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Tribal Pesticide Programs

EPA is responsible for implementing and enforcing the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) in Indian country. We consider unique tribal lifestyles and exposure patterns when registering pesticides and work with tribal governments to implement pesticide programs under FIFRA, including providing tribes expertise, training, and opportunities for partnership when pesticide issues affect Indian country.

EPA also establishes cooperative agreements and provides funding to some tribes to offer pesticide education, training, technical assistance, compliance and enforcement, and to develop and implement pesticide programs under tribal law.

We support and partner with the Tribal Pesticide Program Council (TPPC) ExitThe TPPC is a network of tribal representatives and intertribal consortia that serve as a tribal technical resource, program development and policy dialogue group focused on pesticide issues and concerns.

See meeting agendas and minutes for the three most-recent meetings.

View a list of TPPC membersExit

Pesticide Applicator Certification in Indian Country

State certifications to apply restricted use pesticides (RUPs) are generally not valid in Indian country.  Therefore, to legally use RUPs in Indian country, pesticide applicators must obtain a federal certification from their EPA regional office.

Learn more about federal certification to apply restricted use pesticides in Indian country.

Use of Special Local Need Pesticides and Emergency Exemptions in Indian Country

Tribes are not explicitly provided authority under FIFRA to issue Special Local Needs registrations or apply for FIFRA section 18 Emergency Exemptions from pesticide registration requirements. However, EPA has issued an administrative finding to allow use of these products in Indian country in geographic areas where the emergency exemption or special local need registration pertains and under the conditions described in the administrative finding. 

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