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Conservation Plant Releases - Los Lunas Plant Materials Center

The Los Lunas Plant Materials Center has released the following plants to commercial growers to solve specific resource conservation needs. Click on the link to the Release Brochure (if available) to view more information on each plant release. Click on the Scientific Name for more information on the species.

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Plant Releases

Release Name Scientific Name Common Name Uses Release Brochure
Paloma Achnatherum hymenoides Indian ricegrass soil stabilization and range revegetation Brochure (PDF; 101 KB)
Star Lake Germplasm Achnatherum hymenoides Indian ricegrass ecosystem restoration
Elida Andropogon hallii sand bluestem reseeding on sandy plains and deep sand range sites Brochure (PDF; 328 KB)
Grant Germplasm Bothriochloa barbinodis cane bluestem erosion control, wildlife habitat, restoration of disturbed sites, forage, rangeland seedings, and xeriscaping Brochure (PDF; 238 KB)
Niner Bouteloua curtipendula sideoats grama range reseeding, roadside plantings and mined-land reclamation Brochure (PDF; 190 KB)
Vaughn Bouteloua curtipendula sideoats grama range reseeding, roadside plantings and mined land reclamation Brochure (PDF; 372 KB)
Nogal Bouteloua eriopoda black grama range reseeding, roadside plantings and mined land reclamation Brochure (PDF; 268 KB)
Alma Bouteloua gracilis blue grama range improvement, erosion control and low maintenance turf for rec areas Brochure (PDF; 407 KB)
Hachita Bouteloua gracilis blue grama revegetation and rangeland seedings Brochure (PDF; 265 KB)
Lovington Bouteloua gracilis blue grama revegetation of abandoned farm land and depleted ranges Brochure (PDF; 264 KB)
Montane Cercocarpus montanus mountain mahogany used for any purpose where woody plants are desired Brochure (PDF; 336 KB)
Barranco Chilopsis linearis desert willow windbreaks, revegetation of disturbed areas and urban plantings Brochure (PDF; 325 KB)
Hope Chilopsis linearis desert willow windbreaks, revegetation of disturbed areas and urban plantings Brochure (PDF; 371 KB)
Regal Chilopsis linearis desert willow windbreaks, revegetation of disturbed areas and urban plantings Brochure (PDF; 214 KB)
Tusas Germplasm Elymus elymoides bottlebrush squirreltail erosion control, wildlife habitat, restoration of disturbed sites, fire restoration seedings, and rangeland seedings Brochure (PDF; 162 KB)
Pink Lady Euonymus bungeanus winterberry euonymus multi-row windbreaks, wildlife habitat, living screens Brochure (PDF; 102 KB)
Redondo Festuca arizonica Arizona fescue range revegetation and slope stabilization on steep infertile sites Brochure (PDF; 260 KB)
Jemez Forestiera pubescens var. pubescens New Mexico forestiera soil stabilization and beautification plantings Brochure (PDF; 318 KB)
Hatch Krascheninnikovia lanata winterfat winter forage in sagebrush and pinon-juniper communities
Westwater Germplasm Muhlenbergia asperifolia alkali muhly erosion control, wildlife food and cover, restoration of disturbed sites and increasing plant diversity of riparian areas.
El Vado Muhlenbergia wrightii spike muhly soil stabilization and range vegetation Brochure (PDF; 307 KB)
Grenville Panicum virgatum switchgrass soil stabilization and range revegetation
Arriba Pascopyrum smithii western wheatgrass revegetation of rangeland Brochure (PDF; 368 KB)
San Juan Germplasm Penstemon angustifolius narrow leaf penstemon erosion control, wildlife food and cover, restoration of disturbed sites, increasing plant diversity, and xeriscaping
Cedar Penstemon palmeri var. palmeri Palmer's penstemon wildlife forage
Bandera Penstemon strictus Rocky Mountain penstemon stabilization, roadside plantings Brochure (PDF; 277 KB)
Viva Pleuraphis jamesii Galleta grass stabilization, range revegetation and revegetation of surface mined land Brochure (PDF; 351 KB)
Autumn Amber Rhus trilobata skunkbush sumac ground cover for erosion control and beautification Brochure (PDF; 192 KB)
Bighorn Rhus trilobata skunkbush sumac windbreaks, revegetation of minded or disturbed areas, roadside plantings and landscape plantings
Pastura Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem soil stabilization and range revegetation Brochure (PDF; 252 KB)
Llano Sorghastrum nutans indiangrass soil stabilization and range revegetation Brochure (PDF; 279 KB)
Salado Sporobolus airoides alkali sacaton forage and ground cover, range improvement, mine land reclamation, highway revegetation Brochure (PDF; 171 KB)
Windbreaker Sporobolus wrightii big sacaton windbreaks, windstrips, vegetative barriers, early season grazing or hay, and as a low water use ornamental Brochure (PDF; 393 KB)
Luna Thinopyrum intermedium pubescent wheatgrass hay and pasture grass Brochure (PDF; 95 KB)
Jose Thinopyrum ponticum tall wheatgrass hay and pasture grass Brochure (PDF; 318 KB)
Largo Thinopyrum ponticum tall wheatgrass hay and pasture grass
Bonita Yucca elata soaptree yucca beautification, soil stabilization and ornamental landscaping Brochure (PDF; 324 KB)