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Early Successional Habitat

Riparian Systems

Stream Visual Assessment Protocol (TN 99-1)

Xerces Society Fact Sheets - The Xerces Society has publications that provide information for conservation of native pollinators.

Young Forest Habitat Communication Handbook


The following documents require Adobe Acrobat

Native Pollinators (PDF; 430 KB)
Cover Cropping for Pollinators and Beneficial Insects (PDF; 728)


Publications and References

The following documents require Adobe Acrobat.

Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping - Coastal Plain Region (PDF; 611 KB)
Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping - Chesapeake Bay Watershed (PDF; 5.31 MB)
Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping - Mountain (PDF; 478 KB)
Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping - Piedmont (PDF; 678 KB)


Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual

The 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual (COE 87M), the Regional Supplement for the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region, and the associated guidance documents are authorized for conducting jurisdictional wetland determinations under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. NRCS is required to use the COE 87M when conducting wetland determinations for the purposes of the Food Security Act (FSA) on non-agricultural lands and agricultural lands with undisturbed native vegetation. The vegetation and hydrology wetland indicators contained within the COE 87M are also used by NRCS for conducting wetland determinations on agricultural land for the purposes of the FSA. When the Corps of Engineers Manual is applicable, the Regional Supplement for the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain should be used for FSA determinations in the coastal plain physiographic province.

The following documents require Adobe Acrobat.

Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (COE-M87) (PDF; 1.4 MB)
Implementation of the 1987 Corps Wetland Delineation Manual (PDF; 11 KB)
Questions and Answers on 1987 Manual (PDF; 25 KB)
Clarification and Interpretation of the 1987 Manual (PDF; 17 KB)
Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual  (Wetland determination data forms can be found at the end of the Regional Supplements)

Wetland Determination Tools

The following documents require Adobe Acrobat.

Field Indicators of Hydric Soils, version 7.0 (PDF; 2.6 MB)
Field Indicators of Hydric Soils for LRR T (Eastern Shore) (PDF; 58 KB)
Common Plants Important to Wetland Determinations on the Maryland Eastern Shore (PDF; 220 KB)

Identification of Plant Species' Trinomials with Varying Wetland Indicator Status Designations: Northeast Region (TN-73)

National Wetland Plant List and Regional Lists

Wetland Delineation Tools (NRCS Wetland Science)

Prevalence Index

Using the point-intercept sampling method, the Prevalence Index can be used to determine whether an area has a prevalence of hydrophytic vegetation. An index of less than 3.0 demonstrates a prevalence of hydrophytic vegetation. The Prevalence Index is often used as part of a comprehensive wetland determination. More information can be found in Part IV of the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual

The following documents require Adobe Acrobat.

Prevalence Index Worksheet (PDF; 46 KB)
Prevalence Index Example (PDF; 124 KB)

Publications and References

Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States

The following document requires Adobe Acrobat

Nontidal Wetlands Functions and Values (PDF; 1.7 MB)


Publications and References

Aquatic Species

Native Freshwater Mussels
Maryland's Freshwater Mussels - A Declining Resource


Grassland Birds Leaflet
Northern Bobwhite Leaflet
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird Leaflet
Shorebirds Leaflet
Wild Turkey Leaflet

Habitat Management

Brush Piles

Shallow Water Area Management for Wildlife Fact Sheet (MD NRCS)

Waterfowl Management Handbook, 1988-1992
This collection of leaflets, produced by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, provides technical information on waterfowl management, including information on specific species of waterfowl. It is the reference for much of the information in the Maryland NRCS Shallow Water Area Management fact sheet.


Butterflies Leaflet


The following documents require Adobe Acrobat

Muskrat (PDF; 380 KB)

Bats Leaflet

Eastern Cottontail Rabbit

Delmarva Fox Squirrel

Wildlife Publications Links

National NRCS Wildlife Leaflets and Technical Notes

Wildlife Fact Sheets - Maryland Cooperative Extension


Steve Strano
State Biologist
Phone: 443-482-2928

Patricia Engler
State Resource Conservationist
Phone: 443-482-2929