Contact Us About Hazardous Waste Generators

Report an environmental violation

Report a Violation

Report possible violations of environmental laws and regulations.

Got questions about:

  • obtaining an EPA identification number or submitting the 8700-12 form,
  • the hazardous waste report (biennial report or BR) or submitting the 8700-13A/B form,
  • the Part A permit application or submitting the 8700-23 form or 
  • where to send the forms?

Please contact your state or, where appropriate, regional representative. Contact information can be found in Where can I obtain assistance?

Mailing Address:
Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW (5305P)
Washington DC 20460

Send us any comments or questions. Please help us answer your request by including a correct e-mail address. We have answered thousands of requests (many found in our frequent questions database), but we receive many messages that we can't respond to because of incorrect email addresses. Also, if you are referring to a specific page within EPA's web site, please include a URL for the specific web page.

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