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 Nebraska State Historical Society
National Register of Historic Places

The National Register of Historic Places Defined

 View Nebraska National Register Sites

What is it?
The National Register of Historic Places is the nation's inventory of properties deemed worthy of preservation. It is part of a national program to coordinate and support public and private efforts to identify, evaluate, and protect our historic and archeological resources.

Who runs it? The National Register is maintained by the National Park Service. In Nebraska the National Register is administered by the Nebraska State Historical Society and is part of the efforts of the State Historical Society State Historic Preservation Office to promote preservation.

Why does it exist? The National Register was developed to recognize historic places and those who contributed to our country's heritage. These properties--whether districts, sites, buildings, structures, or objects-- are architecturally or archeologically significant or historically significant for their associations with important persons or events.

What properties are relevant? The National Register is designed to include properties of importance in every locality, not just great national landmarks. A general store, a community's park, a main street, or the remains of a prehistoric village may be eligible for inclusion in the National Register just as the Nebraska State Capitol is eligible.

How does a property get recognized? Many of Nebraska's properties listed on the National Register are identified through county and statewide surveys performed as part of the ongoing Nebraska Historic Buildings Survey. These properties represent important themes in state and local history and are nominated to the National Register under statewide planning efforts.

Property owners are encouraged to the preservation office in order to bring their building to the attention of the Preservation Office

How does the National Register interact with other preservation programs? Inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places provides the basis for participation in most state and federal preservation programs, including the Valuation Incentive Program and Federal Tax Incentives.


More Information

View Nebraska National Register Sites
National Register Criterion and Considerations
Requirements for eligibility, considerations for listing a property.
What it Really Means to be Listed on the National Register of Historic Places regarding the advantages and restrictions that come along with listing on the National Register.
How to list a property
Visit the National Park Service website for the National Register of Historic Places
Download National Register Bulletins
Download National Park Service Preservation Briefs


Nebraska Historic Buildings Survey

National Register of Historic Places

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Last updated 17 October 2006

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