Publications and Products

Information on AHRQ publications and electronic information products.

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) produces a range of publications and electronic information products that are available to users through different channels and a variety of formats. Many publications are available free on a single-copy basis while supplies last from the AHRQ Publications Clearinghouse. Charges may apply for bulk copies and for delivery to addresses outside of the United States. Other products are available for sale through either the Government Printing Office or the National Technical Information Service (NTIS).

Publications Online Store & Clearinghouse

AHRQ's most recent releases can be ordered online through the AHRQ Publications Online Store.

Requests for a copy of the latest publications catalog, publications (order by title and publication number), and general information about the agency and its programs may be made to the AHRQ Publications Clearinghouse:

  • In the United States, call the toll-free number 800-358-9295, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Hearing impaired persons may call 888-586-6340 for the TDD service.
  • Callers from outside of the United States only should use the telephone number (703) 437-2078.
  • Written requests may be sent to: AHRQ Publications Clearinghouse, P.O. Box 8547, Silver Spring, MD 20907-8547.
  • Electronic requests may be made to:

AHRQ Electronic Newsletter

AHRQ's weekly Electronic Newsletter summarizes Agency research and programmatic activities.

AHRQ Research Activities

Research Activities, AHRQ's free monthly newsletter, which stopped publication in March 2014, describes recent research findings from AHRQ staff or AHRQ-supported researchers.  You can link to the Research Activities Web page to search the last issues and archived issues by topic. The monthly newsletter will be replaced in early 2015  with a new online quarterly publication focused on in-depth analysis of individual topics related to AHRQ’s four priority areas. A new searchable database of AHRQ-authored or AHRQ-funded research studies will also be launched in early 2015 as a new AHRQ Research Studies Web page.

HSRProj Database

HSRProj provides information about ongoing health services research projects sponsored by leading federal agencies and private foundations. Users can retrieve records on the projects we currently fund by browsing or searching on the sponsoring agency listings for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Free access to the database is available through the National Library of Medicine (NLM).

HSR Information Central

This health services research portal from the National Information Center for Health Services Research and Health Care Technology, National Library of Medicine provides links to evidence-based practice, health policy and health care reform resources, HSR data, funding announcements, reports, podcasts, discussion groups, and more at Health Services Research Information Central (HSRIC).

Web Resources

You may access numerous electronic services if you have an Internet connection and browser. The AHRQ Web site offers a wealth of electronic documents and data. Please check FAQs and Site Map if you are a new user or not familiar with the holdings or navigational tools available.

Page last reviewed April 2013
Page originally created September 2012
Internet Citation: Publications and Products. Content last reviewed April 2013. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.