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Nutrient Management

Nutrient Management Planning Tools and Resources


Available Nutrient Management Planning Tools


Soil Sample Instructions

The reliability of a soil test is only as good as the sample you submit.  The small amount of soil in the sample bag you send to the Agricultural Testing Lab must represent the entire area to be fertilized.  Follow these instructions to ensure the reliability of your soil sample results.


Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan

This web page provides NRCS Technical Guidance for development of a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan.


Nutrient Management Planning Tools and Information available from:

University of Vermont and UVM Extension System

The Vermont Crops and Soils Home Page
Nutrient Recommendations for Field Crops in Vermont

Nutrients and Manure Management Page

Phosphorus Index
Vermont Phosphorous Index current information, including an Excel template file which can be downloaded from the University of Vermont Soil, Nutrients and Manure Management web page.