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Manage Your EERE Funding Award

Learn more about the process for receiving, managing, and closing out funding awards from the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE).

EERE usually uses "cooperative agreements" to provide financial support to its recipients. Under a cooperative agreement, EERE expects substantial involvement from the EERE office and the recipient while they perform the funded activity. According to 10 CFR 600.5, "substantial involvement" exists if responsibility for the management, control, direction, or performance of the project is shared by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the recipient.

The Funding Opportunity Announcement will describe EERE's involvement in each project. Below are examples of EERE's involvement:

  1. EERE shares responsibility with the recipient for the management, control, direction, and performance of the project.
  2. EERE may intervene in the conduct or performance of work under this award for programmatic reasons. Intervention includes the interruption or modification of the conduct or performance of project activities.
  3. EERE may redirect or discontinue funding the project based on the outcome of EERE's evaluation of the project at that the Go/No-Go decision point.
  4. EERE does not limit its involvement to the administrative requirements of the cooperative agreement. Instead, EERE participates in all major project decision-making processes.

Learn more about each stage of an EERE agreement: