Sampling Results at the Grenada Manufacturing, LLC Facility


Air samples were collected by the Facility’s contractor during the week of October 24, 2016. EPA received the validated data on January 3, 2017, showing elevated levels of trichloroethene (TCE). A second round of indoor air and sub-slab sampling is planned for the week of January 16, 2017. 

Health information for workers along with information about actions EPA and the Facility have taken to reduce workers’ TCE exposure and next steps.   

Results Summary

Facility Indoor Air and Sub-Slab Air

The Facility’s contractor conducted the sampling in October 2016. Indoor air was sampled at 11 locations in both administrative and manufacturing areas of the Facility. Six samples were also taken of the air from beneath the manufacturing building (known as “sub-slab”). Results are summarized in the table and posted on EPA’s website. TCE was found to be above screening levels in all indoor areas. Of the sub-slab samples, five were found to be above the TCE screening level.

  • Screening levels are values used by the EPA to help determine if a contaminant should be considered for further evaluation.

In five indoor air samples collected in the manufacturing areas, TCE was found to be above the action level for sensitive populations (which includes women of childbearing age). In the air near the former chrome plating line, TCE was found to be above the action level for non-sensitive populations (which includes workers at the Facility).

  • Action levels are values used by the EPA to identify where an action may be necessary to protect public health and/or the environment.

(See sampling reports dated November 22, 2016 and November 28, 2016.)

These results indicate that TCE may be entering the Facility in the form of a gas from contaminated groundwater and soil beneath the building, a process known as “vapor intrusion.” Groundwater sampling conducted over the past three decades show that there is contaminated groundwater underneath the Facility property. More sampling is planned to confirm whether vapor intrusion is occurring.

Data, Reports and Workplans