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Energy Efficiency in Laboratories

Energy Efficiency in Laboratories

U.S. laboratories on average use far more energy and water per square foot than office buildings and other facilities because their activities are energy-intensive and their health and safety requirements are more stringent.

The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) encourages energy efficiency in laboratories through a whole-building approach that enables agencies and organizations to improve the efficiency of an entire facility rather than specific laboratory components.

Become a Smart Labs Accelerator Partner

Graphic of the U.S. Department of Energy's Better Buildings logo.The FEMP and Better Buildings Smart Labs Accelerator invites forward-leaning labs to commit to reducing energy use and implementing no- or low-cost measures in laboratories.

Climate Neutral Research Campuses

FEMP supports laboratory energy efficiency through the Climate Neutral Research Campuses initiative. See a five-step process to develop and implement climate action plans for research-based facilities.

Tool Kit

FEMP formerly collaborated with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to develop a resource tool kit for laboratory designers. These resources are now available on the International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories website.

What Success Looks Like

Photo of a person working in a lab.Read a case study about two University of California campuses that increased laboratory exhaust efficiency and safety by using fume hood sash stickers. 

Watch a video about the University of California Irvines's smart lab.