Policy and Global Affairs, Fellowships Office
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Participating Agencies - EPA/FFP

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Associateship Programs at EPA/Faculty Fellowship Program (EPA/FFP)

This page provides specific information about the NRC Research Associateship Program at EPA/FFP.

  • Use the navigation on the left to explore individual opportunities at EPA/FFP.
  • Click www.epa.gov/ to learn more about EPA/Faculty Fellowship Program
  • Click About RAP to learn more about the Research Associateship Programs at the NRC.

When to Apply

This Agency participates in all reviews.

Click How to Apply for information about reviews and review deadlines.


Click Eligibility for overall eligibility criteria for RAP.

Research opportunities at EPA/FFP are open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents.

Research opportunities at EPA/FFP are open only to Senior applicants.

Click About RAP - Levels for a definition of each level.

Please note: Eligiblity requirements can vary for each research opportunity; be sure to check the specific opportunities in which you are interested.


Base Stipend Travel Allotment Supplementation

All Associates will receive a stipend increase after one year of tenure.

Additional Information About EPA/Faculty Fellowship Program (EPA/FFP)

Faculty at the Assistant Professor level, who have held their doctorate degree less than five years at the time of application, will receive regular awards. Those who have held the doctorate for more than five years and are at the Associate and Full Professor level will receive senior awards.

The Faculty Fellowship awards will be open only to citizens of the United States and to legal permanent residents.


NRC Program Administrator
Dr. Eric Basques 202-334-2707 ebasques@nas.edu
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