Regulatory Specialist

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Herbicide Branch

Herbicides (including phenoxys, aquatics, desiccants and defoliants)

Dan Kenny kenny.dan@epa.gov 703-305-7546 Branch Chief
Kathryn Montague montague.kathryn@epa.gov 703-305-1243 PM Team 23
Reuben Baris baris.reuben@epa.gov 703-305-7356 PM Team 25
Terri Stowe stowe.terri@epa.gov 703-305-6117 Senior Regulatory Specialist

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Fungicide Herbicide Branch

Fungicides and herbicides

Rachel Holloman holloman.rachel@epa.gov 703-305-7193 Branch Chief
Shaja Joyner joyner.shaja@epa.gov 703-308-3194 PM Team 20
Erik Kraft kraft.erik@epa.gov 703-308-9358 PM Team 24 (Acting)
Lisa Pahel pahel.lisa@epa.gov 703-347-0459 Child-Resistant Packaging (CRP)

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Minor Use and Emergency Response Branch

Marion Johnson johnson.marion@epa.gov 703-305-6788 Branch Chief
Tawanda Maignan maignan.tawanda@epa.gov 703-308-8050 Emergency Response Team Leader;
Section 18s and 24(c)s
Marion Johnson johnson.marion@epa.gov 703-305-6788 Minor Use Team Leader;
IR-4 liaison, minor use policy

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Chemistry, Inerts and Toxicology Assessment Branch

PV Shah shah.pv@epa.gov 703-308-1846 Branch Chief
John Redden redden.john@epa.gov 703-305-1969 Branch Senior Scientist
Shyam Mathur mathur.shyam@epa.gov 703-308-9374 Product Chemistry Team Leader;
review of product chemistry data
Masih Hashim hashim.masih@epa.gov 703-308-6551 Acute Toxicity Team Leader;
review of acute toxicity studies
for formulated products and
review of precautionary labeling
Kerry Leifer leifer.kerry@epa.gov 703-308-8811 Inert Team Leader; Inert
ingredient clearance requests
Mark Dow dow.mark@epa.gov 703-305-5533 Senior Biologist
Akiva Abramovitch abramovitch.akiva@epa.gov 703-308-8328 Senior Chemist

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