HHS.gov인증된 계정


News and info from U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services

Washington, D.C.
가입일: 2009년 6월

@HHSGov 님이 차단되었습니다.

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  1. 님이 리트윗했습니다.

    “If the research hadn’t continued, I wouldn’t be here today.” —Gavin writing to about his battle with cancer:

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  2. → a choice for public health.

    번역 제공: 영어 by

  3. It's been 33 years since America's uninsured problem was this small → via

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  4. . – thank you for hosting today’s chat!

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  5. A8: Absolutely. You can no longer be denied coverage or charged more for having a pre-existing condition.

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  6. A7: Financial help is available if you qualify. Find out:

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  7. A6: Many preventive services are available at no out-of-pocket cost to you. Find out more:

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  8. A5: Turning 26 (HBD!) may qualify you for an SEP to . The details →

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  9. A1: No one is invincible. , so you are ready for whatever happens.

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  10. . – thank you for hosting today’s chat! We’re excited to join and share info to help millennials !

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  11. Happening Now! Join us for a Twitter chat with .

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  12. 님이 리트윗했습니다.

    Ten years after Katrina: Find out from how helped New Orleans →

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  13. A healthy campus is a happy . has free resources to help students stay safe →

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  14. SHARE: Join us and host for a Twitter chat today @ 3pm ET!

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  15. 님이 리트윗했습니다.

    Wondering how you can ? Join on Wednesday at 3 ET w/ , & more!

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  16. “…once my healthy 8-pound little boy arrived, I didn’t hesitate about one set of medical procedures: immunizations.”

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  17. “Across America, women are contributing to our economy and our Nation in innovative and exciting ways.” –.

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  18. The Hypertension Control Challenge has launched! Learn more →

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트위터의 트래픽이 과열되었거나 일시적인 문제가 발생하였습니다. 재시도하시거나, 트위터 시스템 현황을 방문하셔서 자세한 내용을 확인해 보세요.

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