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Fuel Cell Technologies Office Multi-Year Research, Development, and Demonstration Plan

The Fuel Cell Technologies Office Multi-Year Research, Development, and Demonstration (MYRD&D) Plan describes the goals, objectives, technical targets, tasks, and schedules for all activities within the Fuel Cell Technologies (FCT) Office, which is part of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). The MYRD&D Plan is a living document, which is revised periodically to reflect progress in the technologies, revisions to developmental timelines and targets, updates based on external reviews, and changes in the scope of the FCT Office. The document was first published in 2003, and revised in 2005. The document was significantly revised in 2012 to reflect scientific advancements and the changing technological landscape. Any revisions made to the MYRD&D Plan are conducted through a rigorous Change Control process as documented in the Systems Integration section of this report. The hydrogen and fuel cell activities within DOE continue to receive extensive review by stakeholders in the hydrogen and fuel cell community, including panels of the National Research Council and the National Academy of Engineering.