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Volunteer Week 2016

NRCS-CB Earth Team Volunteers Rubén Hernández; José Domínguez; Luis Ruiz; Elmer Acevedo; Elvin Lassalle; William Durán; Yanira Miranda; Génesis Tua; Josean Torres; José Zamora and Rosario

NRCS Caribbean Area Earth Team Volunteers (left to right): Rubén J. Hernández, PhD; José Domínguez; Luis Ruiz; Elmer Acevedo; Elvin Lassalle; William Durán; Yanira Miranda; Génesis Tua; Josean Torres; José Zamora, UPR Professor; and Rosario Zamora.

In celebration of National Volunteer Week 2016, NRCS Caribbean Area held an awards ceremony to honor our FY 2016 Earth Team volunteers on Friday, April 15th at the Mayagüez Field Office. Earth Team is the agency’s volunteer workforce. So far this year, 16 Earth Team Volunteers in 5 NRCS offices in Puerto Rico provided valuable assistance, donating 1,017 hours of service valued at over $23,400 to help NRCS conserve soil, water, air, plants, animals and energy.

Marangie Berríos, Yanira Miranda and Génesis Tua– who contributed the most volunteer hours (210, 206 and 180 hours, respectively) so far this fiscal year – were also recognized for their significant contributions. District Conservationists, Zulma García (Mayagüez) and Elizabeth Fred (San Sebastián), received special recognition for having the most volunteers per field office this fiscal year.

Each volunteer received an Earth Team certificate, a recognition letter from NRCS Caribbean Area Director, Edwin Almodóvar, and Earth Team Program promotional items from Earth Team Coordinator and Hydrology Engineer, Hilton Miró-Detrés, and Assistant State Conservationist for Operations, Fernando Arroyo.

Volunteers work closely with our staff, and they play an important role in our conservation work in the Caribbean Area,” said NRCS Caribbean Area Director, Edwin Almodóvar. Read more…

Volunteer Week 2015

2015 Volunteer Week - State Office activity
2015 Volunteer Week State Office activity, left to right: Orlando Negrón, Director Almodóvar, Elizabeth Hernandez, Wally Torres, Damaris Medina, Marisol Morales, volunteers: Isabel González, María LLanes and Juan Rosario, Nilda Gonzalez, Javier Medina, and Hilton Miro.
2015 Volunteer Week - Mayaguez activity photo collage
2015 Volunteer Week - Mayagüez activity photo collage, clockwise from top left: ASTC Arroyo (center) welcomes volunteers while Earth Team Coordinator, Hilton Miro (left) and NRCS-CB Director, Edwin Almodóvar (right) look on; Earth Team volunteers and staff listen to ASTC Arroyo; Volunteers & NRCS-CB staff pose for a group photo.

The Caribbean Area NRCS celebrated National Volunteer Week – April 12-18, 2015 – by thanking and honoring our Earth Team volunteers for their service to conservation. The agency hosted two recognition activities for this year's volunteers: one at the Mayagüez Field Office on Tuesday, April 14th, and one at the State Office in Hato Rey on Friday, April 17th

Caribbean Area NRCS Director, Edwin Almodóvar; Fernando Arroyo, Assistant State Conservationist for Field Operations; Juana Díaz, San Sebastián and Mayagüez Field Office; and Mayagüez MLRA/Soils/ECS staff participated in the Mayagüez volunteer event. Director Almodóvar gave each volunteer a certificate and letter recognizing the work they performed during the fiscal year, along with Earth Team promotional items provided by the National Earth Team office, courtesy of Michelle Brown. Volunteers and staff then shared cake and drinks to celebrate their hard work.

We salute our 24 dedicated Puerto Rico volunteers, who so far this fiscal year have contributed over 670 hours to furthering conservation in the Caribbean Area!

Earth Team Needs You - Join Our Team!

VIRC&D Council members plant rain garden at VIWMA Greenhouse in St. Croix.We need your help to reduce soil erosion, conserve our water and improve its quality, and foster pride in our islands' natural resource heritage. Your commitment to the Earth Team will help ensure that generations to come will enjoy the Caribbean's bounty and beauty.

More Information


Hilton Miró, Earth Team Coordinator, 787-766-5206 x. 126