
Guidance for Developers of Public Reports on Health Care Quality

Are you trying to help health care consumers choose high-quality health plans, hospitals, doctors, or other providers of care? Explore this site to learn how to produce comparative information on health care quality that's understandable and useful to consumers. Learn more about TalkingQuality.

Make the Case for Consumer Reporting

Why provide consumers with comparative information on health care quality? Learn how to make the case for consumer reporting.

Plan Your Reporting Project

What is your project's scope and how will you achieve your goals? Learn how to plan your reporting project with TalkingQuality.

Select Measures To Report

What types of information can you include in a report on health care quality? How do you determine which information is right for you and your audience? If you need help selecting which measures to report, select here.

Translate Data Into Information

How do you present comparative data on quality in a way that will make sense to people? TalkingQuality can help you translate data into information.

Explain and Motivate Use of Comparative Information

What do people need to know about the comparative quality information you have provided? How do you provide that information so that the users of your report can actually find what they want? TalkingQuality can help you explain and motivate the use of comparative information.

Distribute Your Report

How do you ensure that your report reaches the people for whom it is intended? You can get help with distributing your report.

Promote Your Report

What can you do to generate and sustain interest in your quality report and motivate your target audience to use it? Promote your report to motivate your audience to use it.

Assess Your Reporting Project

How will you know what worked and what to do differently next time? Use TalkingQuality to assess your reporting project.

Profiles of Comparative Reports

Browse examples of comparative reports on health care quality and costs for health plans, hospitals, physicians, and other providers.

Page last reviewed December 2016
Page originally created December 2013
Internet Citation: TalkingQuality. Content last reviewed December 2016. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.