Common Capital

    Please Join Us At Our Annual Meeting!

    Annual Meeting Report coverPlease join us as we celebrate our first year as Common Capital Inc. and learn about the launch of our  Community First Fund, a new way to invest locally!


    Thursday, November 8, 2012
    4 Open Square Way, Holyoke, MA
    5 pm – 6 pm Social Hour
    6 pm – 7:30 pm Dinner and Annual Meeting

    Keynote Speaker
    Michael Shuman, author of “Local Dollars, Local Sense – How to Shift Your Money from
    Wall Street to Main Street and Achieve Real Prosperity”
    Cost: $20 per person
    To RSVP  – and  for driving directions, please click here no later than October 28th.

    Welcome to Common Capital

    From left, Sam Ortiz, Commercial Lender; Asja Begovic, summer intern; Christopher Sikes, CEO; Teri Anderson, Business Development Director; Kimberly Gaughan, Loan Services Administrator; Michael Abbate, COO; and Callie Niezgoda,Credit Analyst.Photo by JeffreyB Photography.

    Common Capital is a driver for creating a local, sustainable economy that offers a foundation for a better quality of life. We are a community resource for financing and business advisory services. We look to inject capital into businesses, nonprofits and community projects to impact people’s lives, and encourage the sustainable growth of our region.


    Western Massachusetts is a great place to live and work, and with a shared vision, it can be even better. Every dollar that Common Capital deploys is an investment in job creation, providing opportunity for low-income people, essential community services, neighborhood rejuvenation and environmental sustainability. We focus on businesses that are locally owned and that recirculate local dollars.


    For more information about Common Capital, check out our FAQ page here.


    If you have further questions, please contact us by phone at (413) 420-0183 or online. Please be sure to follow us on Twitter to stay updated on our activities.

    What We Do And Some Businesses We’ve Assisted


    What Clients Say About Us

    “Common Capital is an essential component in the Western Massachusetts capital landscape, providing risk tolerant funding for businesses with high growth and high employment potential. As other competing communities do, Western Massachusetts needs to support Common Capital, as a key piece in the economic development puzzle.”
    Joseph Steig | CFO |

    How We Can Help You

    Business Tools
    If you are looking for assistance with preparing your business plan, download this PDF file for information on free resources in our area.
    Business Advisory Services
    Common Capital provides business advisory services directly through our staff, individual business consultants who have specialized knowledge, and in partnership with other organizations which provide direct support and/or classroom training.
    Common capital provides financing to for-profit, cooperative and in certain circumstances, nonprofit businesses that are unable to obtain necessary financing from conventional lenders. Click here to start the process.
    Let’s Talk!
    We look forward to speaking with you about your plans to build or grow your business. Please call Kimberly Gaughan, Common Capital Loan Administrator, at (413) 420-0183, extension 100