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Publications - Corvallis Plant Materials Center

The Corvallis Plant Materials Center has published the following documents to solve specific resource conservation needs. Click on the document title to view each document.

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Publication Type

Information Brochures and Flyers

Partnering for Plant Solutions (PDF; 1 MB) Williams, J., and J. Rees 2008. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. August 2008. 2p. (ID# 8196).

Introduction to insect pollinators (PDF; 238 KB) Rees, J., M. Vaughn, and J. Williams 2007. USDA NRCS. Portland, OR. June 2007. 2p. (ID# 7561).

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Plant Fact Sheets

Plant fact sheet for Puget Sound gumweed (Grindelia integrifolia) (PDF; 162 KB) Young-Mathews, A. 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. April 2012. 2p. (ID# 11170).

Plant fact sheet for Roemer's fescue (Festuca roemeri) (PDF; 169 KB) Darris, D., S. Johnson, and A. Bartow 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, Oregon. July 2012. 2p. (ID# 11356).

Plant fact sheet for farewell to spring (Clarkia amoena) (PDF; 501 KB) Young-Mathews, A. 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. October 2012. 2p. (ID# 11573).

Plant fact sheet for lance selfheal (Prunella vulgaris ssp. lanceolata) (PDF; 261 KB) Young-Mathews, A. 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. April 2012. 2p. (ID# 11168).

Plant fact sheet for meadow checkerbloom (Sidalcea campestris) (PDF; 550 KB) Young-Mathews, A. 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. June 2012. 2p. (ID# 11177).

Plant fact sheet for riverbank lupine (Lupinus rivularis) (PDF; 145 KB) Darris, D.C., and A. Young-Mathews 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. March 2012. 2p. (ID# 10968).

Plant fact sheet for shortspur seablush (Plectritis congesta) (PDF; 404 KB) Young-Mathews, A. 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. October 2012. 2p. (ID# 11574).

Plant fact sheet for showy milkweed (Asclepias speciosa) (PDF; 334 KB) Young-Mathews, A. and E. Eldredge 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center and Great Basin Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR and Fallon, NV. August 2012. 2p. (ID# 11338).

Plant fact sheet for slender cinquefoil (Potentilla gracilis) (PDF; 260 KB) Young-Mathews, A. 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. June 2012. 2p. (ID# 11178).

Plant fact sheet for sulphur-flower buckwheat (Eriogonum umbellatum) (PDF; 193 KB) Young-Mathews, A. 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. October 2012. 2p. (ID# 11575).

Plant fact sheet for California hazelnut (Corylus cornuta var. californica) (PDF; 232 KB) Young-Mathews, A. 2011. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. September 2011. 2p. (ID# 10660).

Plant fact sheet for Pacific aster (Symphyotrichum chilense) (PDF; 269 KB) Young-Mathews, A. 2011. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. Dec 27, 2011. 2p. (ID# 10785).

Plant fact sheet for big deervetch (Lotus crassifolius) (PDF; 138 KB) Young-Mathews, A., and D. Darris 2011. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. September 2011. 2p. (ID# 10661).

Plant fact sheet for orange eye butterflybush (Buddleja davidii) (PDF; 150 KB) Young-Mathews, A. 2011. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. September 2011. 2p. (ID# 10659).

Plant fact sheet for sand fescue (Festuca ammobia) (PDF; 167 KB) Darris, D.C. 2011. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. September 2011. 2p. (ID# 10666).

Plant fact sheet for twinberry honeysuckle (Lonicera involucrata) (PDF; 277 KB) Darris, D.C. 2011. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. September 2011. 2p. (ID# 10667).

Plant fact sheet for Douglas spirea (Spiraea douglasii) (PDF; 142 KB) Darris, D.C, and P. Gonzalves 2009. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. 2009. 2p. (ID# 9146).

Plant fact sheet for Indian plum (Oemleria cerasiformis) (PDF; 155 KB) Gonzalves, P., and D.C. Darris 2009. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. 2009. 2p. (ID# 9127).

Plant fact sheet for Lewis' mock orange (Philadelphus lewisii) (PDF; 291 KB) Darris, D.C, and P. Gonzalves 2009. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. 2009. 2p. (ID# 9147).

Plant fact sheet for Sitka alder (Alnus viridis ssp. sinuata) (PDF; 105 KB) Darris, D.C., and P. Gonzalves 2009. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. 2009. 2p. (ID# 9129).

Plant fact sheet for tufted hairgrass (Deschampsia cespitosa) (PDF; 137 KB) Darris, D.C., and P. Gonzalves 2009. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. 2009. 2p. (ID# 10972).

Plant fact sheet for California oatgrass (Danthonia californica) (PDF; 217 KB) Darris, D.C., and P. Gonzalves 2008. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. July 2008. 2p. (ID# 8190).

Plant fact sheet for oceanspray (Holodiscus discolor) (PDF; 135 KB) Gonzalves, P., and D. Darris 2008. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. 2008. 2p. (ID# 8199).

Plant fact sheet for prairie junegrass (Koeleria macrantha) (PDF; 164 KB) Gonzalves, P. and D. Darris 2008. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. 2008. 2p. (ID# 8198).

Plant fact sheet for redflower currant (Ribes sanguineum) (PDF; 272 KB) Gonzalves, P., and D. Darris 2008. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. 2008. 2p. (ID# 8194).

Plant fact sheet for California brome (Bromus carinatus) (PDF; 219 KB) Darris, D.C. 2007. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. July 2007. 2p. (ID# 7371).

Plant fact sheet for Columbia brome (Bromus vulgaris) (PDF; 161 KB) Darris, D.C. 2007. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. June 2007. 2p. (ID# 7372).

Plant fact sheet for Pacific ninebark (Physocarpus capitatus) (PDF; 86 KB) Gonzalves, P., and D. Darris 2007. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. March 2007. 2p. (ID# 7180).

Plant fact sheet for pine bluegrass (Poa secunda) (PDF; 163 KB) Darris, D.C. 2007. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. July 2007. 2p. (ID# 7374).

Plant fact sheet for red elderberry (Sambucus racemosa) (PDF; 88 KB) Gonzalves, P., and D. Darris 2007. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. June 2007. 2p. (ID# 7536).

Plant fact sheet for California fescue (Danthonia californica) (PDF; 132 KB) Darris, D.C., and S. Johnson 2006. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. 2006. 2p. (ID# 6827).

Plant fact sheet for Lemmon's needlegrass (Achnatherum lemmonii) (PDF; 155 KB) Darris, D.C., S. Johnson, and A. Bartow 2006. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. 2006. 2p. (ID# 6823).

Plant fact sheet for Roemer's fescue (Festuca roemeri) (PDF; 148 KB) Darris, D.C., S. Johnson, and A. Bartow 2006. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. July 2006. 2p. (ID# 6824).

Plant fact sheet for tall mannagrass (Glyceria striata) (PDF; 153 KB) Darris, D.C. 2005. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. January 2005. 2p. (ID# 10977).

Plant fact sheet for western mannnagrass (Glyceria ×occidentalis) (PDF; 184 KB) Darris, D.C. 2005. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. January 2005. 2p. (ID# 10978).

Plant fact sheet for American sloughgrass (Beckmannia syzigachne) (PDF; 155 KB) Bartow, A., and D.C. Darris 2004. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. December 2004. 2p. (ID# 10969).

Plant fact sheet for annual hairgrass (Deschampsia danthonioides) (PDF; 188 KB) Darris, D.C., and A. Bartow 2004. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. December 2004. 2p. (ID# 10947).

Plant fact sheet for bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis) (Michx.) P. Beauv) (PDF; 132 KB) Darris, D.C. 2004. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. December 2004. 2p. (ID# 10973).

Plant fact sheet for meadow barley (Hordeum brachyantherum) (PDF; 166 KB) Darris, D.C. 2004. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. December 2004. 2p. (ID# 10974).

Plant fact sheet for rice cutgrass (Leersia oryzoides) (PDF; 170 KB) Darris, D.C., and A. Bartow 2004. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. December 2004. 2p. (ID# 10946).

Plant fact sheet for slender hairgrass (Deschampsia elongata) (PDF; 118 KB) Darris, D.C., and R. Tracey 2004. Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. December 2004. 2p. (ID# 10948).

Plant fact sheet for slender-spiked mannagrass (Glyceria leptostachya) (PDF; 247 KB) Darris, D.C. 2004. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. December 2004. 2p. (ID# 10976).

Plant fact sheet for spike bentgrass (Agrostis exarata) (PDF; 107 KB) Bartow, A., and D.C. Darris 2004. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. December 2004. 2p. (ID# 10970).

Plant fact sheet for Pacific serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia var. semiintegrifolia) (PDF; 98 KB) Flessner, T.R. 2000. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. Sept. 2000. 2p. (ID# 10949).

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Popular Journal or Magazine Articles

Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer Timing and Rates on Seed Production of Roemer's Fescue (Festuca roemeri) (PDF; 129 KB) Darris, D.C., and A. Young-Mathews 2012. 2011 Seed Production Research at Oregon State University, USDA-ARS Cooperating, W.C. Young (ed.). Salem, OR. April 2012. 3p. (ID# 11175).

Effects of Post-Harvest Residue Management on Seed Production of Roemer's Fescue (Festuca roemeri) (PDF; 85 KB) Darris, D.C., and A. Young-Mathews 2012. 2011 Seed Production Research at Oregon State University, USDA-ARS Cooperating, W.C. Young III (ed.). Corvallis, OR. April 2012. 3p. (ID# 11172).

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Corvallis PMC Newsletter - Spring 2013 (PDF; 2.8 MB) Corvallis PMC Staff 2013. Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. April 2013. 4p. (ID# 11810).

Corvallis PMC Newsletter - Summer 2013 (PDF; 628 KB) Corvallis PMC Staff 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. August 2013. 2p. (ID# 11955).

Pacific Northwest Plant Notes - Fall 2013 Newsletter (PDF; 437 KB) Corvallis PMC Staff 2013. Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. Fall 2013. 3p. (ID# 12052).

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Plant Guides

Plant guide for Idaho blue-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium idahoense) (PDF; 143 KB) Beuthin, M. 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis OR. March 2013. 3p. (ID# 11719).

Plant guide for Oregon saxifrage (Saxifraga oregana) (PDF; 212 KB) Ross, T. 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. March 2013. 3p. (ID# 11718).

Plant guide for big leaf lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus) (PDF; 338 KB) Beuthin, M. 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. March 2013. 4p. (ID# 11723).

Plant guide for crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum) (PDF; 326 KB) Young-Mathews, A. 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. February 2013. 6p. (ID# 11726).

Plant guide for grassy tarweed (Madia gracilis) (PDF; 392 KB) Ross, T., and A. Bartow 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. March 2013. 3p. (ID# 11716).

Plant guide for hookspurred violet (Viola adunca) (PDF; 218 KB) Hoffman, R. 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis OR. March 2013. 4p. (ID# 11720).

Plant guide for mountain tarweed (Madia glomerata) (PDF; 355 KB) Ross, T., and A. Bartow 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. March 2013. 3p. (ID# 11724).

Plant guide for naked buckwheat (Eriogonum nudum) (PDF; 326 KB) Hemmingway, M. 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. 2013. 3p. (ID# 11721).

Plant guide for poverty rush (Juncus tenuis) (PDF; 161 KB) Hoffman, R. 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. March 2013. 3p. (ID# 11722).

Plant guide for western buttercup (Ranunculus occidentalis) (PDF; 236 KB) Beuthin, M. 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. March 2013. 4p. (ID# 11717).

Plant guide for field mustard (Brassica rapa var. rapa) (PDF; 691 KB) Young-Mathews, A. 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. August 2012. 5p. (ID# 11337).

Plant guide for rose checker-mallow (Sidalcea virgata) (PDF; 270 KB) Young-Mathews, A. 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. May 2012. 4p. (ID# 11171).

Plant Guide for Tufted Hairgrass (PDF; 242 KB) St. John, L., D. Ogle, S. Parr, and D. Darris 2011. Aberdeen Plant Materials Center. Aberdeen, Idaho. January 14, 2011. 7p. (ID# 10224).

Plant guide for Sitka alder (Alnus viridis spp. sinuata) (PDF; 383 KB) Darris, D.C. 2011. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. September 2011. 12p. (ID# 10665).

Plant guide for big deervetch (Lotus crassifolius) (PDF; 195 KB) Young-Mathews, A., and D. Darris 2011. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. September 2011. 4p. (ID# 10953).

Plant guide for California oatgrass (Danthonia californica) (PDF; 540 KB) Darris, D.C., and P. Gonzalves 2008. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. July 2008. 17p. (ID# 8191).

Plant guide for salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis) (PDF; 106 KB) Stevens, M., and D. Darris 2006. USDA NRCS National Plant Data Center. Baton Rouge, LA. 1999. 3p. (ID# 10952).

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Harvest Methods in Forb Seed Production Fields (PDF; 2.3 MB) Bartow, A. 2010. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. March 24, 2010. 1p. (ID# 9941).

The effect of scarification and stratification treatments on the germination of Danthonia californica from three populations: poster paper (PDF; 1.2 MB) Darris, D.C. 2010. Seed Ecology III. The Third International Society for Seed Science Meeting on Seeds and the Environment. Conference Proceedings.. Salt Lake City, UT. June 24, 2010. 1p. (ID# 9913).

Insect surveys on established native forbs & shrub plantings at the USDA-NRCS Corvallis PMC (PDF; 2.7 MB) Williams, J., G. Ellen, A. Kretchun, T. Winfield, J. Karby, and K. Pendergrass 2009. Presented at the 2009 Wildlife Society Annual Conference in Monterey, CA.. Corvallis, OR. Sept. 2009. 1p. (ID# 9126).

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Propagation Protocol

Propagation protocol for container production of twinberry honeysuckle (Lonicera involucrata) (PDF; 48 KB) Trindle, J.D., and T.R. Flessner 2010. Native Plant Network. Moscow, ID. 2003. 3p. (ID# 9930).

Propagation protocol for container production of western needlegrass (Achnatherum occidentale) (PDF; 46 KB) Trindle, J.D., and T.R. Flessner 2010. Native Plant Network. Moscow, ID. 2003. 3p. (ID# 9929).

Propagation protocol for container production of Bolander's rush (Juncus bolanderi) (PDF; 42 KB) Bartow, A. 2006. Native Plants Network. Moscow, ID. 2005. 2p. (ID# 6865).

Propagation protocol for container production of Oregon yampah (Perideridia oregana) (PDF; 45 KB) Bartow, A. 2006. Native Plant Network. Moscow, ID. 2002. 1p. (ID# 6861).

Propagation protocol for container production of curvepod yellowcress (Rorippa curvisiliqua) (PDF; 46 KB) Bartow, A. 2006. Native Plant Network. Moscow, ID. 2002. 1p. (ID# 6859).

Propagation protocol for container production of king's sceptor gentian (Gentiana sceptrum) (PDF; 45 KB) Bartow, A. 2006. Native Plant Network. Moscow, ID. 2004. 2p. (ID# 6864).

Propagation protocol for container production of leafybract aster (Symphyotrichum foliaceum) (PDF; 41 KB) Trindle, J.D. ,and T.R. Flessner 2006. Native Plant Network. Moscow, ID. 2003. 3p. (ID# 6858).

Propagation protocol for seed production of common madia (Madia elegans) (PDF; 46 KB) Bartow, A. 2006. Native Plant Network. Moscow, ID. 2002. 1p. (ID# 6863).

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Major Publications

Field Guide for the Identification and Use of Common Riparian Woody Plants of the Intermountain West and Pacific Northwest Regions (PDF; 9.7 MB) Hoag, C., Tilley, D., Darris, D., and K. Pendegrass 2015. IDPMC. Boise, Idaho. February 2008. 196p. (ID# 12618).

Seed Production Manual for the Pacific Northwest (Forbs only) (PDF; 24 MB) Bartow, Amy 2015. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. December 2015. 144p. (ID# 12768).

Seed Production Manual for the Pacific Northwest (Full doc) (PDF; 31 MB) Bartow, A. 2015. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. December 2015. 192p. (ID# 12767).

Seed Production Manual for the Pacific Northwest (Grasses only) (PDF; 13 MB) Bartow, Amy 2015. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. December 2015. 78p. (ID# 12766).

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PM Annual Progress Report of Activities

Corvallis Plant Materials Center 2015 Progress Report of Activities (PDF; 2.5 MB) Young-Mathews, A., and A. Bartow 2016. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. March 2016. 8p. (ID# 12849).

Corvallis Plant Materials Center 2014 Progress Report of Activities (PDF; 861 KB) Young-Mathews, A., A. Bartow, and K. Pendergrass 2015. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. January 2015. 5p. (ID# 12502).

Corvallis Plant Materials Center 2013 Progress Report of Activities (PDF; 826 KB) Corvallis PMC Staff 2014. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. 2013. 7p. (ID# 12142).

Corvallis Plant Materials Center 2012 Progress Report of Activities (PDF; 908 KB) Darris, D., A. Bartow, A. Young-Mathews, K. Pendergrass, and J. Williams 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, Oregon. September 2012. (ID# 11349).

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Release Brochures

Release brochure for Baskett Slough Germplasm California oatgrass (Danthonia californica) (PDF; 562 KB) Darris, D.C. 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. September 2013. 2p. (ID# 11950).

Release brochure for Jackson-Frazier Germplasm meadow barley (Hordeum brachyantherum) (PDF; 445 KB) Darris, D.C. 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. September 2013. 2p. (ID# 11949).

Release brochure for Skamania Germplasm Sitka alder (Alnus viridis ssp. sinuata) (PDF; 451 KB) Darris, D.C. 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. September 2013. 2p. (ID# 11963).

Release brochure for Tillamook Germplasm tufted hairgrass (Deschampsia cespitosa) (PDF; 449 KB) Darris, D.C. 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. September 2013. 2p. (ID# 11945).

Release brochure for Willamette Germplasm tufted hairgrass (Deschampsia cespitosa) (PDF; 472 KB) Darris, D.C. 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. September 2013. 2p. (ID# 11946).

Release brochure for ‘Arlington’ blue wildrye (Elymus glaucus) (PDF; 441 KB) Darris, D.C. 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. September 2013. 2p. (ID# 11947).

Release brochure for ‘Clatsop’ Hooker willow (Salix hookeriana) (PDF; 376 KB) Darris, D.C., and A. Young-Mathews 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. September 2013. 2p. (ID# 11958).

Release brochure for ‘Elkton’ blue wildrye (Elymus glaucus ssp. jepsonii) (PDF; 504 KB) Darris, D.C. 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. September 2013. 2p. (ID# 11948).

Release brochure for ‘Mason’ western redosier dogwood (Cornus sericea ssp. occidentalis) (PDF; 302 KB) Darris, D.C., and A. Young-Mathews 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. September 2013. 2p. (ID# 11962).

Release brochure for ‘Multnomah’ Columbia River willow (Salix sessilifolia) (PDF; 388 KB) Darris, D.C., and A. Young-Mathews 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. September 2013. 2p. (ID# 11959).

Release brochure for ‘Placer’ erect willow (Salix ligulifolia) (PDF; 372 KB) Darris, D.C., and A. Young-Mathews 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. 2013. 2p. (ID# 11957).

Release brochure for ‘Plumas’ Sitka willow (Salix sitchensis) (PDF; 370 KB) Darris, D.C., and A. Young-Mathews 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. September 2013. 2p. (ID# 11960).

Release brochure for ‘Rogue’ arroyo willow (Salix lasiolepis) (PDF; 362 KB) Darris, D.C., and A. Young-Mathews 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. September 2013. 2p. (ID# 11961).

Release brochure for 'Hederma' riverbank lupine (Lupinus rivularis) (PDF; 268 KB) Young-Mathews, A. 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. March 2012. 2p. (ID# 10954).

Release brochure for Klamath Mountains Germplasm Roemer's fescue (Festuca roemeri) (PDF; 299 KB) Darris, D.C., and A. Young-Mathews 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. July 2012. 2p. (ID# 11333).

Release brochure for Northwest Maritime Germplasm Roemer's fescue (Festuca roemeri) (PDF; 302 KB) Darris, D.C., and A. Young-Mathews 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. July 2012. 2p. (ID# 11334).

Release brochure for Puget Germplasm Roemer's fescue (Festuca roemeri) (PDF; 290 KB) Darris, D.C., and A. Young-Mathews 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. July 2012. 2p. (ID# 11332).

Release brochure for San Juan Germplasm Roemer's fescue (Festuca roemeri) (PDF; 218 KB) Darris, D.C., and A. Young-Mathews 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. July 2012. 2p. (ID# 11335).

Release brochure for Willamette Valley Germplasm Roemer's fescue (Festuca roemeri) (PDF; 315 KB) Darris, D.C., and A. Young-Mathews 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. July 2012. 2p. (ID# 11336).

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Refereed Journal Articles

Tolerance of carbon-seeded meadow barley and blue wildrye to diuron (PDF; 20 KB) Hinds-Cook, B.J., D.W. Curtis, C.A. Mallory-Smith, A.G. Hulting, K.W. Robb, D.C. Darris, and J.J. Williams 2010. 2008 Seed Production Research. Oregon State University. Corvallis, OR. May 2008. 2p. (ID# 9940).

Tolerance of established blue wildrye to herbicides (PDF; 38 KB) Hinds-Cook, B.J., D.W. Curtis, C.A. Mallory-Smith, A.G. Hulting, K.W. Robb, D.C. Darris, and J.J. Williams 2010. 2008 Seed Production Research. Oregon State University. Corvallis, OR. May 2008. 2p. (ID# 9914).

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Release Notices

Notice of release of Klamath Mountains Germplasm Roemer's fescue (Festuca roemeri) (PDF; 85 KB) Darris, D.C., and A. Young-Mathews 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. July 2012. 9p. (ID# 11350).

Notice of release of Northwest Maritime Germplasm Roemer's fescue (Festuca roemeri) (PDF; 85 KB) Darris, D.C., and A. Young-Mathews 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. July 2012. 9p. (ID# 11351).

Notice of release of Puget Germplasm Roemer's fescue (Festuca roemeri) (PDF; 84 KB) Darris, D.C., and A. Young-Mathews 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. July 2012. 9p. (ID# 11352).

Notice of release of San Juan Germplasm Roemer's fescue (Festuca roemeri) (PDF; 82 KB) Darris, D.C., and A. Young-Mathews 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. July 2012. 9p. (ID# 11353).

Notice of release of Willamette Valley Germplasm Roemer's fescue (Festuca roemeri) (PDF; 85 KB) Darris, D.C., and A. Young-Mathews 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. July 2012. 9p. (ID# 11354).

Supporting documentation for release of Jackson-Frazier germplasm meadow barley (Hordeum brachyantherum) (PDF; 754 KB) Darris, D. and P. Gonzalves 2008. Corvallis Plant Materials Center, USDA NRCS. Corvallis, Oregon. August 2008. 33p. (ID# 8192).

Notice of release of Jackson-Frazier Germplasm meadow barley (Hordeum brachyantherum) (PDF; 21 KB) Darris, D.C. 2007. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. December 2006. 3p. (ID# 7176).

Notice of Pre-Varietal Release, Source Identified Selected Class: Baskett Slough Selection of California Oatgrass (PDF; 128 KB) Lambert, S. and D. Darris 2000. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Pullman, WA. Sept. 2000. 3p. (ID# 1555).

Notice of release for Mason western dogwood (Cornus sericea) (PDF; 304 KB) Darris, D.C., and S.M. Lambert 1991. USDA SCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. 5p. (ID# 559).

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Final Study Report

Festuca roemeri common garden study final report (PDF; 437 KB) Fiegener, R, B.L. Wilson, D.C. Darris, R. Johnson, and K. Kuykendall 2007. Native Seed Network. Corvallis, OR. April 2007. 30p. (ID# 7390).

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Published Symposium Proceedings

The Effect of scarification and stratification treatments on the germination of Danthonia californica from three populations (PDF; 34 KB) Darris, D.C. 2010. Seed Ecology III, the Third International Society for Seed Science Meeting on Seeds and the Environment. Conference Proceedings. Salt Lake City, UT. June 24, 2010. 2p. (ID# 9912).

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Technical Notes

Technical Note 11: Identification of ten willows used for streambanks in the Northwest (PDF; 1.2 MB) Darris, D.C. 1990. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Portland, OR. 1990. 17p. (ID# 536).

Technical Note 14: Conservation Cover Technology (PDF; 354 KB) Pullman Plant Materials staff 2005. USDA-NRCS-Pullman Plant Materials Center. Pullman, WA. Nov. 2005. 17p. (ID# 6338).

Technical Note 16: Seed Production of Tufted Hairgrass (PDF; 102 KB) Darris, D.C., S.M. Lambert, and W. Young III 1995. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Portland, OR. TN 16. 5p. (ID# 578).

Technical Note 17: Seed Production of Blue Wildrye (Elymus glaucus) (PDF; 50 KB) Darris, D.C., S.M. Lambert, and W. Young III 1996. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Portland, OR. Apr. 1996. 4p. (ID# 579).

Technical Note 18: Factors Affecting Selection, Acquisition and Use of Plant Materials in a Soil Bioengineering Project (PDF; 34 KB) Flessner, T.R. 1997. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Portland, OR. OR-TN18, Jul. 1997. 5p. (ID# 821).

Technical Note 19: Soil Bioengineering Demonstration Project, Coyote Creek, Lane County, Oregon: First and Second Year (PDF; 41 KB) Flessner, T.R. 1997. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Portland, OR. OR-TN19, Jul. 1997. 3p. (ID# 822).

WNTSC Plant Materials Technical Note No. 2: Pacific Northwest Cover Crop Selection Tool (PDF; 1.2 MB) Young-Mathews, A., P. Pavek, and D. Tilley 2016. USDA-NRCS West National Technology Support Center. Portland, OR. May 2016. 7p. (ID# 12867).

Technical Note 23: Ethnobotany, Culture and Use of Great Camas (PDF; 29 KB) Stevens, M. and D.C. Darris 1999. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Portland, OR. OR-TN23, Sept. 1999. 9p. (ID# 2976).

Technical Note 24(OR)/39(WA): Producing Pacific Northwest native trees and shrubs in hardwood cutting blocks of stooling beds (PDF; 67 KB) Crowder, W., and D. Darris 1999. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Portland, OR. OR-TN24/WA-TN38; Nov. 1999. 13p. (ID# 468).

Technical Note 25. Plant guide for common camas (Camassia quamash): ethnobotany, culture, management, and use (PDF; 32 KB) Stevens, M., D.C. Darris, and S.M. Lambert 2000. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Portland, OR. Mar. 2000. 10p. (ID# 2978).

Technical Note 27: Growth performance of Mason and other select cultivars and wild ecotypes of Western redosier dogwood under low maintenance conditions (PDF; 26 KB) Flessner, T.R. 2000. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Portland, OR. OR-TN27, Oct. 2000. 6p. (ID# 837).

Technical Note 28: Description, Use, and Establishment of Pacific Serviceberry (PDF; 138 KB) Flessner, T.R. 2001. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Portland, OR. Apr. 2001. 7p. (ID# 842).

Technical Note 30: Ability of Pacific Northwest Shrubs to Root from Hardwood Cuttings (with Summary of Propagation Methods for 22 Species) (PDF; 385 KB) Darris, D.C. 2002. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Portland, OR. Plant Materials Technical Note No. 30. 20p. (ID# 3859).

Technical Note 31: Native Shrubs as a Supplement to the Use of Willows as Live Stakes and Fascines in Western Oregon and Western Washington (PDF; 428 KB) Darris, D.C. 2002. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Portland, OR. Plant Materials Technical Note No. 31. 10p. (ID# 3857).

Technical Note 36: Considerations for Establishing Native Grasses From Seed for Restoration, Revegetation, and Erosion Control in Western Washington and Western Oregon (PDF; 75 KB) Darris, D.C. 2003. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Portland, OR. Plant Materials Tech. Note No. 36, Oregon. 14p. (ID# 5165).

Technical Note 37: Identification, ecology, use, and culture of Sitka alder (Alnus viridis ssp. sinuata) (PDF; 420 KB) Darris, D.C. 2005. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Portland, OR. April 2005. 16p. (ID# 6825).

Technical Note 38: Suggestions for installing hardwood cuttings and fascines (Pacific Northwest Region, West of Cascades) (PDF; 129 KB) Darris, D.C. 2006. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Portland, OR. 2006. 17p. (ID# 6826).

History, biology, and suppression of Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica) (PDF; 271 KB) Johnson, S. 2006. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. April 2006. 4p. (ID# 6860).

Technical Note 41: Cover Crop Resources and Seed Vendors for Oregon and Washington (PDF; 464 KB) Young-Mathews, A., and P. Pavek 2014. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center and Pullman Plant Materials Center. Portland, OR and Spokane, WA. 2014. 10p. (ID# 12333).

Technical Note - Plant Materials No. 9. September 2009 Revision - Plant and Seed Vendors for Oregon, Washington, Idaho, & Northern California (PDF; 212 KB) Pendergrass, K. and J.Williams 2009. Portland, OR. September 2009 update. 15p. (ID# 9149).

WNTSC Plant Materials Technical Note No. 1: What to do with Irrigation Pivot Corners (PDF; 493 KB) Tilley, D., Winger, M., Koziol, D. 2016. Idaho Plant Materials Program. Porltnad, OR. 3/29/16. 8p. (ID# 12822).

Introduction to Kincaid’s Lupine, a Federally-listed Threatened Plant, and a Photo Key to the Lupines that Occur within its Range (PDF; 4.7 MB) Pendergrass, K. 2010. 19p. (ID# 9821).

Introduction to Cook’s lomatium, a Federally-listed Endangered Species, and a Key and Photo Guide to the Lomatium Species that Occur within its Range (PDF; 1.8 MB) Pendergrass, K. 2010. 21p. (ID# 9947).

Introduction to Bradshaw’s lomatium, a Federally-listed Endangered Species, and a Key and Photo Guide to the Lomatium Species that Occur within its Range (PDF; 1.6 MB) Pendergrass, K. 2010. 21p. (ID# 9946).

Plants for Pollinators in Oregon (PDF; 402 KB) Pendergrass, K. and M. Vaughan 2007. Oregon Plant Material Programs. Portland, OR. September 2007. (ID# 7451).

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PMC Annual Technical Report

Corvallis Plant Materials Center 2013 Annual Technical Report (PDF; 5.8 MB) Corvallis PMC Staff 2014. Corvallis, OR. 90p. (ID# 12255).

Corvallis Plant Materials Center 2012 Annual Technical Report (PDF; 18.8 MB) Corvallis PMC Staff 2013. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. April 30, 2013. 136p. (ID# 11809).

Corvallis Plant Materials Center 2011 Technical Report (PDF; 11.1 MB) Natural Resources Conservation Service 2012. USDA NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, Oregon. July 2012. 230p. (ID# 11339).

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Other Publication Types

Preliminary Results from the Willamette Valley Cover Crop Adaptation Trial - 2015 Study Report (PDF; 1.8 MB) Young-Mathews, A. 2016. USDA-NRCS Corvallis Plant Materials Center. Corvallis, OR. March 2015. 12p. (ID# 12850).

Propagation protocol for production of Elymus glaucus Buckl. Seeds. (PDF; 50 KB) Flessner, T.R. and J. Trindle 2004. Protocol information, Native Plant Network, University of Idaho. Moscow, Idaho. 2003. 5p. (ID# 9819).

Propagation protocol for production of Bromus carinatus. Seeds. (PDF; 44 KB) Flessner, T.R. and J. Trindle 2004. Protocol information, Native Plant Network, University of Idaho. Moscow, Idaho. 2003. 3p. (ID# 9959).

Propagation protocol for production of Bromus vulgaris (Hook.) Shear seeds (seed). (PDF; 48 KB) Flessner, T.R. and J. Trindle 2004. Protocol information, Native Plants Network, University of Idaho. Moscow, Idaho. 2003. 5p. (ID# 9960).

Propagation protocol for production of Carex mertensii Prescott ex Bong;. Seeds. (PDF; 44 KB) Flessner, T.R. and J. Trindle 2004. Protocol information, Native Plant Network, University of Idaho. Moscow, Idaho. 2003. 3p. (ID# 9961).

Propagation protocol for production of Carex pachystachya Sham. Ex steud. seeds (PDF; 47 KB) Flessner, T.R. and J. Trindle 2004. Protocol information, Native Plant Network, University of Idaho. Moscow, Idaho. 2003. 4p. (ID# 9962).

Propagation protocol for production of container Carex halliana Bailey plants (1-gallon containers) (PDF; 43 KB) Trindle, J.D. and T.R. Flessner 2004. Protocol information, Native Plant Network, University of Idaho. Moscow, Idaho. 2003. 3p. (ID# 9928).

Propagation protocol for production of container Cornus canadensis L. plants (1 yr plugs) (PDF; 43 KB) Flessner, T.R. and J. Trindle 2004. Protocol information, Native Plant Network, University of Idaho. Moscow, Idaho. 2003. 3p. (ID# 9818).

Propagation protocol for production of container Ericameria bloomeri (Gray) J.F. Macbr. Plants (PDF; 41 KB) Trindle, J.D. and T.R. Flessner 2004. Protocol information, Native Plant Network, University of Idaho. Moscow, Idaho. 2003. 3p. (ID# 9924).

Propagation protocol for production of container Eriogonum marifolium Torr. & Gray plants (PDF; 40 KB) Trindle, J.D. and T.R. Flessner 2004. Protocol information, Native Plant Network, University of Idaho. Moscow, Idaho. 2003. 2p. (ID# 9925).

Propagation protocol for production of container Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim. Plants (1 gallon containers) (PDF; 42 KB) Flessner, T.R. and J. Trindle 2004. Protocol information, Native Plant Network, University of Idaho. Moscow, Idaho. 2003. 2p. (ID# 9965).

Propagation protocol for production of Anaphalis margaritacea (L.) Benth. seeds (seed from seed increase) (PDF; 45 KB) Flessner, T.R. and J. Trindle 2003. URL: Moscow, ID. 2003. 5p. (ID# 9963).

Propagation protocol for production of Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. seeds (Seed) (PDF; 40 KB) Flessner, T.R. and J. Trindle 2003. URL: Moscow, ID. 2003. 3p. (ID# 9964).

Propagation protocol for production of container Acer glabrum Torr plants (1-gallon container) (PDF; 42 KB) Trindle, J.D. and T.R. Flessner 2003. URL: Moscow, ID. 2003. 3p. (ID# 9927).

Propagation protocol for production of container Anaphalis margaritacea (L.) Benth. Plants (1-year plugs) (PDF; 45 KB) Trindle, J.D. and T.R. Flessner 2003. URL: Moscow, ID. 2003. 4p. (ID# 9920).

Propagation protocol for production of container Aquilegia formosa Fisch. ex DC. plants (1-year plugs) (PDF; 41 KB) Trindle, J.D. and T.R. Flessner 2003. URL: Moscow, ID. 2003. 3p. (ID# 9921).

Propagation protocol for vegetative production of container Arctostaphylos nevadensis Gray plants (1-gallon containers) (PDF; 42 KB) Trindle, J.D. and T.R. Flessner 2003. URL: Moscow, ID. 2003. 4p. (ID# 9922).

Propagation protocol for vegetative production of container Arctostaphylos patula Greene plants (6) (PDF; 40 KB) Trindle, J.D. and T.R. Flessner 2003. URL: Moscow, ID. 2003. 3p. (ID# 9923).

Propagation protocol for production of container Acer circinatum Pursh plants (1-gallon 2-year seedlings) (PDF; 44 KB) Flessner, T.R. and J. Trindle 2002. URL: Moscow, ID. 2002. 5p. (ID# 9817).

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