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Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Financing Programs After Grant Retirement

July 15, 2014 - 12:12pm


The information below will help you manage successful Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) financing programs:

  • July 2014 Letter to EECBG Financing Program Managers. This document:
    • Clarifies DOE’s ongoing role in monitoring, reporting and oversight of financing programs.
    • Announces the change from quarterly to annual reporting.
    • Clarifies grantee reporting and compliance responsibilities while financing programs are in place.
    • Explains the key points of all relevant EECBG guidance with frequently asked questions.
    • Explains how and when a grantee can repurpose funds.
  • New Annual Reporting Template (fillable PDF). This document provides instructions for financing programs using federal funds. Please see the timeframe for EECBG annual reporting in the graphic below:

Timeframe for EECBG annual reporting (FY2014-15)

  • The July 2014 Letter to EECBG Financing Program Managers provides a consolidation of all relevant guidance for financing programs referenced in the appendices listed below. Download the appendices.
    • Appendix 1:  EECBG Financing Program Annual Report
    • Appendix 2:  EECBG Program Notice 09-002D Guidance for Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Grantees on Financing Programs, revised October 17, 2012
    • Appendix 3:  EECBG NEPA Template
    • Appendix 4:  NEPA Categorical Exclusions (Cx)
    • Appendix 5:  Davis-Bacon Act (DBA) Desk Guide
    • Appendix 6:  Davis Bacon Semi-Annual Report Form
    • Appendix 7:  Historic Preservation Report
    • Appendix 8:  Buy American Desk Guide
    • Appendix 9:  EECBG 11-002 Clarification of Ten Percent Limitation on Use of Funds for Administrative Expenses, effective July 28, 2011
    • Appendix 10:  SEP and EECBG 13-001 Guidance for Returning Interest Earned, effective March 21, 2013
    • Appendix 11a:  Instructions for Returning Funds to ASAP
    • Appendix 11b: ASAP Return Payment Procedures
    • Appendix 12:  Frequently Asked Questions
    • Appendix 13:  EECBG 11-001 Guidance on Basic Best Practices in Management of Energy Performance in Buildings, effective January 21, 2011
    • Appendix 14:  EECBG 10-07B Recovery Act Reporting Requirements, effective September 17, 2010
      • Appendix 14 Attachment: EECBG 10-07B Reporting Guidance Process Metric List
    • Appendix 15:  EECBG 10-011 Recovery Act Formula Grant Guidance, effective April 21, 2010
    • Appendix 16:  EECBG 10-014 Guidance for EECBG Recipients on Procurement, effective June 23, 2010
    • Appendix 17:  EECBG 10-021 Guidance for Eligibility of Activities, effective January 4, 2011A13.
