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New Jersey and National Registers of Historic Places

New Jersey and National Register Listings

Cape May
(All PDF Format)

The following New Jersey and National Registers of Historic Places listings include properties and historic districts in New Jersey for which a formal action was taken by the State Historic Preservation Officer or designee. The listings are current through the end of 2002, and the HPO will update these listings on a periodic basis to reflect ongoing additions and corrections.

The listings itemize the buildings, structures, sites, objects, and districts listed on the New Jersey Register of Historic Places (SR) and the National Register of Historic Places (NR).They also include resources that have received Certifications of Eligibility (COE), opinions of eligibility from the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO Opinion), or Determinations of Eligibility (DOE) from the Keeper of the National Register. These properties and historic districts all meet the New Jersey and National Register criteria for significance in American history, archaeology, architecture, engineering or culture, and possess integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling and association. Properties that have been entered on the New Jersey and/or National Registers of Historic Places are listed by their historic names, which may be different from their current names. Properties that have SHPO Opinions or DOE's are listed by their historic name, when known.

Listings are provided for each county, and organized alphabetically by municipality. Because properties and districts may cross municipal and county boundaries, all such entries include cross references to the main entry. The main entry includes a list of all counties and municipalities in which the property or district is located, and serves as the filing location for the documentation at the HPO. All register nominations, SHPO Opinions, COE's and DOE's are on file at the HPO and available for inspection by appointment.


The following definitions are provided for the abbreviations and terminology used in these listings:

COE: A Certification of Eligibility is issued by the New Jersey State Historic Preservation Officer. For properties not already listed on the New Jersey Register of Historic Places, a COE satisfies a prerequisite to apply for funds from the New Jersey Historic Trust, as well as several county preservation funding programs.

DOE: A Determination of Eligibility is issued by the Keeper of the National Register, National Park Service, Department of Interior. It is a formal certification that a property is eligible for registration.

Local Certified Historic District: Although not necessarily listed in the Registers, Local Certified Historic Districts have been recognized by the National Park Service as 1) meeting the criteria for registration, and 2) governed by a state or local statute or ordinance that protects the historic resources of the district.

MPDF: A Multiple Property Documentation Form is the core of a Multiple Property Submission, the format currently used to register groups of properties that are related by historical association or theme, but are not contiguous and need not be nominated all at the same time. A Multiple Property Documentation Form contains the historic contexts, and the background historical, geographical, and architectural information about the group of properties being nominated, and is accompanied by one or more Registration Forms that describe specific properties. Together, the MPDF and its associated Registration Forms comprise a Multiple Property Submission.

MPS: A Multiple Property Submission is the name given to the current format for nominating groups of properties related by historical association or theme, but which are not contiguous and need not be nominated all at the same time. In 1986, this format replaced the previously used Thematic and Multiple Resource Area (TRA/MRA) formats. A MPS consists of a Multiple Property Documentation Form and its associated Registration Forms. In the following lists, properties registered as part of a Multiple Property Submission indicate the name of the MPS of which it was a part.

MRA: Multiple Resource Area refers to a format used in the 1980s to register groups of properties related by historical association or theme. This format was replaced by the MPS in 1986.

NHL: National Historic Landmark refers to a designation by the National Park Service that a property has national significance. Properties designated NHLs are automatically listed in the National Register.

NR: This abbreviation indicates that a property is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

NR Reference #: This number is provided for properties which have been included in the National Register Information System (NRIS) database, which is available online from the National Park Service.

See Main Entry / Filed Location: An entry followed by this text indicates a property or district that is in more than one county or municipality and refers to the main entry. The main entry provides a list of the additional counties and municipalities in which the property is located ("Also located in") and indicates the filing location at the HPO.

SHPO Opinion: This is an opinion of eligibility issued by the State Historic Preservation Officer. It is in response to a federally funded activity that will have an effect on historic properties not listed on the National Register.

SI&A #: Bridges with SHPO opinions may also have a Structure Inventory and Appraisal Number which indicates bridges that are part of the Federal Bridge Inspection Program.

SR: This abbreviation indicates that a property is listed on the New Jersey Register of Historic Places (State Register).

Thematic Nomination (TRA): Thematic Nominations were prepared for groups of properties all related under a common theme or a single property type. This format was replaced by the MPS in 1986.


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Copyright © State of New Jersey, 1996-2007
Department of Environmental Protection
P. O. Box 402
Trenton, NJ 08625-0402

Last Updated: January 8, 2009