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Conservation Plant Releases - Manhattan Plant Materials Center

The Manhattan Plant Materials Center has released the following plants to commercial growers to solve specific resource conservation needs. Click on the link to the Release Brochure (if available) to view more information on each plant release. Click on the Scientific Name for more information on the species.

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Plant Releases

Release Name Scientific Name Common Name Uses Release Brochure
Kaw Andropogon gerardii big bluestem range and pasture plantings, erosion control Brochure (PDF; 215 KB)
Centennial Andropogon hallii sand bluestem rangeland-forage production system, soil stabilization, reclamation of marginal croplands. Brochure (PDF; 452 KB)
Chet Andropogon hallii sand bluestem pasture or hay, rangeland forage, and soil stabilization or reclamation of marginal croplands Brochure (PDF; 288 kb)
Garden Andropogon hallii sand bluestem range seeding and revegetation of sandy range sites Brochure (PDF; 286 KB)
El Reno Bouteloua curtipendula sideoats grama soil conservation and forage production Brochure (PDF; 259 KB)
Texoka Bouteloua dactyloides buffalograss soil conservation and forage production
Pronghorn Calamovilfa longifolia prairie sandreed range and pasture plantings in sandy soil conditions Brochure (PDF; 136 KB)
Riley Chamaecrista fasciculata partridge pea wildlife habitat improvement, critical area erosion control and for beautification of roadsides, parks and recreation areas Brochure (PDF; 206 KB)
Kaneb Dalea purpurea purple prairieclover component of warm-season grass planting, forage, roadside revegetation Brochure (PDF; 125 KB)
Reno Germplasm Desmanthus illinoensis Illinois bundleflower rangeland, critical area, and recreational plantings, and wildlife food and cover Brochure (PDF; 213 KB)
Bend Eragrostis trichodes sand lovegrass range seedings Brochure (PDF; 167 KB)
Pink Lady Euonymus bungeanus winterberry euonymus multi-row windbreaks, wildlife habitat, living screens Brochure (PDF; 102 KB)
Prairie Gold Helianthus maximiliani Maximilian sunflower critical area reseeding, wildlife food planting Brochure (PDF; 161 KB)
Midas Heliopsis helianthoides false sunflower recreational area planting, roadside revegetation, wildlife food Brochure (PDF; 156 KB)
Kanoka Lespedeza capitata roundhead lespedeza roadside vegetation, park and recreational area plantings, component of warm-season grass plantings, forage, and for wildlife food Brochure (PDF; 205 KB)
Eureka Liatris pycnostachya thickspike gayfeather prairie restoration, roadside revegetation, recreational area planting Brochure (PDF; 145 KB)
Blackwell Panicum virgatum switchgrass range seeding - revegetation of disturbed areas Brochure (PDF; 258 KB)
Kanlow Panicum virgatum switchgrass wet soil lowland areas, biofuel Brochure (PDF; 268 KB)
Barton Pascopyrum smithii western wheatgrass range seedlings, stabilization of earth structures Brochure (PDF; 140 KB)
Southwind Phragmites australis common reed soil stabilization on wet sites, rehabilitation of polluted water, filter strips, and artificial wetlands Brochure (PDF; 154 KB)
Chisholm Germplasm Prunus angustifolia Chickasaw plum wildlife habitat plantings, recreation area beautification, and erosion control on sandy soils Brochure (PDF; 294 KB)
Lippert Quercus macrocarpa bur oak multi row windbreaks, reforestation for watershed protection, and wildlife habitat plantings Brochure (PDF; 133 KB)
Sunglow Ratibida pinnata grayhead prairie coneflower prairie restoration, recreation area beautification Brochure (PDF; 169 KB)
Konza Rhus aromatica var. serotina aromatic sumac multi-row windbreak, wildlife habitat, recreation areas Brochure (PDF; 208 KB)
Nekan Salvia azurea var. grandiflora pitcher sage prairie reclamation Brochure (PDF; 363 KB)
Aldous Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem range, pasture seedlings Brochure (PDF; 247 KB)
Cimarron Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem range seeding Brochure (PDF; 177 KB)
Cheyenne Sorghastrum nutans indiangrass range seedlings Brochure (PDF; 164 KB)
Osage Sorghastrum nutans indiangrass range, pasture seedlings Brochure (PDF; 151 KB)
Atkins Germplasm Spartina pectinata prairie cordgrass soil stabilization on wet sites, wetland restoration, erosion control on watershed structures, and wave action dissipation Brochure (PDF; 286 KB)
Pete Tripsacum dactyloides eastern gamagrass warm-season pasture, hay production Brochure (PDF; 171 KB)
Verl Tripsacum dactyloides eastern gamagrass hay or pasture Brochure (PDF; 101 KB)