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Invasive Species

 Invasive shrubs such as Japanese barberry are a management challenge in open lands and under closed canopy forests


Invasive species are exotic species (not native to the ecosystem) whose introduction does or will likely cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health. Invasive species can include insects, exotic wildlife or feral animals, fungi and diseases, and plants. In addition to displacing native species and disrupting natural cycles in the environment, they can prevent landowners from meeting their management objectives and reduce income from agricultural products.

In Vermont, NRCS is authorized and best equipped to assist landowners in the management of invasive terrestrial plants that are becoming an increasingly greater problem. Invasive plants are a huge management challenge as they typically exhibit rapid growth, produce abundant seeds with high germination rates and/or propagate vegetatively by root or stem fragments. Various species of invasive forb, shrub, vine and tree are having negative effects on our natural areas, agricultural lands and working forests.

NRCS will work with private landowners to help address this important problem through inventory, assessment, and control (through commercial pesticide applicators) while evaluating and mitigating risks associated with selected control strategies.

Vermont-specific Information Sheets on:

Exotic Invasive Plants

Links to related sites

Vermont Invasives